import json from pathlib import Path import math import random from tqdm import tqdm, trange import plyfile import numpy as np import torch from PIL import Image from import Dataset, ConcatDataset from torch.nn import functional as F from utils import Augmentor LINEMOD_ID_TO_NAME = { '000001': 'ape', '000002': 'benchvise', '000003': 'bowl', '000004': 'camera', '000005': 'can', '000006': 'cat', '000007': 'mug', '000008': 'driller', '000009': 'duck', '000010': 'eggbox', '000011': 'glue', '000012': 'holepuncher', '000013': 'iron', '000014': 'lamp', '000015': 'phone', } def inverse_transform(trans): rot = trans[:3, :3] t = trans[:3, 3] rot = np.transpose(rot) t = -np.matmul(rot, t) output = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float32) output[3][3] = 1 output[:3, :3] = rot output[:3, 3] = t return output class BOPDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, dataset_path, scene_path, object_id, min_visible_fract, mode, rgb_postfix='.png', object_scale=None ): super().__init__() self.dataset_path = dataset_path self.scene_path = scene_path self.object_id = object_id if == 'lm' or == 'lmo': base_obj_scale = 1.0 self.models_path = self.dataset_path / 'models' elif == 'tless': base_obj_scale = 0.60 self.models_path = self.dataset_path / 'models_reconst' else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown dataset type {}') self.model_path = self.models_path / f'obj_{self.object_id:06d}.ply' self.pointcloud_path = self.dataset_path / 'models_eval' / f'obj_{self.object_id:06d}.ply' models_info_path = self.dataset_path / 'models_eval' / 'models_info.json' with open(models_info_path, 'r') as f: self.model_info = json.load(f)[str(object_id)] # self.center_object = center_object if object_scale is None: self.object_scale = base_obj_scale / self.model_info['diameter'] else: self.object_scale = object_scale # self.image_scale = 1.0 self.bounds = torch.tensor([ (self.model_info['min_x'], self.model_info['min_x'] + self.model_info['size_x']), (self.model_info['min_y'], self.model_info['min_y'] + self.model_info['size_y']), (self.model_info['min_z'], self.model_info['min_z'] + self.model_info['size_z']), ]) self.centroid = self.bounds.mean(dim=1) self.depth_dir = self.scene_path / 'depth' self.mask_dir = self.scene_path / 'mask_visib' self.color_dir = self.scene_path / 'rgb' self.intrinsics_path = self.scene_path / 'scene_camera.json' self.extrinsics_path = self.scene_path / 'scene_gt.json' self.gt_info_path = self.scene_path / 'scene_gt_info.json' self.intrinsics, self.depth_scales = self.load_intrinsics(self.intrinsics_path) self.extrinsics, self.scene_object_inds = self.load_extrinsics(self.extrinsics_path) self.extrinsics = torch.stack(self.extrinsics, dim=0) self.gt_info = self.load_gt_info(self.gt_info_path) # # Compute quaternions for sampling. # rotation, translation = three.decompose(self.extrinsics) # self.quaternions = three.quaternion.mat_to_quat(rotation[:, :3, :3]) self.depth_paths = sorted([self.depth_dir / f'{frame_ind:06d}.png' for frame_ind in self.scene_object_inds.keys()]) self.mask_paths = [ self.mask_dir / f'{frame_ind:06d}_{obj_ind:06d}.png' for frame_ind, obj_ind in self.scene_object_inds.items() ] self.color_paths = sorted([self.color_dir / f'{frame_ind:06d}{rgb_postfix}' for frame_ind in self.scene_object_inds.keys()]) visib_filter = np.array(self.gt_info['visib_fract']) >= min_visible_fract self.color_paths = np.array(self.color_paths)[visib_filter] self.mask_paths = np.array(self.mask_paths)[visib_filter] self.depth_paths = np.array(self.depth_paths)[visib_filter] self.depth_scales = np.array(self.depth_scales)[visib_filter] for k in self.gt_info: self.gt_info[k] = np.array(self.gt_info[k])[visib_filter] self.extrinsics = np.array(self.extrinsics)[visib_filter] self.intrinsics = np.array(self.intrinsics)[visib_filter] self.augment = Augmentor(mode=='train') assert len(self.depth_paths) == len(self.mask_paths) assert len(self.depth_paths) == len(self.color_paths) # def load_pointcloud(self): # obj = meshutils.Object3D(self.pointcloud_path) # points = torch.tensor(obj.vertices, dtype=torch.float32) # points = points * self.object_scale # return points def load_gt_info(self, path): with open(path, 'r') as f: gt_info_json = json.load(f) keys = sorted([int(k) for k in gt_info_json.keys()]) gt_info = {k: [] for k in gt_info_json['0'][0]} for key in keys: value = gt_info_json[str(key)] obj_info = value[self.scene_object_inds[key]] for info_k in obj_info: gt_info[info_k].append(obj_info[info_k]) return gt_info def load_intrinsics(self, path): intrinsics = [] depth_scales = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: intrinsics_json = json.load(f) keys = sorted([int(k) for k in intrinsics_json.keys()]) for key in keys: value = intrinsics_json[str(key)] intrinsic_3x3 = value['cam_K'] intrinsics.append(torch.tensor(intrinsic_3x3).reshape(3, 3)) depth_scales.append(value['depth_scale']) return intrinsics, depth_scales def load_extrinsics(self, path): extrinsics = [] scene_object_inds = {} with open(path, 'r') as f: extrinsics_json = json.load(f) frame_inds = sorted([int(k) for k in extrinsics_json.keys()]) for frame_ind in frame_inds: for obj_ind, cam_d in enumerate(extrinsics_json[str(frame_ind)]): if cam_d['obj_id'] == self.object_id: rotation = torch.tensor( cam_d['cam_R_m2c'], dtype=torch.float32).reshape(3, 3) translation = torch.tensor(cam_d['cam_t_m2c'], dtype=torch.float32) / 1000. # quaternion = three.quaternion.mat_to_quat(rotation) # extrinsics.append(three.to_extrinsic_matrix(translation, quaternion)) extrinsic = torch.eye(4) extrinsic[:3, :3] = rotation extrinsic[:3, 3] = translation extrinsics.append(extrinsic) scene_object_inds[frame_ind] = obj_ind return extrinsics, scene_object_inds def __len__(self): return len(self.color_paths) def get_ids(self): return [p.stem for p in self.color_paths] def _load_color(self, path): image = image = np.array(image) return image def _load_mask(self, path): image = image = np.array(image, dtype=bool) if len(image.shape) > 2: image = image[:, :, 0] return image def _load_depth(self, path): image = image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) return image def __getitem__(self, idx): color = self._load_color(self.color_paths[idx]) # color = self.augment(color) color = (torch.tensor(color).float() / 255.0).permute(2, 0, 1) mask = self._load_mask(self.mask_paths[idx]) mask = torch.tensor(mask).bool() depth = self._load_depth(self.depth_paths[idx]) depth = torch.tensor(depth) * self.object_scale * self.depth_scales[idx] # intrinsic = self.normalize_intrinsic(self.intrinsics[idx]) # extrinsic = self.normalize_extrinsic(self.extrinsics[idx]) intrinsic = torch.from_numpy(self.intrinsics[idx]) extrinsic = torch.from_numpy(self.extrinsics[idx]) bbox_obj = self.gt_info['bbox_obj'][idx] bbox_visib = self.gt_info['bbox_visib'][idx] bbox_obj = torch.tensor([bbox_obj[0], bbox_obj[1], bbox_obj[0]+bbox_obj[2], bbox_obj[1]+bbox_obj[3]]) bbox_visib = torch.tensor([bbox_visib[0], bbox_visib[1], bbox_visib[0]+bbox_visib[2], bbox_visib[1]+bbox_visib[3]]) visib_fract = self.gt_info['visib_fract'][idx] px_count_visib = self.gt_info['px_count_visib'][idx] return { 'color': color, 'mask': mask, 'depth': depth, 'extrinsic': extrinsic, 'intrinsic': intrinsic, 'bbox_obj': bbox_obj, 'bbox_visib': bbox_visib, 'visib_fract': visib_fract, 'px_count_visib': px_count_visib, 'color_path': str(self.color_paths[idx]).split('/', 2)[-1], 'object_scale': self.object_scale, 'depth_scale': self.depth_scales[idx] } class Linemod(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_root, mode, object_id, scene_id, min_visible_fract, max_angle_error): if mode == 'train': type_path = 'train_pbr' rgb_postfix = '.jpg' scene_id = scene_id elif mode == 'val' or mode == 'test': type_path = 'test' rgb_postfix = '.png' scene_id = object_id else: raise NotImplementedError(f'mode {mode}') data_root = Path(data_root) scene_path = data_root / type_path / f'{scene_id:06d}' self.bop_dataset = BOPDataset(data_root, scene_path, object_id=object_id, min_visible_fract=min_visible_fract, mode=mode, rgb_postfix=rgb_postfix) angle_err = self.get_angle_error(torch.from_numpy(self.bop_dataset.extrinsics[:, :3, :3])) index0, index1 = torch.where(angle_err < max_angle_error) filter = torch.where(index0 < index1) self.index0, self.index1 = index0[filter], index1[filter] # angle_err_filtered = angle_err[row, col] self.indices = torch.tensor(list(zip(self.index0, self.index1))) if mode == 'val': self.indices = self.indices[torch.randperm(self.indices.size(0))[:1500]] def get_angle_error(self, R): # R: (B, 3, 3) residual = torch.einsum('aij,bik->abjk', R, R) trace = torch.diagonal(residual, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sum(-1) cosine = (trace - 1) / 2 cosine = torch.clip(cosine, -1, 1) R_err = torch.acos(cosine) angle_err = R_err.rad2deg() return angle_err def __len__(self): return len(self.indices) def __getitem__(self, idx): idx0, idx1 = self.indices[idx] data0, data1 = self.bop_dataset[idx0], self.bop_dataset[idx1] images = torch.stack([data0['color'], data1['color']], dim=0) ex0, ex1 = data0['extrinsic'], data1['extrinsic'] rel_ex = ex1 @ ex0.inverse() rel_R = rel_ex[:3, :3] rel_t = rel_ex[:3, 3] intrinsics = torch.stack([data0['intrinsic'], data1['intrinsic']], dim=0) bboxes = torch.stack([data0['bbox_visib'], data1['bbox_visib']]) return { 'images': images, 'rotation': rel_R, 'translation': rel_t, 'intrinsics': intrinsics, 'bboxes': bboxes, 'pair_names': (data0['color_path'], data1['color_path']), 'object_scale': data0['object_scale'], 'depth_scale': (data0['depth_scale'], data1['depth_scale']), } class LinemodfromJson(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_root, json_path): self.data_root = Path(data_root) with open(json_path, 'r') as f: self.scene_info = json.load(f) # self.image_scale = 1.0 models_info_path = self.data_root / 'models_eval' / 'models_info.json' with open(models_info_path, 'r') as f: model_info = json.load(f) self.object_diameters = {obj: model_info[obj]['diameter'] for obj in model_info} self.object_points = {obj: self._load_point_cloud(obj) for obj in self.object_diameters} def _load_point_cloud(self, obj_id): with open(self.data_root / 'models_eval' / f'obj_{int(obj_id):06d}.ply', "rb") as f: plydata = xyz = np.stack([np.array(plydata["vertex"][c]).astype(float) for c in ("x", "y", "z")], axis=1) return xyz def _load_color(self, path): image = # new_shape = (int(image.width * self.image_scale), int(image.height * self.image_scale)) # image = image.resize(new_shape) image = np.array(image) return image def _load_mask(self, path): path = path.replace('rgb', 'mask_visib').replace('.png', '_000000.png') image = # new_shape = (int(image.width * self.image_scale), int(image.height * self.image_scale)) # image = image.resize(new_shape) image = np.array(image, dtype=bool) if len(image.shape) > 2: image = image[:, :, 0] return image def _load_depth(self, path): path = path.replace('rgb', 'depth') image = # new_shape = (int(image.width * self.image_scale), int(image.height * self.image_scale)) # image = image.resize(new_shape) image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) return image def __len__(self): return len(self.scene_info) def __getitem__(self, idx): info = self.scene_info[str(idx)] pair_names = info['pair_names'] image0 = self._load_color(str(self.data_root / pair_names[0])) image0 = (torch.tensor(image0).float() / 255.0).permute(2, 0, 1) image1 = self._load_color(str(self.data_root / pair_names[1])) image1 = (torch.tensor(image1).float() / 255.0).permute(2, 0, 1) images = torch.stack([image0, image1], dim=0) mask0 = self._load_mask(str(self.data_root / pair_names[0])) mask0 = torch.tensor(mask0).bool() mask1 = self._load_mask(str(self.data_root / pair_names[1])) mask1 = torch.tensor(mask1).bool() masks = torch.stack([mask0, mask1], dim=0) depth0 = self._load_depth(str(self.data_root / pair_names[0])) depth0 = torch.tensor(depth0) * info['depth_scale'][0] depth1 = self._load_depth(str(self.data_root / pair_names[1])) depth1 = torch.tensor(depth1) * info['depth_scale'][1] depths = torch.stack([depth0, depth1], dim=0) / 1000. rotation = torch.tensor(info['rotation']).reshape(3, 3) translation = torch.tensor(info['translation']) intrinsics = torch.tensor(info['intrinsics']).reshape(2, 3, 3) bboxes = torch.tensor(info['bboxes']) obj_id = str(int(pair_names[0].split('/')[1])) diameter = self.object_diameters[obj_id] point_cloud = torch.from_numpy(self.object_points[obj_id]) / 1000. return { 'images': images, 'masks': masks, 'depths': depths, 'rotation': rotation, 'translation': translation, 'intrinsics': intrinsics, 'bboxes': bboxes, 'diameter': diameter, 'point_cloud': point_cloud, } def build_linemod(mode, config): config = config.DATASET # datasets = [] # for i, _ in enumerate(LINEMOD_ID_TO_NAME): # datasets.append(Linemod(config.DATA_ROOT, mode, i+1, config.MIN_VISIBLE_FRACT, config.MAX_ANGLE_ERROR)) # return ConcatDataset(datasets) if mode == 'train': datasets = [] with tqdm(total=len(LINEMOD_ID_TO_NAME) * 50) as t: t.set_description(f'Loading Linemod {mode} datasets') for i, _ in enumerate(LINEMOD_ID_TO_NAME): for j in range(50): t.update(1) try: datasets.append(Linemod(config.DATA_ROOT, mode, i+1, j, config.MIN_VISIBLE_FRACT, config.MAX_ANGLE_ERROR)) except KeyError: continue return ConcatDataset(datasets) elif mode == 'test' or mode == 'val': # datasets = [] # for i, _ in enumerate(LINEMOD_ID_TO_NAME): # datasets.append(Linemod(config.DATA_ROOT, mode, i+1, i+1, config.MIN_VISIBLE_FRACT, config.MAX_ANGLE_ERROR)) # return ConcatDataset(datasets) return LinemodfromJson(config.DATA_ROOT, config.JSON_PATH)