glm-4-9b-chat /
zRzRzRzRzRzRzR's picture
Update (#72)
f6e0743 verified
history blame
15.9 kB
import regex as re
import base64
import os
import json
import tiktoken
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Dict, Any
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer
from transformers.utils import logging, PaddingStrategy, TensorType
from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import EncodedInput, BatchEncoding
class ChatGLM4Tokenizer(PreTrainedTokenizer):
vocab_files_names = {"vocab_file": "tokenizer.model"}
model_input_names = ["input_ids", "attention_mask", "position_ids"]
def __init__(
): = "GLM4Tokenizer"
self.vocab_file = vocab_file
pat_str = "(?i:'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d)|[^\\r\\n\\p{L}\\p{N}]?\\p{L}+|\\p{N}{1,3}| ?[^\\s\\p{L}\\p{N}]+[\\r\\n]*|\\s*[\\r\\n]+|\\s+(?!\\S)|\\s+"
self.pat_str = re.compile(pat_str)
self.encode_special_tokens = encode_special_tokens
mergeable_ranks = {}
with open(vocab_file) as f:
for line in f:
token, rank = line.strip().split()
rank = int(rank)
token = base64.b64decode(token)
mergeable_ranks[token] = rank
self.mergeable_ranks = mergeable_ranks
self.tokenizer = tiktoken.Encoding(
self.decoder = {rank: token for token, rank in mergeable_ranks.items()}
self.n_words = len(self.decoder)
def vocab_size(self):
return self.n_words
def get_vocab(self):
""" Returns vocab as a dict """
vocab = {self._convert_id_to_token(i): i for i in range(self.vocab_size)}
return vocab
def convert_tokens_to_string(self, tokens: List[Union[bytes, str, int]]) -> str:
Converts a sequence of tokens in a single string.
text = ""
temp = b""
for t in tokens:
if isinstance(t, int):
t = chr(t)
if isinstance(t, str):
if temp:
text += temp.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
elif isinstance(t, bytes):
temp += t
raise TypeError("token should only be of type int, bytes or str")
if temp:
text += temp.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
return text
def _tokenize(self, text, **kwargs):
tokens = []
ids = self.tokenizer.encode(text)
for t in ids:
return tokens
def _convert_token_to_id(self, token):
""" Converts a token (str) in an id using the vocab. """
return self.mergeable_ranks[token]
def _convert_id_to_token(self, index):
"""Converts an index (integer) in a token (str) using the vocab."""
return self.decoder.get(index, "")
def save_vocabulary(self, save_directory, filename_prefix=None):
Save the vocabulary and special tokens file to a directory.
save_directory (`str`):
The directory in which to save the vocabulary.
filename_prefix (`str`, *optional*):
An optional prefix to add to the named of the saved files.
`Tuple(str)`: Paths to the files saved.
if os.path.isdir(save_directory):
vocab_file = os.path.join(
save_directory, self.vocab_files_names["vocab_file"]
vocab_file = save_directory
with open(self.vocab_file, 'rb') as fin:
proto_str =
with open(vocab_file, "wb") as writer:
return (vocab_file,)
def get_prefix_tokens(self):
prefix_tokens = [self.convert_tokens_to_ids("[gMASK]"), self.convert_tokens_to_ids("<sop>")]
return prefix_tokens
def build_single_message(self, role, metadata, message, tokenize=True):
assert role in ["system", "user", "assistant", "observation"], role
if tokenize:
role_tokens = [self.convert_tokens_to_ids(f"<|{role}|>")] + self.tokenizer.encode(f"{metadata}\n",
message_tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(message, disallowed_special=())
tokens = role_tokens + message_tokens
return tokens
return str(f"<|{role}|>{metadata}\n{message}")
# Use Jinja Template in tokenizer_config.json
# def apply_chat_template(
# self,
# conversation: Union[List[Dict[str, str]], List[List[Dict[str, str]]], "Conversation"],
# add_generation_prompt: bool = False,
# tokenize: bool = True,
# padding: bool = False,
# truncation: bool = False,
# max_length: Optional[int] = None,
# return_tensors: Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None,
# return_dict: bool = False,
# tokenizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
# add_special_tokens: bool = True,
# **kwargs,
# ) -> Union[str, List[int], List[str], List[List[int]], BatchEncoding]:
# if return_dict and not tokenize:
# raise ValueError(
# "`return_dict=True` is incompatible with `tokenize=False`, because there is no dict "
# "of tokenizer outputs to return."
# )
# def handle_single_conversation(conversation):
# input_ids = self.get_prefix_tokens() if add_special_tokens else []
# input_message = "[gMASK]<sop>" if add_special_tokens else ""
# for item in conversation:
# if item.get("tools"):
# tools = item["tools"]
# content = "你是一个名为 GhatGLM 的人工智能助手。你是基于智谱AI训练的语言模型 GLM-4 模型开发的,你的任务是针对用户的问题和要求提供适当的答复和支持。"
# content += "\n\n# 可用工具"
# for tool in tools:
# if tool["type"] == "function":
# function = tool["function"]
# content += f"\n\n## {function['name']}\n\n{json.dumps(function, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)}"
# content += "\n在调用上述函数时,请使用 Json 格式表示调用的参数。"
# elif tool["type"] == "python":
# content += "\n\n## python\n\n当你向 `python` 发送包含 Python 代码的消息时,该代码将会在一个有状态的 Jupyter notebook 环境中执行。\n`python` 返回代码执行的输出,或在执行 60 秒后返回超时。\n`/mnt/data` 将会持久化存储你的文件。在此会话中,`python` 无法访问互联网。不要使用 `python` 进行任何网络请求或者在线 API 调用,这些在线内容的访问将不会成功。"
# elif tool["type"] == "simple_browser":
# content += "\n\n## simple_browser\n\n你可以使用 `simple_browser` 工具。该工具支持以下函数:\n`search(query: str, recency_days: int)`:使用搜索引擎进行查询并显示结果,可以使用 `recency_days` 参数控制搜索内容的时效性。\n`mclick(ids: list[int])`:获取一系列指定 id 的页面内容。每次调用时,须选择3-10个页面。选择多个角度的页面,同时尽可能选择可信任的信息来源。考虑到部分页面是无法加载的,你也可以多打开一些可能有用的页面而不用担心内容过多。\n`open_url(url: str)`:打开指定的 URL。\n\n使用 `【{引用 id}†{引用文本}】` 来引用内容。\n\n操作步骤:1. 使用 `search` 来获得信息列表; 2. 使用 `mclick` 来获取指定 ID 页面的内容; 3. 根据获得的内容进行回复。在回复中应当引用信息来源。\n 如果用户提供了 URL,也可以用 `open_url` 直接打开页面。\n如果初次搜索结果没有找到合适的信息,也可以再次使用 `search` 进行搜索。"
# elif tool["type"] == "cogview":
# content += "\n\n## cogview\n\n如果用户的请求中包含了对图像的描述,你可以使用 `cogview` 来生成图像并展示给用户。你需要向 `cogview` 发送图像描述,规则:\n- 发送给 `cogview` 的消息必须使用英语。用户的中文描述必须完全翻译为英语。\n- 应当尽可能详细地描述图像生成的需求,需求描述约 100 英文单词。\n- 保持用户原始描述的意图。不要虚构内容或者没见过的人物。\n- 如无特殊说明,所在地为中国,持有中国立场并遵循中国社会主义价值观。"
# else:
# raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown tool type {tool['type']}")
# input = self.build_single_message("system", "", content, tokenize=tokenize)
# if tokenize:
# input_ids.extend(input)
# else:
# input_message += input
# if item["content"]:
# input = self.build_single_message(
# item["role"],
# item.get("metadata", ""),
# item["content"],
# tokenize=tokenize
# )
# if tokenize:
# input_ids.extend(input)
# else:
# input_message += input
# if add_generation_prompt:
# if tokenize:
# input_ids.extend([self.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|assistant|>")])
# else:
# input_message += "<|assistant|>"
# return input_ids if tokenize else input_message
# # Main logic to handle different conversation formats
# if isinstance(conversation, list) and all(isinstance(i, dict) for i in conversation):
# result = handle_single_conversation(conversation)
# elif isinstance(conversation, list) and all(isinstance(i, list) for i in conversation):
# result = [handle_single_conversation(c) for c in conversation]
# elif hasattr(conversation, "messages"):
# result = handle_single_conversation(conversation.messages)
# else:
# raise ValueError("Invalid conversation format")
# if tokenize:
# output = self.batch_encode_plus(
# [result] if isinstance(result[0], int) else result,
# padding=padding,
# truncation=truncation,
# max_length=max_length,
# return_tensors=return_tensors,
# is_split_into_words=True,
# add_special_tokens=False
# )
# if return_dict:
# return output
# else:
# return output["input_ids"]
# else:
# return result
def build_inputs_with_special_tokens(
self, token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None
) -> List[int]:
Build model inputs from a sequence or a pair of sequence for sequence classification tasks by concatenating and
adding special tokens. A BERT sequence has the following format:
- single sequence: `[CLS] X [SEP]`
- pair of sequences: `[CLS] A [SEP] B [SEP]`
token_ids_0 (`List[int]`):
List of IDs to which the special tokens will be added.
token_ids_1 (`List[int]`, *optional*):
Optional second list of IDs for sequence pairs.
`List[int]`: List of [input IDs](../glossary#input-ids) with the appropriate special tokens.
prefix_tokens = self.get_prefix_tokens()
token_ids_0 = prefix_tokens + token_ids_0
if token_ids_1 is not None:
token_ids_0 = token_ids_0 + token_ids_1 + [self.convert_tokens_to_ids("<eos>")]
return token_ids_0
def _pad(
encoded_inputs: Union[Dict[str, EncodedInput], BatchEncoding],
max_length: Optional[int] = None,
padding_strategy: PaddingStrategy = PaddingStrategy.DO_NOT_PAD,
pad_to_multiple_of: Optional[int] = None,
return_attention_mask: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> dict:
Pad encoded inputs (on left/right and up to predefined length or max length in the batch)
Dictionary of tokenized inputs (`List[int]`) or batch of tokenized inputs (`List[List[int]]`).
max_length: maximum length of the returned list and optionally padding length (see below).
Will truncate by taking into account the special tokens.
padding_strategy: PaddingStrategy to use for padding.
- PaddingStrategy.LONGEST Pad to the longest sequence in the batch
- PaddingStrategy.MAX_LENGTH: Pad to the max length (default)
- PaddingStrategy.DO_NOT_PAD: Do not pad
The tokenizer padding sides are defined in self.padding_side:
- 'left': pads on the left of the sequences
- 'right': pads on the right of the sequences
pad_to_multiple_of: (optional) Integer if set will pad the sequence to a multiple of the provided value.
This is especially useful to enable the use of Tensor Core on NVIDIA hardware with compute capability
`>= 7.5` (Volta).
(optional) Set to False to avoid returning attention mask (default: set to model specifics)
# Load from model defaults
assert self.padding_side == "left"
required_input = encoded_inputs[self.model_input_names[0]]
seq_length = len(required_input)
if padding_strategy == PaddingStrategy.LONGEST:
max_length = len(required_input)
if max_length is not None and pad_to_multiple_of is not None and (max_length % pad_to_multiple_of != 0):
max_length = ((max_length // pad_to_multiple_of) + 1) * pad_to_multiple_of
needs_to_be_padded = padding_strategy != PaddingStrategy.DO_NOT_PAD and len(required_input) != max_length
# Initialize attention mask if not present.
if "attention_mask" not in encoded_inputs:
encoded_inputs["attention_mask"] = [1] * seq_length
if "position_ids" not in encoded_inputs:
encoded_inputs["position_ids"] = list(range(seq_length))
if needs_to_be_padded:
difference = max_length - len(required_input)
if "attention_mask" in encoded_inputs:
encoded_inputs["attention_mask"] = [0] * difference + encoded_inputs["attention_mask"]
if "position_ids" in encoded_inputs:
encoded_inputs["position_ids"] = [0] * difference + encoded_inputs["position_ids"]
encoded_inputs[self.model_input_names[0]] = [self.pad_token_id] * difference + required_input
return encoded_inputs