diff --git "a/Forensic Medicine.jsonl" "b/Forensic Medicine.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Forensic Medicine.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,636 @@ +{"question": "Still birth is applied to a fetus born dead with a gestational age of", "exp": "Ans: d (28 weeks)Ref: Reddy, 29th ed., Pg. 390, k Park 20th ed. Pg. 483Stillbirth is applied to a foetus born dead with a gestational age of 28 weeks.Park says that \"WHO has recommended that within any country the term stillbirth be applied to a foetus bom dead and weighing over 500 g - birth weight most frequently associated with a gestation period of 22 weeks. But for international comparison, they suggest a boundary of 1000 g or more, which is more frequently associated with a gestation period of 28 weeks.", "cop": 4, "opa": "16 weeks", "opb": "18 weeks", "opc": "24 weeks", "opd": "28 weeks", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Infanticide and Foeticide", "id": "d363b757-df7d-4a29-b91f-8e7dd620e3a6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Bullet that leaves a visible mark in its flight so that person can see the path is", "exp": "Tracer bullet: It leaves a visible mark or 'trace' while in flight, so that the path of bullet can be seen . Dum - dum bullet: The nose of the bullet is not covered by jacket & exposed. It expands or mushrooms on striking the target, producing a large hole & more damage. Incendiary bullets: Incendiary bullets contain phosphorus. Type of army bullet used to cause fire in the target. Tandem bullet: Bullets ejected one after the other, when the first bullet having been struck in the barrel fails to leave the barrel and is ejected by a subsequently fired bullet.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Tandem bullet", "opb": "Tracer bullet", "opc": "Dum-dum bullet", "opd": "Incendiary bullet", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Ballistics", "id": "5f75a419-705c-4711-8c8f-b5cdb3939ae4", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for perjury IPC", "exp": "Ans. (C). 193Perjury:Perjury means giving willful false evidence by a witness while under oath (S.191, LP.CQ)The witness is liable to be prosecuted for perjury, and the imprisonment may extend to seven years (S. 193, LP.CQ).", "cop": 3, "opa": "191", "opb": "197", "opc": "193", "opd": "199", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "8f5de283-c539-4c19-adfd-dda7a55e6d89", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Goose skin or cutis anserina is seen in", "exp": "Cutis anserina or goose skin: Skin has granular and puckered appearance due to spasm of erection fibers and the muscles attached to hair follicles. It can occur in living in cold weather and in submersion of body in cold water immediately after death, while the muscles are still warm and irritable. Reff: The synopsis of forensic medicine & Toxicology 28th edition pg: 192", "cop": 1, "opa": "Drowning", "opb": "Lightening", "opc": "Strangulation", "opd": "Fire arm injury", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "c9accfb6-1d28-4dce-b97a-bab223edc9f2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cadaveric spasm develops", "exp": "(Instantaneous with death): (150 31st/edition; 3.18- Parikh's 6th/e)CADAVERIC SPASM or instantaneous rigor or Cataleptic rigidityCharacterized by stiffening of the muscles immediately after death without being preceded by the stage of primary relaxationThe conditions necessary for its development are1. Somatic death must occur with extreme rapidity2. The person must be in a state of great emotional tension3. The muscle must be in physical activity at that timeTraitRigor mortisCadaveric spasm1. ProductionFreezing and exposure to temperature above 65degC will produce rigorCan not be produced by any method after death2. MechanismKnownNot clearly krown3. Predisposing factorsNilSudden death, excitement, fear, exhaustion nervous tension etc4. Time of onset1 to 2 hours after deathInstantaneres5. Muscles involvedAll the muscles of the body both voluntary and involuntaryUsually restricted to a single group of voluntary muscles6. Muscle stiffeningNot marked, moderate force can overcome itMarked very force is require to over come it7. Molecular deathOccursDoes not occurs8. Body heatColdWarm9. Electrical stimuliMuscles do not respondMuscles response10. Muscular reactionAcidicAlkaline11. Medicolegal importanceIndicate time of death*** Indicate mode of death*** Sudden death associated with great emotional tension* Indicates the muscles in the physical activity at the time of death", "cop": 3, "opa": "Less than 2 hours of death", "opb": "6 hours of death", "opc": "Instantaneous with death", "opd": "Same as rigor mortis", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "91ecf3aa-c03c-4f6c-9310-a2bd147dbf0b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Period of mixed dentition is", "exp": "Period of mixed dentition: stas from the eruption of first molar. It is usually 6-11 years and may extend to 12-13 years. Thus, Number of teeth by 2-6 years: 20 temporary Number of teeth at 7 years is 24 teeth: 4 permanent and 20 temporary teeth At the age of 10 years, 16 permanent teeth and 8 temporary teeth. At 11 years, 20 permanent teeth and 4 temporary teeth. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS PAGE NO 80", "cop": 2, "opa": "3-5 years", "opb": "6-11 years", "opc": "12-15 years", "opd": "15-18 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "57480445-e248-492a-b934-ef950de51875", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The purpose of choking of a firearm is to", "exp": "The primary purpose of choking of a shot gun is to reduce dispersion of the pellets . Other functions:- Increases the explosive forces of the pellets. Increases the velocity of the pellets.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Prevent the early dispersion of pellets", "opb": "Minimize sound", "opc": "Minimize smoke emission", "opd": "Cause maximum destruction", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Ballistics", "id": "0a340895-c90d-449f-b799-88dec464b240", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Mc. Naughten&;s Rule is embodied in", "exp": "Mc Naughten&;s Rule is accepted in India as law of criminal responsibility & embodied in section 84 IPC. Mc Naughten&;s Rule (Legal test, Right or Wrong) Mc Naughten&;s Rule states that an accused person is not legally responsible, if it is clearly proved that at the time of committing the crime, person was suffering from such a defect of reason from abnormality of mind that he didnt know the nature & quality of act he was doing or that what he was wrong: i.e., a person is not responsible if he is not of sound mind. It is accepted in India as law of criminal responsibility & is embodied in section 84 IPC as - \"nothing is an offence which is done by a person, who at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundedness of mind is incapable of knowing the nature of act, or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to law. Ref: APC essentials of Forensic Medicine by Anil Aggarwal", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sec 84 CrPC", "opb": "Sec 84 IPC", "opc": "Sec 85 CrPC", "opd": "Sec 85 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "ebf9f813-d3b6-4b50-a2c2-0f8ca02113c9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Oath is defined under the section", "exp": "40 IPC : defines Offence 44 IPC: Defines Injury 51 IPC: defines oath 178 C: Punishment for Refusing oath or affirmation when duly required by public servant to make it.", "cop": 3, "opa": "40 IPC", "opb": "44 IPC", "opc": "51 IPC", "opd": "178 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "9e226d03-18b0-473a-9857-188b3a57d478", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Brush burns' are synonymous with", "exp": "Ans. a (Graze abrasion) (Ref. Reddy FMT 23rd ed. 145)ABRASIONS (GRAZES, SCRATCHES, BRUSH BURNS)# Loss/crushing of outer skin layer due to impact with a rough surface- Tangential impact produces a moving abrasion:* Indicates direction.* Trace material (e.g., grit).- Direct impact produces an imprint abrasion:* Pattern of causative object.# All abrasions reflect site of impact (contact bruises).# Assessment of age difficult.# Postmortem abrasion - Brown, leathery.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Graze abrasion", "opb": "Scalds", "opc": "Electrical injury", "opd": "Injury by a brush", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries by Blunt Force", "id": "d6b7eda2-1233-413c-a589-6dd7473ae5c3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A doctor is treating a patient N% ith i;mike bite. He should not forget that viper verloril", "exp": "Ans. b. Vasculotoxic", "cop": 2, "opa": "Histotoxic", "opb": "Vasculotoxic", "opc": "Musculotoxic", "opd": "Neurotoxic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "b78d57bd-0a40-424e-9e89-64ea8a257765", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Burking includes", "exp": "Burking is a method of homicidal smothering & traumatic asphyxia. Named after Burke & Hare who killed 16 persons. They give the victim alcohol. Then Burke used to kneel or sit on the chest and close the nose & mouth with his hands then Hare used to pull him around the room by the feet. Ref: The synopsis of forensic medicine & Toxicology 28th edition pg:190", "cop": 4, "opa": "Choking", "opb": "Ligature", "opc": "Overlaying", "opd": "Traumatic asphysia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "7cfc9276-6319-4c23-8512-2a5318055a30", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Feature of ruptured skin caused by excessive heat", "exp": "HEAT RUPTURE HAS IRREGULAR MARGINS WITH NO CONTUSION OR ABRASION Heat rupture/ splits Skin splits occurring due to severe burning/ charring Irregular margins Sites: Fleshy areas, Extensor surfaces & joints. Multiple, Large (several centimeters) Resembles incised or lacerated wounds. Intact nerves, blood vessels in the floor of heat rupture. Bleeding is absent Vital reaction is absent", "cop": 1, "opa": "Irregular margin", "opb": "Clear regular margin", "opc": "Contused margin", "opd": "Abraded margin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thermal injuries", "id": "a7009219-bbac-473d-bdc8-bdef42e66403", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Forceps inside the abdomen postoperatively amounts to", "exp": "Res ipsa loquitur (Latin for \"the thing speaks for itself\"): * Doctrine that infers negligence from the very nature of an accident or injury itself proves the negligent action of the physician in the absence of direct evidence. Res Judicata * Medical negligence case adjudicated by a cou and therefore may not be pursued fuher by the same paies in another cou. Respondent superior * A doctrine that holds an employer legally responsible for the wrongful acts of an employee, if such acts occur within the scope of the employment", "cop": 1, "opa": "Res ipsa loquitur", "opb": "Res judicata", "opc": "Respondent superior", "opd": "Novus actus interveniens", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "db26142c-35fd-46fe-b0b8-bc9b0c41473a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Smack otherwise known as", "exp": "Heroin : Smack, Junk, Brown Sugar, Tar Heroin + cocaine: Speed Ball Amphetamine: Superman's Drug, Speed Crystal MDMA: Ecstasy, Rave Drug, Club Drug, Hug drug MDMA + marijuana:Love boat LSD: Battery Acid, Golden Dragon, Heavenly Blue, Hippie Ketamine; Super K, Purple Drug Morphine: Miss Emma, God's Machine This is known as \"Chasing the dragon\" method used in heroin.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Heroin", "opb": "Cocaine", "opc": "Cannabis", "opd": "LSD", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "e3fba52b-79f9-4248-ab68-46a8de1752fe", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Delusion of persecution and formication occur together in", "exp": "C i.e. Cocaine", "cop": 3, "opa": "LSD", "opb": "Amphetamine", "opc": "Cocaine", "opd": "Canabis", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "bf2a2fc0-c229-464a-8124-5a14bea4f0b3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In a case of hanging neck ligature marks are example of", "exp": "B i.e. Printed abrasion", "cop": 2, "opa": "Contussion", "opb": "Printed abrasion", "opc": "Laceration", "opd": "Bruise", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "eeb434da-2331-482b-87be-b059451546d4", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Best site of blood sample collection in autopsy is", "exp": "The hea is contracted and the chambers are empty when death has occurred from anaemia, but chambers contain blood when death occurs due to asthenia. After death, reduction of oxygen causes capillary dialtation which is followed by stasis of blood in the dilated capillaries and venules. This causes impaired venous return.As a result of which there is raised venous pressure resulting in over distension and rupture of capillaries and venules. This causes congestion and petechia haemorrhages.Haemorrhages are found in the substance of viscera. Postmoem, the blood is fluid and dark,because of increased amount of carbon dioxide. The large veins are full of blood. Hence the femoral vein is the best site of sample collection in autopsy, whereas the viscera are fully congested. Postmoem fluidity of the blood is assessed. Ref: K.S.Narayan Reddy's Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 29th edition, Chapter 6, page-76,78.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Femoral vein", "opb": "Hea", "opc": "Visceral blood", "opd": "IVC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "d9993cb3-d89c-4735-bfeb-adc3787220a9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Faint letter marks can be made visible using", "exp": "Tattoo marks Tattoo marks are designs made on the skin by multiple punctures with needles dipped in coloring agents. The designs are permanent because the coloring material goes under the epidermis and stain the dermis. Dyes commonly used are indigo, cobalt, carbon, Vermilion, Prussian blue, and Indian ink. The tattoo marks are permanent and persists for many years. After 8 to 10 years it may fade and a faded tattoo can be made visible by ultraviolet lamp or infrared photography. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE NO 101", "cop": 1, "opa": "Infra red rays", "opb": "Spectrophotometry", "opc": "Ordinary light", "opd": "X-ray", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "8853e6e2-f9fd-4e00-a65b-d29325180a4a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Death in fresh water occurs within", "exp": "fatal period death in fresh water takes 4-5 minutes and in sea water it takes 8-12 minutes. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 136", "cop": 2, "opa": "1-2 minutes", "opb": "4-5 minutes", "opc": "10 minutes", "opd": "20 minutes", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "dcd7cf0c-9d74-4a6f-beb0-5559007d7575", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The medullary index of a human hair is", "exp": "Human hair Animal hair Fine thin Coarse & thick Cuticular scales are sho, not continuous Cuticular scales are large, step like projections Coex thick (4-10 times as broad as medulla) Coex thin Pigment more towards the periphery Pigment more towards the medulla Medulla thin & fragmented, sometimes absent Medulla broad, continuous & always present. Medullary index <0.3 Medullary index > 0.5 Precipitin test specific for human Precipitin test specific for animal", "cop": 1, "opa": "0.2", "opb": "0.4", "opc": "0.5", "opd": "0.6", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "65c4f9eb-0b3f-4a6e-b6d1-df9f0a8a9ea7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Criminal negligence is punishable for a maximum period of", "exp": "304A. Causing death by negligence-- Whoever causes the death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting toculpable homicide shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for aterm which may extend to two years, or withfine or with both. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg - 206", "cop": 2, "opa": "1year", "opb": "2years", "opc": "3years", "opd": "5years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "1f87cc5b-298c-4302-a63e-cfa813c98763", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Rule of nine is related to", "exp": "Rule of nine The body surface involved is traditionally determined by the surgical ' rule of nine'. According to this rule, the percentage of area attributed to the different pas of body surface. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 162", "cop": 3, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Drowning", "opc": "Burns", "opd": "Asphyxia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thermal injury", "id": "54133f7c-1b52-48cb-b1ac-dd49f0abd0f1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Suspended animation occurs after", "exp": "Suspended animation -in this condition sign of life are not found but life can be continued on the successful resuscitation Suspended animation occurs in: New born Barbiturates / opioids overdose After anaesthesia Insanity Cerebral concussion Heat stroke Electrocution Cholera Drowning Deep shock", "cop": 4, "opa": "Lead poisoning", "opb": "Cyanide poisoning", "opc": "Burns", "opd": "Drowning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "397fbfbd-a5f8-44b5-9537-c4fe6cea9fcf", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pupil dilatation is seen in poisoning with", "exp": "Miosis: Opium, Morphine, Organophosphorus, Barbiturates Mydriasis: Alcohol, Datura, Carbon monoxide, Cocaine Ref: K.S.Narayan Reddy's Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 29th edition, section 2-Toxicology .", "cop": 1, "opa": "Dhatura", "opb": "Ethyl alcohol", "opc": "Barium carbonate", "opd": "Barbiturates", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "304ed0a0-88c2-4f55-920b-d2b825cba328", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Exhumation can be ordered by", "exp": "Ans. c (District magistrate) (Ref. Parikh FMT 6th ed., p 2.90)EXHUMATION# By exhumation is meant the lawful disinterment or digging out of buried body from the grave.# It is sometimes necessary for -- Identification- Determination of cause of death (foul play suspected)# As the Hindus who form majority cremate their dead bodies within a few hrs, exhumation in India is quite rare.# Only a magistrate or coroner can order it.# In India, there is no time limit for exhumation.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Doctor", "opb": "Civil surgeon", "opc": "District magistrate", "opd": "Police commissioner", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "6ba158c7-60fb-4434-978f-025b4dfe554b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Injury by Lathi", "exp": "Contusion (Bruises) it is the effusion of blood into tissues, due to rupture of blood vessels and due to blunt violence. Lathi injury is an injury caused by blunt force. \nIn contusion, there is painful swelling and crushing or tearing of the subcutaneous tissue, usually without destruction of the skin.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Laceration", "opb": "Stab wound", "opc": "Abrasion", "opd": "Contusion", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "0aa6a107-8f8c-44d1-8f05-ac0388203fc6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Antemoem blister differs from postmoem blister by", "exp": "The first picture shows postmoem blister, the second one is antemoem blister. The antemoem blister : Has no gas and hyperemia is due to increased permeability of capillaries is prominent. Blisters are found mainly in scalds and heat burns which contains albumin and chlorides. Are mostly produced during burns. Surrounded by an area of hyperemia (Floor is reddened with swelling of papillae) Features of postmoem blisters :- No surroundinghyperemia- Floor is not reddened", "cop": 1, "opa": "Presence of Albumin & Chloride in blister fluid", "opb": "Gas in blister", "opc": "Dry hard surface of the floor of blister", "opd": "Absence of hyperemia around the blister", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "df40aa6b-719c-4c20-8b75-dd338e3a17ca", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Multiple pregnancy resulting from Feilization of Two ova discharged from ovary at different periods Of ovulation is best termed as(2018)", "exp": "SUPERFOETATION : This means the feilisation of a second ovum in a woman who isalready pregnant. Ovulation may occur during first trimester of pregnancy until decidua vera comes into apposition with decidua reflexa and decidual cavity gets obliterated. Feilisation of newly released ovum may occur following coitus. SUPERFECUNDATION : It means the feilisation oftwo ova which have been discharged from the ovary at the same period ,bY two separate acts of coitus committed at sho intervals. Pseudocyesis (spurious or phantom pregnancy) Ref:- k.s.narayan reddy; pg num:- 396,397", "cop": 2, "opa": "Superfecundation", "opb": "Superfoetation", "opc": "Pseudocyesis", "opd": "Atavism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "1b2c58b7-a599-48ef-8dda-63a3ad79b6a6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Helsinki declaration is related to", "exp": "Answer: b) Human experimentation (KS NARAYAN REDDY 33rd ED P-647)* Declaration of Geneva: revision of the Hippocrates Oath* Declaration of Tokyo: guidelines for doctors concerning Torture* Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving uman subjects* Declaration of Oslo: therapeutic abortion* Declaration of Syndey: when to pronounce death* Declaration of Malta: hunger strikers.* Declaration of Lisbon: rights of the patient* Declaration of Ottawa: child health", "cop": 2, "opa": "Torture", "opb": "Human experimentation", "opc": "Illegal abortion", "opd": "Rights of the patient", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "5a214938-c4ae-4131-a8eb-2cb061a11988", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The most common structure fractured in ligature strangulation is", "exp": "Ligature strangulation: Fracture of the thyroid cailage is more common, especially of one or both superior horns. Fracture of thyroid laminae and cricoid cailage is less common and occurs only when considerable force is used, or if some solid object is included in the ligature and applied over the front of the neck. Injury to the hyoid bone is not common, because the level of constriction is usually below the bone. Hyoid bone may be fractured in older persons in 10 to 15% of cases. Trachea is rarely broken.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Hyoid bone", "opb": "Horns of Thyroid cailage", "opc": "Ala of Thyroid cailage", "opd": "Cricoid cailage", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Hanging and strangulation", "id": "7b7c1672-e157-43f7-8141-8ec8dc1d7267", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Feature of Post mortem clots are", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Can be washed away Antemortem vs postmortem woundFeatureAntemortal woundPost Mortem WoundHaemorrhage* Arterial* Blood clotted and the clot is# Laminated# Firmly adherent to the lining of endothelium# Firm, Rubbery and Variegated* Venous* Blood usually not clotted and if clot it is# Non laminated# Weakly adherent to the lining of endothelium# Soft friable chicken fat (yellow) or current jelly (red) appearance# Homogenous* Copious* Deep staining of edges which can't he washed away* Slight* Staining is superficial and can be washed awayWound edgesGapping, Everted, SwollenApposed, not swollenVital reactionSigns of inflammation, infectio (pus, slough) and healing (granulation tissue) presentNot presentEnzyme histo-chemistryNegative and positive vital reactionsVital reaction absentWound serotonin & histamine contentIncreasedNo increaseMicroscopy* Clot has Platelets* Leucocyte & RBC infiltration in between muscle fibres* Clot lacks platelets* No infiltration", "cop": 1, "opa": "Can be washed away", "opb": "Laminated", "opc": "Rubbery", "opd": "Variegated", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "24a3b627-8d73-40af-b138-e666074e18f1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Flaying is seen in", "exp": "Avulsion It is a lacerated wound that is produced by a tangential force at an acute angle( shearing force). A poion of skin with soft tissues is found detached. This type of laceration usually occurs in traffic accidents. This happens when a heavy weight produces a shearing and rotatory force, like a lorry wheel passes over a limb. This is called flaying. ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE NO 121", "cop": 3, "opa": "Split laceration", "opb": "Stretch laceration", "opc": "Avulsion", "opd": "Incised looking lacerated wound", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "f29035a2-b170-4b99-9349-de8c84b5b3cf", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Viterous humor is preserved in", "exp": "PRESERVATIVES: (1) Saturated sodium chloride solution, except in poisoning from corrosive aicds, alkalis, corrosive sublimate, and aconite. (2) Rectified spirit, except in cases of suspected poisoning by (a) alcohol, kerosene, (b) chloroform, ether, (c) chloral hydrate, (d) formic acid, (e) formaldehyde, acetic acid, (f) phenol,(g) phosphorus, and (h) paraldehyde, because the organic acids and paraldehyde are soluble in alcohol and the phosphorescence of phosphorus is diminished by alcohol. (3) Ten. mg./ml of sodium or potassium fluoride. (prevents glycolysis, inhibits enzyme enolase and inhibits bacteial growth) and 3 mg. potassium oxalate (anti-coagulant) should be used for preserving blood. Fluoride should also be added to urine, CSF, and vitreous humour if alcohol estimation is required, and also to samples for analysis for cocaine, cyanide and Co. In poisoning by oxalic acid, ethyleneglycol, fluoride and CO, 30 mg. sodium citrate should be added for 10 ml of blood as preservative. One ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid or 100 mg. of thymol or 100 mg. of sodium fluoride can be used for 10 ml urine as a preservative. Toluene is better. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-124", "cop": 4, "opa": "Formalin", "opb": "Xylol", "opc": "HCl", "opd": "Fluoride", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "76797560-030e-4c33-8691-b4381393705e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Spanish windlass is practiced in Spain as a method of execution, it is a type of", "exp": "In Spanish Windlass, an iron collar is tightened by a screw for strangulation. It is an example of garrotting where the victim&;s throat may be grasped or a ligature is thrown over the neck & quickly tightened by twisting it with a lever, which result in sudden loss of consciousness & collapse Reff: The synopsis of forensic medicine & Toxicology 28th edition pg : 187", "cop": 3, "opa": "Bansdola", "opb": "Mugging", "opc": "Garrotting", "opd": "Hanging", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "96770f3d-307b-4ae3-a93e-1e1e02e3fa5c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Ophitoxemia means", "exp": "Ophitoxemia Poisoning by snake bite is called ophitoxemia. About 2000 species of snakes are identified all over the world. Among the total number of snakes less than 10% are poisonous. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 509", "cop": 3, "opa": "Oxalicacid poisoning", "opb": "Poisoning by corrosive materials", "opc": "Venomous snake bite", "opd": "Viual poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "72909208-7e12-4dbd-8766-88990d55f611", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cyanide poisoning causes", "exp": "Anoxia According to Gordon (1944) the stoppage of vital functions depend upon tissue anoxia. Anoxia means \"lack of oxygen\". It may be: (1) Anoxic anoxia: In this type, oxygen cannot reach the blood, because of lack of oxygen in the lungs. This occurs: (a) from breathing in a contaminated atmosphere, e.g., from exposure to the fumes in wells and tanks, or from exposure to sewer gas, (b) from mechanical interference with the passage of air into or down the respiratory tract, e.g., in smothering, choking, hanging, strangulation, drowning, traumatic asphyxia and ceain forms of acute poisoning. (2) Anaemic anoxia: In this type, oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced, e.g., acute massive haemorrhage, poisoning by carbon monoxide, chlorates, nitrates, coaltar derivatives. (3) Stagnant anoxia: In this type, impaired circulation results in a reduction of oxygen delivery to the tissues, e.g., hea failure, embolism and shock. ( 4) Histotoxic anoxia: In this type, the enzymatic processes by which the oxygen in the blood is used by the tissues are blocked, e.g., acute cyanide poisoning. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-137", "cop": 3, "opa": "Stagnant anoxia", "opb": "Anemic anoxia", "opc": "Histotoxic anoxia", "opd": "Anoxic anoxia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "17629ad6-48c6-41eb-a0e1-433da046f442", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Anemic hypoxia is seen CMC (Vellore) 14", "exp": "Ans. CO poisoning", "cop": 1, "opa": "CO poisoning", "opb": "CO2 poisoning", "opc": "HCN poisoning", "opd": "Nerve gas", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "60085cb5-ea46-4d89-8da2-16f45ed36667", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Average weigth of fetal lung after respiration is", "exp": "Foder's test The weight of the respired lung will be twice the weight of unrespired lung. This is due to the increased blood flow to the lung. This is not a conclusive evidence of establishment of respiration. Average weight of fetal lung is 30-40gm before establishment of respiration and will become 60-70gm after respiration. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 348", "cop": 3, "opa": "30-40gm", "opb": "40-50 gm", "opc": "60-70 gm", "opd": "90-100gm", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "44de2577-8f44-4e26-b4f9-fc220268eb2c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "This instrument is based on the principle of", "exp": "This is based on Henry's law which states that when a volatile chemical (ethanol) is dissolved in a liquid (blood) and is brought to equilibrium with air (alveolar breath), there is a fixed ratio between the concentration of the volatile compound (ethanol) in air (alveolar breath) and its concentration in the liquid (blood), and the ratio is constant at a given temperature. Correlation between the breath and blood level, and the ratio is generally 2100 : 1.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Henry's law", "opb": "Widmarck's law", "opc": "Osmosis", "opd": "Neutron activation analysis", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Drug Abuse", "id": "734dba62-996b-4f10-9ede-7f197afdf22b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A patient was found to have pink coloured skin and mucosa, bitter almond smell from breath and frothy discharge. Cause of death in this patient;", "exp": "The above findings are suggestive of Cyanide poisoning Cyanide poisoning - Ideal suicidal poison (most rapid when inhaled) Cyanide is a rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical that can exist in various forms. Cyanide can be a colourless gas, such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) or cyanogen chloride (CNCl), or a crystal form such as sodium cyanide (NaCN) or potassium cyanide (KCN). Cyanide is released from natural substances in some foods and in ceain plants such as cassava, linseed plant, lima beans and almonds, apricots, apples, and peaches Cyanide inhibits Cytochrome oxidase leading to histotoxic Anoxia Signs and Symptoms: C.N.S.: Headache, veigo, faintness, perspiration, anxiety, excitement, confusion, drowsiness, prostration, opisthotonus and trismus, cramps, twitching, hypehermia, convulsions, paralysis, stupor, coma, and death. G.I.T.: Bitter, acid, burning taste, constriction or numbness of throat, salivation, nausea, rarely vomiting. R.S.: Odour of bitter almonds in breath. Initially tachypnoea and dyspnoea due to cyanide stimulation of chemoreceptors and the respiratory centre. Later rapid slowing of respiratory rate with severe respiratory depression and cyanosis. Frothy discharge from mouth C.V.S.: Initially hypeension with reflex bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia. Later tachycardia with hypotension and cardiovascular collapse. Skin: Perspiration, bullae. Pink coloured skin and mucosa Eyes: Glassy and prominent, pupils dilated, unreactive. Renal: Acidosis. Death occurs from respiratory failure. Fatal Period: 2 to 10 minutes; sometimes immediate. Potassium or sodium cyanide: half an hour. The patient may survive for several hours due to delayed absorption. Management - Lilly's antidote Vit. B12 Di cobalt EDTA Bright/Brick Red hypostasis is seen after death of patient Bedside test for Cyanide - Lee jones test", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cyanide poisoning", "opb": "CO poisoning", "opc": "H2S poisoning", "opd": "Datura poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "FMGE 2019", "id": "9ea46a69-a1ee-44d3-9450-1b4d6da6de49", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Treatment of paracetamol poisoning", "exp": "AntidotePoisonAcetylcysteine ParacetamolAmyl nitrite CyanideAtropineOrganophosphateDesferrioxamineIronethanolMethanolFlumazenilBenzodiazepinesGlucoseInsulinREF:THE SYNOPSIS OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY: K S NARAYANA REDDY; PAGE NO 367", "cop": 1, "opa": "N-acetyl cysteine", "opb": "Activated charcoal", "opc": "Dialysis", "opd": "Alkaline diuresis", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "dd5c69d1-6b1b-4d5f-acdf-11576dd117c1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Charas is", "exp": "Resin exudates of cannabis Indica Ref ; Narayana reddy 33rd ed.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Leaves of Cannabis Indica", "opb": "Flowers of Cannabis Indica", "opc": "Stem of Cannabis Indica", "opd": "Resin exudate of Cannabis Indica", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "14479770-24ee-45d0-a694-89b75dac4cfc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Harakiri, a method of suicide is committed by", "exp": "Harakiri (seppuku): It is an unusual type of suicidal disembowelment connected with Japanese Samurai warriors. The victim with a sho sword inflicts a single large abdominal stab wound into the left side, drawing the blade across to the right side and then turning it upwards producing an L-shaped cut. The sudden evisceration of the internal organs causes an immediate decrease of intra-abdominal pressure and cardiac return resulting in collapse and death. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seppuku", "cop": 1, "opa": "Ripping the abdomen open", "opb": "Jumping from a height", "opc": "Shooter through the oral cavity", "opd": "Stabbing over the hea", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "efc050bf-a52e-4ffa-816a-57e2ce64c129", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pink teeth is seen in", "exp": "Pink teeth: In putrefied bodies, the teeth are sometimes seen to be pink in color, especially near the gum line as a result of hemolysis of extravasated blood in the dentinal tubules.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Asphyxial deaths", "opb": "Carbon monoxide poisoning", "opc": "Putrefaction", "opd": "Cyanide poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "1c92ca1a-8412-489e-bfe2-21777165595c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Attempt to throw acid on any person with the intention of causing damage can be punished by", "exp": "Section 326 Voluntarily causing grievous hu by dangerous weapons or means Imprisonment for Life or 10 Years + Fine Section 326 A Voluntarily causing grievous hu by the use of acid, etc. 10 years to Life + Fine paid to the victim Section 326 B Voluntarily throwing or attempting to throw acid 5 to 7 years + Fine Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 197", "cop": 4, "opa": "320 IPC", "opb": "326 IPC", "opc": "326 (A) IPC", "opd": "326 (B) IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "87eeaa1a-ad1a-4d5f-a67e-0a8171813e76", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Fencing attitude of the dead bodies is caused by", "exp": "PUGILISTIC ATTITUDE OR BOXING OR FENCING OR DEFENCE ATTITUDE: The posture of the body which has been exposed to great heat is often characteristic. POSITION: the legs are flexed at hips and knees the arms are flexed at the elbow and held in front of the body head slightly extended all fingers are hooked like claws contraction of paraspinal muscles often causes a marked OPISTHOTONOS in an attitude commonly adopted by boxers CAUSE: Coagulation of proteins occurs whether the person was alive or dead at the time of burning The flexor muscles being bulkier than extensors contract more due to which joints of all limbs are flexed. REFERENCE: The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 29th edition page no: 161.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Coagulation of proteins", "opb": "Emulsification of fat", "opc": "Exposure to excess cold", "opd": "Electric shock", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thermal injury", "id": "07776d87-38b0-4011-87a3-e2a2625981ef", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Bertillon System is for", "exp": "Bertillon's System : After 21 years\n\nAnthropometric system based on physical measurement of specified parts of the body\n\nRef - Naryana Reddy, pg. 85.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Anthropometry", "opb": "Dactylography", "opc": "Dentition", "opd": "Nuclear Sexing", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "60646bfb-8710-4aed-a905-98b1607deac9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Buggery is term used commonly for", "exp": "Sodomy Sodomy is anal intercourse with another man or woman. Anal intercourse between man and woman is generally termed as buggery Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 308", "cop": 1, "opa": "Sodomy", "opb": "Buccal coitus", "opc": "Tribadism", "opd": "Bestiality", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "77238af9-a9e4-41c8-b5b0-9e3da506874a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Black tongue and black teeth are seen in abuse of", "exp": "- Black tongue and black teeth are seen in abuse of cocaine - Habitual inhalation of cocaine or heroin (snoing or sniffing) cause perforation of the nasal septum - Froth may be seen at the mouth and nose", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cocaine", "opb": "Cannabis", "opc": "LSD", "opd": "Heroin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Drug Abuse", "id": "4fb23aa3-ec5c-4fd9-aef1-01f2db9a96e4", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Stomach bowel test' is also known as", "exp": "Live-born infant swallows air into the stomach during respiration, and if present in small intestine it fuher confirms live bih. But air may be present in the stomach after decomposition, or in the stillborn attempting to free the air passages of fluid obstruction. Demonstration: The stomach and intestines are removed after tying double ligatures at each end. They are kept under water and incision is given between the ligatures. Air bubbles will come out if respiration has taken place--Breslau's second life test or stomach bowel test. If milk is present in the stomach, it is a positive evidence of live bih. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg - 148,150", "cop": 3, "opa": "Hydrostatic test", "opb": "Breslau's first life test", "opc": "Breslau's second lfe test", "opd": "Raygat's test", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "63bf4a9d-8f28-4ae8-a3b3-d5bee8e18175", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Commutation of death sentence cannot be done by 1.Additional sessions cou 2.Sessions cou 3.High cou 4.Supreme cou 5.President", "exp": "Death sentence can be given by i) Session cou ii) Additional session cou iii) High cou iv) Supreme cou All cases from session cous are forwarded to high cou and high cou can commute death sentence into life imprisonment. A death sentence from high cou can be commuted by supreme cou. So commutation of death sentence is possible by High cou, Supreme cou & the President. Note : Extra edge Section 53 IPC- Denotes the section on punishments. The punishments provided are Death, Life imprisonment, Imprisonment for a ceain time, Forfeiture of propey and lastly fine. Section 54 IPC- Denotes the commutation of a death sentence. Section 55 IPC- Denotes the commutation of a sentence of life imprisonment.", "cop": 2, "opa": "1 only", "opb": "1,2", "opc": "1,2,3", "opd": "1,2,3,4", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "FMT Q Bank", "id": "d340a41d-2c47-44a1-bfa0-c4db79ef39f7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In a case of Hanging, neck ligature marks are example of", "exp": "Ligature mark is a type of pressure/imprinted/pattern abrasion.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Contusion", "opb": "Printed abrasion", "opc": "Laceration", "opd": "Bruise", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "76e12037-695f-418b-9063-fba43785481d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Criminal negligence is punishable under", "exp": "304A: Causing death by negligence: Whoever causes the death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine or with both. 302: Punishment for murder. 304: Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 206", "cop": 4, "opa": "307 IPC", "opb": "306 IPC", "opc": "304 IPC", "opd": "304 (A) IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "84003cf1-2de9-4640-b676-2437e997a3ad", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Saturnine Gout is due to(2018)", "exp": "Chronic lead Poisoning (plumbism; saturnism): Chronic poisoning results from a daily intake of one to two mg of lead. Signs and Symptoms : (1) Facial Pallor : The facial pallor paicularly about the mouth is one of the earliest and most consistent sign. It seems to be due to vasospasm. (2) Anaemia : There may be polycythaemia with polychromatophilia in early stages, but later there is anaemia which is associated with polychromasia, punctate basophilia, reticulocytosis, poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, nucleated red cells (sideroblasts) and an increase in mononuclear cells, whereas polymorphonuclear cells and platelets are decreased. The anaemia is due to inhibition of haeme synthesis by interference with the incorporation of iron into protoporphyrin. 3 )Leadline : A stippled blue line, called Buonian line, is seen on the gums in 50 to 70% of cases. It appears due to subepithelial deposit of granules at the junction with teeth, only near diy or carious teeth, within a week of exposure, especially on upper jaw. It is due to formation of lead sulphide by the action of hydrogen sulphide formed by decomposed food in the mouth. 4) Colic and Constipation : (5) Lead Palsy: There may be tremors, numbness, hyperaesthesia, and cramps before the actual muscle weakness. It is commoner in adults than in children, and men are paicularly affected. The muscle groups affected are those most prone to fatigue. Usually the extensor muscles of the wrist (wrist drop; radial nerve is affected) are affected, but the deltoid, biceps, anterior tibial (foot drop), and rarely muscles of eye or intrinsic muscles of hand or foot are affected. The paralysis is associated with degeneration of the nerve and atrophy of the muscles. Recovery may be complete but is usually slow. ( 6) Encephalopathy :*Lead encephalopathy, in some form is said to be present in almost every case of plumbism. It is common in children often associated with tetraethyl lead. The symptoms are vomiting, headache, insomnia, visual disturbances, irritability, restlessness, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions, coma and death. Lead encephalopathy is usually irreversible and about 85% have permanent brain damage. Death occurs in about 25% cases. (7) Cardiovascular System and Kidneys : Lead causes vascular constriction, leading to hypeension and permanent aeriolar degeneration. Chronic aeriosclerotic nephritis and interstitial nephritis occur. (8) Reproductive System : Menstrual derangements, such as amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, sterility of both sexes, and aboion are frequent. Aboion occurs in pregnant women between 3 to 6 months. (9) Other Systems : They are dyspepsia, anorexia, emaciation, general weakness, exhaustion, irritability, foul breath, headache, veigo, loss of hair and drowsiness. Peripheral neuritis is rare. Retinal stippling is noticed by ophthalmoscopic examination showing presence of greyish glistening lead paicles in the early phase of poisoning. Ref:- k.s.narayan reddy; pg num:- 544", "cop": 2, "opa": "Chronic Arsenic Poisoning", "opb": "Chronic Lead Poisoning", "opc": "Chronic Mercury poisoning", "opd": "Chronic Iron Poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "914813ac-63f2-4c91-a6b0-26136b341f5c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Neck is compressed between two bamboos in", "exp": "Bansdola It is considered a form of strangulation where the neck is compressed in between two bamboos or other sticks, one in front and the other behind the neck. The ends of the sticks are tied with a rope through which the victim is squeezed to death Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 134", "cop": 4, "opa": "Garrotting", "opb": "Mugging", "opc": "Smothering", "opd": "Bansdola", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "1c4de4d2-7a47-46da-bbd2-d4496b09887c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Stripping naked a female patient for medical examination is punishable under", "exp": "S. 228 A IPC - PRINTING OR PUBLISHING THE IDENTITY OF SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM S. 354 IPC - INDECENT ASSAULT S.354 C IPC - VOYEURISM S.493 IPC - COHABITATION", "cop": 2, "opa": "S. 228 A IPC", "opb": "S. 354 IPC", "opc": "S.354 C IPC", "opd": "S.493 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "a14ddebb-9d5c-44b3-9cec-4124f4ec5a11", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Bhist regime' is used in treatment of poisoning", "exp": "Bhist regimen is used in the treatment of Cerebra odollam poisoning. Cerbera odollam is commonly known as the Suicide tree,Pong-pong, and Othalanga. Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 530", "cop": 1, "opa": "Odollam", "opb": "Abrus precatorius", "opc": "Ricinus communis", "opd": "Arsenic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "92ae2e86-f285-4e00-83d6-1a19fbc56bfd", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Hemoperfusion with charcoal is useful in", "exp": "Amongst the given options, hemoperfusion is used in barbiturate poisoning.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Barbiturate poisoning", "opb": "Methyl alcohol", "opc": "Lithium", "opd": "Ethylene glycol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "b90e79c2-a520-4b5b-8960-532216f67979", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Treatment of paracetamol toxicity is", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e., N - acetyl cysteine Paracetamol poisoning* It is a potent hepatic toxin. A small part is converted by a liver enzyme into N - acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine.* Glutathione and other sulphydryl compounds detoxify this substance, but in overdose NABP accumulates and causes severe centrilobular liver necrosis.* Large doses act on brain stem and cause rapid death.Symptoms:* Within a few hours - anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diaphoresis, hypotension, tachycardia and dyspnoea.* After one to two days, the discomfort disappears.* After 2 to 4 days there is vomiting, jaundice, hepatic pain, bleeding, hypoglycaemia, confusion, coma, metabolic acidosis and coarse flapping tremor of hands (asterixis).* There may be cardiac arrhythmias, haemorrhagic pancreatitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, etc.* Death usually occurs in 3 to 4 days.Treatment:i) Gastric lavage.ii) Activated charcoal.iii) N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a specific antidote and has maximum efficacy if used within 8 hours.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Alkaline diuresis", "opb": "Hemoperfiision", "opc": "Dialysis", "opd": "N - acetyl cysteine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "300cb9b0-312f-4b8a-90c9-f3041dacaae1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In normal conditions the rate of cooling of body is", "exp": "Algor mois (Latin Algor: coolness, mois: death) or the chill of death is the cooling of the body that normally takes place after death, where the body temperature equilibrates with its environmental temperature. For temperate countries, Marshal and Hoare formula is used. The rates of fall of temperature in an average built person is 1degF upto 3 h, 2degF upto 9 h and 1.5degF up to 12 h. The rule of thumb is that the temperature falls at about 1.5degF/h. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg : 79", "cop": 2, "opa": "10 F/hour", "opb": "1.50 F/hour", "opc": "20 F/hour", "opd": "2.50 F/hour", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "c6de3e92-2944-4495-87f7-3ee6e9b3c481", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Magistrate inquest comes under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sec 172 CrPC", "opb": "Sec 176 CrPC", "opc": "Sec 174 CrpC", "opd": "Sec 178 CrPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "d58d8ab7-b240-43d8-9c36-337d017de17c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Polyvalent anti snake venom does not contain the venom of", "exp": "The Indian antisnake venom neutralise the venom of 1. Common cobra (Naja naja) 2. Common krait (Bungarus caeruleus) 3. Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) 4. Saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus)", "cop": 2, "opa": "Naja", "opb": "Hypernale", "opc": "Echis carinate", "opd": "Daboia Russel", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 1", "id": "81043d3f-b05b-493c-b2c8-7ad17022802b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The following rule is not associated with rigor mois", "exp": "Rule of Morrison: Gestational age of fetus (6 - 10 months) Nysten's rule: Rigor mois ( order of appearance) Rule of 12: Rigor mois Shapiro's rule: Rigor mois Rule of 9: Burns Rule of Hasse: Gestational age of fetus (first 5 months) Casper's dictum: Decomposition", "cop": 3, "opa": "Shapiro", "opb": "Nysten", "opc": "Morrison", "opd": "Rule of 12", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "e72b25dd-1812-4282-8821-0d43d26c517b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "According to the MTP Act, abortion can be done till", "exp": "The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act of India It clearly states the conditions under which a pregnancy can be ended or aborted,\nthe persons who are qualified to conduct the abortion and the place of implementation, Women whose physical and/or mental health were endangered by the pregnancy,\nWomen facing the birth of a potentially handicapped or malformed child. Rape. Pregnancies in unmarried girls under the age of eighteen with the consent of a guardian.\nPregnancies in \"lunatics\" with the consent of a guardian. Pregnancies that result are a result of a failure in sterilization.\nThe length of the pregnancy must not exceed 2D weeks in order to qualify for an abortion. MTP Act of 1971 legalizes abortion on the following grounds: Therapeutic. Eugenic.\nHumanitarian. Social. MTP Rules Only registered medical practitioner can perform MTPs.\nShould only be done in Government hospitals or hospitals recognized by Government.\nConsent of woman is required. If minor or mentally ill, written consent from guardian is required.\nIf the period of pregnancy is less than 12 weeks, the opinion of the single doctor is enough", "cop": 1, "opa": "20 weeks", "opb": "12 weeks", "opc": "28 weeks", "opd": "Till viability", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "bfa25b82-089e-4ef4-9f1f-02debe3612b2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Custodial rape is punished under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 4, "opa": "377 IPC", "opb": "354 C IPC", "opc": "376 D IPC", "opd": "376 C IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "e153527b-42cd-49fe-afbd-cd50bed23157", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Battle sign is positive, if bruise in", "exp": "Ans. (C). Mastoid region(Ref: Review of Forensic Medicine & toxicology; Gautum Biswas; 2nd edition; Pg - 236)Bruising/ecchymosis over the mastoid processQ in the line of posterior auricular artery.It is an indication of fracture of middle cranial fossaQof the skull, and may suggest underlying brain trauma", "cop": 3, "opa": "Orbital region", "opb": "Occipital region", "opc": "Mastoid region", "opd": "Neck region", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Regional Injuries", "id": "c8cc2d43-806b-496e-9944-f111eb0c9dc2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A doctor should not take fees for issuing ceificate", "exp": "B i.e. Death ceificate", "cop": 2, "opa": "To a govt. employee", "opb": "Death ceificate", "opc": "Poor patient", "opd": "Psychiatric patient", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1e2a76ff-863b-4352-a92a-f6f70458dff5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The route of administration of amyl nitrite in \"cyanide poisoning \" is", "exp": "Antidotal Therapy in cyanide poisoning:The 3-step cyanide antidote kit is used. It contains amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite, and sodium thiosulfate.i. 0.3 ml ampoule of amyl nitrite is broken in a gauze and the victim is made to inhale for 30 seconds, every minute (1st step), and use a new ampoule every 3 min. Stop amyl nitrite, if systolic BP is < 80 mmHg.ii. 10 ml of 3% solution (300 mg) of sodium nitrite is injected IV slowly over 5 min (2nd step), followed by 50 ml of 25% solution (12.5 g) of sodium thiosulfate over 10-20 min, by the same needle (3rd step). Ref: Krishnan vij textbook of forensic medicine ; 5th ed; Page no: 548", "cop": 4, "opa": "Intramuscular", "opb": "Intravenous", "opc": "Subdermal", "opd": "Inhalation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "73f8754e-46bb-4626-8f7d-bf5f5ee94eeb", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Florence test is used for", "exp": "Ans. (b) SemenRef,: The Essentials of FSM by K.S. Narayan Reddy 31st ed. / 405Tests for Detection ofSeminal Stain (Mnemonic- \"Creat Acid Fast Bacilli')* Acid phosphatase test: to detect Aspermia cases* BarberioS test: to detect Spermine (yellow needle shaped spermine picrate)* Creatine phosphokinase test: for old seminal stain* Florence test: choline crystals of semen shows fluoroscence when examined (Rhombotic crystals of choline iodide)* Most specific test for seminal stain: Isoenzyme LDH assay* For dry seminal stain: UV rays used Blood Benzidine test* Best preliminary test as it detects blood present in dilution of 1 in 3 lakhs.* Color produced: Deep Blue* Not used because it is a potential carcinogen.Kastle-Mayer/Phenolpthalein test- color produced is Pink Purple.Microchemical test: based on RBC content of blood.1. Takayama's test: Hb converted to Haemochromogen crystal.# Salmon pink feathery haemochromogen crystals are obtained.2. Teichmann's Haemin crystal test: Hb converted into Hemin/Hematin crystals.# Brown rhombic haemic crystal are seen3. Spectroscopic test: Most specific/confirmatory method for blood stain test4. Thin layer chromatography (TLC)5. ElectrophoresisNOTE: Test to distinguish human vs. animal blood- Precipitin Test,", "cop": 2, "opa": "Blood", "opb": "Semen", "opc": "Urine", "opd": "Albumin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Biological Materials & Stains", "id": "bcbd14b5-ae79-4b47-956b-8e7d60a4e90e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Tentative cuts' are seen with", "exp": "Ans. b (Suicide) (Ref. FMT by N. Reddy 5th/pg.93)TENTATIVE (preliminary cuts) CUTS# Hesitation cuts derive their name from the hesitation with which these incisions are made by a person intending to commit suicide by a cutting instrument.# He or she usually makes preliminary cuts before gathering sufficient courage to make final deep incision.# These are generally small, multiple, superficial, and usually skin deep.# They are seen with commencement of the incised wound and merge with the main incision.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Homicide", "opb": "Suicide", "opc": "Culpicide", "opd": "Fabricated wounds", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries by Sharp Force", "id": "5ff554e7-d44b-4733-a082-a11222f0b3c8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "After postmortem exam, body has to be handed over to", "exp": null, "cop": 1, "opa": "Investigating police officer", "opb": "Relative of victim", "opc": "Magistrate", "opd": "The civil authorities", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f67dfb28-ca7d-4460-b21d-385b252a8d99", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A patient with suspected poisoning has brownish oral mucosa and tongue, constricted pupil and greenish brown urine, poisoning is with", "exp": "A i.e. Carbolic acid", "cop": 1, "opa": "Carbolic acid", "opb": "Morphine", "opc": "H2504", "opd": "Cannabis", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "59d2e60a-dd5d-489b-81da-3687619671dc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "During autopsy, Core body temperature is best measured In a case of sodomy, from", "exp": "Best site to measure core body temperature after death is Rectum. But in cases of sodomy temperature is measured from Inferior surface of liver. Other suitable sites are external auditory canal, nasal passages or by inseing a thermometer into the peritoneal cavity by a small opening.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Rectum", "opb": "Inferior surface of liver", "opc": "Intra-aural (thermometer up to tympanic membrane)", "opd": "Intra-nasal (thermometer up to cribriform plate)", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "a42c586a-f099-4225-b469-0816020f625d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Presence of soot in air passages indicate", "exp": "presence of smoke in air passages presence of greyish black or black amorphous material embedded or adherent to the mucosa of larynx, trachea and bronchi indicates that the victim inhaled smoke and hence was breathing during the fire. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 166", "cop": 1, "opa": "Antemoem burns", "opb": "Postmoem burns", "opc": "Antemoem hanging", "opd": "Postmoem hanging", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thermal injury", "id": "618e9cac-767f-4fe8-8bfb-bfe8559127b2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Vineyard sprayer lung is due to", "exp": "Vineyard sprayer lung: - Due to inhalation of copper sulphate spray. - Characterised by histiocytic granulomatous lung. - Occurs in metal worker due to inhalation of dust or food contamination with verdigris.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Copper", "opb": "Mercury", "opc": "Lead", "opd": "Phosphorous", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 1", "id": "45f8314f-bda2-4a9c-903b-620df2e0ef82", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Test to detect spermine in semen is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Barberio test Tests to detect semen are:A. Chemical tests:1) Microchemical tests: Florence test (produces brown crystals of choline periodide), and barberio's test (produces yellow crystals of spermine picrate by picric acid).2) Enzyme tests : Acid phosphatase (concentration >10 K.A./ml), creatinine phosphokinase (>400 units) and specific glycoproteins (P30 orMHS-5).3) Ammonium molybdate test: It gives deep deep yellow colour, due to presence of phosphorus.B. Microscopic examination:# It is done to demonstrate the presence of spermatozoa in the vaginal fluid or in stain.C. Biological examination:1) Precipitin test: To know the species to which semen belongs.2) Blood group can be known from semen.D. UV light:# Invisible, softned and dry semen stains of the clothes can be rendered distinct by the filtered UV light, which produces bluish fluorescence.E. Testes for determination of specific protein component (e.g. LDH isoenzyme):# These are immunoelectrophoresis, gel diffusion precipitation, gel electrophoresis, immunodiffusion, isoelectric focussing and TLC (thin layer chromatography).", "cop": 1, "opa": "Barberio test", "opb": "Ammonium molybdate test", "opc": "Acid phosphatase test", "opd": "Florence test", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Biological Materials & Stains", "id": "1045ee5a-c07e-435f-9833-9c64b7172be3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A patient of head injury, has no relatives & requires urgent cranial decompression; Doctor should", "exp": "A i.e. Operate with out formal consent", "cop": 1, "opa": "Operate without formal consent", "opb": "Take police consent", "opc": "Wait for relatives to take consent", "opd": "Take magistrate consent", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f7b513a6-439d-4077-89ad-0ad7f602da98", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sexual gratification is obtained by being beaten or toured by the sexual paner in", "exp": "Masochism In masochism, the sexual gratification is obtained by being beaten or toured by the sexual paner. They find pleasure by being beaten up, toured, humiliated and dominated by the sexual paner. This is usually seen in males and rarely seen in females also. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 312", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sadism", "opb": "Masochism", "opc": "Transvestism", "opd": "Fetichism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "8f4fe662-59e4-4e44-a212-d37c3d76e70a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Expert witness comes under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sec 142 IEA", "opb": "Sec 45 IEA", "opc": "Sec 32 IEA", "opd": "Sec 141 IEA", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "5f2c4598-83f3-4fb9-a9c5-3f313a93b7cf", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for murder by life convict is under", "exp": "303 IPC Punishment for murder by life-convict: Whoever, being under sentence of imprisonment for life, commits murder, shall be punished with death Ref - 21 years) on basis of body measurements, marks & descriptive data.Q", "cop": 3, "opa": "Vicarious liability", "opb": "Curren's rule is basis for this", "opc": "Testamentary capacity", "opd": "McNaughten's rule", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "66edb6c1-0e05-4cdd-b90a-3e541f79ab8e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Disclosure of name of rape victim punishable under", "exp": "Sec 228A(1) prescribes a punishment up to 2 years with fine to whoever prints or publishes the name of a rape victim. Ref: Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Liability for act of another is a form of strict, secondary liability that arises under the common law doctrine of agency - respondent superior - the responsibility of the superior for the acts of their subordinate, or, in a broader sense, the responsibility of any third party that had the \"right, ability or duty to control\" the activities of a violator. It can be distinguished from contributory liability, another form of secondary liability, which is rooted in the tort theory of enterprise liability.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Vicarious liability", "opb": "State liability", "opc": "Personal liability", "opd": "Company liability", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "b61948f8-5731-449b-8d06-50137d08e9bd", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Intercourse in closely related individual in blood relation", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e.,Incest * Incest means sexual intercourse by a man with a woman who is closely related to him by blood (prohibited degrees of relationship).* Example daughter, granddaughter, sister, stepsister, aunt, or mother.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Marital rape", "opb": "Incest", "opc": "Adultery", "opd": "Bestality", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual Offenses", "id": "3b0e18e9-6d68-4d68-976f-c93fad44cfd0", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Casper's dictum is related to", "exp": "PUTREFACTION IN WATER Casper dictum: It states that a body decomposes in air twice as rapidly as in water, and eight times as rapidly as in eah. The rate of putrefaction is slower in water than in air. Putrefaction is more rapid in warm, fresh water than in cold, salt water. It is more rapid in stagnant water than in running water. Putrefaction is delayed when a body is lying in deep water and is well protected by clothing, while it is rapid in a body lying in water contaminated with sewage. As the submerged cadavers float face down with the head lower than the trunk, gaseous distension and postmoem discolouration are first seen on the face and then spread to the neck, upper extremities, chest, abdomen and the lower extremities in that order. Fluid gravitation in the head ours marked decomposition. When the body is removed from the water, putrefaction is hastened as the tissues have absorbed much water. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-170", "cop": 1, "opa": "Rate of putrefaction", "opb": "Floatation of a dead body", "opc": "Calculation of time since death", "opd": "Identification of dead body", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "5a0a2e50-b79d-4fd5-8e70-4d7621bf1651", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Burtonian lines on gums is seen in poisoning with", "exp": "Clinical features of chronic lead poisoning/ plumbism/saturism:\n\n Facial pallor especially around mouth is the earliest and most consistent sign\n Polycythemia with polychromatophilia followed by anemia with punctate basophilia (basophilic stippling), reticulocytosis, poikilocytosis, nucleated RBC(sideroblasts), increased neutrophils & decreased platelets are seen in early stages.\n Stippled blue line known as Burtonian or lead line is seen on gums, only near carious teeth in upper jaw as an early sign.\n\nIt is bluish black epithelial deposition of lead sulphide granules on gums. Similar blue line may also be seen in mercury; copper, silver, bismuth & iron poisoning.\n\n Colic & constipation is a late manifestation\n Paralysis, encephalopathy, cardiovascular, renal & reproductive system manifestations are late manifestations,\n Tremors, numbness, hyperesthesia & cramps preceding actual muscle paralysis more commonly involve muscle groups prone to fatigue .\n Paralysis is associated with muscle atrophy Sc nerve degeneration due to interference with resynthesis of phosphocreatinine.\n Encephalopathy is present in every case but is more common in children Sc in poisoning by tetra ethyl lead salt.\n Menstrual derangements (amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia), abortion (between 3-6 months), dead fetus & sterility in both sexes.\n Vascular constriction due to lead results in hypertension & interstitial nephritis.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lead", "opb": "Mercury", "opc": "Arsenic", "opd": "Zinc", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "31d16449-3d04-420d-9f5e-bc0a259332b3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In Hydrocution death occurs by", "exp": "Immersion Syndrome (Hydrocution): Death in immersion syndrome is due to cardiac arrest as a result of vagal inhibition. It is produced by (i) Cold water stimulatung the nerve endings of the surface of the body (!!) Cold water striking the epigastrium and (!!!) Cold water entering the ear drums, mucosa of pharynx or Larynx. Alcohol increases such effects due to general vasodilatation. Reff: The synopsis of forensic medicine&Toxicology 28th edition pg:191", "cop": 1, "opa": "Vagal inhibition", "opb": "Laryngospasm", "opc": "Encephalopathy", "opd": "Loss of consciousness", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "c5b86f35-18c2-41f2-b8be-609954cbd766", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Copper sulphate poisoning manifests with", "exp": "In severe cases of copper poisoning, jaundice occurs due to both haemolysis as well as direct liver damage produced by copper sulphate. Renal failure may occur due to direct toxicity as well as intravascular haemolysis. Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 569,570", "cop": 1, "opa": "Acute hemolysis", "opb": "High anion gap acidosis", "opc": "Peripheral neuropathy", "opd": "Rhabdomyolysis", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "654f6df2-db1c-4777-860c-43b199b48278", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The IPC section that denotes the death of the human being,unless the contrary appears from the context is", "exp": "IPC section 46 denotes the death of the human being unless the contrary appears from the context. In the simple words, the word denotes the death of human being unless the contest suggests otherwise Other options *IPC44 :Denotes the Section on injury.The word injury denotes the death of a human being unless the context suggests otherwise *IPC45:Denotes section on life.The word life denotes the life of a human being,unless the contrary appears from the context *IPC 51:Denotes the section on Oath Reference The essentials of Forensic Medicine and toxicology 33rd edition, page number 139", "cop": 3, "opa": "44", "opb": "45", "opc": "46", "opd": "51", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "77d098a6-53f7-4292-a270-7da3317f7ad7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Hostile witness is covered under IPC section", "exp": "Sec 191 IPC states that whoever, being legally bound by an oath or by an express provision of law to state the truth, or being bound by law to make a declaration upon any subject, makes any statement which is false, and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is said to give false evidence. This is a hostile witness. REF: Dr K. S. Narayan Reddys Synopsis of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 29th edition pg. 31.", "cop": 1, "opa": "191", "opb": "192", "opc": "193", "opd": "194", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "d8e7f6bb-791f-4235-b1fe-3a5aae120d20", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Delayed onset polyneuropathy after Organophosphorous poisoning is seen after", "exp": "Delayed onset polyneuropathy can result in one to five weeks after exposure to ceain compounds like parathion, malathion, trichlorfon etc. It begins with paresthesias and pain or cramps in the calves followed by ataxia, weakness and toe drop progressing to flaccid paresis. Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine ; 5th ed; Page no: 532-534", "cop": 2, "opa": "1-2 weeks", "opb": "2-4 weeks", "opc": "4-6 weeks", "opd": "6-8 weeks", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "4e551553-2ddf-433a-9361-a18f3341a062", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The active principle", "exp": "Ans. b. Nerin", "cop": 2, "opa": "Nicotine", "opb": "Nerin", "opc": "Abrine", "opd": "Pilocarpine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "44327fcb-c359-4113-93e5-46374ce2b323", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Second offence of stalking is", "exp": "First offence of stalking is cognizable and Bailable.\nSecond offence of stalking is cognizable and non Bailable.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Cognizable and Bailable", "opb": "Cognizable and non Bailable", "opc": "Non cognizable and bailable", "opd": "Non cognizable and non bailable", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "a88f2329-09b1-409b-ac24-2a6c19a814db", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Arsenic poisoning presents with symptoms mimicking", "exp": "ARSENIC * Copper arsenite - sheele&;s green * Copper acetoarsenite - paris green * Permissible limits of arsenic in ground water - 0.05mg/L * The gastroenteric type of poisoning resembles cholera * Greatest quantity is seen in - liver * Red velvety appearance of mucosa of stomach * Most affected pa of the stomach - pylorus * Subendocardial petechial hemorrhages of the ventricle is typical of arsenic poisoning (also found in phosphorus, barium, mercury and in cases of heat stroke and acute infectious disease e.g. influenza) * Rigor mois lasts longer than usual, Delays putrefaction Ref ; Narayana reddy 33rd ed.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cholera", "opb": "Dhatura poisoning", "opc": "Barbiturates poisoniong", "opd": "Morphine poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "bcff1006-1f49-4150-84f5-cc8eb13844db", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Linear abrasion is the other name for", "exp": "Linear abrasion (scratch abrasion) Linear abrasions are produced by horizontal or tangential movements of the tip of a pointed object like thorn, nail, tip of pointed knife, pin,etc. In this type of abrasion, the width is minimal. There may be heaping of the denuded cuticle at one end and from this, the direction of application of force and the relative position of the victim and assailant can be found out. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 112", "cop": 2, "opa": "Graze", "opb": "Scratch", "opc": "Pressure abrasion", "opd": "Impact abrasion", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "3c19df42-ae32-40d3-9ed4-fc16e1c720d3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A 72 farmer present in hospital with pin point pupil & increased secretions. The diagnosis is", "exp": "Sign & Symptoms of organophosphorus can be remembered with Mnemonics: Dumbbells & Sludge : all the symptoms and signs of organophosphorus occurs due to inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase . Diarrhea Salivation Urination Lacrimation Miosis Urination Bradycardia Defecation Bronchospasm G.I upset Emesis Emesis Lacrimation Limp Sweating", "cop": 3, "opa": "Alcohol poisoning", "opb": "Opiod poisoning", "opc": "Organophosphorus poisoning", "opd": "Datura poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "FMT Q Bank", "id": "9d7cc0e0-5ea2-4a1a-bb01-eb6fd3e60611", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Le Facies sympathique is suggestive of", "exp": "Ans. a (Antemortem hanging) (Ref Reddy's essentials of FMT 27th 1299)Postmortem appearance in death due toiianging:# The ligature mark in the neck is the most important and specific sign of death from hanging. The ligature mark is situated above the level of thyroid cartilage between the larynx and the chin in 80 percent cases. In partial hanging, the feet touch the ground.# Le facie sympathique (if the ligature knot presses on cervical sympathetic, the eye on the same side may remain open and its pupils dilated) is seen in antemortem hanging. The eyes are frequently protruded and firmer and the conjunctiva congested, the pupils are usually dilated. Saliva may be found dribbling from the angle of the mouth (due to stimulation of the salivary glands by the ligature).# Seminal emission is common.# In rare cases (5 to 10%), the intima of the carotid arteries show transverse split.# Hyoid bone is fractured in 15 to 20% cases. Are seen in persons above 40 years; involves the great horn at junction of the inner two-thirds and outer one-third.MECHANICAL ASPHYXIAAsphyxial deaths1. Suffocation--Mechanical obstruction to airways other than by hanging, strangulation and throttling. MC cause is inhalation of irritant gas.2. Smothering--Closing the external respiratory orifice by hand or by other means.3. Gagging--Closing mouth and nose with cloth etc., and tying around head or stuffing it into mouth.HANGINGHanging is that form of asphyxia which is caused by suspension of the body by a ligature, which encircles the neck, the constricting force being the weight of the body.In partial hanging, the bodies are partially suspended; the weight of the head (5-6 kg) acts as the constricting force.Topical hanging: In typical hanging, the ligature runs from the midline above the thyroid cartilage symmetrically upward on both sides of neck to the occipital region.Causes of Death1. Asphyxia: A tension of 15 kg on ligature blocks the trachea.2. Venous congestion: The jugular vein is closed by a tension in the rope of 2 kg.3. Combined asphyxia and venous congestion: this is the commonest cause.4. Cerebral anemia: A tension of 4 to 5 kg on ligature blocks carotid arteries, and 20 kg blocks the vertebral arteries.5. Reflex vagal inhibition from pressure on the vagal sheath or carotid bodies.6. Fracture or dislocation of the cervical vertebrae.Fatal period: The usual period is 3 to 5 minutes.Judicial hangingThe cause of death in judicial hanging is fracture dislocation at the level of second and third or third and fourth cervical vertebra.Lynchingis a type of homicidal death by hanging by large group of people.Strangulationis that form of asphyxia which is caused from constriction of the neck by a ligature without suspending the body. It is of two types (1) Strangulation by ligature, and (2) manual strangulation or throttling.The common methods of homicidal strangulation are: (1) Strangulation by ligature, (2) Throttling, (3) Bansdola, (4) Garrotting, and (5) MuggingMugging is homicidal strangulation caused by holding the neck of the victim in the bend of the elbow.Bansdola is a type of homicidal strangulation caused with sticks.Garroting is type of homicidal strangulation caused by twisting a lever like tomiquet.ThrottlingThrottling is manual strangulation. Fracture of the hyoid bone in 30-50% cases. Fracture of the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are usually found in above 40 years. Hyoid bone fracture does not occur in choking. It is always homicidal.SuffocationSuffocation is a general term to indicate that form of asphyxia which is caused by deprivation of oxygen, either due to lack of oxygen in the environment or from obstruction of the air-passages.SmotheringSmothering is a form of asphyxia which is caused by closing the external respiratory orifices either by the hand or by any other means, or blocking up the cavities of the nose and mouth by the introduction of a foreign substance, such as mud, paper, cloth, etc.Gaggingis a form of asphyxia which results from forcing a cloth into the mouth, or the closure of mouth and nose by a cloth or similar material, which is tied around the neck.OverlayingIt is a type of smothering. Overlaying or compression suffocation results due to compression of the chest, so as to prevent breathing. Overlaying by mother is common in European countries. The usual findings are those of asphyxia.BurkingIt is a method of homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia.Homicidal chokingIn choking, there is obstruction within airways. It is very rare and is practicable only when the victim is an infant or suffering from disability or disease, or under the influence of alcohol.Cafe CoronaryThis is a condition in which a healthy but grossly intoxicated person, who begins a meal, suddenly turns blue, coughs violently, then collapses. Death appears to be due to sudden heart attack, rather than due to asphyxia. A blow on the back or on the sternum may cause coughing and expel the foreign body.Traumatic AsphyxiaTraumatic asphyxia results from respiratory arrest due to mechanical fixation of the chest, so that the normal movement of the chest wall is prevented. Common cause is crushing by falls of earth in a coal mine or during tunneling or in a building collapse. An intense cyanosis of deep purple or purple-red colour of the head, neck and upper chest, above the level of compression is the prominent feature.Sexual AsphyxiaPartial asphyxia causes cerebral disturbance with feeling of sexual gratification. These cases are associated with some form of abnormal sexual behavior, usually masochism and transvestism.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Antemortem hanging", "opb": "Suicidal hanging", "opc": "Homicidal hanging", "opd": "Postmortem hanging", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxial Deaths", "id": "1ec81c6d-b44b-4fab-b031-13ecbcff582e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The most common type of fingerprint is", "exp": "(Loop) (2.15-P)* According to Quetlets Rules* Commonest is loop (67%) and least is composite (1-2%)* Order - Loop >Whorl (25%) >Arches (6-7%) > Composite* For the purpose of primary classification of criminal work. Arches are included under loops and composites under whorls.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Loop", "opb": "Arch", "opc": "Composite", "opd": "Whorl", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "2b7a0621-b9d8-4ef1-a271-0e60c71d1c88", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur means", "exp": "The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur  \nIt means “the thing or fact speaks for itself”.\nIn a case of professional negligence of a physician, the patient need not prove negligence.\nIt is applied when the following conditions are fulfilled :\n\nThat is the absence of negligence the injury would not have occurred ordinarily.\nThat the doctor had exclusive control over the injury-producing instrument or treatment.\nThat the patient was not guilty of contributory negligence.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Common knowledge", "opb": "Medical maloccurance", "opc": "Fact speaks for itself", "opd": "Oral evidence", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "672a3450-6d4c-47ba-a2b4-6c2283239adc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Preservative used for virological examination in autopsy is", "exp": "Preservative used for virological examination in autopsy is Glycerol in buffered saline Preservative used for urine examination in autopsy - thymol formalin used for histopathological examination", "cop": 1, "opa": "Glycerol", "opb": "Rectified spirit", "opc": "Formalin", "opd": "Thymol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Postmoem techniques", "id": "2268a2e7-18d8-44b9-a6e4-b132e504d567", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Heimlich manoeuvre is indicated for", "exp": "Hemilich manoecure is the first aid resque technique for choking.\nChoking is usually accidental.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Gagging", "opb": "Choking", "opc": "Hanging", "opd": "Drowning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7e144336-eb3a-4ac4-b3cd-3bc8f2ccb04f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Treatment of choice of Gun shot injury is", "exp": "(B) Debridement # Treatment of Gun shot injury: Full extent of injuries sustained can be detected only by complete exploration> Gunshot wounds and war wounds require careful surgical debridement and such wounds should be left open.> Following high velocity injuries, fasciotomy of all of the fascial compartments of the limb should be undertaken.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Primary suture only", "opb": "Debridement", "opc": "Debridement and primary suture", "opd": "Debridement and secondary suture", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "8f9592d0-08bf-4246-a5ca-45e2a887a2b6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "To find out whether the stain is human or not the following test is done", "exp": "Precipitin test This is a precipitation reaction by antigen and antibody. Human blood is injected into a rabbit every third day for 3-5 times. After this the animal is kiledk and the antiserum is collected. This is used for precipitin test to find out a paicular tissue or stain is human or not. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 318", "cop": 3, "opa": "Florence test", "opb": "Takayamma test", "opc": "Precipitant test", "opd": "Barberios test", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "adacaaa4-46d2-4a19-8442-f3c1ca1c9f25", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Mc Naughten's rule is for", "exp": "A i.e. Criminal responsibility", "cop": 1, "opa": "Criminal responsibility", "opb": "Civil responsibilities of the insane", "opc": "Testamentary capacity", "opd": "Capacity of the witness", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "5601db31-dd0f-4a87-b246-1ff5038c18a3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "IPC 201", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Evidence disappearance o IPC 201 is for causing disappearance of evidenceOther optionso Perjury (fabricating false evidence) - IPC 192o Voluntary causing grievous hurt - IPC 322o Kidnapping-IPC 361-369", "cop": 1, "opa": "Evidence disappearance", "opb": "Peijury", "opc": "Voluntary causing grievous hurt", "opd": "Kidnapping", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "83ee9fe3-b15c-4fb4-a85a-84d054ad7815", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Species identifications are done by", "exp": "Tests for species identification are Precipitin test, Latex agglutination test, Haem-agglutination inhibition test Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 54", "cop": 1, "opa": "Precipitin test", "opb": "Benzidine test", "opc": "Spectroscopy", "opd": "Neutron activation analysis (N.A.A.).", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "4fb525af-5dce-42a5-90fc-ba168ae2dcc8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Marbling refers to", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Vessels appearing as prominent lines * The signs and effects of putrefaction are as follows:1) Colour changes# The earliest sign of decomposition is greenish discoloration of body, seen in right iliac fossa externallyand under liver internally. This is due to involvement of caecum. Which contains more liquid and is full of bacteria. In these areas, it appears in 12-18 hours and slowly spread to whole body in 24-48 hours. Greenish discoloration is due to formation ofsulph-meth-haemoglobin.# Morbling occurs when Hb dissociates from RBCs and the colour of Hb is taken up by vessels, which are seen as prominent lines having purple or green or brown colour. Marbling occurs in 24-48 hours.2) Formation of foul smelling gases# Due to action of bacteria, foul smelling gases are formed, e.g. S02, H2S, ammonia, methane and COv3) Effects of gases# Bloating up of body occurs in 34-48 hours. At the same time following changes occurs:i) Appearance of stomach contents and froth on nose and mouth.ii) Degloving and destocking with appearance of putrifactive blisters.iii) Emptying of heart due to pressure of gas.# In 48-72 hours prolapse of rectum and uterus occur and postmortem delivery may occur if the dead woman is pregnant. Color of postmortem staining also changes to brown and finally to black. False rigidity (putrefactive rigidity) may occur at this time.4) Appearance of maggots# Flies lay their eggs in wounds, exposed natural orifices and exposed moist parts of the body and folds of skin, e.g. neck, axilla, nostrils, mouth etc.# Flies lay eggs in 6-12 hours after death and these eggs change in larva (maggot) in 1-2 days.# Thus maggots appear in 2-3 days after the death.# After further 4-5 days, the maggots change into pupa, which convert into adult flies in next 3-5 days.# Thus adult flies will be coming out of the body after total 8-12 days of death.* Appearance of maggot determine the time since death.5) Other late changes# In 3-5 days: Nails and teeth become loose and can be pulled out, sutures of skull may separate.# In 7-12 days: Liquefaction of body (colliquative putrefaction) occurs.# In 1-3 months : Skeletonization of dead body occurs.# Finally: Bones also decompose: Exposed bones in 1-5 years and deep burried bone (> 2 meters) in 25-100 years.6) Internal changes# Liver becomes spongy and is called as foamy or swiss cheese or honeycombed liver.# In 7-12 days lequefaction of internal organs occur.7) Floatation of body (if body is in water)# Floatation of body occurs due to accumulation of sufficient putrefactive gases. Abdomen is above (due to gases) and spine is below during floatation.# Time required for floatation is ordinarily 24 hours after death in summers and 2-3 days in winter.# Factors affecting floatation are :i) Causing early floatation: Newborn mature infant, females, in summer, clothed body, obese, in sea water and in still pond water.ii) Causing delayed floatation : Still birth/immature newborn, male, in winter, naked body, thin built, in fresh water and in running stream water.# Inspiration and expiration before death has no effect on floatation as floatation is due to putrefactive gases (not due to respiratory air).", "cop": 2, "opa": "Pale look of the body", "opb": "Vessels appearing as prominent lines", "opc": "Greenish discoloration of the body", "opd": "Degloving", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "8264a24e-e4cb-4f85-b771-d833d810d580", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The following conditions ours mummification", "exp": "Ideal conditions for mummification: High temperature, dry condition, absence of moisture and free circulation of air. Ideal conditions for Adipocere formation: Warm temperature, moisture, less air, bacteria, and fat splitting enzymes (lipases).", "cop": 2, "opa": "Warm & Humid climate", "opb": "Absence of moisture", "opc": "Clostridium perfringes", "opd": "Intrinsic Lipases", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "44f6a690-5524-419c-8759-7e62eeb07685", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The recommended treatment for suspected arsenic poisoning is", "exp": "The trivalent form of arsenite (arsenic, AsO2) has al high affinity for sulfhydryl groups and binds with great avidivty to lipoic acid, one of the five cofactors of pyruvate dehydrogenase. The most efficient way to remove this arsenite is by administering a competitive sulfhydryl compound, such as dimercaprol. Chelating agents such as EDT A, penicillamine, or deferoxamine will react with circulating metals and remove them from the body. Yet, they are less effective in competing with sulfhydryl groups than the mercaptans. Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 465", "cop": 3, "opa": "Parenteral administration of EDTA", "opb": "Peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis", "opc": "Dimercaprol", "opd": "Parenteral administration of penicillamine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "5640d541-fa8c-469d-bd6f-7157a4a1e419", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Arborescent burn is seen in", "exp": "A i.e. Lightening", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lightening", "opb": "Scald", "opc": "Electrocution", "opd": "Soda burn", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "682f9a18-16b0-430d-a922-1a9a407cc1bc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "For diatoms test the best site for taking sample is", "exp": "C i.e. Bone marrow in femur", "cop": 3, "opa": "Lungs", "opb": "Bone marrow in Ulna", "opc": "Bone marrow in femur", "opd": "Muscle", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "11fbcca9-3242-43d4-89ff-72e7e0148057", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The percentage of active principle \"tetrahydrocannabinol\" in Ganja", "exp": "Ganja: It is the resinous extract of leaves and bracts of the female plant. It is mixed with a little tobacco and is usually smoked in a pipe (chilam). It contains the active principle in a concentration of about 25%. The resin has a rusty green color and a characteristic odor. The resin contains over 60 structurally similar compounds called cannabinoids, of which delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for most of its psychoactive effects. Ref: Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th edition; Page no 513", "cop": 3, "opa": "1-5%", "opb": "5-10%", "opc": "15-25%", "opd": "30-40%", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "e4736ba0-892a-4633-90ad-cd789d267f86", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Evidence not used in rape is", "exp": "In the uncircumcised penis the presence of smegma under the prepuce and on the corona glandis rules out complete penetration because smegma will be rubbed off during intercourse. Smegma usually requires 24 hours to redeposit. Presence of smegma indicates that no sexual intercourse with full penetration is taken place within 24 hours but absence of smegma will not indicate intercourse. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 305", "cop": 4, "opa": "Semen in vagina", "opb": "Semen on clothes", "opc": "Presence of smegma bacilli in vagina", "opd": "Presence of smegma under prepuce", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "8efd2453-7558-436b-856b-1f49aa5a304a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "\"Incest' term used in sexual relationship with", "exp": "C. i.e. (Blood relationship) (5.46 Parikh 6th)INCEST - This is the act of sexual intercourse by a man with woman within a certain degree of blood relationship* In India incest per se is not a cognizable offence and police cannot take any notice of it unless the offence can be brought into any of the penalizing sections such as 376 and 497 IPC* Common example is the father and daughter, brother and sister* Medical examination is concerned with demonstrating evidence of habitual intercourse rather than of fresh defloration.Bestiality (bestio - sexuality) means sexual intercourse by a human being with a lower animal** either through the anus or the vagina (Punishible under the section 377. IPC)**Fetichism - is a perversion in which sexual gratification is associated with contact and sight of certain parts of the female body or even clothing or other articles known as fetish objects** (Corned - 08)Transvestism is a perversion in which the personality is dominated by the desire to be identified with opposite sex. The fantasy indulged in is clearly \"being a women\" if a male and 'being a man' if a female. It is also known as EONISM**Irresistible sexual desire in males is known as Satyriasis**", "cop": 3, "opa": "A girl age less than 16 years", "opb": "Divorced wife", "opc": "Blood relationship", "opd": "Sex with hijra", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual Offenses", "id": "a8aee7fd-1609-4bb9-a1f5-f6e85cbf0953", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Nitroguanidine is used as a propellant cahrge in", "exp": "Triple base powder consists of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and nitroguanidine. The quantity of nitroglycerin is small but sufficient to give power; the nitroguanidine lowers the flame temperature while adding an active explosive constituent. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg - 239", "cop": 4, "opa": "Semismokeless gun powder", "opb": "Single based smokeless gun powder", "opc": "Double based smokeless gun powder", "opd": "Triple based smokeless gun powder", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Miscellaneous", "id": "da727dc4-b102-4d5c-a8b6-28f1ddfa4861", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "On autopsy, fine froth was found in the resp. tract, nose and mouth. Likely cause of death", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e. Drowning The fine froth at the mouth and nose is pathognomic of drowning. It is white or rarely blood stained, lather like, abundant and increases in amount with compressions of the chest; even if wiped away it gradually reappears, especially if pressure is applied to chest.The presence of weeds, mud, sand etc. in the tightly clenched hand, when present is also indicative of death from drowning as it indicates the victim s struggle for life.Froth at mouth and in respiratory tract is also found in certain poisonings as given below but in these cases the froth is neither so Fine nor so copious and persistent and none of the typical signs of drowning are present. eg. Opioids Cocaine BarbituratesOrganophosphorus compounds.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Drowning", "opb": "Hanging", "opc": "Strangulation", "opd": "Tooth paste poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "4e63c0f8-d239-415e-9f53-d9725f4cb2a3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pressure upon the chest leading to a so of mechanical fixation of chest and thereby preventing respiratory movements seen in", "exp": "Traumatic asphyxia the term 'traumatic asphyxia' or 'crush asphyxia' is applied where there is pressure upon chest leading to a so of mechanical fixation of chest and thereby preventing respiratory movements. Eg: burial under the rubble of a collapsed building. Crushing under an automobile. Etc Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ PAGE 118", "cop": 4, "opa": "Gagging", "opb": "Choking", "opc": "Smothering", "opd": "Traumatic asphyxia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "abfddf44-a86b-40cd-9b82-e100da9afe9f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Respiratory depression is caused by NE", "exp": "C i.e. Strychnine Strychnine is a CNS and respiratory stimulantQ. Alcohol, barbiturates, opioidsQ, benzodiazepines, chloral hydrate, paraldehyde, mandrax (melsedine), heroin (brown sugar), general anesthetics, sedative & hypnotics are CNS depressants. (However few may initially stimulate CNS). Hallucinogens (LSD = peyote = mescaline = phencyclidine), ecstasy, khat (catha edulis), cocaine and amphetamine are CNS stimulants (psychotropics).", "cop": 3, "opa": "Opium", "opb": "Barbiturate", "opc": "Strychnine", "opd": "Gelsemine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "2a9badb2-e6f4-45a2-82ff-424b152eaff5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Fragmented medullary hair are found in", "exp": "A i.e. Negro - Anteroposterior diameter (i.e. length) of skull is minimum in Brachycephaly4 (sho headed) and maximum in DolicocephalyQ. - The skull of Aryan's (Indians), Arborigines & Negroes is dolico-cephalic, with cephalic index between 70 - 75Q. Radio humeral index is80 in blacks. Tibio femoral index is83 in Blacks. - Cephalic Index, Height Index & Nasal Index are used for determination of raceQ - Mongols have maximum cephalic index ( 80) & height index (75) with rounded nasal openings, orbits & palateQ", "cop": 1, "opa": "Negros", "opb": "Mongols", "opc": "Caucasians", "opd": "Europeans", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "5d0e4872-eaca-4b63-8185-ce7bd7e12e7b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Spanish windlass technique is a", "exp": "Spanish windlass technique Strangulation is caused by compression of the neck by a ligature which is quickly tightened by twisting it with a lever (rod, stick or ruler) It results in sudden loss of consciousness and collapse Form of garroting Q***", "cop": 1, "opa": "Neck compression with a ligature tightened by twisting the rod", "opb": "Neck compression with stick", "opc": "Neck compression with forearm", "opd": "Neck compression with hands", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxial deaths", "id": "99e319d0-51a7-4630-a5f0-bc4dfc3ffcfe", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Black scab is formed at", "exp": "Age of abrasion Less than 24 hours bright red - reddish scab 2-3 days reddish- brown scab 4-5 days dark brown scab 6-7 days black scab ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 114", "cop": 2, "opa": "4-5 days", "opb": "6-7 days", "opc": "Less than 24 hours", "opd": "After 7-10 days", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "3d27bae2-6634-44b2-bfdd-6ff6bd7c1784", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The time for molecular death in kidney is", "exp": "Brain is the first organ to die- within 5 minutes. Liver 15 mints, kidney 45 mints, hea 60 mints. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 18", "cop": 3, "opa": "5 minutes", "opb": "15 minutes", "opc": "45 minutes", "opd": "After 1 hour", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "94a455ba-1d85-4691-ab44-8a0b1e98e03c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "For exhumation permission should be taken from", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Executive magistrate * Exumation is lawful digging out of a burried body from the grave for the purpose of identification or determination of cause of death. Only a magistrate (executive magistrate) can order for exhumation.* In india, there is no time limit for exhumation, i.e. can be done at any time after death.* It is done under supervision of medical officer and Magistrate in presence of a police officer who provides witnesses to identify grave, coffin and dead body, whenever possible, Magistrate should inform the relatives and allow them not to remain present at the time of enquiry.* The whole procedure should be conducted and completed in natural day light. Therefore, it is usually started early in morning.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sub divisional magistrate", "opb": "Executive magistrate", "opc": "Special magistrate", "opd": "Juvenile magistrate", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "fbfc1263-a68c-4bd3-8b2f-62f1cab1357d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Best method of organ removal in autopsy of a HIV case is", "exp": "AUTOPSY TECHNIQUES - Virchow's technique: organs removed one by one - Ghon's technique: removed as organ blocks - Letulle's technique: en masse removal - Rokinansky's technique: in situ dissection combined with Enblock removal VIRCHOW'S TECHNIQUE* Individual organs removed one by one* Anatomical relations not preserved GHON'S TECHNIQUE* Organ blocks & organ dissection* Cervical, thoracic, abdominal and urogenital system are removed as organ block (separate blocks) LETTULE'S TECHNIQUE* Cervical, thoracic, abdominal & pelvic organs are removed as en-masse (all together) & organ dissection* Anatomical relationships preserved* Rapid technique ROKITANSKY'S TECHNIQUE* In-situ dissection of organs* Fetal brain dissection* Infectious diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B* Radiation hazards", "cop": 3, "opa": "Letulle's method", "opb": "Ghon's method", "opc": "Rokinansky method", "opd": "Virchow method", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Postmoem techniques", "id": "7ab1b780-7ffa-45fd-9265-33ea2ad390a3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Color of postmoem staining in cyanide poisoning is", "exp": "Color of postmoem staining Cause of death color of PMS Cyanides bright red(oxygen Hbu) Carbon monoxide cherry red(carboxy Hbu) Carbon dioxide deep blue(reduced Hbu) Hydrogen sulphide bluish green(sulphmet Hbu) Phosphorus, copper Dark brown Opiates black Nitrates, aniline, potassium chlorate, nitrobenzene, potassium bicarbonate chocolate brown, or coffee brown(metHb) Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 24", "cop": 2, "opa": "Deep blue", "opb": "Bright red", "opc": "Dark brown", "opd": "Bluish green", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "f295d7a5-adc6-4170-b1dd-1e15febfd046", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cause of death in throttling is", "exp": "Throttling/ Manual strangulation - compression of neck by human hands Mechanism of death - occlusion of carotids as the carotid aeries lie over the transverse processes of C4 - C6 Cervical veebra and any antero-lateral impact can compress them against the underlying bone Occlusion of airways plays a minor role and pure asphyxia is rare; considerable pressure is necessary to obstruct trachea which will also block jugular veins and carotid aeries", "cop": 3, "opa": "Vagal inhibition", "opb": "Occlusion of airway", "opc": "Occlusion of carotids", "opd": "Fracture of hyoid bone", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxial deaths", "id": "a610f99e-4d7c-484f-bc46-27c36d1a0d85", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Friction burn on the skin indicates that", "exp": "Friction burn: Extensive, superficial, reddened excoriated area minimal or no linear mark Occurs when the skin is covered by clothing or the person is dragged on smooth surface (eg. on a marble floor) Brush burn: Graze abrasion involving wider area such as the back, caused by violent rubbing against a surface, as in dragging along over the ground. In an abrasion caused by a tangential force, the direction of the force can be determined by epidermal tags.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Person dragged on the road", "opb": "Ligature crushing the epithelium", "opc": "Cloth covering the skin", "opd": "Pointed object passing across the skin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical Injuries", "id": "72f2a076-5939-482c-8918-8b52c971ff8b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "CSF is stored at", "exp": "BLOOD, URINE, VITREOUS AND C.S.F. All arecollected for biochemical examinations. Blood should be collected from the femoral vessels. Other sites, in descending order of preference are the subclavain vessels, root of aoa, pulmonary aery, superior vena cava and the hea. When blood samples are collected for volatile substances, small glass bottles with aluminium foil-lined should be used, which should be filled to the top to avoid loss of volatile substances into the head space and stored at 4degC. CSF is collected by lumbar or cisternal puncture. They are of value if collected within 4 to 6 hours after death, but not later than 12 hours. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-123", "cop": 3, "opa": "Room temperature", "opb": "-20degC", "opc": "4degC", "opd": "-70degC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "b3055711-993b-44d1-96d5-d8a02b398a64", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Erethism occur in", "exp": "Ans is 'a' i.e. Hg(Mercury) Erethism: is a peculiar disturbance of the personality characterized by shyness irritability, tremors, loss of memory and insomnia.Other imp. Points about mercury :Most poisonous salt of mercury* - Mercuric chlorideAcute poisoning causes nephrotoxicity *Chronic poisoninga blue-black line on the gums as with lead poisoningMercuria lentis*is a peculiar eye change due to brownish deposits of mercury in the lens. It is bilateral and has no effect on visual acuity.Tremors are seen and are k/a Hotter*s shake* or glass blowers shake*Erethism is seenAcrodynia* is seen.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Hg", "opb": "As", "opc": "Pb", "opd": "Cu", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Forensic Toxicology - Concepts, Statutes, Evidence, and Techniques", "id": "c6b22c7f-e1de-4fb9-ad27-1f0e1cc511d9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The Study of postmoem process of a dead body and their interpretation is", "exp": "Forensic taphonomy is the interdisciplinary study and interpretation of postmoem processes of human remains. Thanatology is the study that deals with death in all its aspects. Entomology is the study of the form and behaviour of insects. Myiasis is a condition caused by infestation of the body by fly maggots. Putrefaction is the process of gradual dissolution and liquefaction of the tissues.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Thanatology", "opb": "Putrefaction", "opc": "Taphonomy", "opd": "Entomology", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "598181a0-31fd-4d52-99e7-0d4a48339843", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "On tenth day of a tooth being knocked out, the local clinical finding will be", "exp": "When a tooth has been knocked out, bleeding from its socket stops in about one to two days and a clot is formed. The clot is obliterated by fibrous tissue in about 14 days. The socket is completely filled with gradual new bone in about a year, as seen on X-RAY examination. Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 289 , medscape.com", "cop": 1, "opa": "Tooth socket being filled up by tissue", "opb": "Blood clots in the socket", "opc": "Alvoelar process smooth", "opd": "Fluid blood in the socket", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "840c899b-8b08-4d70-80fe-c70401ecab31", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Professional death sentence is", "exp": "Erasure of Name :- The name of the doctor is removed from the medical register: (1) After the death of the registered practitioner. (2) Entries which are made in error or as a result of fraud. (3) Penal erasure: The main cause for erasure is serious professional misconduct, and this is known as penal erasure. It is sometimes termed \"the professional death sentence\". It deprives the practitioner of all the privileges of a registered practitioner. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-27", "cop": 2, "opa": "Rigorous imprisonment", "opb": "Erasing of name from the medical register", "opc": "Death by hanging", "opd": "Imprisonment for life", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "e45ed8db-27c2-415f-a8e7-e8f5edfe6b10", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Dried semen stain in clothes is identified by", "exp": "UV light 3) Microscopic examination - Involves identification of spermatozoa under the microscope. Fluorescence microscopy is based on the principle that the Y-chromosome is fluorescent to quinacrine. 4) Electrophoretic methods Acid phosphatase isoenzyme test - Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by staining with methyl umbelliferyl phosphate reagent makes the seminal acid phosphatase to be distinguished from the acid phosphatase present in other substances & in vaginal secretion. This is superior to LDH isoenzyme method since semen can be identified in the absence of sperms as in azoospermic or vasectomised persons. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme Test - Sperm specific LDH isoenzyme can be separated from other LDH isoenzymes of semen by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proof of semen: The only absolute proof of semen is the finding of at least one unbroken spermatozoan, or electrophoretic LHD isoenzyme detection of sperms. In case of azoospermia, vasectomy or very old persons a stain will be seminal if it gives - characteristic fluorescence in UV light - positive 1-taarate acid-phosphatase and - High levels of acid phosphatase & creatine phosphokinase or electrophoretic seminal acid phosphatase or PSA (P30) positive Species (Human or animal) is confirmed by precipitin test as in blood stains. Source (from which person) is identified by DNA & different grouping systems such as ABO, GM, PGM & GLO-I. New test Commercial ELISA, the SEMA(r)assay, for a seminal vesicle-specific antigen (SVSA) provides highly sensitive detection of semen but are costly .", "cop": 1, "opa": "UV light", "opb": "Spectroscopy", "opc": "Magnifying lens", "opd": "Infra red", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "3d0ffda4-d6a3-43c4-bd28-55d6d22ec500", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Term café coronary was coined by", "exp": "Cafe coronary was coined by Dr Roger Haugen, Medical examiner of Broward, Florida for impaction of food in the respiratory passage.\nThe original series of deaths involved well-nourished businessmen dying suddenly & unexpectedly in restaurants & cafes while sitting or shortly after sitting in a chair as if they died of heart attack. \nHence, the name 'cafe coronary'. However, the autopsy reveals a bolus of food in the pharynx or larynx.", "cop": 2, "opa": "J Morton", "opb": "Roger Haugen", "opc": "Neil Markson", "opd": "M. Hoppefiel", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "bbdf0028-4733-4c34-b619-0672997eef97", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Maggots in rainy day are seen within", "exp": "C i.e. 2 - 4 days", "cop": 3, "opa": "6 hours", "opb": "1-2 days", "opc": "2-4 days", "opd": "5-6 days", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7237d824-9c7b-464d-9ee7-9185035b8f1a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cavett test is used for detection of", "exp": "Test for alcohol :\n\nCavett test\nKozelka and thine test\nAlcohol dehydrogenase test\nGas chromatography (Most specific)", "cop": 2, "opa": "Opiates", "opb": "Alcohol", "opc": "Barbiturates", "opd": "Cocaine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "258609c2-6dfd-45f0-852f-d25665a6c0ec", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Smokeless Gun powder contains", "exp": "SMOKELESS gun powder: Single base: Nitrocellulose Double base: Nitrocellulose + Nitro-glycerine Triple base: Nitrocellulose + Nitroglycerine + Nitroguanidine", "cop": 1, "opa": "Nitrocellulose", "opb": "Charcoal", "opc": "Potassium", "opd": "Sulphur", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Ballistics", "id": "22492e18-1b16-4b47-9535-29e29360ac8a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In deep incised wounds, Langer's lines determine", "exp": "B i.e. Gaping", "cop": 2, "opa": "Direction", "opb": "Gaping", "opc": "Shelving", "opd": "Healing", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "0cfb91b3-0616-439f-98e8-4e554f5c48bc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A case of murder with gunshot is reported. A metal bullet is recovered from the body. Primary and Secondary markings on a metal bullet can be used for", "exp": "Ans is 'a' i.e. Identification of weapon \"Primary and secondary marks on the surface of the bullet helps in identification of the gun. Primary marks on the surface of the bullet tells about the 'make' or type of the gun used and the secondary marks which are due to some elevation or depression on the inner surface of the barrel of the gun will tell specifically about the particular gun which has been used when compared with similar markings of a bullet test-fired from the suspected gun. Investigation of Offences on Human Body by Apurba Nandy p48Two types of marks are seen on the surface of the bullet and help in identification of the firearm used.Primary markings (Class characteristics):In all rifled firearms, the bullet is slightly larger than the barrel, and as the bullet passes through the barrel, its sides are marked by the rifling of the barrel. These are k/a primary markings.Primary markings or Class characteristics include- caliber number of lands and grooves {these 2 terms used in describing the rifling found inside the barrel of a firearm. The word lands refers to the raised portion of the rifling, and the grooves refers to the lower portion of the rifling.) direction of the twist of rifling rate of twist of the rifling width of the land and groovesPrimary markings help in identifying the make and model of the firearm used.Secondary markings (individual or accidental characteristics):These markings are caused by irregularities on the inner surface of the barrel which are specific for that particular weapon. These irregularities are produced by the sticking of the particles of the bullet to the bore when shots are fired (this is k/a metallic fouling). Individual characteristics also result accidentally during the manufacturing process.Secondary markings help iii identifying the specific gun from which the bullet was fired.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Identification of weapon", "opb": "To know the range of firing", "opc": "Severity of tissue damage", "opd": "To know time of crime", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "c0ee9858-9837-4d26-9ab8-fbb75e0e5fd4", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Seminal stain can be detected by", "exp": "Test for seminal  stains\n\nCreatine phosphokinase test\nAcid phosphatase test\nFlorence test (Choline iodide crystals)\nBarberio's test (Crystals of spesmin picrate).", "cop": 3, "opa": "Phenolphthalein test", "opb": "Reine's test", "opc": "Barberio's test", "opd": "Paraffin test", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7f8740c8-0e45-4980-8598-a8deca16e8ff", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Maximum punishment that can be awarded by second class judicial magistrate cou", "exp": "Judicial Magistrate (Second Class) can pass sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year or of fine not exceeding 5000, or both Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 5", "cop": 3, "opa": "7 year imprisonment, any amount fine", "opb": "3 yr imprisonment, ,Rs 10,000/ fine", "opc": "1 yr imprisonment,Rs. 5000/ fine", "opd": "Death sentence", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "ae0a6ece-3017-4592-9382-2bde6a3a574a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Transmission rate of HIV by needlestick injury in health professionals is", "exp": "AUTOPSY OF A CASE OF AIDS AND INFECTIONS Universal Work Precautions: (1) All infected bodies should be wrapped and tied in double layer tough plastic bag, with a red colour tag mentioning \"Biologically Hazardous\". The label should mention the name, age, sex, registration number, etc. (2) Workers who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis or external injury should not handle AIDS victims. (3) Proper protective clothing, full sleeves overalls instead of simple surgical gowns, water-proof plastic apron, head cap, face mask, goggles if eye glasses are not worn, double gloves (heavy autopsy gloves over surgical gloves), waterproof rubber gumboots of knee length with shoe covers. A plastic visor will protect eyes and mucosal surfaces from splash injury. A high efficiency paiculate air- filled respirator or a powered air-purifying respirator should be worn. ( 4) Handling sharp instruments: Avoid accidental pricks and cuts from needles, scalpels, etc. If a cut is made in the rubber gloves or needle injury occurs they should be removed immediately and replaced with new ones. Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or other body fluids. Infection of AIDS can be acquired by transdermal inoculation through cuts and needle punctures. About 0.3 to 0.5% of individuals will become seropositive. Transmission rates from contaminated needle punctures or close contact are 10 to 30 times higher for serum hepatitis than for AIDS. The incident should be repoed to proper authority to get their blood check for HIV seropositivity. (5) Handling specimens for laboratory examination: Mucocutaneous contact with the body fluids, and aerosol inhalation should be avoided. They should be properly labelled andfilled with 10% formalin solution and should be handled with gloved hands. (6) Disposal of used instruments: They should be dipped in 20% glutaraldehyde (cidox) for half-an-hour, washed with soap or detergent and water, dried and then rinsed in methylated spirit and air dried. (7) All soiled gauze and cotton, etc. should be collected in a double plastic bag for incineration. (8) Laundry material, such as aprons, towels, etc. should be soaked in one percent bleach for half-an-hour, washed with detergent and hot water, and autoclaved. (9) Clean- up procedure: Wear new intact disposable gloves. Small spatters and spills of blood and other body fluids can be wiped up with disposable tissues o1* towels which are discarded in special bio-hazard bags and properly disposed. The autopsy table and floor should be cleaned with one percent bleach solution, followed by washing with soap and water. (10) Disinfectants: 1:10 dilution of common household bleach or a freshly prepared sodium hypochlorite solution are recommended. Liquid chemical germicides commonly used in health care facilities and laboratories are effective against HIV. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-121,122", "cop": 1, "opa": "0.30%", "opb": "1%", "opc": "5%", "opd": "10%", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "b19b1eb3-4660-4163-bdf0-e0a974a33d6d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Percolating of blood to the lateral aspect of head behind the ear is indicative of", "exp": "Black eye( Raccoon's sign) in case of anterior cranial fossa fracture, extravasation of blood around the eye and in the periorbital tissue can be observed. It is due to percolation of blood to the periorbital tissue. This is called black eye. Battle's sign in case of middle cranial fossa fracture, there may be percolation of blood to the lateral aspect of head behind the dark which is called Battle's sign Cullen's sign Ectopic bruise around umbilicus in extraperitoneal or intra abdominal bleed or rupture ectopic pregnancy or acute pancreatitis. Grey -Turner's sign Ectopic bruise at flank in retroperitoneal hemorrhage. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 117", "cop": 4, "opa": "Cullen's sign", "opb": "Grey- Turner's sign", "opc": "Raccoon's sign", "opd": "Battle's sign", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "b9056360-f832-477a-b751-bb0d7847fa9c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Tattooing colors the skin permanently because pigmented dyes are injected into the", "exp": "The dermis is highly vascular and glandular and contains many nerve endings and hair follicles. Dermis has two layers: (i ) Upper layer called the stratum papillarosum (papillary layer), which is in contact with the epidermis. Numerous projections (papillae) extend from this layer into the epidermis. Papillae form the base for the friction ridges on the fingers and toes. (ii ) The lower layer is called stratum reticularosum. Tattooing colors the skin permanently because the pigmented dyes are injected below the mitotic basal layer into the dermis Ref: Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th edition; Page no: 214", "cop": 4, "opa": "Stratum Lucidum", "opb": "Stratum Granulosum", "opc": "Stratum Corneum", "opd": "Stratum reticularosum", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "c8679e9a-cb6c-468b-bced-81ead5aa9c94", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A dead body is found to have mark like \"branching of tree in front of chest. The most likely cause of death is", "exp": "Burns from lightning may appear in the form of 'arborescent markings' on the surface of the skin, looking like branches of a tree.Ref: Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 161", "cop": 3, "opa": "Firearm", "opb": "Injuries due to bomb blast", "opc": "Lightning", "opd": "Road traffic accident", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "e4b61d24-10c5-42ad-b012-613f71b38bc6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cruelty of Mrs. X for dowry by her husband Mr. Y and in Laws is Punishable under", "exp": "Sec 498 A IPC- Subjecting a married woman to cruelty by husband or in laws. Sec 320 IPC- Grievous Hu - Definition Sec 304 A IPC- Death caused by rash and negligent act - 2 yrs. Sec 304 B IPC- Dowry death: death of a female within 7 yrs of marriage.", "cop": 3, "opa": "304 A IPC", "opb": "304 B IPC", "opc": "498 A IPC", "opd": "320 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "088d3ec9-54ea-45dc-a88a-08da73e715c8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A child under 7 years of age is incapable of committing an offence comes under", "exp": "An act which is done by a child under 7 years of age is not an offence S.82, I.P.C. A child between 7 and 12 years is presumed to be capable of committing an offence if he attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge the nature and consequences of his conduct on that occasion.S.83.I.P.C. The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by Dr. k.S. Narayan Reddy 29th edition page no: 49.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Sec 82 IPC", "opb": "Sec 83 IPC", "opc": "Sec 84 IPC", "opd": "Sec 89 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "5fd20bc1-6c56-448c-b0f2-63a930d20890", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Marking nut is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Semicarpus anacardium Semicarpus anacardium (marking nut or bhilawan)* Its seed are heart shaped, conical and black with acrid oily juice which is brownish but turns black on exposure to air. Active principles are semecarpol and bhilawanol.* Juice applied to skin produces irritation, painful blisters followed by itching and eczema. Therefore it is used to produce artificial bruises.* It is also used by washerman to mark clothes.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Semicarpus anacardium", "opb": "Croton tiglium", "opc": "Areca catechu", "opd": "Abrus precatorius", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "925737c7-b838-4ca6-9bd1-e89d842406f6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A 35 year old man is brought to you dressed in woman's clothing. On fuher questioning you find that he gets sexual pleasure from doing so. It is a case of", "exp": "Transvestism /Eonism Disorder characterized by recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving cross-dressing. Sexual gratification is obtained by wearing the dress of opposite sex for sexual excitement. It is usually seen in males They collect items of distinct feminine look and feel, like nightgowns, slips, bras, lingerie, stockings and pantyhose, and may dress in these feminine garments and take photographs of themselves while living out their secret fantasies.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Eonism", "opb": "Ipsation", "opc": "Peeping tom", "opd": "Mixoscopia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences", "id": "44ef9885-4118-447f-8619-f7c53e3b4696", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The best specimen used for toxicological analysis in embalmed body is", "exp": "The best specimen used for toxicological analysis in embalmed body is SKELETAL MUSCLE FROM BUTTOCK In embalmed body its very difficult to detect volatile poisons.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Bile", "opb": "Vitreous", "opc": "Spinal cord", "opd": "Skeletal muscle", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 1", "id": "f479db6a-1303-448b-89b8-42f2190889e8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cephalic index is used for", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Race Cephalic index, height index & nasal index are used for determination of race. Cephalic index = maximum breadth of skull/ maximum length of skull x 100 Type of skull Cephalic index Race Dolichocephalic (long headed) 70 - 75 Pure Aryan, Aborigines, Negroes Mesaticephalic (medium headed) 75 - 80 Europeans and Chinese Brachycephalic (sho headed) 80- 85 Mongolian", "cop": 1, "opa": "Race", "opb": "Age", "opc": "Sex", "opd": "Stature", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1f93e935-e584-46d1-822f-c7b3f2de6bec", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Necrosis of PCT is caused by", "exp": "Action of phenol phenol has both local and systemic action. Locally city acts as a corrosive and after absorption it possesses necrotic effects. Phenol is protoplasmic poison. It combines with proteins and denatures it. It deeply penetrates the tissues and produces necrosis. After absorption it causes capillary damage and clotting in superficial vessels. It also acts on the CNS, hea and kidney. It affects the proximal convoluted tubules and causes renal failure. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 413", "cop": 2, "opa": "Arsenic", "opb": "Phenol", "opc": "Alcohol", "opd": "Amantia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "332756c6-998c-4b75-87b9-96f0aee0d649", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Most common hymen tear in sexual assault is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Posterolateral * In virgin rupture (tears) of hymen due to sudden stretching occurs in posterior half of membrane usually at the sides (i.e. posterolaterally) in 4 or 8'0 clock or 5 or 7'0 clock position, or in the midline of hymen (6'0 clock position).* Posterolateral rupture is more common than posterior rupture.Position of rupture of hymenReason of rupture5 - 7 O'clockSexual intercourse11-1 O'clockMasturbation", "cop": 1, "opa": "Posterolateral", "opb": "Anterior", "opc": "Anterolateral", "opd": "Posteromedial", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual Offenses", "id": "2c822782-9908-456c-9f7f-2d65b48df60d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Entry wound kind of depression will be seen in", "exp": "Entry wound kind of depression will be seen in Inversion Pond's fracture / Indented fracture - Fracture of Elastic skull Seen in infants During forceps delivery", "cop": 1, "opa": "Inversion", "opb": "Eversion", "opc": "Pond's fracture", "opd": "Depression", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "FMGE 2019", "id": "8d1c5e84-8b16-4e21-89b6-4593748858d1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Gutter fracture is due to", "exp": "Bullet striking on the skull but not entering it: Bullet may tangentially touch the skull and doesn't enter the skull cavity . In such a case , there may be a gutter that is produced on the skull- Gutter fracture ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 154", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sharp edged weapon", "opb": "Fire arm injury", "opc": "Blunt weapon", "opd": "Serrated edge", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "76989c05-b107-465a-a871-b2dc1ac1073f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Subpubic angle in female is", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., 90 degrees PELVISTraitMaleFemale1) Bony frameworkMassive, rougher, marked muscle sites. Stands higher and more erect.Less massive, slender, smoother.Less muscle marking.2) GeneralDeep funnel.Flat bowl.3) IliumLess vertical; curve of iliac crest reaches higher level and is more prominent.More vertical; distance between iliac crests is less; iliac fossae shallow; curves of crest well marked.4) Preauricular sulcus (attachment of anterior sacroiliac ligament)Not frequent; narrow, shallow.More frequent, broad and deep5) AcetabulumLarge, 52 mm. in diameter; directed laterallySmall, 46 mm. in diameter; directed anterolaterally.6) Obturator foramenLarge, often oval with base upwardsSmall, triangular with apex forwards.7) Greater sciatic notchSmaller, narrower, deeper.Larger, wider, shallower.8) Illeo-pectineal lineWell marked and rough.Rounded and smooth.9) Ischial tuberosityInvertedEverted; more widely separated10) Body of pubisNarrow, tirangular, thick; short is chial ramus.Broad, square; ischial ramus is lengthened and narrowed; pits on posterior surface if borne children.11) Ramus of pubisIt is like continuation of body of pubis.Has a constricted or narrowed appearance and is short and thick.12) Ischiopubic ramiMore everted, thicker and rougher.Less everted, thinner and smoother.13) SymphysisHigher, bigger and narrow in width.Margins of pubic arch everted.Lower, wider and rounded, margins of pubic arch not everted; distance between two pubic tubercles greater. The dorsal border is irregular and shows depressions or pits (scars of parturition).14) Subpubic angleV-shaped, sharp angle 70deg to 75deg.U-shaped, rounded, broader angle 90deg to 100deg15) Pelvic brim or inletHeart-shapedCircular or elliptical; more spacious; diameters longer.16) Pelvic cavityConical and funnel-shapedBroad and round17) Pelvic outletSmallerLarger18) Sacroiliac articulationLarge, extends to 2 1/2 to 3 vertebrae.Small, oblique, extends to 2 to 2 1/2 vertebrae.19) Sacroliliac joint surfaceLarge and less sharply angulated.L-shaped and elevated anteriorly.20) SacrumLonger, nanrower, with more evenly distributed curvature; promontory well marked. Body of first sacral vertebra larger.Shorter, wider; upper half almost straight, curve forward in lower half; promontory less marked.Body of first sacral vertebra small.21) CoccyxLess movableMore movable22) Ischiopubic index73 to 9491 to 115 Public length in mm.------------------Ischial length in mm.x 100 23) Sciatic notch index4 to 55 to 6 Width of notch index------------------Depth of sciatic notchx 100 24) Pubic ramus ratio1:12 : 1 or greater", "cop": 2, "opa": "70 degrees", "opb": "90 degrees", "opc": "120 degrees", "opd": "180 degrees", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "f81691b3-4a7c-41ed-906e-6b6b05825b65", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In an act of tribadism, the active paner is known as AIIMS 12; COMEDK 14", "exp": "Ans. Butch", "cop": 2, "opa": "Bugger", "opb": "Butch", "opc": "Catamite", "opd": "Femme", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "eebd0845-845d-4ec5-ada6-8ae3fc673b3a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A laceration on the scalp is mistaken for", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Incised wound LACERATIONS (Tear or Rupture)* Lacerations are tears or splits of skin, mucous membrane and underlying tissue (e.g., muscle or internal organs). Lacerations are produced by application of blunt force to broad area of the body, which crush or stretch tissues beyond the limits of their elasticity. Localized portions of tissue are displaced by the impact of the blunt force, which sets up traction forces and causes tearing of tissues. Features of lacerations arei) Hair and hair bulb, nerves and blood vessels are crushed - There may be paralysis (nerve crushed) and hemorrhage is not pronounced (blood vessels crushed).ii) Site of injury is the site of impact.iii) Shape of injury is irregular, margins are irregular and contused/abraded and show tags of tissue.iv) Size of injury does not corresponds to impacting surface.* There are following types of laceration: -1) Split laceration: Splitting occurs by crushing of skin between two hard objects. Blunt force on areas where the skin is close to rigid structures like bone with scanty subcutaneous tissue, may produce a wound that by linear splitting of tissue may look like incised wound, i.e., incised like or incised looking wound. Examples of such area are scalp, eye brows, cheek bones (zygomatic), lower jaw, iliac crest, perineum and skin. A wound produced by a fall on knee or elbow with limb flexed and by a sharp stone also simulates incised wound.2) Strech lacerations: Overstretching of the skin, if it is fixed, will cause laceration, for example, by kicking, sudden deformity of bone occurs after fracture, making it compound.3) Avulsion (shearing laceration): An avulsion is a laceration produced by sufficient force (shearing force) delivered at an acute angle to detach (tear off) a portion of a traumatized surface or viscus from its attachment, the shearing and grinding force by a weight. Flaying is type of avulsion in which shearing and grinding force by weight (such as of lorry wheel passing over a limb) may produce avulsion (separation of skin from underlying tissue/degloving of a large area).4) Tears: Tears of the skin and tissues can occur from imact by a against irregular or semi-sharp objects, such as door handle of a car. This is another form of overstretching.5) Cut laceration: Cut lacerations may be produced by a heavy sharp edged instrument.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Firearm wound", "opb": "Incised wound", "opc": "Stab wound", "opd": "Contusion", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "543fbc67-bec5-4433-ae5a-7474b572c5ce", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Exhibitionism is punishable under", "exp": "294 IPC - Obscene acts and songs - 3 months with or without fine or both 293 IPC - Sale of obscene objects to young person 292 IPC - Sale of obscene books, etc 304 IPC - Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder", "cop": 1, "opa": "294 IPC", "opb": "293 IPC", "opc": "292 IPC", "opd": "304 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences", "id": "fa905cfc-3a91-4aeb-a6f3-32468f2fdc8b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Telefono is...", "exp": "Beating of the ears These are all methods of toure Telefono is slapping on the sides of the head over ears by open palms. This may cause rupture of the ear drum. Falanga - is beating on the soles of the feet by canes or rods. Wet submarino (Latino) - forced immersion of head in water often contaminated with urine or faeces. Dry subnzarino - tying of a plastic bag over the head up to the point of suffocation. Cattle prod - electric shock are given using high voltage current. Black slave - heated metal skewer inseed into the anus.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Beating the soles of feet with rod", "opb": "Beating of the ears", "opc": "Forced immersion of head until stage of suffocation", "opd": "Tying of a plastic bag over head.", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "e0584e20-ce5b-475e-9826-bc8a25257f51", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The inflicted weapon should be", "exp": "- The stab injury shows acute angles at both ends, which are suggestive of double edged weapon. If a double edged weapon is used, the wound will be elliptical or slit-like and both angles will besharp or pointed. If the knife penetrates to full length up to the guard, one or both edges maybe blunt. - In case of single edged knife wound is wedge shaped sometimes blunt edge of knife can harm the skin giving it a tail like appearance which is known as FISH TAIL. -In case of screwdriver the wound is slit-like with squared ends and abraded margins. - In case of ice pick the wound is circular in shape", "cop": 3, "opa": "Screw driver", "opb": "Single edged knife", "opc": "Double edged knife", "opd": "Ice pick", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical Injuries", "id": "ed7bbabc-57ee-4817-9f26-f329c8907bf4", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Motorcyclist fracture among the following is", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e. Fracture base of skull into anterior & posterior halves The fracture of base of skull dividing it into two halves (anterior & posterior), each moving independently of each other like a hinge is specifically called as motor cyclist fracture.The fracture line runs across through the pituitary fossa and along the petrous temporal bones.It's a fatal injury & occurs in many types of road accidents or due to a very heavy impact on one side of the head.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Ring fracture", "opb": "Sutural separation", "opc": "Comminuted fracture of vault of skull.", "opd": "Fracture base of skull into anterior & posterior halves.", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "77373777-dd63-454b-b6a3-512266bd2180", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Disrobing a women comes under", "exp": "354 A Sexual assault 354 B Disrobing a woman in a public place 354 C Voyeurism punishment 354 D Stalking punishment", "cop": 3, "opa": "354 D", "opb": "354 A", "opc": "354 B", "opd": "354 C", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences", "id": "44db36f1-4451-4100-8192-4f7afb923c97", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Casper's Dictum is used for", "exp": "B i.e. Estimation of time since death", "cop": 2, "opa": "Identification of Body", "opb": "Estimation of time since death", "opc": "Establishing cause of death", "opd": "Establishing weapon of Injury", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "67e0c146-2a34-4c1d-bb8f-aea1ffbca044", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Emeris is contraindicated in", "exp": null, "cop": 1, "opa": "Kerosene poisoning", "opb": "Narcotic Glycine", "opc": "Oxalic acid Glycine", "opd": "Phosphorus Glycine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "2a49b05b-f051-4c51-b44d-0825c8a1e114", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Code of conduct means", "exp": "Warning notice (Code of conduct) It is the general guide line for doctors for things that they should not do in their professional career. The council from time to time issue a list of unethical practices that a medical professional should not do and if otherwise, will amount to serious professional misconduct. This is called warning notice. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 374", "cop": 3, "opa": "Rules to enter the name into register", "opb": "Rules to medical institutions", "opc": "General guidelines for doctors for things that they should not do in their professional career", "opd": "Guidelines to improve the standard of medical education", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "0ef374bb-138d-4faa-a3ec-15aca080057e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cyanide poisoning antidote", "exp": "Cyanide Antidotes :\n\nEli lilly antidote.\nSodium nitrite,Amyl nitrite,Sodium thoisulphate.\nCyanokit(Hydroxycobalamin).\nKdocyanor(Dicobalt edetate).", "cop": 1, "opa": "Sodium nitrite", "opb": "Sodium thiosulfate", "opc": "Sodium bicarbonate", "opd": "Sodium gluconate", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "52a78306-14ad-40b3-b397-ea3f5d290636", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Lucid interval is seen in", "exp": "(C) Insanity # Lucid Interval: This is a period occurring in insanity, during which all symptoms of insanity disappear completely.> The individual is able to judge his acts soundly, and he becomes legally liable for his acts.> The period of lucid interval varies from person to person & from time to time in the same person & as such one cannot be certain about the time when a person passes again in the state of insanity.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Syphilis", "opb": "Malignant disease", "opc": "Insanity", "opd": "Electrical shock", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "0a3900e2-6c32-4749-a47f-91cfbc7a89a0", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The smell of bitter almonds is seen in poisoning with", "exp": "Cyanide sometimes is described as having a \"bitter almond\" smell Garlic odor: Thallium Organophosphate Toxicity Arsenic Poisoning Dimethyl Sulfoxide Sulfur Mustard Phosphite Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 554", "cop": 2, "opa": "Phosphorus", "opb": "Hydrocyanic acid", "opc": "Nitric acid", "opd": "Oxalic acid", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "b3c8eacb-3690-4d44-ac69-e409464e4fc3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A person is responsible for his crime even if done under the influence of alcohol after becoming intoxicated with his own will, comes under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "Sec 82 IPC", "opb": "Sec 85 IPC", "opc": "Sec 86 IPC", "opd": "Sec 90 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "5c6dbd4b-16eb-4f62-9026-01581579e57d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Gettler's test is positive in", "exp": "B i.e. Drowning Gettler test is done for drowningQ. Gettler's test estimate chloride content of blood from both sides of hea - Normally the chloride content is equal in the right & left chambers of the hea 600 mg/100 ml). In fresh water drowning due to hemodilutione the chloride content is decreasedQ and in Salt water drowning due to hemoconcentrationQ the chloride content is increased in left side of heaQ - A 25% difference in chloride is significant but the test is of ,fintlitnt/ - Limitations of Gettler test 1. No value in atypical drowningQ; congenital cardiac defectsQ as shunts & patent foramen ovale; and if drowning medium contains same amount of chlorideQ 2. There is progressive loss of Cl- from blood after death. Therefore the test has to be made within a reasonably sho time after deathQ", "cop": 2, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Drowning", "opc": "Strangulation", "opd": "Firearm injury", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "e18c327c-53b2-4dd6-a430-2b32a4019654", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Inquest in dowry death is", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Magistrate inquest * Magistrate's inquest is done under sec 176 CrPC is case ofi) Death in prison, reformatories, Borstal school.v) Death due to police firing ii) Death in police costody while under police interrogation.vi) Exhumation.iii) Death in psychiatry hospital.vii) Custodial rape.iv) Dowry death; i.e. death of a married female less than 30 years of age or death within 7 years of marriage* Police inquest is done in cases ofi) Death by suicideii) Death by killing by another person (murder) or an animal or machineryiii) Death by accidentiv) Death under circumstances raising a reasonable suscpicion that some other person has commited an offence.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Police inquest", "opb": "Magistrate inquest", "opc": "Coroner's inquest", "opd": "Medical examiner's inquest", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "af729e18-903b-4dde-bf79-cd2263bd4251", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Res indicata suggest the case against doctor should be filled within", "exp": "Res indicata The case against the doctor should be filed within 2 years from the date of alleged negligence. After the stipulated time, a case of negligence cannot be filed. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 382", "cop": 3, "opa": "6 months", "opb": "1 year", "opc": "2 years", "opd": "5 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "7e2d6dce-47bb-42ec-b242-7b77ae2966f7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Hasse rule is related to(Kerala 2007repeat)", "exp": "Ans) a (Age of fetus) Ref: Reddy 27th ed p68Rule of Hasse-It is used for calculating the age of the foetus. In the first five months of pregnancy the square root of crown rump length gives the approximate age of foetus in months.In the last five months the length in centimeters divided by 5 gives the age in months.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Age of fetus", "opb": "Weight of fetus", "opc": "Height of fetus", "opd": "Severity of burns", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "6f8c81f1-6e19-4f42-bbe7-fc37835989ae", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Prolonging a person's life through technological means is known as", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Dysthanasia * In medicine, dysthanasia means \"bad death\" and is considered a common fault of modern medicine: Dysthanasia occurs when a person who is dying has their biological life extended through technological means without regard to the person's quality of life.* Dysthanasia is the term for futile or useless treatment, which does not benefit a terminal patient. It is a process through which one merely extends the dying process and not life per se. Consequently, patients have a prolonged and slow death, frequently accompanied by suffering, pain and anguish. When one invests in healing a patient who has no chance of cure, s/he is actually undermining the person's dignity. Advanced measures and their limits should be assessed to benefit the patient and not to hold science as an end in itself.* Euthanasia is currently conceptualized as an action that aims to end the life of a human being taking into account humanistic considerations in relation to the person or society; it is unethical and illegal in Brazil. Nurses should be aware of their ethical code, which clearly prohibits (article 29): \"Promoting euthanasia or participating in practice intended to facilitate a patient's death\".* Orthotanasia refers to the art of promoting a humane and correct death, not subjecting patients to misthanasia or dysthanasia and not abbreviating death either, that is, subjecting them to euthanasia. Its great challenge is to enable terminal patients to keep their dignity, where there is a commitment to the well being of patients in the final phase of a disease.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Dysthanasia", "opb": "Novus actus interveniens", "opc": "Euthanasia", "opd": "Orthotanasia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "fcc48b98-5a00-4bd8-a82b-86068a2858c2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Death caused by act done with intent to cause miscarriage is punishable by", "exp": "Section 314 in The Indian Penal Code: Death caused by act done with intent to cause miscarriage. Whoever, with intent to cause the miscarriage of a woman with child, does any act which causes the death of such woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine. If the act was done without woman's consent, shall be punished either with or with the punishment above mentioned. Ref - Krishnan Vij 5th edition , 0.03mg% in blood is diagnostic.) Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 469", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lead", "opb": "Arsenic", "opc": "Copper", "opd": "Silver", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "27394771-575e-4b40-8dca-c30c4074bd9d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Wredin's test is significant in live born fetus related to", "exp": "Wredin's test After bih, the gelatinous substance in the middle ear is replaced by air through Eustachian tube. This is now considered as not a reliable test. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 351", "cop": 4, "opa": "Lungs", "opb": "Stomach", "opc": "Skull", "opd": "Middle ear", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "c9880772-f1fd-4ba4-9556-ab4798c22ce1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Tribadism means", "exp": "Tribadism or Tribbing Is female-to-female genital sex. Two women rub their vulvae together to stimulate each other's clitoris to orgasm. Female homosexuality is known as tribadism or lesbianism. Sexual perversions are: Exhibitionism: Recurrent urge or behavior to expose one's genitals to an unsuspecting person. Fetishism: Use of non-sexual or non living objects or pa of a person's body to gain sexual excitement. Paialism refers to fetishes specifically involving nonsexual pas of the body. Frotteurism: Recurrent urge or behavior of touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person. Masochism: Recurrent urge or behavior of wanting to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer. Pedophilia: Sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Sadism: Recurrent urge or behavior involving acts in which the pain or humiliation of the victim is sexually exciting. Transvestic fetishism: A sexual attraction towards the clothing of the opposite gender. Voyeurism: Recurrent urge or behavior to observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activities. Other options: Sexual intercourse by a human being with a lower animal is called Bestiality. Sexual intercourse between two males is male homosexuality. Anal intercourse between two men or between a male and female.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Sexual relationship between two female", "opb": "Sexual relationship between female and animal", "opc": "Sexual relationship between two males", "opd": "Anal intercourse male with female", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences", "id": "7df3aade-584c-4708-a53b-5f81beb6f70b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Finger Print Bureau was first established in", "exp": "On 12 June 1897, the Council of the Governor General of India approved a committee repo that fingerprints should be used for the classification of criminal records. Later that year, the Calcutta (now Kolkata) Anthropometric Bureau became the world's first Fingerprint Bureau where Haque & Bose were credited with development of Henry's system of classification of fingerprints. Ref - Internet", "cop": 3, "opa": "England", "opb": "China", "opc": "India", "opd": "Singapore", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "b1a2a02e-e3c5-48dc-8870-b6182d593633", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "IPC 314 deals with", "exp": "Criminal Aboion Sec. 312 IPC: Whoever (including the pregnant women herself) voluntarily causes criminal aboion with the consent of the patient is liable for imprisonment upto 3 years and with/without fine, and if the woman is quick with child, then imprisonment may extend upto 7 years and fine. Sec. 313 IPC: If miscarriage is caused without the consent of the woman, whether the woman is quick or not, then the person is punished with life imprisonment or imprisonment upto 10 years and fine. Sec. 314 IPC: If pregnant woman dies from the act done with the intent to cause miscarriage, then imprisonment is upto 10 years and fine. If the act is done without the consent of the woman, then the person is punished with life imprisonment or upto 10 years and fine.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Abandoing the child", "opb": "Death of the patient caused by miscarriage", "opc": "Causing miscarriage with consent", "opd": "Death of the child during miscarriage", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "427ed8c8-9cdf-4cfa-b478-287d22e1f0db", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Least common complication of lead poisoning in adults", "exp": "B i.e. Peripheral neuropathy (Don't get astonished this is the correct answer guys)", "cop": 2, "opa": "Abdominal colic", "opb": "Peripheral neuropathy", "opc": "Anemia", "opd": "Encephalopathy", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "aaaa2e6f-69dc-4139-a87c-4a0df88f7e09", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The professional death sentence is issued by", "exp": "If the medical practitioner is found to be guilty of committing professional misconduct, the appropriate Medical Council may award such punishment as deemed necessary or may direct the removal altogether or for a specified period, from the register of the name of the delinquent registered practitioner. Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 348", "cop": 3, "opa": "Media and News outlets", "opb": "Supreme cou", "opc": "State medical council", "opd": "Indian medical council", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "16281d58-d786-45c9-857b-79816fd1fa69", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A farmer visiting a orchard gets unconscious, excessive salivation , constricted pupils and fasciculation of muscles, treatment staed with", "exp": "A i.e. Atropine", "cop": 1, "opa": "Atropine", "opb": "Neostigmine", "opc": "Physostigmine", "opd": "Adrenaline", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "047763a9-9080-4a48-aa40-e399bb103420", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "If there is bluish colour of a bruise, then the age of injury is", "exp": "As red blood cells degrade within a bruise, haemoglobin breaks down into bilirubin and biliverdin, and it is these pigments that pass through a series of colour changes. These are generally from reds through to darker reds/ purples, through to yellows, browns and greens. Determining the Age of a Bruise by its Color Red (swollen, tender) 0-2 days Blue, Purple 2-5 days Green 5-7 days Yellow 7-10 days Brown 10-14 days No fuher evidence of bruising 2-4 weeks Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 200", "cop": 2, "opa": "1 day", "opb": "2 days", "opc": "5-6 days", "opd": "14-28 days", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "a711bb02-e108-4594-974a-077d2bf4439d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A lady died due to unnatural death within seven years after her marriage. The inquest in this case will be done by", "exp": "C i.e. Sub divisional magistrate", "cop": 3, "opa": "Forensic medicine expe", "opb": "Deputy Superintendent of Police", "opc": "Sub-divisional Magistrate", "opd": "Coroner", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "2333e1c3-23d8-45ba-9cad-a08e9f34cd62", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The most reliable criteria in Gustafson's criteria is", "exp": "Gustafson's criteria: age determination using secondary changes in teeth. A. AttritionP. Paradentosis S. Secondary dentin - 2nd most reliable R. Root resorption T. Transparency of root - most reliable B. Cementum opposition", "cop": 3, "opa": "Root resorption", "opb": "Paradentosis", "opc": "Translucency of root", "opd": "Attrition", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "FMGE 2018", "id": "2f0171b7-b1d9-4601-9f13-947a4d482ffe", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Finger pattern may be impaired permanently in case of", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Leprosy Conditions modifying finger prints* Finger prints may be modified in following situations.1) Temporary modification:# It may be due toi) Moderate ridge atrophy (+- loss of pattern) : Coeliac disease.ii) Incomplete ridge atrophy or alteration : Acanthosis nigricans, dermatitis, dry atrophic skin, scleroderma.iii) Distance between ridges change (no change in pattern): Rickets, acromegaly, infantile paralysis.iv) Modification by applying physical agents (by criminals): CO2, snow, corrosives, burns, eroding agents.2) Permanent modification:# It occurs in leprosy, radiation, electric injury, by skin grafting and by complete destruction of skin.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Acanthosis nigricans", "opb": "Leprosy", "opc": "Scleroderma", "opd": "Snow exposure", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "7dd79b18-75ba-4b31-ae51-527725537c84", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "IPC section 377 describes", "exp": "Ans. is 'c' i.e., Unnatural sexual offences Rape and other sexual offences and assault* 228IPC: Prohibits disclosure of identity of rape victim.* 375 IPC: Defining rape.* 376 IPC: Punishment for rape (7 years to life imprisonment +- fine).* 376-A IPC: Punishment for marital rape (2 years imprisonment +- fine).* 377 IPC: Unnatural sexual offences (10 years to life imprisonment +- fine).* 354 IPC: Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty.* 366-A IPC: Procuration of minor girl for illicit intercourse.* 351 IPC: Defines assault.* 352-358 IPC: Punishment for causing assault.* 509 IPC: Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a women.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Defines rape", "opb": "Describes punishment for rape", "opc": "Unnatural sexual offences", "opd": "Assault", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "29f0c1e9-0b95-4367-b3c8-fb4a84cc56eb", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The modernized version of the Hippocratic oath is", "exp": "The Declaration of Geneva (Physician's Pledge) was adopted by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association at Geneva in 1948. The Declaration of Geneva was intended as a revision of the Hippocratic Oath. Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 347", "cop": 3, "opa": "Declaration of Tokyo", "opb": "Declaration of Helsinki", "opc": "Declaration of Geneva", "opd": "Declaration of Alma-Ata", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "6c933d27-7055-4119-8e65-5d74abe6fb42", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Conclusive test for semen", "exp": "The Acid Phosphatase Test: The prostatic secretion element of seminal fluid contains 500 to 1000 times greater acid phosphatase than any other body fluid. Undiluted semen has an acid phosphatase activity of 340 to 360 Bodanskyunits or 2500 to 3500 Angstrom units per ml. The concentration of acid phosphatase gradually falls with time in vaginal secretions, and positive reactions are found for periods of thiysix hours, with gradual disappearance in 72 hrs. Five to ten ml of normal saline solution is placed in the vagina with a syringe. The fluid is then removed and placed in a sealed tube and refrigerated for enzyme examination. Concentration in excess of hundred Bodansky units with or without motile sperms indicate that ejaculation occurred within twelve hours of examination. Dried seminal stains which have not undergone putrefaction retain acid phosphatase activity for weeks or months, although enzymatic activity decreases slowly with time. This test is conclusive in the absence of demonstrable sperms or in aspermia. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-434,435", "cop": 2, "opa": "Florence test", "opb": "Acid phosphatase test", "opc": "Barberio test", "opd": "Phenolphthalein test", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "1e5313eb-5f0f-40e1-9ca6-3cefc6ca35b6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The power of Amnesty for capital punishment is vested with", "exp": "Aicle 72(1) of the Constitution of India states: The President shall have the power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted of any offence (a) in all cases where the punishment or sentence is by a Cou Maial; (b) in all cases where the punishment or sentence is for an offence against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the Union extends; (c) in all cases where the sentence is a sentence of death Ref - indiankanoon.org", "cop": 1, "opa": "The president", "opb": "Supreme cou", "opc": "High cou", "opd": "The governer", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "52bd6f84-2948-437f-b4cf-d6e35f63d767", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Saturnism' is seen in", "exp": "Chronic Poisoning (Plumbism, Saturnism or Saturnine Poisoning) Chronic lead poisoning may occur in the industrial environment due to inhalation of lead dust or lead vapour arising from burning of paints, battery, smouldering, glass blowing and polishing, enamel factories, dye, cosmetic, etc. It may also occur due to low dose consumption from drinking water supplied through lead pipes, food preserved in tin containers having lead lining, food contaminated with lead in the course of preservation, etc. Poisoning may occur due to prolonged use of vermilion and cosmetics containing lead. Absorption of tetra\u0002ethyl lead through skin is common in people who handle petrol or gasoline. Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 469", "cop": 1, "opa": "Chronic lead poisoning", "opb": "Chronic mercury poisoning", "opc": "Chronic phosphorus poisoning", "opd": "Chronic gold poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "1444d26b-ff28-4192-b8ae-669586328cf4", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Death caused by rash and negligent of doctor is punishable under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "324 IPC", "opb": "304 B IPC", "opc": "304 A IPC", "opd": "354 A IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "319a1230-7aef-4077-8d5e-8072fe6ecd37", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Death sentence can be awarded by", "exp": "The sessions cou is usually located at district headquaers. It can only try cases which have been committed by a Magistrate S.193, Cr.P.C. It can pass any sentence authorised by law, but a Death sentence passed by it must be confirmed by the High cou.S.28.(2) and S.366, Cr.P.C. District Cou deals with civil cases REF: The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 28th edition page no: 4.", "cop": 4, "opa": "First class magistrate", "opb": "Cheif judicial magistrate", "opc": "Second class magistrate", "opd": "Sessions cou", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "d01d1a8e-f747-41b2-a326-76ef39bff209", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The venom of krait is", "exp": "Ans. (D). Neurotoxic(Ref: Review of Forensic Medicine and toxicology; Gautum Biswas; 2nd edition; Pg-527)Elapidae - NeurotoxicQ venomViperidae - VasculotoxicQ venomHydrophidae - MyotoxicQ venom", "cop": 4, "opa": "Myotoxic", "opb": "Cardiotoxic", "opc": "Hemotoxic", "opd": "Neurotoxic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Gram-Positive Infections - Corynebacterial Infections", "id": "a7d9285d-4644-40db-8d26-f827e47455b1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Characteristic postmoem finding of carbolic acid poisoning is", "exp": "Ans. is 'c' i.e., Brown leathery stomach Carbolic acid causes of corrosion of lips, mouth and tongue, with burning of chin and cheeks. Vomiting may not take place owing to the anaesthetic action on stomach. The burnt areas are white in colour which later becomes grey, green or brown.In postmoem examination, stomach looks brownish and leathery.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Greenish stomach", "opb": "Yellow charred stomach", "opc": "Brown Leathery stomach", "opd": "Black charred stomach", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "4a4bcc1a-c094-4b16-9981-2241040e3472", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In autopsy, preservative used for vitreous is", "exp": "Vitreous humor is the preferred specimen for postmoem confirmation of alcohol ingestion, since postmoem formation of ethanol does not occur to significant extent in vitreous, and hence useful even in decomposing bodies. It is recommended that this specimen is included routinely in sudden death investigations. In known diabetics, it is always wise to check the postmoem vitreous glucose level, even when there seems to be some other plausible cause of death. A high vitreous glucose level (> 200 mg/dl or so) is likely reflective of hyperglycaemia. Vitreous humor is preserved using sodium fluoride (10 mg/ml). Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg : 107 ,445", "cop": 3, "opa": "Phenol", "opb": "Xylol", "opc": "Flouride", "opd": "HCL", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "47327dcd-9ce1-4464-8ff1-22495e92cb54", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Harakiri wound is self inflicted injury to", "exp": "(D) Abdomen # Harakiri was originally a means of suicide.> Stab wounds and incised wounds in the abdomen, virtually equivalent to harakiri.> Sudden evisceration of internal organs cause sudden decrease of intra abdominal pressure and cardiac return producing sudden cardiac collapse.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Neck and chest", "opb": "Wrist and chest", "opc": "Neck and wrist", "opd": "Abdomen", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "a99f22d4-83d6-44ec-8cea-4cb99b7725d9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Declaration of 'Oslo' is related to", "exp": "Declaration of Oslo: therapeutic aboion Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research Declaration of Tokyo: toure, degradation orcruel treatment of prisoners. Declaration of Geneva:revision of the Hippocrates Oath Declaration of Lisbon: rights of the patient Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg 347", "cop": 3, "opa": "Toure", "opb": "Capital punishment", "opc": "Therapeutic aboion", "opd": "Ethical principles for medical research", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Miscellaneous", "id": "ff974174-afa6-41e3-963f-ee6f17123473", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Seminal stains on clothes can best be visualised by", "exp": "Woods lamp using ultraviolet rays can be used . When examined under ultraviolet light, sem\u0002inal stains exhibit strong bluish-white fluorescence. Stains mixed with blood may not fluoresce. Fluorescence depends upon the choline of the semen. Substances such as food stains, vaginal secretions, urine, pus, etc. may also show fluorescence. Stains on aificial silk do not show fluorescence. The residues of modern detergents on clothes also fluoresce strongly. Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 324", "cop": 1, "opa": "Ultra violet rays", "opb": "Infrared rays", "opc": "Mass spectroscopy", "opd": "Flame photometry", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "f299e217-1963-4a19-a8bf-da4f8d41fda3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Krait is", "exp": "Cobra,Krait - Neurotoxic \nViper - Hemotoxic / Vasculotoxic\nSea snake - Myotoxic", "cop": 2, "opa": "Myotoxic", "opb": "Neurotoxic", "opc": "Vasculotoxic", "opd": "Cardiotoxic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "cc194b9e-4540-4e44-9a2b-68d10705235a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Green colored urine seen in", "exp": "C i.e. Carbolic acid", "cop": 3, "opa": "Kerosene", "opb": "OPCs", "opc": "Carbolic acid", "opd": "Paracetamol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1aa2a59d-267e-474d-923c-64d944dfbf0e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for concealment of birth is given under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 4, "opa": "312 IPC", "opb": "317 IPC", "opc": "315 IPC", "opd": "318 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "31ef7e58-aa40-47b7-aeb0-b7ba12636674", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Hydrocution is", "exp": "Immersion Syndrome (Hydrocution): Death in immersion syndrome is due to cardiac arrest as a result of vagal inhibition. It is produced by (i) Cold water stimulatung the nerve endings of the surface of the body (!!) Cold water striking the epigastrium and (!!!) Cold water entering the ear drums, mucosa of pharynx or Larynx Reff: The synopsis of forensic medicine&Toxicology 28th edition pg:191", "cop": 3, "opa": "Electrocution in water", "opb": "Dry drowning", "opc": "Drowning in cold water", "opd": "Postmoem immersion", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "afb74ecb-5e97-4730-b748-4f29c9d09c0b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Atavism is resemblence of features to", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e. Grandfather \"In Atavism the child does not resemble its parents but its grandparents\" - Parikh, 6/e.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Mother", "opb": "Father", "opc": "Neighbour", "opd": "Grandfather", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "e0964ff7-73e1-4a6f-ade9-1573aaff2f0d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Gettlers test is for", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e., Drowning Gettler test Gettler test is done for drowning. It estimates chloride content of blood from both sides of hea. Normally the chloride content is equal in the right and left chambers of the hea (600 mg/100 ml). In fresh water drowning due to hemodilution the chloride content is decreased and in salt water drowning due to hemoconcentration the chloride content is increased in left side of hea. A 25% difference in chloride is significant but the test is of doubtful value. Limitations of gettler test:? 1. No value in atypical drowning; congenital cardiac defects as shunts and patent foramen ovale; and if drowning medium contains same amount of chloride. 2. There is progressive loss of Cl- from blood after death. Therefore the test has to be made within a reasonably sho time after death", "cop": 4, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Strangulation", "opc": "Burns", "opd": "Drowning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7c847009-e2df-4477-b431-694f7a1ef2a5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A pregnant woman was aborted by doctor, upon the request of husband and in laws, without the consent of woman herself. This is punishable under", "exp": "313IPC section-Causing miscarriage without woman s consent-Whoevr commits the offence without the consent of the woman, whether the woman is quick with child or not, shall be punished with imprisonment for life , or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 10 years and shall also be liable to fine.", "cop": 3, "opa": "315 IPC", "opb": "314 IPC", "opc": "313 IPC", "opd": "312 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "fdb0ff07-a4fe-44ec-a00e-c0c23b2bfba8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The best way for identification of a person is", "exp": "Dactylography or Galton system Fingerprints are impressions of patterns formed by the papillary ridges of fingers. In modern times, fingerprints stand as the unique identification data. Fingerprints match is widely accepted as the most reliable evidence of identification. The possibility of another person having the same fingerprints is one in 64 thousand million. i. e. three times the population of the world. Even in identical twins, the fingerprint will be different. Fingerprints do not change throughout life unless damage has occurred to the dermal skin layer. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE NO 97", "cop": 2, "opa": "Photography", "opb": "Dactylography", "opc": "Anthropometry", "opd": "X ray determination", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "54e9d8f3-e3c1-457b-ade5-3889dd8107e5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "First internal organ to putrefy", "exp": "Larynx & trachea -Stomach, intestines & Spleen -Liver (foamy liver) lings-Brain -Hea - Kidneys, bladder -Prostate, uterus-Skin, muscle, tendon - Bones Larynx is the earliest organQto putrefy. Nulliparous uterusQis the last organQto putrefy, gravid uterus and uterus soon after delivery putrefies rapidly In males, ProstateQis the last organ to putrefy Optimum temperature for putrefaction Q", "cop": 3, "opa": "Hea", "opb": "Brain", "opc": "Larynx", "opd": "Kidney", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "edf5a7fc-af51-4b32-8579-b1f148727b30", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Most common site of primary impact injury topedestrians in a motor vehicle accident is...", "exp": "legs Three types of injuries are seen in pedestrians in a motor vehicles injury. 1. Primary impact injuries (the first pa struck) - These injuries are caused by the first impact between the vehicle and the pedestrian. 2. Secondary impact injuries (fuher injuries by the same vehicle) - These injuries are d/t subsequent impact with the same vehicle, for eg. the pedestrian may be lifted on to the vehicle after the initial impact. 3. Secondary injuries (sometimes also called teiary injuries) - These are the injuries caused d/t the victim falling on the ground or other stationary object. In primary impact injuries, the site and nature of injuries depend on the height of the pedestrian and upon the position of the person in relation to the vehicle when struck, i.e. whether crossing the road from one side to the other walking with or against the traffic. The injuries also depend upon the relative heights of various pas of the vehicle, i.e. bumper, radiator, fenders. In a typical case, the victim is struck by the front of the vehicle. An adult usually sustains injuries on the legs and a child on the head. Fracture of the tibia and, fibula of one or both legs is k/a bumper fracture. - The fracture is usually spiral or wedge shaped. The base of the triangular fragment of bone indicates the site of the impact and the apex points in the direction in which the vehicle was travelling. - In a bumber fracture, the distance from the heel to the ,fracture sire gives information regarding height of the bumper and whether brakes were applied or not. When brakes are applied before the accident, the legs are injured at a lower level. (The .front bumber tends to rise during acceleration and dip under braking. If the pedestrian is hit from the side, there may be unilateral fracture of the nearest leg. If the pedestrian is facing the vehicle. he may sustain intra-abdominal injuries and/or injuries to the chest wall and thoracic contents. Sometimes the pelvis is fractured.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Abdoemn", "opb": "Legs", "opc": "Head", "opd": "Chest", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "b0deff3e-31e8-4cb7-9cef-514438112c4a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Primary impact injury is most common in", "exp": "D i.e. Leg In pedistrian injuries, legs are most commonly involvedQ (85%) followed by head (50 -80%) > arms > pelvis > chest or abdomen > neck & spineQ. Most common type of primary impact injury is bumper injuries of legsQ d/t vehicle hitting from front.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Head", "opb": "Chest", "opc": "Abdomen", "opd": "Leg", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "a1e7b117-4bf3-43f2-8d59-acdff6f3b39f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "IPC section 314 deals with", "exp": "312-causing miscarriage with consent 313-causing miscarriage without consent 314-death of mother due to miscarriage 315-Preventing the child being or cause it to die after bih 316-Causing death of the quick unborn child by act to culpable homicide Textbook of Forensic Medicine and toxicology ,5th edition pg number 387", "cop": 3, "opa": "Causing miscarriage with consent", "opb": "Causing miscarriage without consent", "opc": "Death of mother due to miscarriage", "opd": "Preventing the child being alive or to cause it to die after bih", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "8d6d1e3a-1d65-44f4-8b61-46d8970a69a2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Preauricular sulcus helps in detection of", "exp": "The preauricular sulcus is a pa of the pelvis. it is used to identify the sex of an individual. it is not frequent narrow shallow in males and it is more frequent broad and deep in females. REF: The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 29th edition page no: 36.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Age", "opb": "Race", "opc": "Sex", "opd": "height", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "887a8f35-a69a-45ee-af02-54841809e341", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Mc Naughten's rule comes under", "exp": "Sec 84 IPC says that \"Nothing is an offence which is done by a person, who at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to law.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Sec 86 IPC", "opb": "Sec 98 IPC", "opc": "Sec 84 IPC", "opd": "Sec 82 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "32079359-bb58-47c9-b7bc-0240f7ba4af1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A dead body with suspected poisoning is having hypostasis of red brown or deep blue in colour. It is suggestive of poisoning due to", "exp": "A i.e. Nitrates", "cop": 1, "opa": "Nitrates", "opb": "Carbon monoxide", "opc": "Cyanides", "opd": "Barbiturates", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "67786373-6b3c-4467-b8a6-dc617fe28063", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Magistrate inquest not required in", "exp": "Magistrate's inquest is an inquest conducted by a District Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, and magistrate of the first class rank or any other magistrate as empowered by the State Government, such as Collector, Deputy Collector or Tehsildar (Executive Magistrates). An inquiry by Magistrate into cause of death dealt by Sec. 176 CrPC. Special Magistrate's inquest is held in cases of: Deaths in prison/police custody/police interrogation/police firing Death in a psychiatric hospital Rape alleged to have been committed on any woman in the custody of the police Exhumation cases Alleged dowry death (suicide/death of a woman within 7 years of marriage) In all cases where the police normally conduct inquests, the magistrate can hold an additional inquest, or in place of the police inquest. Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 7", "cop": 1, "opa": "Suspicious death", "opb": "Exhumation", "opc": "Police custody death", "opd": "Dowry death", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "5ef2255a-c503-447a-926a-076eb0539b63", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In case of serious professional misconduct, action is taken by", "exp": null, "cop": 2, "opa": "MCI", "opb": "State medical council", "opc": "Court", "opd": "Police", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f2c44d43-3d7b-4eaa-bbd8-37286f23f0c2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Telephone scotologia is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Exhibitionism * Making obscene telephone calls for sexual pleasure is known as telephone scatologia and is considered a form of exhibitionism.* Exhibitionism (Sec 294 IPC): It is a willful and intentional exposure of the genitalia in a public place while in the presence of others to obtain sexual pleasure. May or may not be associated with masturbation (punishment = 3 months + fine).* Voyeurism = Scoptophilia = Peeping tom: Sexual gratification is obtained by looking at the sexual organs of other persons, watching the act of sexual intercourse, or witnessing undressing by a woman.* Frotteurism : Sexual satisfaction is obtained by rubbing against persons in crowd. If they attempt intercourse, they have a premature ejaculation or they are impotent. It is an uncommon perversion and rarely occurs alone.* Fetishism : A fetish is an abnormal stimulus or object of sexual desire. Fetishism means the use of such objects of sexual gratification leading to orgasm. For example underclothing, brassiere, petticoat, stocking, shoes, etc.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Exhibitionism", "opb": "Voyeurism", "opc": "Frotteurism", "opd": "Fetishism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual Offenses", "id": "d13b5e3a-8a99-4f59-8d99-6f5116728a42", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "If parents or guardian is not available consent can be taken from teacher or principal under", "exp": "Loco parentis In an emergency involving children, when their parents or guardian are not available, consent can be taken from the person who is in charge of the child, eg. teacher or the principal of the residential school. They can give consent in the place of the parent. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 385", "cop": 3, "opa": "Therapeutic privilege", "opb": "Emergency doctrine", "opc": "Loco parentis", "opd": "Therapeutic waiver", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "4924fce7-eb5f-455f-9078-c0e1f7338e09", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Traumatic asphyxia is a type of", "exp": "Positional asphyxia- Death caused by \"Jack knife position''", "cop": 3, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Ligature Strangulation", "opc": "Suffocation", "opd": "Manual strangulation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxial deaths", "id": "181a5b51-62e6-49bf-8b4c-c8605af70736", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "&;BEATING HEA DONOR&; refers to", "exp": "THE BEATING-HEA DONOR: After brain stem death has been established, the retention of the patient on the ventilator facilitates a fully oxygenated cadaver transplant, the so-called \"beating-hea donor\". The results of the transplant are much improved. This has no legal sanction. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-136", "cop": 4, "opa": "Molecular death", "opb": "Vegetative state", "opc": "Cerebral death", "opd": "Brain stem death", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "ce9d61a9-84df-4b9e-bfaf-d4952966826e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for rape is defined under", "exp": "Section 376 IPC: Punishment for Rape Whoever commits rape, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than 7 years but which may be for life, or for a term which may extend to 10 years and shall also be liable to fine. Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 306", "cop": 2, "opa": "IPC 375", "opb": "IPC 376", "opc": "IPC 374", "opd": "IPC 378", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "3cb571c5-9885-4d52-815d-5cef17556e98", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cephalic index of Mongolians is", "exp": "Cephalic index (Index of Breadth) is Maximum Breadth of Skull / Maximum Length of Skull. From the Cephalic index, race can be determined in 85 - 90% of cases. The skull of an Indian is Caucasian with a few Negroid characters. Type of skull Cephalic index Race Dolicocephalic (long-headed) 70-75 Pure Aryans, Aborigines, Negroes Mesaticephalic (medium-headed) 75-80 Europeans, Chinese, Indians Brachycephalic (sho-headed) 80-85 Mongolian Ref: 1.Dr. Narayana Reddy, The Essentials of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 34th edition, pg. 57. 2. V.V.Pillay, Textbook of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 18th edition, pg. 70.", "cop": 4, "opa": "<70", "opb": "70-75", "opc": "75-80", "opd": ">80", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "9934bc64-0ac7-46ab-a7ec-a22d3100118c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Contre coup injury is seen in", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Brain Brain injuries* Coup injury is defined as the injury of skull and/or brain at the site of impact, e.g. a blow on forehead, resulting in fracture of frontal bone and injury or haemorrhage in frontal lobe.* Contre coup injury is defined as an injury to the skull or brain, on opposite (contralateral) side of the area of impact. It is caused when moving head is suddenly decelerated by hitting a firm surface.* Cerebral concussion (stunning) occurs due to head trauma and is characterized by gross physiological disturbance of brain without any anatomical damage. There is sudden loss of consciousness with a tendency to spontaneous recovery. The condition is more severe when damage is caused to the moving head (decceleration injury) than when it results from blows to skull. Recovery from concussion is often followed by retrograde amnesia.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Brain", "opb": "Spleen", "opc": "Heart", "opd": "Limb", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "c8099a09-53d0-47d2-99a1-280cf5c469b1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In genetic profiling of seminal enzyme markers, Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) can be detected till", "exp": "PGM - Phosphoglucomutase enzyme. Detected by isoelectric focussing. Can also be detected individually for each person in multiple assailants of rape cases In genetic profiling of seminal enzyme markers,PGM can be detected till 6 hours", "cop": 1, "opa": "6 hours", "opb": "12 hours", "opc": "18 hours", "opd": "24 hours", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Trace evidences", "id": "f05c4a3e-3e65-49a1-94fa-e5792781502c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Chelating agent used in mercury poisoning is", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e., BAL", "cop": 4, "opa": "Calcium disodium edetate", "opb": "Desferrioxamine", "opc": "Penicillamine", "opd": "BAL", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "c2d83de9-15e9-4d96-b922-03f6e93ed069", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Caustic poison erodes mucosa because", "exp": "B i.e. Hygroscopic in nature Caustic alkalis are the commonest cause of chemical burns. The hydroxyl ion produces a saponification of fat, soluble alkaline proteinases, cellular dehydration hygroscopic excrating water from tissues)Q, exothermic reaction, coagulation of cellular proteins and conversion of hemoglobin into haematin. Mainly in the local tissues of alimentary tract (or rarely respiratory) mucosa.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Glue like action", "opb": "Hygroscopic in nature", "opc": "High affinity for mucosa", "opd": "Being programmed to stick", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "535b12c3-3992-495c-8cbb-8a4b9201f455", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Presence of water in middle ear is indicative of", "exp": "In postmortem drowning this finding is not seen.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Antemortem drowning", "opb": "Postmortem drowning", "opc": "Antemortem drowning", "opd": "Postmortem burns", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "39c3afea-2183-4361-8240-34c96d7cc89f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Testamentary capacity refers to", "exp": "Ans. (A). Ability to make a valid will(Ref: KSN Reddy, Essentials of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 33rd Ed., P. 493)Testamentary capacityQMental Ability of a person to make a valid willHolograph willQWritten by the testator in his own hand writingSomnambulismSleep walkingSomnolentiaSleep - drunkenness - midway between sleep and walking, he may commit some crime due to confusion of the mind", "cop": 1, "opa": "Ability to make a valid will", "opb": "Criminal liability", "opc": "Right to vote", "opd": "Ability to give evidence", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Forensic Psychiatry", "id": "11601b5d-7dc2-4b03-bb82-faeb3dd6fcb6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Line I in International Death Certificate is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Disease leading directly to death International Death Cetificate* The certificate has two parts (Part I and Part II) and a section to record the time interval between the onset of each codition and the date of death.* Part I - To record diseases or conditions related to the sequence of events leading directly to the death.* Part II - To record conditions that have no direct connection with the events leading to death but which, by their nature, contributed to the death.INTERNATIONAL FORM OF THE MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR CAUSE OF DEATHINTERNATIONAL FORM OF MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF DEATHCause of deathApproximate interval between onset and deathIDisease or condition directly leading to death a) .................................due to (or as a consequence of)...............Antecedent causesMorbid conditions, if any, giving rise to the above cause, stating the underlying condition last.b)..................................due to (or as a consequence of)...............c) ..................................due to (or as a consequence of)...............d) .................................................IIOther significant conditions contributing to the death, but not related to the disease or conditions causing it ..................................................\"this does not mean the mode of dying, e.g. heart failure, respiratory failure, it means the disease, injury, or complication that caused death.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Disease leading directly to death", "opb": "Interval between onset and death", "opc": "Antecedent causes", "opd": "Other conditions not related to disease", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "3663a78e-1e8e-4318-9870-812f404e670c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "One of the following toxalbumin is used as terrorist weapon", "exp": "Ricin obtained from Ricinus communis: most poisonous naturally occurring substances known. Ricin is toxic by numerous exposure routes and its use by terrorists might involve poisoning of water or foodstuffs, inoculation ricin-laced projectiles, or aerosolization of liquid ricin or distribution of powder.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Ricin", "opb": "Abrin", "opc": "Croton", "opd": "Chilly", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "993f34e6-0310-4d01-a61a-74fa79fd676e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The law of insanity and criminal responsibility is embodied in section", "exp": "B. i.e. (84 - IPC) (6.27 - Parikh 6th)* The law of insanity and criminal responsibility is embodied in section 84 IPC while section 85 and 86 deal with drunkenness and criminal responsibilityIMPORTANT - SECTIONS***Perjury (Giving false evidence)-191-IPC*Fabricating false evidence-192 IPC*Punishment for false evidence-193 IPC*Culpable homicide-299 IPC*Murder-302 IPC***Criminal negligence-304 - A IPC*** Dowry death-304 - B IPC*Abetment of suicide-306 IPC*Attempt to commit suicide-309 IPC***Grievous hurt (Kerala 08)-320 IPC*** Rape-375 IPC** Punishment of Rape-376 IPC* Issuing or signing a false certificate is punishable under section 197 IPC*** **Tests for criminal responsibility - Right or wrong, Durham's, Curren's", "cop": 2, "opa": "83 IPC", "opb": "84 IPC", "opc": "85 IPC", "opd": "86 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "a763d984-6b98-440a-aa13-79ff5482d383", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cause of death in organophosphorous poisoning is due to", "exp": "The most common cause of death by organophosphate poisoning is respiratory impairment. Death usually occurs within the first 24 hours of ingestion in untreated cases.Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg: 533", "cop": 4, "opa": "Cardiac failure", "opb": "Hepatic failure", "opc": "Renal failure", "opd": "Respiratory failure", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "65ef7429-431c-40df-84b6-791dbfa0ee46", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Optic atrophy is characteristic feature of poisoning by", "exp": "(D) Methyl alcohol # Ocular features of Methyl alcohol poisoning:> Visual disturbances like photophobia and blurred or misty vision (snowfield vision), seeing spots, central and peripheral scotomata decreased light perception concentric diminution of visual fields for colour and form, followed by fairly sudden failure of vision or complete blindness occur due to optic neuritis and atrophy from the effects of formic acid on the optic nerve.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Lead", "opb": "Phosphorus", "opc": "Ethyl alcohol", "opd": "Methyl alcohol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "53a3ac0e-3a5a-4afc-816e-74ec6cb53dac", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Verdigris is", "exp": "Copper is not poisonous in the metallic state, but some of its salts are poisonous. The two most commonly known salts are copper sulphate or blue vitriol and the subacetate or verdigris.Copper subacetate is a bluish green salt formed by the action of vegetable acids on copper cooking vessels that are not properly tinned.Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg: 569", "cop": 4, "opa": "Copper sulphate", "opb": "Copper arsenite", "opc": "Copper acetoarsenite", "opd": "Copper subacetate", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "9ad842a7-284c-40ec-8138-66dea0b88b7b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The age of the given Xray is", "exp": "Reason: Ankle joint: Lower end of tibia and fibula have fused Age is more than 16 years", "cop": 2, "opa": "More than 12 years", "opb": "More than 16 years", "opc": "Less than 16 years", "opd": "Less than 12 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "c692197e-59f0-4bb6-8992-05552be6b313", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Ochronosis is seen in poisoning with", "exp": "CARBOLIC ACID (phenol; OH) In the body, phenol is paly oxidised to hydroquinone and pyrocatechol. CHRONIC POISONING (PHENOL MARASMUS) It is characterised by anorexia, weight loss, headache, veigo, dark urine and pigmentation of skin and sclera. The hydroquinone and pyrocatechol may cause pigmentation in the cornea and various cailages, a condition called oochronosis. Oochronosis is commonly associated with alkaptonuria (an inborn error of metabolism), in which homegentisic acid gets deposited in cailages, ligaments and fibrous tissues. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-535", "cop": 2, "opa": "Boric acid", "opb": "Carbolic acid", "opc": "Oxalic acid", "opd": "HCl", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "ece9326e-f3d7-4a0e-b72f-ea699be3738a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "CSF is preserved for examination in case of", "exp": "Alcohol is evenly distributed throughout the body water, and crosses the blood brain barrier easily. Hence is detected in CSF. And so causes, dependence and tolerance. CSF should be drawn out as early as possible. There is sustained increase of potassium levels in CSF within 20 hrs after death. Ref: K.S,Narayan Reddy's Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 29th edition, Chapter 29, page- 316.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Alcoholic poisoning", "opb": "Arsenic poisoning", "opc": "Copper poisoning", "opd": "Organophosphorous poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "03fd6117-263e-415f-a278-5e025f7c3ca7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Stellate wound is produced with firearm in", "exp": "Stellate wound is a characteristic of a contact wound. Specific appearances of contact shot: Muzzle/Recoil imprint mark is regarded as a patterned abrasion/ intradermal contusion caused by the expansive power of the gases lifting the skin forcibly up against the muzzle.- Characteristic imprint marks can provide clues to the type of the firearm and its position at the time of discharge. Back spatter: In a contact shot, the muzzle blast and negative pressure in the barrel may suck blood, hair, fragments of tissues and cloth fibers back into the barrel. Blowback phenomenon: Cruciate, stellate or ragged laceration is seen, especially if there is a thick bone immediately under the skin, such as the skull. This occurs as a result of expansion of gases beneath the skin and their exit through the entry wound (in contact wounds).", "cop": 1, "opa": "Contact shot", "opb": "Close shot", "opc": "Range within 60 cm", "opd": "Distant shot", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Ballistics", "id": "956f0d0b-7afa-4ecc-94f5-d7ec4f674362", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Gang Rape is punished under", "exp": "Punishment for gang rape is 20 years jail or life imprisonment.", "cop": 3, "opa": "376 B IPC", "opb": "376 A IPC", "opc": "376 D IPC", "opd": "376 E IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "cfb31920-4267-433c-92ab-df72fdbe5b60", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Mooning is a form of", "exp": "Flashing: The act of momentarily exposing or revealing sexual body pa by quickly moving the clothing. Streaking: The act of running naked through a public place. Mooning: The act of displaying one's bare buttocks, by lowering the pants and bending over", "cop": 1, "opa": "Exhibitionism", "opb": "Transvestism", "opc": "Voyeurism", "opd": "Eonism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences", "id": "3a5e5f71-377d-4104-ac1c-2b86d75b2ece", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cheiloscopy is the study of prints of", "exp": "D i.e. Lips", "cop": 4, "opa": "Foot", "opb": "Fingers", "opc": "Palate", "opd": "Lips", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "2acf5839-13ef-42fb-8f83-ccbdb42d136a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Gutter fractures of the skull are most often seen with", "exp": "Gutter fracture: seen in oblique bullet wounds a pa of the thickness of the skull bone is removed so as to form a gutter/ channel/ trench. usually accompanied by comminuted depressed fracture of the inner table of skulland the fragments causing injury to the meninges and brain", "cop": 4, "opa": "Axe injury", "opb": "Stick injury", "opc": "Stone injury", "opd": "Bullet injury", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Regional injuries", "id": "71268e4e-6766-4d71-ae9e-342103661d44", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Onus of proof in civil negligence case lies against doctor lies on", "exp": "ref : narayana reddy", "cop": 4, "opa": "Doctor", "opb": "Magistrate", "opc": "Police", "opd": "Patient", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "c26a47d8-8eae-4b58-961e-265d20f404da", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The method not used in the stature estimation from bones is", "exp": "Stature from Skeletal Remains Stature can also be determined from skeletal bones by mathematical calculations or formula. Usually long bones are ideal for determining stature. Formulae used to estimate stature in medicolegal practice are: Karl Pearson's formula Trotter and Glaister's formula multiplication factors devised by Indian researchers Stature (S) = Average length of long bone (l) x Multiplication factor (MF)", "cop": 3, "opa": "Steele & Mckern", "opb": "Karl pearson's", "opc": "Haderup's", "opd": "Trotter & Glessor", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "66057b9e-b410-40dd-8714-96d968e7e34d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Condition promoting adipocere formation", "exp": "D i.e. Hot & Humid", "cop": 4, "opa": "Dry and hot", "opb": "Dry and optimum", "opc": "Cold and moist", "opd": "Hot & Humid", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "c08080a4-8591-4eb2-bd44-dbb3f4d46808", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In finger print reader (FINDER), prints of eight fingers are recorded excluding", "exp": "Fingerprint reader (FINDER) is a computerised automatic fingerprint reading system which can record each fingerprint data in half second. Prints of eight fingers are recorded excluding little fingersQ.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Thumb", "opb": "Middle finger", "opc": "Ring finger", "opd": "Little finger", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "b782039b-cfda-4cd7-b705-3168c6625c1f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Greek love' means", "exp": "Sodomy means anal intercourse between two males (homosexual) or between a male and female (heterosexual). It used to be practiced in the town of Sodom, from where it acquired its name. The Greeks of the Golden Age also practiced it and therefore sometimes it is called Greek Love. It is also called Buggery.Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e; Chapter 20; Page no: 320", "cop": 3, "opa": "Buccal coitus", "opb": "Incest", "opc": "Anal incontinence", "opd": "Lesbianism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "035ff016-f8a3-4f7a-9660-fab7f957055a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Medical jurisprudence deals with", "exp": "Answer: a) Legal aspects of practice of Medicine (KS NARAYAN REDDY 33rd ED P-1) Forensic (Legal) Medicine: Application of medical knowledge to aid in the administration of justice Medical Jurisprudence: legal responsibilities of a physician, with reference to those arising from physician patient relationship (in short - legal aspects of practice of medicine) Medical ethics: moral principles which should guide the members of medical profession Medical etiquette: conventional laws of courtesy observed between the members of medical profession", "cop": 1, "opa": "Legal aspect of practice of medicine", "opb": "Medical knowledge to aid in the administration of justice", "opc": "Courtesy obtained between medical professionals", "opd": "Moral principles that guide the members of medical profession", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "b8ab9338-6664-42ad-ac23-5bc026379f5c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The earliest sign of maceration is", "exp": "Degradation: Decomposition causes a loss of anatomic integrity of skin and other tissues such as localized peeling of skin ('skin slippage'), loosening of the skin of hands and feet ('degloving') and loosening of hair and nails. The earliest sign of maceration is skin slippage of the face, back or abdomen which may be seen in 12 h after death in utero. By 24 h, sin is brown or purplish in color. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg : 148", "cop": 4, "opa": "Coppery brown discoloration", "opb": "Ransid smell", "opc": "Hypermobility of joints", "opd": "Skin slippage", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "809937a4-9929-4d11-935d-f757802381b5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Declaration of Oslo deals with", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Therapeutic aboion", "cop": 2, "opa": "Human experimentation", "opb": "Therapeutic aboion", "opc": "Euthnasia", "opd": "Hunger strikers", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7420fa17-f44d-4c20-91ad-3c89cbbc0141", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sexual gratification obtained through in animate objects", "exp": "FETISHISM The hallmark of fetishism is long-standing compulsive sexual interest in nonliving objects that are used to generate sexual excitement. In the ordinary human life, males do repo having interest and attraction to object worn by their sexual paners such as brassieres, panties, gaer belts, hose, and boots/socks, etc. However, fetishism is an extreme exaggeration of an attachment to objects and the individual may go to extremes to obtain fetishistic objects (e.g., breaking into houses to steal the things/objects). As the fetish object becomes more ingrained in an individual's sexual arousal pattern, he may hold or fondle with fetish object items and may masturbate in them. A fetich\u0002ist who is fascinated by female hair may follow females with long hair and reso to cutting them. In extreme cases, relationship of fetishist with the fetish objects may become dominant, with conflict usually erupting between the paners as to the extent of intrusion of the fetish object Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 425", "cop": 2, "opa": "Transvestism", "opb": "Fetishism", "opc": "Voyeurism", "opd": "Zoophilia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "d9b9b7e8-40cb-4bf3-9c9b-2c6b3bd08077", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Duret haemorrhage is seen in", "exp": "Duret haemorrhage - Delayed, secondary brainstem hemorrhages seen in midbrain and pons. - Occurs in cranio-cerebral trauma victims - They are caused by a traumatic downward displacement of the brainstem.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Cerebrum", "opb": "Thalamus", "opc": "Brainstem", "opd": "Pituitary body", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Regional injuries", "id": "709e9199-132d-433f-8ba6-b5946a60696b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Vegetable viper snake poison is", "exp": "C i.e. Abrus", "cop": 3, "opa": "Croton", "opb": "Madar", "opc": "Abrus", "opd": "Semicarpus", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "628e3a90-4411-419f-b22a-43b2b27cd7bc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Estimation of age examination of teeth is by", "exp": "(B) Gustafson's method # Gustafson's method is the formula used to determine the age of a person from changes in dental structures the age estimation is useful only for a person more than 21 yrs. transparency of tooth", "cop": 2, "opa": "Pearson's method", "opb": "Gustafson's method", "opc": "Gabon's method", "opd": "Bertillon's method", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "3772a7e1-2647-4028-baa4-46ec56d57818", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The eruption of temporary teeth will be completed by", "exp": "The eruption of temporary teeth is completed at around 25 months (2 years) by the eruption of 2nd molar.", "cop": 2, "opa": "One to one and half year", "opb": "Two to two and half year", "opc": "Three to four years", "opd": "Four to five years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "cbe20b2a-35c4-4fc6-841c-b13d222db7f9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Putrefaction sign first appears at", "exp": "First external sign of putrefaction is the greenish discolouration in right iliac fossa. Internally, first site of reddish brown discolouration is aoic intima and then the undersurface of liver", "cop": 1, "opa": "Liver undersurface", "opb": "In mediastinum", "opc": "Below the spleen", "opd": "In kidney", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "f4baf0ea-f0cf-47a6-a745-902c67b7a4f7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Nysten&;s rule is related to", "exp": "The Order of Appearance of Rigor All muscles of the body, both voluntary and involuntary are affected. It does not sta in all muscles simultaneously (Nysten&;s rule). It first appears in involuntary muscles; the myocardium becomes rigid in an hour. It begins in the eyelids, neck and lower jaw and passes upwards to the muscles of the face, and downwards to the muscles of the chest, upper limbs, abdomen and lower limbs and lastly in the fingers and toes. In individual limbs, it usually progresses from above downwards. Such a sequence is not constant, symmetrical or regular. In individual limbs, it disappears in the same order in which it has appeared. Shapiro (1950) suggests that rigor mois does not follow the anatomical sequence usually described. He suggests that as rigor mois is a physicochemical process, it is most likely to develop simultaneously in all the muscles, although the changes are more easily first detected in the smaller masses than in the larger. The proximo-distal progression is more apparent than real, for the sequence is determined by the bulk and kind of muscle involved. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-161", "cop": 4, "opa": "Order of appearance of post moem caloricity", "opb": "Time since death", "opc": "Order of appearance of decomposition", "opd": "Order of appearance of rigor mois", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "cbde0d7b-4367-4d37-a58b-073a489c37d3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The antidote of poisoning due to Arninanita muscaria is", "exp": "D i.e. Atropine Amanita muscaria & Amanita phalloides are poisonous mushrooms with parasympathetic (Cholinergic) symptoms. So AtropineQ is used as antidote in severe cases; but avoided in mild case as it excerhates delirium.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Physostigmine", "opb": "Amyl nitrate", "opc": "Methylene blue", "opd": "Atropine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "dd42a7b8-a020-4c0d-bf74-17392546c167", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Copper sulfate poisoning manifests with", "exp": "COPPER Poisonous Compounds: (1) Copper sulphate (blue vitriol) occurs in large, blue crystals. (2) Copper subacetate (verdigris), occurs in bluish-green masses or powder. Signs and Symptoms: Increased salivation, burning pain in the stomach with colicky abdominal pain, thirst, nausea, eructations and repeated vomiting. The vomited matter is blue or green. There is diarrhoea with much straining; motions are liquid and brown but not bloody. Oliguria, haematuria, albuminuria, acidosis and uraemia may occur. In severe cases haemolysis,haemoglobinuria, methaemoglobinaemia, jaundice, pancreatitis and cramps of legs or spasms and convulsions occur. The breathing is difficult, cold perspiration and severe headache occur. In some cases, paralysis of limbs is followed by drowsiness, insensibility, coma and death due to shock. Later deaths occur due to hepatic or renal failure or both. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-547", "cop": 3, "opa": "High anion gap acidosis", "opb": "Rhabdomyolysis", "opc": "Acute hemolysis", "opd": "Peripheral neuropathy", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "8341990b-1d42-4707-bb74-b154e0cde6d9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Police inquest is A/E", "exp": "D i.e. 10 may not summon", "cop": 4, "opa": "Senior head constable can investigate", "opb": "Most common inquest", "opc": "Panchnama has to be signed by IC)", "opd": "10 may not summon", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "e3505cbe-26ca-49d1-8fd2-8857725c3e37", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "For exhumation, the order should be given by", "exp": "Exhumation is to be carried out under the orders of the appropriate authority. District Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Executive Magistrate are empowered to order for the exhumation. Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 28", "cop": 2, "opa": "Judicial magistrate", "opb": "Executive magistrate", "opc": "Supt. off Police", "opd": "Judl. I class Magistrate", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "2aececbf-6f85-4f5a-a5cd-4cbd42e866b2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Ideal temperature to preserve the body for a post moem is", "exp": "The ideal temperature for keeping a dead body for autopsy is 4degC. To keep a body for long duration for other purposes the temperature is -20degC. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 42", "cop": 2, "opa": "0 degrees", "opb": "4 degrees", "opc": "10 degrees", "opd": "- 4 degrees", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "a81e628a-80fc-4ed4-9f3a-7c0bea42e54f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A patient lalita present with dry mouth, pupillary dilation and warm skin, the likely drug toxicity is", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e. Amitriptyline Most Tricyclic antidepressants (Imipramine, Amitriptyline) are potent anticholinergics.The symptoms shown by patient are because of anticholinergic effect of Amitriptyline.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Organo-phosphorus", "opb": "Carbamazepine", "opc": "Lithium", "opd": "Amytriptyline", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Forensic Toxicology - Concepts, Statutes, Evidence, and Techniques", "id": "0a5da701-a463-47c4-b063-0aac76ec5e5b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Strychnine poisoning mimics", "exp": "STRYCHNINE SULPHATE an alkaloid of nux vomica plant is a potent convulsant poison with a lethal dose of a few milligrams per kg body weight formost animals. It lowers the threshold for stimulation of spinal reflexes by blocking inhibitory pathways exeed by Renshaw cells over the motor cells in the spinal cord. As a result, poisonedanimals go into tetanic convulsions, in response to rather minimal sensory stimuli. (as in tetany)Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg:539", "cop": 2, "opa": "Migraine", "opb": "Tetanus", "opc": "Cholera", "opd": "Chorea", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "1e3fc642-50b2-4d5f-8628-49301ac2a3e3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Buonian line is seen with poisoning of", "exp": "B i.e. Lead", "cop": 2, "opa": "Mercury", "opb": "Lead", "opc": "Arsenic", "opd": "Zinc", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f7d77d88-47a5-40a1-a16f-3ea844942bbf", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The period of bility of a child is", "exp": "Viability of a child Viability means ability of a child to have separate existence after it is separated from its mother. The period of bility is 210 days( 7 months or 28weeks) ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 347", "cop": 2, "opa": "150 days", "opb": "210 days", "opc": "270 days", "opd": "240 days", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "42230f5f-923a-4639-98b3-b0ca8b72f434", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Postmoem lividity is unlikely to develop in a case of", "exp": "B i.e. Drowning in fast flowing water (river)", "cop": 2, "opa": "Drowning in well", "opb": "Drowning in a fast flowing river", "opc": "Postmoem submersion", "opd": "Drowning in chlorinated swimming pool.", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "af4968ec-9ac0-41fb-9441-705fe68c4f3f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Postmoem caloricity is not seen in", "exp": "Postmoem Caloricity : Body temperature remains elevated for the first 2 hours after death. Normally, there is a steady decline in body temperature after death. But in this state, the body temperature does not fall in the initial few hours after death. Mechanism Endogenous heat production (heat produced within the body) Disturbed regulation of heat production before death - Heat stroke, Pontine haemorrhage Heat production due to muscle convulsions - tetanus, strychnine poisoning Heat production due to excessive bacterial activity, as in septicaemic conditions, cholera and other fevers. Not seen in postmoem glycogenolysis", "cop": 3, "opa": "Pontine haemorrhage", "opb": "Bacteremia", "opc": "Postmoem glycogenolysis", "opd": "Status epilepticus", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "61c4068a-730d-4a47-ae3d-b9565daff633", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In stab wounds, langer's liner determine", "exp": null, "cop": 2, "opa": "Direction", "opb": "Gaping", "opc": "Shelving", "opd": "Healing", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "a00c98ef-e24e-456f-9ee6-84188a556669", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Foamy liver is found in", "exp": "(Putrefaction) (3.25-P)PUTREFACTION - Liver becomes softened and flaby* Owing to the evolution of gases in its substances. It becomes spongy and present a honey- combed appearance (foamy or Swiss Cheese liver)* The patch of greenish discolouration appears early and gradually extends to the whole organ which ultimately becomes black.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Drowning", "opb": "Putrefaction", "opc": "Adipocere", "opd": "Abortion", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "ba0604a1-47d9-4acd-b884-d2a84864a0cc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Doctrine of common knowledge is a variant of", "exp": "Doctrine of common knowledge Doctrine of Common Knowledge - It is based on the assumption that the issue of negligence in the paicular case is not related to specialized knowledge or technical matters of the medical profession, but an act involving application of common knowledge. - Expes may not provide evidence regarding matters of 'common knowledge'. - It is a variant of res ipsa loquitur", "cop": 2, "opa": "Medical maloccurence", "opb": "Res ipsa loquitur", "opc": "Novus actus interveniens", "opd": "Calculated risk doctrine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "68f8f19e-93ae-4cbf-a9e8-73b28b3ef632", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cephalic index determines", "exp": "(Race) (2.26-P)Cranial or Cephalic Index - determining the race* of an individualsCI=Maximum Transverse breadthMaximum A.P. lengthx 100 FeaturesBlack (Negro)European or CaucacoidMongolsCephalic Index (Cl)70- 74.975- 79.980 and aboveType of skullDolicho- cephalic or Long headedMesati-cephalic or Medium headedBrachy-cephalic or Round headedExamplesAryans and AboriginsRajputs, Brahmins, & Kayasthas of BengalAmericans, Koreans, Japanes, Chinese, South east asians", "cop": 3, "opa": "Age", "opb": "Sex", "opc": "Race", "opd": "Socio -economic status", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "76fc9352-d62a-4eb8-8ac0-ec10ef088201", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Stain used to stain X chromosome", "exp": "Barr body is formed due to random inactivation or condensation of one of the 2 female chromosomes in all the somatic cells of female mammals. Buccal smears are known to be potential source of Barr bodies. Acriflavin schiff stain was used in staining these Barr bodies. Ref: NCBI.org", "cop": 2, "opa": "Quinacrine", "opb": "Acriflavin Schiff reagent", "opc": "Methylene blue", "opd": "Fluorescent green", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "477945c9-4fd9-4d08-862a-fb2d9a1f43d9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pupils alternatively contract and dilate known as hippus sign, is seen in", "exp": "Aconite poisoning occular: pupils show alternate constriction and dilatation. This is called hippus. In later stages, pupils will become widely dilated with dimness of vision and dipolopia. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 470", "cop": 2, "opa": "Arsenic poisoning", "opb": "Aconite poisoning", "opc": "Atropine poisoning", "opd": "Albinoria", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "6220a137-44d0-4013-845a-a9a40c5e7b07", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Opisthotonus posture is caused by wof", "exp": "STRYCHNOS NUX VOMICA Strychnine ( kuchila) is a powerful alkaloid obtained from the seeds of strychnos nux vomica. The seeds contain two principal alkaloids; strychnine and brucine. Mech of Action: It competitively blocks ventral horn motor neurone postganglionic receptor sites in the spinal cord and brainstem and prevents the effects of glycine (the presumed inhibitory transmitter). Widespread inhibition in the spinal cord results in &;release&; excitation. The action is paicularly noted in the anterior horn cells. It stimulates the cerebralcoex. GABA, the neurotransmitter for presynaptic inhibitory neurons is not affected. Signs and Symptoms: When crushed seeds are taken, the symptoms are delayed for an hour or more. If the alkaloid is swallowed, the symptoms occur very rapidly, usually within five to fifteen minutes. Bitter taste in the mouth, sense of uneasiness and restlessness, feeling of suffocation and fear, and difficulty in swallowing occur. The convulsions are preceded by such prodromal symptoms as increased acuity of perception, increased rigidity of muscles, and muscular twitchings. Convulsions are produced due to direct action on the reflex centres of spinal cord, and affect all the muscles at a time. These are at first clonic, but eventually become tonic. During the convulsions, the face is cyanosed and has anxious look, eyes are staring, eyeballs prominent and pupils are dilated. Risus sardonicus results from contraction of the jaws and facial muscles in which the corners of the mouth are drawn back. The mouth is covered with froth, frequently bloodstained. The convulsions are most marked in anti-gravity muscles, so that the body typically arches in hyperextension (opisthotonos). In supine position, the body is suppoed by the heels and head. The legs are adducted and extended, the arms are flexed over the chest or rigidly extended, and the hands are tightly clenched. The head is bent backwards, and the whole of the body becomes rigid, often assuming a bow-like form. Sometimes, the spasm of the abdominal muscles may bend the body forward (emprosthotonos), or to the side (pleorosthotonos). Consciousness is not lost and the mind remains clear till death. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-612,613, image plate14", "cop": 4, "opa": "Ricinus communis", "opb": "Papaver somniferum", "opc": "Coccaine", "opd": "Strychnous nux vomica", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "2f583d5a-c960-4b73-a8a6-a14f7600d455", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "One of the following is a stupefying agent", "exp": "Examples of stupefying poisons : Alcohol dhatura cannabis chloral hydrate", "cop": 3, "opa": "Atropine", "opb": "Aconite", "opc": "Datura", "opd": "Nerium", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "74365525-14c7-4783-9548-dde6d55ae407", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Rigor mortis in human body starts at", "exp": "Ans. d (Eyelids)RIGOR MORTIS# Ordinarily, death is followed immediately by total muscular relaxation - primary muscular flaccidity - succeeded in turn by generalised muscular stiffening - rigor mortis.# After a variable period of time rigor mortis passes off spontaneously; followed by secondary muscular flaccidity.# The first investigation on rigor mortis is attributed to Nysten in 1811.# No measurable shortening of muscle occurs during rigor mortis unless the muscles are subjected to tension.# The view that the development of rigor mortis could produce significant movements of the body was promoted by Sommer, in about 1833, and the postulated movements became known as \"Sommer's movements\". For this reason, when a body is found in a certain position with rigor mortis fully developed, it cannot be assumed that the deceased necessarily died in that position.# Rigor involves voluntary and involuntary muscles.# Contraction of the arrectores pilorum muscles during rigor may result in \"goose-flesh\" or \"cutis anserina\". The phenomenon is commonly seen in cases of drowning where it is thought to result from an agonal contraction of the muscles.# Involvement of walls of seminal vesicles by rigor may lead to discharge of seminal fluid at the glans penis.# In individuals who have been exhausted or starved before death, the glycogen stores in muscle are low, so that rigor may develop rapidly.# Typically, rigor is first apparent in small muscles of eyelids, lower jaw and neck, followed by the limbs.# It is generally accepted that rigor mortis passes off in the same order in which it develops.# In temperate climates rigor will typically start to disappear at about 36-48 hours after death. However, if the environ- mental temperature is high then the development of putrefaction may completely displace rigor within 9-12 hours of death.# Accelerated putrefaction resulting from ante-mortem septicaemia may lead to a rapid displacement of rigor.# Exposure of a body to intense heat results in heat stiffening due to coagulation of the muscle proteins. Unlike rigor mortis, heat stiffening is associated with muscle shortening resulting in the characteristic pugilistic posture of burned bodies.# Freezing of a body will cause stiffening of the muscles, postponing the development of rigor which is said to developed as soon as thawing of the body permits.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Upper limb", "opb": "Face muscles", "opc": "Neck muscles", "opd": "Eyelids", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Medicolegal Aspects", "id": "fb60ab6d-b235-4285-a2c6-3d16d3452da8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Psychological autopsy is very helpful in", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Autopsy techniques and types\".", "cop": 2, "opa": "Homicidal deaths", "opb": "Suicidal deaths", "opc": "Motor vehicle accident deaths", "opd": "Death due to cardiac arrest", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "02b2bd49-9043-4555-ba4f-f7fe9663b726", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A case of murder with gunshot is repoed. A metal bullet is recovered from the body. Primary and Secondary markings on a metal bullet can be used for", "exp": "A i.e. Identification of weapon - Primary markings (class characteristics) and secondary markings (metallic fouling, individual or accidental characteristics) on a bullet can be used for identification of weaponQ. - Bullet is picked up with handsQ. Gunshot residue on hands can be detected by Dermal nitrate testQ.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Identification of weapon", "opb": "To know the range of firing", "opc": "Severity of tissue damage", "opd": "To known tome of crime", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "15c9519c-fe4b-4c57-9175-42d92eee14a8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Chronic arsenic poisoning", "exp": "Surest sign of identification", "cop": 1, "opa": "Surest sign of identification", "opb": "Probable sign of identification", "opc": "Presumptive sign of identification", "opd": "Doubtful sign of identification", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "249a0936-1552-4085-af2d-492096b756bc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Mirror test is used to", "exp": "Cessation of respiration : this should be complete and continuous. Complete stoppage of respiration for more than 5 minutes usually causes death. Respiration may stop for very sho period without causing death. Feather test, mirror test and Winslow's test have only historical impoance. Ref: Dr. NARAYANAN REDDYS TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE PAGE 144", "cop": 1, "opa": "Assessment of cessation of respiration", "opb": "Assessment for tremors", "opc": "Assessment for hea function", "opd": "Assessment for brain function", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "378e09fc-1bf3-418c-b60a-3780ef75399d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Bevelling of inner table of skull is found in", "exp": "A i.e. Firearm entry wound When a bullet traverses the skull, the apeure in the bone differs in relation to the outer & inner tables; the defect is larger in the I direction in which the bullet travelsQ", "cop": 1, "opa": "Fire arm entry wound", "opb": "Fire arm exit wound", "opc": "Drowning", "opd": "Infanticide", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "43ec1441-3d54-4234-a1ce-3babbba2a0dc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Term used for death of full family suicide is", "exp": "(D) Familicide# FAMILICIDE is a type of murder or murder-suicide in which at least one spouse and one or more children are killed, or in which a parent or parents and possibly other relatives such as siblings and grandparents are killed.> In some cases all of the family members' lives are taken. If only the parents are killed, the case may also be referred to as a parricide. Where all members of a family are killed, including when the killing takes the form of a murder-suicide, the crime may be referred to as family annihilati> Jauhar (Jowhar) is the self-immolation of women, always including queens and female royals of Hindu kingdoms, most notably the Rajput kingdoms of Rajasthan in India, when facing defeat at the hands of an enemy.> Massacre is the deliberate slaughter of members of one group by one or more members of another more powerful group. A massacre may be indiscriminate or highly methodical in application. A massacre is a single event, though it may occur during the course of an extended military campaign or war.> Mass suicide occurs when a group of people commit suicide simultaneously. Contents. Examples 1. Historical mass suicides; 2. Religiously motivated.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Mass suicide", "opb": "Jauhar", "opc": "Massacre", "opd": "Familicide", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "3520fa57-16e8-4a37-9504-f8843998fd74", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "According to \"Delhi Anatomy Act 1957\", a person died in a road traffic accident, the body can be said to be unclaimed after.", "exp": "Unclaimed bodies to be used for anatomical examination.-- (1) Where a person under treatment in a hospital whether established by or vesting in, or maintained by, the Government or any local authority, dies in such hospital and his body is unclaimed, the authorities incharge of such hospital shall, with the least practicable delay repo the fact to the authorised officer and such officer shall then hand over the unclaimed body to the authorities in charge of an approved institution for the purpose of conducting (2) Where a person dies at a hospital other than a hospital referred to in subsection (1) or in a prison and his body is unclaimed, the authorities incharge of such hospital or prison shall, with the least practicable delay, repo the fact to the authorised officer; and the said officer shall hand over the unclaimed body to the authorities in charge of an approved institution for the purpose specified in sub-section (1). Ref: Indiacode.nic.in", "cop": 4, "opa": "24 hours", "opb": "48 hours", "opc": "72 hours", "opd": "96 hours", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Miscellaneous", "id": "58223b39-75dd-434f-86f6-370c765eb15a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Declaration of Sydney is related to", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Time of death Declaration of Sydney* The advent of organ transplantation made this Declaration a guide to determining the time of death of the comatose donor. \"Brain death\" has displaced \"cardiac death\" as the essential criterion; and the diagnosis must be made before there is organ death.* The Declaration also states that \"If transplantation of an organ is onvolved, the decision that death exists should be made by one or more physicians; and the physicians determining the moment of death should in no way be immediately concerned with the performance of the transplant.\"* This makes for objectivity. But it is incorrect to say that \"death exists\" or refer to \"the moment of death\". The patient is not dead until after life support has been withdrawn.YearDeclarationKey topicMost recently amended1948The Declaration of GenevaHumanitarian goals of medicine20061964The Declaration of HelsinkiHuman experimentation and clinical trials20091968The Declaration of SydneyDetermination of death and the recovery of organs20061970The Declaration of OsloTherapeutic abortion20061975The Declaration of TokyoTorture and other cruel and degrading treatment or punishment20061981The Declaration of LisbonRights of the patient20051983The Declaration of VeniceTerminal illness20061987Declaration on EuthanasiaEuthanasia 20051989The Declaration of Hong KongThe abuse of the elderly20051991The Declaration of MaltaHunger strikers20061997The Declaration of HamburgSupport for medical doctors who refuse to condone or participate in torture20071998The Declaration of OttawaChild health20092000The Declaration of EdinburghPrison conditions and the spread of TB and other communicable diseases20112002The Declaration of Washington Biological weapons20032002Declaration on Patient SafetyPatient safety--2008The Declaration of SeoulProfessional autonomy and clinical independence--2009The Declaration of DelhiHelath and climate change--2011The Declaration of MontevideoDisaster preparedness and medical response--2011Declaration of End-of-LifeMedical CareEndo-of-life care--", "cop": 1, "opa": "Time of death", "opb": "Infliction of torture", "opc": "Therapeutic abortion", "opd": "Humanitarian goals of medicine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "dede6c20-7c5c-4ea4-b52e-decf4aedc48f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Repeat offence of stalking is", "exp": "Stalking : - involves following a woman or contacting such woman in spite of clear disinterest or monitors her through internet, e-mail or any other form of electronic communication. It is punishable under Sec. 354-D IPC with imprisonment for upto 3 years and fine (cognizable and bailable) and imprisonment upto 5 years and fine for subsequent offence (cognizable and non-bailable).", "cop": 3, "opa": "Cognizable & bailable", "opb": "Non Cognizable & bailable", "opc": "Cognizable & non bailable", "opd": "Non Cognizable & non bailable", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences", "id": "4fa1e049-ec52-4e9b-aba7-3f6f152ac9ba", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Death due to shock after burns occur within", "exp": "Fatal period Most of the death from burn injuries occur from shock within about 24-48 hours. Death due to toxemia occurs usually within 4-5 days. The first week happens to be the most critical period. In suppurative cases, death may ensue after a few weeks. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 163", "cop": 3, "opa": "2 hours", "opb": "Within 24 hours", "opc": "24-48 hours", "opd": "5 days", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thermal injury", "id": "28bbe985-db0c-4f36-9da5-313d5207a031", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Deriving sexual pleasure by seeing or touching inanimate objects of the opposite sex is", "exp": "FETISHISM The hallmark of fetishism is long-standing compulsive sexual interest in nonliving objects that are used to generate sexual excitement. In the ordinary human life, males do repo having interest and attraction to object worn by their sexual paners such as brassieres, panties, gaer belts, hose, and boots/socks, etc. However, fetishism is an extreme exaggeration of an attachment to objects and the individual may go to extremes to obtain fetishistic objects (e.g., breaking into houses to steal the things/objects). As the fetish object becomes more ingrained in an individual's sexual arousal pattern, he may hold or fondle with fetish object items and may masturbate in them. A fetich\u0002ist who is fascinated by female hair may follow females with long hair and reso to cutting them. In extreme cases, relationship of fetishist with the fetish objects may become dominant, with conflict usually erupting between the paners as to the extent of intrusion of the fetish object Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 425", "cop": 1, "opa": "Fetichism", "opb": "Voyeurism", "opc": "Masochism", "opd": "Tribadism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "c6edea07-8068-4290-ad0c-600e41d441da", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Brain is stored in preservative...... for autopsy", "exp": "Formalin", "cop": 4, "opa": "Saline", "opb": "EDTA", "opc": "NaF", "opd": "Formalin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "22f58866-c65f-42a2-b4a4-9735103a8b08", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "First secondary ossification center appears in", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Lower end of femur Site given in question Secondary ossification center appears at Lower end of femur 9th month intrauterine life Upper end of tibia At bih Upper end humerus 1/2 -1 year of age Lower end of fibula 1 year of age", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lower end of femur", "opb": "Upper end of humerus", "opc": "Lower end of fibula", "opd": "Upper end of tibia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f9711229-c919-4ec7-a9cd-b0016b124e7d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Antidote for oxalic acid poisoning is", "exp": "Treatment of oxalic acid poisoning (1) The stomach is washed out carefully using calcium lactate or gluconate (2) The antidote for oxalate poisoning is any preparation of calcium which conves the poison into insoluble calcium oxalate.e.g. lime water, calcium lactate, calcium gluconate. calcium chloride, a suspension of chalk in water ormilk. (3) Calcium gluconate 10%, 10 ml. i.v. at frequent intervals. (4) Dialysis or exchange transfusion for renal failure.", "cop": 3, "opa": "B.A.L.", "opb": "Animal charcoal", "opc": "Calcium gluconate", "opd": "Magnesium", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "56c3757b-158c-4edf-b0b7-86604c1d16aa", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Brush burn is due to", "exp": "D i.e. Graze abrasion", "cop": 4, "opa": "Friction injury", "opb": "Firearm injury", "opc": "Electrical injury", "opd": "Graze abrasion", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "4c221526-0d09-472e-a994-c36b0c1e0445", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "If a lady dies of unnatural death within 7years after marriage, the inquest will be done by", "exp": "Magistrate's Inquest (Section 176 CrPC): To be conducted by District Magistrate/Sub-divisional magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Judicial Magistrate Suicide by a woman within 7 years of her marriage and Death of a woman within 7 years of her Marriage in the circumstances raising a reasonable suspicion. Custodial death/rape Exhumation Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine 5e pg : 6", "cop": 4, "opa": "Deputy superintendent of police", "opb": "Forensic medical expe", "opc": "Coroner", "opd": "Sub divisional magistrate", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "eaa1cd84-9eec-4c9e-bf56-f9efb1736415", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Causing hu by means of poison, etc with an intent to commit an offence is punishable under", "exp": "- Sec. 328 IPC - Causing hu by means of poison, etc with an intent to commit an offence shall be Punishment is imprisonment upto 10 years and also fine. - Sec.326 A IPC - voluntarily causing grievous hu by means of acid - Sec.327 IPC - voluntarily causing hu to exto propey - Sec. 329 IPC - voluntarily causing grievous hu to exto propey", "cop": 1, "opa": "Sec. 328 IPC", "opb": "Sec.326 A IPC", "opc": "Sec.327 IPC", "opd": "Sec. 329 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Indian Legal system, Legal sections & Cou procedures", "id": "61101eb1-e9ca-4553-a8d3-e88dc64822cb", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sign of antemortem hanging is", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Eye is open * The important PM findings of Hanging are :i) Ligature mark is above thyroid cartilage, incomplete, bilaterally symmetrical and directed obliquely upward extending to the angles of mandible, then to mastoid and finally to occipital protuberance. Ligature mark is an example of imprinted/pressure/patterned abrasion.ii) Under the ligature mark there is dry, white and glistening pad of fat.iii) There is dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth, which is confirmatory sign of antemortem hanging. This is due to irritation of submandibular and parotid glands by ligature.iv) There may be intimal tear of carotid arteries.v) In case of pressure of ligature on cervical sympathetic ganglia, the eye on that side is found open (La facie sympathique). It confirms antemortem hanging.vi) Fracture of hyoid is usually not seen (may be seen only in 10%). Fracture of thyroid cartilage (20-30% cases) and fracture of tracheal rings (5-10%) may be seen. There may be congestion and ecchymosis (hemorrhage) in trachea, larynx, epiglottis and esophagus. All these injuries are more common in strangulation because strangulation is more violent than hanging causing more severe injury to neck structures.vii) Tardieu spots (petechial hemorrhage) are not as pronounced as in strangulation.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Ligature mark", "opb": "Eye is open", "opc": "Fracture of hyoid", "opd": "Tardieu spots", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "4b19c20d-c66b-4694-8000-e9124c346826", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Diastatic fracture is", "exp": "(Seperation of the cranial sutures) (222-Reddy's 29th)DIASTAT1C OR SUTURAL FRACTURES - separation of the sutures occurs only in young persons due to a blow on head with blunt weapon* It may occur alone but often is associated with fracture* It is usually seen in saggital sutures* These are particularly common in traffic accidents* Most successful estimate to union of skull is done from sagittal sutures, next lambdoid and then coronal (72- Reddy 29th)* Fissured fracture - These are linear fractures involving the whole thickness of the bone or inner or outer table only about 70% skull fractures are linear* Comminuted fracture - There are two or more intersecting lines of fracture which divide the bone into three or more fragments, and blows from weapon with a large striking surface eg heavy iron bar* Depressed fracture - \"fractures a la signature\" (signature fracture) as their pattern often resembles the weapon or agent which caused itLocalized depressed fractures are caused by blows from heavy weapon with a small striking surface** stone, stick, axe, chapper, hammer etc.Gutter fractures - They are formed when part of the thickness of the bone is removed so as to form a gutter eg oblique bullet wounds. They are usually accompanied by irregular, depressedfracture of the inner table of the skull* Hinge fracture of base of skull is also termed as a 'Motor cycylist's fracture' *** (247-Reddy 28th)Crescent fracture is - fracture of the iliac bone with sacroiliac joint disruption**Jefferson is - is a burst fracture where both the anterior and posterior arches of atlas (C1) are fractured by a vertical force acting through the skullClay shroveller's fracture - fracture of spinous process of T1 vertebra caused by violent muscular actionHangman fracture - fracture of C2 vertebra seen injudicial hanging due to extensionBox or Bursting fracture - is an extensive fracture running parallel to the two points of contect separating the two hemisphere. It is frequently caused by being run over by heavy vehicleRing fracture - any fracture round the foramen magnum it result fromI. fall from a height on feet or buttockII. sudden violent turn of the head on the spineIII. severe blow on vertex which drives the skull down wards on the vertebral columnIV. heavy blow directed underneath the occiput or chin", "cop": 1, "opa": "Seperation of the cranial sutures", "opb": "Also known case \"Fracture a-la-signature\"", "opc": "There are two or more intersecting lines of fracture", "opd": "A linear fracture involving the whole thickness of the bone", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "74bf3532-83e7-42a6-ae27-ac89b576e0cf", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The fingerprint pattern may be impaired permanently in cases of", "exp": "Fingerprints are usually lost in leprosy, electric injury and after exposure to radiation. It cannot be removed by wounds or burns. It may also produce additional characteristics.Dr.K.S.Narayana Reddys Synopsis of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 27th edition pg. 48.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Eczema", "opb": "Scalds", "opc": "Scabies", "opd": "Leprosy", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "0dfc176e-1f39-486c-9977-d311e7eeebeb", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Two identical twins will not have same", "exp": null, "cop": 1, "opa": "Fingerprints", "opb": "Iriscolour", "opc": "DNA", "opd": "Blood group", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "c8ff832c-9366-4431-9080-00b46e181799", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The range of shot gun is", "exp": "At a range of 50 yardsbthe gun has a dispersion of about 8 feet and will disable a man. At a close range it is very effective and will kill. A shot gun also known as scatter gun , is a long gun or shoulder fired weapon that fires shot shells instead of catridges tipped with bullets. Ref: hypeextbook.com", "cop": 1, "opa": "60 yards", "opb": "150 yards", "opc": "600 yards", "opd": "1000 yards", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "177fcf92-4a6c-4ce6-885b-7557382ec194", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Giving commission to other doctor is", "exp": "Ans. a (Dichotomy). (Ref. Textbook of FMT by Parikh-5th ed. 558)Dichotomy is giving commission to the other doctor for favouring or referring the patient, recommending or procuring any patient for medical, surgical or other treatment (fee-sharing).Covering is a RMP protecting a non-medical person who practices medicine.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Dichotomy", "opb": "Covering", "opc": "Professional secrecy", "opd": "Professional neglect", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "2d86eeb0-9219-4400-b830-322b52eb4e79", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Dowry death is defined under section", "exp": "Dowry death is defined under section 304 B *According to this if husband or his relative subjects the woman to cruelty or harassment in demand of dowry within 7 years of marriage,they shall be deemed to have caused her death *The punishment for such cases is improvement for not less than 7 years,but may be extended to life imprisonment OptionA :Section 304 A IPC:Causing death by negligence Option C:Section 174 Cr. P. C:Police inquest Option D:Section 176 Cr. P. C. Magistrate inquest Textbook of Forensic Medicine and toxicology 2nd edition pg333", "cop": 2, "opa": "304A IPC", "opb": "304B", "opc": "174Cr. P. C", "opd": "176Cr. P. C", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "cb474535-6aaf-41fb-8cc9-e9c0c21e86a6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Permanent erasure of fingerprint is seen following", "exp": "Dactylography or Galton system Fingerprints are impressions of patterns formed by the papillary ridges of fingers. Fingerprints do not change throughout life unless damage has occurred to the dermal skin layer. Permanent impairement of fingerprints occur in leprosy, electrical injury, after exposure to radiation, and in dyskeratosis congenita. A very rare medical condition is adermetoglyphia, in which there is absence of finger prints, with no other medical signs or symptoms. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE NO: 97", "cop": 4, "opa": "Eczema", "opb": "Scalds", "opc": "Diabetic neuropathy", "opd": "Leprosy", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "faabd031-a911-41ca-badf-246de1018107", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for a person seeking prenatal diagnostic facilities for purpose of sex selection is", "exp": "Section 23(3) PCPNDT ACT (Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT)Act, 1994) Punishment for a person seeking prenatal diagnostic facilities for purpose of sex selection is 3 - 5 years imprisonment and fine Rs.50000 - 1 lakh", "cop": 2, "opa": "1 year imprisonment and fine Rs.10000", "opb": "3 - 5 years imprisonment and fine Rs.50000 - 1 lakh", "opc": "1 year imprisonment and fine Rs.50000 - 1 lakh", "opd": "3 year imprisonment and fine Rs.10000", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Impotency, Virginity, pregnancy & aboion", "id": "3da85d4f-4c8d-4d12-a200-5db4fc99d9b2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "During examination in injury, hair bulbs are crushed. The probable type of wound is", "exp": "HAIR BULBS ARE CRUSHED IN LACERATION Laceration - is the tearing of skin or muscles or mucous membrane caused by a shearing or a crushing force, and produced by application of a blunt force to a broad area of the body. - If the blunt force produces extensive bruising and laceration of deeper tissue, it is called crush injury.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Abrasion", "opb": "Laceration", "opc": "Stab injury", "opd": "Incision", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical Injuries", "id": "ea013a08-f310-4882-9d20-295511855467", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The major factor that influence the onset and duration of algor mois is", "exp": "Factors Affecting Algor Mois : i. Environmental temperature (major factor): Rate of fall of body temperature is directly propoional to the difference between the temperature of the dead body and the environmental temperature. ii. Air movement: Air movement over the surface of the dead body causes a quick fall of temperature due to increased evaporation of body fluids. iii. Humidity: Cooling is more rapid in a humid rather than in a dry atmosphere, since moist air is better conductor of heat. iv. Media of disposal: Cooling is earliest in water, and late in buried bodies. The ratio of the rates of fall of temperature in the three media, water:air: soil = 4:2:1. The rate is thus maximum in water, moderate in air and minimum in a buried body. v. Built of cadaver: Obese bodies cool slowly, and lean bodies rapidly, since fat is a bad conductor of heat. vi. Age and sex: Rate of loss of heat is more in children and the elderly, compared to adults because the surface area of the body is more in relation to the body volume. Females retain body heat for a comparatively longer period because of their subcutaneous fatty tissue. vii. Clothing or coverings of the body: A well-covered body retains heat for a longer period as compared to a naked or thinly clothed body, as clothes are bad conductors of heat.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Muscle built of the person", "opb": "Environmental temperature", "opc": "Poisoning", "opd": "Age", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "d064b209-945d-4eda-b9cb-875fddb2985c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Xanthoproteic reaction is due to the formation of", "exp": "Nitric acid is a powerful oxidising agent and reacts with organic matter to produce trinitrophenol, liberating nitrogen monoxide (xanthoproteic reaction).", "cop": 1, "opa": "Trinitrophenol", "opb": "Mononitrophenol", "opc": "Nitric acid", "opd": "Pyrocathechol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 1", "id": "fbb3deb9-d186-4fca-a2f6-c683691a77b6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A physician is punishable for infecting a normal healthy person with HIV positive needle, this comes under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "Sec 203 IPC", "opb": "Sec 204 IPC", "opc": "Sec 269 IPC", "opd": "Sec 312 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "170641c4-1256-4951-bb80-967b6925bc37", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for the offence of rape under", "exp": "(376- IPC) (5.29- P)Law on Rape in India* Under section 375 IPC, rape is defined as unlawful sexual intercourse by a man with his wife under the age of 15years with any other woman under the age of 16years or above that age, against her will, with out her con cent or with her consent when it has been obtained by unlawful means* Section 376 IPC lays down the punishment for the offence of rape which may extendfrom seven years to life imprisonment and also fine* Section 228 IPC prohibits disclosure of the identity of the victim of rape* Under section 327 CrPC, the inquiry into and trial of rape or an offence under section 376 IPC shall be conducted in camera and it is not lawful for any person to print or publish any matter in relation to such proceeding except with the permission of the court", "cop": 2, "opa": "375 IPC", "opb": "376 IPC", "opc": "377 IPC", "opd": "378 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "6ed7cb29-2135-4744-85ad-267c0ee46838", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pink disease is seen in", "exp": "Acrodynia(Pick disease) is seen in mercury poisening.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Lead poisoning", "opb": "Cyanide poisoning", "opc": "Caston monoxide poisoning", "opd": "Mercury poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "daa07b27-0664-4e82-ab03-3cce483e2358", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Harakiri means", "exp": "Harakiri (seppuku) is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. Stab injury in the abdomen (L-shaped), causing instantaneous evisceration of bowel loops. It results in sudden decrease in abdominal pressure and cardiac return resulting in circulatory collapse and death.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Stabbing hea", "opb": "Cutting the genitalia", "opc": "Shooting in mouth", "opd": "Stabbing in abdomen", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Regional injuries", "id": "e1772c52-ed5d-4955-b32d-a015d507914c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "\"Res ipsa loquitar\" means", "exp": "Ans. c (Things speak for themselves). (Ref. Parikh, FMT, 5th ed., 575)In cases of professional negligence in some circumstances doctrine of \"Res ipsa loquitar\" (Things speak for themselves) can be invoked.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Vicarious responsibility", "opb": "Relation of doctor and anaesthesia.", "opc": "Things speak for themselves.", "opd": "Related to civil negligence.", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "6f0a74d3-8b71-432b-84c0-483dac8082f2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Confabulation is seen in case of chronic poisoning with", "exp": "The Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome occurs due to thiamine deficiency which can be a result of chronic alcohol addiction. In the acute form, drowsiness, disorientation, ataxia, amnesia and peripheral neuropathy are seen. Horizontal nystagmus and external ocular palsies may be seen. Korsakoff psychosis characterized by impairment of memory and confabulationConfabulation is the unconscious filling of gaps in memory by imagining experiences or events that have no basis in fact.Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg:407", "cop": 2, "opa": "Cannabis", "opb": "Alcohol", "opc": "Heroin", "opd": "Carbolic acid", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "82047191-a729-4374-93a6-5dec933f0abe", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Failure of the administrators of the hospital to provide adequate facilities comes under", "exp": "Corporate negligence It is the failure of the administrators of the hospital to provide the adequate facilities including doctors. The hospital administration should provide standard equipments and competent employees. If the damage has occured as a result of negligent action of hospital administration, then it is liable for the damages. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 382", "cop": 2, "opa": "Contributary negligence", "opb": "Corporate negligence", "opc": "Composite negligence", "opd": "Therapeutic misadventure", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "0556b9a6-90dd-4ad3-8878-57b8f2fc60f3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "ashleys rule is", "exp": "ashleys rule : sex detrmination by sternum krogmanns accuracy - sexing of adults in humans using pelvis ref : narayanareddy", "cop": 3, "opa": "sex determination using teeth", "opb": "age determination using sterum", "opc": "sex determination using sternum", "opd": "age determination using teeth", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "9bb0b09a-40cb-4066-b505-9c3d17dc0c9d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Gastric lavage is contraindicated in", "exp": "(Sulphuric acid): (480- Reddi 31st edition; 8.13 -Parikh 6th7ed)Only absolute contraindicated is corrosive poisoning (eg sulphuric acid) EXCEPT carboxic acid owing to the danger of perforationComplications1. Laryngeal spasm2. Aspiration pneumonitis3. Perforation of stomach4. Sinus bradycardiaIn the following conditions stomach wash can be done by taking proper precautions1. Convulsant poisons strychnine poisoning as it may lead to convulsions Lavage should be done after controlling the convulsions2. Comatose patient - because of the risk of aspiration of fluid into the air passages. The airway should be sealed by cuffed endotracheal tube (8 to 9mm) and lavage done3. Volatile poisons Kerosene which may be inhaled4. Upper alimentary disease eg oesophageal varices5. In patient with marked hypothermia and haemorrhagic diathesis", "cop": 1, "opa": "Sulphuric acid", "opb": "Organophosphorus", "opc": "Arsenic", "opd": "Dhatura", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "b7539d77-15c9-427a-a1ac-46818d540ac2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Harakari practiced in Japan is", "exp": "Harakari practiced in Japan is suicidal stab injury.\nIt is a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Homicidal stab injury", "opb": "Suicidal stab injury", "opc": "Judicial hanging method", "opd": "Suicidal hanging", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1006e103-eab6-4d8e-8902-2ddeb7fd7f92", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Hyperkalemia, cardiac arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation leading to death occurs in", "exp": "The above presentation is characteristic of freshwater drowning.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Dry drowning", "opb": "Seawater drowning", "opc": "Freshwater drowning", "opd": "Secondary drowning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "8d7826e0-3b37-4935-a901-fc968eb34ba7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "About 20 gms of hairs required to be preserved in", "exp": "Hair and nails are preserved in heavy metal poisoning e.g. arsenic, antimony, radium, thalium.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Heavy metal poisoning", "opb": "Aconite poisoning", "opc": "Iodine poisoning", "opd": "Codeine poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "2c703589-6f3a-45fa-bfa8-693a86d26506", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Red velvety appearance of stomach is seen in the poisoning of", "exp": "Black foot disease :\n\nChronic exposure of arsenic causef varosparm and peripheral varcular infufficiency.\nDry gangrene and spotaneous amputations of affected extremitier.\nRed velvety stomach mucosa(Strawberry stomach) arsenic poisonig.\nBlue linking on gems - lead(Bustonian line).\nTremors  - Mercury(intertional tremors).\nAnemia - lead(microcytic hypochromic anemia).", "cop": 2, "opa": "Lead", "opb": "Arsenic", "opc": "Copper", "opd": "Mercury", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7fa55658-a2ba-4275-be2d-5c6e1738e56f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Proximal tubule proteinuria and painful bone lesions are seen in overdose of", "exp": "Cadmium 1. Proximal tubule proteinuria and painful bone lesions are seen in overdose of Cadmium. 2. PCT necrosis is seen in- Arsenic, Carbon tetra Chloride, Cantharid, Lysol, Mercury, Phenol.) Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 567", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cadmium", "opb": "Lead", "opc": "Mercury", "opd": "Phenol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "a86261e6-1a7b-43c0-8b78-454ace0ca79b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Blocking of the internal air passage by external pressure over neck & chest is", "exp": "Cause Condition Occlusion of the internal airways by external pressure over neck Strangulation/hanging Blockage of the external orifices Smothering Blockage of the internal airways at nasopharynx Gagging Blockage of the internal airways at larynx Choking Occlusion of mouth and nose, and blockage of the internal airways by external pressure Overlaying Restriction of chest movement due to external mechanical fixation Traumatic asphyxia Occlusion of the internal airways by external pressure Wedging", "cop": 4, "opa": "Gagging", "opb": "Choking", "opc": "Smothering", "opd": "Wedging", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxial deaths", "id": "92d4595c-9b67-4ab8-94d3-e52d7f0ad595", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Gettler test is for", "exp": "A i.e. Drowning", "cop": 1, "opa": "Drowning", "opb": "Hanging", "opc": "Arsenic poisioning", "opd": "Strangulation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "349ae6f0-0474-401c-ada9-e3d95b580f91", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Robe's sign is seen in", "exp": "Robe's sign: presence of gas in the great vessels (12 hours of intrauterine death) Spalding sign: overriding of bones of cranial vault (5 -7 days of intrauterine death)", "cop": 1, "opa": "Dead born in 12 hours", "opb": "Live born in 12 hours", "opc": "Dead born in 24 hours", "opd": "Live born in 24 hours", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Infant deaths & child abuse", "id": "a768f37c-a8b7-4a84-8621-80c5cd627134", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Fracture of Hyoid bone is indicative of", "exp": "Fracture of hyoid bone is commonly seen in Throttling.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Throttling", "opb": "Hanging", "opc": "Mugging", "opd": "Ligature strangulation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "473f4e7e-b0aa-4aa0-8844-3194862c046b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Aboion stick used in criminal aboion causes aboion by the mechanism of", "exp": "A i.e. Uterine contraction Aboion stick used in criminal aboion causes aboion by uterine contractionQ", "cop": 1, "opa": "Uterine contraction", "opb": "Stimulation of uterine nerves", "opc": "Uterine infection & necrosis", "opd": "Placental separation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1810f273-bdda-4a35-b8c5-d3387a179409", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Whiplash injury is damage to", "exp": "Ans. (b) SpineRef: The essentials of FSM by KS Narayan Reddy 31st ed. 1246* Fracture of spine need not injure the cord, but the cord is rarely injured without associated fractures of the vertebral column. \"Whiplash injury\" is an exception to this rule. This injury sustained commonly by the occupants of the front seat. When the vehicle comes to a sudden stop, there is forward thurst which produces acute hyperflexion but this converted into acute hyperextension as the forehead strikes the windscreen which causes injury to the cervical column.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Skull", "opb": "Spine", "opc": "Rib cage", "opd": "Long bones", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Transportation Injuries", "id": "9358491c-3547-4f90-8e2c-c16c00110cfb", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A patient was brought with a history of pyrexia, contracted pupils, hypotension, cyanosis, progressing to coma is suspected to be suffering from poisoning due to", "exp": "Pyrexia + contracted pupils = Phenobarbitone poisoning Pyrexia + dilated pupils = Datura poisoning Constriction of the pupils (miosis) is typical of opioids, clonidine, phenothiazines, and cholinesterase inhibitors (eg, organophosphate insecticides), and deep coma due to sedative drugs.(Phenobarbitone) Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 508", "cop": 4, "opa": "Diphenhydramine", "opb": "Cannabis", "opc": "Dhatura", "opd": "Phenobarbitone", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "14a554a1-b034-491d-858e-bdd5a0dcd308", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Finger prints are obtained upto a depth of", "exp": "Histological section upto a depth of 0.6 mm from finger pad surface can give satisfactory results. Ridges are present both in dermis and epidermis.", "cop": 4, "opa": "2 mm", "opb": "0.2 mm", "opc": "6 mm", "opd": "0.6 mm", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "e9b38d89-ea34-41a0-9978-04098f305fad", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Black tongue is seen in abuse of", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e. cocaine The tongue and teeth of chronic cocaine users are black.Also importantMagnate's symptoms*: seen in chronic cocaine users. Consists of tactile hallucinations * as if small insects are creeping on the skin (cocaine bugs)* or grains of sand are lying under the skin.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Heroine", "opb": "Dhatura", "opc": "Smoking", "opd": "Cocaine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Forensic Toxicology - Concepts, Statutes, Evidence, and Techniques", "id": "c97a0a3f-2502-4917-b66a-7086ac8303cf", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Poisoning by an irritant may be mistaken for", "exp": "Irritants cause symptoms of gastroenteritis eg: abdominal pain, vomiting, purging.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Peritonitis", "opb": "Cholera", "opc": "Gastroenteritis", "opd": "Intestinal Obstruction", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "93346b95-89cf-4d6f-9a79-65483788f97a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Multiplication factor for estimating height from length of foot is", "exp": "(Length of one upper limb x 2) +34 is equal to stature. Height of head x 8 is equal to stature Length from veex to pubis x 2 is equal to height Length of foot x 7 is the approximate height Suprasternal notch to pubic symphysis x 3.3 is equal to stature. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE NO 96", "cop": 1, "opa": "7", "opb": "4", "opc": "5", "opd": "3", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "d1ed5d74-cadf-48e6-b995-e360dbaf94c9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A dead born fetus does not have", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e. Adipocere formation All the four can be seen in a dead bom fetus but adipocere formation being rare should be the answer.\"A dead born child is one which has died in utero and may show signs of rigor mortis, maceration or mummification *\"Rarely a child which has remained surrounded in amniotic fluid after death may get converted into adipocere\".Rigor mortisRigor mortis is common in a dead born fetus before birth causing difficult labour. The most common cause of such rigor mortis is antenatal haemorrhage.MacerationIf the dead fetus remains for some time in the uterus surrounded by liquor amnii but without air, an aseptic autolysis of the foetus occurs. This is known as macerationMummificationIt occurs when death of a foetus results from a deficient supply of blood or when liquor amnii is scanty and when no air has entered the uterus. In this condition the fetus is dried up and shrivelled.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Rigor mortis at birth", "opb": "Adipocere formation", "opc": "Maceration", "opd": "Mummification", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Abortion and Delivery", "id": "248207ba-0924-4f50-bcfe-ad068a198681", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Robert's sign is a feature of", "exp": "Robert's sign is appearance of gas shadow in chambers of heart and great vessels. It is seen in dead born infant.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Le fort fracture grade II", "opb": "Dead born Infant", "opc": "Live Born Infant", "opd": "Orbital fracture", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "6044e1a3-ed15-4685-b186-be9db5bb0015", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The legal responsibilities of an intoxicated person is given under Section of IPC", "exp": "Ans. d. 85", "cop": 4, "opa": "82", "opb": "83", "opc": "84", "opd": "85", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "03e4fe44-61f9-468f-ab10-3557381d86f6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Whiplash injury is seen in", "exp": "Shaken baby syndrome (infantile whiplash syndrome) By holding both shoulders, babies and children are shaken causing various injuries. This is done by parents or care takers in anger or frustration. It may cause diffuse axonal injury, subdural hemorrhage, moderate to severe retinal hemorrhage with or without separation. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 356", "cop": 4, "opa": "Sudden infant death syndrome", "opb": "Munchausen syndrome", "opc": "Battered baby syndrome", "opd": "Shaken baby syndrome", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "5bfd8632-2390-4d85-bb3c-aec39c47f6c1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Grievous Hurt is defined under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Ilegal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "323 IPC", "opb": "319 IPC", "opc": "320 IPC", "opd": "326 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "23bf8a6f-4c94-4b26-b740-092c54fe3fca", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Test for detection of old blood stain is", "exp": "D i.e. Benzidine test", "cop": 4, "opa": "Gel diffusion", "opb": "Precipitin test", "opc": "Absorption elution test", "opd": "Benzidine test", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "e572374b-f7f1-4f0c-b00f-c5097b62145d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Post moem staining before death can occur in", "exp": "Postmoem hypostasis is seen before death in cases of cholera, uremia, plague, morphine, etc Ref: researchgate.net", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cholera", "opb": "Old age", "opc": "Children", "opd": "Hanging", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "224667c7-ea3a-4d6b-a746-d900217207bd", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Putrefaction occurs at", "exp": "Exhumation should be done in early morning under natural light as surroundings have to be observed for unusual changes. Dr. Narayana Reddys Synopsis of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 27 th edition pg. 66.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Early morning", "opb": "Evening", "opc": "Night", "opd": "Any time", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "c41306f9-506c-41ee-8c9b-0a6ab924dcd6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Ideal condition for adipocere formation includes", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Warm humid air * Moisture present, warmth present, air present - Putrefaction.* Moisture present, warmth present, air absent, i.e. warm humid climate - Adipocere formation (saponification).* Moisture absent, warmth present, air present, i.e. hot dry climate - Mummification.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Warm humid air", "opb": "Dry hot air", "opc": "Cold humid air", "opd": "Cold dry weather", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "cd427713-b1b2-4f4c-ae59-091cb7a4f98e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A 6hours old snake bite patient comes to emergency with mild local edema at the injury site. On examination no abnormalities detected and lab repos are normal. Most appropriate management is", "exp": "All patients with a history of snake bite should be observed for 8-12 h after the bite, if the skin is broken and the offending snake cannot be positively identified as non-poisonous. Ref: Krishnan vij ; 5th ed; Page no: 484", "cop": 2, "opa": "Incision and suction", "opb": "Wait and watch", "opc": "Local subcutaneous antisnake venom", "opd": "Intravenous antisnake venom", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "99ae24e6-10c3-48b5-8c69-a8784ce4a4fc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Arborescent marks' or 'filigree burns' are seen in", "exp": "Ans. d (Lightening) (Ref. Forensic Medicine Reddy, 17th/ Page 261; Forensic Medicine 1st /Apurva Nandy, 286)# Filigree burns are seen in lightening# Crocodile Flash Burns and \"arc eye\" are seen in Electrical Injuries# Joule Burn is seen in Electrical Injuries# Spark Burns are seen in Electrical InjuriesLIGHTENING# Mode- Direct Strike- Side Flash - Hits another object and then enters the subject- Conduction through another object# Burns may be- Linear# 3 to 30 cm in length, 0.3 to 2.5 cm in width# Often in moist creased and skin folds- Arborescent or Filigree or Lichtenberg's flowers# Superficial, Thin, Irregular and Tortuous# Fern like pattern# Resembles a tree- Surface burns# True bums which occur beneath metallic objects worn or carried by the person# Cause of Death- Cerebral \"Anaemia\"# Due to spasmodic contraction of cerebral vesselsEducational Points# Filigree bums usually imply that the effect is superficial and are more often seen in cases where the victims have \"escaped\". They are seen in shoulders and flanks and pass away in due course of time.# They do not follow the path of blood vessels.# They may be due to:- Copper deposits in Dermis- Deposits of Hemoglobin from RBCs lysed by the current", "cop": 4, "opa": "Radiation", "opb": "Electrical burns", "opc": "Chemical burns", "opd": "Lightening", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "325cea6e-fa62-48a6-a64a-7a36a9987906", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Dilated pupil, dry mouth is a feature of poisoning due to", "exp": null, "cop": 3, "opa": "Morphine", "opb": "Organophosphorus", "opc": "Dhatura", "opd": "Phenothiazines", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "d4b6d46c-3f59-4e36-8f68-519d3b66fea8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Number of bullets fired in a tandem bullet AIIMS 07", "exp": "Ans. 2", "cop": 2, "opa": "1", "opb": "2", "opc": "3", "opd": "4", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1c9f7c99-51d1-4981-b27f-ee128f07759c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Chaing of left lower canine is A/E", "exp": "A. C i.e. 22 in palmar notation", "cop": 3, "opa": "33 in FDI", "opb": "43 in Modified FDI", "opc": "22 in Palmar notation", "opd": "-3 in Haderup", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7a383c3d-7e70-41be-a94a-bc46a02c3a07", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Medical etiquette is related to", "exp": "Medical etiquette:- It deals with the conventional laws of couesy observed between members of the medical profession. A doctor should behave with his colleagues as he would have them behave with himself. Medical jurisprudence (juris= law; prudentia = knowledge):- It deals with legal responsibilities of the physician with paicular reference to those arising from physician-patient relationship, such as medical negligence cases, consent, rights and duties of doctors, serious professional misconduct, medical ethics, etc. In sho, it deals with legal aspects of practice of medicine. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-01", "cop": 3, "opa": "Moral principles followed by doctors", "opb": "Legal responsibilities of doctors", "opc": "Couesy observed between doctors", "opd": "Rules to be followed by doctors", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "2bb12dc9-9cd8-40a1-81bb-f89f7f6a1784", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Ossification centre Calcaneum appears in", "exp": "Ossification centres Foot calcaneum: 5 months of JULY Talus: 7 months Cuboid: 9 months Navicular: 1 year Cuneiforms: 1 to3 years Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 92", "cop": 2, "opa": "3rd month", "opb": "5th month", "opc": "7th month", "opd": "9th month", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "480cdd4a-34bd-442a-a53c-09697e7e4903", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Voyeurism is punished under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "354 A IPC", "opb": "354 B IPC", "opc": "354 C IPC", "opd": "354 D IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "e0d01b59-1d6b-4370-a61f-3ee31d27e7e9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Mechanism of action of cyanide poison is", "exp": "(Inhibit cytochrome oxidase): (8.38- Parikh 6th edition)* Cyanide inhibits the action of cytochrome oxidase, carbonic anhydrase and probable of other enzyme system. It blocks the final step of oxidative phosphorylation and prevents the formation of ATP and its use as energy source.* Cyanide acts by reducing the oxygen carrying with the ferric iron atom of intracellular cytochrome oxidase preventing the uptake of oxygen for cellular respiration. There is an interference with the intracellular oxidative processes in the tissues and it kills by creating histotoxic or cytotoxic anoxia, although the blood may contain a normal oxygen content (588- Reddy 31st)", "cop": 1, "opa": "Inhibit cytochrome oxidase", "opb": "Inhibit cytochrome p450 enzyme", "opc": "Inhibit phosphodiesterase", "opd": "Inhibit DNA replication", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "30ba1199-89cb-40da-9371-5381563385f8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Name the test and is used for", "exp": "Neutron activation analysis (NAA) : This is a test used for estimation of distance of firing and confirming the hands of those suspected of firing a firearm. The test can detect barium, copper, antimony, etc. from the primer present in the firearm discharge residue, which are activated in a nuclear reactor and then identified by the gamma ray spectrometer. Other tests are: * Dermal nitrate test* Harrison and gilroy test* Neutron activation analysis (NAA)* Image analysis of gunshot residue (IA GSR)* Sodium rhodizonate test", "cop": 1, "opa": "Neutron activation analysis for firearm use", "opb": "Lie test for Firearm injury", "opc": "Benzidene test for blood stain", "opd": "Toludene blue test", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Ballistics", "id": "8bbb2c0e-6765-4ee3-ba15-29f26704194d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The pregnant female dies while doing illegal abortion. The doctor can be punished under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "303 IPC", "opb": "316 IPC", "opc": "314 IPC", "opd": "315 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "9474d18f-c420-499c-9ffa-e3cf63e02632", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "First internal sign of putrefaction is found", "exp": "A i.e. Below the liver", "cop": 1, "opa": "Below the liver", "opb": "In mediastinum", "opc": "Below the spleen", "opd": "In kidney", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "076610b3-5d40-4464-8072-e5367a496e6a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur means", "exp": "res ipsa loquitur means \"the thing speaks for itself,\" - a doctrine of law that one is presumed to be negligent if he/she/it had exclusive control of whatever caused the injury even though there is no specific evidence of an act of negligence, and without negligence the accident would not have happened. Ex: \"Leaving a pair of scissors in the abdomen The error is so self-evident that the patient's lawyer need not prove the doctor's guilt with medical evidence. The doctor has to prove his innocence. Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 364", "cop": 1, "opa": "Fact speaks for itself", "opb": "Medical maloccurrence", "opc": "Common knowledge doctrine", "opd": "Mandatory oral evidence", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "8741c209-d6a9-49be-9147-527669928b79", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cyanide poisoning is treated by", "exp": "(A) Sodium thiosulphate + Sodium nitrate # Treatment should be started immediately. The principle of the treatment is to reverse the cyanide-cytochrome combination. This is achieved by converting haemoglobin to methaemoglobin by giving nitrites. Break 0.2 c.c ampoule of amyl nitrite in a handkerchief and hold over the patient's nose for 15 to 30 seconds of every minute. 0.3 g. of sodium nitrite in 10 ml. of sterile water is given i.v. slowly, over a period of two to three minutes. Sodium nitrite forms methaemoglobin (Hb-Fe2+), then competeswith cytochrome oxidase for the cyanide ion, thusprotecting cytochrome oxidase. Do not remove theneedle. Through the same needle infuse 25 g. of sodium thiosulphate in 15% solution, i.v. over a period often minutes. It converts cyanide to non-toxic thiocyanate, which is excreted in urine.Repeat the nitrite-thiosulphate injection after an hour if recovery has not occurred. Hydroxocobalamine (Vitamin B12) 4 g. i.v. as infusion is given. It detoxifies cyanide by giving a hydroxyl group and then binding a cyanyl group from the cyanide, forming non-toxic cyanocobalamine which is excreted in the urine. It may be used with sodium thiosulphate which reacts with cyanocobalamine in the presence of the enzyme rhodanase, to produce thiocyanate. Dicobal EDTA acts by chelating cyanide to form a harmless product that is excreted in the urine. 600 mg. is given i.v. slowly. It is followed by 300 mg. if recovery does not occur. Cobalt EDTA and aminophenols are more rapid in action, efficacious, and less toxic than nitrites. 4-dimethylaminophenol (4-DMAP) 3 mg/kg. i.v. Gastric lavage is then performed on those who have ingested cyanide using activated charcoal, a mixture of 6% sodium carbonate, 15% ferrous sulphate and 3% citric acid, or 3% hydrogen peroxide, or 5 to 10% sodium thiosulphate, or 1:5000 potassium permanganate, and 200 ml. is left in the stomach. Alternatively stomach wash can be done with a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and ferrous and ferric chloride. Methylene blue is not effective. Ventilate with hundred percent oxygen. Methaemoglobin of more than fifty percent is an indication for exchange transfusion or administration of blood. If death is delayed, a mixture of ferrous and ferric sulphate with potassium carbonate may be given as a chemical antidote to form Prussian blue. Keep the airway clear. Patient should be kept under observation for 24 to 48 hours, as cyanide toxicity may recur. In poisoning by inhalation, remove the patient at once to fresh air and start artificial respiration and oxygen.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Sodium thiosulphate + Sodium nitrate", "opb": "Methylene blue", "opc": "Sodium thiosulphate only", "opd": "Sodium nitrate only", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "32d4695e-cce8-46e5-bb9d-6353032d50f6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Scandinan method is used in treatment of", "exp": "Scandinan method is used in treatment of Barbiturate poisoning Anti shock measures, maintenance of patent airway, adequate respiratory suppo with no CNS stimulants. Fluid replacement therapy used without vasopressors.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Barbiturate poisoning", "opb": "Alcohol withdrawal syndrome", "opc": "Benzodiazepine poisoning", "opd": "Cocaine abuse", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 1", "id": "55be5906-591d-4347-9d09-08bacbdcc0e2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Locard's exchange principle is for", "exp": "Locards principal of exchange states that whenever two bodies come in contact with each other, there is exchange of material between the two and so a criminal can be linked to crime.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Detecting poisoning", "opb": "Estimating the age", "opc": "Finding out time since death", "opd": "Detecting crime", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "a200ed82-7fbf-4ad6-813b-7e96f8125f04", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Accidental choking of respiratory passage by a bolus of food is known as", "exp": "Cafe coronary is a condition in which a healthy but grossly intoxicated person who begins a meal suddenly turns blue, coughs violently, then collapses and dies. \nDeath appears to be due to a sudden heart attack. At autopsy, a large piece of poorly chewed food may be found obstructing the larynx.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Gaging", "opb": "Overlying", "opc": "Café coronary", "opd": "Burking", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "23e2ac04-a55c-4b41-baa7-e7848d240e9d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Grevious hurt is defined under IPC", "exp": "Ans. (a) 320Ref: The Essentials ofFSM by K.S. Narayan Reddy 31st ed./384-85IPC SectionDefinitionSec 82A child under 7 yrs is incapable of committing an offence. Not applicable to railway act.Sec 83A child >7 &< 12 is presumed to be mature enough to be capable of committing an offence.Sec 84Act of a person of unsound mind/McNaughten's ruleSec 85Act of a person who's intoxicated against will.Sec 87A person less than 18 yrs cannot give valid consent to suffer any harm which may result from an act not intended or not known to cause death or grievous hurt. E.g. consent for wrestling contestSec 88 to93Legal protection to medical doctors. Sec 89 - a child < 12 yrs cannot give valid consent to suffer any harm which can occur by an act done in good faith or for itsbenefi t e.g. consent for operationSec 174Police inquestSec 176Magistrate's inquestSec 179Punishment for refusal to answer question by the policeSec 191Definition of perjurySec 193Punishment for perjurySec 197Issuing false certificate (3-7 years of punishment)Sec 201Disappearance of evidence (2 years of punishment)Sec 297Trespassing of burial placeSec 299Definition of Culpable homicideSec 300MurderSec 302Punishment for murder/infanticideSec 304Culpable homicide not amounting to murderSec 304 ACausing death by negligenceSec 304 BDowry death307Attempt to murder308Attempt to culpable homicide309Attempt to suicideSec 317Abandoning of infantsSec 318Concealment of death of childSec 319HurtSec 320Grievous hurtSec 321Voluntarily causing hurtSec 322Voluntarily causing grievous hurtSec 323Punishment for voluntary causing hurtSec 324Punishment for voluntary causing hurt by dangerous weapon/meansSec 325Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurtSec 326Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by a dangerous weapon/meansSec 351AssaultSec 354Assault to outrage the modesty of a woman.Sec 375Definition of rapeSec 376Punishment of rapeSec 377Unnatural sexual offenceSec 497Adultery", "cop": 1, "opa": "320", "opb": "302", "opc": "300", "opd": "376", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Introduction to Forensic Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "56505413-914c-4790-a899-e858bc54148a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Agonal period is the duration between", "exp": "AGONAL PERIOD:- It is the time between a lethal occurrence and death. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-142", "cop": 2, "opa": "Death and postmoem examination", "opb": "Lethal trauma upto death", "opc": "Traumatic event and staing of the operation", "opd": "Traumatic event and information given to the relatives", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "b674e59e-cea3-47d5-8a5d-ffa8c64562b6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Vitriolage is punished under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sec 294 IPC", "opb": "326 A IPC", "opc": "354 A IPC", "opd": "326 B IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "5d81f1b9-dd06-455f-afe3-aa53a69b7357", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Never used in chemical analysis", "exp": "Formalin cannot be used for preservation because it hardens and fixes the tissues and poison cannot be extracted. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 404", "cop": 2, "opa": "Saturated NaCl solution", "opb": "Formalin", "opc": "Rectified spirit", "opd": "Sodium fluoride", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "9731c17d-0637-4273-b03d-7f7f37344764", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The \"knot\" in judicial hanging is placed at", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e. The side of the neck Though submental knot (below the chin) is thought to be more effective and ensures a quicker death; subaural knot (side of the neck under the angle of the jaw/mandible) on the left side is the preferred position in India as well as England. Judicial hanging causes fracture-dislocation usually at the level of 2nd and 3rd or 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae. B/l fractures of either the pedicles or laminae of the arch of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th cervical vertebrae occur.In proper judicial hanging, there is rupture of the brain stem between the pons and the medulla.This results in instantaneous and irreversible loss of consciousness (d/t destruction of reticular formation) and in irreversible apnoea (d/t destruction of the respiratory centre).Death is instantaneous due to damage to spinal cord or brain stem though the heart may continue to beat for 15 to 20 minutes and muscle jerking may occur for quite some time.", "cop": 2, "opa": "The back of the neck", "opb": "The side of the neck", "opc": "Below the chin", "opd": "Choice of hangman", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "a4dcc8b5-2d52-4297-a019-c79abe94af3c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Species identification is done by", "exp": "B i.e. Precipitin test", "cop": 2, "opa": "Neutron activation analysis (N.A.A.)", "opb": "Precipitin test", "opc": "Benzidine test", "opd": "Spectroscopy", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "a3b139c8-afe3-4372-8d98-8df507a93558", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Arrange the following tooth in the order of age of eruption of temporary teeth Upper lateral incisor Lower lateral incisor Lower medial incisor Upper medial incisor", "exp": "Eruption sequence of Temporary Dentition Lower medial incisor 6 to 8 months Upper medial incisor 7 to 9 months Upper lateral incisor 7 to 9 months Lower lateral incisor 10 to 12 months First molar 12 to 14 months Canine 17 to 18 months Second molar 20 to 30 months", "cop": 3, "opa": "1-2-4-3", "opb": "3-2-1-4", "opc": "3-4-1-2", "opd": "2-3-4-1", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "3064cd1f-d9a3-4830-a969-e6b1324abef7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Dying declaration comes under", "exp": "Section-32(1) of Indian Evidence Act, the Word \"Dying Declaration\" means a statement is written or verbal of relevant facts made by a person, who is dead. It is the statement of a person who had died explaining the circumstances of his death. Ref:Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 9", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sec. 32 CrPC", "opb": "Sec. 32 IEA", "opc": "Sec. 62 IEA", "opd": "Sec. 62 CrPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "6c2f462f-2a2c-4e2a-bb2f-a1eb30450330", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pressure upon the neck by the arm held around the neck in", "exp": "Mugging ( Arm lock) The term mugging means pressure upon the neck by the arm held around the neck. The attack is usually made from behind, the neck being trapped in the crook of the elbow and pressure exeed when the front and sides of the larynx get squeezed. Death may ensue due to asphyxia or reflex cardiac arrest. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 134", "cop": 2, "opa": "Garrotting", "opb": "Mugging", "opc": "Bansdola", "opd": "Palmar strangulation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "09b06d12-e72c-424f-933b-1e3f30cb2706", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Compound used as primer in weapon is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Potassium chlorate Cartridge (round)* Cartridge is the ammunition used in firearms. Cartridge consists of (i) Cartridge case, (ii) Propellant (gun powder), (iii) Projectile (missile) and (iv) Wads (only in shotguns.).1) Cartridge case# It is the outer shell or covering of the cartridge. In shotgun it is cylinderical. Base is of brass and rest of it is of cardboard or plastic. In rifled weapons, it is tapering and whole of it is made of brass or steel.# Center of base has percussion cap (detonator cap) which has sensitive composition, i.e. primer, consisting of potassium chlorate, antimony sulphide, mercury fulminate, barium nitrite, lead peroxide or tetrazene.# In all weapons, after firing, the cartridge case remains in the barrel and it is to be taken out manually (shotgun, revolvers, rifle) or it is ejected out automatically, e.g. in pistals.2) Propellent (gun powder)# It propels the projectile (missile) forward. It is composed of black powder or smokeless powder in the form of grains, pellets, thin cylindrical cords or flakes. Its ignition results in formation of expanding hot gases under pressure which (gas pressure) propels the projectile (missile) by providing it necessary muzzle velocity and striking energy.# The classical gun powder is known as black powder, consists of charcol (15%), Sulphur (10%), and potassium nitrate (75%). Depending on fineness, the black gun powder is designated as FG, FFG, FFFG. etc. (F = fineness). Pyrodex is another gun powder with same components, but with different ratios.# Black gun powder produces smoke, i.e. It is smoke producing powder. Smokeless powder, in addition to black powder, has nitrocellulose (single base), or nitrocellulose plus nitroglycerine (double base), or nitrocellulose plus nitroglycerine plus nitroguanidine (triple base). Semi smokeless powder has 80% black powder and 20% smokeless powder (nitrocellulose).3) Projectile (missile)# Projectile is an object propelled by force of rapidly burning gases. In shotgun these are lead shots and pellets (recently steel is also used instead of lead) and in rifled weapons (pistal, rifle, revolver), these are bullets. Tip of the bullet is knwon as nose.4) Wads# Wads are present only in the cartridge of a shot gun. Wad can be made of paper, left, card board, or plastic. These are circular disc of various thicknesses, used to adjust the contents of a shotgun cartridge.# Felt wad (wad made of felt) is imprignated with grease and this lubricates the bore (inside of barrel).", "cop": 1, "opa": "Potassium chlorate", "opb": "Sulphur", "opc": "Potassium nitrate", "opd": "Nitrocellulose", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "b0525612-6517-4921-b748-9c553914ec68", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "\"Tram line bruises\" are caused due to injuries caused by", "exp": "When a person is stuck with a cylindrical object such as iron bar, the bruise pattern formed is distinct. The skin surface is indented and blood vessels at the edges are ruptured. Blood is squeezed out of any vessels along the point of contact, but the vessels remain relatively intact (paicularly if the suppoing tissues are lax). When the impacting object is removed, blood flows back into the undamaged vessels, but leaks from the damaged ones. The resulting bruise is termed a 'tramline bruise' because it appears as a pale linear central area lined on either side by linear bruising. Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 218", "cop": 3, "opa": "Chemical irritants", "opb": "Electrical burns", "opc": "Iron rod", "opd": "Radiation burns", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "959d3051-7818-414e-ba35-8bdfd6c4827e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Paraquat poisoning causes", "exp": "Paraquat poisoning causes Multiple organ failure. Paraquat is a very toxic compound, 2 g can be potentially fatal (10 ml of concentrated 20% solution). Initial signs of toxicity are due to its corrosive effects on the GI tract and Oropharynx. Paraquat absorbed and is sequestered in the lungs--> form hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anions--> cell death-->acute alveolitis. Management providing suppoive care activated charcoal to reduce absorption. Excessive oxygen supplementation can actually increase pulmonary toxicity Oral mucosa is observed with edema, jaundice and ulcerations. bilateral opacities of peripheral and parahilar predominance. Liver enlarged in size and weight, congestive and indurated, gallbladder with cholestasis.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Renal failure", "opb": "Cardiac failure", "opc": "Respiratory failure", "opd": "Multiple organ failure", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "FMT Q Bank", "id": "f21e423c-8208-45dd-bb4b-94251f85aff9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sexual gratification obtained by contact of private pas in", "exp": "Frotteurism In this, sexual gratification is obtained by contact. The person is obtaining the gratification by rubbing his private pas against a female's body. It is punishable according to Sec 354A IPC Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 312", "cop": 4, "opa": "Masochism", "opb": "Transvestism", "opc": "Fetichism", "opd": "Frotteurism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "64ae753c-3db7-40ef-b9fa-264a4f5f52a6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In macerated fetus, the organ used for DNA profiling is", "exp": "If fetus is macerated, fetal lungs and brain tissues are more suitable for DNA typing Normal fetuses In older fetus, sample consists of fetal blood obtained by hea puncture. In young fetus, analysis of chorionic villi may provide the fetal pattern. Other tissue suitable for DNA analysis is - quadriceps muscle or rib", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lungs", "opb": "Spleen", "opc": "Hea", "opd": "Skeletal muscle", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Infant deaths & child abuse", "id": "53a7d817-91d7-41e7-8b06-24e824af9995", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Excessive sexual desires in females is known as", "exp": "Excessive sexual desires in Male's - Satyriasis.\nExcessive sexual desires in Female's - Nymphomania.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Nymphomania", "opb": "Satyriasis", "opc": "Fetishism", "opd": "Frigidity", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "99fc0cd8-8eb9-49de-8ea6-7f1b5ee9822f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "IPC 321 deals with 0", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Voluntarily causing hurt 3191 PC : Defines hurt,o 320IPC : Defines grievous hurt,o 321 IPC : Voluntarily causing hurt,o 322 IPC : Voluntarily causing grievous hurt.o 323 IPC : Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt {no provocation, no dangerous weapon) (1 years imprisonment),o 324 IPC : Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon (3 years imprisonment +- fine),o 325 IPC : Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt (no provocation, no dangerous weapon) (7 years imprisonment +- fine).", "cop": 2, "opa": "Definition of hurt", "opb": "Voluntarily causing hurt", "opc": "Definition of grievous hurt", "opd": "Voluntarily causing grievous hurt", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "86d49293-5120-4917-9397-116a2b150372", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Unnatural sexual offences are punished under", "exp": "Sodomy, Bestiality are some examples of unnatural sexual offences, they are punished under 377 IPC.", "cop": 3, "opa": "375 A IPC", "opb": "376 A IPC", "opc": "377 IPC", "opd": "376 B IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "cece838a-a74f-4c93-a060-48c67f5624ed", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Yellow Phosphorous is preserved in", "exp": "Phosphorus occurs in two forms, namely yellow or white, and red. The yellow phosphorus is highly toxic. It is waxy, translucent and white. When exposed to air, it becomes yellow. It is not soluble in water. So, for preservation purposes, it is kept under water. When exposed to air, it emits fumes of phosphorus trioxide as a result of oxidation. It is also used in fireworks, gunpowder, and incendiary ammunition.Red phosphorus is stable at room temperature and is not oxidized as yellow phosphorus does. It is used in matchbox industry. It is not present on heads of matchsticks but on sides of matchbox along with the powdered glass. The heads of safety match sticks contain potassium chlorate and antimony sulfide.Ref: RK Sharma; 3rd edition; Chapter 31; Page no: 252", "cop": 4, "opa": "Alcohol", "opb": "Kerosene", "opc": "Formalin", "opd": "Water", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "78b1078d-210d-4e1d-a859-6a1326d0a166", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Diatoms are seen in", "exp": "B. i.e. (Drowning) (3.69 - Parikh 6th)DIATOMS - is unicellular algae**, have silicaceous cell wall (Best site of sample - Bone marrow in femur**)* **Since diatoms resist putrefaction, diatom test may have some value in examination of decomposed bodies* The test is negative in dead bodies thrown in water and in dry drowning (Tissues from brain, liver and BM)*Gettler's Test used in Drowning to estimate the chloride content of blood from both sides of the heart Diagnostic features of drowning - is fine white latheary tenacious froth or foam rarely tinged with blood (other causes are - chest - compression, opium poisoning, slow asphyxia. Putrefaction).i. Cutis - anserine** - goose - skin or goose flesh - the granular and puckered appearance of the skin and \"pataufs hemorrhage\"**ii. Washer - woman *s hand - the slan of the hands or feat shows bleached, corrugated and sodden appearance* Commonest type of Drowning is - Suicidal**", "cop": 2, "opa": "Infanticide", "opb": "Drowning", "opc": "Hanging", "opd": "Mummifications", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "303a416b-1af0-4473-854c-d361d7c0e4e5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Cherry red colour of blood is seen in poisoning with", "exp": "Colour of death by poisoning: Cyanide- bright red Carbon monoxide - cherry red Carbon dioxide- deep blue Phosphorus, copper- dark brown Hydrogen sulphide- bluish green Opiates- black Nitrite, aniline, potassium chlorate, nitrobenzene, potassium bicarbonate- chocolate brown or coffee brown. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR P C IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 24", "cop": 2, "opa": "Nitrate", "opb": "Cyanide", "opc": "Lead", "opd": "Sulphite", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "3d0264dc-e9de-4d75-87fe-b60c5aa52f5d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Condition to promote adipocere formation is", "exp": "Factors facilitating formation of adipocere: Bodies covered with thick cloth and placed in air tight coffins Humid and warm atmosphere Stagnant air. Body pas where there is excess body fat Bodies buried in marshy places or clayey soil Bodies lying in deep stagnant water. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 37", "cop": 2, "opa": "Dry and hot", "opb": "Hot and humid", "opc": "Dry and optimum", "opd": "Cold and moist", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "64c1d487-1f5c-469f-8ac7-8b3defdabed7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A person incapacitated by drug, disease, alcohol, etc lie with the upper poion of body lower than rest of the body causes", "exp": "Postural asphyxia The condition where a person incapacitated by drug, diseases or alcohol, etc lie with the upper poion of the body lower than rest of the body pas. The common example is a drunk who slides out of bed so that his head and adjoining areas hang down from edge and the remaining body is resting at a upper level. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 119", "cop": 2, "opa": "Traumatic asphyxia", "opb": "Postural asphyxia", "opc": "Sexual asphyxia", "opd": "Burking", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "c6c7ed69-23c9-46d7-95e1-d783abb2aa13", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "\"Dry submarine\" in custodial injuries refer to", "exp": "Suffocation: Near-suffocation may occur by means of a plastic bag placed over the head of the victim ('dry submarine'). Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg - 193", "cop": 2, "opa": "Beating on soles of feet", "opb": "Tying a plastic bag over the head", "opc": "Immersion of head in contaminated water", "opd": "Suspending the accused by ankles", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "4c7dfe0e-31ff-4327-8018-ef6febd9c02b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Falanga' is", "exp": "TOURE METHODS: The methods of toure are wide and varying. (I) PHYSICAL ABUSE : (1) Beating is the commonest form. Fist, foot or an instrument, such as lathi, metal or wooden bars, whips, belts, cycle chains, etc., are used. The usual target is the back, but injuries may be seen on almost any pa of the body. Abrasions, contusions, lacerations and fractures may be found. Bruises in abdominal wall and rupture of internal organs may be seen. Poking with stick, baton, rod, etc. is common. (2) Falanga (faiaka, bastinado): In this canes or rods are used to beat on the soles of the feet, or rarely to the palms of the hands or hips, which is very painful and debilitating. Contusions are found deep in the tissues. Faint red lines may be seen, and often hyperpigmentation along the lines of injury. Aseptic necrosis may occur. (3) Telefono: It consists of repeated slapping of the sides of the head (over ears) by the open palms of the assailant. This may cause rupture of ear drums and injury to the inner ear. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-297,298", "cop": 2, "opa": "Pulling of hair", "opb": "Hitting the feet with stick", "opc": "Electric current for toure", "opd": "Sitting in abnormal position", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "1da1b6e4-56ef-4330-ac48-3eb8ad7b94c8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In camera trial of a rape case hearing is done under", "exp": "Sec. 327 (2) CrPC In-camera trial: Trial of rape case are to be held in camera by a woman Judge/ Magistrate, if available Sec. 357 (C) CrPC All hospitals (including private), should provide medical treatment to the rape victims. Private hospitals cannot refuse treatment to rape victims Police intimation to be made immediately Free of cost treatment.", "cop": 2, "opa": "376 IPC", "opb": "327 (2) Cr P C", "opc": "53 Cr P C", "opd": "375 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "b2ebb5cf-3648-4fe3-9267-d135bb8e36c9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Whiplash injury of spine is due to", "exp": "Whiplash injury This injury classically occurs in an occupant of a vehicle due to sudden acceleration which causes sudden extension followed by flexion. There may be fracture dislocation of cervical veebrae. Both accrleaccele and deceleration injuries are included in the category of whiplash injury. Hyperextension injuries are common. Whiplash injuries are common in front seat occupants. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 178", "cop": 2, "opa": "Hyperflexion", "opb": "Hyperextension", "opc": "Rotation", "opd": "Side ward traction", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "7f13b6c4-7070-4cb3-8ef6-97544d268707", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Earliest sign of putrefaction is", "exp": "(D) Discoloration in right iliac fossa# The first external sign of putrefaction in a body lying in air is usually a greenish discoloration of the skin over the region of the caecum, which lies fairly superficially, and where the contents of the bowel are more fluid and full of bacteria.> Internally, putrefaction is seen on the undersurface of the liver, where that organ is in contact with the transverse colon.> The color results from the conversion of hemoglobin of blood into sulphonate haemoglobin by the hydrogen sulphide formed in large intestine and escaping into the surrounding tissues.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Discoloration over face", "opb": "Marbled appearance", "opc": "Discoloration of limbs", "opd": "Discoloration in right iliac fossa", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "cf27a2bb-9b4f-4f3d-9744-b883da4657f6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sexual gratification is obtained by inflicting injuries to sexual paner in", "exp": "Sadisim In sadism, the sexual gratification is obtained by inflicting injuries on the sexual paner. It is most commonly seen in men. To obtain sexual gratification, the sadist may bite , whip, beat, or produce cut injuries on the sexual paner Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 312", "cop": 2, "opa": "Masochism", "opb": "Sadism", "opc": "Fetichism", "opd": "Necrophilia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "40bf3628-7b92-432b-b06a-25e561b47fdf", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In Breslau's second life test, organ tested is", "exp": "D i.e. Stomach & Intestine Breslau's second life (or Stomach Bowel) test says that air will be swallowed & so may pass into stomach & small intestine when respiration establishes.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Brain", "opb": "Hea", "opc": "Lung", "opd": "Stomach and Intestine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "0291550c-be5c-420e-9e17-cea3e2d01371", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The principle 'respondent superior' is applied by", "exp": "Vicarious liability Responsibility lies on the superior for the negligent action of his subordinate who is supposed to work under the guidance of the superior. The principle applied is called 'respondent superior' which means 'let the master answer' .To apply this principle, There must be an employer employee relationship to be established. The employee's conduct should occur within the scope of his employment. The negligence occurs during while on job. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 381", "cop": 1, "opa": "Vicarious liability", "opb": "Products liability", "opc": "Medical maloccurence", "opd": "Therapeutic misadventure", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "b759ed9c-0eaf-4a91-acba-56186d0998ed", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Atropine is not used in the poisoning of", "exp": "Atropine is used ar antidote in argaphosphones and orgarocholorine poisnonings.\nThrough endrin does not have a specific antidote,atropine is particulorly contraindicated in pyrethroid poisonings.\nThe major component of baygon is pynethroids(Cyfleathrin ,Thansfluthrin,Prallithrin).\nAtropine and oximes both are contraindicated in pyrethroid poisonings.\nAtropine should not be used beacuse it could exacerbate the CNS stimulatory effects and tachycardia in there cases.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Parathion", "opb": "Endrin", "opc": "Tik 20", "opd": "Baygon", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "9fd9b102-3581-44fe-be1b-59b0dc223d45", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Feature of ante moem drowning is", "exp": "Cadaveric spasm Weed paicles, twigs, leaves, etc may be seen firmly grasped in hands due to cadaveric spasm. This indicates that the person was alive when entered the water and was struggling. Cadaveric spasm with weed paicles in hand can be taken as a definite ante-moem sign of drowning. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 264", "cop": 4, "opa": "Cutis anserine", "opb": "Rigor mois", "opc": "Washer womans feet", "opd": "Grass and weeds grasped in hand", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "681f120b-a359-476b-889b-00a030f38129", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder is covered under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 2, "opa": "Sec 269 IPC", "opb": "Sec 304 IPC", "opc": "Sec 300 IPC", "opd": "Sec 302 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7f0fa288-d7d5-49ba-8946-b5e18830bc8a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Anaemia, punctate basophilia, constipation blue line and abdominal colic are characreristic of", "exp": "D i.e. Lead poisoning", "cop": 4, "opa": "Opium addiction", "opb": "Arsenic poisoning", "opc": "Mercuric poisoning", "opd": "Lead poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "ed30414a-cf8f-4610-b3b7-1b9e00116a8b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Savila dribbling from mouth is characteristic of", "exp": "Saliva may be found dribbling from the angle of mouth when the head is dropped forward. This is due to the increased salivation before death caused by stimulation of the salivary gland by the ligature. Hence it is an antemoem hanging feature Ref: The synopsis of forensic medicine & Toxicology. Dr. K.S Narayan Reddy. 28th edition pg: 180", "cop": 2, "opa": "Postmoem hanging", "opb": "Antemoem hanging", "opc": "Suicidal hanging", "opd": "Homicidal strangulation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "5c375864-529a-4e05-b513-d8224ddb78a7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Rule of Hasse is used to determine", "exp": "A i.e. The age of fetus Rule of Hasse is used to determine the age of fetus from its crown to heel length (in cm).Q", "cop": 1, "opa": "The age of fetus", "opb": "Height of an adult", "opc": "Race of a person", "opd": "Identification", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "bb7fc184-195f-445a-b92b-c410c5ea0705", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Chemical constituent of cigarette lighter used for volatile substance abuse is", "exp": "CIGARETTE LIGHTER - BUTANE Fluorocarbon - AEROSOLS Acetone - GLUES, DYES, NAIL POLISH REMOVER Toluene - ACRYLIC PAINTS", "cop": 2, "opa": "Fluorocarbon", "opb": "Butane", "opc": "Acetone", "opd": "Toluene", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Drug Abuse", "id": "be3563c7-e493-4ed5-a577-b3eecfd2d106", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sin of Gomorrah is another name for", "exp": "BUCCAL COITUS OR COITUS PER OS OR SIN OF GOMORRAH: The male organ is introduced into the mouth of another male or female usually children. Rarely faint teeth marks and abrasions may be present on the penis. Death may occur due to aspiration of semen, or impaction of the penis in the respiratory tract or stomach. Buccal swabs should be taken which are useful only up to 9 hours. REF: THE SYNOPSIS OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY 29th edition page no: 225.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Anal intercourse", "opb": "Lesbianism", "opc": "Buccal coitus", "opd": "Tribadism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "16aa0cab-f703-4302-b8c2-666c28870bcc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Identical twins can be differentiated by", "exp": "* Among twins, the DNA fingerprint will show same pattern * But the fingerprint pattern is different even in identical twins. * The Fingerprint patterns are not inherited and paternity cannot be proved through fingerprint patterns. * The fingerprint patterns are distinctive and permanent in individuals. Ref:- Essentials of Forensic medicine Dr KS narayana Reddy 33th Edition; Pg num:- 86", "cop": 3, "opa": "Blood grouping", "opb": "DNA fingerprinting", "opc": "Finger print", "opd": "Age", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "6123cd94-5008-4932-9b4c-d89ab39ecaed", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The commonest cause of hymen rupture is", "exp": "Causes of Rupture of Hymen i. Sexual intercourse: Commonest cause of defloration. ii. Masturbation, especially with some large foreign body. Hymen is not injured in most cases, as manipulation is usually limited to pas anterior to the hymen. iii. An accident, like fall on a projecting substance or by slipping on the furniture or fence. It does not rupture by jumping, riding, vigorous exercise and dancing. iv. Gynecological examination or surgical operation. v. Foreign body inseion for rendering minors fit for sexual intercourse. (sola pith ) vi. Sanitary tampons.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Sanitory tampons", "opb": "Masturbation", "opc": "Sexual intercourse", "opd": "Vigorous exercise", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Impotency, Virginity, pregnancy & aboion", "id": "de791f55-8513-4880-88ab-170656a74221", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Achieving sexual gratification by seeing the private pas of opposite sex is seen in", "exp": "Voyeurism or Scoptophilia This is a perversion in which the sexual gratification is obtained by seeing the private pas of the opposite sex or watching sexual intercourse. More common in males. This is so called ''peeping Tom\" According to Sec354C of IPC voyeurism is punishable. Whoever watches or capture images of a woman who is engaged in a private act, shall be punished with imprisonment up to 3 years, and in subsequent act up to 7 years. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 313", "cop": 3, "opa": "Uranism", "opb": "Troilism", "opc": "Voyeurism", "opd": "Undinism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "540a9dd6-3d73-4d22-96f4-2972376e8541", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sample of spinal cord is preserved in suspected poisoning with", "exp": "Preservation of viscera: In ceain cases of poisoning, the following are preserved. (1) Hea: strychnine, digitalis, yellow oleander. (2) Brain: 100 gm. of cerebrum or cerebellum: alkaloids, organophosphorus compounds, opiates, CO, cyanide, strychnine, barbituratesanaesthetics and volatile organic poisons. (3) Spinal cord entire length: strychnine and gelsemium. (4) C.S.F.: alcohol. (5) Bile: It is best removed by puncturing the gall bladder in situ. Narcotic drugs, cocaine, methadone, glutathione, barbiturates and some tranquilisers. (6) Vitreous humour: alcohol, chloroform, cocaine, morphine, tricyclic antidepressants, etc. (7) Lung: one lung in gaseous poisons, hydrocyanic acid, alcohol, chloroform. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-125", "cop": 2, "opa": "Arsenic", "opb": "Strychnine", "opc": "Alcohol", "opd": "Oleander", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "5045dde2-f334-4b83-a3eb-08f09ea584b7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sexual gratification obtained by wearing dresses of opposite sides in", "exp": "TRANSVESTISM In this type of sexual perversion, sexual satisfaction is obtained by wearing clothes of the opposite sex. His whole personality is dominated to be identified as a member of the opposite sex. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 312", "cop": 4, "opa": "Necrophilia", "opb": "Fetichism", "opc": "Frotteurism", "opd": "Transvestism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "34eda887-9724-4d47-a182-3efb695a6533", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Characteristic postmortem finding of carbolic acid poisoning is", "exp": "Stomach mucosa :\n\nSulphuric acid : Charred / Black  / blottin paper stomach\nCopper sulphate : Bluish green\nFerrous sulphate : Green\nArsenic : pink velvety mucosa / strawberry\nNitric acid : yellow\nCarbolic acid : White leathery stomach.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Grunish stomach", "opb": "Yellow charred stomach", "opc": "Brown leathery stomoch", "opd": "Black charred stomach", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "d6b4cd21-e002-472b-8268-f00e44da02b7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Fetishism is sexual gratification by", "exp": "FETISHISMThe hallmark of fetishism is long-standing compulsive sexual interest in nonliving objects that are used to generate sexual excitement. In the ordinary human life, males do repo having interest and attraction to object worn by their sexual paners such as brassieres, panties, gaer belts, hose, and boots/socks, etc. However, fetishism is an extreme exaggeration of an attachment to objects and the individual may go to extremes to obtain fetishistic objects (e.g., breaking into houses to steal the things/objects).Ref: Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th edition; Chapter 29 Forensic Psychiatry; Page no: 425", "cop": 4, "opa": "Injury by the other paner", "opb": "Wearing clothes of opposite sex", "opc": "Public exposure of genital organs", "opd": "Seeing clothes of opposite sex", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "ccfece02-920e-4e46-bf06-fade95e84287", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The average length of a full term child will be about", "exp": "D i.e. 50 cm", "cop": 4, "opa": "30 cm", "opb": "35 cms", "opc": "40 cms", "opd": "50 cms", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "84d8e335-8e0f-4c51-9d8d-c01c5f6b9223", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Phassy jaw is caused by", "exp": "Phossy Jaw is produced by chronic white phosphorus poisoning.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Yellow phosphorus", "opb": "White phosphorus", "opc": "Cadmium", "opd": "Lead", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "8aa0fca3-0f40-45fa-8ab4-01c77122c0ca", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Preservation of brain is not required in", "exp": "D i.e. Heavy metal", "cop": 4, "opa": "Alkaloid poisoning", "opb": "Organophosphorus poisoning", "opc": "Volatile organic poisoning", "opd": "Heavy metal poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "ad83429c-da93-4e15-851e-dd2c945e68b3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Arsenophagists are", "exp": "Some people take arsenic daily as a tonic or as an aphrodisiac and they acquire tolerance to 250-300mg or more in one dose. Such people are known as arsenophagists. Ref - 75 ug% - Poisoning. * Nails: Presence of > 100 ug% of arsenic - Poisoning.", "cop": 4, "opa": "OPC", "opb": "LSD", "opc": "cyanide", "opd": "Arsenic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "f1cb7200-1b40-4a79-9498-5c052c8aae86", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Section 174 Cr.P.C. deals with", "exp": "Ans. a (Inquest). (Ref. Parikh, Textbook of FMT, 5th/5)INQUEST (legal or judicial inquiry to ascertain matter of fact). : Section 174 Cr.P.C. -# When a person dies it is necessary to determine the cause of death either natural or unnatural to meet with the requirement of law.# In forensic, an inquest generally means an inquiry into the ca use of death (not due to natural cause).# Types of inquest in India:- Coroner's inquest (Mumbai and culcutta)- Police inquest- Magistrate inquest# Coroner's inquest was abolished in India in the year: 1999.# The most common type of inquest in India: Police inquest.# In India, inquest is NOT carried out by: Doctor# In case of death in prison, inquest can be conducted by: Executive Magistrate.# Supposed to be the best inquest internationally: Medical examiner's inquest.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Inquest", "opb": "Inquiry", "opc": "Murder", "opd": "Medical negligence", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "58fe4bee-8a6a-40ba-aac7-fcc4f798000d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Plant penicillin is", "exp": "C i.e. Endrin", "cop": 3, "opa": "Carbamate", "opb": "OPC", "opc": "Endrin", "opd": "DDT", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "b4ecb36a-8aae-470c-a30e-b89ddef3eb8b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Choking is seen in", "exp": "(C) (Shotgun) (4, 33- Parikh 6th)* Choking is the constrictive device present at the muzzle end of the shotgun.* Stallete wound may be seen in - contact wound bullet entry wound*.* Tracer bullet leaves a visible mark so that a person can see it.* Destructive power of bullet is determined by - velocity of bullet.Smokeless powderBlack powder or smoke producing powder* Single base - Nitrocellulose (Gun cotton)* Double base - Nitroglycerine plus nitrocellulose *** Triple base - Nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose and nitroguanidineConsists of* Potassium nitrate 75%* Sulphur* Charcoal10%15%One gram of powder produces 3000 to 4500 cc of gas that consists of CO, CO2 nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen, methane etc.* Gunpowder and/ or soot on heavily blood stained (or dark coloured) garments can be visualized by Infra red photography", "cop": 3, "opa": "Revolver", "opb": "Pistol", "opc": "Shot gun", "opd": "Rifle", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "b6a89991-19a5-4d16-bb99-2cdc8b19828f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Suggilation means", "exp": "Synonyms of livor mois: Lividity Hypostasis Vibices Cadaveric lividity Suggillation", "cop": 4, "opa": "Postmoem calorcity", "opb": "Rigor mois", "opc": "Algor mois", "opd": "Postmoem staining", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "94d5d722-672d-4c9e-949d-b4a972680682", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The first permanent tooth to appear is", "exp": "A i.e. First molar First temporary (primary) teeth to appear is Lowere central incisorQ; and first permanent (secondary) teeth to appear is Pt molarQ.", "cop": 1, "opa": "First molar", "opb": "Lateral incisor", "opc": "Upper canine", "opd": "First premolar", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "0439fb1a-cfdb-447e-8068-26c037c88c66", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In Primary dentition tooth eruption, the earliest tooth to erupt is", "exp": "(A) Central incisor # PRIMARY TEETH typically erupt in the following order: (1) central incisor, (2) lateral incisor, (3) first molar, (4) canine, and (5) second molar. As a general rule, four teeth erupt for every six months of life, mandibular teeth erupt before maxillary teeth, and teeth erupt sooner in females than males. During primary dentition, the tooth buds of permanent teeth develop below the primary teeth, close to the palate or tongue.# PERMANENT TEETH in the maxilla erupt in a different order from permanent teeth on the mandible. Maxillary teeth erupt in the following order: (1) first molar (2) central incisor, (3) lateral incisor, (4) first premolar, (5) second premolar, (6) canine, (7) second molar, and (8) third molar. Mandibular teeth erupt in the following order: (1) first molar (2) central incisor, (3) lateral incisor, (4) canine, (5) first premolar, (6) second premolar, (7) second molar, and (8) third molar. Since there are no premolars in the primary dentition, the primary molars are replaced by permanent premolars.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Central incisor", "opb": "Lateral incisor", "opc": "Canine", "opd": "First molar", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "7ae07fb4-33a9-4d69-a52a-12accaf737d8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Privation of any member of joint is", "exp": "Grievous hu (sec 320 IPC) According to this section, any of the following injuries are grievous injuries: Emasculation Permanent privation of sight of either eye Permanent privation of hearing of either ear Privation of any member or joint Permanent impairing of power of any member or joint Permanent disfiguration of head or face. Fracture or dislocation of bone or tooth Any hu which endangers life , or which causes the victim to be in severe bodily or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits for a period of 20 days Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 218", "cop": 2, "opa": "Simple injury", "opb": "Grievous injury", "opc": "Serious injury", "opd": "Dangerous injury", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "b6f3defa-736d-42f5-9eb2-88b48ae56b53", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In salicylate poisoning, the treatment recommended", "exp": "A salicylate poisoning, forced alkaline diuresis is used.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Forced diuresis", "opb": "Chelating agent", "opc": "Atropine", "opd": "Conservative management", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "cfc480f7-6ac4-4c74-b1d9-dc7b08ceb290", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Statutory rape is", "exp": "Statutory Rape is defined in Section 375 of Indian Penal Code, (amendment of 2013) which states that \"any male, who does an intercourse with any female who is below the age of 18, with or without her consent will be constituting a Statutory Rape\". Circumstances falling under any of the following seven descriptions are considered rape under 375 IPC Against her will. Without her consent. With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested, in fear of death or of hu. With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully married. With her consent when, at the time of giving such consent, by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by him personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome Substance, she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent. With or without her consent, when she is under eighteen years of age. When she is unable to communicate consent. Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 46,309", "cop": 3, "opa": "Rape of an insane woman", "opb": "Sexual intercourse with wife, without consent", "opc": "Sexual intercourse with minor", "opd": "Sexual intercourse by threatening", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "99189336-66f4-47eb-88d8-f5a789cf221f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Leading questions are permitted only in", "exp": "(Cross examinations): Ref 1.11-P, 13-MCROSS-EXAMINATION- May be regarded as the most reliable procedure for testing the value of an evidence, and is held by the counsel for the accused.The main objectives of cross-examination are* To elicit facts favourable to his case* To test the accuracy of the statements made by the witness* To shift, modify or explain what has been said* To discredit the witness* To remove an undue or unwarned emphasis* In cross examination, leading questions are permitted and the witness should be very cautious in answering them* Cross examination acts as a double edged sword* There is no time limit for examination", "cop": 2, "opa": "A. Examination in chief", "opb": "Cross examination", "opc": "Dying declaration", "opd": "Re-examination", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "9a47e18a-c20d-4bb8-8ff9-52c5994fd3d0", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Crural index is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Length of tibia/femur x 100 Race determination of skeletonA) Cephalic Index (Cl)# Cephalic index is defined as the index of breadth of skullCephalic index =Max. breadth of skull--------------------Max. AP length of skullx 100# Based of cephalic index races are clasified into following three1) Dolichocephalic (longheaded): Cephalic index is 70-75 and is a feature of Caucasions, PureAryan (Indians), Aborigines, and Negroes.2) Mesaticephalic (medium headed): Cephalic index is 75-80 and is a feature of Europeans, and Chinese.3) Brachycephalic (short headed): Cephalic index is more than 80 and is a feature of MongolianB) Brachial Index# Brachial index is defined asBrachial index =Lenght of radius----------------Lenght of humerusx 100# Brachial index is 74.5 in Europeans and 78.5 in Negroes.C) Crural index# It is defined asCrural index =Lenght of tibia------------Lenght of femurx 100# Crural index is 83.3 in Europeans and 86.2 in Negroes.D) Humero-femoral index (HF index)# It is defined asHumero-femoral index =Lenght of humerus----------------Lenght of femurx 100# It is 69 in Europeans and 72.4 in Negroes.E) Intermembral index# It isIntermembral index =Lenght of radius + humerus------------------------Lenght of tibia + femurx 100# It is almost same (70) in Europeans and Negroes.F) Orbit# It is square in Pure Aryans (Indians), Negroes, and Arborigines. It is triangular in Chinese and Europeans. It is 'rounded' in Mongols.G) Nasal opening# It is broad in Pure Aryans (Indians), Negroes, and Arborigines. It is narrow and elongated in Chinese and Europeans. It is 'rounded' in Mongols.H) Palate# Palate is rectangular in Pure Aryans (Indians), Negroes, and Arborigines. It is triangular in Chinese and Europeans. It is rounded (or horse shoe shaped) in Mongols.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Length of tibia/femur x 100", "opb": "Length of radius/humerus x 100", "opc": "Length of fibula/tibia x 100", "opd": "Length of radius/ulna x 100", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "72201b60-0189-47f8-b46d-e7338476a37c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Lillys antidote does not contain", "exp": "Lillys antidote Used for cyanide poisoning. Composition Sodium nitrite Amyl nitrite Sodium Thiosulfate", "cop": 4, "opa": "Sodium Nitrite", "opb": "Amyl Nitrite", "opc": "Sodium Thiosulfate", "opd": "Dicobalt EDTA", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 3", "id": "6800db63-aa34-4d3a-aed7-52c02e9f16ac", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sweating is Not present in", "exp": "Heat stroke Exposure to high environmental temperatures can lead to following conditions ? I . Heat fatigue - Performance of a person decreases due to high environmental temperatures. The person gets tired early d/t high temp. 2. Heat cramps - these are painful spasms of voluntary muscles following strenous work in hot conditions, These cramps are caused by loss of water and salt from profuse sweating. 3. Heat syncope (heat exhaustion, heat collapse) - It is a condition of collapse without increase in body temperature, following exposure to hot and humid atmosphere. - On examination,. face is pale, .skin cold, the temperature subnormal - The pt. usually recovers when placed at rest. Death is unusual and may occur d/t hea failure. 4. Heat stroke - (heat hyperpyrexia, sub stroke) - It is due to impairment of body's heat regulating mechanism caused by failure of cutaneous circulation & sweating, following prolonged exposure to hot, humid conditions. - The onset is usually sudden with sudden collapse and loss of consciousness. Predominant symptoms may also be seen (i.e. headache, nausea, vomitting, dizziness, mental confusion, muscle cramps, excessive thirst, excessive desire to micturate) - The skin is dry, hot and flushed with complete absence of sweating - Body temperature rises as high as 43degC (hence k/a hyperpyrexia) when body temp. rises above 42degC vasodilation occurs with decrease in blood volume leading to circulatory collapse and cardiac failure. - Delirium and convulsions may precede death. - Moality rate in this condition is relatively high. - Fatal period varies from few minutes to 3 days.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Heat syncope", "opb": "Heat cramps", "opc": "Heat stroke", "opd": "Heat fatigue", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "6c07ea7b-ef89-4cd9-ab60-02b483a53609", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Not a feature of brain death", "exp": "The structural and functional damage of brain-stem may be diagnosed depending upon the following observations: Dilated fixed pupils, not responding to sharp changes in intensity of incident light. Absence of motor responses within the cranial nerve distri\u0002bution on painful stimulation. Absence of corneal reflexes. Absence of vestibulo-ocular reflexes. Absence of gag reflex or reflex response to bronchial stimulation by a suction-catheter passed down the trachea. Absence of spontaneous breathing. Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 75", "cop": 4, "opa": "Complete apnea", "opb": "Absent Pupillary reflex", "opc": "Absence deep tendon reflex", "opd": "Hea rate un-responsive to atropine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "2472904e-ec5a-425e-82c3-7970030122dd", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The non poisoning salt of cyanide is", "exp": "Potassium ferrocyanide is non-poisonous salt of cyanide.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Potassium cyanide", "opb": "Hydrocyanic acid", "opc": "Sodium cyanide", "opd": "Potassium ferrocyanide", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "b313d175-c040-4e42-bd84-830d31e73bb2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A dead born foetus does not have", "exp": "B i.e. Adipocere formation", "cop": 2, "opa": "Rigor mois at bih", "opb": "Adipocere formation", "opc": "Maceration", "opd": "Mummification", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "63ea2a11-6c95-4e1b-9b8f-58469c89815e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Lower end of the femur can help to determine the", "exp": "A i.e. Age Dead born (intrauterine dead) child may show aseptic autolysis/maceration (most common & early feature, seen in fresh > 24 hr ILTD), mummification (late feature seen in late IUD)Q, rigor mois (d/t antenatal hemorrhage after attaining 7 months age) Q, putrefaction (very rare) and adipocere formation (almost not seen)Q. - Spalding sign (radiological loss of alignment & overriding of skull bones) and Robe's sign (gas in great vessels & hea chamber) are seen in macerated (IUD) fetusQ. - Ossification centre of talus (1deg) at the end of 7 months and ossification centre of lower end of femur at end of 9 months if present indicate age of bility.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Age", "opb": "Height", "opc": "Weight", "opd": "Stature", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7e165d2a-54f0-4530-9eba-574244984752", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Fracture ala signature is", "exp": "Depressed fracture(Fracture ala signature):When a poion of fractured bone is driven inwards to a distance equivalent to the thickness of the skull table *Heavy weapon with a small striking surface Ex:- Hammer, stone, chopper * Due to local deformation of skull. * It is also called 'fracture ala signature' (signature fracture), as the shape often points towards the shape of the offending weapon. Gutter fracture: seen in oblique bullet wounds Ring fracture- Fracture around the foramen magnum", "cop": 2, "opa": "Gutter fracture", "opb": "Depressed fracture", "opc": "Ring fracture", "opd": "Sutural separation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Regional injuries", "id": "052650e9-db53-44a7-a988-9094e0687228", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In Ghon's technique of autops, organs are removed", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Autopsy technique and types\".", "cop": 1, "opa": "As organ blocks", "opb": "One by one", "opc": "En - Masse", "opd": "Not removed", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "649ede47-8199-4cf4-b591-942db68ee7d9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment of Perjury is given by", "exp": "* Sec 191 IPC Giving false evidence under oath (perjury definition) * Sec 192 IPC Fabricating false evidence * Sec 193 IPC Punishment for perjury (3-7 years) Ref:- Essentials of Forensic medicine Dr KS narayana Reddy 33th Edition; Pg num:- 13", "cop": 2, "opa": "191 IPC", "opb": "193 IPC", "opc": "197 IPC", "opd": "198 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "858c1d6f-306a-49ca-917a-f0a5592aa485", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "509 IPC deals with", "exp": "S. 509, I.P.C.: Whoever intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with simple imprisonment up to 3 years and also fine.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Public nuisance under alcohol influence", "opb": "Inquest", "opc": "Exhibitionism", "opd": "Act intended to insult the modesty", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "9c09b9b1-c0c9-4280-992c-bf4139db2acd", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A doctor is not held guilty of negligence if", "exp": "Professional negligence: The failure to exercise reasonable care and skill of an ordinary prudent medical practitioner in the circumstances; a breach of duty to act with care appropriate to the situation, which resulted in bodily injury (harm/loss) or death of the patient.", "cop": 1, "opa": "He has exercised reasonable care and skill", "opb": "He has not obtained informed consent from patient", "opc": "He fails to give proper instructions", "opd": "Others sufferer disease from his patient", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "9cc99ef9-3245-42d5-85c6-9644ebaa1851", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Hyoid bone fracture does not occur in", "exp": "Choking is a form of asphyxia caused by obstruction within the air-passages. There is no involvement of hyoid bone or its fracture since it is occuring within the airway. Ref: The synopsis of forensic medicine & Toxicology 28th edition pg: 189", "cop": 4, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Strangulation", "opc": "Throttling", "opd": "Choking", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "e1cae61d-be57-4f1e-86bc-1f5d0d38b766", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Stretch laceration is seen in", "exp": "Stretch laceration These lacerations occur from over stretching of the skin and soft tissues due to heavy forceful impact exercising a localised pressure. Stretching of tissues can occur in run over by a motor vehicle. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 121", "cop": 1, "opa": "Blunt tangential impact", "opb": "Blunt perpendicular impact", "opc": "Horizontal crushing", "opd": "Impact by sharp objects with heavy base", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "45c82b40-8ad8-4904-8e7a-2d8c425a06f5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "IPC section for punishment for purjury is", "exp": "Punishment for perjury is dealt under IPC 193 IPC 191-deals with perjury IPC 192-fabricating false evidence IPC 197-issuing or signaling false evidence Refer :textbook of Forensic Medicine and toxicology PG no 15,2nd edition", "cop": 3, "opa": "191", "opb": "192", "opc": "193", "opd": "197", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "ce39025b-114b-40b0-bb2e-743810fb1d7a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Rigor mois can be simulated by", "exp": "A i.e. Cadaveric spasm", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cadaveric spasm", "opb": "Algor mois", "opc": "Adipocere", "opd": "Livor mois", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "ec6536ef-5ea4-468d-805d-f2a0dd64597c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Blue colour of bruise is due to", "exp": "Age of contusion Time since injury Color change First day red(Hb) 2-3 days blue(deoxyHb) 4-5 days bluish black/brown(hemosiderin) 5-6 days greenish(hematoidin) 7-10 days yellow(bilirubin) By 14 days normal Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 118", "cop": 2, "opa": "Hemosiderin", "opb": "Deoxyhemoglobin", "opc": "Bilirubin", "opd": "Hematoidin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "93f8556c-91f7-4c84-a85c-ae3668937908", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Punishment for dowry death is imprisonment for", "exp": "Whoever commits dowry death shall be punished with imprisonment for a term that shall not be less than 7 years but that may extend to imprisonment for life Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 169", "cop": 3, "opa": "2years", "opb": "5 years", "opc": "7 years", "opd": "10 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thermal injury", "id": "8e203bda-4b78-4b9c-9ff2-43498c1cb09a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Injury that comes under sec 320 IPC", "exp": "B i.e. Nasal bone fracture", "cop": 2, "opa": "Abrasion over face", "opb": "'Nasal bone fracture", "opc": "Epistaxis", "opd": "Lacerated wound over scalp", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "c48d21bd-988d-4ded-8aa8-2560aeaf5f69", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A patient with Pink color skin & mucosa , bitter almond smell from breath and frothy discharge. The cause of death is", "exp": "Characteristic of Cyanide poisoning : patient present with Tachypnoea followed by bradypnoea, Cyanosis is generally a late finding and usually does not occur until circulatory collapse and tachycardia are evident. Brick-red colour of skin and mucous membranes is said to be characteristic. The skin feels cold and clammy to the touch patient also have CNS manifestation like Headache, anxiety, agitation, confusion, convulsions, and coma. Pupils are often dilated", "cop": 3, "opa": "H2S poisoning", "opb": "CO poisoning", "opc": "HCN poisoning", "opd": "OPC poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "a692f27b-a58d-4add-bb56-37fcbf1548d1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The aefact seen in a case of suicidal complete hanging is", "exp": "Banding of the oesophagus is an aefact & non specific. These bands are pale areas in the mucosa caused by postmoem hypostasis being prevented from settling by the external pressure of larynx & trachea.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Transverse tears in carotids", "opb": "Oesophageal banding", "opc": "Dribbling of saliva", "opd": "Unequal pupils", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Hanging and strangulation", "id": "3aef7868-9e52-4de2-af67-effe018ae35b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "\" Phossy jaw\" is caused by", "exp": "Chronic Phosphorus Poisoning (Phossy Jaw/Glass Jaw/Lucifer's Jaw) : Due to inhalation of fumes over years. Tooth ache (earliest symptom) & swelling of the jaw Loosening of the teeth & Necrosis of lower jaw Sequestration of bone in the mandible & multiple sinuses discharging foul-smelling pus.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Lead", "opb": "Mercury", "opc": "Phosphorus", "opd": "Arsenic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "2060c36d-c795-49e5-8016-05fc3e8e97d9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Dermal nitrate test is done for", "exp": "D i.e. Gun powder", "cop": 4, "opa": "Sperm", "opb": "Blood", "opc": "Corrosive", "opd": "Gun powder", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "c54c2cc0-7a13-4ebd-8149-2d4d75542edc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Unexplained male hypersexuality is known as", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e., Satyriasis * Satyriasis: Incessant sexual desire.* Undinism: In this, the sexual pleasure is often obtained by witnessing the act of urination by someone of the same or opposite sex.* Frotteurism: Sexual satisfaction is obtained by rubbing against persons in crowd. If they attempt intercourse, they have a premature ejaculation or they are impotent. It is an uncommon perversion and rarely occurs alone.* Transvestism = Eonism: A transvestite (trans = opposite, vista = clothing) is a person whose whole personality is dominated by the desire of being identified with the opposite sex. His dress, manner, occupational interest, and associations are all designed to increase his feeling of being a woman. Many cases are associated with sadomasochism/bondage. There is no hormonal disturbance or genital abnormality.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Satyriasis", "opb": "Undinism", "opc": "Frotteurism", "opd": "Eonism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual Offenses", "id": "deb323c6-5c03-4111-9b78-422a8029e66f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Brown colour of contusion is due to", "exp": "age of contusion Time since injury Color change First day red(hemoglobin) 2-3 days blue (deoxyHb) 4-5 days bluish black/brown(hemosiderin) 5-6 days greenish(hematoidin) 7-10days yellow(bilirubin) By 14 days normal ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 118", "cop": 3, "opa": "Hematoidin", "opb": "Reduced haemoglobin", "opc": "Hemosiderin", "opd": "Bilrubin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "11165630-5649-44bb-950e-78267282bc32", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Hu Is defined under section", "exp": "The synopsis of forensic medicine & toxicology;Dr k.s narayan reddy; 28th edition; pg.no. 154; Hu means bodily pain,disease or infirmity caused to any person (S.319,I.P.C.)", "cop": 3, "opa": "320 IPC", "opb": "320 IPC", "opc": "319 IPC", "opd": "323 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "69ed1dc8-aa9d-4df3-9622-5d4648e49fb2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Takayama test is to detect", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., Nature of stain * The examination of blood and blood stains is an important part of crime detection. The points that are usually required to be determined regarding stains are: (1) nature of stain (whether the stains is blood or not); (2) the species (human or animal) from which the blood has come from; and (3) blood group.Nature of stain (whether the stain is blood or not)* To determine the nature of stain, following tests are used:1) Chemical tests# These tests are based on the peroxidase activity of haematin, which is, derived from oxidation of haem of haemoglobin or methemoglobin, present.# This enzyme, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide converts colourless salts into coloured bases.# Thus these tests are based on H2O2 and peroxidase enzyme. Tests are:i) Benzidine test: Greenish blue colour.ii) Phenolphthalein test (kastle myere test): Deep permanganate colour.iii) Leucomalachite green test: Bluish green or peacock blue colour.iv) Guaiacum test: Blue colour.v) Orthotoludine test (kohn test): Blue or green colour.vi) Amidopyrine test: Purple colour.2) Microchemical tests# These tests are based on property of haem part of hemoglobin to form characteristic coloured crystals.# The tests are:1) Teichmann's haemin crystal test.2) Takayama hemochromogen crystal test.3) Luminal spray test: It is especially useful in old obscure blood stains.3) Spetroscopy# It is most delicate and reliable test. It is based on the principle that hemoglobin and its derivatives give characteristic absorption bands when viewed through a spectroscope.4) Microscopy# Microscopic examination of RBCs is possible only in fresh stains.Detection of species (whether the blood has come from human or animal)* For detection of species, serological (immunological) tests are used. These tests are:1) Precipitin test2) Haemaglutination inhibition test (antiglobulin consumption test or absorption inhibition test).3) Gel diffusion test.4) Double diffusion test.5) Precipitation electrophoresis.6) Latex agglutination test.7) Isoenzyme method (enzymological test).Detection of blood group of blood stain* These tests are:1) Immunological (serological): (i) aborption-elution test, (ii) absorption-inhibition test, (iii) mixed agglutination test, (iv) latex test.2) Enzymological methods.3) Latte's crust method.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Identification of source of hair", "opb": "Nature of stain", "opc": "Detection of species", "opd": "Blood group", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Biological Materials & Stains", "id": "8df4f040-8ec5-4887-813b-16d18c939f9a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Private Doctor refusing to treating a case of sexual offence and referring to govt hospital is", "exp": "Treatment of rape victim and information to police: All hospitals, public or private, should immediately provide first-aid or medical treatment, free of cost, to the survivor/victim of rape or acid attack, and should immediately inform the police . Denial of treatment of such victims is punishable under Sec. 166-B IPC with imprisonment upto 1 year and with/without fine.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Not an offence", "opb": "Punishable under 166 B IPC", "opc": "Punishable under 357 (c) Cr P C", "opd": "Punishable under 327 (c) Cr P C", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "28e46332-bccb-4ed3-a739-b1fc0e8e73ed", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Declaration of Helsinki is about", "exp": "The Declaration of Helsinki(1975):- concerning human experimentation and clinical trials. DECLARATION OF TOKYO, 1975 The World Medical Association adopted the following guidelines for medical doctors concerning Toure and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in relation to Detention and Imprisonment. The Declaration of Oslo (1970 & 1983), concerning therapeutic aboion. Declaration of Geneva:- The general principles mentioned in the Hippocratic Oath have been brought up-to-date by the World Medical Association. The modernised version of the Hippocratic Oath are the Declaration of Geneva. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-26,647", "cop": 2, "opa": "Physician's oath", "opb": "Human experimentation", "opc": "Toure", "opd": "Organ transplantation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "018e7d88-2f0a-48c0-82d8-a3ac78ebe135", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The poisoning causes by bullet retained inside the body is", "exp": "Souvenir Bullets are present for a long time in the body so lead poisoning usually associated with Souvenir bullets. A dense fibrous tissue capsule usually surrounds it. Lead poisoning may occur due to absorption of lead from lead bullets remaining in a body. Synol fluid is capable of dissolving lead.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Iron", "opb": "Phosphorus", "opc": "Nitro cellulose", "opd": "Lead", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Ballistics", "id": "11362c0d-c0bd-4315-bcd3-4291f522c2e1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Akalinisation of urine may be done in case of poisoning with", "exp": "(A) (Barbiturates)* Forced alkaline diuresis is valuable in aspirin and barbiturate poisoning (phenobarbitone).Forced alkaline diuresis* Forced alkaline diuresis implies achieving an alkaline urinary pH of 7.5 to 9* This promotes excretion of drugs that are weak acidsDrugs that can be eliminated by alkaline diuresis include* Salicylates* Barbiturates (Long acting/ phenobarbitone)* Chlorpropamide* Methotrexate**** Lithium, Isoniazid (controversial)* Alkaline dieresis is usually achieved with sodium bicarbonate** and may be forced by using urea, furesamide or mannitol infusions.Elimination of Absorbed bv DiuresisAlkaline DiuresisAcid Diuresis* Salicylates* Barbiturates* Amphetamine* Quinine* Phenylcylidine* Strychnine* Aldrich Mees lines on finger nails seen in poisoning of - Arsenic* Burtonium line seen in Lead (chronic lead poisoning)Classic Triad of chronic mercury ooisonins | |||Excessive salivation&Gingivitis*TremorsNeuropsychialnc changes* Erethism* Other features- Mercuria lends*** - Nephritis (DCT)*** - Acrodynia*** - Abortion is common** - Minimata disease * ** Rain drop pigmentation of skin, hyperkeratosis of palms, lines on nails (Mees line) and paraesthesias are classical signs of chronic arsenic poisoning.Aluminium phosphide poisoning (celphos)(i) Aluminium phosphide produces phosphine gas on coming in contact with moisture which inhibits cytochrome c- oxidase(ii) AP causes wide spread organ damage due to cellular hypoxia as a consequence of non competitive inhibition of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase of the mitochondria(iii) CP- retrosternal burning, epigastric pain and vomiting hypotension, restlessness, tachypnea, oliguria or anuria, jaundice, impaired sensorium and cardiac arrhythmias, focal myocardial necrosis and changes in action membrane potential to result of alteration in permeability of Na+ Mg++ Ca + ionsDiagnosis1. Garlicky (or decaying fish) odour from mouth with highly variable arrhythmias2. Confirmation can be done by Silver Nitrate test.3. Most specific and sensitive method for detecting the pH 3 in blood/air in gas chromatographyTreatment - No specific antidote, Gastric lavage with Pottasium permagnate + supportive", "cop": 1, "opa": "Barbiturates", "opb": "Amphetamine", "opc": "Alcohol", "opd": "Morphine", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "0df498b7-55ef-4dba-bb4f-e5316c9cb816", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Estimation of age done after 25 years with changes in teeth is by", "exp": "(C) Gustafsan's method > Gustafson's Method: The age estimation of adult over 25 years depends on the physiologic age changes in each of the dental tissue.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Galton system", "opb": "Bertillon system", "opc": "Gustafsan's method", "opd": "Pearson's formula", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "c505b3ad-8a09-4d42-8044-5d9a67a2b44c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The antidote for acetaminophen poisoning is", "exp": null, "cop": 1, "opa": "N-Acetyl cysteine", "opb": "N-Glycolamine", "opc": "Penicillamine", "opd": "Fomepizole", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "40b33cb2-477d-49b0-8592-5278afb5bc79", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In Riger mortis, first appearane occurs at", "exp": "(Eyelid) (3.15-P)* In the involuntary muscle - Heart first affected* In the voluntary muscle - Eyelid muscles appears first*It first appearance in involuntary and then in voluntary muscles*It is not dependent on the nerve supply as it also develops in the paralysed limbsIt is tested by1. Attempting to lift the eyelids2. Depressing the jaw3. Gently bending the neck and various joints of the body*Sequence - Eyelid > face > neck and trunk > upper extremity > legs > small muscles of fingers & toes*In India rigor mortis commences in 2- 3 hours, the time since death would be within about 12-24 hours", "cop": 2, "opa": "Neck", "opb": "Eyelid", "opc": "Face", "opd": "Trunk", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and Investigations", "id": "e92a5a12-fb6e-428d-9f6f-935ce266219a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Locard's Principle is concerned with(2018)", "exp": "Locard's Exchange Principle: When any two objects come into contact, there is always a transfer of material from each object on the other. Trace from the scene may be carried away on the person or tool of the criminal, and at the same time, traces from all or any of these may be left at the scene. Wherever a criminal goes, whatever he touches, and whatever he leaves will serve as silent evidence against him. e.g., fingerprints, footprints, hair, fibres from clothes. broken glass, tool marks, paints, scratches, blood or seminal stains, etc. It is actual evidence, and its presence is absolute proof of the crime. Ref:- k.s.narayan reddy; pg num:- 475", "cop": 1, "opa": "Theory of exchange", "opb": "Criminal responsibility for insane", "opc": "Calculating age of fetus", "opd": "Firearm wounds of skull", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "c34dbc1d-b78a-4831-be37-8606c708dac3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A dead body is having cadaveric lividity of bluish green colour. The most likely cause of death is by poisoning due to", "exp": "B i.e. Hydrogen sulphide", "cop": 2, "opa": "Hydrocyanic acid", "opb": "Hydrogen sulphide", "opc": "Oleander", "opd": "Sodium nitrite", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "c52592d8-e571-4bb4-a4c1-68ce01f394b6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Burking consist of", "exp": "Burking is a method of homicidal smothering & traumatic asphyxia named after Burke & Hare Ref: The synopsis of forensic medicine & Toxicology 28th edition pg: 190", "cop": 1, "opa": "Smothering and traumatic asphyxia", "opb": "Choking and drowning", "opc": "Gagging only", "opd": "Traumatic asphyxia only", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "a593d73c-2569-4cbc-8bad-e8f62187c361", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Injury is defined under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "Sec 46 IPC", "opb": "Sec 228 IPC", "opc": "Sec 44 IPC", "opd": "Sec 90 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "7f8351cc-f128-48fb-b02a-b0c72ca0ca99", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "According to F.D.I formula, the tooth that is denoted by the number 34 is", "exp": "Each tooth is numbered by the quadrant (1 to 4) and by the tooth within the quadrant (1 to 8) 1 Maxillary right 2 Maxillary left 3 Mandibular left 4 Mandibular right Tooth Numbers Within Each Quadrant: Sta with number 1 at the midline (central incisor) to number 8, third molar so 34 is left lower, 4th tooth (first premolar) Ref - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FDI_World_Dental_Federation_notation", "cop": 4, "opa": "Upper right temporary first molar", "opb": "Lower right permanent first molar", "opc": "Upper left first premolar", "opd": "Lower left first premolar", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "a382a91f-b5a4-42ad-bb4a-7d01f2956f2b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Antidote for arsenic poisoning is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e. Ferric oxide Treatment of arsenic poisoning includes stomach wash and use of freshly precipitated hydrated ferric oxide as an antidote (which forms ferric arsenite a harmless salt).", "cop": 1, "opa": "Ferric oxide", "opb": "Aluminium oxide", "opc": "Magnesium oxide", "opd": "Nickel oxide", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "3d276769-59a9-4565-aaa5-81403842684c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The fatal dose of absolute alcohol in an adult is", "exp": "D i.e. 150 ml", "cop": 4, "opa": "30 ml", "opb": "60 ml", "opc": "90 ml", "opd": "150 ml", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "210b47e0-699c-47f0-a28d-e9f6057d8b82", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Ladder tears are seen in", "exp": "Horizontal tears of the aoic intima that occur in deceleration injuries which are linked to compression by the anterior face of the veebral column Ref: medical dictionary", "cop": 3, "opa": "Carotid aeries", "opb": "SVC", "opc": "Descending aoa", "opd": "IJV", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "73079345-184c-4251-b404-4eae2d88f95a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Amussat sign is seen in", "exp": "Amussat's sign is typically a transverse laceration of the intimate layer of carotid aeries described in cases of hanging. Subtotal laceration of carotid aery is not strictly specific for hanging and can be also caused by blunt neck trauma, extreme over stretching, or whiplash injuries Ref: NCBI", "cop": 1, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Drowning", "opc": "Garrotting", "opd": "Choking", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "c91375db-7ce6-4b86-816c-332f7344ba05", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Heat stroke differs from heat cramps or heat exhaustion in that it", "exp": "The key difference between heat stroke and heat cramps or exhaustion is the presence of fever. Heat stroke is associated with a core body temperature above 40degC and is subdivided into exeional and classic types. Neither type is associated with a hemorrhagic stroke. The exeional type is most commonly seen in people working or running outdoors in hot or humid climates. Characteristic findings include hot, dry skin, with or without sweating; profound lactic acidosis; rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinuria; the potential for acute tubular necrosis; and potential for disseminated intravascular coagulation. The classic type is most commonly seen in chronically ill patients, alcoholics, very young patients, the elderly, or morbidly obese people in hot or humid weather. It can be precipitated by drugs that inhibit sweating (e.g., anticholinergics, phenothiazine). Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 160", "cop": 3, "opa": "Is associated with dehydration", "opb": "Is associated with hypovolemia", "opc": "Is associated with fever", "opd": "Results in a hemorrhagic stroke", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "15ee5099-6880-4924-bbac-e731ae31e932", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Dowry death investigation is done by", "exp": "Inquest: inquiry into the cause of death\n• Police Inquest\n■ Most common type of inquest in India\n■ Investigating officer usually is sub inspector or officer not below the rank of (senior) head constable.\nMagistrate Inquest: Court of Trail • Usually conducted by DM, SDM or Executive Magistrate (i.e. collector, Deputy Collector or Tahsildar)\n• Magistrate inquests are usually done in following circumstances:\n■ Dowry deaths i.e. unnatural deaths within 7 years of marriage\n■ Death in prison\n■ Death in police custody or interrogation or during police firing\n■ Death in any psychiatric hospital\n• Exhumation i.e. digging out of an already buried body also done upon order of magistrate. Coroner's Inquest: Court of inquiry\n• Coroner is an advocate, attorney, pleader, or first class magistrate with 5 years experience or metropolitan magistrate\n• Coroner court is a court of inquiry & accused need not be present.\n• Coroner court can’t impose fine or punishment; but it can punish those guilty of contempt of his court when the offence is committed in the premises of his court (i.e. city limit only)\n• In India it is practiced only in Mumbai", "cop": 1, "opa": "Magistrate", "opb": "Sub-inspector", "opc": "Police", "opd": "Medical officer", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "a5bda93f-62cf-4668-b9a2-39863d4e3824", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Widmark's formulae are used for estimation of", "exp": "B i.e. Alcohol", "cop": 2, "opa": "Cyanides", "opb": "Alcohol", "opc": "D.D.T.", "opd": "Teeth", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "979d93b6-1739-4525-be6c-f72be84a1f5d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Delirient poison is", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e. Dhatura ]Dhatura is a deliriant poison (These poisons are characterized by a well-marked deliriant stage)Alcohol is an inebriant (Inebriant poison are characterized by 2 sets of symptoms viz. Excitement & narcosis)Opium is a somniferous poison (they are used therapeutically to lessen pain & induce sleep)Arsenic is an irritant.Classification of poisons* (according to the mode of actions)Corrosives :A corrosive poison is simply a highly active irritant and not only produces inflammation but also actual ulceration of the tissues.Eg. Strong acids, Strong alkaliesIrritants :They produce symptoms of pain in the abdomen, vomitting and purging.Inorganic : P,Cl,Br,I,Ar,Sb,Hg,Cu,Pb,Zn,Ag.Organic:Vegetable poisons: Castor, croton CalotropisAnimal poisons : Snake & insect bites, cantharides.Mechanical: Powdered glass, hairs etc.Neurotics:They act chiefly on the nervous system.Cerebral: act mainly on the cerebrum. Further 3 types are:Somniferous: Opium*.Barbiturates*.Inebriant: Alcohol*. Anesthetics, Sedatives & hypnotics, kerosene, Organophosphates*.Deliriant: Dhatura*., Atropa belladonna, Hyoscyamus, cannabis*. CocaineSpinal: Nux Vomica*.Peripheral: Curare, coniumCardiac:Act on the hearteg. Digitalis*, Oleander*, Nicotine*. Aconite*.Asphyxiant:Act mainly in lungeg. CO, CO2, war gases.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Dhatura", "opb": "Alcohol", "opc": "Opium", "opd": "Arsenic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "90849b95-726a-4fa8-b9a2-7b04fa5a5d53", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Murder is punished under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "300 IPC", "opb": "307 IPC", "opc": "302 IPC", "opd": "304 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "ca7eea66-7505-46f9-a10a-9ce892505920", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Marbling of tissue is noticed by", "exp": "Marbling of skin: Blood vessels provide an impoant route through which the bacteria can spread with ease throughout the body. Bacteria involved are streptococcus, staphylococcus, Diphtheroids, Clostridium welchi, and Proteus. The bacteria produce hydrogen sulphide as decomposition gas. Hemoglobin will be conveed to methemoglobin and hydrogen sulphide will combine with methemoglobin to form sulphmethemoglobin. Superficial vessels stained greenish due to sulphmethemoglobin. This may be usually seen by about 36 hours. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 32", "cop": 3, "opa": "18 hours", "opb": "24 hours", "opc": "36 hours", "opd": "48 hours", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "d226affa-950a-4160-ab47-013e045662a1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Filigree burns are", "exp": "(A) Liahtnina burns FN. Reddv26 - 293: N. Reddv25- 292: Parikh5- 2071# Arborescent or Filigree Burns (Lichtenberg's flowers):> Burns are superficial, thin, irregular and tortuous markings on the skin.> These markings have a general pattern resembling the branches of a tree.> Fern-like pattern of erythema in the skin is usually found over the shoulder or the flanks.> These are seen in lightning stroke.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lightening bums", "opb": "Thermal bums", "opc": "Chemical bums", "opd": "Radiation bums", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "066e729e-d008-446b-8d9f-35a951d0580e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Professional secrecy is a", "exp": "(As per definition, Professional secrecy is an implied term of contract between a doctor and his patient. It is a DUTY of the doctor i.e. the doctor should keep secret whatever he has acquired as pa of his professional work from the patient. If the doctor discloses anything then the patient can sue him for damages/fine in a cou of law. The doctor should not disclose anything about the patient without the written consent of the patient; if he is a minor or an insane the parents/guardians should be informed of the patient's illness. However in case of Notifiable diseases, the public health authorities should be informed about the patient's illness. Doctor can be charged with Defamation for disclosing secrets of his patients.). Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 354", "cop": 4, "opa": "Legal responsibility", "opb": "Ethical responsibility", "opc": "Social responsibility", "opd": "Implied term of contract between doctor and patient", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "c9294f73-6dbc-416f-9e46-dacabee4b198", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Abandoning a child will be punished for", "exp": "Abandoning of a child Father or mother of a child who is under 12 years or anyone who is having care of such child, leaves such a child in any place with the intention of abandoning the child shall be punished with imprisonment upto 7 years. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 354", "cop": 4, "opa": "2 years", "opb": "4 years", "opc": "5 years", "opd": "7 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "a38b4098-25a6-4b3e-aedb-12d1aacead9c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Overlying leads to death due to", "exp": "Ans. (b) SuffocationRef The essentials of FSM by KS Narayan Reddy 31st ed. /335* STRANGULATION is a form of asphyxia which is caused by constriction of the neck by a ligature without suspending the body It can be several types:# BANSDOLA: one bamboo stick at back of neck and other at the front of neck. Both ends tied with rope which causes death of the victim.# GAROTTING: Victim is attacked from behind with a rope over the neck.# MUGGING: strangulation caused by holding the neck of the victim in the bend of the elbow.* SUFFOCATION is a form of asphyxia, which is caused by deprivation of oxygen, either due to lack of oxygen in environment or from obstruction of air passages at the level of nose and mouth.* Forms of suffocation asphyxia:# BURKING is a method of homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia.# Smothering: form of asphyxia caused by closing the external respiratory orifices either by hand or other means# Gagging: asphyxia by forcing cloth into the mouth.# Overlaying: asphyxia due to compression of chest. Ex: Mother overlied on infant.# Choking: asphyxia by obstruction of air passages, usually between the pharynx and bifurcation of trachea. Almost always accidental.# Cafe coronary: Alcoholic who is grossly intoxicated dies while having meal. Death occurs due to sudden heart attack. High blood alcohol content anesthesizes the gag reflex.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Strangulation", "opb": "Suffocation", "opc": "Mugging", "opd": "Choking", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Injuries", "id": "7ab7270b-7c36-4a56-8092-62f40136d5a9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Death caused by exclusion of air from the lungs by means other than compression at neck and drowning.", "exp": "Suffocation literally means to die as a result of not being able to breath or to have difficulty in breathing. Deprivation of oxygen can be by one of the following ways. By lack of oxygen in the atmosphere, so called environmental suffocation. From obstruction of air passages by means other than Compression of neck and drowning Red: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 112", "cop": 1, "opa": "Suffocation", "opb": "Strangulation", "opc": "Traumatic asphyxia", "opd": "Sexual asphyxia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "7f9cd7d7-7dc5-4a79-8ad6-778b3bbd2860", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A body is brought for autopsy. On postmoem, there is dark brown postmoem staining and garlic odor in stomach. The poisoning is most likely due to", "exp": "PHOSPHORUS(P4) There are two varieties: (1) White or crystalline. (2) Red or amorphous Postmoem Appearances:- In acute poisoning, the body usually shows signs of jaundice. The gastric and intestinal contents may smell of garlic and be luminous. The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine are yellowish or greyish-white in colour, and are softened, thickened, inflamed and corroded or destroyed in patches. Multiple smaller or larger haemorrhages are seen in the skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles, and serosal and mucosal membranes of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, under endocardium, pericardium, epicardium, peritoneum, in lungs, brain, leptomeninges and uterus. The liver becomes swollen, yellow, soft, fatty and is easily ruptured. Small haemorrhages may be seen on the surface and in the substance. The kidenys are large, greasy, yellow and show haemorrhages on the surface. The hea is flabby, pale and shows fatty degeneration. Fat emboli may be found in the pulmonary aerioles and capillaries. The blood may appear tarry and its coagulability is diminished. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-551", "cop": 4, "opa": "Aniline dye", "opb": "Carbon dioxide", "opc": "Hydrocyanic acid", "opd": "Phosphorus", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "1bb283bb-b236-4cfe-bd84-e2676bec6369", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Alkyl organophosphate is", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e., Malathion Alkyl phosphatase :Malathione, HETP (hexa ethyl tetra phosphate), TEPP (tetra ethyl pyrophosphate or tetron), OMPA (octa methyl pyrophosphate), dimefox, isopestox, demeton, trichlorfon, dipterex.Aryl phosphatase :Parathion, Follidol,or nitrostigmine or killphos or ekato), paraoxon, Diazinon (diazion or TIK 20), methyl-parathion (metacide), chlohion.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Parathion", "opb": "Follidol", "opc": "Diazinon", "opd": "Malathion", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "a8984c79-74b8-42a4-96ea-8e300746eeae", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Post moem bullet is removed from the wound by", "exp": "A rubber tipped forceps is used to remove the post-moem bullet from wound. However in advanced post-moem changes ,it becomes extremely difficult to retrieve the whole bullet or it's pas.Owing to decomposition and reduced cohesion of the tissues, standard autopsy techniques are impossible to perform. Ref: NCBI.org", "cop": 1, "opa": "Rubber tipped forceps", "opb": "Hands", "opc": "Scissors", "opd": "Needle", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "76f67bda-f1c7-4822-a1c6-2c1b58c5a532", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sex differentiation from hair can be made by", "exp": "Sexing of the human hair is possible by studying sex chro\u0002matin from the hair root cells of the scalp. Barr bodies are demonstrable in hair follicle in a propoion of 29 +- 5% in females and 6 +- 2% in males. Male hair are generally thicker, coarser and darker. Female hair are generally fine, long and gently taper to an end. Blood grouping and other serological criteria can be determined from the hair root cells. The cells of the hair root can also be used for DNA-profiling . Ref : Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic medicine and Toxicology 5th edtion ; pg no - 54", "cop": 3, "opa": "Length colour and texture", "opb": "Coico medullary ratio", "opc": "Epithelial cells of hair follicle", "opd": "Scale type", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "f07fe5d4-6cfa-4acc-b36d-5fffc9211fb8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "\"La facies sympathique\" is an expression used in hanging to describe", "exp": "In Hanging eyes may be closed or paly open or may be protruding. More often they are protruded and petechial hemorrhages may be noticed over the subconjunctival region and inner aspects of the eyelids. Etienne Main (1950) described a state called as 'La Facies Sympathique' with right eye remaining open with a dilated pupil and the left eye closed with a small pupil. This may be due to pressure upon the cervical sympathetics, the eye on the same side remaining open and pupil dilated. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg - 122", "cop": 3, "opa": "Bilateral dilation of pupils", "opb": "Bilateral constriction of pupils", "opc": "Dilated pupil on the side of the knot", "opd": "Dilated pupil on the opposite side of the knot", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "51cdcc41-1199-46ec-ae3e-b78cc18f64d3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Chronic arsenic poisoning does not cause", "exp": "ARSENIC Chronic Poisoning:- It may be due to accidental ingestion of repeated small doses or by taking food or drink in which there are traces of drug. systemic effects:- C.N.S.:- Polyneuritis, anaesthesias,paraesthesia. encephalopathy. Skin:- Pigmentation consists of a finely mottled brown change mostly on the skin flexures, temples, eyelids and neck (raindrop type of pigmentation), which persists for many months. There may be a rash resembling fading measles rash. In prolonged contact, hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles with irregular thickening of the nails and development of trasverse white lines in the fingernails called Aldrich-Mees lines is seen. Eyes:- Congestion, watering of the eyes, photophobia. G.I.T.:- Nausea,vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, salivation. C.V.S. and kidneys:- Chronic nephritis, cardiac failure, dependent oedema. Hepatic:- Hepatomegaly, jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver. Haematologic:- Bone marrow suppression, hypoplasia, anaemia. thrombocytopaenia, leukaemia. General:- Anaemia and weight loss, loss of hair, brittle nails. Resp system:- Cough, haemoptysis, dyspnoea. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-540", "cop": 1, "opa": "Mesothelioma", "opb": "Anemia", "opc": "Hyperkeratosis of skin", "opd": "Mixed sensory and motor neuropathy", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "0f372861-4431-4949-b04b-0dd4787ad1eb", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Function of sodium borate in embalming fluid is", "exp": "Buffer", "cop": 3, "opa": "Anticoagulant", "opb": "Preservative", "opc": "Buffer", "opd": "Vechile", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "214e3cfe-d405-4997-95de-50d75bc8f7fb", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "First class judicial magistrate can give punishment upto", "exp": "Ans. is 'b' i.e., 3 years Powers of Magistrate's (Sec. 29 CrPC)ClassImprisonmentFineChief judicial magistrateUpto 7 yearsAny amount1st class magistrateUpto 3 years5000 Rs.2nd class magistrateUpto 1 years1000 Rs.", "cop": 2, "opa": "1 year", "opb": "3 years", "opc": "7 years", "opd": "10 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "35eb64d6-b677-448e-91e6-0c8fc5f38245", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The sensation of creeping bugs over the body is a features of poisoning with", "exp": "The sensations of bugs crawling under skin are tactile hallucinations, called formication. These are seen in cocain abuse.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cocaine", "opb": "Diazepam", "opc": "Barbiturates", "opd": "Brown sugar", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "4edb2a1c-16d1-47ec-857a-32917b5ba05a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Battle sign is positive if bruise is present in", "exp": "Battle's sign: Bruising/ecchymosis over the mastoid process in the line of posterior auricular aery. It is an indication of fracture of middle cranial fossa of the skull, and may suggest underlying brain trauma", "cop": 3, "opa": "Orbital region", "opb": "Occipital region", "opc": "Mastoid region", "opd": "Neck region", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Regional injuries", "id": "72b48c80-c4f7-4aa6-a549-dfbba41f2835", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Filigree burn occur in", "exp": "(A) Lightning # Lightning strike - 1000 million volts or more causes Arborescent or Filigree burns or Lichtenberg's flowers which are superficial, thin, irregular and tortuous markings on the skin resembling the branches of a tree.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lightning", "opb": "Electrocution", "opc": "Vitriolage", "opd": "Infanticide", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "3093f019-7ce3-410b-bcaf-251c83b8e5d9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Latte's crust of blood stain is used to detect", "exp": "Blood groups ABO, MNS and Rh are determined in a blood stain by (1) Latte&;s crust method. (2) Absorption- elution technique. (3) Absorption-inhibition. (4) Latex method. (5) Enzymological methods. TESTS FOR DETERMINING ABO GROUPING IN BLOOD STAINS : (1) TUBE METHOD : A drop of washed suspension of red cells is added to equal volumes of each of the antisera of A, B and 0 in separate tubes. The blood group can be identified when agglutination is seen by naked eye or microscope in the tubes. (2) Tile Method: A porcelian tile is used instead of tubes. (3) ABSORPTION -INHIBITION METHOD : The sample and antisera are allowed to react with each other for a longer period. ( 4) MIXED AGGLUTINATION TEST : The sample piece of stained cloth is cut into pieces of 2 to 3 mm and the fibres are separated and added to tubes along with antisera of A, B, 0 types. The group can be known by the antisera which clumped to the cloth fibres. (5) ABSORPTION-ELUTION TECHNIQUE: Test is similar to mixed agglutination, but the clumps are seen on the walls of the test tube and not on fibres. This test can be used for body tissues also. Blood stains can be typed for the presence of ABO agglutinogens by absorption-elution, absorption- inhibition, mixed agglutination or ELISA method, or for agglutinins by the Lattes crust method. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:-453,454", "cop": 4, "opa": "Detection species", "opb": "Secretor status", "opc": "Nature of stain", "opd": "Blood group", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "979baa19-c5b1-46c7-aef4-84537864b2ef", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Revealing the identity of rape victim is punishable under", "exp": "Revealing the identity of rape victim is punishable offence. Imprisonment for 2 years or fine.", "cop": 2, "opa": "224 IPC", "opb": "228 A IPC", "opc": "376 IPC", "opd": "375 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "b1f1ffc6-9794-4596-909d-40f9f098f949", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Once a case is completed between two paies, it cannot be tried again under the defence,", "exp": "Res judicata means 'the things have been decided': according to this rule, once a case is completed between two paies, it cannot be tried again. For example, a patient sues a doctor in a negligence case and things are decided; he cannot sue the doctor again in the same case. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 383", "cop": 2, "opa": "Res indicata", "opb": "Res judicata", "opc": "Composite negligence", "opd": "Corporate negligence", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "bf57aa17-0661-4b8c-99a9-b5555b4d8cd7", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The given cell is activated by WRONG QUESTION", "exp": ".", "cop": 3, "opa": "IL-1", "opb": "IL-4", "opc": "IL-5", "opd": "IL-6", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "All India exam", "id": "0a04b950-e5f7-4689-8c9b-c9c9a0a2d742", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The active principle of this poison is", "exp": "This is a image of nuxvomica Fatal does is one crushed seed. It has three active principle = strychnine, brucine and loganine.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Strychnine", "opb": "Conine", "opc": "Aconitine", "opd": "Cannabinol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 3", "id": "7c6d0737-f5cd-46ed-b8a8-951061a4df71", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Locard exchange of principle is", "exp": "LOCARDS PRINCIPLE OF EXCHANGE: When any two objects come into contact, there is always a transfer of material from each object to the other. Traces from the scene may be carried away by the person and same traces from all or any of these may be left at the scene. Wherever a criminal goes whatever he touches and whatever he leaves will serve as silent evidence against him eg., fingerprints footprints, hair fiber from clothing, broken glasses, tool marks, paints scratch blood or seminal fluids, etc., It is actual evidence and its presence is absolute proof of the crime. REF: THE SYNOPSIS OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY 29th edition page no: 253.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Detecting poisoning", "opb": "Estimating age", "opc": "Finding out time since death", "opd": "Detecting crime", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "d740fc6b-aa29-4078-8579-43a1fd147896", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The usefulness of the long bones in stature estimation is", "exp": "For height estimation : (of the individual's height in life ) Humerus is 20% Tibia 22% Femur 27% Spine 35%", "cop": 1, "opa": "Femur > tibia > humerus > radius", "opb": "Tibia > femur > humerus > radius", "opc": "Femur > Humerus > tibia > radius", "opd": "Tibia > humerus > femur > radius", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "0255126d-b37e-47fe-9738-1fb1210877a0", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Increasing Doses Of Alcohol Depresses Brain In The Following Order.", "exp": "* The frontal lobes are sensitive to low concentrations (resulting in mood changes) followed by the occipital lobe (visual disturbances) and cerebellum (loss of coordination) * At high doses, brain stem depression occurs.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Cerebellum, Frontal lobe, occipital lobe", "opb": "Frontal lobe, Cerebellum, Occipital lobe", "opc": "Frontal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum", "opd": "Cerebellum, Occipital lobe, Frontal lobe", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Drug Abuse", "id": "5b8596c0-b927-4d03-bc2b-6d7440fe020f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "An unconscious patient is brought to causality, requires emergency neurosurgical evacuation, but no relatives or bystanders available. The doctor doing the emergency procedure is protected under", "exp": "Sec. 92. An act was done in good faith for benefit of a person without consent: Nothing is an offence by reason of any harm which it may cause to a person for whose benefit it is done in good faith, even without that person's consent, if the circumstances are such that it is impossible for that person to signify consent, or if that person is incapable of giving consent, and has no guardian or another person in lawful charge of him from whom it is possible to obtain consent in time for the thing to be done with benefit. Ref: Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; upper central incisor > upper lateral incisor >lower lateral incisor > 1st molar > Canine > 2nd molar. Therefore eurption of temporary teeth is completed by eruption of 2nd molar at 25 months (2 years).* First permanent tooth to erupt (in secondary dentition) is 1st molar and last to erupt is 3rd molar. The sequence of eruption is 1st molar > central incisor > lateral incisor > 1st premolar > 2nd premolar > canine > 2nd molar > 3rd molar. Eruption of permanent teeth is completed by eruption of 3rd molar between 17-25 years.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lower central", "opb": "Upper central", "opc": "Lower lateral", "opd": "Upper lateral", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "d1242785-eda1-496b-8182-432424148e44", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Medicolegal autopsy requires the permission of", "exp": "A i.e. Police", "cop": 1, "opa": "Police", "opb": "Magistrate", "opc": "Relative", "opd": "Medical superitendant", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "5df59b7c-4bde-472b-9ae9-0d1dd8c3165a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Putrefaction is", "exp": "CHANGES AFTER DEATH 1.Immediate changes a) cessation of respiration b) cessation of circulation c) insensibility d) loss of voluntary power e) dilatation of pupil 2. Early changes a) primary flaccidity of muscles b) algor mois c) livor mois d) rigor mois e) retinal changes and changes in vitreous humor. 3. Late changes a) putrefaction b) adipocere formation c) mummification Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY DR PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 19", "cop": 4, "opa": "Perimoem sign of death", "opb": "Immediate sign of death", "opc": "Early sign of death", "opd": "Late sign of death", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "d8a3e98a-f538-4c97-a4df-43f950d0de47", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "La facies sympathique\" is a condition seen in cases of", "exp": "In hanging cases there will be ligature knot in the neck. If ligature knot presses on cervical sympathetic nerves, the eye on the same side may remain open with its pupil dilated which is known as &;le facie sympathique&;. It indicates antemoem hanging Ref: The synopsis of forensic medicine & Toxicology 28th edition pg. no: 180", "cop": 1, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Strangulation", "opc": "Myocardial insufficiency", "opd": "Railway accidents", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "644d892f-df60-4919-897b-537962d8e62a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Adultery comes under IPC section", "exp": "Ans. (a) 497Ref: The Essentials of FSM by K.S. Narayan Reddy 31st ed. 124IPC SectionDefinitionSec 82A child under 7 yrs is incapable of committing an offence. Not applicable to railway act.Sec 83A child >7 &< 12 is presumed to be mature enough to be capable of committing an offence.Sec 84Act of a person of unsound mind/McNaughten's ruleSec 85Act of a person who's intoxicated against will.Sec 87A person less than 18 yrs cannot give valid consent to suffer any harm which may result from an act not intended or not known to cause death or grievous hurt. E.g. consent for wrestling contestSec 88 to93Legal protection to medical doctors. Sec 89 - a child < 12 yrs cannot give valid consent to suffer any harm which can occur by an act done in good faith or for itsbenefi t e.g. consent for operationSec 174Police inquestSec 176Magistrate's inquestSec 179Punishment for refusal to answer question by the policeSec 191Definition of perjurySec 193Punishment for perjurySec 197Issuing false certificate (3-7 years of punishment)Sec 201Disappearance of evidence (2 years of punishment)Sec 297Trespassing of burial placeSec 299Definition of Culpable homicideSec 300MurderSec 302Punishment for murder/infanticideSec 304Culpable homicide not amounting to murderSec 304 ACausing death by negligenceSec 304 BDowry death307Attempt to murder308Attempt to culpable homicide309Attempt to suicideSec 317Abandoning of infantsSec 318Concealment of death of childSec 319HurtSec 320Grievous hurtSec 321Voluntarily causing hurtSec 322Voluntarily causing grievous hurtSec 323Punishment for voluntary causing hurtSec 324Punishment for voluntary causing hurt by dangerous weapon/meansSec 325Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurtSec 326Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by a dangerous weapon/meansSec 351AssaultSec 354Assault to outrage the modesty of a woman.Sec 375Definition of rapeSec 376Punishment of rapeSec 377Unnatural sexual offenceSec 497Adultery", "cop": 1, "opa": "497", "opb": "498", "opc": "375", "opd": "376", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "a8be4ad5-7d78-47b8-aa39-700a7e4fed6d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Registered medical practitioner protecting unqualified person in practice is known as", "exp": "Ans. b (Covering). (Ref. Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology by Glaister, 6, Parikh, FMT 5th/558)COVERING# A Registered medical practitioner protecting a non-medical person who practices medicine is called covering.# Association with unqualified persons includes:- Employment of unqualified or unregistered assistant or mere countenancing of such practice.- Assisting an unqualified person as by giving an anesthetic for some procedure.- Having relations with uncertified persons which enables them to practice Midwifery or issuing certificate which enables them to practice midwifery or issuing certificate which enable such practices to occur (covering of unqualified persons).# This does not affect the proper training of bonafide medical students or employment of midwives, dispensers, and surgery assistants, under the immediate personal supervision of a RMP.# Also note, receiving or giving commission or other benefits from or to a professional colleague, a manufacturer, trader, chemist etc.# Giving of a commission by one doctor to another for referring, recommending or procuring any patient for medical, surgical or other treatment is known as Dichotomy (Fee-Sharing).Q", "cop": 2, "opa": "Uncoverage", "opb": "Covering", "opc": "Touting", "opd": "Dichotomy", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Law & Medicine, Identification, Autopsy & Burn", "id": "e0cb8f55-a498-4688-b2a0-e8a10597c68c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Fluorescent feulgen reaction is used to demonstrate", "exp": "The X chromosome is seen as a Plano convex mass lying inside the nucleus just beneath the nuclear membrane as a nucleolar satellite, in the cells of buccal mucosa. This is called Barr body. Barr bodies are seen in the somatic cells of normal females (XX) Barr bodies can be demonstrated by eosin- hematoxylin staining or fluorescent Feulgen reaction technique using Acriflavine Schiff reagent for X chromosome which is seen as a bright yellow spot. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 70", "cop": 1, "opa": "Barr body", "opb": "Davidson body", "opc": "Tatoo", "opd": "Footprints", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "ab6f9015-d94a-4707-bdc3-7e16e63b9bc6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A loop of thin string is thrown around the neck of the victim in", "exp": "In garotting, a loop of things string is thrown around the neck of victim, who is attacked from his back. The ligature is then rapidly tightened with the help of two sticks tied at the free ends of the string so as to constrict the neck strongly. Asphyxiation of the unaware victim ensues rapidly and ultimately death. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 134", "cop": 4, "opa": "Throttling", "opb": "Mugging", "opc": "Bansdola", "opd": "Garrotting", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Asphyxia", "id": "b953bdfa-5ad1-45cd-a598-d2788124dea4", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Postmortem caloricity is not seen in", "exp": "The most logical answer could be Organophosphorous poisoning.\nPM caloricity is seen in condition where heat is produced inside the body (endogenous heat production).", "cop": 3, "opa": "Strychnine poisoning", "opb": "Typhoid", "opc": "Organophosphorous poisoning", "opd": "Septicemia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "ede123e0-3898-4af7-b775-5ec614f5e300", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "First treatment for snake bite is", "exp": "First aid* Reassurance* Limit systemic spread of venom by immobilizing the affected pa (e.g. limb)* A proximal lymphatic-occlusion constriction band may limit the spread of venom if applied within 30 minutes. It should be applied such that it does not prevent aerial flow of blood and the distal pulsation should be appreciatedREF: THE SYNOPSIS OF FORENSIC MEDICINE:KS NARAYANA REDDY; 28th EDITION; PAGE NO 322", "cop": 2, "opa": "Antisnake venom", "opb": "Immobilise the limb", "opc": "Clean the wound with soap and water", "opd": "Local incision and Suction", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "5f6b0516-68fc-4e79-9045-973634365122", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Edgeoscopy refers to", "exp": "Edgeoscopy -evaluation of fingerprint Dactylography-evaluation of fingerprints Ridgeology-evaluation of friction ridges on fingerprints Poroscopy-evaluation of sweat pores openings on fingerprint ridges Cheiloscopy-evaluation of lip prints Podography - evaluation of foot prints Rugoscopy-evaluation of palatal Refernce:Encyclopedia of Forensic Medicine and legal medicine PG no 9,vol 3", "cop": 1, "opa": "Evaluation of fingerprint ridges", "opb": "Evaluation of edges of lip print", "opc": "Evaluation of edges of foot print", "opd": "Evaluation of palatal rugae", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "48205885-e5a0-4121-8e2d-0dba34f47ed3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Under transplantation of humans organs act, the punishment for the doctor involved is", "exp": "The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, amended in 2011, and 2012 Chapter VI and VII deals with the trial and punishment of offences under this act. Under this act, doctors involved will be punished for a period of 2-5yrs. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr. PC IGNATIUS PAGE NO: 389", "cop": 3, "opa": "< 1 year", "opb": "< 2 years", "opc": "2-5 years", "opd": "> 5 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "3ec267ef-dc91-4a47-81de-070ce0bf7213", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "For transplantation, cornea can be removed from dead body upto", "exp": "Time of molecular death in different tissues varies with each tissue.\nMaximum time of removal of organs for transplantation -\n\nBrain 5-7 minutes\nLiver 15 minutes\nKidney 45 minutes\nHeart 60 minutes\nCornea 6 hours\nBone 48 hours\nVessels 72 hours", "cop": 1, "opa": "6 hours", "opb": "12 hours", "opc": "18 hours", "opd": "24 hours", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "21565dfd-3863-4b8d-b44b-49de41c3ed30", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Sec 304A IPC deals with", "exp": "Sec 304A IPC deals with criminal negligence \" Whoever causes death of any person by doing a rash and negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide shall be punished with imprisonment upto 2 years, with fine or both\" Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 379", "cop": 2, "opa": "Professional misconduct", "opb": "Criminal negligence", "opc": "Contributary negligence", "opd": "Vicarious responsibilty", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "41468c5e-db97-4d9c-85c8-8f014488204e", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Surest sign of brain stem death", "exp": "B i.e. Fixed dilated pupil not responding to light Cooling of body & rigor mois is a sign of molecular or cellular death. - Somatic (systemic, clinical or brain) death is cessation of spontaneous breathing, circulation and brain activity (as indicated by flat isoelectric EEG, deep unconsciousness with no response to external stimuli or internal need). Surest sign of brain stem death is fixed dilated pupil not constricting (responding) to light.Q", "cop": 2, "opa": "Absent Doll's eye reflex", "opb": "Fixed dilated pupil not reacting to light", "opc": "Cheyne Stokes breathing", "opd": "Decerebrate posture", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "c3653ee1-d4b3-4bd3-962b-fe81aeab98b9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Penetrating neck trauma is", "exp": "D i.e. Violating platysma", "cop": 4, "opa": "2 cm deep", "opb": "Damaging vital structure", "opc": "Injury by sharp object", "opd": "Violating platysma", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "6b85e66d-f92d-44fe-9640-bcd116813fd3", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In the case of Hanging neck ligature marks are an example of", "exp": "Ligature mark is a type of pressure /imprinted/ contact/patterned abrasion.\nSome important facts:-\n\nPatterned abrasions are any impact or pressure abrasions which reproduce the pattern of the object causing it.\nThus an impact abrasion may be a pattern abrasion if it reproduces the pattern of the object, e.g. a pattern of radiator grill (after hit by a car) is a type of impact abrasion and at the same time, it is a patterned abrasion as it is reproducing the pattern of radiator grill.\nSimilarly, a pressure abrasion may be a patterned abrasion if it reproduces the pattern of the object, e.g. ligature mark in hanging or strangulation is a pressure abrasion and at the same time it is also a patterned abrasion.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Contusion", "opb": "Pressure abrasion", "opc": "Laceration", "opd": "Bruise", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "e9c0e6ba-009f-45cd-a366-a7b4916b0e19", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Usage of female undergarments for sexual gratification is seen in", "exp": "Fetichism Fetish is an object for sexual stimulation. Fetichism means using these objects for sexual gratification. It is usually seen in males and they use the undergarments like bras, petticoat, stocking, panty hose,etc. of the females as an object for sexual stimulation. Person with this perversion may steal these objects for the above purpose. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 312", "cop": 3, "opa": "Undinism", "opb": "Frotteurism", "opc": "Fetichism", "opd": "Transvestism", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Sexual offences and infanticide", "id": "3b73d336-e8f3-41e0-a2a2-2dd8d32ee1e2", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Tear drop appearance seen in", "exp": "Stab wound by single edged weapon wedge shaped with one end of the wound is sharply cut and the other end is split or rounded or blunt. The sharp end is due to the contact with the sharp edge of the weapon and split end is due to contact with the blunt edge of the weapon. There may be gaping of both margins and this may give the wound a tear drop appearance ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 127", "cop": 3, "opa": "Incised wound by single edged weapon", "opb": "Incised wound by double edged weapon", "opc": "Stab wound by single edged waeapon", "opd": "Stab wound by double edged weapon", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Mechanical injuries", "id": "4b03516b-67ad-4a04-a021-527a4be46275", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "St Anthony fire disease is", "exp": "Ans. is 'c' i.e. Ergot poisoning In cases of ergot poisoning (also known as ergotoxicosis or traditionally, Saint anthony's fire) alkaloids accumulate in the system due to the consumption of contaminated grain products.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Opioid poisoning", "opb": "Cannabis poisoning", "opc": "Ergot poisoning", "opd": "Dhatura poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "0e095194-0a0c-4c1f-9570-8b926ec2d12b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Death of a patient due to an unintentional act by a doctor, staff or hospital is", "exp": "Therapeutic misadventure is a mischance or an accident or a disaster. Therapeutic misadventure is a case in which n individual has been injured or had died due to some unintentional act by a doctor or agent of the doctor or hospital. Vicarious liability is liability for act of others i.e. an employer is responsible not only for his own negligence but also for the negligence of his employee by the principle of respondent superior (let the master answer), provided there (1) Must be employer-employee relationship, (2) While on job, (3) Employee conduct within the job of employment. Therapeutic privilege is an Exception to the rule of 'full disclosure' i.e. the doctor can use his discretion as to the facts that he discloses or of not telling the patient about the risks involved in treatment or about the diagnosis, e.g. in cases where patient is fearful, emotionally disturbed, psychotic or psycho-neurotic. The doctor should carefully note his decision in the patient's records mentioning the reasons. Ref: Krishnan vij Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; 5th ed; Page no: 189", "cop": 1, "opa": "Therapeutic misadventure", "opb": "Vicarious liability", "opc": "Therapeutic privilege", "opd": "Diminished liability", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medico legal procedures", "id": "276fe8e5-43ce-4d50-9245-6881562bcd10", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Rigor mois first seen in", "exp": "The Order of Appearance of Rigor: - * All muscles of the body, both voluntary and involuntary are affected. * But it does not sta in all muscles simultaneously Nysten's rule: - * It first appears _in involuntary muscles; the myocardium becomes rigid in an hour. * Then it develops in eyelids, neck and lower jaw and passes upwards to the muscles of the face, and downwards to the muscles of the chest, upper limbs, abdomen and lower limbs and lastly in the fingers and toes. Ref:- Essentials of Forensic medicine Dr KS narayana Reddy 33th Edition;", "cop": 1, "opa": "Hea", "opb": "Neck", "opc": "Limbs", "opd": "Eyelids", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "599e9857-886f-45f4-92af-141e35550b11", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Zasko's phenomenon is seen during", "exp": "Tendon reaction or Zasko's phenomenon: It occurs after somatic death when molecular death has not occurred. All muscles are in a relaxed state after death. This is a stage of primary relaxation. It is a muscular response to mechanical stimuli that occurs after 1- 2 hrs after death during the primary flaccidity period When the lower third of the quadriceps femoris muscle is struck above the patella with a reflex hammer, it causes an upward movement of the patella because of contraction of the whole muscle. Muscle changes after death :", "cop": 3, "opa": "Rigor mois", "opb": "Decomposition", "opc": "Primary relaxation", "opd": "Secondary relaxation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thanatology", "id": "342a5177-d8a9-4df9-ae37-b31f021083c5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "More than 5% carboxy hemoglobin is indicative of", "exp": "There is increased carboxyhemoglobin (>5%) in antemortem burning.", "cop": 1, "opa": "Ante mortem burn", "opb": "Drowning", "opc": "HCN poisoning", "opd": "Suffocation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "84625869-9461-494c-a070-49d4bdb61727", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Poisoning caused by bullet retained in body is;", "exp": "Lead poisoning may occur due to absorption of lead from lead bullets remaining in body. Synol fluid is capable of dissolving lead", "cop": 1, "opa": "Lead", "opb": "Phosphorus", "opc": "Nitro cellulose", "opd": "Iron", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "FMGE 2019", "id": "27846c17-372c-40f8-8737-603f514534d6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "'Glassblowers shakes' are seen in poisoning due to", "exp": "Glassblowers shakes' (hatters shake) is a form of chronic mercury poisoning occurring in workers exposed to mercury, characterized by muscle tremors, mental and behavioural changes, and stomatitis. Glassblower's cataracts are a form of cataract. They are formed by many years of exposure to infrared radiation while working. Ref: Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine, 5th edition pg : 473", "cop": 3, "opa": "Lead", "opb": "Copper", "opc": "Mercury", "opd": "Arsenic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "376077b0-ba9e-4c21-b36c-60db93522b77", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "DNA fingerprinting was discovered by", "exp": "DNA FINGERPRINTING DNA fingerprinting (DNA typing, DNA identification, or genetic typing) is a technique involving chemically dividing the DNA into fragments which form a unique pattern and then matching that \"identity profile\" with the pattern obtained from similarly testing a suspect&;s blood specimen. If the two patterns match, the possibility of error, i.e. the chance that they do not belong to the same individual may be less than one in 30 billion. Dr. Alec Jeffreys in 1985, developed DNA fingerprinting. Ref:- k s narayan reddy; pg num:- 459", "cop": 3, "opa": "Crick", "opb": "Galton", "opc": "Jeffery", "opd": "Southern", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "d4acde1e-060c-4d38-b575-23ebfb3d5512", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "FeCl test is used in diagnosis of", "exp": "Diagnosis of phenol poisoning change in color of urine(carboluria) Ferric chloride when added color of urine turns blue. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 414", "cop": 4, "opa": "HCl", "opb": "Acetic acid", "opc": "Alcohol", "opd": "Phenol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "e68bc070-ddd1-43c3-9fcb-d3af586d70a6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Most common position of hymen rupture in a virgin is", "exp": "Hymen tears\n\nCongenital - Anterion\nIntercourse / foreign body - posterolateral\nIn a virgin, laceration of hymen occurs with the first intercourse\nThis is the principal evidence of intercourse in a virgin\nTearing of hymen usually occurs postero - laterally or in the middle.\n\nOther conditions causing ruptured hymen before coitus\n\nAccidents\nMastrubation\nInstrumentation by doctors\nArtifical dilatiation of vagina by foreign bodies for prostitution\nPassage of large blood clots.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Anterior", "opb": "Anterio - lateral", "opc": "Posterio - lateral", "opd": "Posterior", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1c7bac5f-0f22-430c-b1fb-860b7e73e95c", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Spalding's sign is seen in", "exp": "Ans. is 'd' i.e. Maceration Spalding's sign Overriding of the cranial bones on one another, due to liquefaction of brain matter and softening of the ligamentous structures supporting the vault. It usually appears 7 days after death. It is a sign of Maceration in a dead-born child. Still Stillbornad-born child Still born child is one, which is bom after 28th wk of pregnancy and which did not breathe or show any other signs of life, at any time after being completely bom The child was alive in utero, but ied during the process of birth. Dead born child a dead bom child is one which has died in utero, and shows one of the following signs Rigor mortis at delivery Maceration This is the process of aseptic autolysis of the fetus dead in utero and is the usual change It occurs when the dead fetus remains in the uterus for 3-4 days surrounded by liquor amnii but with the exclusion of air, It does not occur if the dead fetus is bom within about 24 hrs. It is characterised by softening and degeneration of tissues. The process is aseptic because the fetus is enclosed in the membranes in a sterile condition. * Signs of maceration are The earliest sign of maceration is skin slippage which can be seen in 12 hrs after the death of the child in utero. Appearance of gas in heart and great vessels (Robert's sign) Collapse of the vertebral column The body of the macerated fetus is soft, flaccid and flattens out when placed on a level surface. It has a sweetish disagreeable odour. The skin is red or purple Large blebs appear at 24 hrs which contains thin fluid The epidermis detaches easily and leaves moist and greasy areas. The umbilical cord is thickened and soft The bony junctions both in the skull and in this joints are lax and abnormally mobile. Spalding sign is seen * If the membranes are ruptured after the death of the fetus and air enters into liquor amnii, the fetus undergoes putrefaction instead of maceration. 3) Mummification Mummification results when the death of a fetus occurs from a deficient supply of blood or when liquor amnii is scanty, and when no air has entered the uterus. The fetus is dried up & shrivelled.", "cop": 4, "opa": "Drowning", "opb": "Mummification", "opc": "Adipocere", "opd": "Maceration", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification of Dead and Mass Disaster", "id": "529e6197-7f47-4adc-b736-0b6fcc739840", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "In tandem bullet, number of bullet/bullets comingout of the gun is/are", "exp": "2 [Ref: Parikh 6/e, p 4.26; Reddy, 25/e, p 1961 Tandem bullets: also k/a piggiback bullets are 2 bullets ejected one after the other, when the first bullet, having been stuck in the barrel, fails to leave the barrel, and is ejected by the subsequently fired bullet. The bullets may separate within the body, or before they hit the target. Also know Tandem or Duplex caridge: here the gun fires two bullets simultaneously which have different projectiles by design and enter the target at different points. Frangible bullets: there bullets are designed to fragment upon impact. often to the point of disintegration. Recovery and matching with a test bullet is difficult. Souvenir bullets: a bullet present for a long time in the body leading to dense fibrous tissue formation around it. Dum-dum bullet: is a jacketed bullet with its nose cut-off to expose the core. Ricochet bullet: its a single bullet which strikes some intervening object first and then after ricocheting and rebounding strikes the target. Yawning bullet: bullet travelling in an irregular fashion instead of travelling nose on.", "cop": 2, "opa": "1", "opb": "2", "opc": "3", "opd": "4", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "79d039e2-146e-4212-94cc-793e0f6aa5f0", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Arrange the following features produced by shot gun injuries according to the increasing range Satellite pellet holes Cruciate wound Tattooing Blackening", "exp": "Cruciate wound - contact shot Blackening/ Smudging/ Fouling - upto 30 cm Tattooing/ Stippling/ Peppering - upto 60 to 90 cm Satellite pellet holes - over two meters", "cop": 2, "opa": "1-3-4-2", "opb": "2-4-3-1", "opc": "4-2-1-3", "opd": "4-2-3-1", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Ballistics", "id": "9f6f8788-1d60-4681-a996-b927f81aa7a6", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pearson formula is used for calculating", "exp": "karl Pearson formula for reconstruction of stature from dried long bones. Male female Stature 81.306 + 1.880F 72.884 + 1.945F Stature 70.641 + 2.894H 71.475 + 2.754 H Stature 78.664 + 2.376T 74.774 + 2.353T Stature 89.925 + 3.271R 81.224 + 3.343R F is femur, H is humerus, T is tibia, R is radius. The measurements are in centimeters. Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE NO 96", "cop": 2, "opa": "Cephalic index", "opb": "Stature", "opc": "Race", "opd": "Age", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Identification", "id": "4a2deedf-8979-45fb-95fa-37b911b0eeae", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Father of forensic odontology is", "exp": "1. Paul Zacchias- Father of legal medium Father of toxicology Father of forensic psychiatry. 2. Mathieu Orfila. Father of modern toxicology 3. Calvin Goddard Father of ballistics forensic", "cop": 4, "opa": "Paul Zacchias.", "opb": "Orfilla.", "opc": "William Osler.", "opd": "Oscar Amoedo", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Human identification", "id": "4c70c27c-4dc9-4fc8-a5b3-c47feec1bc38", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pink disease is due to", "exp": "Ingestion of mercurous chloridein teething powder has led to acrodynia (Pink disease/Swift disease) in infants. This condition presents as feverwith a pink-coloured rash, irritability, photophobia, painfuland swollen extremities and hypersecretion of sweat glands.It is believed to be a hypersensitivity response to the mercurouschloride.Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg: 473", "cop": 2, "opa": "Methyl mercury", "opb": "Mercurous chloride", "opc": "Mercuric chlorite", "opd": "Mercuric sulphide", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "eeab0a0d-0bf9-4c29-9085-588404ad1e1b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "First offence of stalking is", "exp": "Stalking involves following a woman or contacting such woman in spite of clear disinterest or monitors her through internet, e-mail or any other form of electronic communication. It is punishable under Sec. 354-D IPC with imprisonment for upto 3 years and fine (cognizable and bailable) and imprisonment upto 5 years and fine for subsequent offence (cognizable and non-bailable)", "cop": 1, "opa": "Cognizable & bailable", "opb": "Non- Cognizable & non- bailable", "opc": "Non-Cognizable & bailable", "opd": "Cognizable & non- bailable", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Medical Jurisprudence", "id": "34ec940b-2efc-4abb-b043-5114b14d7fc8", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Pugilistic attitude is seen i", "exp": "Pugilistic attitude or boxer's attitude this occurs due to coagulation of the muscle proteins resulting in contraction of muscle fibers. As the flexors are bulkier than extensors, they contract more and force the body to attain such an attitude. Ref: TEXTBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY KRISHNAN VIJ FIFTH EDITION PAGE 164", "cop": 3, "opa": "Hanging", "opb": "Drowning", "opc": "Burns", "opd": "Sexual asphyxia", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Thermal injury", "id": "5b881444-e08c-4b57-a3be-c1bd793be894", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Statutary rape is considered below the age", "exp": null, "cop": 2, "opa": "16 years", "opb": "18 years", "opc": "20 Years", "opd": "22 years", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f3de3245-e9b5-46c6-9627-4be8dc62a8c0", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Blue colour of the bruise is due to", "exp": "B i.e. Deoxyhemoglobin", "cop": 2, "opa": "Hemosiderin", "opb": "Deoxyhemoglobin", "opc": "Bilirubin", "opd": "Hematoidin", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "d4eb6ecb-9d30-4ecb-b586-05e11be9e956", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Acrodynia is associated with", "exp": "A i.e. Mercury", "cop": 1, "opa": "Mercury (Hg)", "opb": "Phenolic acid", "opc": "Oxalic acid", "opd": "Carbolic acid poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "1a02a2c1-65e5-4b6c-b9f8-215f61b40855", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A person is presumed to be dead, if not heard for 7 years comes under", "exp": "Refer the byte \"Legal sections\".", "cop": 3, "opa": "Sec 165 IEA", "opb": "Sec 165 IPC", "opc": "Sec 108 IEA", "opd": "Sec 108 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "bba874df-34b1-4531-bbb9-84f6a2061f66", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The section of IPC that deals with not attending the cou after receiving the summons", "exp": "Section 172 IPC: Absconding to avoid service of summons or other proceedings. Section 174 IPC: Nonattendance in obediance to summons from cou of law intentionally is punishable (imprisonment up to six months or fine up to one thousand rupees, or both) Section 178 IPC: Punishment for Refusing oath S. 191, I.P.C.: Giving false evidence. S. 192, I.P.C.: Fabricating false evidence. S. 193, I.P.C.: Punishment for false evidence (imprisonment up to seven years).", "cop": 1, "opa": "174 IPC", "opb": "176 IPC", "opc": "178 IPC", "opd": "191 IPC", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Legal sections", "id": "d90dac41-7b87-4c70-8a72-6f5d12ea544b", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Bluish discoloration of gastric mucosa is seen in the poisoning of", "exp": "(C) Sodium Amytal[?]Post-mortem Internal appearance of SODIUM AMYTAL POISONING;oThese are not characteristic, but mainly those of asphyxia. Cyanosis is present.oA quantity of white particles of ingested Sodium amytal may be seen in the stomach.oGastric mucosa may be eroded and the fundus may be thickened, granular & hemorrhagic.oHemorrhagic blistering & hemorrhagic necrosis of the gastric mucosa may be seen due to poisoning from Seconal & Sodium Amytal.oDetection by Calorimetric methods have now been super seeded by specific gas-liquid and high pressure liquid chromatography methods.[?]POST-MORTEM APPEARANCE OF STOMACH IN VARIOUS POISONING:oHigh concentration of toxic substances on the rugae & Crypts of gastric mucosa or even in the blood in the actual stomach wall.oHyperaemia of gastric mucus membrane by irritant poison shows patchy & deep crimson colour.oRedness of stomach Mucus membrane after death is usually limited posterior wall.oRedness of gastric mucosa is found even in asphyxial deaths.oThe green colour of ferrous suplhate tablets; the blue of amytal capsule; the pink of soneryl are characteristic.oMercury usually causes a slate coloured stain; arsenic may show white particles adherent; strong sulphuric, acetic or hydrochloric acids, & concentrated oxalic acid are likely to blacken or char the wall; nitric acid may causeoyellow colour, carbolic acid may produce buff or white colour and shrivelling; cresols produce brown colour; copper produces a blue or green colour.oThe colour may also be due to bile when there will be no signs of inflammation, or to fruit juice or food, when it is uniform and without signs of inflammation.S. No.PoisonColor1.Copper sulfate, amytal capsuleBlue2.Ferrous sulfateGreen3.Sulphuric hydrochloric/acetic acid 4.Nitric acidYellow5.Carbolic acidBuff/white6.ArsenicWhite particles7.MercurySlate8.CresolsBrown[?]POST-MORTEM EXTERNAL corroded skin and mucous membrane Appearances in various poisoning:-Sulphuric & hydrochloric acid: grey, becoming black from blood;-Nitric acid: brown;-Hydrofluoric acid: reddish-brown;-Carbolic acid: greyish-white;-Oxalic acid: grey, blackened by blood;-Cresols: brown, leathery;-Caustic alkalis: greyish-white;-Mercuric chloride: bluish-white;-Zinc chloride: whitish; chromic acid & potassium chromate: orange, leathery.oColour of post-mortem staining:-The skin may be dark-brown or yellow in phosphorus and acute copper poisoning;-Cherry-red in poisoning by carbon monoxide;-Chacolate-coloured in cases of death from poisoning by nitrites, aniline, nitrobenzene, acetanilide, bromates, chlorates, etc. due to the formation of methaemoglobin.Other Options[?]Arsenic Poisoning:oPost-mortem internal appearance of stomach: Lesions are mainly found in stomach.oLines of redness running along the walls, sub mucus hemorrhages & stomach mucosa resembles red velvet.oMass of sticky mucus covers the mucosa in which particles of Arsenic may be seen.oCongestion is most marked along the crest of rugae.[?]Mercury Poisoning:oMucosa of gastrointestinal tract shows inflammation, congestion, coagulation & corrosion & shows Slate coloured stain.", "cop": 3, "opa": "Mercury", "opb": "Cadmium", "opc": "Sodium Amytal", "opd": "Arsenic", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology", "id": "c5aeb046-557b-474f-a3b9-1abde9dd3186", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Emesis is not contraindicated in", "exp": "Emesis should be used only if there is difficulty in obtaining gastric lavage. Vomiting can be produced if the medullary centers are still responsive. Due to danger of aspiration of gastric contents, vomiting should only be induced in a conscious patient. Contraindications: Severe hea and lung diseases. Advanced pregnancy. Kerosene poisoning In cases of CNS depression, seizures or rapidly acting CNS poisons (camphor, cyanide, tricyclicantidepressants, propoxyphene and strychnine).", "cop": 4, "opa": "Kerosene poisoning", "opb": "Nux vomica poisoning", "opc": "Oxalic acid poisoning", "opd": "arsenic poisoning", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 2", "id": "c660c96c-ddeb-4e11-8949-7655831b6fea", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Reflex not involved in Harvard's criteria", "exp": "Harvard's criteria: ventilator is put off for 10 minutes and following responses are noted. Spontaneous respiration Spontaneous circulation Pupillary reflex. Corneal reflex Ocular reflex- oculocephalic and oculovestibular Grimace reflex Gag reflex Flat EEG Ref: FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY Dr PC IGNATIUS THIRD EDITION PAGE 17", "cop": 4, "opa": "Gag reflex", "opb": "Grimace reflex", "opc": "Oculocephalic reflex", "opd": "Tendon reflex", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "a3cf9961-92be-4cf0-bd1b-391fc931829a", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Dry wine is", "exp": "Chloral hydrate (dry wine) is related to paraldehyde and is an unfashionable drug in modern times, but still used in psychiatric hospitals. It is mixed with food or drinks to render a person suddenly helpless for the purpose of robbery or rape. Its action is so rapid, hence the name 'knockout drops. Ref - Krishan Vij textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 5e pg - 439, 496", "cop": 3, "opa": "Methyl alcohol", "opb": "Methylated spirit", "opc": "Chloral hydrate", "opd": "Isopropyl alcohol", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Poisoning", "id": "63a32e7a-4287-4d17-b997-b7cbcffc8ee1", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Breakfast, Lunch and dinner sign", "exp": "Bed bugs classically form a line of bites colloquially referred to as \" breakfast lunch and dinner\" sign and rarely feed in the armpit or behind the knees which may help differentiate it from other hitting insects. Ref: wikipedia", "cop": 1, "opa": "Bed bug", "opb": "Mite", "opc": "Ant", "opd": "Tick", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Special topics", "id": "1b1ff97f-80b5-408d-884c-604cc0394fbc", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "CSF should be collected within", "exp": "Cistern fluid is examined. The amount of potassium increases at a constant rate in relation to the temperature of the body during the first 20 hours. The concentrations of sodium,calcium and magnesium have no obvious relationship to time since death. Ref: K.S.Narayan Reddy's Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 29th edition, Chapter 7, page-98.", "cop": 1, "opa": "4-6 hours after death", "opb": "12-16 hours after death", "opc": "16-20 hours after death", "opd": "20-24 hours after death", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Death and postmortem changes", "id": "db9e68ed-09d4-405e-8060-884038608e5d", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "The ratio between ethyl alcohol in blood and Vitreous humor is", "exp": "Ratio of blood alcohol with different body fluids Whole blood :1.00 Plasma or serum: 1.12 to 1.2 Brain: 0.85 Spinal fluid: 1.1 Vitreous: 1.2 Urine: 1.3 Liver: 0.85 Alveolar air: 0.0021", "cop": 2, "opa": "01:01.1", "opb": "01:01.2", "opc": "01:01.3", "opd": "01:01.8", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Toxicology - 1", "id": "88c64458-de58-4fc5-8ddb-d427b5b5c4ad", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "An alcoholic with poor judgment and decreased skilled motor movements. Blood alcohol level would be", "exp": "B i.e. 80-200 mg%", "cop": 2, "opa": "60-80 mg%", "opb": "80-200 mg%", "opc": "200-300 mg%", "opd": "> 400 mg%", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f27d6d85-346f-40c3-be3d-37909da153e9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Force of constriction required for the obstruction of Jugular vein is", "exp": "Just 2 kg constriction force is sufficient to obstruct Jugular vein.", "cop": 2, "opa": "5 kg", "opb": "2 kg", "opc": "15 kg", "opd": "20 kg", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "6a66b7a0-5458-4fae-be84-67604ce136e9", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Abortion stick used in criminal abortion causes abortion by the mechanism of", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' i.e. Uterine contraction Abortion stick is a thin wooden or bamboo stick about 15 to 20 cm long, or a twig of similar length from some irritant plant as mentioned below.When the stick is used it is equipped at one end with cotton wool or a piece of cloth soaked in an irritant substance as mentioned below.The abortion stick or the twig is introduced in the os of the uterus and retained there till uterine contractions begin.Irritant substances used to soak the abortion stickmarking nut juicecalotropis (madar)jequirityasafoetidapaste made from white arsenic, red lead etc.Irritant plants twig used for abortionmadar (Calotropis)chitra (Plumbago zeylandica)lal chitra (Plumbago rosea)kaner (Nerium odorum)", "cop": 1, "opa": "Uterine contraction", "opb": "Stimulation of uterine nerves", "opc": "Uterine infection & necrosis", "opd": "Placental separation", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": "Misc.", "id": "d7870fb8-928a-40e1-943a-cbdc834832d5", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "A person keeps a man under his power and threatens him to assault or cause harm without any intension to kill comes under", "exp": "Ans. b. Section 351 Assault An assault is an offer or threat or attempt to apply to body of another in a hostile manner (Section 351, 1PC)Q.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Section 44", "opb": "Section 351", "opc": "Section 319", "opd": "Section 320", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "f10d8cab-f515-44db-86d9-38615651413f", "choice_type": "single"} +{"question": "Micky Finn is", "exp": "Chloral hydrate is also known as micky finn. It is also known as knock out drops.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Amphetamine", "opb": "Choral hydrate", "opc": "Phencyetindine", "opd": "MDMA", "subject_name": "Forensic Medicine", "topic_name": null, "id": "9c34b902-0eb1-4703-bf66-221c20335ba9", "choice_type": "single"}