0 "Fun game, not to many ads, I just wish that there was some way to turn off the foreground type thing, objects like rocks will sometimes pass infront of the camera point of view, its a nice touch but I've lost a lot of good runs because something passes I front of the camera and then there is a rock right after it, other than that, games us a good way to pass time" "I beat this game, but it was really not too rewarding . It was just kind of a slog after a certain point. The gameplay can be calming, and I appreciate the music, but that isn't all I look forward to in a game, and the gameplay really just has no end goal. The ads completely ruin the mood set by the game, so I would always turn my internet and data off before playing. I would recommend finding another game to sink time into, this one just doesn't do the trick after a while." "Used to be one of my favorite mobile games, and I'm by no means a mobile gamer. However, I've recently run into a bug that I can't figure out. I'll land normally from a backflip and ride for a half second or so before the game just throws me off the board for no reason. I've never had this problem until yesterday. I've reinstalled the game and cleared the cache and nothing helps. Pretty disappointing, but despite that it's a beautiful game with smooth and addicting gameplay!" "It's a good game, and I enjoy playing it. It's basically a better version of subway runner, I love it! My only problem is the sound track (which is beautiful by the way) seems to always be continuously glitching no matter how many times I open it and then close it again. It also frequently will completely glitch with the graphics as well, freezing for a few seconds and then next thing I know I'm way ahead and have either already died or have to struggle to catch back up to what's happening. Beautiful game in general, please plese just fix the bugs." "This is a really good game. Nice atmosphere, simple mechanics, AMAZING soundtrack. That last bit is part of the reason why I'm only giving it three stars. The audio gets really messed up when I use Bluetooth headphones. I don't think it's the headphones because they work fine with Alto's adventure. I dunno. I hope you fix this because it is a really enjoyable game and I'd hate to uninstall it." "Really beautiful game, but it has some issues. Some cliffs don't feel fair. The drop crates take too long to land. I very rarely get the crates at all because I pass under them long before they land. Sometimes I don't even see them. If you crash, you have the option to watch a 30 second ad to revive, but sometimes if you to choose not to it will force you to watch an ad anyway. It used to be just a pop up that you could get out of, but now it's just another 30 second ad." "It's a fun game. My issue is with the pop-up ads. You fail a run? Watch this 30 second ad to play again. This happens almost every time you fail a run. I get that you can pay $2 to remove the ads, but the fact that you could potentially have 3 seconds of gameplay and then 30 seconds of ads really turns me off to even wanting to support this." "great game, but.... even though you can connect to Play Games, Noodlecake wouldn't save your progress. and secondly, and more important for my taste, there seems to be bug in regard to sound. sfx can play nicely but sometimes music wouldn't play. or, as right now, wouldn't play at all even after clearing cache, clearing data or uninstalling. yes!! others apps play sounds and music." "Positive- It's a pretty fun and charming little time killer. It's simple yet pretty. I overall enjoyed my experience and would recommend. Negative- Some of the challenges are a bit tedious, and luck based. The ads are important to keep it free, but they are kinda long and there's too many. I find it aggravating that some chasm jumps just cant be accomplished with certain characters, so if you dont have a wingsuit then you're screwed." While good it is essentially the same game with very minor improvements. The ads for revive is shoddy and cannot be relied on. The characters with the exception of one or two are the same and behave the same. One thing that i hope for is that addictional content is added in the future. One very nice thing they added was different environments and the ability to travel with coin. The rock riding ability is also pretty useful especially with the more difficult players. "This game is fun, as was the one before it. The ads really kill it for me though. I understand it's a free game and the devs need to make money somehow. There are optional ads to double your points or to continue your run. There are also plenty of things in the store to spend real money on. The problem is, there are also ads that play almost every time you die. You're lucky to make it more than 5 minutes without one. This game is supposed to be ""zen"". The constants hand out for more and more money kills that" "Great graphics and sound, but the rocks don't stand out from the background in some of the backdrops, which leads to unexpected deaths that don't feel deserved. The camera angle is also often too close so sometimes it is impossible to know if you will land a move or not. It's a decent time waster but the few oversights take away the enjoyment." "The game has an amazing appearance, and a great feel. However this game falls short in it's gameplay. Though very smooth and well built, the obstacles that you need to avoid in order to not lose are incredibly hard to see. They are silhouettes, which is a problem because every foreground and midground object is a silhouette. The various shapes that each obstacle takes makes difficult to even realize that they are going to hurt you, generally only realizing this after loosing. Wonderful music and image, just very difficult design on gameplay." "This game could be fun, one to be enjoyed for a long time. It's simple to learn, but compelling. Great, art. And for awhile, it actually was fun. But... The ad model is awful. An 30 second ad every time you die if you want to continue your progress. But the game play is what really cuts it for me. Game physics change randomly so what worked before might not work the next time. Lighting changes to where you can't see your player. Quests that depend on unreachable goals. Ruins the game" "Mostly good, but I just encountered a weird glitch. When I jumped, the screen suddenly switched to a solid blue (sky color) block above a solid dark gray (ground) block. The distance traveled said 0m (I had gone several thousand). When I tapped the screen, I quickly saw several game over messages in rapid succession, and the screen was very jittery as if the phone were lagging badly. Not sure how I caused it or how to reproduce it. Samsung Galaxy S6" "First of all, awesome game. Very fun, and feels smooth... When it's actually working that is. What I mean is, most of the time, after about ten minutes of playing the game or less, it lags out to the point of it's unplayable. Once, I saw my ""Best Distance"" flag right on the other side of a small cavern, but it was lagging then and I couldn't time my jumps properly because it didn't register untill much too late. I can close and re-open the game and it temporarily fixes the problem, but not well." Good game overall. Challenging. But the ridiculous amount of pop up ads is unbearable. I would love to just play. But nope... I'm constantly backing out of the game when I crash just to avoid the ads. I understand having to watch an ad to revive the player if you're on a good run. But the relentless pop ups make just want to throw in the towel and uninstall......well after a couple weeks after I rated the game and no contact from developers..and still relentless ads... I'm uninstalling. Good job "A good sequel to the first but really laggy on my phone. Just like the first game, I randomly run into fps drops that impact progression. Probably need a device upgrade, but don't know if others are also experiencing the lag. Need more contrast between the player and background, especially against wall riding rocks at night. Also, some chasm jumps are seemingly impossible with certain characters, Maya, when the lead up is a mile long shallow slope. No way to get additional speed prior to the long jumps." The game has beautiful artwork and the music is beautiful as well. The game play is ok. It seems that it's very hard to really plan ahead for a crevice that is ahead and sometimes certain mechanics like the wall grind doesn't actually clear yoy through a chasm like it should and some of the challenges are ridiculously hard and you'll spend all your money skipping them or watching ads to skip them. Infuriating as the core of the game can be. It's worth it to get the last character. Great art "I just played this for a few minutes and I was not impressed with the actual game. Visual and sound design is as good as everyone says. However as a gamer I have to give this low marks on top of the ""pay money to continue"" aspect if the scoring system I find that particularly offensive. Controlling your character is very sluggish and unresponsive. As an artistic phone game it's nice to look at but I have played better true ""games"" and games that don't have paid micro-transactions in them." "Sort of fun, controls are simple, and not much explanation is given. Would be a soft 5 stars BUT when I choose not to watch a 30-second unskipable ad to revive, I'm still hit with watching a 30-second unskipable ad just to start over. Not a huge issue except I keep getting long flat sections (can't do tricks) followed by chasms that require a lot of speed to cross (you see why the ad issue is frustrating now, right?). Uninstalling, may try again in a year." "It's fun and zen and easy to lose hours to. The problem for me is the ads. The game's main draw is a sort of zen flow state, and these ads blasting in your ear completely take you out of it. Also, when you die, it'll offer you an ad to revive. If you turn down the ad, sometimes it'll play anyway and give you nothing. I don't know what the alternative is, since all things must be monetized, but it's yet another case where capitalism has robbed a game of the thing that makes it compelling." "Very buggy. Some of the bugs are fun. For whatever reason they have trouble reseting momentum so if you jump as soon as you hit the ground or a ramp you can fling yourself really far into the air. Other bugs include the menu/load screen not scaling right (leading to the level resets being visible in the corner of the screen) and the game randomly failing to render, period. In some ways it's an upgrade to the original. In other ways (performance and bugs) it's a downgrade." "Pretty mediocre, the one control design feels more limiting and clunky than the benefits it gets for being simple, maybe if you held it down to pick up some speeds before jumps or something or had to tap on either side to change which direction you flip would be better, also it can be hard to tell if an obstacle is in the foreground of background and at night you can hardly see rocks at all. Very cool game that could have been executed much better" "The game is great. I love it. But the ads are an absolute pain. I get it needs to be monetized, but at least offer the option to remove the video ads with a purchase. It ruins the vibes of the game, and is just so annoying. There's already an option to remove one kind of ads, just add another or make it that it removes both." "This game discourages curiosity by punishing you too harshly for crashing into something. So you don't know if it's something that's just in the background (a decoy), a rock to avoid, or some kind of power up. In contrast, consider breakout where you might get a dumb item, but it's not the end of the world. in this game if it's good, you live, if it's bad, game over. But of course, because the real objective is just to get you to watch ads." "Newest update a glitch is happening in the background near the center of the screen. when I go through a rock with the force field. Another issue is there is a glitch during game play. This was not the case before the update. It is a wonderful game, have had no issue up until this update. Please fix as soon as possible. Also get rid of the stupid lemier. I was doing a wall grind and it still got me!! Also enough with the ""Do you support the wall"" ad! I'm here to play a game 😡😤" "Cute graphics, nice motion, but the controls are confusing. I still dont really know how you're supposed to jump over things and onto hot air balloons when you can't jump w/o flipping upside down. I've played this game a lot over the past month and I still feel just as confused as the day I first tried it, so I've finally given up, hope other ppl have better luck 🤷" "I'm recently coming back to this game after deleting it for storage space. I love the game, but don't want to restart my progress. Here lies the problem. Whenever I try to enable Google Play in the options menu, the game will change the menu, say ""High Score"" up at the top, and then crash. I know it's worked in the past, but now it doesn't. I haven't changed my phone, or updated anything. If I could get some help, that would be great! But for now, 3 stars seems fair." "Too many ads. Why not just keep those when I want to continue? It asks ""wanna see an ad to continue?"" and when I select end run instead it shows an ad anyways, it is so annoying I just close the game when that happens. Still gave it 3 stars because the game itself is awesome and would be so relaxing if it weren't for the ad experience producing frustration." "I love this game so much, the only problem I have with the app is the type of ads it give me. It give ads that try and trick you to touch it to send you to a different page or ads that dont let you mute the sound. Not all the ads are like this but the few that are make me frustrated. The game is amazing I could play it for hours." "Incredibly buggy still, many of the bugs that plagued the previous game are still here, unchanged, unresolved. I'd wager I know my way around this game and it's mechanics way better than most people given I've played easily 100 hours on Altos adventure when it came out and have spent roughly 15 hours on this game over the past few days. Adds great new features and adds more verticality to the game that was missing before. Over all it's just an enhanced Altos adventure with way less consistent gameplay. I'd love to have the compass feature be used to let you play indefinitely in the biom of your choice. The canyons is hands down the best with wall grinding over any others. Maybe dunes comes second but temples is just bad comparatively. I just wanna be able to play canyons forever in zen mode." "Listen. I love this game, so so much. It's beautiful, easy to learn, and super fun. There are no lives to wait/pay for and I can do Zen Mode if I just want to have fun. It's great. That being said, why give me the option to watch an ad to continue a run if 9/10 times you're just gonna make me watch an ad anyways? I love this game but the constant unskillable ads make it hard to enjoy sometimes" "If you're looking for a game to relax, look elsewhere, there's nothing relaxing about crashing with rocks you can't even see due to the art style and constantly dying. That said, if you're looking for a nice endless runner with style and good atmosphere, this is it, it's a really aesthetic yet frustrating experience." "The game is great and peaceful. I was very happy when I started it up. I thought ""finally, an actually beautiful game for my phone"" but the idiocy of the controls and jumping mechanics ruin the hell out of the enjoyment. Every game I've ever played, you wait until the end of an incline to jump but in this game somehow the middle of the ramp is the ideal time to jump? Way to go. Also, why the hell can you only pull backwards? Ridiculous." "I love the game play of this but it has the absolute worst kind of ads. Unskippable, long ads that lead to another page that lead to another page with a tiny X that you're likely to open the play store by accident. And why is watching an ad used as a reward (to continue the run) you can opt to not choose, just to end up getting an ad anyway? So frustrating, I spend as much time in ads as I do the game. Sucks that game devs made something cool only for it to be ruined by other game ads." I get opening this to more people by having it be ad supported instead of an outright purchase. I do think there are too many ads overall and the cost to avoid them is too much when you consider you have to pay for both games separately even though this is mostly a new skin on the original. With that said if I hadn't bought this already on iPhone I'd be tempted to consider it here but I'll just wait until I go back in a year or two. This is one of my favorite mobile games. I was looking forward to this sequel forever. But it's almost unplayable at this point. It's glitchy to no end. Sometimes my character plummets through the ground and glitches out. It gets super laggy the more distance you ride. And worse of all the app crashes almost everytime I play. Please fix! "First off, this is a great game. However, on the Pixel 3a there have been optimization issues for months. The frame rate is often terrible. When I run the game on a different phone with comparable specs, the frame rate problem disappears. In short, the app could use an optimization update or two, so it's more enjoyable to more people" "I've had this game over 2 years. It is an amazing and relaxing game. It was so good I purchases no adds. I had everything unlocked and maxed out. I go to play it and all of my progress and purchases are gone. I emailed the Deb team a week ago with no response. I am not one to waste my money and I hope they do the right thing and correct this. I am not sure how it happened it was random. It asked me to log into Google play, I'm not sure if it ever did that and boom, everything gone." Not much better than Alto Adventure. Its fun i guess but the tutorial was bugged on my device and would keep looping the jump chasm part. Also im not sure if its intentional or not but its extremely hard to tell the difference between rock obstacles and background trees/bushes when it is raining or nighttime. This was never an issue in the old game for me and i maxed everything out on that one. "Thoroughly enjoyed the original entry in this series; however, Alto's Odyssey suffers from some apparent performance issues compared to its predecessor. While playing, I experience minor hiccups and stuttering that make timing of actions impossible. I am hopeful that future updates help this as I have spent countless hours playing Alto's Adventure and was looking forward to this." "Game was enjoyable at first but as levels progress above 28, it becomes more and more glitchy. Action hiccups and you end up smashing into rocks even though you attempted a hop; reviving a character does not revive visuals so the game continues while you're stuck on a frozen screen, flips are also harder when the 2nd character could do it with ease. Paid for no-ad version so that's not a factor. V30 Android 8.0.0" "Great sequel to a great original game. The problem with this game is that it slows down my phone a lot. I took my rating from 4 to 3 stars due to the amount of crashing and overall choppy gameplay that really distracts from the experience After smart cleaning and closing all apps it still runs laggy, which takes away from gameplay a lot." "I've reinstalled and uninstalled this several times. I love the concept and the gameplay and the art and sound design. However procedurally generated games like this can have issues... it feels like the game punishes the player for success sometimes. If I pick up speed, sometimes I'll fly directly into a chasm that appeared beneath me because I was in the air when the warning sign went by. The lemur catches up too fast and sometimes flies? through the air to get you. Also way way too many ads." "Too many ads, too sluggish. I loved the last incarnation of this series and played it forever. I liked the ability to choose to watch ads, and did often. Forced ads, even when I have no connection (halts completely), kills this for me. It's sluggish on my slightly older phone and as a result, unplayable." "Good concept, great visuals and music, fun gameplay, but there are quite a few glitches with the lemur and the player character, who will often teleport into the sky or under the ground when jumping or hitting the ground. I've contacted the developer, hopefully it changes soon. Also, really, 15 second unskippable ads? Please" "Cool graphics, simple gameplay The gameplay gets a bit boring after a while. While it's cool that the game has an internal time, where the environment changes, at night things are way too difficult to see, and I feel like 70% of the time it's night so it's making the experience a bit frustrating. Also how the hell do you get out of ZEN mode???" "It's a great casual game , i really enjoy playing it . Some things i hope are improved :1)The camera should follow ur character especially when u jump very high and perform stunts .2)We should automatically progress to next lvl if all goals are completed , rn u have to exit the match to get to next lvl and unlock new goals which basically forces u to quit immediately everytime after u complete a lvl because after that things u do are pointless, u only earn coins that's it. 3)add more stunts." The ads render this game unplayable unless you put your phone in airplane mode. Then there's no ads. Otherwise the game is ok. It's very repetitive with just enough variation to keep you playing. Nice game but the night mode makes the game very difficult.night last very long and comes back easily making day light very difficult to come by for one to see clearly there should be option for day and night so people with short view can also play the game Not worth playing unless in airplane mode. The ads are way too intrusive and often open the app store and several links just by trying to exit them. "I love this game, I have all the characters. A couple problems 1. To use the compass costs a bit too much 2. Sometimes I glitch through the floor But those are only minor, I see a lot of complaints about the amount of ads but I find the opposite, although at the end of every game you will get an ad games can last up to 30 minutes once you get good Also just turn WiFi off if it's that much of a problem Lost all progress and I'm pissed, the continue button is also annoying. Down to 3 stars from 5" "So, I liked this game a lot, I can say it's one of the rarest games I like on this platform. Unlocked most of the characters and purchased almost everything on the Workshop, but then I had to delete the game for a while, thus I connected it to my Google Play account. Today, I installed the game, opened it, and signed in. To my surprise, my progress was reset. Maybe I won't ever play this game again, though you might fix the problem for anyone else still playing Alto's Odyssey." "Visually lovely and enjoyable gameplay, but could do with just a couple of hints about features as they're introduced (what's the difference between a wallride and a wall jump? I don't know and the game's not telling)." "I enjoyed playing the first version mainly because of the calming sound effect. This new version has a lot of new challenges and beautiful graphics. However, I feel disturb with the ads. Unlike the first version, which played the ads only when the player wants to; this new version automatically plays the ads after 2 or 3 rounds. The ads were so loud and has no mute button. So, it is really a distraction, especially if you want to peacefully playing this game & enjoy its beautiful sounds." "The ads have gotten serious. Originally you watched the ads as bonus points, which most people would've done. Right now, whether you choose to watch it or not, between every round it will automatically open an add with no option to close until it is done. Most of the times, you will be automatically pulled to the playstore. Press back and another one opens because there are 2 ads to go through, not one. This makes it more compelling to just close the game after it takes you to the playstore." "The aesthetic and gameplay is great, but the fact that you can watch ads to revive over and over again in the same run diminishes any sense of achievement I get from this game. It's an endless runner - one of my goals is to beat my furthest distance highscore. There's no challenge when I'm beating my score simply by watching more ads than on previous runs." "so, it is an awesome game, but as you progress more ads pop up, the stages get weirdly and suddenly too hard. what's up with that? it's as if you get to a certain point and the game changes. rocks suddenly appear in places that are impossible to avoid. it was supposed to be a relaxing game, but switches to an undesirable grind. the ads! once they start appearing the frequency increases to an alarming rate. rocks hidden behind silhouette's is just bull. I'm deleting this game.3 stars is 2 much" "Love the game, however many of the video ads (the longer ones) don't pay the promised coins. I watch them until the end, press the x to close and nothing. They are always the ads that have some interactive ability in them, either doing nothing, or participating had the same result... no reward. If I get one of those ads (they are easy to recognize), I just force close the app." "Really well designed game with incredible graphics and sound however the ads really ruined it because they came up every crash. Eventually I just turned off data because having to wait a minute after every crash just made really didn't do the game any favours. Although ads of course make revenue in order to make new games but I doubt the ad-watching to gameplay ratio needs to be at 1:5 (depending on how good you are). Otherwise, in terms of gameplay it's a fantastic simple game and I would recommend it thoroughly if not for the overflow of ads" "this game has been lovingly made with excellent art and sound design on a fun concept, the problem is the rocks that stop your progress become invisible with so many silhouettes on screen so losing is usually unfair and unexpected. Basically they chose art over playability. That ruins the fun of the game. I'd also say that it's really hard to know when to flip since you cant see very far ahead so the drop may only be short when it looked longer from the frame you started the flip at." "Great graphics and gameplay but after finishing over 50 levels I've noticed some bugs. The very start of rope bridges and both grinds can be fallen through, even though it appears the character reaches the platform. Sometimes vine and balloon grinds overlap each other. When using Sumara, the character travels too fast to make it over some chasms. Also the game crashed for me when I got over 45000m and beat all level 52 goals, the goals reset and the high score didn't save as a result. I'd give 5 stars if these were fixed." "Fantastic Game. I poured hundreds of hours in Alto's Adventure, and paid so I didn't get ads. Bu there is no option to pay in this game to remove ads, this is mind boggling to me as I would rather pay this great game 5-10 euros anyway, but the ads make me want to commit arson each time they pop. This is very sad as the game seems to be even better than the first one, but my progress is halted by the fact that I can't stand watching the ads when I fall to validate quest objectives." It is beautifully made. I would score it more stars if the achievement mechanics were not in block form. There are runs where I have done three or four levels worth of goals. But it only counts three goals at a time. It would be better and lead to longer level plays if the goals could be completed and replaced during a run. "This is a beautiful game with great gameplay, at least at the beginning when you only have Alto. Because the game is designed with Alto in mind, the more you unlock the other characters the more imbalance you can see. Maya cannot jump through some chasms at all even with boost, while Paz just skip through all the radio items. These little things make me so frustrated that I ended up deleting the game, even though I have already purchased the ad free option." "Double ads (you watch a 30 second advertisement and then there appears another one which you can't skip), respawns right before huge hole or in it and places where you just can't get enough speed to jump over abyss are to annoying to give it more than three stars even tho graphics and music are so stunning. Please fix thiese things and I will leave 5 stars. You should think about placing pots and other useful stuff in different places. It feels like this game is about doing backflips and nice combos so rewards shouldn't lay on the ground where you are rarely touching them because of constant jumping or too big speed (they are usually placed behind some little hills and edges...). You should also consider adding frontflip featue. It would increase variety of gameplay so it wouldn't become monotous too quickly." "I have been playing this one for a couple of years, and I always thought that it was excellent on everything, but after that much time I started to notice certain flaws: It wrecks your battery and storage, for starters. The way rocks worked was always very annoying to me, because a) the art style made them blend in on the background sometimes, especially at night and b) the game is very bad at communicating when you're safe during a boost. And the infamous ADS. I think its time for an uninstall" "I love this game and the music is amazing but I really don't enjoy watching an ad after every round, sometimes a longer ad than my round. Or I'll choose to watch a video to continue only to have another one played shortly after, and then another to double my coins. I could forgo doubling and extending my play but that still leaves an unskippable ad to have to deal with. Lower then number of ads or let us pay for the game and I'll give the game the 5 stars it deserves." As good as any scroller. The changing scene is refreshing and the music is a nice addition especially in the endless run. It has a few glitches with landings but it's not like you can't try again. Haven't unlocked all the players but you don't need to if it's just a casual distraction. "I love this game; I have been playing it for years and I rank about 300th in the world. That's no olympic medal, but I am a pretty good player and the main thing is that I enjoy it. 5 stars is what I would have rated this game until the last update. Now the canyon walls move like ghosts and as soon as things get going (ie. moving fast, doing tricks) the game grinds to a halt, and ultimately becomes unplayable. There have always been glitches, but I won't be playing this anymore until fixed." Graphics are good. But the brightness is too low at night time. The characters can't be seen without turning up the brightness on the phone which hurts my eyes and drains battery. Instructions for wall riding are very unclear. What is the base of the wall when going across a chasm? Achievements are repetitive. I'll make a high score of 9000 meters travelled and the next achievement will be to travel 5000 meters. If I already traveled so much then it should count as complete. Fix these issues. The graphics and the music are great! But it freezes all the time! Especially when you pass the 30 km and most of the times when you achieved a new high score! And I really can't get how a lemure can fly and catch you while you wingsuit! Please fix these bugs and the app will be 5 stars worth! "I absolutely adore this game, and it's prequel, and it is the most consistently played game on my phone. However, the lemurs are a completely broken game mechanic! I often see them floating or running in midair or glitching forward to attack my character. Often they kill me when I am midair in the middle of a trick combo, or while boosting, especially under or on vines or balloon ropes. This is especially annoying when i am on a run that has gone for over 20,000 metres, and are zooming along at top speed with Izel or Maya. They end up faster than you can boost. It's infuriatingly common, and an unfortunate end to a trick combo of 30,000 or more. Please fix this, and I will re-rate because this game deserves better than 3 stars" "Very pretty, and atmospheric but not really suited for a tall aspect ratio phone. It's not just the ads breaking the atmosphere, its also how quickly I fail, and I expect it to take too long for me to feel like I have enough control with spin rotation that slow, to justify buying the removal of the ads that ruin the experience." "Great game don't get me wrong (took a few screenshots just for the amazing art style) but what killed my enjoyment was the wall sliding. There was nothing else to it other than holding down while on a wall, but eventually you slow down, and if you need to wall jump across a cliff, this will kill you. But that's all I got really." Fun Game! But Lotus flowers prevent you from getting rock bounces! Which is super annoying! "it's an aesthetically pleasing game, but it's also hard and frustrating for me to play properly thanks to visual impairments. When the scene gets dark, and the obstacles and plants turn nearly the same shade, I can no longer identify rocks, and 90% of the time that's what takes me out. It would be so helpful to many people with the same visual issues as me if there are settings that would make the shading intensity different." "The gameplay - by itself - is great. However, this ""game"" is really an ad service, with some gameplay to distract you. Pop-up ads start after a certain play time, and show up every other run. Ads to get coins, undo fails, double coins... The visuals and music are decent, but also a straight ripoff of the acclaimed Journey (Playstation); right down to the growing scarf, the sound pings, and visual concepts. Too cash-centered. Edit: raising my rating, thanks to the scoreless but ads-free mode" "It's just generally annoying, honestly. It has really nice graphics, music, etc, but the tutorial stops you in ways that make it more difficult. I can't tell the difference between obstacles and background, and it really frustrates me. I think there are ways to make it less frustrating without taking away the challenge." "It is a very good game. The sound design and the landscapes are more gorgeous than the original game along with some very pleasing looking special effects. The new and best addition is the biomes. It gives a sense of adventure and progression to an endless runner and keeps things fresh. However, this is also is a problem. There are only three biomes. I have been playing over and over thinking I would unlock a new biome with new obstacles and mechanics but they never come." "At the end of the game (once the character dies) I used to be fine with the ads that I could cancel out after 5 seconds. But recently they've started showing ads that cannot be canceled (like that tennis ad) which forces me to either wait for the ad to end, or to close the game entirely. I have watched my fair share of ads to either revive my character or to get more coins, but this is preposterous. I love the game but this new ad feature is forcing me to stop playing it. Please fix it." "Very nice game, I really enjoy it... nice that it has the Zen mode. The only thing that made me uninstall this otherwise brilliant game is the fact that the chasm jumps are very very poorly designed. You cannot jump over them because you suddenly lose all your speed during the jump. Other places allow me to do triple backflips sometimes, but chasms just stops you midway and you die." "This is my all-time favourite mobile game (I even paid for no ads), but some performance issues stopped me from rating it higher. I was around 35k meters, 250k trick score, had completed all 3 missions, and the game froze and crashed. Every time I start getting a decently high score like that this happens and it's super frustrating!!! Especially since the scores dont save and the missions I completed dont count" "This game is one of the prettiest games on the app store. My only complaint is that half the time when you crash, it was completely unavoidable. If I crash and it's my fault, sure. But 8/10 times you crash, it's just BS, like you didn't have enough speed to clear a chasm. That's the one that happens most often." "Looks nice but the gameplay feels sluggish and could use some improvements. The most fun aspect of the game is arguably doing tricks but this is actively decouraged by offering no boni, keeping you away from coins and pickups on the ground that you need to progress and by coming with the risk of ending your run. This gets old very fast. The game offers challenges but some of them are dependent on specific level formations. Also some ""crevasses"" feel like they are unjustifiably uncrossable. Meh." "Great game. Beat all goals and unlocked everything. Currently working on beating the best distance on the leaderboards 75k metres. However, this will be impossible for me as my game crashes at 41k EVERY TIME Would love to know what's going on here and would easily rate 5 stars if this was fixed. Honestly one of the most addictive and fun mobile games I've played in a long time." "It asks if you want to watch an ad to respawn, if you click no, then you will sometimes have to watch an ad anyway. Not cool" I like the game but the dark is too dark. It's nice scenary behind but I can't see position of player when back fliping or signs or rocks. It would be very good if you introduce some kind of street lights on track or give as a option to play only at day time. I would give more stars if this is fixed and too much popup offers for other games also is anoying! "Really immersive game but I uninstalled because of all the adverts. Watching a commercial after almost every round really broke my immersion. A few here and there I wouldn't have minded but not once every round and a half or almost after every round. And, yea, I ain't gonna pay money to a mobile game to remove ads tbh. The style of the game is beautiful, shame it's ruined after every 2 minutes with boinky advert music." "A relaxing casual game with simple gameplay and fun challenges to complete. Only downside to it is the ads. Of course the game is free and the ads themselves isn't that big of a deal, but perhaps if the ad's audio is automatically muted upon playback, it wouldn't be too distracting." Quite beautiful and even more so during the musical swells. However wingsuit is buggy as hell and waterfall/rain sfx constantly glitches. Having to jump to slow down for radio drops is very annoying. Slowing down while in the air also doesn't even make sense. Chasms need to be more identifiable so you're not instantly screwed because you're going too fast or too slow. Based on the game itself? The mechanics and visuals? Five stars! Really really love the game. It used to be my go-to game when I'm stressed or sad... until recently. I could no longer play the game AT ALL because it keeps freezing and crashing. I hope you fix it because I really love the game "This is a 5 star game. However, on my ZTE Grand X, it is extremely unpleasant to play. It lags and sometimes freezes to the point where I need to reboot the app. This is kind of odd, at least to me, as the prequel, Alto's Adventure, works perfectly on thr same device. I am a little disappointed, but I don't really expect the issue to be solved anytime soon." "The game is relaxing.But theres 2 problems that i have. 1)The ads ruin the game, its annoying for a relaxing game to ruin it like this way please remove the ads,Or pop it up for 30 minutes per video. 2)My game crashes,my phone doesn't have any problems or any viruses my phone is perfectly fine and dosent lag. Keep it up btw!!:)))" "Was one of my favorite games.. Sometimes i used to watch ads to revive, but eversince ads started popping up repeatedly, i decided that i should turn off my wifi while playing. It's sad that it has come to this. Ads could've been added as a banner on menu or between each match, just not pop ups. You guys know best that users hate pop ups the most." "Unlimited revives ruin the challenge. Love the game. Beautiful, addictive and great gameplay. However, the ability to gain infinite revives by watching ads everytime you crash removes the challenge. Making the missions really boring and almost pointless... I understand you need to monetize, but at least add a limit to the amount of revives you get :P" "The game itself is fantastic and beautiful, and a wonderful sequel to the first. But it is very ruined by the double ads that are difficult to close out of between runs. Often I've hit the x several times only for it to take me to the play store anyway." "Compared to the prequel Alto's Adventure, this game was basically the same but with a revised colour scheme, and 3-4 extra features that really wasn't worth the money. Don't get me wrong; I like Adventure and Odyssey but there isn't enough new features to really make this game what it should have been - it fell in the trap of most big games now: make a DLC and sell it as a new game... oh and LOADS of microtransactions... :/" "This game doesn't meet the expectations it's former gave me, Alto's adventure was relaxing and enjoyable where Alto's Odyssey can be clunky and aggravating to play, what ruins it for me is the sand board mechanic, this game is meant to be a smooth ride through the desert and for the most part it is however there have been multiple dozens of times where I've died to unavoidable cliffs and pitfalls due to being mid backflip when I get into a mountain side or if I don't jump before I get onto the side of the mountain or if I come in at the wrong angle etc. It's a cool.mechanic but it's lead many fun runs to be ended in a abrupt unavoidable cliffs side, this game is more fun when you just neglect to buy the sand board in the beginning, I can't find any other option to disable it" "There are a few ads on uno like(tictoc) that don't let you end the ad after its played. Rather, it sends you to the play store and when you get back on uno,the ad repeats. Other ads in the recent past will play through for a reward. At the end,sometimes something happens where you can't collect. I'd say the gameplay is fair and fun to play but being ad revenue stream for uno(free play user) can be frustrating and detract more people as ad revenue sources in the long term." "Fun and addictive game. The narrator is kinda annoying. And the adds are the worst I've ever seen. They make you watch it for 30 secs and make it unskipable even after so you have to close out the entire game. You can also lose all your coins and they won't replenish. But its still a fun game, they just need to be less greedy with awful adds and change the coin issue, and I could only wish the narrator wasn't so annoying" Too many times it'll offer to watch a video to reclaim my coins or gets extra coins & even to send a request for others to download the game to receive coins and once I do it doesn't give me the coins. It's very frustrating & disappointing. I'd give it 5 ⭐ if that problem was resolved. B/c UNO has always been one of my favorite games to play. "I really enjoy the game and the aspects of the game, yet it wants you to buy either coins, gems, or packs that require money all the time. When you load up the game it automatically shows 2 ads for you to buys gems or coins that cost irl money. And, you cannot play the games without a certain amount of coins at all. If you lose a game, your count could go down to 0 and you have to find ways to get it back. When you get to play a game, however, is a great part. It barely lags during the games." "The constant abuse of running through the minute countdown allows people to cheat. It's becoming more and more common. It's frustrating. Either games need to be longer than 3 minutes or after 30 seconds players need 2 or 3 seconds to play before auto-play kicks in (or maybe players abusing the countdown need to be dealt more cards). Also, try matching players based on stats. Other than that. I love uno. I play everyday. It's a fun game. Please bring back the ""open draft"". It was super fun." "This game needs some work. The most annoying aspect is when I play a ""draw 4"" and I'm sure I don't have a card that will cause me to lose a challenge, I will lose it anyway, and it causes me to lose the game. This effect is random and seems the rule changes per game which is not the actual case. It just seems that when I select the color, it's saying that I have chosen a different one. You can prevent losing against most challenges but then there are these moments when it justs turns me off." "The gameplay is addicting and enjoyable, but it's often offset by the app's unforgiving nature. Most matches charge a fee (coins), and losers are forced to hand over even more coins depending on how badly they've been cornered. Yes, there are ads and other ways to recover, but they don't always offer enough help to make a comeback. It's a ""high risk, high reward"" atmosphere with little room to breathe, which can hurt players who are new or unlucky. Fun app, but can be stressful at times." "The more I play, the more I suspect that these 'opponents' are ACTUALLY bots stacked with combos you CAN NOT beat. Why? To keep you spending money. I wish it felt more of a fair game! I just want to play it for fun, not spend hundreds of dollars on coins I loose in 2 matches!!!!! I get it that you want more money, but please use other methods than pay-to-win." "The game is meh, you get bombarded with by the game begging you to buy something. Like 3 different offers in a row. Also playing against 3 plays sucks. Pretty much takes away the strategy in the game. Also can't stack draw 2's and Draw 4's. Only way to play one vs. one is adding random people. Game would be better if I could choose who I want to draw 4 cards cause if the person across from me gets Uno I have to hope the player next me has a draw 4. Would like to play one on one and level up." "I have mixed feelings for the app. I instantly loved & played tons. Made friends & started a club. I got into the side challenges like getting new decks & backgrounds, but I got too involved. I spent too much $$$ in-game, trying to accomplish one side challenge & couldn't finish in time. I reached out to Uno Support asking if they'd allow me to have the award, being I was almost the highest VIP level & got a cold standard response. So overall, it's fun but definitely not worth spending money on." "I played for a long time and the only issue I've ever had with the game is, it's ridiculously slow to build coins and uploading money isn't worth it. The amount you get for uploading is a waste of money. You can spend a week building coins n getting a bunch then lose it all in one game by playing ""recommended"" table. I stopped playing when I lost 300k coins in a matter of 10 minutes." Really good game however the lack of time (3 minutes) per game gets really annoying rather than go until you actually finish he game especially when you are using actual coins. Would be great if you could play a computer as well for times when you just want to relax without the rush of having to finish within a time limit so for the lack of time I will have to drop it two stars because being able to actually not being able to finish a game and getting cut off takes away from the fun "Really annoyingly complicated... All I want to do is play uno, but it has these pop ups and weekly prizes or whatever and it just seems kinda useless. And the voices are really annoying, but there's no option to just turn on the voices, so to get rid of them, you have to turn of the sound entirely, and your left with the music, which is also pretty bad." "I like the game itself, but the coin system is glitched. I also have noticed during the short play times the cards lock up making it impossible to play. Also, I noticed you get far less back when you win than when you lose. I actually hit similar scores and noted that the numbers differentiated and varied greatly. The game of Uno relies on a huge variance of Skill and also Luck. The setting is rigged against users entirely and the amount given away trivial to play." "I love this game. HOWEVER: Every time I have enough to do the games with higher multipliers, I lose on the first go and, instead of losing say 2000 coins, I lose everything! I went into a game with 12,000 coins, lost, and was immediately dropped to 0! Now I have to wait and hopefully get back up to 100 during story mode to start over. It wouldn't be a huge deal if I hadn't just PAID for most of those coins. Don't take all of our currency for losing one game!" "I reinstalled this game to make a new avatar and name. It saves everything. That may sound good, but if you want to make a new avatar or preas the wrong name like me, you are stuck with it forever😡no fair! I also dont like that for example.. if I put down a 2+,the narrator never changes his tone of voice, and I have to admit does get annoying. This goes for all of the cards and pretty much anything that requires him to speak. When I win 1st place, ""Super duper!"" every time. Fun though😕😕" "Loved the game and friendly UI, very forgiving of a streak of bad luck and losing coins. After not playing for a few weeks and picking it up again, it refuses to ""reconnect"" me, effectively blocking access to the main menu. I waited a couple of weeks to see if it would change, same issue. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, same issue. Also I was rewarded with enough gems to get a freemium player icon which didn't apply despite me choosing it. There's no option to upload a profile pic" "I love playing Uno. I like that it makes it competive with coins. I wish there was more ways to earn coins, so I can continue to play UNO un-interupted. Annoying, when i have free time and coins run out too quickly. Hard to play more challenging games with fewer coins. I understand they want people to buy their products, but very frustrating. Like other games that do that, I will end up getting frustrating and deleting the game and finding a different pass-time." "It's interesting to me that you're losing coins whether you win or lose. It takes coins to play, and you don't get those back when you win, but if you lose a game you also lose those coins. So you're always gaining less than you could. It seems rigged. Other games give you your coins/tokens, etc back when you win. Also there aren't enough earning opportunities without in app purchases. It's definitely skewed towards trying to make you pay. Once you know this, just enjoy it for what it is." "I have played this game quite some time, like atleast a year. It's love/hate relationship. I love how easy it is to move up levels, and I love all the rewards. But it also seems impossible to succeed because of how easily you lose and go bankrupt so much. I have never been able to get above 30,000 coins because when I play the expensive go wild games, it just takes EVERYTHING from me, and I wish it was easier to get frames and other cool stuff while playing. Everything takes so long." "The gameplay is great, but the structure of the app is designed so you really would have to pay to keep playing much. Matches require coins to play. You get some coins when you win a match, but when you lose a match, you easily lose an obscene amount of coins, and since Uno has a big luck factor, you may only be able to play a few matches at a time, or you might keep winning big for a while--frustratingly casino. The hype guy ""cheering you on"" after matches is also really annoying" "It's actually not a terrible idea. With many game modes, I'd say it's somewhat creative. My biggest problem after playing about 30 matches is that those who begin last have the least, and I mean it, chance of winning. For some reason, you'll end up getting skipped, reversed, or be the receiving end of +4. It may have been just a coincidence, but considering how often it happens to me when I am beginning last, it makes me wonder. I can't help but suspect that there's some sketchy mechanism." UNO is lots of fun but the annoying voice should have an option to mute or change. There is a problem with the Wild card because I can hit one color and it goes to a different color. Some have complained about slow players but I think it's their internet speed and not purposefully being slow and if someone calls or text you while your playing it can cut the connection as well. "It is a fun UNO game, however I have 2 complaints. First, the ""Time Out"" system is a little flawed. Instead of the AI helping the player, why not make them draw cards and force them to keep? I shouldnt be able to set my device down and not get punished for missing my turn. Second, I have yet to figure out how the game determines the coin usage. Some players lose more than others. Why not make it the same across the board? Seems to be a flaw in the game as well." As I do enjoy the game and except my losses. I also do understand it is mostly luck and a little skill. The biggest annoyance is that a player will run down the clock when they have a card to play in there deck. I have lost alot of games do to time. I dont mind a draw One card for clearly running the clock down when they have a playable card in hand. I also run into connection issues and as hard as I might i sometimes cannot draw a card. Which is ok since I needed it. "I love Uno. I wish this game was more playable. I have one problem with this app and it's very serious. If you lose, you lose coins. you need at least 100 coins to play any mode. it's annoying as all heck. you lose twice and ALL your coins are gone, even on the lowest mode. then you cant play the game anymore for a while. I wish theyd get rid of needing to pay coins to play a match. this app would be so much better" "App is alright to kill some time but it's really unfair the way you lose all your coins. Playing 400 coins can make you lose more than 1000 coins which makes no sense. Everything is pay with coins to play, even with friends so that kind of sucks too. Not to mention everytime i open up the app, 4 popups come up. The MOST annoying thing during gameplay is the +4 wild card. You have to guess if the enemy has the chosen color or not and even if you're right, you get the penalty." "I love this game, but I have to agree with other reviewers that people do cheat when it comes to the limited time slot towards the end of a game. It ruins the fun for friendly competitors. As for the update, I couldn't help but notice that the background music drowns out the sound of the sound effects, not to mention I notice a lagging of the sound effects. A cool idea would to be able to have the option of adjusting the volume of both to however the user likes in settings." "While thr app is fun it limits play to 3 minute rounds. Only 3 minutes! Anyone who has ever played Uno knows that with Skips, Reverses, Draw 2 or 4...these cards make it a longer play type game. To restrict it to 3 minute rounds is RIDICULOUS. They should at minimum make it 5 if not 10 minutes. As it is I have yet to see a player actually ""go out"" because the timer ALWAYS runs out before someone can. It also means the time allotted for your turn is like 5 seconds every time." It's fun to play when you get good matches that actually play. There should be an option to BLOCK users you don't want to play with again. There are times where my teammate make us lose intentionally and It's pretty frustrated when you get matches like those. Also the match should be Free. Other than that It's pretty fun. It could be better though. "On 9/24/19 I rated this 5 stars. It's been a yr but it became clear after 2 mths that this game just wants you to spend your $. Of course, the algorithm is set for you to win some & lose more, ESPECIALLY if you're in Ranked Mode. The repetitive losing plays with your emotions for you to spend more $. When this happens just put the game down for a few. Suggestion: please change the rewards to suit the player's game level. Half the rewards are worthless & trading them for 1 coin isn't worth it." "Okay so I like this game, but after being hung up on stage 9 in Uno Universe since it was introduced, I seriously keep getting stuck with people who aren't considerate of the goals of said stage. Are there bots mixed in there with real people? Does everyone have the same goals to win, or does every player have different objectives?? It's frustrating and I'm probably going to uninstall this game again. Again. Otherwise, I've enjoyed playing. Or, let me just BUY the puzzle pieces, please." "I love to play Uno, but my experience with this game isn't very enjoyable. It keeps loading or buffering and doesn't allow me to play when it's my turn. It times out my turn when I'm trying to play as soon as it is my turn. It has also chosen colors for my wilds other than what I've picked. So I would really rate it as a 2.5 stars ✨." It's fun to play. But it lags at awful times. And since it lags and there's a time limit. It causes me to lose games I could've potentially won. And when I try to draw a card. I press to draw several times till I can. But if I get a card I can play. I have to keep it because time runs out by then. I can live with the lag. But that time limit is terrible. And the only reason this isn't more than a 3 star game. "There is a glitch. No matter how many times I restart the game. I like to play the wild mode, although i had a +4 the player layed a +2 and i had to draw (to give an example) sometimes this glitch causes me to skip turns or time out. The app will freeze from time to time. I love uno, but these glitches are making me dislike this app because i keep losing money (i try not to spend, but i have fallen here and there)" "I play uno everyday so I've been able to pick up on patterns that this game has. I notice that I'll be doing good for a while, winning games, losing some. But then I will have a week or so of winning literally zero games. The other team will get really lucky and there's no way to win. It's getting really annoying. It always seems that happens when I've accumulated a good amount of coins. Then in a day or 2 I'm having to play classic x1 or I can't even afford even play that." "Great game, it is uno lol, but like almost everyone else who put 3 stars there is the issue with coins. I understand cards have points but when you get hit with 3 back to back draw 4 with only 30 seconds left. It's automatically a lose and you get heavily crashed for it. There really needs to be a coin free mode cuase having exactly 0 coins means the games no longer fun. Still a good game and nothing else is wrong. Just the coin issue. Thank you" "Love the game. Very entertaining. Has systematic problems. My partner and I get number cards 90% of the time while the other team gets skip and draw cards 90 % of the time. Was told it was fixed. Wrong!! I've lost 400,00 coins this past month . If you don't spend money you don't go anywhere in rankings. There was a button that said win back your coins if you play a reverse, I did and didn't get my 176,000 coins back. They talk the talk but can't walk the walk. They just want your money." I know when a plus four card is throw and I answer the question correctly it still gives me card. Ugh so annoying. I also feel like it is set up to make lose to spend money. I think there should be more clear direction on how to complete some of the challenges even after playing gor sometime now and still don't know what some things are or how to achieve certain things. It has been terrible since the going global some of these people have no idea of the rules makes a lot of losses. would be 5 ⭐ "Hint to everyone who just wants to play without worrying about coins: dont log in. Just play as guest when you first install the app. If you lose all your coins, go into android settings, find Uno in the app list and clear data. Relaunch the game and enter as guest again. You have to turbo tap through the initial tutorial each time, but it doesn't take that long. You will never progress through story mode, but it works if the only thing you care about is having the ability to play." "The app is ok. It takes a long time to download and you have to download google play games as well. It also glitches quite a lot in game. Theyll put down a red 6 and Ill put down a red 3 and it wont let me play it. It also is designed to make you try to spend money on coins. Youll lose more than you win and have very limited options on how to get more coins, other than spending actual money. Other than that, the game is ok and you get to play games with your friends." "Good game but a few flaws in my opinion. 1. You run out of coins so quick. I went from 3000 to 0 in a 10 game losing streak. 2. The greediness is disgusting, Theres a bank that fills up with coins everytime you win and you pay $3.99 to collect them. 3. There isn't enough game modes. I want one with jump in rules it rotating hands or switching hands on 0 or 7." "I really like this game. It has great challenges, storylines, and gets updated regularly to include season designs and contests. However, it is completely rigged and designed to suck you in emotionally and unless you pay for extensions to get things like diamonds you'll never actually complete any challenges and waste all your time trying before going to bed angry." "1st of all, the forced tutorial was annoying. Idc about getting points or anything. I just wanna play some Uno. 2nd and my main problem with this app, is the animations should be smoother. They feel super choppy and slow. Make the animations smoother and improve the graphics. Bright colors and bad graphics don't mix well at all." "It's a great game but there's so many things that are off/suspicious. It's starting to look like a money grab to me. 1) It's like the winners are pre-destinated. 2) The game is kind of set up in a gambling kind of way. 3) (AND THIS IS THE MOST ANNOYING) If you do a team up and you lose, if your partner doesn't have enough to cover the portion of coins they have to give up, it comes out of YOUR coins. This is just dumb. This isn't real life or real money!!! Which means that system is pointless." It's overall good but it is a money grabbing game so unless you're willing to spend money you need patience with this app and also can't do a lot of the stuff other than classic uno. I like how the ads are optional for rewards. The shields on the other hand are pretty much an automatic loss on a match though so don't waste money on them. 85% of the time you will lose if you use a shield. I counted out of 15 games using a shield and I won 3 of them but I don't have that problem when not using one "It's fun to play Uno, but the coin system is so inconsistent it makes me want to cry. I'll play 5 games, and I'll win 3 of them, and play a bunch of wild cards the whole way, and make no money, and in the 2 games I lose, I'll lose in 2 turns and in those games I'll lose more than 3 times what I gained in the wins. And then when you inevitably lose it all, they throw you 300 coins so you can keep playing, 2 times a day. It makes my head spin, I just want to know why the numbers that pop up, do." "Love the game but the new version is not great with the rewards. It takes forever for you to be able to get them again once you've claimed them and I never get diamonds anymore. I was living this app but now I'm very disappointed with it. Also, I agree with others who say it's rigged. You definitely get winning streaks and then suddenly you lose for days straight no matter how well you play." "Seem more pricey than the old version. You lose more coins during games. If you want or need more coins, you have the option to buy them. You get less coins for the amount you pay than the large amounts that could be lost during games. I've purchased a few packages in this app. I recently purchased a package with 5 shields. After selcting the 5th shield, I lost all my coins which was supposed to be protected. I reached out to cs, sent requested info and they did not return my lost coins. 😔" "Game used to be really fun. Not sure if they made changes in the upgrades over time but it's glaringly obvious that certain players are now given extremely good hands or pull really good cards at the last minute to win. I've gotten them myself and it's not even a competition. A good suggestion would also be to pair teams with even level players. For example, novice, intermediate, expert, etc. It sucks when you're paired up with players who don't seem to understand how teams works." "I downloaded the game for the mere reason of the BTS event. The firt phase was good, despite it having some things that weren't fair, such as always giving the same card options for the BTS deck, making it super difficult to progress in that sense. But overall it was an entertaining and fun game. It all went down hill in the second phase, I can't even be in the game now! Neither can other players around me. Fix this please." "The loading is a little slow, and the build up tends to throw in one very difficult task to stop you from getting to the next level, but it is overall enjoyable. You can report inappropriate names, friend people, and play a variety of mods. However, this game works best if you only play a few games a day. If you play too many games in a single day, you start going on a massive loosing streak. It happens every time without fail if you play too many games in a day. You just keep getting bad cards" "The game is fun, but the coin system is so wonky. I wish it would give you coins depending on the moves you make, or anything other than what it is now. I'm so tired of winning 72 coins, then playing a game and losing 400 coins when I play the exact same. It makes me want to stay within the lowest bracket of game types since so I don't lose too much." "Started off great when I first downloaded it about a year ago. I did get overwhelmed with the music group they had on there but eventually they slowly went away. Then the new update came and now it's hit or miss if the app loads to play or not. I continuously get ""disconnected"" pop ups even after clearing out my cache and data.. I really like this game and have no issues with the gameplay, I just wanna get to actually play it!" "I actually really like the game. The reason I gave it 3 stars is the 2v2 aspect of the game. 9 times out of 10, I get someone who has no idea what they are doing and ends up costing us the game. The fact you have to play it through the adventure mode really makes getting decent scores extremely difficult. I believe it should be optional unless you're playing with a friend." "If your looking for constructive criticism look here for your next update! The ""dont give up"" voice that plays once you lose a game is annoying and I would enjoy the game more if it didnt have that. The voice is very loud and although I like it I would prefer an option where I can lower the volume instead of removing it completely. For the party room you have to have it completely full in order to play and I think it shouldn't be like that instead the host gets to decide how many people play" "Something is wrong with the ""Build Up"". Over the past two weeks, my ""gain 10000 trophies in a single month"" and ""Gain X number of EXP"" has been the same. I've cleared the cache and memory. logged out and signed in again. I've sent tweets and emailed help. There is an issue...please check this out." "It's fine, but there needs to be an option to turn off voices. It gets annoying extremely fast. Edit: I also forgot to mention something else. An average real-life Uno match lasts around 10 minutes. Chopping the time limit down to only 3 minutes affects the quality of the game." "Echoing everyone else, this game is fun but it has tons of shady dealings. Diamonds: These are very hard to come. Players should be able to exchange coins for diamonds and the game should have more rewards that include diamonds. Players have to buy diamonds if they want them or hope that they win them in one of the free give away (spoiler: out of months, I've won ONE diamond TWICE.) Shields: Same issue as diamonds. They are extremely hard to come by and even if you place high in a tournament and win one, the shields are only available for one turn! It would be amazing if they shields awarded were available for multiple turns or for a set amount of hours. I would play a lot more if that were the case. Players should also be able to exchange coin for shields and they should be easier to win/be rewarded. Losing: Good god, when you lose, you keep losing no matter what. That's not fun, it's frustrating and I've stopped playing other games because I kept losing, losing, losing losing. This game has potential to be fun without constantly gambling and it would be wonderful if the designers could do something about it. Coins: I've gotten lucky and won a ton of coins between the gameplay, daily challenges and the giveaways. But I don't really care when I keep losing games. Gameplay: A couple of times now, I've tied for second place with another player and I've lost. Both times, both of our last cards were '0' and I still lost coins. That's so stupid. Also, the Uno Universe leaves something to be desired. It cost diamonds and to get all three stars for a lot of these games is unattainable. There are objectives that say ""play nine red cards but don't come in last place""...how are we supposed to do that? Can any of the developers honestly say that it's easy to achieve all the objectives without wasting money and time?" "My ""invite friends"" button freezes the app. I have to constantly close and restart the app. I can't invite any friends to play. I emailed admin, only automated response so far. When they fix the problem, they'll get 5 stars again. Update: These prior problems seem to have been fixed, but now it seems like there is a constant server issue on their part. No matter where I'm at, or how strong my signal is, I get disconnected from the game OFTEN, even when I'm on WiFi and right next to the router." "The game can be fun at times, especially if you win, however, you can lose all of your coins quickly, and youll have to wait a long time to get some free coins. Sometimes while in the middle of the game, it freezes and it wont let me choose a card. Also, I could have the least cards and be ranked in last place if the game doesnt update in time. Its not fair at times." The friend limit needs adjusting and so does the like! There needs to be a comment or emoji for I reached I my like limit! Plus several times game color at the end has been wrong due to so called time limit error which only occurs at the expense of the game! I have encountered bots with nothing but draw 4's and draw'2! It can be lot of fun or like anything else it can become exhausting if the cards continue to disappoint. Most the rewards at the beginning not too much once you reach a certain level. Lately its a lot of competition with some not family friendly gestures allowed. Make a mistake and get the finger ... Today not sure what is going on went to sign on and it said update but then kept getting error ???????? Even restarted mobile ? not sure if anyone else experience this or what the update was about ? Maybe some improvements? More likes and friends would be nice? More rewards would be nice ! it's a fun game but i believe there should be a set amount of coins that you lose or gain depending on the game mode instead of it being based off final points or something. because im getting tired of losing over a hundred coins per loss then having to wait too long to get the coins back. This would also fix the whole needing at least 100 coins to play issue as well. "The game is too short. There should be an option to play for 3 minutes or play until there is a winner. There seems to be an algorithm issue with the draw 4 card. When you play the draw 4 card, your opponent can challenge if they believe you don't have the color your using. I have played the card several times and was penalized with 6 cards when my opponent guessed wrong. It almost feels like the game is rigged." "Love playing UNO. Only things I wish were different are the timed games (they seem way too short sometimes) and not being able to change my photo without linking Facebook. I don't have Facebook and would like the option to put a photo of myself. And also, sometimes a game can go on for 5+ minutes especially if people are very familiar with how UNO works and I hate feeling ""rushed"" out of a good game with seasoned players. If these two things ever change I'll give 5 stars." "the game is pretty laggy, and I would rather just click the card to play it, not click it twice or swipe the card up. but otherwise, it is pretty good. I also think it should have more backgrounds and card backs, like Super Mario or The Legend Of Zelda. So overall, I give it a three out of five." "It's a great app, has great graphics for Uno, but you run out of coins way to easily. it would be nice if there was a practice mode that didnt cost coins and you could play with friends, online players, and even ai, but it wouldn't give you any experience or coins." "Uno is fun, and the game is decent, but it is incredibly frustrating because when you win (which statistically is only 25% of the time), you only win a little. When you lose (75%) you LOSE BIG. For this reason, it's a constantly ""losing"" game, and the higher stakes games you play, the quicker & more you lose. So, only play the low-stakes ""Classic"" game, and be prepared to lose all your $$, and then wait till tomorrow to get more. All the various other features on the game are pointless." "It's fun, but I Don't really like newest update on a free prize when you watch a video. Now you don't know what you are getting and now you have to wait even longer for the chance to get another one..... Also, be careful with the multiplier on a game, especially on quick play! You win some rounds and then you lose one game and you lose all of your money!" The game is ok the time limit on games is too short because in the last seconds of the game people wait as long as they can so that no one can try to get rid of as many cards as they can. Also I downloaded this game two days ago and I'm fully connected to the internet but I try to load up the game and it says to try and reconnect or quit the game and I unistalled and reinstalled the game and it keeps on popping up the message so I can't play anymore. Please fix this issue. "There seems to be a randomness issue..? I like this game, I really do. But the lack of randomness kills it for me. So often players, myself included, will get this perfect unbeatable hand. One I've gotten well over 20 times is two plus fours, a card that gets rid of all cards of a color x, and then a few cards from color x. Virtually unbeatable. The fact that I've gotten it so often tells me this has been programmed to be this way. Everyone's hand should be random. The unfairness kills the fun" "I love Uno and this game has many variations. It works well and it's pleasing to the eye. My issue is that they want me to spend my money so badly it's pathetic. I already paid the $2.50 for ad free. That's enough. Every time I open the game there's pop-up after pop-up I have to X out of just to get to my home screen. Everything presenting ""offers"" that cost money. It's disgusting. We know where to find the things to spend money on if needed. It's so desperately greedy." "Really enjoy playing uno however there's certain elements to this version that are extremely frustrating. First the ads, when coming to the end of the ad you exit and it's like it hasn't recognised you've watched it so have to go through it all again. Also some games are definitely rigged. I've noticed a pattern with some where you're always dealt the same type of cards and the other players are clearly bots. Takes the fun out. And winners are definitely predetermined in some of the games" It's a good game but it feels rigged sometimes and I don't understand why in 2v2 that I have to pay more coins If the person goes bankrupt.. iv lost all my coins before. If there is a chance you can lost double of the bet you put on you shouldn't be able to play. I literally just lost nearly 1000 coins on a x4 so the other person goes bankrupt but so do I paying there loss. Was an enjoyable game! I was going to suggest putting the 0-7 in the classic version instead of just the travel challenge. My reasons for 3 stars...... No matter how many matches I have played it always feels like the winners are already predicted. When I hit UNO the next person somehow manages to draw a wild 4. I never realised that there was an achievement for losing 10games in a row until now! "It was great for a while, but I noticed that since I leveled to 2000, I seem to not win and I get matched up with inexperience players and loose all the earning. I have been at the same level for 2 weeks, Spent over $200 on buying coins, I'm about to just give up. Very frustrating!!!" I do like this game. But I have tried to contact the help centre on a number of occasions. With no reply. They ask you to watch videos to collect the points lost. After watching the same video over 10 times I still never received any coins. This happens on a regular basis. No-one has replied back to me. Waste of time contacting the help centre. "Classic is fun. Down sides, playing with people all over the time, waiting for them to draw can cost you the game. If they play a draw 4 and to catch them, it stays their color, that cost me a lot. Because of the lag time you play a card such as draw 4 at the end, sometimes it doesn't give them the cards and sometimes it does. Some people wait out the time at the end so they don't get another card stopping me from discarding one. Good points, active pool to play with, cool effects" Fun but be warned.. This game is classic Uno and is a great time until you start to learn the algorithm that is blatantly made to bring you up just to bring you down in order to get you to purchase coins. This far along in the game I can tell you when the game is going to let me win and when it's out to get me. The algorithm in this is very elementary and you'll learn it within a few months of playing. I've been noticing that the game cheats. It will make you lose challenges when it shouldn't. The timer will speed up super fast at random moments during a game if I'm playing the computer... Don't cheat me especially if I'm spending money for things Was 4 stars but now 3. Since the update I've been experiencing more ads than ever before. When I've received 2 silver scratch cards I go into my bag and nothing there even though I'm told I've won them. Sick of losing games due to a player deliberately taking ages cause they know if they pick up a card it could mean a lose then they laugh cause they know what they've done. A player who takes way longer than necessary should be dealt 4 cards and I bet that would hurry them up. Fix issues The game is fun. A lot of pay to play features. Don't like that when you win and you bankrupt a team you don't get the full winnings you earned. You also don't get any coin protection for the coins that you deserve from a big win when you bankrupt the team. E.g I just won a game where they had 567 points in a X20 game. Should be 11340 coins I won. I got 2k coins. But if I lose I pay the full amount. Nice game but the Wild +4 challenge is a big lie it ask me if the other team had a color when I challenge it I lost and they played the color and it happened like 3 times. For the fun pack when I lose I lost more money than when I win even if I win more than 100 why? This is the reason whybI stopped playing for a long time. "Absolutely love Uno, the app is really well put together. The only thing letting the app down is the ease in which it is to lose coins and the lack of free opportunities to earn coins. The coin packages are far far too expensive as it is simply a game of luck." "I personally loved this card game, I even bought a total of 168 decks in real life just to play with my friends and family. So, I went ahead to try this app, including the PC version made by Ubisoft. My only issues with the game are: Ads after matches (give at least a coin bonus if we decide to watch all of it) 3-minute timer But, the game has met my expectations, I'd say content wise. The mobile has more modes than the PC, which is excellent: the audio and visuals are on par with it" "My absolute favourite game to play,the ads aren't in the way and its really fun. ButI do have one problem. So you're able to connect an account right? Well I have a guest account and I'm unable to make it a proper one or connect a social account to it. The setting only has ""switch accounts"" but that doesn't seem to work as it just restarts the app for me. Resetting the account is also no option as I created my account a year ago so i have quite alot of progress that I don't want to loss." I have been playing this game for a long time. It used to be fun and even. But now it seems more people are cheating and getting 4 or 5 draw 4 cards. And the bots/computer players are you lose. Why should I spend money just to lose it all.? I'll still play but it's getting to be unfair and not as fun. "Great game, but I cannot stand the amount of ads. You open game? 5 pop ups for coins, etc. Finished a game? 30 second unskippable ad. Give me the option to pay $2 for no ads ever, I will never spend a dime on coins. I don't care about coins , I just want to play Uno." If I was asked yesterday how I would rate this game I would give it 5 stars but unfortunately i had to update the game yesterday and now ever since I did that the game will not load up!!!!! Really getting irritated cause I enjoyed playing uno and have spent a lot of my own money in the game!!! Please help me fox it! "it's a fun game, but honestly it is hard to earn coins after a match. if you don't win you barley get anything and if you come in 3rd and 4th place there's like barley any coins or no coins at all. if I can't get enough coins to play the multiplier games then im stuck doing the same 30 coin fee game and barley winning anything." "Really gold interface with smooth gameplay. But of course, you need to pay money to play with friends. I kid you not, you get 10 free game tokens to create a room and play with friends but after that you either pay $7.99 for a week... or $14.99 for a month (which is labeled at 50% so really 29.99). Pretty darm greedy if I don't say so." "I have noticed there is no random card distribution algorithm. In face for various modes there are very few types of coding are there so that particular person or team can win game easily and that's not occasionally , that's like routine. So please change the algorithm and coding and make game more random ." "I have a complaint about this game. I want this game to be played with my friends on one cellphone, not playing with friends with 4 cellphones, like multiplayer. It won't be fun without playing it with a few friends with just one cellphone. You know card games and golf aren't those games you can play with friends on just 1 cellphone because that's the easiest access to play with our friends face to face. I just want the developer to add a friend mode game on 1 cellphone only. Thank You" "I absolutely LOVE UNO theres no doubt about that. However. This game is all about coins and Mattel knows they can make money by making it pay to play. No coins? Hey bro, just drop a few real dollars! Really? A multimillion dollar company can't just keep money out of it? Also the ads, I mean either keep the ads (that also put money into there pockets) or just keep it pay to play...that's my only complaint, otherwise I love it. Just stop asking for our money, we broke out here :(" "Too many ads, way too many impossible to play with same players in 2x2 matches cos of the ads by the time that's done the player is gone. It's an enjoyable game without the countless repetitive and some are up to 3mins!!!" As of right now you're unable to change the first character that you might have just been looking at when you first downloaded the game. Your main profile character. I certainly wouldn't have gone with a character I am stuck with because I thought I would have been able to browse. I don't feel they make their packages completely transparent. I feel as if I have wasted money and gotten less than what was advertised. I'll stick to the free ads from now on. "Good game, good app. Only problem I have is that after so many hands, it stops giving you wild or draw 2 cards, making it impossible to win, therefore trying to force you to buy coin to continue playing. Daily bonus barely gives you enough to play few hands. Change the fixed dealing and I give this 5 stars" "I really like this game, but the graphics in the new download are too intense. I'm not sure if the effects are just faster or what exactly, but it's hard on the eyes. I would rather it go back to the previous effect speed." UNO! Thank you so much for removing the distracting effects from the game. It is way cleaner now and makes one to wanna play over and over again. Please don't return those tacky colour effects. 5 stars for sure! Edit: Haha the silly effects are still on with some players so I'm gonna revise this game to 3 stars and play it way much less. VIP IS A SCAM...STAY AWAY Fun game but the VIP Points is a TOTAL SCAM. After Vip level 2 it doubles the amount of points needed to go to the next level. Mind you will have to pay money out of your own pocket to become a VIP member. There aren't many perks for having to pay so much money vor Vip levels that leaves you with very limited perks. I have played this game a while and .... The tricks are weird. You can't just automatically do a trick. There is an icon in which you have to click and it doesn't even activate half the time. So....... That means you are pretty much just running around. Please let us have free reign over the tricks. Art style though is pretty good and gameplay overall is good. "was fun to play for the first level. but the controls are so unresponsive and when it does respond, half the time it does what you don't want it to do. very infuriating. would rate this higher, the only reason its not 1 star is because i liked the visuals, voice acting, everything, but the controls need something done about them, as they are atrocious." "Worth upgrading to Deluxe for just $1. Fun game with stylish tricks and a good graphical style. Learning the levels and going for 3-star runs can be fun. However, the controls are inconsistent. Sometimes I'll swipe up, only to slide instead, and vice versa. Swiping doesn't work too well, buttons would've worked better. Though, it's still worth a try." "It has a good concept, but it is hard, it takes time to get used to how the character's movements come a little after you imputs. I think it would help if the obstacles were a slightly different color from the ground so you could more easily see whats coming and react. I suggest you add a setting to make things more colorful to fix this issue. Also the two reviews after this one are practicaly the same, so i think that there are bots." "The goal of the game is to give you the rush of sprinting across rooftops, running for your life. It's a great concept, but it's pretty unremarkable. For what it is, the devs have done a good job, but there's no thrill in the chase. I'm just swiping in different directions when prompted. Again, for a swipe-when-prompted game, it works well with very few bugs, but I feel like it could do a better job of filling your blood with adrenaline. Ok graphics, simple physics, minimal thrill. 5/10 overall." "It's an ok game. All you really do is swipe up, down, and right. My only problem with the game is the level system. You have to get a certain amount of stars rather than completing the last level. I often found this difficult because you have to do really specific things to earn these stars, and sometimes, you have to unlock those things with in game currency. There are definitely improvements that this game could have, but no game is perfect." "Its a game that can be very fun, addicting, a time waster and challenging in later levels. The problems is that the controls and A.I. chasing you can be very cheap, levels are too precise and unfair, and also no warning or signal to do certain actions like diving or hints to even where you should go in the main story. Besides that its game worth checking out." "I really like this game a lot and the graphics are really good. I just feel like it focuses more on getting the bonuses cubes than actually enjoying the game. It basically forces you to get all the cubes to get 3 stars and if you dont you cant advance to the next levels. Sometimes they'll have you get the cubes that seem like impossible to get so you're just kinda stuck in that level until you figure it out, same thing goes to the full game which I have." "I am facing an issue which I can't find anyone else mentioning. I finished the game, in both normal and the hunter mode, except 3-5 and 3-11 levels in hunter mode. That's because they have a bug. It just STOPS at a point everytime in 3-5, and in 3-11 the door doesn't even open to start the game, the guy just gets stuck there. Nothing happens, and it says u fell too far behind. Both these levels aren't even running properly. 1st I thought maybe I'm missing something, but then I watched yt videos" "I love this game. It's really good. But there's way to many adds, also when you watch an add the music just stops, every sound in the game doesn't work anymore. It's weird, also please put way less adds." "Great game, but 2 key gripes. I can't complete hunter levels 3-5 and 3-11 because the level and character animations are messed up, leaving me unable to complete the game to 100%. Please fix and 2 more stars would be a guarantee🙏." "it's one of the best games I ever played, though am done with vector some years ago but it's so good I decided to download it again it's really good sha but as you move up in level the tricks gets higher to buy infact it's a little bit hard to buy stuff so........" "Irrelevant and inappropriate ads, you have to either play a level 5-7 times just to get a move to get 3 stars on it and they dont give you enoug coins for each level. Its an om game but if they listened to their customers it might be better" "It's an good game, but not top tier. It is kinda hard as you progress, and can be difficult to tell where your supposed to go. If NEKKI is seeing this, please make the clothes have color. I wasted 1500 coins to buy the shorts and they were black. Please give them color." "It's a classic game, and rightfully so. The gameplay is fast and adrenaline pumping, the animations are smooth and realistic, and it is just the right difficulty for it to be enjoyable and challenging (if you want 3 stars, if you don't care it's pretty easy). Where it loses points is the hunter mode. I'm going to make this short: it's just a reskin of the classic mode, nothing new. The bonuses and tricks are in the same place as classic. It would've been cool if the ai had to follow bonuses." "This is a great concept, and for the most part well executed. But the controls are a bit wonky, when sprinting it sometimes registers as a jump or slide. It's also a bit grindy, especially at technology park and with a lot of the hunter levels. I had to look up walkthroughs and it's unrealistically nitpicky to be expecting players to jump at exactly the right moment to be able to complete the move properly. Also, so many crashes. Just when I'm about to do a trick, of course." This game is enjoyable with fun realistic animations and smooth movements BUT ultimately it's frustrating and not for good reasons. The controls are HORRENDOUS. I'm surprised they haven't fixed this since it seems to be a huge problem. Sometimes when you're trying to swipe up it slows down or it slides down and it's incredibly frustrating to have to go back from the beginning because of that one minor control. Please fix it. "A mixed bag. The app is very entertaining, featuring a multitude of stages and fun gameplay. But the game also has its fair share of issues. The window to perform the special tricks is insanely small, and sometimes you fail to do the tricks for no apparent reason. For the parts of the game where you speed up, Vector will often stop before you reach the end. Even if this is to make it more realistic, it can and has messed up many jumps for me and countless others. Still a fun game worth playing." "Amazing game.But: 1. there should be a joystick!! Lots of times my phone detects a jump as a swipe and vice versa and It gets me killed. 2. There should be checkpoints for such a long game! 3. Brightness options or changing color of the character, as it can be difficult to see different things because everything is in dark colors/hues 4. There should be an option to increase speed while running! 5. There should be a distance meter to show how far you're jumping and where you'll land" "Game is good,graphics are really ouk but there is only one thing,after playing the first level it erases data by ts self and you go back. Thank you" "Pretty good, but I payed for deluxe version and it won't work. I've now payed for the full version to see if that version works. Please fix my g" "Fun casul game, but the audio stops playing after you watch an ad. It's is still fun, but the lack of audio makes it less immersive." Very fun.. But what is up with Story 2-3 What is the point of the bar jump It literally slows you down completely And it's the fact that the cop/scientist is on your back all game Which is rlly annoying especially when I wanna pass the lvl Very good game but there are some bugs With the hunter mode You can fix it . Out of this it I'd very good and difficult parkour game . I love this game. Thank you I would rate it a four but why do you have to collect bonuses to go to the next level it is just a waste of time of doing the stage over and over and not make it to the next level I don't think this game will save my progress. Good game but if you can't save your game progress it will be useless to play it because all your hardwork playing the game will be gone This game is a really good one and I used to play it a lot. But there is a problem. Everytime I get into the game it doesn't let me play. It just stays at the loading screen. I don't know how to fix this. "It's good for stress, when you don't get tazed! Sorry, but I can't type that much cause I just rated 3 games already, so that's all i can put, but don't get mad at me" "Vector review Price: free This game's aesthetics scream Mirror's edge. The low contrast colours, the design of the enemies and the animations, I love that. Where this game falls short however is in the tightness of its controls, which can sometimes feel unresponsive and slippery and it's progression. As the game goes on levels don't get harder but more about trial and error, the game doesn't bother to telegraph jumps anymore. Shame that the story doesn't get a proper ending either. 3/5" "The controls need fixing. For instance: When I try to swipe forwards (the swipe that let's you run faster during running segments.) it either makes my character go down or jump (mostly the former). Apart from that, I think this is a a fantastic game. Better than Vector 2." "I like this game very much, it's a great game. But the reason I'm rating it 3 star is because you have to play every level again even you get 3 star in order to unlock the tricks that are needed to complete the level. Please make sure that you will increase the reward so that you will not play the level again until unless you don't get 3 star. Another issue is that you should not think of getting coins wacthing ads because you don't get any because all the times it dosent show you an add fixthis" I was seeing if I can delete and reinstall the game so I could maybe fix the glitches and now I lost my progress is there anyway to get it back Vector is one of the best teenage games. We did not know that it had a great lesson about the Matrix and controlling peoples 😳😳 "I just got this game and its pretty fun and simple and I like the concept. But the bugs on level 2 need to be fixed ASAP. when I want to speed up on the acelorator, the game automatically makes me slide or jump. I'm still stuck on that level and I got it about 5 days ago. Please fix this. Thank you" "This is a fantastic videogame. It has an original concept, it makes fun to play and it's not too easy and challenges your skills. Although there is a big downside to this game: The maps just feel boring and assets get re-used. What I would recommend is doing an overhaul and adding more detailed levels or add an endless mode. Now here come the reasons of why you M U S T add this: Parkour or how many people call it freerunning is about what you can make up in a short amount of time with what you s" "There is a mission in hunter mode that is impossible to beat, other than that it's a good game" "Very fun ""parkour""/""free running"" game. the animations are smooth and it is fun to try to get 3 stars for each level, although it is almost impossible because the swipes dont register correctly. Pleas Please Please add new control schemes like arrows instead of swiping, or try to fix the swiping mechanic! until then only 3 stars." "This is a good game in my opinion EXPECT for 2 reasons. 1- The controls are challenging and there should be a joystick of some sort. 2- When I try to go into an ad and get more coins, it always says ""Sorry Video not found"" no matter how many times I try or how long I wait." "The game is good actually. I know this game since I was a kid, & there are things that I suggest to be fixed. I mean like a checkpoint in half of the stage, then the game represent the parkour so make it more realistic while breaking any glass like he covering his hand:/, and in the begining of the game u dont have enough cash to buy tricks this would make the game look boring by not watching the tricks though and why does the follower is always standing when u finish every stage change it. Tnx" "Good game but has a few issues, obstacles can be hard to spot sometimes, controls delay before taking effect a little which requires extra timing and some levels are so long that they kill the fun, however, the biggest offense here is a long delay at the main menu after starting the game, idk if Google play is to blame or an ad that's having trouble showing up, but the delay is significant and causes the menu controls to be unusable, 3/5, solid 4 if offline." "Classic mode is fun but hunter mode feels like it was put together in an hour, it's pretty much just classic mode but flipped. You don't get rewarded for completing early, and it still requires you to get all the bonuses and tricks, meaning you HAVE to not try hard." "It's a really good game. The only reason I've brought it down was due to the fact that the game has no ads. Which sounds good, but causes the revenue to be based almost entirely off of microtransactions. It's easy to get around it until the end of the game. You need 15,000 coins to get the final levels and each level will give you about 50 coins average." "I am playing the hacked version. The official game is pretty unfair. It's almost impossible to unlock all levels and all stunts with such limited coins. Giving it a 3 star cause the game is just too good. The graphics are great and so is the gameplay. But the Hunter version is still pretty bad as chasing vector and catching him is almost impossible cause he just doesnt make any mistake while running, and if we make even one wrong jump or early / late Jump, Vector escape's." "I really love the parlour moves in this game, and how well animated it is. With good storyline and thought put into it. I really hate to give a good game like this a 3 star since half the time accelerating, slowing down, walljumpimg, and jumping out a window without the game screwing you over! I suggest buttons in the game so that you get none of this bullcrap in such a good game. Developers, I do hope you fix this issue." "It really is a great game! The graphics, and story really bring the game to life, but the controls are absolute TRASH. When I want him to accelerate, he slides. This is a game I played when I was younger and I really loved it but the controls on this game just make me want to quit it entirely. Besides the issue with controls, I'd say it's a great game." "Nekki, please fix your touch inputs. If it weren't for them, I would've given the game a 5 star, but it is just so frustrating. Almost every single time I want to jump after sprinting, the character either slows down or just slides. PLEASE FIX THIS." "The game and story are excellent, no problems there. My problem is the controls. I don't know if this is just me, but sometimes, especially on the sprinting sections, jumping doesn't like to work. It just does the slow down thing instead of jumping when I swipe near perfectly up." "I like this game, its pretty fun to play altrough i dont like that some things arent really made clear, but maybe thats only me idk. Anyways pretty good game i found no bugs that really bother me. Also, grinding for the tricks gets pretty boring once they get more expensive and i got tired so i finished the last few levels without them, which is a shame, they looked pretty cool. I dont get the point of hunter mode, im paying to play the same levels and i can catch him bc he makes mistakes." "This would be the greatest parkour game if it's controls weren't absolutely terrible, it seems no matter what you do the controls always reverse or screw up another way, I played this game 3-4 years ago and it had the exact same problem that it still does now, it shouldn't be that hard to fix, and I know it's not just me, I enjoy playing it but it takes 1/2 the fun out of it with touchy controls." "Nice graphics. Good story. The only problem is the controls. When I try to accelerate, the character slides. When I try to jump/slide during an acceleration, it brakes. Please fix this problem as this ruins the gameplay a lot. Thanks." Overall this game is good but its very hard to be able to do a trick you have to equip it or memorize it and im not sure if im stupid but i cant get the trick and i need it to be able to finish the level. Please make it so I don't have to try 100 times just to do a trick. Thank you "I know it's an old game but... Somehow on some devices the screen resolution doesn't fit perfectly, it doesn't display the whole game (has black bars that covers the buttons, and icons) but it's playable, just doesn't feel comfortable... Pls fix...." "Great story and Game. Objectives could be different as people suggested. My biggest issue is that ESET NOD-32 flags it as ""Android/Inmobi.D"". Pradeo’s team found in Sonic Hedgehog app a ""variant of Android/Inmobi.D, and the Android/Inmobi.D protocol, most antivirus programs pick up as an adware distributor can represent a potential threat. "" It all depends on other behaviour happening in conjunction with any OWASP vulnerabilities it would present." "It's a fun game that's a decent challenge however the game requires precise action and the controls are too sensitive because its touch screen only and most of the time it would register the wrong movement, a simple solution would be adding an option to use buttons instead of swiping" "I wish you updated the game so you could change controls and play as new characters like the guy in 1-11 , 2-11 and the old guy with no hair. Please fix the controls when ever I swipe to stop the character the guy slides so please fix the controls like use arrows for controls also add online and local multiplayer.And add new tricks too one more thing the guy you play as,when you jump he makes the same sound over and over again so add new sounds and add all of this to the full game as well." "I like this game, but the touch is kinda irritating. I'll swipe right to accelerate but it'll slow me down and I'll die, I'll jump but thinks it's sliding down. This happens all the time and it makes for an unsatisfying gameplay. Very fun when it works though." Nice game but their is some issue with the controls. Sometimes when I swipe up to jump the character slides down. There should be checkpoints too so whenever we fall or get caught we don't have to start again from the beginning. "I'll describe what the game is all about. -Play a level -die because the game tricked you into doing something that would lead you to your death. -constant restarts because you missed certain bonus cubes even though you clearly hit them. -eventually you get 2 stars -to get 3 stars, you then begin a coin grind by repeating levels over and over again in order to buy new tricks -you get 3 stars -rinse and repeat Conclusion: Game has potential. Ruined because of credit grind + everything else above" "I love this game! I would say YES GET IT! Now I might be being petty but sometimes when I mean to run super fast i instead slide. makes u go super slow!! The opposite of what I want. It may be me but if you can plz fix. Edit: All my progress got delited after it got unistalled, sad. I was not to far into the game I was on the second stage." "Game isn't bad. A few things I don't like. The controls sometimes register incorrect, some bonus boxes are in hard places, some levels are hard. Example: 2-8. Hunter mode is also hard as Vector is sometimes impossible to catch or he gains an insane speed boost, making it difficult to clear levels on Hunter mode." "It's got great visuals, but it's gameplay is meh. You just swipe up when you need to, occasionally swiping down. That's it. You can do cool tricks....but only at specific points. Not very intriguing or interesting." "This is one of the best games from my point of view. But the reason that I have given the 3 stars is, to go to the another level have to pay the coin (collected in she game). I think8nk its not fair if we pass 1level we should go to the another level automatically." "pretty good game! you get a few ads however which you can not skip, and some times the controls do not do what you want it to do which is annoying half way through the run." "Fun game with interesting story The reason I give it three stars is because the game will often misenterpret what you want it to do (such as jumping intsead of sliding) making it a lot harder to pass levels, which can be rather irritaing (especially if you have already had to redo the level fifty times)" "Glitches, Okay? each level when I finish there is a glitch at the end where I have to restart the game, for example I was at level 2-9 and I got all the bonuses and tricks and what happened? GLITCH so I tried 2 stars what did I see GLITCH pls fix that,it ruins the whole game and the other levels like 2-7 also has glitches Wich is so annoying, but it's a great game." Well I liked the game but it's sure have to pay for the other levels some people don't know how to do it because some kids play this game not only adults but it's a nice game but very uhm there is some bugs that is bothering me when I done playing the game I log off and then even if I pay the screen just start to the next level and sometimes I accidently press the play button. And it's really bothering me but it's a good game the challenge in this game is not about reflexes and timing but about putting up with the difficult controls. amazing animation and graphics. terrific music. horrible controls ruins what could be an addictive platformer The game is good kinda. One problem I have with it is the controls. The controls are okay but sometimes they stop registering every now and then. With the actional bug the game overall the game is challenging and fun somethings. Very fun and unique game but I hate how it takes over 10-15 tries just to get all the bonus items I think it should be way easier to get those and another thing is after a while of playing the game it gets kinda boring after doing the same thing over and over again the mode where you are the hunter is pretty cool could use some fixing but other than that good game It's a really cool game the graphics and the controls its good and the first level was good the second level was okay....but the third level my screen that was playing on got stuck and the person as you play in the game does not slide or get the trucks or jump so please can you fix it its really awful when that happens. "It's a good game , very adventurous and by far my favorite,but when you swipe up to use a skill it does not work and it slows you down and buying levels waste money that you can use to buy skills,and every time you do buy a level the price is higher, money wasting." I really like this game its a good parkour game. But I don't like 2D games but the games good. I feel like dying light is a better parkour game "Vector is peraonally one of my favorite games, but I gave it a 3 star because it always lags and slows down. Play games even gave me a notification that this app has stopped twenty five this week. While during the game it just stops for two seconds and brings me to my homescreen showing me a message that says vector has stopped. And same for Vector two. Can you guys please uptade vector or make it better." "Great game. would be better if you change the controls. swiping isn't great. Can't make the guy do what I want him to do sometimes. When I want him to run, he slides instead, same with jumping." "Update it yaaaar.... The mobile phones are changing to different screens.. (Notch, infinity display, etc) please try to adapt to the current conditions out there. Otherwise a very good game. But need to improve/update on their graphics to the current mobile phones' models." "Super fun game and really addicting, but the sprinting. Oh the SPRINTING. It is so horrible. I will start sprinting then broski desides that it's a good idea to slide which makes it were I always die. If it wasn't like that then I'd give it 5/5 stars no doubt about it" "It's a good game just very boring, it's very few controls and gameplay styles are wierd to say the least. The person chasing behind you does nothing when he catches up to you and its impossible to know what move you will do or worse, knowing how to do it." Superb game but collecting three stars is hard improve that and improve the skills and improve easy collecting stars It's fun but controls are a little unresponsive. "The game is good but only thing which I didn't like is the window of gaming, When I play the game the gaming window decreases to 4:3 and side parts are cutted off. Same thing is also happened with your other game shadow fight 2. It's terrible the other games are playing fine but only your games are having such problem. I am using OnePlus 7t, if you can solve the problem then suggest me the solution." "Its good enough to enjoy, but alot of the trick prompts dont work very well. Maybe the ""hitbox"" fór it ís too small? Or maybe some are just broken. Like í swipe the direction of the arrow and it almost always ignored that í did it. Or it will jump, proving that my swipe was done, bút it registered ás á jump and not the trick." "Some of the controls are horrible. Ecspiecally when you accelerate then jump, ill slide half the time. Otherwise its a fun game but its not enjoyable when you cant play the game properly." whener it says hold to run away with boost it never wants to run faster other then that it's a good game Ok just a game for fun and chill this game is well not bad but not so good try to improve the games and there are no character there is only 1 character to play I love the game but the ads are too much pls try reducing the ads This game was really good but the controls were horrible coz when I accelerate and I want to jump it often responds as slow down and that costed me the game and its really annoying when you get far in a tract then the controls do that coz you have to start over sooo...yeah but its really a cool game "The game was good , all graphic are nicely , but sometimes it make stress cause the point we should get onto the next level is very hard to reach , and its all about the point and coins ... so make it easy to get reach please 😇👍🏻... thanks nekki , so please upgrade it's better ok ... 👍🏻" "I like the idea of the game but two things, there is a limited level, and only two modes which is the hunter and classic. I would be interested if you put a mode that will time you. And another mode that is story mode. In story mode you make scenes. That's ma brothers and sisters, hopefully you will make it. Bye 👋" I could have given a 5star but because I'm forced to spend coin to progress. game is actually very cool Pros: nice graphics (make the hardest to draw things black and let gamers use their imagination) Cons: it's not clear what to do to get those stars at the end of each level. There's no easy/hard level. Buggy. Buttons are trimmed on OnePlus 7t "Few years ago i played it on fb (pc) and it was awesome but controls are really bad on mobile version. For example when i try to run it goes down or even sometimes when i try to jump it goes down and that is really frustrating. Great game, really bad controls" "Very good game with a unique style. It's just hunter mode gets WAAYYYYY too hard in the later stages, as well as things like tricks being overpriced. Please change this." The game is excellent. Different moves and parkour tricks. This game is good for 1 to 2 day entertainment. But the problem is that you have to complete a lot of stars to unlock new levels. Pls look into the matter. "The game started out really good but then just got harder and harder, until level 11 i can not beat at all, beacause I cant catch up with that kid that shows the way. I lose sight of him and end up jumping to my death everytime. I really liked this game but I feel like i have to uninstal it cause i cant even play." "I've played this once, but I'm not very intrigued. This game is very creative, but it slowly gets difficult and that's something I really disklike about this game. The controls are just turning me off, so I give this game 3 stars. Wouldn't recommend that much for people who like parkour. ⭐⭐⭐" "It's a creative game, challenging, but it's buggy, and you have to have a certain amount of stars/ coins to advance to the next level, and to get those stars, you need to spend coins on tricks." Jump is usually just simply tap for a reason. The timing for this is frustrating. Why not tap for jump and swipe up can be a different performed move? Otherwise it would be super addicting. "everytime i wanna swipe to make him run faster, he either jumps or slides, when i want to make him go slower, HE EITHER JUMPS OR SLIDE...the game has been the same since the beginning, at construction site, there is a level where the hunter would die from jumping to another platform, please fix this bug" retarded the swiping is so inaccurate and why would just pressing the screen make u slide and sliding in general is so sensitive but if theres one thing that is cancer its accelerating and slowing down it says u swipe left to slow but it doesnt matter which way he still slows i tried swiping up and slightly right so it wouldnt slow but i either would slow down or slide i cant believe am otherwise great game is ruined by controls Vector is a very amazing and hard game cause i like hard games so the reason why I am giving this game three star because they went too far and some stages confusing and i don't even understand where to go because the game just gives like two places to go and you will just bw like where do i go so the game is pretty nice and awesome but if there is one thing i want for the game it would be to put some arrows or illustration on where you will have to go so you wont have to be lost in the game tnx "I love Roblox with a passion, but for the love of god, Remove the force crash thing on mobile devices. Specifically the Chromebook. I can't even stay in my friend's game in the corners of the map that have literally nothing in them with highly reduced lag. The platform forces a crash anyways despite the lag being reduced. It is highly infuriating, and if this problem continues, I will be changing my 3 star review into a 1 star. Fix it sooner rather than later because this is really irritating." "It's a very great game with a lot of different experiences to choose from, a variety of ways to customize your character, and you can even make your own games! The only problems are the frequent updates, slow internet=SO much LAG and it keeps crashing on my computer and I have to restart it like 8 times to play. They could do better but the game they have now is great nonetheless." "The platform is great. There's an amazing variety of games and a great playing experience. There are some camera lags on the mobile verson,the most annoying is the glich that happens when you touch the screen with 3 fingers and I would love for it to be fixed. It would also be a great idea to add more ways to get robux other than paying. Like from achievements or a daily reward or something." "It's a good game, it honestly is, but it's very glitchy and there are updates literally all the time. I can be off for like 3 or 4 weeks and it'll need an update, and it gets on my nerves. Also, some things have ridiculously high costs and it's very annoying. Please maybe lower down the costs of some things a bit (if you can ig). Overall, it's a great game, and I would recommend. If you don't have patience, I wouldn't recommend it lol. It's a great time killer and can be very addicting." "I have been playing this game for years, and I've never had problems with it until recently. I love Roblox, it gives user the ability to essentially play whatever game they want, or even make an experience of their own, but, lately, the servers to all different games have disconnected many players, or even completely crashed. Not only that, but the Roblox chat filter has been ""Experiencing issues"" as it says. This has been happening for over a month or, please try to fix it as soon as possible." "This game is amazing to play on phones, but the only problem is that chromebooks don't work at all. Even with a mouse plugged in instead of using the one provided, it still doesn't work. You can't turn aound fully, everything is completely laggy, and you cant do much with the mouse. For example, in a pretty known game known as Flee the Facility, you can't hit anyone when you are the beast. One of the main reasons I wanted to get a chromebook was to play this game, but sadly it is impossible." "The desktop version is pretty good, but the mobile version.. One word: LAGGY. Sadly, this has been a problem FOR YEARS! Even on a more powerful phone, it's still very laggy. If you can, just play it on a computer. Edit: Honestly, I've sorta changed my mind on this. Sure, it is still very laggy but honestly? I'm impressed they can even fit such a big game on mobile, and have it be playable at all! The lag can be pretty unbearable at times, though." "Amazing app! I love playing games it has recently began to bore me a lot. I've experienced a lot of issues while playing. I'm not sure if it's happening to other players but when I'm playing, my jump button doesn't work. I click the jump button a lot of times but I barely get to jump! Also, my screen gets stuck. Not the zooming in stuck, but you can't move your screen stuck. My thumb pad also get stuck! Please fix this! It's annoying and it's causing me to leave the game!" "I've been playing this game for years and loved every second of it. Although, It was more enjoyable during its earlier years. For instance, these last few months I have noticed a steady downcline with user friendliness. The games had been increasingly lagging, sometimes freezing me for minutes, or just kicking me out. It's gotten unplayable, and I'm devastated. They need to fix this or I might consider looking into new games." "Very fun experience, unless you are using a chromebook like mine. I headed into the game, but when I tried to click the chat button, the screen flashed. I got confused and went out of chat, thats when the entire screen got tinted white! I couldnt move, I could only click out of the chat bar, which put my screen back to normal. But if I still tried to type, every key I hit it would flash again. I hope they are able to fix it, because theres no other way to play." "The moderation in the chat is INSANE. you can barely say anything in the chat without it getting filtered. Also theres a TON of bugs that ive been experiencing for years and Im doubting that they're ever going to be fixed. Some include: The screen will freeze and I wont be able to look around, I can only zoom in or out. The only way to get it to stop is to get out of the game. The keyboard will just randomly disappear and most of the time doesnt come back. I keep getting kicked out of games." "I love this game! It is awsome but just one thing verry anoying, and I think it is only with chromebooks, witch I use. Let's say I'm playing piggy in first person. When I try to pick up a tool or key my curser goes all the way across the screen. It goes were it would be if I was not in first person, also it does not let me spin around when in first person. That is all that I don't like so please, if you can, work on that and make it stay in the midle, your prize would be 5 stars. Thank you." "This is a great game if you're playing on your cell phone or gaming pc. But on my ASUS laptop I've had some really bad issues with it. The web browser doesn't allow you to play through that and the game on here, the app store, treates it as if it was on your phone. You can't scroll through the menu and it lags a ton when you do get into a game. Extremley upsetting. Hopefully they fix it" The game is fine on mobile. on chromebook its bad. the cursor doesnt lock when you turn your camera which means that your cursor constantly hits the side of your screen and doesnt allow you to move your camera anymore. you also cant scroll down to see more games which can get annoying at times (you can however do that on a external mouse which makes no sense). but other than that its fine. "It's eh. I'm on Chromebook and it lags like crazy. Nothing is wrong with my computer. It runs fine on other games, none of my games lag. If you have a Chromebook and you want to install this, I recommend you turn the graphics down. Also it takes forever to get the premium subscription I waited 8 hours, I think, for it to show up. Other then that it's a great game." "I have a few complaints: 1. It can be very laggy (I'm on chromebook) 2. I can't edit graphics quality. 3. I can't enable shiftlock. 4. Sometimes, my character appears all black unless i reset. 5. Some games I can't even load! Other than that, pretty good app. Recommended for kids. (Just make sure you turn off chat so the child can't communicate with strangers.)" "I really love the variety of games you can play here, but there really is alot of bugs, problems, and glitches(which I don't know if it's because of my device, mobile) for example in some games, next to the jump button there is a shift lock button, when I accidentally tap the shift lock, trying to tap the jump button, so now the shiftlock is irreversible, And most of the games I play can't save my progress(like some tycoons) but now I have to leave the game to fix it. Still tho I recommend." "It's a really good game and I just love it!!! This is the best game I have played in my whole lifetime. No complaints but there are some glitches like in each game if there is no proper internet connection the screen suddenly blacks out and your game data (in some obby games) doesn't get saved and then you have to restart the game from the beginning which you have already done with hardwork. If, you are wanting to download this game then you may go ahead. This is kind of an interesting game!! 😊" "It's a great platform for all ages, personally it's one of my favorites. The only problem I have is the crashing on the PC version of this, it takes about 3-4 times to join a friend. Another thing is the moderation, whenever we use a word too much, such as ""ik"" or ""u"" it censors off, please do fix that and make the moderation for only certain cuss words. And the last problem is robux, it's too expensive but if you make a way to earn robux through badges, that would be great. 3 stars for now." "The game is great and all but there's a problem where when I try to join a game it takes me back to the loading screen when you open the roblox app on mobile. Sometimes it turns into a gray screen that says ""Launching experience"" but in the end nothing happens. It says that there is a problem in my internet but nothing is wrong in my internet. It only lets me join a game sometimes so this really annoys me. I have to rejoin the game a couple of times before i could actually play it." "I love Roblox. It's one of my favourite games. However, the CONSTANT updating is annoying and, quite frankly, unneccesary. This is because, when the app asks you to download and you try to, it takes an extremely long time and sometimes it doesn't and then you have to uninstall and reinstall, which is a completey different peeve by itself. Please...stop it with the updating every 7 weeks. I hope you'll follow up on this complaint to make Roblox a little more comfortable for me and others too." "it's a great game but, the bugs the lag in the screen, when you turn your screen it will zoom in, and there's another bug that happened to me many times when you want to play a game but it just keep loading and it's just gonna split ur screen in half. I wish it hot fix soon." "It is a great game overall, there are many other games which you can play with your friends, but i have an issue, when ever I join a server, the game lags and I'm forced to leave or roblox crashes, if you can, please fix this issue. I'm really not able to enjoy the experience, I need to join four to five times before it actually works" "It's not as perfect as the other games, but, I like it. Maybe, you should add more features into it. Add more clothes, add more games, allow to change the birthday when you accidentally changed it into minor dates, other ways to allow voice chat. That’s what I all I want to happen. Maybe, I'll rate Roblox a little bit higher if that happens." "This is a good app for having a variety of game options that other players create, making greats friends that can play many games with you, making your own game others can enjoy, etc. This is a good game for when you are alone, as in a lonely person because you can make online friends and play with them. Some issues that occur sometimes, is that the games lag, or when I'm idle for too long the game kicks me out and, randomly logs me out the game or the entire app itself but, overall great game!" "This is a great game I really do love the ability to change your avatar at anytime and the option to play almost any game, but there is two problems one Bluetooth does not work so if I'm playing a game with Bluetooth it still makes the audio play outside some times it works tho, and the other problem is the screen get stuck were you can't move it around and only can zoom in and out please fix this other then that it's a great game" "It's a great app to explore and make friends. There are quite alot of bugs that some people have been experiencing. when in mobile/tablet, When your trying to move the thumbstick/joystick in rotates the camera. And you needed to rejoin to fix it. I hope maybe roblox fix this bug and other bugs that are ruining people's experiences, Although, This game is a good game for those who get bored easily." "It is very good game but there is a glitch which makes me angry. When I want to play any game sometimes it completely exits app and reopen it. But when it is reopening it stucks on the page and it didn't load. Now this problem is increasing very, it is happening almost every time. Now Iam giving this 3 stars because of that." "I really love this game and found nothing better.But there are some really annoying bugs.Sometimes,When I play any game,The screen moves wherever I move.And the most annoying bug is that,Whenever I play a game,It kicks me out to the loading screen.Which makes it unplayable.I try to quit and rejoin but it still doesn't work.I even tried deleting and reinstalling but it still doesn't work.Can you please fix these bugs so it will be playable again.I would confirm that it's the best game ever." "Don't get me wrong, Roblox is amazing. But recently, I've been experiencing some issues. Whenever I join a game, I'm able to be in it for about 2 minutes before the game completely crashes and I have to load back into my game, and start all over. I know I don't have the best wifi, but I should be able to play Roblox, dispute poor internet." Hello out there I want say that the game is awesome and is a game with many Platfroms of idea. However some of the annoying parts is the game if you purchase something some time it bugs out and you don't get the item and it take a long time to wait sadly but other than that it's a game that you may want to give a try and maybe you will fall in love of the game however just to let others know this game does need to read & sigh in before it automatically does it also have fun. fix my purchase plz "It's a pretty nice game but there are some bugs that makes me disappointed like screen bug whenever I play a game a screen bug just come out of nowhere let's just call it ""screen freeze"" yeah it's annoying very annoying and it last like 10mins-1h bro I literally eat lunch take a shower and maybe go out and touch some grass, so please fix this bug. Thank you." "as a chromebook user, its very er, tricky to play on this device. the game crashes and frezes on a regular basis. ive spent ALOT of money on the game and barely play it. ive made sure that it wasnt my wifi or anything, ive even connected to other networks but it still continues to bug up. i understand that a chromebook may not be the best device to play roblox on, but still, surely you can do better." "This game is GREAT, but you might be wondering why I put a three star on it. It's because it has a lot of glitches and it even kicks me out of the game sometimes. Like whenever I'm playing murder mystery 2 it glitches and I can't move and then I get killed the next second, and there is mean players in ragdoll engine and it really is sad. And the slender thing don't even get me started on that" "Love this game! I believe I have spent over $400 on this though.. and there are some major glitches. Sometimes at random, the game breaks (this is for all games so it's a platform issue) and you can't move your camera around or it just zooms in and out. Another is bluetooth.. I can't connect my bluetooth headphones (IT HAS A MIC) to games that have roblox vc WHEN I have my vc enabled. If I turn it off in settings it's fine, but unless I use headphones with a cord it will not work. Infuriating." "What really annoys me is how I cant play half the games on roblox. I join a game, it gives me 2 frames per sec, it kicks me to the loading screen. Also, when it kicks me to the loading screen it never loads! I tested it once, I left my tablet on on the loading screen after it kicked me, for an hour! It didn't load. But its not all bad, there's no ads and lots of customization options for your characters, even without robux!" "This is an amazing game, great gameplay, great graphics and a wonderful variety of experiences. But, to be honest, this game also has annoying problems, I've left 3 stars for the several problems of performance and stability that happen frequently." "This game is great, but you can barely play it on a chromebook. Other devices are good, but it's infuritating when you try to play on a chromebook. You can't even turn around fully, and it doesn't improve even if you connect a mouse." It has some good games but I spent money on outfits just for them to not ever load. This is annoying and I have been banned for not wearing an outfit when my outfit won't load. But the games are fun. It's not that bad but when you spend lots of money on a outfit and it so cut and it doesn't load its really annoying. The more games I find the more I see they have dress codes to get into the game. Over all the games are really nice along with the outfits that do load and show up on games.😜🤪😛🤗 "Amazing app with millions of games to choose from and amazing Avatar customs. I only ask if new players can get a free starters pack of robux. And move the friend request acception In games because sometimes I accidentally press decline or accept because I'm pressing the jump button, please fix it. And also the lagging when there's nothing wrong with the device. Other than that this is an AMAZING game!!" "I love roblox, I've been playing for years, but I've noticed a little glitch or something. Here's some background information: I just got a new phone and this glitch hasn't affected any of my previous devices so j have no clue as to why it's happening, but whenever I try to jump in any game I have the press and hold the jump button instead of just pressing it. Idk if its just the phone Also I have problems with words on my screen, sometimes some letters disappear idk why I'm having issues" I've been playing roblox for about 4+ years. And I've really enjoyed it. But recently every time I join a game it takes about 2 minutes to join. It used to take about 15 seconds. Also I like playing dancing games like studio games. But whenever I join a game like that it almost never loads my outfit correctly. I hope in the future Roblox improves and comes back with amazing updates. "Don't know if it's the new update or whatsoever but whatever is going on with it is absolutely ridiculous, it's bad enough we have to pay for robux and it's worse when we're turned into default noobs in every Roblox game, I just found it out today and it's so frustrating, I reset my character, reset my outfit, did everything I possibly could but nothing is working." its good and i got a lot of fun but there is just one problem... you see if you go into a game and got to menu like spam it (btw im on mobile). the screen will like froze and if you turn around left/right you will just zoom in and out so please fix this bug i thank you! i would enjoy this game so much more if it wasn't so glitchy. And half the time when I press the jump button it doesn't even work. its annoying and then I have to redo a stage like 8 times. because my jump button just won't correspond at all. Overall this game is pretty fun. I usually play it to pass my time and meet with new people or my friends. But lately I've been kicked out so many times. Even if I create a new account I still end up getting kicked out of the server. Please fix this cuz I've been wanting to play this game for days now. If this bug ever gets fixed I may consider rating it 5 next time. This is a really good app... if it actually loads. when im on a chrome book it decides not to download the updates but thats probably just a problem with google. also if they re gonna add roblox to have chromebook support at least make it work properly. it must be very hard for people who try to play with gamepad on phone. you cant really look around in first person whill on chromebook and also it feels just like im playing on the mobile app. the devs didnt make it for chromebook+gamepad. "kay, 3 stars since its sorta fun and you can also play with your friends but i have an issue, i cant rotate my screen properly, and when i walk or move my thumbstick forward, it makes me look up (i cant describe it but it just sucks) plus updates that cannot be declined or will not do anything annoys me since i can only log into my account in a device that is currently not working properly and will randomly shut down which i really am afraid to use. even trusting this device 4 30 days dont work" "Great game overall, but a huge down side can be spotted - the graphics, its much worse than the one from its pc counterpart, the biggest problem must be the resolution and poor optimization especially in android. Looks like devs prefer apple to android since my ipad can deliver constant 60 fps while having the game running at almost native res while my android phone can only run at ~65%(yep pixels) of its res and/or get fluctuating fps. The performance gap is not big(a13 vs dimensity 8100)" "This is quite a good game,However,There are some bugs that was left unfix(Especially Mobile),either doesn't care about or just only creates the loophole to ""fix"" it than actually trying fix it (The prime example was the camera bug that only zooms in instead of moving it) new bug I just discovered is that I used the items everytime I try to move a camera,It used to be only used if you tapped it but now,whatever you do,It just uses it,Its a stupid bug that doesn't help any mobile players,Fix It" "Honestly a great game, I like a lot of games on the app but there's one problem. When playing a game that doesn't really match my avater for example, dahood. People are really mean. What in trying to say is. In other people's eyes you have to be dressed in a certain way for people to be nice. With short pants and short shirts. It's just not my thing and I'm getting bullied for it, it's not only dahood it's many other games. Thank you." Overall a great experience but there are still a few glitches (game breaking glitches) such as the screen glitch where if you press the home menu by accident the entire game glitches out and when you try to move your dynamic thumb stick or classic thumb stick it'll completely make the application unplayable unless you rejoin the experience or close the app. 3/5 stars good game but needs many glitches such as the one I just described fixed I'm going to take my 5 star rate before and I'll make it 3 yes it's a good and addicting game and I'm playing this for like 1 year but the problem is I'm always lagging even when i have good wifi connection and then my camera moves and I can't control it I'm annoyed especially when I'm in a good server and then suddenly you can't control the camera and it's so annoying plus the exploiters are every where 👎 "I mean its alright but what is up with the new animations.. you changed the bubbly one now the rest of them look glitched too! i think this is an error since ive seen this happen with emotes before when the head moves with the torso but its still so bad, i didnt pay so much robux for that.. and please make the catalog load faster.. i sit there for atleast 5 minutes trying to see what im actually equipping" "ROBLOX is a fun app and I have made many friends on it, but there are a fre issues I am here to address. First, yes, ROBLOX moderation is absolutely awful. Second, it does crash in most of the games I play. Third, ROBLOX forces updates out to people who haven't played in a while." It's great and all but there's lots of glitches and I'm telling u A LOT so basically when I play my fav game on rblx murder party it mostly glitches when I'm sheriff or murderer but when I'm in the lobby not a lot but when I'm a inno or hacker or anything else (except for sheriff or murderer) it's not even glitching. Then this one time when I'm playing I get disconnected when my WiFi was functioning well (this also happened to my sis lots of times). So I rate Roblox 3 stars and the game is ok.:) "Overall, this is a very fun game. It has so many games to choose from! The only problem I have is that on a Chromebook it won't update, it freezes, and randomly logs me out. I really wish they would fix this, but I still love the game!" It is a bit of buggy and takes away a lot of my phone battery but It doesn't make it unplayable and it is really fun and interesting to play. P.S. 3 stars are also for pretty stupid reasons people get banned and I really would like that to change a little bit. "To get started, Roblox is an overall great gamewith thousands of great games. But, there have been problems on chromebook, such as lag, freezing, blacking out, and stuff like that. Also, curse words are still being said, even threats are being said. Other than that, Roblox is a outstanding game for all ages." "Roblox is a great app! Totally recommended for online gamers. But for the last few days there has been a problem going on. When I open the game, my screen freezes after the loading screen and I cannot acces any games. I tried restarting the game, restarting my phone and reinstalling it but it's still doing it. I don't know why and how it's happening. I know then I use a low-end device but it has never happened before. Pls fix this problem cuz now I can't play Blox Fruits anymore." "This game is good but can't Android have pc graphics like iPhone its not fair even though you have a good phone that can run pc games, you still don't have the pc graphics can you atleast put that button next to the graphics because it has to be balanced or add performance mode or something. And also add a reset camera button next to the roblox logo when you ""pause"" the game by accident while walking the cam breaks. When you play a game you can't save its over, your hard work all gone." "Overall a great game, love all the little games to play with friends. But there is a few problems. 1: Tagging. Now I know the tagging is for the safety of minors, but I don't understand why numbers and a few normal words should be tagged. When I try to start a conversation with one of my friends, it just ends up looking like ""####"". 2: Zooming. So there's this mobile glitch where if you look around sometimes it glitches and it only starts zooming in and out. Please fix these problems." "My favorite game overall, but the only problem is with some games. Like when I'm trying to leave, it will send me to another game. For example, when I joined toilet obby, and tried to leave, it sent me to baldi's basic obby. Another thing is about the chat. It will literally censor random thing like numbers, random words like Frick, and also some emojis. And when I try to update, it always takes like 50 years. Like I said #1 fav game, but please fix these things." "This game is so amazing with high quality games and amazing people, but there are some problems. For starters, every time you leave a game it will automatically make you join back, which is SUPER annoying. Also people are allowed to make items to be sold for robux like hair,clothing etc. BUT I have seen many inappropriate shirts being sold talking about parts of the body. Plus the report button does not work well and the person may continue. If we can fix these problems then I will be pleased." This game is really good except when it's lagging it sometimes kicks you but i apreseate the free apps on there if you have a laptop you can Even make your own.. But it does really get on my nerves when it said I have to keep upgrading it I'm deleting apps for no reason so if this can be fixed please fix it. "i love this game, ive been playing it for 4 years now! But its getting really annoying how its lagging so much for my device or an ""old"" phone and i cant even play games anymore bc it says that this app might be bad for my device and before, that hadt happen to me. Is really laggy and i wish u could fix this problem bc not many ppl could play anymore 🙁" "Theres a some bugs on chromeOS it lags so much i cant even play games with it lagging and such and every time you chat or press a button it will turn your screen a white/gray color it annoys me, you cant scroll down you will have to use a computer mouse orgo to the web and play the game there, it sometimes lags or frezzes your screen or just mostly kick you out of roblox. over all the game still needs some fixes on any type of Chrome users." "Servers and Moderation are HORRIBLE! By servers, I am mostly referring to the ""ping"" on different countries, it makes the game less fun to play, and nobody is going to talk about how terrible their moderation is? The only positive thing here is the creativity of games and how unbelievable it is that some of it is still a lego game." "This is a very fun game, I don't really recommend it for young kids because there is a lot of kids on there who always wanna play s or p and tht is to inappropriate for the younger ones but overall it's an amazing game. There is also a very big bullying problem but it ain't terrible unless you cause the argument." "I have decided to leave a 3 star review because for the past couple of couple of weeks, when my phone connects to my college's wifi, & when my phone connects to my WiFi; when I would open the roblox app, it would say ""connection error. Sorry there was a problem reaching out servers."" There is nothing wrong with either of the WiFi's because I have used both before with no problem at all. Pls fix. Edit: I now can't play any games on the app. Please fix this. I really like this game." "It's OK. Fun. BUT there are a few problems. This is game is annoying it's like it's 'begging' you to play because when ur in game, for example '𝘈𝘥𝘰𝘱𝘵 𝘮𝘦', When I was playing it in the middle of the trade it just disconected me saying : ""error 227, check your internet connection', blah, blah, blah' but when I do check my internet it's FINE you need atleats 37 MBs To play 💀 that's too much for a overrated game. Sorry I can't add anymore please make the internet dimmer @Roblox ... 🙁" "I love it,but there are bugs in the game so please fix it. In 2021 I gave it a full review in my interest is starting to go down because everytime I about to complete an obby the reconnect botton comes up I would really appreciate if you guys can fix it. Also when ever I by robux the game just restarts making me lose my robux and my younger brother has a problem like that as well. His screen starts to lage randomly and our Robux are being lost without us using them." "Look. The game is great. But on mobile this camera glitch is getting out of hand! It's every 2 minutes, and has been a thing for years, but never been this bad. I would give 5 stars but because of this I give 3, and strongly thought about 2. Please fix." "It is fun and stuff, but the thing is when I play on PC it keeps lagging, like my mouse when I move it it doesn't move or just moves randomly, my character sometimes moves by itself, it's a good game, just try to get rid of bugs." This game makes me so god Damm angry try fixing the mobile version so it won't frick up your screen while your playing like dude I was playing a combat game and my screen got messed up and I couldn't move it. It's so annoying and tons of others are probably going through the hole thing as well please fix it and I'll give a higher review next time!. TBH I enjoy this game so much there are many games to choose on pc everything is nice and well but on mobile it is a complete different story first of all some games barely run and the worst is that most of the time almost everytime I try to open roblox it loads for long time when it opens then it shows network error idk why i have a very good internet but still it pops up and how could i forget about the camera glitch "Hello, I know there is no point, but I would like to call out the number of bugs happening in the game. Yes, the Roblox team is trying their best. However, my Roblox avatar editor is not loading properly, no matter how many times I restart the app. I always play this game, and I just wanted to call out the bug. I don't mean any hate at all. I just want the bug fixed. I will change my ratings once the bug is fixed. Thank you." It's a good app but it's got a lot of gliches so it is a bit hard to use sometimes but other than that the app is good but it does get quite annoying sometimes when your trying to load on a game and you get on it and you can't move at all that's happens to me a few times and like things are always quite slow on to roblox the that is why I gave this app 3 stars and if it didn't glich so much or it didn't glich at all I would probably give it a 5 stars so I really hope it starts working better ❤ "ok so yeah controls be a bit laggy but overall great game with so much to do. just kinda wish xbox could see chat and play with other platforms like phone and pc but other than that you should download. 1000/10 edit: I switched platforms and it's HORRIBLE the camera moves without me moving it to the ""correct position"" the joystick goes out of control and on tope of it all. NO GAMES WORK it's says ""disconnected"" but I have WiFi or it just straight up closes the app please fix this" "Really fun, but sometimes it glitches. Specifically when I'm listening to music bluetooth and playing a game same time. In general though, sometimes it just kicks me out of games for no reason. It shows up as an ""internet issue"" but my internet is fine and the game was running smoothly at the time." "I genuinely think roblox has an amazing team and supporters and I really enjoy roblox a lot, Roblox is a very great platform that I like to play on almost every day, its enjoying, entertaining and fun for everyone! That's why I would recommend this to kids that haven't played this much or didn't at all, I think Roblox has made an amazing game and that is why I play it to this day! The only bad thing is when you redeem gift cards, from another country. I lost 20 pounds and now its annoying a bit" "There's a lot of bugs on mobile such as when your swiping and you're moving, you are forced to zoom in and out. Another would be your camera is stuck in one side. Can't swplipe away. Add a seperate option for graphics and render distance. Pretty obv most mobile devices can be pretty potato. Ty n cheers." "There are many different types of games to play with your friends and family, but it gets boring after a while. It also gets very laggy in sometimes. Overall it a cool game, but fix the lag, please.🙏" "The pants of my outfit got deleted, and I used my last robux on it!! Please bring it back. (Edit of previous review) so the bugs are fixed, that's great, but there's 2 things that still aren't fixed. Some games are only available on pc, and the other problem is that on mobile, sometimes the screen gets locked, and it only zooms in or out, I don't really know if that bug is fixed." "This was a good games but it has a few issues. It has lots of glitch and it zooms in my perspective many times and it is getting on my nerves all the time. Overall, I would give it 6 out of 10." "While this was going, I tried to play Roblox on my laptop but it showed a error saying "" The application encountered an unrecoverable error. "" Even though I have not deleted anything from the files of Roblox. This might be because of the new anticheat released, Roblox please fix this problem. And yes it is working on mobile but definitely not on my laptop, this has happened with others too. PLEASE FIX THIS." This game is very good but one hackers two exploiters three scammers. Also sometimes it gets very laggy but it is ok since you can rejoin the game. But some games don't let you play because your on mobile or on computer. But aside from those issues you are set to play this awesome game. "I got vc but I can't hear any sounds, I can talk but I don't hear the other person talking or the music of the game. I want to be able to do that because if that continue then roblox will be pointless to be play, please fix it i restarted my phone did everything but it doesn't fix it please fix it." "I'd like to complain about the glitch in some experiences, where the screen appears white and foggy, this makes it hard to see. Please fix this glitch as it causes a lot of problems. Thanking you in advance." Roblox is very good. There's just a few problems. The first one is that it costs a lot of storage. The second is that some games kick me out leaving my screen black. Lastly i get camara glitches really easily. If these get fixed I'd give 5 stars "This game is fun, although there is dating and bullying going on but roblox does NOTHING about it. But when you say 'ble' or other random gibberish words you get banned for a couple of days. It's ridiculous. And you have to have high quality network to get bullied. And it takes way to long to update, or for me it just won't update. I'd be very happy if you all actually take stuff seriously. Although, good game." "I've been playing Roblox since 2018, used to be a PC player and Roblox worked great little to no bugs. I switched over to play on a mobile device and there is alot a bugs and glitches. For example, sometimes the keyboard will not pop up, or the camera angle will get stuck in one position making it impossible to play a game properly. I give this game a 3 star it's a good game but there's stuff to improve." "There is something wrong with this. I was logging in my account on this NEW device and i1t asked for step 2 verification. So I was looking for the code they would send me and they didn't sent me anything even doe my tablet and phone has the same account as the one I attached to my roblox account. But overall the game is pretty good. If you don't get bored easily or is a child with a creative mind, this is the PERFECT game for u." This is a really fun game to play when you're bored! Lots of different things to do and lots of interesting people to meet. A problem I have is that the updates take up too much of my space making it harder to update. I play on android and some items I purchase wont show up. "I LOVE THIS GAME! but there's too many problems to give it a 5 or 4 why? I'll tell you why, first there's a glitch that turns the screen black then it kicks you at random there is 2nd glitch like the 1st one, but this time it freezes the screen in place and does a loop, But All I have to do for this one is to exit the app the go in it again. If I had more room to talk I would but I'm only given so little." "I think it's a good game and ideas, and the games are good quality. Although I have a few ideas and some things you NEED to change. First, robux is way too expensive I know you need money but you makes advertisements. Second of all the avatar store; super expensive and basically we're spending all of our robux AND REAL MONEY on just making our avatar. My friend he spent $30 on robux and only got 2,700 robux. Also, there is no good free av options make all clothes free and more in game experience" "Its awful on pc. (atleast for me) every time I try to join a game I crash atleast 30 seconds into it and its really annoying. I cant tell whether my computer has a bug or roblox does, overall a great game though." "Great app with loads of different mini games in it where you can play on private o public platforms. Would be so much better if you could save a game especially after building a wicked par kor track, and if it didn't kick you out of your game if your idle for a minute or so or if u leave the app for a sec. Also needs to give players a way to earn Robux instead of having to uy them. That's the only bad side to it really." I have been having some issues my screen with start glitching really random when I'm playing I already try everything that I can think of the try to fix the problem and it does nothing but other than that I've been having some fun playing it's just I don't like when it glitches "1. Needs a less laggy mobile system. 2. Also needs more control over portrait and canvas gameplay style. Let's say the game is adjustable to both styles, instead of having the game automatically play as portrait mode, you have a new feature called ""preferred mobile gameplay"" and the options would be 'canvas', 'portrait', or 'by my phone's rotation system'." Fun game and entertaining. The match 3 mini game gets too hard to be any fun after a while. Levels are too hard to pass without spending a lot of towncash. I don't mind tough but these get stupid. I also have a hard time connecting into the game on Monday's if I played in the regatta the week before. Game freezes when it tries to give out the regatta rewards . Transport magnate freezes and kicks me off when I reach the 1st goal. Problems have been fixed!!! Thanks Township Techs. "Edit: you are not doing everything you can. Add the ability to skip past tutorials. The mechanics are simple, the game play is straightforward and linear, and it has a fun little art style to it. However, the continuously redundant tutorials presented in every tiny aspect that is added to your game play as you level up, become so tediously infuriating. The tutorials are unskippable. They force you to do the same two actions in every new mechanic, tap and drag. Over and over and over." "The game is great except for the mini games. Some levels are almost impossibly difficult and frustrating. And they don't get switched up enough. I would play the game longer, for more often if the mini game levels were just slightly easier. After several failures, there is nothing left in the game for me to do until more lives regenerate." "Back down to three stars from four. If you play regularly, the game ALWAYS changes its odds against you, so that you're ALWAYS off by one, whether a powerup or random item you need or whatever. If you stop playing for a while, it suddenly gets easier and you get more rewards and results in your favor. This unfairness is BLATANTLY obvious, and makes the game far less fun. It's still fun mind you, just getting more and more frustrating as a result!" Township is really fun in the beginning but if you play it for any length of time - I've played for over 6 years - it gets a little repetitive. Game-within-a-game - explosive puzzles are not fun after playing them for months just in different scenarios - same game over and over again. The prizes don't change in the regatta. You do a regatta and then six months later there's another regatta and it has the same prizes in it from six months ago. And my market never gives me anything I need.. 🙁🙁🙁 I think it's a really cute and fun game but there are some concerns. 1. Random things that took time and resources to craft just disappear or don't work as they're supposed to. This is the most frustrating as I will have timed things out perfectly and then lose half my stock for no reason 2. Minigames can be so unreasonably difficult to get through without purchasing boosters or extra turns 3. Selects things I'm not selecting which throws off the game I hope there will be bug fixes soon Been playing this game for years but the updates made the game go backwards instead of making it better. When going to another players farm...you just had to press the house(home) button to get back to your farm. Gone! Now you press a back button and sometimes have to twice. When working on a task...it used to show on the right side of the screen what your progress was. Gone! Now you have to keep going in to see how much you left to do. Not upgrades....downgrades. "The game is okay. The tutorials at the beginning and every time you level up are annoying. And there will never be enough room in that God-forsaken barn to store all your materials as you level up. That barn is what holds my rating of this game back. If they made it easier to upgrade the barn, or, better yet, changed the storage system, then I'd easily give this game 4 or 5 stars." "Lost progress because the game didn't save. Logged in to find my trains still sitting after I'd already harvested, filled, & dispatched. The match game portion regularly miscalculates the combos & it's extremely difficult to win because of it & the hints never go away even after the tutorial ends. I hate the hints. Not worth paying for if it can't save my progress." "My husband and I Love this game! Giving only 3 stars because we have been purchasing the golden ticket for months now.. and it is upsetting to Lose what we have won through the golden ticket. I mean, we end up with a barn overloaded once the ticket expires! Very annoying to have to delete items out of the barn that were purchased to be able to play. Make it easier to upgrade the barn and let people keep what they won with their golden ticket!" "I like this game. Have been playing for a long time now. The town, farm, zoo and animals are quite. Don't really like the new mini games. Like other players have mentioned. Bring back some older games. Like the bubble machine and food prep game. Wish they would provide more tools for the expansions of clearing land. I do see new expansion popping up so, that is nice. Makes for more space." This game is alot of fun except for the mini games like everyone else has said. The matching game is way to hard. I am getting a super hard level every other level which is extremely irritating. The matching game is what made me quit playing initially. I decided to give the game a try again and the matching game is making me want to quit again. This is apparently an issue for everyone. Love playing township have had it downloaded for 3 years or so. In app purchases are presented but not required in order to play. it's cool playing in teams and groups or doing single competition tournaments. My only down fall is that you have to constantly keep upgrading the app to stay current with the newest adventure or regatta tournament. Which is probably gonna have me delete it and try to come back at a later date because its the largest app I have on my phone and its taking up space. "My favorite game,but this new update is awful. Why did they take away the regatta tracker on the side of the screen? I find myself not playing it as much. It is so difficult to have to constantly go back into the regatta screen to see how you are doing. Hope they fix this soon!!!! Also, the mini games have become annoying. Where is the gumball game or the flying game. I loved those games. Maybe have a few more options in the mini game. I do love how they have made new factories to build." "Graphics are good. Concept is good. But I do have to say it is a money grab . Worse than others for sure. On the mini game I mean how do they expect u to beat it with 10 moves? They don't, they want u to PAY for boosters etc. I have been stuck on the same level forever . It also takes too much time to create items . It's OK but I have better that I can play!!" "The latest update took away the Regatta tracker on the side screen to help players keep track of their progress, especially when playing mini games. Now it's gone and the only way to chart progress is to leave the task your working on to go to the yacht and click on it to see if you completed it or not. Please bring back the tracker on the side of the screen." "I like the game, but they really need to change a few things.. let players swap out building supplies .. we are stuck with dealing with your dumb algorithms that bring us to much of one item .. some have the items we need but you have left us all stuck with them... please change that cause it is getting boring to be stuck without being able to do many things waiting for the correct building supplies If we could do more things more often it would keep people interested... Thank you" "I love this game but had to downgrade it to 3 stars. There used to be a variety of mini games but now the developers just repeat the same tired ""match three"" type minigame. When they do give us a different option (tile match), it's only for a day or two and then it's back to ""match three"". Such a disappointing decision and really takes away from the ""fun"" of an otherwise very cool game. Bummer." "Cute & Quirky but, some of the match three puzzles that you need to do for more energy are impossible without incredible luck or boosters, or both. Or you can pay for additional turns. When you hit one of those, you get that lucky combination, you get to keep eating your head against that brick wall. It's easy to make mistakes and spend game money on something you didn't mean to due to the way the buttons are set up. An option to prompt for confirmation of game money spend would solve that." I just wish for once that the game they advertise would be what the game looks like. The game isn't like advertised. Other than that the game is fun. But like other reviews updating barn is hard because of not getting materials. Also it would be nice to have two barns one for food and one for building materials. My barn fills up fast because of building materials. Other than that it's fun to play. "Played over past month. Lots to do but flawed. It's a farming/production game but based solely around a puzzle game that is very repetitive. Any special events, you HAVE to play the match 3 puzzle game to progress. If you get stuck on a level, you are done. The Barn to store goods is always too small and forces to spend $ to get large enough to even be functional. Expedition area is also focused around the match 3. Remove the match 3. The rest stands higher without the core." "I like it, so far. I am only on level 8. It is slow and that is okay for now. I do have one wish. I do wish that on the mini game color/shape match there was a continue or ""Play"" button to be able to play more than one game continuously instead of being taken bake to have to wait for the mini game to load again." Designing a whole community is fun. The tutorials are very helpful along the way which makes for a friendly atmospheric game. The animals are cute too. The hard parts are making enough coins to buy factories and zoo enclosures and waiting for tools and building materials .I have been playing a year now and am enjoying the game every day. It gets harder but with some strategies it's very doable and keeps you thinking.I recommend this game. "Crash, crash, crash. Started playing this again as a friend started. Literally crashes and kicks me out of the program when I touch a train. When I go back in, it has reset with new stuff to put on the train. Then it will crash again. I remember now why I quit playing a couple years ago. 12/19 - more crashing. Can't claim regatta rewards, screen freezes then game crashes. No response from anyone. 😑" "Update: it crashed 3 times after getting a trophy for hitting the number of trains/ helicopters sent. I uninstalled the game. I got tired of starting the same part over. Original: I like playing this game. It's fun but it crashes so much ever since this Christmas update. I can't play 10 minutes without it crashing. and it doesn't save my progress so when i go back in, i basically start over in what i was gathering before it crashed. It takes too long to build coins without purchasing them." "What happened to the roller coaster and gumball machine side games? I couldn't care less about the adventure storylines that seem to be taking over. In the current one, it takes WAY too much ""energy"" to clear pathways, and every 3rd or 4th ""match 3"" level to get more is excruciatingly difficult to pass without spending real money. It can take days (sometimes a week+) of play to complete some of the levels, and the reward does not increase. I play for free, which means I can't really compete." "It's a decent game, but the mini games end up being very luck-based. On an ""easy"" level, you can end up playing it dozens of times just because the randomly-generated tiles don't line up in a way that works to finish the level. I shouldn't, but I've had to spend 50+ in-game dollars (which they sell for real world cash) just because I got tired of playing the same level over and over again. It just got too repetitive." fun and easy. something to pass time Updated... too many glitches. One of the most frustrating glitches is during the side matching tiles games. When you go to move a tile one way it will on more than several occasions it will move in a completely different direction causing you to miss a swap. It's happened so often I finally deleted the app. "It's a good game overall. However, I used to purchase the golden ticket when the tasks were related to the game. For example, you had to harvest 250 carrots. I wish it would go back to that model. I like playing the game. I don't like the little extra games they throw in. If I wanted to play matching games then I would download a game for that. It seems like they moved into a new formula that I honestly don't like. But I still play because it's fun. I also wish they would bring the car race back" "Always like this game. I just paddle along to my own speed. The mini games ain't so great. I liked the roller coaster one and I liked the one where you jumped between columns. I didn't like the bubble gum one and I don't like these ones that's going now. But now my game is doing a new thing, it's crashing every time I go into it. its crashed the last 10 times." "Very glitchy lately, puzzle game freezes up once you get to 0 moves left and you have to restart the app. Takes a heart away but doesn't give you credit for progress toward goals or allow you to continue the level. At higher levels it becomes very slow to nearly impossible to progress without spending real money or spending all day on the game. I've played 150+ days and spent a fair bit of real money on this game but am very close to quitting, it's too frustrating lately." "Now that I've played for over a year now, I'm totally addicted! There are times it gets quirky, but it isnt usually long until its back to normal! 😊 BUT... this last update sucks! I keep trying to get my 9 rewards from the race, every time I touch the trophy it shows the rewards and crashes and closes. I've tried several doz times and always the same result!! FIX THIS!! It looks like several people have the same problem!!" "I began playing several years ago and then quit playing. I picked it up again several months ago and have been playing. The game itself is very good but I am now trying to install on my laptop device .because my earned township dollars kept disappearing from on my desktop. I notified the company numerous times and now they no longer even send :a pretend I'm interested email to address the issue. last night I had 22 dollars showing, only to look up and see I had only two. This is so frustrating because it takes so long to earn the dollars to begin with. I also kept getting a video that will reward with money of dollars which would not close and thus earned no rewards. When I notified then of this, they simply stopped enabling the opportunity to view the videos at all. They seem very uninterested in fixing any problem." "I really like the game but it could definitely use some tweaking to keep players from getting discouraged. For instance, creators should add factories to create the building supplies. Also, I wish friends could donate just 1 item needed rather than the entire batch. The current policy makes it harder to be neighborly. The slow progress of filling orders due causes me to lose interest at times." "I would have given it 5 stars if it weren't for one little bug. You work really hard to build up your supplies only to have them disappear in the barn! I've sent feedback twice and heard nothing. You will also notice that progression is fast, but production is REALLY slow. Takes forever to earn dollars, and the game pushes you hard to progress. Also beware that if you load some cargo in the planes and don't fill it in time, you lose what you loaded. Otherwise the game is great." "I enjoy the game a lot, very addicting but there is an issue. The regatta disappears completely - my 3rd regatta, this time I was about to start my 9th task...Couldn't do it because all things regatta disappeared...Customer Service advice: turn device on/off, uninstall/install. Having done it a half a dozen times, I just give up. It's their glitch, they have no clue how to fix it. When the regatta comes to an end, my device gets slammed with everything @ lightning speed." "After a previous update my tablet no longer plays the game without crashing (despite being within requirements). Despite from the need to play on the small screen of my phone, the game play is engaging, and my co-op is super helpful. However, some of the mini-games are obvious cash grabs. Just wish I could work on a bigger screen and organize my town more easily." "Township is a fun and enjoyable game. Cost for ingame item purchases is far too expensive. So called ""free game"" is extremely slow and boring to play for free. Should be easier to play for free, reduce time it takes to acquire needed items to complete tasks and expand. Make purchasing currencies affordable. I have personally made several purchases and always feel taken advantage of." "Game was great for the first couple years, but recently I've noticed that the glitches are more frequent (for example right now almost every time I try to open the regatta it crashes and wipes out the things I did within the last 10 minutes or so) and the mini games are impossible to beat (and the same few games over and over). I'd like to see more variety of mini games and less glitches! Please fix!" "Fun to play, however the long waiting times and many undeveloped buildings due to the lack of materials makes it frustrating to the point of turning it off and not wanting to play at all. I'm constantly trying to find a way to make room in the barn to continue. All factories and quests take too much time to do. some of the timed events are impossible when it takes longer to make items then the event allows. I've quickly lost interest in playing due to these issues. GL with your game. I'm done." "I love the game but there are a few things which I rate it as okay. Some of the wait time is ridiculous even with upgrades. The clovers you get when filling other carts. You get 5 clovers, you a pick a box and the reward is way less. I look at other towns, there is NOT enough expansions. Some of the towns are so crampacked that you can't tell what the shops are on some of them. Expand the map to make room and to improve the appearance of the town." "I watched lots of advertisements pop up in other games. Finally bit on one and it is really a different game than the kind I interpreted from the ads. It's not at all bad. pretty interwsting version of the build a (whatever) genre. I pretty much enjoy it, but the false advertising left me with a bad taste. Maybe I'm over it; haven't yet uninstalled, so ...." In the past 6 months the game is getting repetitive. The mini games are the same. I remember when this game had alot of unique features and cool mini games. Now it's about getting you to pay more without dloper creativity. Its next to impossible to get the necessary building supplies you need to build your town without paying for the products. I miss the airplane mini game. The game started out really fun! The latest match mini game has gotten ridiculously hard....to the point that it's no fun anymore. I'm really good at match games and they've made them pretty much impossible to beat without using tons of town cash to buy specials like the sweep and drop moves. It's discouraging to be stuck on the same board since the mini game started. The mini games used to be fun and a way to earn extra town items. It's a money grab now. Beware... "I can only rate a 🌟🌟🌟. I like it. But the ADS ARE SO INTRUSIVE! I don't mind watching them, but when the ad is over I should be able to click on the ""x"" and go back to the game. Not have to click on it and be taken to the Play Store! 😡 I have to close play store and the game, then reopen the game only to repeat this all over again in less the two minutes? Nahh... I've cleaned out the cache - nothing works except to exit out and go back in. Frustrating! Please make this stop!" "Once, this was one of my favorite games, but it has shifted over time to a focus on the same 4 or 5 minigames year round, and the escalating difficulty of these games seems to be there to drive people to spend in-game or real life currency on clearing them by getting retries, extra turns, or special items. It really feels like the creativity of the team behind the game is flagging, and for players like myself who have no intention of spending real cash, some of these minigames provoke enough annoyance that I don't even bother playing anymore when they're active. The actual running and building of the town is still the best part of the experience here, but the events are only fun if you enjoy the minigames they introduce. I, for one, do not enjoy most of them." "This game is fun, but beginning to become mundane. The mini games are starting to be too difficult! The matching games are nearly impossible to beat without using game money. I'm also tired of the same four over and over (rev and ride, gumball machine, the bridge one, and matching). I'm also bummed they took away the fall colors for the trees this past fall. It was a nice touch." "Overall this game is really fun & addictive, but it's biggest flaw, like every other similar game, is you'll always have way too many buildings & not enough space. Everyone's town looks the same, overcrowded. You have to create more buildings in order to expand your town, not a great system. Decorating is very difficult because of this. Things start to get a little boring when you can't decorate how you want to, it just takes too long. Other than that it's a great game with lots of activities." "It's fun but there are some bugs and annoying features. I don't have the option to ask for help on my train and plane, but other players apparently do. The game frequently stops and says lost connection and restarts after a couple seconds. The mini game has levels that are almost impossible unless you get the performance pieces, so sometimes you have to replay the same level for a couple of days until you get lucky." "I enjoy the game, and love the challenge of the weekly regattas. The reason for a 3 star rating, instead of 4 or 5 star, is the additional challenges for rewards set up. The only real way to earn points and rewards is to play the mini-games, and most of my co-op members (including myself) don't like the mini-games. We preferred the ""Professor's Experiment"" set up, where we completed tasks in the game to get the points and rewards. Please consider at least alternating between the two set ups." "Game is all right, but the new- fangled intrusive ads say I can't opt out because my browser won't allow third party cookies. Well, my browser has the correct settings; it's the game acting as a browser that's the problem. I truly dislike those ""you have to opt out (but you can't), no way to close out of"" ads. Enough that it affects how much I enjoy an otherwise decent game." "It's an awesome enough game for a mobile phone. only thing i think that could use improvment is the fact that at least on my phone, a moto play, i can't split screen with a translation app and that makes it super difficult to communicate with folks who don't have english as their native language. if you guys were able to make that happen that would be super and I'd give you a better rating. thanks." "Pretty generic timer based game that tries to get you to pay to speed things up. On the plus side, the graphics are nice and it plays a little like SimCity. The worst part is the trains. They are supposed to bring you essential materials to build your town with, but it takes forever and you can't choose what you get. I've been trying to upgrade my barn for days but it just never brings me what I need. And the one time it did, the game crashed." "This is a game that I enjoy, but there's a few things that are a little outrageous. The game starts off simple, but when you start progressing, it takes so many materials to progress the game. To upgrade the barn, you either need to spend a ton of cash or just wait until you get the materials. By the time I can upgrade the barn, half of what's taking up my inventory is just the materials it takes to upgrade it and the supplies for the community buildings take up a ton of space too. Another thing is that it takes a stupid amount of time for some things to grow/produce. It shouldn't take 15 hours for silk to grow. If you have that as something for the plane or something that needs silk to produce, you have no time at all to produce that item unless you pay to create it. Some things take a ton of materials that take a ton of time to make and it's just unreasonable for it to take so much time for any of it. The last big complaint that I have is that sometimes Township will just forget something that I do. If I completed a task in the regatta, it'll forget that I finished it and send me back to have to finish it. To point out a few things that make the game fun, I enjoy the competitions, it's a fun way to want to play the game and earn rewards for it, but they're increasingly hard and it takes a lot to keep playing the games if you fail, it goes zero to one hundred really fast. I like the idea of having a cooperative team to work with during regattas and earning coins through deliveries, it's just that you don't even have to use that many coins, it's really just the materials and it takes so long to get all of that." "Enjoyable game that's fun to play. I do agree with other reviews stating it takes to long to collect enough building materials. The regattas are fun and I love the extra mini games, experiments, etc. My biggest complaint and why the rating is knocked down to 3 stars is that this latest update has caused the game to be ""unable to connect to server"" which means I'm unable to finish participating in the regatta or contact my co-op members. Very frustrating." "I'm level 117 and I've been playing this game for 3 years. It's starting to get a bit boring and repetitive. Except for the new fabulous game Steeplechase, you keep giving us the same mini games. And you've linked them to the main task game. But even worse than that, now they're linked to the Regatta. You can't finish in the top three unless you do all mini game tasks at 150 points. Please change it back." "Something has gone wrong with the new update. I used to be able to start making items in one of the factories and get up in the morning or look back at it later and the products are there. Now, I start the items and go back and they aren't there but the supplies to used to create them are gone. It also requires more supplies now to acquire land. The supply list are becoming too long. Was slightly addicted, thanks for messing it up and making it less appealing." "It's really fun to play it takes a long time to level up but it's a challenge, I've had it 2 or 3 years and I'm on 43 I think. If you want to level up faster you have to spend money. All the updates are annoying bc I don't have the space on my phone to do it and you have to to play. Edit, please fix the fact I can update it at all it just says error pleas try again later." "Good concept, poor execution. Fun graphics & tasks but in-game cash is ridiculously expensive & doesn't last long if you do buy it. The point is to make players keep spending their real money but it won't help you level up much faster. Also the system seems to know what tools/products you are most in need of & specifically makes them more rare to acquire until after prolonged periods of time. This again is done to lure you into constantly buying in-game dollars just to advance to the next level." "I loved this game for a long time. It's getting harder to keep up the factories and other buildings now. I never have enough coins for more than one every couple months. I can't grow my town without these buildings. We need cheaper buildings, or more coins. Also the tool exchange is sorta dumb. Send more variety of supplies on the trains and make them exchangeable between co-op members. I would return to the game if it was easier to keep up and less of a headache to build things." "Township is a fun game, and definitely helps to pass the time, but it seems a lot of the things you need or need to do in game are designed to make you put actual money into the game. I've played it for only a few days and already had to put 7 dollars into the game just to expand my storage capacity enough to keep playing. Trains are useful to gather building materials but the longer you play the more materials the trains require and the longer they take to get back, making money necessary." They have algorithms that tell them when you use something up and then they request that item from you to fill a crate with the item you just used up so it monitors you very closely and it makes the game rather difficult + to really play well you would need to use some money otherwise your hands are tied a lot . He would really need to join a good Coop to make the game enjoyable. I really like playing it a lot but it sometimes gets a little time-consuming trying to maneuver around the game without spending your own hard-earned money and the cost of things are ridiculous and comparison to what you get. "The graphics are great and it's a fun game. The problem is, unless you are willing to pay money to buy ""Township"" cash you will be playing at an extremely slow rate of play. You can grow the crops you need but there is no way to get the building materials short of the random delivery by train. Waiting for those items means you cannot expand and develop your town. Unless you like rearranging your streets and houses while you wait, it becomes rather boring." "There are challenges that keep you entertained, mostly. Downside, it takes a VERY long time to expand your town. Buildings on top of buildings makes it look trashy. You can't truly develop a fun and customized look to your town or zoo. Plus you need to collect supplies that takes a minimum of 2 months to collect. While doing so you lose inventory space while collecting 100s of supplies, which limits how much you can participate in the game. Only way to avoid this is spending a lot of money." "Great game, but I had to uninstall because it became too expensive to play, to grow your town and zoo, and be competitive in the various contests. Trying to maintain space in the barn was next too impossible because of the building materials, which should be stored separately from the food and other items. Enjoyed the commaraderie with my fellow co-op players. Didn't like the Race of Champions at all. Too much work for too little reward. Will probably reinstall the game in a year." "I like the game. But it's cheats sometimes when you buy items and it doesn't appear that you purchased them, until you buy more. Yet you are being charged for them, twice. When you're doing the Regatta and you finished before the time allotted time, should allow you to continue with other challenges. As it stands the way you have it sucks! Major suggestion: You, should be able to convert coins into cash. This would make this money game more interesting." I play this game all the time and it runs well. so why 3 stars? the developers want you to build your city and you can't reach certain levels without certain requirements. you purchase buildings for example. but you need lots glass to complete. how do you get glass? sending trains. but oh no not that easy...you rarely get glass and there are other things that require glass. they want you to play but they don't want you to succeed without spending hundreds of dollars. "It was fun for about a week before it got too difficult. I'm not a huge fan of microtransactions but i spent Google Play credits to see if i could make better progress. I didn't. I don't like how the game keeps adding new challenges to make it even more difficult. Also the rewards arent worth it to me. Most of the time you just get coins to build more buildings. Wait a day for that building to be built, start filling orders, wash rinse and repeat. It gets repetitive." "Love it, but...... I've been playing for over a year. Love it until the updates. I updated yesterday (because you don't get a choice if you want to play) but since then, it locks up and kicks me out every single time. I also play on my Kindle and it wont even open. So disappointing. Hope there's a fix soon. My team is counting on me in the race!! I've uninstalled and reinstalled at least 6 times and nothing helps." "Addictive farming/city game. I played it to death a while ago and then uninstalled it so I could have some free time again! I have no idea how it might be any different from the million other identical farming/city games, but I'm pretty happy with it. I'm giving three stars because I can't reset the game. WHY are so many mobile games like that? It goes right along with the bizarre evolution of computers from full-sized displays and peripherals to tiny screens you poke with your fat fingers." "I have been playing a few months now and really like this game, however starting to lose intrest because I have alot of unfinished business location's because it takes so long to get the supplies to build. Really need to upgrade the supply materials or change how much it takes to build. I think you will lose alot of customers that cant build faster." "Game is Fun, graphics are great. However in order to complete buildings, factories, TV station, things like that, you have to Expand which costs you, the buildings you need to complete in order to increase your population you purchase with coins, but cant complete it because you have to get more materials which you either BUY with real $$ ,or acquire by completing train orders which is never enough. I've spent way too much REAL $$ on this game, I'm thinking of just deleting and cut my losses." "This game is actually really really good!! Is one of the best town games out there, and it's one of my favorite games but I'm giving it three stars because once I got to a level 21 and restored the mine the game stopped working!!I go on to the game and it just shows a black screen for like however long I'm on the game and doesn't even go into the game. So yeah please fix that!!" "I'm really not liking the new version of the experiments and even starting to hate them. I'm terrible at most of the mini-games so progress is painfully slow, so I hate being forced to play them. Liked the old version better which allowed me to progress while doing normal daily things and playing the regatta or helping friends. I didn't even mind paying for the gold ticket to get a couple extra cool ""stickers"". I really like collecting them. But now you can't get ANY without paying real cash." "This latest update sucks. I appreciate the elimination of the mint - that thing was completely useless. However, the screen where one sees friends, coop members and others who need help got way to small. Also, previous version used to go back to the person you checked on last - now you have to scroll over and over each time from the beginning. VERY ANNOYING!" "I really like the concept of the game and the graphics and functionality is great. My issue is that upgrading the barn is difficult and fills up with one sweep of my garden and all factories, etc.I try to fill orders before collecting, but it's not enough. I spend a good bit buying upgrades, since you can't get paint cans easily, and as soon as you upgrade, it's filled again. I'm only level 23 and if this is how the remainder of the game is, then I'm done." This game would be great if you stop pointing everything out. We see where they are. Graphics are decent. Gameplay is slow at times. Events should not be forced by you to make us play. Feeding animals are interesting. Ernie should not be a friend built into the game he is very annoying. Change up theme music. Like the fact you can change buildings around. "This game use to be fun, but now it is getting a bit difficult considering the mini games... They are so difficult they hinder you on your progress on the main event. Also, building of the animal habitats you need so much material to build now you don't have space in your barn to collect them. And a suggestion to extend the water near the ships to make a water park... I play daily and it's getting more difficult to play... Also, I'm trying to play the mini game and the game itself keeps closing" "I give it 3 👍 up. Why? Because side game's are one's we've played before. I'd love to see some new one's at sometime in the near future. As for materials that are required to build zoo enclosures and commumity buildings, the tools exchange tends to eat up a good portion of brick, glass and slabs. It also makes it difficult to complete both enclosures and commumity buuildings. Other than that, I enjoy Township. I play it every day!" "I've been playing this game for years. I love the overall game. However, the large event being tied into the mini games is extremely frustrating. Please go back to the previous way. Some of the mini games are so difficult and annoying that I actually avoid them although. Which then means I don't advance in the larger event. Please go back to the old way." "Very fun but basically requires that you spend money to move up levels. Otherwise it will take very long to move up, get your orders filled and expand your town. Also with the side games you play to get extra products and: 1. To help gather up the sheep by not letting them fall off the dock. 2. Not letting the colorful bubble gum hit the red sections of the ledge, these games are repeating one after the other, instead of having different levels it's the same layout, turns, jumps and length." "The game itself is great and enternaining. I like a calm game that cam you think and plan ahead. What I absolutely hate about the game, are the termporary mini-games. Most of them start easy but at a very low level, tend to increase their difficulty dramatically, to the point is gets frustrating!!! Even worst! You HAVE to play them if you want to get help, rewards, and benefits. If you don't, you will struggle to move forward with the main game." It starts out really fun but it gets more frustrating as you level up. The mini games are too difficult and you really can't progress in the main game without playing them. They are also not interesting. Another thing is the ridiculous waiting time for some of the items. The waiting time just turn me off from playing. I also think storage in the barn should increase automatic after completing a few levels. Because there are alot of things to do and storage should be the least of my concern "Game has had many glitches lately. Specially with the special events. Right now I am trying to do the Mystery Island event and I have beaten the same level 3 times without moving on. This includes using, and losing, boosts I paid money for. They try to help when they reset it, but this is very frustrating cause it never matches the points you had. They have made this type of mini game about impossible to pass. It is becoming very old. Thinking it might be time to move to something new." "I love the game. Only when then new puzzle match game starts, they start me off where I left off at the last event. So mine start off at super hard level. There's no way I'll win anything in this event because it's staring me at super hard levels. UPDATE: The new mini game that started today sucks. It keeps crashing when the popcorn maker is ready to open. Not to mention it takes all earned powerups and starts you from scratch." "I've been playing for a few years now, and it really is fun, but the mini games NEED to be switched up and they SHOULD NOT be included in the regattas or ""professor's experiments"" (or whatever they're called now). Also, the amount of supplies it takes to complete community buildings and zoo exhibits is ridiculous. *CHANGE THIS PLEASE!* On the plus side, it really is ad-free (because ""golden tickets"" are pushed every month now for $5). 🙄 I'll give 5 stars when I see improvements." "It's basically Farmville on steroids once you pass a certain level. Two things that greatly annoy me and lose stars - 1) interrupting tutorials. If I need help, I will look into it. 2) the mini game Explosive Puzzle. Some levels are impossible without power ups and even those don't do squat against levels that you have to explode 35 boxes twice and pop 16 bubbles with 34 moves and color tiles that don't line up in the right spots." "Frustrating - the mini games are time consuming and you end up spending money to complete. Super hard levels are NOT fun! For the most part I really like the game and co-ops but deleting because of time and expense. I wish I would have read the reviews on Facebook first. There should also be an option to exchange supplies/goods between members or be able to gift things. As I am deleting my game; I have a full barn and over $300,000 coins which will go to waste. Wish I could help someone else." "I loved this game until I reached level 100. In the beginning there were a ton of factories, buildings and decorations to earn. Tons of variety and land to expand the town. Once I hit the higher levels, it became hard to progress due to amount of materials needed to expand. It got to the point where the only way to progress is to purchase game money. The mini games also became too difficult to beat, unless you wanted to buy power ups. I refuse to be forced to spend money, so I simply gave up." "Used to be a five star, but there has been a horrible change. They have gotten rid of all of the good mini-games where you were actually rewarded. The ones they have kept are nothing but money grabs. Levels have become impossible to heat without purchasing 5 more tries. And then 5 more again. About the only way to get tools to help is to pay ridiculous amounts of money. Have been playing for a couple of years and am now looking for something similar to what Township was a year or two ago." For the most part the game is pretty descent but it's the little things like sometimes it freezes up or some of the extra side games it will have like a spot where it kinda disappears for a second and the game ends. One thing that does really sucks about the game is the updates I've had to load one four times and when it gets close to being done something happens and I have to start over. "I was sooooooo hooked on this game in the beginning. Now that I am on forty something level, I realize it takes waaaay to long to obtain construction materials; which delays expansion. Yes, there are plenty of opportunities to receive them, but majority of them require town cash (your money).I don't want to spend tons of money just to enjoy the game at a normal speed. This will be another game I lose interest in and eventually delete." "I absolutely love this game but lately it's become absolutely tedious. What happened to the Christmas decorations that came with the month of December? I look forward to that all year long and this year nothing. I am tired of the Golden Ticket, every month you have to pay to get all these stickers and different types of decorations and some upgrades. It takes too long to get updates and town expansions now. I miss the old mini games when we had actual good games and not these repetitive ones." "A lot of fun...when it works properly. Lately, 3-4 months for me, the game glitches and boots me off. I had to add the game to my phone in order to play consistently without losing progress. With the last update, now the game on my phone glitches. Lost my progress and the Townbot tells me it's fixed...but it isn't. The only time that the game works properly, is when I bought tcash or a golden ticket. LOL! Great Game when it works but..." "I like the game but why do the ads for the game depict something different? I was under the empression that there were options to chose for making corrections or helping to fix things. For example, where are the burning buildings that need to have the fire put out or the leaks that need fixing? But all of the game ads (homescape, gardenscape, etc.) appear to be deceptive." "Dont get me wrong i love this game, I play daily but it's far too difficult to earn the items to finish buildings, buy land, and building zoo exhibits. And there needs to be an option to turn off the piggy bank. I stopped spending money on games and its just takes up space on the screen. Also it would be super awesome if we could use the market to sell our goods with friends!" I came back to this game after about a year break. I'm so disappointed in the new zoo and tool exchange. The zoo was fun & the only improvement needed was a reduction of building materials for animal enclosures. It totally sucks now & I'll probably never complete it. The tool exchange is confusing & does nothing but extend the time for building community buildings. People wanted a separate place to store building materials. The old version was much better. "Really great game. I like playing it but some things make it less than perfect. Instead of earning cash dollars automatically you get a piggy bank and have to pay to open it once it gets full. There are alot of mini games to play but most are more stressful than enjoyable, so I hate most of them. The golden ticket is great except you got to play the mini games. The different ways to build are great except it takes a lot of materials to complete a building. Barn always full & upgrades hard to get" "Love the graphics. Game has a lot of activities. It does cost money, to advance. I'm giving 3 stars only because the real money need to advance you to next levels, is needed. For exp, I'm on level 76, it will cost over $200k game cash to get a factory, which you need to make a certain product to fulfill an order. W/out spending real cash to get game cash.... it will take time to build your buildings, factories, etc. otherwise, the graphics, music and animal sounds are great & fun!!" "Lowering to three stars. The issue with the limited storage makes it very hard to fill all the orders, the trains, and the plane because you can't stock up but so much ahead of time. You are pushed to build stuff, but you are not told that if you build more than one community building at a time, it messes something up so you don't get what you need to finish them. I had to google it. Fixing it is a huge hassle, I tried for a week with little success. I ended up starting over. Not cool!" "So far, so good. I'm only here for the mini games, so hopefully they stay every other level. The ads are a ruse because they don't show the Candy Crush ripoff levels and the design distractions, but as long as the minigames are readily accessible, I'm good. Once they're harder to reach, I'm done. Homescapes has better levels and better tools, but few minis. So we'll see. False advertising, though, from the jump." "I like the game, it has nice graphics. However, at about level 27, it turns to a PTW. When the ""matching"" games gets almost impossible to beat, without purchasing helpful items. Also, I absolutely despise the constant matching puzzles. I installed for the mini games, I thought it would be more of those...but no." "I would say this game is pretty good, pretty much you in a life with a butler trying to make some repairs to some buildings by playing mini games, kind of feels like a story as well. But, as for the ads... what they show IS in the game, but only in one of quite a few minigames though. It isn't even what the game is mostly about. So, because they are kinda false advertising, I rate it 3 stars. Still like the game though." "General I enjoy games like this because it's a nice time killer, but this game can be frustrating at times do to the fact the levels aren't necessary difficult, they just don't give you enough moves to finish the level. So pay money for more moves. I get it, but still frustrating being stuck on the same level for 20 lives even with modifiers." "Alright, I know I'm not the only one, but this game is challenging, right after a few levels, its almost straight up impossible, really, I have been stuck on level 111 for about awhile now, and I cant buy any perks since I have little to no money, I just came for the story, so, Pryxe, if you read this, heres a nive tip if you ever make another game like this. Make the levels have at least 15 or more moves, an easy level means more downloads & playtime, that means more money! So think about that" "It is surprising how much of the game you can play for free - I know that the people who made the game need to get paid like everyone else, but its the false advertising that bothers me. The ads claim its a free game, the first few levels are easy to get you hooked, then it becomes impossible without buying boosters. Paying 2.99 for boosters sounds cheap until you start paying it every week. To put it in perspective I paid $12 for a Nintendo switch game with far superior story and graphics." "Enjoyable game that gets more difficult as you go, encouraging you to buy special skills to pass. But I think the shameful part is they encourage moves that are not the best ones to make; soyou to waste a move so you don't pass which brings you to have to purchase the special skills to do so. Example; two possible identical matches in columns side by side. The game steers you to the column that does not provide progress to the goal, while the column next to it does." "Been playing for years and have made it to pretty far. Levels are still frustrating at times, but my issue for the last bit has been that the ability to make choices in the designs (colors/etc.) is all but gone now. The whole reason I started playing was the choices in designs, so I'm less than pleased to have that taken away." "It's fun, but can be stressful, which is the exact opposite of why I play the game. I want something easy I can zone out and de-stress on. I wish there were more pin-pulling games and fewer match-making ones. Also, it lies during the match-making games, so it loses two stars. I did not ""run out of moves,"" I saw plenty of moves on the board, a lot of matches, every single time that popped up, and it pisses me off." "Update: 2/24/23 Well, I'm still here and playing the game. However, I still feel as though the game is unnecessarily more challenging than it needs to be. It's actually been glitchy tonight, which caused me to lose our on some much needed timed power ups (bombs & rainbow blasts). I can't even get past the retry screen. I'll also try to send a message in the settings. A bit frustrated though." "It's not a bad game at all. HOWEVER, I don't particularly like when I'm trying to stack these hard to come by coins and I'm prompted to purchase a booster and inadvertently purchase them when hastily trying to quick click past the message leaving me to trudge along trying to collect coins again. I get that the goal is micro transactions but I'm not paying for a free game." "I have been playing this game for 2-3 years, and this has become a chore to play the once enjoyable game. There are constant glitches, freezes, and crashes with every update of the game. Not to mention the now almost impossible levels. I understand that the challenge comes with the increase of the levels since I'm at level 12,306, but it has now become less like a challenge and more like cheating. Lastly, the cheating of the game is pretty much forcing you to spend on the game for helpful tools." "The music, sound effects, and blowing up fruits is actually pretty relaxing! I downloaded based on an ad from a previous game. I do agree with other comments on here about needing to pay for more moves. It's interesting that often, I'm just 1 move short of winning the level! For example, level 102: collect 30 flowers. Ok. You have to grow those flowers first. But the area to grow those flowers are completely blocked off by stones that need to be cracked and broken. And you've got 12 moves??" "**UPDATE** I have had this game for years now and always enjoyed playing it even though you most definitely had to buy power ups to pass the levels. Now it has gotten so much WORSE! I will complete 1 or at most 2 normal levels and then I will get a hard or super hard level which cannot be beaten without powerups. Anything I earn is taken at that point, and it is every other level. Why play a game when there is no chance at keeping what you've earned more than 1 or 2 levels?" "I like the game, but 1. where did the scenarios go where I have to solve a situation, and 2. the only time I get frustrated with Austin is when he pops up in my game, reminding me of the objective. I KNOW I HAVE TO CLEAR THE MUSHROOMS!!!!! IF I COULD, I WOULD BE CLEARING THE MUSHROOMS!!! If you're not introducing a free power-up, stop interrupting my game!!!" "Game is fun, but WHY, why does it take DAYS to beat a hard level, get past it, get into regular levels, then BAM like 2 levels later, stuck? It's insane! I use to love playing this game, but I don't want to keep playing the same ridiculous level over and over. I agree with the other comments too, why can't we just skip most of the pop up stuff? Don't put an ""X"" on the box and still make me watch whatever is there still. And the energy amout you get on the side level, you can remove 3 or 4 things" "It was a fun game up to a certain point when while I was playing the side games for stars to get things, I kept getting a ""no more moves"" message and I had plenty of moves and power-ups all over the board. This kept happening even when I had plenty of moves and lots of power-ups, causing me to lose all my lives, so if I want to continue playing g I have to buy lives, which I don't think is right because I probably could have won with all the power ups and moves I still had. Maybe a glitch?" "I have beat over 1000 lvls without spending $ and the game is fun and engaging. However, it's so painfully difficult. It's quite obvious the devs just want you to spend $. You'll beat a ""super hard"" lvl that takes ages, only to run into another ""super hard"" lvl just 2 lvls later. There is no ""mix of challenging and fun levels"" that the devs keep claiming on their review responses. Overall the game wears you down, you get tired of having one unbelievably hard lvl after the other, with no respite." "This is a high quality game which took a lot to develop, so I don't mind spending some money on it. However, as others have mentioned, it does eventually become unplayable. I rage quit on level 412. Absolutely impossible. I used multiple boosts and coins and couldn't get past it. A shame - I could have been a months or even years long player, with a regular budget for it, but quit after a week. Adjust your algorithm if you want to keep players." "Please please reduce the amount of memory needed for cell phones! It's 1.5gb!! Great game, however i absolutely HATE that it takes you back to the main ""home""area after every level completed. I wish they would let you go from one level to the next without having to deal with the 30 seconds of wasted time going from play screen to home screen to play screen again. Otherwise the game is super addictive." "If I were to leave a review a year or more ago, I would given it 5 stars. I have been playing from the beginning and my level was in the quintuple digits. But they keep slashing the rewards you can win in favor of the monthly gold pa$$ that so many games are adopting. The levels can be ridiculously hard, even the ""easy"" ones which forces you to have to use boosters that are not easily won. So long gardenscapes. I don't mind spending money until you force my hand. It's #5 grossing for a reason" "Mini games are not like the video and are few and far between. Unless they are new since I stopped playing because I couldn't get further without paying for stuff to be able to complete the level, I have NEVER ONCE played one of those mini games where you pull the pin. It's the icon for the game! Shame on you! Fun game otherwise though! I got pretty far before I had to quit or start over." "I enjoy the challenges of the game and seeing what comes next. Some of the characters are annoying so it's good of the game to reflect life. Also, the animals I've won in events seem to be ignored by everyone which is odd and often funny cause the animals end in objects or walls. I use to be against the paying for bonuses and coins, but it was pointed out to me how else would the game improve and progress....." I really love the premise of the game. The issue is that the rewards are not equal to the effort invested. You need more and more stars to complete one task but even high levels don't increase how many stars you get. I'm over level 400 but I feel like I haven't accomplished much because it takes so many stars for each 'day' to complete. The puzzles should be rewarding more stars every so many levels (not just hard and super hard puzzles). At level 400 you would think a puzzle would be worth 2-3. "My only major complaint is the levels skill ratings. I have beat levels at times, labeled ""Super Hard"", without the aid of a booster quite easily, while struggling with average levels, even with boosters. It just frustrating to be working on a level for so long, wasting boosters, just to earn the minimum reward, when the level is supposed to be an average one. Apparently the levels difficulty, need to be re-evaluated and adjusted." "I enjoy playing Gardenscapes and it is addicting! Lol. I'm only giving it 3 stars because at times it seems like you can't move ahead without spending money. EVERY LITTLE THING requires energy and the only way to get energy is by completing levels. You're allowed 5 lives which takes 20 minutes to refill one. Most of the levels are very difficult and unless you want to constantly spend money for extras to help you beat it, then you'll be stuck on the same level for what seems like forever." "the game is okay, there needs to be an option to turn off hints, the moves they want us to make are pointless anyway, just to waste turns. it's very annoying. it's also annoying once I've lost I have to always confirm that I want to leave and lose everything. and the levels are too difficult to have so many pointless tasks like ""look at chest"" followed by ""open chest"" and between them costing about four stars? it's not worth it." "Gameplay is very addicting and fun, but doesn't have anything like what the ad was showing; choosing from several items to try to fix the damage to parts of the garden, and getting it wrong would break the part more. I've seen nothing like that in the game (would have made for 5 stars instead), and it's not the only one to incorrectly portray the play style. Otherwise it's a very fun game and I like having the choices of what design to ise!" "Really like this game, except I do not think the bombs should count as moves. The game is hard enough sometimes. And I've been thru 4 levels now where I am supposed to get 4 glasses of tea to the bottom, but I waste all my moves just waiting for the last glass to even show up on the board and by then I'm dead. Very irritating, I like games to be challenging but not pointless." "Why aren't there any levels like you advertise? That would be a fun level between the decorating (ie: ""Help butler go on a trip!""). There are definitely kinks to work out. Tasks that take several stars are lame, some of the hard levels should reward more than one star. Also there's a glitch where it doesn't recognize you've done part of your multi-star tasks so there you go back to one (trimming hedges, for example). Good for passing time, but could be a lot better!" Need more levels I have been playing this game for over a year now and love it. However I have run out of levels to complete. It is getting way to frustrating to wait a week or more for more levels to earn stars. You have a bunch of levels for the keys but I am sick and tired of playing for keys and not stars. Seems to me like you shouldn't continue the story if you don't offer enough levels to play and advance. Also very frustrating that I get to a certain league and am winning or in the top three but than run out of levels to keep competing in the competition. Might just delete the game if all I am going to be playing for is keys and not stars. Standard match 3 game. It's fun and I like the design aspect of it. My complaint is mainly you don't get the bang for you buck. I like that each task requires you to have stars to do it but there are so many small tasks that it makes it annoying when I've put in quite a bit of time to a level and all I get out of it is finding the rake. Then I have to do another level to actually clean up the yard then another to bury the leaves. Also don't get the constant redesign of the same game mechanic. "Great game and story, but completely different from the advertisement. Sometimes it takes multiple days to complete a level and that just gets real annoying, real fast. Also, for the love of God, please make it easier to complete the extreme levels without having to spend money. Some of us are broke students just looking for a mindless game to pass the time. The matching does that, but having to repeat the level 10 times, thats just annoying. But it still has a great story and is worth playing." "i cannot deal with the timed levels. Or the timed bombs . i have uninstalled the game twice. I just re-installed, and it is on level 651. I'm through with it. I was hoping to start on level 1,as to enjoy acheivements and progress. I can't afford this game. When I bought boosters, someone started logging onto my account and drained my credit card. I changed my password but they are still attempting to login 10 to 30 times a day. I do like the game, but I can't win." "I really do like this game. I've gotten pretty far to level 3000 or so. I guess it's a testament to how addictive it is! However, some of the levels are WAY too hard. I find myself getting stressed out over a game that's supposed to be relaxing! And the red 'hard' levels pop up too frequently seemingly at random. Maybe make them come up like every 10 levels or so?" "it was fun, at first, but then it became impossible! I got rid of it but then the ad looked fun and looked as if it had an update, I was like 'Ooh! they have a mathing part!' NO IT DOESN'T, that part is a lie! It's a cool game and a fun one but not worth my time or the effort to pass impossible levels. BTW a fake advertisment isn't cool. other then that, it has good graphics, decent game, but impossible levels." "So disappointed. This is the second time I've updated after a long break and lost ALL my progress. Last time I contacted devs and they restored to an estimated level. There was no way to know how far I had gotten without connecting to Facebook (which I don't have). I had completed hundreds of levels, developed at least 3 sections of the garden. 👎 Not cool. Otherwise the gameplay is like every other match 3. Beat levels, earn stars, use stars to clean up and decorate. 3 options for decorations." "I like being able to decorate with flowers, but so far each garden ends up looking over the top and totally choked and gaudy. I wish there was an option to go and delete features for those who prefer a more minimalist style. Also, I wish there were more options for flower combinations to choose from. i think the dialogue of the characters is obnoxious. The old man talking like yoda is offensive." This game is a money pit! Beware!!! In the beginning it won't seem to cost much but the longer you play and the more levels you beat the higher the cost will be to move on to the next next level. Levels become increasingly difficult to the point of impossible to beat without costing additional money to purchase special tools. Very addictive game and I have enjoyed playing very much but I refuse to spend anymore money on it!!! And since I have taken that stand I have not been able to move forward. Fun game but beware it is a money pit!!! To get through levels you have to spend and spend money. It's cheaper to pay for a game you can buy. This game takes at least $10/week. You have to pay $2.99 just to get the other half of your earned coins that are saved in a chest when it gets to 4000-5000 coins. Some if the levels can't realistically be passed without buying bombs. It's definitely a money maker for them if you really get into passing levels and dishing out money. I'm not liking it so much anymore. "the game is fine and amusing. the updates are mandatory to continue play and are too frequent which makes connectivity a requirement. you are unable to replay levels you like and enjoy. the 'events' occur almost daily which is irritating if you dont want to participate because after each level the game forces you to view a leaderboard of some type. it used to be a weekly event and less prescriptive. it used to be great, but it has so many bells and whistles now you lose a lot of good game play." Entertaining. The biggest problem I have with it is the lucky spin is rigged. no matter where I press stop it either slows down early or goes long to give me the same prize 5/7 times. The other two time are always the same as well. The other problem is sometimes when I open the app i have to go through half a dozen notifications and popups before I can even get to the game. "I started playing because I thought the commercials looked interesting just to find out it was a basic match three type of game. It's still interesting, but in the over one hundred levels that I've played I have yet to come across one that is anything like your commercial. At this point the differences are so huge that it really equates to false advertising." It was a fun game. You just have to keep buying packages and other things to keep the game going. Also as the levels get harder the more bombs and spiners you need. But they limit it so you can only have 1 of each. Which some levels the screen will switch to a second part of the puzzle with less than half the amount of spins you started with on the first half and no extras to finish the puzzle. Makes you pay coins to continue. I wasted too much money with no rewards. "I was really entertained by this game until I realized how much easier and more rewarding the harder levels were if I spent money. If you don't spend money the level goes on and on until the computer allows you o win.. I'm retired on a fixed income and it's not feasible at times to buy cartoon ""lives"". I uninstalled then reinstalled the game but have yet to notice a difference. I keep playing out of boredom but am disappointed with the underhandedness of the programmers." "So many of the things are so forced, it gets frustrating. I was OUT once it tried to make me change a fountain based on some artist's ""ideas for the yard"". Blech. People just want to play the game and make the yard pretty. It gets too control-y, making you do things you don't want to do. These things are all so contrived, I know. But this one is entertaining for a while and then it's just so annoying. Uninstall." "Starts off fun, but as you proceed to higher levels every other board is a ""Hard"" level which can take days to beat. By this point, even the ""easy"" levels can consume 10 -20 lives which is frustrating and takes all the fun out of it. I get that there is a limit to the amount of levels and garden expansions/decorations the writers can add.... but who wants to play a game they can't beat?" "This is all around the BEST match 3 I've played. Graphics, playability and cute story. Sometimes I'll spend 10+ lives trying to beat a level. AND you have missions for rewards. *Update If you want a game that'll make you irrationally angry this one is it. There are several contests to play that alternate great but to be able to participate you have to be able to beat the levels. Boosts are hard to come by. The easy levels are actually hard and the 'super hard' ones are practically impossible." I am on level 6000+. This game freezes and crashes repeatedly. And it never freezes until I have just completed a hard level and then bam! Level lost and items and coins lost too. I have reported these incidents to the help desk and all they say is sorry you faced this issue. I spend good money on this game because I like playing it but I am ready to uninstall it. I have never seen a mini games in the years I have been playing. I'm frustrated and I am done with it ! "It's a fun game but it's false advertising. The advertising shows that you solve puzzles. That's not how it really works, you follow a storyline, and you make your garden pretty by choosing from three options, the game is actually sort of like Candy Crush where you have to get 3 to get rid of the bubbles more than 3 gives you power up type of thing. So really this was false advertising. Made it to level 536 before it got too hard and the only way to win was through random luck." "Up until recently I have always loved this game. Great way to entertain yourself and keep boredom away. Story line is ever changing and graphics are good. But since this last update I haven't been able to play. As soon as the game loads, it pops up with my score for the last challenge I participated in and then freezes. I've restarted everything i can think of but I'm still unable to get past that lag screen to play. It's very frustrating." "Nothing like the pictures they've showed lately. Only the last picture is accurate. Still a great game where you beat levels to restore the garden. If I spend more than a day or 2 on a level, I might use boosts but I try not to. Some tasks cost a lot of stars to complete but it makes the game last longer. There are lots of opportunities to get bombs, coins, etc." "Its beautifully designed, the animations are terrific. A lot of fun but, some of the levels are impossible without spending at least $4.99 to pass thru. So it isnt really worth that price. They helped us out with a ""golden ticket"" at $4.99 which buys 8 tries rather than the standard 5. There are lots of ways to get thru levels with boosters, asking friends, joining a team, and claiming gifts, memos that contain coins etc. I'll probably reinstall in a few months but need a break." "The game wasnt as advertised. You cant pass the higher levels without spending money. It will give you bombs to help but place it where you cant use it, like the side of the board already finished. Or it will land on the one spot you have a move, forcing you to use it early. Or it will land on the one spot where you could have made another bomb, thus helping your game. It requires more stars to finish the tasks but you cant finish the tasks without spending money." "If you're looking for a game to tune out and decompress - this is a great app, until you reach a certain level. After that point, levels become incredibly difficult and take days/weeks to beat without paying for enough coin or boosts to clear one level. At that point, the game is no longer fun. If there were two modes, one to pass the time, and one to advance and earn coin/boosts, I could see myself playing it more often..." "It's been a fairly neat match type game, with a few different twists, along with the extra play to complete various tasks to evolve landscapes in more and more areas. The one problem they have with the game is that they rate many of the levels incorrectly. A number of levels are ridiculously hard, and some are still marked as normal, if not hard already. They need to rate the levels in more varieties. Such as normal, difficult, hard, & super-hard, etc. Plus rate them a little more appropriately. Then maybe also give a tiny bit more rewards (like an extra star or two for hard & super-hard). The newer events help with progress some, and without certain ones it is ridiculously hard if not impossible to proceed. The really high levels (above 2,500 or so) some have gotten super-duper hard. With new events to get more decorations and whatnot (like Halloween and others) have gotten nearly impossible to earn all the new items being such a high level. Tone down the difficulty, or make it easier to earn things more quickly." To many times you have to play the game to make a small task happen. That gets frustrating. I love the graphics. Also I thought the game was supposed to be basically like Austin's dreams all the time because everytime I saw an ad for the game that's what it showed and when you actually play the game there is very little of that which is misleading. "Game is linear-- no option to choose a different order to which items you clean up/build. The structure is you play a candy crush game to earn the coins that convert to the stars you need to perform tasks. Graphics are good, but game play gets tiring after a short time. In addition, false advertising. The ad showed the guy in a series of mazes with obstacles. The goal was to remove the obstacles to get him out of the maze. The actual game is like farmville, garden style." The game is challenging because it puts the puzzles at a difficult level quickly. If you don't succeed at the puzzles there is nothing else you can do in the game. A player gets 5 chances and it takes 20 minutes for a new chance to reload. The games are like candy crush with only a mini game like is shown in their ads. So it isn't much different than the other match three games. "I enjoy playing this game, but a lot of times I wish it would be possible to skip the super hard puzzles. most of them are downright impossible to complete unless you are willing to purchase boosts. also, since the boosts are so expensive, you should get at least twice as much coins at the end of a level than we are given now. if it weren't for those couple things, I would definitely give this a 5-star rating." "Its a cute game, but it runs out of lives quickly and earning new ones gets difficult quickly. It also shows a totally different kind of game in the advertisement, then when you download it, its not even close. I'm not sure if you have to get to certain levels before you can play, what you thought you were downloading, or not. You only get a couple of minutes of play time before you run out of lives, and it becomes harder and harder to play before you have purchase things. kinda dissapointing" "It's is just like other match 3 and remodel games. What sets it apart for me is the team aspect. I love working as a team. And you need help because it seems like many of the levels are just too hard to pass with the number of moves given. There are ""hard"" levels and that's fine, but even the regular levels are sometimes almost impossible without spending money. After many tries I think you should be able to skip it and move on. It's not fun to play the same level 50+ times." "The game is neat as it progresses. It is pay to play which is ok. Got to about level 50 or so before I couldn't pass the level anymore without purchasing boosters. Uninstalled it after that, but it was mildly entertaining for a day. I think the pictures of the game are a bit misleading. Its a straight match 3 game but they make it seem like a puzzle solve." "I have enjoyed this game for the most part. They put a fun twist on a regular matching game. The part I DON'T like is playing the same level 20 (or more) times and never really getting close to beating it. This has happened on a couple of levels most recently 121. I understand that some levels are suppose to be harder and more challenging as you go, after a certain point there's a loss in the fun department." "It's a decent game with a good concept behind it but once you get to the hundredth level and beyond it is WAY to time consuming to beat levels. Takes me about a full day or two to beat some of these levels (which they only give you one star for each, even harder levels!) so I lost interest fairly quickly as there is no way for me to do anything with the garden without stars and it takes me days to get even one at times. Real bummer." "I'd like to give this game more stars because I've enjoyed it, but every other or third level is either hard/super hard. I just completed a hard level & immediately got another hard level! Then I get a level not listed as hard/super hard, but is actually more difficult to beat! This is supposed to be a game. Fun.I don't want to play a game where every single level takes multiple attempts to pass. No wonder I have never been able to finish a special room! Thinking about uninstalling." "The game has great animation and I like customizing my garden. I've been playing for years and now the ""easy"" levels are getting difficult to beat. I feel like the amount of moves available have been significantly lowered. The pink ""challenge"" levels are terrible. The only way to advance is to use your boosters (and then waiting a few days until you can collect more). It's getting to the point where I'd have to spend more money than I'm willing to in order to advance to the next level." "So I dropped you 2 stars because of 2 things: 1. Other players are posting that they've received bonuses for achieving high levels. I'm over level 5000 and I haven't received any such bonus! 2.Misleading ads for new players. I almost don't want to play anymore. Original review: One of my favorite games of all time!❤ My husband says I'm obsessed and he's right! Beautiful graphics, fun story, challenging levels, and awesome in-game tournaments/challenges. I especially love the dog training." "I like the game, but it's not the game shown on your ad. I clicked on it because I wanted to play the game it was advertising- figuring out which move to make to save the fish, or mermaid, or lady- not the same [switch these, get this reward] game as all the others. Also, I would like it better to accomplish the goals just a little bit faster, like we shouldn't need a star for every separate little thing! Thank you for taking the time on what I have to say. 🙂" "Like the game, but I'm spending too much money to play my levels. No matter how many times or days I spend on some of the difficult levels, I never beat them until I make a purchase of coins or boosters. And if I don't make a purchase, it takes too long to generate lives, free boosters, etc. 30 mins for 1 life is too long. If there were other ways to speed up coin collection (like watching 30 sec ads) I would keep the game. But, since I need to do better things with my money, I'm uninstalling." I like the outside improvements it let's me do but it needs to be not so hard for some levels because its obvious that there's no way of winning at times no matter what moves you make until you try 20 or more times. Also the spinning wheel is rigged so that it lands on what ever it wants to not so much on how you spin it. But the game is still fun enough to keep me from deleting it so far. "UPDATE: Had a great time playing this. However, I got up in levels and the game became nearly impossible to continue. Im tired of spending money just to progress a few levels, and then have to do it again. Tried messaging them, and their answer was a prepared message telling me the different types of levels the game has (hard, super hard, etc). 12/2018 Good game. Just wish you could get extra moves or coins or SOMETHING without paying. Maybe watch ads or something?" "The levels are really hard to complete and to complete one you only get ONE star to complete the next task. I also purchased more coins but noticed I didn't get any coins after prompting that the purchase was completed. I don't usually purchase anything for games but I really enjoyed this and decided yeah, why not only to experience not receiving what i purchased. Also, the ads are misleading!!" "I like the idea of bringing the game to mobile. However, I was disappointed to find it match 3 game style. The reason I loved the PC version was the hidden object game style as well as the appeal of designing your garden. Another thing I didn't like was when naming the dog, it was kept to 3 letters instead of whatever the player wanted. I do like the fact that lives only are used up when a user fails a level and not every time you play it." "I like the game, but the one design complaint I have is that any time you have to make a flower bed, you have the same three options every time, which is boring and repetitive. Also when the room renovation challenges are going on, the items increase in cost to an insane degree, I think I've finished one out of like ten. Same with the holiday and event redesigns. It's like to at least have a chance at completing events, which I currently don't" "Since the last update, the game will crash at the winning point. I have lost $5+ in extensions/coins (the level restarting after the crash) and having to beat it over again, hard levels. Also causes a loss of starting bonuses so starting over is even more difficult than before. Not cool. 12/14/18 As early as two days ago I lost more purchased coins and bonus starters on lost level progress from crashing. I just saw the contact message and messaged the team as asked. They said they fixed it, but I havent noticed that I got a refund or anything to cover all the monetary losses I have incurred. I will keep looking and update if I find it." "I really like this game but I there are a few features that could really come in handy. For example, being able to pause the time won as rewards to be able to use at later time if you wanted to take a break from playing. Currently, there is no option for that, if you won about 30m, 1, 2 or 3hrs, it just runs down (countdown) whether or not your playing." "This game is awesome to play, however the harder levels should get more then one star. Also it's hard to finish boards with more moves then the amount of moves given to you, some boards require many moves to get what you need but not enough moves to get it. Then you only get one star, and you have to waste moves because it doesn't give you any other options. It can take forever to beat a board. So save options that help for those boards" "The game is fine and fun but when I saw and downloaded, I thought I'd be playing a game with different challenges where I had to choose the correct item for my character to live and/or move on. Not build a garden and fix things. Guessing it may come but I was just expecting something else after watching a preview/video. I do recommend getting and playing though. It's a nice little challenge of a game. Enjoy." "I played this game for quite a few years and enjoyed it. Some puzzles were pretty easy and some were quite difficult. I expect the games to get more challenging but lately they have been very challenging and many more hard to super hard. And progess on the renovation is slow. I have spent too much money so I uninstalled. Great game if you don't mind staying at a level for a while and/or are willing to put out some real money. People will enjoy it for a while but after a time, not so much." "I have played this game for years, and I am a ""pay to play"" person ( I understandthe developers gotta eat too). I just reached level 6210 and for the last 1000 or so levels every other level is either ""hard"" or ""super hard"". It takes either days to beat the level or 3000 coins. Even most of the regular levels are hard to beat now. I'm at the point where I will not spend anymore money to play this game. I may buy a golden ticket every now and again but that's it. Very disappointed 😞." "I enjoy this game but I find some of the challenges unfair. For example,,, level 44. You ask for four glasses, though after getting 3 the fourth one does not appear. Some of the challenges are a little silly, like earn a star or two to feed the dog, or greet someone. Especially when there is so much property to repair and develope. Just saying,,, sometimes I get frustrated, especially if it's a hard challenge, and stay away for awhile, then I get demoted. Don't understand." "I truly enjoy the game in that its equally challenging and at times easy going. The longest I've been stuck on a level was 4 days and that alone keeps me coming back. I do, however, have one thing I've hoped you'd have changed by now and that is that ""I"" get to choose where AND when I use my boosters. I hate needing to use more than 1 booster a game because most of the time they show up to close to each other and when I use explosives, I've basically wasted one of them." "A decent match 3 game. Great art for the decorating portions... horrifying, Uncanny Valley art for the humans, which like to stare directly into the camera and your soul. Also, repetetive events get spammed every time you open the app, leading to a lot of unnecessary, annoying clicking through them just to get to thr actual game. Not worth the fuss imo." "I enjoy puzzle games. I'd give this one a higher rating if it had more of the mini-games that I enjoy most--the ones that they use to generate interest in the app! The garden beautification story just slows down game-play, as far as I'm concerned. Also, some levels are harder than rated, and if you get stuck without boosts, you either need to wait until you get more boosts in a day or two, or pay your way out of it. I really don't care for pay-to-play on a supposedly free app." "It's fun in the beginning but than it becomes boring working in the same area! Plus, having to use the points towards the animal to move forward is useless. I personally spent too much $$ in this game being too anxiousness to get to the next game only to find the area stays the same far too long, NOT good! AN A+ in receiving rewards with points and bonuses in the beginning only. In ending; IT GETS BORING!!" "I downloaded this game based on the ads which falsely depict the game style and play. I was very disappointed, but gave it a shot anyway. It's addictive at first if you like candy crush style games and renovating/decorating a garden, but the tasks are pretty mundane and annoying. You use points to greet a character, prepare tea, call the repair man, before you actually repair anything." "Game was fine but was expensive because many levels could not be completed without boosters. I kept playing but at level 528 game started crashing every time, wasting boosters and lives. I followed directions and cleared cache, updated both phone and game, rebooted numerous times and that didn't work finally I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it's even worse. Game either crashes during load or immediately after. I can't even get to the tech support page. It's very frustrating especially after having spent so much on in app purchases. I don't recommend starting it." "Not a child's game. The levels get increasingly difficult too quickly for how many levels are available. Some fun for an adult if you like hard puzzles, especially when you get to higher levels. Need luck with what pieces you have to deal with during play. Can't pick what part of garden you want to work on & have to complete stupid things (like spend stars to find or clean his butler suit!) in each level to continue on with actual 'garden improvements'. very aggravating & a waste of stars😞" "Fun and well put together, but it doesn't gradually build in difficulty. just gets near impossible without warning and then you spend 2 days on the same level, so you can't progress in the game, just to do it all over again once you do win. and you don't get the coins for playing the other games like it prompts you to do." "It's a fun game, BUT it needs more ways to receive coins and bombs especially when you are stuck on the hard levels with not enough of either to get past the level you are stuck on .. Not being able to move forward after so many tries will make someone quit playing the game and uninstall it especially when there is not enough ways to receive the items to help you move forward ..." "LOVED this game!!! have been a player since 6 months after it came out. However when I tried to access it today i was restarted to the beginning of the game and tutorial. I was so upset to see all 1500 levels I've played gone! It wasnt my phone either, it had to have been the game. I really dont want to restart the game and do it all over again now. It is one of the most fun mobile games I have ever played! I would rather homescapes had been erased because I have only gotten to level 200 somethin" "I love this game; it's cute and fun with good animation- when it loads. This is a common issue I have with it. I install the game, it works for a day or two, then it's just a black screen! I uninstall and reinstall and repeat. It's very frustrating! Also, please make an option to remove seasonal decor when the time is over. It's weird having Christmas/winter stuff when spring is here." "I have enjoyed this game. I will quit and uninstall when I finish the wheelhouse level. As I've gotten into higher levels, I feel games can be insurmountable until 3 or 4 days no matter what a person does. Then...all the sudden the board gives the player the required elements and you're on to ANOTHER hard or Super hard level. That can be frustrating. If the games were based on skills that developed as the levels do, I would stay. I don't feel that's the case." "Love playing, but the game is locked up. I've finished all levels and was in the boat race competition. When the new trophy round started, everyone in the boat race had to start over. When I reached those levels again, and finished the level to win the race, it only goes to that screen when game is opened. I can't finish the search for the treasure in the witch hunt. Very disappointing. Plus I can't play any more until this is fixed." "Addictive gameplay with lots of colors, sounds, and rewards for the senses. If it could offer you a drink while you play, it would. The levels are all run by algorithm, so if you have to play a level more than once, it usually gets progressively easier. The competitions are also rigged by matching you with players with scores that encourage you to keep playing. It's frustrating when you know what the computer is doing to try and make you pay, but still fun. In-game support very slow - days." "Definetly not as advertised. Although I enjoy the gardens, the mini games where you make choices have not been seen at all. Also to gain stars for tasks you have to complete these repetitive puzzles which you can only beat sometimes by sheer luck. And you never get enough stars. The higher the level the more stars you should receive when you defeat it. Fun overall to decorate but not much of a reward for playing." The game is very challenging and fun to play in relaxing the mind. The puzzles are very different each time in trying to create or design the garden space as you open them up. However their comes a point when the puzzles become to challenging in playing and it gets difficult to move forward on continuing building the current garden space. Although having the option to choose your own pieces in style each space is great and some puzzles are easy to do. "Really fun, but takes way too long for lives to regenerate and too many coins to buy new lives. Many levels are too difficult and even if you play every day, you get demoted if you don't do well enough. It's clear that the intent is for in game purchases of boosts to get through the hard levels. About every 3 levels is a hard level. Frustrating." Love it. Very addictive. Only complaint is that you get very few moves but have to use 2 moves to unbreak boxes or ice blocks on the harder levels. Should either add more moves or not make it so all the moves are not lost on breaking the boxes...also maybe a life should be gained for winning levels that way ppl dont have to wait forever to play again. Otherwise pretty fun to play. "Would rate 5 stars with fixes. This game looks amazing and feels like a dead space style shooter for mobile. Two big problems exist. 1. The camera swings with your movement and it's off putting. I like cameras to be static for the most part 2. And the biggest issue for me. The view needs to be panned out badly. I'm shooting at aliens and I can't even see what's going on. The game is beautiful and when you can see what's going on it's impressive, but most of the time you can't." "I give it an E for effort. I mean it's not bad, but its repetitive. I figured I'd give this one a shot after downloading their second addition tactics, but its plain and simple. No skill required, just fight, level, and next level. I dont like games where, I level just to keep the same pace as the game continues. I like being able to level without repetitions, and then choosing to advance. Being generous. Glad the sequel was a bit better. This is something I'll play while drinking alone for 5min" "Game looks good, takes a minute to get use to the aiming and not being able to see but so far in front of you My biggest problem with the game is it's just so repetitive. All the areas look the same. The levels are dark, creepy and good detail but they don't utilize that at all. There's no real reason to explore. So what if you can shoot the door off the bathroom stall, there's nothing behind it. I think with some side missions or different levels it would be a really fun game" "It's a great game, well it has potential to be great, 1. Missions need to be more hands, longer, and have better adjectives. 2. You should be able to buy (or earn) teammates to aid you. 3. It's currently boring how easy the enemies are to kill plus there's not many of them. 4. Just add some stuff like sas 3 did, well good luck with the game and keep at it." "Quality is great, controls are great and the monsters design are cool. Only problem is that it feels like I'm chasing my tail around, i keep doing these level over and over and it feels like the same thing just different areas. Maybe adding something new can change that, maybe a arena with boss battle (lmao) a man/woman can dream right the game is good in all seriousness." "I first gave the controls 3 stars, & the gameplay 4 but since have changed it to 2 for the controls & 3 for the gameplay. The reason I don't like that there are 2 way to switch the weapons, the button to shoot should do just that & only that. It's very annoying when you go to shoot with 1 weapon then it switches to one you're not ready for. I don't see why we need to ways to switch when all u have to do is hit the weapon in the middle keep, that drop the other. This need to be fix in an update." "So I played all the way to the Ultra hard levels and I'm giving it a 3. The Ultra levels don't tell you any info on how to get all 3 hazmat signs on the levels, once you finish a level of difficulty, nothing advances in the story. Kinda basic, but a good time killer. Improve on the levels, give extra info on bonus levels, have some depth to the story. Killing aliens is a good start, did love the game play....just need more from this." "This game is freaking amazing. Everything is so well done, but there's one problem. Sometimes I found it hard activating an ability. Everytime I tried to press on a perk I end up switching guns. And this lead me to many deaths.Plz fix. And also theirs no good explanation on how to get full score." Its cool but it gets boring quickly as every level is basically the same. It feels repetitive. And that really does drawback this game. one annoyance i had was the control scheme caused me to switch weapons accidentally everytime and that was frustrating. If there was different level designs. And actually different goals instead of running to a computer terminal and then to a elevator. Id find it more interwsting. "Awesome visuals, nice sounds, crisp Action, could be such a great game if they just had invested a tiny bit more effort. As it is, the game is terribly repetitive, there are four biomes with 20lvs each, but all assets look almost identical, theres NO variation in lvl design! I have just deinstalled after even the layout of the last 7 levels looked *exactly* the same. Choosing and leveling up your nice range of different weapons feels kind of satisfying, but that is not enough to keep me going." "It's good and has potential, but there are some quirks that makes it hard to play. The camera revolves around your character, making it hard to aim because sometimes it moves a bit, making you miss the enemy. The minimap is too zoomed in for it to be useful, sometimes you can see farther than the minimap. A little choppy, I feel like there's some frames that are just skipped, it doesn't feel smooth. Maybe because there's a one frame flash that covers up the whole screen when your weapons fire?" "This is a pretty great game! levels are good with enemies and level expansion. movement sticks unreliable, aiming with accuracy non existent. when you have half health the screen starts flashing red at you, so you cant see what you're doing or where you are going in levels which makes the game unplayed unless you die. stars wouldve been higher but minus 2 stars for the flashing red screen presenting such a big problem forsensitive eyes. cant earn 3* even if the level is completed perfectly." "I agree with what most players said. It is repetitive. The maps are the same. The enemies are the same. And even the objectives are the same. Also, the camera angle is bothersome. Would've been better if I can see things in a wider area like in Space Marshals instead of being zoomed too close to the MC, making me rely in the map to attack enemies. The only thing that makes this game worthwhile is the weaponry. Guaranteed more fun if you take the flamethrower. Overall, it's a decent time-passer." "This game is pretty cool I'm not gonna lie. However, the only problem is that the level is getting too repetitive as you progress. I already got bored when I finished the first chapter. I suggest that maybe add some interesting enemies and mechanics each chapter or level, or might add some little voicelines to the MC. That's all! Keep up the good work!" "In the beginning, this game shows truly great... Easy gameplay, simple controls, cools graphics and a lot of funny guns to shoot. However, as long as you go further, advancing the levels/floors, you just realize that the scenarios are all the same. Its looks like that you're in looping... Disappointed! 😔" Tried this game and i didn't last an hour. The controls are confusing when im trying to aim to the monster while walking is shoot to the different angle. Gonna be the worse controller of the game I've ever played. I do really like the concept of the game but it's just the controls that makes it difficult to play. "The game is without bugs or technical issues as far as I have played. The game loop however seems to just consist of clearing random maps of hostile creatures, earning money, buying better gear to make the process easier. The combat is not particularly Intresting and so far there have been no rewarding or satisfying mechanics." "Okay let me start by saying, I love the game. However, I did drop my rating from 5/5 to 3/5 due to a sadly gamebreaking bug....you can shoot thru walls. If you know the direction the enemy is in you can essentially just get in range and fire at them thru doors and walls. If you fix that, ill reassign the 5/5, as I do love rhe challenge of the game. Until then this makes the game more of a visually appealling one, and less competitive. And seriously the controls, graphics are all amazing" "wow, I love the game, but there is a problem, the final campaign which you need to LITERALLY speed run your way through each level, there's a time limit to beat a level before the time runs out, which it's pretty good if you're just care for progress, but it's hell for completionist like me, the time given is so... little to beat every enemy in the most complex map in each level, I already maxed out my armor and my weapons and still lose. You'll need every perfect shot and run your way through" "It's a good game, but VERY repetitive. The mechanics, controls and gameplay are great but you literally have to do the exact same thing for 20 missions in a row before they add variation to the levels beyond placing enemies in different spots." Great graphics however the control options-well they SUCK! which makes game play extremely hard and after repeated attempts adjusting the very limited options for the game pad to no avail had to uninstall. Team rethink the game pad and make it easier at the very least add a back step option. This game had potential for being a great game! "Repetitive levels are one thing, but the game controls that make it difficult to aim first before firing is really frustrating. Also, it is not clear how to get more points to get a full score. Lost interest after several frustrating attempts." "I would love to recommend this game buuuut the controls are atrocious, the game hasn't had any updates in over 2 years, the amount of currency needed vs. how much you get from missions is ridiculous. You end up either having to spend hard earned cash to get more or, if you're a more reasonable person, watch ads for currency but another problem lies here because sometimes the ads don't load and you can't close them so you have to close the game and start it again... which luckily loads fast." "My experience with this game is a positive one. In my opinion: It's a very well thought out game in terms of : Character design, level design, Alien design. I've enjoyed playing this game so much.For as repetitive as the Monsters may be, with the available weapon and body suit upgrades, the game remains fun and interesting througout. It has an option to purchase credits and I did not because I wanted to upgrade, but because the creator/s of this game deserve/s the pay for it's creation." "I give a three stars because is a realistic game that you can shoot stuffs like computer,tv,plants and...,and i also the control because you can move and shooting and the ammo is unlimted.But after of all the bad things happen when i go out this game and after about a hours ago,the game when i start the to do level that's a serious problem if you press start and all of sudden the game decided to give a crash i try it for a few time and even restart my phone again but still get crash,very sad ." The controls are abit weird. They dont feel right. Im also having difficulties getting 3 stars on the floors. I dont know what factors contribute to the stars but overal good game. You could have added a story mode in the begging of the game instead of a textbox "game itself is pretty good, decent levels, enemies are interesting enough...after a few hours playing I deleted my old review...we're not ""echoing inaccurate controls"" anymore - the controls are straight-up TRASH. What they had in mind was interesting, for sure, but the execution is PITIFUL. Character running around/only using shoot joystick, 1/2 the time when using move joystick they run the wrong direction (usually total opposite) & the aiming is just quite plainly on crack/missing point blank" "Nice game. It'll be better if I can see what I'm shooting at 80% of the time. The vision range is terrible. By the time you can see the enemies on the screen, they're already too close. Basically, I'm aiming and shooting at dots odd the screen." Well executed but annoying camera movements make things a pain. It would have worked better in the camera angle used in space marshals. Camera abgle changes so quickly based on player movements it can be just too much. Otherwise things seem bery well done. Pixelbite has a good record of great games. This just isnt my fav. "Game is good as every weapon has different functions(Rifle/Bolt/Laser/Flamethrower/LightingBeams,GrenadeLauncher/RPG etc). Also, different types of Aliens with various kind of abilities - but the game becomes boring as you keep playing because Gameplay is same for every other level just that difficulty varies. Game Could have been innovative with different types of missions with a good game plot or story Line." "Almost a good game, but the camera angle kinda confusing, and you cant turn it manually, the camera distance are also too close, there's no point having long range weapon type such as sniper, character walking animation looks like they're having haemorrhoid. With those camera issue fixed, my rating would be 5*" Beautiful and well polished game..it's awesome at first but after a couple of missions it gets too repetitive and boring. The same objectives over and over and the same locations and enemy designs. I'd rate this more if these shortcomings can be addressed. "Nice game but camera is WAY too close so you are mostly shooting enemies outside of the screen using the minimap, makes bad experience. Also there should be a way to lock the camera angle. And if walls block the way, some games solve that by making the walls go transparent when the wall blocks a camera or something else or just no reaction if that is difficult and the player can unlock the camera when that happens." I stop playing the game because of the camera being too close to the character and though you have added widescreen support to the game the camera is still too close to the character and I can't see enimies from a distance properly and for my suggestion is that you must add some options for a zoomable camera. So that I will continue playing the game. It's actually quite good so far the controls are very easy you can fire your weapon freely you can choose to respawn or start the level again when u die it saves too so u don't lose progress and you can choose to watch ads that give u money to upgrade your suit or get better guns or you can buy them your choice and you don't get any unwanted ads that disturb your playing time I know this is very annoying and no one likes that by the way I'm only on the fifth stage of alot of missions "Entertaining, but the controls are buggy (the radial dial closes rather activating a power) and vision is problematic (distant enemies can't be seen due to playing in Landscape mode and a character centralised in the screen, radar can be hidden by the picked up coin notification, plus, mid-battle, the aiming/shooting reticule all of a sudden controls the walking movement)." "Fun game but after a certain point, there is no possible way to 100% clear the map, i spent an hour trying to search for the last enemy but ended up just leaving with a 95% rating. I have no idea what causes this, maybe enviromental kills don't count as a kill?" Not a horrible game but the aiming and camera angles leave something to be desired. The maps are all basically the same along with the enemies. At the end of the day its playable and works with a controller. Played level 1 and all I can say so far is that the aiming system is awful. Please set an auto lock system or auto lock & shoot. I died no less than 3 times on the hardest enemy right next to the objective because I couldn't control the laser sight. "Game is really fun. generally i don't prefer shooting games on mobile because its not good on mobile. here is also i dont like aiming and shoot system. this is very hard to kill enemies. I think tap (on enemies) and shoot is good option, may be, i dont know. otherwise its good game." "Good work! I really enjoy the interaction with the objects around you, Make's it feel more immersive and fun and also love the gun work and physics of them but I still hope there was more to interact with... Like not just with objects but also clues and hints about the monsters and how they come to be, That would be nice but overall pretty good game.. Really enjoying it, Good Job Pixelbite" "control system is a little wonky, can you please create an aim system. Two circles for the fire analog stick, inner and outer inner for aim and outer for fire. make the whole skill wheel clickable its hard to click the little icon when your in battle. lastly please add multiplayer mode wlan and online that would be great." 3.5/5 The game is fun to play but the camera really needs a makeover. Also the power up wheel can be like pubg's chat wheel. The upgrades are nice and easy to obtain. The levels sometime feel monotonous but I suppose that's how the game was designed to be. Few voice lines would be good too! "The ""skill wheel"" or whatever you call it is the stupidest thing in a video game. Just make each individual button for each skill we can choose, every time I tap on a skill it close the circle, try tapping on the circle again switch the weapons, it is extremely annoying and ruined the gameplay experience." "For a while playing, getting bored. Why? Because the map on each level look the same. And also the alien look the same too. Should make every level look different everytime we' get to the new level. So won't get bored" "Great game, the camera angle could use a little work. Most of the time you're just spreading your shots to try hitting the target because you cant really see where the enemies are." "I had a great experience to play this game ! Smart details and Amazing graphics than most of the games nowadays which are pretty boring and same , but (xenowerk ) is different , Alltho i really like the environment and creatures. There is something great about this game that i can't really describe it ..which i can't see in most of the games ! worth to try ? *Damn right*" "The game is great, but the levels are very very short and the menu screen might need a bit of updating and just a newer look. Also the camara angle is very wierd, even with the adjust button, its just not the best But overall its a great game" I have only played 5 floors with the controller (xbox) and it feels easy and not scary but I can see that grind I have to endure. but before you call me a filthy casual remember this is a mobile game and I'm not giving up my wallet so when I see any pay to win im bailing but thanks to the devs for putting a alternative to the disgusting on screen controls that is what other people say but for me they seem find however I am playing with a controller pls add controller button mapping "Overall fun time killer, I just wish there was more to unlock. It gets pretty repetitive just in the second set of levels, I already have the best weapons. Great on a bluetooth controller too" "DO NOT BUY THE GATLING GUN! twin stick shooter, no fire button with overheat. seriously space hulk inspired. but the lighting and atmosphere are wasted. the shop is pretty nice if your frugal, but one bad buy can set you way back. oh, there is a fire button; but you can't customize its placement and you can't turn off auto fire... so... why does it exist as is?" "It's a fab game I love everything about it ,only thing nis the aiming, it would be so much better with automatic aim, even slowing down the gameplay controls it's still crazy the actually get a decent aim at an enemy, if you had like auto lock on it would be amazing, and that's why I've gave it 3 statrs if that was sorted it would be an epic game" "Good game. Smooth animations. But controls are difficult, as well as last mission with limited time. Locations are monotonous" This seems like a pretty well made game. However the topdown view with automatic screen rotation cause dizziness. Wish there was a way to turn auto-rotation off and to see more what this game is about. "is there any ways on how to increase the size of controller on my phone? it seems a bit unproportional to larger screen phones. and, the video doesn't sync all the time with the character's direction which added to my confusion while shooting" "This game is straight up unplayable on my device. Buggy and glitchy as hell. The settings options doesn't show uo, the controls can't be changed and the character just stands in one place doesn’t move an inch. Wth am i supposed to do?" "It's fun, but it gets boring really fast. The places look all the same and the variety of creatures you kill ain't that much.add something interesting eg call for back up, new places and variety types of guns" "The controls are annoying. The way the camera spins around too, the lack of background about the story other than eliminate aliens. Imagine if you can make this a multiplayer too." "There should be a auto aimlock on targets, the camera is different, trying to be??? Very repetitive, needs more inventory, when your life is low the noise and blinking is so annoying!" "Games worth a play as a time killer, guns and armor can all be bought with gold and no premium items to pay actual money with. However my problem is that game keeps saying validation error or make sure im using updated version despite i had already played the game before. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't work and i dont want to go technerd on how to fix this issue,i don't know what recent version its asking since i downloaded the game on google playstore. pls fix this issue devs" "So far so good cool weapon effects and sci fi setting with dungeon crawler style. Im still in the medical research center chapter, but I'm not plague with ads or asked to buy anything... And it's challenging." "Pretty generic top down shooter. The camera is too close to the character and hurts your eyes. If I had to name one thing that was pretty amusing about this game is the posters and writings on the walls. You get your generic ""help"" and ""flee"" writings, then you see other stuff like thats actually pretty silly and is real funny to me." Game's awsome. Love the combat mechanic but it's very repetitive and lacks variety. Adding game modes like survival and defense will be great and multiplayer will be rad! Its ok for a mobile game. should be a little more possible without ingame purchasing to get better weapons. It Took a while for it to get challenging and a change of scenery in the game would be nice "I downloaded it only to uninstall it about 12 minutes late. NOT a bad game, just not satisfied with the gaming mechanics. This game has alot of potential but I don't like that inaccurate swivel joystick shooting, even with my gamepad or touch screen, just wasn't into the mechanics." "Had fun at first, but the tap to switch weapons function on the aim/shoot stick is incredibly irritating and I can't find an option to disable it. Change that and I'll change the review." "Game is super.best shooter game in offline.my suggestions are game is only female so add male player.controls are very hard to use.This game is easily achieve not interesting sometimes. boring every time using respawn you have limited only three times.positives are offline game ,145 mb only memory space ,good graphics some interesting missions and shoots and weapons have update in this game." The game is good tbh but the control is difficult for me. When i moved while shooting the alien infront of me the aiming follows the movements and the aliens just kill me. Wish this game has auto aim but since this game is built for controller seems like this won't happened. It has potential but the view is atrocious and is such a narrow view from above. You can't see the enemies until they are up on you and the map is also confusing bc of the view. The game is great the storyline is very boring and the levels are almost the some add more storyline and change the levels. "Fun, good graphics. Controls can get buggy, however, and gameplay gets choppy on the higher levels. Edit: As of getting a new Gmoto Stylus in 2021, this game won't run." "Good game, nice graphic and i love the alien and weapon. Just please made it more interesting and not boring stage by stage. Add some new challange, it's boring doing the same thing every stage." The closest you can get to Dead Space on a mobile game. Very simple intuitive controls. Excellent graphics and atmosphere however I cannot play due to The Swinging camera making me incredibly nauseous "Repetetive grind but compelling gameplay. I lovr Soace Marshalls and so wantes another Pixelbyte fix waiting for their next game. This is not Soace Marshalls. It's a frantic shooter, dashing through levels (made with some of the hallmark humour of Pixelbyte) trying to wrack up kills. The freemium component to getting more money is annoying. Still, it is remarkably addictive and an easy way to kill a few minutes for each level." Fun game good gameplay cool enemies and weapons. Just needs more variety in enemies and level design. But over all a good game to waste some time with. "Fun and not pay-to-play, so that's nice. Negatives: no story; very little variety (it gets pretty monotonous); no replayability." "Game is good, great graphics, but there seems to be a problem with the shooting it automatically turns to the opposite direction while shooting a target making the character loose health quickly" "Tried 2 levels and uninstall, seriously level are too short and boring, equipment system is too simple not exciting like get drop chance from monster or chest bonus. View angle are dizzy with rotating map, add fixed view and zoom out screen for better gameplay" Camera is just not as good as space Marshalls. Quickly find myself trying to shoot at the map red dots off screen rather than things I can see on screen. Otherwise still fun "Offline game. Good gameplay (shooting aliens), decent graphics. No story. Repetitive. Does not have a real incentive to keep you playjng." "Felt good at first playing it, then started to feel like a torment. Too many repetitive levels. Nothing new going on just advancement in enemies. Annoying." The gameplay itself is kind of fun but then you do the same thing over & over. Dries out FAST. Boring levels repeat 10x. Have deleted twice when I realized I just wasn't having any fun. Graphics and gameplay are good but the levels are so short. No ads unless you want free coins which is cool but its just such short levels that its almost not fun. Meh. Move and look and aim all on the same thumb. Means standing there getting killed. Very strange way of doing it. Gave up after 2 minutes. Not trying to struggle through that. "I actually don't mind this game. Takes a bit to adjust to controls, player vs zombies, one way missions, no forced ads. Straight shooting. Enough weps to buy. Not bad so far." "3 because of lack of multiplayer options but overall its a good game, but its more enjoyable with friends sadly it has no multiplayer mode, hoping for more improvement." "This game is ok It runs smoothly on my phone no complications and lagging But the game has no dialog, no proper story and onl 1 mode and it's only 1 character in different costume and it's getting repetitive so I wish u guys would add in more modes, different characters and proper dialog and storyline" It has a nice graphics but the controller is hard. They need to let us adjust more for the movements. I also cannot rotate my phone pretty good and fun except for the fact that you can literally die as many times as you want. Definitely lowers the stakes to the point where it's not enjoyable anymore. Good controls and fluid gameplay. Levels are really short and could do with more atmosphere. Main problems is control's are really bad I mean REALLY BAD it's hard to get the proper angles to shoot the Z but once you get the hang of it it's not that bad. "this game is amazing, one of the best on mobile. i had it on my ipad mini and was ecstatic to see that it was free on android. however it seems to be horribly optimized, at least for my huawei phone. it ran better on my 2nd gen ipad mini which i know to be leagues less powerfull than my huawei p10." "nice game, until i lost patiency to watch ads in order to get extra power and health. no ads means that the enemies will kill you several times in a minute behind each corner." "It a nice easy shooter, birds eye view. Easy to upgrade armor aswel as weapons, no need to spend money. Which is rare for mobile games these days, this game give u the choice." It has one major problem which is the character is in the middle of the screen and zombies are out of the screen. Plz fix it. Well the controls aren't for everyone for sure it's kinda frustrating really other than that smooth gameplay really nice graphics as well.....not great controls "Fun shooting game but the control on phone is really hard, even I adjusted sensitivity to zero, it was still hard to make the character trun to right direction." The camera movement sucks. It really hurts my eye everytime the character moves and turn around. Sometimes the camera is delay and the character is pointing towards me wth. "This is a great game but it could be better if you added multiplayer, it would be so much fun to plat with your friends and other online users, i would give it 5 stars but that problem really bothers me" "my only problem with the game are the wepons. some of them are really bad, and there's no way to test them... male a bad purchase and BAM, you just wasted 20-25 minutes worth of money. other than that, great title." "There are just over 40 story missions. Most of them take a minute or less, but you have to wait 20 minutes for a new one. Blueprint drops are atrocious. You won't make 2 new weapons before you beat the game unless you farm, and then you might make 3 of them. Seems like a huge waste of development. I want to like this game but it's just not even a full game and lacks recoil so it feels fake." "The game is fine. But for some reason, this ad about earning free gold appears when I start the game. And when it does, it mutes the game somehow. It goes completely silent. When I start the game over, the audio returns, but so does the audio destroying ad. I can't seem to disable it ad. This definitely needs to be addressed." "This is definitely not the best game in this genre, I've played every single one in the play store, its mediocre at best, however, It is a kind of fun game, it just has too many little glitches, if the zombies get too close to me, my firing button stops working for a minute, while they are killing me. Little things like when there is still a few seconds left, though you actually cleared it, it says you failed. Also the game lags and freezes at the most inopportune times." "Game was fun, one of my go to favs, however, not anymore. Doesn't matter if the sound is on a Bluetooth, or through the cell phone speaker, but whenever that incredibly obnoxious ad loads up right at the start when you're in the Hideout...it kills all the sound. Makes the game a bit unplayable. Until that issue gets fixed, I can't have this taking up that much storage space on my phone." "Great game zombie shooter game, but I feel like they could have fixed two things. One is that the story line feels like it was never complete and it felt like they rushed the story line. Like there was two/three more maps to unlock and the story line was already done before unlocking those other maps which was Australia, Canada, and another one. Second thing is that upgrades can take up to a whole week and that's just a drag. Especially when it comes to upgrading weapons and characters." "The controls, although laid out in a great way. Are kind of jerky, not smooth, starts to make you get motion sickness. I like how it feels like an xbox controll. I don't like that I can't run. What about a double tap on the left makes you run you guys should incorporate that. Also I'd like to be able to shoot zombies out of range why can't I just shoot them wherever I am why do I have to get so close to them." "This was an addicting mobile game, but the glitches are numerous. Blueprints don't drop after you reach Tech level 11, and zombies are witnessed no-clipping, teleporting, and becoming temporarily invulnerable. Some glitches even make missions impossible to win due to locking you out of areas you need to go, for example. It was fun at first, but now it's run its course." "It's a fun game, but there's a few things about it that get really annoying. First, everything is really bunched up in the hideout. Makes it hard to get your stuff off the table without hitting something you didn't mean to. Second, the missions are glitchy. A lot of times I'll pick one type of mission but get another. That gets really annoying. And lastly, the story line just stops with no conclusion. I've been playing for months and not so much as a single update." I give it a strong 3 stars. I love how it allows the game pad. I like how it's pretty good on graphics not to bad. How there was allot of issues getting started. The zombie and bad guys are not that good. So much PSX vibes. I like it. Update: Controller should be pre-mapped. The stages are small and the action is limited and dull. The zombie eye glow is unnecessary. And there needs to be mini bosses that lead to the main boss and environmental effects like water dripping. Very nice game! I would give it a higher rating but on the Sentinel levels they flash the perimeter breach right in front of your weapons sight. It stays on to long & without fail you lose track of the zombies & they breach the barrier. I have lost many games because of this. They should put it up in a corner & make it a shorter time. Also it takes an extremely long time for a weapon or update to finish. You also have to spend a lot of money. Please fix these issues so I can give a higher rating This game have a few problems and that is the wait time.It should not take 14 days to upgrade my tech to level 12. that is just ridiculous and you guys should shorten it. It would take a month to upgrade them all to level 12 and that doesn't make any sense. it is a good shooting game but he moves slower than the zombies. You have to use gold to move faster and its only temporary. Plus the game gets very repetitive after you beat it. if it wasn't for the tournaments I would of deleted it by now. "The game is great but what bothers me the most is the lack of animations. It will be more cooler if you add some custom animations like T.N.T. slips when he passed a couple of zombies instead of disappeared out of nowhere. And some pre-rendered cutscenes which will attract more attention. Oh I almost forgot, maybe you should try add cutscenes in gameplay too like the ones you see Half-Life 2. This is the only suggestions I have so far." "Please adjust the on-screen dialogue location! Whenever someone talks, the dialogue takes up a good portion of the screen. Please make it smaller and maybe more at the top of the screen. Also if you could add 120fps support for my S21 that would be splendid. Make these two adjustments and you will gain a 5 star review and I will continue playing! Most importantly the dialogue issue though." "The game play and progression is good and the grind to obtain currency and levels feels adequate, as few reviews have mentioned, the game freezes after completion of the mission on the loading screen where the one liners gunsmith advice is usually seen. It feels like a waste of time to honestly redo the mission only to encounter the same problem. Also suggestion wise, if all ads could be 15 seconds or less it would be great." Wow!!! I am just speechless and amazed by the graphics and the gameplay of this game! 10/10 recommend! Literally the best zombie game i have ever played !!! :] The only reason i gave it 3 stars is bcoz after completing a mission it often freezes at the loading screen where it is about the guns and the gunman. It is extremely annoying to do the same mission. PLS fix it. I will be thankful :] "The Game Controls is too difficult to swipe up and down, Even the Bluetooth Joysticks won't determine in a direction. (When Gyroscope Sensors will be supported for Aiming to Enemies? It will be much easier than flicking gestures on the screen, Two-handed Controls isn't necessary but you need a Left Hand for the Movements.)" "Before I started MSI gaming, I used to play this game on my phone, but when I returned to it to try and enjoy playing it,but when I do, it displays this stupid rewards system that kills the audio. No matter what you do it always opens back up, I don't even care about the gold that much, I just want to enjoy the game, they really need to have an option to have it open upon startup or not. So, for now, until they fix this issue, my rating for this game is 3 stats. Use Blockada for fix." "Game is good. But the loading screen took to long I thought it was a lag, so I restart the game. Then when I came back, I have to repeat the mission again and complete it hoping I wont get stuck in the loading screen. Hoping for your response, Thank you and have a great day. Also, I just realized that the music is like going on slow motion but the game is not but it sounded annoying." "a good game, actually. but what keeps pissin me off since i downloaded this is that, i've made quite a progress back then. Reachin my level 30s and when i unlocked russia, it was blank, russia is nowhere to be found. and so thought to reinstall the game, i thought i coulda get it back with my old account.. well it didnt. then, as progressin in the present account, why oughta, everytime i finished playin, it can either load back to the menu or, it didnt load at all and i lost my progress. :(" "The game is good, I've been playing it ever since I was kid. I spent money on this game and there would be times where after a mission, the game doesn't finish loading, it's just stuck in the loading screen. This gets frustrating and annoying since there would be times I get weapon blueprints but get stuck in the loading screen after a mission. Please fix this, and maybe I'll give it 5 stars and spend real money buying more products from the in-game store." "I had a longer review with specific issues that should be addressed about playability and user experience, but then I got to the point where upgrading my tech level takes 3 full days for the timer to complete. And that's not even the max level, there's 4 more to go after that, presumably taking longer each time. 3 days??? Why do these game studios create scenarios that basically tell players to NOT play for days at a time?" "Really fun game but i have a glitch.. as i upgraded to tech 5 and currently in tech 6, new unlocked campaign mode isn't showing on the map, i am stuck with playing side missions over and over again .. i suggest to make an update to fix this glitch because it's becoming irritating not being able to play campaign mode again" "3 stars because what i have seen so far the game is very good but when u start the game after the tutorial it appears an ad thing to earn gold. But when you close the ad, it appears to kill all the sound in the game. Please fix this" "Starts good and then becomes bad. Lots of reused content, ad watching simulator, and it helps you build a gambling addiction. Update: i have no issue with the google ads, cuz Im aware u need that for a free product. and they're also fine and not overdone. the problem is YOUR ads... when I get in the game, there's 4 windows of ads... buy this, buy that. sometimes I close the game without even playing, that's how annoying it is." "I have been playing this game for almost a decade , its story mode was really nice , but as i have finished the story , the game feels senseless. Everything is repetitive." "I can't enjoy playing because the loading screen was too long to respond please fix this issue as soon as possible whenever I restart it, the mission also restarts but the graphics are good." "so far i played was sooo great, but the controler was mess up. i customise it but when i play the real game the controler was all mess up in the screen, its not like when i customise it. im sorry for my broken english but i hope u guys fixed it up, thank u very much for creating this masterpiece game." "Love the game but you made something that bothers and is the writing on front of the screen when playing. I can't see nothing and the thing you can't see it block your view and it's like seconds you lose time by the time if gone there allot of zombies in front of you, every time you start a level. Please get it out cause you get kill cause it's it take the hole screen." The game has consistent stuttering problems and I'm using a C5L Max this game either needs better optimization or needs a PC (Computer) Port. I hope this problem gets fixed. Thank you. "Everytime there's an ad that pops up the game sounds will be lost. And everytime I close the game, the data doesn't save." "So the game is addictive, its very fun the graphics are great for a mobile game and overral reminds me of black ops cod zombies, the story is also nice but i wish there was more guns and some gun customization like different scopes and foregrips and stuff, also it'd be nice if the guns and stuff was less grindy to get it takes so long to get stuff in the game" "The game itself works good but there's a problem that I can put up with.. when I complet a mission and appear that loading screen, my game just freeze there and all I earned in that mission... I just lose it bcs the only way of get out this freeze screen is restarting the game.. I have already lost a lot of coins and blueprints.." "It's a great game but whenever I finish a mission an optional one, the loading screen when the game ends is always stuck, this always happens whenever I defeat 2 mini bosses in 1 mission" "Please fix the sound. It does not work after you open the game and that other ad pops up to play other games for gold. Please fix, we need sound!" I've been playing this game for a while and it's pretty good but oh my goodness the times for upgrading your stations and stuff is a ridiculous amount of time but besides that it's good "The campaign story no longer plays during the blow out stage,i can't play further.the screen freezes hours on end..it started after the new update.please fix!!!" Fun but daaaaays of waiting.... I love the game but the amount of waiting around for upgrades to finish is crazy. Wait a day or 2 to upgrade is just stupid. It's like you don't want me to PLAY the game. The weapon blueprints basically never drop at all after you've leveled up a bit unless you put some real cash in. I don't mind a bit of in app purchase in f2p games but this just makes me want to not play your game anymore. Game is fun. But very long waiting period for upgrade. Uninstalling. can't simply wait for 2 days to upgrade . "The game is good but it needs more costumization, adding new characters will be good, if you add new characters for female players, perhaps alot of us will give this game a 5 star, im gonna look forward for female characters for this game, and it needs more events" The reason why it's not at a five-star is because it can be better more gold more money need to be giving so we can upgrade our guns tech man health painkiller girl smuggling man tech man the gunman and grenade man inside this game these people exist inside the game More money More gold more money more gold I've spent a good amount of money on this game already and I have not even played that long I've been playing this game may be almost no more than two months real game tester here "The game experience has been good so far. When I upgraded to tech 6, there are no Russia compaigns which I'm not sure is a bug" Everytime I open this game it has sounds and if an add pops up saying free gold the sounds of the game will be gone. Please fix it. Fix the bug after I played game the loading screen doesn't appear Plz fix this bug I want to play properly. But the game you made is very good in my opinion. "I was really excited about this game and I've been having fun. Until the audio stopped working after the ""gold"" ad. It's really bothering me" "Apparently, the issue with the sound is quite common. Upon loading into the game, a pop-up ad to earn gold appears at every launch. The game has potential, but this bug makes it difficult to really enjoy it. Before the response regarding Bluetooth reset is advised, there were no audio devices connected when this issue occurred." "There's a bug I think that not only this game but a lot of other game too suffered from android 13 update. Whenever I minimized the game and came back in, the sound is always gone and I have to reboot the game to fix it. I hope the dev can optimize this game for android 13 device because the sound bug is just so annoying." "Is the last mission blowing up the dam? I've unlocked Russia,but there's only standard missions on it.If it was at least I've finished the game.Offline tag is false.The few weapons and items from the first are so much better and were easier to get.This is a very big game so it works best on a tablet.I really like the auto shoot.Zombies are relentlessly in this one and surround player continuously.Because the game isn't offline I've never finished it.Maybe this time around I will." "awesome game....however guys why don't you make it as offline as well? I think there's a problem with sound function in the game. Whenever I use my bluetooth neckband and start the game, it works smoothly and after watching ads, game sound goes off not sure why." "I have a serious issue. Everytime i start the game, i can hear it's sounds just fine. Then add shows up and it silences all sounds in the game. Even shooting noice. Whole game games muted by automaticly poppjng up ad on how to earn more gold. Please fix it and 5 stars is yours ..." "The game seem to have bugs , my audio will stopped whenever a pop up comes on . Tried restarting but still same issue. Now even worse , i can't play at all . No matter how i fire at the zombies , it has no effect ." Game is awesome graphics are also amazing I am giving 3 stars because there is some bugs in game sometimes after completing mission game gets stuck than we have to forcefully close the game and relaunch the game and we have to replay the mission again kindly fix this bug than i will give 5 stars. It's a good game like how it's played .wish the hitting was fixed a little seems a little off . And the maps don't pop up for me for map 6 7 or 8 the missions don't pop up is there something I'm missing please help or fix "After each level, the game gets stuck in the loading screen and the game progress is lost. Its showing the same level again. Other than that, the game is awesome." "The game is pretty good but it has missions instead of one campaign so when I was getting interested in the game then I would get a ""mission complete"" and the game does a lot of hand holding after the tutorial" After completing any mission game screen stuck continuously again and again that really sucks. Their is no option of returning or anything and I have to complete that mission again. No doubt the game is good but that thing really made me annoying. "The game is not offline and there is no Multiplayer mode so I can play with friends, also dialogue subtitles are annoying covering half of what's going on the screen and there is no way to turn it off 😡 why would I play singleplayer game requiring internet connection if there is no multiplayer mode? might have just go and play Dead Trigger 1 instead." Takes far too long to update. Currently updating tech to level 11. Going to take nearly 2 weeks!? Decided not to bother. This game was good but it's data is getting inturupted and i have to download it again and again and I want a long story this games story ends too soon "The overall game is good but, there are pop-ups for getting more coins and it disables the sound when i get the pop-up Can someone fix this?" "It's a good game, but every time I open the game, it opens the gold rewards page, causing the game to lose all sound. Would rate higher if I could hear the game." "Since you guys clearly aren't able to fix the popup muting the sound, heres a quick fix for you... remove the damn popup then it won't mute. Just make that popup an option in the settings. Because little to no one actually uses what's on that page" 3 star the game is amazing however getting blue prints are so hard :( whats even worst it cant be played offline im serious still need network to play it This is really best but there are some bugs annoying too much I just started a game when I choose mission press start button it's show me ad and game sound goes away if I restart game still this reapet and sound goes away it's annoying a lot please fix this The game is very cool but it takes much time to scanning a mission after completing one "I consider this game to be pretty decent. It's gpt Great graphics and neat gameplay. However, it gets quite repetitive after some time. It's also horrible that you have to grind for blueprints in order to get some new guns. The worst thing for me was the required internet connection to play it because I travel a lot which made the game unplayable for longer periods of time. It's an alright mobile shooter game." "This game has been my favorite since childhood. And now I've decided to play it once again. The game is still fun and addicting. What's not addicting is the issue, where after doing a mission, it freezes as it loads, and doesn't return to the lobby. Forcing a player to exit the game and run it back again, only to find that the progress wasn't saved, resulting in re-doing it all over. Everything else is perfect, except for this freezing issue. Please fix this." "I'm personally a fan of zombie apocalyptic shoot em up games and this game has lots of levels to keep me coming back after the previous is competed. However, the only thing that sets me back from giving five stars is that, sometimes it works with with a dualshock 4 controller and sometimes not. Especially when I reconnect the controller after a break. I don't think it's a problem with android coz I have no trouble navigating the menu and etc." "its a really nice game and fun to play. a lot of choices of missions to do. but having trouble sometimes when you're done or just finish one mission, it stop on loading to return to menu and you need to restart the game and the progress did not saved so you have to repeat that mission again. it would be better if you can improve the game or add more features for the character, like jumping and add more accessibility" "Everything is super great, to the graphics, controls, story. It would've been better I could turn off the auto fire, and have a reloading button, so the gameplay isn't just running through corridors and aiming. The reason I gave three stars is because everytime I finish a scene/chapter, the loading screen where it should go to the main menu after- just freezes. So I'm forced to reload the game(app) and repeat the same fight scene. Then in the next scene, it happens again. Fix this please." graphics are good.Add more maps and missions.There are no changes on game since very long time.Add sonething new in the game I love it but this game really needs to stop crashing during game or I just won't enjoy it. "The game is one of the best zombie mobile games but when i am playing story mode after completing the mission I'm stuck at loading screen and then have to re do that same mission for 2 or more times sometimes , please developers see to it" "I don't know what's happened since I last played this game but it seems like DT2 on steroids. I love that you move faster and that hard mode is actually 'hard' or at least harder than it was. I would still like a setting that is harder still (and would earn the player more money) I would still change the silly glowing, green zombie eyes and make the zombies look a bit scarier, maybe an even add a setting that increases the amount of blood and gore. Other than that, great game! I love it!" Love the game but everything time I login this offerwall pops up and my audio gets muted making the game kinda boring without the audio "Great Game! But the game won't allow me to purchase anything:( it's saying that ""can't load purchases"" and I've tried restarting my phone and clearing the cache of the game but it still says the same thing.. plz fix.." Good game decent story line good graphics the reason why I am giving this a 3 stars is because of the loading screen it freeze so I have to restart the game and try to complete it but is it still the same do pls fix it. The game freezes too much. Cost me over a million in gold and coins as well as boosters and blue prints. Fix issues to get more stars Good game with good graphics and better story but it takes time to unlock level also try to make a story mode. "I love this game, it's addictive but I would give it a 3 star because of the micro-transaction. It somehow forces you to do micro-transaction to play the game better. For example, you have to keep upgrading your tech and workers in order to upgrade your arsenal. Each level you have to wait longer for it to complete. As of now, it will take 2 full days for my tech to complete its upgrade. I think it would be better if the dev just charge it as a full game rather than micro transaction." Something to grab and go if you like zombi shooters but if playing free only expect a long ad filled grind. "Fun so far... Edit: I really enjoy playing it. But... you get to a point, where if you don't pay, you can't really advance. Even with the advertising options the ""rewards"" are so small, they don't help at all. I get giving your paying your players an edge, but this is kinda ridiculous. But it's fun enough to keep playing single player shooting. I can't give 4 or 5 stars for the extra slow advances." "Unlimited zombies, too much ammo gain during killing a zombie and too much dark has spoiled the game that's why i have given 3 stars" "There's lots of bugs, mid graphics, controls out dated, prices extreme, border line pay to play." I hate when you are offering gold by installing other apps and achieving goals in other non relevant apps. 😒 Game is good... But after mission screen stuck at loading page and redo the mission almost everytime PLease remove that thing go there find that help help him thats really bl8cking the way we cant see pleasee remove that overall the game is good The game is absolutely amazing! I played it with my friends around 2018 and it was great back then. Downloaded it now to play and it is still good. I think you already know why i gave three stars. The loading screen problem. Please just fix that bug and the game is great. I can't even progress anymore beacuse of the loading screen bug. "Hello! I have enjoyed the game so far, and it's addictive, the gameplay is great! There are a lot of deferent weapons, but takes long time to get, however that's not the reason i give 3 star, the main reason behind 3 star is story mode, the story mode is short and after completing it you get quite bored, but you still can keep up with other modes, but not for so long, the only game which story mode i find interesting, so please if you can add more levels i will be really happy. Thank you!" "Such brilliant graphics wasted on such a bland story with poor controls and terrible voice acting. Played it on hard and was still constantly told exactly where to go and what to do leaving nothing up to the player's wits - you don't feel as though you achieve anything playing this. Also, the controller setup is a mess. What hurts most of all, is that such rich design couldn't even be used for multi-level platforming instead. Just follow the arrow, shoot the zombie, and get begged to spend money" "Overall is good but graphics needs to be updated, needs to fix some bugs, needs to weaken some enemies beacause they're op. Also if you make multiplayer or co-op with friends, you will make a lot of money and players. I am suggesting to add multiplayer with friends. Also can you add some high buildings or high grounds for sniping and also a blocker from zombies. If you did that I will make sure to play and request this to my friends." good game But it doesn't have offline mode so it's sad and not good enough to play when no Data or wifi around Very hard to get blueprints and the main upgrades are too expensive "This game is gonna give me a long time playing, although, I deleted it AGAIN now, It always freezes on the Loading screen, downloaded it again hoping it wouldn't happen again and I thought to myself, Oh Maybe it was my Graphic Quality, I set it to low, at first I thought It worked? and nope, It started freezing again when it comes to the loading screen, And I deleted the game now, Don't wanna waste my time hoping it wouldn't freeze at any moment, Which is Sad cause I'd love to continue playing" "It's a good game but I think it can be improved a lot. 1: text/dialogue has plenty of grammar errors, & dialogue from after finishing a mission just cuts off for some reason 2: the game can get very easy even on Hard, healing items & explosives should have a cool-down or a limit, & health shouldn't be able to keep growing the more healing items you use, there should be a limit on HP depending on difficulty. This game has a lot of potential to be better, & I hope the team listens to feedback." I thought it's offline and too bad it requires an internet connection. The game is good. Also grafic is good..but the main problem is after playing the game its hanging...i cant go to next level coz i would have rate 5 star coz am getting bored when i play same level every time soo plzz make the game better "I keep accidently skipping missions i keep forgetting and when i play with my controller i keep skipping the missions and it's annoying AF man!, Otherwise it's a good game so I'll meet you half way." "This game is great, it gives off a nice zombie-shooting experience, but the game gets stuck on the loading screen after a mission at times, and you have to resort to restarting the game only to find out that your progress on that mission wasn't saved. It's an awesome game but please fix this annoying bug." Game is not running properly. Whenever I get blue print after completing the mission it hangs and not return to hideout. Please fix this issue "Love to play this game, but after Android 12 update, game audio stops after the 1st ad that pops up and I have to play the rest of the game without sound." "First, I want to say that the game is fun for a while, but does get boring because nothing really changes to spice up the gameplay. The controls are average for a mobile game. The missions can get boring after a while. They are the same thing over and over again like, ""run this much"" or ""kill this many zombies"" and finally ""jump over the things."" The graphics of the game are bland, no color except red and yellow. Over all, this game is average, nothing great but, nothing bad." "Been playing since it came out. Just more and more ads over the years. I would gladly pay a small fee to remove ads permanently. Sometimes when I watch ads for free stuff, I don't get the free stuff....and some ads don't have timers anymore, so I just wait....and wait....and wait....sometimes I just give up and play something else." "Great game but there are SO MANY ADS! I'd gladly buy a full version to remove them but that isn't an option, meaning you get a 30-45 second ad after every few games, and anither 30-45 second ad if you want to unlock the perks for a round. That often adds up to over a minute of ads for (sometimes) only 30 seconds or a minute of gameplay." "The app is great, but I have problems on how to change my controls, as it's defaulted to use a controller and I just want to play without one. I can play, since I have a controller but it really confusing how to change controls, like I have spent a few minutes on how to change my controls but no luck. And also, sometimes the zombies would get glitchy sometimes, like I was sure I was far enough to evade them but they would still caught me nonetheless. I will play a few runs just to make sure." "A very good game, very good graphics and all. The only problems would be that it sometimes and I mean extremely rarely shows inappropriate ads, it also finishes quickly at around lvl 30 and after that it has just no meaning or anything to play for anymore the missions become very very easy, you should also remove the price to skip missions since that makes it much easier to finish. Not exactly free to play either it has a lot of actual expensive stuff in it. Its overall ok." "The controls are not for android, it specifically instructed me to use the controllers of an xbox, instead of PRESSING the screen! SCREEN CONTROLLERS! Android AS IN PHONE, understood? But anyway is has amazing graphics but negative 1 STAR on the controller, that's it. Just the controllers. The game's graphcis are amazing! Just needs more work, the gameplay is fantastic just needs more movements. It's really a good game, just a few fix and updates will do. Excited for updates!" The game is simply like temple run. I thought it was like a war game where u explore around freely and when u find zombies u shoot and avoid. And also some story added to it. But it's simply running and shooting. What I imagined was a battle game with zombies and story. But I have to say u guys did an awesome job with the graphics. Well done. "I do NOT like the fact you have to have a controller to play the game. There should be a setting in the settings where you can switch to Mobile because all I can do is move to the left and I can't even see any of my buttons.. The game seemed not bad but I didn't get to explore it enough to find out if I really liked it or not because the ""having to have a controller"" really got on my nerves and I kept dying easily since all I could do was move left. It would be awesome if y'all could fix this!" "Hey developers, something wierd is going on with the controls as even if I choose one particular control option, it changes on its own and after that it just shows the joystick option as controller and not the rest. So I have to just play in that fixed control settings forcefully. Not happy." "This game is pretty cool, I'd never expect to find a game like this in the play store. The controls are really what makes the game difficult because they aren't defined enough for my taste. You have to commit to either left or right because if you don't, it can be very unforgiving. It could use better direction with the controls so if you go one way, you can actually go and not feel unresponsive." "Not what I thought it was, just running through a field as long as you can. Yeah you get weapons and I even got a dog by my side on only my second run from having perks from watching the ad, but still not what I thought it was. Controls feel strange. Not buggy, but the turning/moving side to side is way too fluid. I know that's the point but that exactly why I dont like it :/" I mean very enjoyable and is a good offline game but can you add controls for mobile where there is a left and right button to touch? Because when i need to dodge a zombie the screen is being unresponsive and then i always get eaten by zombies.Really need it please.Then after you add that i'm gonna rate this 5 star.You should know that some people can't afford a controller etc.This is the only offline game i choose to play but i need a left and right button to touch when dodging/running. "I will give five stars for sure!! But I'm facing a small issue. I can't find the option to change the controls. There is only one option, with gamepad. I can't find the tilt controls or the tap controls. I'm using a Google pixel 4a." "Its fun to kill the zombies but you don't get that much gun. The game should have focused on killing zombies instead of running and surviving.The control of this game is not so good. Graphics are very good. The size of this game gets huge after installing, thats a problem." "I mean, yeah, it's a great game but they're problems with the controls, I had to use a third party app to make it easier but I really want to have the screen completely clean from controls, so I really do want the controls to be easier to detect and to move in the next update 😕" "Honestly I got up to 55.000 gold coins and realised i can't buy anything because i already had unlocked the weapons and the coolest ones cost money, i like the concept but hated the fact that most of the things cost real money and can't be bought with game gold coins, then what's the point of getting gold coins really? The game is awesome but i uninstalled it for that reason." "Please fix this problem. I just downloaded the game, about to play, the game starts, and suddenly... I cant move! Because it was set to controller instead of tap or tilt. Please fix this bug for some devices." At first was very exciting. Then to see all you do is repeat the same thing over and over to gain distance and complete challenges. Movablity is lame and it's very easy to run into zombies. Seems to be a money pit. I'm Uninstalling. 3 stars Was expecting a shooter game not a running marathon. "Can't play, as I can't adjust the control, it shows the PSP control with no option to switch to phone interface. I have the Samsung Galaxy a10s. So I know that it ain't the phone e but something else. Used to play on my Kyocera" "Into the Dead is a fun game but has one large issue: P2W. You get very few weapons before you are forced to purchase the rest of them. There are SO many weapons that the player could use, but they're stuck behind a paywall. Allow us to purchase the ""DLC"" weapons with in-game currency." There is no option to change the controls. Can only play with joystick. There were no issues when I played this game some years ago. Devs stopped updating the game. The second series of the game is good. "1. It doesn't run in fullscreen on galaxy note10+, it is a bit shorter from left and right so when I tap on the far left or far right on the screen it doesn't register the command. 2. The weapons aiming is bad, i.e. you must be exactly straight pointing to an enemy to shoot it. Either add a some kind of manual aiming or improve the auto aim." "Update didn't fix anything, it's WORSE. Sh_tty adware crashed the sound fx completely and won't let me ingame. Had to reinstall. I will NEVER play online again. Sounds still play after being dropped/new weapon pickup. Hardcore map still plays weapons NOT selected. Lame mission points overlap. Random weapons drop my ass. This game has the potential to be great, unfortunately it's mired in endless moronic grinding. Most aggravating is the ""instant death"" And why can't I kill the GD noisy dog ?" "Not bad honestly. I was expecting something more immersive, the steering is really hard and sometimes unresponsive, but the weapons and perks are cool and enjoyable. Would be great if the steering was more snappy with quick turns and zigzags." I really love this game right from the ages of Android phones. But I couldn't rate it five stars because anytime I want to upgrade my weapons i will be told that it can connect to my play store. I have been able to used the weapons only on trial of the Dead. Please fix it. "Very addictive. Very expensive. Very annoying ads. Also it sometimes fails to count events towards missions, eg jumping fences aren't being counted which prompted this review." Not been playing long. I like that you have a choice of control modes and love the companion boost. Would like a brief tutorial with tips on surviving. "I like this game! The graphic are cool and stunning. The controls are easy to use although it has a lot of problems. But the longer I play, the game becomes more boring. Also the weapons are limited." "I love the asthetic and can easily spend too much time on this game, there's not an excessive amount of ads like with most free games out there, but it's a little glitchy." "I was running the game on a android phone. I did not connect any controllers to my phone. The tutorial keep suggesting controller layout so I cannot control my character, there is no option in settings about how to change control method." Pretty good game and it's a bit addictive and has good graphics but it's terrible with ad rewards whenever I click on the 3x coin multiplier the ad plays and then my phone hangs a lot and then crashes even though my phone has 4gb ram please just fix this issue "The tilt control is not optimized. Even when my phone is straight,the game appears tilted on the screen. Fix it amd get 5 stars." This was a nostalgia trip I tell yeah what I played this way back and while it's sequel massively improved on a lot of things the original still holds a bit of charm. The ads though are still annoying 😬 "Playing this game on my old phone was so much fun. Not sure why but when I downloaded it to my new phone, I can no longer control my characters movements or switch controls." What happened to the frame rate?Ever since it was recently updated(and this may be because im using an outdated phone)the game now runs particularly slow even with low quality on and i had this game a good while ago and at the time the frame rate was never a problem Game have Good graphics but slow controles as the player turn very less when instructed to. I was really impressed by the weapons but disappointed as most of them can only be bought by real currency. "Great game...good graphics,good weapons. But i want the team to give an update in which we will be able to carry more than one weapon at a time. Or if we could carry extra ammunition." "Too much sponsoring of ""Into the Dead 2"", It will be alright but ""Why Not Having A Revive?"" Most Endless Runner Games have another chance when got caught." I can't even play this game because at the beginning itself the control is in gamepad mode I can't even change the control . Please fix this problem and make it back to touch . "It is a fun game.I have got to know about the game from a friend, and it plays nicely.When I downloaded it,the controls of the game was based on a controller.so I ask you to solve this problem quickly." "Honestly at first i liked the game until i got a gun, the sound effects were really bad and reload animation was so off, if you fix these two the game would be pretty sick." This game looks cheap. Very laggy. But when you play it it is awesome. But the UI is boring. Slow loading between menus. "Hello, I have Redmi Note 7s I am facing gamepad connected issue The issue is that, whenever I play some games from Gameloft, Ubisoft, Pik Pok, and many others it shows that there is a gamepad connected to my device when there isn't one please sincerely investigate my issue Thank you The game is too good" this game is good to play but after sometime it's just really boring the first thing is new in this game and it should be have that if we have a gun and we kill the zombies same at the time when we were playing but I tell you to download some other zombie game because this zombie game is boring and there is nothing .the weapons are mind blowing but you get very less time to control them and they are not with you for all the this I recommend you to download Just another game if you are interested in this zombie accolapyse Best offline zombie shotting game i had ever played. It is very hard to survival. It is not addicitive.Levels are too less.It is just for time pass.Totally iam 😎😎not satify inthis game.add more levels "This is ridiculously hard, also does not support Bluetooth gamepads. I strongly advise moving on to Into the Dead 2." "Game would be kinda decent if you could actually use the weapons you equip. Can't use the dogs either. Said ""Tap Here To Fire"". Yeah, I tapped there and not a damn thing happened. Other then the failed weapon usage of this game it's a pretty fun way to kill time." "Can anyone tell me why I can't change the controls. I hv no other options tilt or touch option is not there, controls only showed a joystick, and no other option" It is amazing you have to work on clarity if you make the high clarity then its look like just real i really love this game it is dumalastic and into the dead 2 is also dumalastic there is high clarity then its looking very awesome "This is a good suspense mobile game, my Problem is that i installed this the android tv game version in my mi box s, and it is stock in controller option and does not open, the game says no game pad required, please fix the android tv version of this." Pretty good to play for a few days but there's not really anything to keep you playing. Also there's so many ads without the option to pay for their removal. I installed this game after a long time and the controls are completely different...I'm not able to change them and I cannot even move my character while playing... please help? "I like the game because it is fun and it looks real, think if i had to rate it on a scale one to ten it would be a 6 but on the other hand it is pretty awesome, Think you for letting me play it. My name is Hunter STONE visit me on snap chat at hunter stone think you." "I would like to play this game but I just simply cant. Within about the first 30seconds of the game, it totally freezes. I'm not going to give it less stars tho because from other reviews, it seems fine" It could be better. Don't like how it's really slow to turn and some of the controls are pointless I have played many horror game but this game is awesome very good game i like this I am not feel boring I am playing happyly and enjoy very awesome this game is best it's another part is into the dead 2 this game is similar and interesting we servive and escape from zombie zombie look very creepy and very scary. Unlock very weapons and play enjoyly "I really really loved this game... until they switched the controls and show an X-Box controller, plz fix I wanna see this game in it's prime again." I wish they would still have the phone rotation it so much fun to tilt your divice. I hope they bring it back. Other wise it's a great game and I would recomend it. Fun premise but the area you have to tap to move is extraordinarily small. I continually miss it and die. It's frustrating. "Pay to win and the prices are too high. It isn't completely offline either need to be online for a lot of content, some which could be made offline. I need to be online for dog food? F that." no storyline or emotional connection to this game. if you want something quick then play this game but if you want a good story with lots of characters and emotion then this isnt it. "Pls I would kindly ask too buff the companions such as the Sabre, titan and Ghost bc it would be a waste of money to just buy something that's the same as the free one and pls add more sounds to the companion make there Barks and roars more realistic and I will kindly rate this a 5 star😊" Just started playing the game on the second mission and there's no sites on the weapons. Don't know which way you're shooting. Very disappointed and game So I love Into the dead 2 but I'm stuck on missions I cannot seem to pass so I thought I would try Into the dead (1) and it only has a controller to play it not touch screen...how do I fix this? My one of the favourite games into the dead is and my favourite part is the dog which kills zombies and one request if I buy a weapon it will be with me forever I don't have to choose it from perks and same with companions please add this function and I will rate it 5 stars would have given 5 stars but lately ive noticed many bugs and glitches. The game just gets stuck suddenly. Please fix the issue "Badass, but needs more shooting, more ammo, and the ability to save without the Google add on." "Would have given more,but there's no tutorial, game.is.too fast,and it seems you're destined to lose ..just a running game, that about sums it up..please try to make this game more interesting..thks" Nice game but eventually i lost interest because the good weapons of the game are not really affordable through game play and the game end up feeling like you are doing the same thing with each level it gets boring "The only downfall I see about this game is the control over the character. Seems like you guys haven't update that part yet. Not all phones are 5"" :)" Idk why this game is entertaining and the graphics but there is still one problem the game is not available on Huawei I cannot purchase some app purchases and the 2 version don't work on Huawei hopefully the game will be available on the near future "The sounds have this static on it, it sounds so glitchy and i know this aint a feature since its obvious in the dog barks and tbe dying sounds, please fix it other wise a decent game." "I am playing this game since I was 11 then it had nice control's but now it just shows just the console of PS2,3or 4 . Why did you changed the control.when are you going to fix it." Loved the game but we can't buy or even upgrade anything with the in game currency so no matter how many coins you collect you can hardly purchase anything with it..... "Flashlight mode is bad because you can still see the zombies body even without the flashlight and the lightning often appears(without the perks), i was expecting for flashlight mode to be more harder but disappointed instead" It was really a good game the graphics is quite good and can be improved but the game is really very very fine with its zombie tune I love this game I only have one issue ok maybe two I had purchased afew upgrades on my last phone and I don't have them any more and all my progress isn't there either so that's why I give it 3 stars It's ok but I think they really need to atleast put Auto-Fire on Tilt-Mode so it can be playable at a Cardboard VR. I like the idea of this game and I think it could be fun but there's way to much lag it makes it hard to enjoy the game and I hated the controls but over all I give it 3 stars ⭐⭐⭐ The game is good but i don't have a controller...I go to the setting and try to change to mobile type of control but nope...I don't found one...so I give 3 for now "umm, I had no controls. it showed a controller but im on my phone so... would gladly appreciate it if i actually have controls to play the game." "Good game. Entirely too many commercials. You spend more time watching them than playing, sometimes." "Gameplay is really good, but the need to use real money to get the good stuff is a bit of a downer. Also the cornfields suck." Into the Dead 2 is much better but the older part 1 is still fun to play while you are getting back stamina and tokens on Part 2. kinda boring for me. it keep repeating while you try to aim further and higher score. maybe less boring if you have a group playing this game together The game is awesome and it is a classic for mobile games. But it gets repetitive and boring after a few hours. Guess this game is not for me This games grafiks and sound effects are amezing. i download and install this game 2 times. all of this app is fantastic. "Um, I used to have this game and the controls used to be on the screen... Now it seems like I need a gamepad to play it and that sucks... Cause I dont have one... Why is this so?..." It's a good game but it can be even better with more perks and graphic design and making the weapons for in-game money not actual money "It used to have gyroscope controlling in the old days.Now it does not have anything except joystick control.This frustrates me.It was a much better game back then.Plz add gyroscope,that will be fun.💚" "Moving to the left and right , Repeat until you got a gun then shoot those great looking zombie . save your in game money for some gun which not much compare to paid one, or using real money and slaughter those zombie like a maniac rambo . aaaand thats it ." This game i like it but there's glitch if i use chainsaw then i touch the screen for attack. then there's the Box i touch the box then the chainsaw sound is still on. "would be nice if I could actualy control it...not able to aim,fire or dodge zombies like ITD2..please fix and I might come back to play..thanks." "I give 3 stars. The game is nice, challenging but for me it gonna be good if the character has the permanent weapon." "wish you didn't have to buy almost everything with actually money, good games are just becoming cash grabs 😕 still a good game for when your bored and need time to fly 🙂" There is only one mode to control the player which is of remote. How can I play in a mobile phone with a remote🎮. Please fix this. I am giving 3 stars because I play on a tv and when I open the app and play a game it lacks then I thought that tv storage is little than i checked my tv it had 3 gb storage when I play 2nd time than it came clear please 🙏don't ignore this comment what is my question is please clear this bug I don't now what is this but please cleare because I love this game Thank you This game is great but i got a problem with the dog if you run the dog will ran past the zombie infront of you and kill's some zombie next to it or behind it pleas can you short it out It is good game to play nice and horror but sometimes it does not tap but its awesome to play with headphones. thats why i give only three stars hope you like the game😉😉😉 Everything's great until you need to shoot something and your finger is in the way of your aim. Maybe I just need to get the hang of it. There are so many bugs with the way bedrock runs. I've been having a lot of issues with my Microsoft account connecting to Minecraft. I pay for Realms and I can't even get logged in to be able to use the service I'm paying for. The inconsistency with way the app runs has made the game unplayable at times. I don't want to create a new world and start over when I've put time and effort into my personal worlds that should be accessible on the Realm. Gotta do better with error codes and solutions. "With the latest update, my experience has been less enjoyable. my horse won't fit in my boat anymore. Also, when in water, I was able to press the forward button to swim across the top of the water. Now i just sink. I have to press the up arrow and the forwar button to swim and float. If they fix these things, my rating will go up." "The mobile controls really need some work. I have played the game before the control revamp and the current system is hardly any better. I do love using the joystick instead of the d-pad, but there are too many new buttons overcomplicating things. The crosshair mode has essentially been ruined because of so much clutter.Make crosshair, individual jump+crouch, and joystick/d-pad all individual options. Also add an option to move and resize buttons, attack and place are WAY too small on my screen." "My Minecraft experience has always been a positive one. But lately, Minecraft has been bugging out for Pocket Edition: Eg 1: it won't let me use custom skins. I try and pick out a skin that I have been using for years, and suddenly, it doesn't allow a single custom skin I choose. Eg 2: I can't connect to my friends worlds anymore. It loads up to the point that it says ""generating world"" and stays there for as long as I leave it. & It's not a connection problem, my connection is fine." "Game is fun, but there's so many glitches now. You can duplicate items just by mis-clicking. Say you go to pull out a sword, but mid-click you decide your bow is better. If you accidentally click both, one of the items will be duplicated, while the other will be lost forever. Fortunately it's only happened to fishing Rods, but I would be upset if it were a heavily enchanted pickaxe. I really want to say this glitch doesn't bother me too much, but i am getting tired of enchanting the same item." "I really love this game, but an issue happened recently. My sister was playing it on my phone and accidentally changed the language. Afterwards when I try to play it is very laggy and makes it difficult to use. I have to tap multiple times to craft something or even start a game. If you could find a way to patch this, it would be incredible. ❤️" "I love this game, the only problem with it is it lags a lot, and some of the worlds wont load in properly and i have to restart the game and even sometimes I have to restart my phone for it to work properly and I restart my phone on a regular basis, it and sometimes just playing it makes my phone over heat to where my phone shuts everything off/down and I've been doing the updates but some of them make all the issues worse. If this would get fixed that would be great, thank you." I don't like the new settings menu. I thought for a hot second y'all got rid of split controls for the dpad and I was gonna be PISSED man. But I figured it out. Still a good game. I'd rate 3.5 if I could. That new menu knocked it down half a point for me. The old menu was so good this one is confusing af. "The game is fun, a classic Minecraft experience, but it's really annoying constantly having the settings reset/log me out whenever I close the app. Plus pausing in single player doesn't actually pause the game, just brings up the menu but leaves the action going in the background, meaning that redoing these controls at the wrong time loses you your hard work on a world, just happened to me" "I love the game. But with whatever update the new control types came in, it made it impossible for me to make a world. It automaticly pulls up the select control type screen. I am unable to navigate this screen because I assume the required buttons are stuck offscreen. The only button I can see is the one that sends me back." "These new controls are cool, but they need improvement. Seems like it's sort of broken too. When going through your inventory, and looking through furnaces. The inventory breaks and sometimes makes items invisible, requiring you to leave the game. Not to mention that you can't interact with anything in your inventory after closing and opening it several times. Another improvement that is needed is the ability to change the button layout. Please fix" "Personally I hate the new controls. The old ones were easy to understand and felt right, with the new ones you can end up sprinting when you want to walk or walk when you want to sprint. And the position of the jump button has made the game next to unplayable. I wish they had an option to go back to d pad with cross hair, Not just joy con and cross hair." "I was really enjoying the game quite a lot... even playing it on my phone. But then ""they"" decided to alter the available selection of touch control schemes... and everything is more difficult, now. Why wouldn't the original control scheme be one of the options available? This is rudimentary stuff in UI/UX. Why do companies keep screwing up such a basic concept? I don't care if the new control schemes are better, somehow. I was happily enjoying the game. AND spending money on it." "I love this game, I have played minecraft for years, but when the new update came out, everything started to get glitchy, and I can't join my friends world or they can't join mine, last thing, the old controls were better, the joystick is harder to control and I'm on mobile why can't I have arrows and the crosshair??? We played like an hour ago and it worked. Please fix this!!" "The game is good, but the new inventory system isn't great. I can't just tap a stack to move it out of a furnace or chest, I have to rapidly tap 3 times. And when fast crafting, you used to be able to hold and it would craft up to a stack. Same situation, if I put all of my wood blocks in to craft, say, 12 planks, I tap once, one plank. Tap again, two planks. Tap a third time, 64 planks. I lost a lot of material trying to figure it out and it's still hard to get the new stack split timing down." "Don't get me wrong, Minecraft is one of the best games out there. But Bedrock Edition's UI needs a quality of life update. It's not just on mobile, I play on other platforms. Skins take forever to load, possibly stuck in a loop. The marketplace can also take long to load, though it's not as bad as the skins. Sometimes I can see literal file names as lables for products in the marketplace! The UI is just mainly laggy as well. Now I see why people prefer Java over this abomination." "Pretty much everything. Not kidding, you can literally do anything in this app. If you feel limited, download a mod. If you want a challenge battle the wither with a stick in leather armor. One complaint I have, which some people probably agree, the new inventory controls are really bad, using the furnace is impossible now, I choose classic so it was easier to move stuff around my inventory, but now it feels like the pocket menu again." "When I tell you this game is great... WOW is it great. I love being able to work my way up from a small dirt hut to a huge empire all through mining. There's also creative mode, where you can build your dream home and lots of other things. It's a great game; it's totally worth the seven dollars it costs. edit: the controls suck now. its hard enough to play mc mobile but even harder now with the clunky controls and bigger buttons. its dumb. it was perfectly fine the way it was - now its dumb." "I absolutely love Minecraft, the gameplay is great, the concept is great, the controls are great. However, recently (as in the last day) it has changed. For some reason, the app doesn't pick up my touches unless I double tap, which also means tapping about 5 times to be able to switch to the servers menu. In order to scroll down, I need to tap and THEN scroll. Why is this happening? I've uninstalled the app and will be reinstalling shortly. Fix this!" "The game itself is good. I love it- the simplistic graphics, the easy to use controls, and both the repetitive and the creative playing. What I'm mad about is the struggle to move worlds between devices. After a long time and three failed attempts, I finally got my old worlds, which I had poured love and affection into. But, they had huge chunk errors all over the area closest to your spawn point. It was horrible. Many of my builds were ruined, along with the terrain around it. Please fix this!" "This used to be a pretty good game, but now of the latest updates, including the beta updates, there's so many issues that I would much rather play on xbox or windows 10. One example also stated from multiple other people here is that its extremely laggy/buggy: When I do something as simple as press ""play,"" it loads for about 30 seconds, and when I create a world, it ultimately crashes. Other from that, from what I've seen, minecraft is good from what ive seen, plus I love crossplay w/ XBOX acc." "Minecraft has always been great. It's one of my favorite games. Something that makes it better is playing with friends, BUT my app tends to glitch. All the time. So much so I have to delete the app and redownload it. It refuses to connect with others and realms when I'm connected to the wifi. And this gets stuck like this and NEVER fixes. Fixing this would be great.. if anyone else is having this problem.?" "I love the game and all its really fun and the graphics are really good. You get to play with friends and all that other stuff. But the reason why i give it a three star is beacuse when i load into minecraft it just shows it loading. But when its done its a white screen. I keep on trying,trying and trying all over again and it still wont work. Its getting really anoying. So i decided to go to the playstore and unistall it again. And it only worked like that. Please get it fixed and thank you." "The controls suck, which was expected as I'm playing on mobile. Still, they're stuck in one place, and it'd be nicer if you could move them to an area that works better for each player. It's also very hard to do things such as swim down or up, especially fast. My main issue though is that there has been at least three times when I enter my well lit closed off house,exit and save, and close the app, and come back to find I've died and all my things and xp are gone. Nothing else is even damaged." "Minecraft is an amazing game. 5 stars. The mobile version, however, has a lot of weird ui choices. For example, boats are absolute garbage. Like how hard is it just to add a forward button? There's also some weird unnecessary compromises that make other devices slightly worse, like the fact that I can't right click to use my shield on PC, and that's mainly because of mobile accessibility. With all that said and done, this is still great for AFK-ing though :p" "The game was created originally for the pc and it translates onto a smartphone in a semi sloppy way. Sometimes it felt like the game was too intense on the poor device. The controls would disorient me from the slightest lack of coordination. I couldn't make cakes for a while but it was nice to play this while at work, bored, with nothing but my phone. It definitely feels better to play with a farther field of view on stronger devices." I absolutely love this app! The gameplay is great on all my devices (Android.) The updates have made the game way more enjoyable and interactive. Though I am extremely dissapointed with the Xbox Live addition to the game. Playing with other platforms rarely works with constant glitches or other. I am never able to connect cross platform with any PC users. The only thing I will ask is for this to be fixed. Thank you! Love the game. My favorite game. But after the last update in the last few days. I keep getting really bad glitching where you can see through the map and can see where your going. Big black streaks across the sky and it's laggy. Also I just went to load in and can't gain experience at all. I get the jingle but my levels don't go up. My pick won't heal. I can't enchant or anything without experience. Afraid to Uninstall and reinstall because I feel I will lose my 2 to 3 year old world. "Lots of Crashes using the Pixel 3XL, hopefully it would be considered strange because I don't think my phone is that old. I don't know, but it seems it struggles with texture packs, would like to see some fixes in that regard. The game just sometimes crashes after the screen goes crazy. Love the game, but can't play for long without a crash." "I enjoyed the game a lot. It has many bugs though. One bug that I found makes the game unplayable. When I tried to separate something in my inventory, random blocks would get trapped in the 2 x 2 crafting area and I could not remove them. This causes me not to be able to actually craft. I uninstalled and I going to get Java Edition instead." "Minecraft is a really, really great game. Definitely one of my favorites.. I would 5 star it but you see, I have a problem. A lot of times when I would open the game it wouldn't load my profile picture in the top right and my skin also wouldn't load. T His wouldn't be a problem but when that happens. Almost immediately after I see that it would crash and kick me off the game. If I try going back into the game it would immediately kick me out before it even loads the menu. Please help" "Changed from 5 stars because of the new update. Instead of simply swiping to access lower areas on my inventory and chests, I now have to find the slim bar on the edge and use that. It makes navigating chests quickly extremely hard. The system was fine before and there was no reason to change it. This has just made the game harder, and not in a fun way." "This game is very fun. I enjoy building worlds and doing fun stuff like playing online. But ever since the ""bug fix"" and latest updates it has been very buggy. For example, things like Villagers and Animals will become frozen and will be unkillable, and untouchable for some reason. In the customize character, when you go to emotes or capes its just blank and wont let you choose anything. The game is also very slow with loading mountaind and stuff. Please fix these bugs. They are getting annoying" "The game has a huge variety of blocks for different kinds of builds. This has inspried me to make massive projects in my survival world. The gameplay though is just as great as everything else in the game like the controls, the graphics, the gameplay. But....the newest update really messed things up. Now worlds and servers take FOREVER to load. The worst part of all is that block update had a HUGE delay now. If you break a block it takes like 5 seconds for it to actually go away." "It's a pretty fun game, but I'm having a few issues. When im playing multiplayer, people cant join my server, but I can join theirs. My game doesn't stay open long enough to play before it crashes, i was able to play for hours a day, but then it stopped letting me play for a seconds before the game would crash, I've tried reinstalling it many times, but that hasn't worked." "Horrible controls. No in depth sensitivity customization, feels like the deadzone for the turning acceleration is too small, and way too intense, and no button layout customization, died many times my brain kept telling me one button was should have been in a different spot, With that being said, it's still a great game, many wonderful memories, with inclusion and incentivizing of creativity, the fun and connection of relationships with friends, it's just sad that this is the iteration of it." "My problem with the game is that it doesn't have Java features, all devices should be able to play the same gameplay that PC provides. My second problem is commands, I use them for making contraptions and lots of other things, but there isn't as many commands as good as Java, I cannot detect a item in a person's hand, nor can I do very complex commands needed to modify the stats of a player or mob. Overall, its a good game, it just lacks content the Java Edition has." "I love Minecraft and have so for many years. However now whenever I join a server, all the players freeze, glitch, and the problem becomes worse and worse until I get kicked from the server. The problem is not the individual server, as I've tried joining multiple different ones and run into the same problem. I tried restarting the game with no affect either. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling. Nothing works. Please fix this problem or I'm uninstalling for good." "Okay. It has started glitching, and wont open. I am considering deleting it permenatly. It is super glitches and I hope they fix it. This is usually a SUPER FUN game! I recommend downloading it because it has many fun things to do! There is Redstone, and if you are good at puzzles, then create a redstone puzzle! If you are creative and somewhat patient, then build sometjing amazing! Suprise us all! If you like surviving the wilderness, and an assortment of monsters, then Survival is perfect for you!" "Minecraft is my favorite game to play. The real problem is that my Chromebook ""Isn't compatible with that device and that really needs to be changed. I paid $6.99 for Minecraft and it won't give me the newest update. There's also a problem with my switch and phone saying that there isn't any servers, so I can't play on servers anymore. There's also a problem with not being able to see my friends worlds online and vice versa. It's problematic." "Love the gane is great and I love the playability, but there has been a bad bug with multi-player lately. I am unable to connect with friends and friends are unable to connect with me. We have tried things like signing out completely of the Xbox account and turning off the multi-player option and turning it back on. We have tried We invites and just logging in normally but it does not work. I hope the bug gets fixed because it is really supposed to have the 5 stars." "I play this occasionally on my Moto Z2 play, which can run more intense games better than Minecraft at times, so I think it may just need some stabilization improvements. Generally the game lags when there are too many blocks being placed, or when too many dropped objects are on screen and sometimes water will cause a glitch where you cannot see under it. Otherwise very impressed." controller support doesnt work at all. I connected a controller to my phone and it just went crazy. switch between first and third person insanely. looking up no matter what I did. controls not working right. And just flat out being a mess. And the touch controls are so sensitive. when in creative I can barely look around without breaking something and it is so hard to press some of the buttons on a small phone screen "Minecraft can get boring fast, and they removed fireflies so the frogs can magma! There aren't that many ways to build and I HATE having to look up stuff to find how to make cool builds. And on Java you go into creative and still rewards! But you can't on bedrock. But if you ask me it's a great game and it doesn't deserve to be shamed. It's helped me to be creative at stressful times. And the animals look great! It's fun and my family likes it. It's great, fun, enjoyable and there arent any adds" "I like the game alot, but whenever I open the game it just stays on the white screen and doesn't load, and even if it does, then whenever I create or open a world, it ends up lagging so much that I my device freezes and won't even turn off. It literally freezes my whole device and I have to wait 4 or 5 minutes for my device to work again. So please fix it. Other than that it's a great game." "This game is good and all, but has LOTS of issues. Such as being unable to connect to friend's world's without it displaying an error. And it takes FOREVER to get into any sort of world. Servers can be really laggy; full wifi or not, and if your wifi drops for a spilt second, you get kicked out. Also needs updates like vertical slabs and stairs, a paint tool of adjustable RGB, more tools and armor, new USEFUL materials, plastic, being able to mix metals in a cauldron. Over-all, I love this game." "So I dont know if anybody else has the problem where the screen glitches and goes crazy when you're sprinting and changing positions/directions. As much as I truly love this game, the glitchy screen issue is beginning to be a pet peeve for me. Other than that the game is perfect." "It's Minecraft, no doubt. But I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not, but I have to double tap on EVERYTHING I do in the menus. It's stupidly annoying. I also wish I could move the control buttons wherever I want on the screen. The D-pad is in a terrible spot for me causing me to mess up on where I want to run or go. They seem like simple enough fixes, especially for a game I'm paying for" "I love love love this game, but with this new bug I can't even play. Everytime open it it'll load normally, but then as soon as it finishes loading the game crashes. If I uninstall and reinstall I can open it once without a crash, but then every time after that it crashes before I even see the home screen. Please fix it, I've been playing mcpe since 2014 and I still have lots of build ideas and works in progress that I want to make 😞" "Excellent game , I love it , and I recommend. I subject to put a introduction tutorial that explain the mechanisms of the game to motivate more people to enjoin and better experience for the beginner. Also will be great a cinematica that put a goal to motivate a player. For example like you have to save the world defending the dark knight dragon. Thanks for listening." "I've played this game for years and love it. It's part of my childhood, and it has changed alot since the older versions. Most of the updates I've liked, but it is not without it's flaws. Since the last update, I and other players have been experiencing connection issues with servers, where the server would refuse to connect, along with other problems such as server coming soon Message, and the server crashing if we do manage to join. My brother is on Xbox and he is having the same problem." "Can't change the version, not updated at the same time as people on other platforms or devices which makes it difficult and sometimes impossible to play together, and the whole skins system is dumb. Custom skins can't be easily imported to xbox and the custom skins don't show up half the time anyways. Also something weird is I have been killed numerous times while I'm just building as a bug. That being said, it is still Minecraft and I'm glad it is a game people can play on mobile." "While yes its cool that there's new features, new mobs, new biomes and character customization options without 3rd party websites and apps, I have a problem with the app on mobile. First, please note that I say on mobile only because I don't know if this applies to other systems. Okay here's my problem, every time I open the character customization it's different. Something that was there yesterday isn't anymore, or it's far harder to find. There used to be dozens of hairstyles, not anymore." "Yes you update this game quite often and these new updates with pandas is AWESOME!... there are usually bugs in every way possible that ""bugs"" me. The pause menu will sometimes start flashing as if I'm toggling the pause and it eventually speeds up until I'm feeling like I'm suffering from a epileptic seizure. This happens whenever I save and quit a map and it is ANNOYING. PLEASE fix this problem. I'm using a Nextbook Aries 8 if that helps." "Its an amazing game to play with friends and is a good time-killer but theres some issues with it. 1) the music doesn't work? I really wanted to listen to 11 cause all my friends said they got scared by it. I did everything, went into setting, turned my volume up, looked for that ""music"" pack in the marketplace but it said there was nothing for music. i'm really bummed about that. 2) the game can get glitchy a lot. and it ruins the game a little. 3) theres more but im running out of characters-" "Although I absolutely love minecraft, this version seems awfully pay to enjoy. Yes, you can have your own skins, but they wont be available in multiplayer if you made them on a site such as novaskin. Along with that, almost everything but the normal game costs money. Microsoft is already super rich, so adding microtransactions is a terrible choice. Other than all that, its a great game." "Good game, however there's a really bad glitch. For some reason, my character stops moving randomly and I can't interact with the screen at all in game. Sometimes it happens gradually by me not being able to be doing 2 things at once on the screen and then being totally deactivated. Idk if this is a phone problem or not. Please respond." "This is my least favorite version of Minecraft. Mainly because of the controls. If there was an option to make the joystick not fixed, so that it follows your finger if you move from the corner, I would give more stars and enjoy the game more. And the AI for the auto jump needs to be tweaked a bit. It shouldn't be trying to make me jump when I'm just trying to go through a doorway. Other than that, I love Minecraft, and this version could be quite fun, if the controls were fixed." "I really do love this game! It's been a favorite of mine for a long time. But regarding the 1.13 update, there are a few issues. I cannot figure out the foxes for the life of me! Plus, I love the character creator, but everything costs coins. I also feel like you should be able to choose the colors for certain things and watch ads to get coins. And the biggest one of all, when I design a character and exit the game, even though it says the character is saved, it's gone and it's happened 3 times!" "Experiencing an issue after continued play on survival mode.After a certain amount of time it seems as if the game starts to glitch, as in whenever I delete a block, it doesn't show the breakage animation, and the block just disappears. Also sometimes a block will not break at all, and or doesn't show any animation whatsoever...would love to see a fix for this." "I think its reallly cool that I can anywhere minecraft any where I am. However, I feel like the touch contols are a little out dated and awkward. They should change the d pad to the joy stick that pubg mobile has and move the jump and crouch button to the right and on the top left should be a manual left click. In addition, the jump and crouch should change to up and down whenever you are swimming or flying in creative mode. I feel like these changes will greatly improve the controls." "I love the game, and I played the game since 2nd grade. But every time i leave and go back into the game, a bug starts and sometimes crashes my game so please fix the bugs. Also sometimes my game freaks out and puts me on a menu screen when I was playing with a friend. I sugest fixing or patching these bugs." "Its... kind of like the real Minecraft on PC, I'm kind of impressed with how much they're similar. One missing feature is that you can't play different versions without downgrading the launcher itself. A way to launch different versions from within the app would be handy since different servers/""Realms"" are on different versions. Otherwise, good effort to remake the original game for mobile." "Minecraft is a great game. It has many options, and things to build with. But, recently I have been having difficulties with the game. As in when I am in a world or a server, everything would be invisable, as in my controls, and the players. And this game can be laggy. But otherwise, I suggest everybody to try it! Mojang, I really hope you find the time to fix the glitch. Please & Thank You! P.S. Every time this happens I have to reinstall this app. It is very frustrating..Please fix it fast!" "Love it, but... Crashing is getting in my nerves. Iv cleared cache, reinstalled, made more room none if it helped, I can play offline which is great, but I'd also like to play with my girlfriend from time to time. And seeing it only crashes when I'm connected to internet I can do it, and when I could I had to keep rejoining the app till it worked, which was time consuming and annoying after awhile. But other then that splendid game as Minecraft Should be" "this game is really great, but, when I play with another person online, it makes their skin a default skin on my screen and on their screen i have a default skin, even tho that are not the skins that we chose. ever since the new update a few summers ago it's been messing up. it's a lot harder to play, but is still fun. if they can fix that problem it will def get 5 stars." "Ive been playing this for years now and I had no issues, up but until probably about 6 months ago, my microsoft and xbox account wouldn't connect to the app. I tried looking up ways to help but nothing worked. I know a lot of people that also have/had this issue so it would be a good thing to work on, other than that the app is great for minecraft on the go and it works for single player offline which is great! 6/10 just because of the connection issue. :)" "Look, I've been on Minecraft for around 6 or 7 years at this point. I do believe that it can help unlock your inner creativity and create many things, but I am unable to install the Pocket Edition. I have tried 3 times already. No error message and my storage is big enough for it. Google doesn't help. I would like an explanation, but I guess that's for lucky ones." "Minecraft is a great game! I would rate it five stars but there's one issue that makes playing with friends way harder. So for example, I'm just joining in on my friend's world to play survival and when I try to join in, it constantly says unable to connect to world. This happens in any world I try joining. Sometimes I get lucky and it works, but other times I have to wait a while for the lucky time it works. Me and my friends have tried switching wifi, but nothing. Can you please fix it?" "I absolutely ADORE minecraft, but the multiplayer option NEEDS to be fixed. The game is absolutely amazing and all but not being able to play with my friends across the world, or even across the street???? That makes the game go f a r down on my top fav games list. I just wanna be able to play with my friends who live in different states and such. Or at LEAST on different streets than me. Smh." "I love this game, it's fun and creative. However. with the new update it has two glitches I keeps seeing. the first one is that when. I turn off my phone screen and then turn it back on, I get this weird static looking screen. the second one is when I join one of my worlds, this has happened a few times now, where before I left I was close to my house on ground level, but when I re-entered, I was instantly above the clouds and fell to my death. please fix this." "used to play this all the time on an older device and it ran smoothly, multi-player aside. after years of not playing I downloaded on current device, which is few years old, but years newer than previous (better ram), but now fighting is damn near impossible due to lag (in single player offline), even with settings at minimum. kind of sucks the fun out of it when you spend hours gathering and exploring only to die everytime you come across a mob because the aim goes ham. I don't get it." "Please fix multiplayer, me and my friends try to join each other's worlds but can't even though we kept on inviting each other. Also, the new controls get annoying whenever I try to jump while I get potion effects. I try to tap the jump button, but instead it takes me to the potion effects bar. I suggest that you add the ability to customize your own game controls in mobile, I think that feature would fit in the next update. For now, Minecraft is 3 stars for me." "Minecraft is a very good game. I have been playing it every day since 2018. But, I see a problem, when I start the game several times, my account automatically logs out and my worlds disappear with in all my survival adventures or all my redstone systems that took me several hours to make. Please do something about this. I don't want to make a huge redstone system and think that in 2 days it won't exist anymore. 🥺" "I love this game, but 85% of the time, whenever I go into skins, all of them are empty. I have to re-find all of my skins, and it gets VERY tiresome. Edit: Removed one star because recently in creative I have to hold each individual block for a few seconds before they break. It's really annoying." "The newest version of the game is full of bugs, or maybe it is intentional. The pickup of items in the furnace is bugged, and it feels as if the option of separation of items in the crafting table feels downgrade. Please fix these issues." The game is great overall in my opinion but in one of my survival world there is a bug that makes most of the movable entities freez up for a short amount of time then unfreez repeatedly. The glitch started today and none of my other worlds are effected by this glitch and I'm not sure what caused the glitch. I hope you can fix it because it's getting kinda annoying. Edit: Some of my other worlds are getting affected by this bug thing and I'm not sure what to do at this point. "I used to give a better rating since it was a good game, but the controls in the new update are impossible for me as a mobile user. I hope you can fix this, because it is impossible to change what you hold in the hotbar without placing the item or using it. Until you fix it, I won't play on this game." "Love the game, but a single bug ruined it. I just recently spent 12$ on the game for texture packs. Now, unfortunately, I can't even create a world now. For some reason, the create world button no longer works. I only have one world and can't make others due to this issue. Please fix this soon." "The swimming controls are now straight up unusable. I used to float on water by just going forward, but now I have to use my right finger to float/sink?? How am are we supposed to strafe on water now without sinking mid-fight? Besides that, I like the new sorting controls, but please revert the old swimming controls." The controls are hot garbage and they'll probably never fix it. Its alright with a controller but the screen is too small to enjoy putting it down then play it. Even if I was using a bigger sized screen it would still be difficult to enjoy. If they ever fix the controls it would be a very good surprise since they never bothered to do anything with it. "These updates are starting to get out of hand they take way to much space and keep making me uninstall other apps on my phone just to update this game,us mobile users don't have like 300 gigabytes of space like a PC!! Wat is wrong with yall, every update makes the game more and more buggy,and also there is another bug,EVERYTIME I want to activate a resource pack in the main menu it just CRASHES the game,FIX THIS BUG PLEASE it happened from the first of the past two updates,FIX THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!" "It's nice, but for some reason, I can't join any multi-player game at all besides the servers. Whenever I try to join friends, it just says disconnect or takes too long or reset clients, and when I do, it doesn't work. This also happens to my friend when she tries to join me, and it gets annoying. I got to join 1 time, but that was it. in all honesty, that's the only thing that sucks and it's sucks a lot if you want to play with friends." "I love Minecraft its a great game but there is 2 things i have to complain about. First, every time i try to play Minecraft with a friend is always kicks them out. Also everytime i try to play Minecraft it never loads my skin and it won't let me change my skin. (So i just have to play as Steve or Alex, not that i dislike Alex or Steve i just want to play as my regular skin)It also says that the market place had an error. Over all the game runs really smoothly and sound too." "EDIT: I seem to have fixed the issue, but it still makes me mad that I couldn't get a refund when it wouldn't work. I'll up it to 3 stars instead of 1 since it is fun when it works. ORIGINAL REVIEW: It's laggy and doesn't work properly on my phone and my refund was denied. It says you can return games within 2 hours, but they sent me an email saying it ""must be frustrating"" that they denied because it ""doesn't qualify"". What a complete rip off. Definitely never buying anything on here again." "Render Dragon (1.18.30) ruined everything! Excluding the fact that I am on a 60hz monitor as I'm playing this using Samsung dex, I found my game to have several issues with performance, even with certain options and PVP resource packs that supposedly increase performance. Not only that, but there is a bug in experience on realms that if you're collecting a mass amount of experience (bottles, mobs, etc), the game won't give you the experience. Other than these issues, the game is OK" Great app but there is definitely a problem because every time I try to play Minecraft it always say we're having trouble verifying that you own Minecraft on this device check the play store or simply reconnect to the internet and try again and it will let me play it!!!!! 😡😡 It's really hard trying to get my friends to join me because they keep getting disconnected. I've tried resetting the world and the app itself but I won't let them join. It's very irritating and we have to cancel our gaming plans. "i been having a baad experience, when I play skywars and i'm clicking the hit buttom of new controls sometimes i get glitched and get pulsated automatically so it starts to breack blocks and i don't wanna breack blocks I WANNA FIGHT FOR MY LIFE, pls fix that i'm so tired of loosing for that problem, and i wish i could move positions of the buttoms for a better experience, sometimes my fimgers hurts" "New update is... Eh..not too impressed that they lowered the speed of deleting items (press and hold) in creative. Now it takes far longer to clear sections/surfaces off, which makes me a bit bored." "I would give a 5 but there are some current problems that need fixing. The controls are kind of bugged when using D-pad, it is very wonky compared to previous versions, My worlds kept getting deleted without me doing anything and changing skins is bugged, kept saying that it's not a Minecraft skin even though it is." "To be honest, the game is good but there are a few glitches in this game which is the annoying part of it. The glitches that i recieved is that one ""unable to connect to world"" I checked to see if my friend was updated he was but when I looked mine it was updated to. I tried everything just to join my friend but the glitch is so long to remove." "Fix the Joystick control it's very uncomfortable i don't like it and the fov feels cramped.i hate the camera sensitivity is way to low even at the highest sensitivity maybe optimize the camera so i don't have to swipe my finger across the screen just to turn 90⁰ also makes combat horrible because your finger is blocking your view, maybe make an option so item/block inventory can be a scroll wheel" "This was a great game I've been playing it since 2019 but after the new update I have been glitching alot like it doesn't let me break things and then my arm moves in VERY slow and I was playing my world and I tried moving my screen and it would automatically move my screen back, please do something about this I loved Minecraft." "Minecraft is honestly a great game. But Minecraft Mobile, is a flaming pile of garbage (at times.). Yes, it is less expensive but it is missing so many features. My review will change when/if the huge disparity between Java and Pocket is fixed. The microtransactions suck. From a casual player the disparity isn't crazy but for a player who loves to use commands to make the game cooler it is to much. For example at the time I am writing this /placefeature is Java exclusive. I am out of characters." "I've been playing this game on mobile for years and it has been super good, it never had any bugs that weren't easily fixable.. but after the recent update I haven't been able to use my custom skins in my photo gallery and it keeps giving me the same ""that's not a skin silly"" prompt and it's for every single one of the custom ones I have downloaded. I just hope that it's just a bug and not smth wrong with my phone :/ if anyone else has experienced this issue and has fixed it please lmk T^T" Very good app enjoying it also some of you guys say that you miss the buttons but it gives you three options after the update you can also change it in the settings if you don't like it but yeah I enjoy it better than the crafting and building game I had a few years ago keep up the good work mojang also I have been having problems joining my friends world's and it makes me sad plz fix "This game is really good. A throwback to my childhood. The graphics and controls are nice, as well as the scenery and soundtrack. But lately I can't join my friends' worlds and they can't join mine. I've done it multiple times with them, but now it just won't show. I hope this gets fixed." Its the best thing people made as an app! Edit here. That was before now whenever I try and download something it doesn't work I've tried everything! This needs to be fixed because I really want to play this again! I wanted to try the new free educations but it doesn't work! Also whenever I update the packs in the game it doesn't work either. This needs to be fixed. "This game is in my most favourite games because it is a good open world game. I have played from when it launched. But now this updates are making soo many bugs and i think it should be fixed. Like I can't join my friends world even though I have a paid version and have sign in my game but it's not joining, it lags always when I go in my world or any other from my world it only shows sky and in one minute it automatically leave. So plz fix this bugs because I can't play my favourite game." "Sometimes I wanna play with my friends but there is no multiplayer option in my opinion I think you should add a multiplayer option. And when you don't have good service/ internet it gets laggy, when it gets laggy and your trying to test the speed on some cars the speedometer doesn't go up fast like you want it to. And when you have a car for a while it gets kinda boring but when you get a new car it gets even cooler. Superstar game and I'm just pointing out the flaws.👍" "Very great game, insane graphics but there are two very big problems with it! #1 there are ads like every 5 minutes which makes the game very boring. #2 The map is very small, it would be nice to see it expand, maybe even worldwide where you can visit other country's? I dont know, just expand the map please! I've been playing this game since it came out and I've always wanted these changes!! On the ad problem, make them come out at least every 15 mins! It's very annoying, please fix that." Good quality game. However the price on some of the cars is rediculous. Having to get 249 miles to earn a car barely worth anything is really far fetched. But that's not all! Some of the cars like the Dodge challenger looking thing is way over priced when you can't even earn money while your driving unless you do a challenge. The challenges are also insanely difficult. Particularly the destruction challenges. They are really difficult and it would be nice if you could make it easier to beat. "The game has good imagery, great quality, but it's so hard to control the car. In order to even be able to control the vehicle like you should while keeping in in drive, you have to let the car slow down. If you don't let it a low down, you'll end up crashing everywhere you go unless you're in a straight stretch. Good quality, love the selection of cars you've gotta work for to unlock, but very disappointed on the controls. That's why this is only getting 3 stars. Because of the controls." "WAY too many ads. The graphics are great, that's one star. But the some of my favorite cars were removed and I am disappointed. I am also disappointed that I can barely see ahead of me. This game has become annoying and slightly fun. Please lower the ad count and make it so that you can turn up the graphics and see farther. Also everytime when I open the menu or press the reset option in trials, there is always an ad after." The graphics and everything is really outstanding but the main problem is the controls. Please add a sensitivity bar for steering and also the steering wheel doesn't feel real. After playing for some time the game starts to feel boring for the lack of missions. This game has potential I believe. I will be waiting for the next updates and features. "The graphics and game play are great, but a few things need worked on before I give it 5 stars. One thing is the graphics and textures of the other cars, it makes it seem like they are just pixels. Second I would like to see better car damage and also have the ai cars take damage. Third I'd like to see cop cars that chase you. Thank You!!!" "It was a great game to play to kill time. But after I decide to exit the game to play something else, I come back to the game to find that my progress has been deleted. I played with wifi and without wifi, and no matter what, there is no progress on my ""account"". Until then, 1 star. Updated review: this game has gotten better with the saves. But please cut down on the ads. Update. You lose a star because of the daily login thing is a scam. I have played the game for 8 days in a row, and no car." "This app is a good game, but it van be annoying at times. They have a lot of stuff you have to pay for. Make customizing a car free or less exspensive. Make more areas to the map, and make it so you can buy the different cars instead of just only being able to collect the pieces around the map." "I like the new update, and how it even works on Android 4.3! My main gripe is that there aren't enough maps. Its been the same since at least 2016. I would love it if you made the game less grindy, and add more maps :) If you don't want to do more map design, maybe you could just add the SUV simulator and this together. It would help with the rebrand too." "It's alright. Not the best game I've played but not for no reason. It's just that there's not too much to do, just drive around. If there was a mode when you go in the airport and you see the planes it would be cool if we could use them or a mode of multi-player or mini games where cops chase you and you have to lose them by doing stunts because it's not really a real car driving simulator if you can flip over cars or break into an airport. Oh and also there should be people." "This game came a LONG way from the time it came out and it's crazy how the graphics have improved but yet driving has no realism at all. Why do I drift with the slightest turn of the wheel? It's not that I care anyway because I just wanted to see after so many years if there was an update (there sure was) but as a developer, I'd highly take this into account. Add some driving realism, you did enough to the texture and graphics of the game." The lot of improvement needs in interior of the car. Try to make the speedometer and rpm meter as a working in analog type and fual and heat metre also implement in the car . Make different interior for different cars so game much better than ever . The side indicator lights system also implement in the game so We can use the side indicator in game. There is not multiplayer And npc human is not in game. Airport is too small and the speed of car is very less. In offroad the other side of hills is like a invisible wall. We can not go to there.the inteniers of car have no grahics. Maps are limited. The plane invisible in mid air. Npc car is not stoping like don't have smart traffic. The npc cars are travelling in same way. This game is looking unrealistic.cars are not storng.time is very fast . So many ads are in game. I will gave 6/10 to game The interior is always same try to make it more attractive. Structural graphics is 🤢🤢 try to make it good. Other vehiches (bot) vechicles hit the car like it doesn't exist there and the graphics of other vehiche is also 🤢 plese make these changes. Also give the name of respective cars in the games and replace the bot vehiches with the real ones it makes game more realistic. "Ok the map, the cars, lots of things are great especially for a mobile app! But the reason I gave it 3 starts instead of 5 is because of the ads, in app purchases how you have to pay loads to get a small portion of gold. Limited offers are terrible, THE VIP PASS is also stupid bcz you pay 7 50 a week which is a lot if you have the VIP pass for long time, and the free day trial is only 3 days. I recommend you play this app but only to drive around the map and challenges and nothing else" "This game good. I like it but we want multiplayer mode that make game more fun to play and also increase map. There are so many car and skin it is good please add multiplayer modeand please increase the map to play and add new car, skins," "There's a bug, and you need to fix it ASAP. Everytime I set the graphics to the highest, and everytime I do that, the game resets it to the lowest graphics and this has been a thing for OVER 1 YEAR now..... new bug: I cant customize Mercedes (Only the Mercedes makes this bug) after I signed in and I cant exit the customization. I have to constantly restarting the game which is annoying... just please fix the bugs..." "I love the game it's just that we should have more cars (Rolls-Royce phantom, 2003-2021 Maserati quattroporte etc) you should be able to see the real interior. Like, how does a Tesla cybertruck have the same interior as a old Camaro? We definitely need more map locations, I mean come on, 3 places?! The mapis just too tiny it makes the game boring. But besides that it's a great game." "This game is very nice to play especially on long car rides but it has a lot of ads. It is very thoughtful of the game to tell us when there are ads, unlike other games but sometimes it dosen't. Randomly when you are playing that game (sometimes) it goes into an ad. Ither way the game if fun and entertaining, I would reconmend it to young children." "Well this game is so good,but the old version was worst,well there are so many differences in this game but you should add multiplayer and online and offline because when I drive every time the game gets bored to me.and the interior in all the vechiles are same that is bad.all though the game is good" The game was amazing back then but now so many things changed and the car enterior is so nasty .. for every car. They should work way more on the cR enteriors cuz they make me not wanna play anymore . Bring the old game back I like the game so far but I wish yall could make another update that made the game had more cars and had multi-player and can join games with friends Game is so nice but the update is so bad. Interior of car is so worst and the new graphics are not so good as before It's a fairly nice game but can you add a multi-player mode I think it would be nice to have the option to see and race real players from across the globe "this game is my childhood and i think that this game was so so much better tback then, why? well back then it was actually sandbox and you can travel anywhere without loading and even tho the crashes were not good but i love it because now i barely can crash the car" This game is good and I like it but it's controls are very difficult and there are no desgines for cars.I request to make it controls easy and also add desgines for all cars It would be a 5 star from me if you could get 9ut your car personalise your character and steal other players cars or ncp cars but it's still good but it would be a 5 star if you added just this stuff and please do it by 2024 or I'll rate it 1 so be quick thankyou. I've played the game years ago and comming back to it made felt good. The graphics improved so much but my problem is the controls are very basic. I wish you can have a manual mode and control the sensitivity of the steering. But the game improved so much than years ago! The game is good but there sum thing you should correct (1) make steering wheel big (2) make a character (3) all will agree make it multiplayer & also play with friend and interior update please 🥺 This game its so fun to play but theres so many ads. Can you delete these ads. These ads already so annoying "It would be gooder if it has other map to choose cuz its being boring going to places over and over again and the update kinda sucks, because the sensitivity of the controller is not adjustable" it was quite realistic to play but doesn't have sensitivity option. Add it for better experience. This game is good 👍 but you should have do some changes like spread the area of the game like aad new places like home's and much more .... allow the player to get out of their car and also aad 360° angle 🙏 I've loved the game for years and all the updates have been pretty good. I'm only disappointed however that there are new mega skins that can only be purchased with real money instead of the in-game currency. I wish there was an option to choose (even if they are absurdly expensive) because I loved the first wave of skins and I don't want a majority of new ones to be 5$ to 12$. Also it's already an ad farm so play without wifi for the best experience lol. "Pretty good, I love the graphics. The only ehh thing about this is the building's textures. They are really bad and I always notice it. If you're lucky you can get this is done in a couple of weeks. Also not sure what the concept of this game is. Everything I just said comes from my experience. 3/5" "The game is good and it has great graphics the only thing I don't like about the game is the game mode you only drive and drive that's it!! That gets to be boring and you eventually get sick of playing the game,the game would be much more awesome if it had a racing mode and police chase if it had that I would've given it 5stars and also it have limited places to go So add atleast two out of what I mentioned and I'll gladly make a purchase." "Ads at the bottom of the screen are to big.Also the screen size one day was just smaller than usual and has been like that since. Almost a reasonable amount of ads but just a little to much,but otherwise good game." I like the new update and the game but i want the game to update again because i want a shaerch bar to find your favorite songs not that song that they have. "This game is good but some things that need to be fixed up 1. Camera angles, in game there 4 camera angles but I need 2 more from the top view from buildings show the amazing drifts and another one is front from the car, I hope you understand . Next - there are three areas in the game - city, airport - offroad but we need more 2 places 3- we can't do anything there means no missions is there we need some cool missions At last we need more cars like supra 🔥 and hope you do" "Good game, lots of fun, just unlocking cars is pretty darn difficult. They're super expensive, so if you just reduced prices a bit, it'd be fine." The graphics are good but add some more features like different destinations and change the interior views of some car for the .All cars look the same on the interiors and the engine sounds to . "This game is a masterpiece ive been playing since i was 7 and im still playing it till this day, but theres something missing and issues in the game, like the megaskins being absolutely useless. Like for real why pay 500$ (real life money) when the only thing changes in the car is the design. Also why the FOV on bugatti and koenigsegg so high or so far the car? Also why when i change graphics to high it automaticly changes to normal? And why replace old cars to new ones, and where is multiplier" It's a really good game but could do a lot better with police chasing you and online where you with new tracks "Your game says no internet every time I try to connect. I've played this game now for about a year. Every time I tried to watch a video for advancement or points it say no internet. The game says update in store but it won't let me update it. Ok, it finally let me update the app but everything is still the same, game says no internet available! Everything is still the same, I'm upset because all I do is lose my data through updates that have no affect. Can you please fix this ongoing problem?" "It's a very fun game, although the steering goes super fast and the cars are way to fast, there are alot of ads like every 5 minutes and if you go to setting or the menu There's more ads," It's a very good game for driving and racing too but only one problem add some more cars more skins colours and add some new map graphics and racing multi-player then it would be the top 5 grossing game in racing if you fix this I assure you "Add larger maps! Gets boring pretty quickly. Even though I wanna unlock some cars by driving few kms, it starts to get boring when driving in the same three maps. I had played this game like 4yrs ago. Many cars have been added but no maps have been added though. Add more kinds of missions like, Parking, Transportation, Racing etc. Even add multiplayer so it is more fun. Add a Map on the top-left corner so it is easier to navigate. Except these issues, the Graphics is good for 90mb game though." Good game play. My only problem is that you can tap the flip over button and go through things. Otherwise the game is going good. You could still add more vehicle. Olso way more less adds. Over all great game. This game is very good. I like this game because it's cars are realistic. This is fun with maze game.There are three types of maps. The best function in the game is :We can unlock some cars and map with counting Km. The off-road and high-speed cars are very cool. I like airport. But the owner needs to make extreme city realistic 3D and better. But needs to improve in airport. Also needs to add some new places in extreme city. Please add some new cars too. Needs to add new vehicle in map. :) Please change the inside of the car it doest since bc the game is simulator so in side of the car like simulator see others car games in side of the car 0/100 "this game is verry good and you get to have lots of fun but there are to many adds and its like every 2 minutes it gives you a break but its adds trying to make you bye something and about the adds they stop everything of what your dong so say like you were about to do an orsome thing but then at the top of your screen it says break in 5,4,3,2,1 and then everything that you where doing stops and you are so angery at the game that you stop playing. i do like this game but i give it 3 stars." This is a good and I love all the challenge portion and I do it all but I think that it should not give ads and that was the promlem Game is so nice pls try to add police chase and escape and police will come automatically while doing accident and damaging pls add ramp for better game I love this game but there is a small issue u can only experience 3 mission in tab This is very worst experience many ads are coming when we playing please low the ads It is a good game but there is way to many ads when you are playing "My first time writing a review for a game. This is because i indeed love the game. When i say love, the graphic is the best. But the game lacks better racing features. I hate the fact that all i do is just drive around. I was expecting a race between 5th cars or something, a police chase, drifting, hit pedestrians, Chase cars etc. The game is boring to me. If i dont see an upgrade soon i'd better uninstall the game because all i do just drive around. Cheers." I really love this game. I like playing it when I'm bored BUT there are a lot of things to fix. First is that amount of ads you show every minute is really surprising. I don't want ads popping up on my screen while I'm playing. Second is that the map is way too small and the fact that I have to check my passport everytime go to a different location. Third is that this game doesnt have enough cars but everything else is fine. "Coming back to this game after years, Its insane to see this game change so much. The change of having to reach a certain distance to get cars is cool but tiresome. The map is still the same except its bigger now, I feel like adding another part of the map is needed. Like a harbour with open water and moving ships, Or a railroad with moving trains. After a few days, the experience of adventure fades away and you're left with wandering around trying to get cars." The game (was) good . I have played this gamed before and it was a lot better I think u should not focus on graphics . Now u have added ads and now we don't get the car tokens we used to get in the map . Pls make it same as before. "Ok so it's a really good game but it gets repetitive after a while, so I suggest that you add nore places( snow, desert..),and also beter the AI cars, make them more realistic and faster, and also an option where we can exit the car and enter another 1 would not be bad. Also make the 1st person camera for each car different because they are all the same. Thank you for reading this." "I like this game. The graphic and the control is good and the changing of the time it means the day and night and the garage where it's written NO PARKING is awesome we can change many colors . BUT there are some problems too. There are many ads which I just hate, and there is not any place specified that we have to go there according to a map and I want something adventurous. There should be some award or achievement too . It's not too good or too bad it's medium (pretty good)" "All I can say is the game is extremely average. The graphics are pretty good for a mobile game, and the car physics are okay. But, the damage physics are quite glitchy, the sound design is below average, and the in-game world gets boring quite quickly. I think it could do with adding more locations to the in-game world, and maybe more mini-games." "This game is almost spot on and it could be a big thing except.... too many ads, i dont need to see ads when im playing and i don't need to have a ""commercial break"" for ads every thousand kilometers or so. Monetize the app by having custom liveries or exclusive items and upgrades or cars or something. Ads suck. The game is good, the cars and graphics are good, mechanics are good but i'd ask for a sensitivity slider for controlling the cars cause they become impossible to control at high speed." I play the game years ago and it was fun back then but now that I have played it again it not the same anymore it was more funnier back then it was better back then "I've been playing this game for a few years now and not once have I seen car ""skins"" that have costed money. Although it's useless to talk about this subject, the fact that these ""skins"" cost money kinda ruins the game, if I'm being honest." I wish they made the map bigger and did put more cars in with their car badge on. And I wish they made the car sounds more realistic. But it is still an awesome game and is one of my favorites Its changed a lot graphicaly since I last played but one thing I will say is that it looks like there a lot of things that you have to pay for I remember collecting the tokens and unlocking the car It's a good game but all you will be doing is driving around the map and doing the same missions over and over again I think you should add races and different missions "Whenever I click ""Lets go!"" it always closes the app and brings me back to play store.I recommendfixing this bug but overall, this is fantastic. Thx!!" Good game but I give three because I was promised Altra 4k HD mega realistic graphics when I load the game and what do I get low or medium no hd just garbage (Sorry but please don't lie to your followers because I want to create car games from your inspiration but now I don't thanks man just thanks) Dude no more adds why. If your the one who created this you suck and you should not ad no more adds because if in 2024 you haven't cleared the adds then we hate the producers who made this and I can't even really play this cool game. It's rather you take out the adds or you will be called the worst place and worst company ever. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 I played many games and it has the same map and all the cars should have fisics to them like flip over The new update is awesome but still has some bugs like when I get into interior view I can't see the other vehicles. "The app is nice,,it has realistic graphics and physics and all but there are some things you might want to change.....for example, the engine sounds the same for every car,like a jeep can't sound the same as a lambo so,work on that. And as a suggestion, you could add a level or something,including like a police car chase.....street racing....rescue missions and stuff" I give 3 star because the skins are to expensive to purchase in rupees. Some skins are more tha 2000 and i think it's conplete waste of money.. The creaters should give it for ingame currency "So far, the game was pretty good until the adds showed up. It gets pretty annoying when your trying to switch your car until more adds show up. When the game gets laggy and your using a certain type of control option, it messes up your movement in a type of way it makes you frustrated. But so far it's good." "Its a good game honestly, the changes over the years have suprised me, but I have a few complaints. The physicas are a bit messed up (as well as the crash physics), it either oversteers or understeers, and a LOT of ads! Like one every 2 minutes or one everytime I click somthing. The upsides are that its really open world, traffic, and even the deatails up to the planes moving! Overall, a 3 star. Would've done 4 star if there wern't that many ads." "All around a good game, and graphics are 👍, in less mb ,but ..... I tell u later 😁" "Really good game, it's simple and has a lot of cars to choose, big map with different areas that all look different. Driving feels okay and the game runs fine on any phone I've ever played it on. It can be a little more grindy than it needs to be, and there isnt very much of a goal. The lack of any type of online mode holds it back as well. That said, it is actually a very good game that's been given a lot of attention over the years. Would highly recommend." "The new graphics and UI looks amazing. Physics are still awkward. Steering too sensitive, a tap would spin you out. Ads are revenue but this is horrid, too many ads. Ads would show up after every click, even in the middle of the game. Whoever says ""Just turn off wifi"" is dumb. It's crucial to be online nowadays. Anyways thanks" "Look the game looks beautiful but it's been years. Why not add multiplayer, make the map bigger and more areas instead of just 3 locations, add cars instead of replacing cars that was already in the game, add races and many more. I understand it's hard but like cmon the game is good looking but has never change much so please add more stuff to the game" "Fun to play for about an hour. After completing every challenge and collecting the BP points the game becomes just ""Driving"". In my opinion, it should be added more driving modes, challenges and some form of time races. Graphics are good and the game runs smoothly." "Amazing Car Racing Game But The Problem Starts Here, I Searched Car Games On The Playstore SearchBar And This Is The #1 App That Came Up I Downloaded It On A Chromebook, I Could Use WASD As Movement And Arrow Keys Which Was Amazing But The Graphics Are Ugly And It Looks Like Some Rip off Game of Asphalt 8 I Perfer Asphalt 8 TBH. Upgrade The Graphics And Maybe My Review Will Get 5 Stars." I luv dis game it is as good as my fave game i think the quantity ads should be reduced and i just love the new skins but i wish they did not need real money to buy and i also would like if you put in some new cars maybe bring back the lambo but that is it ☺☺☺🙂🙂🙂 I liked the old version better the little ads at the bottom of the screen block words on the main menu and you have to drive 31 miles to unlock no traffic and there is too many ads Good game and all but this update is dope exept for the fact that the new mega skins costs real money and not gold which makes me upset because im just an 8-year old 😢 and another thing why is the cool mega skins from the last update not worth gold and now its money atleast make the old ones worth gold The game is extremely good like its name but there is some thing to be customised which is the interior of the cars it shohul be different for different vehicle's otherwise every thing is good "Very fun game but sometime its boring just driving around can you add multiplayer mode i really want to play with friends.. Add more cars too like agera, huracan, supra, and more! 👍😄" The game is great but batman skin car is too much money when some of my friends told me they got it for free I don't belive them but Nissan skyline should get a new skin with body kit as well but the game is fun The new update is amazing but you have to use real money to purchase a new skin...i think in the next update you must put a feature to unlock a new skin by watching Ads on some cool new skins. "Very Cool Game But First This Game Was Very Good Ultra Graphics But Now It Max Is Medium Graphics Plzzz Improve Graphics Much And Make Ultra Graphics Compatible For All Devices, Also If You Can Please Add Multiplayer. Love Your Game 🎮💕" The game is very good but it has only one map they should add more maps and interior is same only in all car. Why the cars are so expensive make them least expensive don't make it diamonds instead let it be gold remove diamond update "A very good game but the reason for 3/5 is that it needs to lessen the amount of ads it shows, there is no need for an ad to be shown in my screen when I'm playing, it's VERY annoying and it ruins the experience. You already have commercial breaks, ads for coins and stuff so I think the one in the screen is just too much. Please remove it." "This game is really good graphics,nice cars,skins,etc. But the map is too small and the sound of cars are so wierd and disgusting. The game need more modes to play and please increase the size of map and include more modes. Please avoid distruction and repair of car." "This game is AWESOME but I think there should be more adrede to this game like turn signal, you can get to see the drive,you can be able ti walk around and there should be more cars and places to tour around like the cannyons there should be a maps and lots of cites lots of hypercars futurisric cars the speedometer to work and etc. I think you should make this game 3D like 3d driving class. There should be los of things added to this game like make it a real live game. Over allí is so AWESOME TO" The game is great an all but I felt a bit stuck with the main menu after coming back accouple of years coming back form the original. The game needs some improvement like the soft body Physics because the crash animation is like in forza that like in the original. I had a lot of fun destroying cars when I was a kid. I tried it now and it felt like forza. I get it the sponsers and stuff like that but still that feature had lot of fun. But the game looks gorgeous since the og but thats it. In all cars the structure is same in the car please in all cars change the structure "I have used this app for 5 years. Until just last week, connection was fine for phone calls. Now it won't stay connected for more than an hr. Sometimes only a few min. I also had to search for the latest update. Even with that, it still drops calls randomly. It is not a wifi or service provider issue. And now i find out that it may not support my galaxy A11 shortly... this phone is only two years old!!!!" "I like having an app to keep in touch with foreign friends & connect with new people we meet, but it is not easy to make that first contact with someone new. There should be an easier way to connect with people & send a message to them, they don't always show up when I click the envelope button for a message. It's easy when they write to me first, to just respond but the other way is messy" "When I have video connection I can't make full screen when other caller have full size. Even more, The function for the voice messages ( Press and Hold) is very useless because sometimes the fingers hurt to hold long time to leave once message and it is not safe if you need to leave voice message when driving. Press and Record until you send or delete function would be much useful." "With the new update, I also lost the ability to send gallery photos from within the app, as other users have said. It took me a long time to figure out how to fix it. The other problem I have had for years is: When I am listening to a voice recording and something accidentally covers my phone's light sensor, my screen automatically goes black and the message stops playing. It takes several steps to start the message again, and there is no setting to fix it! It drives me crazy!" "loved it but within the past update or two I've been so frustrated with the light sensor changing the way the msgs can be heard. I'll try to listen and it keeps stopping no matter what i try.. seems so random, I don't know why it works or doesn't work at any given time, and now I'm trying to listen to a msg on my headphones and it switches to speaker whenever i put the phone in my pocket. i do not want to have to hold the phone to hear everything, and even when i do, it doesn't play sometimes!" "I've been using this app for a long time now and I like it until recently I have been having issues sending videos I would attach a video and it will load fine but once I send it the person receiving it only gets 1 second of video. I have changed my video quality so it uses less kb/mb but still same thing, I even tried to send a 3 second video and still same issue. I never had this problem before and I don't know how to fix it." "This has been a great app, best messaging app by distance. But it can be greatly improved upon. I still wonder why the developers have left it this boring 💤 I have used GB whatsapp in the past, it's a hundred times better. I don't need all the features in GB integrated here, but at least, some useful ones should be. Like the following; 1. Option to change the default display menu colours, and outlook style. 2. The option to separate individual chats from group chats." "Normally a pretty good performance for an android app, only until recently there was near to zero glitches or dropouts. Not sure what has caused the noticeable increase in some minor buggy's -- bugs nonetheless which in the shear number of glootches, inconveniences and strips the experience of reconnecting with friends android keeping in touch with newer friends more of a chore more than time and energy connecting, laughing or supporting friends in need." "The latest update broke the ability to view .gif files in any gallery app. The development seems to be in constant flux (very noticeable bugs every couple of releases, most likely due to poor testing policy at microsoft), but it's the app everyone i know uses so i feel like i have to stay locked in. It's an OK app though; based on the Telegram protocol, but less secure." "One frustrating aspect of WhatsApp is the various limitations it imposes. For example, when sending videos or music, the file names are changed to random strings instead of retaining their original names. Additionally, image compression can significantly reduce the quality of photos. Furthermore, the 90-second limit for sending videos can be inconvenient at times." "Merging everything to Meta was all good until all the apps started to glitch in something or the other. After the new update, you cannot send multiple documented jpg files at once, even if you select the files you want to send the app just takes the last selected file and sends that particular file only. It is irritating me a lot as I use WhatsApp on a regular basis to share photos and videos. I request the developers to fix this bug as soon as possible." "I use the app a lot and it works! The newer updates only allow the sharing of one file at a time using the file sharing option unlike the older versions. It is frustrating trying to share a big number of files, selecting them all only to send one after hitting the share button. Please fix, or tell me if there's something that needs to be set up in-app." "Before the last update you could type a message and then attach a photo for example....the text would be delivered with the photo. Now you type the text, add the photo, send the photo but the text isn't sent and disappears. Yes you can add a photo and send a caption which seems to be delivered together. I couldn't see this new feature in your change list......or am I missing something???" "Downgrade to 2 stars because video clips sent through WhatsApp only display as 1-2 seconds ""blip"" instead of the original format. There are no issues (so far) with voice messages. I am unable to locate a Setting parameter that changes this shortfall. Video calls work well most times without line delays (7/10)." "Great app. Feedback— Scheduling messages needed. There should be a way to easily login to multiple accounts and easily switch accounts. Even it'll be better for the web version to work on mobile device browsers. This way it's undistinguished from SMS where I need to check multiple devices, then connect them to internet to collect or send information." Overall Whatsapp experience is good. Developer should have an eye on the quality of photos and videos. Likewise whenever a photo or video is sent to somebody the overall quality becomes so poor. This is rubbish. I think that management will consider my point and work on it that is gonna provide the best user experience. "I'm satisfied with this app, but just three things about this app I don't like. I can't up my status in a tablet. It only enables smartphones. I hope you can update it and enable it in every device. The quality of photos is also not satisfying. When I shared a photo or up a status, the photos became blurry." "A simple and lightweight chat app. You can send images with reduced size or original size as you like, and almost any file with ease. The main concerns are: 1. Somehow I can't reply any status at all with newer versions. The reply box and enter button isn't shown by swiping up, is it a bug on tablet devices? 2. Please increase maximum pinned chats/groups. 3 is not enough. 3. Why loudspeaker mode can't be turned off during video/voice calls? Please fix it, this heavily concerns privacy issues..." "I've been using WhatsApp for years now. However the latest update doesn't allow me to send /share multiple documents at a time. I've selected several files but only one file is being sent. I hope the team could something about this. It has caused inconvenience to me and perhaps to many other users too. Current device: Samsung Note 20, with the latest update too." "Call quality is very good, but chatting... No message editing, migrate to another phone is a challenge - backup restoring just stuck forever, so I have to lose all my history. I use this app because many people around use it, that is why, no other reason, happy to get rid of it completely." "Help. For more than a year I been having trouble with the backup messages. have it programmed for every day backup but it's never do it, always showing there was a kind of trouble try later or saying I should connect to WiFi when is connected. I ask a few people of they have the same issue and they said yes, always fighting with the backup because he do it when he want. Can you please help with this matter? I try everything and every WiFi connection, including my network phone but nothing work." "Why does WhatsApp make negative changes? Now, when I want to chat there's only half of the side shown up and on the left I see my contact list while I'm chatting. I don't like that at all. I don't want to see other contacts when I comunicate with somebody! I'd appreciate if you thought about that and made a better change again. Thank you. By the way, the possibility to create avators is very positive😊🍀" My overall experience in using this app has been good but the problem arises when I make video calls. Off late my video call suddenly starts lagging which is not due to the network or my phone being outdated. The lag also affects my phone performance when i minimize the video call tab and use some other app. It started happening from the past couple of weeks. "Bugs or errors in encryption process or backups of encrypted content. Multiple messages to support and no one even understands the problem, no way to report as an error if the support process can't understand basic questions. I've attempted to explain in several different ways with illustrated examples and screenshots, support still doesn't understand the subject of my issue. Impressively bad and useless support process." This is very helpful app and very good👍 This is very friendly and very easy to use. But i would like to give a suggestion that i think is important and will be helpful for the users around the globe. After the latest update I am having problem while viewing videos. Every time when the video plays in the status it fails to load and loads status of the next person. People dp takes long time to load. My suggestion would be to have an option to disable automatic downloads. The app is very great... "Till now all is good . I would like to suggest an additional feature , that is to mark status as read , and there by saving data , it may be insignificant but can avoid repeated content for those who prefer that. Also the option to restore backup is asked only once. That's a drawback." "Hi Team, I have been using it for quite some time, and it's a friendly application, but now and then we are receiving spam calls and messages from unknown numbers as the contact is not in our phone book. I keep blocking the numbers, but the scammers are reaching with different numbers and making a lot of noise. If there is no solution for this issue and the option is to uninstall the WhatsApp application, I hope WhatsApp is developing a solution to address these issues." "ugh, i hate new update. I use my whatsapp more often in my tablet, and the new layout? Garbage. It's hard to even send messages, status, or even typing. I much prefer the old one. Anything but that, obviously. I like everything about whatsapp except this, please change it back. when im using landscape, it looks like it was split in half lol, and when portrait, much more bad to look at." "Good chatting app ,but while video calling it automatically blurs my background, in front facing camera ,can't disable it .This problem is only there in WhatsApp. Rest all video calling apps work perfectly.And like one time photo and video if there was like one time voice message that would have been cool." I have few requests here....recently could not send more than one file as document...that's problematic. And Please bring back that show NOTIFICATIONS even after MUTE option for chats. Pease Put a toggle button for the dark theme at a convenient place on the app. Rest is smooth. "It's a very good app, but it lacks a fundamental feature (specially now that it is being used for work) and that is: being able to create folders/tabs to sort charts. I'd be really happy and less stressed if I could have all my work-related chats and groups on one tab and another one for my family and/or friends, etc." "I am fine with the new tablet interface, but after recent updates the interface doesn't show correctly on Samsung Dex. I tend to use it as a window and the bottom part of the app will cut off. I can still use it, but I can't see what I'm typing." "The texting works fine but I can't download any images or listen to any audio. All I get is Download Unable to Complete. Tried restarting the app, clearing the cache, making sure it is the latest version, etc. Kind of makes the app nothing better than SMS." "I've been facing 2 problems after the latest update. 1. Videos aren't loading whether they're sent by a contact or put by them in status. It won't load at any cost. 2. Whenever I pick images as a document to send to a contact, it'll only pick first image & leaves the rest of the images I selected. Didn't expected these kind of bugs from WhatsApp." "I've been using whatsapp on android for more than a decade now, but recently I've realised its crashing randomly and my chat history were not able to be restored properly. daily backup seems to stopped as well and when I tried to backup chat to Google drive, it's showing 'unable to backup messages' error with no details. Please fix it soon." "I've been using this app for years now. However, one day I was on the app with a different device but suddenly I got logged out. I tried to link it to the device but I can't seem to get it. They say that ""No valid QR code detected"". I'm not sure if this a bug, a problem with the QR code or the connection. When I tried to see the problem, they said it might be the problem with my WiFi connection but there's no problem with it! I can still use it on my phone. But Overall this is a decent app." "It worked great... until there were issues. I normally use it on the Web at work because it allows me to type and send things faster. That is until the app couldn't for some reason, scan QR codes. I tried reloading, clearing browser cache, cleaning my lens, clearing my phone cache... nothing. About 70% of my use of this app has stopped because of it but oh well 🤷‍♂️" The app is good. It's a useful app. But the problem is that you cant send videos more that 2 minutes and 5 seconds which is very frustrating. I had to send many important videos but i couldn't because of this. Please increase the time limit of videos. 2 horrible experiences so 2 stars minus. 1. You can export a chat but you cannot restore it somewhere within watsapp 🤣🤣. Can only open in some text editor. There might be some workarounds but very inconvenient. 2. Moving historical chats between different platforms is horribly complicated. "WhatsApp is simply the best messaging app out there! It's user-friendly, reliable, and secure. I love the seamless communication it offers, from texting to voice and video calls. The end-to-end encryption ensures privacy. It's a solid three stars!" After putting status the pic is getting blurred. It's really frustrating and the time limit of status is only 30 sec. I hate it sometimes. For any 60 sec video we have to crop that into 2 which a real hectic. I hope you will rectify this. Thank you Please work on your app the features are very innovative and good but the app doesn't function properly For eg: once you send a message to a person it shows single tick. If you open the app again and click on the chat it shows double tick. Please fix this bug rather than keeping tons of updates "Voice messages are problematic. I have an android Google phone. Whenever I play th voice message, the screen switches off (as I locked the screen) and volume goes down. Also WhatsApp becomes unresponsive. This happened in my previous phone too!" Bug Report : My friends and I are having issues with the video call were by it says video paused on its own and locks the video toggle button. The video will be still showing to the recipient but frozen on my side. I hope this bug will fixed soon. The biggest fault here is how picture quality is ruined on the status. Even when the settings are changed to best quality. This particularly happens to my Samsung S22. But not so much on my iPhone. Can WhatsApp please fix this. I can't even upload anymore as I know my picture will end up blurring or with some fading. "Recently anybody who tries to facetime me on whatsapp cannot hear me properly, apparently I sound like a robot. Looked into all settings, everything is as it should be but it will not correct itself. This has happened since the last update 3 or 4 days ago. Very irritating as I use it daily to speak to family abroad." The update what you have made for tablets is very disgusting. This is like using the app in chrome or on laptop or computer. Please fix this very soon. This update is not good what you have made. It is like the split screen view. Please fix this as soon as possible. Thank you "Please, delete the Communities feature!!! New community feature is terrible. It's not useful for 99.99% of users. I thought it's up to me alone to control it. But when I used it, it merged ALL contacts in the 2 groups that I added to the Community!!! Without prior notice and it notified everybody in those groups! As a result, some people left, because you can't use their numbers to merge in same community WITHOUT ASKING THEM! I was ashamed of what the What's App did." "The problem i have with WhatsApp now is that, after I updated to the new updates, I'm unable to send more that one documents file at the same time. Please adjust this on your next update. It is stress sending more than 10 documents one after the other. Thanks in advance" "WhatsApp's growing spam call issue from international numbers is frustrating and disruptive. The current blocking features are insufficient and time-consuming. To improve user experience and security, WhatsApp should introduce an option to automatically block calls and messages from unknown international numbers. This would ensure only saved contacts can reach users, providing a safer and more enjoyable experience on the platform." "Please include two features in the next update: 1. Allow 'invisible' status so that even when someone is online, their contacts can't see him. This will help to avoid unwanted communication. 2. Looking to the ongoing international call scam, please add a feature to allow 'Only my contacts' to make a voice or video call on the WhatsApp platform." "Dear WhatsApp LLC, please introduce a security feature to automatically block the spam calls or messages. Like if we can enter a series, any number with that series should be automatically be blocked. Nowadays most of the people are so much worried about this issue. I totally loved your app but if you can introduce this security feature I will for sure update my rating." "For a few weeks, I am facing major accessibility problem. That is if anyone puts WhatsApp status as image or as video with captions, then talkback does not read the caption. Due to this, I am missing many updates and status. Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Thank you" "I used to be able to send multiple documents on whatsapp, but now I can only send one document at a time. Can you guys fix this bug,please? It is causing unnecessary problems at work as I rely on this app to send multiple documents to my clients. Any assistance is greatly appreciated." "Has started having issues now with splitting contacts for those who have personal and business lines. However, I gather from reading people's comments, in the FAQs, there should be a info for people to ensure they have a clear out of unwanted information, then do a backup, prior switching your phone. If you forget to do one last backup before starting you will lose photos, media and chat etc." "Overall, whatsapp is a good application for texting and calls, but the only concern that I have is that if I send an image via whatsapp, the quality of the picture drops. If this issue is corrected, then whatsapp will be a perfect application." I find that sometimes audio is low quality and I battle to hear people on the other end when video calling the image lags and freezes and doesn't sync with the audio sometimes i get cut off and it says reconnecting even though I'm using 5G high speed internet what's up with that The in app calling is unreliable. Often I receive a missed voice call notification when one of my contacts have tried to reach me. Even though I have access to the Internet and no network issues. This appears to be an issue when WhatsApp isn't running in the background or you haven't opened WhatsApp for a while. When the app is open voice calls connect fine. Please can this rectified ASAP. "In general the app is not bad. It does what IT should do, send messages. I just find the UI and UX design so outdated that you really find it ugly. it absolutely needs a big redesign. It should definitely be revised." "Old fashioned inconvenient messenger. However it is the same as Facebook. It is not possible to write to a person until adding to your contact list. It is not possible to send a big file. No stickers, emojis are redrawed for no reason. I hope once developers will realize that it is 2023 already ""Couldn't complete backup"" notification couldn't be closed and it uses your google disk. Reptiloids have to do perfect apps as a more perfect stage of evolution." "It a great app but my only problem right now is the quality when I upload a picture(s) or video(s). Why does it downgrade the quality and have it looking trashy?🥲 if I upload a pic or vid in 10/10 quality, I expect the app to keep the quality, you know? Just something to think about for a future update. It would be greatly appreciated🫶🏽🙏🏽" "Hi, it's my personal opinion that WhatsApp should enable an edit option for messages. That feature is available on Microsoft teams. If we send a message misspelt only way is to delete message. But this will discomfort the recipient. So the edit option will be great.. Anyway this is an amazing app with lots of helpful features.. Thankyou" "Tried messaging you quite few times. My mic is ok on regular calls but other person cannot hear me clearly on WhatsApp calls. My voice is cracking. The cell operator, hardware company and local cell repairer said it's problem with WhatsApp. Kindly support very urgently." Not able to see names of the unsaved contacts in group on my samsung anymore. So I recently changed my phone to samsung and I noticed that I'm not able to see the names anymore. I'm not sure if it's just in my device or because of any update. Can anyone help me out here on how to enable it? "While sending pictures in document format, the app allows to select multiple pictures but the moment you click the send option, it only sends the first one. This wasn't happening in previous version of WhatsApp." "Since yesterday 9/3/2023, Wednesday, i have issue with the pop up notifications during lock screen especially for the group notifications for group that has been always muted. I have to tap into the WhatsApp application everytime to view the group messages. Kindly fix this issue as soon as possible because it's quite hassle and troublesome. Thank you so much for your attention and concern." "If i have to send photo in document form, i have to send them one by one. This things happened after latest update. I can't send them at once in a bunch like previous. Very irritating." "Recent updates have been terrible no longer shows my gallery so I have to go into my photos select what to send then share into WhatsApp.. also, popup notifications are not working and sometimes I miss messages as I don't get notified that I have them! I have to go into the app every so often just to see them! When someone video calls that doesn't come up on my screen I have to unlock it physically go into the app and try and find the caller by the time that is done they have usually hung up!" No longer gives call notifications. When I get a call I have to unlock the phone. Open the app. Open the call tab. At this point I can see who is calling but generally they have given up by now. Only at this point can I answer the phone call. The app is fine. Not happy about the fact that the new update took away the option to mute group chat notifications and still see the notifications. It was a useful option as I don't want instant notifications from all groups but I would like to know if there is a message in the group. Now I don't see anything until I open the app. Which is frustrating because I don't want my phone buzzing all the time but I also don't want to keep opening the app just to see if there are messages. "The new split screen is awful and you can't toggle it off or move the split left. Your chats are now only half the screen size meaning images are very small so you now have to open them most of the time and text lines are very short, which makes reading more awkward on long messages. I have a wide GalaxyZ fold and it must be even worse on narrower phones. Let me turn this off and you'll get 5 stars." Hi as everyone know it is good app. Now there is one setting for dp i.e 'my contacts except' and exclude particular people for sseeing dp.But after that if i add any new no then my dp can see by new added people as well. Which is actually correct as per setting.But sometimes we forgot to add those new added people in list setting list. So i want one change i.e if anyone is using this setting then new added people also set into excluded list "Overall, Experience of using this app is just bombastic!! But the latest update exploited the previous taste "" More than one pictures, couldn't be sent as a document at once "". This really irritates me!!" "Please can we have an edit option for the messages sent. This saves time as we do not need to rewrite the message. Also, I would be very much like if the messages or links forwards could have a seen icon so that we know when we have sent a link to someone, and they have in turn forwarded it to someone else. Great app so far." For messaging and communication i must say its amazing but i am throughly disappointed with its art aspects. As many who have downloaded this app may know when you send a picture there is an option to draw or type on it. As a broke artist who cant pay for procreate or anything like that i attempted to use whatsapps colours and let me tell you i was disapointed. Not only did it lack the colour brown but the brush was often to large for the more exact parts of my drawings. Im very disappointed 😭 "Unable to use WhatsApp via voice control/hey Google which was great for when i was driving and wanted to send a message or reply to one. The app worked perfectly until about 8 weeks ago, and despite all permissions being set up and ""allowed"" it still won't work! The app still works if I manually open it and type a message!" "The functionalities of this app is good. But the one and only drawback is that when we touch the dp it will redirect us to view the status of that particular person. If that person's status is already muted by me because of the irritation or etc, that feature is redirect me to that status. Omitting this feature in your future update would be better." No problems or issues until recently when notifications sounds are hit and miss. Even after resetting it's stayed the same. Not ideal for important messages. "I have been getting issues with my WhatsApp not working properly when it comes to statuses, as long as they are videos they wont play. Same with chats , if people send me videos I'm unable to watch them bc my WhatsApp won't download it. No matter how many times i tried or uninstall to reinstall again still the same issue. Hope this bug get fixed. Thank you." "This app is good, but main options which must be available on this watsapp are *1) option to either make status seen or not and another 2) option for downloading status of contacs*. This is the reason, for which millions of people are using YOWATSAPP, GBWATSAPP, FMWATSAPP etc... These two options may kindly be added in next update, for which unlimited happiness will be comnenced. I hope such changes and anxiously wait for next update." "That little pop up option is really convenient but when someone else sends you a message as you're typing to previous one or even recording an audio, the chat shifts and you end up sending to the wrong chat ...it's happened to often and it's really annoying, please fix" "Ive been having issues downloading pictures, videos and even voice notes that are supposed to be automatically downloaded since this latest update. This is really frustrating. Please, if it can't be fixed, I'll like to know how if I can revert back to the previous update" "With every update certain things fall away, which makes it harder to still like. 1. Can't listen to voicenotes while you exit whatsapp anymore: why? 2. The vn pauses when you open someone's profile picture. Those are my only two problems which are now frustrating. I'd rather have a call then use voicenotes cause what's the point???" "I would have given it five stars⭐but sir whenever I call someone then the screen goes off until the person picks up the call, or in case I'm talking to someone on voice call I can't turn on the screen to end the call... Plzz try to solve this problem in the next update." "Since the last update i can't access Whatsapp on my laptop. it's showing QR code invalid. on the other hand while i'm using different whatapp on IOS, that can connect to the web instant. So, I think it's a technical error in Android version. Kindly work on it" "The app is great, but I have been struggling for a week to get it to link with my laptop. The phone app doesn't recognise the QR code on the laptop. It used to but not anymore. I have cleaned the camera and screen repeatedly, but still nothing. I don't know how to fix it." "The poll feature has been started in the new update of WhatsApp, but there are many shortcomings in it, like while voting, only one option should be selected and after voting, the rest of the options should be automatically locked, in which all the options are selected. which is the biggest drawback" "What is wrong with this app these days? It's hard for me to load a picture sent to me or load WhatsApp statuses. I have to be turning on and turning off my data just to load one picture. I even thought it needed updating but it's not even been up to a week since my last update. I'm also not the only one with this problem, I've heard complaints from A LOT of people. Please fix this as soon as possible. Thanks" "I've been using this app for a long time and it's quite good, but tbh, I'm using this bcs I hv no choice. All my classes have whatsapp groups. Why can't u develop this like telegram? It's easy to use and u don't hv to backup everything. WhatsApp backup thing is really annoying and takes a lot of time. Please hurry up and find solutions for these issues Edit : well it's been a while since I wrote this, the backup issue is there as always, but overall experience has become better over the time." "In pop up window (z fold 4), the text bar in the bottom (for typing messages) is not accessible. I cant reply texts in pop up mode. I have to maximize it. Kinda hinders the usage by a bit." "It's looks like sometimes the what's app web is not working correctly where when I want to scan the code to login in my PC it's shows the error ""No valid QR code detected"" even the screen is full clean it's shows the error. And same thing the problem is occured on my friends pc. Something is glitch in WhatsApp web." "I have multiple computers and use WhatsApp on all. With the latest update for Windows PC's it installed on 1 PC but no matter what I do, it will not install on the other. Clearing prior version(s), cleaning install files, resetting Microsoft store settings do not help. I'm frustrated and MAJORLY disappointed." "I have experienced a new issue regarding sending multiple photo files/documents in WhatsApp. Previously, I could send more than 55 documents all at once but after updating this app I am unable to send it. Kindly fix this as soon as possible. Much appreciated." "It's old and dull why not take some tips from the mods because they are absolutely fun, 1: the mods have their own status saver, 2: groups and chats are separated, 3: customisable home page, 4: FYI you can even schedule a message for later and can go offline without turning off data connection plus it has a light mode and a dark mode. So I suggest getting the people who create these mods onboard and make WhatsApp messenger fun plus adding an edit feature for sent messages like how playstore does" i loved WhatsApp I use it to communicate with pretty much everyone but one of the reasons I liked it was because I could send long videos! now I can't send anything longer than 2:50 and I just tried sending a video while filming through the app and it stopped recording at 30 seconds!!! "Recent layout change within group chats is terrible, bubbles unaesthetic. *** Feature requests: 1. Default emoji skin tone of choice. 2. User Interface: Make it possible to split the main view into more than two inboxes (currently main & archive). I could split all work related chats from friends and family, etc. with different notification settings for each inbox. I would keep my work inbox on silent with no notifications or pop ups during times I am away / weekends & holidays. 📥" "I've been facing 2 problems after the latest update. 1. Videos aren't loading whether they're sent by a contact or put by them in status won't load at any cost. 2. Whenever l pick images as a document to send to a contact, it'l only pick first image & leaves the rest of the images I selected. Didn't expected these kind of bugs from WhatsApp" "I used to love the previously updated version. However, the update on Oct 8th '18 is not so good to me...they have removed the option of ""delete for everyone"" which referred to deleting a message sent erroneously or not. I can now only delete a message I sent at my end but the receiver will STILL receive said message. SMH" "Latest updates awful, spilt screen view is pointless and a waste of screen space. And now I'm no longer getting pop up notifications of messages because apparently it's no longer supported on my version of Android? In the last few days I've missed many important messages because I didn't know it'd been sent them!" "Even though the WhatsApp is really great, but please try to add the feature of Editing Messages. It will really save a lot of time deleting the messages for everyone and then sending it again if we make mistakes there and wants to change it." "I can't see the pop up for incoming calls now, video calls and regular calls are not the best quality. I can't multi video call, I can't multi conference call unless it's on an established group, GIF sometimes crash the app... That's among some. Sharing is very easy and there are some cool tricks and features that are appreciated. The fact that you can use a user name and not your number to communicate with other people is a plus" "Hello... I send more than 100 images and several audio files to my channel daily. I need these files to be sent in the order I selected and sorted, for example, from the oldest to the newest. But sometimes they are sent back and forth. This problem can easily be solved by putting a delay between the transmissions, but it doesn't exist! Please fix it so that Telegram remains the best" "I use this app a lot and like it, but lately, it tends to detect my hand being close to the phone and will try to record audio, or blank the screen like my face is near it, trying to make a phone call. It's annoying, so I've had to restrict permissions of the app to control the audio and video recording because it so often disrupts my ability to type" "It used to be my No.1 app. But then it happened to cause some problems. Whenever I play music on telegram and my phone rings, as I answer the phone, the music suddenly starts playing during the call! It also automatically cleared my cache even in chats I chose as exception. It's just not as great it used to be." "You keep breaking gifs. Every time this app updates I have to relearn how to send gifs from my phone storage because the way that worked previously now just sends and extra-crunchy jpeg. I get that coding can be difficult, but if you could figure out a way to isolate image, gif, and video uploads so that when you update the app the multiple avenues of sending them don't break, that'd be awesome." "frankly bizarre UI options. for example to save a gif, you must first select a message, tap save to GIFs, which does not save the gif, but rather it is added to a favorites list. then you must send a message with that gif from the list, now select your sent message, and press download, which will then save the file to your downloads folder. which just seems bizarre to me. often unresponsive and takes multiple presses to open a chat." "The app used to be great! But the newest update has been really buggy. I don't get notified when I get new messages anymore. I've checked all the settings on both the app and my phone. I still don't know I have anything until I open the app and check. Also, now when I go the home screen on the app, the new messages are HIDDEN at the top of the screen. I have to pull down to see them. The voice to text option doesnt work anymore either. Might need to switch to a new messenger app." "When you clear a notification from the top bar in your phone, the app pushes out the notification again and again. You can't clear notifications unless you open the app or mark the item as read. That's garbage. Sometimes I don't have time to deal with it and will come back later but I can't get the notification to go away. The only fix is to delete the app." "Things have suddenly become weird with telegram. I will be able to record a voice message one day, or to one person, then the next day it doesn't work. It won't even allow me to record, despite letting me do it 2 hours ago with the same person... While the app is set to English, it's telling me things in other languages... And not languages that I understand. I will uninstall and reinstall, but that's a pain too, and it's not what anyone should have to do with a messaging app just to use it." "Really great at first and then, after going from iPhone (gross) to Android, it started getting really buggy all of a sudden? GIFs get weird after playing a few times, the bubble mode is extremely glitchy, and there has been A LOT of delay when receiving messages at times. Still really great, just not as much as it definitely could be." "Animated stickers use up way too much storage despite the fact that I never use them. Upon using Telegram for just a few minutes the cache size of the app gets close to a gigabyte because it forcibly downloads these stickers regardless of if I use them or not. On the note of automatic downloads, I have them turned off for images as well. But the app has been automatically downloading them too. It's quite inconvenient when my friends have very risque senses of humor." "This app is great for communicating with people that is more secure than text messaging. Even though most people don't need any extra security, like me, there is no downside to having it. There are definitely some improvements to be made, my experience on Android is different than my friends with iPhones. They have the ability to take screenshot of secure chats but I cannot. Same app should have same capabilities regardless. I do like the higher quality videos and images, better than text msg" "I stopped getting push notifications several months ago. I've checked my settings both in app and in my phone. My friends I chat with say the same thing happens to them too. It isn't uncommon for me to think no one has messaged in days then open the app and get bombarded with old unread messages. Of course, often at that point a push notification shows up, which is not very helpful at that point." All in all Telegram is a fast and seemingly secure messaging service that I've been happy to use. My only gripe with it is that there seems to be a bug that does not allow me to customize my chat settings. I set a theme of my liking and it is in use for about 30 seconds before reverting to the standard Telegram monotonous blue. Fast forward another 30 seconds and it reverts to the theme I set. Then another 30 seconds and we're in a nonstop battle of blue vs green (the color scheme I chose) "I enjoy this app and its features, specifically the animated emojis! What needs to be looked into is the audio when listening to voicenotes. The playback sounds as if the pitch is on high speed, which makes it difficult to understand what is being said. The calls needs to be improved when I'm speaking internationally. Local calls, so far are okay. Work on those two aspects and WhatsApp would be put out of business!" "I genuinely like this app, however when it comes to initiating outgoing messages through Android Auto or through Google Assistant it simply does not work. Google Assistant responds with ""Sorry, I can't send messages with Telegram yet."" In the past, this function did work. I understand many other users have noticed this specific issue. Would love to see an update that fixes this issue in the near future." "I HATE that it downloads every photo and video. It ruins my phone. Yes, you can go in to adjust settings, but then nothing streams. Updste won't install because it has filled my phone to the point of being useless. I must spend hours on backup to delete hidden files. We all assume it's safe. Hope that's true, but TRUST NOTHING." "Interesting. Im not in a job or anything that requires this for personal safety. Either way I am grateful to the creators of telegram for the incalculable service to humanity that this must provide from what I've seen. I don't want the 3 start review to distract from that, I merely see some improvements to be made. For instance in storage settings there's two options: /storage/emulated And /Storage/bunch-a-numbers Is that supposed to read device vs. SD storage? Could we have that option? TY." "I generally like using this for messaging; however, I'm very annoyed by the fact that almost every time I reopen the app after not using it for a while, the chat settings have reset to the default. I constantly have to go back into chat settings to get the background and colors the way I want. If this stopped happening, I wouldn't have any complaints." "The app is great. I think that it can be a bit intrusive. I've changed and changed and reset notifications only for them to go back to popup, vibrate etc. Only when I completely blocked notifications at the app level did things calm down. But then I wasn't notified of the really important messages. I'm frustrated by that." "App is great for chatting but has some ridiculous issues. You have to tap a gear icon everytime you upload a video or else it automatically drops the quality to about 140p while keeping the file size, just make it the original quality by default. Worst notification system of any app I've ever experienced. Even if you set it to never repeat notifications once you already have them, it'll proceed to send multiple notifications from the chat. Just make it send one if you already have a notification" "Great app with one big issue. On the new Samsung update from last month, the bubbles don't work. They immediately close when you tap them so you can't quickly message back and close the bubble. I waited a bit to see if it would be fixed but it wasn't. Every other popular app that has the bubble feature works great. I have an S20." "It's a very good messaging app, promptly fixed bugs, overall would highly recommend this app. Edit #3: It used to fix bugs promptly. Currently have a bug with sharing images function or copy pasting them into a chat from my phone. They show up in Google Photos app even when the options in Telegram's settings is turned off to save to gallery once the phone is restarted. So do the settings default ""on"" during boot and turn off right after perhaps? Based on folder name feel is Tele over Photo/Brave" "The main window erroneously shows unread messages in archived groups. When viewing archived chats there is no indication which group(s) triggered the new message icon. Knowing which group most likely trigger the new messages icon I scrolled to the end of those mesaages. Despite numerous attempts to clear new message icon, it persists. At best, the number is reduced by one. Only closing the app works. Even then, the issue returns. The benefits of archiving is lost until this issue is resolved." The app on all clients will refuse to load the full list of channel and group subscribers/members past a certain point and will refuse to show members/subs when searching for them manually despite them being in the group/channel. The app also still crashes for regular users when attempting to access any files that are over 2GB in size. Fix your issues instead of throwing out more new features that keep breaking the app more. It's slowly starting to become unusable. "Latest update forced gradients, transparencies and effects into chats and text bubbles, making the interface look awful. Plus, changing the theme to a combination of plain colors with no transparency or gradients is harder than ever before. Customization is a big part of the experience with apps like this, and now it feels like you need to build your own theme or download one from the internet for you to have more classic experience. Please give us more plain customization options." "Update, 12/21. The video calls are increasingly sluggish or just don't connect. ... Mostly happy with the app. Deleted WhatsApp and installed it and never regretted it. In the contacts list in the App, when you block someone, there should be some clear way to see that you've blocked that contact already. Instead, it requires clicking on the contact, then the three dots, and then see it. The notifications for new message are hit or miss. Rest is good. Love animated emojis!" "Very frustrating how it regularly loses connection. Multiple times a day, the app gets stuck ""connecting..."", but it never connects. This isn't a data problem (closing/reopening the app fixes it). This is especially frustrating when I'm already in a conversation and wondering why the recipient isn't responding anymore (to find out it's my app not sending or receiving anything, again...)" "I don't like how controls have been moved to the bottom. It was a lot easier when i didn't have to move up and down the screen to change from order history to cart. Seems like you might be trying to copy Aliexpress. The only thing i should have to click at the bottom of a page is ""next page"" because my eyes and attention are already down there." "The new gallery is terrible, it genuinely prevents me from sending stuff sometimes. There doesn't need to a stupidly slow animation for clicking the drop down menu. You've also severely lowered usability by removing the visual component of looking at albums with their thumbnails. I like this app a lot but it's stuff like that that keeps me using discord" "Works most of the time. I really like the video message feature. Sometimes it won't properly send notifications. Now having issues with the widget when used with Samsung's new Smart Widgets. The widget will randomly change irs height from 1-tile to 2-tiles, cutting off half the widget. Only fix I've found is to delete and re-add the widget. Just a mild annoyance." "Telegram is a great app for messaging and calling, but it could be even better. Adding a status feature, like WhatsApp, would be a great way to help people express themselves and connect with friends and family. Additionally, the app's interface could be simplified to make it easier to find features and navigate. While there are many features, it can be overwhelming and confusing. Overall, I would recommend Telegram with the addition of a status feature and a simpler interface." "The app is wonderful overall. But the problem lies with the video calling feature whenever I switch on the video during a voice call , the call automatically gets disconnected. There's no such setting in app itself to fix the issue. Also the delete from both parties features has been disabled too which is quite disappointing" "Telegram is great, although recently there have been a couple bugs that ought to be addressed. Amongst other things, it takes a considerable delay after opening the app for ""Connecting..."", which leads to messages not arriving until that's done, despite the message already having been displayed via push notification. Also, oftentimes images get stuck not uploading, closing the app and reopening the chat subsequently instantly uploads the picture. Tested in/on multiple networks/devices." "Amazing app, sharing huge files. Super private with tons features. Recently, I feel they keep the speed low to sell the premium version I have trouble downloading small files even with 1.5 GBits/s Internet. When I pause the downloads they continue by themselves, video streaming has a lot of Issues and the integrated player does not support some of video formats." "Telegram has recently started to develop many issues that aren't getting fixed. Every update breaks something, for example I can't skip to a particular date in a chat by opening the calendar and tapping on a date. If I long-tap and select the option from the context menu, the whole app crashes. Also, there seems to be no sticker and reaction emoji cache. Every single day, multiple times per day, I have to wait ages for them to load when I want to use one. It's going downhill, unfortunately." "After this update Telegram sucks. After tapping on filed images, I can't see the images in high quality, they're just blurred, can see nothing, if I send the images as file(HQ). Closed the app, reopened again, and it's still the same, I can see only blurred images. Likely, my phone is trying to load image to show. And now I can only send the images as compressed by default cuz the images which are sent as files aren't usable if I send. Had such a bad experience with this Telegram in 7 years." "Ok but notifications are broken on Android. Really poor quality video calls too. Regardless of Internet quality. Calls are a bit of a mess. They don't behave properly - earbuds. Also, why take up most of the home page with a list of other Telegram users? Finally it's ridiculous that you can't export your chats. Great way to trash a brand and app...." "It's a good messenger, but last time problems with calls. When I call with video, the person whom I call hears me bad, when this person recalls me, everything is good. Another problem... I can't accept ordinary calls, without video. When I accept it, I just have very long ""reconnecting"" and then call cuts. But I have internet connection, and according to my confidence settings, I can accept calls." "It is the app that you get an actual freedom, a lot of helpful content and channels to follow, but 2 stars down because there is no actual support to response to your issues, also that restricted content as ""it contains graphical whatever message"" is just misleading, a lot if fake accounts and watch out for scams and blackmails out there, don't use nearby contacts and groups, I reported a lot of them but no action taken, again this app seems to have no support at all even for premium." "The new orientation method is actually an improvement, but it is still so jarring when compared to the immovable normal video call format on other apps. Please provide atleast a toggle/button to fix the orientation in portrait during videocalls (it's a basic necessity for people lying down and calling someone else) But the worst issue of all is not recieving messages from private chats! It shows blank notifications from the private chats but when it's opened the message is not recieved!" The concept is great. One improvement is badly needed. When playing list of audios in the channel/group - instead of playing one after another; it plays backwards. Why not give both options: fwd/bkwd. "Telegram is really a great app, I love it. But recently, the updates have just been messy. Take for instance, before I download any media I am able to see the file size. But now it's not the same, I don't know why you guys did that. But please it's not giving a good user experience, i need to see the file size before downloading it. Thanks." "recently changed to Vivo X90 Pro + and realised telegram has some issues: 1. does not have badges when new messages come in, only home screem notis 2. some in app pop ups are blank but working. Eg. when long press pic sent and choose to delete, the confirmation pop up is blank, but I can still click lower right corner to confirm and delete the pic" "After the recent updates, I can no longer transfer my chats from WhatsApp to Telegram, as before. I want to transfer my chats with everything to Telegram without any problems or lack of messages in the chat, transferring a certain part, and when transferring again, the transmitter is copied before that again" "One of the best apps out there, unfortunately on Android watching videos with streaming on is much worse than IOS , it is glitchy, laggy and buffers without continuing, especially after forwarding, then throws a meesage that the video format is not compatable or something like that. To re-watch you have to clear caches and restart the app." "Please provide a permanent ""Downloads"" button in sidebar. Every other day when I click on search-glass to see ""Downloads"" tab, it doesn't appear. If you don't know the name of the file downloaded,it becomes impossible to find. Fed up. 3 star because if this one bug only." "Overall is good, but there are some points are missing that are: 1) When we back from any channel which we searched, we directed to the home page other that search page. It is so irritating to search on same topic again and again. 2) there is no downloads option where we can see our downloaded stuff. This option is visible only when something is downloading." "I've Been using telegram for 3 years now. I love this app. BUT BUT BUT, In the latest update, group topics were introduced, which are great for organising chats for members of same group. But every since I enabled topics in my groups, one feature is no longer working. That is ""Scheduled messages"". Why can't I use scheduled messages in group topics?? WHY WHY WHY. PLEASE GIVE ME BACK THIS FEATURE. I WANT THIS FEATURE AND TOPICS SIMULTANEOUSLY." "I love TG but recently in the quiz section the explanation is not shown fully after the quiz is posted. There is also limit of number of letters to be written. Kindly improve these important things. Let the explanation be seen properly and increase writing scale to at least 250 letters. Everybody is not earning in millions to purchase your premium subscription. In learning something, such things should not become an obstruction. I rated to 3 stars after (from 5 stars) 3 years of using this app." "I don't appreciate all the Premium feature ""spam"" in the app when they're not even available in my country. Advertise them when we can buy Premium. Also allow people to disable the display of Premium stuff, especially when we can't even buy them. They keep being animated, using up battery for nothing. At least make them static if you can't find it in your hearts to give people common sense options. There's a lot to like about the app, which is why I use it. I just hope the fixes will come." "Latest version has a bug, camera is turned on whenever i open any chat or even public (pixel 5). Also it feels like lately team doesnt know what functionality to add so app becomes bloated with unneccesary functionality. But still better than viber or whatsapp :)" I have had the old app for years. It has worked beautifully. All of a sudden I'm being forced to install the new app. I intuitively know it doesn't work as well as the old one. Forced censorship at its finest Everything is great but due to the premium version the download speed is decreased too much. It takes a lot of time to download the file and make the experience worst. "Duplicated notifications. You swipe notification to hide it from notification panel, it pops up again. You reply to a message via quick reply from the notification panel, the message pops up again after some time. This bug has been here for a while, more than a year. There should be a mute button in the video player." Great app since the last two updates I've been encountering extreme lag while using the keyboard. I get errors constantly and it has driven me insane. I seriously consider uninstalling it. "Good, but audios are not playing in order...even if the reverse button is off the previous audio is playing ...this is very much annoying, when you are listening to educational classes.....please keep an option to play audios automatically in sequence...kindly please fix it. To play audios authentically in order (sequence)................................................................................................................................................................................" "I've used this app. for over 1 month with no issues. Worked well!! THEN out of the blue I'm NOT able to log in. It gives an error message of ""too many attempts try to again later."" I waited HOURS before trying again. It didnt work!! I've verified info entered EVERY time - still NOT ABLE to get past the info step! WHY?? HELP PLZ!" "I use a Telegram Chatbot to receive notifications on my phone from my HomeAssistant installation (and MacroDroid reads them to me using TTS). All fine. However, Telegram keeps repeating the last received notification randomly (yes, even with Repeat=Never). Its always the last received notification & predominately seems to happen when some other unrelated notification or statusbar update happens. Very annoying that ""Repeat=Never"" just doesnt work (MIUI 12)." "From last few days ...it was not delivering messages. It shows single tick, even though other person opens the chat, they are not able to get the messages I've sent. Couldn't find the problem..... I've already updated the app, and my mobile version also." This is a great app. But from last update there is a small bug that is if on video call we mute each other then also we are able to hear the voice of each other In short mute button is not working. Please fix it as soon as possible. "I love this app but the gifs are broken. They don't always complete their loop, sometimes they're just completely frozen. I'd like it if we were able to name our secret chats, or really our chats in general. I love the saved messages feature, but I'd like for there to be a way to categorize them." "I like the app but since I got my pixel 7, I no longer get a sound notification when I get a message. Like, ever. I've gone through every setting I can find, uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared cache, etc, to no avail." It's an amazing app but one major flop is the inability to pause downloads to continue later. I painstakingly managed to download 788mb out of 997.2mb with a very very slow and bad network before the network went off. Now I have to start all over from zero. This is too annoying and painful please. "On pc version while you connect to a proxy for the first time it has no problem and it connects. But after you completely close telegram and reopen it, that'll not connect to any of the proxies that could connect to. Also you ""must"" be online to load the messages on pc version. Please fix." "All features,looks and everything is good but only one thing that is not good. When I connect the Bluetooth headphone 🎧 with my tablet the sound of calling is not come to headphone.but when the headphone is wired the sound hear properly. This problem also happens with my friend iPad.This problem only happen with tablets not with phone. Please take a action and fix it. THANKS" I love telegram. I enjoy sending messages and photos with my friends. For giving 3 stars is there are some issue after downloading it. 1# when I open it it keep going to the home screen again and again its a annoying problem for me. So could you tell the ways to solve the problem? and Thanks for making an incredible app. Please let me know how to solve that problem. "App is ok when working. But if of you change your phone it is a s hassle to re install. Instead of sending an sms they call you, you are supposed to not answer. They call and the app remains the same. Then you have to wait 3 min (as if time in communication is not important) to be able to request another useless call. I finally received a sms almost 24 hrs later which was useless, it then opened the app and sent me another sms. None of them worked. So I guess I just won't use it anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️" Unfortunately telegram plummeted with the call quality and photos. It is unreliable to call anyone and it keeps having multiple issues. But overall this app has potential. I'd really like to have a substitute app so that I can delete my faceb**k In general all good but sent you promotion to purchase premium subscription - it's not proper solution. Also I want to mention that it's not possible to contact support for a long time. I didn't get any answer from them for few months. So basically support for this messanger is not available at all. "The application is getting slower. Always ""updating"" chats and take long to send gif. This also happens on Website version. My internet speed is fine as I have taken several tests if it's my internet but it isn't because I have no slow response problems with my other apps. Please fix it?" "It's great, but whenever I open the app, it starts accessing the microphone, and even though I close the app , the microphone will still be used by telegram. idk whether it is a bug or some things that I should be considered as a privacy issue" "TG? What happened? The App is running like Garbage now. Takes forever to load on start, and then each channel sometimes won't even load or is insanely slow. Internet Speed is 💯, so its not on my end. The last 2 updates its been like this - Galaxy S10 Plus - AnDroid 10 - Kernal 4.14.117 (I LOVE THIS APP, This is why I'm providing Feedback. I'll change my Review to 5-Stars when TG works good again. ❤✌)" I love this app but I can't rate it up until it works better on fold devices. The quick fix I've got is run it in 4:3 or 16:9 mode in the settings. This cuts off almost an inch of the screen. Please fix! "My girlfriend just tried to call me on this thing and it didn't work! I kept, pressing, hitting and jabbing the green ""accept"" button with my stylus and my phone just kept on ringing, it never picked up the call! I even tried to swipe it, and that didn't work either! What's wrong with this thing, why can't I answer, when someone calls?!" "File downloading is suddenly stop during the process. For example, I tried to download 1000MB video and it stoppped after 899MB completion. It is not download after this, just spinner was running. Not only one particular file but same issue faced in other files as well. Please resolve this bug" "The app is good, but most times you will notice some groups you don't remember joining and to the leave group is a problem on its own, because the moment you thought you have successfully leave the group, you will still find your contact there. Changes should be effected to that." Smooth and easy to use. Calls are lite and fast. Depending on your connection. Pics sharing is also good and video as well. But I'm experiencing problems with messages. Sometimes it's like it stops sending them. And the hang there waiting to be sent. I can receive messages but not send. I am forced to restart the phone or clear the cache but it only works for a while and sometimes it doesn't work as fast. Fix this problem. "Has good features, but also bugs and inconveniences. For example, the bubble feature in android randomly stops working (I get a black screen). I then have to close the bubble and open the actual spp. Uncool. The video call quality is bad when talking to other countries (huge delays). Last but not least, the notification sound system is simplistic. I would expect a way to ring only once if many messages come at the same time (within 10 seconds or so). Now I get tones of rings - VERY annoying." "I use Telegram a lot however it just randomly stops me from commenting in groups saying that I'm not allowed to for whatever reasons. Apart from that issue which is probably a glitch, getting stickers is very easy. You just tap on the sticker and you get to choose if you want the whole sticker pack or not. You can also choose not to share your numbers regardless of adding people up so that's a notable feature." I used to enjoy my telegram experience because its gave me freedom to be private and since not so many people use it ..it shielded me from many messages and calls ..till recently about a month or two now ..I can't download or stream anything on any channel that I join ..I have tried anything but it has taken me back to step one ...am fully frustrated and I need my account to be fixed so that I can go back to enjoying my privacy 😫 It's a cool app but there is a issue with telegram app even though I downloaded complete file then it's shows it is download and tap to play but once i go back and come to the same file then it's not downloaded and need to download it again and again but downloaded files are not able to view or play it. "the app is great and it has the potential to be among the most preferred social media apps but the biggest problem i have with it is that it sometimes randomly stops working where messages(chats) disappear and i have to wait for an unknown amount of time before it goes back to fully functional,messages can be sent but I won't be able to read any of them for that inconvenient period of time" The major feature is deleting the photos and videos shared in the group is not there in Telegram! This is a a very Basic feature required for the users! Hope the developer team takes care of it! When i change my telegram colour theme to one it randomly changes back to something else. When I leave the telegram and come back to the app the theme i set would be changed. It happened after i updated the app. I think it's a bug. I tried to uninstall and install the app several times. But it is not working. I hope you will fix it soon. It is really an inconvenience to always come back and change the theme. "Ive been using this app for a while snd it's been amazing, but suddenly a few hours ago it has entirely stopped working. Half the time it doesnt even open and the other half it opens and instantly freezes." "Please fix the issues with the GIFs not playing correctly. It plays a frame, then repeats constantly. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app as well." "Video calling is not that good, live screen is always moving in auto rotate mode...please fix this....and most of the time my own voice is echoed back to me....please fix this...and plz add download folder or segment.... can't find files easily" "I've been using this app for 3 years and it worked fine but for past 2 days, when I watched the videos and tried to rotate my phone, the videos always got stuck. I deleted the app and redownloaded it again and it still same. Please fix this" "Few issues Idk how or what the path means when trying to make telegram use my sd card instead of phone storage. It does not say phone or sd card. When i finally figure out which one means sd, after an update it resets the app to phone storage and everything previously dwnlded to the sd remains on the sd but is not recognized if i set the app back to download to the sd. When i try to move the whole app to my sd card on my phone the app crashes on boot." "After almost 12 months being unable to update finally on the latest release thanks to the keyboard issues being fixed! To express my thanks I wanted to take a single month of Premium.. but that fails when attempting to purchase it, so just giving 3 stars :P I'll retry later, maybe it's a Google issue." "Recently, I've been experiencing TG bug. Video doesn't appear during video call. Hope it'll be fixed. Thank you for the update. I think it is way better than before (video calling)" "I am a member of 50+ groups. All of them are muted. Despite this, I receive notifications for utterly random actions. Can't directly share audio-messages to 3rd-party software, whereas WhatsApp is able to. No support for SMS, MMS, RCS, Matrix, or XMPP." In Every New Update Telegram reducing features. Now in new version we can't see video size from all media or from multiple videos .😡 Only single files shows size of video . "I can't understand what the problem is there my telegram stops working in a certain time period . Like if I download something of nearly 300mb then it will download till 245 or 233 and then stop downloading. First I thought it is a connectivity problem but my network was fast. Then I updated telegram, but then also it is stuck there only. Please fix this issue as fast as you can." The inbuilt music player of the app is not up to the mark.It don't give good sound quality and also lacking so many features. YOU SHOULD IMPROVE THE OVERALL STANDARDS OF THE MUSIC PLAYER . "The application is excellent, but I have a problem that I can not solve in any way. I have recently started to appear unfamiliar and strange channels please tell me what to do (I already tried to change the password)" This did work fine for me I loved telegram. But channels now keep saying I need to update it but there's no update just a new APK. Is my operating system to low on my pad? I tried to update it today from Telegram itself. After installing a new APK. It asked me for my mobile number and just went into a loop asking if this is my number or edit. I'd say yes that's my number and back it would go to entering my number again and again. No help option so what to do! I don't want to lose my channels. Its cool now with the Moving Custom Status and the newly udpate Stickers and Reacts. This would be best if you can also include a Family Premium. Since not everyone can afford it. With Family Premium they can share with the cost. The premium is so expensive. "The app can be slow sometimes but is otherwise good. Mobile version doesn't let you view your full archive of stickers, while you can view all of them on PC app." "Recently I've been having an issue with the app itself where it won't allow me to repost any posts, reels, or photos of someone else's from my explore page or feed from people I follow. The only thing I'm able to currently post onto my story is anything from my camera roll. I've tried updating it to the current update, uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and logging in and out of the account as well. Hopefully I'm not the only one dealing with this issue currently." "This app is nice & convenient to have. To me, it's not very user friendly. Too many features are either hidden and hard to find, or their use isn't clearly defined. The post editing doesn't seem to let you add text to the photos before posting. Big inconvenience. The app does seem stable, though. I've not experienced any serious glitches with it so far." "Mostly, the app is great. It gets the job done. My posts are formatted nicely. It's a bit inconvenient. I can only have 10 slides, but I can usually make it work. The most annoying thing I have found is that some of my story posts that are archived glitch out and show as a grey screen with a reload icon that does nothing. I usually have to post more stuff on my story and then wait for it to fix itself so I can see the archived post again. It's a big pain when I'm trying to read past polls." "I hate every update. Any time you use the ""share"" button, you risk losing your place because the app refreshes itself. Using your fingers to enlarge a picture for a 'story' often makes the pic tilt to one side. The feed is not in chronological order. New push notifications overwrite the old ones so fast that I can't read them. Tapping a notification erases *all* of them. Also, Instagram and Facebook have a special ""app installer,"" which I hate." "Each of my accounts on one device has a different layout. One has no reels at all; none in the discovery, and I can't scroll through reels on a page, I have to click them individually. I'm sure this is a test but I'm not a fan. I do like that the reels portal was moved from the middle of the bottom bar, it has kept me from jumping right into scrolling when I log on. But I would like to be able to navigate reels on pages easier and have them come up on my discovery." "While this is a really good app, it has quite a few issues. Its oftentimes slow or refuses to load. Otherwise, the biggest issue I and others are currently having is the fact that the app deletes stories off of highlights without warning. Not only that, but it just replays the first one over and over and wont allow you to look at other stories on the highlight. Its quite annoying. It also fails to upload bug reports on the app itself." "Tech Support: There is a bug! The original post/subtext won't minimize when I go to share a post on my story. It frames the image regardless of me tapping it. There is also a new things that pops up and says 'tap twice to add your avatar' which was not there before. I have tried logging out, forcing the app to stop, uninstalling, etc. and the issue is still there. Please fix it!" "In gen. it's okay but there are problems. I'll have new messages in my inbox but when I go to check them, nothing's there. Usually I have to uninstall/reinstall the app for them to show up, otherwise it's days before I can actually see them. Also, if there was a way for the pictures one day to not be cut off when posting that'd be awesome. I use a whole separate app and put a frame around some pictures cause Instagram zooms in so much. And the weird background when turning the pictures is awful." "Whenever I try editing a photo to post it, never saves what I edited and goes back to its original state. I've had this problem for a long time too, I got excited to post something yesterday at a certain time and all it ever says is that the photo can't be posted. I've tried closing the tab out, but no. I've tried turning off my phone completely and turning it on again, but no. I just ended up deciding to delete all of it and start fresh. Yeah, Instagram is fun and cute but only when it works!" "WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET INSTAGRAM's ATTENTION!? Third message. I can no longer remove a photo from a collection. When I repeatedly hit Remove nothing happens. Saving photos in collections is a problem. It is complicated to find a folder. There should be a way to alphabetize the folders by name and search for them by name. The more folders you have,vthe harder it is to keep track. I've said this for years and never get a response from Instagram. Their customer service stinks." "I can't for the life of me figure out why these bugs have not been fixed yet. It has been months now that the cropping features have been an issue when posting multiple photos, moving and adjusting photos, black and white bars appearing, etc. It's a shame really since I use this app on multiple accounts personal and business and these issues have gone on this long. Please fix it!" "Specifically about the recent update. When you share it pulls up a list from top to bottom of your screen, makes you select all and then hit send, instead of an easy one hand friendly bar at the bottom, where you just hit send on individual people. Also whenever I try to stop to watch a video, it's now automatically scrolling down the page?? First you shove reels down our throats, and now you won't even let us pause to watch them? Makes me dizzy when it auto scrolls. Should be optional." "Insta does most things well but for as long as it's been around, I find the desktop app and web app struggles to handle building a photo collage with large photo images without becoming super laggy. I spent half an hour editing photos then I went to create the post and it just says sorry we are unable to create this post. On top of that I dislike the way images are shown in a thumbnail when making a collage because they overlap the image in focus. They need to make the app better all around." "I really enjoy Instagram, I just wish I was able to retrieve my reels if they dont post properly. I've had this issue many times where I go to post something, it never posts but I'm also never able to retrieve the reel I worked hard on editing. If this could be implemented that would be great because I hate having to just throw videos away that I spent lots of time on all because insta won't post it." "Instagram just keeps getting worse with every update. When making reels, the words are stretched, and you have to retype the words 1 or more times. the audio doesn't sync up, when you download one of YOUR videos it barely ever downloads with the audio. Sometimes it tells you that you have a message on your other account when you don't and it doesn't go away for a while." "In general, it's a good app, however it seems that there are frequent 'micro-updates'- not to the installed software, but to its overall functionality- even without being opted into the beta version. This can result in a frustrating user experience, as you end up either dealing with bugs, or unannounced changes to the UI simply befuddle you until you figure out the changes for yourself. It'd be preferable, both intellectually and ethically, if these new rollouts weren't quite so silent." Instagram has been having issues with cropping photos weird when you post them. I'll post a photo then later realize one of my photos didn't post the way I cropped it or it'll instead not fill the square with my photo. It's frustrating as you can't edit your photo once it's posted. You have to delete it then redo it but it'll still have the same issue even if you repost sometimes. Wish they would fix this as it's been an issue for a few months. "Great app for posting all types of content. I'd like to post music on posts with more than one photo. My daughter made a second account and for over a month I can't tag her in comments or interact with her account. She reported the issue and has yet to hear back or receive a resolution. I'd like more options as to how to crop photos before posting. Some music is available to others, but even after searching for specific songs some are not available to me." "Had an issue with stories lately, typically you're able to share a post on your story and tap on it to choose whether or not to include the original caption, though it's no longer an option in the new update for me. The older version allows me to do it, and I see other users able to do it still. Hope this gets fixed. Restarted my phone, uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared cache but nothing works." "I currently have Instagram and I don't think I will officially uninstall it for a while, but I have been having a lot of issues with it lately. When I try to post a picture from my gallery, it turns white or light gray and says ""unable to load photo"". It is quite annoying and when I try to make a story highlight, it does the same thing. PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD fix this, even if it is only on my end." "So many bugs! I recently switched to Android and am surprised on how many glitches there are. Certain features appear and disappear when trying to post a story or reel, when you scroll past a reel or video it doesn't start over when you go back, so you have to wait for the whole thing to play before it loops again. Sometimes it freezes, I can't go back to my feed from the chats. You can't comment with gifs, yet it's clear other people can? I've never had problems like this with IG on the iPhone" "The app is fun and all, but the video editing tool works about as well as three hundred jackals with their tails tied together work for agricultural care. I can hardly see the video's state when I start adding clips (when I add more than two, it bugs out) because the video freezes like my uncle with PTSD hearing bubble wrap. It might be because my phone didn't cost a grand (it's a 2022 moto stylus 5G), but it can run Sky?????? It only gets a 3 because if you don't want to post, it works well." "Continuously fails to add audio with no way to fix it. Thankfully, I can post via desktop version but it's still irritating. Also cannot view insights - set my page to content creator and I go through the steps to get insights, but it never actually finishes the process. The tab doesn't change from ""Get insights"" and repeatedly shows me the same four prompts." "4/5 in terms of functionality and user intuitiveness. Some options and settings seem very effectively hidden, to the point where I had to Google how to find them. The main reason I only score it 3 out of 5 as a whole is due to their unrelenting bombardment of thirst trap videos. I block every single account they show me, and hit ""Not interested"" on every reel that's just some woman lip-synching to an audio track in a bikini, yet it's still 90 percent of what it recommends." "Instagram needs and update ASAP! I can longer find songs that I used to in the music search, pictures and videos upload hazy and fuzzy, story photos and videos upload misconfigured at the beginning of the story, etc. Now I can't upload a video on my page longer than 10 seconds! Y'all need to fix this! I'm a content creator and I need my posts to be longer than a few seconds! Before the more recent update, I could upload a post of more than a minute." "This App is giving me problems in not wanting to upload some stories and it keeps crashing, but overall it's still a good app. Edit: No to mention when I go to my story archives, some of the stories won't show up. Edit: Whenever I try to upload a story, it keeps showing the buffer logo and it doesn't load and it doesn't even upload when I close the app causing me to force stop the app. I reported this problem yesterday and it's still doing this. Please fix this or I will uninstall this app! 😡" "It's been buggy asf for the past year and nothing seems to be fixing it. Im scrolling and at times the background all of a sudden turns white and it's nearly impossible to read the text on posts as it's almost as if the visibility went down quite a bit. Sometimes my highlights won't even load for some reason too, I have to check them through other accounts as it seems to be the only fix in the meantime of it happening. Solid app though, could be better." "Love it when it works which is rare anymore unless you fight it over and over. Edits go wrong every time, you can't edit more than one photo at a time and the save to phone feature has been messed up for so long, even across the course of 2 different phones for me. Edits will look okay then the post will be crooked or pushed to the side. App crashes when making reels, I'm constantly uninstalling and re-installing to try to fix SOMETHING, but it's def an app issue." "I actually love instagram because I love having just pictures to scroll through. BUT the editing and picture uploading has been a nightmare in recent years and has progressively gotten worse. Lately, when I try to do portrait or landscape pictures, it distorts them into a square and makes them either look stretched or they won't stay in the same position I put them in. It's so frustrating!! I wish it could go back to working correctly!" "To this day(years later), this is the only app that has an issue with being able to view what you type in a comment section of a post. I've messed with every setting on my keyboard. Occasionally, I can just switch every setting back and forth to the original setting and am able to see what I'm typing for a few words before it drops back down and disappears again. Edit: Only a prob when replying to a comment on reels or stories." "Good for pictures; impossible for good reels. I don't often have issues with pictures uploading though sometimes it will stretch one corner to corner strangely. But I find it nearly impossible to make a reel any more, specifically choosing a main image as the thumbnail. Insta chooses some random zoomed in image and when I attempt to choose a shot from the video, it gets all stretched out lengthwise. It's starting to really get discouraging to go through all that work to have to just delete it." "It does what you think it does, but the focus has been leaning towards small video reels, like tiktok. It recently became buggy when I post more than one picture, but it's the highest traffic ""art"" platform, so for networking it seems to be one of the better places to go, unfortunately. So it's cool if you want to post one picture at a time; make catchy, trendy mini videos about whatever it is you do and have a confusing amount of irrelevant ads and sponsored posts - this is for you." "Super glitchy all of a sudden. I can't watch stories without them pausing. It won't resume, so I have to go back and then to the story again. When posting anything, if I switch to another app and come back to finish my post, it is gone and locks up. So frustrating! Using Android. The story glitch has been ever since I switched from Apple to Android months ago but the post issue just started." "Having the same issue that another reviewer mentioned. I can't edit the main pic for a reel by choosing a frame from the video because it ends up stretched out. It's really frustrating because I use this for my business and it looks really unprofessional. I'm also randomly having trouble replying to comments on my posts. Sometimes it just won't respond when I click on reply. My feed is also very ad heavy and centered on a few accounts. Overall I like the app, but hope the bugs get fixed." "This app functions well for the most part. Messaging has been glitchy lately where you'll see that you have a message, but when you go to the tab you'll have to refresh and wait again to see them. I also lost the ability to add my photo in story chains, which is very frustrating because that's how I gain exposure. A vital tool that everyone else has access to I'm being denied. I've messaged IG & petitioned to have it resolved and they have done nothing about it. If they can fix that 4 stars." "It's been mostly a good experience. But the photo editor has now become a mess. After editing a photo or multiple photos, it reverts back to the original or comes out looking different from what you designed in the photo editor. It's frustrating esp because I use it for business. I'll have to use another app to edit my photos before posting it on instagram." "This app could be so much better if: you could select multiple pictures from your gallery and have IG as a sharing option; it didn't ask you every. single. time. if you want to turn on automatic sharing to FB; you could see favorites while selecting images; adding multiple images wasn't blocked by a big bar that is easy to hit accidentally, so much more. I guess you can't complain too much about a free app... Overall, love IG." "New update has a lot of bugs for the Android at least. My pictures don't show up in order and I can't find them easily so I can post multiple pictures. As I'm trying to crop the picture to what I want to be shown it resets after I select the check and have to do it again. To find it still didn't correct it. I can't post picture of half cut off images, please fix this." "It's okay. Posting stories can be time consuming at times, but pretty easy. However, posting pictures is very annoying, because adding the pictures can be VERY trickey. I have to post them multiple times occasionally, because it's so complicated and doesn't come out right. I still do IG because most of my friends do it, including my boyfriend, and it also allows me to reconnect with my friends who live in a different country." "The New Update is causing Odd Behavior When Posting more than one photo... a little space appears to the side of one of the photos and, when adjusted to fit the frame, it seems to push to a separate photo. This can be very frustrating, especially when needing to promote a small business. Any help is appreciated!" "I love using it to share daily experiences. BUT: Suddenly there is no ""full frame"" horizontal and if I adjust an image size AT ALL, it slides the images to the left or right...and I am unable to square them up. If I fix one, a different one shifts. It's making me crazy. And the amount of ads is wayyyyyy over the top." "Editing doesn't work! When I crop a picture and edit another picture, the first picture that I cropped reverts to its original size. When I go back to crop the 1st one again, the 2nd picture reverts to its original size. Just a constant back and forth! I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Didn't change anything. Extremely frustrating." "The current version, on a phone running Android 13, seems to have issues. When trying to set up a two-photo post (the images for which happen to be square), only the first photo can be edited. When one tries to edit the second photo, the thumbnails in the filters show the second photo, but the primary image area continues to show the first photo, and tapping on a filter below brings up the settings that were applied to the 1st photo. Clearing the cache & restarting the phone didn't resolve it." "Over all this is an okay app, but it has some problems. There's a cropping issue when uploading pictures, and it doesn't send notifications when someone messages more often than not. I'm not a fan of the update to viewing hashtags, either. I can't see recent posts, only the top liked ones, and you can't filter to look at reels anymore, both of which are very frustrating" "For someone like me who doesn't want interaction much (hence no FB) but still would want to post and consolidate pictures/videos and day to day stories, Instagram is a great app. Edit: I now have the option to just view my followings' post with an extra step, fine. Don't know whose idea was it to replace the date posted with weeks though. I need to know the dates when I try to reflect back on my memories! Hopefully they bring the date of the post back, week counts are useless." "I have noticed for months now that I don't get notifications on time, at all or very late. I originally had this problem on iPhone but have just changed over to android and I am still getting this problem! It is very annoying when I miss something important. Edit: It is now almost 5 months later and I am still having this problem with Notifications! Please fix this Edit #2: It has been 2 years now and it still hasn't been fixed. It is extremely annoying, especially when I miss a live!" "I really do love this app, and use it a lot. But recently it's been malfunctioning a lot and (i have 3 accounts) and only one of them (the one I use the least) updates the rest don't. I don't have the note update on my 'main' account and in the second one I do but it doesn't have the music feature. Also I almost never receive notifications from when I have messages, for everything else yes but messages rarely. Very disappointing." "The app overall is alright but l have had a lot of trouble in posting my Stories and messages, l don't have any emoji reactions and l can't even reply to one particular message, it is so annoying and l have tried everything to sort it out but it hasn't been a success. This version lacks features and has a lot of glitches. I hope these can be fixed at the earliest!!" "The last update was a hurdle, I installed it for almost 5times now every week. Iam unable to upload reels in my account, whenever I see for update it shows the same update pending all time from 3weeks. Mailed support from account settings and couldn't find any solution. This irritates me to delete my account or just not open further. Kindly do the needful for continuing the account. Thank you so much." "It seems like there are so many bugs that are related to the OS. I'm not sure though, but insta users in my circle including me, have the same prbs: some messages don't show as soon as a user receives them. If I open a link from insta and close it everything gets messed up (the theme for exemple). Some users are able to use the reply to message feature but others don't (I can't). I think there is also emojis other than the heart, that can be used in other OS (I can't). My OS is Android. Thank u" "Love this app.. but there is so much lagging. Most of the times I get the error message saying the audio no longer exists after I saved it as a draft. While travelling, I lost my ability to add captions and see trending audios. I am a creator and these things are important, but it's the most glitchy." "Fab until recently, when, particularly when creating a post of multiple shots, any position adjustment (even sometimes without) is not saved, or the image is skewed and there's a black/blank margin to the side, or, when tilted, it is just skewed at an angle in the frame. It's incredibly annoying and had been an issue for the last few weeks. Please hurry up and fix. Never been an issue before." "It's a nice app. There are problems though. The music feature doesn't work for me, I don't have the reply feature and posting often crashes the app and you lose all the progress and have to start over. It can be very frustrating. I always have it fully updated,but the problems persist. Also the report management is very poor. You can't even get protected by bullying in public comment sections." "More complicated than it has to be. Also glitching at the most inconvenient times. There is also no direct help line or chat help to contact when these things happen. I had to use Google and my own Facebook to trouble shoot. Still didn't solve my issue. My reels won't allow me to designate part of the clip for a sticker/GIF if it is one that MOVES. If it's stationary and doesn't flicker or move, the bubble appears so I can choose the part of the clip I want to use it, just like for text." "this app is great and I've been using it for a long time. But I found one issue. When I want to edit the cover of one highlight, it won't load. It's just loading for a long time until I won't reopen the app. And the highlight cover won't even change. Idk what to do anymore" "For some reason when you search a hashtag now it only shows ""top"" or ""recent top"" photos. This update sucks! I used to use Instagram to plan travel adventures because I could see recent pics of places (ie: hiking trail conditions, etc) and now I can't. They need to put it back to the way it was!!" "Fav app but a lot of glitches, like when cutting a pic and it jumps after edit, before we could press on the post that was being edited and see how it looked before but then it destroyed the pic and now it does nothing. A request: To be able to archive even the longer videos! (Oh yeah, too many adds, I haven't used the app in a year 'cause of too much of partly that.) When saved posts for later uploading they can be canceled and I loose what I wrote and it just says an error mess. Thanks." "For instagram : ""Every update does not mean improvement."" I'm sick and tired of these not at all useful updates. First the notes, and now the share link option is changed which takes toooo long to buffer and generate a link. I usually try to see the upside of things but these things just keep happening. As soon as you get comfortable with a feature, it disappears or gets moved. I hate that there's no alternative for this app in this country." I've been using the app for years to share my art and things have always worked. Yet I've had issues where posts aren't loading or images are glitched and messed up in almost all posts. I thought it was my phone but the app is the only one having issues. And then there was the unexpected logout I got. I thought I was being hacked and reset my password but the photos are all still messed up. "Used to be good but I now it takes up too much of my data to upload videos if I'm on mobile data and too much time if I'm on WiFi..like a 10mb video could take up 100mbs to upload. Second problem is that whenever I select multiple photos to upload,some usually turn black and can't be uploaded and it shows an error message. It's really frustrating since I run an account where I upload almost daily." "For the past 3 weeks, the Reels icon has disappeared from my app. I have tried every method to bring the icon back, including updating, re-installing, joining the beta, and clearing the cache. The Reels icon shows up, then when I tap it, nothing happens. After that, when I close and open the app, it disappears again. Cannot give 5 stars until I can use the Reels feature." Instagram please fix your bugs. Lately there has been a lot of problem and glitches. The music from some of my highlights is not audible and sometimes the app just freezes on its own in the middle of texting and opening dms. Also the colour palette from the stories while drawing something disappears when we have to choose a second colour and the story needs to be discarded. There is another problem where instagram deletes my drafts on its own. This is so annoying please fix it. "There are a lot of small bugs in the app designed for Fold OS. 1. I use Instagram for posting reels and while editing the reels in my fold4, I mainly face issue with text alignment. They are both different in small and big screen. I thought the coordinates of the text are saved relative to the fixed ratio and would be same in both the modes but that's clearly not the case 2. when I save the reel in drafts and reopen at a later stage, all the text alignments are gone. No space to write further" Mostly great; I love IG to share videos and photos. Problem is once in a while a video will stop playing like it's gone with no way to fix except repost. Unfortunately I don't want to repost an older video that I'd love to have saved correctly in order. Especially since this one was collaborated on woth a dance instructor. "New problem, pls do something.. It's really hurd to find something when you create your story, with add many pics, or some elements. Why is it not possible to immediately select the desired folder in my phone and search for the desired photo in it. So now all scrolling is reset to the beginning. I'm glad that you're updating the functionality and changing something, I wish you development and prosperity.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" Overall its quite alright. But recently over the past few weeks videos and reela are getting paused continuously. I changed the network connection to high speed wifi yet the outcome remained the same. It is getting really irritating to scroll through insta as reels are getting stuck mid way and the reply option in the dm section is also not getting activated since the updated version released. "I have a problem with the fact I can't crop images that I want to post, I have to crop them beforehand. If a crop feature can be added, that would be great. I also don't like how when u post multiple pictures in one post, all of them are enlarged to fit the square. It would be better if it was made smaller with a customizable background in the shape of a square or if the viewer is able to tap on it to get the full pictures. I also wish the overall ""look"" or theme was as customizable as Tumblr's" "Instagram is great, but sometimes it bugged that's why I can't receive the messages on time. For the incoming update of the app we're suggesting to have an archive and pinned button for messages, allow user to double-tap the image for zoom purposes, and allow users to crop their photos on their ratio preference." Edit: I wanted to update this to say how much I hate that the new update caused posts to say how many weeks ago they were posted rather than the actual date they were posted. It is so annoying! At least give us the option to change the date format!! 4/28/20: This is a good app but one thing that I would really like to see as an update is the option to delete a single picture from a post of multiple pictures that you already posted. Or the option to edit or replace a photo you already posted "Sometimes my instagram would running in background. When I open from recent apps, Instagram's Theme suddenly change into Black to White. So many times this problem occur with me. This makes me to go for setting & set up like before. I'm too tired to do this process again. Please solve it as soon as possible. Everything is perfect except this." "When I go to check when I made a post, now it shows how many weeks ago was made. Sadly, I don't see the day and month and year when a photo was posted. I don't understand why was changed. I think was more helpful to see the exact date when post was made. I become more and more disappointed by this. To not say because of reels, photos have no value anymore. Artists are done" "Instagram is good, but one problem bothers me a lot, that is whenever we put a photo in the story, the quality of the photo is very poor.Same problem when we send photo to someone on insta Your product's consumers hope that you will come up with some solution for this problem very soon. Everything is fine, very good application and easy to use and handle .. Thank you and Best of Luck 👍🏻☺️ - Aniket Hazra Your product's user" Been having a hard time with reels not loading. Closing out suddenly. Lots of glitches. It was fine and then it hasn't been. Also. Hate the lack of customer support. I got hacked and was never sent an email that it says I'm supposed to get to log back into my device. They are so quick to censor people and remove content but when you really need help. There is literally no one. "One of the biggest advantages of Instagram is its interface. With so much visual content, you would expect it to be slow and messy. Contrary to that, Instagram is very neat and organized. Unlike Facebook, there is no flood of information that you can barely process. Also, the platform allows you to organize your profile in a very efficient manner, such that it has a nice appeal to it. This appeal is one of the reasons why people rushed towards Instagram despite other photo-sharing platforms." "This was a great application for sharing photos and videos some years ago.. but now, the far we go, the more bugs and stacks are in the application! Even for quite powerful Samsung s21 to share a reel with videos from gopro10 isn't possible without any problems! Suggested audios becomes unavailable, sound and videos often goes with glitches. Please stabilize and fix the application, otherwise you will loose all users and customers." "Recently, well, for the past couple of months, Instagram just doesn't send me notifications, I don't know if someone messaged me. Although it does send a notification when you're in the app, i'd rather have the notification sent when I'm not using instagram. Wouldn't you as well? My friends reported this problem too. Maybe it only occurs on android, but I don't know. I like instagram, but it's been really frustrating lately." "I love instagram since it's less problematic to stay there unlike other apps where toxicity is rampant in posts. In insta I can see many beautiful photos taken by others and its a wonderful community (in my opinion). Even though I love it, I'm only giving it 3 stars since I've been having problems in posting. I tried to upload photos a couple of times and to no luck it kept on restarting and bringing me back to the home page. I hope this problem will be fixed soon. STAY HYDRATED PEOPLE! 💕" "The reason for my 3star is, I've been using this app for a year now or maybe 2 but recently i updated it and since then whenever i call someone in insta they can't hear my voice, i have to restart my phone before calling them. And now today i did all the restart and talked with my fam on call but later on at evening, a person is trying to text me but their text is not going through and that is happening just to my chats. They can text other people's except me. Please fix the bugs!!!!!" "Before I had given 5 stars but the recent update has given so many bugs, the sound on reels are lagging, the quality of the reels are low. When I'm uploading something on story, it destroys the quality. And some highlights are freezed. Kindly look in these problem" "Everything else is fine, the first is that sometimes there are problems with the IG network, and messages are received and refreshed very slowly. The second is that the IG message display read or unread is not sensitive, sometimes show sometimes not. Third, the account is blocked no way to immediately contact the official, the probability of no solution.😅" "Instagram used to be so, so good. I found man Ike-minded artists from around he world. We've build up a really cool crew! Then it al changed. Instagram stopped showing your posts to your friends and started to only promote videoposts. The magic is gone. I grieve for the old days. When stories and captions were shared around and people ""met"" each ohr without having to produce fancy videos. Sigh!" This app is nice but there is some idiotic problems on my Instagram account for example not updated properly no such option like notes and I cannot see no one's notes and no one can see mine too. There is no such option and now I cannot see how many friends are online that option is also vanished. If you want good reviews then you have to make your app better. But the thing is I love it Thank you. here is my Instagram account- _sombojit_ I can confirm it's a good app to communicate with friends and make friends but the new notes update doesn't seem to show up on my phone. I've updated several times and nothings changed. I hope you know what to do cuz I really wanna participate in these note things with my friends. "One of my 3 accounts is unable to archive any stories despite the option always being set to 'on' in all my accounts. It's my work photography account that's been affected so I hope it can be sorted, but it's especially disappointing as I want to be able to save and share when my content is used in the industry/ events I have worked at, as a testament to my work. I've updated and still no luck. The only ones archived are instances of sharing tagged stories." "The app is so annoying that sometimes I want to throw my phone on the ground. It's full of bugs, and for some idiotic reason, some features just disappear out of nowhere. I have some pages, and the schedule feature is really helpful but it vanished and now I can't use it on my accounts anymore although all of them are business or creator accounts. Very frustrating 😕" The app is great but the issue with audio that is half of the audios becoming unavailable and then not being able to undo after replacing audio once is a bad feature. The audio and relating options should be a little more free-moving. The developers should look more into this. "There are not many instructions on how to use all the features of the app. I had to do browser searches to figure out how to use this. Most apps give you a basic tutorial when you install, however ig does not. Additionally, it can be sluggish at times... and I'm not sure why they feel the need to have to collect personal data from users, either - that's kind of weird but whatever. The app does what it advertises, however, so I have to concede to at least 3 stars." Notes option isn't visible few times it's not present. At times the app runs too slowl and it's not compatible. I am finding way too many bugs these days. Hope Instagram fix it i having so many problems these days. Thanking you "Just need help I've got a business account but for what ever reason I don't have the schedule option on my account. I've had the account for a long time that but sure if this has any thing to do with it. But even set up two other accounts, one biz and one creator and both have schedule on the accounts. I've updated the app and uninstalled it several times still no change. Please someone help, this tool would really help out my small business" "I only have one complain, which is the drawing feature on stories. Theres a glitch on where the drawing disappears from the story by tapping the undo button and then only shows the picture under the drawing. I badly want my drawings back. Pls fix it :( I also want a feature where when the app opens, it says if I wanna continue the story I lost. Those are all my requests and complains. Thank you" "so many bugs. whenever I want to go through someone's highlight, i click to go through it but it keeps glitching me back to the first story on the highlight. i go on ""search in conversation"" to find a chat, but as I'm typing in my search, the search bar disappears and i have to re-type it in again and again and again to finally get my results. plus, original, like very original and popular songs are now unavailable, like what???" I am giving this 3 stars only because I only have 2 Concerns the first one that has to be fix is the save your information log on it does not keep me long on and I always have to put my password whenever I go on. The other thing is that I can not see who is on because it don't show me the people's that are on that also has to be fix. That is all that is wrong with Instagram so far what I know and see.. Also fix everyone else concerns so that it won't be a 3.9. It needs to be 4.0 or more. Thanks "Kindly fix the issue of disappeared reel button from bottom of the home page After view the nationality challenge reel and then log out, thenafter uninstall the app, and thereafter re instal the app and log in again... It works only once... when close the app and open it again, this reel button again got disappeared. Every time for using this feature, this method is much hectic and long. Please fix it." Till last year it was all good. I had a great experience but I've been experiencing many glitches and bugs.. I'm not able to use the instagram note and also some new features. I'll be very thankful if Instagram looks into the matters and fix it asap. "Recently this app seems to not function well. Those pictures that I nicely cropped came out off after posted. And you can't edit the picture after posted, only can be deleted. The only thing that can be edited is only the captions. There should be improvement on this area" "Instagram has lot of glitch. Especially I could see while uploading the reel. Most of the times when I am putting some text on the reel it appears fine but as soon as I upload the reel , either the text vanishes or the text goes off the page or the background of the text goes off etc" "I use it for all my messaging basically, and it's just a very strange app. It updates spontaneously in minute yet annoying ways and I've noticed that some people have seemingly older versions of the app than me when both of our phones have it updated to the latest version. Confusing" "Everything has been working just fine for me... Until I go to post on my story. 9 times out of 10, when I try to post on my story, whatever I want to post never actually posts. Instead, I get a grey screen with a little loading circle. 10+ minutes will go by and it never posts. I've been having this for about a month now and it's extremely frustrating" "We can save useful reels that give imp info. But when needed we have to go through all the saved reels to find that particular reel. Why can't there be an option to categorise saved reels like Excel,Tour,Windows,Movies,etc Please try to do that in next update. Thanks" "Ever since there was an update in January 2023, I have not been able to get and keep the reel icon. I have tried all the troubleshooting in Google and am only able to get it for 5 minutes after I uninstall and install the app. I messaged the help center 3 months ago and have yet to receive a response. Will change rating if I get help." "In my experience, the quality of video calls on Chamet has been excellent in comparison to other video chat app , but Sometimes during a conversation keeps disconnecting in between calls making it difficult to communicate without interruption although my network connection is fine, hope you fix that problem other than that it's a interesting app" "OLD IS GOLD..,. OLD VERSION WAS SO NICE ...NOW THE TIME IS REDUCED SO MUCH .... .AND THERE IS NO OPTION TO SEE HOST ID.I SUGGESTED SOME OF MY FRNDS ABOUT THIS APP AND USERS. THE HOSTS I SEE,I CALL, ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN THEIR PHONE. PLZ ADD OPTIONS TO SEE HOST ID. AND SHARE.. Except this everything is fine...5*" good app but i dont know how to add a friend. like i want to send gift to help my friend on her task but there is no option how can i find her ID and add as a friend. do i need to call randomly and wait until to meet her in calls ? Your Camet apps are absolutely amazing video quality is good but your payment system would be more amazing if Bkash Nagod Rocket was added along with Mastercard. Need help to login to my old account.. I had level 6 and have spent email as wel..i had done a lot of purchasing on my old account.. It's asking me to create new account every time I login .. Response awaited.. No one responding "I am not able to hear the host voice on video call but host can hear me. But there is no issue on live streaming, my mobile is redme MiUI 12.0.4 and Android is 9PKQ1.18917.001. pls fix this bug in next update..I have updated chamet v3.3 hi oday but still but is remaining the same" "Hi chamet team,the app initially worked fine but now I don't get calls anymore,I only get randoms and it's not cool....I updated and checked if I was banned but everything was okay please solve this💔💔" "There's no task on my account please fix that issues, and some of my friends experiencing the same issues" "This days hosts are getting ban without any offense, please if your robots are having problems kindly fix it, it's too much,how can someone be ban 4 times in 30 minutes? It's really bad and not encouraging at all." I've previously Rated the App with 4 Stars But I deducted one Star because there are too many Pakistani Scam accounts recently and there is no option to block a certain country .. when Randomly matched you can not cancel the call . I just Wasted 7 Free card calls all of them were Pakistani accounts playing pornographic videos . How is this not dealt with ? Please fix your app its a bit laggy specially when u play a game it stock and sometimes cheating too .. Please I like this app but please try to put it on app store so that does using apple phone can use it too I don't have android phone that why I can't use it I work as host in this app earlier it was good but now every competition are ended. Family battel ended now daily ranking also ended and carnival also ended . Earlier there was competition we feel energetic and try to win other host after the end of all competitions we feel boaring. Make rules strict but don't end all competitions. And one more complain don't set profile country by the number they register keep it by location actually they are now. "Their is reason of giving you 3 Stars, Well overall Chamet is Good app to make new friends and meet people from different countries, Even It's a good app for earning also, But For random people their is only one withdrawal method of Arripay,which is only supported for other countries like India,Vet,Chaina,But their is problem for withdrawal of Pakistan because Arripay not supported well for Pakistan. So please add other payment method in Chamet like Bank withdrawal, Or any useful Withdraw method" "I am having issues after i lose connection, i try to call back and i get stuck on ""User is busy"" even when they are not. I log out and log back in and yet still stuck." When you enter a livestream it sometimes doesn't load and glitches you out of the app. I also didn't see a search bar to find people by name. But at least the majority of women looks good and isn't catfish. coins prblem but the app is great I am enjoy first time this version has a problem that translator doesn't work in broadcast I have 10 free call cards and i cant use them why is that.before i use 4 freecall card and after that i cant use why ? "Please fix the bugs ASAP, videos quality, bluetooth connectivity, voice drop, and call user connectivity . Thanks" "nice apps,no need to out your own money..you can earn her.." "Hello Dear Chamet Team.., I have best experience in chamet. Full enjoy and much time spend but in last 2 month i feel bad experience because the new update are not satisfied... We need old chamet thats is good. Please hence together u can understand this request. Your Truly.., Chamet User Rahul." "maybe its a scam app , i cant withdraw what i earn ..." "App is good. Made lots of frnds here but the problem is call rate, coins are costly than other live chat apps. Developers please look into this. That's why rated it 3star" "User interface of the app is great. I have used so many apps and I never seen such a interface , very user friendly.. I would rate 5 star on the feature that they have language, translator works amazing. Apart from Them this application do not have good customer service, having level 9 id already with no use, I would give zero rating for having poor customer service. For the money they earn here they should consider the fact of having a phone number to reach out. Thanks and good luck!" "I would have given given a higher rating of the the app eouldn have bugs, software issues. And it keeps hanging. I use a flagship phone n if I m facin this issue den it's worst in low proforming phones. I gave 3 stars but for software it deserves lower than 1 star. Fix the ussue. Will change after the issue is sorted." "Chamet is a good app for 1 on 1 video calls, but Why the server is down mostly, and glitches when making a call. Kindly fix the server issue, it shows and error network issue please try again later. Even the device is connected to high speed internet." "My only problem is the new app update is very bad. on my experience when im starting to video myself, it's very lagging. also the filter! the new filter update is very disgusting. it makes your face looks bad! hopefully will fixed this immediately.. or just remove the new makeup update!! thankyou." "Platform is neat. Could be improved by regional search string. Rate of daimonds consumption is just too expensive to recharge everytime. Most times payment doesn't confirm and update. Need to improvise on how to avoid juveniles using the app. Rest assured, one can enjoy using the app. Version 2.0 is too bad. It has dissolved the user friendly entry to @ live people who we follow. Now, it's unknown entry whether they are @ live or in party. Kindly fix user-friendly entery interface" Please update with the option that when we are going back from a message interface the messages are deleted.please resolve fast.The messages are not seen. "I am not getting any leave up still stuck in level 1,For 1 minutes calls spending all this diamonds other getting more beneficial,we loose everything,unlike other apps we can call just for free here they making profits always" "good access for connect other people,but I think we need to update without losing bonus box in less than 1minute" "I have purchased 4,500 diamonds. But they can't be used. I have got the diamonds but it says account has abnormalality diamonds cannot be consumed. There is no problem in purchased but diamonds are not spending" new car game not work.when i touch tat its automatically comes out frm live It's a good app for conversation but very costly now its good and but you need to topup to chat It only shows one contry people... I dont think its a wide app... After new update am facing issue like am unable open messages. It's not showing the messages received. Main menu it's showing I have new messages but if click that it's not taking to messages screen. Please check this problem as soon as possible Bring back watch ads and earn diamonds.. Please "How much time required to deposit Diamonds to my account after purchase? Even after 3 hours of payment done, not received the Diamonds yet. Bot reply is unique...need reply immediately and Diamonds to be deposited to my Chamet App account immediately. Thank you" "after upgrading, all message from my friends disappear. new chat also disappear.. 😂" There should be better options to filter and search like keywords or diamonds per min etc I have problem to withdraw my money this app error the face verification to update the app and there are never showing me to update the app what I Am? "App is preety good..but i have an strong query,why it is necessary to have an agent or agency as mediator for money withdrawal. Why I can't withdraw my money directly in my account" Experience not bad but some live broadcasters block for vested interests and users have no option to complaint "From now I give only 3 star, because I don't know if its true this app or not, but I enjoy it cause so many callers that I can answer every second😄😊" It's lovely. But little expensive. Less time to use inregards to the money. Make it less diamonds per min so that we could use the app more time . Apart from that try to minimize the fake profile on it. That's all. My experience in this app is avorage becose u r customer service is very bad when I want to send message to customer service put the option there is no sufeesiant option how can I report u next girl's is very cunnig behaviour they are time vasting take care about customer care this app is not responding properly Nice app. Especially the live feature let's u see the person . But the calls r expensive. Whats the point of levels . If I m going to higher level thn my call timing shud increase or call rate shud reduce. I don't get any benefit of the levels. Look into this please Developer should bring another method for purchasing coin like bkash Nagad The app is good but recharge options should be developed as soon as possible Because everyone hadn’t same method for recharge Please develop it!!! Easily Can have a friend here ...Depends on your effort u made Manyfriends 🤭 Application is not bad but has certain issues. What I faced is messages sent in inbox disappears and also in case I want to remove someone followed earlier and there is not customer care. Several times I had done recharge but did not get the diamonds. "I am rating 3 because i noticed when you discount gifts, you mix it with those bought with the original or the first price. For example the Fly gift, i gifted someone fly but bought it 99k and it was the highest gift she had. Now you discounted it and it went down being 2nd of her expensive gifts next to a 60k champagne. Come on!What!? 99k becomes 2nd to 60k?!!! You should maintain those bought on original price and post different not mix if someone buys same gift at discounted price." It's a request to chamet team that please provide unlimited 💎 🙏 can't remove the author call accepting so they have to work on that to change my choice "This app is great to have a good time, but recharge is too high less munites talking on video call and then this app recharge me when send gift couldn't delever, i didn't get money back, is kinda trick, they should update better option easy to use about gift and more munites on video call." "New update of random match is disgusting, it takes too long to match. We can't match the random with own which was there till last update. It's a request please update the random match system and bring the old system of random match or new ." "The Discover feature is broken, it doesn't matter if i want to chat with PPL from specific language or place its all mixed up . & I should be able to see what the other person has given me a after call review and their note should be available." Maximum account was fake....card system was call a fake account.....developers refresh all fake account and kicked There should be one more option to sell coins the way we buys coins. It would be easier for us. Hope it will be implemented. The rates are too high. Don't waste your time around this app. time limit to short even after spenting money they will not entertain u that makes u to spend more but to no effect it is good but it is very costly you can make friends and you can earn Also through games My wallet in application still shows 0 dollar when i have 1 lakh beans in account please help vary vary nice ap Plz start the daily rewords and weakly rewards an make easy in return in lucky lucky There is no way to eliminate pictures and entries from the like list A customer gets flooded with dozens of messages from the ladies hour after hour. There's no selectivity. And there's no way I'm going to read them all. I am used this 2021 but without money u can't grow up please sir please do any work and increes levels wirthout monet "I do recharge on my account but i didnt receive any diamonds. I chat the chamee and give the details needee,ryd but she replied that the diamnds is already in my account but my account is still 0. And there still no transaction saved. Pls. Take actions with this. I just want to play and it pissed me off because i cant play and scared to recharge again because of what happened tonight. Very. Disappointing 😏" "I like the app but haven't had a single successful payment who do I contact for this and plz don't suggest the bot it's of no use. want to edit my rating as I like the app but the payment system is too bad (never goes through, always get refunded back in Max 6 hrs up until now)" When you open pics app hangs. Download this app and the whole phone slows down and hangs. Remove this app to make you phone function properly. Edit. Pic open bug now resolved after update. "as my experience for this apps in a month is not good i always encountered a call without earning they always put in the end as a chat card thats why i give 3 stars only ,Im just hoping you can fix it as soon as possible if ever you didnt fix it maybe your customers will not continuing to use this apps ,and now your updating the new version is really not good they cannot see the viewers during live and most of them it's always lagging how you can encourage your host to do live if they don't see" "The app is worth appreciating ,the only flaw/ fault is of payment ,i have made 3 payments of 270 each, amount was deducted every time but diamonds were not credited till now this really disappointed me, ,in order to make the app more popular, payment process and diamonds credit system should be made fair and genuine" I don't know why this app has bug first there were free call for 15 seconds but now the coins get deducted and no free calls for 15 seconds this will loose your coustomer and users . Please bring that old version back like random cards and free call for 15 seconds . Thankyou "The old version is good I can use random matching. This new version has no random matching... I prefer the old version, I hope there is a switch button weather go to old or new version" "Starting you will enjoy then if you will pay 90 rs there are not getting cards, i have paid several times but cards are not receiving. One thing is good that 90 rs are coming back to the account. So solve this problem." "I like this app. Profiles are real atleast, but its too expensive. And here is a suggestion. If you guys can make it less expensive, then u grow very quickly. I am using it for last few days. Now i m using 15 minutes everyday may be but i could use it for an hour if u can make it say 500 diamond per minute. Or atleast i can buy diamond cheaper, say 1,00,000 diamond for a thousand rupees. Please think about it. I hope one day i can give this app a 5 star" "The app looks good and easy to use, but I am not getting messages sent by other(strangers message). Also there is no proper support chat." "I like chamet because the filters are nice. But now it's so ugly because of the new update of chamet with make up, the filters suddenly went out and it's very lag. Just remove the make up" This app is good to say but there are lots of issues like there it says it will give free cards if I invite male friends and so I did but in return I didn't get any cards!!!!!.…why?...this is not good!!...you should improve your app more I'm not able to make calls or send messages. It looks like I'm blocked. K have a black bar over the call and message buttons. Please help My random match is very slow while other female user is quick to match. please make it fair. Overall is good because you can match unlimited "It's really expensive thedimondsgo down to quickly, video cheat is awesome and makes talking to nice girls from around the world easier just need to make it affordable then 5 stars it's also good for adult chatting." It is not good connection have the time and then you just wasted your diamonds. But when it's working properly I like it and the women a lot. The women could answer you back a little quicker to but thinking that from long distance texting to I have been uploaded my real photo as a My poster but app deleted again and again and block me. This is a big bug in this app. Developers have to correct it. Otherwise app.is good for calling. "This app is good, But yesterday when I purchased Diamonds the amount is debited from my account and I didn't received anything. This happened twice. It means 270+270 is debited from my account and I didn't get refunded yet." Overall this a brillian application I would give a 5 star but there is a main disappointment that is the cost of the dimonds 250ra Or 500rs for just a 5 to 10 mins call is sooo annoying at a point I stopped recharging often. While seeing the review most of the review says reduce the cost but what you guys are doing is decreasing the diamond quantity for the same prize how is it gonna be a satisfaction for the customers who use the app for a long time. At a point everyone will get dissatisfied. "I am unable to login ,when clicking login button it's showing your system device may have security problem but all the app instead of chamet working fine.i am using new redmi note 9 pro. Let me know how to solve this to login to the app" After the update its started acting weird. It doesn't let me do live. I have stable connection but the app just always say waiting. Please fix it! Previous the top up was completed esaly but now the top up was not complete intantly the Google pay take time to transaction money to this app I not happy with this process can u retife the problem Over all this app was soo good but only transaction problem to top up the balance to related account from gogle pay I give 3 stars for app reaming 2 was I'm not satisfied with transaction with gogle pay reward is too low want to increase reward & task "The profiles seem real, but really horrendously expensive just to chat for a few minutes. Most users will run away after a few chats. How do you buy those tokens anyway ? Edit : Are all the women real, or some just videos ?" "Its very good app for dating but one thing, we need every single person call for money and it to cost. Why we cannot totally delete our account." "My experience with chamet is not very good ,i found difficulty in calling, quality is not up to mark . After using some time the application i felt ,it is useless to continue as i got blocked by grild for unknown reasons . If this the case i should go for fb blocki g for free ,why to pay to get blocked. I really want to close my accou t with chamet and want full/partial refunds. I appreciate if you take my concerns with you and provide me refund earliest." After the latest update installed. I am no longer able to call. it keeps loading until to drop the call. this is a critical issue. I am unable to download the chamet app in apple iphone ios version. Getting error saying that App is not available in this region or country. But I had accessed the chamet app in the Apple Iphone ios version before. Can you solve this problem ?? Please!!!! "Ill just give it a 3 star, a lot of men here are rude, they always asking to show private part, and every time i do random call a lot of men show they private part. Its a nice apps i hope it will fix soon.. Im here to gain a lot of friend not to feel harass" "I love this app but why sometimes deduct my card without any connecting call... I don't like that problem,plz developer fix this issue as soon as possible.If this issue will fix i will rate 5/5" "THe BEST video chat app, far far better than the rest. So many good looking and genuine broadcasters available. But little expensive." "Sometimes it decides the smallest of spelling errors are absolutely unacceptable. Sometimes I pronounce something completely wrong, and it decides it's fine. There must be an in between. If they weren't constantly trying to shove their paid service down your throat it, it would be a great product. But between the ads and indecisive errors, combined with the constant reminder that they have a paid for service, it's frustrating." "Edit: I still like the app and I've gotten over most of the changes everyone has talked about. I agree with others though I didn't appreciate. Now I can't use my own picture has to be an avatar? 🙄 Duolingo is the best free language learning app I've ever used! The combination of speaking, reading and writing really helps me to not just kind of but truly understand the Spanish I'm learning 😁. 10/10 would recommend the free version, there are ads but honestly it isn't that intrusive. Do it!! 😎" "The app used to be much more useful and fun, I used to be able to go back to lessons and still gain a decent amount of xp rather than just 5. The rewards are much less common too, which helped me and likely many other users stay encouraged and on track. I've come to dread the daily lessons because I end up feeling strongly discouraged. I liked the old format much better. I understand encouraging constant progress, but that will just lead to burn out at this rate." "Have had this app quite a while, but have not been happy with it lately, since they've been making all the changes. Esp the most recent, removing the completed leveled up (purple) lessons. I like being able to refresh those as well as the others. Also tends to freeze up more at the point where the ads start." "It's a good app for learning languages. Often you don't realize how much you're learning until a tricky question or real-world example comes up and you find out you ""get"" it. The biggest thing I'd change is to bring back the forum. User discussion is incredibly helpful to learning the language, especially on the smaller courses that you might not be able to put as many staff hours into (Finnish for example)." "Sometimes hard to learn when they don't explain everything they're teaching. When pressing on words for help, it's some times not what they're looking for. Pronunciations and translations aren't always the same which makes it confusing. Animation sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't show up. Moved me up lessons because of changes, but it skipped so many useful things. Since the new look update it's been so wonky and stressful. I enjoy learning and it's the only reason I still going." "Unless you're paying for a subscription, the app isn't very great. With a subscription, you have the opportunity to learn at your own pace. Without a subscription, you're constantly bombarded with ads & penalized so much it becomes frustrating & borderline unusable. I paid for the past 2 years but decided to take a break from the subscription to quickly realize why my friends who've downloaded it don't really use it. If you're okay with the price it's a good app, otherwise don't waste your time." "This app is great at helping me and my little boy practice Spanish. I would give it a 3.5 overall. I do wish that they had kept the podcast and the stories more accessible for users to use when wanted. That's the immersion aspect that forces us to actually practice the audio aspects of the language. I know that if I could hear this language and speak it more, I would feel more confident in my attempts at fluency. But we are learning and that has been a great experience for both of us." "It has a bug currently where the app occasionally loads the home screen during a lesson, ending early. But on the lessons themselves, if you notice any discrepancies you can report them during the lesson, so that's nice. Not the best, but it's good for learning individual words and some simple phrases. I wish there were lessons on the nuances between synonyms in japanese though. Probably gonna need a tutor for learning those. Your experiences may vary based on the language being learned." "The idea and app at first are really good. However, Duolingo seems want no long term users. The UI and lessons plans constantly change. Sometimes these completely change the lesson plan to the point where you feel like you need to restart or move many lessons back. For example, Duolingo will completely change the order of what your learn so suddenly the lesson is completely unrelated to what you had been working on with tons of unexpected new vocabulary that you're already expected to know." "Spanish is pretty good and I'm impressed with the character personalities. However, I am personally not a fan of the competitive leagues and timed challenges, which are just money grabs for buying timers. For me they do not help me learn and have caused me to almost quit. There should be an option to turn them off. I do like the quests and the other types of goals. Also, the Mandarin course needs a lot of work. HelloChinese is much better for that. Finally, some of the voices do not sound right" "Learning Spanish. There are a lot of bugs with the UI - e.g. it can't seem to remember that i never, ever want animations or motivational messages turned on. The choice of words is weird - I'm learning words that honestly I'll probably never actually need IRL. So it's not good for learning conversational Spanish IMO. Also, it obsesses about some words and ignores other ones that are useful words. Using it in a browser is annoying, it doesn't let you type words, can only pick word bubbles." "It's a great tool to learn a language. Although it's unfortunate, that one cant customize what they would like to learn. For example, my goal is to learn Italian for travel at the same time the app requires me to learn all sorts of words that are unrelatred to travel. They put new words that haven't been taught before making answers incorrect. It seems to also slowed down after lessons thus keeping me from doing more lessons during Double XP times." Extremely stressful to keep up with. It's taking my points away! I saw it before my own eyes. It said 424 but it wasn't uploading my new points so I closed the app and went back in. It TOOK AWAY 26 points! It doesn't feel like a game anymore. It feels like a chore. I'm more concerned with staying in my league than actually learning. The competition aspect isn't needed and is more negative than beneficial. I've been using for close to 500 days but can only carry a basic conversation. I've been using duo lingo daily for over 500 days and I think I'm going to quit soon. If you arent a member it doesn't seem worth it. With the new update they did a few months back some things improved. But now I don't feel like I can study previous lessons as well to finish the units. And the units are more fast paced meaning I'm not committing lessons to memory as well. Ads occur after every lesson and sometimes the skip feature is broken. Interface is attractive as a plus. "A year ago, I would've given this app five stars. However, they've made some major changes that have made things more difficult for you to personalize your studies. There's no ability to choose what subject or type of exercise you can do. I.e., if you want to practice listening, you can't do *just* that. It's made it very limiting and I think my studies have suffered as a result. I used to read the stories before bed, now I get one story every 10 lessons or so. Unhappy w/the ""candy crush"" model" "A lot of bad audio and outright inconsistent answers make this a wallbanger of an app. Points for supporting a lot of languages, but there's way too many frustrating moments. Like when you're typing and sometimes the keyboard gets taken off screen, leaving only the submit button, which of course gets hit and you've just submitted only half of your answer, incomplete and therefore incorrect. No big deal if you're on paid unlimited play, but removes a heart otherwise." "A good app that used to be great. My specific quibbles are the tree that so many people love hating right now, and the fact that mistakes made while attempting to legendary skills no longer populate in the mistakes section. As a former teacher with professional expertise in teaching and learning, I would be happy to talk to someone about my issues with the current iteration of this app more specifically if I knew someone would actually be listening." "So the weird thing is, a lot of the languages that use Western characters, IE, the English alphabet, those courses are much more robust in those that use characters like Chinese. You can do so much more learning German then you can using Chinese which is a bunch of rote memorization. On top of that, there is a glitch, where if you log out of one account to go to another, the app says that it isn't installed where I click it, and I have to wait a few minutes for it to register." "Over the past week, I can no longer log into the app from my home screen. I have to uninstall, then reinstall and hit the Open button. I have an Android phone and all of my other apps work fine. Secondly, why don't you have more vocabulary tests, rather than inserting new words into a quiz and we get the quiz wrong. Also , when translating English to Spanish, don't capitalize any of the words. That is a giveaway as to what the first word of the sentence is." "The app is very good in some aspects but very poor in other aspects. The gaming method can be an enjoyable motivator. The inaccuracies of the app can get quite annoying. For example, competing with and against friends and others encourages learning. Marking ""os meus óculos"" wrong for ""my glasses"" is discouraging. Instead, the app wants ""meus óculos"". Really? C'mon! Duolingo should have cleaned up this kind of nonsense a long time ago." "Update: I've been using the app every day so I decided to try the free two week trial of unlimited access without ads. I signed up and got an error saying that I didn't have internet. I checked the Play store, and it showed that my subscription went through and that I'd be charged in two weeks. Duolingo still showed 4 hearts and ads. I closed the app and restarted, no change. I cancelled the subscription. Hoping devs will see this and check their system." Poor customer service. Overall it's a pretty good language learning experience. The app has problems that could easily be fixed for a better user experience however the company is quite reluctant to make changes. Now they're forcing users to have a cheezy avatar. Too many problems too much time spent writing a low responsive CS. "I love the app so much. However, I'm not planning to travel, and it really seems targeted towards traveling. I wish I had the option to skip learning about so many traveling words. I get super bored learing the travel stuff, I downloaded a few other apps to avoid having to fight my way through the traveling. But there is a ton of other great stuff about the app." "I've been using this app for many years and developers keep changing it, some good some bad. I prefer the old app but with some new updates it's functional again. It's more geared to get you to use unlimited and they force those trials on you. I don't care for them or unlimited in general. Some of the daily quests are random as hell and make take 10 plus quest runs to hit ""find this character"" 7 + times. I had 5 missions in a row today where the character didn't show once." "I like the app except the passive-aggressive notifications and the manipulative nature of it. Tbh, I don't want to play a game, I want to learn a language. I don't mind gamification to a point, but I am an adult, this isn't school, and sometimes (rarely!) I can't do a lesson. The punitive attitude of the app makes me want to delete it rather than motivate me to spend more time on it. Still not sure if I'll stick with it." "Still the best app for language learning. The roadmap method is far better than the old ""unbroken chain"" method to build skills & evaluate progress towards unit completion/ comprehension. It's fun again but still lacks a motivating goal. Sadly the new AI/subscription model now lumps duo in w/ every app putting formerly free useful content (peer discussion boards, correct answers, grammar, prior lesson review) behind a paywall while focusing on distracting ad revenue." "Started out good. Now glitchy! I am on a 77 day streak and up until about a week ago it has been great. Now I can do three lessons and even get them perfect and it won't give me any points to move up in my league sometimes. This is doing regular lessons, not practice. It definitely discourages me from wanting to do more if I'm not going to get my points earned and not be able to move up in the ranks. This needs to be fixed soon or I am going elsewhere for my spanish learning." "In the older version, you could pick which lesson to do (like clothes or seasons). This was a great system, and I got up to a streak of over 150 days. Then they completely changed the design. Now you have no choice of topics. You must go through every level of a topic before you can begin the next one. As other reviews have said, this completely killed my motivation to use this app. Now I use Busuu for language learning, and I recommend that instead of Duolingo." The language lessons are good for the most part. Sometimes it feels like they're going too fast and other times not fast enough. Really the reason for my score is the ads have become so annoying. Unless you're paying then half your experience on the app is just watching unskipable ads. I get they're trying to make money but when I have to put my phone down and step away for your ad to finish playing 2 minutes later it's a bit much. "Overall, this app is pretty good. I wish that the leagues were opt-in though... It adds so much unnecessary stress when the app forces you to look at the leaderboard after a lesson when you just want to ignore it, especially with people using exploits to get a ton of XP in a short time. I really, really just don't want to participate, but it doesn't give you any choice." "It's OK for learning basic Spanish, but the app has many issues. There are often lag times between finishing lessons and seeing the XP credits for them. Other times, completed lessons are temporarily reflected in the XP count but then revert to a lower number. As a super-Duolingo subscriber, I don't have to deal with ads. Worst of all, it is nearly impossible to get a response from them when you report an issue. I suggest looking for alternatives to Duolingo." "I struggled between 3 and 4 stars but eventually landed on 3 due to some major functionality issues. This seems to be a decent app to getting you on your way to learn languages. It's better at some languages than others, I've found latin based languages to be better supported by this program, for instance. One big issue is the voice recorder. It often glitches out and makes me just skip the voice parts, which speaking the language is an important part so it's a major draw back." "It would be better, but the latest updates killed any motivation I had for learning. Using a tree to progress makes the app feel less repetitive and boring, and more like I'm in control of my own learning. This new system that just has me going down a straight line feels too constricting. I'd rate higher if the old system were brought back." "When I first started Duolingo it was fun and engaging, I was excited to log in and do some lessons for the day. However, now that they've changed to the path of learning, it is a chore. I no longer have the ease of choosing what I want to learn and understanding what the lesson will be before starting. Without the subscription It is also much harder to re-do a lesson, or practice areas I don't feel great in." The new version of the app takes too long to load. While the point values have changed/lessened also the hearts now get deducted on practice lessons already completed which did not happen before and that is a negative for me. I now spend more time learning lessons with the new changes. It's free so I can't complain very much. Just a comparison to the older version. "I have a love hate relationship with Duo. It's good at compelling daily practice. I would go back to paid if it did any personalization at all, but both versions feel inefficient. In fact, the ""personalized"" lessons are my most hated feature. I get tripped up on small grammar mistakes without getting good understanding, and my increased frustration leads to typos, repeat. If they made that level optional, the app would be fully worth it for the daily habit power - inefficiency and all." "It can be fun. But the fact that you have ""lives"" and can lose them when you get the wrong word is disconcerting and disappointing to somebody trying to learn a new. Update November 2022: I don't like how the app is now layed out after the latest update. I liked the old layout where you knew what the categories were. Update March 2023: I don't like the way you have to complete quests instead of 1000 points. I like the point better. Made me know how far I had to go and not feel obligated." "I used to really enjoy using Duolingo, but since the developers changed the layout and the learning approach, the experience is not as high quality. Humans are not linear learners!!! Plus, there are glitches in the app that use your streak freeze in error even though you've finished a lesson, and the tips offered at the start of a lesson are a lot less useful. Duo is fine for practice, but I am supplementing with a live tutor." "After 51 days and countless hours (probably close to 100) it's time to move on and find something that actually aims to teach. Duos method is solely based on repetition of some basic terms, and the algorithms aren't even smart enough to even know where I was failing to keep altering the course. It will surely teach you some basics but i feel like it's a wasted time and effort. Too bad, there were fun parts that i liked (challenges, cartoons) but the bottom line is how effective it really is" "Edit 3/9/2023 I have been disappointed as at times when I do the matches, I am not getting my XP added to my comp score. Thus I have missed out on advancing due to this. Not happy and may not continue using. Too bad. It was fun. Previous post: Like the app. Able to learn more than one language at once. Don't like the fact that you lose a heart if you make a mistake. Otherwise, not bad so far." "Duolingo has gamified language learning, which will appeal to many people, and it can be used for free with only minimally disruptive ads. The approach is simply to practice translating between two languages, one of which must be major (English, Spanish, etc.). That doesn't work well if you are multilingual and don't think in any one language. They don't explain grammar at all, so the app doesn't stand on its own. Pronunciation is not emphasized, and cursive writing is completely ignored." "Meh Good for learning words and a few phrases. Does not expand too much on grammar rules, and almost no verb conjugation. Lexicon seems very random. If verb tenses and explained grammar rules were included, this would massively improve this site. Also seems vastly competitive between users over learning goals. Can't even opt out of competitive ratings which can be very discouraging. Lots of ads, but sometimes get a few free days of upgrade. Lots of great potential, but needs more work." "Great app, not fond of the forced competitions. The leaderboards and reminders of my spot on the leaderboards makes me want to stop using it entirely. I wish that feature could be turned off. I'm learning for me, not for a scoreboard. I have been paying for premium and dont know if I will continue to. I'm glad it provides the knowledge it does for so many people though." "This is pretty decent, but it gets boring fairly quickly. 70+ units all with the same format and only the one approach to learning make it dull after a few units. It doesn't spend enough time on new vocabulary, so I'm losing a lot of what I learned earlier, and weirdly, there's not nearly as much opportunity to practice if you pay for it. If you don't pay for it, you have to practice to get hearts, which you lose for each error. Those practice sessions don't exist in the paid version." "There is a bug where if I need a timer boost and select an option, the screen freezes and does not let me continue. This has happened several times and the last time when I selected 1 timer boost the screen frooze and when I exited out of the app and came back it had selected 5 timer boost taking all my accumulated gems with it. This is ridiculous." "Okay language learning took. You learn languages by blindly stumbling on errors and repeating until success. Not a user friendly way. Doesn't teach you grammar. There's a little vague ""guidebook"" that gives grammar hints. You need a proper grammar book if you really want to learn that part. Speaking part sucks. Every short sentence fails. You can record duolingo example, play it back and still a failure. Clear bug. Duolingo doesn't care. The AI tool looks nice. Alas Apple only :(" "It's an ok app, for free. I have been using it for 2 weeks. 2 parts to this review. 1st, the language part isn't wonderful. I am using it to learn Spanish. I have been working in kitchens my entire life and I work with lots of Latinos. I have a pretty good vocabulary. But no clue as how to conjugate verbs or the whole masculine/ feminine things. It doesn't appear that they actually explain the rules. I would continue, but I'm out of space 😞" "Mostly good, but weak in vocabulary, and not many resources to fall back on, like for example a dictionary or verb conjugations. Regular vocabulary drills feature the same 50 or so words over and over and over and over. Do I still need to practice what Italian for ""woman"" is after 40 weeks? Sentence drills repeat the same sentences over and over, and many of their translations make no sense in my native language. This app could be so much better with just a little thought and a dose of AI." Okay I have been using this as a non paying person for over a year. I use to pay but there was a mix up with Goggle Pay and my last attempt to sign up hot refunded somehow. I digress. Use to be you got ads every so often or if you needed to get a heart quickly you can watch an ad. NOW you get an ad after every single lesson! This is especially annoying during timed 'Early Bird' or 'Night Owl' timed sessions. Guess they really want to push sign ups right now. Still best priced language app. "It feels incredibly gameified, and there don't seem to be many ways to actually target specific learning needs (especially without paying, which makes the whole gameifying thing that much worse), but it's an overall decent form of supplemental Spanish learning. However, I wouldn't recommend it as your primary source of Spanish learning; I would recommend a class or a translated TV show for that." "I really enjoyed Duolingo for the first two levels. Their method of introducing new words then reinforcing them made it REALLY easy to learn. With level 3, synonyms were introduced with no warning (mama instead of mother) or context clues. This was frustrating but manageable. Level 4 introduced new phrases by presenting them in the foreign language with no context clues. This was a showstopper for me. I couldn't make any real progress. I expect the problem to just get worse with each level." "HATE THE NEW LAYOUT. I LOVE Duolingo. I've been using it for almost a year, and when I have the time, I take copious notes in my Turkish Notebook and supplement the lessons with online resources. When I don't have extra time to be doing my hard-core studying, I just do review, review, review. The NEW LAYOUT is IMPOSSIBLE to navigate, because they got rid of the names for each section. Fortunately, I didn't update the app on my tablet, just my phone, so I keep using it. FIX IT PEOPLE." "The points bug is very frustrating. I just had 378 points and was expecting more, as I had just completed a lesson. It wasn't refreshing, so I closed the app, reopened and it now says I have 362. So, instead of giving me more, like it should it have, it took away points. I do like this app, but that points bug is very frustrating. Please fix." "It's good for pronunciation and native rhythm. It won't teach you to create your own sentences (because it doesn't ask you to). The new update offers grammar explanations, which is helpful, but the new lesson format, where you can't choose your topic and how far you want to master it, is annoying and makes it less enjoyable." I just finished 3 lessons with NO mistakes !! Perfect lessons... and ... for some stupid reason... I ended up having the SAME amount of *Gems* (4287) points that I had BEFORE I took the 3 perfect lessons!! How is that possible? How can I finish 3 perfect lessons AND still NOT end up with MORE Gem points than what I started with? Something is really wrong with a program that operates like that !! I really like Duolingo BUT it's things like this that make me unhappy & frustrated!! Bad Duo "I like Duolingo because it is very repetitive, a fun environment and the lessons are short enough not to become a chore. I don't like Duolingo because it doesn't go into depth on grammar and sentence structure at all, the little contests are very hard to ignore. A lot of times the translations are too rigid because they are either not exactly correct or don't allow for different sentence structure. Due to the unnaturally large amount of repeats it is very easy to finally loose concentration." "When is says your answer is wrong and shows the correct answer and it is the same as yours, it still punishes you even when you flag it as an error. Or when the hints are incorrect and you follow their hints, punished again. I hope they fix that, but unlikely. Then you correct the mistake and repeated it shows the same answer you end up losing all hearts and all progress on the lesson. Almost uninstalled right there. And the notifications, hello... I get like 12 a day plus in email too, ugh" "It's literally getting worse by the day. They don't give you lessons, they give you quizzes with hints and that gives me so much anxiety I can't concentrate. Forget lessons on grammar or anything necessary like that. It sure does want me to learn the Spanish word for suitcase, tho. Just look up free translation stuff on Google, it helps about as much (without dirty tricks to cost you a heart). I still have to look up stuff on my own just using the app casually." "I don't like the dark only background. I am old. My eyes need white with black text. The ability to make the words bigger wouldn't hurt either. The worst thing though is that it repeats the some question over and over and over when you get it wrong. Sometimes, I just want to get it done and go to sleep. Give me a different question after getting it wrong more than twice." "Easy to use with a pretty good learning system sometimes, however it doesn't take into account different aspects of a language that would affect how it needs to be taught. For example: The Korean u and o sound the same in many cases (like k and c in English) so you need to see the characters to tell the difference but in a lot of questions you are expected to know which letter it is off sound alone just like every other letter. Things like this happen often and it's really frustrating." "I used this app in the past and it's STARTLING how many ads are currently running. Guys I know you have bills but if we can do an activity in half the time it takes to watch one of these God awful mobile game ads then maybe beef up the activity. Immersion breaking, repetitive, and off-putting. And yes I know I can pay you to see fewer. Do better." "I kind of hate the new lesson display format, where it's just a single line of lessons now. The tree format you removed made progress far easier to visualize meaningfully, and was more straight forward for choosing specific lessons to focus on vs ones to complete for the sake of unlocking more lessons. The new linear format seems like something meant to imitate the user experience of scrolling social media, which makes me not want to use this ap. I use this ap to get AWAY from social media!" "I do like duolingo, but I would only recommend it if you want to learn a bit before you take the language at school or by someone who's fluent, perhaps to refresh your memory? I find the AI voices dont show tone well, especially for languages like Mandarin, where it's very important. Overall, it's a good app if you wanna get a head start, but i advise you to take a class for the language if you're just starting out or getting to more complex stages<3" "I like having the Duolingo app on my phone when I take my lunch/breaks at work. Having the hearts/""lives"" just stinks when I can always keep going when I do duolingo on my computer. Also, the app has a lot of errors and I keep reporting ""my answers should have be correct or accepted"". I have no problems doing it on my computer but they need to fix the app because theres quite a few glitches they need to fix." Was great till it wasn't. I loved the ability to choose topics build on them and continue on them or try and learn a different topic when I got bored with others. After this update I'm super disappointed that the app changed to the line of learning and that they took away the ability to practice new stories whenever rather than occasionally after lessons. Bummed that now to level up in the leagues you have to do a TON of lessons to get enough points. "Updated 2023 - Truly save your money and continue with free version, Super is not great. Even it is a useful app, I found that it is barely worthy the pay version, for instance they slow down the app with the timer exercises so you have to get time boost. Bugs when using the mic during the lessons, in the middle of one, suddenly stops working It's better to switch back to the free one (even with ads)." 5+ years of use. The most recent maintenance that shut down the store and all status pages has messed up the app. It randomly restarts the app in the middle of my lessons with my 2x-XP bonus. It means it takes me all 15 minutes to get thru 1 lesson only. It's exhausting. Sound is also not working at all - listening lessons pointless. Can't hit daily bonuses. "Very easy to navigate and use. Really pushes paid features. I would not rely on this app solely for language learning as the phrases tend to be nonsensical and grammar rolled out in a way that doesn't explain usage or rules. It requires less attention than some other apps, which makes it a good way to study without the same amount of energy. The competitive game style component also makes it enjoyable. Absolutely shouldn't be the only learning source, but great for practice/additional material." "I don't understand why all of the discussions are locked. I sometimes have questions and can't use the discussion boards. I pay for SuperDuolingo so I'm really disappointed the feature isn't at least available on the paid plan. Additionally, none of the flagged errors on questions seem to get fixed. Many have been incorrect/missing audio/not accepting audio for over a year!!" It does force you to push yourself and learn more (with new format). I am using it twice a day to get the two daily XP boost. They has glitches with the Friend Quest algorithm (uneven pairing) and many time the XP boost doesn't add to your actual score. Someone needs to get on top of fixing the glitches before continuing to roll out new features. I am trying to learn Italian for an upcoming trip and was going to try this app to see if it was worth paying for. The reviews are on the fence. It doesn't take into consideration my accent so I lose hearts quickly and then have to wait hours to practice again. Not very convenient for me and most certainly wouldn't purchase with the way it takes lives. "Duolingo was better before it updated. I liked the style better, the animations, and most importantly, with this new update, the characters are sorta curly(?/stylized), which makes it so unnecessarily hard to read It's doable, but more difficult than it used to be before the update Would get a 5/5 if there was an option to toggle the stylelized characters on and off, like there is with the romanji!" They really really push Super Lingo about every step of the way where it's super annoying. I also feel like the gem rewards are not high enough to really feel rewarded. I'm having a hard time getting through unit 16 as the lessons are becoming very vague. They are introducing words that have never been seen before and providing a template that doesn't make sense to the average English speaker. I have tried the same lesson now 4 times and can't pass it.. "Biggest issue: there are little to no vocabulary building lessons focused on just learning multiple new words. After over a year of daily use ""common"" words are still new to me when talking in the new language, but I know 6 ways of saying the same words in different tenses. In short, it focuses on grammar and not the ability to talk or hold BASIC conversations with native speakers. The app promotes as free but frequently shows you why the paid membership is needed. Ad's more often than lessons." The changes they took made it worse. You used to be able to customize a lot more with rewards you could spend your gems on and it made it seem a lot more fun and game like which is a good thing when you are trying to learn something and stave off boredom but they removed it for some reason and now Duolingo seems like all business all the time. No fun. Just work. It's fun and helps me a lot but when I'm doing certain activities for the leaderboard so I can get more XP it gives me words that I don't know and expects me to know it so I just enforced to lose because it's on a time constraint. Plus I got an ad that wouldn't load after my review and when I left the app and went back in to refresh the ad it didn't give me any xp "Enjoyed previous version better. I don't mind the new look but I miss the stories for when I wanted to chill out but still do a little practice. Plus sometimes the stories were legit funny. And I miss practicing for legendary. I can't figure out an economical way to do that without doing several lessons just for small points and no clear idea if they were relevant for the legendary ""tests."" Feels like they are just looking for me to spend gems faster and put me on paid experience. I refuse." I enjoy the app as far as learning goes. But I feel like there needs to be more in depth lessons on grammer. I get so confused with all that and there aren't really much explanations on it. I also HATE the leader board stuff. It gives me anxiety. Especially when I earn points and it doesn't register. "Duolingo was a great starting off point, but like others have said, won't get you fluency (for credit, I've almost completed the Mandarin course). Feeling really annoyed that they changed the number of days for the 30 minute xp boost from 3 to 5 days. Yall are really asking me to do a lesson every morning and night for 5 whole days just to get one day with 30 xp boost? Pointless at that point, it's so unmotivating that I'll probably stop using the app after I finally the finish the course." "Duolingo is free. It's strength is its bank of practice questions. They could do a better job of fix bugs rather than diverting resources to toys. The French and Spanish courses have several hundred lessons but are stuck in beginner-level mentality. It could personalize it's instruction but instead requires Mandatory CEFR A1 grammar lessons for all. Their Beta tests aren't very comprehensive, usually new features are rolled out with all sorts of bugs." "I've been subscribed to Duolingo Plus for a few years now and use the app daily. Overall, it could be better. Although learning languages is simple with Duolingo, there simply aren't enough tips and explanations. In earlier lessons, there are study tips and explanations before the lessons and you can get tips during lessons. As you progress, those are rarely available so I'm constantly having to seek explanations elsewhere." "I love duolingo and I've been using it for a few months, but recently I noticed it doesn't always save my xp. Today I got to 600 xp for the week, but then I did a lesson and it didn't go up at all. I closed and reopened the app hoping it would fix it, but now I'm at 580 xp. This isn't the first time this happened either, so I hope it gets fixed soon. Other than that it's a great app. The words you learn in the beginning are weird though, like I know how to say vinegar in greek but not goodbye." "I love the app, but 2 problems. 1. you only have 5 hearts to use, and then you have to start spending in real life money 2 play. 2. is that the super thing. i want to learn to speak French, not just read it, and if anything, speak more than read and listen. but the speaking feature is only for the subscription, which im not a fan of. for this, im keeping this app but trying out some others too. i would say get the app, but it doesn't have all the features, so go discover a few others." "I love learning Korean on Duolingo. It's been great. I'm disappointed because I paid for the SuperDuo so I could check my pronunciation with the speaking section. Unfortunately, it gave me an error message everytime the whole month. Tried reaching out to the customer service. Still no reply. Other than that, It's been wonderful." Update: I still prefer the old interface where you have the ability to study different social situations. Current design forces a linear studying model. New UX is uninspiring. I've given it a good run and still dislike it. Feel like I have far less control of my studies. Please give us the option to use the previous interface. "Great for beginners. I've been using duo for Japanese for 3.5 years. It's great at teaching hiragana, katakana, and by using kanji immediately, its helped me to learn to read VERY quickly. I think it also does a nice job of reinforcing the basic grammar by repetition (after some time they stop providing tips.) The heart system is awful because it's so discouraging. The kanji often have 2 readings and duo doesnt always speak the correct one. This SHOULD NOT be the only source for learning." "At first I felt like the app was great. It made learning new words from and felt like a game. However, the further along I got the more I disliked it. It just works on straight memorization. It doesn't help with grammar at all. It simply throws new words and phrases at you to memorize, with no explanation of sentence structure. And it feels fairly limited. Apparently all you are ever going to want to order is rice, sushi, water or tea?" "Fine language app, but too gamified. When I downloaded it, at first I thought it was a primarily learning app. I am willing to spend the monthly/yearly fee to use, to relearn a language I've long taken a break from. But after a year of playing, it's really a pay to win game, where people spend hundreds of dollars a month and use auto players to get first place. The developer also makes it impossible to get the highest XP in the daily events without using a cheat app or buying time boosts." "I really dislike the new format. I pay for duolingo so that I can focus on learning. The new format limits your options by quite a bit, and I think all the new graphics are unnecessary and distracting. However, it is more fun than just learning from a book, and I am learning and staying with the program" "A good assist tool, but cannot stand alone. Swedish is a bit complicated. Unfortunately, this app doesn't fill in the ""why"" gaps. What is an en or ett form, what are the word classifications, understanding the rigid word order, Etc... Knowing These things are essential, and you don't get it with this app. However, it is great as an assist to a teacher or good book on Swedish. I used it daily while also going to class. Three stars, maybe four. Four or five stars if eventually more is added" "App inconsistent across platforms. On my phone, I have gems; on the computer, I have lingots. There's no jump button to get back to the top to do legendary (purple) review, you have to scroll 4ever. Lately, my points have been either not updating or disappearing entirely. Ex: I did 5 lessons yesterday but had to manually refresh; my points jumped to 618. When I exited and returned later, my points dropped to 513. Those points were never recovered based on where I am now with recent lessons." "Fun but not for actually learning a language. I tried this app for close to 3 months and only ""learned"" some very basic words. The game aspect is a higher priority. When you mess up a word, it doesnt explain why so you can actually learn/understand. I had to google a lot to help me understand why I should use a certain word over another. Also wish that if you say you're learning for trip/visit, it would teach words/sentences you actually need. I dont need to learn words like sports and skating." "The app works well with certain languages, but it won't let you collect all of your daily quests. This happened during January and February too where I would complete all the quests, but it'll only show I've completed 1. I've completed 6 now for March, but only shows 2 on the line. That's not reassuring. This glitch will cause me and many to not get monthly badges because of this." "Keeps switching back to light mode even though I've set to dark mode and saved. Won't give me speaking exercises even though I've set it to do so, and I know speaking exercises are available on my course (Russian). Also permanently disabling comments in the forums was a terrible move. Otherwise not a bad app for doing a quick bit of brushing up everyday. Not sufficient for becoming *fluent* on its own, but can get you to A2-B1 ish, and is a good addition to your daily language learning routine." "Its annoying having to wait 5 hours for 1 new heart... you'll get dinged for putting the wrong gendered ""the"" in front of a word, or a slight misspelling. Apparently they want you off the app as much as possible unless you pay. Speech recognition doesn't always work right and dinged me for not saying a sentence correctly when I could say it just fine. Lessons don't really pertain to the catagory you're in, maybe a few lessons do. I also get a lot of repeat questions in a row. Ads are terrible." Let me opt out of the Leaderboards. I don't like the competitive nature of points and being demoted to lower levels. I want to learn at my own pace without being a 'loser'. I want to get out of the points and just focus on learning the language. Also I want to review past lessons and have full access to these past lessons. Otherwise I enjoy duolingo. It's fun.. and I am learning. Just Give me the option to NOT be in the leaderboards. This does NOT motivate me. Just the opposite. When I logged into my old account I lost all my lesson progress and I then lost my progress when I updated the app. I'm frustrated that I can't rely on my progress being saved. Also not a fan of the pathway. Wish there was a choice to choose learning styles to be a little more serious or choosing topics. I don't wanna spend all my time on grammer when I need to focus on greetings and directions I have gotten halfway through the initial knowledge check three times for the Spanish course. Each time the screen freezes and you can't move back or forward and have to restart the app... then I have to restart the entire where did you learn about duolingo and why do you want to learn another langauge. Edit: finally made it through on the forth attempt. Some of the audio questions did not work though. "I do not like the new update. Before I would work my way through the lessons and when I was short on time use the stories so that I was able to practice daily. Now i have to begrudgingly get through one if I do not have a lot of time. I actually pay for the app so that I don't have ads but I wish I could turn off all the extra stuff that pops up after a lesson. I have to click thru leader boards, winning gems, streak updates, daily goals, just to start another lesson. I miss be able to choose." I love the BIGO LIVE app. I've discovered a No. of great broadcasters / hosts. There are a few bugs with the BIGO LIVE app when Install from the Google Play Store on an Amazon Fire HD 8 Tablet. 1. The user can't use the heat list search box to search for a specific broadcaster / host. 2. The Bar section of the app can't connect to the internet. The user gets a button that says refresh. When the user clicks the refresh button. Nothing happen. Please fix these issues. Thankyou!!! Over all not bad just find the right people to Rock with! Could use better discounts. Edit: Feeding friends Dino doesn't show up in their stream but when other's feed shows they fed. When I feed other people's Dino message shows I fed. Reinstalled App worked once then back to nothing. UI is different in Samsung. Make it the same as other android Update: 2/27 Thank you for updating the Samsung UI. The who's online (friends) is now back to how it's supposed to be at the top right (bell). Rating from ⭐ to ⭐⭐⭐ Attention attention to the owner bigo-live it's time to upgrade super super upgrade we should be able to watch videos and get beans or diamonds whatever we have to pay when we sending a gift let us learn about watching videos if tag can do it in another app that I know that does it y'all can do it to everybody ain't got real money to pay for this only people that got money I don't have it and that's the bottom line make that upgrade it'll go back to five stars "I like the format of this app, but the app is still buggy... very annoying. Hope they can fix it or I won't use the app anymore." "App constantly crashes when going live Update: app has stabilized a bit for Google Pixel Pro 7, however it does still glitch and crash..." "This all is weird. Despite having notification off, I still receive notifications from this app" Needs to have more free games to help not all aboutv$ and need to have netter system to help us fam make more not be about choosen on looks only not sure still estimating the overall experience. please remove the forced google play popup to write reviews when people close the streams . just distracting and its reason to rate the app lower. The app itself is decent but the insane amount of popup notifications are what caused me to delete it. If they fix that then I might reinstall it... even after disabling notifications as instructed by the app creator there's still an annoying amount of notifications. "Nice App, but glitches are so bad, specially when joining fan group, have followed the anchor and send gifts worth more than 10 diamond but still can't join the fan group, I'll change my rate when glitches are fixed, ❤️❤️❤️" It's okay but they condone on people getting scammed and then block the people on the account and not the people that scam another person I've seen many post like it but if you're careful you can promote stuff on here "I have Problem, Every time I going to change my bio and press the submit it's always says Failed Over all the App is Good I hoping you can fix it" Okay I really like bigo. But the only thing I don't like is the simple fact that when we do our hours and if we're on somebody else's panel we don't get credit. why is that. Like I mean isn't this app supposed to be to get people together and for people to get to know each other. Please explain what did you make this app for The Experiment is great just have to be careful will get banned for any little thing so be careful and come enjoy the fun it's🔥🔥 Bigo live is nice for everyone For me they go live it's hard to understand it's like they go by a system sort of like a new and improved dungeon and dragons not to say that to insult them but I am still just learning "BEWARE of this app... I have seen little children on Bigo. When you report it..it takes them forever to end the live. Also, this app shows favortism. They keep foreigners explicit lives going, but they will end black or brown Americans for the wrong reasons." "The app is decent but the past few months after updating my Samsung s21 I've been getting annoying Livestream notifications ! I have them turned off in app and on my phone. Please fix this ASAP. I've had to uninstall it while I'm not using it, so I can sleep." "I would give 5 star because I love the face that I can meet new people across the world an vibe with them an have fun, however BIGO has favorites an allow some people to do stuff but others can't. It should be equal for everyone an also as big as BIGO is there should be a United States representative who can help you an train you to make BIGO money correctly instead of listening to different people an what they feel is right. I spend a lot of money on here an I'm praying I make it back. 🤑🤞" "I love BIGO,my ID# is Scorpio_sun_1111. Recently me & a few other host are experiencing glitches in gifting. Touching the box while closed can lead to you throwing gifts you didn't see to select. The gift box over throws which can lead to you not reaching your teir, as a host. It throw gifts without your gift box even being opened. I've over thrown a few thousand diamonds, and I'm afraid to gift at this point. My app is up to date. I also wrote an email to customer service. Please fix asap." "Why do people curse so much on this app? The language is TERRIBLE. These so called content creators argue with each other all day, and the way they dress is horrible. They don't care how they look on this app. They want us to gift them but won't even get dressed or create proper content??? What's going on? I thought BIGO was the leading live streaming app on the planet but it seems people are coming to see the TRAIN WRECKS instead. DO BETTER BIGO!!" I think this app is purely designed for people who want to stream! As a viewer it's very dull and to fully interact. A person has to buy gifts! No thank you! I get lost it's hard to navigate and it costs money to really utilize the whole platform and excel "You have tried but I find it difficult to livestream my games I need more explanation thanks, maybe you should upload a video on YouTube for directions thanks" "I am Newly user, so that I could rate 5 star for the main time, I would like to experience first before I will rate finally,.. Thank for this app.., ang hopefully there could be a good feedback for this app, 🙏🙂" "The Experience was better 3 years ago, it's still an awesome platform if host would interact more" So far it's gotten better start over when you first get into bingo. Just don't pick I pick people that I can see the it's better that way I don't like the yummy game. It will not let me win and it deducts more than win. I had 5 free spins today and none won any diamonds I give only 3 stars because i am not totally knowing all inside apps i am 1st time and biginner users...I will add 2 stars if I fully know about this apps😊 "Can't navigate messages -, unable to locate messages that were sent to me" Is a little confusing where have you can pay for private videos and/or 1 to 1. No instructions how works for the user "Too intrusional, n open when one doesn't want.And too Extreme!!!" "I have an Android.. the app keeps updating all the time to the point now I can't even see my reminders of who is live on the right side of my phone without bein in a live.... I really need that back, it is hard to find ppl sometimes . Don't feel like scrolling for the ppl I already watch." "Not too bad at all, pretty good app for entertainment, but I will admit I found a few scammers on here but they are in every dating site, also my email address keeps telling me it's not safe to go to the site through my messages from them through my email address." "This app is awesome,but could you at least put five nights at Freddy's in the gamer live section,I also have a problem, where I'm live but it suddenly stops,even though I didn't stop the stream." Too many people typing too fast...hard to keep up... This app is ok!!! I'm 18 Years Old And I was in the room whilst my brother who is 13 was holding my phone whilst I was doing something and when i went back to my phone it said that I was reported for being too young yes i do look younger than I do but I had to get another account and start over again. I would give this app a extra star if that did not happen. appart from that it is a really good app if you want good entertainment!! 😆 Fun but Its too long to have bins and diamond also friends. "3 stars because it works well and seems to be a well designed app for its intent... However, i don't really know what that intent is. I didn't understand the point. I don't know if the devs had one thing in mind then the users took it another direction or what. It's not something you'd connect with your family, friends, for example. I don't know if its supposed to be some dating app either. It's full of women dancing & showing their body in an attempt to... earn money, I guess. Not for me." "Just wish we can earn coins through a few ads per day, just a suggestion? Overall it's nice app." When i open the app on my android box it show all the function key but it shows only half screen because my android box is rectangular. I can only see the half live scene. But i am pretty sure it can be fixed by the developers. So please take it seriously. I love bigo but for some reason I don't or can't get my backgrounds under magic. Or you would have a 5 star. I am a host also SpyceofLife Its fun to play the game.. Nothing more.. But how to earn money when playing games? "The program is very good, but the support is very weak" I had my first review recently and I have to put an update addressing my concern. I like it a lot. What I don't like is the bug. Like aiming for certain goals then will crash or close or not respond and be weird is no bueno. I'd like to address this concern because I just recently switch to a new phone and suppose to be compatible with this. Cause yesterday it was smooth and Lil bug. But now I couldn't even get things done on livestream. Please help and thank you. "Great but I have no game so boring,,plz we wan to see more people's in this aps tnx ☺️" Lots of lacking in broadcast They kick some users out for doing nothing wrong while others can show their body parts and not get kicked out "I hope the exchanged of beans into money be changed like if you have quota 12,000 beans and you will only received half of it for about 6,600 something. While the amount of diamonds gift to you is like 1 diamond equivalent to 1 beans .." "Its good for watching live videos. However I dislike that to go live, you have to allow the app to manage your phone calls. I really don't trust that, part of why I havent gone live.Another thing that bothers me is 90 percent of the recommended content, is women showing their rear end from an angle, or using their breast for views." "i dont want to give stars, I have swordsman and want to upgrade to Viscount. I dont want to wait a month, as i would like to carry on with my bigo game. Can I upgrade while having swordsman? Sometimes recharging on the web you have to wait for diamonds and getting in touch with support of very difficult. I really enjoy the App actually its awesome but being unable to get support when needed puts a dampner on things." So far it has improved on some other stuffs. But I noticed two major problem here. The clicking of icons are complicated. Then the upgraded system causing a lagging on game modes when they are connected to a game apps for example in MBL or AOV. I hope they will put some dictionary on other stuffs they put there. "It's a good app, but I have 1 major complaint. Bingo won't let you remove all the on sceen chatter. skout gives you the option to just focus on the individual with just one touch of the screen. I HATE having to interact with a person through all the texts, unicorns, and hearts. Give me access at focusing on the person WITHOUT THE CLUTTER!!! PLEASE. I will then give 5 stars." "I like the concept, but there is a major learning curve for new users. We are more or less left to our own devices and the expectation seems that we are meant to flounder about until we accidentally discover the things we should be doing to grow. I'm not suggesting any hand holding, but a wee bit of guidance amidst the chaos would surely go a long way and be greatly appreciated. Thanks." "Audio keeps failing having a great time with new folks/friends, and out of no where, i can't hear anyone! Its getting really annoying because i have to keep restarting my phone. please fix this bug. I'm on Android. For the modt part other than that I'm having fun." Interface is not user friendly: exit from windows hard to find. Impossible search by language. No all countries in filter. Impossible multiple countries selection. I cannot find how to send stars. The app eating good battery very quickly. Settings cannot control add / remove unusable options. "App sends gifts when typing in chat. Sent 1000 diamond gift (almost equivalent of $20) by merely typing to broadcaster...the person was screaming thank you - when I was done typing, $20 was gone like poof. I had recharged to participate in a friend's broadcast. Developers say use feedback in app, it gives error in Chinese and never posts! Funny thing is, it asks you to type in English! 😭 UPDATE: it appears they fixed issue, gift popup at the bottom of the screen now appears above keyboard. Ty." "Way too much going on on the screen, its there so you can accidently pay for in app purchases. The navigation is a bit all over the place but im still getting comfortable with the app. Its easy to watch peoples live streams and you can earn things for free to give to creators which is nice." "Pre dope. I see opportunity for exposure of my music and brand. However the app it self, drains my battery exponentially faster then similar streaming service apps I have used previously. Also the use of headphones is hit and miss even when paying for quality." in music player there should be option of going back to previous song as well as sorting the queue. While going live in music player once we add the songs we cannot sort or re-queue the added songs so this is the only thing if it is added then the application will be perfect "I wanted to use this app with my English learner students and even publish a Dissertation about it in my masters, advertising it. The bad thing about it is that it DOES NOT BAN porn stuff. It is a great tool for students to know many speakers around the world. However, it accepts pornography. In my opinion, you should create a seperate porn tool for those who want to deal with it and this one only for those who want to make friends and know good people. The best thing about it are the games, which my students loved to play meanwhile talking to people. Please, take porn out for the sake of our teen students!" I've had no issues as far as the app crashing. It runs smooth and the video quality is decent. The reason I'm giving it only 3 stars is because Bigo is the only app on my phone that causes it to get really hot and I find myself not being able to charge my phone and use Bigo at the same time because of how hot my device is. My main Phone which I'm having this issue with is a Galaxy s21 ultra. I've also used this app with my IPhone xR and had same issue so I'm leaning toward it being the app. "Honestly the App the I most usednext to facebook. Addicting once you get to know some nice and talented broadcasters. 3 star because of their english instructions, it's quite hard to understand looks like google translated from another language. Also when in PK match several audio problems appear like no sound for one of the user or low quality audio for both. One more thing, please dont be so greedy on users. Please make more daimonds bonuses and raffles" I need explanation on how to use this app because I would love to use it more but haven't figured out how to get around on it "Thanks to this app got a lot of new friends, free music to listen too, but sometimes buggy when doing a multi or in live streams, hope u can reduce pone Charge at 100 % after an hour 70% too much draining battery. Love the free items, hoping for a well fair community not Bec they r power user/SVIP. Another suggestion organize the friend lists and message list hard to search on ty" "Last update broke bluetooth headset functionality. Poor testing pre-deployment. Found that with 5.30.1 (Latest revision) if a multi room host switches to ""singing mode"" instead of the default (Chat Mode) my bluetooth headset functionality begins to work again. It's the opposite for any host still running 5.29.2 or below." I like this app. Except it keeps trying to open on its own when I am not on the app and that scares me. It makes me think someone is trying to hack my phone. None of my other apps do this. Uh Ludo keeps coming up as an error for whatever reason and I feel that the mic should be off automatically in a game if you do not want to use the mic! Why my apps don't have filters or makeup filters like others? I think it is a good to make friends and sprite to all of world love "Trying to mess around with girls way too young for you if you are thirty-five or so, this is the app for you but I don't think I want anything to do with ever and I didn't download to my phone but someone that I let use my phone who is basically a w**** strung out on ice of course she's going to try use my phone to get me f***** up. That is the God's honest truth" They said that our app is good because even if you don't have views you will get paid and you only need to go live for 1 to 2 hours so I believed so I will try it and I will go live in just 1 hour Great app just should remove tik tok rules n let us enjoy viewing 😉 lift up the age restrictions n stop the bann "When I do a game live stream from my mobile, the sound only transfers from mic where as it should transfer the internal sound and mic should be optional as all other apps do. If there's a solution then please let me know.. All I want is to share my game sound rather than the sounds from my mic.." I have fun with it and its easy to meet new people Only apple users are able to screen record I don't understand why android users can't. Also I nktice people with androids are mics go in and out when we join a panne. People always complain ans I've gotten a new phone to fix it ans still the same issue. Other then that I love the app "The technology is amazing, the app design is well thought out and easy to navigate, the people on the app...are trash. I spent about 2 days on the app and found it is women from around the world begging for money to do a pg rated cam shows, and black dudes fighting. If those are the things you are into...also bots will send you nudes." "Not a bad app, I just hate how its 18+. My friend recommended it so I was going to try it out but I'm too young. I'm not mad, but I think there should be a warning on it just in case. I do think it should allow younger audiences too, it would get more downloads, and there would be a wider range of people on it. Like, maybe sectioned out into a kid/teenager part and an 10+ part. Just an idea." "Why are you blocking live sessions that not even sensitive or go against your guideline and regulations. Kindly check that out. If its an automatic set up, please review it." "I'm yes I there's too much going on and most of the things I get invited to I can't even decide how to get you know able to talk or you know but I take until they know I'm there whatever and act like I'm out of place and I don't like it psycho diamonds adamantly that started getting bug 47,000 times a day for a few of These Fine ladies for" "I use this app since 5year, butt recently i face some issue., i can't see my friends post, Please help me out" "Trying to link my cc to cash out and recharge being I get a better deal,what am I doing wrong?" Not know to take cash and much difficulty butt its fantastick It's ok a cool easy to meet new interesting people Best app for streaming online Can't load live streams this app is really good for meeting new people but I can't say its an exellent app just because the texting quality is not good...I can't see the people is online or not while texting and also the pictures we send...sometimes I couldn't even see it... "I think it's very useful app for making friends , show your talents and get money, I love it. But here's what I hate the most when I get a class A or so .. Also I don't get chances to shine as they say.. barely I got views. for someone in the Middle East Anything silly you can get ban for it Bigo is good app but I hope they help the broadcasters with awarding not more tasks🙄" "I need, the ladiestellme where to go meet them,s at,then I meet get lucky to day.Thank,s." "They have some very friendly broadcasters. Enjoy chatting with them.However, like most play apps, they charge too much for diamonds. $100 really should last more than an hour. The app has potential. Also, stay away from their gambling games. Especially Greedy. That same $100 will probably last you about 20 minutes playing that game. Unfortunately I uninstalled soon after, deciding that was the final straw for me. It wasn't fun. No up and down win and lose it was just lose lose and lose." "....stop forcing ppl to ""swipe up! rate 5 stars!"" ... when im trying to scroll the bigo streets, its rude and put me off... also suggest once a month or every 3mths, shut down ur up so it cn catch up and actually process the RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS of f**kn -UPDATES-!!!! app cld b setup or run better to handle ur cluttered amount of annimation, and whn more organised this app has GOLDEN POTENTIAL 4 all phones/people/countries....!!!! 👏💯💯.. just saying." The Previous version was better than last version because i can't find my followers details as well. this is very different and difficult Either bigo is being used to attack who you are or people are trying to use it in ways to make you look bad. 1. The people that asked me to be friends are mostly girls that bigo says are 25 and older and seem to end up 13 or younger. To me that is a form of trying to incriminate people. I have been getting attacked by extrimests trying to give me a bad image in other apps just because I don't like Trump. It's quite sad at how far they would try to incriminate an American veteran. On the website it shows all countries but when i use app it shows limited countries please describe whats wrong Great app but I'm trying to sign in using my Twitter account on a second device but it keeps having issues sighing me in Hard to see our friends in live bcz the notification option is changed not satisfied with that "Wow a lot that I can tell, it's fantastic using but needed free gift before recovery from friends view" Should add more payment options. I'm having hard time recharge my account. "It's very good to spend the free time, there are very nice peoples to get in touch with" "The app usability and design are fantastic. However, the restrictions leading to constant bans is a complete violation of free speech. i suppose we give that freedom up by downloading this app, but it would be such a better experience if at least we had an 18+ section, where we could broadcast ourselves while smoking, drinking. Allowing at least me me to wear a tanktop without getting banned temporarily. With all this said, if you folliw the rules, it is a great platform to meet new friends." "This app is decent, a nice way to kill time and socialise. However, a few things to keep in mind. Hosts on this app are overwhelmingly very attractive females, and most are only interested in you sending them gifts (money). There is a lot of bullying and very toxic people as well. Some should maybe seek professional help. There are also some awesomely genuine people on here, but the primary aim of this app is to send money to hosts." "Awesome when it works, extremely frustrating and time consuming when it doesn't especially if paying a monthly subscription. Having trouble with video files being distorted when uploaded to a ""design"". Exposure is way off with no exposure slide in the ""adjustment"" options. Tired replacing the file with a slightly edited version (ie: trimmed a second) with no luck. Closing the app and reopening fixes 70% of clips, out of 10, 3 will still be distorted. Had one yesterday that flipped horizontally." "There's always something not working. For the price ($12.99 a month!), I shouldn't have to struggle to use it. The latest issue is the app won't load the download button so I can download my design. It's just an empty square, with the app saying ""Canva automatically saves your design"" on screen. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, no help. If I'm going to struggle, free is the way to go. Any more frustrations, finding an alternative is next." "Pretty good, but has some hitches in its giddy up which always send me back to the desktop. For one thing: I cannot seem to get multi-select, copy, paste to a new design to work. It always tells me ""content unavailable to paste."" No matter how many times I laboriously select and copy. Also, it should be easier to select multiple things with a lasso or something. Also, if you're trying to adjust video stop and end points in the mobile app just don't. Shifts when you lift your finger!" "3 Stars for price and sub model, I do really like the app and use the free version all the time. The problem I have is that after I paid for a month or two, everything I worked on during that time won't open (like even to get a copy or make a change). I guess in short I'm saying why punish me for paying for the app for a few months. Like I cld have made the same stuff (a little different) w the free version. Sorry I'm just kinda broke. I love the acess to stock footage and templates and Home!" "Pretty Good app. Can be glitchy at times, especially if you go back and forth between the desktop version and app. Would be great if editing was easier on the app and if you could have more flexibility with resizing, formatting, and editing objects & fonts on both app & desktop for the free version. The linking to Google photos does not work well. It's super slow to load! Thanks." "Great when it works. It often loses functionality randomly, for example, not allowing me to delete an element or remove a background. When it works properly it's great, you just never know when it will malfunction. I use it for work so when this happens it can really slow me down." "It is such a good app, honestly. The one and only problem I have with it is that sometimes, when I try to type in a text box, it gets longer and longer even though I just typed a few words. I try to fix it, but it freezes up on me. I try to refresh, but it still happens again. It happens with new and old flyers I try fixing. Only annoyance." "Canva is an excellent application for anyone wanting to produce stunning visuals on their mobile device. The interface is intuitive and very easy to navigate, and the variety of alternatives and also attributes available allow for plenty of innovative expression. Nonetheless, the application can end up being fairly slow-moving sometimes, and also the one-tap computer animations as well as songs for Insta stories can come to be frustrating after a while. Generally, it's a fantastic editing and en" "It's okay if you need to design something quickly there are tons of templates to use and it's great when you have absolute designer burn out. now on the computer it works perfect if you have a mouse and keyboard. I find I have difficulties on a chrome book, tablet, mobile devices when I am on the go and need to design something quick it them becomes a massive pain. It almost feels like there are super limited selection, magically the search doesn't seem to work right, nothing seems to down load" "Canva is a great app for anyone looking for a free photo editor and video editor. The app has a lot of features that make it great for creating social media posts, cards, flyers, photo collages, and more. The one-tap animations and fun music make it easy to add a little extra flair to your projects. Overall, Canva is a great app that is well worth downloading." Editing text is terrible in the app. Overall I've really enjoyed canva. But when I use the app to edit text it's like I'm stuck on the return button. I'll be in the middle of typing and all of a sudden it's adding a ton of space under the text. I won't even touch it and it does this. Edit: So I've discovered it doesn't do this with new text boxes so that's good. "Canva is a wonderful device for making visuals rapidly and quickly. It has some wonderful attributes, such as computer animation as well as music, that make it an excellent application for producing content. Generally, it's a very easy to utilize application with plenty of alternatives to make your visuals stick out." "The app is great with really good feats, content, pics, etc. But the scheduled post feature never worked for me & I paid for a full year of pro. Kept getting an error message & I followed all of the directions in the help area to connect it. It was BEYOND frustrating & that was one of the main reasons I chose Canva. I like the saved branding option for all of my business affiliations, but it's pricey for me to not have gotten the full benefits. Still had to wake up early to post on IG/FB." "This app is usually great. But as other have mentioned, I have lots of trouble recently to edit my text with my cell, I have not experienced this with my desktop. When I got to edit, it create large gaps of space and the while app freezes and shuts down. This is my MAIN app for my business, I have the pro version. I can't even get to send a report, the app freezes. My phone and app are all up to date." "Edited 1/10/23: Something has happened to the app. It has been hard to work with the text boxes as they get a weird glitch and just expand so large like the enter button is ""stuck"". Makes it near impossible to work with. Been using it about a year now. It's easy to use and works great!" "Canva is a straightforward application that is excellent for creating social networks messages and also leaflets. However, the application's animations and music are not especially engaging, which can diminish the user experience. Generally, Canva is a fantastic application that is best for fundamental graphic layout requirements." "Love it! I only wish I had access to things on my mobile device that I do on my laptop. UPDATE: Though I still love the app, I'm very frustrated 😠 with its customer service. I have one account with two teams. Yet, only one team has premium service. I've been trying to get this fixed for over a year to no avail. Waiting for an email response is frustrating. So, I downgraded my review to ⭐️⭐️⭐️." "Good but far from great , good for simple text and image base designs. I find that the video creation / editing tools lacking and often broken. There always seems to be different incidences of my designs. Whether I'm login from mobile or web. Video playback is often broken on the web editor. Each time I try to download video project they never seem download. When they do it's a series of static images / stills or there's some weird artifacts present that are not in the video." "Edit: This app was amazing in the beginning. Now, it takes me double the time to edit and design documents because the app and website is super glitchy. It's difficult to add text without the page moving or disappearing altogether. In the middle of editing, the text changes font on its own. It's really frustrating. Please fix this. I love it!! Very user friendly. High quality pics, and awesome editing capabilities." "I like the majority of this app. Relatively easy to use, lots of great features, tons of fonts. But the issue I have is that saved images don't look like they do in the app. In one case it was due to text that was in a lower layer and couldn't be seen, and it showed up in the saved image. Another case the text was in a completely different spot than when I saved it. The app continued to show it the original way. Unfortunately that makes this unusable." "EDIT: I appreciate the developer responding. However another issue that I have been having that I forgot to put in my original review, is that when I export a project to an image file, the text is all over the place and the font is totally different from what I saved as. I use this app multiple times per week. The new version is a total mess and really cumbersome/twitchy to use. Can we get the option to keep the old version? It was less difficult to use." "I used to love this app, I recommend it to everyone. BUT ever since the new update, any time I use any of my own pictures to create a graphic they end up super grainy and weird. I'll go back and double check the actual photo and it's perfect, but as soon as I apply it in Canva it's all pixilated. It doesn't matter whether I apply it as a background or as an image. It makes my graphics look horrible and cheap and I use them to advertise my business." "Canva has a great section of templates, and I'm thrilled about that, thank you. However, it does not support all the emoticons and saves the image with boxed in question marks instead, as well as often times it shifts the text out of alignment only after it downloads it to save or send. So make sure to check the final finished work before you send it off to someone." "I like what I can do with the app or on the webpage a lot. Recommended changes: 1)I wish I could create my own from an uploaded picture through the app, and not have to do it on the computer. 2) The ability to outline, shadow etc. the text. 3) I paid for Pro, thinking that meant I would get the ""pay to use"" ones for free, but have yet to determine what I am actually getting for my $." "I've been working a lot with Canva lately and really like what I'm able to do with the app, but today I'm having issues with the ""add text"" feature. I go to edit a text box and it immediately pushes my view to the next screen. I can still type, but I can't see the text box I'm typing into. Also, it's been freezing a lot - especially as I move back and forth between pages to make sure the text I blind-typed was entered correctly. Would love to see this fixed quickly!" "I upgraded my rating from a 1 to a 3. It did get easier with use and familiarity. Eventually I got a good product that I was satisfied with. It still has ""Save"" issues and I had to keep checking the autosave to avoid losing work. Also, even in the Pro version, when I place the curser in a text box, the screen jumps, resizes, loses the page or something like. It's annoying, interruptive and destroys focus. If they could fix those two things, might be a pretty good tool." "New Update Made Things Worse. Most frustrating part is editing graphics on desktop and then when you pull it up on your phone, it looks completely different. Spacing of words and size of image all get skewed, and thats disappointing to have to do more work to adjust everything. Along with that, although canva and the UI looks fancier than the older versions, it throws off the typing experience. Everything I click to add text, I can't even see the graphic so you can't see what you're typing." "I'm logged in but trying to cancel pro subscription of which it then states ""we can't find your subscription"" Edit: I had to reach out to support to find a solution, of which you can't call anyone. Finally I got it cancelled. Thankfully I was doing this 2 days before I was charged! Overall, the app is OK. Several times I've been working on something and then it just stops working and won't save what I'm doing. I go back to app and my artwork is all over the canvas, in no particular order. 😖" "This app is good. But the service is only okay. I upgraded to pro to gain access to some really cool features. Those features (like background remover and duotone) disappeared and now I'm paying for the basic program (since I never use premium images). But if I downgrade, I lose all of my current ""pro"" content, like resized graphics. I'm going to downgrade once I download everything I have stored. But it sucks that they would take away features and still charge the same for the upgrade." "I love the preset designs: modern, clean, east to modify. However, its really hard to edit text and selection is insanely touchy. If anything is below your keyboard, you have to move the text box to see what you're typing then move it back. I also wish there was a way to access images on the app that were uploaded from the computer (save images to acct versus device. I cant finish some projects on the app unless I remember to email them to myself. I updated as suggested and it's even worse." "Updates are SUPPOSED to make things better. You guys completely changed the layout and it is NOT more user friendly. Everything is ""hidden"" in little compartments that have to be found instead of just being right there available for you to choose and keep it moving...it takes forever to create a project and most of the time is just us searching for the editing features..." "Overall this app could be outstanding, but it lacks some features that I would like to see 1.) The color scheme does not carry over to other pages you create, therefore you have to locate that theme or template you started out with again. 2) Colors there is no way that I can see to add any gradient color to a header, you can only choose one color, but you cannot gradient from yellow into red for example. 3) The illustration feature I like but they load sporadically after like the 5th page." "Awesome app. Everything is customizable and easy to use. My only complaint is that templates load vertically and not horizontally on my tablet which is what I have to work on. Graphics save as vertical images which means that in a presentation in powerpoint or google slides, the image is surrounded by a lot of space instead of filling the slide." "Overall pretty good app. I use this on my chromebook, and I like the large selection of fonts and how easy it is to use. However, the video editor is missing something very important, and that is an advanced timeline. Right now you can't add proper B-roll in the video editor and can't use the timeline to make certain images/text/etc. appear at a specific time. Plus, the app crashes occasionally which gets annoying after awhile." "This is an amazing app, I used it at school once for Design class and I loved it! So decided to download it for Mobile, it was such an amazing experience! Key word, was... In this updated version, it looks like the version on the computer. You guys should have kept it the same! If it gets changed back, I'll keep it, but will be uninstalling if it stays the same format as the computer, that version is hard to use." "I have to lower my rating on this. Since I got a new phone I've been having a lot of lagging and connectivity issues. I see I'm not the only one with that issue. My phone is the Samsung S21 Ultra. I do love the app and all the images and graphics available in the free version and paid version is even better but these connectivity (can't load, won't save, etc) issues is CRAZY!" "Was great until recently. Now it seems 75% of their templates are paid (which isn't a huge issue, a bit irritating if you don't want to pay for a simple template, but you can still use your own). But the real issue is now when you try to edit text it minimizes the text box and the entire image. You can't see if you make a typo or if it just looks strange. A really disappointing change from a previously great app" "I really enjoy Canva Pro. It has become my go to design app. I've designed over 200 items on it, but the app whether on tablet or mobile is a bit glitchy sometimes. The app can close for no reason, doesn't allow you to select how many pages you want to export, can take too long to open a project and requires some time to figure out where everything is. The tool itself is great, but the mobile app needs some work." "Decent, but frustrating. Only took a couple minutes to figure out the basics, and I can see the potential. Maybe it's just me, but controlling the elements on a phone is rough. Seems to have a built in snap to system, but it's extremely finicky. I'll line up two elements perfectly, as soon as i release, it shifts ever so slightly to the side. I'll try the desktop version to see if it controls easier." "Ever since the update, the app has been running very weirdly. The icons are showing as muddled, half-broken characters. There are random stripes of color across the home page. Scrolling up or down results in massive glitching. I thought it was my laptop, but it's not. I re-downloaded the program and resulted the same. It's also saying that some effects are hidden because WebGL tech not supported. It WAS working before. Please look into it. I really like Canva and don't want to redo all my work." "So the app keeps glitching. At first I thought it was a problem with my computer, so I turned it off turned it back on, the app was still glitching. I checked all other apps and they were completely fine. I deleted and re-installed the app 5 separate times and the same problem kept occuring. Whenever I open the app, there are streaks of color that appear on the screen, and there are large black pixels that block certain words and images. It worked great at first but now its not." "I love Canva for my phone browser and have been a paid member for several years. I would give the app more stars, but I don't find it as intuitive as the browser version on my phone and for some reason the quality of the things I download using the app are not as good as the ones downloaded from the phone browser. 🤷 So, if you are finding the controls aren't very intuitive or the quality is not the best I highly recommend the computer or Android browser versions. They are a lot better!" Let me say this is the best photo editing app for social media I have found thus far. I have tried many and they don't have the tools that Canva has to make your pics look professional. However the app crashes and takes forever to load. Some of the features don't work half the time. The other moot point is that alot of the great features are only in pro mode so you would have to pay the premium to use them. It would be worth it if the app wasn't made in 1923. Please fix! 😫 "This has been my favorite app for quick graphics. But now there seems to be a buggy update, I purchased a premium video and the watermark still appears. I tried duplicating the file and buying the video again with no luck. Not sure if it's that specific video file that is having issues but I've contacted them and no help for awhile now... ended up just choosing a different video but I still need a refund and I'm not sure how long I have to wait." "I love this app, it is super easy to use and I want to give it a higher rating. But since the last update the app is reverting the colors of elements that I have changed to their original settings and won't let me change the color again. The color becomes stuck on whatever the original element was when I first added it, even if I delete the element and add it again. It has become very frustrating as I like to make multiple templates of almost all the same pieces with minor changes." "Normally love this app but it's been glitchy in so many ways lately. I try to edit text and the entire image shrinks to like a tiny square. I have to zoom in over and over with my fingers to enlarge the image again. Every time I press and hold down on an element the entire app freezes and a pop up about the app restarting comes up. I've restarted the app, forced stop, and made sure it's updated and it continues to crash. Not sure what's happening & it's very frustrating" "It isn't the best app, but it has potential, I can't scroll too far before it glitches and the whole screen goes black and then I have to go out and come back on. I tried to download a video and it was so blurry, I couldn't read a thing which was so disappointing because it has a lot of cool features. When I use examples texts and edit it, it sill go to a normal font and go 5x bigger. If it could fix all of this I would give it 5 stars but right now I wouldn't recommend Canva." "It makes it a lot easier to make things like banners and book covers, but I can't currently give this a five star review. I love the website version and would definitely give that five stars, but the app version has an issue with bold, italics, and text alignment. You have to be typing to do these things, but the options to do it disappear and are replaced with the keyboard. It's quite annoying. If you can fix this, then I'll change it to a five star review." "Again the newest update is so disappointing. I use the free version and now it doesn't tell you which elements and photos you have to pay for until you add them to your photo. So now, you have to click on the item to find out if it has the Canva watermark or not. I love this app but ever since the last update, it is not as user friendly. Whenever you try to move an image on top of another, it replaces the bottom image. Its just super frustrating and more time consuming." "Really great! When it works properly. It does almost everything I want it to (except you can't turn the ""snap"" option off like you can in photoshop). BUT! It's been really buggy. Doesn't save the images correctly. The fonts will show up bold when they're not supposed to be or the text box will be slightly misaligned. Text sometimes doesn't align properly too. Also been having trouble with random images going white or not showing up properly. Really a drag bc the app itself is pretty incredible!" "The app is a bit clunky, and adding text is way more difficult than it should be. I couldn't even search my clipboard to paste text. 🙄 That's something that should be basic. Creating a color background was easy--and no other app seems to be able to do that! I'm trying to create a simple meme (one-color background) with different sizes of text and fonts within it. The instructions in the help menu on how to add text didn't work. The feature WASN'T WHERE IT SAID. I was a graphic artist for 20 yrs" "The most recent update for mobile use is a bit glitchy. The added functionality is great, but it makes using the app a bit slow & cumbersome. Whereas I was able to do a lot of work on my phone in the past (only using my computer for adding sound & for better features for videos), I now find myself having to use the computer for even simple text updates because it simply is faster that way. Saving files looks different when saved on my phone vs computer as well (alignment messed up). Please fix." "The app frequently does not save my images within the template - which drives me up the wall. I try exporting the image several different ways with no luck. This makes me want to throw my phone at the wall. Otherwise, templates and usability is great. But if you can't get the content to save....it's a waste of time..grrr" "I have the Canva Pro subscription. I downloaded this app to my tablet, however, this app doesn't provide the all of the features that comes with my plan. Features such as; Canva images is not there. You don't have the option to change fonts, elements, adjust colors and much more. It has a lot of pre-designed templates. Don't expect to do any special designing with app...it doesn't work." "The capabilities are great and it's easy to navigate. However, I keep running into issues where the images I download after creation are pixilated and not usable every few days. The app is up to date and my device is up to date so I'm not sure how to resolve this inconvenience." "Has a nice library of assets to choose from. Great for new ideas. My biggest complaint is that when you go to render an image, it is not rendered the same as it was designed. Fonts tend to enlarge and will create new lines which of course looks awful. I have to adjust and render an image 3-4 times to get it where I want it." "I wish that the resolution of what I download was at least a little better for the free tier. Also when I download anything with text or shapes they always get moved around and shrunken down in the end product. There are nice design options, but its kind of useless if you can't do anything that you really wanted." "I downloaded this app yesterday & It was amazing at first but then it just crashed on me. Every template ( even a blank) says is unavailable to use at this time. I've uninstalled it & reinstalled it, restarted my phone, cleared my cache, service isn't an issue, nothing seems to fix it. Help!!! I really would love to be able to enjoy the full experience!" "This app was great until the update. It was so much better to navigate through things and bring creations to life. It doesn't seem to have the same mobile capability as before. Just as others have said,, I too create things and after viewing them in my phone gallery,, everything is all out of place. Like the saying goes if it's not broke don't fix it. I am very irritated with the new way! Bring the previous way back!!!!" "This App really does wonders for me when it comes to spicing up information for my business. BUT (and this is a BIG but), as of late it has become increasingly ""buggy"". Texts aren't editing properly, the spacing is creating space without me even touching an edit button.. Most times, if I close the app and restart, I can pick up where I left off, but who wants to keep having to do that in the middle of a design?! I'm a pro member and expect better quality from this app for the money paid." "Positive experience, however I found the lack of a way to turn the snap tool on and off in the mobile version a little irritating if I wanted to place something in a specific area. Otherwise I was able to create some really good work with the app. Ok so I'm updating this with a fair bit of frustration. Here lately when I create something the layout (mainly wording) tends to go off center when returning to my homepage. Also I've experienced pixelation with some of the graphics..highly irritated." "If this one problem could be fixed I would give it 5 stars. The text box constantly moves and expands and moves way down the page so I can't even see the image anymore. It's annoying & frustrating AF!! I'm about to cancel my subscription and use a different app. Yes, I updated it and it didn't start doing this until I canceled my subscription a month ago. Now it's more money and doesn't work right." I like this up. But its difficult to navigate. The text and colors I am applying don't always work on command! Its seems to get stuck a lot. It would also be nice if the app had an option where you can upload your own drawings or photos and color them in to make them more vivid. I am trying to use your app for a t-shirt business if that helps. Thankyou. "This app is excellent for those who need something good enough at warp speed. The Android app surpasses the iOS app which is a nice surprise. However,... It can be difficult to manipulate objects with edges near the physical edge of the screen due to too much constraint in how you can move and zoom the project canvas. Lastly, there is no obvious way to leave feedback and the app contact email isn't monitored. If I want my feedback heard I have to leave a bad review. 👎" "Service is great on browser, but Chrome OS app has issues. Color picker doesn't work, it doesn't automatically replace pictures like it does in the browser, and certain other functions are lack luster in this version of the app. Apple's app works well from what I can remember but it's been a minute." "I'll give it a 3 1/2 actually. The interface of the app is normal. The template search bank is expansive. It is very easy to use and has phenomenal options to help you be creative with your design. However, I was looking for ability to vary font choices. You only have 1 font option, however, you have search bar for fonts that are useless. I'd love to see that option and I'll change to 5 star." "I love Canva and i use it to make all sorts of social Media branding images. Though I'm having an issues here on mobile where I'll go to adjust colors or values and I'll have to close the image and reopen it multiple times and even sometimes have to restart the app multiple time to be able to see the changes. It's not enough to make me upset with the service, but it does make using it less conviniet. So for that reason I chose three stars but not lower because everything else is wonderful." "I love this app!! the only thing that is annoying is when I try to edit text, my keyboard pops up and covers what I'm trying to edit...hard to zoom or move around to get the text from behind my keyboard. also, I can't figure out how to make a box solid...could be user error, but that is not clear." "Hello, I have been using CanvaPro over a year for my branding business. However, after the update, I'm extremely upset with the changes. 1st: unless you download 'HQ PDF Print', the files in 'HQ PNG' do NOT download in HQ. When you zoom in on the image it gets very blurry, this never used to be an issue. 2nd: Where did the folders go? There's only ""Recent""! This is the 2nd biggest issue. I have to now search by scrolling to find all of the previously saved work & it takes forever. Please Help!" I love the web version. There are some features on the web version that would be nice on the mobile. For example the option to put a picture in a frame. The other problem is that when editing a text box you can not edit it with the keyboard up. Not sure how that could change though. I am debating about going to the paid version. "I'm only docking this 1 star b/c I wanted it to have more in the way of logo design-- more layouts to alter & edit + larger selection of clipart & royalty-free vectors. When editing, I'm provided the tools to crop & rotate my image/s. Why is there no way to adjust the perspective of image/s? This seems an absurd editing tool to overlook. Everything else works fine. The developers packed a lot into this app, & in a very skilled way. I'm very impressed. Nice job!" "I love them..ONLY BAD NOTE•I don't enjoy the amount of ads but I understand that for free, it comes with territory and there's things that could be easier. (basically make the fonts, either bold, underline or italic right there for example) template should be free but they have so many to choose from! They have a great amount to choose from and my outcome always comes out great!!!! You can add things or start from scratch!" "If it's not one thing, it's another. it works great for awhile and then the glitches start. I've updated the app twice and it's still not downloading the work I creat. It downloads multiple pics of 1 image in my design and that's it. I couldn't get any work done yesterday with this app and it really pisses me off when my work day is interrupted with non working apps that I depend on. Which is why I'd never purchase the upgrade. It's not dependable." "I use to LOVE this app. I even bought the pro version and honestly I regret it cuz the new update sucks so much. The app is unrecognizable, crashes a lot, confusing to use, and just overall not good. Also when you save something the spacing is super weird and it doesn't come align the right way. What's up with that!! I hope they get rid of the update." "I use canva for work every single day. The past week it just stops responding and stops working all the time. I can't move things, and when I go to type it adds so many extra line entries it won't allow me to move my text or find the middle of it to resize it. I used to love it now It's more frustrating than anything. I report every time it crashes but I feel like nothing it getting done to help it." "I really, really enjoy Canva and I would usually rate a solid 5 stars, but today there was some sort of bug and I project I worked hours on suddenly turned grey and then I was unable to make changes. I don't know what happened and I tried restarting the app but nothing changed. Otherwise, I do enjoy this app and will use it for a long time to come." "Formatting of text will always glitch. It never fails. Whether it be 1 text box, or 20. I use it for calendars every month and I cant even save them for HD usage. I can only screenshot them. It doesn't help to try another device...it completely changes formatting. Even when I save the correct formatting, the save file will still have an error somewhere." "I think it's a good idea, but i have such a hard time navigating. I could not find how to make a blank template, so I had to find, a non-blank template, and I couldn't really personalize it, and everything was really hard and confusing, so I ask for you to make things less confusing, and make it easier to find a blank template, also it would be cool if you could pick as many photos as you like out of your camra roll and make them bigger and smaller to add on your template as well as rotate them." "Life Time Subscription? The app seems high quality to me, especially with the variety it offers. With that being said I don't mind paying for quality. My only qualm is I wish they had a lifetime subscription. Pay upfront once and you have it for life. I find monthly subscriptions deeply annoying, and even yearly subscriptions too. If they where to add this, I would be extremely happy (and add 5 stars of course)." "I like all of the different things you can make on this app, but im beginning to get very frustrated with it. The text that says ""free"" on the free options is extremely tiny and the free and pro options are all jumbled together. Its really irritating to spend an hour making the perfect Flyer or collage only to find out that you didnt select one of the free options. And like some other reviewers have said, when you click the back button, it takes you back to your homepage so more wasted time." "Ever singe the last update I can't scroll through my designs without it glitching. It also takes 3 steps to get to my designs, the previous version was more user friendly. It also glitches in certain animations when making and saving instagram stories on your phone. That being said, if it goes back to the way it was, it's the best social media content tool around." "First time I used this app. It's a neat app, but I wish you had the option to do make photos a bit smaller without actually losing anything on the photo. I gave it 3 stars because it easy to use, but if trying to create FB cover photos you will cut off heads if you try to adjust it. Overall it a decent app to use but it's not all that and a bag of chips." "When I first started using this app, it was great! They have many options and creative ways to create posts for social media. I too, like many other comments am finding that my uploaded images are disappearing and they started having serious loading issues once I started paying for the subscription. Its getting so bad that I'm really close to deactivating my account and going with someone else. Take precautions and have a back up if you chose to use this app." "Constant glitching out of nowhere. It had worked fine for a few weeks (finally) but suddenly began crashing, glitching up, & not saving projects properly a couple of days ago. In the beginning, Canva was awesome & offered many free services & features that were helpful. Their focus seems to have shifted fully over to the paid service now, even though they got their client base from the free service. Filtering for free images just makes the ad pop up for the paid service & not the free images..." "On the fence. I have a version on my Samsung phone that's way easier to use than the one on my tablet, and I can't find a way to switch to the same version. Basically anytime I want to load an image to a frame I do it on my phone and switch back to the tablet. Cutting and pasting is also impossible from the tablet because I can't ""right click"" to copy/paste. Huge flaw! If that were fixed I might go pro." "It's super convenient to have Canva in app form, but obviously the mobile configuration significantly reduces the functionality in some aspects. Definitely great if you're working on something simple and don't have access to a desktop, laptop, or tablet." "Update: Love the desktop version but still find the app lacking. Trying to add a photo on a background image repeatedly leads to the background being erased. I wish the app could do simple things like change font colors of one single part of a text block. I've found that once the text is highlighted to change just those words, the phone keyboard pops up making it impossible to change the font color for just those words. I basically have to use the desktop version, unless downloading." "The newest Canva update for Android is a travesty. I use Canva Pro, and I'm so tried of making edits and not being able to actually download them without the text size and position changing. I could work around it on the older version of the app, but this new version is EVEN WORSE. I should not having to take screenshots of my work in order to save it as I've created it. Canva needs to fix this issue, or it's going to lose a lot of customers that use their service for social media." "One of the best Multimedia Design apps there is that can support a lot of canvas format. Easy and quick to use to create marketing materials on the fly. Multiple media templates to choose from as well. Highly recommended. However had to lower one star due the fact that since this New Update, the app keeps crashing when trying to browse through my gallery to upload for editing." It has been a year I'm using this app. It's good for short videos. Recently it keeps crashing and takes forever for long videos to upload and when they do there's always an issue either with the quality or sound or misplaced elements and... I'd like to have a drawing or flexible 3D design option. Also more options to trim and edit videos would be nice. The bug is really annoying. Especially on Apple devices. "Canva is an awesome design app, but it Still lacks certain basic tools that'll make it even better. The Magic Ai is already a big plus, but flexibility is still an issue with canva, I'm too limited in terms of creativity with shapes ( no pen tool). I can't also make editable text effect or easily use gradient text Which is a big downer for me because I use gradient text alot. Still canva is a great app and I'd recommend it to any one interested in design." "It's a great app for designing. But every time I'll download a design the app closes and reopens and losts the progress of downloading the files. It happens 12/20 times already. I tried restarting the app, rebooting my device, clearing the cache, even installing and reinstalling the app. I'm very disappointed that I have to reupload everything and open my laptop just to save a design. I hope you can fix that." "Great when it works I Adore this app when it works properly. It's always had issues for me but I can usually overcome them by closing down and going back on but they seem to be getting even worse. I am struggling to edit the text at all. When I click on it, to try and edit the text it's making the text box huge, making the writing go tiny or freezing the screen or putting loads of space between lines and every time I try to fix it just keeps doing it. Very frustrating as I use this for work" "Overall good, but one thing is super annoying... It's crazy how if you have multiple slides in a project you HAVE to download ALL of them EVERY single time. Even if you just want one image. On desktop you can download just the image slide you want so idk why you can do that on mobile. Please fix that, I imagine that should be an easy fix." "I want to like it. 3stars for the variety of content & auto save but the functionality is missing on app & website. Long loading times, constant freezing & crashing. Non responsive most of the time. Took me 2 minutes to get back to my home screen because it locked out my phone." "I have a Pro version and the mobile app doesn't let me download videos. It gets stuck after one fourth and stays there forever. I have tried updating the app, closing it, restarting the phone..nothing really helps. I like canva in general and would have given 5 stars but this issue is making it so difficult for me to work when I'm not in my laptop." "I love the desktop version, but mobile has been basically unusable for over a month. It keeps displaying duplicates of text in various documents instead of what is actually written. I ruined 3 different designs before realizing it's a display error. 3 star til solution because this is crippling my ability to work." "When I delete Designs, Images, Videos, there's no ""Empty Trash"" button to delete all my designs, images, videos permanently, which really wastes me time deleting them one by one, at first, but now I'm super stressful waiting for that button. Also, every time I type in my phone, especially typing for example a number like 1., the cursor always moves backward and every time I continue typing I realized I am also stressful seeing that. Please fix it, Canva team... 😢😭 Btw this app looks good 👍" "Love it,it has all the icons,textures,and the designs, but I have one problem on the app, when I was representing, the app didn't rotate/lanscape.I turned on the auto rotate but didn't work. hope this would notice and more updates come!" "It just started freezing and glitching all of a sudden. I'm an Android 11 user, I've got a lot of space left in my phone and yet, I still close other apps buh it's still glitching, pls fix Then the features when creating a design is too limited compared to PIXELLAB... Please add more designing features" "I'm only reviewing the mobile app here. This app is really annoying. There are so many features missing from discord mobile that half the things you can use normally don't even work at all on a phone, like, you can send gifs on a phone, but you can only favorite them on a computer. If it wasn't for issues like these it would be a perfect 5 star review, but with so many things missing it really is frustrating to use the mobile app or to even attempt to manage a server from only a phone." "I love this app for gaming it's a great platform to speak with friends. But recently, it's been incredibly buggy. When I go to a new chat, it doesn't update properly and stays on the same one. I have to close out completely and reopen. Unistalling didn't help, and clearing cache only helps for a few days before it starts doing it again. I really hope it gets fixed soon." "I am having many problems with Discord not allowing me to see more than one channel in a server. It doesn't happen every time I get on the app, but it happens a lot, seemingly randomly. I open Discord through a notification, and suddenly I can't see, read, or enter any channel except for one of them. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and restarting my phone, but the problem always eventually returns. Please help!" "Good app, been using for years. Issue is, since the recent update, discord is constantly ""connecting..."" whenever there is a small service change, or sometimes, just out of nowhere. I know it's the app due to my knowledge of the service in my area (it's very patchy in certain locations). It wasn't that big of a deal, but it's been really annoying as of late." "The app is nice for chatting with a group of people about various topics. However, I have to uninstall and reinstall the app several times a day because when I go into it, it will only show one channel and then it will say ""no text channels"". It's not a problem with my user settings because uninstalling and reinstalling and logging in again always fixes it temporarily. Please fix this bug, it's extremely annoying and it seems to be happening more and more often. For other group members too." "I can appreciate the number of features being brought from PC to mobile. That said, there have been some unneeded UI changes that just arnt great. The biggest issue right now though are the bugs. This was never a buggy app, but after updating it after holding off on a old version for a year, they were all over the place. Videos won't play when you click on them, GIFs can take a few seconds before they start playing, and the entire UI has been cut off and shrunk like it was in landscap mode often" "The most recent updates have introduced a number of problems that I had never had in the previous versions. Tapping notifications breaks servers when trying to move between folders, channels don't display correctly or display channels from other servers, etc. It's still useful but the user experience has gone down in quality, and I would recommend just using the desktop version if possible." "This app is amazing. But there is a massive issue. The issue is that the app has been way more glitchy than usual, and it's been affecting my experience negatively. Sometimes, the app randomly displays the no text channels screen in every server. Yesterday, as of posting this review, the screen lasted so long that I became worried that I couldn't use the app. Another glitch that is happening today is that whenever I tap the boost button on a server, I get a screen that says that Discord crashed." "The newest update is absolutely awful, the variety in text sizing is eye-straining, it has so many glitches, and the new layout is just... off. it just doesn't feel comfortable and workable. [9/3/22] My image files no longer send, the app reading 2.41mg as over 100mg. I keep getting sent into random servers im in when chatting in different one. [5/28/23] Some issues still occur. Still being sent into random servers at times. But text font has definitely improved." "I like the changes made to the image sharing panel, no longer restricted to the most recent 51 images. Additionally, did notice that sending images has a new upload experience. The downside now is the latest update which brought on a reduction in the app's quality. Habitually remains stuck on one chat when trying to switch. Messages seem to go through, but won't appear or load on the existing chat until the app has been restarted. Have confirmed I'm not the only one experiencing this." "Abysmal Android app, the latest update made the entire experience so much worse. It clears recently used emotes. Doesn't scroll down to the next line when a message you're writing gets longer. Jumps the cursor around randomly when you're scrolling. And *still* has a memory leak issue that causes the performance to degrade over time especially when writing longer messages. This latest update is an embarrassment. Edit: It's gotten better, changing the rating accordingly" "A lot of things have been fixed and the app is much more usable nowadays! I'm having an issue with pictures and videos being squashed though, or cut off- which can only be fixed by reloading the app. I've also had a LOT OF LAG, and some mild crashing issues! This is incredibly annoying, dropping my review to three starts until this is fixed!" "After a while all the channels except the last one used disappeared from the server. Have to logout in order to fix. Seems to have gone away now. Update: I have to take away a star. Problem is happening more frequently now. No channels are listed on the server I use, but clearly messages are getting through. The only thing I can do is delete app and reinstall every couple of days. I have several screen caps. Using Google Pixel 6a." "The app has alot of bugs. It's fine for the most part, but when going to look for more photos, the app will restart and I can't properly get the picture. Another issue is the inability to manage your nitro subscription on mobile devices. I shouldn't have to go out of my way to get a pc just to manage a subscription. Alot of people who have a Nitro sub can't, or don't have access to a computer. So that's my biggest issue with this app. If you fix the Nitro managment on mobile it'd be good fix." "For whatever reason, sending images has been acting up a lot over the last few months. First, I occasionally can't actually see the image until I close & re-open the app. Now, I'm unable to send images as replies? This seems to only affect the app, files sent on desktop work as intended Discord's a pretty good platform to use normally, but problems like these have been heavily bringing down the experience." "I encountered a new bug with the app. I'm not sure what the cause is or how to fix it, but what happens is that some servers I'm in, I have no access to any text or voice channel at all. It'll say something like there's no text channels at all, but when I'm on the PC ver. of Discord, they're there and perfectly fine. I hope this bug can get resolved quickly. Other than this problem and the non-optional image/video compressing, the app has been working fine for the most part." "It's one of the better apps for social media and keeping in contact, however it's been very very buggy the last few weeks, it won't send messages, won't let me see new messages, and sends repeat messages over and over. I'm not sure which update messed it up, but as it currently is I wouldn't recommend this app to anyone else." "I've been using discord for years and this last update made the mobile version almost unusable. I am not getting notifications anymore if I have the app open in the background. If I am dming a friend, and I turn my screen off, I won't get a notification or even see a new message unless a force close and reopen the app. If is really frustrating when my laptop can make the noise for notifications and update properly, but the mobile version isn't working properly." "I love using Discord, but the app experience on Chromebook just isn't up to par. The website just works so much better. A few details; When I view my friends' user profile on the website, I can see everything clearly in well-put together layout; On the app, however, when I wish to view a profile, the profile does come up, however it is cropped halfways on the screen. I can't even view the whole thing. I ultimatley opt to use the website 80% of the time. Do not install this app, use the website." "It's a good app to communicate and to socialize. But the thing is during these updates, the videos doesn't always play which means you have to close it and re open it. And another thing is when you click on a profile or change your status, you can't even see the profile or the status options at all. Another thing is when you're in a call, discord randomly kicks you out which is super annoying. But other than that, good app." "Editing my review because a really annoying problem has arisen in the past few weeks. Recently, the reply function has been bugged, and the bar that shows to see who you're replying to does not show up sometimes, yet when sending a message, still replies. This is a problem bc it means I can't turn off the ping, and I know a lot of people don't like being pinged by replies and such. Please fix this, it's very annoying." "I've been using discord for a long time now, I use it every day. As of late, I've had issues with it. Channels go missing, categories are gone, profiles are only shown in slivers of the screen, and at times it shows me channels from servers I'm not currently in, and I have to click around the app in order to fix it. I assume these will be fixed, but as of now, I'm not satisfied with the current situation. This is starting to feel like an app in beta, NOT Discord." "Had to change my old rating from a 5 to a 3, I don't mind some changes every now and then, but because I can't store this app in my SD card. I'm forced to limit the amount of apps and delete any new apps I download because I have no space. Then there's the constant changes that affect what I'm already used to. It's like driving but suddenly the steering wheel controls get inverted after a maintenance. Please fix the app to be stored on SD cards again." "Nice app, but I've been having a number of problems, one of the main problems is when I try to send pictures and select view all to select images from the gallery, the image won't load, even if I reload the app. This gets quite annoying and there isn't a way around it that I can find for this problem." "Great app, been using it for years and have made plenty of long term friendships on it. However, in the latest update, I cannot even open up my profile to change a profile picture, banner, or even look at the other options in the settings as i just immedietly crash. The app simply just closes, and this never happened until the most recent update." "Discord really shouldn't re-compress images that are already under the data limit, not just because it's unnecessary, but because it actually makes the file BIGGER and a lot uglier than it was before I sent it. Please turn off this feature. Also, I can't view videos without making them full-screen. That used to be possible in the older versions of Discord, but it's gone now." "Decent enough app, but recent update is terrible. Please fix. Now when I open the app, it takes forever to load things. There's a ""connecting..."" Message at the top of the screen with some loading bars and it takes several minutes to load even low quality images. I've also had similar connectivity issues sending text replies. Ik stability and cross-platform reliability have never been Discords forte, but this is the worst I've seen it. Desktop has always been better, but mobile is now broken." "I mean it's great to use to communicate with my friends and talk to them and watch stuff with by screen sharing, but the problem for me is the group chats. This is a accuring thing that always happens to me, but whenever I'm on one group channel, it randomly sometimes only shows that specific channel instead of the others and I always have to keep uninstalling and reinstalling to fix it and it gets to the point of annoyance and I hope they fix it! Otherwise, I don't have any other problems! ♥️" "Closing the app after reading through a channel sometimes causes all other channels on a server to no longer show up. I still get notifications from those other channels, but when I open up the app again they aren't there. Logging out and logging back in fixes this, but that is getting bothersome. The issue is getting worse after each recent Discord update. It used to only happen occasionally. Now it is nearly every time I close the app." I would rate higher if it wasn't for the constant issues that I have while using the app. Notifications don't ping when someone @s or sends a dm. It happens so much that I have to restart my phone to reset it. There are photo upload issues where it will get stuck at 0% or just fail entirely for no reason. I use this app all the time for friends. It's frustrating when all these things occur. "There have been a lot more bugs on mobile lately that cause me to have to close and reopen the app, or sometimes just wait and hope the problem goes away. I really like Discord overall, with its features, organization, and UI. Just really hoping these bugs get fixed because it's becoming very frustrating." "Not sure why this keeps happening, but there's always connection issues no matter what wifi I'm connected to, even data. It goes into an endless loading loop that forces me to reload the app by killing it. Messages get eaten by this as well, and I never have this problem on desktop using the same wifi I'm having issues on. It's not just me, it's a bunch of different mobile users. This wasn't an issue a year ago, I don't know what happened for this to occur." "I love discord, been using it since 2017, but recently, like as of a couple months ago, I'll get a glitch where only half of the screen in places shows. Wanna reply to a message? well. you cant do anything else. Wanna send a gif? the bar is going to glitch out and stop working. Emojis? Good luck searching, its going to crash. Somebody sent images? If you click on 'em the screen goes black. If you DONT click on em? well. youll see a third or, if youre lucky, half of the image." "I'll be honest I use 2 phones with this app and both are annoying. 1, the app doesn't show people's status and it disconnects as soon as I leave the app. 2, I can't even call on. It won't connect no mater what WiFi I'm on. It could just be a bug with the phone so I am letting it go but the other thing is the mere amount of useless updates they add. I miss the old discord. Plus there is a glitch on the first phone where I can't send more than one image." "First of all, the app is great! No problems at all, except there's this one teeny tiny issue. Everytime I try to post or share something whether it be in a server or in dms with my friends, the app would just kick me out and have to restart over again...I dunno if there's some bug or malfunction to it. If so, please fix this." "Overall very happy with the app. A few API problems that are usually solved by a soft reboot. The intuitiveness of the software is the number one draw. I was able to sit down for one afternoon and pretty much teach myself how to set up roles, channels, permissions, etc.... The frequency that the API issues occur is the only reason I'm giving it a 3, but there are a number of integrations from 1st & 3rd party Bots(Mods) that could address that. I've been looking into that too." "I am an individual who is content with changes. but I feel as such : many of the interface changes aren't great at all. It's the little things that have affected my experiences ,, I miss the discord from 3 years ago's looks. Akin to scrolling through 4 year old pictures on Instagram ,, discord hasn't looked good in a while. For messaging ,, the app is fine. No quarrels with communication ,, although calls have a distaste for Bluetooth. Solid functioning app ,, but clunky to use at times." "The app is wonderful to talk and gather with friends! It's super nice. However, recently, I've been having trouble with the emojis. A lot of them tend to disappear, making them inaccessible to use. This includes if I'm in the server itself. I'm not quite sure if it's a bug in the app itself or something to do with the fact I got a new phone, but either way, the app works well otherwise!" "Doesn't swap over to Bluetooth even if you're...using your Bluetooth ear buds...and it says it's using the Bluetooth. Sound just comes out of the speaker like normal which isn't useful or helpful. Edit: Oh God you guys are on top of things 😭 didn't think it'd be seen. I use it on desktop, this is the first time and weird anomoly that I tried on my phone. I'm sure your app is perfect and this was a fluke D:" "I'm giving this a 3 star because it is a good app I enjoy it, what I don't like it how buggy the voice chat is for console Xbox mainly on my experience. I have been trying to connect with them for half an hour and reseted my wifi, as soon I was done and tried again I decided to check my wifi and everything was all right and reseted my console and tried again. Nothing still. Please fix this bug." "It's good for normal messaging and sending pictures but sending videos is very buggy. My friends are able to send videos and it's fine but when i do it, it sends a file and has to be downloaded but when you try to download it, it says i lost disconnected from the network. Idk why it does this. It works for some videos but most of the time doesn't. I've discovered that videos stored in my /internal storage/download are the ones not working" "Discord is great, there's just one app breaking bug that hasn't been patched. I encountered it specifically by clicking a notification for a message into a voice chat text chat. It opens the text chat. If you try to go to any other channel or chat (dms, another channel) it crashes. If you reopen it, it opens back to that voice chat text chat, and trying to leave makes it crash again, trapping you in that particular channel." "Discord is pretty good, but the phone app rarely gives me dm notifications no matter how many times I set it to do so, which really sucks, and it's always not working when I try to use voice to text, and I use it a lot bc it's easier than typing, and I've pressed the button up to 20 times before it would work, which is really annoying." "I love disc but the mobile app sucks, it constantly crashes and only will show one channel in some of my servers no matter if I close or restart my phone. It randomly disconnected me from voice chat or closes streams. Also once it started calling somone and I did not click the button whatsoever I was just looking at their profile. So please make it better. On pc it's absolutely perfect." "I use Discord as my main messaging and VC service. It seems that the chat feature is no longer a priority. I regularly do not get notified about new messages. This is not isolated to me/a single device. It happens on my phone and computer, as well as to the people I talk to. I am also regularly confronted with the inability to use emojis, search gifs or edit messages. This does seem to be isolated to mobile. All of this is extremely frustrating as someone who gives Discord money." "It functions fine, generally speaking. But some of the interface and design choices are pretty rough. Such as the new ""swipe to reply"" system, which is god-awful. It should be a toggle at best or not implemented at worst; nobody needed that. Forcing users to change their muscle memory is a terrible policy. If it ain't broken, don't fix it." "With every update it's always something. Well with the most recent update now my app won't stay open for more then 5 seconds. It closes out no matter what I'm doing. I could be in the middle of typing and it closes out. This is very frustrating at the end of the day. I also no longer get notifications at all, not for DMS, pings, nothing. This is all disappointing" "Most of the features on here is not like the Apple versiom. This is much different, and I would prefer it. The looks make it better, and I enjoy it. Only problem is that there are certain issues with ease of use, which I personally do not like. Make it at least just as useful to use just like rhe desktop/web version. Please make it better!" "As of yesterday on Mobile, I can't edit, reply to, or react to messages, I can't change my status (Go online, use do not disturb, etc) I can't change my profile picture. I can't do anything. I've completely lost the ability to use discord functionally at all. My friend force updated his app on mobile and also had similar issues. It compressed the screen and cuts off messages too. Please fix this, Seriously. It's the only app I use to interact with friends and social communities." "I don't know if it's to due with any of the updated software but my discord keeps closing out, every time I try to reload or anything it kicks me out in about a minute, then it proceeds to tell me ""Discord stopped working."". I hope it gets resolved soon as I have a lot of friends on there, and since it won't stay open long enough for me to send messages I don't want them to worry." So I have a problem with discord that I've had for a while now. when you're scrolling down looking at the notifications in the (mentions) tab you have to scroll the same thing 3 times before it will let you load more older ones. I thought this was going to be a long time ago but it has never been fixed. And also on desktop if you switch in between (mentions) and the (for you) tab the app brakes and you'll just get sent to a loading screen on the discord app until you close out the app entirely. "Overall this is a great app, but the video/voice feature on mobile devices really needs improvement. We have weekly hangouts, and many in our friend group have the video for other people cut out. This is across different phones/tablets, internet speeds, and locations, and is a constant issue. I hope that you guys can fix this issue." "I keep having this issue with private chat messages to friends where i type something in, hit send and it is in a greyed out state. Apparently something wasnt connected. The only way to fix is to close the app completely and go back in, and the original message that was in that state gets cleared and is gone so i have to type it all in again. Has persisted through updating the app several times and keeps happening many times a day. ☹️ other than that, i love Discord." "This new update has been seriously messing with the UI on the app recently. Tried to leave a server, but the menu to do so sometimes becomes so thin I can see or click on anything. Channel lists won't load correctly sometimes either (they'll still be there but won't show up). I'll still be using this app regardless because its my #1 social media app and I love using it. Please fix this D:" "This used to work flawlessly, but now despite what I'm connected to (wifi ot cell data) with good coverage, this app CONSTANTLY is defaulting to ""connecting..."" after several minutes. What's worse is if I'm texting anything that takes less than 2 seconds to write, it'll go into connecting and I won't notice and then when I hit send it just gets rid of the message and I need to force close the app and retype everything again. I really need this fixed" "Never lags or kicks me off. Great for rp. Update: 3 stars. I love this app but I, like many others, keep dealing with the channels vanishing. The only fix is to Uninstaller and reinstall the app, and I've done that about once a month so far. Before the support team starts asking, yeah I've done different wifi and everything already suggested. It's not on my end. It's on yall" For about 3 updates now this app continues to break. Now It's to the point where at least one feature doesn't work or the whole app doesn't work. Some things the don't work: -I cannot view profiles to people in the servers so I can't send them friend request or see their links. -I cannot see half the channels in any server as it blacks out the list and some get hidden...so there may be a message I can't see because I can't get the the channel. -won't show pictures I share from my gallery. "Almost every time i try taking a photo inside the app, it crashes. Messages with 2 or more photos break and you can't view them. Video previews are black which is very annoying when trying to find a specific one and not knowing which is which. And while scrolling down, eventually all photo previews go black. Sometimes when sending a video, the preview in the chat is the poop error screen. This app gets a new bug every, like, 2 weeks 💀" "I use this app daily, and for the most part, it's great! I even became a Nitro member because of how much I use it. My only problem is, no matter what I do, my notifications don't work sometimes. Sometimes, I'll just never get a notification for a message and accidentally leave someone unread for hours :( Edit: Almost a year later [04/03/2023], and I'm still having the same issues. I've done everything recommended to fix it, even got a new phone in the process!" "Will not let me join servers, scroll properly, etc with current update. It is laggy and practically unusable. Disboard won't allow for joining of servers and its very rickety overall. Update: Runs smoother, but annoyances galore. Like friends in notifs. As well as swipe to the right replies instead of showing the right pannel where all who's online / offline is. It is very annoying and is a hassle to navigate this more than the prior update did. Upsetting really." "Recently I've been having a lot of intermittent issues on the mobile app, as if it's not connecting. Messages don't load, showing the gray placeholder message boxes and profile pic circles. Sometimes it loads, but the channel is not up to date, showing only older (maybe cached?) messages. I try to send messages and they just never appear, not even in red to say they couldn't send. I have tried on both 5G connection and my home wifi (the same wifi as my PC which is not having these issues)." "App is very glitchy and closes at random times. Sometimes I have to click the ""keyboard"" to open it more than once and when I do it goes right back down, and then when it finally does, it makes me hit the space bar from trying to many times. Certain chats in servers will completely kick me out of discord and will not let me back in." "I've used this app for about 4-5 years now, & I've added a LOT of people. I've only recently started caring about clean spaces/lack of clutter, and cleaning out my friends list is painfully tedious. I reccomend adding a more easily accessible button or adding a ""delete"" option somewhere that lets you simply tap on friends to remove them after clicking delete. Otherwise, the app is nice and fast with minimal glitchiness." "I haven't had any trouble with the app up until recently with the call just randomly dropping after a few hours (not an internet/wifi issue, checked and cleared cache, uninstalled and reinstalled too.) Please fix this because it's getting to the point where I'm going to have to look at other apps that'll do what they say, unfortunately." "I've been using Discord for several years now, and it's been mostly a good experience. However, I have to take away 2 stars. One star is due to the multitude of bugs plaguing the mobile version in addition to the ""search messages"" feature not showing newest messages first across all platforms. Another star is for the godawful Trust & Safety team that really needs to be replaced. As someone who uses Discord often, I really hope these issues can be resolved soon." The roles go wack after you rearrange even one of them but if you fix them after they go crazy then you can move & add roled for a little while after that (not sure how long it lasts though). It's a little tough to rearrange the channels on an Android/Samsung tablet but it's a little easier on an Apple/iOS one. Also whenever I join a voice chat and play a game too it kicks me out of the VC and then I have to rejoin. Please fix these things and it will be a 5 star review! "Really wish we could at least be given an option to allow our video to be streamed to friends while not having the app open (in other words, how it used to be). It would be amazing if we were also able to see friends' video while using other apps via picture-in-picture as with other messaging apps." "I loce the editablility of the messages and servers. And love the variety of bots to choose from to help with messages. But VCs are terrible to work with. Audio is fine but voice's ability to transfer what I'm saying is always on and off. There's never a consistent, you can be heard or you're mute even though you unmuted yourself." "I love discord, it's a great program to talk with friends. I don't like the mobile app, it feels like it's never tested before they make changes. Right as I start to think discord runs well, they do a minor update which breaks everything. I hope they eventually figure out how to do changes without messing it up." "Fundamentals are good and I like it as a social platform, but every update is worse than the last. The latest one makes the app's aspect ratio randomly cut off half of the screen, popup menus are sometimes a centimeter wide, sometimes every single video on the app will randomly break and be unable to play, it's borderline impossible to change server details, and more. I wish that instead of adding whatever new shiny every month, they would take a bit to make their app actually function properly" "Can't reply to messages anymore. Can't use reactions. Pressing and holding now doesn't work. ---The solution of ""restart your device"" doesn't fix the issue. Why should I have to reinstall the app for an issue that was included with a patch (which means it's obviously a patch issue)? ---The Discord platform is great, the problem is that patching the app leaves you feeling like you're not going to be able to use the app for weeks. You hesitate to update because it's always so bad." "Overall, the app is fine. However, recently, I have started to video call, but the other side is constantly at seemingly random times. It will turn black and be stuck on loading for up to 2 minutes. Kindly fix this issue, and I'll rate it higher." "Great app, and It's my main way to contact any of my friends. The only problem I have with it is when I am on a video call, the other people's videos will freeze randomly. The only way to fix it is by going to another screen and back. But it only stays that way for about 45 seconds to a minute before it freezes again. I've heard of a lot of other people with this problem, too. Would love it if Discord could find a fix! It's quite annoying" "Discord was all good but the with the recent updates it started to get buggy. The submenu would suddenly get smaller and thin and at the center of the screen where I couldn't scroll, I can't react to messages, videos or images, AND can't even see the reactions that people put. Please fix these as everything was better and fine before." "Flawless communication experience, probably the most bang for buck communications app that exists next to slack in the free world /// Update: discord is now turning to bloating their app as much as possible instead of focusing on use experience and it's showing. Bugs have gone from little quirky things to being actual usability blockers - images failing to post once uploaded incredibly slowly, calls that constantly drop, etc. I see they keep pushing new features that don't have any value. RIP?" "I used to have a great time with the mobile app, but recently there's been formatting issues where all of the popup bars for Server Settings or when you click on someone's profile is very thin and off-resolution. Not sure what the deal is but it makes a solid half of the app unusable." "In the beta version, jumping to messages causes the client to crash, and pressing Android's return button when viewing a file exits the app. I've switched back to the public builds for now because of this, where there aren't as many issues. It should be noted that I never have voice or video calls through the mobile application, so I'm only judging based on text performance." "Recent updates, while adding some useful new features, have broken basic functionality in the app. For example, the app will overlap with the buttons at the bottom of my phone and notifications bar at the top so I can't reliably use either while it's open. It freeze now where it never did before, and lags when opening the emote selection screen. It's unfortunate as the app was previously very crisp and polished." "It used to be great! I don't like using text for everything, so this was a great alternative. I also game with friends lot, so this worked perfect for that. But now it keeps glitching out. It'll tell me it's ""connecting"" when I've had my wifi connected for hours. The only way to fix it so I receive messages again is by closing and reopening the app. Not to mention, I'll just randomly not get notifications for messages. Both of these issues happen on multiple wifi networks and on data." "Used to love it, but ever since the last big update, I've had lots of issues with it. It's clunky and slow, half the time doesn't load gifs or images at all unless I open them in my browser. If I switch between apps, just about every time I go back to Discord I have to restart it, otherwise it doesn't connect, doesn't refresh my messages, or it crashes. The old version seemed to run smoother and flow a bit better. The change in appearance overall wasn't a change for the better." "Overall, I love the app, don't know what I'd do without it, although a huge issue I've noticed is when changing the positions of channels and roles 2 infuriating bugs can occur. When moving a channel or role it can put it higher than where you actually put it, so far up at times it's off the screen, and after you save it has a chance to shuffle the entite list, which means I have to manually put everything back where it belongs, it's annoying, it's time consuming, and it's happened for too long." "Everything was going great until recently. Now I'm having issues every time I try to upload an image. It lags so bad and takes several minutes to go through the process of realizing I've selected an image and uploading it, and it takes even longer if I try to type a message with it, and half the time the app just stops responding and has to close and the other half I get fed up and close out of it myself and try again when I reopen it. This happens regardless of the file size. Please fix this." "Love this app, but every update it gets worse. The font is all janked, and it's difficult for me to even read and I can read pretty well. It's messed up the format of some of my messages too, which is incredibly annoying because said messages now appear longer. It's annoying that we can't just keep it how it was previously, but instead it's constantly changing and it's confusing. There's also been times I've tried to scroll down in a channel with new messages and it just glitches me around." "It was working great, but now one of the last updates causes my video calls to freeze constantly. It'll freeze the video of the person I'm talking to every 30 seconds and I either have to minimize and reopen the video, which only lasts 30 seconds before it freezes again, or restart the app to get it work again. It's really frustrating since I'm on calls 24hrs a day. Other than that, the rest of the app works great. I just really hope they fix this bug. I've been paying for nitro for 2 yrs." "The mobile version can be more difficult to navigate than its desktop counterpart. The UI is clear and straightforward, but navigation to-and-fro between home screen and voice/video chat needs improvement, but that's My only concern at the moment. 12/17/22 update - sometimes I open Discord and it remains frozen on the last screen I was on before, and now it's happening more often than ever now. I thought it was because I was a part of the beta features, but no it still happens after reinstall." "It's great, and I'm okay with the bugs and glitches, but I am kind of getting irritated with my notifications just getting turned off out of nowhere. This is one of my only reliable way to contact people I care about. So when notifications just get turned off out of nowhere at least once per day, it starts to get annoying. I thought a bare minimum function would be to keep notifications on after I turned them on, but it could possibly be an issue on my part, I just don't see how." "I love this app. I really do. However the lag on it is absolutely unbearable sometimes. There are times when it's a second or two delay of sending a message after clicking the send button, or text appearing in the text box a second or two after I type it. Just interaction delays in general tbh. Poor optimization, maybe?" "The platform itself is great, but the UI and navigation on the app honestly sucks. It takes forever to get from one chat/channel to another and I think that it can be cleaned up a lot more to just be more smooth and honestly more pleasing to look at. Other than that, I haven't experienced any of the bugs that everyone else is talking about, so I guess it's good on my end." "The latest update is not good. The app is slow and it's buggy, when I swipe right to go change the channel, my profile info comes up. The UI change is fine but the channel button size feels small. I do quite like the new UI for the picture selection though. Its more neat and tidy. I also like the addition of some more settings. I prefer the old way the status changing thing looks but the new one is fine." "Not terrible, a few issues here and there but they don't affect me too much. However an issue is an issue. Gifs and Videos don't always load and it causes me to restart the app just to see it load. Also, a small detail but gets on my nerves, everytime I put "":)"" in text, it gets converted to 🙂. I don't like that, at all. Not to mention it removed the setting to turn off that feature from my phone. I'd like that setting back please. And fix the issues with gofs and videos please." "Have been using this app for over 4 years. It's very much an all in one when it comes to screen sharing & playing with other friends. Have it be new or even old it's nice to have, especially if you don't want others to have your number. Recent down sides have been the non stop updates, having mobile notifications no longer show after each update is very annoying. Causing me to have to update at least Avery 2 weeks to a month. Not to mention sending images or video files via mobile has worsened." "I like the app, so much better for organizing group chats and separate topics. However, the channels disappear on the discord server I started, so I can often only see one channel. Sometimes I see them all, and I'll see messages from others but when I look for the channel it's not there. This is very frustrating and I can't seem to find a solution. Overall, love the idea, but the bugs are becoming annoying enough that I just stop using the app." "Almost everything works great, I especially love the all black background (wouldn't mind if it got added to iOS though). The reason I gave this 3 stars is because when I try to join a VC, it just does not work at all. I can't hear or be heard. Basically the only thing that works in terms of VCs is the text chat built into the Voice Channel. I would somewhat understand if they don't work because I am on the beta program, but even after leaving the program it still had the same problems as before." "3 stars b/c it's a necessary app so I'm glad it exists, but there's just so many bugs! Voice call often doesn't work, especially with headphones (and yes I know how to set them up in the settings, it's broken) and I can't send messages through the drop down banner notification anymore! Needs a lot of fixing going forward." "I'm gonna be honest. I love Discord so so much. It's my main form of communication. But ever since late October or early November, I can't use my blutooth headphones or earbuds for calls on Discord. When I use them in a call, it says their connected, but I won't hear anything. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it 3 times and tried everything i could. It really hinders me cause I just can't call any of my friends while I'm out and about anymore on this app because of it." "This app hasn't given me trouble until the most recent update. I seem to be missing a fair amount of icons, such as the upload media button, the notification that tells me if my friends are online, or even the icon to pull up side menus (They still function). It kind of keeps getting worse, everytime I log on something else is missing." "This app used to be great, but ever since the recent full revamp, a lot of things have been breaking. Videos fail to load and require a restart. File upload times have increased for no reason. And, now all of the videos that I download through the app are missing their thumbnail/preview image. All of this stuff has started happening between updates, with seemingly no fixes at all." "Great app, bad mic experience. It's a great messaging app and works amazing as that. For voice calling on mobile though, it's been pretty terrible. I'm using a One Plus 6T and I have had to rely on the desktop application to talk to people. I have to yell in order for anyone to hear me speak and even then, the audio cuts out. Update: mic is still pretty bad. Nitro is cool though, collecting stickers is pretty fun" "App works okay but there's a bug that's really bothering me. Whenever I try to upload videos, it attempts to compress that video. I say attempts because 90 percent of the time it actually makes the video file bigger. It wastes space on their servers and simultaneously disallows me to post videos if they are just under the 8MB limit, because it ends up growing past that limit. Other than that image compression seems to work okay, but they really should add an option to disable compression." "The app is pretty good and all but my main issue with it is that there are too many bugs and I've tried everything to fix them! First there is the whole not being able to hear stream audio on mobile and then there is all the freezing! I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app but it doesn't work. Another issue is that when I try to type anything and my keypad comes up to just removes the stream from view, like it vanished. I have no how to fix it I've tried everything I know." "Not entirely sure it's worth it for the premium. For example, the sleep tracker is quite sketchy. This morning I woke up around 530am, got up to pee, & layed back down until 8am. I did not fall back asleep, however the sleep tracker had me asleep until 8am. There's also no way to track what times you wake up in the night because if you use the sleep tracker on the app AND the watch, it gets confused & won't log remotely accurately. Also, the watch only tracks periods, not your entire cycle. Etc" "Soooo disappointed that they took away the challenges. Only reason I stayed with Fitbit. As I look for an upgraded version, I'm looking to something else. Why bother starting with Fitbit? Only thing that made it unique at one time was the challenges. If nothing similar shows up in the next few months, I will not be staying around. Thanks for the fun times. Please bring them back!" "This is a good app for checking your fitness stats and it's neat to see data over time. I wish that the Inspire 3 had more watch faces with seconds on them. The interface is decent. Although there is one feature request that I have: with Heath Connect, I'd like to be able to log my food as easily as I do in the Fitbit app and be able to see that logged food in Google Fit. There's more I could say, but overall, a good app that I'm excited to see the new features they'll come up with." "Sense started out fine, but has had issues syncing occasionally and with the newest update it took almost an hour just to get the device to even show the time, it wouldn't connect with my phone. Was fine until the last update. This flat sucks, as features were removed. There are cheaper devices that have better interfaces. When this fails completely I'll get a different one unless things change. Hoping the idiots that made the changes read all the other comments besides mine. They screwed up." "The calendar on the Activity tab in the Exercise section doesn't accurately display all the days you met your exercise goal in a month. Missing checkmarks for lots of days I met my goal, but when you look at each day's view, it's there. It also changes what days are checked off when you leave that page and go back. Inaccurate and inconsistent." "This app was a 5 until the challenges were removed. The challenges were the primary reason that I purchased a fitbit. They brought out a competitive side that I didn't realize I had. My daily step count increased as a result. The food logging capabilities are nice, but I truly miss the challenges. Hopefully they return someday." The app needs an update desperately. I've had my fitbit for 3 years now give or take. I can't look at my exercises at all. I just get spinning wheels every time I try to look. Same thing happens when I click on my hourly activity. Spinning wheel. It's been like this for months. I actually opened my playapp to check for an update and there isn't one. I also have similar issues with syncing that other reviews have mentioned. "I purchased my Inspire 2 (and downloaded the fitbit app) in August of '22. It worked fine for the first few months, but now, it's nothing but issues. I constantly have to sync my watch to the app, and usually it takes 2-3 tries. It usually tells me it's taking a while and to ""sit tight"". I have to close the app, retry syncing, close again, and retry at least once more. It's super frustrating." "I was thrilled with the app, loved being able to use the guided meditations, I've been a premium customer for years, I've owned a Charge 3 & Sense. The thing I've enjoyed most was interacting in the challenges with friends & family. That was the only reason I chose Fitbit instead of any of the others. I recently received an email stating that you are canceling the challenges. Since I need to buy a new device anyway, I'll be canceling my subscription & going with the same brand as my phone✌️" "Once in a while I will have sync issues, but nothing too major. The problem I have now is with the sleep information. When I wake up & look at my hours of sleep it shows, but when I go back to look at previous days, the sleep hours have changed to exactly what the current day says. Hard to compare hours of sleep for each day when they all get changed. Very frustrating. I have a Blaze if that makes a difference." "3 stars cause it does alot and the app is good but it doesn't pull up contacts or allow me to search username or email to add friends. Everything else operates as it should and I really like my charge 5. It counts steps accurately, tracks sleep patterns, oxygen, all that stuff. I'm sure it's user error for people complaining about the Fitbit. But the app needs some improvement and to be able to add friends." "It's pretty handy. tracks my hr, periods, syncs up with my pokemon go app. But the huge draw back is that it cant track my sleep cycle. Like it doesnt record it AT ALL. Ive done all of the updates, made sure that its fully charged, made sure that the watch is placed correctly on my wrist, and was on ""watch mode"" and it still doesnt record!" "Used to love.. now just meh. I really enjoyed the challenge options that were included with fitbit software. A group of us would participate in weekday/ weekend challenges to hold each other accountable for steps. The bingo and other options were fun as well, but we used the weekly ones most frequently because of ease of use. Very disappointed that this feature is now gone and feel like I have little motivation to check in on the app. Will likely switch brands when this watch dies." "Needs dark theme and compact mode for all the trackers, like really badly. 1 star lowered for each of those. Also all the menus kind of a mess, could be a bit better organized by categories, but mostly it's a bunch of stuff you check through once then stick with the same 10% of the app that's daily stuff, so no big deal on that I guess." "I love my fitbit! This thing is seriously one awesome tool. This is my first fitness tracker and I honestly couldn't be happier. I wish I'd had one years ago. My favorite part are all the fitness challenges. The bingo is a must for people like me. I hate to work out, but love games, so this is the best way to motivate me and get me moving. Update: I have to detract 2 stars, as Google destroyed this app. All the challenges are disappearing at the end of the month as is some 3rd party apps." "Edited review, will continue to update: Some weird interface issues are bothering me, for example I have it set so my hourly step goals as 12, but it shows xx out of 13 hours so it never shows as complete. It also doesn't show my water intake goal as completed despite logging it. It also suddenly doesn't know how to calculate my BMI anymore so my BMI is ""0"" now, go me. Overall happy with the app and it's connectivity to the Lose It app." "Why, oh WHY did they take away the challenges?!?!?! PLEASE RESTORE WHAT MADE THE APP EXCELLENT!!!!!! The app was great until the ""upgrade."" Then, it went downhill. I can no longer start challenges. The app also freezes up every time I check my notifications. Also, scammers have always been a problem and Fitbit won't do anything about them. I love tracking my activity, but I wish they would fix the bugs." "Too many connection issues. If I restart my phone or Fitbit Sense I have to re-pair the devices. This is very disappointing and frustrating every time I have to do this. The watch itself is fine and the app is ok, but the communication between the 2 devices really needs attention and updating for better automatic pairing." "fitbit use to be great when they had the challenges. You did that extra mile to compete with folks from all over the world. I would be on the site many times a day and was going to sign up for premium so I could set up the bingo challenges. Now, all that is gone, and they just have things you can find free on youtube. I still give it a 3 star because it does track your daily activity well. But the fun and motivation to work out is gone." There is plenty of things still behind a pay wall. The interface needs improvement. Samsung Health and Google Fit have the better interfaces. There are too many things to write & too little characters to write the words with. Some features are a bit more complicated than they should be (cycle tracking...the over/under budget food tracking). "My Inspire 2 stopped syncing, so, after trying many times I decided to unpair it. But then it wouldn't pair again. I contacted customer support and followed all the steps they gave me and nothing worked. Reviewers here had similar problems and the women I spoke to told me it was a 'weird issue'. Then I was told I wasn't covered under the warranty but as a 'one time exception' they would send me a replacement if I sent my current device back. 3 stars since they are replacing it. I loved it before" "I have enjoyed it quite a lot. Easy to use and have really found the sleep functionality useful. Where I have the biggest concerns or issues with the app are first the calorie calculation. It sometimes seems like the calories burned are being artificially inflated leaving me wondering how much I can depend on the data when trying to train to hit my goals. The other issue I have is not being able to turn off the tip of the day, they repeat and are not useful at all." "Good in some ways, not in others. I liked it when I was able to get step count on the phone screen in addition to the watch face. But that appears to be removed, and my efforts to add it back have been stymied by the variations that exist between the various builds and between paying and non paying apps. For a while, I was using the food tracker software, and that works really well if you keep up on it. But when they took the step counter away, it really soured my opinion of the whole app." "Lost two stars because it doesn't allow multiple trackers under one account. I have two smart watches and I would like to use my old one for impact activities where I won't worry as much if it breaks and my new watch for casual workouts. Now, I have to manually add/remove one to use the other. Very inconvenient. Otherwise, the app is functional." "It's pretty good, but they just nerfed the weight trends graph. It's new and looks nice, but the range in the graph is like +/- 20 lbs making the weight trend over time look like a straight line. I used to look to see it fall through my weight loss journey, now it's just so umnotivating. How has the graph displaying year kot been fixed from year to date to a full year. So useless especially at the beginning of the year." "I have had multiple Fitbits over the years and generally like the app. One of the reasons that I stuck with Fitbit instead of switching is that on the surface they play well with others and allow you to pull in data from lots of other apps and platforms. However when pulling in that data, heart rate data is NOT included. This renders the ""readiness score,"" useless. That is really the only premium feature that I am interested in so definitely will not be keeping the premium subscription." "The App is only okay. I expect a bit more from this brand. The watches are great. The app could be better. For example, it is difficult to locate all the settings. There isn't one place to find settings. Connecting to sync seems like a chore for the app even when next to a wifi router. The functionality of the app is better, however the usability could be improved." "Every 2 weeks or so my Versa 2 stops syncing for days then suddenly it starts working again. This has been going on for a few months, it's beyond sad that nothing works to fix this issue. Everything is up to date, all troubleshooting steps have been done a million times. It'd be nice if this would stop happening. It's a huge flaw that my sleep won't show on my watch when syncing isn't working. Why? the damn app doesn't register the sleep, the watch does, so it should be on there." "The biggest detractors for why I gave 3 stars is that it isn't that amazing compared to other similar apps. The pay wall for access to some info the watches collect is annoying and even after the pay wall most of the information isn't presented in a manner that is that useful to me (graphs without numbers or charts without enough description). Food tracking is nice, but not as many options as some other apps. It's good, but it needs to do better to get more stars. I've used it since 2013." "Not an all-in-one app yet.... I got 3 months of Fitbit premium with my pixel watch and it's great for some things. I love the way it tracks my sleep, for instance. What it's not great at yet is calorie tracking. Especially if you're trying to track certain nutrients, it's really difficult. Being on the keto diet, the nutrition tracking in this app was basically useless. It's very difficult to add the same meal more than once. You have to add each ingredient separately every time." "I have been using fitbit since I started my life style change in the beginning of 2017. There are some feature that would be beneficial and add more value to the app. For example, I'm currently pregnant and I would love to see a pregnancy feature that coincides with the menstrual part of the app for women who would like to maintain/track their fitness during pregnancy. This should also include a healthy well researched pregnancy caloric range each day. Dark mode in the app would be nice too." "This app is really poor at syncing automatically upon opening the app. I almost always have to do the syncing the manual way where you pres and hold your finger at the top part of the screen and pull down where the sync will show. It often takes it a while to complete the syncing so I can see updated information on things like sleep, steps, battery charge, etc., even though I can see current info on my steps, battery charge, heart rate and more on my fitbit tracker." "I want to love my app, but there is some stupid bug that is not allowing the Bluetooth to show as paired iwhen in fact it is. I've tried every troubleshooting hack/suggestion I've seen and this issue has prevented me from being able to set up my Inspire 2 device. My Charge 2 that I've had for years, I've deleted and set back up without issue. So I now have a brand new device that I can't use. This is a fail in the app side and obviously, I'm not the only user that is suffering." "Took long enough for an update. I've used fitbit for years, and I've had overall good results. However with the prior update, my fitbit luxe stopped connecting to my app, meaning most of my data wouldn't convert to other apps accurately. As one of the big name health apps, I'd expect faster response time to fix an issue that greatly impacts their users. Regardless of that, it's a good app for insight, but don't take all those numbers too seriously. Instead, use them as guidelines!" "I love this app and I'm new to Fitbit and smartwatches in general but I feel like there could be some improvements. In the stress management it shouldn't just be about stress it should track all your moods (depressed, anxious, etc) and you should have a place to add notes to your ""stress management"" area too. Also in the tracking sleep you should have an option of deleting a log in case you push it to track it and then don't actually sleep so that you can have an accurate sleep log." "I have used the app for 4 years but recently there is increasing frequency with difficulty in syncing. I have followed the recommended procedures ... turning off and on my phone, my bluetooth, the fitbit watch. I have called the fitbit support team, and followed instructions with them on line. Sometimes it works but usually if just start syncing randomly on its own. It may work a day or two then it stops syncing again and I repeat the process which often takes hours each time." Lots of syncing issues and the workout activity calendar is also very buggy. Lately it detects my sleeping hours incorrectly as well. This app badly needs software updates. Update 2/19/23 Upgraded to the sense 2 recently. Still plenty of glitches. Detects sleep many times when I'm just sitting during the day or at night. Activity calendar does not properly display each day of. Considered another brand but I only use for fitness and the simplicity kept me as a customer. Still not fully sold "The app itself isn't bad. Fitbit as a whole sucks.... my charge 2 worked perfectly for several years. I finally upgraded to a charge 4 with some birthday money I was given. I was skeptical after reading a few bad reviews but most were good. Exactly 1 year and 5 months later my charge 4 is junk. Multiple issues later, now it's completely dead and because it's passed the 1 year warranty all that's offered is a 30% discount. I can't afford to purchase a new one every year, regardless of discounts" "The food logging tool is still awful. It's hard to find generic foods (like ""miso soup"" that isn't from a restaurant or brand), and then you somehow get about 100 different types of chicken thighs... seriously, I counted. It just seems like they gave up on improving the tool. (Also, I wish the app had a dark mode setting.)" "Appreciate the app overall and the update but wish we could choose to use new vs the old mode for heart rate. The new one is harder to look at specific spikes than the old one and to select times in the day, I use this to track when my heartrate is getting to high and not being able to go back to see when it spkikes is really inconvenient. The only setting that shows up is to make new heart rate zones which I already have set up. Accessibility really went down with the update" "EVERY day this app says ""sit tight, sync is taking a while"". Sure would be nice to sync when I want to instead of the app deciding to do it whenever. They have been using the same handful tips for years. Seriously, just shut them off if you can't come up with anything new. Other than those two things, I appreciate the info the app provides." "I previously rated this 5/5, but after they changed how the interactivity (or now lack thereof) of the graphs, I take away a star. The other star is how much of a pain it is to sync my device. Literally wasting half a day every 4-5 months when you inevitably need to re-sync. Overall, decent, but if I knew then what I know now, I would shop around...thoroughly." "Ready to use, I like to track my menstrual cycle on it. Sometimes connecting and updating is a lag, but overall it's good. 01/13/23 update, I can't seem to sync the watch to me zflip 4. I've tried multiple times, restarted the watch, restarted the phone and restarted the app many times but it won't sync.. Not sure what's going on but I do not like it for the new year." "Fitbit is not syncing anymore. Super frustrating... I've tried everything. Reset Fitbit, redownloaded my app, and Bluetooth on/off. Keeps saying I need an app. Please fix this issue, or I will have to go somewhere else. Update still not working and now says error when attempting to connect Bluetooth. Why haven't I gotten a response?? Can you explain yourself fitbit? Ok, FINALLY, IT WORKS ! THANK YOU FITBIT FOR FIXING IT !!" I've been using Fitbit for many years. Honestly the app is pretty good but it does have sync issues from time to time. The annoying thing is the Versa 2 update...which broke my watch. Feel like their watches only last 2 to 3 years. I'vehad other watches before that last me 10 years and it'skust a battery replacement needed... Customer service told me they cannot do anything about this....it's not even my fault the update messed up the watch.😤 "Connectivity issues with my Versa 3 have been ongoing for a couple months with no connection at all for the past two weeks. Despite unpairing, pairing again, uninstalling/reinstalling, and rebooting phone and watch, the device just serves as a watch and my premium trial subscription has gone to waste. When it works, it's great." "This app works fine, but there is one feature that I really need: the ability to trim exercises. I can't even count the amount of times I started an exercise on my Fitbit, and accidentally left it on for an hour or 2. I would really appreciate the ability to trim down exercises that I do, to include only the parts that I did actual exercise on. The screen for it could include graphs such as my heart rate, my miles per hour, and other stats. That's an idea that I hope that Fitbit will make." Cool and useful app if you are tracking exercise or vitals for whatever reason. Sleep isn't accurate I have to say at this point. Very inconsistent on actual time sleeping and factors such as the window being open blowing your curtain and suddenly a tiny amount of light gets in while your sleeping but now thinks your not skewing data. What's worse is I have a home hub that's supposed to use the sleep sensing thing however it's yet to work. App too $⬆️for something that's supposed to help people "The steps, rate, distance tracking is mostly fine but its horrible at recognizing exercises, applying impact and adjusted goals. Will definitely be switching to other tracker on my next update After the update of the app: same POS as before. Half of the time sync is failing, the goals, if adjusted, still show old number on chart, still didn't recognize steps, especially after hourly reminder. Seriously, POS" "This app is a solid ""meh"". The basic functionality and statistics are fine. Other features such as keeping a food diary are quite clunky. The premium features are not worth the price. I like the additional data, but other things like the mindfulness sessions, video workouts and recipe inspiration are all things that I can find in at least a dozen other places. I wish they would update the website to make the premium features available there where it's much more convenient to view and edit." Used to love fitbit. Been a user since 2014. I agree with others that graphs have become less helpful with recent updates. However the main reason I'm considering switching to a different fitness tracker is the continual removal of features to try and funnel us all into paying for Fitbit premium. I'm not interested in paying a monthly fee in order to use a watch that I already payed for. :( "Good information - if and when it syncs. I would expect that to happen more automatically through the bluetooth link, but it doesn't. You will have to manually try to sync it when you want an update. Does not sync with phone for message services. Does not have functional alarm like the older fitbits." "Can't use app. It stopped syncing with Zip after phone update to v9.0 and cannot reconnect. Tried to connect again after this latest app update. Still not connecting. Try again, Fitbit! You can do it! --- Mar 5 - just updated app and it still doesn't work. --- Apr 23 - just updated app and it still doesn't connect to Zip like it used to. ---May 9 - updated app and tried again - still not connecting." "It's overall good, but some features are ridiculous. The food counter basically says you don't deserve to eat until you've moved. It doesn't give a minimum calorie count once you're in there. It will say you're negative calories all morning if you eat and go to work. You didn't move much so you don't deserve lunch. I don't like the set up so I have to use an alternate app for calorie counting." "I love my fitbit inspire two, but the watch and or app hasn't been tracking my sleep well at all and I have insomnia so I like to know how much sleep I actually got but usually it'll show random hour increments and say I was awake in between those increments when I wasn't. It also likes to not track my heart rate. I have no problem syncing it with my phone knock on wood. It barely tracks when I swim even when I select the swim work out. Also very hard to get out of water lock mode. Be better..." "Been working pretty well. Decent app. The sleep score, however, is completely pointless and utterly inaccurate. I am an insomniac and only get an hour or two of sleep 2 -4 nights per week. It SHOULD give a low sleep score for that but doesn't score it at all. Instead it averages the scores I received for the 3 - 4 nights I was able to sleep 4 or more hours giving me a false score. Please get rid of the sleep score and put average hrs of sleep." "App has worked fine for years.I got a new fitbit, the sense 2, for Christmas.Set it all up with no problem, but it would not sync.I chatted with 4 reps, which included escalations to emails and then I finally called.Their conclusion? I need to wait for the next app update and try it again??? What the heck? The app should work for all the devices they currently have on the market. I wouldn't have asked for this if it wasn't gonna work!! So they tell me the app will be available ""early next year!""" "I've been using Fitbit for a little while and just recently I got a versa 2 and a membership with it, it's good but I have a swing near where I live and it keeps thinking I'm on the elliptical and I can't change that. It would be nice if they added that option or at least let you type in the activity. Update: it won't track any exercise anymore" Since the update I seem to be having trouble getting my inspire 2 to sync to the app on my phone. I have tried everything I can think of. It doesn't seem to help. Other than that issue it is generally a great app with some cool features. I look forward to getting this figired out so I can fix the issue. "The app was great and did what I needed until mid-December and it suddenly stopped pairing with my Samsumg Flip z3. Tech support said to try it again in a month because they knew about a connection issue. My phone recognizes the device, but stops when trying to set up device through the app. (I've rebooted, reinstalled, etc.)" "Similar to other reviews, I've been a long time user of Fitbit and I've noticed a failure to sync completely. For example, through the wearable, I logged several different exercises, but in the app it doesn't show anything for a few days, and it only shows partial steps. Manually refreshing the app does nothing. Also, the editing of exercises is hit or miss. Sometimes I can edit, and sometimes the option isn't there at all and I can only delete the whole activity." "I've been a Fitbit user for almost 4 years now, and appreciate many things about the device and app. But since the new update a few months ago, I've been really frustrated with the sleep data design. I assume that the new design is meant to feel more streamlined and simple, but it is not an improvement. Please change it back!" "Latest Updates Aren't As User Friendly Don't know what's been going on since I first started using my Fitbit, but the numbers have been off, flights climbed don't show, syncing is almost always off, and even if I wear it at night, doesn't measure my sleep accurately. This keeps up, might have to find a new tracker/app. Sad." I would probably give this 4 stars if it wasn't so buggy. The periodic tracking resets all the time and get be relied on unless you include ov tests. And the monthly workout calendar will have my workouts in the weekly list but will drop them from the calendar and the weekly totals. This is particularly frustrating because I actively try to use the calendar function to keep me on track. "Watch is great. I have of and on problems with notifications of messages and phone calls. All notifications are turned on, both on fitbit and in the app. But still I'm not notified. It's very annoying trying to figure out why it's not working. There is no one to call to troubleshoot with." "I am on my 3rd Fitbit and I love them when I am not having issues. My first one I gave to my mom and it's still working which is great! My second one stopped working and thankfully was still under the 1 year warranty so they replaced it, then 6 months later it stopped working again. Now recently I am having issues with it not syncing with my phone and it randomly turned to do not disturb so it wasn't vibrating at all." I've used fitbit for at least 7 years now. The latest update seems to have many glitches. It doesn't sync anymore. Screens don't fully load anymore. You can no longer put in calories burned when you manually put in exercise. Newest glitch is that it now randomly changes time and distance exercised after you put it in and won't correct. "App was working fine, but now I can't sync my Versa at all. I get an error saying there's an issue with Bluetooth connectivity. Hoping they can fix it soon. Read other reviews and this is a major issue affecting a lot of people. I downloaded the mobile app for iOS on my iPad and the Versa syncs. However, I'd prefer to use my phone rather than the iPad because the app is not made for the iPad's larger screen." "The app itself is good. I like the layout and the options available. That being said, like others have experienced after a while it just refused to sync to my Charge 3. With the time change recently, I've been trying everything to just get my watch to sync once so the time will change(since, you know, you can't manually enter the time) and am now uninstalling and re-downloading the app for the second time since the time change hoping it decides to work again." "My main issue with the app is how difficult the female health portion is to use. Basically once the app calculates when your next period should be it's very difficult to change it. So if you don't get your period on the day it has estimated it just assumes you have your period that day and there's no easy way edit it to show that you didn't get your period unless you're changing the start/end day of the period. And if you're someone that sometimes skips periods I don't know if there would be any way to rectify this. It's pretty dumb because most women I know like to track their periods in case any discrepancies come up or if they have irregular schedules; women who have perfectly regular schedules ( like this app seems to have been made for) don't really need to use an app to track things if they're always right on time. Also I've had a lot of difficulty getting the app to sync with my Fitbit, sometimes for days at a time, and the only thing that seems to help is unsyncing my Bluetooth headphones from my phone and then resyncing them after the Fitbit app FINALLY updates." "I usually love this app and use it primarily for the sleep tracker as it's the most useful. Since July 11th, my fitbit will not sync. Everytime I try it just says ""looking for device"". Every update I hope will fix the problem but doesn't. I don't know if it's the firmware or the app. I have an Alta hr and it's got to be a year old or less. I'd like a solution to this problem so there's a reason to wear my fitbit." "The fit bit is a fantastic tool in regards to fitness and health. However, I cannot give it 5 stars due to one crucial feature that is missing, customizing the screen timeout. As someone in the medical field, we use watches to get vital signs. When the screen times out in less than 5 seconds, this proves to be difficult. I fail to see why screen timeout customization could not be added in a future update. I recommend doing this, then I will reassess my opinion of the fitbit." "The app often stops working. In three months my watch has unpaired with the app atleast 10 times. Usually it takes several hours to work again, except for the one time it took a week. Customer service can't help. They just walk you through the same thing the app directions have you do. It's really frustrating when I am having a great day/week and have to lose data. I love the idea, but why is it so buggy?" "I've been using Fitbit for about four years and they recently updated the app's design. I've waited a while and given it a fair chance to get used to it, but it is sadly NOT an improvement in any way. The old square design was much more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing. The weight chart that showed you how much progress you've made was motivating, and now that's gone. Fitbit, please reconsider this design change. I'm telling you as a graphic designer myself, it's a downgrade." "I really like this tracker and the app but for some reason they keep disconnecting from each other. All day when I try to sync it says ""Device not found"". It's charged. I see ""Inspire"" in the bluetooth device list and nothing it's frustrating. I have to disconnect and re-pair and who wants to do that all day? Not me. What am I missing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated." "I have been a Fitbit user for over 3 years now. I recently upgraded to the Versa from the charge 2. I am having so many problems!! The main problem is that the Versa just will not sync. I have tried syncing to my laptop, iphone, and Droid turbo. You guys really need to fix this problem. I have been on many discussion boards trying to troubleshoot on my own, and this is very clearly a huge problem!!" "After the last update, the sleep and activity data don't show up on my Versa. I did some of the recommended fixes e.g. power down, etc. Thankfully, it works again. I tried the notifications but had difficulty deleting some old ones, so I turned off the feature. Pandora Plus works, but loading is only available on 2.4 GHz so it takes a long time. I like using the alarm clocks." "I loved this device, no I still love the device.. but the app and I are about to get a divorce. Ever since the last update, I have had problem after problem. I keep everything up to date on OS and all apps, so I know and have checked, that's not the problem. It won't sync. I have had to pair and unpair, uninstall and reinstall, and do a reset daily. And here I am again. Still no sync for data, but it will tell me my battery is getting low, in a repeated alert from five days ago. Fix it please" "The app constantly had difficulty syncing with my device. I eventually got tired of how unstable it is and stopped using my device. When it did work, I loved the sleep tracking. The heart rate monitor isn't too accurate but it at least provides a baseline. I liked the steps counting. The workout tracking is just okay (sometimes I manage to touch it while I workout and prematurely pause the workout without knowing). The food tracking leaves a good deal to be desired compared to other apps." "I love my Fitbit! I wear it all the time. Normally love the app, but after the update it won't always sync properly. I either have to start my Bluetooth again or sometimes restart the phone. Not even when I'm my home wifi will it sync right. Please fix! I use the app to keep track of my water intake and to count my calories. UPDATE- still having syncing issues including having to delete and reinstall the app, and my C3 onto the app. I lose some of my data. Won't sync if not on WiFi??? Why?" "It was good to start, but now (last 1.5-2yr) certain features are buggy and don't save inputted data. The latest update with the new graphing style is very difficult to actually see data and no longer seems to allow the graphs to be expanded for better viewing. Overall, still does the same thing, but the interface isn't as good as it used to be." "Don't know what you guys did when you put out the last update but the notifications from phone to Charge 2 are all screwed up. Not even remotely close to who's calling comes up. The text part seems ok, just the call notifications are totally off. Please be aware and fix. Thanks! Now with the ""bug fixes"" it doesn't work at all ..... Aaaaagh! And now it drains my battery 2x's worse than before. Don't need to be reminded to sync constantly. Figure it out people! Constant issues. Really???" "Would like to give this app a higher rating, but there is a big flaw in that the calorie count and nutrition info fo almost everything you scan or search is wrong and there are multiple entries which vary immensely. I have to use my calculator to figure out the amount to vary so it matches the calorie count on the item, which is very time consuming. Also don't like the recent changes to the sleep recorder where it rates your sleep...those numbers mean nothing to me." "When it works it's great but since I purchased my Fitbit Versa 2 this app crashes constantly. After my system updated, it seemed to get better for awhile but now it's failing to sync with my Fitbit and it crashes every time I try to access it. I've sent reports to the company when it's crashed several times but they don't respond back. I've used this app for years with no problem but now I'm so frustrated. I hope they can fix the problem." "The device itself is great, but I echo other complaints about the app not syncing and how there are so many steps or ways to fix the issue only to have to fix it again even a day or two later. I think there are definite bugs that need to be worked out with the app and syncing before I can give it a higher rating. It happens far too often and is very frustrating." "Usually, I love this app and everything that my Sense is capable of. However, everything has stopped working since the new update. I no longer recieve notifications on my watch-which I rely on heavily due to work. This has been a huge issue and I would love to see it fixed as soon as possible. I've tried everything suggested on the fitbit website, in addition to a few others. Tried contacting support, but got disconnected from the chat and haven't been able to open a new one since. PLEASE fix!" "Overall the app is now finally working really well, syncing nicely, etc. If I had the option to turn off the sleep score, I'd give it five stars. The sleep score is useless to me and creates more stress than any ""help"" it provides. Does anyone even understand how the nightly score is determined & tabulated!? I can't find any useful info on this confusing algorithm. To summarize, I do not care for the sleep score and would like the ability to turn it off. Thanks" "As all good apps do, this one has gotten better over time. However, the constant issues with not receiving texts that requires I boot my phone and/or fitbit make this frustrating to use. Small issues with the functionality also bring the rating down. For example, if I go for a walk without telling fitbit I am doing so works great. All the data about the walk is available, including my heart rate data. But if I tell Fitbit I'm walking, it maps the walk, which is cool, but heart rate info is gone" "This app used to be great, but declined over the years. Now I find a constant need to delete and reinstall app in order to get it to work, which is annoying. I don't think they keep up with android updates. It also doesn't pair well to scale, which used to be at the touch of a button, but now searched and can't find the scale that's inches away." "Generally ok but often has trouble syncing which is probably the watch. Really not happy about the new premium pay as you go stuff. Can't edit or view exercises like you can on the desktop version. Response to response. Roger the premium service, sadly it is at the expense of the basic included service. Regarding syncing, it is the Fitbit not the phones or computer. Followed the steps many times. It is the equivalent of turning it off and on again. Don't let your engineers fool you." "Constantly broken for various reasons. Every time something is fixed, another thing is broken. Either the app, the device, or both, always need some kind of fix. Fitbit can definately do better, but as of July 2019, ii have come to expect something, at least, to not function as intended with the app or versa. ""Disappointed"", might be the correct word here." "I've used Fitbit for years with no problem, but recently the Menstraul Health tab has stopped working for me. At first, when I clicked on it and tried to change the date of the period, it wouldn't save it. I tried to delete and reinstall the app, and now it's even worse. When I click on the tab now, the app crashes completely. It's very frusting and inconvenient as someone who actually has periods." "Has worked great for almost 3 years, but has stopped reliably syncing in the last week or so. I've tried all the steps suggested. I've restarted both my charge 3 and my phone numerous times, and even uninstalled and reinstalled the app. It just doesn't seem to work. I get the message that no device found. Finally got with customer support and got the device working again..... For about 10 minutes. Called customer support again and was told my note 8 isn't supported? It was working before" "App does not sync consistently. It does not give notifications to the tracker consistently either. It worked very well with my Samsung S7, but does not work really at all with the newer S9. I have sent emails to Fitbit support, but nothing has changed. Very disappointed that it will not work properly with a newer model phone. It is basically useless to me." "This app is great when it works, but there are MANY times it doesn't work. Trying to sync a device to the app is ridiculous, and you can't view all of your information unless the device is synced to your phone. Considering Fitbit is a top of the line company, they should really start focusing on their app, so their watches can work properly." The app will stop Syncing to the watch from time to time. I will do a reset and it still won't sync. Then all of a sudden it will sync. This has been going on way before Google had anything to do with it. I had The Versa 1st edition and it would do it all the time. Then I got the sense and it does the sam. The weather is always off by 20° it's weird "Been having a lot of issues since the last update, it's super slow to sync, and I rarely ever get my message/phone call notifications on my Fitbit anymore. I just had to try syncing it 5 times before it even showed my last sleep. Not sure what changed but the app is garbage right now. I've tried restarting my phone and my Fitbit, reset the Bluetooth connection, etc, and nothing is working. Please fix the connection/syncing issue!!" "Seems better but in the last month or so, google assistant has stopped working as it keeps disconnecting on a sync... I turn off Bluetooth and turn it back on, it comes active, I run a sync, then shows not connected. really annoying. also if I try to set it up, when it tries to communicate it fails to connect, but when I click try again, it instantly connects... why is it so buggy???" "The app is generally pretty good at updating, despite some syncing issues in the past. I would really like the feature to be able to copy meals from one day to another in the food tracker. As someone who meal preps and eats the same food often, it would save me SO much time if I didn't have to input each same individual ingredient every day. I find the 'recent foods' isn't super accurate either, making it more difficult to track down certain foods that should otherwise be easy to find." "On the whole, the kind of data that this service provides gives a good insight into your healthy habits and allows for easy tracking. However, there have been a lot of glitches and downtime lately with the online services, editing and adding workouts is awful and will often render the original data useless. Service seems to be on a downhill trend of late. Service also withholds certain data items unless you pay loads for ""premium"". Time for a change I think." "Webtoon is an AMAZING app! I live the stories on it and the art, it's definitely a hyper focus point. But i can't get into my account for months now and it's really stressing me out. It says my email address isnt registered but it won't let me make a new one with that email. I've never seen this happen before and I'm not getting any solutions. If you download, be careful not to log out in case this happens to you! :(" "I really enjoy webtoons. But right now, it feels like they're become another version of tapas and theres ALWAYS romance featured even after February. The coin system is the major setback as well though and I have some suggestions:We have to pay 7 coins now instead of five, but it's that it's hard to get the coins and use. Please get rid of the timelimit on event coins we earned, add a few more ad options, and more events to compensate. That'll really improve the overall experience." "I've had to drop several stars just because of the quality lately. I've really loved this app and have been able to read great stories. Daily passes on finished stories and ads don't both me because it's great that the author's can keep being compensated. I more so feel issues with the release of new stories hidden behind daily passes, locking the last three episodes of daily pass stories, and how difficult it is to get coins to unlock them. I really loved this app, but it's gone downhill." I love the app but I've had a problem on 2 of my devices now. I'll have full internet connection. And then suddenly it won't work. I've tried switching wifi networks and it will work for a few months and then won't work again. Please fix this problem it is really annoying. I just want to be able to read without it cutting out and saying I have no internet "The app works fine, there are decent stories on here and UI is easy to navigate. I haven't had any issues with ads since I've installed it. I'm fine with waiting about a week for a new episode of a webtoon. Although, the option to buy coins is a little pricey. Nonetheless it's been a pretty okay experience. But recently I've been having issues with the app logging me out of my account. I'll go into the app and it asks for an age verification and says I need to log in. I don't know why." "As much as I love this app and the stories on it, I feel like the user experience has degraded, mostly in the aspect of the daily passes. Personally I prefer to read a few chapters at once, and I'd rather watch an ad before every episode than have to wait a whole day to unlock a new episode. The daily pass feature has actually stopped me from wanting to read certain stories because I don't want to have to wait for each episode. Im all for supporting creators, but I wish this feature was changed." "A nice app with a lot of good stories. I'm bumping it down two stars for two main reasons. 1. Never EVER spend money on coins through this site, 3 times I tried it, three times the credit card was hacked and had to be frozen. 3. Many new stories are coming out with a price tag each episode, or daily pass. Popular stories also cost more to fast pass than others. And there is pretty much no way to get coins without buying them. Cool stories, not loving the capitalist greed and security issues." "Overall a pretty good app, would have done 5 stars, but for almost a month now the app is convinced I don't have an internet connection, while YouTube works just fine, and all the comic thumbnails work fine, it's just when I try and go to a comic (either the main page for the comic or a chapter) it just loads for like a minute, then gets mad at me not being connected to the internet, but I know I am.(if this is resolved I'll change my review) edit:after re-installing, it is entirely broken now" "When I originally downloaded the app, I was able to find new stories and creators very easily and even quickly read through my favorites. Now you're restricted to how much you can read, which honestly it makes me not even bother reading most stories. I really dislike how it's becoming a money app rather than a place to find new stories and nice art. If you're willing to pay for the coins or not being able to catch up on episodes you've missed, it is still relatively enjoyable." "I've used Webtoon for years and really enjoyed it. I didn't even mind when they introduced coins. However, these event pop-ups that show every time I open the app have gotten out of hand. Even if I click ""don't show again"" I get the same pop up next time I open it! I used to use this app several times a day, whenever I had the freetime to read a few episodes. Now I don't want to open it because I dread the pop ups the come up, especially when there's four in a row. Just let me read my comics!" "I love the app in general and have for a very long time but recently I've noticed some issues that have really been making me feel frustrated and not want to use the app. I am unsure if it applies to just one comic (since I've only experienced it when reading Tower of God) or if it only happens if I've been reading for a long period of time, but I've experienced weird periods of time where my screen would go black in the middle of reading a chapter and it annoys me because I have to exit the app completely and re-open again. Also, I've experienced a malfunction with the downloading system (also related to the Tower of God comic) where I cannot download the first 300 episodes despite not seeing those episodes on my downloaded list. I downloaded those episodes over 4 months ago and forgot to clear them, which I thought was causing the problem of not being able to download them again, but they weren't even on the list of downloaded comics so I couldn't delete them and then re-download them afterwards. This is really frustrating me because I want to binge-read the entire series and catch up, but I am not near Wifi often so I can't load the pages. Again, I am unsure if these issues apply to other comics or just one specific one, but please please please fix it Webtoons!" "The app is good. It is easy to find good stories and you can easily access them in your subscriptions. However, the fast pass feature is a bit annoying. It breaks the experience and is not a very good concept. If they want to make more money, they could make it where there is a small monthly fee ti see episodes early rather than what they are doing with the coins. They could also remove fast pass on finished series and old episodes." "Love the content! The app could use some work though... I have an account and more often then not, I am not able to 'heart' any chapters. When I click the heart, the count number drops to 0 and it remains empty. (This has been an issue for almost a year now, and I've cleared cache and uninstalled, but nada.) Also, it would be useful to have the option to mark chapters as 'read' or 'unread', and make the bookmark feature controllable by the user, not automatically the last chapter you read." "I absolutely love this app, however, recently I have been unable to open the app because every time I do so it says that it has crashed. I have uninstalled the app on multimedia occasions as well as clear out my cache data, storage, memory, and even set up an entire new security system. Im not entirely sure what is happening, and it could very well be my phone, but its just a bit frustrating. Otherwise, an incredible app!" "The content is incredible and the interface is simple and easy to operate. My main issue with the app is that it seems to be extremely taxing on my device. Pages can freeze on the checkerboard pattern for minutes at a time and scrolling locks up from time to time. These wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't causing my device to heat up dramatically, and I mean dramatically. At the time of placing this review I finished 6 pages of various comics and my device has noticeably cooled off in the time it took to type this." "I enjoy using the app, the stories are wonderful and its immediately known how much effort is put into creating them. HOWEVER, the app itself is what I have a problem with. It crashes after reading about 2 chapters in a row and sends me back to the ""for you"" screen. Really annoying when I'm trying to catch up on stories I'm subscribed to..." "In general I do love the concept of this app as well as many of the comics. However, I HATE that it is no longer telling me when a new strip has been added to my subscribed list of comics. It's aggravating to have to go through all my subscribed comics, into each one's menu and scroll to see if a new one has been added. Frustrating enough to make me lose interest in even opening the app." "I love all the webcomics and the variety of stories. I could read for hours and hours. Except the apps performance drops drastically the longer I'm on it. It always closes a chapter on me in the middle at least one. And it will start to stutter and threaten to crash the longer I read. I love everything else, it's just the stability that I dislike, which unfortunately is quite important." "it is really good!!! i love being able to read so many comics with such ease! I even want to make my own comic!!! although, i find it kind of tedious that in order to post a comic, you have to go to the computer version. I, for example, primarily use my phone because my computer is currently not working and it us easier for me. it would be nice to be able to post comic strips on the app. it would probably also be easier for some webtooners(?) to post when on vacation or away from the computer." "Overall the app has been great. It's easy to use and has all of my favorite webtoons. I've only had one issue with the app so far. Quite frequently, as I am reading a comic, the app will freeze and then crash and go back to the chapter lists. It is quite annoying having to constantly go back to the chapter that I was reading and having to scroll down to find out where I was before the app crashed. Fix this please and the app will be perfect for me." "Love the stories! The app's functionality could use an update, though. I've been reading on webtoon for about a month or two. Theres a new challenge going on right now that's a daily read challenge. I read this practically every morning *and* evening, but every time I log in, even if I've logged in several times in one day, it restarts my progress. It hasn't gone past 1 day because of this. The app doesnt have a way to talk to support and the HELP tab is not helpful." So many great stories and great reading system. Very user friendly and simple. Only problem is the newest update to where you have to wait or use daily pass to re-read completed comics. I wanted to re-read some of my favorite comics but if I wanted to I would have to wait for each chapter to come out. This is a waste of time because I already know what happens in the story and re-reading shouldn't take a long time. This terrible feature they added really puts the app off for me. "*UPDATE* A ot of improvements have been made since the last time I posted. Good job team! Now, here's the thing... I know its normal for everything to reset with changing device. (Which is kinda of a let down but livable.) My issue is that I've logged in and ""My Series"" list has been COMPLETELY gone. I've just spent the last couple of minutes trying to remember every series I was reading before ""the switch"". Now, some of the ""older"" series that I just started reading I have to pay to read 😥" "Just got a new phone and signed into my account. Apparently the history is saved on the device and not through the account, so all of my bookmarks disappeared. I'll catch back up eventually and all my series were still there, but it's an annoying problem to have. Overall, I love the comics and the interface is pretty good, although sometimes it loads very slowly." "One of my favorite comic reading apps, but it is held back by a couple technical issues. The first is high power use. After reading a couple chapters, my device gets very hot and battery drains very quickly. This may have to do with high refresh display, but I haven't tested 60Hz yet to confirm. The second issue may be related to the first, sometimes the app will stutter while scrolling and then crashes. This sets me back to the home page. Hope these issues can be fixed in an update." "I like the app and read it almost every day. I just wish there was a way to make the series I've subscribed to and caught up on stand out against ones with new content to read. Once I click on it, it will show, but from the main subscription screen it would be nice. I'm reading a lot of older stories or ones not currently being updated weekly. As I subscribe to new ones, they get lost." "Firstly let me say the app and all the comics here are amazing. 5 stars easily. What drops it to three is, for some reason, when I'm reading multiple episodes of a comic in a row, the app for some reason causes my phone to heat up and it'll either crash or, what just happened which led me to write this review, overheat my whole phone and make it turn itself off. I think this must've been a recent change because at the start of the year I was bingeing comics for entire days without issue." "Freezes my phone constantly! So I really love reading manga on this app, but for some reason every single time I use it, it's always freezing! Its so bad that even after exiting the app my phone is so slow and buggy until I close the app completely. This is the only app on my phone that does this and it does it on my other devices as well. I really wish it wasnt so buggy because I love reading these comics every week when they come out. Please fix it!" "I used to really love this app as a way to escape daily life and just bury myself in a story. But it's expensive now. I struggle with money so I cannot afford to buy the coins to read an entire completed series. The fast pass is understandable to charge for and plenty of people were fully willing to do that, but I ended up being unable to finish some of my favorite completed series once the changes went through. A monthly subcription would be better for those who struggle financially." "I have used this application for a year or two and it's amazing. I didn't even have a problem when they added the fast pass, since it allowed readers to further support their favorite authors. However recently I tried to reread a few comics that had been completed and learned you could only read a certain number of episodes before you have to use passes to unlock more. While i disliked this fact, what really got me was the pass only temporarily unlocked the episodes.Please change this, thank you" "The app is enjoyable, and a good platform for a lot of artists to share theirs skills and ideas. The idea of coins to skip ahead on a few episodes (fast pass) for continuing series is great for the artist, and it doesn't have much detrimental effect on the reader base. The daily pass however seems overly detrimental for readers. Rather than restrict people on the amount they can read on completed series, a coin donate button for series or incorporating more ads would be preferable." "It's such a great app that allows so much content for people to look at or share, but it's been weird lately. Recently has been freezing and not responding when I am reading a comic. I do think the coin system is interesting, it allows people to read ahead and we all are really trying to secure the bag. I don't understand why other people are saying it is limiting, it really isn't. It provides the same amount of updates per week (if the creator has a schedule) but also allows people to pay for further episodes. Just because some people can and you can't doesn't mean that it limits you (I can't either, I don't have the money to). Great app, just acting weirdly." "Hello! I would like to say that this app is amazing, but I have two bugs. The first bug is when I'm in the middle of reading any WebToon, my screen flashes black, then white, then goes to the screen I was on before I tapped on an episode. I have not had this issue on a laptop though. The second bug happens when I've been reading WebToons for a long time, a panel that is in a different episode appears in place of a panel on another episode. I'll update this when these are solved!" "Love reading webcomics, and there's some really, really great ones on this app. But, not a fan of the daily pass because of the 14 day expiration. If I'm reading a webtoon with hundreds of pages, I won't be able to go back and look at something I might have missed from an earlier page. Plus, I primarily read on my desktop, with its nice and giant screen, but now daily pass series are locked away and I get redirected to the app." "App is great, does everything it should. Only problem is the download feature is terrible. The download only once and for 30 days max is great. It's how buggy the download process is. Better not let your phone screen turn off or it stops downloading. I dont want to have to watch my phone so it stays downloading, want to be able to start it downloading and walk away, then come back and binge read the new series. But when it fails and stops when the screen turns off it's annoying." I've been on this app for 3 years and didn't have any problems until when I came across to a old completed comic had suddenly had the daily pass. Yes we all understand that you need money but it's just silly. If someone were to pay for the early passes for countless of episodes and when the comic is completed they might want to reread it but then turns out they need to pay AGAIN. it's really a waste of money for people who are struggling financially. Please rethink the daily pass. Thank you. "Used to be a 5 star experience, app is great and functional, but they've started locking entire series behind a paywall, which is s c u z z y. I was in the middle of one when suddenly, I can't go to the next episode, or the one before it, without paying money. I understand the fast pass, it makes you money on series that are still in progress. Locking finished, popular series behind the 'daily pass' is a bad move. I shouldn't have to pay money for an episode I've already read or to comment." "I have been using this app since it was called Line Webtoon and had the old bubbly icon. Webtoon was my favorite app. The reason for this being that it always has amazing content, and was the only app I could read for free. However, this has changed now. Although understand artists need support, comics that have been out before this have a ""daily pass"" limits, even if I've read them. This is very disappointing. I think you guys have gone too far. I never look forward to each update." "Comics are great, but the app has some annoying qualities. I was reading a comic on Webtoon without the app, and it said I could only read the last 3 parts if I downloaded the app. So I did, only to find that you actually had to pay to see them on the app, which the advertisement told me nothing about, so it was pretty much false advertising. Also, it makes you log in again every time you go back or forward and continues to ask you to download the app... from the app... that you downloaded..." "I like the app very much, and it has great stories, however, the events they do are pointless. They will only reward you 3 coins (which expire fast) and that isn't enough coins to purchase anything. They should fix their awards amount, get rid of the expiration date, or lower the fee for fast passes. If you give a reward make sure it is even worth it. 😑" "I love this app! But there is a severe flaw I keep experiencing. I'll be binging a story for a while, and the app progressively starts lagging out my phone. I'm assuming it's eating up my RAM somehow, and it's very annoying to shut down and restart the app. It also will crash if it lags out enough. Not sure if there is a fix for it, but it truly ruins the experience of the app." "Screen keeps blacking out on me and the only way to fix it is to restart the app. Thankfully the app marks where I left off with a series so it's not too bad, but it's still annoying. I've installed this app yesterday and had the screen black out at least 15 times by now. The only saving grace is that it does have comic series I like and it saves my progress with each series automatically." "Could function better. The webtoons and the creators produce great content but this app takes a huge hit on rating for me. My phone is fairly new and has had no issues with any other app. This one however after reading 2-3 episodes or chapters of something freezes, restarts and takes me back to the main page. It takes away from the content as it's a major inconvenience and interruption into solid webtoons. Other than that the app works fine. But I would highly suggest sticking to a web browser." "Webtoons is a great way to read comics and experience these beautifully done stories (sometimes with music/sfx!). I would rate it higher, but for an application meant for continuous scrolling through content, Webtoons appears to have a memory leak. The longer I have it open, the slower the app (and my phone) are-- until the app finally crashes. I generally have to restart the app every 5-10 chapters for the best experience, which is unfortunate." "It is a good app, it hosts lots of good comics, the pricing is affordable and the user experience is good. My biggest issue with it is they neither take the responsibility nor enforce any sort of accountability from the authors. I understand the authors need to take breaks but the readers are left hanging for months without even a single update on the status or if or when they plan to return, nothing at all! It is most frustrating really!" I love this app there is so many great stories to discover from many artists all around the world! One thing I've been having an issue with since June was that it crashes and freezes multiple times (some days it's almost every other chaper). I love that this app is free and it does come with some down sides but this just sometimes makes it unbearable and pointless to even use. I like it everything is amazing except for downloading and pop up ads (I don't know the right term). The downloading doesn't let you read it offline it just shows the reloading button. The pop up ads happen every time I go to the next ep. for a comic and even if I press the x it doesn't work and it keeps popping up. This can get very annoying when you're trying to read it. "I honestly love the app and all the opportunities it provides to earn coins and provide exposure to different comics. The only issue is the daily pass system. I like reading daily pass stories, but I'm pretty busy, so I won't go on the app for a while anx when I get back to the story I wanted to keep reading, I can't go back to recap or finish the episode I was reading because the episode is locked. It sometimes discourages me from finishing some comics I enjoyed before." "I love everything with this app. Love all the stories and sound affects, but the only problems I have now with it is the pop up ads. The adds didn't pop up before when I used to have this app, and same thing with the daily pass..? The last time I had this app, daily passes were not included before and I don't like how its included now all of a sudden. I should be able to read the stories freely instead of having to wait days or weeks just to read one or more chapters." "Would have given it a 5 but it glitches and unexpectedly stops sometimes. Also when using different devices I can't tell where I last was unless I check the other device, the only way to get pass this issue is by liking the last thing you read.Lastly, when reading the comics on my laptop the spacing between the comic images are too long bit are fine in the mobile version.Other than that, you should definitely download this app! The stories are compelling and well developed." "The comics are great but the app is unreliable. I can't use it for 10 minutes before it starts glitching. Scrolling will suddenly start to lag, the chapter will close out suddenly, the app will crash, trying to like a comment and suddenly sent to the home screen, ect. All these things keep happening lately. It's very frustrating." "Overall, the app is great, love it. But over the last few weeks, sometimes it randomly starts playing short music clips on strips that definitely do not have music. And it's the same sound every time. It's very loud and disruptive, need that fixed before I can rate it higher." "I'm pretty satisfied with the content and the new monetization schemes. HOWEVER, there's something wrong with the software itself. I don't know why, but it eats up so much more processing power than other media apps, like YouTube and Netflix, which both process SO much more data than this app. If I spend a half hour on Webtoon, I'll often have to stop in order to let my device cool off. I can even cool down using one of the aforementioned apps. Pay your software devs too, Webtoon." "I've been using WEBTOON for a few years and up until recently, I didn't have complaints. However, it's going downhill. Fast pass is fine, I don't ever use it but I get that it helps to support the authors. But very recently they added Daily Pass. Probably one of the worst decisions. You have to PAY to read (or reread) a COMPLETED webtoon. It's infuriating.This is especially ridiculous with webtoons that had Fast Pass. It's a greedy move. I would rather have ads between chapters." "This app is amazing, and I for the most part have no problems with it. It has great stories, and is free! The reason for 3 stars is that I wish there was a way to recover the stories you've read if you delete the app and lately everything is becoming a daily pass, which makes the stories hard to enjoy. It's especially annoying when there is over 100 episodes for a series." "Personally I think this app is great, it has amazing stories that are fun to read and it's great looking forward to stories you love every week. Sadly there is a daily pass system that makes you lose interest in stories that have it, makes you just stick to stories without it. Another not so great thing is when you are reading lots of stories at a time, there is no way to organize them or keep track of which ones you have read and haven't. Would love to see something like that." "I love this app and the webcomics on it. The creators are amazing and the viewers/commenters are really nice. BUT!! Quite recently, the app has been crashing and preventing me from reading more than a single comic at a time without having to close it and go back into the app. I'd give it a 5 if the problem could be fixed." "I love the being able to read all of these great stories from great authors. The app has way too many problems though. The app crashes at least two or three times when I use it in a 30min to an hour time span. Some of the completed Webtoons have a daily pass lock on it with no chance to unlock the others. I also can't use the free coins from the event. Anytime I try to use my free coins to jump ahead an episode, the app tells me the device limit has exceeded. Please fix this." "While Webtoon is a great app, it has some problems. One, it doesn't save your progress. I sometimes delete Webtoon for a while and come back to it just to realize it didn't save my spots. Two, it kicks me out of the webtoon I'm reading. I don't know if this just happenes to me or anyone else but please try to fix it. I found some more bugs, it takes parts of one episode and put it in another." "Love the app. The transitions from chapter to chapter is smooth, and everything flows nicely. Only thing bad about it is when I read a ton of chapters at once, my phone starts overheating, and it eats away at my battery faster than any other app. I'm fine with the daily pass, really hasn't bothered me too much, but the fact that it takes 20 minutes for it to drop 7 percent is a no from me. And it only gets worse as it goes on." I love this because of the content. My only qualm is that I recently changed phones and downloaded the app and all of the bookmarks on the comics I read which is close to 50 weren't there anymore. If you could fix this with the next update that would be fantastic. Because as it stands now I'm having to start reading all of them from the beginning again and several of them are several seasons into the series. "It's a good app, I like the various types of stories. However, suddenly they went from 5 coins fast pass to 7 for a few. You also used to be able to go back ans read complete series, bur now it's a pay or daily pass also. Or uploading new series on a daily pass.... I buy packs, but if they keep going up or just wanna make passes for everything it won't be worth it anymore." "I love the concept of this app as well as the app. But it has a flaw that has been rather anoying. For over a year it has been working fine and now it has difficulty loading any webtoon at all. I have it on its most recent version. Completely up-to-date. It loads the content i want to read very sporadically. When it does load it works fine. And i could deal with this better if it was less frequent. But more times than not, it refuses to load anything upon clicking on (insert Webtoon name here.)" "I love the app, and the stories are beautifully illustrated. However, my app CONSTANTLY glitches. The page flickers, sometimes does rainbow streaks, and then the app force quits or just crashes. It's always when I'm reading a story, not when I'm on the home screen. I'd LOVE some help with this, because it makes it frustratingly hard to read stories that I get REALLY into. Otherwise, it's an app totally worth 5 stars." "I love webtoon, there are some great comics on there, I really appreciate that you can use it free unlike nearly all other comic apps. My reasoning for only three stars however is just how unstable the app seems to be. I've reinstalled it before, cleared my cache, looked through some troubleshooting guides, but my app crashes on me constantly. It's inconsistent as well, sometimes I can read for a bit without any issues, sometimes every other panel seems to crash the comic or app." "The comics are great and it was addicting. But there is one major problem that causes me to delete the app. The app lags, that okay, that is to be expected. However what is not to be expected is that I causes my whole tablet to lag, there would be time where I could not even turn it on because of this app, it took deleting, for my tablet to get back to normal. I tested it out several times, it's only when I download your app that the problems occur. Please fix this." "PLEASE FIX THE ISSUES WITH THIS APP! I love these webtoons but it really pulls you out of the story when the same chapter crashes 3 times and you have to scroll to find your place. Especially since I'm paying for the fast pass coins. I did not have these issues until recently. I've uninstalled and reinstalled three time, turned my phone on and off, tried on and off wifi...I'm desperate!" "I typically love everything about this app and prefer it to its competitors like Pocket Comics. However, I recently encountered an issued where I wanted/needed to change the email address on my account. Apparently you cannot change email tied to your account without creating an entirely new account. Granted, paid content on this app becomes free eventually, that seems like a really ridiculous thing to have be an issue." "The stories are amazing, of course, but when a comic for an hour or so the app seems to freeze and you have to reopen the comic and restart the episode. It might be my phone as well but many others also have this problem. I've had the problem for awhile and reinstalled the app but after awhile the issue re-emerges. Please fix it! :)" "I love this app so much, but there are some inconvenient this about it. First, the search really sucks, there is no way to find other topics besides the one givin, and its super hard to find comics that maybe aren't so popular. Second is that I can't just go to an artist I like and see what other comics they have made. It would be a lot better if we could search artist or click on their names and be able to see their other works. That all i have for criticism. Again, I do really like the app, but it could be a lot better in some ways." "The series on the app are fantastic! However, the Coin/Daily Pass system is a bit clunky, so any series that require it are frustrating to read. I wish there were alternative ways to earn access/support the artists, such as optional watching ads to unlock things or paying a subscription of some kind to unlock everything." "I love this app and the stories i get to read. My only issue is that after an update about a year ago, the app quickly overheats my phone every time I use it. I dont have the newest phone, but it runs well with any other app i have. It also occasionally crashes, due to the overheating i think, and sets me back to an episode. Subsequent updates have yet to fix the issue. It would be nice to see the overheating being fixed. the rest i can deal with. 5 stars for stories, 3 bc overheating" "I love this app but recently it has been crashing quite a bit, they also removed the ability to take screen shots which really was one of the main reasons I loved this app so much, I could share moments with other people who otherwise wouldnt even come across it, once the crashing is fixed and if they bring back screenshots it would be 5 stars, other than that the only thing that makes it stand out from ever other comic site is that it's free." "Would give it 5 stars except for the app hasn't worked in a month. It won't load the home screen but it will load instantly the Webtoons I've read, doesn't save the ones I'm subscribed to. But the biggest issue is that all my other apps that use images and videos work perfectly, instantly. Except this one. And I've become attached to the characters in some of the stories and sadly I am going to have to find another comic app because this one won't load." "It's a great app, really. It's incredible that it's free and barely interrupts you with ads at all. there are comics for almost everyone. However, many comics don't get credit they deserve; the more popular comics are advertised much more than the less popular ones and it really needs to be the other way around. Another important thing is Daily passes; very very annoying. For some completed comics, you only get 1 episode a day. I might stop using this and move to another app bcuz of this." "Use to, you wouldn't have wait to read another chapter with daily pass. I would read entire digital comics multiple times. Now you can't do that, even if you read them a million times. Now you have to wait for daily pass. I say if you were reading a comic before they added this ""feature"" that you could go back and re-read the chapters and comics you've already read. I was in the middle of reading a series, then I had to restart to whole thing over because they daily passed it. Awful idea." "I just love the comics on this platform. Well, most of them anyway. I would give it five stars, but there's one thing. Every time I have to delete the app, or go on my computer, what I read doesn't save. This is very annoying to me, because I have to go into a chapter, then back out. A lot of the comics I read have many, many chapters, so doing this every time is a big pet peeve. I just really wish it would save progress, so that we wouldn't have to go thtough this." "{Title: Webtoon'ed Out} I have been reading The Gamer, Let's Play, and a variety of other comics on the webtoon website for a while, so I felt it an easy transition to start using their app. It was great for a while, until the app wouldn't load any comic at all. The images wouldn't load, the previews wouldn't load, and you couldn't download any of the actual comics to force the images to load. If this issue could get fixed, this would go back to being one of my favorite apps." "I really do ♥️ Webtoon, I'm on it all the time to find new & exciting stories. But there's a couple things that could be changed to make this app better. For one, there should be more ways to earn points. Not just 1pt cuz it's useless & no one's able to unlock anything w/ less than 5pts. Also, it's annoying that if you ever do get points, there's a set amount of days to use it but no reminder. I had a good amount of pts, but I forgot to use them before they expired. Pls add a reminder function!!" "The daily pass is a terrible feature. Only being allowed to read one episode a day is literally just reading at the pace of a snail. My friends and I always lose interest when you can only read a small bit at a time, even if the series is super good. You could have the best comic in the world but put a daily pass on it and I won't be interested at all." "This is a great app, loads quickly, has lots of great content, would recommend to others. I have one issue, however, with the app: I would like a setting where the app auto-downloaded the new episodes of stories I was subscribed to when they are released, so I can read them offline. That would make this a much better option for me." "I've used webtoons for so long now and I've never usually found anything wrong with it. But recently, they have started a read every day challenge. The first time I was about halfway through the challenge when it reset. You know what no big deal so I started over again. Halfway through, it reset my logged days AGAIN! It really takes the fun out of the challenge." "I absolutely love the app, tons of amazing stories and easy to operate, but I have a Samsung and when I read a comic sometimes the page gets stuck then glitches back to the main screen and it can happen over and over again on the same EPISODE, I thought it was just my old phone, but now I have a new one I know it's not the phone it's the app, I really hope you can get it fixed so I can read and enjoy all of the amazing stories y'all publish!" "One of the reasons I started using this app was because I could binge chapters without having to pay or wait for tickets, energy, etc to recharge. I'm fine with having ways to support authors (they certainly deserve it for the effort they put into their work), but REQUIRING coins or a daily pass to keep reading seems a bit much. As annoyed as I would be having to watch ads between chapters, I feel that to be preferable to having a pay wall after the first few chapters." "I love this app, so many amazing stories to read. However, lately Webtoon's been insanely buggy for me... The app either freezes or lags and ends up crashing. It's becoming increasingly annoying. Another thing that's never happened before - the last 3 times i tried buying coins - the app said the request cannot be processed but my card was charged. So now I'm fighting with the customer service to get those coins back at least.." "Comics are good. But the app's subscribed list is very annoying. After clicking on a comic, going back to your subscribed list shuffles all the comics. This often forces a comic to the bottom of today's updates and I don't get caught up. I recommend you remove this random shuffling. At the very least add an option to remove it/choose sort preferences." I'd just like to say how much I hate daily pass. A lot of new things are being added already as daily pass which is fine but I don't like the complete series being daily pass especially if they're long. Depending on the length it will literally take almost a year to read it all for free as opposed to being able to binge it in a few days. Other than that there aren't any problems especially because there are plenty of events and things to get free coins "I love the content on this app, and the overall functionality is fine. What kills my rating is the fact that desktop progress and app progress don't sync with each other even 5? years after I first installed the app, and when I've had the app on previous phones it's randomly forgotten progress, though this was rare. In attempting installing it on my current phone I discovered it doesn't track progress across mobile devices either." Love this app and the quality of comics with a few small usability exceptions. Not being able to remove a comic from my series. If you accidentally click on a comic you don't want to read or you lost interest that series is on your list forever. And watching an ad to unlock a new episode never works for me. AFTER I watch the whole ad the app crashes and the new episode is still locked. Super annoying. "I like the app and it's features but I don't feel like it would hurt anyone for the mobile version to have the option to upload stories. I don't feel as if adding this option would take away from the whole ""reader experience"" thing you're trying to do, but I do think it would make it easier for some artists who maybe can't afford a $500 laptop, a $1000 digital drawing tablet, and any other things they needed just so that they might get a little bit of recognition for their work." "I would have a rated a 5 star rating if not for the fact that the app keeps freezing and taking me back to the first page of the webtoon despite being in the middle of a comic. It happens at least once a day when in reading the new updates and usually when reading a longer comic strip. And despite keeping the app updated constantly, this problem still persists. Is there anyway to fix it? Because this problem it's been a nuisance for the last 6 months it's been happening." "Most of it is pretty good, i like the layout and i've found a lot of really cool original series. Would and have recommended to lots of people. But y'all really gotta fix your servers, every time i open the app and there's a new popup thing it lags my phone out, and i cant even click the next chapter of something without it crashing because too many other people are reading it at the same time. You've gotten a lot more readers on your site and the servers should be able to handle it." "Many of the stories I've read and currently read are excellent. My main problem is that I can't read other ongoing stories because of the Daily Pass. I don't know why that was even added, especially since lots of completed comics already have the Daily Pass as well. I understand that all comics can't be free, but I prefer it if my options weren't as limited as they are now." "A great app for reading awesome stories. I took a star off for a couple of reasons: 1) There seems to be more and more of the daily pass limiting recently, 2) Notifications haven't been working for all my subs. Update: Forced to sync. Before last update all my history was there. I refused to sync and it disappeared. I synced and it came back. Update: The constant syncs seem to have stopped recently, not sure if it was fixed or what. +1 star." "Damn i really love this app, I've been following along with series for years and I'm so invested. The first webcomic I read and followed through the finish was noblesse, but going back i can't relive that at all without spending a crazy amount of money just for temporary access? The coin system is one thing, it is a smart business decision that gives readers a choice to spend for more access. But the daily pass is just greedy, It's honestly so disappointing. My rating was five stars until now." "I love this app!! There's so many incredible stories out there. The creators of this app deserve a 5/5 stars for sure!! The problem is, the platform recently has started making some stories daily-pass only, and you have to pay if you want to have the episode available longer after reading. There's no way to look back on the story, and the notification system makes it so you can't keep track of all of the daily-pass stories you're trying to catch up on. I'd give a better rating otherwise." "I have used this app for a long time and I love the stories and have no problem with waiting a week as the authors have to make the the comics. I use fast pass once in a while with Google play credits but recently it hasn't been recording my play credit. If I try to make a purchase in the app, it says I have insufficient credits even though I have much more when I check Google Play Store. I love this app and need fast pass every once in a while if you could please fix this it would be great." "It's an amazing app that I loved to use to read and discover comics but now there's this daily pass system? And the episodes only stay for 14 days meaning I can't go back to them once it's over and waste another pass, making me have to wait another day for a new one. Honestly it's inconvenient and just annoying, like what is the point of it? I still like to read the stories, just prefer if they didn't have the passes. And atleast let the episodes stay unlocked." "It's a great app and easy to use. I love that I'm able to read all of the amazing comics from a variety of genres. The thing is though, it keeps crashing. Repeatedly. I'll be reading a episode and then it freezes and goes and crashes on me. I'm not sure how to fix this and it's getting annoying. Which is why I gave the app a three star rating if not for the crashing, I'd have given it five stars. If there is a way to fix the crashing, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. ;3" I love this app and all the amazing comics I can read. Easy to use with frequent chapter updates. The only problem I seem to have is the constant crashes on my Samsung phone. The app will freeze in a page I'm reading and then just close out. It happens quite often and I'm hoping there will be some fixes to this in a later patch. "This app allows you to manipulate your files from your phone but it is really too slow (even on a PC with a good connection) and cumbersome to use. You don't need to t!ke me to !nother page (and load everything!) when I'm just trying to change directories. Personally, I hate the ""feature"" where it tells me that I last modified a file X days ago. Just give me the damned date--I can do the math for myself." "Buggy. The app itself is mostly OK for uploading, downloading, and otherwise working with files, but all of the important account settings have to be done in a web browser, and getting things to work (such as TFA) can be a huge headache. I'm got Dropbox Plus, but am 50/50 on Dropbox as a whole after 7 or 8 (?) years of use. I agree with a lot of the other comments: the app and service have gotten too bells-and-whistles-oriented. This is supposed to be Cloud storage, not social media." "Very difficult app to work with. It's so slow that I ended up with double downloads which caused me to run out of space which caused a lot of extra time deleting duplicates, and I still can't figure out how to move files from one folder to another. Inner workings need revamped to become more logical." "I used to be able to open a document from Dropbox to Word and save it. Since the last update, when I try to save the document to Dropbox from Word, the document is locked and will not save. I tried to change the read-only attribute in Dropbox. It auto resets when i go back to Dropbox. What did you do? If this can’t be fixed, I will have to reevaluate continued use. And I have read similar problems in other forums" "Video playback used to look like complete garbage. They made it look better for a little while, and that was nice while it lasted, but now it's unusable because any time I play a video, it has a frozen frame stuck in front of it and I can't watch the video, which is playing behind it. I tried uninstalling & reinstalling it. Seemed like maybe that worked, because the first videos I tested didn't do the glitch, but I tested more videos and they did it. Seems to be more of a problem w/portrait vids" I've been using this app to sync to my scrivener files since they don't have an android version yet and I do a lot of writing on my phone. This was working like a dream for a while but recently I've been having an issue where I can write a bunch but lose all that work because I didn't remember to click save before just tabbing out to another app for a second to look up something. I didn't close out of the dropbox app but I've lost paragraphs of work because there is no autosave feature. "The idea of having 1 place to store all my photos, videos, etc from multiple emails and devices sounds very appealing and I would like to upgrade from a basic account, but I want to use the same email that I signed up under, and the upgrade link keeps trying to put the subscription under a different email account that I rarely ever use. So far all my attempts to change the email address have failed, and there doesn't seem to be any way of contacting customer support on either end. Help!" "I like the convenience of being able to have my files available to me no matter where I'm at. What I do NOT like is the following: (1) have to download files separately, no ability to download an entire folder (or folder structure with subfolders); (2) no automatic sync, I have to MANUALLY go in and download files. The app should be smart enough to automatically sync files and folders in the background, just like the desktop version does, without having to do everything manually." "Annoying features Everytime I go to view a photo on the app, it shows a ""comment"" section on the screen at the very bottom. It's not too annoying, unless you leave the app and then open it back up, then the comment portion takes up half the screen. It's a minor annoyance, but I wish there was an option to disable it... Unfortunately Dropbox has hardly any changeable settings..." "Good storage option but the mobile version needs some work to be more user-friendly. Users cannot export multiple files in bulk to another location (i.e., Google Drive). They must be moved one item at a time which is ridiculous; please fix this. There is NO vertical scroll bar to ""grab and drag""; if you have a Dropbox folder with a lot of files you have to scroll and scroll to get to the bottom. This is VERY annoying and again, ridiculous that this feature isn't already there; please fix this." "This is usually a great app, but lately I've been having an issue where even when the document is saved to Dropbox on computer, the mobile version doesn't update, and there's no longer a manual way to get the app to check and update. Also, the formatting could be better and display document pages at an appropriate size for a phone screen instead of just shrinking." "It works ok, but a couple problems with it are real head scratchers. It doesn't work the way the IOS version does. 1) it doesn't remember the last folder you saved a scanned doc, so you have to pick it again every time you go to save and 2) there isn't an option to save as a PNG format file. IOS doesn't have an option to save as JPG option. Why the inconsistency? Lazy propramming? Other apps like this don't have this problem." "Do me a favor, make a folder of images, then navigate and interact with them as a photographer might need to (like proofing with a client) in dropbox on a mobile device, and tell me what's NOT wrong with the UX design. There's not enough space to describe the myriad ways it's a massive pain in the ass. Selective sync is a nightmare too." "This is a great app for your computer but on a mobile device it runs VERY slowly(if it doesn't time out or say things like ""Unable to delete at this time"" first). I can't even move more than 2-3 photos at a time from folder to folder without it taking FOREVER!!!!! But other than that it's a great app! I've had it for years & would recommend it!" "I use it mostly for backing up photos from my phone. I have a samsung and the automatic backup only saves the camera roll, not downloaded pics, or whatsapp pics/videos. So you have to manually upload those to dropbox. And then they don't integrate smoothly. They don't show up in the main photos tab, and when you find your photos, they appear out of order. Using the app is fine, moving to folders is fine, but the backup feature isn't great" "I have been a dropbox user for many years and absolutely loved it! So disappointed with the 'new' version, however. Syncing and updating is a struggle; cannot easily access from my new pc, not sure how to download or attach doc to email. People with whom I share docs dislike that feature and just want the doc attached for printing, etc. I have had folders shared with me that I suddenly can no longer access. I'm sure it is disappointing to hear as it takes mountains of time and energy to roll out a new version of anything, but..." "I've been a dropbox user for years. It has been and still is one of the most dependable and simplest cross platform cloud storarage solutions around . It just works! Unfortunately, dropbox has begun limiting free accounts to just 3 synced devices. Seems unfair to criticize such an excellent free service, but 3 devices is just too few for my use case. I'll be migrating to pcloud." "Can't get real help. In the past I was able, when first accessing a document, to 'pre-view' an entire document before clicking on it to edit it. Recently, the 'pre-view' page is very slow to load and when it does load only a small portion of the document appears before it either goes back to the file page or the app stops." "As much as I like Dropbox, I constantly have issues with moving pics between files. If I select files to move 99% of the time it takes me more than 5 minutes to do so, especially if it's several files. For years I've been getting ""cannot transfer now, cannot connect to the Internet""....I'm NOT offline! I've waited a couple of years for a fix, but it has never come. I'm always afraid I'm going to lose some pics because I think they've transferred and they haven't. Time to look for another option" "The feature I use the most is the camera upload function, it is convenient to have pictures automatically uploaded to an online location. Unfortunately, this feature doesn't always work and tech support tells me that clearing cache is the only remedy. It is annoying to have to clear cache every time I want to synch photos, especially since my Samsung S20+ is such a new phone. Dropbox needs to spend less time pushing services that I dont want or need and spend more time on the core capability" Having a very hard time with email integration. Trying to email a document I have saved on dropbox. My dropbox storage is not listed in the cloud accounts and finding the file locally is impossible. Ultimately unless I go into the dropbox app and save the file to my local downloads manually. I cannot attach it to an email. This is on a Sprint Galaxy Note 9. "Have loved Dropbox for years, but something they did just deleted some files. I finally found a way to go in and get those files back. However after checking to make sure I only had three devices on the Dropbox site, I now cannot open it on my cell phone. It only lets me have the option of unlinking devices, which doesn't work or getting Dropbox Plus for a month for free. I want to stay with regular Dropbox. Not sure how to fix that so I can just go to Dropbox regular." "Update is NOT cool. When I upload photos, it gives me choice ""by day"" and not the choice ""by file"". I work on photos different days, then place them in a certain folder. Since the update, I cannot choose from that certain folder and I have to filter thru HUNDREDS of photos to upload want I actually want. Put the ""choose file"" option back. I am afraid I will have to find a new sharing app to use now." "I have used Dropbox for years and always loved it, but today I tried to open a PDF from the web and it aggressively took over my preferences. I wanted to open the PDF with another program so I could fill it out, but the preference was decided for me to use Dropbox. I had to uninstall Dropbox to get it to let me open the PDF reader I wanted to use. Dropbox has displayed some sketchy aggressive behavior before, but I thought that had all been worked out. I guess not. I'm very disappointed." "This new ""comments and activity"" feature that I can't make go away when I stream videos is annoying and should absolutely be removed or at the very least, have the option to disable it on ALL content, not just individual files. Also, the video player needs to be updated to allow a video to be popped out so that I can use my phone while streaming my video." "I pay for the large storage version for several years now and it works well for auto storing my 1000s of pictures and downloading files to devices. However, am constantly frustrated by the inadequate sorting software and the non-existent duplicate file software. I spend hours wasting time trying to organize files and clean up duplicates." "Terrible customer support. You have to have a Dropbox Business plan AND pay extra in order to get phone customer support. Otherwise, you're left to figure out the issue yourself on their forum. Live Chat can only try and point you in the right direction. Also, there's no comprehensive list of various plans. I've seen different plans in different places. Lastly, you can't change or upgrade your plan if you pay through Google Play Store. Only cancel. Which I have. Done with this. Switching to Box." "I'm leaving this here to encourage the devs to look into, will update my review once fixed. Using Android 10. In the latest update, 290.2.2, the UI no longer indicates when an image has a comment. Also, I cannot update, or delete my past comments from the app, only the desktop browser. The file path is also missing in the folder view now, making it difficult to tell which folder one is in when folders have similar names. Form should never be put over function. Give me more controls not fewer." "I absolutely love the idea, I just wish the functionally was more consistent. Opening text files on phone tends to crash the app frequently, and support had not been any help with this ongoing problem. Few weeks ago photo uploads from phone stopped working for no reason, gonna try to reinstall app to see if this fixes it." "I am using the paid Dropbox version for more than 5 years. One can create shortcuts to individual Dropbox folders on Android phones. Currently (at least for 8 months from my own experience), on the newest Android phones, if you create a shortcut, its name reverts to ""Dropbox"" after a couple of days. Subsequently, you have lots of icons named ""Dropbox"". Rather annoying." "Having more storage can be accomplished by simply buying a larger sd card, they're cheap and can be transfered from device to device easily and quickly. Downloading large files to these cloud apps are sometimes not available plus you still need the room on your phone to fetch it back and wait again for it to load. Only purpose is because you're forced to use it based on the site offering the file as I encountered." "Dropbox is a great way to save your pics (ect.); however, they get you by only allowing so much data, making you pay more for extra space when you run out of room. And, it's not the prettiest of data storage. Plus, it's just not as good as regular Google photos!" "This app is really confusing. I NEVER know how to get back to my files in the folders. It seems to just show me random documents and folders on my ""HOME"" page. The point of folders is to provide some sort of organization. I'm not sure why the app shows files/docs so randomly and disorganized. I thought the developers made this issue better by providing the icons at the bottom so users can get back to their organized docs/photos quicker but, no, these files are showing up just as randomly." "I've been using Dropbox on a PC and mobile for quite a while but the mobile app experience has become infuriating, for two specific reasons: 1. If you scan a document and your Wi-Fi or data isn't on (you forget IOW) the app doesn't save the scan locally and queue it for when there is a connection. Oh no. It simply fails and discards it and you have to scan the document all over again. 2. If fingerprint unlock is on, you have to do every single time you scan and upload a document. Infuriating." "Until today, I would have given it a higher rating, as it just worked. However, the recent update has made it impossible to open .md files (just plain text markdown) with the app. This is a downgrade in functionality from my perspective, and I don't really want to be seeking workarounds. I use Dropbox because it works well as a cross platform app, but this seemingly minor issue may cause me to rethink." "The app is convenient to upload pictures and videos to a computer. However, not many flexible packages are available with different price and TB choices. The 1TB package that once existed was super ideal for many. Now, we have no choice but to pay a high price for 2TB, which is not necessary for all users. The other drawback is that Dropbox requests too much permissions... pictures and videos are the mains needed. I don't appreciate Dropbox having access to Contacts, personal Google info, etc..." "I like dropbox overall and have been a loyal customer for many years. However, I am facing a bug lately in the phone app: dropbox cannot connect to the internet on wifi even if all the other apps are able to. Restarting, reinstalling has not helped." "More or less five stars right up until the recent update that changed how text files are handled. Those ripples may not affect anyone else, but for me it's interrupting my workflow and I may have to jump ship." "Downloads fail randomly even though I have a stable internet connection, while watching videos in Dropbox my phones screen will timeout. So I'm forced to save any videos to my phone and use the media player to watch them which defeats the purpose somewhat." "The latest version defaults to opening files in the DB File Editor, which fixes an issue with not being able to edit .md (MarkDown) files. However, for viewing files in an alternative app, an extra tap is now required (3 dots -> Open with...), so I've mixed feelings about the update." "Okay so you updated the home page, I liked it. Then in the past weeks you changed default tap action on starred/all files so it opens a preview dialog instead. I don't want to preview it so I click ""Open With"" from the menu. What a bad update." "I love that it can hold a lot of storage, BUT whenever I upload a video, it always changes the resolution and makes the videos look like trash. It shows NOTHING like how it was recorded and how I saw it before I uploaded it." "I can't get in and delete the overage & being a Senior I can't afford to subscribe to all these services & I didn't ask for everything to automatically upload, someone needs to contact me to fix my account! I've got PTSD and have been under duration since July & haven't checked out fixing this and the next one up is not something I can do, shame on you locking up my important stuff, holding it hostage I suggest anyone think before signing up with Dropbox especially if you don't have disposable💰" I'm a premium subscriber and am very disappointed in the performance in the last couple of weeks. The android app is suddenly very slow to list files in a folder and load files in the interface. Really bizarre default settings. Not intuitive UX. Share a file folder just to find out a link has to be shared individually for every file inside? Who designs this? "I lost the ability to read and modify php files as well as js files. That was one of the most useful things of the app. Now it suggest I need a third party, seems like a downgrade in functionality. Why is the app suggesting me to trust another developer when the app is the one I trust. And premium doesn't fix the fact that I need another app to trust with my files." "installed dropbox for android but when I open file to MS Word on my Tablet document did not open, and I have to install latest version of dropbox aplication. I had checked the the vertion already updated" "nice that there is a Dropbox mobile for Android phones, but sometimes it seems that Dropbox mobile just will not synchronize with the current contents of a directory. very frustrating!" I actually only want a Dropbox for photos and videos family pictures. But I find it kind of hard to navigate. My photos and pictures. there then that it's pretty nice. "Dropbox is a good service, but app loses stars as Uploads from my phone never go smoothly. Always loads of files greyed out ""Waiting to Upload"" but they never seem to do anything." "What are you doing? In a world of other apps that allow a ton more (or even limitless) cloud storage, why are you still chasing the idea of charging for more storage? Or refusing to allow people to store files when they literally have 50% of their storage left. Stop this. You have too much competition to continue this line of thinking." "I'm not the most technologically experienced person around by far, so for me, this app is at moments, very confusing. Not ashamed to say that the ""answers"" are in plain sight, it's me who just isn't experienced with the navigation and operations of the Dropbox app." "I downloaded the app mainly to sync all my photos from my phone but it never does for more then a few days and then it stops syncing, I've had to upload manually or else prompt it regularly over the last 3 years and it's frustrating." After years of using Dropbox I've got to say they need a huge UI overhaul and face recognition to categorize photos by people for easier searching. It's been e very long and I mean years since I have had a Dropbox account and I have been trying to pay for the subscription for the month but I don't know what it is that wont let me. I'm not sure if it's the most recent one available and I would like to know if it is "The app works fine but the constant spam about the ""Family plan"" is starting to piss me off. And they want us to pay almost double for the exact SAME storage capacity... without even proposing plans for different storage tiers." "Will UPDATE when Reviews Pass 1-3 stars. Th.U. 4 input Everyone. Like having this B.U 4 peace of mind, but please tell me, why R things getting more Complicated, rather then Easier? BTW DBox, thank you 4 your kind Reply, but going through community support is not helpful sometimes- it can be More Work. Sorry guys. Need High Level Nerdage giving me actual steps. Issue- to see 1 image must make > than 3 steps. WHY? - We should SET DB on Recent Images 2 the Past. D.O.N.E. - How 2 Restore to Apps?" "Not as user friendly as you'd think. Gives you a limited number of apps that you didn't choose, to view photos." "Good stuff but managing space is a pain, esp as.shared folders impact all members' quotas. A smaller plan would be great... Having to buy 2T straight away is a deterrent." Great for storage but playback sucks. If the phone isn't constantly in your hand the song turns off. "Dropbox it's self is really a beneficial app, but it really takes some time to update it." "I like Dropbox but have gone with Google drive instead. £10 for 2tb is just too expensive. They need to give smaller and cheaper options for those of us who don't get the camera out every 30sec and just want some safe storage for stuff. Google do 200Gb for £2.50 a month. Yeah, I know if you multiply that out it's more expensive but if you only need 200Gb then why pay for 2Tb? I find Dropbox very user friendly and would have preferred to stay with it but at £120 per year Vs £30 it makes no sense." "Long time user, but after the most recent update, and on my samsung android phone, a text document scrolls rapidly to the end when I stop typing for a second. After consulting community posts, I turned off ""Grammerly"" text correction for the app and hope that works." So I've been using this app for many years but in the last couple. Videos fail to load or play properly. I also do not know why you would add a comment tab section to each photo forcing images to not expand in full. "When trying to play a video, in image of the next video pops up and blocks you from seeing the video you are actually playing. It is super terrible and hopefully they fix it soon." "Why is it that I had to scroll through the comments to figure out that there's an export button? There's no indication that the window that pops up even has a scrollable list of file options. For those trying to figure out how to download, click the 3 dot icon to the right of your file and scroll down to ""export""..... sheesh." "great app, but downloads seem to be actioned yet nothing appears. usdd on my tablet and phone with same results. frustrating somerimes." "Absolutely hate this last update. Cant make heads or tails of anything, cant find files..cant sort the way I want to. Sigh 😔" I have dropbox basic version. I unable to change few security settings. "It's good for saving files to off my phone, but I can't seem to sync it with my PC or laptop." "It's awfully inconvenient for such a simple thing it sets out to do. Ex. Move bunch of most recent photos from phone. From file system it doesn't allow more than 10 files at a time. From Dropbox side, there is no convenient way to find your files. Latest files in the folder are allways at the bottom and you can't change it. When selecting files app randomly decides to upload selected, closing view. You're left finding folder and scrolling down the list again, wondering where you stopped." "Great app, however the offline files function doesn't work. I select the files that I want to make available offline and activate the option. The files are marked as available offline (green circle with white arrow), however once I go in flight mode, the files won't open. Once this is fixed, I'll change my rating to 5 stars, because otherwise Dropbox is great." "The issue I have is that I try to upload files onto Dropbox through my phone, but it takes forever for them to upload, or they just stay in a buffering ""waiting to upload"" state. This happens 1) when I have the app running the background, 2) when my screen is off but Dropbox is still running in the background, and 3) even when I have the app open and on my screen. I like how it's user friendly but if this can be fixed it would run much smoother." "It's fine for storage, just not very functional. I don't like that I have to share a link that's linked with my Dropbox in order to share files." "Using Dropbox for years and happy overall, however the photo and video storage experience is not great. I love going back in time quickly to find a photo or video and loading times are poor. Especially video playback is problematic. I had to sync my photos and videos with Google photos to get a better experience. Missed opportunity" the way you get around the app is very confusing to me and definitely not straightforward. Also I keep getting error message when trying to sign anything. "Dropbox is a great app, I used it to keep my study files synced between my devices. However, I can only make the files available offline if I upgrade my acccount. This is unfortunate, and I have decided to use an alternative app which allows this in their free version as I do not always have an internet connection." Won't recognise my MS licence on android so can't edit anything. Not useful... "Uploaded videos playback online not working, please make your security more and encrypted." "I loved the app in the beginning but then I lost some thing wiich i got back on my phone, wasn't fun" "Useful and easy to use and upload to. But downloading things from Dropbox on an android is an absolute pain. It's practically impossible to download multiple things at once because of the navigation screen, and downloading individual things doesn't always work either. Edit: seems to be better, but still not a smooth and easy hung to do" "Well... It kinda works. I guess. Frustrating user experience, inconsistent with the desktop program. Very poor experience moving a file from my desktop to my Android phone. Too many steps... It works, but Google photo is definitely more convenient for anything photo related. Dropbox adds so many steps and then likes to export to different folders on my phone... And save to areas I can't find on outlook or messaging apps. But I can make it work, when I have to, I guess..." "After so many years Dropbox still doesn't listen to it's customers (although they say they do). It's still dysfunctional when it comes to saving computer files in a form of a backup, still doesn't allow for better file viewing control on Apple devices, still has a ridiculously dysfunctional technical support, and it still causes challenges when it comes to automatic backup in camera uploads. Addressed those issues many times, no one seems to care. Sad though, as I still believe they're great co." The process of transferring and moving content is tedious and awfully slow. the movie player functions incompletely and meanwhile DB wont download the movie. "Not able to send file copies. While trying to attach copies of files to an email, the default method is to attach a link to the file, not a copy. There doesn't appear any way of changing this. I can select a file and send a copy via a new email but that only works fir 1 file, not multiple files." Dropbox has never experienced a data breech and has version control and a longer period of restore time compared to its main competitors such as Google Drive. However Dropbox also costs more than their competitors by 2-3x. Their system even on their highest level of subscription which costs over $1k/year for 3 minimum users advertise unlimited storage and bandwidth but in practice cannot come close to keeping up with automated data transfer which AWS and GCP can. Even GDrive is much faster "It's okay, but could improve the inquiry process, if it is a photo storage. For example, if there is the location linked to the file, possibility to search by location, search by type of picture (landscape, portrait), search by device that took it, search by original or modified and so on, some ingenuity would be welcome, as the service cost is not little" Now everytime i try to save to my Dropbox it says there is a bug and closes. I have to attempt repeatedly until it finally works. "I have been using Dropbox for years. I like how it automatically uploads all my photos so I know there is a backup. But some features are slow such as video and audio playback, and if I hasn't been with Dropbox for so long with so many files backed up, I would probably change provider." It has automatically uploading my photos often lately. "Haven't used this app in 10-12 years, and I keep getting emails to upgrade as I'm running out of space. I don't even know my username or password. AND I never backed up to this app either. So, I'm giving it a one star as we used it for file sharing for HOA purposes only, and it served its purpose. I know nothing else about this app. Just received a response to reach at to supporton Twitter. I DON'T USE TWITTER!! WOW, that tells a lot about Dropbox." Getting a bit over Dropbox... Loved them for years but... Google drive now has better Mac tools and information on what's uploading / downloading but the thing that drives me insane is the full syncing it sometimes has to do against its database... It takes hours!!!! And there's no ability to push a file though or have any control whatsoever.... I also dispose having to open the app on my phone just to have to wait for images to sync over!! Ugghh!! Dropbox needs to move forward Why has the dropbox app size increased so much? It should be a simple app that gives access to your dropbox account and nothing more. Can we have a light version please? And I also have a problem... Everytime I restart my device I have to re-log into the dropbox app and this triggers an email asking if its really me logging in? Gets rather irritating when it happens after every reboot. It never used to happen on the older versions of the app. "Best in class but still not as good as it easily could have been. Takes a *lot* of cpu if you have many files (killing the dropbox process is a must sometimes). Also uses a lot of memory. Many new features has been added, but for every new release we get further from the core: a really good sync tool." "Further to my first review -- all my files have disappeared!!😠😠 so how do i get them back. I have been using Dropbox on my tablet for over two years and have been delighted with the app. Then I got a message that Dropbox has stopped, and I can't access any of my files which is very frustrating as I have stored all my needlework patterns and all my household receipts here and can't access them. Now all my files have gone. Any suggestions for recovery😨" "When I open videos on dropbox, the service is poor. I cannot forward it or back it easily. If I do then it loads a lot. If I just keep the app in my recent apps, the video will play from the beginning and not from the same point. Everything is great but the video service should be improved" "it was a great app that we were using with our note series phones (Samsung Note 9) for quick check and updates. With version 9 of android and the write on pdf (v2.4.30.15) that function will work, but it will not save the file back to the destination. I will be waiting for an update and have others modify as we move forward." Upload from mobile phone needs improvement. It will not allow you to manualy select files or folders into drop box. It will only look at pictures or movies individual files. It won't let you multi select other files either. "Needs more functionality like being able to upload photos by folder just like they are sorted on my phone. I would recommend another drive like Google or Verizon Cloud for cellphone backup because they backup all photo folders, messages, videos as is. Dropbox on the PC is great and syncs seamlessly but the Android app crashes with uploads and exports. I have to keep signing into the Android app to resume uploads. Dropbox needs to fix the Android app to get more stars." When I first started using this app. I could open a chapter every two hours by watching an add for each chapter. Then they changed it up so I could only open two chapters per day by watching an add for each. I thought that's still not too bad. Now they changed it again and I have to watch two adds for each chapter. I'm starting to feel like soon I will be spending more time watching adds than actually reading. I may just finish the book I'm reading and move on to another app. I love to read and I see apps pop up with books as ads all the time on social media. This app has a much wider variety of books then some of the others. I like the app minus having to pay so much to finish a book... I honestly wish you could just spend a set dollar amount for the book based off of how many chapters or something... cuz I can read through a whole book in 1 day if I have nothing else going on... and it gets pretty pricey "Spendy frustration! I realize some of the books are super long! And the one Inlm reading is a good story. However, having to pay upward of $100 for a minimum amount of coins that only get you so far in the book is highway robbery! I can buy a series less than that! So adjust the price please! Otherwise it's an ok app." So far is been okay. I wish there was more ways to ear coins in order to unlock the chapters. It seems like you need to keep purchasing coins or bonuses in order to do that. Or maybe a system that load free coins for certain time. That would be nice. Just hope there's more updates on that aspect so more people can read the stories with not paying for them. "The books are very interesting and they keep you wanting more. However the continued request to purchase more coins and the length of chapters being so short, it makes reading 1 book way to expensive and by the time your done reading a book you would have paid nearly $100. It's way to expensive and not financially convenient." The GoodNovel app is easy to use. Ivlove the Discover feature and have found some great books there. I like the option to be able to vote in the app on authors you like. If I've found a chapter I really like I can reward the author. I also like the option to leave comments it's kind of like having a book club. The only real downside is the cost for some books can be pretty pricy. But I just work on earning coins and purchasing a new chapter every few days. The layout of the app is easy to use. The books can be very entertaining. Unfortunately the ad for the book says that to continue reading for free download the app. But be careful only a few chapter in each book is free to read after those few free chapters you have to start spending money to continue reading. "I'm really enjoying the story and I noticed new chapters are always uploaded which keeps my interest. The one thing I do not like is that you have to continue to pay in order to keep reading instead of a flat rate or something. I can't finish my book due to not wanting to keep paying $20 for coins. Overall good stories, but way overpriced to keep reading." "The app works very well and the stories are very entertaining. The only issue I have is that I like to get into books and read them continuously, not just one chapter each day then stop. I wish there was a better system for unlocking coins. Once more, the app is great, the stories are fantastic, the variety of genres is never ending, I would just rather buy a book in real life to read from start to finish than wait months (of still pay) for these chapters to unlock." "There's a nice selection of genres. It doesn't have a lot of ads. The books I've read this far have been decently- well written. The downside for me is the point system. it takes more than $15.00 (+tax) worth of coins to finish half to 3/4 of a book. I wish it had an out right coin total stated before starting the books. That aside, I enjoy the books the app offers." "Stories are grabbing & good, however it's too pricey to keep up. Then more chapters are added, so it seems never ending. With me on a fixed income, it's getting extremely expensive for me at least. There should be a way to purchase the novel to complete it, or a monthly, quarterly, yearly membership with unlimited access, especially when a novel goes from 232 chapters to now 4483, and still adding. Unfair to the reader. I almost regret starting this n being uninformed. I don't know....TRAPPED" "There is both pros and cons with this app. I like that you get free tokens each day to unlock chapters without spending money. I don't like that you can't disable the auto-subscribe to the next chapter. If you do spend money on tokens to read chapters after the daily free tokens run out, it just automatically takes them. This is a problem if you are reading multiple books. I should decide how many chapters I want to buy and which ones. Lastly, chapters get expensive as you get into the books." "I have read several books so far and I love every single one of them. The writers are amazing. The only thing I wish is that it didn't cost so much to read just one book. It costs 20-35 coins per chapter and you're only able to get so many free coins in one day, so expect to spend $100+ on 1-3 books. I hope they fix it maybe one total price to read an entire book instead of by chapters. The stories are great though!" "It allows you to read stories. If you are the type of person who likes reading a couple chapters at a time, then this app is perfect for you. While they do have free stories, they are rotated and are only free for 24 hours. If you enjoy them and want to keep reading any unread chapters, you will need to unlock them with points. I wish there was more ways to get free points or a wait to read for free option." The app has some good novels I'm reading one story that has a great storyline I'm already addicted I mean It definitely makes you want to know what's going to happen next. The only thing I find annoying is making people get tokens to finish the story what's the point of making people try to come up with tokens just to get to the next chapter? It's a Great app it has some good qualities but I'd like to be able to read a good novel without trying to come up with enough tokens to finish a story I love the books. I just think it's a bit too expensive to read the books. I would rather buy the entire book than have to pay for coins. That's too expensive to have to buy coins continuously. I will like to continuously read a book without having to stop because I can't afford more coins.a monthly membership would be nice.but at this time it's way too expensive to keep up with the books I enjoy reading. Hopefully you all will consider a different method from the one you have at the moment..... "I have enjoyed the stories I am reading in this app. However, it is extremely irritating that you have to use so many coins to unlock the books. I even paid $4.99 twice, thinking I would gladly pay $10 for a book, only to find out that even the $10 was not enough to unlock the entire book. This needs to be changed. I can read unlimited books for $10 a month on Kindle." "The books on the app are good. They draw you in, get you hooked, and wanting more. More will cost you. I'd prefer the option to buy the book. Reading through the app is expensive and not worth it. I mean a book with over 200 chapters is milking the reader. Also, the updates are delayed and take too long. I've lost interest in the book I was reading because I've had to wait so long for the update." "It's got good story lines, but must not have proof readers with the amount of errors I come across. It's very distracting to read and have to decipher what the author was trying to say. Or I've also come across times they are just chronologically incorrect. I wish there was a way to suggest edits or be their proof reader to make the edits." "It's a decent app. I've read the beginning of several different stories (granted they are mostly eroticas for females) but nonetheless, still intrigued and will keep reading daily. Not a fan of the whole reading with coins though. It is soo costly just to unlock a chapter and sorry but for those prices I'm not spending over $40 and not even getting the whole book. If you have time to spare.. log in daily and eventually read another chapter.. but it might take you over a year to finish the book." "The app does have many quality books available. It also offers a dark mode while reading, which I have found to be the best option for me. I do wish the dark mode was for all screens though, not just reading. Books are expensive. You can only get about 50 coins a day without paying, just over 1 chapter's worth. Some of it from reading 30 minutes, so expect to read each chapter more than once to hit that if you aren't forking over tons of $$. Many books are in desperate need of editors." I like the books on this app. The price is very expensive though. And some of the books have just been left not finished. Its very aggravating to have to wait days for a short update then wait days again. 🙄 I would like to finish reading a book before starting a new one .lastly I have been reading two books that have 3000 pages and still going after so long can't they get to ending instead going through same scenario with different caricatures over and over ? But the prices should be dropped. "This is a good app, very easy to use and has a HUGE selection of very good reads. The main reason I only give it 3 stars though is because it's so hard to be able to finish a book. It's too expensive and there's not some sort of monthly/yearly subscription in place. It's all points based and those points are expensive and takes way too many for just ONE full book. But otherwise still a nice option if you're a slow reader or don't mind waiting forever to have enough points for the next chapters." "Love the stories.! Lots of good reading material. However, someone like me who's just getting back into reading, it pains me to have to get so many points just to continue a few more chapters. I got frustrated when eventually you're paying more for the book than it would cost to buy it straight out. I thought it was mostly a free app. I feel a little deceived at coins cost and how little you can get through a book on even $5 in coins. Wish more reads for 100% free. App may have to go." "I have to update my review. Not all the books are as expensive as the first one I read. I wish the cost was more transparent. The most recent novel I read cost less than $10 which is reasonable. I fully used the check in and daily reading bonuses. Also if you purchase the coins in larger sums you get more for the dollar. I reccomend making sure the book you start reading is a finished book, not in progress. I still think the cost of the chapters should be transparent before you get into a book." "Just started using the app. The story was interesting although some of the characters were slightly confused and it seems the language and behavior doesn't match the period. Some of the grammar is a little off and the story line is starting to be an unrealistic sadistic fantasy. When I began the story, I could pick up where I left off after taking a break. Now that I'm further along in the story, the pick up is 50 chapters behind. This is annoying." "So far, the storylines are good and hold my interest. Always the sign of a promising writer! However, there does seem to be many grammer issues. I am giving only 3 stars mainly because the cost is too high to properly finish a completed story! I'm not typically one to pay for things in an app, and have found myself doing so twice now in order to finish. Succumbing to the pull of having to finish, has me paying more than I have ever paid for a book. Sadly I probably won't continue. The $ is high." "Reading my first book, which I love, great storyline and characters. The two problems I have are (1) it's a little too expensive. I could buy a hardback book for what one will end up paying for a few chapters; and (2) fix the app. Everytime I take a break/log off and then return to the book, it never opens to where I left off. I end up having to scroll forward 40 to 50 chapters to get to the chapter I left off at. It's frustrating. Please get it fixed so I don't have to delete the app." "The stories are OK, like many, I got sucked in with the intro. I would like the ability to know in advance how much it will cost to read a book in coins - this way I can decide if I'll read or not. I would also recommend some proofreading & plot development. Overall, I think the ideas are there but the final presentation doesn't always deliver... yet I keep ""checking in"" everyday to get more coins because now I've invested so much time & money that I want to reach the end." "I love the app and the idea behind it. It's easy to use, and the books are mostly really good and pull me into the story. What I don't love is paying for the book by the chapter via coins. Some are so short, and spending $10 doesn't even get you an entire book, which is frustrating. Easily 5 stars if I could just simply purchase a whole book." "I like reading the books I read on this app. I find them entertaining. But what I don't like is how much it adds up when you have to purchase coins to pay for additional chapters as you are already hooked on the book. There should be more ways to earn more coins, not just 2 or 3 offers. There should be constant ads to watch more and earn more coins. Reading for longer periods to collect more points." "I started reading this book on facebook and got interested in it. I thought the app was for free, the app was for free. The the catches you only get one chapter a day and if you want to read any more you have read anymore you have to follow the steps. You can earn extra coins or you can buy the coins, it's a catch 22 either way. I'm just trying to finish the book that I started reading." "You can read novels for free by earning coins by checking in and watch adds. It's free so you need to be very patients as only 1 to 2 chapters can be read in a day as there is very limited coins can be earned. The adds were very confusing as you dnt know how long it will go for and there is. O button where you can just close the add when it is still running. Overall,not a straight forward and easy to use app." "Had the app for a year. The app is easy to navigate through genre and a quick blurb of each stories is explanable. The storylines are good, some needing perspective in English as the narration gets a bit lost. Have to recheck whether the point of view is female, while in male acknowledgment. The purchase of each chapter is more then triple the next ten. Great stories." "I came across this by accident. A story came up on my phone, and it was really good, so couldn't stop reading! However, the frustrating part is that you run out of coins, and you either have to wait while you top up or purchase more coins to continue.. It's become an expensive book, and not sure I will continue with the App after, unfortunately." "The stories are very interesting, but the coins are too expensive. It is more expensive than getting a book from the store or on Amazon books. The management should really look into reducing the amount of the coins and increase the video coins amount. With this, more readers can be able to finish a book without taking ages or at most stop reading it." I've enjoyed reading your novel but it gives only a couple of paragraphs at no charge. As soon as you get to the point it cost too much to continue . I've purchased several coins to read but it is too expensive to complete better off to buy the book outright!1+also bought chapters that were dismissed because of failure to read right away!!! "Well it's neither good or bad, wish it was cheaper and shouldn't have to pay to read the older books or at least have a 1 time payment for certain books. If they added that it would save people money instead of taking their money for granted. Another would to be to up the rewards for reading and viewing ads." "It's ok , I love the story lines but I hate having to get so far into the book , and then have to be stalled by lack of coins. There are very few ways to get coins and then they are minimal coins at that. If you are enot putting money into this then forget a good read ... Well a good lengthy consecutive tread that is. It gets frustrating to say the least." "Too expensive. I paid $9.99 USD for 1000 coins, can't even finish one book. For $10 I should be able to finish at least one book, but nope. Also no dark mode. Need a reading mode easy on eyes. Hurts my eyes too bright white background. Would come back if they lower prices and have dark mode." "The app is easy to use, and the story is enthralling. However, it's a coin based app that only gives you a few chapters a day, and when you purchase coins, it auto unlocks all of the chapters possible to buy, whether you'd intended to use them on the current book or not." "It's OK but could be better. Stories on the app are great but they cut each chapter into these short tid bits that you hv to pay for. You collect bonus points for logging in daily but it takes 2 days just to collect enough to open up a single ""chapter"" which in reality is about 3 pages." "Keep getting conned out of my reading rewards. Every time I log in, I can access the daily bonus. I then read for approximately 45 mins and go to collect my reading bonus only for the page, not to load it. It has done this for the last few days, meaning I have lost out on 15 bonus a day. Otherwise, I really like the app. Some good books." "The stories are actually good, but the points you use run out much too quick and the story is still going. I'm a fast reader so I would love to just read all at o e time. I don't want to pay for points and still not have enough to finish the story." "Used to like the app. But now even if you've read the chapter to its end, they charge you points for the chapter the moment you open the app again. This is not right. I earned those points to unlock the next ""episode"" and it charged it to the one I had already finished." "This app gives you bonus points each day that will bascically allow you to read a chapter a day. To purchase the whole book, you are looking to spend over $50 depending on the number of chapters. Most books have a large number of chapters, so it will take you forever to read any book on bonus points alone; unless, you try to get readers to join. Then, they they give you bonus points based on a few options that the reader chooses to do in the app. Just wish the books were priced fairly." "I love reading and this app. However, I feel they make you have to pay more by making more chapters plus the chapters are shorter. I had a problem today with my account in that I did the checkin bonus plus I was hed the 5 ads for 15 extra points. They were not added to my account. Neither the checkin bonus of 15 puts or the ads bonus of 5 × 3= 15 pts total. So when I went to contact the developer to report this, there was nowhere in the app to contact them!! I had to come back to Google." "It's easy to read and scroll, though. Unfortunately, I read fast and need to get extra points to get to the next chapter. There are not enough free full books, which would probably keep me reading while waiting for the next points to add up. I'm not in a position to keep purchasing points to keep reading at this stage." Great app and awesome stories. I think it would also be better if there's a way book can be read through the use of data like novelup where u don't need to use your credit card to buy. This will enable everyone to be able to read stories on this app without the fear of oh I don't have money to pay in order to complete a story. "This is a standard reading app similar to many others available. The books seem a little more expensive to me than on other platforms, but if you have patience, you can use the free bonuses available to buy a chapter or two a day. If not, and you are wanting to read a book quickly, then you are going to be paying more money than probably what a book is worth." "A great variety of books to read. I really enjoy the app but, dislike every chapter having to either purchase coins or watch ads to be able to get coins. Would like it better if I got more than 1 chapter at a time." "I just started using. I still don't understand the whole coins & bonus thing. Seems like a normal app though, eating up money so you can carry on further. I could have bought an entire book for what I've paid for a few extra chapters. The books are good though." "Honestly, the software is kinda buggy and difficult to navigate. Also, I don't much care for the way available balance is used to purchase chapters without confirmation." "The app has plenty of good books, but after a few chapters, you need to pay for them. There are a few ways to make coins, such as watching video ads (but they never have videos available to watch, so no free coins). The only free coins you get are from daily check-in, which is only enough to open one chapter a day." "At first I was enjoying this app, after a while I found many issues. The point system I feel double charges for read chapters. Cause the app would lose my last chapters read sending me back to sometimes 10+ chapters off where I last read. Audio book doesnt sync with read chapters to keep place. Like the books but the bugs are anoying" "Good books. Unfortunately very expensive to read an entire book. Especially when some of these ""chapters"" are so short but each chapter is 20-22 ""coins"" regardless of length. No option to purchase the whole book either." "The coins are so expensive, and the chapters are short. I truly like the stories but i have spent enough that i could have bought 4 hard cover books from a real book store, and that was on one story. It just doesnt seem worth the money to me, as much as id love to finish the books ive started i cant continue to spend large amounts of money to purchase coins. Will probably uninstall." "I got hooked on a book right away, but unless I pay for more coins and bonuses I cannot read on, or I can wait a day to get the next chapter. Each chapter is 1 - 2 pages long and each chapter is charged for as well. I could have read the whole book had I been able to purchase it. I'm also being an editor, which I do not mind, but do not get credit for it, and there are plenty of errors." This app has some good story lines. However it is very expensive to even read through half the story. It is a deterrent to reading the whole story. I can spend less on a whole book in other apps. Half way through the story line becomes very stagnant in a effort to keep people spending money. The books on here are really good and well written. However the cost of unlocking each chapter is a little too expensive. I like that they have some free coins you can get each day but it doesn't compare to the cost each chapter has and some chapters are way more expensive than others. "It's OK as long as you know what you're getting. You only get a few chapters free, and then you have to buy coins to unlock more. There's no info on the total number of chapters in a book until it's actually COMPLETED, which can make some expensive once you've bought all chapters. But I've done well only using coins gained in daily tasks and bonuses reading a few chapters a day. And there are free books daily if you can read them in a day. Most writing isn't professional, but still entertaining" "It was an exceptional book. The story was thrilling and have lots of suspense, I actually want to finish reading till the end however I already spend more than $100 but still on chapter 500. I guess can't complete all the chapters coz its too much expensive." "I'm enjoying the book that I'm reading, it's a good book. I don't like the idea of topping up. The book I'm reading has 4919 chapters, topping up would be VERY expensive for just one book. Please consider this when you offer such large books. Alot of people love to read, but if they have to top up, they will not stay interested in the books you offer, everyone can't afford to top up. Please consider this so others can enjoy the larger books." "2 stars because the story is pretty good but LONG and unfinished, not sure it will ever be finished. I understand paying for books and the writers and the copy right and whatnot. But I can buy a hard copy of a book written by celebrated and established writers for a fraction of the cost of even a 16TH of THE COST of 1 of these books. I dont think this is very worthwhile for a reader as reading is an addiction, and it costs way more than anyone can afford... You're lucky I am currently addicted." I really enjoy reading on here. Wish it wasn't expensive to get the coin to unlock chapters. I would be willing to do monthly subscription instead for like $20 a month like the other reading app. I already spent a few hundred in less than a month. Can't afford to keep doing this. "I can't get over the number of five star reviews. Some of the books are actually pretty good, but most are poorly written by writers who don't speak English very well. Some of the stories are good ideas but not well executed. The cost for actually trying to read a book is way more than I would spend on a complete book, so after I spent real money, I decided to go with just the bonus points. That gets me one chapter a day. I found a few books that I enjoy so I guess I'll be reading for months." "The app has wonderful stories. But the problem is when to read them. Can't the people who created this app change this. I am not in a place where I have to pay, I am reader . There are many apps that do not require payment. You guys need to change this system of payment if you need more customers. Please change your mode of payment it is too much really, makes the app decline in it's value. God knows how many people had to uninstall your application for only one reasons.Know you readers first." "I enjoy the stories I have read so far. I wish you could purchase a whole boom at a time instead of paying coins per chapter. But the chapters are cheaper on this app than some of the others I have used. Still expensive, though." "The stories are intriguing and captures your interest. It will take awhile to read one book waiting daily to collect enough coins only to be able to read one chapter . They want you to buy the coins which is way to expensive per book. I will finish the story I'm evolved in and will have to delete the app, Sorry" "Way too costly to unlock chapters....(edited) while I still agree with that sentiment I did recently get a Google play gift card. I used it to try out a book and I surprisingly enjoyed it. I didn't like that it cost me $30 to read it tho. I can buy a book from a bookstore by a best selling author for that or less. But MishanAngel, the author of Alpha's Blind Luna, did a great job with her book and I would recommend it if not the app." "I read several books and they were brilliant. The costs to read them is a little expensive, especially if there is over 400 chapters. Would be great if the cost was a lot more affordable, I'd read way more" "The stories are great and the stories passionate but the problems are 1- they are so many chapters to read for example the one I am currently reading has 1800 chapter; 2- the book is not affordable. It cost about 200 coins to have and read only 10 chapters. So it cost about $200 to finished to read the complete book. What a disappointment! The book author would not be able to sell to as many customers for this, eg like the Africans communities because most people cannot afford this. Thank you" While I love reading the stories. Having to deal with the points is a head ache. Is there some way just to purchase books in their entirety? Is sucks when you are reading then have to wait on bouns point to continue or write things here to gain more points. The selection is great. I llke that the app will read for you. This app has really good authors and really good stories but on the downside it does not tell you if those stories are complete or if they will ever be completed and it is one of the most expensive reading apps I have ever used and it has a lot of incomplete books that have not been updated for two or more years "I started reading from an ad on FB, not realizing this was an app. I downloaded the app to finish the book...but now it is all this coin, and bonus stuff. It will take me a lifetime to read this one book. I am not spending money to read a book on line. I would rather buy the book outright." "I really enjoy the books. I read really fast however, this makes it hard to finish the books. I wish there was some way other than coins to finish reading the books. Maybe putting in adds vs charging will help. I hope all the authors keep up the great work." So far there seems to be a great selection of books. The only downside is the coins are way too expensive in comparison to how many it takes for each chapter. I could probably buy similar books for a lower price. "The story in currently reading is captivating. But for one book that I'm currently not even half completed, I've already spent $30. As much as I like the story in reading, I'm not real thrilled with the costs. I will be looking for another app that isn't so costly." "I only have this app for one book and although it has me hooked I would say it needs a few updates regarding the amount of chapters given and points given to read chapters. I wanna binge read and I can't which takes away the urge to keep the app, if I could find the book elsewhere and buy it I would. Overall it's alright." I am thoroughly enjoying this app. I love to read and this is so mu easier than carrying a physical book around. Plus it has different genres and a large selection of wonderful titles. Anyone can find something they enjoy reading. While I really enjoy reading in this app....I feel that it is too expensive for the average person so I am sure that if I can finish the book that I am reading that I will not be able to afford to read another one unless I hit the lottery. I don't mind paying to read a book but I have already paid more for 1 than I would have paid for at least 10 others. "so far great book but the price... you get sucked into the books and for me, I'm in chapter 500+ and for every chapter, you use 2 coins. you end up buying more and more coins if you don't like to wait. By the time I finish this book I will have spent well over $60. I could have bought a cook for 1/4 of the price. I will not buy in to this again. I'm sorry but way to much to read when there are free books everywhere and I mean everywhere" "The app is very good with very good books. But it's quite expensive. The coin thing is expensive. If they could introduce a once of payment per book, that will be a win win for the both the author, app developer and reader" So far the stories are very interesting but a bit frustrating that each chapter is short then you need to get more coins. One book is more than 700 chapters just imagining how costly this will be. Looks like this will be more expensive than the hardbound books "First thing, you get bonus by reviewing then, only if you give 5 stars... seriously. Next, too many points per chapter needed, especially since chapters are so short! 😕 What book have you ever read that had over 100 chapters?!? Next, probably most important...I bought points for the 400 bonus points I was supposed to get. Points kept disappearing like crazy! Way more than 22 per chapter. Then I tried to access bonus...they had that they expired... Before expiration date!" "I like this app. I hate buying each chapter! I would rather buy the book. When I am working, I enjoy listening to the books. The writer and platform are so greedy. First, it was 1 video to get the next chapter. Now it is 2 to get the next chapter. The chapters are so short! It's not worth my time! Do Better!!!!!!" The books are great. I am just frustrated at how expensive the coins can be. When you use 22 coins a chapter and the are over 2000 chapters. The book is too expensive and I will I will just go to Amazon library. I tried buying some coins and earning others but the story is I can buy a bunch of books for what I end up paying for one. So far I've really enjoyed the Book the Charismatic Charlie Wade however there are alot of spelling errors and it costs quite alot of coins or bonuses for very short chapters if I were to buy all of the coins to read the whole book it would cost me hundreds of dollars. So for that it is really unfortunate. I have found some really great stories on this app and talented authors. You have to weed through enough bad though. The in app purchasing is too much for the amount of bad stories and the daily points you accrue only last a few days so its easy to lose them and have to start all over. "I love the app, mostly. There are some great stories, however the ones I really take an interest in are extremely expensive to read. And some of the stories have a lot of grammar mistakes. The book I'm currently reading, it starts a new chapter mid way through sentences. I really think the books need to be less expensive and I would certainly end up using the app more frequently as I love reading." "A lot of different types of books on here, something for everyone. It does get a little annoying though when you start a book and the author keeps updating it to have over 200 chapters since you can only read chapters using points. I'd recommend either starting with completed books or books just starting off so you can keep up with the daily/weekly additions." "The app keeps stealing coins, the chapters are short, and the audio sucks. However, the stories are great and there is a good variety of stories." As a senior on social security it sucks that you want me to spend my bill money to get points to read your book or wait 24 hours and watch multiple videos all of which are ads I can't use just to read a few chapters. Not impressed with this app. I will go back to audible where at least they don't lie to me and say the books are free to get you to download the app. "To earn coins you can do tasks. One of the tasks, for 50 coins, is leave an authentic & true review. So here is mine. I have enjoyed the stories and u get daily check in rewards wich u can double if u watch an add. There's other ways also. The past few days I have realized pearls going faster than they should. I never let coins expire either. While Reading tonight I noticed coins/pearls taken before I approved and also made to purchase twice. Waiting on help, NO LUCK!" "The book in currently reading has a great story line but could have been better written, I love being able to read online but hate that unless I spend money I can only read one or two chapters per day and the chapters are very short so basically one page per day." "Loved what I could read of this story. I just hate that you earn so little coins from the many, MANY ads you are forced to watch. The last time I purchased coins (a fair amount, I must say) They got me only half way thru the story. I wish there were a higher yield for a purchase." There are so many stories to choose from that there is no way to ever get bored. The stories grab your attention from the very beginning and hold it till the end. The only part of the app that I dislike so far is that you can only read about a chapter a day unless you purchase more at one time. Unfortunately I don't have the money to do that so I have to wait about 24 hours to earn enough coins to continue reading. The chapters go by really fast. One of my favorites to read from on a daily. However with the latest updates things have begun to go down hill. Chapters are costing more for less content. Less benefits for those that are faithful readers unless you pay for it all the time. I do love to read . And I Like the app . But I'm really not into how many points it takes to actually read. As specifically the fact that you can't read much before your having to spend more points . And I did buy coins and with the 1000 coins I bought I figured I'd get to read alot more then I did. There a couple of books I'm reading but in order to keep reading you have to have enough points. I bought some points during a special and was supposed to get extra. The next day they were gone. I feel like I wasted money getting the points but I'm so hooked on these two books and can't find them anywhere else. It's cumbersome when wanting to forward messages to many groups as it allows forwarding to only 5 groups at a time. I have to do the same thing multiple times over and over again. Please change that to allow forwarding of messages to at least 20 Chats at a time. And the application takes a lot of space with its App data. "Hello Whatsapp team, please this your local backup that occurs every 2:00am is usually very annoying, most importantly when I want to message at that time I'll have to wait for another 5-10 minutes for the backup that I don't know what it's for. Pls do something about it, the local update could be a background stuff that won't interrupt ones chatting at that time. Thanks" "Its a business version! Whenever we share something it shows first 3 chats as ""frequently contacted"". This is definitely disorientating and risk forwarding to wrong receiver. Thats because business users dont have saved names on each chat. And customers mostly come without profile picture. We remember them by who sent latest message. My request is just 1 thing: Please remove ""3 frequently contacted chats"" list which shows up upfront whenever we forward anything to anyone in business version." "Overall it's the best, but nowadays, I no longer see all my contacts status update, this happens ones in a while, the only way I fix it Is to delete the app then install it again and sign in, before it works, at the time of this review, the problem has started again so I came to install the app again , it's just frustrating." The app has been a staple for.mamy years but it keeps getting worse while Telegram (which i used to dislike) has become better. Very little innovation here. On backups and restores so data seems to not show up. Syncing between computer and phone doesn't always make all media available and older media seems to become unavailable. Please innovate and find a way to make media and messages easier to store and seemlessly accessible across multiple devices. "The app is good but I don't know if anybody has complained about this bug issue that happens whenever one is trying to play voice message on WhatsApp, and one's hand just mistakenly waved over the phone, the audio stops or it reduces the volume and in extreme case like the one that happened just now, I was unable to operate my phone until the whole audio finished playing and I couldn't even hear the audio properly again throughout that period, my phone was dark and will not press. It's annoying" "My request is WhatsApp to roll out a feature where thuser can create a setting where he can allow WhatsApp call only from the numbers that are stored in his contact. If the number is not stored,then let them send text message & provide details like who he is and why he is trying to call. This will help all WhatsApp users block spam calls. From last 30 days I am getting international spam calls. Slowly frequency has increased and now daily I am getting 10 spam calls on WhatsApp." Edit 1 I would like to see the ability to hide/not display one's number when participating in groups. This could stop people from joining groups for the sole purpose of harvesting numbers. It's frustrating getting unsolicited calls. Edit 2 Have a date when people requested to join a group. Terrible! I've been utilizing WhatsApp for several years and also this was just one of the worst company applications I have actually ever before stumbled upon. The user interface is confusing and the functions are worthless. There's no way to chat with clients or manage your messages. I would not recommend this application to any person. The app is a good one. It makes it easy for me to display my business category However they are some categories of my business that hasn't been approved and it's taking longer than expected. I would also appreciate if the UI can be upgraded in such a way that there's a UI for chats and a separate UI for groups. The way it is currently make the messages congested and hard to differentiate. "I am using WhatsApp business from long, there is new issue appeared since 2-3 months, if we open a pdf file and try to send to more than 2 people, it will not go but if we send the same file without opening, it successfully go to as many contacts u want . Plz correct this problem. Request to develop a feature of read receipts settings for selected contacts only. It should be optional for choosen ones only. Developer should respond, either yes or no to suggestions but should respond." "Tried cataloging and I can say, good. Can be better if catalogue items can be rearranged (let's be able to determine the order). Also, give option for grid view and allow changes to collections, like adding new items to collections, disbanding collections, reorganizing collections, etc. Currently, very rudimentary." "This made a lot of work easier for me. But the notification does not come properly. As a background app, it doesn't really go gold. Only this app has that problem. If possible, fix it. This was not the case in previous versions." "Very good to use but you need to put some mechanisms in place, especially the issues of immmediate or automatic disconnection. Still am experiencing this issuse. I need help please to amend this issue, because it makes me feel inconvienence when using it. Thanks in advance for your immediate response. I will manage to give it three stars." "I see no reason why we aren't able to view statuses that were uploaded when we were offline. We need to see all statuses that were uploaded either when we were online or offline. That's the main essence of statutes. Kindly please revert this update. Other than that, everything's all good." "The experiences has been nice so far but the fact that the delay of sending post before showing up is really frustrating. Perhaps, the old version was for that is preferable. Pls fix up, thanks." "I loved it when I started using it and all of a sudden it stopped showing messages I send, I will have to resend before it appears and sometimes it doesn't respond, I hope something is done about this.... It is frustrating" "It was working well and good before the latest update. Now, my screen has split into 2 halves and using this app is harder. Also, there are some bugs here and there. Please see to it..." "This app is well but after last update, it has error to select more than one file to send collectively. In previous version that was enabled but it current version it's not." "Its a very useful app. I love it 💕. However, I'd love if we would be able to set view once to more than one picture at a time, not going through the stress of doing it one by one. Please find a way of making this possible. Thanks." "this app could be super helpful if u could let us post catalogs in videos. thanks for that upcoming feature! and even if we could search the catalogues by their names, this app would be great for business" Hello... This is really important... 1. After changing my whatsapp to whatsapp business... my Truecaller is not able to identify unknown senders. It happened after changing my number to WhatsApp business 2. I didn't like this layout of the split screen of whatsapp business on my zfold screen. It should be by choice. Pls give solutions... Thanks "Sub: Not able to put dp over Google photos, I think apo roure path have some issues over the third party gallery storage (like Google photos). If i fetch photo from Google photos it's showing the window with sending option.its huge bug which i found i don't know how QA team missed this error" I love Whatsapp business. Can you also allow PDF files or Word Documents to be added on Quick Replies please. Right now you can only add text and picture. Having documents added there as well will be awesome Thank You "Good app. Could be made so much better if there was the option to block notifications outside of business hours. Please introduce this, as currently I have to do this manually each day through my phone settings." "All good. But facing some issue like whatsup web is not working properly. There is some sync issue, without restart msg not arrived automatically even with good internet connection." "Problem: This whatsapp was great, I have been using it since 2020 but now I face to a problem ⚠️ ! If I call to someone then it shows a message that ""you are already on another call"" even I closed my data and then I opened but still tgis problem appears. 😥😥😥😥😥😥" It's a nice app but Please I really need help. I've not been able to post pictures or videos on my status And I can't even load a message voice note sent to me.... And it's very irritating 😭 Android Samsung Fold 4. Appreciate if the team can include sharing button for selected pdf/img/documents like for the iPhone. It will be much more convenient to share documents to work mail. Thank you. The call keeps disconnecting and reconnecting and I do not get any notifications. I can only know that I'm having if i open the app and I really hate it "Why i'm giving this is for the team to allow multiple file sending,how will i mark files to send n only 1 will be sent, then going back n front in sending documents 1 after d other. Pls bring back that old multiple document file. It less the stress thanks." "Good day, my WhatsApp business App just crashed, I can't access it again, is anyone experiencing anything like that. Please, I uninstalled and reinstalled, still can't access it. What should I do?" "I just downloaded the app a few days back, and opened it with my other g.mail. And today I'm trying to send my business info to people cause I'm a graphics designer, and I find out that my messages stop sending. Please help me out. I can't carry on this way." "The apk is good, and for SW, sometimes it keeps going blank black when opened. Please fix it immediately, and I ask WhatsApp to please add the ""Not Business"" category in WhatsApp Business. Thank you 😊😊" The app is good...But I will suggest you add status notification so that we can get notified when those status are being updated to view fast. Thanks. "Hey WhatsApp. I am not able to send muitiple documents at one time, so please look into this and fix it as soon as possible please. Don't let me loose my job." "The QR code is not working properly, when ever I tried to login it's not working properly. It's showing invalid QR code most of the time. Please kindly look into it. Thank you" This is a good app. But sometimes sending msg on broadcasting some msg not delivered and not showing to the broadcasting people. Please solve this issue Asap. Thank you for the updates.. but I realize I can no longer send multiple documents once.. it's frustrating sending them one by one.. please do something about it thank you "About your picture quality, when are you working on that, you should just let picture quality be as its been selected, not turning it to worse quality, that really gets me angry plus video quality as well" "I have enjoyed using the app and for that I mean in chatting, communicating and sharing of some of media but there problem in databases sometimes the app also ask you to restore it again and again men that is wastage of time" "Dear Team, Kindly includes the search 🔍 option in product catalog, so it will be easier to search specific product. Thanks in advance" "Overall good experience but there should be an additional tap column for Groups, to be show separately." "Everything was going well, suddenly an update came in the app and some things changed, why did you change the vibration mode, when personal messages used to come, then I kept it on long vibration, only then I understood I had a message from a friend, but now I do not understand whether the message has come from a friend or from a group." Can you add these option from WhatsApp mod to this version? -Ability to download statues on the go *Special* - Ability to divide chats & groups into 2 sections!! (This was extremely helpful for me when I used mod before!!) If these 2 are there anyone would like Whatsapp at least a bit more!! Just the fact that chats & groups are in the same place makes me wanna puke because it's a mess!! 🧯😡 "The apps was good but it have a problem since i update the apps.. My message stop delivering and a red sign pop up like this ❗Can you please help me solve this problem.. It was so annoying that I can't send my message.. I was seller, so it was so hard to communicate with my customers" It is a very nive app but when i buy data and i on it messages dont send or i dont recieve messages i messaged the whatsApp workers and they told me tk check help center and when i did that i didnt see anything about my problem so i want you people to help me fix this problem😩😧😡😠😳😵😬😩😧😦 Was perfect but has started misbehaving... It keeps on stopping...Have updated it but still the problem is there...I can't restore my chat history too...Please kindly help me Why does the quality of the photo or video decrease when we have sent it to status? it's really really bad. "WhatsApp Business is good, but I need two things resolved: 1. Admin should be able to delete group messages. That's very important in groups. 2. I don't like the way WhatsApp reduces the quality of videos and images that are sent via the platform. You'll take a good shot and the quality will end up reducing. It's not good for businesses. I don't know why my WhatsApp Business keeps showing ""you don't have a proper app for opening this content"" each time I want to open links. Please I need a fix." "I love WhatsApp business... But this new feature that just got added when i reply using the notifications bar on android is annoying... Please remote the ""mute"" option and revert to what we used to have , ""reply"" & ""mark as read""... Because now I always mistakenly mark as read when i want to reply because I'm not used to the option of ""mark as read"" being in the middle... please fix that coz its counter-productive and annoying" "Great for if you have different business as well as personal phone numbers, you can have both WhatsApp Business as well as WhatsApp Carrier set up on the same phone, and also register them with various numbers. disadvantage is that you can not message people on both at the very same time, yet in general its a wonderful application." Lately business WhatsApp has been bugging a lot it doesn't shows any notification if someone has sent a message I can't receive the notification and it is also glitching very much like I have to turn on and off flight mode to check if anyone has sent a message I truly love this app but because of bugs I am rating it 3 stars I hope that u all fixx this problem as fast as u can its still not working properly no notifications are shown please fis these as soon as posssssiiiblllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. "This app is very good. It helps people to advertise their products to the whole world in an easier and faster way not only ,it also helps people to chat and call their family members and friends but my problem is that when I install it for some time they will tell me it out of date so I have to download after downloading they will again tell that I don't have enough space after I have deleted some apps as instructed but still it the same." "Hey, Thanks for the Voice status, but can you please allow us to share HQ Mp3 from our Phones directly to status like we do on Images, Camera & Video to avoid Mic Pops and all those Low quality things. That will be awesome. Looking forward to WHATSAPP NEWSLETTERS too, can't wait to get that Subscription button for sure. Hopefully we'll be able to allow who can subscribe to see OUR CONTENTS as CREATORS too. 🤞🏾" "This app is a very interesting one. It makes communicating with people easier and enjoyable. Of recent times, I have been experiencing some difficulties in updating this app. This has made me to be inactive for a long time. I hope that this problem will be worked out with immediate effect." "This app is good but I cannot find my present messages. My mobile data is on, but there showing please check your internet connection." Disappearing messages is clearing all msg.... The crowd of my business is just using whatsapp they are not awaring of these technology.... All details all deals i sent are disappeared.... In business whatsapp this facility is hectic for me "Had an issue with Google drive over Christmas 2022 where it refused to allow me to back up WhatsApp messages full stop the only way to clear this was to factory reset the whole phone, WhatsApp needs to support more cloud services to allow you to back up if and when this happens again, I lost all my work messages due to this, this included time sheets sent from my boss who was no happy responding them!. Please stop making Google drive your only means of back up. Give people the choice." "heey, now i can't connect between Whatsapp Messenger with Business using link device feature. And WHY there is not LINK DEVICE feature at the Business login screen? the option available is using mobile number only wich is mean it's must to move my account to another device huuft." "Your guys are seriously lacking, this update of not seeing someone's status if it was posted when one wasn't online is really fustrating, pls fix it, whether it's a bug or just fix it" Lots of bugs. When we choose a picture for catalogue it says not a photo. Then a screen shotbisbtakrn and selected it accepts. Beats me "Unable to do WhatsApp backup with the WhatsApp business app. Please fix this issue. Tried on fibre, WiFi and mobile data, nothing seems to work. It just keep saying waiting for WiFi." "I can't listen to voice notes on chat and group chat. Any time I click to play my phone turns off, then I'd have to on it again but the phone hangs till the vn is done playing but unfortunately I don't hear anything said." "Unable to send videos on Samsung s22, all permissions are allowed and emptied the cache, updated it , changed the info on WhatsApp via the help pages, still not able to send vids please help, this is on my WhatsApp normal and business app" "The Moded Whatsapp are way better than the original whatsapp, they seem to be a menace to Whatsapp Original. Kindly just look at the GB whatsapp features and add them to the Whatsapp original. This will reduce the amount of banned and spammed accounts. Also the moded whatsapp have way cooler stuffs that you should consider also taking into acccounts the security. But Whatsapp Messaging is way more cooler than the old messaging system." "Good. But a problem should be solved. That is- ""Ringing and..... Busy on another call""- both are ok and clear. But by ""Calling"" can't understand either he is out of net or talking on off line. Pls use separate terms in these regard. Thank you" "This app is really good just that I don't like the fact that someone that is not online when I posted on my status won't get to see any of my video post,it will appear blank to the person phone, please do something about that, thanks" This app is really good to use and I really like it but my problem is when i make a video call at night my phone lights can not be able to light up for a video quality don't know if it can be solved thank you 👏👏👏 "Notifications do not pop up, I miss phone calls, messages etc because there are NO POP-UPS. And my android is newer than version 9. Rubbish!!! 😒😒😒" "It will be really good If you can introduce the picture in picture option for Android users as well, sometimes we need to check other things but still be on a video call with someone too." "Hi, I set up a two step verification to protect my account and upon entering the pin.It's incorrect,I am beyond... I need to know the way forward.." "The App was working fine until I linked it to my desktop app, now it just disconnects on its own and now I can't even use both apps... #frustrating" "This app is good until you guys started this rubbish of not online you can't view status, is that upgrading or downgrading, you guys should have make it if not online you can't see messages sent, the update is rubbish." I should have given it a 5 star but I think you guys should fix quality of videos and pictures when been sent or received and when posted to status.... If I want to post the quality will reduce and it wrong The app is good...... But I may have an active data but it won't notify and my sent messages won't arrive when I sent it.... It's too frustrating "At first I was able to mark many items and send them at once but with this update it's impossible to do so I am supposed to be sending one by one which is time consuming , please work on it" "I'd have given 5 starts,but the app became kind of stupid after the update, I have to wait for ages, clear my WhatsApp cache, force stop the app for the app to load I don't know what's happening to WhatsApp or it's just mine, but id love if you guys do something about it" "Its a great app for business owners and wirh each update comes an ezciting new feature however, i rate 3 stars because the calls can really be terrible and plus the statuses. Statuses takes a very long time to upload and sometimes do not upload at all same issue when youre sending pictures to a customer or anyone. If you selected 20 pictures to be sent, it'll only send prolly 10 or less. This issue needs to be fixed asap as it inconveniences its users." It's such a good application for social interaction but somehow due to the GB Whatsapp if I delete the messages but if the other user has GB Whatsapp so they can seen the removed messages so please it's a humble request to resolve this issue. "Good app, but I have normal app and business app. Business app is very slow to receive msg compared to normal app, sometimes even hours or day late in receiving messages." "My calls always cut themselves after a couple hours or my camera gets turned off and I can't turn it on. Other than that, I think it works great! I actually had the same exact problem with the other Whatsapp. I kinda wish they just were in the same app👀." The new update is really annoying. I have to always exit the app to be able to upload multiple videos and the most recent pictures doesn't pop up on gallery immediately i click to upload a certain image or video. Fix this please. Normal WhatsApp doesn't have this issue. Enable us have a swift usage as we did in the past Please. "This is definitely a very good app. It is one of the best. But since three days ago that i updated this app,i cannot see any status and all my contacts are not saved as names. It is stressful to be scrolling chats without being able to search. I hope this issue will be rectified." "Good but not that bad I have to install the backup again if I want to shift to another phone, laptop, or anything, it also takes a lot of data and sometimes when I see there are no notifications or messages sent to me I don't know why but when the other day, I was meating my friend he asked me that ""why I didn't answer his messages."" That thing has happened to me since my first time I used it, and It never gets solved everything when I change my phone this happened. Please solve this issue!" "Whatsapp cuts out music even when on do not disturb, very annoying issue that I'm surprised hasn't been resolved. Considered deleting this app, as this impacts my work, which is holding sound meditations and means using my phone poses potential disturbances. Can you please fix this?" "Its functional, but has all the casual smiley addons like the normal whatsapp. The tap to hold message to get smileys is not a welcome addition in business version of whatsapp. There is no way to sort messages in a group according to one member. Simple things take too long to be added, whereas unproductive casual additions are quick. Not good." "Nice app for business, but I don't know why they removed the option of pop up messages where I get an instant notification when I get a message. I have to open my app to read my messages and at imes I'm offline for a while only to open my app to find messages of frustrated clients waiting for responses. I think you need to fix the instant notification, I cant always be opening my app to check for messages" "Dear team, I have been using whatsapp business from last 1 year and do all my office related work on it, but suddenly my whatsapp account got blocked yesterday without giving any prior warning..kindly look into this matter and unlock my account." "This app is indeed a nice app aspecially when it sends messages saying we are not available right now to the ones who messaged you when you are not availabe. But the problem i see with it is downloading it over and over when it gets finish. I would like to say maybe they must atleast make this vission last for three years and then bring a new vission because , sometimes its emergency and we need to communicate or phone a watsapp call but , you find that this vission is old when u dont have sp.." In what's app is very updated version business what's app is much like that for example in what's app there is an option to for UPI payment with that easily transfer money we need a update with that option it's very useful and better use this business what's app. Every thing is good except that. 👍👍👍 My whatsApp business app is not working. Please fix the issue as soon as possible. Thank you "Hey WhatsApp, I am not able to send multiple documents at one time, so please look into this and fix it as soon as possible" "this app is good for charting and messaging but sometimes to it make slow when watching videos in status or somebody send u picture and u want to view. try check on that for we all. and one thing is that, the app is also good for business people who are setup and some teachers to." "It has been a beautiful and whorthy progress with Whatapp Business. However, having a SEARCH feature on the catelogue space will also enhance smooth and easy navigation of products of numerous varities. Kindly consider this feature for optimum customer satisfaction. Thank you." "Really looking forward to the ability to share my account with team members. Overall, love the label systems and expecting even more innovation. The only problem takes way too much space and doesn't offer cloud storage." "Since this app has introduced, i was enjoying the app and the app is really satisfying. I want to give you some improvement tips as i have experienced some shortcomings when using the app. The available options for making the avatar is low. I can't make the real shape of me using whatspp but the 'Bitmoji' does. I think you find this helpful to give us the better experience with Whatsapp." The new split version update . Is the worst I ever seen . Not helpful. Pls make a option in setting to return to the old version Crash when delete status. Many hours for delete status. On off phone. Connect wifi. Still same. "This new whatsapp business is keep forced close, i cant open up the applications. Please is anyone can give a solutions because i need to open up all the reservation data and guest list" "Good only as a video player. Don't even think of using it as a music player. If you delete albums or songs from your phone, they will still show up in this app - even if you uninstall and reinstall. You cannot reorder playlists. You cannot reorder songs within a playlist. I paid for the premium version but will now keep looking for a player that works well whether you're watching videos or listening to music." "it's ok. very basic options. you could zoom in, but you can't zoom into a particular area of the screen, you could just zoom the entire screen. it would be great if the app contained a screenshot button to take a screenshot while it's playing. another thing that's frustrating is that when I continuously and accidentally hit the button that changed how far I was in the video, by zooming in and out." "I've absolutely loved this app for quite some time now. But in the last 2 to 3 weeks the subtitles has been messing up. At the beginning of the video all of the subtitles for the entire video show on the entire video covering up the video then after a moment the subtitles are gone and you don't get any while the video is playing. The ability to view recent videos instead of a select folder, subtitles (when working correctly) download, and able to also play music gives this app 5*." "Not the best... Purchased the full version thinking it'd be a good investment but found that the only video it plays right is MP4. A lot of the videos I have are in MKV format and I needed a player to be able to watch them. While this app plays the videos fine, it does not match with the sound at all. the video will slow down and the sound will continue as normal. Even trying to change settings around I still run into this issue. Very annoying when trying to watch anything." "PRO customer. Accelerated playback at 2X speed isn't really going at 2X. I timed it. It's more like 1.7X. Also, accelerated playback does not work with Bluetooth. Background play also loses your place when you pause and close the app, and then resume later. Please fix. Love the other features. What about accelerated playback on Bluetooth audio? Is that supposed to work? It only goes at normal (1X) speed over Bluetooth no matter how fast the speed setting." "Very decent Video Player. The Picture is Clear, not real sure that its 4k, Volume is quite good. There are several Problem area's. 1. To start out you have to make a 'List' of Videos, This is very easy to do, but don't let that fool you, Now try to get it to start Playing, and you guessed it NO way to start the video. Just for clarification I pick several folders to play random Videos. Easy enough if you're only going to play one video. 2. no fast forward button just a skip to next Video." "Love the app, but currently has a bug on .Avi files that starts a loud static poping noise while it's playing. Tried multiple videos and still had the same error. I used a few different apps and the videos played fine. I'm guessing it's just a rendering bug because you can fast forward or backwards just a little to get it to stop for 10 seconds of actual audio play, before it comes back. I'm sure they canfind the issue and fix it." "Love this app for it's unobtrusive ads, straightforward controls and functionality BUT... After the initial install, which works great for a couple days, the audio sync over BT starts to be off by +0.35s. After adjusting for this annoying delay, the setting doesn't seem to stay and you have to keep resetting the 0.35s for the next video played! Other similar players don't have this issue, but they have awful intrusive ads." "Really like for playing videos from a playlist I have created for my customers. The one thing it needs is the ability to reorganize a playlist after it is made. If this can be done I can't find it. I would pay for the premium version if I could do this. As it is I will be looking for another player soon. Another issue is that when I wanted to find support it took me to the in shot website. In shot is the company that makes this, but there is no evidence of that on the website and no support for or even any mention of the XPlayer either. If they could make it so I could reorder my playlists than this would be 5 stars." "This is actually a good video player and the UI controls are pretty good but lacks severely when playing files from local network. When opening video files in a file manager, this app is NOT on the list of apps to use, kind of disappointing. Support is lacking, sent email with no response. I actually paid for the premium. VLC does a lot better with local network files." "I'd rate it higher but just before this last update it began to randomly quit playing songs in my playlists and back out of them to the playlist selection screen. This last update made it exponentially worse. At times I have to restart a song 2 or three times in a minute to get it to play all the way through. Please, fix this." "good app, but the ads make the videos restart or stutter. really intrusive when going into the app after background or pop out play edit; let me reiterate. the ads themselves are part and parcel, but the fact that they disturb playback and override the app's bookmarking of the video's timecode, thats a problem. i bought the ad free version so it now works splendidly. but its still a problem" Meh it's good. But I came across an issue when it comes to locking and unlocking videos. I locked some videos and then unlocked them and when I unlocked the videos it changed the dates of the files to November 30 when some if not most of them(if not all of them) I got before November 30. I'm trying to find ways to fix the dates of my files but I cannot find any way unfortunately. Is there a way to revert the change? Because I like to keep my files organized and have bad OCD. Seems to work quite well and gaving the ability to Cast local videos is amazing. Thiugh the app does seem to only think there is one audio track while casting. No option I've found to tell it to prefer one track over the other. On am anime that had both the Japanese original audio and the English Overdub on different tracks it would play the overdub fine on the phone but when casting I no longer have the option to swap to the English dub leaving me watching on Japanese instead. This would be a five star app if you could add multiples of the same track in the same playlist. I don't know why video apps or any music app assumes only one of the same track is the maximum. There are people out there who like to stack certain tracks for things like mixes or affirmation audios. Level caps suck and we all know it. "I mainly use this app to listen to audio books that I've downloaded since it has the background play feature. However, it drains my phone's battery fairly quickly. For reference, without using this app, my phone lasts pretty much all day. While using this app, I'm close to 0% within 2 1/2 hours of use. Will update rating if this problem can be fixed." "tried this along with another app called VLC player which really spoiled me. THIS app worked fine and has most features standard for a video player, but the ads EVERYTIME u pause or go through menus is really really too much. The background data usage to DL more ads - draining system resources is BAD. Yes it's pretty interfacd and has ZOOM but VLC is what I went with cuz it is AD FREE and runs w/o background data usage and is light on resources. THIS app is a distant 2nd for me." "I don't want video to play x2 speed when i long press and i don't see an option to turn this feature off(fixed) - when i play a video and on screen buttons are hidden, i cant seem to have them show up when i click at the bottom of the screen and top of the screen. There are deadzones and this needs quixk fix imo. -when i exit a video while it's playing and i reopen the app again, it suddenly starts playing? Wow i dont want that but i guess It doesnt happen all the time" A very good app with a very user-friendly interface. But recently I have been facing an isuue where the player doesn't show the subtitles at certain parts.. I cannot figure out why this is happening but do hope it gets fixed soon "New update says it supports more filetypes for chromecast. Was excited to see if it will finally do MP4 but it only casts the audio and subtitles(and even than never the baked in version, gotta add/download an outside one), not the actual video." The ads are disruptive. The product is great. I've never seen somebody so eager to squeeze money out of a video player but the product itself leverages the quality and experience. "This app is great. But it has a problem of volume of sound adjusting function when playing .mkv on Android 13. When you first open an mkv you can't adjust the volume of the sound. If you change the decoder from hard or soft to another one, it would be ok. But when you pause playing and resume back, the problem happens again." "Really nice player app with some features I love, but it's missing a MAJOR component for a media player. There's no network shared drive access. No samba share. At least not that I can find." "The app is great, don't get me wrong. Functionality wise, it is as good as MX player. My issue is with the name of the app. X PLAYER is a terrible name, however the way you look at it. My request to the devs, please change the app name. For those who don't know, it feels like some porno app. 😅" Video often stutters (throughout an entire movie) and I don't know how to fix it. Downloaded another video player and there is no stutter. My device is overheating while using your app and draining more battery I installed another video player it's have no problem but yours video player have many features that are not available for there.. please find anything "Why did you disable portrait mode, when starting a video? All videos now start on landscape which is really annoying." everything is good except one.please show me a way to stop the 200% volume.. I don't want it.And please provide dolby vision support.There is a lot of movies and webseries which support dolby vision. "[QUALITY REVIEW, 010423, Av11, A505U1] ""Star Ratings based on Quality of Product"": This is litterly my favorite app for video streaming and watching downloaded videos or 1 hour servives. I got a few beefs (1) When streaming youtube live streams, it has to refresh alot! (2) it sometimes forgets the last watched stteam. You need a stream watch history log. (3) It would be nice to add a video record feature, for videos you can't download." Need more options development. Please add video and mp3 cutter system. Best video player for ever. "Chromecast is not supporting.For sometimes it will play for 10-20 mins & it will stop.After stopping if we reconnect it,it will play again from beginning..Then the cycle will go onnn.My video is mp4" "I used to really like this app. Now it has started always showing closed-caption by default. I can turn it off each time I open a video, but this is an irritating annoyance." "Pretty good player. My only frustration is trying to move the locked videos to the SD card - I expect if the app cannot be installed there, the storage cannot either? If it can, please provide some guidance with how to do it?" "The app UI and format is clean and user friendly. One thing I'm looking for is the tag ""New"" for videos and folders so you'll know which one you haven't started watching. I hope there's more y features to be included in the future." Not bad decend video playback and sound quality.Overall a good app definitely.please fix the minor issues.thank you. [Video] This app 1. DOESN'T SUPPORT HLS OR MPEG DASH VIDEO FORMAT. 2. UNABLE TO PREVIEW PARTIALLY DOWNLOADED VIDEO FILE. 3. UNABLE TO FIND AND WATCH HALF DOWNLOADED FILE. 4. UNABLE TO PLAY VIDEOS WHICH WERE DOWNLOADED FROM VIDMATE APP "This is the only app that's given me everything I've needed in a video app. But there's something I've been experiencing of late; after double tapping on the right side of my phone to fast forward a section of a video, it starts playing in x2 or x3 speed. It's becoming annoying, don't know if it's a bug, pls fix." "One of the best all-round media players around. However I am experiencing a small bug, if you rotate the screen during video play with subtitles from landscape to portrait and back, the subtitles size will stay the same size as in portrait. So they are almost unreadable, the app has to be restarted to reset the subtitle size. Hope this will be fixed soon." "I like the video player itself but it has too many annoying things. 1. Is the need to touch the middle or above for the video interface to show up, if you touch lower (where the pause button is supposed to be) it won't show up at all. 2. The pop-up play is very annoying because it doesn't retain the same settings when it's full screen, like when you pause the video in full screen but when you use the pop-up play it immediately resumes the video and the sound on/off doesn't work on pop-up play." "Great video player. Hopefully the app would be updated to fix some bugs. First is the transition from full screen to pip or vice versa is not smooth, it tend to restart the video from the beginnings when you put it on pip and vice versa. You also need to activate the pip through the menu it is not automatically goes to pip when you accidentally use home button. Next, the app share button is broken, it doesn't capture the link when you tend to share the video. Hope this gets fixed. Still an issue." "It is a really good media player. But it has it's issues. Firstly, it won't cast some of the videos on Google Chromecast idk why. It just says 'Cast failed'. Second, the subtitles look wierd during casting, the subtitle background is always black and looks wierd on casting screen. Third, the player doesn't remember the playback position in the Cast mode. Please fix all these bugs." "The only boring problem is that the ads keep popping, although I bought the version without ads and this is really annoying... Please remove those ads and I will give 5 stars... Powerful video player with a zoom tool that can be accessed during the reproduction of the videos, it has a great subtitles downloader tool inside the player, it is very clean and intuitive... It's absolutely the best video player available in the google play store!" "Used to be good and reliable player, but recently pop-up ads became really annoying. I mean the adds you cannot close immediately, or, worse, ads that are loudly playing music for some time without an option to skip or mute it. If you will choose to close the player, annoying ad will be back next time with the vengeance! Already looking for something less intrusive." "GREAT app! had of given more stars but I minused one for not having a pitch control, pinned off audio/mute that doesnt disturb other player between changing tracks, and then another star for not having a frame by frame speed to play at with a single optional capture button for screen shots as desired. If it had these features I would give 5 stars and not have a single bad thing to say other than when I freeze frame the ad pops up over the screen and blocks my visual of the froze frame 😵‍💫" "It's been almost three years since I bought this App, I could fairly say it's the Best video player for Android, only problem is since also that time I humbly requested to include a Widget for the app and for the love of Christ untill now it's still haven't come... 🤷🏻" "It's nice enough. I use it for playing my music. It has a shuffle and plays in the background. Although as far as I can tell, there's no option to restart a song from the notifications tab, so if you skip a song after about 3 seconds, then next time you get to that song, it'll already be slightly ahead. Basically, after 3 seconds, you have to listen to the entire song if you want to replay it. You could go into the app to replay it, but it can at times be inconvenient" "1. Please fix the part when playing MKV files such as Dual-Audio and Multi-Sub, it skips the default track order and plays the incorrect tracks both audio and subtitles. Fix this because it's exasperating. 2. Please, add more settings and customization like VLC, such as when rotating the video. Isn't there an option where I can only limit the rotation to upward and sideways, excluding the upside down? I find this kind of infuriating when changing orientations. Thank you very much." Good app.....but ads.... I hate ads When I makes the video fast the pitch of the sound changed and it sounds very weird please fix it. "Always defaults back to the base folder instead of showing you the place where you were just looking, and I still have no idea how to enable shuffle, if that's even possible. Also when you play finish playing any video, it automatically just finds another on your device and plays it. Really annoying." "I was so close replacing MX Player with this... until it played videos in a low FPS. At first, I thought it was because I was playing on Portrait mode (was checking a video), but even when turning to landscape, the FPS is still low when forwarding, which is something I never experienced on MX or any players. Then I thought ""maybe the video format?"", but it was an MP4 video. It almost had me, just with that portait mode... But then it messed up the basics. Hoping for improvements. Thanks Devs" "Seamlessly played back videos that I couldn't playback or even crash with other players. Bought the paid version. Edit: Makes a horrible noise along with the video during playback. Happens from time to time. Can be corrected by switching from sw to hw decoder or vice versa, whichever the decoder state is in when this happens. Couldn't get a response from the dev. This is a Wileyfox Swift phone." "This is a good video player, and it works far better than my android built in video player because it supports audio formats better, and subtitles better. The ads aren't bad, but they are present when the video player has internet access. If the video player has poor internet access, the video player will freeze for 30 seconds or more when trying to play a video, and you can not seek properly because the video will not play after seeking - it will sometimes freeze the entire android system and a reboot must be forced. This will happen over and over again when the internet connection is poor. The videos I am playing are completely loaded on the phone - so it isn't a streaming problem. It seems that poor internet access completely ruins the video player. Good internet access or airplane mode are required for this application to work well. In short, I give this application 5 stars IF it doesn't have access to the internet, or it has access to good internet. I give this application 1 star if it has access to poor internet due to it freezing the system, and being unable to play video after seeking, and taking 30 or more seconds to even start playing a video. The average of 1 star and 5 stars is 3 stars, so I give this app 3 stars. I suspect this video player is trying to load ads to display before playing a video, and if the internet connection is poor, the video player does nothing other than wait for the ad to load. This suggests the video player is programmed single threaded and has no timeout for how long it takes to load an ad from the internet. Whatever you do, don't turn off the phone while x video is in the foreground - x player will very rapidly drain the battery while the screen is off." "It's been great using the video player and its enticing features. However, the newest version of the app hasn't been satisfying my needs as against the older version and the reason is not farfetched---I had recently downloaded some subtitles of Hindi movies I got and none of downloaded subtitles have reflected. What's the possible cause of the error?" The app is really good compared to others. Thanks for this free app. However for some reason the subtitles started to not show even if it's turned on in settings. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app but still the same. I also downloaded different subtitle files but still not working. App is good but home screen look like old type. Try to make playet app home page "Lock screen mode locks every thing, I've to unlock everytime to use any features. Make it separate just for screen rotation. And sometimes audio doesn't sync with the video, but it works fine when played on other players. Rest is good." "The app is worth 5 stars but there is this one very tiny yet annoying problem. When I use the swipe gesture to adjust the volume, the system volume bar also comes out and starts adjusting with the swipe. I want to increase the volume for the video alone not for my phone as a whole. Also it would be great if there was this option to select a folder in the directory manually for quick access, so that there won't be any need to go all the way to the file location." "When I choose a 2nd audio file for a video, or 2nd subtitle file, it resets to the 1st one after i minimize the player for a moment. It would be very helpful if you fix that. edit: Pushing to background as in, i stopped the player. Came to home page to do something, maybe quit the player and come back later. It gets reset. I sent you guys an email. With video." The best media player in the store.. No doubt. The player lacks dlna Playback and also the UI of the app is very much outdated. Need to make it more modern. 2 stars less because of the above mentioned points. Moving to KMPlayer since it has a better modern UI and more features. Will have an eye on this if at all something changes. "Hello, their is a problem in audio which is very very annoying....whenever I increase the speed of the video to like 1.5 or 2 the audio starts to get all robotic and it really makes it difficult to understand....i tried changing the decorder but it dosent help...in other players for example vlc this is not a problem....please check what the problem is and do fix it" "Dear Developer(s), After the new update, the audio bitrate in the video is not shown. It's showing ""N/A"". I opened the properties of the video I played before and after the new update. Before the update the UI was clean and audio bitrate of the video was shown without any problem. After the new update this made me upset. Please fix this." I love this video cos it allows easy manipulation of whatever you are seeing and I will encourage anyone to use this app... Cos I like it so much.. If you need a video app.. This is good to go but I would really appreciate the option of subtitles in it cos some accent are a bit difficult to understand.. And I would love to see that in the next update. But everything else is great. Thumbs up 👍 "It's a nice app, but with the subtitles download (when you download it)it doesn't fit in the film sometimes" To me these app is best in watching when watching you zoom to the size you want in I cast "One of the best VIDEO PLAYER. My only problem is the volume in center make it more simple and try to put it in the upper center in vertical, second bring back the folder by folder bcoz i have almost 500+ video i dont want to scroll forever. Im using version and i dont like the lastest update" "If only you add different views for folders, I mean the files are OK, I can sort to how I want it and I can change the way it appears. But please add ""sort"" and ""view"" option for folders as well, the list view doesn't show the full name so when I have more then one season of a series I'll have to open each to know which is season1 and so on, that's waste of time really Please add the options, I'll love the app and give 5 stars" "EDIT IN RESPONSE- unfortunately, both the ways you suggest does not meet my purpose. I want a permanent option in the settings which will stop the next song from playing after this one ends AND will not replay the present song either. So basically, when a song ends, I want silence. Creating a playlist or setting the timer EVERY TIME is tedious. Original review- how to stop music from auto playing the next one? There is an option in the setting, but it is not working for music." "Had to uninstall this app because at every video transition, there's a high pitched raised sound (like a raised volume squeaks) that surprises and hurts my hearing, especially when I'm on headset. I don't know what's wrong but I use another app and it only happens with this app. Still a good job, developers!" Unable to play 4k video in non 4k screen. I downloaded it because i wanted to use it to watch 10bit video and it worked... kind of. Can you please make the audio sync with the video better and also make it so that the video doesnt lag. The only other app that worked was MX player but i would not recommend it to a person who is using this one but i would also not recommend this one either. Please can you improve on that "It was working well but now it seems everytime I try to cast the video from my phone it says ""Cast Failed"". And it's not just one video, it's multiple. Used to work great, but now I'm monumentally disappointed. This was my 'go-to' app for casting to my chromecast too.... 🙁" Please remove adds when offline this was my favourite thing about the app not being forced adds while offline but since latest update that has changed please go back to before !! Im removing few stars till then !! If it don't change I'll have to uninstall app after using this app for over 2 years !! (Iv reverted to a older version that has not got this ishhue sadly I'm going to leave 3 stars for puting me thru this lol) "This app is almost perfect and I'm going to make a one-time purchase as the price is not too expensive and reasonable. However, I use it to play .h246 files but it won't let me move the marker to the video time that I want within a video. On both sides it says 0:00 which means I have to wait and let it run until the part I want to see. That's very inconvenient as it's the most important function that should be working. For other common file formats, this thing works but I need that for h246files" "Everything is good, but can you please fixed Playlist? It doesn't let you browsed the directory you want, but it set to the default internal system file. Because of this, you can't add the music video or music from the SD Card or any other custom directory." "Works great, I have always liked inshot products, but when playing a video, there is a black screen with a 1/4 second pause before it starts the loop again. There may be a way to defeat it, but I haven't found it yet. So if you have a loop of a running man, every time he takes a step there will be a pause and a black screen." "While I appreciate features such as popup & zoom, I don't know how basic features like back/forward 5 secs buttons are totally absent, and time progress bar & speed control are missing on popup. The way I want to play vids: 1) as POPUP with 2) TIME BAR and 3) ""BACK 5 s"" & ""FWD 10 s"" BUTTONS (at least tap gestures on both full & popup players), with 4) SPEED CONTROLS ON THE POPUP that are 5) ""STICKY"" (choosing 1.5x speed stays 1.5x for all vids until changed). Still searching for the right app!" "BEST VIDEO PLAYER I'VE USED SO FAR. HOWEVER, I have one main issue when playing .mkv files. The video lags when playing mkv. I wish you could fix this. Edit: Thanks. But it's not the audio, it's the video itself. Audio is fine but there is a lag per frame when playing the video" "Simply the best. Ads are not intrusive and packed with great options such as equaliser etc. I use this app for both watching movies and listening to music. Thanks, developer! Updated: Rating is down to 3*. Recently, the music player stop working midway." 4k video lagging not supported properly? Fix them this player would be perfect if you could select folders you want to play instead of the music files scattered all over the place. when you go to try to select a specific folder yo play or artist it doesn't show up on the list. fix that and it would be 6 Stars instead of 5 and i would donate as well. Really a good app... Try to minimise the ads in between. One suggestion.... Keep that private folder option somewhere in the options.. Or else... Everyone wants to know what is there in that private folder... Sometimes they ask the passwords to us... Which puts us in hesitated situation. So don't let that option visible every person just like that. It's a really great video player. It almost supports all kind of audio format. But as a audio player I didn't get it as good as video player. After clearing all recent apps we can't resume audio where we last stop it. Please do something for this problem. "İt is an amazing app.Fantastic, but there is a simple problem. When I finish an episode or a video, it doesn't move alphabetically. For example, I am watching episode 1 of a series and when I finish the episode it is supposed to play episode 2 but instead it plays a whole different episode from a different season. Thanks for the hard work." Pause button always lagging It's a good app but lacking and crashing. "I hate to admit but this is the worse video player but I love the UI, though. What I hate is the subtitle position. How on earth it can't be played correctly. I mean the lines are always straight not played by the system itself. The line also just cropped out by itself. That's very annoying, dude. Plz fix this mess!" App that i used to watch video for all the time but now thanks to the scan bug most of my videos dont even end up in the scanned video list going through directories is annoying every time. Yes the path is not remembered to the app and it used to be accessible to videos in all directories. but now only specific directories are shown examples : download video and whatsapp videos. It does not include any additional videos that are transferred or downloaded to the phone. "I really wanted to like the player and was willing to pay for the pro version but it's too buggy. It plays video out of order when clicking next, doesn't show subtitle sometimes, when switching to vertical view everything is off the screen... I guess it's back to mx player." "The player works great 'as is' on my Galaxy 8+ but when using the Chromecast, the subtittles and sometimes sound isn't casted with the video. I paid for the app so I'm hoping this will be adressed soon as there was no reply to my original email. Will adjust rating when the casting issue is resolved." "The subtitle rendering is faulty, developers. It can’t render double-lined subtitles properly, and instead simply render them into one line, causing overlapping of letters. At first, I thought it was the subtitles that were badly formatted, but nope. It’s this player. Please fix it, guys." "Resume or start over option should last longer. There should be an option for opening the video with same speed as set previously. There are more flexible settings available for file viewing in mx player like showing size, times played and much more. These all features make mx player the complete one. Hopefully you guys consider this." "I love many aspects of this app, however, my main use is to cast video clips from my phone to Shield TV and its unusable on the loop all setting due to the ""next video will play in xx seconds"" message taking up a large part of the screen. No way I can see to remove this so I've had to revert back to another app." "Great for watching movies!! Love it. But I noticed that no matter which wireless headphones I use, it lags. I own a Samsung S21 Ultra and a Tab S6 and it lags on both devices when used with wireless headphones. That didn't happen before. Please fix that and I will change the rating to 5 stars!!!! Thanks!" "Yet another promising app that could be great but instead is just ok b/c devs don't listen to users. Probably the best player currently available, but held back due to some easily fixed issues & missing features & minor needed improvements. Emailed about it & was ignored. That was 7 months ago, & not one of the suggested things has been fixed/added. Devs, if you're just going to ignore feedback, don't waste users' time by including a submission for it in the app. & ads should be to the side." It's the good app for watching movies . But I think it would be better if more facility will be there in that app like in subtitle slow or fast and also more colours should be there and one thing which makes me annoying so much that is advertise u should fix it as soon as possible otherwise rest of the thing is perfect .Thank you 😇 "The app is bad at rendering (not sure about the exact term). For example when i play the same video in an other app (like vlc) the video is more crisp, seems higher resolution and has better colour. And if i take a screenshot to compare playback of the apps, there is a ton of difference in the size of screen shot, like from 700kB (xplayer) to 2MB (vlc)." "Please add seamless looping! Five star app otherwise. I got this app to display a high resolution version of an NFT and it played great until the loop came in. Loop is abrasive - cuts to black screen, shows all menu buttons, and takes a non-trivial amount of time to start the video again." "The app is better than mx player, it supports almost all formats. Only one problem i noticed with this application is that the problem with playing 10 bit videos. The video seems to be laggy while seeking forward or backward. Please reslove this problem ASAP." "I've liked this app for about 2 years, it was one of the only apps I could play music while hearing sermons or Youtube. Some update pulled in the last 2 days that removed that, now I can only play one or the other. That hurts guys. 😥 Sidenote: if you guys build in the option to ""play over other apps"", it should still work. Thanks." Not a bad application at all. It is simple to use and gives relevant information. Five stars wouldn't have been enough but for some few downsides. You don't differentiate cup and friendly matches from season matches. You have to open match by match to see which one. Secondly it wld have bn okay to keep match reviews even after the matches are over. The addition of expected goals to the stats column is great. But please bring it before the match starts. Thank you... And keep up the good work. "This app fully deserves 5 stars for how complete, intuitive and useful it is. I use it regularly. But it has built-in ads and I can't pay to remove them, because somehow they only let iPhone owners do that. Frustrating." A very good app but it really needs the option for a horizontal score page rather than a stacked option. I'm sure it'd be more appealing if more people have the choice. I still feel the colors used when highlighting the position of a selected team in the table is not clear. I would prefer a deep green color like in the past "Love flashscore,but the score fonts are poor you can't see number 1 and 2 they both look similar.Also change the big chance to goal or an alternative to turn this choice off." "I really like using this app.. it's easy to navigate and find what you need.. however loading the app from fresh is a pain in the arse.. it just buffers from 1st time loading and I have to close it and reboot it.. then it works.. in this day,an age of technology...no apps should have any glitches.." "To tidy up,can I delete other Countries teams, sports, leagues, competitions, that I have no interest in ? Also, it's irritating that for each round in the (English) FA Cup,in the UK & England we don't say 1/64, 1/32. They are called 3rd round, 4th round, 5th round,6th round (also round of 16), quater finals, semi finals & the final. 1/128 may give you the numbers of teams,it's just not right. You need to take into account each individual countries terminology. Otherwise the apps' looking good" Used to be good. Got a Google pixel 7 pro phone and now it just keeps closing down all the time. Is a brilliant app when functioning properly. "A very nice app but it lags most of the time, and the settings always go back to default after a couple of days. All my settings, notifications and alert would just stop. When the app is in my background, it doesn't work. I have to quit the app and restart it. I'm sure it doesn't happen to most of y'all, but that's my problem.... Aside that, it's a very nice app I would appreciate if you could add H2H for clubs too" "To the development team, when I favorite a club or team, I expect that every single competitive or noncompetitive fixture listed should be starred/favorited as well and this should apply to all impromptu fixtures that emerges as the season progresses. I would appreciate it if I didn't have to find and ‘star' league and cup fixtures of a favorite club or league fixture." "I use flashscore for mostly team update s and prediction but recently i noticed ""odd option"" wasn't displaying any longer for every match.... Please can you look into it... thank you" "I don't like the nature of the default search filter, I can't search or look up a particular team . I had to continue scrolling . The web version search filter is great" Now I don't get stats on throw ins anymore. When the match is playing at first we get the stats on throw ins. Now it has stopped showing. Why "It's not set up for rugby teams, ie the team is just listed in alphabetical order not as a team and also there's no player information" "Used this app forever it's always been the best but lately the commentary is awful, constantly cuts out and plays music instead. It's getting to be every single game nearly. Will soon be looking for something else." Very easy to use... But I think you guys should include the player rating. It will make it complete app . Consider this suggestion please 🤝 "5 stars if you add the FA women's national league. Dropped a star due to the expected goals stat. Not needed, get rid!" Great app. But i guess you can decrease the Font sc or just allow the user to configure it on his own! "The interface is quite good, especially with a dark theme, easy on the eyes. What I don't like is the fact that corrections happen too often for my taste. I understand the outside factor, referees, var checks etc. but I think the app should wait with goal update few seconds longer or inform us that it's a goal! (with potential var check). Also statistics can vary during the half time and often can be corrected once the second half begins." "Absolutely LOVE the app, fantastic. But they just did an overhaul of the look that I just updated now and it is absolutely terrible. It's just incredibly white, hard to look at in general. Also liked how the sport list used to come out from the side rather than now it comes up from the bottom and you have to scroll it up (terrible). Please go back to how it was! Please! The only good thing they put in was the dates at the top." Everything looks good but why did you remove the 3rd party betting odds?! Good app best you can ask for n depend on for notifications but sad part is that it doesn't show all teams in live section It was amazing best app of it's kind by a mile. The search function no longer works on mine. I've attempted to reinstall and deleted cached data. "This is the best App so far you guys have made but yet there is some little scemicthes that needs to be done, the color markings of the teams in terms of head to head the color is to low for my liking the old Flashscore is very clear and well marked details, I think you need to bring color adjustment that one I will let me come back to Flashscore. So I will give you *** because you also did not add odds arrangement." "This app is great is great for upto date scores from your favourite sports. The contrast of red font on a black background coupled with the inability to make the text bigger let's this app down. If you have a larger screen phone or use tablet, this may cause you issues if you dont have good eyesight. A reply from the owners state they have no plans to resolve this, which is poor, they need to consider accessibility." "I noticed on a particular matchday, the number of corners displayed on the stat screen was reduced by minus one, On 2 OCCASSSIONS which led to me loosing money for the matches I staked .. That was grossly unacceptable" It's also a great app. But help us with more trick for winning games Please return odds to the main screen so it can be seen without opening match tab It's cool but you must add player ratings and statistics. Also FIFA rankings and UEFA club rankings are expected "This is very nice loving it so far,I can literally check out games,points even leaderboards for almost all games although it has network issues 👎" "Dear developers, I'm really impressed with the amazing features and statistics your app offers. It's timely notifications and cool interface is superb. Though ""match statistics"" is not included in many minor leagues (just score Line) and also there is no option for removing teams in ""My Teams"" tab all at once, if you resolve these, I'll definitely increase the app's rating.. I admit, It's a great app, I enjoy using it!! I really appreciate you guys. More Grace and Excellence!!" nice but one more options needed its live streaming for tennis matches do something for this ill give 5 star if i ll get live streaming aprt from all good Awesome app but If you could only add the additioned minutes in stoppage time 🙏 and return screen pinning pleeease😏 Notification comes very late after game start i thing some bugs fix this asap. Good for scores but live commentary is just music half the time. Perfect app but I think it will surpass perfection if the player ratings on players performance during matches is added to the features... Quite Remarkable just that the limit placed on the number of favourite teams one can select is a big disappointment to most of us. We wish they will take off the limit or expand it much more for a 5 star rating. Thanks "The only one thing i really dont like in this app is the fact that the standings arent incomplete. Have no victories, draws and losses, cause it just 3 stars." I do not see local live streaming if I use English language. For example in Czech Republic I see BBC but no CT4 etc. So I have to use Czech localization. The app is very perfect but u need to include the goal kicks as well to make it more exciting and finding everything at once. The app is great but there is few stuff that annoys me; I cannot change time from 24 to 12 format There is no arabic language . Please add these features! Now when you make a favorite list over 2 days it only counts the total games of today. It also doesn't reorder matches based on starting time. Before the update it was much easier. One more thing when you disable a match the color of the star stays yellow like the undisabled matches. I would be good if the color changes after disabling a match in my favorite list. "Game statistics is very poor, doesn't show corners and bookings only goals nd substitutions" "The list of selected teams should display the scoreboard of quarters, without having to navigate on them individually" "It very reliable it's gives you everything, but can we get something there that we can use it to watch football I think that will be great if u do that for us" Change that was needed. You should find a better way to change the sport. I find it hard to move my finger to the top of the screen to reach the menu just for it to appear at the very bottom. Unnecessary eye and finger shift is never good. Also I think the old version was more eyes friendly when it comes to dark mode. "good, but need a little more features to be solved" "the content needs at least 30 seconds to be loaded 100%, although the app is always up to date." "should be able filter out certain competions so that on live games page i only get a list of what i want to see rather than put a star to each game and then filter them with the live favourites i do not want to see pages and pages of live games on tournaments am not interested in Also favourite games star should expire after a few days of the game played. One has to go and remove them one by one, annoying Display how much extra time has been awarded and with the counting down of it" "The app is great in terms scores and statistics. But the other football aspects are lacking. There is no top assist chart. There is little info about the players (no preferred foot, market value, transfer record, fifa ranking etc. It should have a general news forum like premier league news, laliga news etc. All I'm just trying to say is that the app should be an ALL IN ONE app. I don't know about other sports, I'm just only interested in football." I would have rate it 5 start but the full standing format for Web is not available on the app I have to go on Web most time. "It would be nice to watch games and highlight,if you not in front of a TV and allow other sporting bets like Hollywood bets be able to bet flashscore" Really good app but really miss the fact you could pin games. Plus no option to pay for no adds. "I'm still looking forward for a sports app that displays the game time in basketball matches the right way. The time should run backwards not forwards and adding the seconds is essential. In addition, a live match tracker would come handy to follow close matches play-to-play." "Please add corners updates notifications, I will highly appreciate it" "The best app for checking stats, just love it. Didn't give 5 stars because of one annoying feature, score corrections are too rampant. why can't you just relax and give the right results once and for all. I stand to be corrected but per my observation, for every 5 soccer games you get not less than 3 corrections before the games are over. Fix that and I will give the 5 stars you deserve." "The new design is ok'ish, not very much to talk about, we'll get used to the colors and new ui. But there is now little info on screen compared to the old version, it involves much more scrolling for reasons i don't really get. Yes, we'll get used to this also, but why should we get used to something that's arguably worse than before? At least give the option to make the text smaller" "I suggested that the delete option for all favorite games should be included the last time and a bit disappointed it wasnt included. I can't favorite (star) 40 games in a Gameweek and when they have all played, individually unstar the games. The Delete all favorite games was present in the much older version and should be brought back for ease. Thank you" The number of favorite team you can select should be more. It's limited and it's not helping me fix it and would give 5 stars. We need to able to choose lots of teams as favorite from different range of sports please see to it. Aside that I love the app "The app has been the best since 2014 but not now, whoever brought in the new changes did not consider user friendly . You can not pin the matches like before, the colors are distractive. Kindly go back to the previous app, it was easy to use with good features." "I have a problem with my Xiaomi S2 telephone,because you can't always hear the sound for notifications (such as goal scoring or the end of a match).I've tried almost everything using permissions and phone settings,but there was no result.You simply can not hear the sound,while you can see light or floating notification.At the same time,Sofa score or Live score work fine and you can always hear sound for the notification." "Hello! A more compact design for entire scrolling experience would have been much better. A lot of scrolling must be done to find the scores for more matches monitored. Overall, it works a lot more faster and it has a lot of details." "An excellent app, but since the upgrade I have to go to GoolePlay to open the app. Despite installing/uninstalling/installing the latest version. It's not the end of the world, and the lack of notifications is strangley welcome, but it would be nice if it worked as it should." "can you please give us the number of wins from home/away like when you open from the browser. it's just the matches played that shows. give us the matches played, matches won,drawn and lost. it's a very nice app with nice features but this update will make the app more interesting. work on this update." "I have just one request: kindly make your football league tables as detailed as what you have on your website. Please include games won, lost, and drawn, at least. Almost every other scores app - even those not up to the quality of Flashscore - has that. Please." Used it for years but it's getting extremely annoying that everytime I open it to find out what's going on I end up not being able to stay on it for more than 15 seconds. Sort it out it was such a good app for following multiple sports but right now don't think I'll be keeping it if this persists. "Generally, I'm happy with this app, but lately it keeps giving me too frequent connection error messages while I'm in the app, even though my internet is working perfectly fine with all other apps, and even getting the Flashscore notifications, but in-app browsing becomes impossible" The app fails to run on the background in my phone. I did everything in the books to keep it running but to no avail. Don't know whether its the version of my android or something because it worked very well on my previous phones with android 6. I use android 10 at the moment "The update is not as attractive as the former on content it's dope on user interface better the former, and the issue here is how the information is presented, while analysing matches you want to see as much infor as possible on the screen not several disjointed pieces, otherwise not bad" "Great App - but latest Changes make it less user friendly, more confusing - i.e. when scrolling down the list and instead of seeing the country names highlighted - now you see the name of the league. Users dont want this. Should have kept the old layout" "This is a very nice app, but I have been having problems with mine since the last update. It keep on stopping anytime l click on the app. I need help, I can't use open the app again, I uninstalled and reinstalled again, but still having same problem." "I hate to see white and red jerseys for each and every home and away teams respectively. Can't you just give each team their respective jersey colors they are wearing in that exact game. I wished for this for a very long time hoping that in this very new update you'd fix it, since other livescores, at least most of them, do display the team lineups in their respective jersey colors they are wearing in that match. Other than this👆, the rest is good with me." "I'm impressed with how you guys constantly try to improve this app but one thing which is getting tiresome is you having to go through all the games to see the final results. I think if you guys create a section for finished games just like you do for the live games, it would be great." "I used the app for the last 5 years and today I was advised by an in-app message that the version of the app I was using will stop existing in a few weeks and I need to install another version of it. Honestly the old version is 5 stars guaranteed but this new version that I just installed is not smooth, it is slow and doesn't feel the same. Please go back to the old version of the app which was amazing. Thank you." "The apps works fine after the first installation but the moment you try using it after 2 days, it keeps crashing over and over without opening. Guess the migration from one app (Soccer24) to another app (Flashscore) is really taking its toil on the Flashscore App." Very good app but they can't give us a good prediction "Pls I can't still see the big chance in that blue black background. I thought you made some changes buh is still the same. If only you could use the old version black color theme then we'll be okay. Buh apart from that,app looks 👍 great" very good but problem is switching between apps it closed itself up The app is OK to use but individual player statistics during match are not disclose "It's an excellent app that greatly shows the events, standings and allover the match info" "Please put all the odds at basketball especially NBA, for mobile. ios it does have but for the andriod doesnt have" It's a great app bt u should improve on some matches which u don't give stats Great app gives you every details on sports "New era updated is garbage. The color is too pinky and bright color. It can damage the eyes. Old version color was perfect. Hope, they will maintenance the color Sharp into normal. I expect they will fixed it soon. 🙏" Getting to two weeks now I don't receive lineup notification before matches and I don't receive sound alert on ongoing matches goals This app has started giving problems Showing big chance and then disappear Seconds later the goal entered so boring 🥺 that would be great to show the ranking of each team in there championship of there country i cannot select the leagues i want. i really only want to see the top few leagues and not all the leagues in the world "I used to love d Goal Alarm speed, but for some time now it's not interesting, comes very late" it's perfect app to see any game of in the world but not Ethiopian premier league that's bad😔 Please I'm unable to receive notification of starred matches nowadays. What could be the problem? Easy to use and good analysis One of my best app but i cant see big chance showing again Am still using the app and I have no seen anything wrong with it so I just had to give it 3 Star rank. "Very good, easy and impressive 👏" Sometimes search doesn't work "The app was a perfect 5 stars, after the update i don't like it. When in pop up mode i can't scroll up to see football stats. My phone is a s22 ultra. Go back to how it was previously." "It will be nice if you guys can add match tracker," "The reason am not giving it 5star is, 1. since the last update it sometimes stopped while using it and ask to close the app. 2. It changes the opposition times to show up as home and the team playing home goes to away position. All I ask of your good and kind effort towards this app is to please amend it,thanks for the good work." "the app doesn't show all the past seasons for athletes, especially not for hockey players!" "I want to use this app in the hope of eases my integrative experience of outlook desktop and mobile. It is a functional calendar and email system. But it is both clunky and dysfunctional in ways that need not be and are not present in desktop. My big beef is that your can't have email mm at the same time as the calendar, and vice versa. If you are working on an email and want to check on a date you have to leave the email, open the calendar function, close it, then go back into email, THEN...." "My 1st problem isn't so much with the app as it is with Outlook, in general. Every day I get a ridiculous amount of spam in my Focus inbox and it's driving me insane. The app is pretty solid, though sometimes the delete option in the notifications doesn't actually clear the notification nor delete the actual email." Up until the most recent update I was able to see a preview of my email in the notifications and on my samsung watch. Since the update all that shows is the email subject which makes the app on both my watch and my phone relatively useless. I can't get a quick preview to see if it is something I need to look at immediately vs at a later point. "Missing a lot of the basic text editing features that I use all the time such as inset text, change font, font size, text color, etc. Inset text is a big one for me because I paste in text quotes from other sources a lot and like to clearly distinguish them from the body text. Also can't change the default font or font size (for writing emails), which seems like a very basic and fundamental feature." "When Outlook ""strands"" a message in the Outbox, there is no way to force a send. Only remove the app (android) and reinstall. This has been going on since 2010 as far as I can see from Googling it. Apparently Microsoft doesn't give a damn, or it would be a feature to force a resend from the outbox. Just as with Windows Last, they are screwing the pooch and doing nothing about it. BTW, G-Mail has no such problems. This has been improving steadily. Still missing things that should be included," "It's a mostly good app. It worked well for a long time, but for a couple of months, I haven't been getting notifications when mail comes in, particularly in the Yahoo account. When I go to settings, it says notifications are blocked, but they are not. So I can't fix the problem. I just have to manually check my mail to see if there are any new messages. UPDATE 3/27/23 After the latest update, now if I move a message to spam, it still shows in the inbox until I close the app and restart it." "Since the latest update, there is a HUGE delay when it comes to selecting either Mark as Read or Delete on an Outlook notification and when the action actually takes place. Sometimes it never does and the notification just sits in the notification pane. This isn't supposed to happen. It should be instant. This has to be a bug. It would be nice if we had the option to change the app icon to a dark icon like in iOS." "Lots of widget glitching lately. Long email chains are really difficult to navigate. (The app takes you to the oldest email first, as opposed to the newest, and there is no arrow to quickly navigate between emails--it's all scroll.) Scheduling time with others is not easy to see, but the app creators have made it easy to accept invites while avoiding scheduling conflicts. Overall, I'd recommend this app for those on the go, though the app has seemingly fixable quirks." "It works well enough. Recent issue has been syncing with my phone calendars; the setting works while enabled but it keeps disabling itself after about a week. It would be that annoying of a problem to just toggle back on, but it also resets all my calendar colors so I have to go through and recolor each one every time it happens." "Overall ok. Used to be a good email app. I'm not sure if they got rid of something in updating, but for last few month's, ive been getting an overwhelming amount of junk emails sent to my inbox. I try and mark it as junk and still get sent to my inbox. Just frustrating when I'm getting 20+useless emails, thinking it's important and says has no content." "Performance of this app has been deteriorating. It works fine with one account. But if you add a business account with shared inboxes, it stays showing problems. For example, if you switch to a shared inbox, you will still see emails from the first inbox you were in. The only way to fix that is too close and relaunch the app." "I get notifications to enter my credentials at least 3 times a day every day. After posting this review, I just received 2 more notifications to enter my credentials. It's getting annoying. For the 3rd time today, I've received 2 more identical notifications to log in to my Hotmail account to update my credentials. I would love to attach screenshots but I haven't figured out how to attach them. 2 notifications Every 6 hours like clock work." "Edit: junk email arriving to inbox has been fixed. However, some of the people I email with regularly, still end up in junk. Sometimes even if the person is already in my contacts. Please, include the same feature as PC browser version has; when I move the email from junk into the inbox, ask me if you should send emails from this sender to inbox. Awful lately. Puts my friends emails, that have been my contact for over 10 years, in junk and since this morning sends all junk to inbox." "Outlook had been great for years, but since I've upgraded my phone (from Galaxy S10 to S20FE, Android 13), it keeps getting bogged down, running so slow now and then it takes a while for an email to open. I've even deleted and re-added email accounts to get it back to normal. Hope this doesn't last long." "Excellent, except: Doesn't allow either confirm before sending or undo after sending. This led to high proportion of premature sending, especially with very prominent send button. UPDATE: I NOW AVOID USING OUTLOOK FOR COMPOSING AND SENDING EMAILS. Simply too risky -- have to follow up with ""Sent prematurely"" messages. I like the focused mailbox but I'm now looking for alternative apps with a similar feature. FURTHER UPDATE: Switched to Edison mail, which has focused inbox and undo send." "When i open the app through the desktop icon the Email notification doesn't disappear automatically, i should go manually to the notification bar manually to remove the notification even i already opened and read the Email.. That's annoying! The sync between the notification bar and the app itself is very bad, it's very normal to see that i have 3 unread messages in the notification bar while in fact there is no unread message." "Three things. 1) The Search function does not work at all. Always comes up with no results. 2) When the notifications come through that there is new mail and I see them and click on them it does not open up the app and take me to them. It just clears the notifications. 3) There should be a way to easily Mark All Messages as read instead of this. Mark one, go to another area, select all, then go to another area and Mark them all as read." "It seems like the longer I have this app, the more janky it gets. I always had issue with loading flagged messages, but now it has gotten really bad. Most of the time they just won't show up. It's really getting annoying, why give me the option to flag an email but then I can never pull it up that way." "The app used to do its job well but a couple of months ago it stopped showing notifications and now it brings up my new emails with a couple of hours' delay! I use outlook for my college and I receive very important emails that I shouldn't miss at all, but they appear in my inbox sometimes with 12 hours delay! I also checked everything in the setting and they are all set. Please let me know what should I do to avoid these crashes. Thank you!" "I love outlook, and having it on my phone too helps a lot since I can't always have my computer on me. However I have 2 main problems: 1. One day, it asked me to sign in, but it didn't work. And it never did after that, so now I have to rush and send whatever email before the sign in bar pops up, since it blocks the send button. 2. since the newest update, it won't even let me open the app. it tells me the database is optimizing but takes me out of the app when I try to open it." "It's a buggy mess. Great in theory. Love having all inboxes in one place but too many issues. Notification actions (mark as read, delete) only work about a third of the time. And since the last update the search refuses to open a keyboard so it's completely useless. I even tried typing my search in another app to copy and paste it in, but the copy paste dialog won't open either. I'm on a galaxy z flip 4." "App is receiving email and displaying notifications for said email; however, the app won't show the emails in the Inbox, nor will it open them from a notification. Outlook just hangs trying to render the email (which it seems like it can't find, despite there being a notification for it). Dozens of emails show notifications but don't appear in my Inbox. Not using Focused Inbox. Have reset account several times. Issue persists. Sent feedback via the app." "Way more limited than desktop. e.g. In this age of bursting email accounts, it would be great to be able to select a series of emails to delete all at once. Or even select all, from Search results. As it is, to delete all emails from one sender I have search the sender (ok) then open every single email from that sender to delete one at a time from the inside (not ok). This, among other things, makes using the app incredibly tedious, reducing my productivity when I'm on mobile. Please fix this!" "2/20/23 Not filtering Junk Mail AT ALL! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO MY INBOX!! 11/25/2022 More recent app update resulted in Junk Mail not being filter and sent to my Focused Inbox, and Phishing frenzy happening- Fix it. 4/30/2019 A lot of changes- some helpful, some odd. Since the last update, option to view the images in the Junk Mail box has been removed (without having to open the information on a website)- it is a hindrance because some things I need to see to determine if they are indeed junk." "I want to love it. I was typing a reply and let my phone lean too far to the side. It switched to landscape, and when I turned it back to portrait, my whole email was gone. Everything I typed. No draft was saved, it was just gone without warning. I don't have the patience to see if that was a fluke. Switching back to Edison mail." "One thing gets fixed then another issue arises. The notification bell has disappeared so I can't snooze emails if I'm taking a vacation day. I see there is a bell in a different location now, click on it and it turns the page blank. Also as someone mentioned I can't open emails from my push notification screen, it will open up the app and freeze. I have to close and reopen for emails to appear." "The ads are a big nuisance. They deceivingly appear as emails too so it often gets confusing. The app has lost its personal feel and the user experience has deteriorated. I think without the ads, it's easier to overlook the lack of functionality compared to other emailing apps, but with when the experience is negative from the moment you open the app, it's much less enticing. I'll be transitioning back to gmail, which fares better overall." "works for what I need it for, which is just easily accessing emails about tracking shipments, however I've noticed this last update has created a forever-loading advertisement block at the top of the ""other"" email folder. I don't understand why an ad is trying to load on my app, considering I pay for the office subscription, so I can only assume this is a bug and I hope it's addressed soon." "It's easy to use, not great at notifying you of emails in the different inboxes (focused/inbox), does not have a logout option so you either have it exposed or delete it, and if you change your password you're constantly notified that you need to sign back in (even after you've done it). However, you can set up a pin or biometrics as a safeguard and multifactorial sign in." I hate that the app won't really block senders & you can't access the Options menu on mobile. Always have to go online to really stop receiving garbage from the same addy over & over. Waste of time to report emails. MS doesn't do anything about it. Otherwise works as well as any other email app. At least it stopped resetting everything with every update. Couldn't find a way to tell it not to sync. I prefer another email client that is very bare bones on my phone. I only used Outlook on my phone for its report phishing to Microsoft capabilities. I did not want Outlook to try to keep checking email and post notifications. I turned off notifications but really I don't want it using any bandwidth at all because I prefer a different email client "Great to be able to read mail from multiple accounts. Would be perfect if you could make subfolders, rename folders and delete folders. If I have a folder called ""Online Purchases"", it would be nice to be able to have ""Amazon"", ""Walmart"", ""Kohls"", etc subfolders. Also, sometimes folders aren't needed anymore, but there's no way to delete them. 12/19/2022: still no response from my suggestion." "Mostly pretty good, but with 1 major issue. I am required by my employer to change my password every 90 days. I do this on my laptop, and several days later I stop receiving email on my phone because the app needs the new password. The problem is that the app does not ASK me for the new password. It just stops syncing. I have tried resetting the account in Settings, but that usually does nothing. I typically have to delete my account and then add it back to get email syncing again." "Getting email and having multiple accounts is great, but I have almost hace too many new emails to deal with sometimes. With that said, if you try to search for a sender to be able to delete multiple messages from that source, forget it...you can't just select and delete or swipe and delete them once you've searched...you have to open each messages and delete from the message. 🤦‍♀️not helpful" "Interior with AOL mail has gotten better lately, but thats due to me no longer attempting to send emails via Outlook. Whenever I need to send or forward email I jump over to my AOL web mail instance to do so. For years I've had mail synch issues with Outlook, but usually I can get past it by restarting Outlook using the reset function in their system menu." "The Outlook mobile app is okay but not great. There is no option to update your password, you either wait a few days for an error message then prompt for password change or delete profile settings and reenter. Unable to quickly swipe left or right in open email to navigate to the next emails. The app is just okay for work emails, better than the default Samsung email app but fails to compare with Gmail." Convenient but still lacking in integration with the web app and desktop software version. Specifically for me the signature doesn't attach to my emails sent from the app but it does on the computer. I also cannot embed my website link into a logo in the signature on the phone but works fine on the computer. The calendar is pretty clunky and hard to use on the app as well but at least it sync's well with other calendars and personals. Looking forward to intuitive functionality updates "Pretty sub-par, I always have issues navigating where my folders are, deleted, archived, inbox. To be more specific, I don't feel like it's streamlined, I feel like I have to analyze what I'm looking at for a good minute before I know what I need to do. I'm not sure how emails are automatically categorized between ""focused"" and ""other"" but it's rather irritating, considering important emails are always thrown into the ""other"" section, or spam. Despise the addition of ads, is nothing sacred?" "It's not a bad app honestly. The problem is that it is a HUGE battery suck. I have this app on both my work phone (iphone) and my personal (android), and both are pretty severely impacted by use of this app, even you are not actively using it. Just having it run in the background will deplete your battery quickly. It's a problem is like to see them work on." "My mailbox is full and I stopped receiving new emails. OK. I spend HOURS deleting emails and emptying the trash, only to find that every email I deleted went right back to where I deleted it from. Inbox and sent emails. I have tried everything I can think of. Emails won't delete from a full email app. Makes an email app I have used for years completely useless." "Overall, the app is great BUT, in the last month it freezes after opening and closing 2-3 emails. I have to close out of the app, reopen and start that process again. I go through at least 50 emails a day like this. I clear the cache regularly, since that is the most recommended fix. It will work better for a minute and then it doesn't again. But even if that was the issue - why do I gotta suddenly clear the cache so often when I never have before? I use it on a Pixel 7 Pro. PC app is fine." "I'm going to agree with the review by Steven Morales. I used Outlook for Android for several years, on several OnePlus phones. I liked it a lot, but several weeks ago I began to notice emails appearing in notifications, but not in the message list. This would last for hours, then the messages would finally appear. I reached out to support, and updates were rolled out, but the problem persisted. I have since switched to Nine email, but I may try Outlook again to see if they've fixed it." "The phone app is convenient but limited. Hence the 3-star review. If this was for the Office 365 Outlook App it would be 5 stars all day! The mobile and online platforms need more access to many of the same editing features/functionality as the desktop app. A good example would be letting folks use their HTML-based Outlook Email Signatures in the desktop app. Creates an unprofessional look at times without. All in all, thank you for a great product on the go. Please consider the feedback!" "The app itself is fine unless you have notifications turned on. It seems that whenever I swipe away a notification for an email, I always end up getting another notification for the email. This happens with both email accounts I'm using on the app. It's gotten so bad that I had to turn notifications off altogether for one of my accounts because I was constantly being bombarded with notifications. Please fix this." "Unstable on T-Mobile S10+. I have to keep restarting the phone to view/get new messages. Functional but not great. Major point, there needs to be the option to set a priority level in sending/replying/forwarding. Minor point, when selecting to move to a folder, selecting the new folder should make the move instant (like in 365 Mail for desktop/laptop) with no tapping a check mark to confirm." "It's really 3½ stars. I'd give the Outlook app four, maybe even five stars if my desktop color coded labelling categories were available in the app. But I do love being able to snooze an email so that it will appear when I'm able to be with the resources I need to resolve it. Also this helps things that are incomplete not to get buried by incoming mail." "Not thrilled with it over all. I mainly use it just to have separate notifications for my work exchange account and personal Gmail. That being said, the interface is pretty bad. I'm lucky if half of the email notifications I click on actually open up the email. Most of the time I get an error that the message won't load and have to back out to the inbox and go back into the email. What's worse though is the syncing is very hit or miss. Sometimes I'll leave my desk and an email I saw come in on my desktop will show up right away in the app but a lot of times it won't sync for 10-20 minutes. If my work didn't use exchange I probably would've dropped this app a while ago." "I love this app but when the notifications go off, they repeat at least a dozen times. It's embarrassing, it's frustrating and I can't get it to stop. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it a few times. I've wiped the entire phone and installed it fresh and it does it. I have a Samsung Galaxy S8+ that is otherwise in great working order. I finally uninstalled it. I use the Galaxy for work. I have this same account setup on my iPhone with no issues at all whatsoever." "I love this app but when the notifications go off, they repeat at least a dozen times. It's embarrassing, it's frustrating and I can't get it to stop. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it a few times. I've wiped the entire phone and installed it fresh and it does it. I have a Samsung Galaxy S8+ that is otherwise in great working order. I finally uninstalled it. I use the Galaxy for work. I have this same account setup on my iPhone with no issues at all whatsoever." "I'm using the app on a Chromebook and there are still a lot of bugs. Microsoft fixed the bugs in OneDrive recently, and I'm hoping they'll do the same for Outlook. The app won't let me add attachments to e-mail, adding appointments to the calendar doesn't function properly, and sometimes the system won't allow me to reply to an e-mail. I love Outlook on my Windows computer, and the Android app is flawless on my phone, but the Chromebook app needs work...and I really hope that work will be done soon." "I have had no real issues, other than it seems to take forever in loading to my phone, the mail in boxes other than the inbox. I never wait around to see if it finally loads, so that is a minus. However, I do see the most important news (and what I loaded the App onto my phone for), which is the mail contained in my inbox, so I can recommend it as useful. I do also like the design of the App in general, as well. Fix the loading issues...then 5 stars!" "what is wrong with this app??? Come on Microsoft, how is it possible that you can't switch between two Outlook account seamlessly??? When I switch from one to the other, it only shows inbox for the one I want. If I go to Sent mail or drafts or anything else, it automatically goes back to the one in not trying to access. You have to wait a good 10-15 minutes for it to completely sync, so you can access what you need. This is not something you'd expect from Microsoft. My AOL app works better" "The interface is solid. Easy-to-use, simple as it should be. I'd rate it five stars but this app seems not to work very well. It might just be a problem with my phone, but when you refresh your inbox, archive, trash, etc., It doesn't actually refresh for two or more minutes. When you try to empty your trash or spam, it only deletes 10 or so emails at a time. This can be very frustrating. Hopefully they release an update to make this app run better." "Good mail app, better than the gMail app cause you can view all mailboxes without having to hitting the button everytime you open the app. However, very annoying that the app has very little options as far as customization. For example, you cannot disable the app auto creating events on your calendar. I don't need nor want this feature, but you can't shut it off." "I have this app on both my Pixel phone and Pixel tablet. On the phone it works great. But on the tablet, it is an entirely different experience. Doesn't sync with my other devices (messages deleted or read on the tablet are still unread on phone and PC and vice versa). On the tablet it is also impossible to scroll down to read longer messages. IOW, if the message is longer than the screen good luck. Finally, if you do a search for older messages you can find them, but not open them." "I am using this app because it connects my shared mailbox more easily than other email apps. However, I have several issues with it: folders don't collapse, you can't customize the fonts of your text (and since the recent update, the font is HUGE), attachments are not attached, they are in the body of the email, which is AWFUL and I would like to be able to create a folder in the app, not only on the computer version. This app is so weak compared to the computer version." "Doesn't sync properly. I mean it's great because I have my Outlook but way too many times I've encountered issues with properly syncing. When I delete an email, it'll show back up in my inbox a few minutes later. Also the notification of an email along with the preview does not reflect the current status of the inbox and I constantly have to refresh the app in order to make it go away. Or dismiss the notification all together." "When it works it's just okay, when it doesn't work it just plain sucks. I've used this off and on for a couple of years. It's always had bugs. They fix some and then introduce others. It use to be very frustrating when my domain password expired every 90 days because this Outlook app would lose all the settings and I'd have to setup everything all over again. That bug seems to have been fixed in previous versions. Now that my domain password has expired again, the app just refuses to connect with the new password. I've tried more than 10 times and yes I confirmed the password is correct. I even restarted my phone and still no go. IIRC, this was an issue past releases also. I really need to punt this app and try to find a different app that can connect more reliably with Exchange. Microsoft, you should be embarrassed." "It took a while to get used to the layout. Now it is not too difficult. What frustrates me is the trash bin. I can dump everyting and all of the deleted messages will return - sometimes two times or more before they finally stay gone. This is on multiple mail accounts, so it looks like an Outlook issue. I gave up. Outlook is just too needy. Goodbye." "Changes... The bottom bar on my android is now minimized and it's nearly impossible to exit the app. I can't remove the 'draw over other apps' option for this app. You also can't set the amount of storage used for emails, so now it downloads a ton of old stuff I don't need on my phone. Other than that, I've been using the outlook app for years and am not likely to change anytime soon." "I use Outlook along side One Drive. For some reason lately, the option to save to One Drive without opening the email attachment is gone. Also, when I back out of an email, I am put back to the top of the list, which means I have to scroll back through hundredsof emails to get back to where I had been. It is extremely annoying. Please return this to the previous user friendly options." "The last few updates broke and have not repaired my issues. I am on Android 7 Droid Turbo 2. I have an Hotmail account. I do not see my new emails in my inbox. I get the notification and see it in the top banner area. I select it to go to Outlook and outlook opens. The new emails are not there. I tried clearing cache, closing app, uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing works (shutting off my phone and restarting does not help). While Outlook is open I will get a notice new emails have arrived and while I am looking at my inbox, they do not show up. I found out that if I disable WifI, as soon as 4G takes over (takes a few seconds), the new emails come in. Later in the day, emails will come in fine while I am on WiFi. Outlook has worked flawlessly for me for the last 3 years but the month or so sucked. Quick update: I forgot to mention that when I uninstall and reinstall, or just update it says the inbox needs to download the messages. I will wait 5- 10 minutes and it would not update. The inbox is empty. As soon as I turn off the WiFi, the messages pop right in. So the issue with my setup is, wifi is unreliable. VW 4G works fine." "Feels like a beta. Some messages appear in notifications then never show up in your inbox. The calendar view leaves a lot to be desired. It's only helpful if you're looking for a certain event. Not good for managing you're day, like the desktop version. I don't hear these complaints from iPhone users, their version seems much better. I think it's revealing that I never have to uninstall, reinstall, delete and recover accounts on anyone else's software, just Microsoft. They seem to expect this and consider it to be normal. Everyone else has higher standards." "It's functional, and works well with Microsoft's Outlook/Exchange email system. But it's a pale shadow of what Microsoft provided on the Windows Phone. I'm disappointed. Major issues, in my view: * bad positioning of ""send"" button in email client - right next to text you're editing in a long message. Can accidentally click send when trying to select text at end of message! * no rich text formatting when composing email, as far as I can see * calendar - rudimentary interface. I miss 2x4 grid view" "Excellent app. Syncs well, even with school accounts. Only complaint is the app is a little slow to load messages. Edit: app started off well and worked very similar to the desktop version. With the latest updates, however, the app gets slower and slower and can become unresponsive. Love Microsoft, but their Android apps are deteriorating quickly." "the app is cool, helps me stay connected with work emails and appointments, however, myself and coworkers complain about the app not always responding when adding an event to the calendar. You press the checkmark and have to wait up to 15 minutes sometimes for it to process. and if you press it again you end up with duplicates and then you can't remove them. also, doesn't always recognize that you read an email. I keep waiting for glitches to get fixed. Over a year now with the same problems." "ive used hotmail/outlook since its inception, BUT, the recent update affects how your spam email comes up! Before, I had the option of downloading images of each spam email. But now there is not an option! And I don't like that! Because before I could download the images and see what the email was about before actually clicking on it! Now I have no idea what I'm looking at! Not good outlook" "Outlook for Android does a generally nice job of mimicking desktop Outlook, but there are two BIG BIG issues with the program that Microsoft has not resolved for YEARS. 1. If you use the Android ""Share"" icon to send an image, it is not sent as an attachment but rather is included inline in the body of the email. Same thing if you start a new email, then ""attach"" an image... it gets included in the body of the email. Annoying, to say the least. 2. You cannot search more than 30 days worth of emails. Period. You can't even use the ""load more emails"" because that option is gone. Fixes for both of these issues have been requested 1000's of times on Microsoft forums but MS has done absolutely nothing. I'm changing to another client because of these shortcomings." "Whn it works, its great. However, it stops downloading my emails after a few days. I will recieve the notification an email was recieved, but when I open the app to read it, there are no new messages. A full reinstall and restart afer deleting the app data solves it, but it sure is annoying to do so, especially when something critical comes in and needs to be answered." "Two issues that make this app hard to use for a power user...1) when you want to move a message to a folder you have to scroll through your entire folder list/tree. This can be painful if you have a lot of nested folders. There should be a way to drill down with a search field. 2) When attaching a file from device storage, the list of files is only displayed in alphabetical order. There should be a way to sort by date so that you can quickly attach a file recently downloaded to the device in another app." "As of February 26, 2020, still waiting for functional RSS folders to return. Used to work, now empty. It's a part of Outlook Desktop and Web and I use it. Or used to use it on my phone too. Also, if I change an app to dark mode, maybe the app should also change it's blinding white launch screen to, oh, I dunno, black with the app icon? Just a thought. On a positive. Seems like the once fast, updated to painfully slow launch time improved somewhat. Unless I just got used to the slowness." The app works ok. I have 4 different email accounts so it works well to have all the emails drop into the same inbox. The issue comes up thought that no matter if I'm in my main inbox for all or an individual email box I cannot move the emails to a folder. I go to move and it takes me back to the top of the inbox and doesn't move the email. This is very frustrating. I've reinstalled and waited for updates and it still happens. "It's better than the built-in mail client for most phones but that's the only positive it has. If you organize your emails into folders (as most people do) never move emails in the app, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I find that OWA, Outlook mobile app, and the Outlook PC program never truly sync folder structures. Update: The app seems to sync quite a bit better now between platforms, it's good to see some improvement!" "Great app for work emails. Only thing that drives me crazy is the drafts folder. The mobile app will not allow me to delete drafts. I select all and delete and they will continue to stay there even after I close the app and reopen. The drafts that at saved to my app are not displayed on the computer, so I can't delete them from there either.. 5 stars if this can be fixed" "Gives me the ability to have most of the same Outlook functions on my handheld that I have on my desktop. But I've found two significant drawbacks: 1 - if the Internet connection is not speedy, it's not able to get mail from the server (I never had this issue when using my phone's native email client configured to pull from the Exchange server), and 2 - sometimes, when a calendar event notification fires and I dismiss it, it keeps firing every minute after that, getting quite annoying. If these issues aren't fixed, I'll likely revert to using the native email app on my phone. Update 3/5/20: mail fetching is improved, but the inability to dismiss a calendar event notification remains very annoying. Are you listening, Microsoft?" "I used to love this app, but since the most recent update, it no longer fits my device and I have had nothing but problems. It opens itself randomly and without warning, it even crashes other apps to do it sometimes, it will crash the app completely if I try to open certain messages, some of which relate to my bank account and are actually incredibly important. Why keep adding new features if your app can't even properly run the ones it's supposed to?! So disappointed in where they've taken it!" "Outlook is missing one thing or would give 4 or 5 stars. When using my phone and trying to move an email into a different folder, Outlook won't let me search for the folder I want like I'm able to do on my laptop at home. It makes keeping up with and organizing my emails much more difficult. Fix that and I'll update my rating!" "Outlook is easy to use, but I found one thing that was unclear until it was too late. I couldn't delete one email without the whole thread of emails deleting. I'm sure this is for clearer organization, but you need to click the 3 dots to reach specific emails in the thread. I don't like that feature. I also miss being able to sync with my Google calendar, which doesn't seem to work anymore." "It allows me to use my work email most of the time. Sometimes when I click on an email to read it, it just displays a blank message. This happens about once a day consistently over months. Unfortunately, this low quality type of software is what we've come to expect from Microsoft. It would also be nice if it was easier to access my full contact list. I am running Android 11 on a fairly new Pixel 4a 5G." "Tapping on ""reply all"" then typing some text. Finally, ready to send that reply. Where is the right arrow? Or why the ""..."" menu don't include a send option? All I could do is tapping the ""left arrow"" which act as ""back space"" and hope all the text i typed will be saved in draft. Yes, it is in draft. Tapping on it brings everything i typed. But how can i send that email? Somehow, after exiting and reloading the draft, send now appears. Good job Microsoft software engineer. We almost got a perfec" I really like how Outlook works on my Samsung S9+. I did need to make a few adjustments 1st being turn that nasty focused view. I don't recall the other modifications but I think one was about conversations. It was terrible to follow an email thread since it didn't leave them in the correct order. Once the defaults are adjusted every works great. I would recommend ditching those defaults and having them as options for those that might like them. They sure messed it up with the latest update. "I like the interface and it is very simple to use, I have only one thing that has constantly been an issue for last year I've used the app, and that's the touch latency. It's a constant problem when switching between folders. It's almost as if the screen doesn't recognize my touch. It's annoying having to keep touching the same folder more than once (up to 5 times or more even) just to open a folder." "As best as I can tell, it downloads emails and calendar updates once a day - typically 6 AM. I'll see notifications appear that I have a new email, but it won't appear on the phone until the next day. I've tried clearing cache, resyncing - all to no avail. The interface is nice, but it would be better to have something that works!" "would be nice if it automatically updated all the folders, this way one would not have to do each one individually and have to wait and use data up. another great feature to add, use a black background with white letters, easier on the eye, less glare in dark areas, meetings and saves battery life." "It's pretty functional as a whole. However I don't understand what qualifies something as primary or other. And I wish we could choose which senders go in certain folders that I create. My biggest problem with it is when the app stops connecting to my mailbox and I have to uninstall, reinstall, and sign back in to fix it! It has happened EVERY TIME I download the app, which I've needed for school for 4 yrs now PLEASE FIX PRONTO" "It's good over all except with bugs that interfere with productivity. Example, I will be reading emails in chronological order, then when I return to inbox, it sometimes sends me back to the most recent emails for no apparent reason. I receive a lot of work email, so it requires me to scroll all the way back and try to remember where I left off, since some emails I have to leave unread to address when I return to work." "I've had this app for a while now and no matter theupdate, it never seems to work real well. Sometimes I open messages and it's just a blank screen. Even after allowing it to sit for a few minutes, the screen is still blank. I've tried refreshing, closing out the app, restarting my phone and ensuring the app is updated. This app is very hit or miss." "It's a good app and it's been improving since inception. Wondering why do you not allow us to turn off the integrated inbox. I'm not referring to the focused inbox. Instead of being able to set a default account, the app consistently opens to an integrated inbox. Isn't it possible to set a default account and remove the integrated inbox option?" The email works great with Microsoft 365. I'm not a fan of the search. I can't limit the search to one folder - it searches the entire mailbox. I use the native contacts app on my Note 8 since Outlook doesn't really have a good way to manage contacts. And the calendar is a little cumbersome - particularly when trying to make an appointment 6 to 12 months in the future. I haven't found a fast way to jump to a certain date - I have to scroll. Overall outlook feels almost like a beta version. "Hides important emails, even when I select 'other' instead of 'focused'. I don't even know know where they've been hidden, but when they show up, they're 3 days old. I've missed my last time-sensitive deadline. Going back to Type App, which doesn't show the annoying ads at the top that the Outlook app seems to love so much." "It's a corporate targeted email app, and it behaves like one. Does its job for what I need it for, but I'm surprised and frustrated that it's not possible to schedule emails with the mobile app. This UX is made much worse by the fact that my organization has restricted external access to be via mobile only. Microsoft needs to add scheduled emails to its mobile clients. Preferred UI for this would be a long press on the send button." "Not the best email app in some respects. Buggy and not intuitive, but it did have most of the functionality of Outlook for PC so it was still better than most email apps because of the added functions. Now however it won't even boot up. I assume it is just a bug and it will be fixed. At least that's what I am hoping!" "So far, so good. Wish the reading pane was bigger even though I paid for premium without ads. They've improved search feature and calendar sync. But most of all I like that I'm not seeing ""targeted content"" after I receive an email that shows where I've shopped or ate. Update: 7/25/22 search feature is barely working. Put in a contact email and it'll pull up 2 emails from that address, AND hundreds of random emails. It's ridiculous. I'm better off scrolling for days thru my inbox to find it." "I prefer working with my emails on a desktop or laptop. The phone version has a different, quirky interface with Focused and Other tabs. Navigating to the various folders could be improved to close the folder column after a folder is selected. It must manually be closed by the user before the contents of any selected email in a folder can be read intelligibly. Now I can't get the chime sound that occurs when an Outlook notification is received to stop sounding. Android sound is set to Silent." "I started using this app after the Samsung email app started flaking out, and there are several things about this app that are poorly designed - namely, on the Android version, the ""send"" button alternately swaps places with the ""archive"" button in the upper right corner. This means it's ridiculously easy to hit the archive button when you mean to send the email. Then just to make the experience lousier, any draft messages in the archive are not saved - so you have to rewrite your message. Crappy" "My Outlook went blank. When I go to open Outlook there is nothing but a white screen with a blue header. Also, as far as I can tell, I can no longer choose to delete emails by the ""select all"" by the week or month anymore. Instead, if ""select all"" is checked and the delete button is hit, all emails would be deleted. Hopefully uninstalling and re-installing will fix the issue." "Update (3 stars still, but close to 2): With the most recent update, email addresses no longer auto fill which is highly inconvenient. The widget also shows different emails in the inbox versus what the inbox looks like when the actual app is open. It will not let me enter a new email recipient and keeps saying there is an error trying to delete the contact. Each update it gets worse!" "There seems to be a pattern with updates to mobile email - the interface gets slightly overfilled and the interface becomes clunky and/or full of ""damn, didn't mean to press that"" instances. Less is always better with email. That said, outlook is a professional and mostly solid. Calander could use some work, confusing to to basic commands" "Nice and easy to work, good calendar syncing. Would like to see html ability for signatures, so I could add my business email address to Outlook. May sound trivial but this is the one thing that is stopping me, I have a nice business signature with logos which I use on another email client. Sadly it just doesn't work on the Outlook app, such a shame. Looking for the perfect email client, calendar, html signature etc, seems like I'm asking for the world. No replies from Microsoft......... Poor!" "The location of the send button constantly gets me in trouble I frequently voice dictate emails. And the microphone button on Android 13 is just below your send button. I frequently send an email, by accident, before I'm ready. The send button doesn't need to be in that placement in fact one of the positions for it should be slightly hard to reach because the very last thing you want to do is send an email before you have checked it over. Ever considered moving it to the top?" "When showing music information, it randomly doubles the information shown. I've been trying to work with the author of the app but no solution. Also, if you resume random playback, it resets the randomization so you hear songs repeat before playing them all. Overall it works OK. No ads is always a good thing." "For Samsung S20 FE, the last update fixed starting a track where it left off from the notification message. The track can be restarted, but after a long time, even though the notification is still there, it does not respond to pressing the start button. To get around this (1) press arrow on the upper right side of the notification, (2) press media output (3) press start button. This will resume the track until this happens again after a certain amount of idle time. Please fix this, if you can." "3.5.4 is maniacal about scanning your media folders. Randomly scans every 5 or 10 minutes. The use of Android's down gesture to perform a rescan is a horrible UI design decision: you're at the bottom of a long list; you swipe down; you swipe down again; one swipe too many and VLC starts rescanning your media files. And there is no way to disable this ""feature""." "Finally decided to make the switch from MX Player due the the number of ridiculous permissions on their app. Loving VLC so far as it has most of the same features that a basic local media player should have. Only gripe is how you can't play Next/Previous on local folders, and instead have to add the files you want to play on a playlist instead. Small nitpick but overall great so far." More features than other android players. SMB scanning is very buggy often crashing the app during a scan or unselecting everything in your folder list. Clearing the app cache fixes the problem. I recommend backing up your app settings with neo backup cuz it will occasionally lose everything even with auto scan disabled. Would be nice if the app kept a record of the last time a folder was scanned so it's not scanning the same folders every 5 minutes. "I wanted to love this app, as I love VLC on PC, but it has issues. The biggest one for me is that the app will often stop outputting sound after listening to one song, even though it shows that it's still playing, and the only fix I've found is to force close the app and reopen it. It usually works afterwards, at least, but it can act up again if I do anything but start a new song and leave it alone. I often wear gloves at work, so I can't always fix it as soon as it occurs (meaning no music)." "I've used VLC for years on my computer, started using it on my phone a year or more ago. I've had the same issue as with so many others. When listing to music or audiobooks, if you pause the audio, 90% of the time I have to open the app to get the audio to resume. Really annoying when I'm at work and have to remove my safety gloves to unlock my phone, switch back into the app and then hit play. I've tried using the Android media controls from the swipe down and those don't appear resume play." "Has been my go-to media player for years. The most recent update has ruined the app. They removed the audio delay feature when playing videos with audio out of sync. Trying to resume playback of audiobooks is also a pain, constantly having to manually seek to return to where I left off. Gonna go back to using the native video player app and hope for better days ahead for this app. Update: Turns out they just made the audio delay feature hard to find." "Locking the phone mid-video, followed by unlocking the phone to resume playback causes the app to load a completely different video from another folder. This folder is also one that I chose 'not' to scan so that it doesn't show up on my main video library. Although, there is a pattern for some reason. It always tries to load the first video from one of the custom playlists I saved. All of my videos are being read from a micro SD card, just in case it's a bug specific to that." "A UI is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it's not that good. Everything else about the player is super solid! But please bring back the old ""return to video view"" button instead of the bizarre ""long tap the cover to restore the video"" thing with a recurring pop-up that always ends up covering up the very control its trying to explain. (Or at least give us an option to disable the recurring explainer pop-up?)" "I have loved VLC player for over a decade. So excited they made an app for Android. However navigation is very clunky. The worst part about it is if you're playing a song you can't continue playing as long until you go back into the app and research for that song. It does have a player in the notifications pull down but Play, rewind and fast forward won't do anything. You can only reopen the app" "I've had to edit my review down to 3 stars, lately VLC has been hard to deal with. Since I first started using the app, I've always only allowed access to my music folder. Now, if you don't give access to all files and folders, it causes lots of issues, like having to reestablish the path to your music everytime you open the app, which is a major pain. So, I guess that means VLC wants all or nothing. Well, I choose nothing if those are my choices. VLC should not demand access to everything!" "I used this for about a year for Android Mobile. I mainly used it because i use the pc version and that is great. Let me get to the point. This app plays the music files back and the album art shows up quickly - but sometimes not at all! The main problem is that it has dropouts while playing various, uncompressed audio files. I used to think it was my wire connection, then Android Auto, but when i switched apps, the other app had no dropouts and the audio files played with a true hi-res audi" "Been using it on a Linux platform so thought I'd give the android app a try. Primarily used for playing FLAC audio. Just wish it would start playing automatically when it connects to my car. I have noticed that it and the Linux app occasionally has a pop or click during playback. Same files on another app play fine. I like that it's free, open source and has no ads or in-app purchases. Not quite 4 stars IMO." "Having an issue when using my chubby buttons 2 remote. It works fine but when I pause for an extended time, I cannot restart from the remote. I reinstalled and got the same result. I ran the same test with Spotify and it restarts no issue. I'll have to leave vlc behind if it isn't fixed. Note that this used to work with previous version. Thx. Just read someone else reporter same bug." "I love this app because it can play almost any kind of media (main reason I've had VLC on every computer since 2014), but you know what would be nice to have? A ""Folder"" option under music instead of ""Albums"". For whatever reason the app doesn't recognize certain Soundtracks, Greatest Hits, Collabs, etc. Kinda ridiculous having 36 ""Unknown Albums"" comprising of anywheres from 1 song going up to the biggest one with 1456 songs! This could easily be a 5/5 app if this issue was fixed." "Over all, really enjoyable. But the playlist function does not work right. It just makes up a playlist of my music for no reason. It also does not keep the tracks in the play lists. So I have a bunch of playlists that I cannot delete, all empty, including the one I tried to put together myself." "Love VLC, but this version is buggy. If I pause and don't resume playback within 2-3 minutes, I can't resume audio within the pinned media player (notifications area) or on the lock screen. I have to exit the app and restart it for it to remember where I left off. This bug's a bummer, since I control VLC primarily from the pinned app/lock screen." "VLC mobile app is usually great, but some releases are more buggy than others, like this latest release. The app crashes, doesn't save position in a 30+hour mp3 file, seek and playback speed buttons are not available. Had to rollback to version 3.5.1. Occasional click/scratch sound is audible, mostly sure it's a software or recording issue. Here's hoping the devs emphasize reliable core functionality over introduction of new, less-used features." "Does what it says it does, but it could definitely be a bit better. The main focus behind the app seems to be video media, given the massive number of codecs and file types it is able to read from, but I feel that as an audio player it is lacking basic functionality that most other music apps have by default. Amongst other things it doesn't provide over-Bluetooth playlist information for cars and similar Bluetooth devices to use." "UPDATE: After several months of use, I had to update my review, and drop a couple of stars. Frustrating and inconsistent quirks: When it is paused, and then you click to resume, this app might work correctly and continue playing. Or this app might stay open, but close that particular mp3 file so you've lost your place. Or this app might totally shut down, so you've again lost your place. If this happens, then when you reopen the file, maybe it will start where you had left off, and maybe it won't. Losing your place isn't a big deal if it's a music file, but if it's an audiobook or podcast, then you'll have to do some seeking. These annoying quirks happen from the lock screen, and when using completely open. Doesn't seem to be a pattern. Randomly works, and randomly fails. Please fix!!! It's so close to being nearly perfect! This is really a really good media player. I started using it on the desktop computer because it was a small file size that played almost any file type you asked it to play. I use it almost exclusively for MP3 files. The thing I love about the app is that you can increase the playing speed in small or large steps (and it adjusts the frequency, of course, so your audiobook doesn't sound like chipmunks.) This is a powerful feature! I wish you could fast-forward the file and not accidentally bump it up to play the next file (like every car stereo, sharing the FF and the NEXT button, so one little slip of your finger and you will lose your place)." "This happened for numerous artists. A good, easy interface. Easy to use. Decent for free and I've been using it for a few years I guess. However, It does not recognize all files. Example: I have 7 Metallica albums but VLC only displays two of them. I tested a few other apps, each of them recognize all of my music. Decided to uninstall and go with a different app. I want to see all my music." "Prior to the current update, this app was 5 stars. Every part of it was magnificent and truly revolutionary. A free all encompassing media player with a built in preamp, no ads being shoved down your throat, and a beautiful interface. However, the current update removes the latter, making it look like a Facebook clone, as well as adds significant slowdowns and lag spikes. At times, I have to wait 10-15 seconds for my song to play, an ""instantaneous"" action. The prior was better, but still fine." "I use it to watch local videos then stream them on a Chromecast. It works but if you leave the app then come back without closing it, it gets very glitchy and pretty much breaks. You have to shut the app down then reopen it for it to be able to stream on Chromecast again. If you are just watching videos on the phone, it works perfect. If you leave the app and come back it usually even remembers where you are in the video and starts a few seconds before you paused. This depends on RAM and how many apps you have open." "I have used VLC on several computers for years and am quite happy with that application. However, on my android (version 9) phone, the player frequently begins to play a file without even me opeing the file. Additionally, there is no way to shut it off without restarting the phone. Yet, even then, after 5 or 10 minutes, it will start playing again without me opening the program. I finally deleted the program from my phone to search for another until it is corrected." "Been using this app for years. I average about six audiobooks a week as I drive for work. The most recent update has screwed something up. Anytime I pause and go away from the app for more than about 3 minutes, it won't resume where I left off. It says ""multiple media cannot be played"" and picks an arbitrary song from my library to play. If they get this bug fixed, it's definitely a 5-star app." "It's great that is plays wma files, which is not a feature that comes standard in a lot of music player apps. But the player leaves a lot to be desired in fine tuning. The shuffle function doesn't actually create a shuffle list, just jumps to random songs which leads to repetition. And if you close the app it doesn't return you to the last thing you were listening to, just the home screen. The search function is also a little funky, and not very intuitive. Needs some fine tuning." "Works nicely, and I like having the option to change playback speed. However it bothers me when it doesn't let me play the same file more than once. If the file is in a playlist which I played before, then it just jumps to the next file, then the next file, and so on until it gets where I stopped last time. If I select the file in the original destination on my phone, it just pops for half a second then disappears." "Good but has a few issues. First, it's doesn't adapt well to network changes - it'll stop midstream and never recover if you go from Wi-Fi to LTE so you constantly need to reload the streaming URL. If VLC was smart enough to recover as soon as a connection was available it'd be great. Second, it doesn't handle stream metadata well - it'll display artist and song title, the say unknown artist and unknown song. Once these issues are addressed this will be a solid streaming app." "The shuffle is mediocre at best. Yes, it shuffles the music, but there's no queue of the playlist, it just picks songs at random. This means some songs show up over and over, whereas others don't pop up at all. There's a lot of features like this that are THERE, yes, but still leave a lot to be desired in terms of functionality, and google play doesn't allow enough characters to cover all of them. OK music app. Not really good nor great." "Good for listening to audiobooks, but there are features that seem inoperable that would make it better. It says you're supposed to be able to double tap the sides of the screen to skip forward and back by 10 seconds, but it doesn't seem to work. There's also an option that says it adds seek buttons for rewind and forward, but the only thing there is the next and previous buttons. You can long press to rewind or fast forward, but if you don't press it quite right it just loses your place completely while skipping to the next track. I would donate money to the project if a 15 second rewind button could be added to the lock screen as well." "I've been using the VLC app on my Android device for a little over 3 or 4 years. Recently in the last 4 months I've noticed a lot of bugs popping up. The biggest one as someone has mentioned in a previous review almost 80% of the time if I pause an audiobook and try to replay it more than a few minutes later it either tells me that it cannot play multiple Medias at the same time or it will freeze and I have to go back into my browse menu, find the book and restart it." (Android) The older version of options... (3dots top right corner) The way the options appeared on the bottom of the screen and the words definitely weren't in a black background. The way it's done in this version everything is on the right and has the black background. Which in turn blocks out the video. Playback speed on the bottom of the screen was easier to work with. What happened to that version? Can it be an option I have missed? "Could be a great app but there are a few glaring (and very important) issues. First, you cannot rename artists/albums/songs. They go by meta-data, which is incorrect in nearly all situations. Second, it seems to be crash prone, with no apparent reasons I can pinpoint or replicate. Third (and most important to me) is playback is wrong in the begining of songs. Either the first 10th to half second of the track gets skipped past, or it gets ""moved"" forward (i.e. the first 10th to half second plays on top of what should be that amount of time later)." "Looks like a very good app, especially with the playlist feature. Except that the app ignores the flag for hidden folders and/or files that have been designated ""off limit"". To some, it is a good feature for those who don't remember where those hidden files are located, or those who don't want to change the access setting prior to using the app. To others, the feature becomes annoying and ignorant of the presets. This was only reason that kept it from getting a 5-star." "I thought I would explain further now that 3 weeks have gone by and I haven't seen any changes to the subtitle issue. First I should say I am using VLC on my Sony Android TV. Before the latest update it was easy to add in a saved subtitle file (SRT) using the TV remote. You could navigate to the file and press OK and it would be added to the movie. After the update, using the remote, you can navigate to the subtitle file, but you can't move the cursor to highlight the file and select it. The only way you can do this is by using a mouse (a real pain). Further, before when you selected the file you got a pop-up saying the subtitle had been added, now no indication. Sure hope someone reads this and fixes it with the next release as it is really spoiling an otherwise great app." "Generally worked fairly well, and smooth video scaling was good, but, for some reason, it will restart itself and play videos while I am trying to do other things. It has even started itself when it recognized my car was in range for sharing, putting video on screen while ignoring the screen lock. Had to uninstall it. I don't think sharing my videos without my input is a very secure operation. Fortunately the directory it picked was just some clips from storms. I could imagine this being a big issue for people with more sensitive video content..." "Best Audio Player when on devices that can't do well, and it shows well on newer devices on how great their audio chip is able to handle. BUT! There is this strange problem that I have had on all my versions of this app. The audio pitch. You know how a walkman (portable tape player) would get all wonky when low? Well other than the speed staying the same, the pitch will sometimes lower itself before returning to normal and going high pitched, just barely, before returning to normal. PleaseFix." "It's beginning to be a huge problem with legendary apps that gained popularity on ease of use for years and slowly turning into a dumpster fire. VLC is one of many. Many. Most. Okay, all of them. It's not nearly as intuitive as it was to use at first. Way to many taps, stupid features that no one wants and acts as a road block to functionality. Even the EQ is hard to use. Why do I need to save the EQ to use it? I just want to use the app, but it's a royal pain." "When you have an absolutely massive collection of music like I do, it often takes forever for the library to be rebuilt or added to; oftentimes, music that was there before doesn't show up, while other tracks end up getting duplicates. Searching by artists restricts to album data rather than individual artist credits (which is fine for some things like movie soundtracks, but detrimental for things like downloads from Overclocked ReMix, which credits the album artist to the entire website) Otherwise, the app plays music. It does videos, too. But the gaps start to show once you get a bigger collection." "I've been using vlc for years on desktop and it's been great. But as a music playing app it's a bit lacking. It skips and cuts out randomly sometimes and thats quite annoying. I know its not the files either, these same files are working fine everywhere else. There's also no que for upcoming music. The search bar more often than not doesn't bring up what your searching, even without spelling mistakes and the like. Its a good app, I just wish some changes and fixes would be made." "This was my favorite audio app until the last update. When paired in my car, it used to pick up where it left off when I start my car. Now, it sees the track, but I can't start it with my steering wheel controls. I have to hit play in the app. Also, the drop down play icon doesn't work anymore. Push play, and it's like dead screen, no response. Have to go to the app to push play. What happened? Very disappointing." "Gets the job done way better than built-in players, like the variable speed. Moved to a different player recently because it never remembers my place when listening to a long file, no skip ahead/back within a file, and hard to precisely position playback in a long file like an audio book. Also, haven't found a way to re order playlists or export them so I can edit them with something else. Would be good if it had the ability to edit metadata, rename, and move file path all in one place." "It's good but when I put it to repeat a track or movie, it repeats at a random spot, NOT at the beginning of the track. This feature is broken. MKV files do NOT play properly, the video breaks apart and becomes unwatchable. The UI could be better, the icons need to be spelled out or else I don't know what the buttons are for. I knocked off 1 star from my previous 4 stars because of these glaring issues. Please fix them." I used to absolutely love the beta version. This one I am having a terrible experience. This app rarely ever resumes playback from the last spot I left off and I don't like the jump to time feature. I wish it was still the scroll selector like in the beta version. Makes it much easier nagivating in with one hand. "The app still can't play a cue sheet accompanying a .wav file! It shows the list of songs, but no matter which song you click on, it starts over from the beginning of wav. Next track does nothing, and previous track starts from the beginning of track one as well! The standard vlc media player for Windows handles it fine. 1/28/22: dropping this down to 3 stars, as it lost the ability to use playlists. My playlists used to work fine, and now they all say 0 tracks. Android auto is useless now." "No ads but needs some help. I live that there are no ads but you can only play one song at a time. For example, if you select a song to play, it will not play another song after the song is over. You have to go manually select another song to play. This is extremely cumbersome and I cant believe they haven't solved that problem still. Otherwise positive experience and I LOVE THAT THERE ARE NO ADS" "App is good overall, but there's a few annoyances keeping it from being great. 1. Brightness setting overrides global brightness. Not always desirable especially with pip mode. Needs a disable button. 2. Can't seem to play as audio from the pop up video player anymore. It would be nice to be able to switch between the too effortlessly. 3. Random shuffle doesn't stay on in playlist mode. Keeps picking up from the first episode in the list. Really annoying to have to turn on shuffle all the time." "Clean interface, intuitive navigation, plenty of features, no ads, incredibly user-friendly. Edit: The subtitles do not load in the middle, only if you have playback running where the subtitle first appears. On my device, subtitle settings change nothing Pulling from the edge of the device for drop-down menus affects the app(changing volume/brightness), like if you wanted to turn on wifi from the top menu. Scrubbing is not intuitive" "This latest update is so buggy; I can't use it. One minute the videos are there, then it reloads, and the directory is empty. The external hard drives on my network are sometimes there and then they vanish. I can't create playlists from my media files on my network anymore because the directories are too large. When playing from a playlist on random, the app shows multiple media cannot be played and then speeds through the playlist without stopping. I have to restart the device. Please fix!" "Great app for watching video files, less great for listening to music. It doesn't seem to be able to just play each song in any sort of order (alphabetical, shuffle, etc) and it seems to auto remove all the songs off of the playlists I create. Still, a great option for watching video files nonetheless." "This use to be my favorite App on my phone for listening to my audio books. Since the latest update pausing and playing with a tap of my headset button doesn't work! I have to wake my phone up and even hit unpause. Sometimes the back 10 seconds is sketchy too. Also, it doesn't auto start after calls. And if I hit pause it's a big gamble if it stays paused or playing. Hopefully these will all be fixed with a new update a lot of other things were fixed and some good features. I have faith VLC" "Used to work well. Liked VLC because it plays multiple audio formats, but since latest update, personalized playlists no longer work without the app freezing. Also, it shuts off after a few seconds if your phone screen goes off to save battery life. You would think they would QC updates before rolling them out. I'll give them a couple days to fix it, otherwise on to another app." "So so. Formerly had more control over settings. I dont seem able to specifically state what folders on system to include anymore and when selecting only 3 folders within a subdirectory it starts indexing everything at the same level. it also automatically searches my network for other devices which I cant control anymore. Use to be my favorite player, stopped working on my Android TV and creates thousands of stub files you cant scroll through and now this on tablet. signing off, removed." "I like how one of the questions that the rating system ask me directly, is this app good for resuming content and the answer is absolutely not. On my Google pixel 2 I can listen to almost any type of file which is great. But when I hit the square navigation button on my phone, the app is almost never able to resume the video. In fact Android sends me a toast message saying that this app is not available. more often than not it will restart VLC at its menu screen where it shows a list of hundreds of videos which I have deleted long long long ago. Then if I hit the play button it will try to automatically select a video based on alphabetical order it seems which will oftentimes be a video that does not exist anymore." "I love this app, but there's been a problem for several months now where any audio file I listen to will randomly stop while the screen is off, as if I paused the playback even though I never touched it. It's made it impossible to listen to anything with it. It plays videos just fine, but it's only when playing music that it has this issue. Please fix this!" "I really like VLC for desktop but this mobile version has major issues that interfere with usability. Streaming URLs doesnt work. When streaming to a connected TV, it doesn't work half the time. Hitting the lock landscape/vertical button brings up that stupid notification that covers all of the buttons, so you can't hit it again until it fades." "Defaults for video rotation and hiding fast foward button are stupid, as well as the lack of option to sort music by date modified to see latest additions. But other than that this works with tons of options, no stability issues like G Play Music. Frustratingly sort preferences reset everytime, and the app closes shortly after you pause music when others don't. I really wish VLC didn't have such a bad UI cause it'd be great otherwise." "There's a bug that makes the app not show subtitles. Yes it is enabled. This bug has been around since 2021. The bug is vlc player has trouble showing roboto font family. Work around is Settings -> Advanced -> Custom libVLC options -> ""--freetype-font=SEC"" Without quotation marks of course. I don't get it. After 2 years of this bug, why still not fix it?" "It works but is a nightmare. I am trying to cast videos and it only casts for about 5 minutes before the stream is killed in the background. I cant seem to find a setting to make the stream not stop. Worse than this, the app does not remember where you were so it just plays from the beginning. This is unusable with chromecast, which is 99% of what I am trying to use it for." "It's okay. The fast forward and rewind functions are really messed up. I have to press the 10 second advance button about 5 time just to go 10 seconds ahead. Please fix. Also when I have it play in the background and I turn off the screen then go back to the player, the screen is minimized and there's no easy way to maximize the screen again. Mostly works well otherwise." "I have used VLC for years both mobile and on my PC. Would be 5 stars but only gets 3 due to a bug where rotating the screen after selecting ""play all"" with video files causes the ""play all"" selection to cancel so only one file plays before returning to the file select screen. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Will gladly change my rating to 5 stars once this issue is fixed." For years this has been the only app I've needed on all of my devices but it just keeps getting worse. WHY WON'T THIS APP ALLOW ME TO CHANGE THE NAME OF A FILE?! That is ridiculous. Super frustrating. For YEARS I've dealt with it but it's absolutely unacceptable. That wAS my only real issue but now it's crashing a lot too. I keep having to reinstall it over and over. I wish I didn't have to but I'm forced to look for a different media player. "VLC plays all types of media files, including many with unusual or advanced audio formats. Playback is always smooth. Video and audio are synced most of the time, except when streaming to a Fire Stick or using the Fire Stick version of this app. Another MAJOR shortcoming is when streaming .MKV files containing DTS or Dolby Digital audio to a Chromecast. The auto remains synced but, the app downgrades the audio to 2.0 channel stereo and removes the bass channel. Other similar apps don't do that." "was the best app for my audio files. started ""parsing media"" all the time a couple of months ago, and today, it completely lost all of my files. sad. now I have to find a new media player😟 Update 10/25/2020: reinstalled this app on my new phone, and it worked great! . . . Until it was updated. Then it lost most of my files, and I had to uninstall it. Again. It seems like this app is either 5 stars or 1 star depending on the updates, so I'm going to give it 3 stars for average." I've been using VLC for over a year now and I enjoy using the app because it keeps my videos organized thanks to its video group feature but an issue with the feature has happened all of a sudden. The issue is you can't see all of your video groups anymore so when I go to add a video to a video group now the only groups I see go from A to K even though I have video groups that go beyond that. I have uninstalled & reinstalled the app multiple times to try and fix it but that doesn't work either. "Unable to adjust playback speed when casting to Chromecast. When pausing during cast, app will shut down after a few moments, returning to the Chromecast home screen. Not ideal for pausing, especially for presentations or homework. Still, a good all-around and free video streaming app." "The app still will not identify button presses on Bluetooth devices after having been on pause for more than a minute. REALLY, GUYS? You can't get this fixed in a timely manner? Your last update was back in Nov. of last year. Three months, and it's still not fixed? Everyone on vacation or something?" "I would give this more stars, but over the last year or so this app will occasionally delete ALL of my playlists. Some of them are HOURS long! :( I love VLC for PC, but not so sure anymore about Android. This is really the only problem for me. But SO frustrating! I wish there was a way to fix this." "Make ""shuffle"" and ""continuous loop"" keep the settings I select - stop making me select them each time I open the app. If the app is open in the background, it should autoplay when it connects via Bluetooth - because I was *obviously* just listening to it. Even if it's the *only* app, in *still* shuts off. As a programmer, this is absurdly easy to fix/change. Clearly these are ""working as intended"". So give us the option, instead. Allow ""default"" settings of the *user's* choice instead of just ""turning everything off all of the time"". How am I the only one to mention these things?" "Audios no longer play more than a few seconds or even start. I've tried a bunch of suggestions, I even uninstalled and lost my playlists. I got it to work somehow for a while but it just stops functioning again and it is very frustrating. I've used this app for years and have never had any problems with it." "Loved VLC for years. My go to for media on PC and Android. However, I am disappointed in the android app itself. I utilize casting often, and it used to work well. However, lately it keeps erroring out the audio file. Sometimes SECONDS after casting, other times works for a solid hour before 'media cannot be found' randomly.. On internal storage. Not external SD. It will skip the rest and a few files til it 'finds' a working one." "I really do like the app, but can only give it 3 stars because to shut it off you have to go into the phones app setting and force stop it every time. I don't want to just pause it. Also when I accidentally hit my ""end call"" button, and not in a call, the app starts playing music from my library or streams (whatever I did last time I used it). That why I feel it only deserves 3 stars" "Certainly better than Google Play Music in many ways. Especially the ability to play many formats. But I'd like to be able to reorganize playlists. As it is, I can't. All I can do is remove songs from a playlist and re-add them in a different order. This is a tedious way to do it. And often, it will put other songs out of order in the playlist and I have to completely remake the playlist. If these 2 things are fixed, it will be 5 stars." "I'll be fair, but it's a very handy utility. But the recent update just made it a bit odd, I can play my music stored on my SD card but I have to open up the app to actually play the music. Unlike back then I can just go through my playlist an loop a track. I would have given it a 5 stars but the update made it buggy. Thank you for the time if any dev has seen the review." "I've been using this app for years and loved it until now. All the sudden when watching videos on a playlist, it seems like after each video it asks if I want to resume. It doesn't let me select the box to remember the selection. If there's a setting for it, I can't find it. I'm constantly having to stop what I'm doing to mess around with it to get the next video to play" I have not seen anybody else mention this issue in the reviews. This app is good in that it plays whatever file I throw at it. My problem is that everytime i do an update all of my Playlist that were created on the phone just disappear. The playlist folder remains but the playlist have 0 songs in them. I have to put the songs back into each playlist everytime. When you have multiple Playlist with hundreds if not thousand of songs this problem gets old fast. "Please make the subtitles more customizable. Subs are like forcefully embedded. It gets cropped if I watch something full screen. And the most disappointing part, theres no pan and zoom. I don't want to see a movie full screen while some parts are getting cropped. But the best fit doesn't actually fit best. Some black part remains on the top and bottom and both sides. As a result the screen gets smaller. If I could zoom a little bit it would be perfect. Please add zoom option." "Can't get it to continue playing when my phone turns off and locks the screen, which is why I installed it as I hoped it'd continue playing even when that happens. Any advice on how I can get it to do that would improve my rating. Yes I'm aware I can prevent the phone doing that but it overheats and drains the battery super fast. Which is why I'd like it to play with the screen off and locked. Still a good app other than that" "I'm getting a weird glitch with audio playback. When I try to move the playback ahead to the middle of a track it locks to 1 min increments. (Example, trying to skip to 1:30 on a track, it snaps back to 1:00) and then the seconds counter gets stuck at that time and stops counting up, even tho the music is still playing. Anyone else experiencing this?" "You changed the whole thing. Why? It was fine before. Now only 1 movie at a time. It won't play whole seasons of shows. When grouping it won't give you landscaping mode, just a straight on the left thumbnail list. You just can't leave things alone. I use this app every day. Now I'm looking for a new video app. Just leave things alone that aren't broke." "As of the latest update (Note 9) it takes 30-60 seconds to start playing any song from my music library, of about 10,000 songs. Then, if I hit the shuffle button from the ""Tracks"" list under ""Audio"" it takes another 15-30 seconds tp pick and play a new song showing a ""Loading please wait"" screen. If I click this button say 5 times times, it will play parts of each of the 5 songs it randomly picked, until it gets to the 5th one, then it continues to play without issue." "There is a glitch when I use the screen mirroring feature, it ALWAYS starts blinking and does not connect, I have to go back, then try to play the movie again in order for it to work. Also, it stops streaming on the screen mirroring any time i get a message or notification of any kind." "I wanted to connect to my computer and play music from WMP at home without syncing all mp3s to my phone. The app worked at first, but stopped connecting correctly within a couple days. Now, it still connects (sometimes), but playlist folders are missing 80-99% of the content. I can still find & play songs, but it often drops connection as well." "The latest update has made the app stop playing music files correctly. My playlists will play fine when initially started. But if I close the app and try to resume playing the playlist later, half of the songs get skipped and no album art is displayed. Other playlists will play only the first second of each song upon resume. Other than that the app is great." "Probably the best overall music/media player for android, my ONLY issue is sometimes when starting tracks, the app will skip the first second or so of audio, and the same goes for the ending of tracks, it will cut off part of the end of a track, which can be a large nuisance when trying to listen to an album with transitions smoothly, this is NOT a problem with many other media players... if this were to be fixed there would be ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTION that this is the best player." "Every time I load the app it needs to spend 5 minutes parsing media. Every time. So if I just want to listen to one song I have on my phone, the app needs several minutes just to find the file. Will it remember for next time? Nope. This seems like a new issue, I don't remember it doing this before. Also stop asking for permission to access files from the entirety of my local storage. You get access to my music folder, that's all you need." "Excellent. I love that it streams m3u over http. only problem is, it keeps spontaneously launching and playing, even if i force kill it (long hold on back button in dev options). Because of this, I've had to uninstall it (can't have mucic unexpectedly start playing in the rest room, or a meeting.) I've looked for a way to disable this in options, but to no avail." "So far v3.2.6 still worth 5☆ Devs please also consider this.. #1 It would be great that while `Casting`, we could choose to hear audio through the headphones or bluetooth. That way during movie nights we can see the image on the TV (big screen) muted, but the audio can still be heard clearly. The inconvenience right now is that we would need to use 2 mobiles, synch the audio to the video on both devices to get the same effect.. #2 Closed caption not working when casting." Works great for playing music loaded into the phone. Streaming though is another matter. Pause your stream for more than a few seconds and you have to start over. That is really annoying when you are 60 minutes into an 90 minute show and have to listen to that 60 minute over again tonget to where you paused. "I haven't had VLC on my phone, tablet or computer in several years. It looks different and videos just randomly stop for no reason. I can't seem to find the problem. Then there is the playback history, regardless of whether or not you check or uncheck the save Play History box, VLC saves your history. More annoying than anything. Hope you at VLC find time to fix these small issues." I have been an avid VLC user from PC to Mobile since 2009. I will never use anything else for PC. I would be just as adamant about the mobile version but there are a few hiccups. Since the last updates I've had to delete VLC and reinstall due to it stopping at random when playing music and distorted videos. I also would like to be able to edit playlist orders. Reinstall seems to have fixed the stopping music problem on Galaxy S9. "It is a good free video player BUT, on my Fire HD 10 2019 tablet, I cannot use Bluetooth audio because the audio is out of sync to the actual playing video. I have tried options setting but no luck with correcting the problem. I have tried different VLC versions the last 2 years but the problem remains. I do not have a problem with other free video players.like kmplayer" "Something def got messed up in the last or previous update. I used to cast music locally stored on my phone (pixel 6 pro) to my Google hub max all the time. Now, whenever I try to cast and play a song I get an error stating it can't play the audio file. If I cast to a standard non-screen Google hub it works fine. Something definitely broke." "I like the apps design but it has issues. i have created 9 playlists and spent considerable time doing so then i go in today to find that they are all gone, empty deleted. when i try to delete songs from my file that are duplicate songs they dont delete, the file and song still shows up in the listing, yet if i select them it says they can't be found. every single time i start VLC up it says parsing media files for almost ten minutes." "Whenever I shuffle songs, it doesnt pull from the whole library, just from #-B. Also when I try and start from a point in .m4a or .ogg, it skips around to pre-defined intervals. Untill this is fixed. This mobile version is inferior to its desktop counterpart. It still functions, but at a fraction of the convenience and compatibility factor of it's at home program." "Used to be my favorite media player app on all devices, but no more. PC version is still great, but the Android version can no longer log into my samba server. It did not work great, I had to quit and restart ever so often to re-access folders, but at least this workaround existed. Now this (for me) most essential feature is broken. Now I use MX Player for my smb needs. That works ok, but MX Player does not support casting to Chromecast anywhere near as well as VLC used to." "VLC on desktop is great. On mobile it's missing some critical advanced ui, but it still plays local files impressively. On SMB it occasionally fails to write playback locations which locks you out of watching that file again until you clear and rebuild the data structure; and the error message as to why it failed is cryptic and unhelpful even if you google the error code. (this happens even if you switch to SMB1 on both your server and enable it in the advanced settings; clearing it fixes the issue though) If you watch videos with your phone or tablet in a clamp holder and need to rotate a vertical video, you'll have to physically remove the device from the holder to rotate because there's no rotate button unfortunately, probably because of a sensible development assumption that failed to account for tablet holders. Effects and filters are completely missing on mobile. You would think pinch to zoom/rotate and drag to translate would be a thing on mobile but it isn't. Scrubbing is a pain because the timeline ui is quite small and it disappears; would be nice to have advanced settings to change the size. All those issues aside. It definitely plays video." "This app was great until the most recent update. After the update the app couldn't find my music (it was in the exact same storage location and the app even had it as one of media libraries). App would just endlessly say ""scanning for media files 100% -1/-1"" for about 2 days. No music, no playlists, no saved music streams, nothing. I ended up having to uninstall and reinstall, and naturally that got rid of all my playlists and custom settings. Very annoyed that this update broke everything." "The app has been decent, but there is a floating white text area when playing music that says what track is playing and how much time there is. As someone who is autistic with ADHD, this is seriously distracting, and actually pretty useless overall anyway since I can see the track and the time already on screen. Where is the option to get rid of this floater? As long as it's distracting me, I can't rate the app higher than a 3." "It's a good app but not very accurate when it comes to listening the piano notes. Sometimes when the volume is too high on the device, it hears the notes incorrectly and says I'm pressing the wrong keys. Also, when I talk, it registers my voice as if the piano was playing notes. I paid for the full version for 6 months. I am learning, but at the same time I have to figure out the quirks of the app. For all that trouble, it at least should be more affordable, since the app isn't 100% effective." "The app isn't really good at hearing the notes of the piano. Although it's somehow better hearing the tune of voice from 5 meters away. And half of the time when playing notes in a training for a song, the whole part of you needing to play 5 notes it succesfully completed when playing the first 2 notes which is infuriating. I paid for 6 months which is already expensive enough, and when starting on your second course, it's like setting a game you never played to the hardest difficulty." "I like the general training, but if you make too many mistakes it enters this practice mode that breaks the app. The worst part is that you can't disable it. Not only does it really distract from playing, but it comes with a super annoying sound effect. I've seriously almost broken my phone over how frustrating it is" "As a complete beginner I am really enjoying this app. I like how the lessons are broken down and provide a slow but steady progression. Some other apps that I have tried suddenly throw new things at you with little to no explanation. I also find it very helpful that songs can be slowed down to 60% or 80% of the normal speed. I really wish the app had a rewind feature, so when I mess up I can immediately go back and try that part again. Practice mode is nice, but rewind is a lot more helpful." "Pretty cool at first... It's neat that the app uses your microphone to provide feedback, and track your note playing. However that feature is not that good. It often says wrong keys are right, and when I tapped the key board hard, it said that was the right key too! The lessons and guides are decent so it's not a bad app. Just not worth the money for me." "The training and songs are good. However, the app doesn't have some of the features that are in the iOS app. Seems like the Android app isn't getting as much attention, which is disappointing. After seeing what the iOS app is capable of, especially that it includes features I always wished for, I'm even more disappointment and hope that the Android app can catch up soon." "I'm a complete beginner and overall I really enjoyed the app. I was overlooking some of the issues because I felt like I was learning, but once I created a profile for my 5 year old stepbaby I became disappointed. The speed for a 5 year old beginner is the same as the speed for a 27 year old. Even though she was doing great, the app kept getting ahead of her and she became discouraged. I really wish it was more self-paced." This is a great app for beginner-beginners. I got on and it was a little slow for me. But while I was doing the practices it would say I missed a note that I CLEARLY played. And you have to pay monthly so you can play sheet music and other songs that I actually want to play. (not to mention the singer is awful at singing in the practice songs) "I was really excited to get the app but I'm having audio issues. Since the app decreases the music to hear the piano, its inaccurate. When a song begins in a unit, the sound is automatically lowered before I'm even required to play anything. Even with my keyboard being as loud as possible, it keeps lowering the sound and its annoying. Other than that, i think it's a great app. Please do something about this." "I wish that a time signature was given when playing songs. It's very hard to try to figure that out so I can count correctly when the song begins so quickly. I also wish that there was an option to continue playing even after making several mistakes rather than so abruptly stopping the song. Overall, I like the app but it's not as beginner friendly when it comes to actually playing songs as it is while teaching the songs." "control of pacing, content, and schedule makes learning with ADHD much easier. I had low expectations for my ability to learn, and have far surpassed them. MIDI support is a big plus, though I agree with other reviews that it should be clearer about it being effectively required for intermediate levels. additionally, the audio seems to be out of sync with the display and the note detection. maybe device-specific? it's fine early on, but by the intermediate levels it's a substantial problem" "It is really fun, and I really enjoy it. But there are only two problems I face. First is that android and ios are not synced up for this app which is really frustrating as now I get different outputs for bot of my parents phones. Second is its hearing power. I know it's an app, but it really is annoying when you are pressing the right keys but it takes the wrong ones. Except for that it is super awesome and I enjoy its colorful theme. Song requests of mine don't usually go through, but fun!" "Good app very fun and learned alot. Only problem is that the micphrone does not work well, if I would play the correct note it would say it was wrong the first time then the second time. I would play it would say that it is correct. Another problem is that it would just freeze and make me restart the progress if I was on a song. Other than that good app, but very frustrating with those bugs." "Very helpful for beginners and for the most part an enjoyable experience. It is frustrating to not be able to hear anything on the app. While playing music, the app will not pick up a third of the notes unless I have my volume too high for apartment living, no matter if I have it as low as possible without muting. Ways to improve note recognition did not help" "Ok. I made the mistake of trying the latest update for this program. It has a major problem dropping the midi. When opening the program it detects fine. But after completing a few lessons, when switching to a new lesson, the program no longer responds to the piano. In settings, it shows the midi is still detected. Have to restart the program to fix. This isn't an issue on an earlier version." "The app music is too loud when logging in (I had bad service, so the music was torture). Also, you can essentially jam a palm on a few keys and the app can register that as acceptable — but whenever I try to concentrate on remembering the correct key, it gets angry for being slow and gives me a spotlight hint. Basically, I have more of an incentive to get through the beginning lessons poorly if it's faster than learning the ""right"" way. I'm frustrated right now. Will give better review later. Xo" "Like someone else said in their review, the app most of the time doesn't recognize the sounds and I have to restart the app and the tutorial video doesn't show the video, I only can hear the steps without the visual part, other than that, it's a good app to learn piano. Very easy to understand and follow. Just fix the recognition part. Thanks" "The concept of this app is cool but there are too many technical glitches or issues that frusterate me and waste my time while trying to learn. For instance, the app asks you to place the device near the speaker so it can hear the notes but if you're reading the notes on the device then it is not feasible to place the device near the speakers. Furthermore, I must turn the volume up as high as it goes and strike the keys very hard in order for the app to hear the note. If not, it interprets that I missed the note and sends me into practice mode, so a 30 minute practice session then turns into an hour long practice session because you're having to repeat notes or measures that you have already learned. Lastly, I would like to see an option where the user can remove the numbers above the notes. I am finding myself relying on the numbers too much and I would like to focus more on reading the actual notes but I cannot figure out how to remove the numbers so that they do not distract me. Very frusterating app." "It did well enough to recognize the piano keys (other than D for me). Fun enough to keep learning going. However, the free part of this app is really short. Poor monetization system: subscription payment only with annual payments (and misleading to break it down by monthly payment amounts). I would continue to use this app, but I'm not going to be spending this much money for this; I'll find another method to learn." "This is my personal opinion that I have rated in the beginning of learning, using this app. I have yet to see any issues, but so far: it's great. it gives you bite-size chunks of information that's easy to learn and uses repetition to help you retain and use that to play the little pieces along the way that they give you. My only problem is with my keyboard that has a broken note in the left-hand position, D. The app itself can't help with it." "I personally do not like the app, and that's mainly for the reason that I have experience with a piano and that I had to go through the basics (even when I said that i have experience). The app was also a little laggy for me and I had to play at the most 3/4 of a beat behind in order for it to register. Also, if the app can't hear your piano, then it will turn itself down. I also think that I don't like it is because I like to work with fast(er) tempos and I like to work at my own pace, which Simply Piano doesn't give a lot of room for you to do. For example, everything is playing, at the most, at the most, 97 BPM (which is pretty slow, good for a beginner learning how to sight read but bad for a person who's really eager to get to do fun stuff). Would I recommend this to a friend that's a beginner, willing to learn AND willing to pay for a subscription? Yes, a thousand times yes. I don't completely hate this app. It really holds your hand and guides you along, perfect for a beginner. Long story short, this is a good alternative to an actual piano teacher, but if you can, I would recommend the teacher only because you can ask them questions." "It isn't a bad app but the paid version makes it impossible to do anything if your more advanced. It's very unfriendly towards people who already know how to play the piano, especially their learning style, at least mine. All my friends play the piano, and have similar problems with this app. There should be a free way to skip ahead so you don't have to sit through hours of the basics just to get some feedback on advanced pieces. The paid part makes it impossible for advanced players to use it." Great app. Started learning how to play on my keyboard and as long as you use a midi connection it works perfectly. My only complaint (reason for 3 stars) is that while I'm playing a song it will lag or glitch for a split second and mess up the flow and not read a note or two even though I hit them. If this gets fixed then I can comfortably give it 5 stars "So this is a pretty good app with systems that let you learn piano quickly. However, it has one fatal flaw. It keeps detecting certain notes as correct when I get them wrong and it's making it incredibly difficult for me to learn. I wish there was some way to calibrate it to your piano specifically or some fix for this glaring issue in an otherwise successful app." "I used this app a while ago because I was interested in learning and I love it at the time when I was doing basic lessons, anyway when I got done I was going to do the next lesson and I had to go premium. The whole time I thought it was free because it was advertised free. So joy tunes I completely understand it Costs a lot of money to put up all kinds of free songs, but please when your advertising plase say it costs money for lessons it will save you less and less bad reviews if you do." "I loved the first free course but now it expects me to pay $7.49 A FREAKIN MONTH and that's way too expensive, there should be something that let's us play for free. I was so excited to finally learn keyboard but it's expecting me to pay! I get that it is a great learning tool but still, couldn't they at least lower the price to like 3 to 4 dollars" "This app started off great! But as you progress, and start playing 4 or more notes at once, the microphone ability is overwhelmed and the app thinks you are making mistakes. The ability for the app to use your device microphone, was one of the best things about it. But the microphone function is unusable beyond the beginning lessons, and you MUST connect via midi adaptor cables or Bluetooth." The biggest issue I have with this app is that it does not always recognize the keys you are pushing marking them wrong forces you into practice mode even though you are playing the right notes. Very frustrating when you are 100% correct and have to repeatedly do the same exercise with no option to move in. Secondly there should be a metronome option which is critical in teaching timing. Q very each option to add and should not have been ignored in a teaching program. ****- read other reviews. Notes not being recognized is a major issue. Please fix this issue instead of giving the robot reply to troubleshoot. My phone is fine and an high end keyboard. The issue needs to be fixed on the developers end. It's decent...but one big issue that should be addressed. The app picks up other noises too..even when I've reset the volume on it. It just doesn't seem to help. If the app actually picked up the piano notes it would be more enjoyable...but with this big issue it makes it hard. It's a good app and I like the 7 day free trial. Although I don't see the worth in subscribing to an app that doesn't work properly. The lessons them selves are decent if I can even get through them. Half the time it registers that I've played a note and the other half it doesn't. This only happens when the music starts playing through the app. It's super annoying and making it really difficult to finish lessons. There's a feature that the app lowers the volume of the music to hear better but it either turns it down so low you can't hear the music or not low enough for the app to hear the piano there is no in between. "Want to update my review after getting further along in this application. I'll start off by saying that this app is fun and has a progressive way to help teach piano. But, like many others have said before, their note detection is really a handicap in their app. This at, first, is annoying but managable when you start out. However, as you progress in the notes such as Chords or faster paced songs, it becomes clear how limited your practice becomes through this app. I am still unable to get past the Jazz Chords and Intermediate IV because of the poor note detection which repeatedly often fails to detect anything higher than the G note. This gets much more problematic when you're playing a piece where you're doing well on, but if you do slip up and have to go through their slowed-down version, you'll find that their slowed-down version has an EVEN WORSE note detection. I have to literally slam on the keys multiple times to get it to pass through with my keyboard at a high volume just to get it to recognize I'm playing the right now. Sometimes, it doesn't and I have to repeat the song from the beginning and hope I can play this piece perfectly to bypass this repeat portion. This slow-down repeat feature in the song also becomes a problem as you advance in your learning. When you do end up passing it to resume the song you find yourself back in the middle of where you were having to quickly change hand positions to keep up with the now, sped-up pacing, of the notes. Not to mention there are often glitching problems where if you don't play anything the app assumes you played something incorrectly and takes you back to repeat it at a slower pace, or sometimes doesn't populate the notes at all and you have to force close your app. They do have the option to hook it up with a MIDI connection that involves spending extra money for the equipment. I was never able to get mine to hook up with the app and didn't hear back from customer support midway through troubleshooting with them. So, would I recommend this app? Yes, if you're a beginner and want to learn piano. But at some point this app can only go so far in technical quality that'll you're find yourself unable to progress further with it. At that point, you should at least be comfortable enough to learn on without. In which case, just buy the short-term subscription from them then learn on your own PROS -- >Good for beginners to learn piano >Gradual progression and diverse song selection CONS -- >There repeat song feature is buggy >Note detection often fails at chords and high notes >Can't unlock songs unless you complete the courses, which is unfairly handicapped since the advanced pieces are nearly impassible with the poor note detection" "I absolutely loved this apps design and functionality with my piano. The only reason I decreased the star value to 3 was because I had to stop using after the tutorial. The app only offers block plans. This would be affordable to me if I had an option to pay monthly even if the price was a little higher, however at the starting plan being $74 currently that's a bulk amount I can't afford all at once. I hope in the future this become available." Its a good concept but 1. It doesnt recognize all the notes. 2. I can play piano decently enough I just wanted a program to further my ability. I got through the first lesson of learning the first 5 notes then it wanted payment which was annoying. Whats the point in that? A lot of kids cant get that and want to learn so make it free. Or at least let both hand playing be free as well along with some songs. Not everything has to be free but make it more available "Is good, could be much better. Biggest issue is not being able to slow tempo when learning a song unless you are forced into the annoying and useless ""Practice Mode"". Plus, note recognition is only good at first, when playing single notes, but gets really sketchy when playing chords, forcing you to buy a MIDI cable if you want to use the subscription you already paid. Otherwise, the app is really fun and a good way to learn, but I would like the devs to fix issues like these." "Liking it so far. However, often the app corrects me when I'm doing the right thing. For instance, the app will instruct me to play the following notes: C ,C, G. Even though I've only tapped C once, sometimes the app will mistakenly register it as me tapping it twice, and then will prompt me to move on to G - even though I have yet to do the second C note. To avoid this, I've had to adjust the way I stroke the keys - producing short, choppy sounds instead. Pls fix the issue. Thanks!" "This is a good app for those that have no piano experience. The app does not pick up all the notes and often adds some notes but, all in all, it's not a bad program. My family has thoroughly enjoyed learning during the 7-day free trial. I was prepared to pay the $149.99 a year but, I was under the impression I would be charged monthly not for the full year all at once. If you change to having a monthly payment option, I would be happy to purchase the program." "great concept but when you're playing the song, the app directs you to play at a different tempo then the music that is playing, and as a person who is familiar with music, it really ticks me off when I'm playing the rhythm based off the music provided though what I'm supposed to be playing is much slower. i really like this app and wish this was improved. v great, good helpful tips c:" "Using this app I've learned so much about playing piano that i definitely think it was worth paying the subscription fee for. However, this app has serious note recognition issues, even in a completely silent room with my keyboard turned all the way up it has problems. Luckily, plugging your keyboard into your device can circumvent most of these issues, yet they still do happen occasionally. Left hand chords are especially troubling as they have the most issues I've seen." "The app is good in concept. I like everything about it except it is not good at picking up notes. The chords can not be picked up by the app and it makes me redo all my notes over and over when they are correct. This is frustrating. I've tried putting my phone closer to the keyboard and turning it up. If your piano can't plug in to your device, you will get frustrated." "I love the app for both me and my 11-year-old son, but the timing of the music and playing is off by a beat even using a MIDI cable. This bothers my son more than it bothers me because he tries to play it on the correct beat and the app keeps interpreting it as incorrect timing/missing notes and makes him repeat the lessons. I've tried resetting the MIDI connect, powercycling, etc. Everything short of uninstalling and reinstalling, which may be the next step." "Overall, the idea of this app is great, it helps you learn notes and how to read sheet music, etc. The reason I'm giving a 3 star review is, after you get your basics done, everything costs money. Sometimes it doesn't detect notes and that can be frustrating. What's more frustrating is they never mention anything about you having to pay beyond the beginning lessons. So therefore, they don't really want you to learn, they just want the money." "I've tried most of the popular paid apps for piano, and there are a lot of things I like about simply piano, but it freezes a lot, and is a little glitchy, and their own instructions about how to even contact support don't work. I also don't like that they only offer minimum three month subscriptions. I have renewed my service twice, which means I've been using it over 6 months and I've liked the progress, but I'm not sure I will renew it again." "This app is great at first. You will learn the basics and the app goes at a great steady learning pace. However, once you reach a certain point with playing chords the app will not recognize what you are playing. You will not be able to move forward because you must pass each lesson to proceed. You will end up stuck and beyond frustrated. The App needs an override or something helpful. So, this app is great until a certain point." "Overall, the app is pretty good. The beginning information is clear. But, when it starts moving (with the set tempo) it doesn't really work if you are like me and need time to process and figure out what to do with that pre-set pace. It would be better if the user could set their own tempo. Also, the words are distracting. It would be better to say the letters out loud while playing each note. Thank you for getting me back into playing again. From, The user" "the app is good and a fun way to improve piano skills... but certain exercises require 4 note chords to be played. For some reason the pitch recognition will work fine for most chords. As for me, e minor never gets recognized even though I am made to the point of slamming the e minor chord over and over. And when it doesn't recognize the chord, you have to redo that section of the exercise again. For God's sake fix this garbage." "This would be a great app. The learning is well paced and explained. I learned the basics in no time at all. But you need to pay past that, and the note recognition is still off. If you have a keyboard piano (it works fine without one, but its best with one), and have money to burn, this is a great option. But without money, you cant go past the basics." "I wish it didn't lag so much. It should run a lot smoother, it lags and makes me miss notes. Also, it's not very accurate for which notes I'm playing. I still like the app but a $85 year subscription I think it should be better. I use an upright piano, I tried the one tip of using headphones but it doesn't prevent the app from lagging and almost crashing. Nor did it help with recognizing correct notes all the time." "I would have given it a 5 star because it teaches you basic notes and it's easy to learn. I had fun for 20 min. But I had to give it a 3 because it literally told you in the ads, ""make your dream of playing come true!!"" Or""try this free app, and learn many songs"" I downloaded it and then BAM! I had to pay for it after learning the basics:( I'm actually upset, since I really want to learn how to play piano,but I got no idea what to do. By the way the basics were only 5 notes which were C,D,E,F,G" "This app is great until you get to the blues lessons and start playing 7th chords, at which point it only recognizes the chords correctly about 20% of the time. This makes it near impossible to get past this point and successfully complete the blues lessons. I've tried with and without headphones, playing the piano extra loud, and arpeggiating through the chords, but nothing works. Very frustrating." "It's an amazing app if you want to learn digitally instead of with paper books and if you want a digital instructor, but the reason I rated it 3 stars instead of maybe 5 is because you have to pay to learn more than just the basics with the right hand. If you're really passionate about learning it and you really don't want to learn it on paper, then you really shouldn't have to pay to learn it. I'm sure there are other ways to get money except to make people pay to learn. It's great otherwise!!!" I loved this app when I started! But as I continued I notices a pattern. Each course has particular notes or chords that it can't hear yet another course can hear them perfectly. So it's pretty wierd when it does that. It really frustrates me so please fix this as fast as you can. "I love this app and it has helped me a lot. unfortunately though I usually use my Amazon tablet and for some reason the app won't update on that and I never get the new songs they upload. also, when using my keyboard sometimes I have to close the app and restart it repeatedly because the notes aren't registering on the app so I keep getting them wrong and can't move forward. just some kinks that need to be fixed. overall, I really enjoy this app and appreciate how easy it is to learn piano." "Pros The app is easy to start as a beginner. Simple, easy to use. Cheap compared to in person lessons Cons: The BIGGEST PROBLEM IS THAT ANY NOISE WHETHER HUMAN OR NOT CAN REGISTER AS A NOTE. That means only time to play is when it is quiet. There could be better singers (sounds awkward) How much does it cost to get permission to use the original songs? There is also false advertising. The ada make it seem like the whole experience is free but it is not. At least say the full version is paid." "It was good for learning a tiny bit of reading piano and piano baisics, but almost everything else you have to pay for. I started this and finished the first lesson, but when i finally got to the second lesson that wasn't you having to pay, it was showing me piano skills that were entirly new to me. I just think something like this shouldn't have to cause money. I would be more happy if there were ads after you do a lesson." "I love the concept and even paid for a full year, but I'm always having problems with the app. I downloaded it on a tablet too and have the same issues. Progress doesn't save properly, notes sometimes (even when played very loud) aren't picked up, app randomly closes. Been waiting for an update that fixes the issues but haven't seen one yet." "Could Be Better , The app is very helpful for learning the first few notes and chords, but the note recognition is really bad. I know I'm playing the right notes and chords, but the app says otherwise, and due to the yellow notes system I have to restart the song which is really frustrating. which makes me want to quit using this app. please consider making the yellow note system an optional setting." "I really loved the concept and had fun playing along. I was going to buy the yearly membership because i thought, ""oh $7 a month? Yea i can afford that"". BUUUT then i noticed you had to pay it ALL up front, which btw, pretty much makes the ""1 week free trial"" a bit moot. Sorry, i'm not crapping out $80+ all at once. A real shame too since I really liked the app. Oh well, their loss." "Love the app and it's addicting. I get to learn all types of stuff, but there's a problem. Everytime I do Majors or Dm, it always say that I'm doing it wrong. So, I always have to do it multiple times until it finally says correct. It's really annoying and sometimes during practice, it freezes and gets me out of the app. Now I have to restart my progress because of that. I wish I could play more with this app, but I don't anymore. Now my piano is covered in dust in my room. Please fix this." "Pretty good app. But there are some minor issues. 1. If you can't finish a lesson, then you will have resume from the beginning. The app doesn’t let you continue from where you left off. 2. Can't skip a song in a lesson. There are songs that I just have no interest in learning and would prefer to have the option to skip but complete the rest of the lesson. 3. Count in time is one measure. I need two to allow time for me to hit play and get ready. 4. Can't swipe forward in a lesson song." "I got this app to begin playing as someone that's only touched a piano a few times. In general it's taught me a few things. Sheet music basics and a few chords. What I find lacking is practical application. No scales so far, and it rushes you through each lesson. The biggest problem is note detection especially with chords. It has a hard time picking up several notes at once in different octives. And when I tried plugging it into a USB to host, it simply froze. Please work at least on that." "I really want to love this app. I have spent plenty of hours on it and it has helped me begin to learn piano, but some of the songs (recently it seems like most of the songs ) are out of sync with the notes. So if you play the note when it tells you to on the app you are actually about a note ahead of the music. That makes it difficult to accurately play the song without just completely disregarding the music in the background. If they can fix this problem I would happily give it 5 stars." This app is great Ive learned so much already. However it's ability to tell what notes you are playing actually sucks. This app is definetley worth it. However it is SO frustrating when I play something perfect but it tells me I did it wrong. Also the practice mode feature on the songs doesnt help at all. It actually make its more difficult. And the lower volume thing doesnt help either. If Im going to play a song I want to be able to hear the backround music. "I feel like the apps design is amazing and a great way to learn and practice the piano. although, the app has some issues with hearing my piano. The app also thinks I play a note when I dont. for example, I'll press middle c and it will register it more than once. But, other than that, the app is wonderful!" "Pretty good piano app. It would be nice if there was a longer trial-I ended up regretting my purchase 1 month into the year subscription Things the app would need for me to give 5 stars: -Longer trial -Adjustable spee of the songs, so you're playing on a given tempo, but don't feel rushed -A way to mark a lesson complete manually -A way to view analytics of your practice time (minutes/day, streaks, etc) -Make ""we can't hear your piano"" notification not block the chord letters" Note sound recognition isn't very accurate. Would also be helpful to bounce a dot on or flash the line to signify the beat instead of the metronome coming in. I'm not a beginner but it is frustrating when one is marked wrong for correct actions. This has to do with the app accuracy. I'm using headphones as well. "This app has some really bad issues with recognizing the notes on my keyboard, oftentimes not registering a note at all, particularly in practice mode, forcing me to close-out of the session and randomly hit keys until it gets me through to the next section of a piece. I've ordered an adapter for the audio output directly to my phone to see if this helps, but I feel the app has some serious problems for something that costs so much annually." "Great app. Only complaint is that recently the app will lag when playing music during the training. The actual songs play fine if you play from the song option. But during lesson it will lag, then jump ahead, and sometimes even jump backwards. Will also freeze during the ""Tips"" part of the lesson sometimes." "This app really is great. I learned how to basic stuff amd it made it easier to help me read the music too. However you only get the basic ans for everything else you have to pay. For songs, sheet music, and to unlock another helpful guide to the next step. I only learned the first five notes and how to play Ode to Joy then I have to pay to do anything else. It would be nice if we dodnt have to pay for everything amd let us enjoy on learning instead of only showing the basics then making us pay." "This app is perfect for people who want to learn how to play the piano. it teaches well and makes sure you understand. The reason I gave a 3/5 is because you have to pay for premium access for anything past the basics course. My feedback would be to make the entire journey free, then add little extra stuff that doesn't effect the learning process so you can get your money. Especially if there are children playing who don't have money but want to learn." The app is a great tool for people that have never played before. I ordered a USB midi connector because once I started playing chords the app had a hard time recognizing all of the notes I was playing. The app works great with the midi connector. The app has a decent library with a large variety of songs to practice. My only complaint is there isn't a good way to practice a tricky part of a song. This ultimately leads to playing sloppy. It was going great and was falling in love with the app. Then we got to chords and the app has issues hearing that I'm playing all the letters in the chord forcing me to go into practice more and repeat items unnecessarily. I'm all for practicing but this is just becoming more frustrating as I go along. "This app was definitely enjoyable until the free trial was up. You're able to have access to the free trial after you submit cc info, but there is nothing on their app to continue or cancel a subscription. Instead, you immediately get a charge of $89.99 on your cc after the ""free trial"". Expect a delayed response through their customer service via email or phone number. I did eventually recieve a refund." "Fun app, got the premium membership for a year months ago. You unlock new songs as you progress and some of the songs you learned before just get slightly more complicated as you advance. As I've progressed I find it doesnt catch any lower notes and has a hard time catching chords, specifically D major. Wrote to their support about this so hopefully we find a solution. Would be great to implement a rewind and forward function in Songs so you can practice any tricky parts." "Listen, this app was very helpful, for only like, 10 minutes. Sure, it helped me out with the basics, IF the basics to YOU guys is only 3 notes ( im no expert, but i think the basics are 7 notes). And yea, it DID provide me with sutable music for my 3 note talent! How ever it was just one song and that song wasnt very long, so after 30minutes of perfecting it, i got kinda bored. Why? Because I cant unlock ""18 courses, and over 100 of cool songs!"" Can i AT LEAST get the REAL basics? Thanks." Overall a descent learning tool but does have some weird freezing issues. I could recommend it fixing a few clear missing overlooked features: Ability to turn off and on 'numbering'. Can't go back a stage in sections when your playing. No practice mode in songs or ability to look at sheet music beforehand. "It's really slow, and the speaker can't hear certin notes sometimes. Also the songs inside the lesons are really annoying because it doesn't hear you half the time. Okay app, I like the different things you can learn. But, it's not worth money if you wanted premium." "im only giving three stars bc its a good app and helps with some piano playing but,it picks the songs im doing no matter how low I set my volume and thinks I'm playing those notes so I'm not really getting the complete experience. I get by songs too fast if I mess up on a note I am not corrected it's hard to learn piano when you don't know the right notes. also it picks up the notes when I'm singing the song and I either get it wrong or right." The app charged me for an entire year after I had emailed them twice about canceling my subscription before my free trial ended. Emailing them was the only obvious avenue to end the subscription because they do not have any way of canceling directly through the app. This is very dishonest and it's too bad because the app is very good I just cant afford it right now but they obviously do not care. "I'm giving the app a three star despite that the app is a great tool for learning the piano, the reason I'm giving it a three star is because after the first lesson is complete and it's gotten some people to connect their email, you have to pay to access anything else with a monthly subscription. I was just hoping that their would be a somewhat free option for people who are not looking to pay, even if it just helped people with the basics of learning with two hands, and some of the cords." Good point: 1. It teaches reading sheet music well. 2. It has quick education videos. Bad points: 1. Rhythm lesson 2 and onwards is way too fast and far to big of a leap in speed for the few lessons given. "My kiddo became easily frustrated with how quick the tempo was on the beginning lessons, to the point of tears. You cant access any songs to play around with until completing the lessons, which was another sore point amd made him dig in his heels even more. Slow the tempo, or give an option to slow it down, and allow access to some simple songs to keep newbies more invested." "This app was working great for me until it started picking up two notes at a time for every one note I played. Played c? It said I played c AND d. Made it really hard to practice. Also bummed they don't support computers since my ""tablet"" is a 2-in-1 laptop, so I'm stuck using my phone I'd like to see a feature in settings where you could toggle on/off having the notes be named like they do in beginner piano books where the note name is in the note. Really helps to learn the names of the notes." "It's a good app, though it's very hard as you have to get a premium membership just to continue to the second level. I started using it a few years ago, but left it. Now I'm playing piano with the app again and the all my progress is gone." "It's a great app and I don't doubt it works, but I can't actually do anything other than course 1, sheet music, and 5 minute workouts without getting a premium membership, which I am trying to avoid doing. Edit: I also played piano in the past and I've learnt all the basics, but without premium I cannot get to the skill level I am currently at. Other than that, it's a really great app!" "Really good app, though i thought it was going to be free as it never said anything about a £19.00/ month membership until i completed the basics, the note recognision isnt the best but overall good app." My daughter has been using this for over two years but every session at some point it glitches and sticks on a note. I've reinstalled and followed the help guidance to no avail. She's invested in this now at intermediate level with her journey saved so it's a difficult decision to loose all that but feel we will have cancel and try an alternative platform that works efficiently Its a good app but it's an incomplete port of the iOS app. You will be paying the full price for a subscription that you only get access to a limited portion of the features. "I paid for the year, but it's just not to my liking overall to continue. Sure, I got some progress as a beginner, but i was not enjoying it to the point that I don't want to have to pay continuously. Too bad it's not lifetime purchase. Main issues for me: -having to repeat a lesson sequence if youre not as quick to hit the correct note which can make the high number of lessons feel a bit long. -having to play songs that are short cover versions and sound like remixes of the original songs." "Seems like a nice app, but it doesn't support Bluetooth MIDI properly (something the competition doesn't have much problems with), so a no go for me. I use cable to connect my block to PC to drive digital instruments there. So I only can use Bluetooth MIDI to hook onto my phone. They suggest some workarounds, but they didn't work for my gear. Anyways, for an app that expects you to pay for subscription this is unacceptable level of quality" "first day seriously using it. 2 Hours in and working on reading and playing 5 notes. Repetition and correction as with anything, but it makes sense and the fact that you can use your own keyboard and it will listen to you play and give you feedback is probably the most helpful. 5 free lessons and it's ok. It is a little flashy for me." "Simply Piano is a very good app, but the thing is, the free trail at the end messed everything up. I mean, at least teach us a bit more. I hope you delete that free trail and just let us learn piano freely. Maybe you can find another way to make money, but this isn't it. Please fix this." "I am trying to learn piano with this app. The only reason I am giving it a 3/5 is, YOU CAN'T LEARN AT YOUR OWN PACE! The slowest possible temo is 60%. I shouldn't have to keep up with the song. It feels like I'm playing a video game on legendary difficulty and barely managing to finish each level. I'd give a 4.5/5 if: A. 10%+ tempos added. B. Printable sheet music for every song. Otherwise when it is not a frustrating dungeon crawl, it can be very fun. I advise you learn piano from a human." "Was really enjoying the learning process through the app, paid £120 to continue and taking it all at my own speed. Sat down with some time to practice and I can no longer open the app!!!! Help, I've only had the app for 3-4 weeks. A lot of money spent and nothing happening!!!" It's all right. it gets you really hyped up for learning the piano but then locks it all behind a $12 per month paywall. like I could understand the need to sell this but would be nice to have a little bit more for free I love it so much but I messed up and I am new to this and I recently got my Yamaha Piano yesterday night and I found this in YouTube ad and website thank you so much I love you very much and this app. And yes I got to the next part (essential 1) it tells me to buy premium and I don't want to. "good for learning but needs way more functionality. printing music sheets, recording, rewind, tempo setter, tempo on sheet music, etc." I like simply piano but the one thing I hate is that you have to pay to play piano likemgo onto more courses like on the 12 month and 7day free trial once the trial ended I had to pay $150 up front like not where it says whatever per month its actually $150 up front I was having a fun time until I finished piano basics and couldn't continue! I can't continue and I won't because to continue it costs money:( can it be free for once? "It's ok. I can play along with the app but it's just mimicking what the app does. I wouldn't be able to play without the app. Also, I got the trial, and of course, you have to enter your credit card info. Most other apps send a notice that you are about to be charged. Not this one! I didn't realize my trial was up so just paid $150 for an app I don't really care for." "Not sure why it stops showing me the chords and what the notes are in the middle of the courses. I want to understand the chords that I'm playing, not just by reading them. Was really enjoying the app but there is also barely any sheet music? I want to be able to play the songs by the sheet but it only allows me to play in a ""guitar hero"" sense where it allows me to continue only by playing the set notes at the right time..." "Great selection of content and attractive interface, but is awful at loading podcasts. But for some reason will still play songs. I can't listen to any podcasts until after several times trying to play them or uninstalling/reinstalling app. App also at times will stop playing anything (songs and podcasts) and a ""retry"" prompt pops up. Have to uninstall/reinstall. Please fix these loading issues." "I really want to like Deezer, but the app/service is just way too buggy. It can be slow to load music. Worse, I am constantly getting music playback interrupted by a supposedly loss of network connection when I am on WiFi, and even worse, when I'm listening to just downloaded music. That's unacceptable, so I had to cancel my subscription. When they fix this issue, I'll come back." "I want to like this app and service more than I do. For the most part it's still better than Spotify, but it has some issues. Sometimes the playlists for artists and such are great, other times I have to skip through 20 seconds to get anything that feels remotely in the same genre. Sometimes flow does not flow, it loops tracks in a single genre and doesn't escape from it after even 100 skips. Searching is a chore and it can be difficult to find songs via the search function." "I've gotten some good use out of this app. I intend to keep it, a great alternative to the big brand names I don't want to subscribe to. That being said a little too pricey for the product. Search functions and album info for artists are not always accurate. Meaning you look for an album on an artiss page, won't show up. Search for the album and then there it is! Song suggestions not too bad." "It keeps freezing up. The songs skip. So I have uninstall it and then install it again. It takes forever to uninstall. This has happened twice. I left Spotify because they don't pay the artists enough and because of the podcasts they have but if this keeps up then I'm going to have to switch back and I really don't want to do that. Also, you can only have 2000 songs on a Playlist. Spotify is unlimited." "So much better than Spotify but a few issues. It randomly stops playing and closes the app or freezes. Uninstalling and reinstalling over and over hasn't helped. And on a Playlist of over 3000 songs, it plays the same 60-100 songs no matter how many times I switch songs and reshuffle. Sometimes looking up songs is really annoying. I wish it was on gaming systems like Playstation but still a good app." "Great if you're trying to find a powerful music player. It has a big choice of songs and also podcasts, along with tailored referrals. I haven't had any problems with it, therefore far it's been working well. The user interface is intuitive and also very easy to use, and also I'm appreciating my songs experience with this application." "I kind of love Deezer! BUT Deezer does not have a Roku app. I would like to be able to listen to music without tying up my phone. It does state there is one. The other thing I've noticed, it just stops frequently. It is slightly better when you download tracks. What I really liked about Deezer was that I was able to enjoy Deezer with commercials for long enough to play with the interface. Pandora has grown tiresome. Spotify is addled with a cacophony of horrific ads." "Good music, poor subscription handling. Been using the app for a while and I've grown to like it. Unfortunately, if you have a time where you're low on funds and the subscription trys to process it won't; then when that card has funds, they will refuse to accept it until you call customer support. I've even tried adding a different card, nope, won't accept it. Looks like they don't want continued customer business." The pros are great audio quality. Song lyrics being listed is also nice. The cons are that their music catalogue doesn't live up to their competitors. If you like niche music be prepared for them to not have it. They say they have podcasts but they don't have many good ones. It just seems like this company isn't proactive in expanding their options. I have just started using this app. I have started making a favorite list of music but when I go back to my favorite list and tap on a particular song it plays everything else in the list except for what I'm tapping on. I do like to be include the lyrics for some of the songs that is great for me because I am hearing impaired and sometimes I don't understand all of the words. I just wish they would fix it so that we can tap on the song we want to hear and it plays that song especially if we have added it to our favorite list. If this is only a premium feature then they should remove the favorite list from the free feature "Great music app for streaming HiFi music. Edit: removed two stars because the app is very glitchy(on Android 10). For example, it will get stuck on a play list and won't let me listen to anything else. When I play other songs, it looks like the app is responding, but the music doesn't change. If I can't select what I listen too, there is a big problem. This issue is severe enough that I will candle membership if it does not get resolved" "I'd love to give it 5 stars for being the best music steaming app out there.. but, more often than not, my downloaded music is loading way more than it is actually playing. Sometimes it never starts and sometimes it gets constantly interrupted; which almost defeats the purpose of downloading music at all It's a hefty price to pay for music you can't listen to worry free. As far as the app itself, I give it 5 stars for content, UI, and, especially, shuffle options." "Flow feature needs improvement, it often just loads a blank screen in Android app and can't be used. Also, variety of suggestions needs improvement, many of the same tracks are repeatedly played alongside tracks already liked, making it an inefficient way to discover new music. Ability to switch accounts quickly in app is great, especially with kids, so your account's recommendations don't get polluted with Raffi and sleep music." "I have had Deezer (family plan) for years and really enjoy the content available and the family flow option. The past several days, when I am listening to music, after about 3 songs it just stops playing & closes the app. I have not had this issue before, and no one else in my family has this issue. It is very frustrating, checked for an update but there was none. Hoping there will be an update soon that can fix this. Because I really love this app otherwise." "It seemed like all my music was automatically transferred over from Spotify (except for exclusives), but the majority of albums by ""Liked"" artists don't have a ❤️ next to them, even when I click it again. The same goes for individual tracks. I like the HiFi with my new headphones, so I'll stick with it for now. I'm just never sure what's actually in my Library now." "Something is seriously wrong with this app. it keeps saying failed connection or plays one song and buffers but doesn't go on to the next song. I loved this app before all the changes. I'd hate to cancel it, but if I can't play the music, what's the point of having it. frustrated that there isn't a real customer service either. The troubleshooting isn't going so well." "This app is almost perfect for me, but I can't stand the search. It wants to give you 5 ""artist - popular song"" results before just the artist on the autofill. And sometimes (at least in the case of the band Dirty Heads) there's not even an albums section. I've really enjoyed the app, but searching for something to play just takes me out of what otherwise is a fantastic experience." "It's was much better when I first got it. There's adds plus more adds on the podcasts and the new update makes it even harder to listen to the music you want to. I will say that the song catcher and the song selection are pretty good though. Please stop with the recommended tracks, I know the point of them but most aren't even something I'd usually listen to. I was going to buy the premium but I'm reconsidering it." "Wanted to try it out. Ok as a player, it doesn't show my favorite/top playlist on the home screen and I wish it did. A big annoying thing I'm running into is that when you close the app while the music is still playing the music does not stop. You have to pause and then close. And when you pause in the notification bar it takes a few seconds before you can swipe it away. Really don't like that at all. I wanna be able to quickly close it." "There are a lot of artists and albums missing from Deezer. Also, the bottom navigation bar disappears when viewing an artist, album, or playlist. If I view an artist and then several related artists, I need to press Back multiple times before I can even access Search, Home, or my library. The sound quality is good on the hifi subscription." "Better than Spotify, but not by much. Spotify was so slow that nothing would load. Deezer's faster, but has some issues. The ""add to queue"" feature doesn't work. It just won't load the song I want to play. It'slike it's adding to the end of my queue, but I never added anything. ""Play Next"" does, for some reason. There's too few people using it to reliably find playlists for the genre you want. Needs search feature for your liked songs. Overall though, I'd rather have random music than no music." "Edit: Back for round 2 still in search of the song I failed to ""like"". Selection is definitely worth it, will send forth gripes on functionality/navigation as I find it. Now if only Google would give you another 500 spaces to edit. I really wanted to like this app. At first there was this French Punk playlist with one song in particular I really liked. I've had a lot of issues with the interface. I found it very difficult to navigate where I wanted to go. Got stuck and uninstalled the app." "I really love this app, it's very clean and crisp and has a very nice look to it. Especially compared to other music apps out there. Except one thing that I don't like. There's no playlist or soundtrack of some sort made for you, what I enjoy about Amazon music or any of the other music apps is the feature where it can introduce you to new music set to your likings." "I love deezer and I always recommend it to others when they need a great app to download and stream music. But, My main issue is the constant crashing of the app. I pay a monthly fee to deezer & constantly have to deal with songs not working, the app freezing, and late responding. I've updated my phone and the app so in other words it's the APP. If this isn't resolved soon I may have to cancel my membership !" "Deezer has worked mostly well so far, one month in as a replacement to certain other apps and the transition has been okay. A major problem that has been affecting me, as someone with poor cellular service, is that downloaded songs from a playlist are not also downloaded into their respective albums if I decide to separately download an album. This makes it so that the app thinks that the song hasnt been downloaded with the rest of its album and is thus unplayable in offline mode." "Overall a great service. I would give more stars if the app would allow automatic import of personal music files already on your phone, which most other apps allow. Also, on occasion tracks play as if the file is corrupted. I have to delete from my list and re-add. I have the family plan and this has occurred on multiple devices." "Great app, would give five stars if it weren't for the sponsored tracks. They're always horrible and they play it constantly (played it 3 times within 30 minutes, same song) and when I have to give a thumbs down, they still play it. I've had different sponsored songs, but I have to dislike the same song about 5 times before they start spamming another. It's getting to the point I might find another app for my music because the sponsored songs are SO BAD! Edit: Now the app has pop-up ads." "The app is good with songs. I am using one plus 7Pro, and I have having an issue with the app where the app does not play songs smoothly when the screen is off. The song keeps getting interrupted with silence. This happens every time I use the app for more than 30 min. Everyday." "It's a solid listening experience, but there are a few QOL issues that really take away from that. The biggest problem, imo, is with the discography section. You can search for an album and it will appear in the results, but if you check the artist's discography, it might not be there. There's been at least one album like this for every artist that I listen to, but that's purely anecdotal. A stream counter to track how many times a song has been played would be nice too, but not essential ofc" "It is good for finding all kinds of songs, but the latest update can no longer be used in split-screen view on Samsung phones, which is why I am rating it fewer stars. UPDATE: It has gone from bad to worse. I can hardly play a single song without an error saying that the song failed to load. Please fix!" Music library is pretty good. Flow option is pretty decent for random music of approximately the same sound. Unable to stop auto play. When you close the app is does not close and continually runs. No way to change this. Zero user control. Rediculous you have to force stop app evey time you close it. Way expensive subscription fee for not being able to customize and have zero user control on how the app operates. "The app has quite a few issues, but reporting is difficult since they demand a video, especially when its not something you can take a video of... The foreground app and background act independent, where a song will be playing but when you open the app the first playlist song suddenly plays but still displays the previous song info. Artist album lists are truncated, so you can't easily find any early albums if they are buried under 40 ""live"" albums (for example, ""Ten"" by Pearl Jam)" Too complicated. Too many glitches. Too much $. Would probably b great if u can set up all options and get it too work right. But on my roku that I use I keep getting faults that say 'song not available in my country' or a handful of others that I can't remember. So I'm going back to Pandora which doesn't have all the bells and whistles of this app but it works right all the time and costs 1/3 of the price "As a hi-fi subscriber, I want to like Deezer as my go-to music service, but their mixes and flows are pretty objectively awful. For one, there's a lot of track and artist repetition; and though I like hip-hop and r&b as genres, these tracks worm their way into every flow at random. I can't let any mix go for more than 2 songs without stopping, which has never been an issue with other services. In short, the algorithms are just really, really unbelievably bad. Will update rating if it changes." "App works great! HiFi sound quality is appreciated on my stereo. Chromecast is supported well. Nvidia shield TV app works well. Pioneer app sounds the best. I've had issues with tracks stopping with the web browser. Apr 18, 2020: Reduced to 3 stars. Chromecast to Pioneer receiver locks up, stutters & has long delays with no music. This is one of my prime usages. Deezer app on Home Hub Max will lock up and often causes a spontaneous reboot. I've posted on forum about the Chromecast. Please fix!" "has great potential but is flaky in a number of different ways. expect lots of trouble if you want to use it with Chromecast. the app works a little better than the web version, but my library is limited on the app so if I add new albums they don't show up there. it's also missing some albums that every other streaming platform has." When I first downloaded the app everything was perfect. Since the latest update the tracks being played will randomly pause or remind back slightly as if there is some type of interference. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling but still experience the same issues. Deezer has it's good moments but to often lately I've tried opening this app and it's giving a Can't connect to the internet error! I love listening to my music it is my happy place and when I'm paying on time every month for services you'll expect for it to work. Problems occur but this has been to frequent lately. Very dissatisfied! "Offline mode doesn't work. Left it to download my library overnight on my gigabit connection. It then refused to allow me to use offline mode when attempting to play half of my music caused it to stop and complain about lack of connection while out and about. The ""downloaded"" filter also includes tracks that are flagged to be downloaded but have yet to be pulled to local storage. The app is going downhill, just like Spotify did. Probably going to go back to a local collection of MP3s." "Pleasant experience. Search bar could be alot more polished and animations smoother. Update: 1/28/2020. Deezer started to give me troubles playing back already downloaded music offline. Not sure if I'll stay. One star down until this is rectified. Update 1/30/2020: After restarting my phone (the usual fix to most problems) and nothing worked, I decided to uninstall deezer. Reinstalled and it took almost a day to re-download the essentials. All my albums and playlists saved. Working fine again." "It's a cool app. It lets you play the actual album you select without having to listen to a stream of random songs. The problem that I have is that sometimes it repeatedly plays the same somg over and over again. One time I had these two songs that played like 5 times in a row. Also, I know you have to make money and that this gives the ability to play songs for free, but does there have to be an ad every 2 or 3 songs? I understand ad usage but I felt like it was a bit too much." "Plenty of songs and artists, along with a personalized experience. Although the app is not completely free. To listen to songs offline (which is the thing I'm looking for most), you must pay a subscription of $9.99 a month. It also requires Accra to cookies, as well as your email (in case anyone was wondering). Other than that though, it alright." "ive enjoyed deezer and i changed phones & now have the upgraded version which the whiter app interface all white color looks less appealing than the black color, its slower in response time, and uses data at a very high rate than before in one day ! thats not good. may consider other options. the white washes the app visually lieke its not there..." "I really do not like how the navigation works in this app. If you're in an artists discography and you want to search for another artist or song, you can't simply just search for that music. You have to back out to the main menu where the search button presents itself. Also what is up with the lack of explicit music for certain albums? The Weeknd's new album ""After Hours"" only has a censored version, I've notice this with multiple albums and the censorship disrupts the flow of the songs." "This app does some great things for music. The sound quality can be cranked up to a phenomenal level, but it takes up a lot of space in my phone and eats through wireless data very fast if you're not careful with the settings. It has a very visually appealing interface, however, I sometimes find that it's not very user friendly. Deezer could have been much better, but it's still well worth checking out." "It used to be great app, recently in the last couple of weeks music won't play anynore, it would just stop and load for ever, even if the track is already downloaded, there a lag in the music as it struggle to play, on Bluetooth it became horrible, its like the app is over loaded or just can't handle itself, it really was my favourite music app for 4 years now.. If its not fixed am shifting to another app unfortunately" "App started out great, but now theres a BIG PROBLEM- some of my songs that used to play perfectly fine are now all garbled, sped up, and ruined! Tried many things to fix this, but to no avail. And also, as of very recently, when i try to edit my current track list, it gets all glitchy and the songs wont go where i put them. Very frustrating." "I used Deezer when my cell phone plan gave me a free subscription. Loved the listening quality, but had problems keeping things downloaded. Entire playlists would randomly disappear from my download library. Not sure if they fixed that yet, but they also haven't improved their music selection. I mostly listen to Korean music, and Spotify fits my range better. Will give Deezer another chance when they update their Asian offerings." "Deezer is great, but it's very confusing when it comes to music that I've liked. When I shuffle my playlist I get repeated songs constantly. Sometimes Ive noticed that even when I do shuffle my entire playlist or saved songs it never plays all of them. I wish it was easier to use and I wish it played all the songs through without repeats." "I really wanted to like this app. But I don't. The search is horrible; you have to spell everything correct and finding specific songs that have a generic name is hard. For example if I search ""angels mac"" nothing comes up, I have to search ""mac miller - angels"" which isn't something I've even had to think about on any other streaming service. Deezer seems to think that it is my favorite app because it randomly starts playing often. Skip a song on spotify? Deezer opens. Unsubscribed and deleted." "Honestly, if I could change only one thing about this app, I'd choose to allow people to listen to their playlists without having to listen to some rabdom song that isn't even in their playlist. I like this app, but I think that that one detail aggravates me more than anything else on this app..." "App is working great, had it for years. Was locked out for some reason but was able to fix it with Deezer supports help. However, I'm now being charged twice, the first of the month and halfway through. My subscription reciepts show only the premium account price being submitted, but my bank transactions say otherwise. Need help and this fixed ASAP." "This app, Deezer, has gotten much better in the past year, or so.I hope it continues to get better cuz I like it, but it's not where it could be in relation to YouTube's UI, or in relation to, for example, SoundCloud'$ vast collection of more than a 150 million songs. Deezer works better than it used to, and it's at a pretty good place. I just hopeDeezer gets even better and continues to ameliorate my suffering as an existentialist man in search of meaning in Cali." "Deezer is, overall, an audio upgrade from Spotify limiting hq listening to 320kb/s. This is the main reason I use Deezer for streaming. There are some obvious QoL features not in Deezer, like seemless device sync/control. It will sometimes not play anything in my playlists and crash. It doesn't happen often, but it does. This behavior manifests similarly on the desktop as well." "It's an awesome app! But when i play music from my own customized playlists instead of the music in the playlist a random song that isnt included in it starts playing which to be honest I find very annoying,it also plays a random song after a song from my customized playlist has just been played instead of the next song in my playlist....Deezer should check if it's or bug or not bcuz its annoying" "I've had Dezzer for a very long time. I love it because I can find some really obscure genres here. I have hundreds of songs saved and some very valued playlist that will be hard to put together elsewhere. But these bugs are getting too bad. Too often I'm getting: ""Error: Failed to play"","" The requested content is not loading"". Totaly random, no rhyme or reason, its very frustrating and I'm looseing patients & debating a move. Updating the app didn't work. What am I paying for guys? Please fix!" "A lot of glaring problems with this app. I have Deezer Hi-fi and I've sent feedback a few times already but no response nor updates. You should be able to start music playing and then keep adding songs to the queue whenever you want via ""play next"" or ""add to queue"" buttons but neither of those are an option. Sometimes the queue glitches out and restarts or disappears or stops allowing you to skip or reverse tracks." "I'm loving the Deezer service and the fact that with the HiFI plan it can play lossless audio on my Google Home Max, but I don't understand why I can't play lossless audio in the Android App itself. Other services like Plex and Tidal have no issue doing this. Speaking of Tidal, Deezer's student discount only applies to their ""Premium"" plan, unlike Tidal where you can get the 50% student discount on their two plan levels. The app's design is dated and doesn't seem to follow any of Google's guidelines. Certain aspects seem new and kinda shoved into an aging interface. I've gotten an alert that there's an issue connecting to Deezer a few times that's straight out of Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and the Holo design language." "Highly incentivizes paid use, even on desktop. With the free version of the mobile app you can shuffle play but with the desktop version you can only preview 30 seconds of any track you choose. I also reached the maximum amount of favorite artists I can follow which strangely is 1,997, meaning I have to remove less favorite artists to make room for my more favorite ones. If you're willing to pay for it then it works perfectly fine and has most of the more obscure artists I'm looking for. If you just want the free mobile app version its not as good as the paid version but still worth having. But the free desktop version is just strange, I love the layout and design and would use it but I have no use just to preview 30 seconds of tracks," "Mobile app is ok, just having a problem searching through genres, it's kinda hidden and obscured while it should be in plain sight. On the other hand, unfortunately, smartTV app is terrible, almost unusable. I can't use my phone as remote, interface is bad and options are very scarse (not to mention totally broken shuffle). My TV is connected to home surround system so this is important to me. More than phone app." "I love Deezer, but I've had some issues with this update. The entire app is much slower. Google cast works one minute, then tells me it's not supported by my device. Still alot of music I have to listen to on other apps, since it's not on Deezer and then the sound quality would differ. Please fix the bugs and expand the library." "Great app. ❤️ Deezer, but basic functionality is not really there. For example, the search decides for itself when it works. For some reason, the swiping up animation of the player in the new update is very laggy. Downloads aren't really offline without an internet connection. Deezer's ability with the Google Smart Home is good, but it is still not available in many countries ( using Google Home voice commands), and how can you not move tracks in que? Deezer Connect is basically a gimmick." "I was looking for an alternative to that other streaming service. Overall I'm happy enough. One complaint I have is that you need to be extremely precise when searching for content, as it is quite inflexible with regards to spelling and format errors. The player will also randomly stop the music and close the program." "Have used this app for years and now it will not upload my library, as I live in a location with little network coverage I rely on downloads, the app will sometimes not allow access to any of the downloads for hours, with also just stop playing, has used up a lot of space on my phone with not access. The stuffle my music only ever shuffles a small few tunes in my library. The app try's to throw some pop or some other Shite on the flow for no reason. Start to think of a change to Spotify." "I'm new to this app. Signed up for a free trial for the paid version, but I am now noticing too much battery usage. Is that normal? It's using up too much battery in my opinion. Some songs are also missing or not available. For example, why is the original version of the song by Teddy Geiger not available? It's called ""For you I will (Confidence)"". I only see other versions, which are not that good. I really want to like this and love this app. I love some other features. Can anyone help?" "Deezer had been ok until today. Every song results in a playback error. Before, this happened a handful of times a day which is still annoying. I use Spotify for podcasts because Deezer is so terrible at compiling new episodes from my podcasts and there are many podcasts Deezer does not have. Spotify does not have ads for podcasts 99% of the time and I have a free account. I may need to go back to Spotify or another app. Deezer is annoying." "Was very happy with it until started listening to podcasts. Cannot change the speed of reproduction, which is necessary nowadays. Also, sometimes it doesn't let me stop the music." "I'm using this application for many years. No specific complain until recently. Since you're using the android 13 media player, if I set the app in background, it randomly stop. Stoping the audio and removing the player controls in the notification tray. I still recommend Deezer overall. Hope issues on Android app can be fixed" "I love this app much more than Spotify. Recently, whenever i add a new track to my favourite, they don't download, so i can't play them offline, even though its constantly showing the downloading wheel at the top of my screen. And no, it's nothing to do with my super fast broadband or the 5g when im not at home." "Enjoy it so far. However i listen to a very specific music genre. It struggles to find some lesser known artists I like. Also the music sometimes just stops, and songs just all of a sudden won't start playing. The flow function is pretty much spot on after a while." "This app is user friendly in many ways, but it is glitchy as anything. Certain songs will not play or will skip out, and customer service is entirely useless at fixing the problem. I'd love to come back if they fix the bugs because it's a great platform, but until they do, I can not recommend it." "Broken Widgets. Player widget doesn't update at all on the home screen. Album art and title don't change. Playback controls don't work. My info: Samsung Galaxy A73, Android 13, One UI 5.0, Deezer is fully updated... EDIT: Tried your suggestions, still doesn't work. You're not going to solve the problem, so I'll just use a different app for the widget that actually works. Your app is buggy, my phone isn't the problem." Not so good Tv ui/ phone integration If you could get into 2023 and have your app give real time control over the tv app on Android with the phone that would be nice. Currently with one account it seems like my tv to my sound system and the Android phone app don't know what the other is doing or able to control each other. "Downloaded this app a while ago in place of Spotify. Its almost the exact same, with a few downsides and bugs. Otherwise, it was great. Recently, ads have been playing way more, and almost every ad has been in a different language. Sometimes, they repeat three times before I have to restart the app. And now, EVERY ad I get freezes the app. It will be stuck on an ad and won't continue playing from my playlist. Says theres an error. I've tried clearing my cache and logging out. No avail." "Great app and sound quality. Only things I want implemented is support for uploading flac files and better availability of tracks. I have lost too many of my favourite songs because they are ""unavailable in your country"". This is a huge problem as I am afraid that I will lose more of the music I have favourited. If these issues are fixed, I will give 5 stars." "HiFi is the only reason to use this app. Music library is slow to load. Downloads do not continue if disconnected from the network. No notification or option to resume downloads. In offline mode, the app still requires an internet connection. The day that Spotify gets HiFi, I'm ending my subscription and deleting this app. Is it very slow. The home screen widget wants you to open the app instead of showing the last track that was played." "Constantly stops playing if it's not the first app in the background. If you use any other application then put your phone down deezer will stop playing shortly. Extremely annoying as I constantly have to go to my phone, open deezer and hit play again. Ridiculous." "Not bad but definitely inferior to Spotify, the app doesn't loop music when you set it to and does when you set it not to, but can't be solved by just using each function in the inverse because its inconsistently bad. Get Spotify" "service is generally good but the fact that the mixes are still full of christmas music in april is beyond ridiculous. no one wants that, and it should not be a hard thing to fix, yet the message boards are filled with year-old complaints that go ignored. it has made both the daily mixes and the ""flow"" feature virtually unusable, taking away half the value of the service. i'll be cancelling if the issue is not fixed ASAP" "add a playlist that automatically collects all the new songs from the artists you follow so that you can easily listen to them without having to keep jumping in and out of the notification tab. add a feature to hides songs that were recorded ""LIVE"". This would allow listeners to avoided listening to music that has a lot of unnecessary background noise like cheering from a concert. AD's seem to be set at a higher volume than the music." The web player is ok. But the Android app needs to be more user friendly. I am a producer and do alot of comparative listening. When I want to listen to a specific track on the app it plays one different song different to the one I wanted and puts the whole playlist on shuffle. Would be better if there was more flexibility in navigation. But that's just me. It was okay when I first got it. It didn't shut off until I shut off the application. And now it shuts off in the middle of playing when I fade the screen to black. How do I fix that permanently from ever happening again ? I uninstalled the application. Then I installed it again. It seems to work properly now. Thank you. "Ok basic streamer, but few standout features. The deezer connect features is totally underwhelming. Search is dysfunctional. I search for black debbath, and deezer always thinks spell errors and give me Black Sabbath. No playlist folder management, no functional chromecast support, no HiFi support on TV app, no grouping of favorite albums. Artists with the same name is a total mess, should have synced with Discogs to get it right. No uploading mp3 and flacs to folders. Uploading missing from API" "Yes, great app, works, has a lot of songs. However, I 99.8% remember it advertising the whole offline feature for free which yes, is sh.tty, and also, like Spotify, can't relay the basic function of playing a singular song. Even though that is half of its purpose. In final, basically Spotify and no better :)" Deezer is the best streaming platform with great design. The last update ruined system equalizer so now I can't listen to the music with comfort. "The App is not working keep getting the same error ""Please retry"" everytime I open it. I have uninstalled and reinstall still does the same thing. Please fix" "Every 5 minutes or so, the music stops. Everything else is looking good but the issue I mentioned is a big deal-braker for me." "The app need improvement on sampling Rate , on external DAC Due to the fact in android, I can not change it to 32bit and it always 48Khz Please update this issue" "Wanted Deezer to work out for me, but I could never edit my large (1000+ song) playlists in the mobile app. I contacted Deezer support, but they were unable to get this known issue resolved. This happened starting from day 2 of a brand new subscription. Disappointing and unfortunate, as the rest of the app has some nice features. BTW, my support request was submitted through dzr.fm/contactus" good selection. gapless playback isn't 100% perfect. queue is often glitchy (adds a totally different album than I asked for). "The app is great if you listen to music, but when one of my playlists finished all of its songs and it started recommended songs, i wanted to restart my playlist by pressing on a different one and then the playlist i just heard. It just continued the recommended ones. I even got rid of all tabs of Deezer and reopend it, but it still played only recommended songs. It took some time till it restarted, but i ain't that patient." I used to love this app. Then all of a sudden about a week ago there ads started popping up after every 3rd song instead of after I switched playlists. It's really annoying and it's always the same ad asking me to get Deezer Premium. I'm fine with the free version just tone it down with the ads! The only reason am using a smartphone works like magic. But recently I've been noticing it stops playing then I have to either click a volume button then it continues playing what's the issue? "Deezer is a terrific songs gamer, however it can be a little bit buggy. In general, it's a terrific application that I very suggest." "I really used to enjoy deezer, as it used to give me new bands to listen to after I had liked my usual favorite bands. Now it just cycles through songs and bands I've liked already. I keep listening to the same songs over and over again on any of the flow selections. You still do however have an amazing selection of bands" "The Deezer songs application supplies a fantastic experience with its large selection of music, Circulation function for customized recommendations and verses translation. However, the app could use extra functions as well as improvements." """Error: failed to play. The requested content is not loading"" It used to be okay but now it happens with every song... I don't know how to fix it. I love deezer and don't wanna change apps but I might need to if this doesn't get fixed, I'm not paying premium only to have to press play or next on every song after the error pops up..." Don't like the new version of this it ruins the fact that I've used this since year 8 and it was free didn't have to worry about subbing but now I got to looks like I'm gunna have to find a new music app :( "An ad every two songs. I get the revenue aspect, but not loving the interface, ether. Just not for me." "Alright Spotify, I appreciate you going back to the old home page. If anything, you've proven that you at least care a little. But please, please, for the love of god can you put the smart shuffle option somewhere besides in a sequence with shuffle and normal play. Smart shuffle isn't a bad feature, I appreciate what you're trying to do with it. However, it lags when I try to switch past it, and it leaves recommendations in an invisible queue when I switch off of it." "I love how easy it is to navigate this app! The only thing that keeps it from being perfect is the fact that it will start playing a PLAYLIST, and then it randomly decides that wanted a RADIO STATION based on the PLAYLIST. NOPE! That was not the want or intent, especially when I go through and pick a specific song to start with from the list. Is there any way to disable that feature? It has pissed me off and spoiled a motivated mood more often than I will admit" "I am a very casual music listener and am satisfied with the function and song selection on the app. The only BIG problem I have is that when I take out my earbuds to put them away (after any activity: watching YouTube, taking a phone call, or listening to musuc), Spotify automatically starts playing music. Doesn't matter if I hadn't opened Spotify in a week or it has only been a few minutes since I stopped listening to music. Can't figure out how to turn it off and it is extremely frustrating." "I dislike that with most updates they change the positions of the listening controls and the way playlists/songs are sorted. Glitchy audio when you play a song for the first few seconds, doesn't matter if it's the beginning of the song or you just hit pause and then play again. A lot of the time I need to close and reopen the app to get it to work, and I've tried all the trouble shooting options." "Really sad this app got rid of ""playlist radio"" and ""enhance playlist"" option. This is how I found new music. Now it's difficult to find new music that you vibe with without having to go on a long lengthy search. Also hate how Spotify brought on ""sessions"". Who the hell uses that feature? It's annoying and cuts my music out all the time. I work in a dance studio so there are 3 different Bluetooth speakers, Spotify causes a lot of issues asking for sessions ...." "This app used to be fantastic, but now it's a shell of its former self. Use pandora instead. The ui is decent, the music selection is great, and the app rarely ever down, but the rating system is garbage. You used to be able to use the thumbs up and down options, but that's been completely phased out by the heart system. You can't even hide a song from a playlist because Spotify will just play it again anyway. It got so bad that now I only use Spotify for the music selection." "The podcasts and quality are good. However, there is no way to listen to the song you want without shuffling a mix or getting premium. I get making people get premium to download music or playlists. But it makes no sense to make someone get premium to listen to the song they want. You can listen to songs easily on a browser so why is the app any different. Seriously, fix that please." "I've been using the app for a number of years, and it has been great. Lately if my phone is connected to Aftershokz BT headset, Spotify will at 1 minute intervals switch from whatever in listening to and start play songs that I've never searched for or listened to before. It's difficult to workout or do anything where my hands get dirty with Spotify." "Great app. I use it more than any other app. I've had it for about four, five years? Always had premium. No ads as promised, but, there is an issue. For about 3 years, the downloaded songs actually worked when i had no internet or wifi. But recently, they dont. It wont even let me kook at my library. If it does, i click on things, but the app doesnt respond. All of my liked songs are downloaded, but spotify wont work until i've gotten wifi." "The app is great, but there definitely needs to be some changes. For example, people on PC can choose a single song AND loop it for however long they want. Mobile users have to sit through hours of songs they don't want to listen to just to get to the song they want. And they can only listen to it ONCE before they have to repeat the process just to get to the song they want again. Please, let us have that freedom. It would make my rating so much better." "With every new update the functionality gets worse. With this latest update a song would only play for less than 30 seconds and stop. The home screen sometimes takes forever to load and a lot of the time doesn't load at all. It has nothing to do with service connection as I have full bars. The developers seriously need to test thier updates before launching them. The problem seems fixed, for now... until the next update." "21.4.2023 Update: The Home page reverted back to the original format. No more invasive videos or clips playing over already playing music. So far, podcasts aren't being pushed either. Updated from 1 to 3 stars. 2.2023: Vehemently dislike the new layout and would prefer the ability to hide podcasts. Listening to music is an immersive experience, not a spattering of forced sound bytes/videos in abrasive tiles that bog down performance and drain battery life. Give us the option to opt out." "The music randomly pauses, and when the app is reopened to play again, the song starts at the beginning. I did just update this morning thinking that was the case, but it's still continuing. Overall, good though. Switched from Amazon music and see an improvement in the overall music listening experience." "It was great until it wasn't. I can't stand to use the Chromebook app anymore because it endlessly pops up with a message of ""Now multiple people can control your device"", no matter how many times I dismiss it. It's not even worth using Spotify on it now. And there's no option it turn it off, why would I want some rando controlling my music? Went to the internet to help and their forum was about as helpful as being given a cup of water while you're drowning." "The app is ok. The main reason it has 3 stars is the refusal of Spotify to give you a switch that turns off the setting that starts playing the moment you get into your vehicle. I have to shut it off EVERY SINGLE TIME. They say there is nothing they can do. That's just a lie. They can code it if they want. You'd think with all the complaints about it they'd do it. Using the web app is better for that, except you can't download your playlists and have to rely solely on data." "Mostly fine, usually great. But lately there's been a problem where the podcast seemingly plays but there's no audio, if you close the phone screen. So it's questionable of you can just put your phone in your pocket, and walk and listen. There's a chance it just plays nothing and you have restart the app five times and then it'll work and you don't have to keep the phone open." "If the new home card scrolling feature was actually responsive and didn't stutter or lock my device for half a second, it might be usable. Don't fix something if it ain't broken though. Seriously dropped the ball with this one on AB testing. Edit from 2 weeks later: It seems to have been ""fixed"", but the scrolling is still jumpy. At least they listened." "Love that i can listen to music without having to use youtube . Tons of songs i almost forgot about too. Only annoying thing is the ads, and not being able to move songs around on my playlist, or to be able to pick where i want to start listening from that playlist. and sometimes looking for a song i want to add to one of my playlists, if that song is from another playlist, it adds the whole entire playlist to mine, rather than just the song i was looking for 😩🤦‍♀️" "The app doesn't allow me to listen to a specific genre of music from my liked songs because I have ""filters set"" that disallow me from doing so. Yeah, I have the filter set to ""Rock"". None of my songs are rock, all of a sudden? The last song I liked was in the Dubstep genre, and when I enable that filter, it gives me the same message. Can you fix this please?" "I love Spotify, love to use the app when I'm doing school work or whatever, but there's one big issue I have. Spotify will play songs that aren't even in my playlist after a while, like if I wanted to listen to that song, I would've added it to my playlist. Majority of the time I have over more songs on a playlist (so Spotify doesn't add songs for me) & it does this. It's really annoying please fix it" "So I just updated the app thinking that was the cause of the issue, but it is not so idk what to do now. The option on my liked songs list to pick a specific genre from my list to show is not working. No matter which one I click, it shows 0 songs and just says "" you have filters set which may hide some results""...I love being able to pick a genre for whatever mood I'm in and having it be all the songs I like, so this is very frustrating." "Every month for the past six months, my playlist disappears and then returns a few days later as if by magic. I have tried looking through the support section, but no information is available for this particular problem, so every month, I cannot listen to my playlist on the android app. Playlist on the Web player and Windows player are not affected. This has been a major inconvenience for me and has left me looking for alternative apps like Apple or Amazon." "This used to be the only app I ever went to for music. But lately it has been glitching more frequently, and every time I leave the app to do something else, I come back to it and I lose my playlist/podcast I was currently on bringing me back to the default menu screen!! And all the tabs to JUST get to my downloaded playlist tab should not be a chore to do!! Too many tabs!! I've re-downloaded my apple/youtube music account because this is ridiculous. Been using this app over 13 years too" "Weird controls on Alexa devices. If I press ""volume up,"" it goes completely silent, and the opposite would also happen, basically making the volume controls unusable. Also, that new screen with the the music art, lyrics, and the newly added concerts and merch, ITS WAY TOO BUSY! Super distracting and unnecessary. Please revert back to lyrics only!" "Love spotify and have used it for years. Only issue is that the tracks start to skip, and it's on my phone. (I have premium) I looked up how to stop the problem and I've cleared my cache, and the app is up to date but the problem persists. This isn't an issue on other devices like my laptop. The experience would be better if this wasn't a problem." "This is a great was to listen to music, but I was listening to music and it said ""30 minutes of uninterrupted listening "" and 10 minutes later I get an ad. I know this because I started to listen to the music around 7:15 and at around 7:25 the ad came. And then the way spotify adds songs that you didn't even add to your playlist. Like if I want to listen to 10 songs, don't add more! And spotify premium is expensive for what it is. Like 10 bucks a month just for unlimited skips and no ads." "I can listen to all the songs I want, BUT, how much is any of that worth if when I create a playlist it ends up playing ""recommended"" songs instead of the many songs on the playlistthat I made myself. It makes no sense. If I wanted to listen to recommended songs I would go to the ones the app makes. The shuffle button doesn't work after you click it once, because you have to wait a a day or more to shuffle it again. There are way too many issues with this that makes me consider using others." "Mixed feelings. So if you're going to pay for a music streaming service, I've used most of them, I will say that Spotify is the best. Definitely has the largest selection as far as I can tell. Slightly better priced than most. Clean and intuitive UI/UX. I do like Tidal and Amazon Music aesthetics a little better. But no big deal. So here's my main biggest complaint, I use Duckduckgo's App Tracking protection. It shows it had to block 23,952 trackers from Spotify just today...lame" "I have premium couple stuff! Wishing it was easier to be in a group listening session! I always get kicked out for some reason? other than that, there's the issue of Spotify picking favourites in a whole list of things? Like I'll hear the same song 10 times in a playlist of 80 hours, that's not normal in my opinion,,, in an 8 hour work day I shouldn't be listening to the same songs over and over again." "Smart shuffle playlist preview - with the most recent update, the ability to preview the songs added to your smart shuffle playlist disappeared. Now songs are added to the queue and if you want to add them, you have to open the app and do so. Not great for hearing a song you like while driving. Can we bring the option to add in the playlist itself please?" "Premium: Good streaming app, especially artist playlists and recommended music. Annoyances: Sometimes freezes and have to restart; Song preview not available in prem; Songs sometimes repeat before end of playlist, especially if paused; Now playing list doesn't show what was already played, also can't click on bars to the right of the song in this view for more info; Playlists can be repetitive; Playlists do not show length of song; Sound sometimes choppy; Uses absurd amt of storage over time" "Been using Spotify for over 5 years now, and I can't recommend the shuffle play. I've been running into the issue of songs re-playing constantly even though I have 1.5k options to choose from. Discover weekly is basically a joke; the algorithm has no sense of my music taste, so it's always hard finding new artist through that playlist. Really making me want to rip mp3 files from online" "Although this is my go-to app for music and podcasts, it has had several annoying bugs and glitches. Some of these glitches have been resolved through updates and phone upgrades. Others persist; in my case at the moment, unusual issues downloading/streaming select podcasts. I also dislike their aim to police content on the basis of how offensive someone of a particular political position might find it." "After the update, it's having a very hard time playing music like it's constantly buffering or it won't start a song at all. It's a problem because it's doing that even to my downloaded lists. This shouldn't happen for those that pay. UPDATE: It is now only playing half of a song before skipping to the next one." "Update: You fixed it! Local file handling is fixed, as is playback volume. Thanks, devs! Now, can you PLEASE add a playback speed feature for music? We use YouTube to slow down music while learning difficult parts and we speed up songs to get a different vibe from them. Because you don't offer playback speed adjustments outside of podcasts, we are forced to use a competing platform. Troll music forums about this to remove all doubt. Fix this problem and Spotify will dominate the market space." "Overall, it's not bad. I'd probably rate it a 4th star except for one annoyingly absent feature: you can't delete a complete album from a playlist at once. Having to delete each song individually is ridiculous. How is this not an available option? I have to go to the website or the Windows app to do it." "It's improved alot over the lats year or two with tidal being a good competitor Who Woulda thunk Very buggy, shuffle sucks, I wrote a Rust script that shuffles it way better in half an hour, Spotify, it's been 5+ years, it seems like you did a fancy solution, but it's not really getting it right, your losing your touch, I forgot to mention it but someone else also noticed, my music will randomly stop playing occasionally, like someone hit pause. But no input was too be had, super wack" Spotify is great but the mobile app needs major work. Takes eons sometimes to open and even on the fastest wifi it still will lag. Not all the time but enough to be extremely annoying. DJ needs work too as 90% of the music it recommends is nowhere near what I listen to. I'll listen to classic rock 99% of the time but I listen to one jazz playlist once and all of a sudden that's all it recommends. Same is true with other genres. Still a new service so I'll cut it some slack tho. Good service with a nice catalog. Main gripes are having to use a 3rd party service to import playlists and not having the ability to shuffle ALL songs in one's library. From what I've seen this used to be a feature. And to me it's a basic feature of any music player. Why it was removed is beyond me. **App takes a long time to load from the get**. Always have to tap the Home icon (doesn't always work) and select the album anew from my most recent picks. Can't figure out how Spotify doesn't license all the lyrics to newly released music when other platforms I use have the lyrics as soon as the song/album drops. Premium here and love it just not the glitches. "I like the music selection. Fairly easy to use, though I think the UI could be a bit more straight forward. My biggest complaint is the pop up ad advertising to try ""DUO"" and there's no dislike / down vote button. I'm finding they keep playing songs I don't like on their radio stations, but I can't tell their algorithm that I don't care for it. There's a hidden ""hide this song"" option 2 menu options deep, but that's not simple or convenient while driving or performing other tasks." "I only use Spotify for my music/podcasts. Usually it's great, but lately I've found that Spotify hasn't been playing all of my songs. It will pick a select number and then rotate that-- so im not even able to enjoy 80% of what I have saved. It gets to the point where I have to delete my entire liked songs list and start from scratch. It's very annoying and I hope it gets fixed soon." "For a while now I keep having issues where the whole app crashes if I shut my phone screen. It's not every time, but annoyingly often, especially if I'm driving. I also feel like there needs to be an option to say you're driving and get a simplified screen without using a separate device. If there is an option for this somewhere, make it easier to use with an aux cord. Thank you." "Weird that the (free) desktop version of Spotify gives you more freedom than the (free) mobile version. I get that more people are probably using this on their phones, but at least I can choose what song I want, skip songs freely, and don't get random songs added to my playlists when I'm on my computer. I might as well just listen to music on YouTube at that point." "As a Spotify premium member, I use the app a ton while at work or in the car. For collecting music I already enjoy it's great. However, Auto generated playlists needs some work and seems to weight genre to heavily. That said, I'm here because the new mobile home page is significantly inferior to the previous home page. I actively avoid it, as it is designed to increase app/screen time, not improve my experience. I subscribe to Spotify to listen to music, not scroll a timeline." "First off, I really do love Spotify. I'd probably buy a branded speaker where I could use Spotify without a phone, if there was one. I don't hate the new IU, but I wish it didn't take up so much of the homepage. Functionality wise, it takes pretty long to scroll through. Besides that, my queue (including the current song playing) has been changing after I connect to a speaker or device. Finally, I'd LOVE to input two or three songs/artists and get a playlist mix." "I honestly love this app. I've used spotify for such a long time. However, for some reason (idk if this applies to everyone right now), I'm personally experiencing issues with not allowing me to play songs.It plays then quits, and i have to press the same song like 15 times for it to finally play. This only happened after changing from premium individual to duo.It's really annoying, especially when I want to listen while driving. If this was solved,I'd change to 5 stars right away." "They newest update has turned the home page into an auto playing nightmare. It's distracting and frustrating to try to browse new music suggestions. It's also full of flashing lights that not user friendly at all. If there isn't an option to turn off this ""feature"" soon, I can't see myself continuing to pay for this much worse service." "Compared to the old compact layout that displayed multiple playlists at once, the new tik-tok esque home page is not only obtrusive, displaying a single playlist at a time, but also auto-plays music and video with no option to disable it- even over celluar data. Why would I ever want this? EDIT 4/23/23: Very happy to see that the decision to have the tik-tok layout has been reversed. Returning to the old layout not only has made the app faster, but much more compact." "Taking this rating down one star. I'll start a playlist, the app will play 3-4 songs, and repeat the same 3-4 songs again and again until I physically tap the next song. Super annoying, especially in the car. This is a recent development, and not a welcome one. I'd still like to see more suggestions for new music that match my listening history. And please stop telling me I might be interested in Tom Petty!" "I like the app and I have my entire music library in here but I can't stand the new UI update. The home screen looks like tiktok. I don't want to scroll through playlists one by one. Before I could have about 12x as many playlists on my screen at once to choose from, not to mention if I'm looking for my own playlist I have to go to library now instead of being a ""jump back in"" option on the home screen. Please revert this home UI change. Much more difficult to navigate and find what I want." "I've been using Spotify for over a decade and have never had a problem until this last update. I can't look up any new songs, even from artists that I follow. If I try to click the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen it will try and quickly fail to open the menu that lets me go to the album, artist, song radio, etc. I hope in the next update they fix this otherwise Im cancelling my membership and going to Pandora." "Look....Spotify is a good app. I don't mind the ads for music and they have a good selection of podcasts. My biggest gripe is that it will autoplay no matter what when it connects to a bluetooth. There is no phone option, app option, nor developer option to stop it from automatically playing once it connects. That's frustrating. Especially when one is not expecting the surprise volume from previous usage. It will always have the highest priority as well, beating out other apps." "So I've been a subscriber for nearly a year. I loved it when I first got it, being able to make playlists to my favorite genres in music. And I always used the ""enhance"" button to find more music, many times finding more that a was looking for which is a plus. But your recent update got rid of this feature. So what gives?? And now the app is messed up, especially when using it in the car. Can someone fix it and bring back my enhance button??" "What happened to my recently listened to list?! I do not like the recent updates. I cannot access my stations from the homepage anymore! At least my recent podcast stations are still there. Also, when I pull up song lyrics, the app crashes. I don't know the why's and wherefore's of changing the homepage, but it isn't intuitive, convenient, or conductive to listening. Revert to the former layout please! I've always loved Spotify until now!" "I'm so sorry, Spotify. I've been silent because I'm happy but the latest home screen update sucks. I can't get back to the list of ""Made for You"" features; rather, I'm given an abundance of content creator spotlights. For example, I'm struggling to find New Releases based on my listening habits. Plus only 4 pins on the Library tab isn't enough. Previous home screen experience was much better. Thank you for all other great experiences over the years; please correct this one." The latest update is the worst thing I have ever experienced in an app. You can't find anything easily and the sort functions are atrocious. The old library layout was infinitely better. In this case new is not better. I'm very close to cancelling my subscription over this update. Edit. Still hate that everything is all jumbled together and you have to use the sort button to find what you're looking for but the new DJ feature is pretty fun when I'm not hunting for a podcast lost in my library. "Don't get me wrong, I am devoutly loyal to Spotify as a streaming service, however the new homepage UI is so ungodly terrible to navigate, there was nothing wrong with the previous version so I see no reason for the change. I liked being able to scroll through a bunch of recommendations quickly similar to Netflix, rather than every single one taking up the whole screen like a tiktok video. please change it back" "The latest update added tiles to the home page that you can only scroll through one at a time, that prevent you from quickly scrolling to the bottom, say, or just quickly seeing what's farther down. These tiles, by default, autoplay music/podcast audio as you scroll. Please stop this. This is a bad design philosophy. ""I'm going to force the user to see fewer options for music at a time, and to have as close to a TikTok-esque experience as possible!"" (cue evil laughter)" "I was a 5-star review until they replaced the ""enhance"" feature with the new ""smart shuffle"". I don't like having the ability to see, pick and add songs before they start playing on a Playlist, and I find the ""shuffle"" replays the same songs too often before the entire Playlist has been played fully. I hope they bring back the ""enhance"" feature because I want to feel more in control of my music without having to stay tied to my phone in order to remove or skip songs I don't want." "Great for music. It's nice to have one app for both music and podcasts. The downloaded podcast feature works backwards from how episodes normally appear in sequence. Instead of playing from the bottom up, it plays from the top down. That means you have to download the first episode you want to listen to last or it won't go in the right order." "It's a nice service, and it has the music and podcasts I love, but recently, I would create a radio station or listen to a podcast and it randomly skips episodes and tracks. I can see the next song it's supposed to play, but it skips ahead to a random song (with shuffle OFF) and when I try to manually click on the next song, it doesn't play and it refreshes the whole radio station with different music. With podcasts, it will randomly jump to another unplayed episode. I can't find a way to fix it" "It is an awsome app to use when you want to listen to music, podcasts, audio books when your device is turned off or your playing on another app while listening one of the above. I do however have a problem with navigation and organization. I cant listen to my song with a click I have to play the first songs in the playlist first." "The quality of the app is steadily declining for me. Even with a premium subscription. I'm frustrated with how poorly it communicates with my Bluetooth devices (which wasn't a problem until recently -- and I've already uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times since the problem started.) I'm assuming it was an update that caused it and hopefully it'll be fixed but as of now, I'm pretty disappointed with it." "Doesn't work great, but it's a compromise in my household. Despite my eclectic tastes, the recommendations are good. Even with a lot of customizing and tweaking, however, the app works poorly. There are multiple problems with the queue, including how it forgets the whole thing or adds things in the middle instead of the end. I can't grasp how the sections it shows in the home screen with, but I don't have Spotify for non-music and don't care for audiobook or ""podcast"" offerings." We love our Spotify and our playlists. The ability for bands like ourselves to reach a worldwide audience... But there are some things that need to be added and/or fixed. Make it easier to add songs to playlists (on every screen & not going back to the last screen before) & adding songs to multiple playlists at the same time! Also you need to pay the artists better!! Be better Spotify. You can do it. "Spotify Premium. Works great, has more than just music and you can download stuff for offline mode. Edit: It has always had slight hiccups but since the last update the app is unusable. The library doesn't load nor does it play any music. It will buffer but never play. Final edit: Still meh, I find it suggests music better than YouTube but Youtube has better features like the ability to move around songs in your Playlist. Also there's more diverse music and lyrics available so." "The sound quality is good, but a lot of really basic features are missing or difficult, like adding multiple playlists and shuffling them, or playing an album in the original song order, or song lengths in search results, or even just seeing the last few songs played! The app makes some pretty good music suggestions, but they're quite US-centric, and a LOT of my favourite music is just plain missing. People love this app, but I honestly don't see what the fuss is about; it frustrates me a lot." "Not sure what's wrong with the app. 9/10 times won't let me change songs with my steering wheel buttons in Android Auto, and if it does, only to the next song (it won't got back to the last one). Widget works sometimes. Recently, when I tap a song, only a sample plays and I can't select anything. I've tried un/reinstalling and clearing the cache and the problem persists." "Since my last review, the UI has improved slightly and the playback is somewhat more stable, so yay. But most recently, I've lost the ability to add albums to my home screen 🫤 this is one of my favorite features I use to organize folders and quickly queue up works by a particular artist. Car mode works great again, but restore Add to Home Screen for albums, please." "The new Android interface is terrible, especially while driving. Instead of a home screen with recently listened to, my daily mixes, radio, I have to scroll down full screen albums and Playlists. Then end doing a search for Discover Weekly, or Release Radar, which used to be at the top of my home page. Terrible and I find myself exploring other music apps. This has put a damper on my daily driving." I hate how they keep messing with features that don't need to be messed with. They took away the amazing 'hey spotify' feature that made it so safe to change music while driving. Shuffle also doesn't play anything except for what you listen to frequently. I want the entire playlist not 20 songs you THINK I wanna listen to (I really don't want to). "Spotify is great with the wide range of songs and episodes, but I hate that you can't choose to listen on shuffle or in order, and the 6 skips per hour is very aggravating. I listen to my music tastes, in this case, aggressive phonk, and once it plays one or two songs it starts playing COUNTY MUSIC? I'm sorry, this aggravates my greatly. I've removed the songs from my suggestions and they still play anyway. On TV, PC, and other devices it's the opposite, so why limit on mobile?" "I hate Spotify's new update and how you can't even see which song in your playlist is liked. Since when have we cared about who added which song to a playlist that not even shared? There much more reason why I really miss how ""old"" Spotify used to be but I don't want to write a whole easy. But I can say this is one of my favorite music platforms. Just get rid of a few updates that aren't even necessary, it'll make things easier and better for some user." "This app is the go-to for music in my household, but I'm running into a serious problem. Songs are going missing from my Playlist, legit cannot find then when I search from different devices, including mobile and desktop, but the song shows when I'm shuffled and it just immediately skips past it. Tried logging in/out, un/reinstalling...it's really a bummer, and I'm trying to find a replacement music streaming service because it just keeps happening." "I really love the service, I just wish the app was a bit better. Every so often it is a bit buggy. For example, when I open the app it jumps right to Waze, or when I pick up where I left off on an album it doesn't finish the rest of the album before going to a custom Playlist of songs it thinks I like." "The UI is outdated, but still attractive; but I need my songs to come up when I'm offline. Currently, I'm required to turn the app to offline, turn off my phone data, and force stop the app in order to look at my downloaded songs. Search also commonly works, but fails to actually play songs. There's also many instances of songs not resuming after the app is restarted. If there was a batter alternative than SoundCloud, I'd have already switched." "I used to have premium, had to cancel for a while, then recently got it again, and since then, the app is slow, laggy, often freezes, etc.. I use the liked songs then filter by genre(which isn't always correct, btw) and removing or adding a filter often causes the freeze. I've tried clearing the cache, etc to fix it, but it still has a lot of issues. At this point I would almost rather deal with ads and NOT pay for premium purely because of all the issues I've had since getting premium!" "Been a premium subscriber for 12 years and I always loved how I can find new music through Spotify. Not anymore. The new home is practically useless now. They make you scroll through a feed of little video clips, hearing a split second audio blaring through your speakers in hopes of actually landing on something you're in the mood for. Not everything needs to jump on the tiktok bandwagon in order to satisfy the shareholders." "Overall the app works well, except that in the last few weeks, by itself it started playing some Russian rock music or some other music that I have not chosen and have never listened to on purpose. It might start playing that as soon as I open the app, or it might break in on some other music that I have playing. Nothing was accomplished in a phone call to Spotify help. It has happened enough that I have cancelied my Spotify subscription and am switching over to Pandora." "It's louder than YouTube which is great but not as loud as SoundCloud. Scrolling through podcasts is a horrible pain, as when you try to scroll it usually tends to sideswipe as you're trying to get to the top of a podcast show from whatever you watched last. Serious turnoff. Remove the sideswipe, I'm just trying to scroll back to the top (which I don't know why it doesn't already start at the top...). If you watched a previous episode of a pod, you now scroll through 1000+ episodes to stay up." "Updated 4/2023: Hey it looks like they finally changed the UI back to what it was before the tik tok wannabe nonsense. Thanks for fixing and increasing rating to 3. 3/2023 - The latest update is so bad, I am considering canceling my subscription. It is now a tiktok or Instagram wannabe and is horrible for trying to quickly scroll through playlists and find something new or even an old favorite. Fire whoever thought this new UI was a good idea and change it back or you will be losing a customer." "I have close to 3000 liked songs and don't like making a bunch of playlists I instead like hitting shuffle on my liked songs. But if I wanted to listen to specific genre in my liked songs I could because Spotify has this awesome feature where you can select genres in your liked songs. Well that doesn't work anymore, you can't scroll through it at all and it sometimes even gets jumbled up. It's been a year since someone posted about this issue online and that's ridiculous. Please fix this." The Home screen redesign on the mobile app makes it harder for me to find the recommendation cards of music I've been listening to. I don't like the full screen auto play cards. I was able to easily distinguish bands by their album art or photos before but not with these video cards. Having an option to turn auto play off would be nice too. "App has been awesome until it recently started randomly skipping through songs and stopping to play certain songs only. Shuffle is not on , so its not that. Just updated to latest version and still skipps through same songs. The songs show they are all available. I found that if I put a skipped song into my ""liked songs"" library, they are able to play. I hope this can be fixed." "ruined Drive Mode. used to be a toggle I could switch on and off at will, now that's gone and I have to dig through settings (why do devs hate giving users options?). when in Drive Mode, songs/playlists were in a large text so I could scroll and select a specific song/playlist without having to look away from the road. now, even in Drive Mode, songs/playlists are in the same small text as everything else, making it unusably unsafe to use while driving. why make Drive Mode less safe?" "Update: developers have fixed the issue! The app is usually pretty good - finicky at times where it will stop playing if the phone screen is black. As of apr 19 2023, the app is refusing the play anything. When any playlist of podcast is clicked, it shows a small box that says ""something went wrong. Have another go?""" "Spotify is good but the fact that I can't pick the music I want and can't loop it after one month is bad, it would be better if Spotify premium just got rid of ads because now I use YouTube music again and I can't just turn off my phone and listen to any album no it has to be a few song from the album then a bunch of other stuff like I can't even listen to steely Dan on a loop anymore. Good app just let me pic and loop songs I like and then put ads instead of not letting you do any of that stuff" "Randomization has improved. Out of 3000 + in a playlist, I should never hear the same song. Oddly, I still do but it's not as bad. I know I have more than 5 genres in my liked songs, yet you only name 5. It was showing all of them, then suddenly just 5. Plus there was a moon icon to set a cut-off timer. The next day it was gone. So I'm learning you don't need to update for things to change in an app. Also, why can't I select more than one song at a time to add or remove?" "It's a great app where you can listen to any kind of music. But the ads need to stop it used to be ads every like 10-20 songs, but now there after every other song. I get it no ads is a premium thing but I think Spotify is doing us, no-premium users, just completely dirty. So -2 stars because of the ads. But at least you got three. 😄" "What ever happened to the ""tap now to receive 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening"" I can't go 3 songs without having to listen to at least 3 adds. I hear them after every other song. As much as I love the app, it's really only good with premium, but I can't afford that. But I deal with it because I need my music. I'm just hoping that maybe we can get our 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening back. There are a lot of people with this app, surly you don't need that many adds to get enough money." "When I started using Spotify, I could search playlists & stations, view them, tap on songs, hear samples, then I could ""❤️"" or ""-"" it without waiting for the whole song to play. I quickly built my playlists from scratch this way. Sadly a recent update removed the ability to see which songs I've already ❤️ and replaced the ❤️ icon with a Spotify icon. Bad choice. What does this even mean??? Show me the 💕! The free version does play same ads repeatedly, which is annoying, but hey, free!" "It's functional, but each part of the app feels like it was made separately. It also sometimes struggles with playing audio on other devices - it's like it has no concept of a single user and will revert to whatever you were playing on the other device previously instead of what you're trying to play now. Just discard the old session please." The music either stops when it goes to an ad or it also gets stuck playing 6 or 7 and I need to change playlists to get it going again or restart the app. I expect a few ads since I don't pay for it but it'll play the same one 3 times in a row. This started about 2 months ago. "Some months ago, Spotify just started randomly turning itself off sometimes. Same thing happens on my buddy's phone and no updates released by the devs have helped it. I've cleared my cache, I've uninstalled and reinstalled, the app is up to date, my phone is up to date. Just no idea what's going on and I've contacted customer support regarding this before and obviously they didn't help me either. Sucks that the app is like this now cuz it was great for years." I enjoy this app. I recently upgraded to the premium version and was disappointed that the option to dislike or hide a song was no longer available. Gets kinda frustrating to have to skip a song I don't like every time it comes on. I'd probably give 5 stars if that feature comes back. And it's going to be hard to justify keeping premium if it doesn't come back. "My music is off. When I get inside my car, it automatically turns on and it comes blasting out of my speakers. And before you suggest it. Auto play is turned off. Continuous play is turned off. Everything is turned off! It's annoying enough for me to stop using spotify. Fix it" "It's great app but the one big issue is that everytime I go to app all my songs have to be redownload which is annoying. Wish it stay downloaded and it's a shame that its very pricey, not only to use app but add ons. Other then that it's great app. It would be amazing if they fix this issue and make it budget friendly." "I am not a fan of the visuals at all. This update from March 2023 messed up my experience with Spotify. It does not make it easier to ""find new music"". You're limited by what Spotify suggests and takes forever to scroll down to find anything. I can't find my daily mixes or playlists on the home screen. Is there a way to disable the visuals on my Spotify home section to the previous layout where you can just swipe right or left in a section of playlists? Instead of having to scroll down?" "I've had spotify for years and I do love it. There are just bugs that happen that make it very annoying. Spotify closing itself and logging itself out year in and out. Making it very difficult to get on the duo plan with my husband, my end of year mix not showing on a preview like others ive seen. It's annoying but hey I love the app. Please get more songs aswell. Spotify doesn't have every song made, even popular...." "The content works well, and the movies do play. Downloads work fine, but the major issue for me is the picture in picture option doesn't work. It is enabled on my device app settings and other applications like hulu and Netflix, allowing the picture in picture just fine. Please add this fix to the next software update." "Pretty decent app. Using it on my Android smart TV. Surprisingly, not too many ads (unlike the disgrace that's Paramount +). Great selection of classic films, and that's all I like to watch. Anything before 2010. After that, the woke virus started infecting Disney like a pandemic, and that's why I took off 2 stars." "If the app worked, it would be great to have all these movies in one place! But for the last 6 months, the app does not load on my tablet or phone. It just keeps spinning and spinning. No matter if I delete the app and reinstall, I haven't been able to get in. The only saving grace is that it works on the family x-box, else I would have cancelled my subscription months ago. Not worth it unless you have a smart TV devices" "Decent price and selection, however I often experience issues playing/downloading movies and shows for no apparent reason. Also, based on the sheer scale and popularity of content, a ""picture in picture"" mode is a necessity. I don't understand why watching a show has to be the only thing I can do at one time on my phone." "I like the app overall, but what bothers me is that I can't watch the things I have downloaded. I downloaded 2 Pirates of the Caribbean movies about 1½ weeks ago, and I haven't been able to watch one. My screen will freeze, and when I exit the app and go back in, it'll leave me with the pause and progress features (in which I can't even unpause the movie)." "It's great until you encounter a. Ug because it's usually crippling. For some ppl it's constant buffering, for others it's that the show just won't play even when downloaded. Hope they fix more than just a bug here and an improvement there. Some of these ""bugs"" make it impossible for ppl to use the app. Plz look into them more." "Your downloaded videos option needs some work. It's bad enough that I wouldn't use it. Unless I got WiFi connection the vids take awhile to play, if at all! The second issue is it doesn't delete watched vids and download new ones in the line up for series shows. But if you can fix the first issue the second is more tolerable." "As you can tell from previous reviews, this app doesn't like Samsung tablets suddenly. I've spent 1-2 hours talking to agents to resolve the error 83 I keep receiving. I've done various things to try getting the app to work, but unfortunately, nothing has helped. Originally I wanted to give 1 star, but because of the multiple helpful agents I contacted, I changed it to 3 stars. In the end, I was given a refund credit because of the issues, but I'm still disappointed in the app itself." "This app works well, but badly needs two features: 1) the ability or an easier way than I have found to start a movie from the beginning versus continuing where you left off. And 2) the ability to hide titles you don't want to see; which could series or movies you just don't want your kid to watch yet (maybe you don't like them, or maybe you're saving them for a family event, lots of reasons to want this feature)." Library is decent but also an absolute mess. I just want to be able to watch certain movies in order or just pull put all the animated or old Disney Channel movies to binge while painting but it feels like the app goes out of its way to make sure there isn't a proper way to just. Simply pull up a list of all the animated movies in order. They don't even HAVE every movie in the proper category even if they're available. It drives me crazy. The shows and movies buffer badly and continously throughout your viewing experience. I've found this is especially true when using a smart TV. I thought it was a network problem at first but after some troubleshooting and comparison with other streaming services I've found it to just be with Disney+. "I haven't been able to connect on my phone in 2 months, but otherwise the content is good, and my only gripe about the interface is that I wish they had an option for longer rewind than 10 seconds, which after buffering seems to be only 5. 15-30 seconds would be much better." "UPDATE from 2 to 3 stars because issue was partially resolved. I had error code 83 appear on all devices that I use this app on, however, all have been resolved except for my phone. Checked for updates, reinstalled the app, checked internet connection and I'm still receiving the same error. Contacted the help center (again) and I was told to repeat everything all over again and that was my only option to resolve said issue. Honestly, not worth wasting over an hour to get this app to work." "Great enjoyable content, but this app has a serious buffering problem. I can watch hours of shows and movies on Hulu and Netflix without a single problem, but every time I load up something on this app it buffers only a few minutes into it and keeps randomly buffering every 5-10 minutes. It got so bad a couple times now where I gave up, closed the app and just started watching something else on Netflix. This is just something that makes me reconsider resubscribing." "I love Disney as a company, but this app has me questioning that. Any time I get a notification while I am watching a show or movie, the app freezes (the video will stop playing), but the audio does not pause as well. This big also freezes up my phone sometimes, so I cannot even close the app to restart it; I have to completely restart my phone. No other streaming services give me problems, and I have a BRAND NEW phone. Neither my phone or internet are the problem. Please fix." "I have Disney plus for both my phone and smart TV. I have constant problems of it freezing, subtitles not matching lips, entire subtitles being a whole scene off, etc. I don't struggle like this with other apps. If I back out of a show or try to start Disney from my home screen then it starts an episode of something I was watching a long time ago. I'd love to give a better rating because I love all the classics they have in inventory, but the experience is ruined every time." "In terms of the service, the selection is pretty good. In terms of app experience, it varies. The app can get slow and there are occasional disruptions when watching. The subtitles are usually correct but I've found really noticeable errors, especially with older shows and movies." "I like the disney+ app, however, for such an anticipated app, and a company who holds quality in a high regard, I was definitely expecting a little more. I love the selection, and can't wait for it to grow, and the picture quality is great. But, theres nothing that displays shows or movies you've started, series don't pick up where you last started, rather at the very beginning, and no option to change from widescreen to full screen. Visual jokes are cut off. I love the app, it just needs more" "So I do like the app but I've had problems where I've had to uninstall and reinstall almost every time I want to use it due to an error loading. Doesn't matter how good my signal is or how strong the wifi. Overall, I still really like the app and the movie/television show selection, as well as the shorts and documentaries. If they fix this issue, it'd be a 5 stars for me." "I really do like that I can find all the shows and movies that I'm nostalgic about on here all at once, but I was most excited for Lizzie Mcguire and to see that they changed some of the music made me disappointed. Even though some was background music, it was partly what made the show so iconic, like when Miranda had an eating disorder episode. Please change it back if you can, but overall good app!" "For the price I think the amount of content is pretty good, especially since you know there will be more released. I hate the app though. The app on the Roku tv is so frustrating. There is no continue watching list or list of what has been watched. And trying to skip back and forth in episodes or movies is buggy and slow. They definitely need to look at other streaming apps and update this one." I love this app! I love the wide variety of shows and movies! Also love how you can download everything! But sometimes the downloads are some how corrupted and wont play. It's just a spinning circle. It usually happens if I am watching the download and then switch to my messaging app cause i have a text then it just doesnt load. I've found the only way to fix it is to delete it and redownload it. Please fix that it is very annoying. Other than that it is a GREAT app honestly prefer over Netflix. "The app works smoothly, but it's missing some really helpful tools and their absence is obvious: I can't find any sort of ""bookmarks"" for the episodes of a TV show, or of the progress I've made in a particular episode. /There's no ""recently watched"" tab to quickly return to a previous series or movie./ There's no means of watching continuously, as with a countdown timer at the end of one episode leading into the next./ I can't skip the TV intros from the Android app." "I really love the fact that disney put out a streaming service, yes there are some shows that are missing but the main features that I miss are the ability to make a watchlist and the ability to have the last thing I was watching show up when I open the app. I have to search for the movie to be able to continue watching it which is time consuming and not user friendly, especially for kids. I hope this gets fixed soon!" "I love being able to watch all the old Disney movies and shows! The app is great overall for this reason, but I have had problems several times getting things to load especially when using data. I will click on what I want to watch and it will come up with a blank screen for a long time. It often doesn't matter if I restart the app even. Before I have gone to the extent of un-downloading then re-downloading it to make it work." "The idea of Disney having their own streaming app is cool and all but there are still some bugs that need to be worked out. For instance, I am connected to the net or using data and movies/shows will not download. I'm sorry to say that if I was not connected to something I would not be able to view the content of the app. Next (not a bug just more so me talking) I would of assumed that Disney would of put all their shows up for view not just the more popular ones." "There's no watch history tabs. There's no option to start over an episode. There are like 100 tabs with all the same movies I them. Overall, navigating through the options is a hassle. You pretty much have to search anything you want to watch which is annoying if you have to type it out with a remote. I kind of felt like watching something on Netflix or Hulu instead because they're so much better to scroll through. But it's cool having old movies and shows from when I was little." "I love the selections! Really brings back memories. But I really hope a ""history/continue watching"" section will pop up. Some people say that some shows or movies resume at the part they stopped, but that hasn't happened to me from my android, chrome/MacBook, and smart TV. I want to be able to keep track of what I watch. I keep them in my watch list, but like I mentioned earlier, it doesn't resume." "A nice app that lets you watch most of the Disney owned movies and shows in great quality. Would be five star rating if random episodes weren't omitted from shows with no explanation, and if it didn't occasionally crash so hard that I can't use my phone without taking out the battery to restart it. EDIT: it still does the crash thing. my phone is only two years old so it's gotta be a problem with the app" "Love the content Disney brings with this subscription. The app does need a bit of work though. I have had issues with downloaded content buffering infinitely when I try to play it. I also would like the ability for the app to play I the corner like YouTube or Netflix while I am trying to multitask. Overall though, it is totally worth it and I'm sure the kinks will be worked out in time." Has potential. I can be watching on my phone connected to like the best wifi you can get speed wise and it freezes up on me. Plus it's kind of annoying that it doesn't let you pick up where you left off. They should also consider doing what Netflix and Amazon Prime do which is continue watching while in other apps. Other then that I'm really excited about the selection of items on the app. "The selection has taken me back to my childhood, and I am able to watch episodes I missed as a kid. The reason the 3 stars is the app itself is missing a few things, for instance I have to search or go into my wish list and find the episode I was watching. Another thing is that the app seems to drain my phones battery more than any other streaming app I have. Lastly I would like to see the ability to pause the show so it can preload ahead on a slow connection." "Still quite a few issues to smooth over. First of all, the categories aren not very specific. It would also be nice to see what I have been watching most recently along with where you left off in it. In regards to the watchlist, there seems to be a limit and when the limit is reached, for every new title you add to your watchlist, you lose the oldest title. Lastly, you are unable to use other applications while continuing to stream." "I've been so excited for the release in the states. I went in and set up on my phone which was fine but it won't chromecast to my TV which ruins the entire experience. The point was to watch together as a family, not all watch on different devices. I hope this chromecast issue is fixed soon and without need to buy a new TV. I will gladly update my review after." I like the service and I'm looking forward to more shows and movies being added. My complaint is that older shows that were originally show in a 3:4 format (like the old tube TVs) are zoomed in to fill the screens of the newer widescreen TVs. This unnecessary and cuts the top and bottom of the picture off. Please fix this or add an option to turn it on or off. Its the same if you use the website on a computer. "I really like this app except for one annoying issue: download volume. The app has options to download movies and shows onto your device. I work graveyard and have downloaded programs from Netflix & Amazon for years with no problems. However, on Disney plus, the volume of the downloads is really low. I turn the volume all the way up and still can barely hear it. For Netflix and Amazon, I can easily hear downloads with volume turned down. Please fix this!" "Content is amazing. However.....no ""continue watching"" feature. SO Annoying!!! Every other streaming service allows you to pick up where you left off but on this app, I have to find the show/movie again and remember where I was then fast forward to that place...tedious. Also, experiencing continual buffering issues but I'm guessing that they weren't prepared for the volume of people using the app simultaneously." "Disney, can you add a continue watching progress save on the apps like Hulu or Netflix. When I hit play on the Clone Wars series it always starts at the first episode. This is a problem on my phone and TV. I have to scroll down to the last episode I watched to play it. Also on my Samsung Smart TV it won't even save the progress of the episode. This isn't a problem on my phone, just the TV. Other then that the layout and selection is great. Just fix those few problems and you got a 5 star review." "Content is reasonably good, missing a few obvious ones though. Marvel Spiderman movies and Venom. I get it, Venom isn't for kids, but if you won't let others stream it, then you should. The app is lacking some serious polish. 1. There's a volume issue. For whatever reason, either the app itself or the content is all recorded with low volume. I don't have this problem with any other streaming app (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO Max). It's so low, I have to turn on closed captions when I'm on an airplane, even with noise cancelling headphones. I watch other streaming movies on the same airplane without issue. Same in my living room. I have to crank my amplifier WAAAY up to hear the same level as other apps. 2. Offline viewing doesn't remember where you paused. It's really annoying to watch half a movie, stop and close the app, then come back to viewing later and try to remember where you were at. Do you guys even QA your work? This should be a standard test." "Besides the need for a button to go to the next episode, the button to go back to the main menu is nonexistent on my s10+. I only noticed it and then watched it go off the screen, near my front facing camera when I attempted to close out of the video I was watching. Luckily you're able to tap the name of the movie/show and it'll bring you back to the main menu. So far that's my only big complaint, everything else is as expected for a brand new streaming service." "This is a good app with a lot of content and decent features, but they are not very intuitive. Firstly, there is a watchlist option. You can add to the watchlist by pressing the plus sign next to the play button. The watchlist itself is located under profile options (but i agree would be better placed on the main menu or screen). other reviews have noted incorrectly there is no resume play. there is a resume play and i have not noticed movies or series starting over from the beginning" "Love so far,,, just need to tweak a couple things that will make it a lot better. Hoping you guys put a pop-up window that can be minimized and still watch the app while you do other things on the main screen of the phone. Also, need to hopefully soon allow ""continue watching"" options on the main screen instead of trying to remeber and search the show/movie your were watching." "It's an app. It works. We can watch our shows. But, it definitely needs more development. There's no ""continue watching"" area so if we stop a movie mid way we have to research for it. If we watch a TV show we have to research it but also try and figure out which episode we stopped on. Minor inconveniences but also important things for a streaming service. Does have all the good movies and shows though. So points for that." "Still in Early Stages. It still freezes up on my ps4 and my phone when wanting to playback. When on my phone it doesn't go into mini screen when I'm browsing my phone like its competitors. Still needs work on being able to take off movies and series on watch list. Despite these flaws, I really do enjoy having access to all my favorite movies and series. It really brought me back to my childhood and all the things I love about Disney." "I love the original content Disney is putting up, but there are times when the app becomes unusable. I've noticed this on both my phone and Xbox. Sometimes the app will suddenly close out and when restarted, wont play anything. Also, there have been too many instances of not being able to even start a movie/show because it claims that it's not available. The fact that Disney has put so much content in one place is amazing, I just wish I could watch it." "Honestly it's got alot of great movies. But for some reason nomatter what device I play it on it want to have loading issues during any movie. Netflix, hulu, Amazon prime, and other apps dont have this issue. It makes it very frustrating when trying to watch a movie. I know it's not a connection issue so it has to be a problem within the app itself. If this gets fixed I will be happy to give it 5 stars." Overall awesome selection of favorites right from the start. I love the movies and TV shows both new and old I have access to. I have to complain that this service needs a continue watching and recently watched section that keeps track of your viewing progress. I'd say thats a requirement if I'm going to keep this service for a long time. It's annoying to try and find something I've watched by searching everytime. Otherwise excited for future content and love the experience. "The collection of movies and shows available is great, but I'm really disappointed in the reliability and design of the app itself. It takes a lot longer to load movies than Netflix, Hulu, and Vudu. It buffers randomly, and I can confidently say it isn't my network causing problems because this is the only app that runs slowly. With all the resources Disney has, I expected better. I also had to block notifications because they were excessive." "So, the content available is great. This is about the app specifically. for reasons unknown, there are a lot of titles that when you click on them tell you that the content is unavailable currently, and that sort of thing. For instance when I click on the Star wars button on the main screen, it tells me that the content is unavailable sending me back to the home screen. Mars SpaceX, error 41 too. This happens on ~30% of the titles that I've clicked on so far in the last few minutes." "I increased two stars from my last review, but still having a few issues. They finally fixed continue watching, but it would be helpful to get rid of the show off the list without having to watch the very last second. I also keep running into a freezing issue, it only happens if I go to watch a show or continue watching and it will buffer until it completely freezes my phone, making me restart the phone. Hopefully both these issues get fixed and I'll be sure to rate the app another star." I love the content but the app had a lot of issues. The app on my smart tv doesn't work often. It just buffers and never plays. I can cast it from my phone but that's a pain and it drains my battery. It also doesn't have a way to keep watching a show without having to hunt it down in the menu again. I do enjoy all the content but the app is just not user friendly. "The service is just great, being able to go back and watch the movies I obsessed over as a kid is just wonderful... However the App is a little.. new. Works great on my phone, but unlike other streaming apps (Hulu, netflix), this one doesn't seem to recognize that my chromebook is not a phone. The little 1"" by 2"" window is eyestrainingly frustrating. Fix this, and it will be -perfect- (at least for me)" "I love all the movies and shows but I'm always having trouble because it stops streaming and says internet is not available. I don't have that problem with Netflix nor Amazon Prime Video, just this app. And not being able to have a ""Continue Watching"" tab sucks because when you don't finish a movie you have to be looking for it again. On the shows it doesn't let you continue on the episode you were. You have to be playing every episode to find out where you left off." "If course I have given it time to be corrected from the first few weeks. My access was very limited at first and then it started working on all my devices after the update, but now we are back at square one with Disney+ only working a selected devices. My samsung phone not being one of them. The movies show up on the screen but are frozen in place. Wont load or anything. I have to close the app because it wont even back up. Please update and fix the issues with samsung devices." "It would be more convenient if there was a ""continue watching"" section, like on Netflix. If I'm watching something and then have to close the app, I forget what I started watching, and have to hunt the show down in my watchlist. Removing titles from the watchlist is a pain. Even though it's in my list, the add button is grayed out, so I have to hit that button 3 or 4 times before it registers as being out of my list. Also not liking that movies are listed, and then show ""arriving soon"" in 2021." "It's a very basic streaming service app. I've noticed that it doesn't save your spot if you stop a video, bit does it save where you are in a series. Also, on a phone/tablet there should be the option to shrink and watch while you do other things, similar to how YouTube works now. The service itself is wonderful and has the largest mainstream viewing selection of all the services... Great amount of stuff for the pay. Just think the app could be better." "Everything work great.... Except for downloads. Seriously, what's the point of downloading movies and shows onto my devices if I can't even watch them? It always gives me the same error message saying that it can't connect to the server. Like??? This happens with both my phone and tablet. Hell, even if you're completely offline (like on a flight) you can't access the downloads because the error message takes up the whole screen." "I am very appreciative of the price and the amazing selection that is available, but.... one feature that I have come to rely on is Picture in Picture. I don't don't care what iOS phones are capable of, but I would think that they would take advantage of all the utilities available to Android users. So my 3/5 is because they should have included PiP from the start, and it also is extremely laggy when not connected to the internet. Will change to 5/5 when when fixed. Can't wait." "The app is very good and they have alot of my favorite shows and movies from when I was a kid so that's great, but it keeps buffering and the frame keeps freezing while the audio keeps going. It either fixes it self or crashes the whole app. It happens whenever the internet is strong or not which is really inconvenient when watching it on tv. Hence the 3 out of 5 stars." "Id love to give this app 5 stars, but i cant. Not yet. If only episodes of shows played back to back without having to press play for the next episode (i have to turn my xbox controller on every time an episode ends to play the next), and it would be great to be able to see what i have watched already so i know where i left off. Netflix definitely has all that down. Otherwise this is absolutely awesome, fix those 2 issues and it would be perfect." "As far as series Doesn't keep track of episodes of a show watched. No progress bar in a show to tell you if you are halfway through an episode or not. Can't remove things from your watchlist. Content is great. App needs work. It's close, but not Netflix quality, as far as layout, functionality, features. This applies to Android and Xbox." "I love the app and the idea of the app, it has an amazing selection of movies and shows to choose from. However whenever I decide to watch something, the movie/show plays for a few seconds and then the screen goes black or it buffers and never plays again. I've even tried to wait for it and nothing happens. I uninstalled and installed again, yet nothing happened. Any ideas on what it could be? Please fix as soon as possible. I love using this app!!!!!!!" "There's no preview function when scrolling to fast forward or rewind, and the app doesn't remember where I was when I stopped watching something in a particular episode or movie, nor does it show or remember the last episode I was on in a series. The content is okay, but the app needs some work. It's not on par with Hulu or Netflix in terms of software." "I love the idea of this app (although I wish all the streaming services would just make one app for everything) but the app itself needs some improvement. When it first launched, there was no ""continue watching"", which has since been fixed, but my other major problem is the download feature. Whenever I try to download something, it works ONLY if my phone is unlocked and in the download tab of the app. If my phone screen times out and locks, or if I leave the Disney plus app, it stops downloading" The app itself is great. The interface is very much what you would be familiar with with any other streaming service. Finding things is very intuitive. The big problem I have been having is particularly with an Amazon Kindle Fire tablet. The sound is extremely low even at full volume. This does not cross over to other devices. It is specific to Amazon Kindle Fire tablets. With headphones the volume has to be at its highest level. "Considering the fact that this is a trial period, this app is alright, but still needs a lot of work. My main problem is that the app on my Pixel 3XL hasn't been able to cast to my Vizio TV a single time. I only get an error saying ""Disney+ is not available on this Chromecast device."" Not sure how that is. I also don't have access to a corpus of videos due to ""network errors""." "Okay, I love the content and I've never had an issue streaming from any of my devices, BUT YOU NEED A RESUME PLAY FEATURE! I cannot express enough how annoying it is to open the app and try to remember what episode I left off on and where. Also the layout isn't that great there's a lot of hidden content, and until those really basic features are fixed that every other streaming service has it's very difficult for me to leave a positive recommendation except purely to the tune of content." "Glitches every movie or show. I love all of the things I want to watch. It's usually right at the beginning of shows but tonight we tried watching a movie and it glitched so bad we turned it to a different movie. Did the same thing! We tried going out of the app, pausing and starting, stopping and starting. Nothing helped. Also the closed captioning is too fast and says stuff before it happens in the show. Kind of getting angry about it. Netflix never did this. I hope they work this out soon." "Copy right needs to be looked into, tried to watch a Disney Channel Original movie and the there was hit song that didn't play during one of the scenes, because it was replaced by something else. Kind of spoiled the fun when I watched it as a kid. But that's a personal problem lol. the real thing they can look into is fixing the speed of the app, maybe it's just my wifi but the PlayStation app freezes and delays audio too much." "I would give it 5 stars for content however it loose 2 for the following reasons. The main reason being 50% of the time my downloaded movies do not work and I receive the error code 12. This is extremely annoying and should be rectified! The second reason for not giving 5 stars is that the app is not the easiest to maneuver through, especially on my TV. It beats out Hulu for navigation but certainly doesn't come close to Netflix. Netflix also always happens to play my downloads for me! 🤔" I love all things Disney and love this app for having so many throw back movies. With that being said this service is not perfect. I have added a lot of stuff to my watchlist yet I'm only able to see a small amount of those movies and shows in my watchlist. Putting them in my continue watching also isn't effective since that shows a limited amount of shows and movies as well. "I love all the shows and movies available, but the features of the app suck. I added a bunch of things to my watchlist, but it will only show a limited amount of items so I lost half of my list. It also doesn't keep track of which shows/episodes you've watched and which ones you're on. Additionally, the shows/movies you're in the process of watching aren't on the home page - you have to go to your profile and then the watchlist (or search for the show/movie if the watchlist already removed it)." "I do like this app and the content. However, there's a glitch with the player controls when casting to Chromecast. It stays connected and plays the next episode, but when reopening the app to rewind or pause, the controls are not there. When pressing the cast button again it just loads and loads and loads without ever bringing up the controls. I have to disconnect and reconnect to bring them back." "Buggy. Picking subtitles and language is hit it miss. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. I mean on programs where I know for a fact you can choose other languages or subtitles. This is bad for accessibility Disney and you should put that at the top of your list. Also won't remember where I left off in a movie. Won't stop casting with Chromecast. I cast several other services, I don't have a people with those and Chromecast. Disney should have partnered with Netflix." "App runs slowly often and occasionally glitches and kicks you out, but the video quality is very good. Nice to have everything in the same place, and they have a lot of the older Disney films as well. You cannot cast with this app, so unless you have the Disney+ app on your TV you cannot watch this on your TV, even if you have a working smart TV." "Frustrating UI, but good content. The UI makes it needlessly difficult to go to the next episode of a show after re-opening the app. The show thumbnail puts you back in the credits of the last episode you watched and you have skip to the end to get a ""watch next"" prompt. You can get around that by going to the show page and selecting a specific episode, but your watchlist does not appear on the home page to make finding the show page easy. Overall lot's of minor inconveniences." "Could be 5 stars with some fixes. The app on my phone force closes a lot. The way the shows/movies are organized is kind of a pain to navigate. My two biggest complaints is that there is no ""Continue watching"" area on my app. The first hour it was there and now it isn't . Also the episodes you've already watched aren't marked in any way so if you don't remember which episode you're on then you're out of luck. Positives are the selection is fantastic, the bundle is awesome & price isnt hateful." "User-friendly, but it would be nice to be able to watch end-credit scenes (especially with marvel films). By default (before the end-credits scenes can start) it ends the film and retracts you to the menu. It doesn't give you the option to stay in playback, nor does it let you fast forward to the end to watch it without cutting you off. Maybe adding an optional playback settings feature would fix this. You shouldn't have to open a second app (youtube) to finish off a disney film on a disney app." Only a three mainly cause I dont wanna have to keep searching for the video where I left off. Sometimes I forget. It doesnt resume to where I left off. Only movies. Not series. There is so options to continue where u left off. Maybe I'm comparing it to netflix or amazon but I dont think it's a bad idea to add an option to continue use where you left off. Thank you! I'm leaving a review mainly cause I'm not sure where to suggest this. "This app keeps me in a nostalgic state. Love being able to watch old movies and shows whenever they pop into mind. Subtracted 2 stars because it doesn't have a ""minimized hover screen"" feature like other apps, for when you want to multitask on your phone. You're basically stuck in the Disney+ app to watch your movie/show or it closes itself when you want to do something else on your phone. Not convenient when you want to check emails, xls office work, or pull recipes up when cooking, etc." "I was able to login on the mobile app, but not the TV app (mobile login does not work); content library freezes often and contents don't always load properly; watchlist is not adding/loading properly; continuous playback does not work, and there's no support for PiP viewing; Chromecast also not working. It's got a great media catalogue and the service shows a lot of potential, but the application shortfalls dampens the overall experience, especially compared to its competitors." "The extensive library is really the only good thing about this app right now. You have to go into the menu to find your watchlist, there's no way to know which episodes of a show you've watched (although if you just hit play show it picks up where you left off) , there's no continue watching list so if you stop a movie halfway through that isn't on your watchlist you have to find the movie again to finish it. This app needs a lot of work and the library will only keep people around for so long." I love the huge selection of things to watch using the membership. My only complaint is that it lags when I try to watch it on my TV. Every 3 seconds it pauses and says that it loading which makes whatever I'm watching not enjoyable. It also lags when I watch it on my phone but lags just a little less. It would be great is no lagging ever occurs. "1.The app is lacking a continue watching section. That's the biggest section missing for me. 2. We have the ability to download content to watch later, but the app doesn't work without a data connection so I can't even go to the download section to watch what I've downloaded for offline viewing which doesn't make any sense. 3. Picture in Picture would be amazing! Other than that, it's been pretty good!" "Good content. Lack of continuity to watch is ANNOYING. Doesn't really resume where you left off and the most irritating feature of all is when you click on a popular show to watch, it starts playing beautifully....IN GERMAN. You have to back out of the show that you're watching and then go back into it just so it will play the content in English. Terrible glitch. Hope it gets fixed immediately." "I really like this app on my phone and TV. But, the download feature is isn't working without me intervening. In order for me to download I have to leave my app open and wake it up a few times to ensure the movie download successfully. It keeps telling me, ""your download will automatically resume when you connect to a Wi-Fi network."" But I am connected to a network! My Wi-Fi is pretty strong. Hopefully, this gets fixed. I got rid of Netflix to purchase Disney+. Keep me posted. Thanks! 😁" "Over all the app is great. Very nice selection would be nice to have a continue watching category on the main menu so far when I'm watching a show and close out and go back to watch it starts from the very beginning again. Also some other movies or show wont even start it just shows the loading icon for hours even, could be a server issue but I dont know of anyone else having this issue." The app is ok. It could use some improvements. On the main home page it would be nice if it showed recent things I started watching but didn't finish so I can quickly resume. Also it would be great if there was some indicator of what I had finished watching. This would be especially helpful for a series so I can tell what episode I last watched. "I love the selections from the movie library and reliving my childhood but one thing that they could fix is that every time I put on a movie or tv show to relax and press the home button to turn off my phone or go to a diffrent app. I go back, it always goes back to the scene or way back to the beginning where I already watched and I have to fast forward." Overall the experience is ok. Shows to value is good. The big downside is lack of auto play when trying to continue watching a series. As an example if l set it up for my kids on a show that had 5 min left. They watch to the end and it boots you to the main page then you manually have to go back to the watch category in order to see the next episode. Or you have to look up the series you want and click on the first page you can't pick from the episodes if you want it to autoplay. Would be perfect if it ran smoothly. It buffers and takes a while to load and exits the show and rewinds it randomly. I almost always watch on my phone with chrome cast and this seems to be the only app that ever has a problem. It's almost to the point where I have to watch a different streaming service to avoid buffering and all these problems the app has. "I really don't like to write bad reviews, especially for something I really enjoy overall, but as many here have previously posted, the streaming is a real problem. Constant freezing/jumping, buffering, interruptions, having to clear memory and caches, un-installing/re-installing, entering password, ect. all when just trying to relax and enjoy my favorite shows. If the content wasn't so great, I'd be streaming elsewhere..." "The reason I gave this a 3 star and not higher, is because there's an issue with me scrolling through the titles. Every time I bring up all the movies or series you guys have, and scroll through the title, I am constantly bumped back to the top of the list. It makes it very difficult to choose a title to watch because I can't scroll through without being redirected constantly, back to the beginning." "Inconsistent on different Android TV devices (Sony XBR850C and Sling AirTV). While this is definitely better than the Roku version of the app, it pales compared to the smoothness of the Apple TV version of the app. Performance with SD and HD content is great across the board, but both of my devices had issues with audio dropouts and initial buffering. Disney, you got work to do." "This app is great as far as content but it would be much better they had a few features similar to Netflix. Not knowing what episode of a series you left off on is kind of annoying and could be problematic when someone forgets, so I hope they introduce that soon. As well as a ""recently watched"" section so you dont have to search or save everything you've seen in cass you want to pick back up on or watch it again. Otherwise the app is great and love having all the classic movies and shows!" "The content is great. However there is much improvement needed on the functionality. When we open the app the spinning circle spins for a long time, at least 15 seconds and sometimes it never opens. Same thing when trying to start streaming a show or movie. It's not a device specific issue because it does this for us on our cell phones, tablets, laptop and TV. Because sometimes the app won't work, we can't use it as often as we would like so we're definitely not getting a good value." "Can't watch on my phone. Screen stays black. But I get sound. But the selection is great. Can't wait for more. Excited for new shows. Disney just needs to work out all these glitches. Buffering still happens all the time and can take forever. Sometimes will even give you an error or double error screen, but will still play. And you can continue watching episodes where you left off, but they don't continuously play, you have to select every episode, which is a major hassle." "I enjoy the app and the selection. But recently ran in to a problem. The videos wont play any more. The loading icon moves for like 2min then a still shot from the video just sits there not changing. There is no bottom slider to change the time in the video. Problem hasn't fixed its self. Been like this for 4 days. Tried closing app, eleven deleted and reinstalled. Still the same issue." "Content is fine, but the app leaves things to be desired. Using the app to sign in on other devices doesn't work, even though it states it will do it. Skip intro prompts often skip sound and video to different points, causing it to be out of sync by up to 10 seconds. And this is just a preference gripe, but when a movie reaches end credits, and you turn it off, the app will still suggest it for you to continue watching. This all feels like lazy development, and should be easily fixed." "No issues with content. Numerous issues with app performance. Very inconsistent between devices and platforms. Worst performance is on my Android. Seems to work just fine on my Smart TV and iOS devices. I've cleared cache, uninstalled/reinstalled, rebooted, and nothing gets me past the loading screen on my Pixel. Edited 4/7 Thanks for the update dev! I have reinstalled and tested to no avail. The connectivity issues are limited to WiFi. As soon as I drop wifi, the app home page will load." "When using the app, there's a glitch when looking for something to watch it sometimes double skips over something. And I made sure no one is on my profile at the same time as me. We all have different profiles. This is actually a big contributer to why I barely use Netflix because it's so annoying. Plus stuff getting canceled as soon it starts getting good, but that's a whole different issue. My main concern is the skipping when looking for something to watch! Please fix this." "I consistently have issues with this app remembering the last episode I was on. This has been an issue for years but has definitely worsened in the last year. Every time I open and press play on my current series, it takes me to a previous episode in a random spot and then I have to try and figure out which episode I was on and where I was at. Super annoying. If I can find the same series on a different service, I usually try to watch it there first before settling for Netflix phone app." "In my opinion Netflix does not add enough movies each month. It always seemed like I had seen everything on Netflix and very few or different titles were being added. I got so bored with Netflix that I cancelled and did not look back over one year ago. The content was good, just NOT enough of it. I prefer the HBO app even at a higher price. Sorry, just saying..." "This app is usually great to watch show's on. Although I can still watch the shows I'm interested in, the app does not always allow me to do that easily. It has been glitching on my phone and TV lately. When starting an episode or switching from one, the app freezes and then closes, taking me back to my home screen on either device I'm using." "Good app overall, but the popup trailers for their content on the mobile version are INCREDIBLY annoying and intrusive! They are in the way, play audio when I don't want audio to play and I have no option to turn them off in the app settings... GET RID OF THEM OR GIVE ME THE OPTION TO SHUT THEM OFF!!!! They do nothing but add to the overwhelming amount of options to choose from leading me to be MORE indecisive and annoyed. I have actively decided against watching things because of them!" "I mainly use this app on a TCL tablet and it works just fine except when the ""eye comfort"" setting is engaged, then it turns back into the black screen with only audio. Just like before, previews work fine but actually trying to watch anything the picture disappears. Also, I genuinely hate that if I'm scrolling through shows and I don't keep moving a preview starts. I know this is nice for some but I'll actively avoid looking at things for too long so I don't trigger the automatic preview." It works OK I guess. I hate trying to watch anything on my phone really but some times it's all I have. I really perfer my pc so I can use my browser extensions and give Netflix the features it should already have by default but don't. At the end of the day I'll probably be canceling my subscription in the next month or 2 because I swear it's like they only got about 30 movies on the whole platform because nothing really new ever gets recommended. I often just find myself watching YouTube. "Dear Netflix, I am laying in bed trying to watch Locke & Key but cannot continuously watch the series because the Netflix app on my streaming device keeps stopping and going to the home screen. I have tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the app to see if that would alleviate the problem. No such luck. I am hoping that someone within their organization sees this review and begins to eliminate the issue. Sincerely one of your loyal customers." "Personally, I haven't had an overload of problems with the app itself. This could be because I rarely watch it enough to notice anything. I have noticed that throughout the show/movie, it will freeze the screen but continue to play audio (I encountered this a few times today.) The constant taking shows/movies off, and then adding them back is nerve racking." "I love to binge watch on Netflix all the time especially when my friends are over and we are bored of doing other things!! It's a very good app but I think there could be a few small changes.. First, I HATE when it takes long for it to load into the menu where you can select a Movie or TV-Show. Second, It's also very annoying when it says ""Sorry You're Not Connected to Any Wi-Fi, Please Re-Load."" Even when I am connected to the Wi-Fi and have full bars!! Please try to fix this Netflix Creators.." "Come on Netflix, get it together. I've been using Netflix for over the past 2 years and I've never seen such a bad UI layout in an app. It takes way too long to find something to watch due to endless scrolling instead of accurate filters and categories. Not to mention sometimes shows appearing in the movie category and vice versa. Like why isn't there a category for content that I gave a thumbs up so I can easily rewatch? The recommendations are also rarely ever accurate. Needs some improvement." "The app overrides my phone brightness, it is highly annoying, and takes away from the viewing experience when the screen is so bright it's hard to look at. The adjustment on the viewing screen, even all the way down, is still too bright. When I exit the app, my phone readjusts to the correct and comfortable brightness. Turning my phone brightness down doesn't help bc when I hit play it overrides again. Please find a fix for this it's ridiculous 😭" "Was great, but what happened? I use it all the time to throw shows to my chromecast. It use to work great and stay connected, but ever since I got my new phone, a GS9, it wont stay connected well. Often while watching a show. I have no way to get back to the show controls and pause or fast forward or whatever. It also doesn't track what I've watched or how far anymore most of the time. It's really annoying to work with. It still does work, so that's good, but really annoying for having control of the show during playback. Please fix! I'll update my rating when it works well again. Thanks!" "I just got a brand new Note 9 and for some reason I can't get on Netflix through the app. I have tried everything. restarting my phone, deleting and reinstalling the app, and clearing the data and the cache on my phone. now if I'm really lucky occasionally it will go through. but even then on some shows the video freezes and glitches. I'm not sure what's different with this phone. I had an s9 last week and the video played perfectly. never had any issues." "Normally, an amazing app. The show/movie selection is awesome, and the Netflix originals are always good. However, it's been refusing to connect to my Chrome Cast and I'm having to uninstall and reinstall the app every time just so it will acknowledge that casting is even a function. If they're able to correct the bug, then I'd be more than happy to give them full stars." "The app is great, except for the cast function. I'm watching it right now and have ZERO control over it. I cant reconnect, none of the buttons work, can't pause, stop, nothing. It does this about 10 times a day. I lose my place on tv shows often because of this. I cant stop it, so it just plays until it decides to stop, regardless of whether its on my screen or not. If just has bugs and I look forward to a fix." "Overall I like the app but I've noticed something over the last few months. For some series, when you get to the final episode of the final season, the show just loops and restarts from season one episode one. Then when you're on your main page none of them ever get removed from the ""continue watching"" list. In other words, my ""continue watching"" list is getting cluttered and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find the ones that I actually haven't seen but wish to resume." "I love all of the different shows and movies, don't get me wrong but as an app it can be frustrating. The part where you can pause and rewind the movie is constantly disappearing. Hulu by contrast is much more user friendly. There are countless times on Netflix where I had to search the app, find my show/movie press play again for the pause screen to show up. It's frustrating and slow and I really wish they would fix it. Other than that, it's a good app!" "It's a decent platform. Large selection of limited greatness. There are some gems to be found. It's also better at remembering what you've watched than other video entertainment platforms, though not perfect. The price is competitive but depending on how much you watch movies or shows, may not be ideal. I pay for 1 screen and it pretty much breaks even if I were to just rent the movies I watch." "I think the app needs a lot of work. For some reason the app that I have on my brand new Samsung phone has issues whereas the app on my two-year-old tablet has none. For whatever reason, the app likes to hang and not load videos properly on the phone. Whenever it does that there is a 50-50 chance that it will log me out. There's also the 50-50 chance that when I minimize the app or open up a different app it will either crash the app or log me out as well. I don't know why these issues exist, but it really gets frustrating. Pause and continue still remains an issue as well. If I pause a scene, minimize the app, return to the app (if it lets me), and attempt to resume playback, the app will display a heavily pixilzed image for upwards of 10 seconds. Sometimes it will display a still image of the video 15 seconds ahead of where the audio is playing. Then the image begins to play once the audio catches up. I'm not sure what this issue is, but I hope they address it soon." "I've been having trouble for days to have an episode play the whole entire way. Without an error message. Or it pausing for about 5 minutes in between the scenes. I've restarted the computer on my phone. Clear it out all the cookies. Installed and uninstalled the app. And still having the problem. The app works super fine on my computer. But not so much on the phone. I wish the programmers of this app, could fix this." "Overall this is a great app with a really good selection of content. The one issue is that casting is always a problem. The pause/ play function rarely shows over the lock screen. Sometimes the app will cast but within the app, won't show a connection to the casting devices, so you can't pause/ play. Closing the app & restarting rarely works to fix the issue. It's very frustrating." "I love Netflix. But one particular problem ruins my experience a little. Whenever I fast forward or rewind, the screen with the time bar and the 10 second reverse/fast forward buttons and the pause button come up. Normally you would be able to tap the screen and it would all go away. Now whenever that screen comes up, I have to wait about 30 seconds for it to go away. It got really annoying and I browsed the settings, closed and reopened the app, and even uninstalled the app to fix it but no" "Netflix is a great app. Only annoyance is when I cast a show to the TV and close out of the app and go to something else, when I go back into Netflix it won't recognize that I'm already connected. I then have to force quit the app, go back into it, then it will show me connected. Lastly, I don't know if this is a design flaw or an android thing, but the iPhone app gives you the prompt to go on to the next episode in a series and so far my S10+ doesn't" "The app freezes a lot when you pause a show and will not allow you to continue watching it without completely getting out of the app and going back in or sometimes restarting the device you were using. Also, it does not always keep your progress on shows and will put you back at the beginning when you go back to continue watching. If it weren't for those issues I would give it five stars." "Seems to be really buggy. I love the variety of shows and movies, but the bugs just ruin the experience. When ever I'm watching something I keep constantly getting disconnected from my wifi. This isn't happening with any other app. I'll spend 2 hours on YouTube, nothing, but 3 minutes on Netflix, disconnected. Skipping could also be better. You can't skip 20, 30, 40, etc at a time like YouTube. You constantly have to skip 10 seconds. Actually on the topic of that, it isn't 10 seconds. It semms to just skip to the nearest 5th second. I'll press the skip forward 10 seconds button at 3:38 and be put at 3:40. Very weird." "I have used this app for a while, but a recent update has me rethinking my Netflix membership. After the most recent update, I have two really big problems - one, I can't resume watching a show if I pause it without going back a screen and then telling it play again, and two, no matter what I do, it always turns subtitles on. I watch a show, the next episode ces on, and subtitles have been re-enabled even though I specifically turned them off. You can do better than that." "App interface is smooth but my main concern is that every time I start watching a new show or movie, it will disappear from the mobile app. So, I don't actually get to use the mobile app for what it is meant. This has happened with three different shows for sure. All the shows still show up on the TV app and even on my Google displays. So, the problem must be with my mobile app. Unistalling does nothing." "Netflix is a good app to watch good shows and movies, but there are some cons to it. First, the prices, when I first got Netflix it was $9.99 a month, but now it's $12.99. Second, the movies and shows kind of get boring after a little while. Lastly, the information that cab be taken from it. An example is my friend was using her Netflix account one day, to find out someone had hacked in and was using her Netflix. They even found her card information. That's why I'm giving Netflix 3 stars." It was the best but I have been experiencing a LOT of trouble with it over the last month or two. Keeps kicking me off what I'm watching; telling me it is having trouble with that particular video and to try back later (on my android and my TV). It is beginning to make me have to watch cable because a lot of the time I can't make it through a 21min show without that error popping up an insane amount of times. I've updated it but it hasn't helped. Hope they get it fixed soon! "This is a really amazing app when it works, it has tons of amazing options to watch and can even give you personalized shows to fit what you like! However, I have been having issues recently... Everytime I try to access my Netflix account on mobile phone, only the sound works. You cannot see a thing, only listen to the sounds. I have restarted the app, logging out then logging back in, and even deleting the entire app and reinstalling it. Please, if there is any way you can help please do!" "Usually would rate it a 5 but the last update messed up the whole app. There's no lis t of my shows to continue to watch and when I went to one show it hadn't saved my place in the show like it has ALWAYS done. And when I go to click on my list, the app takes me out to the home screen instead of taking me to my list? If we could fix these kinds of issues it'd be much appreciated." "mostly love this app, great on road trips, which is daily for me for work. however, the ability for the main menu screen to rotate with the phone would be of great help, my phone is mostly clamped into a phone mount on its side for most applications, but trying to figure out what to watch when the main screen is sideways is infuriating. the screen will flip when I'm watching and on occasion when I first start it up it's how it should be, but quickly flips back to upright, making it hard to select" "I'm currently having trouble with the app. It restarts my phone after every episode or movie and is unpredictable when it will do it. I have a galaxy s7. This is the only video app that does this on my phone. It's extremely aggravating. I'll go to watch something and it freezes and restarts. Or I'll be watching something and as soon as the next episode goes to play, it restarts. Then I have to wait for my phone to reload and try to watch it again. Please fix this!" "I have been a netflix user for a good 8+ years. This is the first time I've ever had anything bad to say. I absolutely love netflix. However, I guess with this last update, it took away the ""picture-in-picture"" feature. I enjoyed having netflix minimized while i worked on other things. Now, i no longer have that privilege.. Please please fix this. I will put back to 5 stars once that is done!!!" "Can't review the desktop app so here's where I'm making a suggestion. Please turn off the auto play feature for the opening advertisement. It is now a behind the scenes look at a show I've never heard of. I think this is a terrible place and a terrible way to advertise something brand new. At least if it didn't autoplay i wouldn't be subjected to it just for starting your app. I've been moving away from Netflix over to Hulu and Amazon anyway, so not starting the app at all is getting easier." "I think users should have more control over the lists that claim to know what we want to watch. The recommended movies are nothing that I would ever like to see. The fact that I can't delete movies that constantly pop up is annoying to me. Users should be able to like or dislike movies to control all the random lists that are in the app. The disliked movies should never come up in any kind of list. Also, I would very much like to be able to delete a movie off my watch again or continue watching." Yeah it's what you'd expect. I don't use this app on my phone very much except when I need to stream something when I can't use my laptop. Casting to a TV works well but the process can be finicky cause it doesn't communicate with the user well. My biggest peeve with this app is that it notifies me when a new series/movie is coming out but the only interaction I can make is to see the trailer (which I don't do) Would be better if I could add to watchlist like that cause I usually forget about it "An okay app for the most part. Easy to find the shows/movies you want, video and sound is very clear and you can easily navigate the video screen to do anything you need while watching, including altering the brightness. Some issues I am having, and the reason for my rating, is when you leave the app and come back, you cannot start another video. You have to close and reopen the app. And second is this app doesn't keep track of where you were in the video when you close the app." "Had the app for a while but since the last update it's not been working right on my phone. The subtitles come on every new episode or every time I get out of the show and go back in. And for some reason it keeps kicking me off the show I'm watching back to where i have to select it again, usually does it in the first 25 minutes and again with only 1 or 4 minutes left in what I'm watching which is pretty annoying to be interrupted like that and have to go back in and turn off subtitles again." "Netflix has the worst interface when it comes to watching movies. The pause button is way too small and located on lower left corner of screen. If you want to rewind a movie, you are in for a stressful and annoying experience. And fast-forwarding is even worse. NOTE: This review relates to my experience using the app on my Galaxy S8 tablet." "I have always enjoyed how Netflix sets up it's video streaming service compared to other sites/apps. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to come back to Netflix, and the first thing I like to do is browse a complete list of shows/movies of a particular genre I like. However, Netflix doesn't seem to have a complete A-Z viewing option anymore, at least not in this app format. I'd definitely up the rating (and be more likely to keep my subscription) if they added this back." "I very rarely watch TV, and rely on Netflix, hulu & YouTube for my main sources of entertainment. I have been unable to watch Netflix at all during the day, for the last few month, because the images are so dark it's impossible to see. (This is with my phone at its brightest setting) I have absolutely no issues with Hulu or YouTube, and because I can only hear what's going on, Netflix is now my least favorite app. If It's not night time, with all but one of my lights off; I can't watch anything." "I really like the app for the most part, but I really don't like the update where you can adjust screen brightness separately within the app. I bump it a lot on accident, and it makes it impossible to watch shows at night (on low brightness) and then to try and find something the next day when it's bright out, and Netflix is still dark. I also really wish that it wouldn't automatically turn off my blue light filter without giving me a setting to change that feature." "I've been having frequent issues that when i turn to Netflix 1/2 the time i have NO SOUND. I have to shut Netflix or the TV & when started again it usually works. Also have buffering issues. Right now it will not work with TV/Amazon fire stick. About 1-2 times a month I think I'm going to watch a movie, Everytime that's when it will not work. My friend that watches it here daily occasionally has these issues. it's a pain. i just want things to work, like the programs." "The UI of the app has gotten a lot worse over time, which is nothing everyone isn't already saying. Another problem I have with the app is that it gives me so many problems when trying to connect to my Chromecast from my phone. Every single time I open the app and press the cast button from the main screen, it doesn't find my Chromecast. I have to force quit and reopen for it to connect, then when I play something it still plays on my phone. I force quit 3+ times usually before it works." "Two issues. First, the progress through an episode is not always saved properly. If I watch half an episode then come back later and finish it, it may not save and it appears that I only watched half. The other issue is with the smart download function. I absolutely love the idea, but occasionally I finish an episode and it tries to download four or five new ones instead of just the next one. It's a problem: it fills my storage with the last one and the two download per episode messes me up." "Don't get me wrong , I love Netflix. But this app is a huge battery hog. Had my phone at 100% when I went to bed to wake up with the phone at 60%. The culprit was Netflix. The app wasn't even open or being used. It was just running in the background. Checked the settings in the app, and couldn't find anything I could disable to keep it from doing so. Maybe I'll reinstall it in the future, but not until this is fixed. Also, I miss the star ratings. Now I'm clicking on any old garbage because those star ratings are no longer there to warn me away from the awful shows." "It's great once it actually loads correctly. The problem I've been having is that every time I click on an episode or movie, it will freeze a few seconds in. It will continue the audio, but pause the visuals. I used to fix it by going back 10 seconds and when it gets right before the pause, open ""Episodes"" for a few seconds and then go back. This doesn't work anymore. I've also tried reloading the app, clearing cache, force stop. It just doesn't work anymore." "I like Netflix. There aren't any ads, the skip intro/recap button, and just the way it's set up is pretty good. The only problems I have is that 1. My Picture-in-Picture is broken. I've enabled it, restart my phone, and cleared my cache but nothing works. 2. I don't like how some movies or shows dissapear out of nowhere. Other than that, all good." "The only complaint I have is that for some reason, every once in a while the app just doesnt give me the option to stream to my chromecast. Its literally the only app with that issue, everything else streams perfectly fine. The only way I can ever resolve this issue is: turning off my phone and turning it back on, or completely uninstalling the app and then reinstalling. It's really annoying to have to do that" "I absolutely love this app but I have some problems. When I turn off the subtitles they come back the next episode. And there's no option to not skip the intros for shows that have the theme song or the ""Previously on.."" At the beginning. I always have to manually go back and rewind the whole episode and I cannot get the subtitles off permanently. Will be 5 stars when fixed." I have had Netflix for years & it's been great....until about 6 months ago...now during each episode of a series or a movie there is some kind of glitch that cause Netflix to freeze up 2 times in a row. I watch Netflix everyday!!! And when I'm paying for a service I just feel that it shouldn't be freezing up this way. I hope that this Technical Issue can be fixed!!! Thanks Barbara "The app isn't bad, however there are some things that I do have an issue with. For example, when I switch apps whatever show I was watching eventually starts to play in the background but not in a mini view, it just starts playing while I'm using another app. If my volume is down then I don't notice until a good amount of time has elapsed. It's crazy because I shouldn't expect a problem that hasn't been brought up to be addressed but there are updates all the time so it should be fixed" "I love netflix dont get me wrong but the fact that you cant take something off your continue watching list without fast forwarding it all the way to the end is ludacris. They briefly added that feature and then snatched it out from under us. Its a waist of time having to FF to the end of a movie if you dont like it, just to get it off your list and out of the way. Honestly in this day and age the platform should be more up to date. Thats the only reason for 3 stars. Fix it please!!!" "The app itself runs rather smoothly. Except on my Pixel it doesn't save where I last watched something. I have to find it myself. But, what really bothers me is the lack of movie content compared to a streaming service like Amazon Prime. Everything is Netflix produced now, or a series. I would love to watch a variety of movies, not just from Netflix. The options to watch a variety of popular movies are slim to none. I've let it go. The cost was not worth the content." I've had Netflix on my phone for a while now but after Netflix updated it started acting weird. When i try to watch something there are no images and the audio keeps playing. The screen goes black and all you hear is the audio. Ive tried to delete the app and resign in but it still doesn't work. Now i can't watch Netflix on the go anymore. I have to watch it on my TV. So hopefully Netflix starts to work. "It's alright but I work in a factory all day for 10hrs a day, music gets a little boring at time so I like to listen to movies and all that. Our speed in there isnt great so I have to tone things down like youtube does with a selectable quality, but Netflix tries to run high quality all the time with no adjustment, so it buffers for a minute and plays 5 minutes then the cycle goes on. Other than that I love it." I have used Netflix for many many years. I have come to realize that the quality has diminished in some aspects. This new Netflix no longer distinguishes non English speaking movies from English-speaking movies. In the description you would tell us the language of the spoken word This can be very frustrating to those who only are interested into English-speaking movies. Hence the low rating. "Netflix has plenty of great shows and movies to watch, but lately the app has been giving me a lot of issues. Primarily, shows will just disappear from my ""continue watching"" list and it won't show up when I search for it. If I access Netflix from my PC, the show will still be there, but not on the mobile app. Nothing seems to fix the problem, but the show does eventually reappear after a few hours/ days. It's a really frustrating problem that I hope will be fixed ASAP." "The Netflix Android app has a lot of annoyances that you can't disable. When you look at a list of episodes in a show, half the screen is taken up by an auto-playing video preview. At the end of each episode, Netflix automatically skips to the next episode and you can't turn it off. This is twice as annoying with Chromecast, because by the time your phone is unlocked, the ending was already skipped. And they got rid of the ""resume watching"" section." "App will work great in perfect HD but after 4 or so episodes into a series the screen will get blurry for about 10 minutes then it stops playing and all I get is the red loading circle spinning around. The only way I found to get back to even getting Netflix to work again is to close the app and walk away for like an hour. Then it's back to business as usual, but I'm posted up in bed for a few weeks. I can't have interruptions like that. My situation is the reason Netflix was created." "The app is good but for a company as successful as Netflix, I'm surprised it's not better. There's no big glaring problems but there are some kind of annoying little things. Probably the thing that bothers me the most is the ""rewind"" feature. They have a button to skip backwards 30 sec but when you want to go back just a few seconds there's no good way to do it. Plus there's not a skip forward option. I like the way Amazon does it best: 10 sec forwards or back. It's nothing huge though" "I use this app a lot and I think it's pretty good,but......... If you are the only person using the account it really gets annoying that every time I open the app Netflix asks who is watching! Seriously?! Also the app does not play every widescreen movie correctly, instead of having black bars above and below the movie, it cuts of the sides so I miss a lot of what's going on. So if that happens I have to go to the Netflix website to watch the movie" "Netflix as a service is what it is, I'm not rating based on that. The app itself is pretty good, but the big problem I have right now is with the subtitles. I am watching a foreign language show with English subtitles, but they are white and appear unreadable on top of light colored backgrounds. The supposed only way to fix it is externally from the app (bad UI), but when I tried that it didn't even fix it. This should be one of the easiest things in the world for them to fix, but will they?" "There are a few bugs Netflix which are not good for UX, and I think you need to attend those as soon as possible. First of all sometimes when I try to fast-forward the video by 10 seconds it shows weird green and grey boxes on the half of the screen and it stays there for couple of seconds and another thing is if I do the same that is fast-forward the video it sometimes shows loader eventhough video is playing. That is not what I am paying for." "I did not even update to the newest version after reading about UI change I wouldn't like, however, up until now I've been updating regularly and yet, throughout all those updates, I continue to have the same major issue...The app randomly stopping my show and changing to either the previous episode or entirely different season. Sometimes it happens only once, and sometimes many times in a row after me trying to go back watching my current episode it'll change again. Incredibly frustrating..." "The latest update is just awful, I find it so difficult to continue watching my show. The design was clearly business-driven and not user-driven, and I doubt it even went through rigorous usability testing - because who would ever think to look for their shows under a tab called 'explore'. The home page should give me all the information I need and want, but instead they're using it to try to shove their garbage shows down our throats. Just make better content and we'll watch it." "The service itself has a good selection and the algorithm provides good recommendations. The app on the other hand, is an un-user friendly mess. My biggest gripe is that the user watchlist is just a big jumble of movies and series with no way to filter. After all these years how has this not been addressed?" "Netflix is very meh, it has some good content, but alot of it is very poor. The most annoying feature is when you search for films and it pops up, and when you go onto the title it usually tells you they dont have it, if they dont have it, dont show it on the search list." "I do not know if the issue is with Realme UI or netflix app is glitching but the video is glitching, Its having a matrix-glitch (like used to happen in Old TVs)like display on the screen whenever I try to play something while On apps like youtube/chrome/prime videos are playing normally with good quality. My phone is new and its scary i dont understand whats wrong." "Excellent selection of content, automated collection of money without my permission. Add a pay now button and stop the automated collection of money not everyone can afford to spare. I need to count my money before I spend it. Let me pay when I can afford to and quit charging to switch bill dates. Use an Ebay style payment option." "Netflix used to have amazing shows but they all got canceled. Canceling the warrior nun and going back on what they said in 2017 about encouraging password sharing only to go back on that has made me happily cancel this downward spiral of a streaming service... I'm done with it... even if they do come out with something worth watching, Netflix has garnished the reputation of canceling good shows and I wouldn't want to get my hopes up... bye Netflix you used to be good..." "It's good and all but in some cases there's only a part or two of a series but the whole and shows and series that used to be on Netflix suddenly becomes unavailable. Like, Kung Fu panda. At first the 3rd movie was missing and then all the series went missing. #Netflix please bring back Kung fu panda 😭" "The recent update for the Netlix interface makes it hard to navigate the application. You no longer have the Home Button option. Now, you even need to go to click on Explore and click the Categories to look for your My List. Games even have their own tab. Why can't Home be available? 🥹" "I sometimes use my phone to watch shows, but also like having the option to use my phone while watching. This app would be better if it allowed a mini screen where you can still access other apps." "It is good, but after watching a movie you have 5 - 10 seconds to enjoy the credit music, then a random preview start and has a completely different genre..... On Amazon Prime you get to enjoy the credit music, wind down and enjoy the credits..... Mamma Mia credits stopping after 10 seconds completely kills the final experience.... Amazon knows people like watching the credits with the music." "This new interface design of Netflix mobile app is beyond worst. They wanted to make it like other social media Instagram or Snapchat or something I absolutely don't know. But an ott platform's interface shouldn't be like this. It's a big flaw of the developer or whoever thought to make it that way. Please change it as soon as possible and make the interface design to the old and develop on that only, but this is what it is now it beyond worst. It feels like a black colour Snapchat app." "App tends to crash or freeze frequently. It's hard to watch shows when you are constantly being bombarded with ads, short clips, and mobile games. I prefer the old app where everything was streamlined. I also cannot stand the trailers automatically playing when I just want to read the synopsis. It is frustrating." Worst UI for a OTT streaming platform. I wonder why the subscription plans of this plan are so high compared to other OTT apps. This app only shows suggested content in the main page. Everytime I need to continue watching my show I need to go to 'My list'. Also there is no filter option for genres that I want to see before starting a new show. Need to keep searching for it everytime which is frustrating. "3 stars,because I am a big fan of Star wars. And if they had it,it would get 4 stars. The only other problem is that some movies and series are only limited and GUYS! why do you have something like a very long series that is limited but when you are at season 2,episode 16 and there are 5 seasons the next day your series is gone. Like why? But over all I like the fact that you can download movies and episode's. I love Netflix ❤. 👍" Error 5.10 ruins the mobile app. When it happens is completey random and unpredictable. Clearing the Cache and force stopping the app does not repair the issue. It simply resolves it self whenever it decides. Please set the playback speed being able to 2.0x. I watch all of the contents in 2.0x speed so I would really appreciate if you upgrade this function. Thanks. And I apologize that my english is not quite accurate. "Love Netflix ,I love it I won't lie it is easy to use and many genres to come by but when I download episodes and try watching it on a trip or by a place with no network the movie begins lagging on random parts of the movie hope you can fix this." "These updates and changes are getting more and more ridiculous! Why would you take off the info button for recommendation that's the first thing you see when you open the app? All that's left is add to list and play. How would I know if I want to add to list or play without the info?? Ughhhh, can I go back to the previous version?!" "I love the app, it does not lag, gives good quality even with lower internet speed. But I have two issues that I think should be addressed: 1. It does not have any kind of rating associated with the shows. Each time I want to watch something, I want to see how much it score on IMDB, for that I have to open my browser and search the show or movie. It becomes difficult when you want to add things in watchlist. Please add IMDB or any other rating attribute. 2. For slow internet it only loads audio." This app is amazing to watch favourite films on. However Netflix doesn't have every single film on the app but does release updates of films that will be coming soon on Netflix. Another downside is that you can only watch a film or TV show on 2 screens at a time. Unless you upgrade to 4 screens which entitles you to pay more money. An upside is that there is lots of profile pictures of most of your favourite Netflix original characters. I give Netflix 3 stars but this could change to 5. 🌟🌟🌟 "In terms of UI, it's pretty convenient. But I just wanna suggest in terms of security. Maybe you could add multi factor authentication if new device is trying to login using my account. Or if there are changes being made on the account settings. Like sending OTP or code to verify the change. Hope you'll consider." "Netflix has been steadily declining but it is still a good streaming service, still got HEAPS of good movies and shows. I just wish their catalog wasn't getting quietly trimmed of all the best stuff or if not outright removal they're limited to certain countries." "The new app update blows, you can no longer find ""continue watching"". It opens straight into a list of what's new and popular, and then you're only other option is ""Your list"" but if the show you've been watching isn't in your list then you have to search for it in search bar. Just kind of annoying." "A very good choice for having a verity of things to watch for the young and old. However, I'm starting to dislike Netflix because of the amount of things that it has done since getting the app. One it not updating show to the more recent seasons, and two is that they took some good shows away." "Update SUCKS! My saved list won't load now. In fact, other than 4-5 items, NO LISTS will load. It just sits there trying to refresh and never actually doing it. Guess I'll go find a new series to watch on HBO+. Nothing happening here since updating. (BTW, none of the typical fixes worked.)" "It doesn't load sometimes and i have to close and open the app a few times before it does. This never happened on my phone, only on my tablet Also, sometimes it stops in the middle of my video saying ""There was a problem parsing this video"" Can you bring back the previous version until this is fixed?" Pretty good app only thing is you cannot changed your payment method via app. It HAS to be on a computer which is ridiculous. It'll say billing details and when your next bill is due but not an option to change payment method which is extremely annoying because not everyone has their laptop on them! Like cmon Netflix literally the most important feature..... "This new UI... oof. Hard to find anything, unable to just browse. You broke the casting functionality. This needs a rollback, hard. If this is the new format, may reduce the $ i pay for users per month." "It's a pretty decent app overall, but this latest update is pretty effing stupid. There's no longer a home page to Netflix, you have to find all your stuff under the ""explore"" portion of it all. I was just watching a show and closed it out expecting to see the ""home"" page pop up, but it just went completely over to the ""coming soon""/""everyone's watching"" section, and it kept going to that every time I closed it out and opened it. Kinda dumb they gave no warning to hiw the app was gonna change yo" There's a lot of show variety which is good but it takes too long to find a show you're in the mood to watch at any given time. I suggest that you include some kind of search by tags method with which you can search for shows that align with multiple tags. "Fantastic app as always, I don't have much to complain about other than occasional bugs or crashes. The exclusives and originals remain interesting! And i feel that the price could lower a bit ...though after all these years what I want to see most is a MUCH larger catalog! Especially in regards to Anime, Comedy, and Horror! More so in the Anime department, I'd love to see Netflix be able to competently compete with Crunchyroll, Funamation, Hidive, and the rest!" "Netflix please improve your app. Sometimes a released episode of a show does not appear on a list. Therefore, I can not even download it to watch offline. I can only access it from a continue section. However, from this section I can only access it online which is not convenient for me. I hope you will fix this issue soon..." "Used to watch Netflix after my work hours but recently I am not able watch any shows, as when I start to watch something it get loading and nothing comes after but just a screen loading for long , if it is continuing there no way that I am going to pay for next month subscription it will be a total waist if I am just paying to see all shows just get loading it doesn't make any sense. Please fix this error ASAP. Thankyou" "In your recent update I am now seeing more ads than ever. I never minded seeing them before the movie started. But now movies are being interrupted during the streaming. That is bullsh*t when the show stops one, two, or three times in addition to seeing them before and after the movie. I appreciate the bug fix that stopped the pauses and buffering, but it's hard to say which experience is worse. Fix it and I'll be happy to update my review to be more positive." "Shows typically are fine, Movie Experience is subpar. When watching movies jn both the Android mobile and Android TV apps, if I have to pause the movie and switch (not close) to a different app for more than a few minutes and go back to the Hulu app to resume the movie, the movie starts over from the beginning CONSISTENTLY. It doesn't seem to matter which movie or how far along I am, it does not save my progress. Not particularly happy." "Anime subtitles are out of sync. They appear way early and ruins the shows for me. They have a ""fix"" posted about turning it on and off again but it doesn't work. Log Horizon, Black Clover, Reincarnated as a Slime and Dr. STONE are all out of sync. For me it's unwatchable. 3 stars. While you have some great shows and movies, I can't watch what I really want to." There's lots of good stuff on there... except for when you watch things on there. It puts it in a little box instead of putting in like a wide screen using more of your screen... and the downloads you can't stop it in The middle and then start it backup where you left off and you only get 48 hours to Watch it then you have to renew it. Every week I'll be watching a show and in the final 10 minutes it either goes into a countdown (400+ seconds) of what's next. The screen is fades as it thinks there's only credits playing. Or worse it comes back from a commercial break into a totally different episode or show. It happens with different shows and on different devices too. Please fix this bug. I watch lots of K-Drama with subtitles and sometimes I have to pause to read them all. It is difficult to read the subtitles while pausing on Hulu because the pause function appears on top of them. Other streaming apps shift the subtitles to another area on the screen so you can read them without interference. This would make the experience so must better. I love the app but I hate the fact that we have to pay for the shows that we enjoy are they aren't there I have used the app all of the time! Love every episode but sometimes there are errors with skipping forward and removing ads on it as well. But they do recomend age requirements if anyone hasn't gotten the app or just wanting to see more options but I do love it. "The picture in picture keeps getting stuck in the upper right corner of my phone. You can't close it or move it . I am forced to restart my phone every time it does this. Also at the end of a series episode, it won't just autoplay the next episode ..it jumps to what they recommend even though I have autoplay activated to continue to the next episode automatically." "+I saved money by cutting the cable cord +shows available when I'm ready to watch them +Hulu has great original movies and series -""Ad free"" is NOT free of ads! -They need to do better in updating content on my profile. If I haven't watched the same 50 shows and movies that Hulu recommends, one would think after a few months they would switch the content out. Instead, I have to search. -Too many commercials, and they're long" "l can watch everything l want on my cell , but l've been having a hard time connecting to anything including my stuff on my laptop . l've restarted my laptop many times, l've rebooted the Modem and Router connected to my TV many times. l always have wifi connection. I've cleaned the cache on my phone, uninstalled and reinstalled the app. I'm constantly getting those messages saying error. I've read other reviews and it seems like l'm not the only one having to deal with all this!!" I hate that I pay for no commercials but I still have to watch commercials on certain shows. I also hate that it gives me a 30 second option to watch a targeted add but it makes me watch a 2.5 minute commercial anyway. I'm dropping my subscription to a lower amount! if I have to watch commercials then there's no since in paying all that money not to. "App has some issues for such a large company behind it. It randomly decides to not list something you've been watching in your ""continue watching"" section. Those items in your ""continue watching"" section will NOT go away even when you mark them to be removed. When watching a series, seems to randomly mark the episode as watched or not. It often tries to restart you on an episode you've already just watched. As far as the service, not sure I'll stay. Having season 2, 5 and 8 and not the others." "First I want to say that I love hulu and the wide selection of both movies and TV shows. The reasons for only 3 stars: 1. It hardly ever resumes programs where I left off even when I click resume. Too much time spent fast forwarding. 2. I pay $90 a month for live tv, no ads, and one add-on. Most of the shows I stream still have ads!! Several series that I'm watching will have a whole episode with no ads at all, but the very next episode will be full of ads. And it's the same ads over and over!" "Video player with picture-in-picture is great with fast forward and rewind using double tap anywhere on the left or right side of the screen respectively (not just using the onscreen buttons). Unfortunately, the guide is hideous! Endless scrolling; no ability to jump a day or 12 hours. Also, once you set a recording the endless scrolling restarts. It's aggravating to browse at the start of the season and add to your list or recordings. This needs major work across all platforms including TV." "Generally, I have no issues with Hulu. But, with the last update or so, I'm seeing a bunch of TV shows pop up under Keep Watching that I removed from Watch History via Manage Series. It's now a cluttered mess. Also, the app really needs a better way to display new releases. Should be simple and easy to locate. We shouldn't have to dig for it or check other websites to see what's new every month." "This app is great until it's not. My biggest frustration with Hulu is when I record a show, and when I go to watch it, the ""We're having trouble playing this"" message comes up. Unfortunately it has been happening more often lately and it's disappointing to pay so much for something that's unreliable. If I had wanted to watch my shows on On Demand with commercials, I would have downgraded my plan." Used to love this app but it no longer works. Every single show and movie stops and stutters every 4 seconds. Tried everything suggested in the troubleshooting and nothing has helped. Downloads no longer work either. Every attempted download failed. I pay for premium and watch enough on my phone that I'm considering cancelling my subscription all together if this isn't fixed. What happened? Edit: Got a new phone and it works. There is still an audible stutter every 4 seconds but it is tolerable. "Good selection, but it's annoying rewatching series you like. When watching a series with episodes I've seen or watched, if I leave the room or don't grab the grab remote, or hands are full, I may miss several episodes because the show ALWAYS startrs at the credits of that episode(s) and then plays to next episode. I comparing to other streaming services, I think this is a feature that can be easily fixed." "Its only a three because it has shows I cant watch elsewhere. Recently i have had trouble when streaming on my phone. It never remembers where i left off, and recently all ads have gotten longer or more of them. Everytime an ad is playing it will freeze up the timer and it stays frozen on the screen as the video and audio continue playing. After a few minutes i will get a notification saying hulu isnt responding. It will restart on the ad. Cycle repeats. Its always doing this over and over. Ugh" "I use the app on my smart tv. My biggest complaint is that it does not always hold my place. If watching a TV program, have to go to the episode list and find the last one I was watching. When watching a movie and pause, often starts all over again and I have to forward through to find where I left off. This is highly annoying and never have this problem with Netflix. I just recently subscribed with the Black Friday $1.99 deal, very happy with the content so far for what I'm paying." "Won't let the screen size adjust. Everything is small in height and width, and then black bars shrink it even more. Ads have improved. Not great, but fair. Also, can't stop auto play. Very frustrating to feel mad when trying to get into something, like trailers to see what, I want to watch now or sometime. Need better material, can't rely on FX & others. I do see smart choices, leading me to assume they have a plan for a bright future." "I can't complain about the content, but I have to complain about the interface, specifically when casting to a Google Chromecast. Sometimes, after a full set of ads play, there is an issue with the app communicating with Chromecast and suddenly I have to reconnect and rewatch the entire set of ads. If I'm paying for a service, I do hope that the service works expectedly and consistently." "Can't complain too much because got a black Friday deal for like $2 bucks a month. You can't put on a documentary and close your screen. You touch or use your phone and it moves the bar or goes to another show and you have to watch adds every time you move it or go out of it and it drains your battery. Poor function! Not great, not horrible just mediocre." "I think the app is pretty decent but could be better. I mostly watch on my phone and I had cancelled Hulu because it didn't have the picture in picture feature. I got it reactivated a while back and was happy to see it does the pic in pic now but it won't go to the next episode when in pic in pic mode. Also, there's no option to skip intro's or recaps. I'd also like to see the countdown at the end go away. Let me click next episode or cancel so I can watch the ending if there's more to the show." "Ever since the last update the app has been glitching. The loading of the app pauses every few seconds, as does playback of any and all shows. No other app on my phone does this. I have followed all the troubleshooting steps, up to and including uninstall/reinstall of the app. Cleaning cache and deleting data. Etc. Nothing helps. Never had any trouble before this last update. Very disappointed, as the content is good." "Love the app have had it for years. But here lately over the past few months when I watch something on mobile. The video will ""skip"" for a second and then keep playing it's really frustrating and prevents me from being able to watch anything. The audio will keep playing but the video will like freeze up then start playing again" "I appreciate some of the content on Hulu. However, when I cast or even watch movies or TV shows on my phone, there is constant freezing after commercials. It's a battle starting and restarting movies or casted shows because of this crash that happens. It's quite annoying and makes me watch something else somewhere else." "I have had Hulu for over ten years. The advertising used to be more customized, even offering on desktop the option to click a Yes or No in response to, ""Is this ad relevant to you?"" Now the ads have gotten redundant and often will break when Chromecasting. It has gotten to the point that I can only watch one or two 30 minute shows before the ads cause the Chromecasting to crash. It seems rather odd that we've had our ad-based streaming increase in price, but decrease in quality. Please fix Hulu" I just signed up with Hulu again and I have never had this problem before but after I subscribed again it made me do an update. Now every one to two seconds it pauses briefly it's like if you were watching a DVD at home and skipped every second. I tried it watching a TV show and a movie and it does it no matter what I'm watching. PLEASE fix this problem or I will not keep my subscription. Thank you "My only gripe with Hulu is that I wish it would be easier to navigate to my favorites. I watch Shark Tank a lot and have added it to my list, but every time I launch Hulu, I still have to scroll all the way down the home page or search for TV shows just to find it. In comparison, Netflix will display all your favorites and recent shows right near the top of the home page." "I find it annoying that you can't fast forward while you're watching something that hasn't finished being recorded. I've also watched a few football games while they're recording and when the game ends, it'll occasionally jump to live tv and ruin the game because I end up seeing the score in the post-game show. the app isn't terrible, but the few things I've mentioned really ruins the good things in the app." "I really loved this app and the content we can watch but after the last update the shows are choppy constantly. Skips every few mins. I'm on a tablet and it's the only streaming app I have this issue on. I have to playback, when I can, so I can hear what was said at times. Never had this issue before and it's really getting to me now. I really hope this gets fixed soon." "It's been awesome for a really long time, being able to watch anime on my phone, but the past few months every time I go to watch something the video will skip a second or so ahead every so often. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app but that didn't fix it. It's not so bad that I can't watch stuff anymore but it does take away from the experience and I find myself favoring different streaming platforms. The only thing is that this one has most of the anime I really want to watch." "Hulu plays more commercials than other apps that I use. That in itself is annoying but if for some reason you need to watch a show at a later time and you have to search and find a starting point so you don't miss anything, you still have deal with each commercial break as if you started at the very beginning all over again. The selection for entertainment is mediocre and doesn't offer popular categories such as stand up comedy." "The only issue I have with the mobile version of this app is the aspect ratio. I could've sworn there was a time when I was able to manually zoom in to have a full screen with zero black bars. Now there's no way to get rid of them. On top of that, what's the point in offering extra perks (like Live TV) and charging extra for it, but still forcing us to watch ads? C'mon now, that's just scummy!" "I miss when the shows had a skip intro option. Also, its so incredibly annoying that you can't get rid of shows in your watch history even if you remove it multiple times. Sometimes it doesn't remember where you left off on an episode or it does because it clearly shows on the continue watching section but will restart the entire episode." "Overall it's fine, but every time I pause and turn off my screen, my episode restarts. If I completely exit the app and come back, it shows my progress on the bar but once I start the episode, it restarts. The app just always wants to start from the beginning, regardless of where you left off." "I love the selection of shows and movies on Hulu but if you pick a series and watch it all the way through and want to watch the series again, (binge watching)it will not start the shows at the beginning of the show. Very annoying! You have to manually rewind the show to watch from beginning. I really enjoy how long it takes for it to ask if "" are you still watching"". Some of us do things while watching, folding laundry, dishes, etc. Netflix, and especially Disney, sucks at this. Great feature!" "It has so many ads (look, I understand they're a business and ad revenue is required, but if I wanted this many ads I'd watch the tv downstairs), and while the ads play perfectly, I spend more time watching ads than my show because it's constantly losing the signal and going to the error screen. All in all, an extremely frustrating experience. I guess the selection is good? But due to ads and errors, I haven't seen a lot." "I would have given this 5 stars if it was a consistently reliable app. It's not. Nearly every single day I use it, it works for a while, loads great, great video quality, etc. Then you close the app for a while and come back, and suddenly you get hit with ""we encountered an error playing this video"" and no matter that your Wi-Fi or data is working fine, no matter that you close the app and restart it, etc, it just...won't play. Wait another few hours and it's arbitrarily working again. Fun!" "Well, I think Hulu has a great selection of shows to choose from, but that's the only reason I give it three stars. The app itself is terrible, I would recommend watching on a smart TV or console. If you have to exit the app or even just close your phone the app will rewind whatever you were watching quite a bit. This wouldn't be too bad, but combined with the fact that it almost always rewinds to a point where you have to rewatch an ad in order to get back to the part you were at is very frustrating." "I give it 3 stars, it needs work. An option to change your payment date so you can be flexible and stay on time with your payments would be great. It seriously needs to quit forcing me to restart a series over again when I am binge-watching. The category system needs work, and can be updated for better viewing quality. Putting a time limit on a series, or on certain movies is ridiculous, that seriously needs to change. Overall better than Tubi tv." "The whole interface (I guess that's the word, idk) changed a while back and it's terrible. Take a clue from Netflix, folks. And when watching things again (I fall asleep with the tv on) it'll sometimes start at about 30 seconds from the end of an episode. And then the next episode does the same thing. Really annoying when the theme song is 10x louder than the show, then you get it twice in about 2 minutes (again, take a clue from Netflix, give the option to skip the intro)." "It's incredibly frustrating to watch anything on this app unless you never have to pause it. Every time i pause the show I'm watching, especially if i exit the app for a second to respond to a text or email, the app never starts the show where I paused. I have to scroll to find the part of the show i was at, because it always restarts at a previous part in the show (we're not talking about a minute before i paused it can be up to 5-10mins). That's absolutely ridiculous that this app can't just pick up where i left off." "I just recently upgraded to hulu live. while I don't mind the functionality of most of this feature, you really need to be able to allow users to edit our set recordings more (extend recordings, ect.). this time of year sports are extended into the runtime of normally scheduled shows. I now am missing half of a show because a game ran over by 30 minutes. please change! I don't want to have to go back to cable!" "It keeps switching video quality setting to auto. I have limited connection and I always want the low quality video setting. I have to remember to change the quality setting every episode. Also, I can't find a consistent way to get a grid view of all my shows, so I can immediately choose which one I want to watch, instead I have to slide through full screens for every show. Very annoying." "I am generally happy with the service. However, with TV shows, it could be improved with a skip intro feature like Netflix and an easier way to navigate to the next episode on mobile devices. Additionally, the UI looks nice but doesn't let you get back to the shows you were previously watching quickly or easily list available content." "This Hulu app is far inferior to Netflix. The way Netflix works is way better and easier. Going to the next episode took a while to figure out because I watch in landscape and those options don't show easily. Main issue for why I'm writing this? Watching an episode of a show and 420 seconds before the end, a countdown starts, with an overlay on top of the episode I'm watching now. There is no reason such a countdown needs to start that early. Hulu needs to do some work because I not only pay for it but also have to watch ads all the time? If it wasn't for the fact that Netflix lacks shows, I wouldn't even bother with Hulu." "I love this app, i love the variety of shows and movies, especially huluween. but theres only one problem which is a glitch that it skips little bits of shows and movies, it seems to happen before or after ads which is how sometimes its hard to realize you missed anything until you are confused on why the show does not add up. i wish you could fix this problem, my friend also has the same problem so I'm not the only one" "For the money, especially with the $10/ month increase, Hulu Live is a bit disappointing. The DVR is just bad- you can pause, but if you try to watch the rest of your show in its entirety, it'll skip right to the next show when the hour is up. Also, near constant connection disruptions and the roaring loud commercials are a headache. Interface is not user friendly. Definite improvements are needed, & I'll be looking at other streaming providers. That said, the programming variety is nice." "The app still has kinks to work out. Ie: some shows make me turn the volume up higher than I ever have. Then, the commercials are at the ""normal"" volume, so they are BLARING. This prevents me from using the app at certain times of the day or certain locations. The commercials are the same over and over. Once in a (GREAT) while, they give you an option to watch a longer commercial add in order to avoid interruptions during the show, but they don't do that enough. I'd rather watch 10 min at once!" "I've been using Hulu for several years and I like content provided (including the interesting indie short films and animated shows you cannot see much of anywhere else). The selections are easy to navigate although I wish short descriptions would display before clicking on a show/movie. A BIG COMPLAINT: I cannot resume from where I left off on my TV. Starts from beginning! That's annoying! I don't experience that with any other streaming service. But on my phone, it does resume from beginning." "Overall pretty nice. Needs some work, though. The UI is MOSTLY intuitive. Everything is very smooth on my Verizon S22 Ultra. But for the love of ""God"" could you guys add a pinch-to-zoom/fill screen function? Don't really care for the tiny play/fast forward/rewind buttons on the bottom left, even though you can still double tap on the sides or the center to achieve the same result. They're very small and pretty redundant. Why isn't there any next episode prompt? Thanks for all the hard work!" "Hulu with commercials used to be tolerable, and it still is, as long as you don't have to walk away from your show for a minute and come back. 9/10 times when I come back it starts my show all over again...Which means i have to watch another 80 second commercial in the beginning and then try to fast forward to where I was, sometimes incurring more commercials. Starting to feel pike this is less like a bug and more like a design to get me to upgrade to commercial free at twice the price." "Not bad, not great. Ads are annoying, and you get ads you can't skip, even with a paid live tv sub. Live TV is good enough; live sports are the reason why I subscribed. I'm surprised there's no Picture-in-Picture mode for my Note 9 (Netflix has PIP.. so does YouTube). it doesn't even have a mini-player within itself, so if I want to browse or search for something while something else is playing, I can't. (the web browser player does that though). But it's oookk. Overall, I don't love or hate it." "Hulu has a great selection of shows, including its originals, that you can't seem to view on any other platform. Given its selection, I would love to give it a higher rating. However- you pay to watch ads. I would understand if it was 30 seconds of ads every fifteen minutes, or even less. However, every ten minutes you're forced to watch 90 seconds of ads. Every time you start an episode, you have to watch between 30-90 seconds again. There should be an option to pay more for no ads" "I'd like to love the app.. but it gets hard to watch with constant connection errors (meanwhile everything else, Netflix etc has no connectivity issues) and worse, when I go to my stuff, I see that I've gone from a couple of unwatched episodes, to all of a sudden ""32"" unwatched episodes.. it gets hard to find where I left off and I eventually stop watching the shows because of it. Other than that.. Hulu is up there with the rest of the good services." "Many of the movies and TV shows are available on another app for free. The volume changes dramatically when the ads start. Can really be very annoying and cause headaches. It will be the end of a show and it will run ads before the credits. Then the credits roll and more ads before the next episode. Why not just run all the ads once and get onto the next episode? Seems logical to me. Anyways, Hulu has potential. Suggestion: More Marvel universe! Thanks." "On the phone damn near perfect. Smart TV, not so much. It crashes all the time when switching to anything (even ads), is sluggish in it's response to playback and audio control, and doesn't communicate with Amazon our watch history so we actually have to remember the season and episode we were on (I know first world problems.) I understand there's probably more to why it's happening, but the consumer never cares about that." "I like the shows it has, but often it won't load and tells me I don't have internet. Does this on all devices I have it on, xbox, phone, etc. I check the internet and it is well over what is needed and is working fine. Do not ever have this issue with Netflix or Amazon prime sho I end up watching those instead. Hulu will often just not load for no apparent reason. When it does work, its fine, but this is very frequently I have this issue. Obviously hulu is not up to par with Netflix and Amazon since it has frequent streaming issues even though those apps work fine and my speeds are good." "The movies are excellent, but the commercials for the TV shows are excruciatingly bad. You often can't rewind without getting extra commercials or being propelled into the next episode, having to watch extra commercials anyway when you get back to your previous spot. That's unacceptable, but as I indicated, the movies are working fine and are of very good quality." "In the past month or so, Hulu has been freezing on a blank screen when I either try to reopen the app, or sometimes even the first time I open it that day. I have to force stop it to get it to work again. For about the same amount of time, the pause button hasn't worked in many shows, requiring me to exit out of the show if I need to pause. Firestick and Hulu app are both up-to-date, and I have cleared all caches multiple times. This only happens with Hulu." "You need improvement. Your app should work at least as well as my Netflix app, but it doesn't. For example, I can't watch Hulu right now, because signal isn't strong enough, yet I can watch Netflix. It takes a minute to load, but once it starts it plays, no buffering. Hulu just spins and spins. It never loads. I have to watch Hulu early in the morning or late at night. I will wait an extra month, but if you can't improve by then, I will cancel my subscription. You suck! Cancelled. Uninstalled!" "I love the streaming but I HATE the layout of the app. I have it on my tv and phone. I have never been a fan of the phone app layout the original layout for the tv was awesome. I could see every thing I wanted in neat and organized a good handfull at a time. they are now the same phone layout& its INFURIATING! its so much harder to navigate and I cant see more than a single title at a time. so it is TEDIOUS to go through each, show, at, a, time. it kinda makes me want to cancel my subscription." "Hulu has the worst loading times and lags constantly. I have tried to chromecast to my TV and it never works, shows never load. Netflix casts and loads perfectly. This needs to be fixed. Especially with the ad plan, they cause repeated issues and sudden closing of the app. I haven't watched anything on hulu in 2 months, because it never works, I can't even load in a search. I have contacted support! Fix it!!" "I think Hulu needs to hone in on their bug squashing skills a little better. Bugs, bugs and more bugs the last 2 months. Hulu get it together or I'm moving somewhere else. The shows I've watched are marked as not watched. It's not keeping up with my episode place. Their is just too many bugs to list. I've got Hulu with live TV and the amount of shows is great, just get rid of the bugs." "The variety of shows and movies is good but it lacks the ability to minimize the screen, so one can use their phone for other things while watching, and that's a serious problem. Every other service offers that function, even regular YouTube, and that's free! Hulu needs to step their game up and add this function, especially since they are the most expensive service. It's not too much to ask for and it's the main reason I rated the service three stars instead of five." "It's good. Don't really like the new landscape layout. But it works. My biggest issues are the fact that you can't skip intros and (the biggest one) that you can't download movies/shows to your SD card. As someone with sub par internal storage, that bothers me to no end. Oh the lack of update info is kind of creepy. Making us have to search for it just so we can know what changed is weird and annoying." "I love Hulu, but I'm getting tired of having to fast forward. If you do not finish an episode or movie and back out it will start over every time. I have tried pausing it before I back out and not pausing it, it doesn't matter, it will still start over. And in order to find where you were you have to watch a commercial at the very beginning and then everytime you stop to see if you are at the right spot, sometimes it's just one and sometimes it's 70-85 seconds worth (I think that's the longest)." This app can be kind of frustrating to use because it has all these links to other shows on the playback screen that are really easy to accidentally press. Sometimes I end up accidentally starting a different show as I'm setting my phone down after pausing/unpausing the one I'm watching. It's a pretty bad design. Netflix has a much better interface on their app. "I have the option that has adds. Don't mind a few commercials. Every time, not some times, EVERY TIME, it goes to commercial it freezes at some point during them. The only solution has been to close and restart app. It then restarts the add timer regardless of how far it had run the first set of commercials. This is just stupid, please fix the issue." "I have been a subscriber for several years with no problems...until recently. The latest update ruined this app. I am constantly getting error messages when watching and when I return to the episode it starts it over from the beginning again. Also, there is no keeping track of episodes you have watched anymore...the white line at the bottom of the screenshot is gone. So many other glitches but I dont have room to write them all...please Hulu fix all the issues soon!" "Every time I watch Hulu, it'll just freeze, then kick me out to the home screen. And no, it's not my internet service. I have great coverage. Literally everything else that streams (Netflix, Prime etc....) works just dandy. It actually stays connected & remembers where I left off on a series or movie with no issues. Hey Hulu......you've got a great selection. But you need to update your software bc more ppl are using this app & more importantly, are paying for it $$$. It's 2021,catch up!" "I'd love to be able to still rewind during the advertisements, I really dislike the controls yanked from me as an advertisement pops on. Also, I don't like if I rewind to catch up, and once I hit the end it jumps to live. I wish it would seamlessly continue where I'm at into the next show. Also, when I'm behind watching something live, and I minimize the app and come back to it, it's not where I left off: it puts me live. Lots of bugs that make it not user-friendly." "I recently switched from an iPhone to a Galaxy and one feature that I miss dearly is auto stop. I wish I had the option to be promoted if I'm still watching after a few episodes of a shoe. I also wish that the app stopped streaming at user-set battery percentages for example when the battery is starting to run low. Without these checks in place, it's not uncommon that my phone will die without any warnings." "Hulu has a large selection that is badly organized. You can sort by genre, but it puts all into the list, tv and movies. Selecting Tv or Movie only puts it in to Hulu's lists with no way to narrow it down. Searching is ok, since this is the only streaming app I've seen that lets you search for a specific episode via keyword, but since you can't turn that off you'll likely end up with false hits ALL of the time." "Having an issue with the app losing my spot in my movie or show if a text, phone call, or any other app is opened. Even when I try to pause the program before opening anything. Then I have to watch the first 2-4 minutes of ads before I can try to figure out where I was. This just started happening, I have had zero problems with it before today." "The shows and whatnot are fine, it's just the User Interface is an absolute dumpster fire. Nothing is shown in chronological order when you're searching for TV shows, and there isn't a skip/back button for when you want to go between episodes. When you want to go back to an episode you just watched, you have to start from the beginning of the series and go all the way through the entire thing before you can get to that one spot that you wanted to. Please fix the UI." "Content is great, but finding anything amongst their content is a real challenge. Just found out they had one of my favorite shows, and there's no way to narrow down what you like. Granted I could have searched for it, but they don't have everything they have almost everything. For example. I select movies, one is unable to select comedy, or action or horror to narrow down what you like So it's really just luck of the draw when you select a category. Which they only about 8" "The content is great; however, the app lags pretty consistently while trying to watch a show or movie. It isn't the wifi, and I never have any problems like this with other competing streaming apps. It gets pretty annoying to constantly have to rewind the show just so it will stop lagging. Also, the formatting of the app is lacking. When clicking on content to resume watching, it doesn't take you directly to the show page with all the episodes, only to the one episode you left off on. Annoying." "Hulu is great when it works, but that's only sometimes. The app is laggy and slow, plenty of weird errors, sometimes it just refuse to start. Poor customer service, almost no feedback when something goes wrong which is often. LiveTV crash or just refuse to work, and more commercials than you expect to see, especially if you pay for ""Hulu (No Ads)"" Will be looking elsewhere. I spend more time watching the free streaming services more, just because I'm sick of fighting with Hulu to get it to work correctly." "Its a great app, only issue i see is you can't use the app in multiple locations on a smart tv. I was using att tv because your allowed up to 3 devices (smart tv's) and it doesnt matter your location. Everytime I go to a different job I have to call in and have my location changed. If this were not an issue I would give it ten stars because hulu offers way more at a cheaper price. Hulu has so much more to offer just wish I could take it with me where ever i go without have to call in each time." "After a year of Hulu/live TV I can say it has good value as a cable alternative. I'm not a big fan of the user interface on any of the platforms, especially the counter-intuitive selection highlighting scheme. Biggest complaint on the Android mobile app is that doing anything with device ends playback, no way to respond to notifications without stopping playback. YouTube keeps a smaller picture-in-picture window active when you do something else--ideal. At least audio would be an improvement." "This is a good app, but starting to look for other streaming options. Watching football games I am 30 seconds behind my friends on Cable and the app is constantly freezing when time for ads, you can see the word advertisement. The annoying part is after it recovers it replays what you just saw, then again when it gets to the ad it freezes. A continuous non-stop cycle. You have to reboot the Smart TV to get it to stop. Then you have missed your show and forced to rewind it again and watch what you missed. Very, very annoying.," "I used to have no problem with the app, but now when I stream on my tv, it's eats up all of my hotspot even though I have it on the lowest quality stream setting. The ads used to be short, and would eventually go down to only once or twice an episode, but now they are all a minute and a half long and they show the same ads every time. I used to be able to stream a lot with minimal data usage which made it one of my favorite apps to use, but now I guess I won't be using it as much. Disappointed." I have been with Hulu for a few years now and I love the Live TV option but now the subscription price has went up and the adds have gotten longer. It freezes a lot and I know it's not my internet because we have had it tested. I want to stay with them but I'm not going to pay more if I'm not getting good service. $44.99 a months is where it should had stayed. I like the selection of shows. The ease of use is great. I do have a problem with the app remembering where you are in a show. After pausing or closing the phone it reloads the show at the last commercial break and makes you rewatch all 90 secs of commercial before letting you go scroll to where you were. Often I feel Hulu cares more for the advertisers than viewers. "Looks like the previous issue with rewatching content was fixed. Good amount of content, but as with most other streaming services they're slowly moving more and more of it to separate services. Originally signed up for streaming to get away from the nickel and diming that was happening with cable and satellite, but it looks like it has moved its way over to this platform as well. Pretty disappointing." "Bad app user experience. If you accidentlly back up a show with ads too far, then you have to rewatch all the ads, even if you just watched them 10 seconds ago. If you want a specific show episode, then you have to scroll through a huge comprehensive list of episodes because there's no season selection menu. If you like subtitles you have to manually enable them every time you select a new episode or movie. The app is buggy and needs improvement, but the content is good." "Its not a bad app, the only thing that I ABSOLUTELY DISLIKE is the automatic screen adjustments. It ruins whatever I'm watching and then I have to manually change it back and sometimes it doesn't give me the option to change the screen to normal and it very much is super annoying! I don't think they even have a setting to turn off the automatic screen adjustment. PLEASE CHANGE THIS SETTING, thank you." "Whilst hulu has a broad swath of good shows and movies to watch, it's riddled with issues it seems. Too many commercial breaks with two few commercials, by the time I had finished 2 episodes of Brooklyn Nine-nine I could practically recite the same 3 advertisements by memory. There also seems to be a reoccurring theme of hulu being down for days at a time whenever a large bug-riddled update/new feature is released, making it impossible to watch anything. It would make sense that if you have people paying for such a service that the developer would take the time to ensure that anything they'd release wouldn't essentially break their app right? So in summary, a service that provides a mindboggling array of stuff to watch at the cost of consistency, would only recommend getting as a secondary service if you have the cash to spare on it and are willing to put up with the sub-par support for the app." "Good app for the most part. Just frustrated by the fact that if your phone goes dark, many times it will start you back over on your show and you can't fast forward. So, you have to watch the stupid ads again in order to fast forward to where you were. Sometimes, when you do fast forward to where you were it will make you watch even more stupid ads! Please fix this!!!!" "I have the student account option. The content is what you pay for. You get quite a bit but they exclude seasons in the middle of a series and it is super frustrating. The app is not user friendly in the slightest. It is difficult to navigate on almost all devices, not to mention they update the format all the time. Dispite the constant updates, they seem to get worse each round. Overall it isn't horrible but it isn't the best." "Love the service, but this app needs a much better UI. It is far too easy to accidentally select another show while you are already in the middle of watching an episode; and I agree with other users that it does a bad job of remembering your place in the show, because -when you DO get back to your show- it seems to always start you over at the beginning. I have experienced the latter issue across most platforms, as well" "2 big issues. The autoformatting is annoying. It crops out a huge chunk of the screen for every video and during commercials. As the reformatting button disappears right after use, bing watching can get annoying. Next, I watch on a phone. If I take a call in the last 5 minutes of a show, it automatically moves me to the next episode. In order to find my place in the previous episode, I have to go back in the show details, wait through the commercials and hunt for the spot. Very annoying." "Recent update wrecked the app. I see many users are in the same boat as me. When trying to access episodes for shows on my list, it just buffers to no end no matter what is done. I found that when you actually type the show in the search bar and open the show that way instead of through the watchlist, the episodes show up and I am free to choose again instead of just ""Replay"" or ""Watch Next."" Hope this helps some others work around the issue if they want until Hulu gets it together!" "I searched through your great shows, networks, movies and options to upgrade and I'm impressed. Low price too. I'm not happy with the connection though. At first I thought it was my internet connection but it's not. It only goes on and off (buffering I guess?) When I'm watching Hulu. Wish it could be fixed..." "It has really good selection but major problems with it's streaming services. I have no problems with Netflix, Amazon, or HBO streaming but Hulu takes forever to work and if you accidentally hit a button, your phone, or let you phone close you have to star the process all over again. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it it runs slow and now it's giving me error codes saying it's my connection but Netflix works just fine." "The reason this app gets 3 stars is because it frustrates me very often. Hulu itself is wonderful. The shows and movies it offers are more than enjoyable, but compared to other streaming service apps on my device, it drastically underperforms. Netflix, Twitch Disney+, and Youtube work at lightning speeds on my Galaxy S21 Ultra. Hulu, however, is painfully slow. I don't understand how I can watch a video on any other app perfectly fine, but not when it comes to Hulu. Once this is fixed, 5 stars." "This app does have movies and shows that I enjoy. But it's making binge watching a nightmare. I've been trying to watch The Strain and it's ruining it for me. Every time I try to watch it, the screen turns black but still has audio. I have uninstalled the app.. restarted the app.. restarted the episode and nothing helps. This lasts for HOURS and it's ANNOYING. And the ads? Oooomg, sooooo ANNOYING TOO! What are we paying for? Hulu has definitely gone down and it's disappointing. Fix your bugs." "GLITCHY AF!! Ads interrupt shows every 2 seconds! Even when starting the show again, the same ads will repeat every 1-2 seconds, like they're on a loop! You can't watch the shows! The show will flash on the screen for one or two words by the actors, then the ads play again. SO ANNOYING!!! Only gave it 3 stars because this just started happening after it worked fine for several months." "I like that I can watch all sorts of channels but it seems to have a problem playing any movies. It seems to freeze up and cause my device (Moto G Pure) to freeze up. It also seems to be a very sensitive app, too easy to rotate and, changing channels, when I didn't intend to, while just trying to look at the time." "PLUTO TV ROCKS and really is amazing all for free, however, navigating through it isn't easy! Also, it doesn't save to your watchlist. You save movies to the watchlist and when you go back to it, they're not there. Getting to what you want to see takes several tries. Otherwise it's a great app!" "I really liked this when I first started using it. I can finally watch one of my shows again. Since one of the upgrades however, about 3x ago, the quality has gone downhill. My picture in picture never seems to work if I'm watching On Demand while on my phone. It's just a black box with the sound. Anything I'm watching On Demand would rewind from the beginning if I paused it for any reason. Sometimes if I'm watching my show, it won't even load. I've updated every time I was able." "Whatever you did in your last update has made this app unwatchable. You have multiple posts on here of the app freezing, switching channels, rewinding, and you keep asking about our phones. It's not our phones. I tried to watch a one hour show and had to switch back to the channel I was trying to watch 9 times. Free or not, you can't expect people to watch like this. This app is about to be uninstalled if you don't listen to these posts and make an effort to correct it." "Pluto TV is the best FAST streaming app there is, on mobile and OTT TV. But... you have to figure out how to fix the sign in problems (outside of the Roku devices) where you have to constantly log out and then sign back in again to get the ""Favorites"" listing category to show up. Whatever you are doing on Roku, you need to do the same on all other apps and streaming devices. Otherwise, it's be" "I have been using it just fine for three days now but all of a sudden it is showing me 12 plus ads in a row as I'm watching a show. The show has been popping up for literally about three seconds, then goes straight to 7 plus ads. Until this glitch gets fixed, I will raise my star rating. Other than that, it is great to watch all your shows freely." Viewing options are great but layout & navigation is rough. The format on a computer web browser is the worst. This one is easier to use since it doesn't autoplay the sound right away. Still I try to watch a movie and it'll just start to loop back to middle point instead of continuing the movie. 3.5.23 Restarts are still happening & half the screen flashes on tablet. On phone is impossible to scroll down notification shade without Pluto scanning to next channel. The up/down control is unneeded. The most recent update was good in that we can now search for titles. However now my watchlist disappears every time I leave the app and come back I cannot continue to watch the same programs or find things I'd marked wanting to watch later. This is very frustrating. If it wasn't for that I'd give Pluto five stars but that BS brings it down to three. Hope they can fix this ASAP "Mobile app is the worst. Repetitive ads and lagging. Too many options to change the channel. Unnecessary ""unknown"" caption option useless to user. You're also missing valuable info in show descriptions like the year, length and main cast. Unable to read upcoming show descriptions since it defaults to changing to that channel. Scrolling through the guide is clunky. Using it on console is much better, but lacks in function consistency on other devices." "I loved the app till about a month or so ago. At that time it started changing channels anytime the reception for that particular channel was weak. (Maybe weak wi-fi connection and maybe due to an update, not sure) It even does it when watching ""on demand"" shows. Extremely aggravating. I would rather it pause the show till reception strengthens and allow me to change channels, if that's what I choose to do. Also, space out repeat episodes more. They show the same episodes every week or two." "It is easy to use and browse. I'm not experienced with cable cutting, so I can't state just how well the application integrates with other streaming devices, however the television listings and motion pictures appear to be well-curated. In general, the application is a great worth for the rate." "This app is FREE which means there's a lot of annoying ads!! However the glitches and the amount of dead air is ridiculous!! I have installed and uninstalled this app countless times since it came out and it has improved a tremendously over the years. However is seems the glitching, the black screen and the dead air has not improved at all!! I don't understand how this hasn't improved (even a little) over the years." "Decent selection. I dont mind ads but the shows don't seem to pause when commercials come on. It's like the show is still running in the background so you miss however long the commercials took worth of actual show. Also have to keep signing back in on multiple devices. Sometimes happens on TV, but it's literally EVERY time I open it on my phone I have to sign back in and it doesn't remember my info." "It's ok. I like the options but it freezes and skips a lot. You'll be watching something and it suddenly freezes and the audio will rewind and you'll have to wait for the audio to catch up to the freeze frame before it starts again. But the options are nice. The commercials suck. Sometimes I want to watch hell's kitchen and I'll see the same Rachel Ray promo 8-9 times. If I'm watching Hell's Kitchen, frumpy Rachel Ray is the last thing I'll be watching, let's get that right." "This application has a wonderful option of flicks and television shows, with something for every person. From the latest hit movies, to full periods of your favorite shows, to true criminal offense and also comedy, it's in place. The unique film channels are a great touch, and the option of Spanish language flicks and shows is impressive. On the whole, a fantastic app." Like the app overall. One thing that makes me nuts is auto play a TV channel when I open the app to find something to watch. My other TV apps don't do this. I'd utilize it more if it didn't do this. Very distracting to have to listen or flip the volume down. I'm a little high maintenance but I can't be the only one. 😆 "Best FAST streaming service available. But dropped from 5 stars to 3 stars because you need to figure out this mess of a sign in problem on this app and all your streaming devices except Roku. Duplicate whatever you are doing on Roku devices and you will have the best streaming service period. I've been told you would fix this problem. Very irritating to always have to sign in to get my ""Favorites"" to show up." Its ok but you can't choose the video streaming quality on the android app anymore. I checked it out and after about 10 minutes it had eaten over 300mbs! This does not bode well for anyone with a data cap that will slow you down once you've reached a certain limit. Please bring back the data streaming quality option "The live TV feature is fine, but trying to watch an on-demand movie is terrible. The app can't reliably save watch progress, and if you pause it or let your screen timeout, you're forced to watch ads again. It also routinely jumps to the beginning of the movie, and then you have to watch ads again." "This could be a 5-star app, but it has issues. Great programming, but the app is flawed. Not just this version, either. I have this same problem on my phone, on my tablets, and on my tv's - I repeatedly have to log out and back in to restore 'Favorites' to the menu because it keeps going away. Repeatedly! I've contacted support repeatedly and they still don't fix it." "In my experience it will not do on-demand on a smart TV at all. Streaming channels work fine, but watching a movie on demand will not load at all, and that's really frustrating. EDIT: Now I can't watch movies on a phone either! Loading/buffering problems, then it starts skipping around to random points no matter where I am! PLEASE FIX THIS!" "3 stars only due to the selection that it has. Outside of that it's streaming on demand service has horrible playback issues. It will play for x amount of time, go through commercials, then sometime after that it will revert back to original x. The only viable work around is: when x loops back(sometime after commercials end), move time bar to desired location, play for a second, stop playback, close app, open app and resume play and you might get another 15-20 minutes before it happens again." "The live TV shows work fine but the on-demand streaming needs a lot of work. I spent WAY too much time trying to watch John Wick. About five hours to watch a two hour movie. It kept replaying sections I had already seen after playing long sets of commercials, and when I tried to fast forward to the correct spot, I got more commercials and then resuming play in the same incorrect spot. I still haven't seen the end of the movie, but I gave up." Went from great app to nightmare. Had positive experiences using the App when I first installed. Last few days I can't watch anything. A show will start then go back to beginning of show. If you try and forward to where you were it just keeps showing the same annoying commercials over and over. I have removed App and installed again. Still having the same problem. If this isn't corrected soon I'm dropping permanently. "I tried to download your app during the week. Unfortunately it had caused my phone to totally malfunction and became unable to use. I deleted the app, and after a few days I was able to finally get the phone working again. I really did want to watch some shows on there. I hope u r able to correct whatever problem I had. I even deleted all games to make sure there was room for the app. It's better online on computer." I do like the fact that it is free and has a decent selection of shows and movies. However there's just way too many ads. I'm fine with watching a few ads here and there but after what seems like 5 minutes of watch time there's atleast 7 to 8 advertisements. That's just way too many. I'm considering removing the app again. "Pluto has all the seasons to an old show I wanted to see. I got through the first season, but I have the same issue everybody else has. I can give more stars, but the problem is I waste too much time, up to 2-3 hours just to see a 45 minute show. I spend more time seeing repeated commercials than the actual show. I cannot pause, rewind, or forward because it later rewinds itself to a previous spot. I gave up on trying to watch the remaining seasons to my show. Pluto has some fixing to do." I use Pluto tv daily. I love it and have recommended it to family and friends. But what is with this latest update???? It's problems after problems. Nothing is working right. I thought it was my phone or service but that's not the case. The favorite channels section has disappeared. I cant get any of the shows or channels to load properly. So basically it's useless now. Can't watch nothing. Debating on installing and finding a different app to use. Same problem as the multitude of other reviews when using on demand keeps skipping back to previous parts of the show over and over and over again no matter what I do so it takes two or three times as long to see a show and you end up watching about five times as many ads because it keeps reverting back to a previous part of the movie. I have patience and I really enjoy Pluto I know eventually that the on demand part of the software will be fixed I'm excited for that to happen I can't wait "Good app. Lots of channels to view. But, the app has shortcomings too. For example, except for what's showing over the next few hours, you can't view a list of any particular channel's upcoming programs That is, you can't view a channel's schedule in any meaningful way. Likewise -- and partly because of that inability to view channels' schedules in the long-term -- there is no way to set up auto-reminders to view programs scheduled in the future. If those two functions are ever added to Pluto TV's app, it would be a killer app for sure. Still, for what it is, it's pretty good. I like it -- but it could be better." "There's a good variety of channels here. A couple of issues that are pretty annoying though. One - it doesn't save my favorites no matter how many times I try. As soon as I watch a channel, the favorites list disappears. Two - There are too many commercials, and it's pretty annoying, especially when they're the same ads over and over. Some channels seem to play commercials every few minutes. I downloaded this app in hopes of watching shows without being subjected to so many commercials." "One pro is that this app has a lot of different movies and shows that you can't find on netflix. There also aren't many commercials thorugh a movie. A con is that there is no search button, no continue watching button, and no button to put for a list. This is annoying because if I watch a movie and leave the app, if I come back I have to look through every single title on the app so I can find the movie I was watching. It will also move from the spot you were last watching it from." "The quality of content is great, most of the movies are well known titles that are good. However, the streaming quality gets bad if there's even a little cloud cover. (Ads play just fine but the movie itself has to buffer...) Plus, there are no subtitles in some movies with both English and foreign languages (such as Moscow On The Hudson) which is really annoying. And sometimes I tap on a movie's thumbnail image to watch it but nothing happens." The actual program and viewing experience is great since it is free and you gain a ton of value. That is where the positives end. The fact while streaming you can not view the channel guide or any of the channels is a terrible design and should be at this point at the base of all streaming services. Random channels can be watched on phones or computers but can't be streamed(not 4k) is a problem. "Overall it's a good app, it has a nice selection of movies, tv shows, comedies, dramas, etc.etc. The downfall of the app is like most other apps, way too many ads, most of the time it feels like you are watching more ads than shows. Like the commercial ads play one after the other for 15 minutes and the actual show only plays for 10 minutes until the commercial starts again." "Thanks for fixing/maintaining. Buffering issues are better, but once again, each time I attempt to bring up ""Info"" for each playing movie/video, Info comes up and goes down, and Says ""There was an error."" Unable to... at this time."" 5.6.0. is the version which causes this, as it worked fine with previous version. Also had to reset my password. I ended up trying to uninstall/reinstall. Will see if maybe that will correct the glitch." "Get a remote control feature! It's highly aggravating to have to flip through every. single. channel to get to the one you want. Also, when you leave the app and turn it back on later, you start on the beginning channel, way in the front. On any normal television, it stays on the channel you left it on before you turned it off. If I was watching channel 400 right before I turned my TV off, it'll be on channel 400 when I turn it back on again, not way back on channel 7. The app needs refining." "I watch Pluto on the Roku TVs at home and it works very well. With the app on a Chromebook, there are problems. The menus to change channels or open the on-demand selections won't pop onto the screen. The arrow keys maneuver through some of these controls haphazardly, to the point that they don't really work, I'll leave the app installed for a little while, to see if updates fix the issues. For the most part, I'll just use the Chrome Browser and the Pluto website to watch on the Chromebook." "I love pluto TV! I would also love to give it more stars, it has some things it needs fixed and added. It NEEDS a favorite AND a bookmark for shows and movies. A major flaw that it has is that when you turn off your screen to watch a show, you have to re-find what you were watching. Lastly, when you are watching a series in the on demand section, it does not play the next video, and because of the screen off issue, you have to again, re-find the show, no matter how deep down in the list you are." "It's a cool app. The range of content and live tv is very nice. One thing that I took 2 stars off for was, If I want to leave the live tv stream and browse for a movie or something else, there's no way to close the live tv stream. Even if I exit the app and come back, it just reloads automatically. I would like the option to close the live tv stream." "The Good: Nice selection of programming. Probably something for just about anyone. Most of it is older stuff, but that's not really a problem for me.they have done a much better job integrating the ads so they don't chop important scenes in half then used to be the case. The Bad: There's way too many channels to comfortably scroll through, and no reliable way to hide channels that you're never going to watch. This is a really serious interface issue which makes the app just about unusable." "I am VERY ambivalent about Pluto. It often has great movies to watch. But, I HATE the way it starts up immediately playing live tv. Which you can't turn off or mute. even when you switch to movie mode, it continues to play live tv in a window until you choose to play a movie. This is very annoying. Also, it needs a watch list function. I often see several movies I eat to see but there is no way to save them or queue them up for play. Also annoying. I would dump this app but it does have good mov" "Love the variety, but need to work on functionality of ""Favorites"" in the ""Live TV"" section. Prior to writing this review, I made sure I had the latest version of the app. While channels I've marked as favorites appear in the ""My Pluto"" section under ""Edit Channels,"" they do not carry over to the guide under ""Live TV,"" i.e., no channels appear on the guide when ""Favorites"" category is selected. It's a pain to try to jump all over the place when my favorites aren't together." Pluto as a service is AMAZING. The channel variety is spectacular and the quality is great. The app has great potential. I would love to see a search option in the on demand library. Right now I have to use a separate app to see if it's available and manually scroll search. It would also be nice if you could cast on demand options to another device without starting over. I would give it 5 stars with those options. "I really like this app, however it is pretty glitchy. I've had three times now where I need to restart my phone because my screen will freeze and nothing works, not even the home or volume buttons. Also, the ads are oddly placed in the shows. Rather than having them timed for when the commercial would play, they usually cut randomly in the middle of scenes. The app is free so I can't complain, but you get what you pay for." "The app is simple enough to use. I can't speak to the content, but will say I've seen several good movies/shows as I've browsed. At this point, the biggest issue I've encountered is functionality with Google Chromecast. It's a big one if you're a heavy Chromecast user. While trying to watch a show (series), not only does the app not auto-play the next episode, it actually fully disconnects me from the Chromecast. After every episode. It's enough to make me want to avoid using it until fixed" "Great way to freely binge watch some of my favorite shows. Problem is that it doesn't save my favorites. I typically go back and forth between shows through the favorites tab, but it keeps resetting my favorites. Even without exiting the app. So I have to keep searching for the shows over again. Makes it frustrating to enjoy it when I'm constantly having to look for the same channels over and over. Not too user friendly." "Reminds me of Hulu back when it started. Time will tell as to how good it will be. There is a serious lack of configuration options though. You can select from low, med and high for wifi or mobile data and that is it. It doesn't tell you what resolution they are or give an option for increasing buffer size for slower/unstable connections." "Only.been using for a couple of days so far. Personally no problems as yet with buffering. Content variety, one of the better selections out there. Kids all the way up. Does have glitches every now and then with audio but no video. Restarted and worked fine. Ads can get.annoying. Bad timing in the middle of scenes and other random times. Ads extremely repetitive at times. At times you can get 2-5 minutes of shows between commercials. The main complaint is the constant barrage of ads." "When it has trouble playing, it skips important parts of the movie. Trying to pickup where I left off is near impossible. I can only play from the beginning and try to find the spot where it I left off. Every time I do, it plays a string of ads. Also the ads are often much louder than the movie. On the positive side, it has a great selection of movies and shows. It always works with my miracast when Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ will not. Tubi only works with some titles." "The app is not bad. However, it could be better. A good way to start getting better is by adding a search tab to the movies. I would use it more if it had one. It's already separated by types, but it would be better if you could look for one. And also, when you choose a type, a tab should be opened instead of staying scrowing right, what's reaaaaally annoying." "Tons of free channels, minimal ad breaks, overall pretty great. Just sad that this app version doesn't have as many channels as the one my television does, and the channels that it does share they seem to be off (not on the same episodes and such). Either way, it's a ton or available content for free, so while I'll likely stick to the tv version, this was a pretty cool experience. I do agree it should really have a search function though, seems quite vital if you ask me." "I have had this app for years. Love the channel lineup. Unfortunately, in the past year it has been very disappointing. Shows are always freezing up & jumping backwards so I have to rewatch 3-5 minutes of programming, sometimes even commercials. I hope these problems get resolved. This app has seen me through hard times when I couldn't afford any pay tv channels & it's still my go to now that I have all the others." "I really want to give this app 5 stars. I see a lot of people complaining about too many ads. I have the exact opposite problem. I get no ads at all. This causes lots of blank spaces showing the Pluto logo where a commercial should be that lasts abnormally long. So this leaves me with about 20 minutes of no content space where commercials should be. Including a 5 minute plus empty gap between the end of one show, and the beginning of another. I'm not using any ad blockers of any sort. Maybe it is because I am on a Chromebook, but I really do not see how that would make a difference." "Great for cord cutters but it has a couple flaws. The biggest for me is the lack of search function for on demand content. it's annoying when watching TV shows because I have to scroll all the way back when I want to pick up where I left off. The 2nd complaint is the placement of ad breaks. I get you need them to keep it free but they cut stuff off mid sentence. There are usually fades in shows for this reason. I'd rather you used them. Lastly, I'd like an option to fit video for 16:10 screens." "Needs attention to ads, because, if you lose your place on a movie, you have to scroll forward to each and every commercial you already watched, just to get back to where you were. Would be better if commercial showings were based on actual time you have viewed, rather than just planted unavoidably at the same intervals. Other than that, a good app and nicely laid out. Fix the frustrating repeat ads, get 5 stars, last time I had to go through 5 commercials to get back to where I was." "excellent app! Or it was until recently. Used to be able to still see the program menu while Chromecasting, since some update no longer. Once you cast, you're stuck with that show and can't access menu unless you stop and disconnect. Why? Why? Why? Also, difficult to fast forward or rewind on demand now. And if you pause a show for a few minutes it starts your program over to the beginning. Ugh. Still like the app, great shows but just why were these inconvenient changes made?" "I absolutely love the selection of channels and content on Pluto. I really wish I could rate it 5 stars, but the mind-numbingly repetitive commercials really destroy the experience. Some channels also have extremely limited selection and constantly repeat the same few episodes. Those two issues, along with minor UI issues on 2 of my 3 devices, make me have to bring my rating down to 3 stars. I would gladly raise it to 5 stars if these issues (mainly the commercials) are addressed." "I really like this app, the only think that is driving me crazy and may make me delete it is that when I pause it and than start it again, it starts from the begining of the movie, even though I push resume. And than sometimes the fast forward button won't work at all. Who wants to start the movie from the begining when you are more than half way finished with the movie.?.?? Very frustrating!!! Besides this, if this could be fixed or didn't happen I would have given this 5 stars instead of 3 :(" Needs a channel guide that can tell you about what the movies and shows are about and when they will be on again if you have missed the beginning. Also would be nice if you had a go back to the last channel button and a way to set up reminders for shows and movies you would like to watch so you do not miss them. I have also been loosing connection in the afternoon and evening really bad lately and can only fix it by restarting my device. "So, free stuff is awesome, and the app works well, BUT!!! there is no search or save option that I can find for the streaming. I specifically downloaded the app to watch a certain show for free, and now I have no way of finding it. And when something else catches my eye, I can't find a way to save it to view later. Still a good app that provides what it says though." "Have been watching Pluto for a year now and didn't have a problem until recently. When you're watching a movie, you can't pause or stop the movie without it going back to the beginning every time. It asks if you want to ""resume"" or ""play from beginning"" but it will not resume. I've watched the beginning of a few movies over and over again and have never been able to see the ending. Please fix this. Otherwise good. Update: still not fixed. Now movies buffer excessively. I may just uninstall 😤👎" "Not bad. It's gotten better from its previous iterations. It would help a whole lot if there was a way to search for specific shows or channels. My settings on ""My Pluto"" on the website and my phone doesn't seem to carry over to the app on my Roku (i.e. channels I've chosen to hide still come up when I use the Roku app). Still in all, it's an ok app." "Not sure why extra ads are suddenly showing up 2 minutes after the last ad break and covering up portions of the show I am watching. I never get to see that scene. Also, why does pause mean having to restart the show from the beginning, even on Xfinity? I love having so many shows and movies I like here, many I can't get elsewhere. Hoping the shows stay and the glitches are fixed in next release. This has promise." This app has great range of movies and series. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 star is there is no search button anywhere within the app making searching for a specific film ridiculously hard. They have an option to add a movie to your watch list but the watch list is NO WHERE to be found!!! What's the point of giving you the option of a watchlist but not show it to you.. "it's a great platform yes, but comparing it to Xfinity would be a mistake. maybe if you guy's allow us to pause during live tv that would fix one problem. the other problem I'd like to address is the fact that your shows are monolingual. For example JoJo's bizarre adventure, you guys don't have the option for the show to be in English even though there's already an English version." "A good, free TV service. BUT, I have a couple of issues: the favorites list does not display at all. Second, CBSN does not cast at all. I contacted Pluto TV about this over a year ago, and they said they were aware of this issue and were working on a solution. Over a year has passed, and CBSN still does not cast. This is very frustrating, as I installed this app because it had CBSN. Currently waiting on a reply from Pluto TV." "Probably the best thing about this app is the horror movie selection. Other than that, it's pretty bad. For starters, theres no way to stop a live channel from playing while you look for something. There's also no search bar or filter button, nor are the movies alphabetized, so it's extremely hard to find the movie you're looking for." "There's a lot of good ideas here, but also a lot of broken things. You can hide channels you don't care about... until you close the app. You can select your favorite channels for their own list to easily access them... until you close the app. Everything resets every time. Love the programming, but the features need work." "This is a pretty good app. I do like quite a few shows, and because it's free I do expect to watch ads, however the volume difference from the show to the ad is crazy loud. Watching Bob Ross and going from his voice to an ear blasting ad is unpleasant. I also would like to see a search bar at some point, as some shows dont fit the category they're in and are difficult to find. There is also more buffering on this app than some others, and the edits to include ads can be pretty choppy." "The service provided is really good, but that's where it stops. The newest version doesn't let you scroll through the guide to see whats on when casting, The guide doesn't let you look hours ahead, you can't control volume with your devices volume buttons anymore. It's a real shame that as it seems the playback is more stable the app itself has gone backwards." "The service is great. Lots of very interesting movies. They do themes very well - James Bond one month, John Wayne the next, etc. However, the app lacks many simple features other video apps have. For instance, where is a search feature??? I would love to search and see if they are featuring something I want to watch. The ""favorites"" feature is very convoluted and doesn't seem to do anything once I'm logged in. All these lacks makes it my LAST CHOICE compared to Tubi, VUDU, Amazon Prime." "Great service, I really like the channels. The app needs improvement though. When you start casting, the TV Guide disappears and you are stuck with a channel up and channel down buttons, and the name of the channel you are watching. You have no way of knowing what the name of the show you are watching is unless you stop casting. Even worse if you want to navigate to a different channel, imagine trying to find what you want with a channel up and channel down buttons (not even a number pad). 3/5" "Would be nice if the portrait mode UI made better use of space to browse the guide, or allow it to stop what you're watching and make guide full screen. Who knows? Maybe you can and I just can't figure the UI out... Also I have trouble getting on-demand stuff to play in Chromecast, it just freezes or times out. And if the Ads were less repetitive I might be less annoyed, like if I could stop seeing the ad ""The ceremony was a blast!; But she's just a baby"" almost every break, sometimes even twice" "I really love the layout, it's actually sometimes nice to watch scheduled programming rather than the on demand style of Netflix and Hulu (because sometimes it's just nice to have someone else make a decision for you). But the same 3 or 4 commercials OVER AND OVER, especially the fact that the dang Panera soup commercial plays at least 3 to 8 times in a row is enough to drive the sanest person nuts." "Love it lots to watch never bored great app. I've had this app for sometime now I still enjoy it however way to many commercials and it sucks when your trying to watch a program and it's freezing then it will skip in to a commercial that will play great all while commercials on then go back to the program just to be freezing and skipping. But not during the commercials, don't make sense I'm thinking of uninstalling it not worth all this hassle. To bad thought was fun while it lasted!" "I don't have cable, because let's face it, it's way too expensive nowadays. So besides my digital box and streaming services, I'll use this occasionally to watch whatever is interesting on Pluto.. The downfalls are obviously the ads. There's a ton of them, every 3 or 5 minutes. And, when casting to my tv, it often just stops playing an audio, no matter the channel or show I'm casting." It cuts to a commercial at random times during the show. It can be at an important part of the show and it just starts playing a commercial. Then immediately after the commercial it starts buffering. I have really good wifi and none of my other apps have this issue. If you would fix it to stop all the buffering and work on better commercial placement then I would consider a higher rating. "Great tv selection, terrible schedule UX. At the end of the hour, it's hard to find any shows because they are hidden by the edge of your screen. To see the next slot in programming, you have to swipe... and it only shows the next shows on one channel. It gives me so much anxiety just using this app and I'm not someone to get anxious over nothing. The schedule is made SO badly. Another thing is, the commercials are always the same, but that really comes down to your ad people." "Since the last update I can no longer select from the list of shows, it doesn't seem to recognize my touch screen, and when it does, it doesn't select, it scrolls to the right. In order to see another show, i have to scroll one-by-one using the forward > and back < arrows. Also, the shows freeze up much more often once they finally load. Hopefully next update will be better, I don't use this app as much as I used to. I'll give it 5 stars when fixed." "love the content, and platform availability...however seems like the more you watch it, the more ads you are subjected to. When trying to watch a movie, they show 4 minutes of content, then 3 minutes of commercials. I now know I will never use a Mypillow, an ostomybag, or any of the other 3 items they have streamed 200 times during this movie. I get it. Pluto is free, and is ad-supported... but for crying out loud dial it back a bit guys." "I grew up watching TV with commercials so this isn't a problem. I do wish they wouldn't repeat the same commercials at every break A variety would appreciated. My big concern is when casting switching from commercials or back to the show, numerous times there is a sound distortion that is overwhelming. I found that if you hit the 10-second back feature it goes away. This is shouldn't happen. No other streaming service with commercials do I experience this glitch." "Great app, great content, BUT... starting to get a lot more commercials. I counted 6 during one break while watching on demand content. I watched a full episode, but missed the end, so I tried to go back and watch it, but was started from the beginning, then unable to fast forward to near the end, then has to sit through at least 2 commercial breaks of 6 commercials each." "It cuts out way too often using my Roku stick. That Discovey Ad runs way too much. I get tired of hearing about ""safe sex for you and your partner"" played extra loud every few minutes. The ""Add This to Your Favs"" popup that must be clicked on to remove is annoying. The smaller Menu font is annoying as well. Pros: All the episodes of some older shows I like." "The main problem I have with this app is watching the movies. If you ever have to stop watching a movie, you are screwed. Besides showing ads every 10 minutes, if you ever try to fast forward to get back where you were it stops every time for the ad break and forces you to watch the full duration of ads. So if you're an hour into a movie and stop, you will pretty much have to stop your fast forward 6 times for 3-5 minutes each. Pluto is my absolute last option for movie watching." Must give it 3 stars simply because it's free and has some fun throwback movies that are tough to find but...It's just to difficult to navigate without a search and a que tool. To have to search through everything every time just to choose a movie let alone finish something I was watching prior makes me not want to bother with it. If these features were installed it would be an easy 5 stars. "Great App! The only thing that's missing is a Search Button as well as a ""Resume"" option as other streaming services have. It would make things much easier, instead of having to scroll endlessly to find a new program or one you were already watching. Other than that, great selection of shows and free movies." "Good app, people complain about the ads which I understand but it's not THAT bad. My main problem is when I try and go on Twitter or something while the ads are going (which youre supposed to be able to do) sometimes the app just... Stops working, like you can't even open the app anymore no matter what you do, you have to literally restart you're phone which is fine if you didn't have to deal with it a lot but it happens once or twice every hour so please, for the love of God fix this" "Great choice for free cable, however the amount of anti-democrat commercials is insane. I get one or two literally every commercial break. It got to the point where I switched back to Netflix just to not hear them. The aggressive ads are so repetitive, and set to be louder, so it takes away from the actual show. I enjoy the app, but it needs more variety of ads." "*Edit - was great but as of late very long waits sitting at the Pluto TV animation screen. I mean several minutes! * Tons of content (mostly older shows though), HD, streaming has been flawless, and free. Definitely awesome. The app can use a lot of improvement though in navigation and it's annoying that as soon as you go in a show starts playing. Had to remove the app off my phone cause of this, was only going to use it as a guide on the phone. All said for free it's great." Descent content but stops often and searches for signal no matter how good of a signal you have. Very annoying and a 45 minute show can easily double in time. May end up deleting. Tonight it up and shut down in the middle of watching a program. Discovered update available. Installed update and now nothing will load. Tried shutting down device and it helped but still will not load anything so of absolutely no value if it can not be used. "You can't see what time the movie began and how much you've missed of it. it's difficult to impossible to see what's on next. I'm not sure if it's a problem with my phone or the app itself but, when I watch a movie from the movie list, my phone gets overwhelmed Powers off and goes into an endless recycle trying to reboot. Only because I am a little tech savvy am I able to break into the loop and fix it. Otherwise I would have to take it to repair center." 3 stars because I can't find the conspiracy channel anymore. So what happened to it? If you lose more channels I like then I'll take away more stars. App is okay. I use it less then I originally thought because it does have it's bugs & issues. Also the UI and layout of the app changed. Can't stand that when casting from phone now you can't see the current list of channels and shows. So it makes it completely difficult and unintuitive to surf and look for shows while casting. "It's decent, but at times, the editing sucks. Thumbnails appear in the middle of viewing with just a promo pic of the show stuck on the screen for several minutes. By the time the program returns to the screen, you've missed a good portion of the program you were watching. Irritating, and although it's a FREE service. Free shouldn't equate to sub-par. Improvements are needed." "Igreat content, but needs some basic fixes such as allowing viewers to save a 'watchlist' or 'favorites' from the movies/shows, so that one doesn't need to surf thru all the content each time one starts the app. Also needs a 'continue watching' section, to enable one to go back to what one was watching. Also, subtitles (closed captioning) currently not working, the CC button's down. Streaming/casting from Android, captions not visible even after turning them on in Android accessibility mode." "It is a nice app that offers a lot of content. It runs well on Android devices but, it really struggles to function with Roku TVs and sticks. Users should also be aware that there is a lot of fake news commercial breaks and left-wing propaganda. To that end, you might want to keep the mute button handy and the kids out of the room during these times." "The app its self is AMAZING, although there are many many glitches. While watching a movie, I skip some parts that I watched already. it then shows a message *cannot use controls during ads* or something like that, but here's the thing it's not on any sort of ad. The bar that shows you the time of the movie is also broken, as the previous glitch, it also makes the bar freeze, making it so that I can't skip any parts because againg there's an ""add"". Please fix this glitch and I'll rate it a 5 star" "The navigational issue that didn't allow the viewing of the live tv schedule while casting to a tv has been fixed. The video player still has major playback issues when viewing on demand. Can't navigate to other parts of a video, it alerts that you can't do that during z commercial and it's not a commercial. The slider is pointless. Pause randomly works and then the video returns to the beginning. CC, when it finally kicks in starts from the beginning dialog when you're in the middle of the film" "Repetitive programming -- news channels are just clips from the last few days played over and over. A movie that I'm watching for the last 2.5 hours has a commercial break about every 5-7 minutes with the same maddening commercials. If you like a particular show like South Park you can search for it and find a marathon of them playing right after the next. I think there's even a Price is Right channel, for example. It's a decent alternative to paid cable." Over all I think the app is good. Like the add-ons. Only problem is on mobile devices where the touch screen is not at its best. Could not navigate smoothly. Hard to move because it doesn't go by touch but works like an invisible mouse. And when you have pop up menu it goes away when you go to another app and come back. If you want to copy a text from another app then come back and input or try to paste on the pop-up menu you can't. Makes it a little challenging I've been using Kodi for 7yrs now. There's a bit of a learning curve when you 1st set it up. It seems like a daunting task but it really is simple. Reading a set up guide is easy enough for beginners you don't need to watch dozens of videos to figure it out. There's nothing better. I have a plex media server and 3 other streaming services that I don't use. It works perfectly on my PCs and shield tv however no longer works on my ZFold Goes straight to black screen. Hopefully there's a patch soon I have been reading alot of the reviews on this app; I too agree there is a huge crash problem. However; my advice to those who know their devices... (As a dev) it is possible to set your device to install from unknown sources from a web browser and find an older version of the Kodi app like Leah 18.9. By doing so you won't have as many crashes and it will help with some of the bug issues. "Edit: Okaaaay, switching the phone to 60hz (standard refresh rate) allowed me to enter the app. Changing the APP'S refresh rate from 60 to 48 allows it to work on my phone. Probably has something to do with Variable Refresh Rate, so check that first. Now that I'm in, the UI looks awful and I'm stuck in landscape. Features over Plex seem interesting, but fairly niche on a phone. Original: Doesn't work on S20+ running 1UI4 and Android 12. Dumps me into a black screen. Plex seems to work better." "TerrariumTV was miles & away better than Kodi, but unfortunately was shut down by the developer. Kodi is very average, works okay on PC & phone...but, almost useless on Amazon fireTV or Android TV's. Loads very slowly and crashes a lot. Don't believe when you're told that you have a bad internet connection, something wrong with your TV (or external Android device), the build/add-ons that you've installed on it, or that you're not issuing it for it's intended use. TerrariumTV, side-by-side, was quick, efficient, and crash-free. Umpteen updates still haven't fixed the problems with Kodi. It's a shame, bc of it worked the way it should, it would be awesome...but, then again, they'll tell you until they're blue in the face that it's not for illegal streaming (when they know full well it is) it's just an innocent platform. Sure, whatever. Do yourselves a favor and find another ""innocent platform"". Cheers, all!" "I've set up my Kodi with OneDrive, successfully updates library. However I'm encountering the issue that after playing the movie, the movie hangs and freezes after a few seconds making them unplayable. I thought it may have just been that the 4K movies are too much for it too handle but HD movies don't play either. I'm using a Samsung Tablet. EDIT: redirecting movies to VLCPlayer fixes issue (4k works too) but some features will not work with it. Short episodes of series work natively in kodi." Not bad but needs fixing i leave the app for a few hours and then it breaks and i would have to reinstall it.please fix this ive had to reinstall over 10 times. "Kodi is a really great file player for HTPCs. It's easy to use and has a great user interface. It's also very versatile, allowing you to access videos, music, and photos from a variety of sources. Overall, it's a great media player and I highly recommend it." "I've been using Kodi for years, but I do not like this new version, kodi 20.0. I can not get the PVR stations like I had in Kodi 19.3. The live tv I get on apps stops working all the time. And now the Crew app IPTV stopped working. USTVGO no longer works, and the Mad TV PVR is not available on kodi 20.0. I really hope this all gets fixed or I am going back to Kodi 19.3." "Hi, I am unable to install IPTV simple client. It's showing error ""connection lost"". Could you please solve this?" "Lorraine, My S22 ultra did the same black screen of death Go to settings display change screen resolution to HD+(1544 x 720), and change screen mode to natural. Restart the phone and try Kodi again it has started properly since that change hope that helped you to see the results you've gotten prior. If you have not yet fixed this issue, try it out. Regards. After the update, I've Reverted to a higher resolution and have not yet had any issues to date" "A testimonial of the Kodi app for Android mobile devices. The app itself is functional, however it's not the main Kodi application. This means that you'll need to give your own web content. Additionally, Kodi enables you to mount third-party plugins, which might supply access to material that's freely offered on the official web content company site. Any type of various other methods of seeing unlawful material which would otherwise be spent for is not endorsed or approved by Group Kodi." "I have tried to use this app for at least 10 years and every time I get frustrated by the complex and unintuitive setup, and the Terrible navigation." "Dear Kodi Team, Before version 20.0 it was working like a charms but since new version is released it does not seem to work at all. I am getting key error 18 post IPTV Simple client installation is successful. Any solution on this please." Fantastic little app with tonnes of options my only problem is that when I cast to my TV there is a 5 second delay between it playing on my phone and the TV but the audio is right "User interface is rough. - In poster view, most of the screen area doesn't respond to scrolling. - You can accidentally start media playback by tapping ""options"" if there is a thumbnail ""behind"" the button. - When the options panel is open, tapping outside it doesn't just close the panel, but starts whatever media your finger landed on. - In InfoWall mode, there is an annoying animation after each scroll gesture that briefly prevents further scrolling. - Review length limit reached :( Google..." "Don't know what the hell is going on over the past couple weeks but I have not been able to use Kodi in about a month. Been using it on a Samsung S22 Ultra plus for 6 months flawlessly and now I get some message about a bug but the developers trying to fix then my phone puts it a ""deep sleep"" automatically. Not at all pleased." I really enjoy the app since I prefer my own media servers. tThe only problem that I have is that a constantly crashes. Then after restarting both apps the one on my fire stick and the one on my phone. sometimes I even uninstall then reinstall Kodi. Because they don't recognize each other even though they're both on the same network and I turned off any security just in case. I would love if the developer team of Kodi would chime in and lets us know the requirements we need to run Kodi smoothly After TV update to Android 8.0 version or Kodi update to 18.6 version it became impossible to watch some videos. Sound is unsynchronized and none settings help to solve the problem. It is great app. I used it on my TV for 2 years and didn't have any problems earlier. Its so sad that there is no solution for the sound syncing problem. Manual changing of offset is not a reasonable solution. "I installed it on my Android TV & it is the better media player compared to the others. Things I don't like about the app: The media control don't go in auto hide when you play files. Unable to disable the category widgets, they are still there even if you disabled it. Unable to adjust the soundbar volume separately - unlike with other media players you can separetely adjust the TV volume and the soundbar volume. Hopefully, on the next update this will be fixed & a better splash screen design." "I've been using Kodi for the past years in Windows. A couples months ago decided to install the android version in my phone. The iptv was working fine until the last update, I think. Now I can only see something through iptv using my data plan, because if I connect to a WiFi it doesn't work. But before it was perfect..." "For those who are facing the black screen issue, try lowering down your screen refresh rates to 60hz. Worked for me. And yes, this bug has happened before on previous versions of Kodi and has been fixed before. No idea why it is happening again. Hope this helps." "genious app, runs fine on my philips tv and is the only app, which can stream from my NAS. BUT: one thing i have to mention. unfortunately, kodi does not properly distinguish between data and cache. my tv has limited resources, which makes it necessary to clean kodis ""cache"" (which can grow easily over 2GB) from time to time. but ""cache"" is always 0B and all is under ""data"". once i clean that, ALL config is gone and i can start configuring all plugins and shares from scratch. VERY NASTY." Please fix the new version! Too many bugs. Keeps crashing. "Horrible. It doesn't have any kind of material - you need to give your very own from a regional or remote storage space location, DVD, Blu-Ray or any type of other media carrier that you have. Furthermore, Kodi permits you to mount third-party plugins that might give access to web content that is easily readily available on the main material provider web site. Any various other ways of viewing unlawful material which would certainly or else be spent for is not backed or accepted by Team Kodi." "This application is good but some challanges in this application while running in Android TV. Botallen repository is not updated also multiple channels are stucked on every version, we have using speed 50 to 100 Mbps in Android tv version 9.0 still it's not woking properly. Could you please check and develop more suitable for above configuration." "No longer working. The PVR start up manager no longer work, it keep saying pvr manager starting up for over 1 hr, please fix the problem." "I use Kodi on a couple of tablets, a PC and an Android TV and find it excellent maintaining a cross platform media library run with a MySQL server on a Windows 10 machine and a couple of NAS devices. Unfortunately and for reasons unknown it doesn't work on my Pixel 5 phone. It used to but now all I get is a black screen, clearing storage and cache, reinstalling and updating to 19.4 makes no difference. Strange. If it worked on my phone I'd be giving 5 stars for this otherwise excellent app." "When I first installed kodi it worked like a charm, but now it always say no streaming available, I don't understand what happen, my software was updated but that never was a problem before. Now I can't stream any movies no matter what which site I choose. I'm very dissatisfied. And there I've uninstall and reinstall the app several times and still no improvement." "Great - when it works. Video controls on ISO DVD are unresponsive half the time and I have to reinstall Kodi for the controls to work. Also, I cannot add my movies stored on an external hard drive to the library and I'm forced to navigate to my video files everytime." it keeps failing on Chromecast "Please improve the smart playlists, so I can apply them to everything in a particular folder and any regular playlist by adding rules, instead of having to use metadata that I can't edit, so half my music videos aren't included. I particularly want rules based on play count and when a file was last played." "Great app to organize your movies! I enable ""look for remote UPnP players"" in services settings so i can use my samsung 4k built in video player. Because I've noticed that 1080p movies looks better using my TV's video player than my Mi Box S/Kodi. The problem is...the volume is always set to 100%. It feels like I need to change my underwear everytime! Wish that it can detect my TV's current volume level. Or set it 10% NOT 100%. Also, I've set my Mi Box S resolution to 4k but Kodi still in 1080p." I install the android version once a year to see if improved. Year after year its the same. Unuseable on mobile. Gui is terrible. When using a remote control however on something like a firetv it's the best bar none. Amazed no built in cast option either / its media after all. "Probably the best Video decoder... The quality of videos via kodi exceeds that of VLC. I prefer it over vlc but because it has ""skipping ahead and backward"" problems, I'm unable to fast forward or backward at times when I Use this as an player for network streaming... WHICH IS THE ONLY THING WHICH MAKES IT AWFUL." "kodi Leia keep freezing and crashing, every time i use it. Please made a kodi alternative on Android. Finally Kodi Leia 18.3 works in my box without crashing it. But is not perfect. I lost brightness and contrast. If I uncheck hardware acceleration, I got them back, but also get stop motion movies. Yeah. New version, new problems. i will go back to Kodi 17.6." "Lot of features, but interface is excessively complicated and clumsy, and doesn't (always?) respect platform specific practices (eg exit with back button on android, or windowed mode on windows). Nice for downloading subtitles, but then just use sg else to watch, like vlc..." Can't paste into any of the custom form ui elements when setting up a network share. They just close instead of bringing up the standard paste option. Very inconvenient. Haven't been able to add anything yet due to how annoyingly hard it is to add network shares. Touch controls are terrible. They have no improvement since years. Is difficult to select something just to see the info without playing it. Always do the wrong thing. There are no any options to customize touch screen control and gestures. Please improove controls for touch screen devices! "I love that you have so many options here the problem is getting it all set up correctly. If I had proper instructions I'm sure it would have worked for me but It was my choice to try to do it myself so I'm not gonna knock them to many stars down . I did get it working for a min tho and you would never need anything other than this app for watching movies , tv and anything else you wish to watch." "The new version loads, but after the first time using an add on, the screen just goes black after showing the loading screen. Even clearing the cache and closing the app doesn't work. Using a S20 Ultra." "Up to 18.9 is fantastic and I would not consider anything else. But v19 is a mess. It does not identify my USB hard drives properly and rewinding my video files when I resume them after standby causes total chaos. Thankfully, I could download and install v18.9 manually and the good old Kodi is back." "The app is really nice for TV. But it has been observed that not all the locally stored contents can be seen in the library. Some time we have to scan to library to get the content reflected on screen. Developers, please resolve this issue." Installed on Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra and after accepting file access permission just goes to a black screen. Cannot change with reinstall or clearing cache etc. Needs fix Update. After doing my own research the issue is with ANY display refresh settings over 60hz so make sure you lower your refresh to install this and it works. "I am experiencing random crashes (mostly while exiting from the app) and a little stuttering while playing 720p videos there. Occassionally, the screen turns distortedly white when seeking forward. It wasnt present in the 17.6 build. Kindly look into it." "Lack of Subtitles support in UTF 8 is really disappointing. I am part of a voluntary subtitle creating group. Seeing our hard worked Subtitle as squares in Kodi is really disappointing. Plex, Jellyfin are playing subtiles UTF 8 another asian languages very well. I always thought that on next update it will be okay. But never sorted out. Seems like developers are not at all interested in subtitle support." Well I finally got it fully up and running. It took the better part of 2 hours to find the right addon that works but at least now I can watch whatever I want on my phone. I would recommend the media app if you're watching on firestick. Much easier to figure out. "Please add support for wider screens, I have a 18:9 screen which can take advantage of ultrawide content like movies but instead I just have black bar on the side ""simulating"" 16:9 screen and it's really annoying, other than that its very stable it works perfectly." "Every other app I've tried works with my Windows machine to set up a media server. Except for Kodi. I love it, it's 10 better than anything else.. But unfortunately it no longer works for the Mibox with a windows machine as the content machine." "Why doesn't admin reply to any of the poor reviews, where people are explaining their problems, with answers, fixes and explanations. As I'm keen to install this app as I used it on android boxes in the past, and want to begin using it again, but I'm reluctant to do so until I'm satisfied the issues everyone is having with 18 is fixed. Please explain these error issues and the fixes for them. I get some people may not fully understand this software but many understand and still have issues." "Dolby atmos on Philips Oled935 is not working. Reverting back to Lea 18.9 fixes the problem, both 19.0 and 19.1 have this issue. Next to this PVR video is unstable, tested with tvheadend plugin. Again fully stable on 18.9. keep up the good work, looking forward to future updates that work good enough for daily use, for now I stay on 18.9" Working good. But sometimes it crashes. 1080p resolution not working this app please fix this "App is not sending HD audio signals(dolby true hd or dts hdma( from android TV to AV receiver. My TV has earc feature and it is connected with av receiver which has earc option. Any options to include it. Other than that, this app is very good." Would give 5 if the app is latest 19.4 and fix black screen issue for new phones with High resolution. Had to always go to settings and lower the refresh rate to 60 every time I want to use kodi app which is frustrating. Also the app is not the latest at least in the play store. It's installing 19.3v where as their website and the app after installed asking to update to 19.4 Quality is quite average of channels and sometimes this app dosen't work but quality of HD channels is good... Kodi Android is currently broken and black screens on most devices as of 12/9/21. Waiting for an update that fixes it. Otherwise it's a good app for watching your videos when connected to a big screen. I just installed this on my new phone. When I open the app and confirm the permissions it says it's preparing for the first run.. then I get just a black screen. UPDATE: Kodi does not like refresh rates higher than 60 HZ. I changed the display setting from 120 HZ to 60 HZ and voila! Kodi is working again. It would be nice if the devs would add a warning or notification at startup so users can be made aware of this. There are so many negative reviews that involve this very problem. "Not good through play store,but has a workaround. If you see a black screen download version 19.0 from Google and disable automatic updates in the play store,then you should be fine." "Not working on Pixel 4 XL. I get a permanent black screen. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Worked on the first load after reinstalling then stuck on black screen again after. Clear cache, storage, force stop, relaunch...no luck." The controls are wonky. Trying to fast forward is very difficult. The touch controls don't react very well and are difficult to operate at times. "Latest update to 20.0 is whack, developers should fix all the bugs." "Cannot copy-paste. I typed two looong URL hashes twice and both times it didn't save anything. Also, unable to play in background, while other apps easily can. Avoid or fix." I have to lower the refresh rate on my Mi 11 ultra to 60Hz otherwise I simply get a black screen. Can't find any option in the Kodi app to run at 120Hz. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a high end display. I notice lots of reviews Samsung S21 ultra users with the same issue. Presumably it is the same problem and should be an easy fix by the developers. "What the heck? It asks to sign up for real debrid. You can't watch movies even you have real debrid account. It's a monopoly, it's better to watch movies on buy rent on YouTube, Netflix and Amazon. What's the benefit of having Kodi? Kodi has to be free streaming as it's used to be. Internet movies are completely legal as I heard in the news. Source: BBC news. Kodi not installing on oppo4 pro5. Kindly find solutions." it's elleclent but fails to update why will not update to latest version in play store? "App works great, except for one issue. When I try to install Pluto.tv, it crashes the app. It doesnt do this on the desktop version, so I know it's not an issue with Pluto.tv. Please fix this. It's one of the biggest reasons I got this app." Kodi is a difficult app to use and also it lacks needed attributes. It's user interface is obsoleted and there are a lot of pests that make it almost pointless. "I use kodi on linix and Xbox one no problems at all, on Android this build is trash, wont even load for me. Devs fix your app quickly please, for those who believe you get the content of say net flix your wrong kodi is a MEDIA PLAYER nothing more, i use it day to day as its the best media player for watching my dvd collection plus a nice media library" App shuts down when installing a zip file on andriod tv. "Kodi does not work on my Samsung tab s8. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but all I get is a blank black screen... I have now given up... However it works well on all of my other devices, so I am puzzled why it doesn't work on this device???" "Well, after getting a blank screen soon after the installation using v19 for some time now, I set my screen refresh rate from 120khz to 60khz and now Kodi is loading. Apparently, Kodi doesn't support refresh rates higher then 60khz. Will update my rating once the developers address this issue. Kodi should support this, it's already 2021 and most of the new phones released now has this setting by default. And the users should not have to figure this out by themselves." "For those with blank screens, turn off smooth display. This shouldn't need to be required and is something that needs fixing but at least there is a workaround for now" "Everything works great, except for the Bug on my S22 Ultra, app will stay black screen when opened.... In order to work I need to disable the 120hz screen and set it to 60hz and it will work." Kodi 19 is not great.The channels freaze frequently. At starting its always search channels. The add on feature is horrible. I am unable to understand the feature. I ONL USE KODI TO WATCH WRESTLING CRICKET AND IN FREE TIME TV SHOWS. KODI NEED MORE IMPROVEMENT. I have been using this app for last 1year on my android tv but now it suddenly stopped working. Botallen repository not found error pop-up. I have tried lots of ways lotsoff YouTube videos but didn't get any solution. embarassing now please provide solution "Handling is somehow difficult for beginners. Default Keyboard is very tough to enter values and so many manual steps for adding add-ons. Other way , It is free to use , so less complain." "After many years of 5 star service, I've awoken this morning to find my app is gone from my system and seems to just pend when I try to reinstall; is this something to do with the most recent update? Is anyone else going through this??" kodi would be more amazing If pip(picture in picture) option is available. constantly need to update the version of kodi to keep the damn thing from locking up or crashing. even the latest version has a lot of bugs. GUI on android tablet is horrendous. Clicking on one folder opens an entirely different one. Very difficult to maneuver around menus "Upgraded today from v17 to v18 Leia on my Samsung SMT-350 (android v7) ok with retention of network shares and library, not so good after upgrading Kodi on my Samsung SMT-380 (android v8) as there were no retention of shares or library... neither device can now search the local network using samba. Using a file explorer I can search the network just fine. Uninstalling and reinstalling Kodi on the SMT-380 made no difference, some skins not available/listed, unable to add network location." "The good about this update is it allows a background for subtitles which is fantastic. But now it can't play my dvd ISO files like last time. please fix that and for me, that would be best." don't upgrade to Leia that's a big mistake. God I wish I had never upgraded I should have just left it alone and turned off automatic updates. It crashes and hang all the time now It was a good app However it seems to use a lot of data Needs to be improved for smartphones with low storage! With 8GB and 16GB!! Does having External Memory help? "I used to use it to connect to my myth TV backend. Used to work. Now it won't. Still plays movies from a directory shared via sshfs, so does work. Just not for what I want to use it for. Desktop versions work fine." please ad the ability to copy/paste in app. it's so hard to type long repository addresses not to mention if you switch to another app while typing it resets. It doesn't even start properly... Even if we somehow get past the initial loading... It almost takes forever to load databases and feels like it's stuck. "This app is amazing and thank you for your hard work put in side of this app but if possible can you please remove some of the unnecessary features on the mobile app, most features on the mobile app is hardly used so the app feels a little to crowded with unnecessary junk." Kodi 19 is not worth downloading. There are very few apps that will work on it. Kodi should not have changed to python 3 until the app providers had the chance to update . Works really well. But take too long to load even with fast internet. And UI is kind of outdated. "Gives black screen, with Galaxy Tab S8. This app is not compatible with 120hz display. Works fine if changing back to 60hz in android settings. Another option is to downgrade the version back to Kodi 18, as this will work fine with 120hz." I'm using the upnp function of this app with another app but the video always stops playing within 15 minutes because kodi doesn't stay open in the background for long. Not sure if it is an android issue. Please fix this? I have used this item before but that was on a amazon fire TV stick but now I have switched to Mobile it just A:doesn't work and B: Dosent fit in and that has made me sad because I like the app and I would recommend it but just not on mobile divices. If you want any more details just reply and I will awnser them ASAP thank you Samsung phone not accessible. I don't want to just see the video files on my memory card I wan jy to find aan be access the path on my phone to my videos. This was able to be done on Huawei suerly this better platform should shine more 😫 "I found Kodi on Android confusing. Kodi is developed on Ubuntu Linux. Put it on anything else (including Android) and the team can't help you. As soon as I get Kodi working, an upgrade makes all the add-ons incompatible." After V 18.0 Leia update (including 28/02/2019 V 18.1 update) cannot play any AVI video file. I downgraded to V 17.6 to solve the issue. Bug fix needed ASAP. MODEL: V88 Android Version: 6.0.1 It works well on my android except every once in a while the touch features won't work properly and I have to use a keyboard or controller to make it work and it won't work with a mouse works great normally but now i keep only getting a black screen on initial start up. need an update to fix. i have tried all the methods to have it work again with no avail. I don't know what's been going on the past lil while but do people not check the streams to make sure they r what they r suppose to be. Seems more lately that I click on a show and it's not the right show AT ALL. Not happy and I've been using Kodi for years. "Have used this app for years and it has been good. Recently, some in article ads have sound and there is no way/setting to suppress that w/n the app. I am hoping that a developer reads this review and fixes that. In public catching up on the news and suddenly there is music/advertisement and everyone is looking at you. Not cool." "Have used this app for years. Recently it's become almost unwatchable for the live stream news. Loops video every 30 seconds, and ads out the wazoo. Pre-recorded shows from the prior night still work good for my drive to work, but the live stream has become so frustrating it's unwatchable. I too have uninstalled, reinstalled, logged in again. Etc" "The latest update makes the apps main page look really poor. Huge fonts and it does not follow my phone's dark theme setting. the browse pages still look good. Also, in the browse sections (science, tech, etc), ""news""stories can be days and even weeks old and keep hanging around until I read them..(am I being forced to read some stories?) Over the last 2 years things are getting worse and advertising seem to be driving the Fox news app.." "App needs work, as I am scrolling through stories, it suddenly clears and reloads the story at the top,so I need to go down to where I was, often not doing so because it is to difficult to find the spot. It also automatically clicks on ads as you scroll down, and when you click out of the ad it takes you all the way to the front of the article, this is very annoying." Decent news that's not reported accurately on the other major networks. Some occasional poor editing. The reason I'm giving 3 stars is the recent update took away my ability to shut off notifications. I've put up with it a couple weeks now. I looked more than once to find a way to turn them off again. But there's no longer a method. So i deleted the app. "Edit: I appreciate the response. I finally got the app after years of reading Fox on an RSS reader. The ads make it difficult to read on a reader, making the page jump around as they load and refresh. Now in the app, I get an add at the bottom of the page to read the article in the Fox News app. I'm using the app! It's getting to the point of stopping reading Fox altogether." "Annoyed. Recently the app has started to refresh while I am reading a story. This boots you out of the story you are reading and sends you back to the main page, where you have to hunt to find the story you were reading. Also, if I want to listen to audio, it now stops playing when I turn the screen off-why? But if I accidentally click on a video or one automatically activates, it continues to play in the background no matter what, until i go to the main screen, then video, then close out." "This is my go-to app for news, but the app has a serious flaw. After playing a video, you cannot shut it down, but by closing the entire app. The video player just dissappears from view. Also, the ads are long, they repeat the same ones over and over, and take a long time to load. I often uninstall the app when I can't take it anymore, but where else am I going to go to stay informed? Often, old news is repeated and displayed along with current events. Very confusing!" "Has good Fox News articles that are generally slanted conservative. This is what I prefer. However there's a problem with their notifications. About half of them fail to open with a screen displayed that says Oops, a mistake has occurred. Retry? After multiple retrys the screen remains and I can only access the story by searching through the list of articles." "This ""app"" is nothing but a shell that saves you the trouble of typing in the URL every time you want to see Fox News. Yes it shows you all the Fox news but it also shows you on every single page a reminder to be sure and use the fox app. This gets extremely annoying after the third article. Come on people, do some intelligent coding!" "The app was great, unfortunately (especially for some of their talent) Fox News has made the choice to compromise on their integrity, and join the ranks of their competitors when it comes to their reporting, or lack thereof. Never thought I would see it. They were the one place the nation could turn for the truth. Now, they're fast becoming just another CNN." "There are way too many repeated articles in this news app, whether through written and/ or videos! All throughout! And unimagitive, writers etc., to keep same old news articles cropping up from 2-3 weeks back, some times more! Need to get off butts and keep updating all the news! More than likely getting news from other sources! And then repeating in one form or another throughout the app!" "Every time I watch something for a few minutes it goes 2 commercials over and over again sometimes every two minutes before I can watch something else. And no way to stop the commercial or the ad. It is so annoying and lots of times I don't get the whole show I just get bits and pieces of it, and then there's two rows of shows that are locked all the time I can't even watch them" "Frustrating as hell, pages jumping around, a blast of music in the background periodically when I'm on the app or not, I turn my tablet off and during the fricking night it blasts music from no where, no way to turn it off except for uninstalling it and keep it uninstalled, even with my volume turned all the way down. I know its not on my part, other people has complained. I used to love this app but there's no way, fix it and I'll come back. ty" "I have no issues using the app to watch live news on my iPad mini. But my Galaxy S8+ is a different story. I keep getting an error, that unfortunately I am not authorized to watch live news, although I have a cable provider and password. I wish I had not updated this app. It worked on my new phone when I first bought it earlier this year. There is not even a way to login to my provider. As soon as I click watch live I get an error." "I love this app. But, you need to fix a bug. When I get a push notification and I click on it, it directs me to my Google browser. Then I click on the button ""view in app"". It then takes me to the Google play store where I have to click ""open"". Then it opens the app, but at the beginning of the home page of the app. I then have to scroll to find the story I was originally trying to view. This is getting annoying." "I love the app when it is working, however lately I have a lot of issues being able to watch TV on the app. Some days it won't let me in, other days it just sits and buffers, despite a strong wifi and fast internet speed." "It's a good app, my big problem is that I can't cast shows on to my TV anymore. I can watch it on my phone. But why should I do that when I can watch it on a bigger screen? This was never a problem before, why now? This is ridiculous. Below, is the error message that I get when I try to cast it: ""Only FOX News and FOX Business live channels can be casted at this time. Click the button below to watch FOX News or FOX Business live."" WATCH FOX NEWSLIVE WATCH FOX BUSINESS LIVE DISCONNECT" It would have been 5 stars...but they blank out stories when you scoll past an ad. Very annoying and it wasn't always like that. It has caused me to use it less! Get rid of that functionality. "I enjoy the fox news content. However, it's made difficult to follow with constant junk dropping in while trying to follow a story. The articles are always followed by click bait. it's very annoying. As with many others, I'm considering going elsewhere for my primary news source." "Their idea of important ""breaking"" news and mine are vastly different. I would advise turning off notifications. It gets ridiculous. I thought the world was ending this morning, 3 notifications before 9:00 am, on a Sunday. Turns out really nothing but the breaking news sky was falling." "In the past, I've had good luck using the app. I just uploaded it to a new TV after having not used the app in a while. When I try to watch the live broadcast of Fox News, it keeps switching to Fox Weather, Fox Radio, or Fox Business. To say it's annoying is an understatement. I enjoy having Fox News on for noise and to watch in the office and at home, even when working. Now it's a frustration." "App doesn't remember where you left off in a video when a call comes through, just resets the video, so annoying! Suffer through initial ads again and have to try to remember exactly how far you were. Can't turn off screen to let the audio play through, that'd be a nice touch when trying to work and save battery." After every commercial or news cast the player cuts off. Every time! It's getting highly annoying restarting it after every commercial. Please help. And when a replay from Fox news gets close to the end it slows down so bad I can't understand them and get frustrated and turn it off. I don't want to stop listening 😭 "No reliable link to crossword puzzle. Lost it in the middle of working it, now I'll have to wait till the link shows up again tomorrow or the next day or the next day to finish it, if it does ever show up again." "Used to watch all the time.lately though I have been getting more diverse information and stories on NewsMax. Today is not a good day for you . Nobody I know cares about excessive coverage of murder trial. There are many other stories. Why is the trial such a big deal? Why does it rate as the number one story for so many ""hours"" that no other stories are covered?" Enough with the breaking news notifications! 99 percent of it isn't breaking news. I had to turn off everything Fox is my go to news including this app but recent changes are becoming just annoying. My biggest problem with the app is you are now just putting up many videos instead of articles. If I want a video I can go to Fox Nation but when I come here I want to read. The multiple ads flashing in the articles make them difficult to read and follow. Please go back to previous versions!!!!! Newest update is a big step back. Definitively only trying to drive ad views. White backgrounds on headlines look cheap. Dark mode option not working. Worst is removing navigation from one story to the next with a sideswipe. Having to back out of each story makes app unnecessarily inconvenient. "This is the only news app I use other than one for my local news. It is beyond frustrating that every alert now goes through the web instead of directly to Fox News. I hate this! Other than that, I like the app and have used it for years." Could someone please fix the app? For months when you scroll down to exclusive videos and you click on show more it will say error loading content and says try again. No matter how many times you try to loading the videos. Thank you Ads are way too long. Some ads are longer than the clip. How do you turn off loud alert sound;it dongs and that wakes me up. Distracts other times. news is great Why can't I hide the video overlay controls when watching your videos on my android? This only happens on Fox News videos. "Great on air personalities, especially Tucker Carlson. This App seems to be supplied by folks just reading the internet then filling it with ads and who cares ""entertainment"" stories. Its become like reading Facebook over someone's shoulder." I absolutely love @LauraIngram @SeanHannity and very disappointed in the firing of @TuckerCarlson. I used to rate 5⭐ but not anymore when they cow down to ridiculous allegations. Used to be the ONLY America 1st but typical beaurocacy BS...DO BETTER! "It has settings to turn off notifications, but they don't work. I get notifications all day long, with very loud and annoying ringtones." "Have used this app for years, been having trouble the same complaint, articles opening in web. Maybe its because I now have an ad every 3rd article. It apears to be more ads than news sometimes" The reoccurring ads one right after the other for 50 floors is just ridiculous they must run 10 of them one right after the other. I just want to not even watch Fox News because of it! It used to just open up on my app now I get two notifications one on the app and one on chrome. When I click on the app it gives me the story in tiny letters. At the bottom it ask if I want to see on the app then tap it asks me if I want to open the app?????🙄 "How come every time I click on a notification to read the article, it opens the article in my web browser and the app? Very very annoying" I like using the app because I'm in Thailand and all I get on tv is worthless anti Trump CNN. The problem is it freezes up every single time I use it after 15 or 20 minutes. I have to close the app and open again a bit later. Pain in the neck. I'm updating in a minute so maybe it's been fixed. Only issue I've had really. Easy to use and I can see many videos from the shows I like. Thank You for all of Carol Burnett. Her shows etc...Ms Carol Burnett her hosts makes my heart feel Fantastic....Noone like her also the others on her shows... Thank You so much Slow to load. App shuts down while loading. Using mobile data Installed this to get notifications on breaking news. It seems now that every story is breaking news. Ended up turning off notifications. "Recently, many of the notifications open in a web browser window when clicked. This is a pain and needs to be fixed." I wish it was easier to use. Kinda makes me mad when it has feeds that are 3 days old that day Live on them. Just because it was recorded live doesn't mean it is live right now. Please fix this and I'll give it 5 stars as I love Fox News. No different than CNN at times :^( This used to be my favorite news outlet it was the app I used most so it makes me sad but the way they covered the election was like a slap in the face IDK what's going on at Fox but I feel like they stabbed me in the back "Definitely not right wing. Rarely shows the face of the criminals. Not that many news stories on feed. Opens a new link when going to Fox Business, also does not keep black screen goes to White." The app wouldn't load and I left a bad review. Within hours I was contacted by the makers of the app to see how they could help. I honestly didn't expect anyone to care. Now the app works great. Too many pop-ups stuff that is not of interest! "While I am a huge fan of Fox News, I am not a fan of the App, installed on my TV. It is sometimes slow and pixelly, but the greatest annoyance is the dialogue box that asks "" Are you still watching?""........Much like big brother, .......Ok....I have it on, why do you want me to answer? If I want to turn it off, I will turn it off. No longer using the app, for this reason alone." "Hate that I can't connect live about half the time. Also that when commercials are on, they can't just fill the entire break so that there isn't a silence." "Please fix your app. The live TV version keeps spinning. This seem very common with all the comments section in the downloading the Google play store. I had a buddy try it on another device/android with a different provider and received the same results. CNN live TV works. I only downloaded to see if it was my phone, but it was not. It appears to be with the fox app or google/Android is playing games, which would not surprise me. Thank you!" "Love the news. Hate that the app constantly sends notifications of ""breaking news"" even though I have turned them ALL off. I have contacted them with no reply and no bug fix. I may just disable the app. The notifications come at all different times, they are loud, and they interrupt things going on around me at work." "Had this app for years and have dealt with their decisions to change things. Now, I see that when you click a pic within a story to enlarge, it is now smaller and you can't zoom in. It was bad enough that you tease a pic with the storyline and as you drill down to see that pic it's not even in the story to see. Change the pic option back so we can enlarge if desired. Very disappointed!" "Overall used to be a good app. I could catch up on shows I missed. Havent been able to for the last month. I have uninstalled and reinstalled a few times. Every time I try to watch the latest episodes it keeps telling me that my free trial is about to end in 10 but never loads. I sign in with my cable provider, so it shouldn't be under a free trial. I hope they fix this. If they do I'll give it 5 stars." I can hardly take the sponsored ads. They are Trashy and I'm sick of T&A while just trying to read the news. "Fox you may want to check the ads showing up on your app. Do you have any control of the ads? I hadn't changed any settings; but recently most ads are of scantily clad women in provocative poses. I clicked the ""x"" top right in ad to delete but that doesnt seem to remove. Just doesn't seem appropriate for a news app!" My issue is not with the content. For some reason when I am in an article and scrolling up it keeps jumping back up to the top of the article. I can't finish it gets frustrating. Just started couple of months ago. I have a Samsung 7 S Edge. I haven't tried it from fox website to see if it does the same. Just wish it were fixed. "Still some issues. This month this app used 4 gigs of my mobile data because when when I tap the home button (Verizon LG v20) it opens your videos and begins playing one in the background. I try to catch this when it happens but since my sound is usually off I don't notice. There are an unacceptable number of typos, dead links, and empty pictures. Overall it works well enough and since I really prefer fox News and don't like the repeat-everything-50-times style of 24 hour tv news I use this." "For over a year, it worked great. After a recent update, when viewing the text of an article, it continuously scrolls back to the top of the article. You have to fight with it to try to read the article. This is on my Samsung 7 phone, which I keep updated consistently. Please fix this issue, or I will be forced to uninstall the Fox News app." I have the same problem as previous reviewer. The app only runs a few minutes and then quits. I have to close it out and start it up again just to get a few more minutes out of it. I know my phone did a recent security patch update which is a Motorola. I don't believe that is the issue because all my other streaming apps work. Hopefully Fox figures it out quickly or they're going to lose a lot of listeners "Too many repeats! If I don't read it at the top of my feed, I don't want to see it three more times as I scroll down. And when I finally make it to Technology, for example, I want to see Technology, not more of the same political garbage that I've already scrolled past. Please clean up your feed! It's becoming unworthy of my time!" Recently I have been having similar issues to others with the app opening the weblink for the article with the notification to open in the Fox news app instead. After dealing with this on 2 devises for the last 2 updates im getting tired of this especially when you leave the web page like normal it opens the app "This app has not let me watch prior shows in the browse section for the past few days. The news show live keeps spinning. Tried tech help, but they did not resolve the problem, only told me that the app doesn't work on my phone. Strange since I have been watching it from this phone for over a year every day. I love it when it works." "I love the versatility of the app but unfortunately it doesn't always work. I like to watch past episodes of certain shows. Sometimes it works fine. As of yesterday it will only show me the eternal red circle going round and round. I tried uninstalling and re installing, restarting my device with the same results. What is the problem and how do I fix it? I have a Samsung galaxy tablet." "The app worked fine, I am not going to support a network going toward wrong side!" "Videos are unwatchable with the level of ads that are included. I waited through one commercial, accidently touched the screen, and then another 60 seconds of commercial and I hadn't seen 10 seconds of video. Just not worth it." "Love Fox News, and the app was working great for years. But now I'm getting loud music playing while browsing the news titles. It's unrelated to any ad or news video playing. It's like a hack, that only happens when on the Fox News app, and only when browsing the headlines." "My experience was too short for #1 & #2 why is it that we are limited to see and or hear the reports of things that ate going on in and around the world. Local and distant of course! What happened to real news being given abroad so that you, your loved ones, acquaintances etc are as fully and freely & truthfully as can be without hang ups, black out, censors etc. We don't want biased control freaks opinions of what is news but actually news, truthful not a retraction from real news!" The notifications are not very useful. They take you to the app but not the specific news story. You have to scroll through all the stories to find the specific one from the notification. Fix this and it would be a great news source app. "I love fox news, always been a fan. Greatly written articles and alot to read. Only reason for the 4 star is strictly due to the app build itself. Crashes frequently, especially after last update. 9/7/2020 - app doesn't load videos well, reverts back to home page when attempting to view. Articles reset to the beginning constantly while scrolling through them." "I enjoy the app but you really need proof readers to check your work before posting. So many typos, even in headlines, yet you are so quick to point out mistakes in things you are quoting from, you know - (sic). I do understand it is sometimes hastily put together in order to get breaking news out to us. Just be more careful! I do not think former Mayor ""DeBalsio"" will appreciate your typo (on the headlines page)." I'd give it a four and a half if it werent for the fact that the developers of the app have no idea what they're doing. They cant fix a simple crash issue thats been plaguing the apo ever since it was created. this app crashes every time I have it opened searching for breaking news. Please fix this issue for your viewers!!! "Great content. Love the app! The reason for the 3 stars is the Roku version. When it takes an HOUR to watch a 4 minute segment because the 10 second commercial keeps repeating over and over and over and over and over and over again... that's when you say, ""Houston, we have a problem!"" Please fix it. 🙏" "Many repeating news stories on the feed, some of which are months old. this news feed had become a ""now trending"" feed, and not the most up-to-date news. I love Fox News, but this app needs work. Fine tune it, and you really will be the best in the business!!" "it works great once. Then after watching the Fox News TV channel, it won't run a second time. I have to uninstall the app and reinstall it, sign in to my TV provider in order to watch every time I use the app. the radio channels work perfectly" "...the LOUDEST and most startling notification for news alerts & no way to turn it off within the app's my acct page & the app's settings. so far, I haven't tried creating an account & attempting this. I don't think that I should have to. Only way to disable notif sound is within phone notif settings menu. this is a bit misleading when the app settings shows various notif on/off tabs. wish the app UI was prettier/more modern" I'm going to have to use a web page version of FoxNews. You have got to do something about the user view of Articles stories while scrolling. Every time I scroll down and I'm reading an article the view functionality resets back to the top because of some new input either from an ad being injected after the original load or from the comments section. Its getting ridiculous "I subscribe via my cable company, I have downloaded this app numerous times in the past few years. I can not watch any of the programs. A few years ago this was great, the home page was simple, easy to read and kept me current. If/when I wanted to watch on my tablet it was easy. Now it is a mess. Sorry can't cope, toomuch trouble anymore" "Fox News is my preferred source of news, but the app has really gone down hill. It takes forever to load. I even tried reinstalling it to fix the problem, but it didn't work. Fox News does actual journalism, whereas other sources just offer propaganda. I just wish the app worked as well as the news source!" Overall great app. Only problem is that the videos keep crashing and the live feed never works. Very disappointed. Please fix! Update: 2-5-2020 You are killing me! I'm being forced to watch CNN because you can't get your act together! PLEASE fix the video issue! Dropping you to 3 stars. "I used to love this app but I am getting tired of all the repeat advertising. Maybe my app is broken but having to hear ""Put the keys down Kevin!"" over and over gets old quick. I could handle the commercial breaks if they weren't the exact same for over a year. Please get some different commercials." The app is glitchy. When listening to the news it usually cuts off just a little ways after that commercial. and if you try to fast forward it back to that spot just after the commercial it will close out. It cuts off the rest of the news. "I have the app to stay on top of breaking news, which is the only news I care about. I travel for work and spend much time offshore. Therefore I don't have time to read articles and peruse through lines of doggerel to find the pertinent goods. Why has the Fox News app recently made the breaking news notifications into cliffhangers? Just tell me the news in a short concise sentence. If it's something I'm interested in I'll continue on to the article. And now I've wasted precious time typing this." Loved this app worked great. Until it didn't! Won't let me sign in with provider. Won't let me watch even the preview just spins. Get your act together Fox! We have one decent alternative to fake news and you screw it up. Review and update. So apparently you need to go to the very well hidden log in first before hitting the WATCH TV button. Then it works a treat. Revising from 1 star to 3 only because the log in is so difficult to find and apparently I'm not the only one who felt this way. "I would give it higher rating except this new ""Live updates"" page is terribly flawed. When you go in and read the article you can never finish what's in the ""box"" because it is cut off be the ads and there is no scrolling feature. That someone hasn't fixed this by now is just ridiculous." "It's not bad, but I keep getting these alerts and when I tap them it doesn't take me to the story from the alert. I then have to search for the specific article. Also, there needs to be a better way to browse just the top stories and current issues. It's a bit annoying to me to have to look at then one at a time." "PLEASE change the push alerts so we can see the full alert message when we click on it. Currently, we can not see the entire alert and clicking on it expand only goes to your main page. You'll get 5 stars from many of us if you fix this. It's really frustrating." Use to be easy to read the news but the many intrusive ads take over the phone and/or tablet. Very difficult to click out of without closing the appl. so I have had to reduce the times I use it. Cannot recommend at this time. "when it works, its great. when it doesn't you're on your own. For no apparent reason, I lose access indicating that I am ""not authorized "" to access content. I can't figure out what to do this time. last time it took me 3 weeks to get it working again. Foxnews is the only reason I pay for cable, and do most of my watching while travelling. Now I can't watch again. The app is the problem." "Ok, this app is good as far as news goes, and the shows are good. Why 3 stars? Because I watch it on my Fire TV and not on Fox News via cable. The commercials are repeated over and over for only a small handful of advertisers, mainly for prescription drugs for diabetes and heart problems. With more and more people cutting the cord with cable, advertisers are missing an opportunity to, well, ADVERTISE on a different platform. If I hear the jingle for Jardiance one more time I might scream!" "totally love the new UI... but the video player is super choppy! especially the past month. I tried to submit a support ticket but it didnt work so I'm leaving it on here. love the functionality... but the video playback is always choppy. also, would live to see an option. to auto download content ie a specific show each day for offline viewing. thanks" "Web master, some of your videos turn off before the video ends, please fix (E.g., McCabe follows Comey example story). There was another story that did the same thing. Even your ""Bug Fix"" link in Review doesn't work. You select problem with the web from drop down menue and there's no submit button or place to write the comment. Please check them all. Thank you" "I have used this app for the last 2 or 3 years and now it will not work stating when I try and watch recorded shows that "" my free trial ends in 10 minutes"" and the screen remains black with red rotating circle as if it is trying to load. Please help! Thank you!" "Live television will not load. Previously recorded video plays fine. I have uninstalled, and reinstalled the app twice, and no help at all. Continuous buffering is all that happens. 🤬🤬 I would've given it 5 stars... If it would work." "I enjoy the app for its content, although every now and then I have to uninstall it then reinstall because it will shut down. It's annoying when you're in the middle of an article. It only does it on my tablet, not my phone. After doing a factory reset fox news and only some of my other apps will not auto rotate." "Glad it's available, but needs help. Have not made it through a complete Full Episode without it dropping out. Usually does not come back after a phone call. Needs to be able to have resume option for each Full Episodes. An option is needed for audio only to use less bandwidth." This is my chosen stream of public news. New Android doesn't allow notifications silently. Please add option to disable notification sound. My crew listens to my phone on the radio all day and very annoying to fill the job site in the middle of a song to make that sound. "The app is mediocre at best on a chromebook. As a reader it is barely on par. It keeps pushing some sort of liquid display which really messes up how the document is viewed - which sort of defeats the purpose of a pdf. I like that there is some ability to add text. But that feature only seems to work at random with text sometimes not appearing or appearing at random places throughout the document. It is also very clumsy in how it adds text boxes, which makes it hard to fill a form." This Adobe Acrobat Visitor for Android mobile app has actually been just one of the most awful. I've had it for nearly a year and it's just not working any longer. The most up to date update caused all my PDFs to quit working. I've attempted erasing and reinstalling the application yet it still does not work. I would certainly not recommend this app. The reason I gave this app 3 stars is because the search option is broken. When you search a word in a document the search bar will glitch out and close. It gets pretty frustrating when you have to type a word over and over again in the search bar. I don't know what happened to the search feature It has gotten Downgraded over the years to the point where it's almost useless. This latest problem is another slip in quality. If this problem is corrected I will adjust my rating accordingly. "The update looks nice, but drawings move when the screen rotates. That wasn't an issue in order versions. I use the freehand drawings to mark up PDFs when I can't highlight for one reason or another. it would also be nice to be able to use night mode in general, not just specific to single PDFs. another small thing that I wish I could be included would be the ability to freehand draw, but also advance the next page by swiping. Along with that, be able to zoom in and out, pan around a page, while free hand drawing. Overall very good app but just a few tweaks might make it more useful" "It is an excellent mobile version of an app, however it jumbles text if it's grouped in the same text box, and doesn't have spacing features and therefore you cannot adjust it. You also cannot specify text if it is part of a larger textbox. Overall, impressed, however I would really like to see this improved to really be able to edit pdfs on a mobile device." "Opens PDF files just fine. Corrupts any files that are being saved. After filling out a form and trying to print it (which is automatically saved), results in a corrupted file that cannot be opened by a cell phone or a PC. This has happening for a while. I have quite a few corrupted files on my phone now. Every one of them was caused by Acrobat Reader. Update: I cleared the cache and uninstalled the application. After reinstallation it is working fine again." "It seems like everytime I use it.. something in the app has changed. A lot of errors like ""the file is damaged or corrupted and can not be opened"". Quite often there is no way to rename files so you can find them again. The worst thing is.. that whenever I want to email an Adobe pdf. file from my email, it does not go to Adobe Accrobat. Very frustrating! You have to learn to be very creative. It's immensley time consuming to send an Adobe file." "Doesn't seem to work with Chromebook, but I'm trying it again. I've had to pay for a .pdf alternative, which seems to disappear when I need it. Again, I use both PC and Chromebook, and they don't always play nicely with each other. More often, I find my Chromebook won't open or read .pdf files despite my having paid for .pdf openers/readers. Maybe it's a Chromebook issue, because I have no trouble using this with my Microsoft products." "Acrobat is my favorite pdf viewer; however, the most recent update and changes have made it a bit ""clunky"" to use. An extra step is now required to add bookmarks. Adding text notes to documents is also ""buggy"" with resizing and placement issues such as note placements jumping across the page instead of remaining where placed. Hopefully these issues will be corrected with the next update. Until then, I can only give it 3 stars." "I'm still looking for the 'right' PDF reader. Cons: On Chromebook, Shift + Space pages down instead of up. In fact, there is no key combination that produces page up, which for me makes it quite unusable to quickly flip back to a diagram or equation being referenced in the text. Pros: Doesn't have distrating toolbars that take up too much space or cause the document to rescale/shift around when the toolbar appears and disappears." "I use Acrobat DC on my computer and love it! On my phone however, my biggest complaint and frustration is the fact that I can't add any fonts!!! It's annoying when I have to use the app to fill out some forms on-the-go and the font that is used throughout the file is unavailable in the app so I have to use a font that looks similar but completely throws off the consistency of the document! I use a very common one, COURIER NEW, but apparently it's too hard for these developers to add it 😖" "Excellent mobile complement to an excellent suite of products. Kudos on the accessible pricing structure finally (for most big name software), it was time (and yes I know it's been years but I had not yet reviewed anything). Minus 2 stars for not being able to directly download the created/edited files that get auto-saved to the cloud.... seriously? Or am I blind, I had to resort to printing as PDF...... Someone tell me I'm blind or that you are working on adding a ""Save To Device""!" "Does what it says on the tin, but with two important caveats. First is that it is HUGE! It took something like *15 minutes* to download on my high-speed symmetrical connection. Second is that it invades your ""open with"" to advertise other Adobe products which (for me) is entirely unacceptable. You can do better, in a much smaller package, without push pop-ups or invading system functions, by choosing something else. I'm voting with my feet and un-installing it." "Not very difficult to use I guess, as long as you're familiar with PDFs. The undo/redo option is a really nice feature to have, but with the free version most of the options aren't able to be used, aren't even part of the app yet, or the app doesn't support the feature you choose with what you're choosing it for, even if you had purchased the premium version." "The old search would show you how many times a search term showed up along with snippets of text. This version just jumps from word to word so you may have to press next 300 times and hope you don't lose your place. The power of an electronic search is partially nullified because of this. There is no search in reading mode and this is for no logical reason that I know of. 📖🔍👁 If you search for a 3 or 4 letter word it may be a constituent of a lot of other words and there is no advanced search to restrict it to an exact match, or a case sensitive match for that matter. It does appear that it will look for phrases automatically but what if you are also wanting a partial match?" "I do like the app, but would love to see certain features that I believe will make it the best in the run. 1) The read aloud feature needs a lot of improvement. There should be choices for more voices, accents, and speed options as well as better quality of the speech. 2) The arrow keys are not user-friendly. This should be fixed. 3) The highlighter option.. I would love to see more choice for colors in the free version." "Subscription price doubled!! 😡 I had this for $4.99/month for a long time, now it's $9.99 and I don't understand why! I just need the ability to remove pages and add text every now and then for pdf patterns that I buy and download. I won't be keeping this subscription for very long, that's for sure! Also, it would be nice to be able to change the order of the pages without having to create separate files and combine them! That might be worth paying a little extra for!" "I love the features and easy to use functions of adobe reader. I am able to use them with my work documents, However I keep experiencing issues with the document running slow, and then it closes after a period of time. It does not happen all the time, but I know if the typing is running slow I know I will need save the document before it crashes. I don't know why it keeps doing tht." I've used this app for several years. It's good to save user's manuals but it has become ridiculously slow at doing searches within documents. I also find it annoying that every tine I open the app it opens to the home screen but then switches to a screen to compress files (it waits just long enough before switching to fool you into acting on the current screen; this other screen is also something I've never used.) Just annoying. "It's OK. It does the basics, but it'd be nice to be able to combine PDF's or import/export them without having to spend $25+/month on the most basic ""plan"" available. I bought it for several months, and Ioved it, but I can't afford that all the time, and it seems to me like just another ploy. I'd rather spend the $150 on the ""full"" version of Acrobat like they used to offer, which gave you all of these add-ons as part of the purchase. I'd buy it once every year or two, and I loved that option. They need to rethink their business model if they want to keep loyal customers from years ago. (I've had to use the free PDF apps to do these things!) I really don't want to do that. I want my business to stay with Adobe...but I can't do it now, with all of these additional costs for each thing you want to do. It'd be really great if you could offer the bundle pack at once, for a single price like before." Keeps crashing when I am trying to edit a document (complete an employment application) have to save frequently while attempting to finish and send in. Still have not been successful this is now the sixth time I have to try and open where I left off when it crashed. It keeps saying 'no more memory'...I have deleted and gone through my files I'm unsure if it's on my end or just in the app itself? "It's fine. There are a lot of PDF file reading software available for free or low, low cost. So far this has been fitting a need. But I wanted to edit something and that's where the ""Free Trial"" offer pops up. Nope. I'll look around and see what else I can find. I'm tired of being tricked into free trials and then being billed even when I cancel in time. Then it's a whole other hassle to get customer service and refund. All for a so-called free trial." "This is a fine app. Just like the software has been as far back as I can remember. But with the success of the PDF and a paperless world one would think the most basic features, as with non Adobe readers and editors, would be free. I do love the programming behind Liquid Mode. I hope to see that feature grow quickly." "This app needs to be updated for compatibility!! I've been using it for a very long time and have occasionally received this message, but in the last few days I can't open Adobe without it closing immediately. I cleared the cache and data but that didn't fix it.... I'm at a loss for what to do because as a software developer this is frustrating since we're taught to fix our issues and help the end user. We're also taught to make sure we keep up with technology as well." "I find this app to be fairly simple to use. I don't like that I have to pay to have full access of the options and services - sharing items I've stored in Adobe Acrobat, etc. It's like anything else nowaday. So, I get that. As far as programs go, this app is not as complicated and unuser friendly as some are that's out there." Bit frustrating. Surface and pen dont actively switch to pen mode. Would like a freestyle mode to let me zoom in and out and markup everywhere I want. This app tries too hard and becomes less useful. Yes it is useful to edit and fill forms to look great. But sucks hard to quickly write on it and flip back to someone. You have to click the pen on and off to scroll which makes this very slow. It is a good app. I think that the general consensus is that it is the cost that is the issue that becoming more and more unanimous throughout the user's everywhere. Specifically the way Adobe Lord's over the use of the software by insisting on such a exorbitant price annually. They have got away with it for years. There are more alternatives and some that are nearly ready to cause more than just a passing annoyance but compete on a global scale. "Struggle with reading books. Why can't this app deliver similar experience as when it is opened on laptops or desktops? It has been a constant struggle to read books on this app, what with the pages dangling from side to side when resizing the page!! Though it may sound counter intuitive from a business point of view, it makes sense to deliver a more pleasant reading experience. Your text reflow attempt has limited application, what seems like a half hearted attempt to address this problem." "It is okay, yet it would be better if it had a lot more attributes. It benefits basic PDF modifying, but there are various other apps out there that are much better for more complex modifying. For example, the Acrobat Reader registration is really pricey contrasted to various other apps. Generally, it's all right, but I would not suggest it." "An rather ok pdf reader app. The auto-rotate feature is bothering though. There should be a switch to disable it. When I open a landscape document, it always rotate the screen and it is buggy when trying to get it back to portrait mode. At least, this behavior should be disabled by default in my opinion" "While this app is incredibly useful and more powerful than the versions available on phones, it does have a couple flaws that are honestly driving me crazy. First, there should absolutely be an option to create folders locally, not just in the Cloud storage section. And second, you should be able to open more than one file at a time so that you can switch back and forth between them quickly and easily." "I love the app and have been using it frequently over the past year; but, as of last week it has stopped saving files to my device. Everytime I try to save a copy, I keep getting a message that reads ""saving a copy of the file. We'll let you know when it's ready."" Then, it never saves the file to my device. I have updated the app, turned my phone off and on again several times and none of works. If not for this, I'd offer 4 stars." "Freeware version displays two separate button links to edit pdf's, and while only one button works, the other denies ability to edit by hawking subscription billings. Stay away from the one at bottom right, unless you're needing tons of developer like features and you have limitless time to figure out how to 'master the universe', to include nearly endless subscription payments." "Provides the widest range of readability options for PDF files of any app I've tried. Still really needs a ""liquid mode"" with a dark mode — For the vast majority of texts, to implement dark mode simply requires the inverse of the light mode: black instead of white, & white instead of black. (It's already been requested in the community forum & is such an easy fix that I don't understand why it hasn't already been implemented when the Reader is in dark mode for everything else.)" "It works but I'm docking you 2 stars because I've had it with the annoying ""zoom less use liquid mode"" popup getting in the way every single time I open a document. It's annoying. I get it. It's there. I won't use it because it distorts the format of what I'm reading and would rather just zoom in. Knock it off!! EDIT 4-10-23 It isn't that I don't like it, it's more that I don't like the popup every time I use the app. It gets annoying. Can you make it so I don't get the popup every time? Thanks!" "I've been using Acrobat reader for over 20 years on different platforms, from early Windows, inc server versions, on UNIX, Linux and Android. The product does what is says and does it well but I've never understood why a product which is basically a document reader can often require a full system reboot just to install a new version? That's so inconvenient." "PLEASE LET US ZOOM OUT IN LANDSCAPE MODE. This app becomes almost useless for tablets in landscape mode because you are not able to zoom to make a page smaller than the width of the screen, meaning that text is often too large and images are cut off when viewing a document that was designed in portrait mode because the entire document cannot be displayed on screen at once." "The mobile Reader is one of those apps where 95% of it works great and is just what I need! But the other 5% is absolutely fury-inducing. Yup, I mean the intrusive implementation of Liquid Layout. Most of the PDFs I use on my phone need their columns and other layout elements preserved. It is much easier to pan and scan than try to follow a reflowed version. If it were just an available feature that would be fine, but LL constantly applies automatically and I have to turn it OFF. So annoying." "Inconsistent across devices On my desktop, laptop and tablet, Adobe Reader works fine, but it keeps on complaining about a password on my phone (also an Android device). I eventually uninstalled Reader and installed an alternative reader." I have had a great experience using the app so far but I hope you can improve on the audio aspect of the app because the voice is terrible and I will really like if you can have a list of voices that we can choose from to listen to our pdfs "bookmarks will be lost when the pdf file is moved or renamed; 'save a copy' built-in function the resulting ""copy"" will not contain the bookmarks from the origanal. Renaming the pdf back to origional name & in origional path, the bookmarks do show. Acrobat update; the issue is still there. Otherwise, generally, the app works - however, one pdf file shows all blank pages using this app but is viewed OK with 11 other pdf readers (this issue is rare)." "Upon opening, all text is readable, unlike others where text appears as if it has been copied 100 times, thus faded out. Strange that the pages read Right-to-Left. Normal docs usually read Left-to-Right." "Adobe has basically given up on trying to provide useful support. You wanna sign a document? Sorry, that'll take PRO. It says a lot they gate off encrypted certificate signatures and other basic stuff as ""Pro"" features. Basically just another tech monopoly charging for something freemium software already does. But it does work. It's just highly manipulative." I got the app on mobile solely to look at prints for my job and the mobile app doesn't support layers. It's such a basic thing and been requested so often online. Just from a quick Google search I found plenty of complaints and questions about this missing feature. So I'm reviewing in hopes that a dev will see this and actually put it in the app. I am unable to open a pdf. It states it needs Adobe DC for MAC or Windows. I this is pretty unacceptable and has been an issue for several years now. Develop a solution for Android. Considering people spend more time on their phones now than ever. I believe it will grow your base in the marketplace. Only tried to edit one document so far and it was on my phone. My frustration was moving a text box to the right spot. Need more practice "Im finding it hard to put my files where i want them, cant make seperate file folders. Dont offer choices like delete this file. Have to pay for some things that shouldnt. Confusing. Need to be easier to use for beginners." So slow! Also can't rename files. Takes forever for files to go from pending. It seems like it has gotten worse. subscriptions. why must I pay yearly for something that I'm only going to need premium features for once maybe twice a year?. 2 maybe 3 tanks of gas in my car for something I'm not going to use often. it isn't worth it for 70$ a year. "There's no option to check Digital Signature from mobile Acrobat Reader app. Also signature means ""digital signature"" and not the ""hand signature, photo of handwritten signature, any drawing etc"" as these are no longer trustworthy as there are numerous solutions available to manipulate these ""graphic like signature""." "If you're seeking a PDF visitor, Adobe Acrobat Reader is absolutely a good alternative. It has a great deal of attributes and is usually taken into consideration to be the most trustworthy. Nonetheless, it's not the very best alternative if you're looking for an application that's simple to use. It can be a little bit tough to find out exactly how to utilize it, as well as the user interface can be perplexing sometimes." This app sucks. I had an issue with it and wrote a nasty review on the Acrobat website and now all of my pdf files have a blue matrix over the document. Found out it is a setting in the app. "The Adobe Acrobat Viewers mobile app is an excellent application for any individual that needs to see or modify PDF files. It has a fantastic user interface as well as is very simple to make use of. The app additionally has a great deal of functions that make it an excellent selection for file storage space and also viewing. Generally, this is a wonderful application that is definitely worth downloading and install." "It appears okay, however it's not the best out there. It gets the job done, yet it seems sluggish and cumbersome and also the interface isn't the most user-friendly. And also, it only collaborates with Adobe Acrobat Visitor and does not have compatibility with some other formats. It's functional, however maybe better." "Please bring back the former pdf reader mode. This one is poor, it re-reads the same paragraph, it skips information and takes long to jump to the other page." "Not bad, but... I have a Pro subscription, and expected those features on this mobile version. If I can't redact on this mobile app, it ruins the reason it's on my mobile device." I like that in new update they have tried to bring ease to ui but I don't like new colours of the highlighted text. The old bright yellow was best which is missing in this new one. Thats why I am giving 3 stars. Easy to use once I can actually open pdfs. I just can't seem to open pdfs in this app if I directly open in google drive. I have to enter this app to open the pdfs in google drive and so need to sign in to gmail on this app. "Valuable. (The difference between culling .pdfs and giving, an entire cloud drive could be better explained; especially to see how local phone-local chromebook-phone/Adobe Cloud-chromebook/Adobe Cloud drives or services are in relation.)" It's ok but sometimes it just doesn't show numbers on layouts or blueprints. So in this case it's useless. Reading other docs is fine... "i like the app but the reason im giving 3 starts is bc i cannot download languages it always says internet conection 😒 and i am pretty sure it's not the connection or the permits can you guys take a look on that then I'll update my review, so far good work thanks" "It's ok until you want to change or update something then it just doesn't work properly at all, might just go back to good old pen & paper for my work timesheets" i have zero complaints except for the lack of font styles... pls show me how to download them or adapt the source file's font so that i dont have to manually change the whole file's font. This app is very helpful but all time when I open that app it show for premium I guess it is very disturbing for everyone. Also I can`t open liquid mode. Finally one with text reflow. Problem is it doesn't save my highlights or underlinings... "After getting some experience I had uninstalled this app due to: 1. It monopolized emailing rights of PDF files. 2. Document Identification accuracy after taking a photo is not the best. CS1 offers much better. 3. It accepted my request to share a file through Gmail. The app didn't refuse but after many days I realized that the file was still in the outbox of Gmail with the error ""no add-ons available for this file"". I uninstalled this app and the outbox was cleared instantaneously." "The cloud sync keeps erasing bookmarks, resetting page positions, and overall simulates the feeling of having Alzheimer's. The reading mode and overall app is great, but I've grown furious at the cloud bug." "The Adobe Acrobat Viewers mobile application is a fantastic way to read as well as save your documents. It's the globe's most relied on PDF audience, and also it collaborates with any type of gadget. You can also see, share, annotate, and also include e-signatures to PDF papers." When it works it's good. Alot of the time my documents are loading forever and I can't see the full pdf. I have a premium service it used to have unlimited cloud storage now since the latest update on PC and put here on Android there's a fee for more storage No longer accessible. It prompts to connect my an organization. This happened of a sudden. Please help "I love the app ,features ,and all that..but seriously though...... more tools and edits should be free" I used to like how this app worked. A few days ago something changed. Now I can't send in pdf format. Only a link to cloud. I dislike this as noteveryonehas access to cloud. . I can't find older documents as well. This old dog does not like new tricks. "There is a bug with persian or arabic text which is right to left and when copying them, the text will not be copied the right way. The second option not available is night mode for PDFs like what there is when opening PDF with Onedrive. Thanks" Mandatory auto save has got to go. I'll be back when you don't automatically keep all of my documents at YOUR fingertips I am still learning how to use all the stuff available. I like it because really it makes easy to edit documents. "How do I stop it from asking me to turn on liquid mode when I open a pdf? I use a dark theme for accessibility reasons, and liquid mode is bright and hurts my eyes. And the bubble asking about liquid mode takes up a decent amount of screen real estate, and takes a while to go away (it doesn't seem to have a close button anywhere)." Is a really good app but with the newer updates I can't find the content section on the documents. Makes it really hard to find your way through large books with chapters. Average in performance..... It takes a lot of time to open the pdf documents. Please solve the issue. Except this thing all other features are excellent👍 "This app works in smoothly in new model with advance os, but slowly in older models with later os." Very good to me in terms of reading some articles that can't be viewed in my phone I love all Adobe services and products and I would have gave this app 5 stars but I gave it 3 stars because I do feel like the cost is really high "Pretty good, it's a shame that liquid mode can't work with roght-to-left languages." "This app used to be great but the last update spoiled it. There are no settings that I can find to stop it auto rotating, I can't see the clock etc at the top of my phone when reading documents and I can't see the very tops of the pages when I've magnified the text. There might be some very good updates but the other changes are so annoying I haven't checked. This has always been my favourite pdf viewer - now I'm not so sure 😁" Good app Please add audio reading mode. In Android tablet pdf reader application please change command toolbar from top side to right side.. "was good app.. Redownloaded, wasl the best,,, problems filling downloaded forms, complicated,freezing uninstalled" "This is a wonderful app. However, would you be able to update the reading in nightmode where the photos won't invert their color? It is very hard to see the pictures when reading in nightmode especially those in black and white photos. As a user, I have to switch back and forth to the default state just to see clearly the photos and when you're reading from nightmode those switching is very hard for the eyes. Hoping for the update. Thanks!" "Images within PDF's are good quality (images appear too dark in many PDF readers) and navigation within PDF's is easy, with various viewing options. What I dislike is the lack of any option to catalogue one's collection into different collections (it just presents long lists of PDF's in alphabetical order, grouped by their location on the device) and the absence of any thumbnail images." "When I download a document and select it, the option to open with Adobe appears but when I click it, it NEVER opens. It stuck on adobe's ""loading"" screen. It's been months, please fix it!" "Nags me to turn on liquid reading mode ""just once"" or ""always"", when I need to open a PDF to view the ... wait for it ... PRINT LAYOUT of how my document will look when sent to my printer which I thought was the whole point of the PDF format. What possesses a company like Adobe to boss their users around like they can't think for themselves?" "Keeps changing storage location. I move to the SD card, next bootup it's moved back inside the device. Pops up too easily when Chrome downloads a PDF. Wouldn't move back to the SD card when it had 283 MB of space free and it usually doesn't need that much. Uninstalled it due to moving back off the SD card where I need it. Might reinstall if that annoyance is fixed." Good app but offers you to sign in each time you want to open document. For this reason 3 stars (kind of unusable for me). Recommend alternative apps for productivity. Good one but could be great. PDF editing options can be adde. Pop-up for signing in is annoying. Go back to old. Ever since the last update I can't see one of my documents. It was a graph of a crochet pattern. This app was THE GREATEST!!! Cuz I could tick every square as I'm doing it and save automatically. With update takes FOREVER to load. And now can't even open this document. Please please I beg you go back to last update. I would give you 6/5. This is why you only get 3. Mind you should be 1 until it's fixed. I even uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Still can't see the pic. Freezing if it takes too long. Please fix. I NEED IT TO WORK... NO other PDF will do what I need!!! Grrrrrr Dear developer I ask you again and again to add total pages under current page number while scrolling.. And add support to Urdu language and its fonts...... "Works great on my tablet, but on my phone it has a few very annoying 'features'... Every time I reopen a PDF (can even be when switching back from another app), it switches to landscape view even though I'm holding my phone in portrait. Then it takes a lot of shaking the phone around to get it to switch back to portrait. When it does this it also switches to page-by-page view and have to set it back to continuous every time. Too annoying! Going to look for another reader..." "When wanna share to more than one contatcs (maximum 5) via WhatsApp, its not working. I think this is bug." "Will not always display text if bold, italicized, or other formats are used." "I was using the trial one, and it's excellent. But I forgot to cancel it, and then suddenly charge me with 1 year subscription, it is very frustrating. I cancelled the subscription quickly after I receive the message and applied a refund from google but they say that they cannot issue a refund. I need help from developer please." "Love its simple UI. Good for basic reading and annotation. Presents too many premium features around the UI (home, menu, etc) for the free user. Even share feature has the whole body content dedicated to signing-in/creating Adobe's account while the standard share feature is tucked at the bottom of the screen as clipper icon. Not interested in getting into their ecosystem." "The app has been way more unreliable in recent months. Not only is scrolling choppy as mentioned in another review, it can now take multiple attempts for tweets or replies to post. Many of my fellow followers mentioned having this issue without me realizing that I had also fallen victim to it. It's not frustrating to the point of wanting to delete my account, but it has interfered with performance that was once of a much higher quality." "A good overall social media app, as the forerunner in its field. It can be a bit frustrating, though, the way it mixes up the order the posts appear sometimes. The ""who to follow"" and ""in case you missed it"" messages can sometimes be a bit persistent, even after telling it ""show me this less often."" Still, overall it's an efficient and functional program." "Good app. Easy to work with and has clean, friendly UI. But the fact that some account settings dont stick when you change them is really annoying and is the reason for the three star review. For example, the settings for ""always show sensitive media"" doesnt do that. It still regularly blocks media it deems ""sensitive"", even if the media is not actually ""sensitive"". Please fix that." Very poor Support. Get emails from Twitter but when clicking on the item constantly get nothing to see here.... Yet. Trying to figure out how to solve this issue I contacted support numerous times and have yet to hear back from anybody about anything. Obviously they have enough people that look at it that they don't need one more. Eventually that's how you lose your customer base and then wonder what happened. "I've had problems with videos for years. Sometimes I'll tap on a video and it'll say ""Playback Error"", and not play at all. Other times it will play, but when I hit the back button, it will continue to play on repeat until I close out of the app. Nothing other than that can stop it. Although I use Twitter every day, media is a huge part of this app's experience, so I can't see myself rating this any higher." "Ever since the most recent update, the app isn't allowing me to change my layout (profile picture, header, etc). When I try to, it glitches and the screen goes black. Even restarting or uninstalling the app doesn't always work to fix this problem. Other than that, most other features work decent, except for the timeline and groupchats lagging quite often." "It functions as advertised, but it runs very slow on Android 4.4.2, takes several minutes to show notifications after launching, and does not play videos correctly. The videos are chopped up with b&w horizontal lines covering most of the video. Hashtagging is very difficult to use as well because of the search box it constantly pops up. Trying to edit or remove a hashtag is very tricky and requires multiple attempts to get it changed or removed, because it keeps moving the cursor to end of tweet" "They keep adding updates that are fine, but don't make the app as functional as it could be. I want to download videos and gifs, and I'm very sure that many others do as well. The home page will just randomly refresh and because it works as a string of content, rather than showing you what you have not seen yet, if you want to see the posts towards the bottom of said homepage string you have to scroll for a long time. It would also be nice to have organization features for the people you follow" "Love Twitter so far. Always works, dependable, and seems ""fair"" at least I have not had trouble. **Sadly I am forced to edit my review. A pop up about how Twitter security has changed to do even more. That locked up. Uninstalled, and installed 3 times. I can get there on my computer, not my phone. Put a work order in with them. If they can not fix it. I uninstall permanently." "The recent update is terrible. Prior to this, app ran smoothly and efficiently with no problems. Currently with this update, the feed does not update at all. When attempting to refresh, the refresh symbol pops up doesn't move. Nothing loads at all. There's no way to access the most recent tweets. I'm lucky if my Twitter will refresh once during the day." "Too mang bugs and weird features. I now have to turn off captions on every video because they dont translate at all half of the time and are in the way. When I reply to someone and press send, it sends me all of the way up to the original tweet. Sometimes when I click a video or like a video while watching it, it just mutes itself and I have to click out and back in to hear it. The app itself functions very well, except for these persistent bugs that have yet to be fixed." "Love twitter as a platform and I use it a lot to follow artists and creators, but with one of the updates, the horizontal swipe gesture to swipe between media (photos or videos) when it's full screened on a single account was removed. It was one of the most useful features for navigation in my opinion and I'd love to see it return. I'd also love to see that gesture/function come to the timeline and the media slide of profiles. Bring back the ability to swipe to the next picture while fullscreen" "Guess Twitter is trying to squash the bug of people continuing to use their service. They're constantly degrading readability with the superfluous ""X follows"" tweets clogging up the timeline and trying to shove topics into it too. And now the whole mobile app just crashes. At least roll it back or something until you figure out what the problem is. Edit: uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling, rebooting seems to have fixed the crashing for me." "I love Twitter (other than the trolls and bots that seem to grow in number every day). My biggest complaint is that the bottom bar (home, explore, notifications, DM), disappear when looking at a tweet, seeing what's trending, when looking at a profile, etc. IT'S SUPER ANNOYING! I had to put it in caps because that's how annoying it is. I switched from an iPhone to a Google Pixel 2 and on the iPhone, the bottom bar stays no matter what you click on. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fix this. I'll be happy to give the app 5-stars once this issue is fixed." "I've had twitter for a while, but I think the most recent update has some major issues. The notification tab is completely busted; I can't even scroll through the notifications from people I follow, and DO NOT like fishing through my timeline to see what I've missed. It's been a stressful week and I needed a distraction--this was not it. Please fix this issue, it's very degrading to the usage of the app." I do love this app but 2 things must be changed: 1 automatic refresh. I am scrolling through my feed and it happens. I lose my place and never get back to where I was. It happens while trying to read one that really interests me. Make it an app option to turn on or off 2 EDIT BUTTON. give us a 5 second chance to hit edit to correct typos. After 5 seconds no edit available. Come on...it's due. "I'm having an issue where I don't get notified I have a reply on multiple occasions. Not the push notifications, like the actual section in the app where you can view all the notifications. I would have to go to the last reply and scroll down just to see they have replied and I was never notified. This issue has occurred probably a month or so now and I know a few others who are having the same issue." "Updated update: image issue fixed. Now just a processing tweet/lag issue. Not perfect but much improved. Update: still can't tweet without adding pic and then taking it off. 1. it's impossible to tweet without an awkward workaround. I have to attach a picture, then start typing, then take the picture off and I can keep typing. I keep hoping an update will fix it (been going for many months now) but so far no luck. 2. Pics have to be cropped otherwise the tweet vanishes into the ether." "Overall, the app os pretty good. However, I always have problems tweeting pics whenever there's an update. I usually have to uninstall and reinstall to fix it. Also, I wish there was a way to select who appears in my feed because the algorithms are too restrictive." "I enjoy the app overall, but I really dislike the recent update regarding ""See top tweets first."" I want to see things chronologically, not based on some algorithm. You can change it temporarily, but you can't do it permanently. If it weren't for this I would be much happier with the app." "It's a great app overall. I like being able to follow people I like. It's just been buggy lately. Everytime I try to load my messages it say ""Cannot retrieve messages at this time. Please try again later."" My messages still load sometimes but it's super annoying. None of the recent updates fixed that. I would like to. get rid of the ""Top tweets first"" feature, chronologically please! This is why I don't like Insta anymore. There should also be able to tailor your trending, etc." "I've used this app for a few years. But after the latest update, I've been having problems with it not loading or allowing me to access my profile or notifications page or the search page. Basically it hasn't worked. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it just now, so hopefully that fixed the problems." Inferior app compared to the iOS version. Notifications lag. Sent tweets dont show up. Sometimes opening an image causes the app to stop working. Often multiple 'back' presses are needed to get back to Home; the top back button and phone back button do the same thing instead of letting the phone back button actually take you back. Technically works but I'm probably moving to Lite or Tweetdeck. "Terrible UX. Elon stop hitting that sbooze button ! The app loads only 2 or 3 times the feed, in a chaotic way( sometimes repeats old feed). If u play sth on the For u page then go to your profile, the audio fro. The initial clip is still in the background. If you refresh the for u/following feed, it won't go to the top most times. Aaand, posting tweets takes forever; currently waiting for over 10 minutes to finish the ""upload"" process( short txt+ yt link)." "Good app and consistently improving with each update, but there're few annoying things happening from past couple of month, that my battery is draining faster than usual while using Twitter, now it's consuming more internet and the timeline became slow which giving me headache, even in 90Hz refresh rate timeline sliding slow.... Fix this asap... Please" "Fun time, but there are issues. I've had to reinstall twice to restore functionality. Sometimes tweets from an account start being shoved in at the top of my feed. Example, ""Non Aesthetic things"" started showing up at the top everytime I opened Twitter I must have hit ""Not Interested in this Tweet"" & ""Show Fewer Tweets From"" about 50 times a day for a week... but nothing changed. When this happens, where an account is aggressively put into my feed repeatedly, I have no choice but to mute/block." "I like twitter but the android version needs one change. When I want to back out of a tweet to go back to my feed I prefer to use the back guesture instead of the back button at the top of the screen. Unfortunately, this causes the feed to refresh right after which is annoying. The most frustrating part is this isn't an issue on iOS." "Sadly the new video player doesn't have the most useful Picture-In-Picture option anymore. Nor the double tap to forward and rewind. And it's now more like a Tik-Tok style player of swiping up ""For More""... Interactions are less shadow banned than before. And performance has gotten somewhat better." "Have the best community which is an advantage for the business. Needs better care on user experience, specially auto refresh when reading, improving the scroll position; Switching from landscape and portrait and vice versa. It would also improve the type of news in collections together, overall the topics are too random." "Videos most of the time doesn't work, hang, stream just stops streaming. When switching to horizontal mode video with sound becomes mute. Also you can't one click to mute videos, that's very bad." "latest updates have been messy... now the videos won't load hd, you have to push the back button to come out, the controls disappear and never come back, can't scroll through same post pics... just a terrible experience" "I have zero interest in sports, yet the #1 ""for you"" suggestion every day was sports. I tried digging around in every setting I could find, muting and blocking sports posts, adding sports terms like NHL and football as blocked words, yet it still always shows sports as the ""for you""." "List of bugs: 1. When you rotate your phone to landscape while in a video the sound turns off and it stays muted. 2. Tweet with several photos is displayed incorectly, chopped off at the bottom." "I'm having an difficulty, In which it's taking too long before things could load like I can't see the images (clear/HD) and videos real quick like I'm having a poor signal but I wasn't, all the time." "It's a fine app. Truly. Let's you hang around people you want to. People suck though. Also, ever since Elon took over, so many unnecessary features have been added that slow the app down for me and clutter up the experience as a whole, on top of the whole feed refreshing constantly while I'm reading a damn post. The app has really just gone downhill, so fast." "I love Twitter. It's a great app and everything, however, that stupid auto refresh feature ruins everything!!! There is supposedly a way to disable it but even if you do that, it still auto refreshes and makes the whole experience a chore!! If that gets properly removed in the future, it can make the app better, but right now? It just sucks" "Full-size pictures in inbox won't load, direct messages sometimes appears too late and out of order, and owerall expirence is really bad, it's laggy and unresponsive. Twitter had an awesome lighting-speed mobile web version two years ago, it was good. This app (and modern web version) isn't." "In part it has improved a lot. The level of open discussion has improved 100%. There are still somethings that seem off. Like when a new user signs up all the recommendations are extreme left democratic, liberal, etc. There are a lot of trolls with a particular perspective monitoring every aspect of posts. But it is better than it was." "Would've be a 4/5 star but the app is still lacking in a lot of vital areas. Whenever my phone screen sleeps, or I'm off the app for a while, even when the phone screen is on, I get disconnected off Twitter spaces - whether recorded or in it live. I'd love if Twitter spaces are able to continue playing regardless of if my phone screen is off or I minimize the app. It should be able to keep my phone up from sleeping." Twitter is excellent but lately it is crashing on my Android Samsung Z fold. The rev 9.8 stops your microphone when in space. I revert back to 9.55 the microphone works fine. I cannot take microphone on 9.8 at all in any space. Are you guys putting a better version soon? @imranahsanmirza "I've been using Twitter for more than a decade now. It made a lot of improvements, but still can't do ""edit"" button 😅 which I think is fine. I just wish they will also have ""Memories"" like on Fb. Twitter was like a personal, online diary and it would be great to look and read back some good stuff from yesterday. Anyway, what really brings me here is: ARE THERE TWO VERSIONS OF TWITTER??? 🧐 I am using 2 diff apps at the same time w/ the same content, but in UI. I'm confused 😵‍💫" "Why does it keep trying to sign me up using my Google mail email when I'm already logged in?! Unless you hit the cross straight away to stop it, it keeps automatically creating a new account with my Google mail account. I don't want to create a new account, I've already got one! I'm sick to death of having to deactivate the new account it tries to create every single time I try to log in!" "Instead of having useless monetary updates, why don't you guys improve the UI and add more features on the app like we needed? Twitter Live should be integrated, stop updating the video player! Communities should be improved. I can't even make another community via the app! Add sound recorder on android, maybe? There's endless possibilities, and you guys are focusing on making the social media app monetary, if you don't add more features then you might really deserve not getting subscribers." "Something's are much better and something's aren't so good. The freedom of speech is great. It reveals so much about a person. I love the mute button. A lot of people are obsessed about how many followers they have thinking it's equals people who like and or agree with them but that's so not accurate. They've forgotten "" keep your friends close, your enemies closer"" something the new Twitter has forgotten. Where's I don't agree button? Don't like being put in boxes because of retweets/likes" "Revert the app to the way it was a few weeks ago, tapping a video shouldn't pause it and make the photos posted to scale instead of stretched, having to click onto an individual post is stupid." "The latest update has messed my DM's on Android. When I go into an individual DM the previous msgs are all there, but on the main DM page that list my conversations the last message shown under each name isn't the current one, some are showing msgs from earlier in the day but some are showing the latest msg as an old msg from days, weeks months ago. Please fix ASAP. Thanks" "the ""for you"" page literally sucks. give me back the old chronological order and curated timeline, it's very annoying with TOO many tabs and idk, if you can't really perfected the algorithms like tiktok does. don't even bother with a for you bs." "the video player sucks , I've turned the autoplay videos off , so when I click on any video , I have to press to play after clicking on video , also if the controlling of video disappeared, I can not make it appear again" "Sometimes I can't copy & paste and others, the ""tweet"" or ""tweet all"" button refuses to work, despite having enough characters and the app being most up-to-date. I definitely can't post to socials like I used to, including twitter, with all these damn glitches." "Spaces features on Android don't all appear when trying to use sticker/emojis. Any photos received in my inbox can't be opened to view larger, just comes up with an X. Running latest Android update for S10." "App is generally working but it doesn't update in the background, even though I've given it unrestricted battery and data permissions. Every time I open it my timeline is where I left off and I have to force an update." "Tonight I got the last update. Guess what happened after that? I enter a space room and the moderator cannot see me in the room and they couldn't get my request to speak. I tried many times but it doesnt work. ios Devices run perfectly without any problem. They dont experience the problem we had. Please, tackle and solve this problem asap. Sincerely" "Heavily bloated software that takes up far too much space on a device, it's slow and buggy now. It's soon to be put behind a pay wall to see the For You tab which is a buggy mess to begin with." "Video broadcasting needs a lot of work, in works great on browser, but it's a pain in the app, no skipping forwards or backward if I miss a part of the video I'm screwed. Fix it asap!" "I like the app actually.. especially for the certain topics I want, it's there. But what bothers me is the sound.. I don't hear any tap sounds when I press like, even when I turn on sound there's no any. Please fix, because I really like if there's a sound." "The app is going downhill ever since the acquisitions. Faced a lot of bugs while using the app throughout Feb. Upon improvements, you guys started playing around with the common functionalities: For eg. Twitter has entirely ruined my ""For you"" feed by showing me entirely random tweets and not relevant tweets, likes and follows from people in my following/follower's list. Undo those changes. It's a great app, don't fiddle around what's good already" Give us an option to adjust the video quality. I have 5G yet the video keep playing on 280p and I can't do anything about. How is that not a feature yet? That's the most basic feature that every platform should hVe. Especially with Twitter Blue. What's the point of uploading at 1080p if you can't even watch it at thay quality because the damn app keeps automatically changing it??? "It's a great app, it performs better than using Twitter from mobile browser. But you can't mute videos by default, so if I accidentally click a video it'll play the audio as well, I think it'd be better to have an option to mute videos by default. Or you know, at least have mute button on the video player like a normal app." "I really like this app, but the commituny and the changes to it is absolutely and absurdly HORRIBLE. There's a lot of bugs that are messing with my and others tweets. And the community and the actions that the maker of this app is making us just horrible and horrific" Reports are annoying to create and if you hit the backspace to fix a selection it deletes the report. And of course there is a lot of people spreading misinformation and being vile. The jitter and lag during media and text loading coupled with inconsistent scrolling makes the app a hustle to use. The whole experience on android is pretty unpleasant since i switched. Please do pay twitter on android some mind. "There's something weird happening to the app lately, as I find it crashing constantly and I can't watch videos because they literally crash as well and don't reproduce properly! It kinda does work at the beginning seconds but then it pauses and suddenly it's on second 55 in a 30 second video (just an example). 😂 So yeah the videos crash and break into interrupted frames that aren't even consecutive to the other." A swipe/back option to refresh would be nice. Automatically exitting is counterintuitive for a social media app. You should want me to remain on the damn app for as long as possible. "Very slow, algorithm is not working properly, videos are very rare to play, I'll the same posts throughout the day even after refreshing it." The recent update makes the app more annoying when you scroll down it makes the the in app buttons go off screen and when you scroll up it shows it. It's really annoying. "hello. nowadays, whenever i open my for you page, i mostly see tweets from unknown users. most tweets from my mutuals don't show up. it would be better if tweets from mutuals show up like it did before again. i found great support from them, and i want to keep interacting with them. i hope to see more tweets from my mutuals rather than other unknown users. team twitter, it would be great if this issue could be fixed. thank you." "Been using Twitter for a while now, but I've begun to notice that images in DMs aren't loading in full view when you tap them and sometimes DMs don't load properly. Bit of an annoyance to deal with every day, please fix it." "This version in particular is having issue with twitter spaces. When someone has requested the mic, the user is not moving to speakers even if host/cohost has accepted the mic request. It's happening with most of the Android handsets." "every video i click on turns into a reel and honestly i dont want to swipe up and watch other videos. i cant even pause videos or seek a certain point of a video, its just a fat ahh L all together" "I don't know what you did to the code, but I cannot speak in Spaces anymore. It's a total bummer not getting to chat with my homies. Also, new DMs are no longer previewing the newest message, notifications are often missing in threads, and people I definitely didn't unfollow have asked why I unfollowed them." "After update, I can't fast forward video with double tap. And when I tap the video, the video controller won't appear" Video player is working again! Thanks for the quick fix..feeds are still refreshing all the way back to the top of the profile page though "Videos sometimes stop playing and perpetually buffer or continue playing audio, but the video is frozen. Videos will go mute during playback when I tilt my phone and go fullscreen." "Please, EDIT BUTTON! All apps have them, it's ridiculous not to have one. We KNOW it's not an SMS, you're NOT fooling anyone. People are leaving for other apps, I'm tired of sending embarrassing typos... EDIT BUTTON! EDIT BUTTON! EDIT BUTTON! one more time: EDIT BUTTON!" "something happened and my account stopped working, im not banned or hacked I think but it stopped letting me message people. it says message failed to send, I can still tweet but my account logged itself out and i don't know what happened" "It's very disappoint to my experience in twitter. A few days ago, i update my twitter account. Before that, i deactivate my account ± 1 week. After i updated, my followers are lost. It's too disappoint!" "I'm twitter user from around 2007 2008 and also until now. But the latest update is so annoying, why i must see some not related moots i follow appears in my timeline. Even the topic i do not like came out nowhere and it makes me so desperate 😤😠😩" "Its not that bad of an app, but there are some disturbing videos and pictures on here that have me messed up real bad. I feel like twitter should blur disturbing videos and pictures so that people like kids don't see it" "Ok, I'm confused of Twitter website. Last night I did logged in but for some reason, right now, Twitter website refuse to let me log in. I have 2 accounts and tried to logged in but failed bad, it automatically log me out. What the heck happened?" Hey there's a glitch when when you watch a video you can't pause it and the bar goes away and you can't bring it back. Absolutely informative and educative. The monetizing of the app has removed the purpose of it being a social media and now it has become a business media. 👎 The app is ok but very bad accessibility. There is no way (unless you know there is... please teach me) to resize text or the twitter feed window. "Bugs galore. Please fix the bugs, specially with video, that have been ongoing for weeks now!" L update. Why u ruin the whole video player. U cant double tap to forward and its buggy. No more popup videos alsom ok I've been using this app for two years now and its been working fine till now. It doesnt let me in automaticlly not only that but it wont let me in right on a different device "It was fine before but now I'm having issues with speaking on spaces, I can speak on spaces I create but I can't on others and it's been happening quite frequently. Sometimes I won't hear anything either and then I would disconnect. I seem to be the only person having this issue please help" It's is really great app to follow some good influencers . Only problem it has is it loads a lot just to play some video . Please fix it. "We all know the bird app, but... 1. It could be more helpful to open the menu by swiping to the right. 2. When I open an image/video and drop a like, it is going to be canceled (I don't know why) 3. The Blue Tweeted Icon on the top, it's annoying. I can't remove it unless I click it. You can merge it with the Twitter Icon on the top. They have the same result. Please fix it, and thanks 💙" New update recently made the pictures on certain posts huge. But then normal after tapping on it. Needs to fix the Twitter launch page to a darker color. "Sometimes it closes unexpectedly and unable to reopen. In the previous update, I was scrolling videos now. I can't. Why is that?" Tweets needs to be notified to us right when they are posted not like 5 hours later after they are posted. Some users give away free one-time use code for in game rewards for certain games like fortnite for those who are fast enough. And most users miss out a chance to claim them cause The app doesn't notify them about these quick giveaways until hours later after the initial post. This needs to be addressed better "Hi Twitter team ! Twitter is best app for using but last 1 month one biggest problem 70% people face this problem. A problem is Rigster phone number show this message "" we can't Rigster phone number..."" And the help center show you can 10 account it same number. And than not Rigster, so please fix this problem. I hope Twitter team fix this problem. Thank you !" Enforced notifications about likes on other people's replies :| - also when you tap a green checkmark to remove people from a list it works but the checkmark doesn't go away. Very compact but rather confusing UI. "I missed the old notifications, it would certainly notified me whenever the person I followed like or posted stuff. Or even a trending ""related"" stuff happening" "Despite the ads, this could be an almost perfect app. When clicking ""show more tweets"" the scroll position or last tweet viewed is not maintained. That's the worst thing about this app." "There have been some improvements compared to the December 2022 updates... Still after this latest April 2023 update, a lot still need to be fixed, it keeps logging out due to error... Following and followers keeps fluctuating and playing videos on Twitter are not as smoothly as it was" "Twitter is a great application for remaining up-to-date with what's occurring worldwide, but it's not excellent. First, the application is slow-moving and typically crashes. Second, the interface is jumbled and hard to utilize. Third, it's challenging to discover the details you're seeking. Generally, Twitter is a great application for remaining current with what's taking place in the world, yet there are better choices offered." "Everytime i have to update a new or any specific features, kindly do mention it and the service provider is not mentioning it." Twitter is great but the more advanced professional functions are not working well. Has problem switching between accounts. Tools and menu cannot be clicked on. "Many issues right now on my Galaxy s20+. Topics just simply DON'T WORK in either the Search section or Topics section. Also, a long-standing issue of when scrolling on a Twitter profile and rotating phone, you jump back to the top of the page instead of staying where you were. Latest issue is now Bookmarks don't work. That Musk fell has not got a clue does he 💀" "I like it for the most part, my one major negative is that on Android you can't change your profile picture or anything like that, and you can only record (aka, for what I've found, you can't input mp3 file music to get rid of the ""I'm in my living room and breathing into my mic with intensely"" quality. Also, sometimes the app will randomly pause the music while I'm listening, if not shutting it off entirely." "Lots of updates for an audio streaming app, but it has all the features a mobile user could want. Except maybe bass and treble enhancement. Also a major problem today is that changing tiers of subscription has thrown an error. I think I'd need a new account to upgrade. I just wanted to listen to this album...oh well." "I love Soundcloud, however there is a bug where when I get a notification, the volume gets cut in half and won't return to normal until I get another notification. Not even force stopping the app works. They also recently updated it so when you add songs to a Playlist, you can't just hit back anymore, if you don't hit ""done"" in the top corner, it won't add whatever you just added. Not sure who thought that was a good idea. Last but not least, PLEASE add a scroll bar thing." "Three stars for all the amazing content you can't find elsewhere. Docked two stars because you can't see the artists album art, as it has been reduced to a small thumbnail (when you view a playlist or ""behind this track""). For long playlists, it'd be convenient not have to scroll all the way to the bottom to hear newest added tracks." "Could you please tell me despite all the recent updates to SoundCloud, why it no longer shows the album art like it used to ? It always worked great in the past, but after the last 3-4 updates, it doesn't anymore. Can you please advise ? As I have everything enabled for SoundCloud to operate in the background, as well as pop ups allowed. I've tried using the SoundCloud Help center, which is frankly, a waste of time." "The buffering on this app is significantly worse than I remember (The results are the same on wifi or on 4g full bars). It's worse than youtube, which makes no sense because its just playing audio, no video. Often times it will just stop playing a song at around 18 seconds in and then buffer for a whole minute. This happens about every third or fourth song. It's driving me nuts. Pair that with the long ads and the breaks between each song and it starts to feel like cable television." "I've been using soundcloud since 2015 and for the most part the app has been really great. Before the last update I would've given this app 5 stars, but after this newest update I have to give it 3 and I'm considering dropping the app altogether. It's been using more internet to load music, there are persistent ads in the playlist above the songs, every 2 songs I'm getting hit with two 30sec ads, this is ridiculous. Not to mention if I had the app open, it forces me to sit through a video ad." "This app was the absolute bomb until the new update I'm pretty sure. At least you guys actually get some buffering, SoundCloud just refuses to play my music. Even with wifi plus redownloading the app multiple times everytime I try to play a song it literally just stays on pause and wont play. I dont know If anybody else have gotten this issue but If it keeps it up I'm definitely switching apps." "Great app, good music, a lot of music actually and you can make playlists. But I can't log in due to errors after looking up and doing (almost) all available options on my T-Mobile phone. I use my Google Account to sign in and the account is named XERO LIVES but it seems to pratically be erased. I have multiple uploads I want to keep and private playlists to listen to. On Chrome, its gone and I can't log in on the app. If anyone may fix it (even time) then I will update this review to 5 stars." "I love using soundcloud, it allows me to turn my phone off and still keep playing the music and the ads are not bad best of all it's free but i've been having issues with it as it will pause my music multiple times throught the day. Getting the music playing again means i have to reload the app all over again and it will just bug out after that. To play that song again an ad almost always plays before the song starts." "The recent updates for this app have just been littered with bad decisions from ads on playlists and two 30 second unskippable ads, with a mandatory video if you're in the app when an ad shows, inbetween every one or two songs, to using up more wifi than ever and the just outright poor design choices. I was considering buying the subscription for a while, but after these recent changes I've started losing faith in making the purchase." "The app is pretty neat. I love listening to small artists that use this app. But if you want to listen to popular songs by popular artists, there's a 50% chance its marked under GO+. This sucks because not everyone can actually aford it. Theres also way too many ads but personally, I'd rather use this than Spotify. I just wish people wouldnt have to pay just to listen to their favorite music." "It appears to provide a variety of music options from all over the world. Nevertheless, it is unclear just how easy to use the interface is as I have yet to attempt it out. I'm likewise unclear of the audio top quality of the music readily available. It would be nice if there were more information concerning the app prior to downloading and install to make a much better decision." "I'm having the same problem as several other reviewers. Music suddenly stops and only way to play again is to scroll forward or back. Problem is consistent and super frustrating. After re-downloading app, restarting phone, logging out and in...I might have to just delete if problem isn't fixed. Not worth the hassle or having to restart almost every song, even multiple times in the same song, to listen to anything." "I have actually been using the SoundCloud app on my Android phone for some time now, and also need to state that it is just one of my preferred songs applications. It's really easy to utilize as well as has a great option of music. The only point I do not like concerning it is that it doesn't have a lot of the pop music on it, however aside from that it's terrific." "Great music app!! Absolutely love It! New update causes songs not to play. I have the song showing that it is being played, but no sound. No music. No nothing. This has been going on when connected to Bluetooth, wired connection, and straight through the phone. I have restarted my phone, and that seems to help l... However this needs to get fixed asap. Update! Still the same issues. Can't get through 5 songs without 3 of them cutting out. Doesn't pause. Just completely silences the music." "I think it works way better than most other music apps, don't very much like that you have to get the Premium subscription to be able to listen to certain songs, and I have had this bug where once one song ends it won't play the next song in the playlist as it'll be paused, so I either have to open up my phone again to unpause or press a button on my headphones to unpause. But other than those this is a very nice app, and ads aren't thrown in my face constantly either." "5 star for the paid (ad-free) mode, which unlocks downloading. Loads of unique avant-garde music. With ads, idk... ad amount seemed to vary based on what artists you were listening to, and less on pc than mobile. (as of mid 2020) Actually 4.5 star, ⭐ as the share links direct ppl to the app rather than the html address, which is really stupid. Docking the whole thing down to 3 ⭐ cause whenever an update comes out but isn't applied yet, playlists break. It feels intentional." "SoundCloud fine, but I'm unhappy the recording feature was removed. I understand that uploading is possible after I've recorded in a separate app, and that's great because it should be an option, but I don't think it warrants removing an existing feature that was working fine. My phone (a Samsung Galaxy) doesn't actually come with a recording app pre-installed. I'll just find something else more convenient to use so that I can record and upload in all in one app." "Wasn't what I expected. I thought it was supposed to be easy to navigate, which it can be once you use it for a while, and I thought I was able to download music from SoundCloud. That was my main reason for downloading. After searching why I couldn't download on my phone, I seen you have to be on a laptop/computer, or have a weird SoundCloud+ thing, idfk. Either way, good app but not for me." "Love SoundCloud the concept (5*), hate SoundCloud the app (2*). The app has nice, even unique features, but it seems to remain open in the background, ready to restart the last music I'd played at some unfortunate time. Sorry but I've had way too many negative experiences with music apps more or less randomly popping off. Plus, battery life." "It's a great app for people that want to listen to underground artist and there is a lot of beats for those that are aspiring musicians. Also great for directly socialising with other musicians. You can also upload you own music here, or whatever. The app itself if fine and dandy but I for one can't upload music using the app. I have to do it through the website unfortunately." "It works fine. I'm happy that it plays with the screen off. But what a disappointment to be unable to turn off video ads. Videos are bulky, I don't want to download them on data, and I'm not looking at the screen anyway, it's a radio, so it's pointless. Second, the app and widget can be a bit glitchy. I feel like the app needs a restart now and then for one thing or another. Songs that won't play when I click on them, the playlist won't appear, wrong song name displayed, ad stops halfway, etc." "A great app for finding tons of music, however there is one bug I've been getting A LOT lately. Occasionally the song will glitch, and the amount of time left on it will be reset to 0, but the song will continue the play, but won't play the upcoming song after it. It's really strange and a BIG annoyance because it happens ALL THE TIME! Please get it fixed, thank you. Edit: Glitch is still there after update, but now the time gets stuck at a certain spot instead of going to 0. PLEASE FIX!" "SoundCloud is a pretty good app. However, it has an annoying feature that caused me to uninstall. The app would begin to play when I connected to my car's bluetooth. It didn't matter whether or not I'd restarted my phone or if it was not the last streaming app I'd used. There didn't seem to be a fix for the problem so I had to remove it from my phone." "Recently, with any songs I play on this app, there's a sound effect on them like static pops throughout. Like they're a physical disc that's been scratched. Or like the file is corrupted. Or interference. It's on different songs as well, not just one. As well that none of my other music apps make this sound while playing songs, so it's not my phone. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it wasn't fixed." "I love SoundCloud, it's been my main music source for years and even pay monthly for SoundCloud Go+. I download all kinds of music for offline. However, the experience from the app is terrible way too much of the time. The biggest issue for me is that for some reason, the app will randomly undownload all my saved music. I'm talking 700+ songs including individual songs, albums, and playlists. Its happened multiple times the past year. it takes me hours to download it all again. Very frustrating." "I love this app. It gives me a perfect opportunity to actually spare a bit more diversity in my choices of songs. But it's the ads that throw me off. It wasn't like this before, but now there's literally 30-second unskippable ads that pop up after every song ‐ and sometimes I'm just skipping to another song when it happens. A few ads are good, but one after every single song? Definitely not worth it. I would rate 5 stars, but that's what takes it away." "The title bar has completely disappeared for the past month so now if I want to pause or skip a song I have to close whatever I'm doing, go on soundcloud, and skip or pause, instead of just pulling the bar down and doing it from there. Sometimes whenever I like a song or add a song in my playlist, it takes quite a while for it to show up in my likes and/or playlist. The ads can be annoying at times but besides that everything else seems fine for now" "this app is nice to use, because I can turn it off, and it will still play. I also love the loop feature. But there is this constant static popping noise that plays throughout the music or podcasts I'm listening to. This noise does not occur in the audio of YouTube or Spotify, and it (the popping noise) does not occur with different headphones/earbuds. But after awhile, the noise seems to intensify in noise, making it extremely irritating to listen to whatever I am listening to." "It's ok. Better than Spotify but can you make it so that people can get the original song without paying? Or even make it so that great songs can be available and not just voice covers? Sorry but it gets annoying trying it get the music you want and have to listen to voice covers. Also, the songs I download keep messing up and moving around without explanation. Is there a way to fix that? Thanks." "The app used to be better for me. I would start listening to a daily podcast the day after it was posted. Normally, the creators remove the track the next day, but as long as I started listening to it before that, I was ok. Now, the track lists as ""can't stream"" even when I'm in the middle of it. Hitting play will play only one second of the file. If I want to hear anymore, I have to hit play over and over. This change bothers me." "It's music is wonderful. The product itself is grand. However, with mobile data and even after getting soundcloud+ it still won't let me listen to the tracks. It lags and a lot of the songs act as if I don't have plus and I'm offline. Only a week after getting plus, it said I couldn't get it anymore. Confusion increased as I had paid for the month. However, the ads work just fine. It is confusing and I would appreciate if it was worked on." "This app is very nice, and my go to for listening to music. The layout is very clean and easy to navigate quickly. However, there are many glaring issues that I have with SoundCloud. The app will randomly crash sometimes. And the worst thing about this app, the ads. The ads are either disturbing, extremely loud, or in a language I dont understand. From my experience, ad personalization just doesn't work either as I have given no indication that I do any of the things in the ads or speak Spanish." Love Hate Relationship I've been using SoundCloud for long time. Recently there has been an increase of ads. I use it when I'm working out and to keep going then the ad comes on. It makes me want to slam the dumbbells against the wall or maybe it's the Pre workout that kicks in idk. The point is that it's a great app but the ads for 30 seconds and can't skip are the mood killers. "I like that I can make playlists and shuffle them. The trouble I am having is the app randomly playing while my phone is connected to my car via Bluetooth. It'll be at random times, not just when I start my car, and I can't turn it off unless I pull over and close the app. It's especially annoying if I am already listening to another music app. Then it's two music apps playing at once and I can't enjoy either one. I had to uninstall." "I love this app, I've been using it for years. I prefer this over any other, but I've only got one issue. I like drawing on my device and I want to listen to music whilst doing it, but everytime I exit out and go to the app. It completely stops the music. I look at the notifications and it's gone. So if this problem is fixed I'd definetly appreciate (and rate it 5 stars, of course) it. Thank you for your time! And I strongly recommend this app!" "I like the variety on SoundCloud, but, on the playlists I create, a few songs in the app will just decide to start playing other songs based on the list, without even playing all of the original list. Also, my settings to have the playlist shuffled and Station Autoplay turned off change back every time I close the app. So I'd have to reset these settings every time I got back in my car or into my house to make it play how I want it to. Basically, ability to control playback is not very convenient. Otherwise, love the look and feel and music variety." "It's a fantastic app for listeners but an awful one for creators. A lot of features, such as adding tags, monetizing tracks, etc., are missing from the app. Hell, you couldn't even upload music files until recently. It would be fantastic if the app had everything that was on the website, or if there was another app that's built exclusively for creators so we could modify and monetize tracks on the go. Thanks." "There was a time when I'd choose Soundcloud over Spotify. Its variety and discovery of new artists and songs is unrivaled. Opposed to Spotify, which keeps you in a loop of playing the same songs over and over. Over the years, it's gotten VERY buggy and frustrating. A bug that came up recently, where a song will skip around 30 seconds in, at an exact timeframe. It's gotten to the point where I have to uninstall and reinstall the app to get it working ""properly"" (the bug comes back later)." "So, I like soundcloud. I use it almost constantly, but I've run into a problem. So yesterday, I was listening to my favorite playlist, when an ad played. Thats normal, so I just kinda waited for it to end. But it didn't. The ad kept pausing at 1 second, and when I hit the play button again it just restarted. It forced me to uninstall the app entirely. So yeah, good app with its own set of flaws." "It was great, but then the app would stop a lot. And the widget of the app where you can see what music you played, skip and pause disappeared. I don't know if it's my phone, but if it's not, then it's gonna get a 3 star review until they fix the bugs! And this also started to happen when I updated the app. I have hope that they will fix these bugs so people don't experience them! Other than those 2 problems, the app is wonderful and great!" SoundCloud used to be my go to. And in the past it let you skip all ads after a little bit and the amount of ads that would pop up was minimal. Now the Ads are stupidly long and it rarely gives you option to skip ad. The frequency of ads is also terrible. Seems like every couple of songs. Sometimes every other song. And only getting worse. Spotify is the way to go in my opinion. "It was great at first; but now there are issues. I listen to it frequently in my car. But, now there are way too many annoying ads, songs on my playlist will all of a sudden pause/freeze multiple times (sometimes I can get it playing again, sometimes I can't), it will start playing a song I don't have on my playlist and freeze or force close, and most recently there will be nothing but extremely loud ear piercing static. PLEASE FIX! Will give high rating when addressed." "The app is great and always had been, but the ads are continuously thrown at you between 3 to 4 songs that last for like 30 seconds and plus, some ads are videos that you can't leave playing in the background while you wait for more music to come on. You have to stay in the app and watch the ad itself and sometimes they can last up to 30 seconds. I wouldnt mind the ads as much if they were at least skippable." "I love listening to SoundCloud and have for several years now via the Android app. Recently though, the notification system is broken with the latest update. It no longer shows the progress of a song in the notification and will instead only show that it is playing with the progress dot stuck at the beginning of the song (0:00)." "It's alright. I been using this app for some time now. Like about 6 years? At first, the app was great! I remember you could play your music offline. (Sometimes...) But now, it just seem to crash out of nowhere. And lag can sometimes happen. But it's mostly the crashes for me. When ever I use another app, or even just search up something on Google. The app would just crash in a bit sec. So yeah, I hope that would be fix soon. Please, I love using this app." "I don't really know what to think at this point. I used to really love this app, I could listen to all my music for free with occasional ads I didn't mind, but lately it's gotten really buggy and crashes alot not to mention there will literally be two 30 second unskippable ads in a row every two songs and it's really annoying. Not sure if I'll stick with soundcloud if this keeps up, which is a shame because it's really nice otherwise." "Id gladly give it 5 stars because there's nothing like it. But I cannot accurately put into words the frustration and annoyance that occurs when my phone is constantly vibrating like crazy during playback! I think it goes off whenever there is a comment at that point during the song. There is NO WAY OF TURNING IT OFF. Can you guys PLEASE fix this!? And give us the option to turn off the vibration when you play/pause playback, please! There's so much unique music on here but the apps aggravating!" "I like the variety of music you offer. But, it would be super awesome if the app would play the songs without stopping for no reason in the middle of songs. I have to, very often, start the songs again. This is super annoying and makes me want to use other apps that play the songs and do not stop in the middle of them. Fix that problem and you get 5 stars." "Used to be fine but now it frequently refuses to play songs I select and skips to the next song in queue. The only way to get it to play the song I want is to select the song after it and use the back button on my headphones to get to the song I wanted to hear. Developers also don't list changes or fixes with new updates, which is always frustrating with any app." "I've used souncloud for 2-3 years now and I've experienced few issues. However, recently the repeat button doesn't work if the app is not open, which gets annoying fast, and also the app will randomly glitch when playing a song and force you to restart from the beginning. This has been happening for months with no solution. The new update just made everything way too large, its like maximizing an article all the way 180%. Soundcloud just feels like a hassle to use, but it's the only alternative." "LONG-TERM REVIEW: 5 stars for content. 2 stars for the Android app. I pay $10 a month for over a year now and NO support! BS! The app has so many problems: 1. Pulling down the menu during a playback does not allow you to pause or play 90% of the time. 2. Sliding forward or back on a 20+ minute track causes it to start over for no reason. 3. Whenever you jump back into the app, full screen track window jumps to minimize. Many more problems and complaints that don't fit in 500 character review" "I've had SoundCloud for about 3-4 years now. I just started to notice a few problems, like the fact that you can't go directly to comments or replies on your comment and you have to physically find it. I've also noticed this weird glitch where the ads would end but it wouldn't let me put on any songs. I'd have to restart my phone because even after I close out the app, it doesn't change. SoundCloud is pretty good aside from most of the good/old songs being inaccessible" "Service is fantastic - the app not so much - The app is really buggy; often a song WON'T be put in a playlist the first time you press the button. I've lost track of some really good songs because of this. When swiping through songs, sometimes the previous song will continue to play instead of the current song you're supposed to be on. The app also seems to always have connection issues even when the internet connection is fine. Just absolutely riddened with bugs. The service itself is great" "i use SoundCloud a lot while listen to music on the go. unfortunately I am not financially stable enough to get rid of the somewhat (incredibly) intrusive ads. i get they need money but i end up just turning down my volume and listening to silence between tracks because of how frequently they pop up. its by no means a bad app, but as someone whos been using it for a few good years, its been gradually getting worse. yay capitalism." "Doesn't recommend music outside of a genre defined by a few songs you listened to maybe four years ago, so that's a problem. Next, despite being an audio medium SoundCloud hosts video commercials...and you can't skip them. So you gotta use data to watch an ad while listening to music. Just go back to audio ads, guys. Try to be less problematic. On a positive note, there is a lot of variety of music and much of the good stuff is free if you find a way to find it." "The most INFURIATING music app! I only use it to listen to songs that aren't posted anywhere else because they're region-locked, but the songs are either taken down or ""disappear"" out of the playlist I put them in (the playlist has twenty-nine songs and it went down to SEVENTEEN,) so I have to put them back in one by one and rearrange them! Even then, it's IMPOSSIBLE to move the songs back into the playlist because as soon as I fix everything, they go back into the order they were before!" "It's a great app but it's being glitchy as all hell right now (as of 3-17-21). Everytime I try to skip a song I have to press pause, skip the song, and then play it again. And it still plays the previous song. Also when it plays as when I have my phone closed, and I open the app, it will restart the app or restart a song and then play another ad afterwards. Other that the recent problems, great app or posting and listening to music." "SoundCloud is awesome when it works, but every once in a while, like right now, the app will get messed up (maybe a bug or something) & I'm not able to use it. Even though I'm connected to wifi it will say ""No internet connection"" or ""Not Playable. Track cannot be streamed"". And no, this is not the first time this has happened. Within the last 2 months this is the second time, and the first time I had to go a WHOLE WEEK without being able to listen to music using SoundCloud. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!" "It's pretty good, although the ads are a bit to much. Like an ad per 2 songs whether you're flipping through them or or not. And now I've noticed that you sometimes have 2 ads to get to the next song which is very annoying. Yes, I realize that there's a premium, but I can't afford it in my situation. So, my review for this app is too many ads." "I loved using SoundCloud. I had a playlist and I wanted to edit it, but nothing showed up. So I clicked save changes and it deleted over 300 of my songs in it. Now I have to go through all of my likes and but them back. I might just have to put all of my songs on Spotify instead so it won't happen again. (This happened to 2 of my playlists). It still is an amazing app though, so I'd still recommend it to people!!" "I love it. It's a great app and I switch between this and Spotify depending on whether I want playlists or play a specific song. The reason I'm taking off 2 stars is because occasionally, about once every 10 ads, it bugs out and blasts static at full volume and blows my ears off. I can hear the earbuds after taking them off from around the house. It's absolutely horrible and I gotta unplug them and finish the ad with sound off and no earbuds. Turning sound down doesn't effect the static." "With the recent update of the past month I just finally updated, the app is slightly annoying. Mainly do to I can't change music from notifications. I had to open the app to swap left/right and more than half of the time, I can't click the music next to a playing song. Again, I had to go inside the app and swap to it. Until this is fix, I'm giving it 3 stars. It's a good app, but the notifications bug is quite a pain to to." "Great app overall, but there are 2 caveats. The new UI is clunky and uninspired, the old one was much better and I hope you guys switch back, and then there's the track playthrough. After about 25 songs on an artist, out of nowhere it switches to suggested music, which I never want it to do! If I wanted to listen to music suggestions I would listen to the playlists made for me, so please, just let me listen to my music in peace without having to remember where I am and switch back after the swap" "I've used this app for my music listening needs, but it's annoying to enjoy music for free whenever you get bombarded by two 30 second ads in the span of maybe 2 songs. Honestly, if you want to use this app, get ready to cough up money for a subscription or else I hope you're patient enough to sit through annoying ads. Also, occasionally when adjusting the queue, the tracks don't properly move and go to the wrong spot or original spot." "pretty middle of the road. it plays music. been using since 2014-15. the ads have gotten so much more aggressive over the years. there will always be 1 ad after the first song u play when u open the app. I think after that it's about every 15 minutes but I can't confirm that. if u replay a song repeatedly, it increases the chances u get an ad by a lot. otherwise it's the same app as before. they allow u to repost ur fav songs and make playlists. it's aight, not bad, but not great." "It's an adequate enough music player, but the next up queue is immediately lost if you accidentally tap a new song, which can be a problem you keep your music in separate playlists or in your like collection. This issue is made worse with the fact that randomly after an update, every 3 to 12 months, large portions of your playlists and like list will disappear. If you search for them, they'll say they're still liked, but you have to remove and add them back, losing months of playlist building." "I love the app, use it daily. The only issue I have is with the ads. Edit: I got go+ recently so the ads aren't a problem, the problem now is that several of my playlists and liked songs got deleted out of the blue. It's not that the songs we're removed by whoever posted them, it just displays a ""track cannot be streamed"" message everytime I try to play something." "I like it alot because of the variety of music, however I'm only giving it three stars because I have to use it with other apps. It doesn't offer a complete experience. You can't listen to full songs from certain artists unless you pay for a premium membership, which is probably more frustrating for people who don't listen to alot of indie music. In addition to that, it often freezes, not playing advertisements for no apparent reason. Otherwise its pretty good." "It's a good app, but it's been glitching out since 3/21/2021. I'm not sure whats happening but it keeps crashing. I try to skip a song and it delays before skipping 3 songs ahead when I only pressed the button once. I've read some of the more recent reviews and noticed lots of people are having the same issue, so SoundCloud, you might wanna figure out what's happening before people start deleting your app and switching to other apps. Other than the recent issues it's been a good app." "I truly love using this app for listening to music and posting my own. However, within the last week the app keeps signing me out every time I close it. I constantly have to sign back in every time I want to stream music, which makes the experience frustrating, as I've never had this issue before. Overall, good for streaming music, but a step backwards recently." "Soundcloud's ads are relentless and intrusive. When you first open the app, if you wanna search for a song straight away, an ad will pop up halfway through typing, so that gets interrupted. Then you play maybe one or two songs before an ad break appears. They are long, they are frequent, there are multiple, and they are unskippable. You lose about a minute each time listening to them. It's very disruptive to the music discovery process, much more so than YouTube. Soundcloud needs to chill." "The main problem is the Ads, sometimes the Ads have unskip, so you have to listen the WHOLE ads or you just BUY MONEY to disable per month. Plus I found a glitch that every time I edit my playlist, it just broken, so I have to exit it and do it again, but no, it STILL broken or it just crash and said ""it wasn't responding"". Also if you pressed ""Play next song"", even you accidentally press it, there's no way to fix it or disable it, unless you delete this app and download it again to fix it.(Tip)" "You know, I think its a great concept the fact that someone can just easily put out music and just listen to that. But like, also the part that is irritating for me, is that It's really difficult to search and save certain things. it's not as simple as it could be, everything just seems so crowded on the screen. It's harder to discover more artists on this platform as well. I actually credit Spotify for their playlists. Long story short: SoundCloud needs a makeover. Plus not as reliable as some." "Ok so the app WAS great, tons of options for music, easy to use, intuitive design, In general a good service but they decided to update the UI for no reason. Everything is 10x bigger now and they rearranged so many things. This did not improve the app in any way, shape, or form. And there is still a ton of bugs. The music bar in notifications randomly dissapearing, the lag between skipping a song and the song actually skipping is about a minute and still happens even if you reopen the app." "Honestly because of the fact you can listen to any song you search up (other than premium only songs) and listen to it straight away and not a whole Playlist that's why I use it a lot. But the ads can get a little repetitive and are sometimes ridiculously long. So yeah, but that's the only downside, other than that it's pretty good free music app." "The overall experience with soundcloud is very efficient and easy to navigate. The interface works well, however the reason I am rating 3 stars is because there is a glitch with the app. When SoundCloud and Google Maps are open at the same time, there is a glitch in the notification bar, where the two icons keep switching back and forth. This could be with the two apps running simultaneously the phone isnt able to tell which app is of higher priority, thus the constant switching back and forth" "Overall it's pretty cool. Lots of remixes and obscure music that's hard to find. When I first started using it I never heard any ads. Then I started hearing some ads, which sucked, but I understand you need money. Now it seems like there are ads every 3 or 4 songs. This is way too many ads. It's not enjoyable to listen to anymore. Also, my app won't lets me pause during an add. I don't know if this is a glitch or if this is on purpose, but I feel it's an important feature to be able to pause." "SoundCloud is a great for when you can't listen to all your favorite artist on a particular music app. However just now as I was trying to listen to my music nothing was working, the search, the home tab, everything. I tried uninstalling and reinstall and all that did was erase all of my songs, and the search and home tabs still don't work. This has never happened before out of all my time using SoundCloud, I hope whatever the issue is, it be resolved soon." "recently there has been an issue. when I search a song and play it from the search bar, after the song ends instead of playing the next one like how it used to, the app closes. before if you played a song from the search bar, the next song would be similar in genre and music to the one you've listened to. now it doesn't do that anymore. I have to go back and play the next song. if that can be fixed it would be amazing! it was through that feature I was exposed to new songs!" "It was great for a couple of months, then idk what happened. Whenever I pause a song I have trouble starting it or even swipping to another song. It just sits there at that one song, and nothing happens if I press play. I either have to reopen the app or switch songs manually. And when I reopen the app it resets the playlist all the way back to the song that played when I first opened the app. Also, the auto generated playlists based on what you like almost never change, so gl finding new stuff." "If you want the pull down window you have to turn on playback notifications. If you want it to keep playing after you close the app by mistake you're out of luck. It used to do that, but not anymore. I've tried every setting I could find; it's just not a feature anymore. If the Bedtime Stories podcast was available on another app I would switch in a heartbeat." "Two issues. I love the idea of this app, but I mainly use it for podcast listening. It's too difficult to skip back or forward just 10 seconds . If I want to back up a few seconds because I missed something I ended up backing up like 2 minutes. Add a skip back 10 seconds option. Please. Also if I open my app I see the player playing but it moves me back to the main page so when I hit pause I end up staring another podcast and losing my place and the last podcast doesn't save its place." "Don't like the amount if ads, but other than that it's a pretty good app. However when I try to upload a song, it'll say ""processing"", yet never finish processing. Not only that, but when I close the app or renew the page I'm on, the song I tried to upload will disappear like I didn't try uploading it at all. Is there any way to fix this? It's annoying because I've tried uploading a particular song three times yet it's done this all those times." "I really liked this app before the update. I updated it and it suddenly doesn't work. It won't load any of my playlists, tracks I listen to, or tracks I've uploaded. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared the data, signed out and signed back in, everything. Nothing works. Please fix this 🙂 EDIT: It works now, don't know what happened but it works 😁" "I've used this app for years, and it's been great until recently. When it's playing music, the rest of my phone will glitch out - freezing, unable to use the pull down Android menu, unable to pause/play/skip the song unless I'm actually in the app. I don't know why it's happening but it has me seriously considering deleting the app, at least for a while! Terribly sad" "I've been using this app for awhile, never have I really had issues with it, but for the past few weeks, it's been acting up. I can't run the thing without the whole app sitting in the background, while listening through half a song, it goes quiet, like it continues to play the song, but there's just no audio, absolutely none. I would give it 5 stars because I've used it for awhile and never had problems with it, but after the recent updates, it ended up being 3 instead due to these issues." "The interface is nice and I LOVE the social features, however there is a lot of music missing. The front page is obsessed with rap/trap music... Recommendations were good for one year and now they suck, refusing to update in the slightest and mixed with tons of low quality user generated content. If there was another social platform like this I would leave in a heartbeat." "I would give it 5 stars but I have a problem. Whenever it finishes one song and goes on to the next it pauses. And then I have to manually unpause it to make it start playing again every time, which becomes tedious. I do have some idea why it's happening, It's because of ""video"" ads. This ad cannot ""play"" after a song ends when you're not on SoundCloud so then it skips the ad and pauses the song. I'm fine with ads in general but can you just use audio ads like before instead of video?" "I really like SoundCloud as a platform their app leaves much to be desired oh, the ability to change playback speed would be amazing. The user interface is far too touchy it's way too easy to leave what you're listening to and wind up somewhere that you have no idea what it is. Finding what you have already listened to is also more difficult than it needs to be. It's a make this app half as usable as the average podcasting apps they could get five stars easily." "I've been using SoundCloud for years and now it feels like the quality is dropping. I can't move songs around in my own lists anymore. They jump back to where they were instead of where I put them. I also haven't gotten a skippable ad in what feels like ages, leaving me to hear almost a full minute of ads informing me not to smoke. Other than that, good app." "I had just set up an account when some random person followd me. their profile photo was very pornographic. i I deleted it instantly. This may not be a problem for everyone, but this was really creepy. Spotify is easier to use. The reason I got it in the first place was to download music but it didnt even help me figure out what was going on. It is a shame i am rating it so low really. it is in theory a great app." "I'm able to sign in now, thankfully. But, HOORAY! Soundcloud has yet another bug. Now after I transfer the app to my SD card, the app crashes every time I even try to open it! So far, it works fine only when I have the app on my internal storage, but I'd prefer to save as much internal storage on my phone as possible. So please look into this situation and fix it." "*sigh* I'm so annoyed. this app is great and the audios are super useful but if you dont buy the premium, ads pop up like every 4 songs/tracks and its sooooo annoying. AND WHATS EVEN MORE ANNOYing is that sometimes I press 'add to playlist' and then I check it later and it didnt save and I get so pissed. but overall its great... I just wish they fixed that." "Alright, I get that you need ads and all if you don't have SoundCloud Go or whatever it was called, but do you really have to put it between every single song? Maybe once, every three songs, like it used to be? edit: I'd also like to add that the next up feature doesn't work, at least not for me. It often skips most of the songs in between and only plays the first and last few." I want to like this app but the songs cut out in the middle like a record skipping. I switched from Spotify to Pandora to this and this app has a ton of good music. I love that I can modify my own playlists but it never keeps them downloaded so I can listen offline. I work in a building with no signal so that really sucks. I don't understand why I'll download the music and then I go to play offline and it's not there half the time. I pay for premium service too. I'm not keeping this app. :( "I love SoundCloud, its great for finding new artists but the app itself is very glitchy. As other reviews have mentioned, the ads are very long (compared to other streaming services) and are often pretty frequent- one every few songs. However the one issue which really bothers me is how sometimes my liked tracks won't save. Even after logging out, AND reinstalling the app, I still can't ""like"" songs. I would give the app one star if it weren't for the music making up for the glitches." "everything runs smoothly and i can deal with the ads, but all of a sudden a lot of main stream artists music don't play anymore, specifically the ones i listen to all the time. it comes up saying with every single track ""this track cannot be played"" which confuses me as it was working two days prior to this incident. if you do see this, please look into the issue." "I've used SoundCloud for over a decade but I've hesitated due to the performance issues I've encountered with the app. It takes over 30 seconds for my liked songs list to load, even on my fiber connection at home. The app is well laid out and easy to use, but please fix your performance issues. It becomes a safety concern when I'm waiting for it to load while I'm driving just so I can pick a song." "This app seems more broken with every update. There are a ton of problems with closing or pausing a stream and then having audio start playing in the background when leaving the app. If I answer a call while a stream is playing, the audio plays during the call. Also lots of problems with chat notifications that can't be dismissed and take up an unreasonable amount of the chat window. The right side of chat messages sometimes get cut off when watching vods. And so the list of problems grows." "As far as the platform goes, it's great. The android app though is infinitely buggy for me. For example, I'll get permanent ad banners that won't go away, then it'll play more ads because it's bugged out. Sometimes I'll get stuck in an ad loop. If not, it shows the ad break bar and it doesnt go away. Almost every time. The chat bugs out too for me and won't show me certain letters or words that I should be able to see. Or the stream videos resize themselves. Sometimes they go really small. etc." "Making Clips is an absolute nightmare on this app. It takes ages to load the clip editor (and most of the time, it never loads at all), and if you actually manage to get to the point where you can publish your clip, ""something went wrong"" and you can't, so you just end up doing all that work and waiting for it to load for nothing." "It does what I need, so long as my wifi is solid. However, get a hiccup, or moving around, and it'll buffer at anything. But more annoying than that, the app doesn't even work if you have low bit rate. Say, for example, you are on a bus with wifi of 1 mbs, the app just errors. I can't choose to lower video quality or turn off low latency mode because it can't even show me a video player. There needs to be added troubleshooting options in the settings for low internet speeds, but there isn't." "Twitch itself is great. The mobile app, not so much. There's a wide range of issues with it, including stream delay, the captions system, clips, and it's missing a lot of settings that can be found on desktop. It's also annoying that BetterTwitchTV and 7TV don't work on mobile but that might be more related to the mobile platform itself." "Channel Recommendations on the Following tab continues to be a complete waste of space and annoyance. That's what the Discover tab is for. I also don't like that Friends and Host features have been dropped. Why can't we filter by more than one tag? Streaming performance remains good, at least. UI has never evolved very much since launch, though." "It suits my purpose. the app is missing a few items. 1. the selection of categories is limited on the tablet and phone versions. This should be upgraded to help people stream from these devices. The one category that is missing is video games. 2. Overlay functionality on the tablet and phone. versatility is key in this area. Other than those two areas, the app does really well. please continue the good work. We know that everything comes in time in the development of this application." "What is going on with this app? Before the most recent update, I had no problems. Now when I'm listening to stream, it always skips back 10-15 seconds and replays. This happens without the screen being touched. It never use to do this and is incredibly annoying. Edit 5-15-21 Now I've had to separate occasions where the audio has just gone away. Noone else talking about it in chat. And it doesn't fix with headphones, or phone audio. So annoying" "This app is okay. Pretty comparable to the website experience, with a few added annoyances. My biggest issue is that I frequently minimize the app, entering 'picture in picture' mode or whatnot(a smaller window which opens to allow you to use another app). That feature works, but ALWAYS runs an ad when maximizing the window. The fact that channels rarely have more than one ad at a time, you get hit with the same ad over and over again if you're trying to use your phone while watching." "The app is good but it has a lot of audio problems, it usually gets delayed on every stream after like 5 minutes and I have to close the stream, open the stream, watch the 30 second ad again, and maybe it works but it sometimes stays delayed. If that happens, I restart the app but the same thing happens, I have to watch the ad and see if it works" "I would say the app it 50/50, like how other reviews have explained it does go a bit too far with the ads. Sometimes its difficult to organize and catch up and find list of people you follow, yet at the same time it normally does run well (depending on the performance of your wifi connection) and when you're actually watching a stream it is fairly easy with changing the volume and even muting it, keeping track of how long you've been watching, ect. It isnt as good as PC but its still a good app!" "This app isn't too bad when you are using it from your phone. I need to be able to have the screen setup the same as when I'm on my laptop though. As far as seeing my face and then having options for screen sharing. I also want you make this app available for screen sharing at least on the switch. I need to be able to stand my phone upright, and not horizontally when going live from my mobile devices as well. If and when these are met I will easily give you a full star rating. Almost perfect." "It's pretty good as far as streaming apps go. I like that you can watch videos even after they have been streamed. It would be five stars, but the playback with the screen off is hit or miss at best. I like to listen to the streams as I work, and it's not practical to keep the screen on constantly. It skips around as the screen turns on or off, and when the phone is unlocked. Sometimes the audio just stops completely after turning the screen off, which is frustrating." "The app makes watching my favorite streamers easier on the go. One of my biggest issues is buffering, even when I am connected to wifi. I find that I have to lower the quality down to 160p to prevent it from buffering. When I use it on my iPad, I don't have buffer issues, but the app will randomly freeze and I have to restart it. Sometimes it'll give me an error message and a black screen. I have to then switch to the app on my phone or open it in a browser to work." "It's good, the site itself I mean, not the app. It used to work but all I see are lower quality videos or blank screens and adjusting the video doesn't do anything. And there hasn't been an update that has fixed this. Plus it seems the problem happens once the first ad plays too. Maybe the transition back to normal video needs to be fixed but honestly I prefer to use the deskt op site through Google Chrome mobile app and on my pc since this problem has been happening for months now." "When you switch the app to the background but have the video popup option on, it lags and loads for a few seconds before the feed comes back on, which is very strange and annoying. When you watch clips it just starts trying to autoplay the next clip with no option to turn autoplay off, which is incredibly annoying. Other than these two (key) fixes, this is a fantastic app." "It's a great app for gamers, but I gave it only 3 stars because of the navigation. If I want to watch a friend's live feed, I can only find them right away once they become live. It would be nice if there was a friend's list, so it is easier to find them to watch older videos or wait for them to go live. I also believe specific videos within a genre would be easier to find if you made sub-categories & request the uploader to choose whether it is regular gameplay, cheats/tricks, rare finds, etc." Theres a big where the app forces the audio to get turned down for some reason if the audio is max. It only happens with twitch and doesn't do that with YouTube or any games I play. Only twitch. This has been an issue for several months. I had hoped this would have been fixed by now. But it hasn't. So im asking... please fix this bug. Its super annoying. "Lots of dips in performance (not related to the phone, you can isolate it to the app). Not enough options in the account settings , like a change username would be nice. It's kind of bare so new features would be nice. Other than that it's a pretty smooth, intuitive app. 3 stars but could gain more pretty easily." "Love the content, but the app is super buggy. Audio and video stutter, skip, or freeze every time I use it and others have said the same thing. It's the same on browser too. It doesn't usually make the stream unwatchable, but it's very irritating. And sometimes the emotes don't work. The content creators are carrying Twitch. I wouldn't use it if the content wasn't enjoyable." 3 stars because it does everything it's supposed to BUT on mobile I am constantly putting streams on the highest graphics setting. Then a few minutes later it will buffer and the quality will drop down horribly. It's not my device cause other streaming apps I use have no issue at all. I've had this issue for months even though I'm constantly updating the app. Will raise to 5 if the issue is ever fixed "There are a loooooot of glitches that need to be fixed before this gets a higher rating for me. It drains data like a leech if wifi is unavailable, video buffering is a huge issue, it's nearly impossible to remain in someone's stream if transferred from a raid. I like Twitch and I love supporting those streaming, but the app leaves a lot to be desired." "I just want to bring this attention up. I was using the app and fell asleep with it on, and it continuously kept playing in the background with different streamers over night. I woke up early morning and my phone was burning hot. I was just thinking how unsafe this is. There should be a setting to disable continuous play or perhaps a pop-up asking if you're watching and if there is no answer it should stop." "I love this platform and this isn't a bad app, but it does fail at important things with a bit more frequency than I like. I love the ability to listen to audio only, there's a lot of content, most of it works most of the time, but it is just glitchy enough that to enjoy the way I want often requires a few work arounds. Things it sometimes refuses to do: Pause. Show any subtitles ever. Keep the comments hidden. Play from where I left off rather than 20 minutes previous. Worth it but finicky." "I just checked and the T Mobile network is throttling the heck out of twitch mobile. Throttling to 1.5mbit/s when I am pulling 300mbit/s. When I turn on a VPN, it is flawless. I have no idea how they can get away with this kind of throttling. Also the predictions only work sometimes last I checked on this app. Hit or miss, usually very specific channels. Also when moving between apps the Twitch feed gets stuck with only low bitrate options and you have to leave and come back to the stream." "The mobile version of Twitch is trash. Listen Twitch, you're 11 years old, it shouldn't be too much to ask for ways to view your clips, edit profile name, and many other Desktop exclusive features. It's pure laziness. Overall watching streams is just fine. Though I'm am disappointed you removed the feature to earn free bits from ads a couple years back and the keyboard is very buggy. I also can't autocorrect my spelling, which is needed more often than I should. It's mostly why I rarely use it." "Please don't force us to watch ads AGAIN when switching from pop out player to the main app. It's completely unnecessary, as we are not switching who we're watching, nor were we trying to stop and then resume watching a streamer. This new occurrence makes the feature much less of a pro to use. Also, going from pop out to the app often makes chat background white, and if you have dark mode enabled you cannot read any chat text. This can only be solved by closing the stream and reopenening." "Good app, could use some improvement. On some streamer's past broadcasts the pause and skip buttons shrink to unusable sizes. When I use the slider to choose a part to watch, I would like to be able to see where I'm going. Finally, when in fullscreen/landscape mode, please make it to where the follow, subscribe, notifications, and description are less obnoxious. Thank you and please forgive any grammatical errors." "It buffers way too much. I can't watch a stream on mobile data without constant interruptions. Normally I would blame that on my connection, but I can watch the exact same live stream on Facebook with no interruptions (when some streamers stream to both). I would love to be able to watch on Twitch and chat but if it doesn't stay connected I'm just gonna hop over to FB. Having this issue is just causing y'all to lose foot traffic on your site. I hope you all are able to fix it" "So far have not had any issues like everyone else has talked about. Yes, ads are there when switching streams but it is what it is. What bothers me and makes me put 3 stars is how hot my phone gets. Battery goes much faster and heats up quite a bit fairly quickly. Please fix this. I read up the IPhone people had the same issue. I don't think this should be an issue for a company like this." "It's only real use to me is telling me when a stream is live so I can just watch it on my Xbox. I can't even watch clips half the time because they just don't play. No loading bar. No error message. Just frozen on the first frame and the play button not working. Additionally, when I pull the player ahead and then pull it back to try fixing it, the audio begins to play, but the video itself is still stuck on the first frame. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling app to fix it, but it didn't work." "I once in a while experience a visual bug where the stream video feed is black. I can still hear everything though. The stream delay from anywhere between five to thirty seconds, but is generally the ladder. Oh, and the miniplayer feature when you leave the app causes the ads to reset (forcing me to watch another one) and clear the chat. Other than that, it's pretty good. 👍" "I love it so far, I just kinda wish you were able to edit your account to save your streams from the app. It would be a little more convenient for those who want to start streaming, I also want to add that the ""connections"" menu in settings only has amazon and nothing else, not Xbox or Playstation, or even steam. I just find it frustrating that I can't connect my Twitch account to what gaming platform I want for streaming and that's difficult to do without the option to do it from phone" "when app works it's great for watching streams. As of the past week though, streams wont load on my s9+. Have attempted to fix issue on my own by clearing cache, restarting phone, & uninstall reinstall. Nothing fixes the problem. Seems to occur when stream gets interrupted to show ads. It will give the spinning wheel of death and do nothing but freeze up. Once fixed this app will be great. Please fix!" "While the app allows you to view streams easily it does little for the streamer. They are unable to update their info, export streams to YouTube, they cannot view their follower. if you try to go to the webpage on your phone to do these things it automatically kicks you to the app unless you try and do some pointless work around. it would be nice to be able to update my stuff on the go." "Ads have no way to skip, they are also eather 15 or 30 sec. They always play the same ads. The video will play in-between the ads. The video will just not play and be stuck on the first frame. But if you look over all of this the app is good, if the creates fix some to most of these problem then I would probably change my rating to 5 stars." "Great app. I just dislike ads. They don't make me want products, and are rarely helpful in any way. I just want to watch gamers play games without having to turn the volume down for an ad that is at 2 or 3 levels higher than the streamers I watch. At least give the option to skip a few seconds in. And adjust volume to match the audio level of the stream. Please." "I use the app because it's usually the best way to access my favorite podcast, but I have some issues with it. 1. My subscription and recent views aren't the first thing I see when it loads. 2. I don't have the option to cast the audio to my Google Home (I like to listen in the shower). I can still mirror my phone, thankfully, but why can't we cast?? 3. It doesn't work with Android Auto. I'd be thrilled if it was audio-only." Generally an okay app to watch live streams. The biggest annoyance with this app is when you try watching vods because the controls are very clunky. You are stuck with the current setup of back 10 and forward 30 seconds - no customization to change the forward to 10 seconds or whatever you prefer. The forward and backward constantly cause you to open up the chat when you do not intend if you ever try skipping ahead/back more than once. The actual forward and backward are miniscule. It's a pain. "Why are the ad volumes so inconsistent? Some ads are way to quiet you have to turn your volume all the way up just to hear anything. Then there's other ads that are so loud my ears start to hurt. It definitely starts to get annoying when there's ad breaks up to 7 ads. It just makes me want to mute the ads and walk away for 5 minutes which ruins the point of ads. Ads are made for getting the word out on something, not to annoy the viewer's ears for a minute or more." "Really wish the app used you YouTube app model for fast forward/rewind. Sometimes it doesn't understand I'm tapping those buttons because I don't hit them just right, making the whole side of the screen a valid double tap target would help immensely. Also, I know it's not crazy helpful but it sucks that this doesn't cast to a lot of TVs." "I have had twitch for a couple years now, and I never had too many problems until now. Before I had a few streamers that I could only hear the audio because the picture always froze. That was annoying but I got over it and watched someone else. The past few days I haven't been able to use twitch at all. I open the app and it opens for a few seconds and seems fine and then it just freezes. It either says Twitch isn't responding or it crashes. I tried uninstalling but that didn't work either." "It's decent and has some cool features that even the desktop doesn't have (like ""continue watching"") but also is a bit buggy, especially when I go in and out of the picture-in-picture mode. The chat box becomes hidden behind my own keyboard when that happens. The app also randomly decides to close the keyboard when I am typing. If these bugs are fixed this app would be really great." "Please add a toggle for the 20 second skip back for whenever I close or background the app. it's very frustrating to have to skip ahead 30 seconds then skip back 10 seconds every time I close the app. Please make the player controls bigger and further apart, they are so close together, it feels like I might skip forward or back instead of hitting play/pause" "It still needs additional help/features. There is still no setting to watch stream/vod over wifi-only- only other option you have is to turn 3-g off and hope you don't get a phone call in the meantime if you're using it for listening/ background noise on a crummy dying router. I need a way to change the resolution on my videos being sent to Chromecast. The twitch app plays stream/vods ok, but the left and right margins are both cut off" "It's a good app and has what you need, the only reason that I gave it a 3 star is because of the amount of adds. I was watching a stream and an add popped up and there was 4 and each one where 30 seconds and I can't skip it. Twich should add something that you can skip the add. If the adds are controlled by the streamer than limit the times they are able to use an add in there streams cause it's so annoying." "Everything works really well, when you're connected to WIFI. As soon as your off wifi the only way to watch anyone is if you can set the video quality to 160p-360p. The stream doesn't have the option to go lower than what's being streamed? You can't watch. The only real issue I've had. Super annoying for an app to literally watch people doing stuff." "I noticed that I was getting charged a subscription I never signed up for. The ap works OK. I guess I just... was forced into a subscription somehow? I've removed it now. IDK if the AP will stop working or not now, but it was good while it lasted, otherwise, though it would glitch or lag at times even with adequate wifi on mobile. Chat was never great to follow on mobile either, since the chat is really designed for people who use desktop versions of the application. 2.5 stars would be more accurate. Real ""Meh, in the middle"" on this one." "I don't know what you guys ""fixed"" but the dashboard isn't really user friendly. Trying to update my stream title and etc is annoying. If I want to change one detail at the start or middle of the title, I can only add/delete one character and it places the key at the far right of everything I've already typed up. If I try to type from scratch, it lags and misses some of the characters I type in so I have to type slower or go back in and add characters in to certain spots. It's very annoying." "I use this app mostly every day, and I've noticed a bug with the channel points. Glancing down at other reviews did not seem to indicate having my problem. Normally you're supposed to get a certain amount of points for watching and then a bonus amount. More often then not I never get the indication for Bonus Points, and my channel point amount just doesn't update. I'm pretty sure I'm being cheated out of points. I also can't watch an anything up 480p on data, without buffering." "I use this app almost every day. Somedays it works great others not so much. About 50% of the time when I watch a vod, the vod will stop and act like its loading and then start at the very beginning of the vod. If I dont close completely out of the app it will happen several times. I've recently had to uninstall and reinstall the twitch app to make it stop. There are issues with the pop out video still. And a lot of the ads are really loud!" "When it works fine its 5 stars, but recently it has been buffering every 10 seconds. I know what you're thinking, it's my connection and not the app. This is untrue though. My connection is 100% and even Bitchute plays without buffering as well as slow loading games like Sims City Build it load quickly. I hope Twitch can fix its problem so I can go back to enjoying OozePop's gaming streams. Thank you and hace a blessed existence." "I like the app a lot, its just every time and add plays the audio will either speed up or slow down enough to make the video un-sync. I don't know if this is just a problem I'm experiencing, but it makes the videos almost impossible to watch." "Still has poor functionality several years after release. My particular issue was: I had turned off PiP so I could just listen to the audio, but once I tried to re-enable it, I couldn't. No matter what I tried that option would no longer work. Had to reinstall to workaround. Certain areas are extremely hard to navigate, like you have to click on the streamer icon to go to their page, that is the ONLY way to get there. No indication for that either, just gotta figure it out for yourself." "Where oh where do I start? It functions! You get videos streamed at high quality, ads play, chat opens, you can talk, you can use it as a stream dashboard, and overall pretty decent. That being said, there's some issues. One being that on my phone, the R's in chat are ever so slightly misaligned to be lower than the other letters. For my tablet, I cannot use my bluetooth keyboard to type more than one letter in that chat window. It's not my keyboard, I'm using it now. Otherwise, good." "Ive never had problems with the app. I was watching streams as recently as last night and when I opened the app today, it crashed. I tried to reopen it a few times, still crashed. Then I reset my phone and the app unistalled itself when it rebooted. So I tried to reinstall and now I cant even get it to install. I like the platform but theres got to be a bug or something." "Can't do most of the features released 9 months ago. Gift a sub, clip portion of stream, buying bits almost always fails, changing username and other settings, and the lack of BTTV emotes (I know that's impossible to include)... All of this makes me want to stick to web browser version of twitch. Overall, this app is just a smaller worse version of their already polished site." "For watching live streams on phone, it's better than YouTube app for sure. I just wish it was stable... It's very heavy and consumes too much battery for a 1080p stream. YouTube app is much better in that regard. Best thing about it, is the chat interface. It's so good for a mobile app. Landscape or Portrait, both live chat window is clean and accessible, unlike YouTube app." "Would usually be 5 stars... Usually the app is great, but the last couple times I've used it, it's had MAJOR buffering issues. You can't watch more than 5 minutes of a video (even ap reupload), without a 45+ second buffer. My internet is 300+ Mbps so it's not my internet. I have a S20 Ultra, so it's not my phone. It's obviously a Twitch server issue. It's just really frustrating." "My main complaint is that the ""following"" tab doesn't show who you are following... the first thing is recommended channels, then ""keep watching"", then offline channels. I just want to be able to see who I'm following. Secondly, the search feature is just weird. Very unintuitive." "These issues I've seen here stated in other reviews are valid. My personal big issue is that currently I have a 250mb internet plan, and vods only load for like 10 minute increments. After that it displays the buffering symbol, the timestamp resets to 0:00 and the video freezes. And it won't EVER start back up again, I have to restart the video, it also doesn't remember where it left off so have to hope I can catch a glimpse of the actual timestamp before it freezes. This happens even at 360p." "I've loved the twitch app. Thousands of hours of use. But as many have said, the new Following page is awful. I understand it might be easier to see what is being streamed but I would much have a list option. It takes way to long to scroll through my followed streamers. I just need to know who is live and what they are playing. Please either revert or add multiple view settings to adjust from large thumbnails down to a simple list." "New to twitch, this app seems to do many basic functions, outside of not being able to mess with my schedule, work let my phone with like a camera for streams, and some other basic stuff, it's an okay app... It may not be the app you want, but if you wanna do anything mobile in twitch, it's the app you're going to get. It's not bad, it's just a little too basic and no video video overlay options" "First I have to say, I love love love using twitch, but the app still sucks. The biggest problem is the extra delay sometimes, and while it doesn't happen often depending on a numerous amount of factors, the bad days beat out the good days, and with this new update my phone has been lagging for a streamer that I haven't been lagging, and while this is personal, I hate the new interface. I think the follow/notification button were fine being on the top left. So I love using this app, but it sucks" "I really love the app! It's got great features and awesome streams everyday! The only problem I have is there's no pause button. On YouTube live, you can pause the stream, on here, you can't. I have pretty bad Wifi, and I always have to pause my videos before watching them. So maybe adding a pause button would be awesome. Other then that, highly recommend it for streamers/people that want to watch cool things." "Literally the one thing I want this app to do, tell me when streamers I follow go live, it doesn't. I have all notifications on in the app and on my phone and it never sends me anything. If the occasional notification does sneak through, the banner shows up for about five seconds before it's gone, no trace of it to be found. Obviously, this isn't helpful because I'm not staring at my phone 24/7. This is literally the most annoying thing." Since the last update its been super buggy. It'll freeze up and force close on me for no reason. When opening a stream that just started it tells me the stream has just ended. And it becomes laggy even when I have good service on my phone or I'm hooked up to a good WiFi. Love the app hate the bugs it's having. Fix bugs and I'll be more than happy to give five stars "Most of the features in the app are not bad, but this review is low due to the terrible integration of the device linking feature. When entering the code for the device, it has you verify through a 6-digit passcode sent to email, but if you switch to your email on your phone, it will reset the whole process. I could only get it to work by verifying through Brave instead of the app." "Would like to inform people that you can skip ads using mobile devices. 1. refresh stream two times. 2. Hit the home button right before an ad is supposed to play. While some people are watching ads, you will not have to and can browse while watching or you could hit the home button right before an ad is supposed to play then go back to the stream... ad skipped. No ...I will never update Twitch. I have ad free viewing and will never have to subscribe." I'm finding the app difficult to work with and there aren't many options and other helpful shortcuts to accessibility. Evertime I went live there where no stream videos in my channel. Plus the automatic clip editor doesn't work so well either. Update: I noticed that everytime i go live my twitch doesnt save any of my broadcasts or clips any of it either when it should be. The clips it does save are only 30 seconds long and are un-editable. "Chat in landscape mode on Android was annoying enough already because of some bug or poor design of the Samsung keyboard (not automatically disappearing after pressing enter). Now that you ditched the writing box for the pen icon I can't even see anymore what I'm writing. Not to speak of the unbereable amount of ads (ever needed to restart the stream because it's stuck in low-res or chat is deactivated? Well then you have to go through another ad). Would be a cool place, sad." "If the desk top app is a 5 the mobile app is a 3. one cannot view the up time of streamers as easy or the chat list. also there appears to be a bug with ads on the mobile version. some ads do not display from streamers when you'd like to support them through watching the ads that is an issue. for instance when entering a channel non subed I do not see any ads and I'm not using an ad blocker. im also using this official app. other issues, this is is what fit in my space. love app please optimize" "Too many subsequent ads! Like you can get 5 subsequent ads every 10-20 minutes! I just wanna watch MCC without being constantly interrupted by stupid ads. But to get rid of ads, I have to pay $5 per month per channel. With Twitch, you get the cable TV ad experience but more glitchy: the stream freezes forcing me to pause and unpause, potentially missing important moments of the stream (that's also an ad problem). And when used on mobile data, Twitch uses a ton of data." Ever since the damn update the media player freezes constantly while buffering and eventually I have to close the stream and relaunch in order for it to start working again. The previous version was fine and I have Fibre internet so it's not my connection also every other app works and runs well. You guys should do some research on YouTube and create a VOD experience that's somewhat smooth PLEASE!!!! Continued problems streaming quality above 144. When I change video quality to highest (my broadband easily supports this) the video stream constantly buffers and is jerky. Chromecast works flawlessly with every other app. I would love to see improvement with this issue. "The app is somewhat buggy and unstable with some of it's features, such as point betting and screen zoom in, having to refresh the stream every time I want to bet in a new poll, it's nothing major but a bit frustrating coming from a company as big as Amazon" "On my laptop, and mobile, Twitch works fine for me. As soon as switch to my console (Xbox Series X) I can no longer check the settings while watching in case I need to change the resolution. It'll be stuck on Auto and the streams just look like pixels. Won't allow me to switch to 1080p, or down to 720p" "Since twitch updated the new feature of ad appear next to the stream/video, the video player is bugged. Most of the time when I watched a clip or vod, the play speed of the video will suddenly accelerated then freeze but I could still hear the audio. It will be fixed by pausing the video or dragging the timeline bar but each time starting a new video will trigger that bug again. Hope twitch will patch it soon." Recently the app is becoming more unstable. There are times where while watching it will crash and be stucked on the screen with black chat. Another problem is that when playing ads the overlay where the mini screen can be watch while ads are playing bugged out and the chat system crash and it will stay eoth two screen is pretty annoying to deal with everytime. "I use the twitch app alot to listen to music streamers and often I am not watching but only listening. There seems to have been a recent change where listening with a locked screen no longer automatically transitions to audio only. Huge data eater when listening while out and about. I guess I will just have to manually switch to audio only while away from wifi. It was always nice to whip my phone out of my pocket, open the app while already listening and catch a visual of key moments before" It is good for watching streamers or if u want to stream on your phone. But what I would prefer to have added is into the chat BTTV / Frankerfacez emojis. Also that you can use the settings the same as you can on the Desktop. For me the most useful setting would be exporting a VOD to Youtube. "I've used Twitch for at least over a year. I love the app, but my biggest itch with it is that it has never sent me a single notification when a streamer goes live. Not to mention, there are too many ads, and they're all so much louder than the steam's volume." "The follow, discover, search button are showing up over the stream. It has issues going from vertical to horizontal. It completely kicked me out for no reason-first time this has happened in a while had to completely reopen the app? What I wrote above is still happening^" "I'm a streamer on Twitch(twitch.tv/Gorgiworgi) and everything goes pretty well. I just wish Twitch didnt do a 40/60 on revenue tbh, most platforms do 70/30 and do well on there. Also, for some reason I can never see my sub/bits leaderboards on my own channel on the app. I have it on and everything, sometimes I can see it sometimes I cant, it's weird. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and its inconsistent with the leaderboard. Besides that it's a great app for streaming and meeting ppl." They removed a feature that allowed you to just swipe the screen to the side to be able to easily open any streamers chat that you're watching when you're holding your phone sideways which was a very nice feature as it wasn't as disruptive as needing to tap on the screen multiple times to open the chat only to end up accidentally tapping the screen one to many times and it ends up closing the chat where I wouldn't need to worry about that if I just swiped to the side to easily open chat Kicking people out raids and the chat either stops working or malfunctions to the point where I have to close and re-open the app. Uninstalling hasn't fixed the issue. I know of several others with the same issues. They're getting worse. "No mobile options to delete clips. Limited to what I can do on the app. I do not have a desktop device to do the other functions. Desktop version on mobile phones is too tiny on the screen to read or press the buttons and no function to ""zoom"" in on desktop to make the screen bigger." 10/22 Loved this app a year ago however the last few months clipping has become frustrating. How come I cannot accept extention permissions? For example i cant be part of the cult of the lamb for twitch members bc i dont get a permission link? Why? I cant play on a comp. Also not convenient even if i could. If I'm watching not streaming this should be easy. Mostly though taking 15 min to get a clip bc of errors is ridiculous. Please please fix this. Update 3/23: clips still not fixed. Worse now! Latest update broke the app. During two streams immediately after update my phone I was unable to back out or minimize app / access home screen. Had to reboot my phone both times just to be able to access home screen. Please fix this bug. "Decent app on both devices I have it installed on. Only complaint is that when I change the password, it unlinks almost any account that Twitch is linked to. Rather inconvenient to say the least..." "I am not sure if it's my internet or this app but it doesn't have the best connection because it will freeze throughout the lives I watch. Also I am not sure why I get ads during my lives, quite annoying. Other than that I like this app." Excessive Cpu usage when casting. Phone gets hot and drains battery. Force stopping the app is the only way to prevent this behaviour. Another issue is no apparent way to default to a specific language. Any time I search I have to manually apply a filter to avoid languages I don't know. "Good mobile app, HORRIBLE TV app. I would love for the app to just add multiaccount/multiuser support, as well as multiple instances of drops collection happen. As for the TV app, it was definitely worse than the previous iteration. Unstable, unintuitive, clunky AF, all that. You should have not released this new version of the TV app if it's this hodgepodge of a mess." "It was hard to decide between a 3 and 4 star rating because well, dont get me wrong i really love twitch but the only problem is the multiple ads i keep getting while trying to watch streamers and i dont like sitting through ads just to watch a streamer so can u please lessen the amount of ads being played twitch and if you can i will rate 5 stars since that is the only problem i see" BUG on Galaxy Tab A6 10.1 (on EE): Unable to redeem channel points on latest version when viewing streamer channels. The confirmation prompt does not appear in the chat window when you press the button for the redeem you desire. Hence only 3 stars. "I can't tell if thhe stream is buffering or not if I didn't click on the stream to pop up the controls, and now each time I open a certain stream, it'll repeatedly crash the System UI and got me forced to restart the entire phone" "I love this app. But the problem is that when I go live for like half an hour or 1 and half hours it looks normal. But when I stop my live and go to my profile and I check my videos its only for a few minutes. Other live channels, when they end it shows four to six hours and it uploads their full video. Please solve this. I really want my full video to be posted in my profile" I don't know if it's just me but anytime larry croft goes live it never shows the notification that he's streaming on my phone even tho I have all my notification settings on and anytime anyone else streams it pops up so if yall could pls fix this cause it's getting on my nerves that I have to keep missing his streams and is being forced to watch 3 to 4 minutes ads all just to watch a vod since It never showed up I don't understand why twitch's android version (running on pixel 7 pro) is much worse than ost version (running on ipad 2017). Always interrupting and inconsistent sound when playing on the background. It would be great if I could actually watch a stream on my phone without the whole app freazing on me. Anytime I try to click on any stream it will only let me exit the app. If this gets fixed I will definitely give 5 stars. "Not sure whats going on with the app. Love being able to control the photos, but now when I take photos it turns crisp photos blurry. Idk if there's some option I'm not seeing, it's like it's adding a horrible depth of field filter on top. Doesn't work for product photography at all! Please let me know what's going on" "Bugs to work around... The photo export settings aren't consistent. One minute a photo will export at 320kb, ... Same photo will later export at 8mb. I've been inside out and backwards through the export options and there's no way to keep the settings in place! This is frustrating when you just need 10 good photos for Instagram and they now won't support anything over 8mb. You set the export settings to 50% quality and you get a different result every time you export 🤦‍♂️ such a shame!" Since the last update all this app does is crash crash crash if you want to do a few simple things. I rely on this software. I edit mostly on a pc but when I want to use the app it should work. Now it doesn't. I've force stopped the app. I've signed out and back in. That's not the problem. Fix it soon.... I've been hearing such good things from other photographers about competing software lately. "Ever since the last update there's been nothing but problems. Photos won't show up in files but if you go on your desktop/laptop computer they show up. I tried copying the files to the folder that I want them to be in and they won't copy over. I have uninstalled/ reinstalled the app, cleared cache and even force stopped the app and nothing works." "Cloud syncing is unacceptable to the point where it's not practical. Viewing photos in your app take a frustratingly long time. An album of 300 photos takes more than 15 minutes just to scroll through. Vkewing each photo would take an hour. Saving photos locally on your phone is the only acceptable way. But they take hours to download, and any Metadata change on your computer causes your phone to re-download. What good is a mobile app if you can't load your photos to view/edit. Fix the sync!" "I see that many others have complaints after the recent update. I'm here to add that the ""paste settings"" feature on both the mobile app and desktop version is not working. When I ""copy setting"" for a photo and paste them to another, only a couple of setting will be transfered to the new photo. Frustrating and time consuming!!!" "I would give this app five stars for the editing tools. I absolutely LOVE the way my photos look after editing them through this app. HOWEVER, the app has a lot of glitches. The most frustrating is that it sometimes takes a good while for a photo to upload to the app. I have to close out of the app several times and sometimes even delete the app, then re-download just to get the image to show up in my library." "Needs updated for the Fold 2. Long time user and general fan, but the app is currently broken for the Galaxy Z Fold 2. It doesn't seem to know how to handle the aspect ratio of the inner screen at all. Menus take up the entire screen in portrait mode and the image is a postage stamp size in landscape. Huge black bars on either side of the screen as well." "The app is great and I have been using it for years. However, recently I uploaded a few pictures into the app for editing and they are showing it black screen and the pictures remain not being able to be edited. Even the pictures I edited the day of the add can not be edited. It kept showing the loading circle and just remains black screen. Is anyone having this issue?!" "Loading and editing photos works great. I love both the presets and the individual controls. However, I found no way to save the edits! So once you finish, you can only share it, meaning you must re-edit every time you want to share. I guess you need to upgrade in order to get a useable product. I'm deleting and moving on." "All the free features are in every single photo editor, crop, color adjustment, and light. All the other features that may set it apart from the rest require premium. Although it offers a free trial, I have experienced too many times where a ""free trial"" requires payment. Therefore I won't be trying the premium. I'll stick to editing on my PC." "App is almost perfect until you try to get premium. First off, I pay for lightroom on the PC. This feature shoukd be bundled with it. Ok. Im just annoyed this point and decide to pay for it anyways. Trying to pay for it though the app just loops back to the feature list and doesn't actually let me pay for it? I'm trying to give the company money and their app won't even let me. This is very poor design in my opinion and hope it gets fixed. This is so close to being perfect but needs fixed." "It's not terrible but if you're using a Chromebook and want to do edits like you can in a normal version of Photoshop then you're going to be disappointed. It's not much different in the way that you're limited to super basic edits and slapping on pre-existing filters. It is essentially a slightly better version of Photoshop Express. If you can't get any other editing programs/apps to work on your Chromebook, this is the closest thing to something that's worth a damn.. And that's not much." "My biggest complaint about this app is that when viewing photos, even ones that have been downloaded/saved/cached to the device, it has to process it every time you change photos and this process is SLOW. So swiping through images is takes several seconds, even if you go back to one you just looked at it will take several seconds again. And the loading ""spinner"" goes away before it's done. Really weird, really poor experience." "Mostly docking points for the system integration (which is classic Adobe arrogance imo). If I could open images directly from the gallery (etc), it would be much more efficient. As-is I have to add it to ""All Photos"" (no other options), open the app manually, open the folder, find the image, and then I can start editing it. Also, while I like the new UI, it took me a bit to find everything. It's not visually obvious that you can swipe the toolbars for one thing." "Still not a replacement for lightroom classic. Edits do not sync across platforms (edits made on iPad don't show on Android), no hdr options, photo size limit prevents the uploading of most panoramas taken with a phone, no panorama stitching abilities in the app. The best thing about the app is the ability to store photos in the cloud but even that is rather featureless. You only have one library, organizing photos is a massive hassle, and you can't make any photos private." "Features are nice, and that's about the only great part. App is extremely slow, and quits in the middle of edits. Saving to device only works on the second attempt, meaning that on the first try you have to cancel the exporting process. Lightroom randomly tried to update itself on startup, but will never stop updating unless you close the app. Overall, it's a good app that is worth using if you can put up with b.s. and constant restarting and frustration. I'm paying for a 1/2 usable product." "Great results! If you wanna crop, color touch, something simple l.r. mobile is great. But, it's very hard to use the adjustment sliders on anything. I put my finger on the dot 5 or 6 times before I finally get the slider to activate. Clone, healing, add or subtract to masks...almost useless. I cannot see what I'm doing. Need stcks or handles to be far away from selection so I can see to be precise. Put a 1"" stick on selection tools." "Great tools for editing, but unfortunately does not give you access to all the photo folders on your phone. I am using a Google pixel, so maybe it's a unique issue. I just want to edit pictures I've downloaded from various apps and re-share them, and in most cases I cannot seem to find the newly downloaded images from within the app. I'll happily update my review if this gets fixed." App is great when it comes to editing tools. have no problems there. keep that up. my biggest issue is with sync space. If I add the photos to lightroom it makes a copy of the photo and stores it again on the phone. why can't you just import the same files so theres no need for the copy? should have distinct space to access adobe cloud files and give you the option to directly use the photo files instead of making copies. I was able to add 4k photos all raw files and now I cant even add 2k "There are two things I would like to see [and I am referring to the built in camera app]: 1. Selective sync with the cloud. I don't want all my garbage photos automatically going to the cloud. (Mainly because my phone then becomes a perpetual sync machine which totally slows everything down). 2. There has to be a way for Lightroom to stop automatically storing to my phone's internal storage. I selected SD card...even moved the entire app over there and it refuses to do this simple thing. (It is almost 2020 is it not?] Not only that, but sync should only go one way. From the phone to the cloud. For instance, if I delete a bunch of things from the phone, CC will simply repopulate it unless I delete it there too. What if I got a new SD card because the other was full. Would it simply fill up the new SD card? Key word: ""SELECTIVITY.""" "This app works great for me but the only issue I have with it is that sometimes whenever I upload photos to an album they'll appear as photos that i've added to other galleries previously and I end up having to delete them and keep uploading the pictures 3-4 times for the new images to appear. I've had this app for a few years now and it's happened for as long as I've had the app, please fix this." "Upgraded to the galaxy z fold 3.. app needs some work. If you guys put some work into it, it could be a major game changer.. pictures displayed while editing are much too small. Theres no option to make the editing section smaller (takes up the whole right side of the screen). And for some reason, images take forever to export everyonce in a while. Ive waited up to 5 minutes for a single largest dimension @90% picture. Ridiculous." "A very powerful app, but... 1. The UI uses dark gray text on a darker gray background, which is nearly impossible to read. 2, Photos taken with the Camera im DNG format will Not upload. It just says Pending and reports a random percentage that never completes. 3. Overall the app appears to he without purpose. It is impossible to make meaningful edits on a small, uncalibrated screen. For example, it is impossible to judge the effects of adjustments to Clarity, Texture, or Noise Reduction." "I absolutely love this app. Its great, i never expected that the editor i used on my photos would have such a big impact on the quality of my photos. The only problem with it is that i cant use it right now. Everytime i open the app it crashes. I dont know whats wrong with it but it would be great if you guys would fix this bug." "I love Adobe, especially lightroom, but this app is awful for android. crashes regularly during use, and has quite a few very frustrating glitches. Lightroom works amazing on my iPhone, so why wouldn't there be an equally quality app for android? I have a brand new tablet, updated software, and latest version of the app so there shouldn't be an issue." "It looks like it's got some good toolsbut Photo Editor by Macguyver is by far the most variable, comprehensive, powerful app of its kind and it's free. I have not been able to find any other app with as many tools, not filters but scalable tools. The best part is it can resize photos up to 60mb and than fit them to that size. You do have to learn to how to use it to its full potential, tutorials are in settings about section." "I would love to rate it 5 stars, but I couldn't. I have subscription for some time and I'm finally using it on Android. I love all the functions, but they all are not very responsive. I cannot slide the dot to my desire position easily. It's always been a hustle. I'm using it on Pixel 4 and C434 Chromebook, both have the same issue." "I've been using lightroom for the past 2 years. It had worked flawlessly. Now I have issues importing Raw files and worse my thumbnails in my library are black, making it impossible to see any images. What happened? I use a Samsung tablet S3 for 80% of my editing, now it's useless. Is there an explanation for this?, a fix? A little help would be appreciated Adobe, especially for a product I spend money on." "Before this last update I had no problems with lightroom and used it to edit all of my photos but within the last week the app keeps crashing everytime I go to edit any of my photos. At first it was just am annoyance. Every 4 or 5 images and then it wouls crash, but now I cannot edit anything without it crashing. This app definitely needs some work." "It's great when it works. The instantaneous app shut down without having warning is highly unacceptable especially as lots of time and effort are put into editing a photo. The app does not track or auto save any edits done to a photo so once it crashes, you have to start the whole photo editing process over again. Please please please please fix, that is highly unacceptable." "There are a lot of bugs. If you turn on auto import, it's constantly scanning until your battery is drained without anything new to import. Super annoying is when the app freezes and you can't see the android buttons because they are hidden. The app is limited in features compared to other platforms." "I love Lightroom. It's definitely one of the most in-depth Photography application I've used. The effects and options available are very creative & I absolutely love how precisely you can adjust the different levels of the brightness, saturation, temperature & other things like that. It really allows you to make it exactly how you want it. Wonderful App. I love it and use it all the time. 😊 I would reccomend it for anyone who loves photography or even someone who just needs a quick editor." "Great on iOS, total nightmare on android. Healing and cloning is impossible because it freezes when you attempt to zoom, multi finger touch rarely works, when you zoom you end up brushing instead. I understand you're getting bribed by apple to make their devices look better, but that's not fair to android. Also, premium features are great, definitely worth paying for, but what I don't understand is why I can't edit the jpeg version of my photos without premium." "I had to reformat my phone recently, so I backed everything up first and then reinstalled. I logged in to my Adobe account and unbelievably, all of my hard work was gone!!! And the trash bin had only a few photos in it. I had my entire professional portfolio set up on there backed up for piece of mind. Now I have to piece together everything i lost one by one. I gave it 3 because of the pro grade camera it comes with. It's been rated the best camera app available, next to buying a pro camera." "Galaxy S22 Ultra - There's an issue with the latest update, the photos are being saved under the Samsung files in the download folder, not saved to the Lightroom album in the gallery. The image info no longer shows the file size, and when looking at the all photos in grid mode it no longer states if it's NEF OR JPEG in the upper right corner. Please resolve these issues otherwise it's a wonderful app!" "I'm not impressed with an app or program that charges you a penny short of $60 a year to practically ""rent"" the entire app regardless of those who don't need cloud storage services. It's practically useless to those who don't want to afford a rental app. Wanna process raw files. It will cost you $60 a year. I'd rather buy it outright rather than rent." "I've been using lightroom mobile for years. It's always had issues with download times; however, lately the times have been incredible, or the photo won't download. I've tried downloading to my tablet to no avail, and my cell phone takes a couple of minutes for just 1 photo. I love Adobe products, but please try to fix this issue!" "I've been using the free version of Lightroom for a couple of years, both on my chromebook and my android phone - it's a great app for basic photo adjustments - light, contrast, colour, cropping. The custom saving option is good for batches of photos that all need similar adjustments. Obviously they withhold the good features for Pro users, which makes sense but some features I can get in Google Photos and yet Adobe wants money for it. I would pay if it wasn't an ongoing subscription." "I downloaded the app because the default android camera app automatically adds a terrible hdr effect to my pictures, but Lightroom saves the pictures without any kind of post processing, which is great. However the app doesn't support the wide lens camera feature that comes with the phone, and sometimes the app freezes when I try to take a photo, or only 3 out of 5 pictures are captured. It's really annoying, I wish they would fix these bugs." "Can't edit phone photos until they both ""import"" and ""upload"", both of which take place at a snails pace starting when you open the app. Great editing tools once you wait an hour, but don't expect to use them after taking a photo. 500Mbits/s internet, but that shouldn't be relevent as editing photos should be immediate like every single gallery app. Also fear data loss when renewing as process is complicated. Update: no longer loads thumbnails or loads consistently when clicking through." "This is a really good app to learn photo editing. But the discovery section doesn't work well, every time I try to remix a picture that I find It opens flipped on the side and it's impossible to change it. Fix this problem" I enjoy using the app for photo edits on the go. I have no issues with the app except that the EXIF data is no longer exported to the photo despite having the option checked. This only happened after the latest update. Please fix. "My storage is almost full. I am unable find an option to upgrade storage. When I login to my account, and select manage plans, it redirects me to play store and in play store, I see option to only cancel the subscription." "Way too pricy, I only occasionally take pictures with an actual camera and the app labels them as RAW which leads to not being able to edit them at all without buying a subscription 🙄 And I wouldn't even need anything else but the light settings which are free when I upload pictures taken with my phones camera 😐" "An excellent photo editor for mobile devices. Lovely step by step instructions on achieving the looks of photos in collections. I hate though, the update notifications from within the app. I get two of them, one from the play store and one from the app. It feels like spam" "If you have too many photos saved to the app it loads slowly. Also cannot seem to get the remove option to work just heal and clone, this was the whole reason I wanted to pay for the professional subscription. Other than that great for $46 a year!" "Pretty good, but could be better. - When you close it for a bit and reopen it, you're back at the top of the catalogue. I really, really, really wish it didn't do this. + Sync on a phone is better than it used to be. - Switching between modules is not very quick. - Rating/flagging is a bit slow for workflow. - Adding photos to albums is a serious PITA! This needs fixing. The camera functionality needs serious work. Colours are drastically different upon import + save location cannot be changed." "Canon RAW files are not supported! I've used this app before and is fantastic for JPEG; unfortunately, the new Canon RAW files are .CR3 and this app doesn't support it. I can't find an app to convert .CR3 to DNG at present." "Update: I am no longer experiencing this bug and as a result I'm changing the review from 1 to 3 stars. Original review: This app is forcing me to use gesture navigation, because the bottom bar in app occupies the same space as my home bar. I'm on a OnePlus device. OxygenOS 13." "I just subscribed and when I want to edit the photo, it hang and will (crash?) and go to library interface instead. Every single time! Makes me not able to explore the app. 😅" "Version incompatibility between tablet ant phone (tab s6 lite & s22 ultra). On tablet it says im using a newer version of lightroom, and whenever i open the same photo on the phone all the editing is undone. Phone says im using the latest version of lightroom." "This is a good app, but the description is false. The first words of the description are ""Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a free, powerful photo and video editor"". But when you use it, it tells you you have to be a premium member to use any video editing functions. Similarly, most of the screenshots of its capabilities demonstrate premium options. I'm happy to pay for extras, but if your first words are that it is free - then screenshots should primarily highlight its free functions" I need a short key way of exiting modes. Might I suggest just adding a deselect button on the left side where we adjust properties of our mask. "such a worst experience....because i am trying to export the photo but its showing that ""couldn't complete export"" am facing this problem everytime.....please try to fix this problem.." Excellent editing software. Terrible app. It is very slow and most times 2 of 5 pictures don't get imported at all. "This is a nice app,but the only problem is that it doesn't edit videos any time you want to edit a video it always crash,Thanks." "Good, but not great yet. Crashes a lot when synchronisation over cellular is enabled, which is a shame. The editing flow is great, but a bit frustrating as it's lagging a bit behind the desktop version of Lightroom CC, especially around masking (automatic detection of faces, eyes..., and masking presets)." You have to pay for the premium version for this app to be usefull to me. cou;d be good but im not paying to find out. "Does not support Galaxy pen pressure. Using this on a Galaxy Fold 4 should be a home run with the large screen, but the pen support is awful making masking and cloning operations a lot harder than they should be." "Hi, I have a problem, I didn't get, where all the profiles dissappeared? There are just 5 of them left. I even subscribed for the premium one, and I was fully satisfied with basic one, and still nothing. Thanks" Please do something about the massive space this app occupies in the phone. Even when I have removed all the photos and their copies from Trash. It occupies around 1GB of space. Why?? Update. Now it occupies 5-8GB I always like using Lightroom because it brings out the creative side in me. You should download this app if you have a gift for photography or just want to try your hand on something. Works ok I guess but deceptive plans and pricing. Absolutely do not purchase through the app. Scroll around on the website. Considering other options due to this. This app is amazing.. however when i updated this app on playstore everything in my Gallery Camera was blank . Screen shot and videos are visible but the album from camera is not . Video editor available in premium subscription only. All other features for photo editing are very basic. "This few days, while using editing time app suddenly close and going to phone main home page. Without saving the edits." Im not one to really leave reviews but the app was amazing before the past 2 updates where you need very good internet or wifi to use the selective tools. I pay for the subscription monthly but I can't fully edit my photos due to the new update using internet for the subject and sky selects. I am definitely unhappy with it and if it continues this will by last time using lightroom. Up until today this app has been amazing Ive been using for several years( I pay for your highest package). Now it the app just tells me I have a bug and have to wait for an update please fix developers!!! As soon as I open the app it closes within seconds...I've Uninstalled and reinstalled cleared the cache and the data yet I'm having the same problem. Samsung user note 20 ultra "Normally a great app! But it keeps crashing for the last few weeks, telling me to clear the cache etc. I've done this, with no resolution of the problem. Also uninstalled & reinstalled the app. Still no joy. Please fix this bug ASAP." "still 3 stars but The help chat people have tried to help. Today, having a new issue the agent was so patient and truly seemed to want to help. Freezing has improved greatly. Now I can't edit Prior to Jan 2023 and even though I have mobile service it says to turn on cellular in the preferances. I have NO cellular in preferences" "Have been using this version of LR for almost two years. Would be great if it didn't crash/reset while in the middle of edits, losing all progress." So frustrating. The app just keeps crashing and I love the app. Works great on my laptop but I cant get it to stop crashing everytime I go into a album or my recently uploaded. Please fix the bugs! Newest update took away two of the best masks that lightroom had and no way to bring them bad this needs fixed asap if your trying to mask a subject or the sky don't bother with lightroom for the time being Very user friendly. Good presets. However it would have beed nice if there was an easier way to smooth the skin of the models and brighten their eyes I like lightroom but my only complait is the fact that its constantly updating and the files are super large and take up a lot of space. Also the fact that the load times for transfering photos is kinda lame as well sometimes gets stuck and requires reboots and cache clearing to get it going again. :/ It is not able to support RAW images. Please improve it. Make it supportable. "It was working, but after I purchased it, it stop working completely. It just couldn't load the app." "On my tablet it works well, but on my phone I regularly face with issues. Currently if I expand the first section in all photos it always restarts. I tried to reinstall and also add this year's new photos, but the issue remained. Really annoying (at least when you are a subscriber, but I think it is the same when you are not, as well)." Not working. Showing black screen with loading sign. Im currently using samsung s23 ultra. Please fix this bug.🙏🏻 "Lots of stuff to learn! The ""pro"" version is definitely worth the cost although I really think that it's crummy that you just can't purchase it outright, thus the 3 stars. Otherwise I would give it a solid 5." kinda bummed at first this was my go to app for my business but lately it's crashing and not responding. I have over 2k pictures todo for work and it's taking twice as long. please fix it ! Runs very slow and lots of features behind a pay wall. "There are certain updates that need to be made. There should be an auto-skin tone blending feature, auto-action feature, etc. And it'll be better if the app allows all the non-premium users to use the masking feature as well. Without that option, the rest of the features are incomplete. So, user no need to depend on multiple apps, all can be done under one roof." "Great app for editing and managing photos on the go. Have been using it for about a year now. Some minor features are added from time to time, but stability seems to get worse with the updates. I'm having significantly more and more crashes during work as the times go by, and every time i try to upload a semi-big batch of photos, the sync/upload just freezes for like a day or two, until it randomly fixes itself. Have been an issue since the beginning, still present to this day. Highly annoying" "Seems largly fine, easy enough to use, though I found the Save file feature took a bit of finding as who would have expected to see it in the share icon? There are a few small technical issues but the information is there to help and the layout is spot on - everything is nicely catagrised. However, i would have preferred to do a test run for the premium before any subscription to be sure it will give me satisfactory results on a test file I had in mind, but no. So, its their loss." "It's a decent app, runs smoothly and deals succesfully with raw files. However, it's not for left handed people. All control panels are located on the rigjt side of the screen, and gets really frustrating when you use your left hand... Just add a customization option for left handed people, so we can use it without problem." "Love this app usually, but since the last update, it seems I'm not the only one having issues with the app constantly crashing when importing photos. Sometimes you can get in quick enough to cancel the import, and it may work again, but then crashes again. I have sent feedback and emails to the address you usually reply with, but no response yet. Any idea if there's an update soon, and if so, fixing the importing function asap I think myself and everyone else would love. Thanks." "A good app, but please add the option to ""edit with lightroom"" or ""open with lightroom"", so I can edit pictures with a click of the menu when I flick through them in my main gallery, instead of having to scroll through a thousand thumbnails from my latest shoot in order to find the one I was just looking at in my gallery. Please. This one flaw makes the app so much more cumbersome, and puts me off using it sometimes." Love the app. It does a wonderful job of editing but it used to be easier to download edited photos. I don't think it should be under the share button. My other complaint is that the black background can make it hard to get the white balance right when editing photos with white backgrounds. It tricks my eyes a lot and I find that I have to download the same photo multiple times just to get it right. Overall okay. But it is very slow. Image suddenly get blurry while it is applying effect. It doesn't show quickly & smoothly what changes you are making to image. You can only compare it with original image and not with image before last effect. As a result of all this you're not sure about the final result is exactly what you intended when you started editing. "Normally, this is my go-to app to touch up my photos before posting to social media or to my online store. However, today, when I tried to upload photos, the folder selection page does not display my folders and thumbnails. I wish that I could post a screenshot here so that you can see to what I am referring. Also, another issue is that I have to attempt to upload photos twice as nothing happens on the 1st attempt." "its pretty good. if your not able or willing to pay a subscription the free selection still gives you great options! I am unable to pay the awful amount they are asking, but that includes all your preset filters and removing and adding etc. it's a good quality app, I do think it is over priced for the full app. its a real shame." "I'm an Adobe user/subscriber and I wish I could just edit photos with this app. The syncing and sharing and downloading this and that is giving me constant headaches. I don't want a library, I just want to plain edit my photos. Right now all the edit options for many of my photos are greyed out - I believe this is syncing issue. The editing tools in Lightroom are great when I can use them, so how about some ""offline"" or lite setting for those who want to just edit photos on their device?" (This is very very really good photo Editing app waw) . "After recent update, Lightroom sometimes crashes when exporting images." "Hello, the app was alright yesterday but today, after I got a notice that the trial has expired, I updated the app and then bought a 1 month subscription for a start but I'm not seeing the various editing options that usually appear at the bottom of the Edit interface ... I wish I could send a screenshot but I hope you understand what I mean... I'm not getting the various editing tabs to work on my photos, please help me out here. It's like they're hidden behind my photo I'm working on." it is good for the most part and almost necessary. However! it sucks your battery power and your data quicker than you can possibly imagine :-(... And the paid version should have a few more options on its mobile version. It requires specific hardware to operate optimally on a laptop and I just can't afford a laptop that will run the program properly so im limited to the mobile version. "As customary for Adobe, their software is decent, but quite less convenient or intuitive to use, than more modern solutions, that manage to get what you are trying to do, and turn operations like straightening and cropping into a streamlined 1-2-done! Process, while Adobe seems to be working against a speedy conclusion, with unwanted movements. I have another image editor, that lets me do a precise crop in 5 seconds, on a much smaller screen. NOT worth the PAYWALL..." "Just wanted to let someone know that since the last update, the app hasn't been running well at all. At least, in my case. Slow loading, graphics load slowly or not at all, app locks up completely, and so on. Never had a lick of trouble before. Samsung tablet runs all other apps and sites normally, including YouTube, Playstore, IMDB, and all other movie streams. Very curious." "I rarely watch the tubi app on my phone, I usually watch on my Roku device. The ads are excessive for both, they can't be skipped and so far all of the ads are irrelevant to my interests but there's enough of a variety of movies, shows and documentaries I enjoy that I can just barely tolerate it most of the time. If I could at least skip the ads I could rate it a solid 5* or at least limit the ads to just the beginning or end of each program. The mid roll ads are just too much all of the time" "while I haven't had any specific issues with the way the app functions technically as it seems to work fine, I think that the live TV Guide layout on the Android TV version is terrible. The description of the current Channel takes up so much room that is hard to see any other channel that you're trying to scroll through. Which makes it very difficult to find what you're looking for" "I've enjoyed tubi for years. Unfortunately, your new app is not accessible. There is no way to change font size, and you've disabled the accessibility features on my device. Where once switching from portrait to landscape increased image and font size, now only landscape is available. I can no longer read titles or descriptions. What a loss." "Update: Of course, after using this app for about a week, NOW I get lag pretty constantly. Not sure if an update is needed, (doesn't look like it when I check in the app store), or if there's some problem with their servers. It doesn't seem to be at my end, since I'm getting it at home, and away. I'm bummed. ~~~~~~~ Loving this app! So far, (only about 12 hrs., LOL), *very* little lag time, and good movie choices. (At least IMO) ☺️" "Am not sure if Tubi removed a bunch of movies or what's going on. I had spent a lot of time evaluating and researching movies prior to adding them to my list. However , am missing probably close to 80 % of my list. Extremely disappointed. As I was typing this , I stopped and rechecked my list. Many more movies I had previously chosen now appeared. ??? Am now adding a couple more stars. Very strange to say the least." "The variety of shows is good; a lot of my favorite genre. The ads are annoying when they put 4 or 5 in the same break. But the real problem I have with it is when it kicks me out in the middle of a program. It happens during every episode, up to 3 times. Very aggravating. I'm streaming on my Fire TV." "I had given a 4 out 5 stars but I need to edit my review. What really is frustrating is the fact if a person starts a series and then haven't watched it for awhile and want to go back and start it over, IT CAN'T BE DONE. I have tried several different times to restart on the 1st episode and all it does is go to the next episode that hasn't been watched. Please fix this. Also when searching for something to watch it starts movie and it goes to cont to watch list. Pls fix these problems." "I really like the shows the movies everything about. the exception It starts to play the next movie without being asked. you can't stop it from doing that, after a while you get really annoyed. The first thing you learn do not use the program to keep track of where you are in the series or you will regret it. So far the only thing I can see that's not making this complaint free. You allowing the program make everybody watch a random show. And it's a pain to work around, big flaw" "Originally i was happy that i came across this app. I found many things to watch, good variety. BUT.... I have become fed up with how often my show/movie freezes up and buffers. Sometimes it buffers every 30 seconds, sometimes every two minutes. I made sure all my apps are up to date so that I know the problem is not on my end. I hate to Uninstall app, but it's more stressful to watch than to watch paint dry. Sad face" "3 Stars. I WOULD'VE given it 5 stars, but when watching on my smartphone, I minimize the screen so I can multitask doing other things, and when a commercial break comes WHILE the screen is minimized, it just STOPS playing unless I put it back into full-screen again. So I have to stop what Im doing until the commercials end. This is STUPID!!! It literally WASTES my time, + I dont appreciate essentially being FORCED to have to watch the commercials, and interrupting what I was doing!" "Great selection of movies, I don't mind the ads as they aren't excessive. However, the app itself is very laggy and I have issues casting it to my tv. Sometimes I have to restart both my tv and the app several times halfway through a film to get it to proceed. If I'm not having this issue, it needs to buffer regularly and interrupts the movie. Very frustrating." "It's a good app. I don't like it when I play it on the TV, after 1 or 2 ads, it knocks me off forcing me to go back on the app to the movie I'm watching and fast forward to the scene I left off of. This is the reason why for the 3 stars. If there was a possibility where the app could have a resume movie selection on it, my ratings for this app would be different." "There are very few commercials with the programs in this app, wide variety with movies TVs all kinds of stuff. My only problem with Tubi app is that if I'm watching a show on there and get an alert for a text notification I cannot pause the show use my drop-down menu and use my microphone to reply to my text. Even if I touch the x to stop the app and go to the home screen I still cannot use the microphone because the movie I am watching will automatically start playing while I am trying to text." "I'm not sure if it's just me, but lately this app has a huge problem with skipping backwards and forwards during movies. I used to love Tubi, even more than Netflix. But any time I watch a movie now, it will replay a whole scene twice, and then skip ahead over parts I haven't even seen yet. I have no idea what could cause that kind of glitch, but it makes it completely impossible for me to use Tubi." "So not everything I chose to watch will play continuously, all the way through. There are ads but what I mean is, some choices will play for 20 seconds to 45 seconds then pause & load. It gets frustrating so I choose something else to watch. Not every option does this but I will say 1 out 3 do. The quality is great. The number of options & number of options in each category are great. The sound is great & the ads are only about 1 min and a half, 2-3 times per movie. Could be upgraded." "Although I've never watched Tubi on my phone (screen too small), it's quite good on my TV via Roku. The movies are decent--mostly direct-to-video, but of a good variety. Update: -1 star. Seems the more I watch, the greater the frequency of commercials and their duration. Used to be only 1 or 2, now it's 4 or 5. Have to keep the mute button handy. Becoming disappointing. Using the rewind button penalizes with more commercials." "I want to start by saying that I really enjoy this service. The problem I have is how often the app crashes. Not just buffering (though a download option might help with that), but full-on crashing. I watch shows while I'm doing crafts or working, and there are times when the app will completely close itself 5 - 6 times in a single episode, and each time I have to stop what I'm doing, re-open the app, re-select what I was watching, and then re-watch the last 60 seconds or so. VERY frustrating." "Great selection of movies and shows, but the commercials don't play through and go back to the film. They stop on still frame ads and it's impossible to continue. I pressed the back button and it goes back to the movie description. I pressed play, and it goes back to a few seconds before the commercial, then plays commercials again. Gets stuck on a black screen with ad at the top. I was able to scroll forward into the film, but skipped some of it. Fix this, and I'd really like this ap." "This app is awesome when it comes to content. I have only two requests. Please allow us to edit the queue when we are actually viewing the queue and please give us an option to turn of the ""recent searches"" setting so we can choose not to view that every time we go to search for something. One more thing. When going through menus, such as ""Recently Added"", there's a certain point when trying to look into a show but the show info that appears is for a show that was passed while scrolling." "I like these free ad-supported services. I don't, however, like that I can't turn off autoplay. I fall asleep during movies sometimes, and waking up with another one isn't a very enjoyable experience. Also, when the news automatically starts playing with sound when your scroll past it, it's unpleasant. Having to scroll it completely off the screen for it to stop changes where I have to look on my screen for what I'm browsing and it's uncomfortable." "Great, free streaming app with lots of great titles including some classics. However, there are some technical issues with the app. Casting to a TV can be difficult. When I've casted shows to the TV, they'll only play the ending of the episodes. So you have to go in and rewind each episode to the beginning. Also, when exiting the app, if you try to resume a title, it'll start at the beginning. So you have to find where you left off in order to continue from where you left off." "The adds tend to freeze up and you have to exit the app and go back in. Which in turn makes you start the adds from the beginning, not only that but the issue gets worse over time, but It doesn't freeze during the program. I have uninstall and reinstall, it's still the same. I understand there has to be adds and i do not have a issue with that. No issues with wifi or phone either. So with that annoyance I won't give it a 5 star." "Commercial breaks are not context-sensitive. Translation: ads often interrupt conversations, and break the flow of whatever you're watching (not to mention, they're the same half-dozen -- over and over again). When you finish watching, if you close the app before seeing *all* the credits, a new content category is created: ""Continue Watching."" Now, if you can get past all that, the sheer amount of viewing choices is pretty decent." "Once I updated the app, my video will no longer play from the continue watching screen. I have to search for the show and episode and skip to the time stamp I was watching. Frustrating the heck out of me, the ads are getting a little out of control along with the buffering. It seems to take a while to watch a video now. Please fix this. 10-15-20 there is no longer a continue watching option on the homepage and I cannot set up an account." "It's not terrible, but it isn't really the best thing. More notibly how it's centered around trendy TV shows,, Reality TV, B-Movies, and really obscure out of the way titles that most people probably have never seen or heard of before. Other titles that may have been out at the time of another, isn't there, and some shows that have a long story spanning years are only a few seasons than what they are. The commercials are random, repetitive and sometimes have difficulty buffering. Good otherwise" "Honestly much better than anticipated. I thought it'd be a bad app since it's free, but it works, has some good titles and not nearly as many issues as Hulu. When I close the app completely, it just keeps playing. Or will start the audio right up again after listening to music, or using my phone camera. It's ridiculous and extremely annoying." "A wonderful selection of content with very minimal ads. However, I'm knocking off a star for the lack of autoplay, and another for the horrific subtitles on the Chromecast. If you want to binge watch a show, be prepared to hit play on every single episode. Subtitles work fine on Android, but anything in a foreign language will be unwatchable on Chromecast. The subtitles will show up early, late, or even overlap. Fix those two issues, and you'd have a perfect app." I'm very much enjoying Tubi I would give it a five stars however constantly scrolling sometimes and sometimes movies play just fine. And I know it's not my reception and I don't have any problems with signal going in and out stays the same. So it's something to do with the app. And I wish the movies weren't quite so old. But it is free and the content is good even though it has some age on it's inventory! "I think this app is pretty good with a few exceptions. 1st- While I'm happy that they have added more movies and shows, a lot of the shows(especially the nostalgia ones) are incomplete and don't have all the seasons included. 2nd- After watching about 3 episodes of a show or 2 movies, the picture freezes up while the sound continues. I then have to shut off my phone &/or restart it to be able to continue watching. If both these issues are fixed then I will re-rate it to 5 stars..." I love the content and you can't beat free! That being said it is not without it's problems. First is it will sometimes skip 5-10 seconds ahead which is pretty frustrating. It will also sometimes repeat 5-10 seconds! It's enough to make you pull your hair out! Also there is no control for autoplay. Once a movie finishes it randomly chooses another. I really hate that! "I like TUBI a lot . They have some really good movies that you can't find free anywhere else and some difficult to find movies one occasion. The ads are a little monotonous at times... When they play up to 6 ads in a row every 15-20 minutes and especially toward the end of a movie, (it's as irritating as TV) like THAT would want me to purchase that item. HA. Still I enjoy the array of movies." "Definitely has a lot of options to choose from and high quality picture. That being said, the only issue I have with it, is whatever show or movie that I'm watching stops to load every minute or so. So I wish there was a way to lower the video quality to help with that. I typically use Netflix and Amazon Prime and dont run into loading or buffering issues even on mobile data." "I would give it at least a 4. My complaint about the app is that the movies are really laggy. Yet the ads are fine. As soon as an ad starts up it runs smoothly, but then once the movie comes back on, it goes straight back to bein' laggy. This probably has everything to do with my wifi, but I even tried putting it on lower quality and it didn't help one bit. Even closed all my other running apps. Other than that, ig the app is alright." "The app is good for being free. Lots of different options for movies, shows, and anime. However I'm only giving it 3 stars because the selection are nothing recent. Pretty much nothing new that was made in the past 5 years or so unless it's a lower-end movie/show. It's great for watching old films and throwback anime and the videos are fast to load which is great and it works on chromecast." "Pretty good selection of movies that we made between 2000-2017 but anything newer or older is super hard to find. I like watching more current films so it isn't the best for me but I could see someone liking the selection fine. The main problem with this app is the ads. 3, 30 second, non-skippable ads in a row that pop up 4 or 5 times in a show that's only 20 minutes long. In a movie they pop up 6-8 times and it's super annoying. Overall it's okay." Overall it's a great app. Just a few small grips. I'm not a fan of the ads but I get why. I wish there was a 20 second replay feature. I would like to see tv series have it's own category to make it easier to scroll threw. I also hope they can expand their library with newer films. And bringing in more 80s flicks. But again minor grips. I've loaded the app on my Android Phone and Samsung TV. I'm unable to watch full screen. Only fills about 75% on both. I tried to watch a movie on the TV app but received message stating further security was needed and that I was to go back and make a different selection yet I was able to cast the same movie from my phone. I do like that it's free and the wide selections options. "Good content, but it tends to freeze and skip. The new location of the Cast icon is in the way of the program description, and at times you can't read all the description because it is too low on the screen. It also has an annoying habit of automatically connecting to the Chromecast when you open the app, but you still have to select Cast before you can watch on tv." "It's alright, though ads can break up the pace of movies in a really weird way. Maybe if they put all the ads during movies at the beginning and end it would be less distracting, rather than scattering them all throughout. I'm not really happy about more streaming services existing. It used to just be Netflix and I didn't need so many apps on my phone." "On my computer, scrolling is difficult if you have a built in mouse pad in which you use your fingers. There is no scroll bar on the side, and paging using the up/down arrows doesn't work. Also, on the main page that the movies (squares) appear, they are so small & then when you click on the 'see more' or 'view more' the boxes are huge & on this page scrolling is even more difficult. I thought it was to be used on a computer not just cell phones." "Seems like a great app so far, especially since it's free, so not much to complain about. Only one thing that is annoying, is the apps that plays in the middle of a movie, usually when it gets to a good part. Would be a 5 star app if the ads were before the movie/show begins and not have any ads during the movie." "Well When you first get on the app, you see plenty of old movies! It was a nice blast to the past while going through them. What I did not like was how each one would buffer constantly! Not like the occasional buffer, I'm talking about every 14 seconds! It was non stop! And I have full bars through phone service/data, so its not my fault..if they improved this then I would shurely keep the app." "Surprisingly good, considering it's free. I've been able to find some things you can't find anywhere else and overall the selection is pretty decent. Haven't had any issues with playback, but the quality isn't anything special and there are no controls aside from play and pause basically. To skip back and forward you have to drag a slider." "One major flaw - the casting interface. 1) There are no rewind/ff buttons. 2) When casting a series the next episode doesn't auto-play, so you have to manually wake the device to play the next video every time (sounds small, but it's a pain when binge-watching). 3) Once a video has ended you can't play it again without turning casting off, pressing play again, & then re-casting. Bottom line - casting interface feels like it was rushed. In fact, the entire app feels very ""beta"". Needs polish." "Wide selection of TV shows and movies that other streaming services don't have, and it's all free. Tubi thinks that they're making us a favor but no one ever likes ads. Even if they're whole selling point is that it's all free, I wish there was an option to subscribe to remove advertisements. Please let me pay you. I hate having my shows and movies interrupted, ads are not even placed cleverly, they will just play on the middle of dialog and it's annoying. But good app. Pretty accessible." Why can't I share any movies anymore? It just endlessly loads. That and some titles seem to be all jumbled up. Wrong titles on wrong movies with wrong descriptions sometimes. I noticed it with some movies next to each other on the list. Prometheus title on white water movie image is one. It's weird. Other than that it's a great app. I updated and my phone so I don't understand what the issue is. Please fix. Thanks 🙂 "Content is nicely varied but the dialogue and video is out of sync. Video stops while dialogue continues. Tubi has helped me feel better about the circumstances I have been enduring. Thank you for your generous gesture to provide a very nice diversion. There is one more glitch, movie stops wíth a round circle in the middle of the screen -- way too often. Thanks anyway." "So I love the selection of anime and cult classics not available on hulu or netflix and I love the limited ads. But there's a huge issue I have with tubi. It buffers way too often for way too long. Maybe I'm complaining too much about a free service but I was staring at a single screen of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure at the climax of an episode for a solid 3 minutes before it resumed play. Otherwise, phenomenal selection of movies and shows." Great content but it's there are some things here and there that lessen the experience. Streaming videos are obstructed by some line down the middle of the screen and notification that you can jump ahead and behind by double tapping. Pretty sure this should go away but no way to do it. Also a TV show I watched had the wrong episodes under the wrong titles. "Pros of Tubi are all things mentioned in the app when downloaded on mobile. Cons would be the inability to switch to portait mode from landscape mode while viewing something. The ads on the mobile app are over much more quickly than the ads on the t.v. version. I also like the option to turn on closed captioning if needed. I would however, like the option to archive things to watch later without having to take further steps/get an account. I think for a free streaming app, Tubi is pretty good." "Although I only gave it 3 stars, I like that the movies and shows are easy to play, and I also like that the app has a watchlist feature that some of the others don't. I would love to be able to suggest additional movies or shows for other watchers to enjoy. My problem with the site is the ads. There are to many and they run too long." "What did you do? I love this service and the great selection but why when choosing some titles, it now forces you to watch the trailer & auto starts the pick rather than going to the info screen that has the play button where you can also add it to your list, rate it and see related titles? This is no longer an option on many choices. It was fine before. This new ""feature"" is the worst." pros: amazing video quality. semi-large veritiy of shows/movies. not a cashgrab. no sign up. ads are short. will (sometimes) resume if u come back to it after closing the app on where you left off cons: 2-3 ads display at random during a stream with little-to-no warning. and a major turn off for me is that when i start up a stream. it freezes everything except the power button and the worse case senerio i had with this is that it made my system UI stop responding and crash. Nice selection of movies and tv shows. But there seems to be a lot of buffering when watching movies compared to watching tv show's. Makes it hard to enjoy the some of the old time faves I used to watch. Had to give 3 only because the buffering is pretty bad. It buffers like every minute. The tv shows are making up the slack. "I love the selection of movies that available on Netflix and Amazon Prime, but the playback is much lower quality than paid services. Every 2-3 minutes it will skip ahead or back 5 seconds. The captions are never timed properly. Very difficult to watch a movie with all the gliches. A lot less adds than expected, maybe 2 per movie." "UPDATE: Cant watch movies without ot buffering every 5 minutes or so. Episodes are still better to watch without buffering all the time. I have to go down to 3 stars for not being able to watch movies. Very new to the app so Im only giving it 4 stars for now. So far, so good. Cant complain about the ads at all. In one episode, there were 2 shorts ads that equaled maybe 2 mins tops. Quality is great and no buffering so far. Will give it 5 stars once I watch more and if it continues to be great!" I love that tubi is completely free and the ads aren't too bad. I would give five stars but there is no option to turn off autoplay so if I fall asleep it won't stop at the end of the movie I am watching but plays all night long. When I wake up it's a random movie I usually don't like. Please have the option to completely turn off the autoplay. So... I'm leaving 3 stars... I'm not too happy about having the same ad like 5 times in a row... The app is better on the phone than it is on the Xbox One... It's too glitchy for me to enjoy watching anything that way... I'm not happy that ads keep happening when I am watching a movie though... I want to enjoy the movies I watch. Either have the ads at the beginning and end of the movies or don't run movies on the app... Other than the ads and glitchiness on the Xbox app it's a pretty great app. While I do love this app. it tends to buffer a lot! I was trying to watch an episode and counted in the first 2 minutes it buffered 16 times. Now I'm sure someone is going to say bad wifi connection. But it does it wherever I am. Again I love the selection. Just tell me how I can watch a 30 minute show in 30 minutes and 45 minutes to an hour "I used to really love this app, as it had minimal ads. Now, it has more ads than a regular tv show. Very disappointing! Do you have an ad-free version? If not, I'm not sure if I'll continue with you much longer, as the ads are too excessive and annoying. Might as well just watch regular tv. Such a shame--I used to really like it. Took away two stars for the ad annoyance." some of the movies and documentaries are really good and some are some of the dumbest programming I've ever seen. there's something for everybody here. The only problem as I see it is the fact that they interrupt the movies with commercials and the commercials are often repetitive. I also really hate the fact that the volume in the commercials far exceeds that of the program you are watching.Small price to pay for free movies I suppose. "It's my new favorite movie channel- better than Prime and Netflix. I have two issues with it. One, if you fall asleep watching a movie, it starts another one, most often one you'd never choose, and then won't show your recent movies so you can't find that first one. So, you wake up watching this loud, screaming movie and that's the one showing in your unfinished list. Why not show recent choices? Update. It still spends its time trying to find out what diseases I have instead of giving me comm" "Its not a bad app decent quality shows and movies for free. As with other free video apps one complaint would be the redundency of the commercials, when watching a series i have to watch the same 2 commercials 100 times. My only big issue with the app is difficulty getting to episode selection from the video screen, it always wants to continue watching instead of taking me to an episode select menu." "Love the app. However, it seems to lag when I'm not using it through the cable box at home or within my home wifi. Outside of home on cellular network or while on a public network (hospital or library) it's a hit-or-miss. Have restarted phone and app several times, cleared out the cache and even used an Android ""data cleaner"" to clear data up and still have issues with app working properly. I've checked settings in app and phone and still have issue. When app works, it's GREAT!!" I love to give it more of a rating but I'll give you the reason why I give it 3 stars. I love the selection of movies that are on it there are movies that aren't on Netflix or Hulu. While that's awesome me and my friend from another state watch movies together and sometimes we use this on our Xbox and the ads sometimes are to long and we have to pause the movies alot to get to the same point and he might get 3 ads and I'll get 1 or 2. As for the phone it's a bit better 1 ad here and there. "Love the selection! But I would enjoy this app way more for multitasking if the commercial breaks worked in picture-in-picture mode. The shows display fine in the smaller screen till an ad break, when it turns black and I'd have to switch back to the Tubi app just so the commercials can play. That's usually when I just stop watching in disgust. Just so you know it can be done, I typed this entire review while Iron Chef was playing on PlutoTV in picture-in-picture... yes, including commercials!" "It's an amazing app when you have a subscription to Tubi, however, it glitches alot and sometimes it will take more than 10 minutes to load a movie, sometimes it won't give u access to the movies/shows you are still watching. And before I had the sub. There was an add every 3-4 minutes of the movie/show. And you don't have a variety of movies. Would have given it a 5 but these things need to be fixed." "This is an okay app but the ads are so frequent that I can't hardly use the app (at times.) just to be able to watch any movies & TV shows from TubiTV seriously?! 3 ADS like every (15 mins) every time it's very annoying! It does have a mix combination of both good and bad movies that makes for the playlist and the convenience of ""continue watching"" along with (like/dislike) similar to other popular movie/TV show streaming apps example being the following: Netflix, Hulu, Peacock, etc. Overall ***" "I just started using it in lieu of showbox and it seems to work pretty well but the ads are sprung on you without warning and it plays the same ad THREE TIMES IN A ROW. which is very annoying. Shoebox was much better in that it only made you watch one ad per episode or movie and it was always at the start of what you were watching, not 17 minutes in." "Ads cause freezing! I've given this app 3 stars because whenever im watching a movie or show, the ads start and if the Regions banking ad pops up it freezes and just shows a black screen but if you click on it, it takes you to a Regions information page that you CANNOT get out of. I think it may be just an Android issue as i am watching it on a Galaxy tablet. Please look into this and thank you for reading my review." "I have just gotten this app and I like it quite alot. I love the movie selection! One Big problem, I do not like not being able to see the shows due to the constant breaking up! I want to see them but are unable to.Sure, I saw a couple of com, but they have to pay or we do! So, grow up..the com are Not the problem.." Overall this is a great app I think when you first start using it there aren't as many commercials and with you using it more the frequency increases. I have also found that certain videos only have audio which is a great feature if you're intending to show videos to folks that just want to listen to the series? Theater of the Mind– Revisited "I really I really like the app. It plays very few commercials and doesn't close itself during the middle of a show like Pluto TV does and some of those other TV apps. Plus I don't have to link a TV service provider in in order to watch TV or to have like some stupid keys to unlock content that I should be able to unlock that they claim is free anyway, but really isnt." Tubi has a Great interface which allows the user a much easier and satisfying experience when searching for something new to watch from Television shows to Movies. The Major down side is most of there stuff is really low budget movies and TV shows. if only Morpheus was set up like Tubi. then Morpheus (has great selection of free movies and TV shows) would be the Best and only add on you would ever need. "Seems to be a great source for movies. My complaint is about the adds. They are too long. After finishing an add I tried to back up 30 seconds improve the flow of the movie and I was forced to watch more adds. I am also not able to put into a smaller box for browsing purposes, or just to listen while playing a game." "I've been using this app for a while, mostly for anime. At first, there weren't many ads (just 1 or 2 per break) but now it went up to about 4. I normally don't have an issue but they are start up in random spots, rather than areas where there's supposed to be a commercial break. It's honestly annoying." "I love this app but its very difficult to leep up. I had it installed on all my devices tablets computers and phones. I realized subtitles are not allowed when you rewind . Also when a episode is over, i cant watch it again unless i clear all data. Its so annoying. But besides that the app is great. My family and friends love it." "I've been using this app for about a week now. I'm thoroughly enjoying the programs I've selected to watch. I understand the need for advertising and I feel that it is much less intrusive in this application than it is in broadcast or cable television. Thank you for producing search an joinable medium for watching entertainment. EDIT 4-28-21: Since first post, ads have increased. Up to 90 seconds every 20 - 30 mins. Ads are repeatitive. Good RX, ABC Mouse, Adventure Acadamy repeat over and over." "I love how I can choose from thousands of movies for free. A lot of ""B"" movies. Thank you Tubi! But almost every movie seems to skip or keep replaying the previous 5-10 seconds periodically throughout most of the movies. Not the biggest inconvenience, but can become a nuisance after a while. 5 stars if you fix that!" I like the platform and the shows but agree it needs a bit more variety. However I am completely frustrated with the constant freezing of the shows. It doesn't matter what show I am watching or on what device ( because I use three separate ones) the show freeze incessantly. Please fix the issue because I know it can ve fixed. "Good selection of movies; fun to see a variety of older films, as well, that I never got around to watching. Commercials aren't too prolific, but I wish they were more diverse. Buffering can be frustrating on movies, and would like to see more documentaries and tv series/shows." its ok. the app is a good idea but i dont like that it seems alot of the movies and shows that are in this app are not available to watch. they are there but you cant watch them. also the search function takes a long time i let my phone sit for 30 seconds and it was still searching. please put a flag or something on the shows and movies that are not available and improve search speeds "This would be a awesome app if it wasn't for all the ads, I understand that to keep the app free you need ads, but there's way to many here, the movie may be almost over and you get a ad, there's got to be a line somewhere in showing ads to keep the app free and going overboard, every five minutes you get a ad is to many in my opinion, the movies themselves are awesome though." "To much buffering and if it's not just buffering, it also does it in the extended commercials. Would mind the commercials so much. But, with all the buffering, it takes twice as long to watch a movie, documentary , or whatever!!! I have very high wifi and tested direct hook up, same thing. If you fix that problem, you would probably get more subscribers." "doesn't have the latest stuff, but it's nice. however please please please add a quality control. I don't care about video quality, but this is a mobile app trying to make my phone display 8K video (yes I know I'm exaggerating), and things keep skipping. when I want to turn the quality down so it doesn't skip, I always instinctively click the settings gear, and literally the only setting there is the data saver" Either season one isn't there or more often than not it is the only season that's there. would be nice to watch an entire program from season 1 to the end. as of late sum of the series and attempted to watch I'm missing episodes. It's not a bad enough that they're missing they're also part of episodes that are to be continued. Therefore you get to watch one part but not the other this is relatively aggravating. Also some shows don't have enough sound to be heard nor do they have closed captions. "this app is good in showing the movies or tv shows i like to watch but as a hard of hearing person needing closed captioning, it's sorely lacking. please fix so i can continue watching. i will give this a 5 star rating when i can watch anything on the app without the words appearing and then dropping off in the middle of the viewing or if it has closed captions made for all shows/movies. if we can have video face time calls, then surely closed captions can be fixed. thanks" "An 1:30 and change action film to me 5 hours to watch! ONLY Because It Kept Buffering A LOT!!! And, skipping backwards playing back a couple of minutes! And, stuck looping on repeat a certain section of the movie. I have a decent signal 3-4 bars! (mostly 3 bars) But, I think that full signal WiFi would be very helpful!!!JustIMO!...Edit: Just took a look at 3 stars or lower ratings. I made it to about the 2nd week of this month. It seems thatIt'sACommonThingWithTheTubiApp Buffering Is A Problem!!!" "I love all the differebt shows and movies you can watch! However, I keep having trouble with buffering. I will be in the middle of a show it will stop and start loading this happens every 5 minutes or so. I have tried using Wifi and Data and nothing makes a change in the preformance!!" "Its a great app for movies. The only reason I gave it 3 stars is because of a few problems it has. Sometimes, the movie goes back a couple of seconds by itself, the captions are ahead once an ad plays, and when ads are over, the movie skips like 5 seconds by itself." "The app seems to be fine, ads in all if you're prepared for it. What my review is mostly on here is the content. As I went through it all seemed to be mostly unfamiliar and mostly R-rated titles (save the family section). There is a high-rated section in which I found a few more familiar titles. Assuming Tubi is fairly new, if they work on putting in more good, familiar titles, then this may eventually be a good substitute for Netflix, but, expectedly, Netflix currently has more to offer." The movies offered are okay and i enjoy the app but it does have some very frustrating streaming issues where it will play a few seconds of thr movie then go into perpetual buffering. Pausing for a bit only brings a few more seconds at a time. Its not my internet connection or phone because my other streaming apps work fine. I'm not sure how this can be solved though. "It's great but I should be able to watch it normal speed & shouldn't have to wait on the circle to spin around &around!)(Also when the show or movie is done I should be able to put my finger on the red dot,& move it back to the beginning that way it can play normally.)(It's very irritating I should be able to watch TV shows & movies normally instead of waiting for it & that stupid circle to spin around,so Its not enjoyable if you have no wifi near you.)(I want to watch it in my own home!)" "It is a good concept, still in progress, it have an intituive interface, does not have any of the on demand tv shows or movies. It is like an old man made a p2p-like movie viewer for old men. (At least it isn't p2p, it has their own servers). It has a Google Cast option, that is very useful. It could be better." I like tubi. The tv shows are set up for commercials but the ads start way to early where the commercials would start. They start when people are still talking then you miss the whole conversation. Also don't make any sense to have ads come in when you're watching a movie. The movies should play all the way through with out interruptions. The timing of ads and interruption during a movie is really the only complaint I have. "there is no setting to stop the app after 1 show. in fact, the setting are significantly lacking. for example, it can auto play and devour your data. the playback is good, but there is no preview and not enough info about the shows. so, if you are a contentious consumer, it's fair." "it's free so far, but I've only watched 1 movie.. the main issue is that it has to buffer a lot.. I would think that it would buffer when the ads play EVERY 15 minutes during your watching experience.. the buffering so much makes u miss some things in the shows, which frustrates me.. So that buffering and the ads that play every 15 minutes for 1 minute, which during that time never needed buffered at all.. if buffering was not there, I would give 5 stars!!!" "I enjoy this app. Not too many commercials and great choices on shows. The only issue I've been having is on my vizio tv, after commercials, the screen goes black. I can hear what's going on, bit can't see it. I have to exit the app and go back into it to see the screen again; this doesn't happen on my LG phone. It's weird." "I'm only using this for The Bachelor and the experience was less than amazing. The quality is great. The captions are timed well but in terms of buffering and loading speeds, it is super slow. It takes so long to load the episode and load each ad. Even the app startup is a little laggy." The shows and movies are top notch especially the original series. But the app has some hiccups that need to be worked out. I and constantly catching the app replaying previously watched episodes instead of continuing to the next episode. The app has shut it self off a few times. The app does not alternate smoothly from the main video player to the mini player. No ads are a plus. "Great content I'm only hear because they have the exclusive rights to Bumpy Johnson series. App needs work I don't like the fact CC is on by default. Also, I can't tap the left or right side of the screen to go a few seconds back/forward like with Netflix. U.I. for Netflix is much better. Also, won't cast on my Samsung S8+. I have to use the smart view feature which is annoying." "This is a big waste of money that I unfortunately won't quit. Just because once in a blue moon they have something I really want to watch. But God forbid if I have to stop in the middle of an episode, or pause. If I do that I have to start the whole show over because there's a constant lag where the voices don't match the mouths, or it's even worse and just freezes the screen but continues the script. So I'm constantly having to restart." "I'm trying to cast a movie to my SamsungTV, also tried it through a Google Chromecast 4K. It just keep searching and doesn't connect. It just throws me back to the home page. Only reason I don't rate only one star is because it used to worked well and I acknowledge that the issue may be from my TV/Chromecast. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks." "Missing standard features/bugs: 1) Automatic bookmarking of last viewing location is unavailable. It is not optimal customer experience to have to either watch from the beginning or to manually fast forward to last viewing location. 2) Queue for watch later only works for TV shows, not movies. Even then each episode is listed in the queue individually. Better to just list the TV show." "This app disconnects itself from the internet while the internet is still connected. I'd it's just when I use the cast function, but it also does the same when I watch it on my phone. There is no autoplay so if your into binge watching this app may cause some frustrations. Also, my phones are some decent androids if that helps." "Be careful with downloads. I started one, it kept ""trying"" for days. My Data capped. In the series, app doesn't always go to the next episode. Resume works sometimes, but remember the remaining minutes to use the bar below. Watched on my Samsung 20 phone. Excellent selection and choices, the app needs work." While watching the app on my television whenever you fast forward or rewind it takes you to the last point you fast forward or rewound to or all the back to the beginning if you haven't used it yet. "needs more original shows, has enough for a month or two, then ran out of content. condor, war of the worlds, and from were good. pay via google play for easy cancellation process. has a problem remembering where you are in a series if you change devices.." "There are some good shows on MGM+. For the 3 star rating, is only because I am subscribed to about 3 other channels to have enough movies and shows to watch throughout the week nights." "Great, but needs separate profiles for family members." "I can't watch it on my Roku TV, the code doesn't work and I can't login because I'm not subscribed to a cable service, the app is broken" "The content is good but the app itself is lacking. There is no recently watched section so you always have to search for your movie or show, sometimes have to restart the app so it can load the next episode, and has no ability to cast to a TV. And since their website doesn't have the ability to stream and only serves as an advertisement for the app, you can only watch on your phone which is nice if I'm at work or on a road trip but if I'm sitting at home I'd like to utilize a bigger screen." "Great original content but still EXTREMELY buggy. You'd think after yet another rebrand, simplest of fixes would be made. -Casting is still atrocious. -Skip intro doesn't fully skip intro. -The leave a review feature doesn't work in app." The studdering is crazy. Every 10-30 seconds the video freezes for 1-15 seconds then catches back up. Giving me a headache. I can't continue with the subscription after watching the series I started. Hopefully this gets fixed before than. "Good but better to just pay a higher premium for Netflix and get more contents at this price point. The contents are so limited, it's not even worth it tbh. Some videos have trouble playing. Got the free trial through dominos but not worth to keep it after the trials up." "It keeps signing me out the app, even though I've already signed in." "The reason I gave you a 3 is for selection size. I don't have cable I watch Netflix or other FREE movie apps and while your app has no glitches streams nicely by th end of my free week I'll have watched all the movies I like on your app. You have a few "" Coming Soon"" that interest me but what is soon... Next week, month? And lastly 5.99 is a good price but not for your selection.." Good app but it recently has been having trouble connecting to my TV using VIZIO smartcast. Some days it works but I've had trouble figuring out what's causing it not to connect. couldn't connect to Xbox but it seems fine otherwise so far Good shows and movies just wish there was more of a selection and u were able to skip forward and backwards by seconds like other apps instead of just the main toggle..Other than that it's great no glitches or bugs 😸 this app does not have as many movies and shows to pick from then the one I am currently using. this shows they do offer are mostly good shows to watch. "Easy 2 set-up & use w/ great promo offers often, (current promo: free mth of movie streaming w/ any Domino's purchase of $10 +). Could have a lil better movie selection." I am downloading app right now and we will see how it works. I'm reviewing the reviews 🤣🤷 I love how your support staff always offers help to resolve the problems and to thank the good reviews. That alone made me download the app. Most do not respond at all. Very impressive EPIX NOW ❤️ Only interested in a couple of their original content and the app itself works pretty well except for the skip back/forward onscreen keys I accidentally hit the wrong button ended up subscribing to it. So it hasn't even been an hour that I'm unsubscribing and I hope that it went through the right way. I'm having a difficult time streaming to my tv. After every episode I have to reinstall the app or restart the tv. Good quality TV and movies. Just wish there was a progress bar for the downloading shows...... "this app has not worked correctly since I installed it however, their customer service is great, so I'm changing my 1 star rating. casting not working but once it is ill re-rate app." It works fine for the most part unless you dont finish an episode all the way then it will just randomly restart you at the beginning or start you at the beginning of the episode before the one you were on either you lose were you actually were "I can't get it on xbox because it's standard epic v epix now. I really don't like the HBO Go, HBO Now, HBO Max model. One app would be good. I got the free month from dominos" "It played one movie great. But after that I was not able to watch anything else. Blessings to you, I pray all these tech issues be no more. Amen" "Everyone of these movie apps almost got some of the same similar movies like you don't know which one to pick you don't want to pick up because you know , 💵💵💵💵💵" Like the app but the buttons don't work. You can't forward or rewind the show at all. "I love the app, but it's becoming like netflix. Please bring some more movies, and shows on here." "On the Mobile app every time I open to watch, I have to unselect (CC) why? 😡 It should be off on the app. Fix this with a update ASAP." Your basic movie channel.Os better priced than the other major networks.Has a lot of movies to choose from.Overall a good app. Great app.. user friendly. Could definitely update the movies. That's why the 3 stars... it's paid movie app I like Epix... But Everytime I try to log in from my mobile app to the TV it closes automatically without it letting me sign in or give the TV code ... Some of these shows I can watch on other apps that I already have plus there isn't anything that isn't on other show apps. Not with it really. I have been trying to get connected and it doesn't work I paid put everything all the information they need and it doesn't work The shows are geared more for Children or Family time. It's a great app if that's what you're looking for. "Extremely slow, constantly buffering. App needs some fine tuning then will rate 5" Would like to be able to watch any movie especially older movies should be made available. Cannot use with a PS Vue subscription as a provider. Thanks for the response! Is it purposefully hard to cancel the subscription or am I just dense? I have tried from the Fire Stick and through Google play. I was impressed bt the clarity of the screen but I was dissappoonted that iy wasnt a full screen . "DOMINOS OFFER: even w/ the code you will still need to register and sign-up with financial info. (I declined offer, so this review only pertains to misleading offer on Dominos' site)" why cant i access epix through my psvue account to watch movies and shows on my laptop? psvue on demand isnt the best. It's alright. It's just the movies and t.v. shows; it does not fit my interest. "they have some good movies, i wish there was more, but their perfect quality" "It's okay, rather limited loved the star trek movies, but wanted to watch planet of the apes, big No Go!!!!" I may only would have had this for my phone but it kept saying data this can't connect data that so I gave up on it "Not enough selection, but selection available is great!" It's okay lot of buffering .....no resume where left off needs more content "Love dramas, recently started Greys anatomy from the beginning, would love to catch up, you have great movies though..." pretty good selection... but it tends to repeat what they say occasionally Have no idea how to cancel. Did a 30 day trail and got stuck with it now pretty good lots to choose from but only if you pay still love it I'm useing the free trial I hope you all got some good stuff planned for season 2 of The godfather of Harlem i only got this app just to watch The Godfather be of Harlem ( I don't even like Forest Whitaker) an if season 2 doesn't live up to expectations I will canceling epix. it's okay.but it needs a app for a Coolpad smartphone that's works So far so good. Needs more hit movies in sci fi tho. Where is war of the worlds with Tom Cruise? I'd love to watch this on my NVidia Shield. Where's the Android TV support? "Functional, but primitive. Plenty of room to grow." Its got great movie choice BUTTT I WOULD rate a 5 star IF the movies wouldnt lag SO SO SO SOCSO SO BAD its a good app but it doesnt have anime like black butler tho :/ "its only been a week ,just trying to see what movies they have,hopefully i found some the more im on it" Needs to run in external storage. "I couldn't cast to my TV, so I deleted the app." "It's not a great selection of movie's, it seems out dated" Not enough interesting movies to select from. "Finally figured out how to cancel, customer service was ok." "It's ok, but not recent movies. Alot of old." This app didn't really have much selection for movies "That was good, but the only problem is that you cannot watch it on your laptop at this time" No CC when I stream cast on tv only watch on tablet need it when kids play loud "wish they had more movies; to be specific, The King's Men & Oh, where for art thou brother." Video quality problems. a lot of the same stuff as prime or Hulu. Please give us something new or different. I like it but don't love it something thin y'all get gredtee Ridiculous way or impossible to cancel this stupid subscription!! You cant even turn the screen sideways Great selection hampered by lousy sound no dolby 5.1 no 4k Wish the screen was wider im giving you 3 stars because it sounds good but if you can add Deadpool movies at least you will know i want to give 5 stars. wasnt what i thought too hard to log in so far so good its ok but all the movies i want are not on there. Is a great app and show for movies Is nice but buried can I download movies on my laptop? other than that awesome app.. Would love to see holiday movies too. Didn't really like them Didn't have any movies u want to watch SUCKS!!!!!!!!;;;; Not a whole lot of movies to choose from casting is inconsistent Slow to up load. Not a great choice of good movies well so far so good l like the app I don't really watch it much. "The quality is good. And I have found most everything I have looked for. My biggest problem is with the functions of my own music. I was a huge fan of Google Play Music. It worked EXACTLY the way I wanted a player to work. And when I was forced to switch, I have since sorely missed the functionality of GPM. I'm not sure why the developers couldn't have kept those features. And I HATE that I don't have access to my own music (uploaded from extensive CDs) in any way other than on YouTube Music." "Look, great app, wonderful, even. However when I go to school (a low cell signal zone) the app completely stops working. I go back into a cell signal zone (with wifi) it still dosent work. It just sits on a loading screen and never stops, I have to un install the app and re install the app to get it to even remotely work. I don't know if it's something wrong with my phone, or what, but I'd expect better from YouTube and especially since I pay for premium and have been for a while." "What I love about YouTube music, is the massive database of music available. the streaming quality is extremely low, I would argue, the lowest of any music streaming app. The app doesn't play nicely with my phone's audio mod libraries. The app also crashes and buffers for no reason. I can play the same thing with the YouTube no problem, and it has video." "Definitely a work in progress. For the most part it works fine, but it's also extremely glitchy and lacks basic features. Sometimes play next doesn't work, there's no good way to stop playing after a point, casting causes a whole lot more problems, sometimes searching doesn't find songs. Overall fine, only use bc of YouTube premium." "Simple app, especially on the Galaxy Watch. The last played song in uploaded music doesn't sync between devices (phone & watch are different). I haven't found a shuffle option on the watch & have to start by selecting a song at the beginning of my uploads. I'm sure not everyone uses their uploads but seems like simple simple add-ons." "There has to be a way to turn off ""the following content may contain ______ or ___-_____ topics. Like, i know. I just came to listen to the music. It's crazy how when you turn restrictive mode off, that message still pops up. At least give us the option to check ""don't show this message again"". It also ruins my shuffle playlist and plays the rest as if it's a radio. Spotify doesn't do this at all (from what I remember) why do this here? Not to mention some songs don't even have that content." "I have always used this app and pay for the premium... since the update it stops playing after every song, it doesn't come up on the song it is on, on my phone, unless I open the app.. I really don't want to have to go to another app I've used this one for a long time, but it's getting very annoying to not have my music continuously play like it should..." "Horrible compared to Google play music. But getting better. I don't like that if I have to stop listening for a few seconds for something else it doesn't respond when I hit play, it lags up, sometimes restarting the song from midway through. Frustrating to say the least." "This is a terrible application. The interface is clunky and the organization is atrocious! I mean, the home page consists of random stuff from my library, new releases, recommended videos (I'm here for music, not videos), and basically nothing actually relevant to the user when they open the app. Google Play Music was fine. It had some problems, but it worked 10x better than this. Do not recommend. Also, why when I look at my ""recents"" do I see EVERY song I've listened to in the past week?!" "As much as I try to like it, I can't. It keeps stopping and refreshing. I thought it was my connection but then I downloaded a playlist and it also kept stopping. Also, there's no pending update on the app. Definitely going for Spotify. Too bad, since I have YouTube Premium. If not fixed, I will cancel my subscription and pay Spotify instead." "I did the paid version for the month to really test it out, and it was great, but I decided to cancel because it just wasn't in my budget when I already pay for music elsewhere. The free version really ticks me off because it plays a commercial after every single song, and it gets irritating. It would be nice to listen to a steady stream of songs before a commercial comes on. I dont mind commercials, it comes with the territory for the free version but it would be great to not have so many." "Google play was much better but I eventually gotten used to YouTube music. It worked fine for a while but lately for the past 2 or 3 months i can't listen to one song without it just randomly stopping!! And whe the song is finished it doesn't go to the next song. So you constantly have to pick your phone up for something. I don't know what happened but if it isn't fixed soon, I'm definitely going to cancel." Sound quality and quanity are both great. Premium is to expensive in my opinion and I cant stand that when you accidently click on a song while adding songs to your cue. It will erase your whole damn cue. Makes me furious. Sometimes I lose a half hour of work setting up a cue and songs ive never heard. Ill probably never find them again! "I don't know what is going on with this app lately, but it constantly pauses the song you are listening to. There's no issue with Internet speed. It will often play the song as soon as I unlock my phone. This behavior started after an update. I've cleared cache and tried troubleshooting it. It was doing so well too. YouTube is also affected, but to a lesser degree. This is odd. Video and audio is more stable than audio alone." "It obviously has a great selection, but most of the good features aren't functional without premium, which is way overpriced. Also, it annoyingly stops if you don't interact with it every few songs. There are ads between almost every song, but they're usually pretty short. The shuffling feature doesn't really shuffle well in the mix playlists." "It's ok, needs improvement. First, you guys need to add the ability to turn off audio normalization, and add better quality audio, with a description of said audio. There is also no possibility of installing an actual app on PC. Instead, all you get is a desktop bookmark that is incompatible with system prompts like play/pause, skip, etc. I am getting tired of Google's 'good enough' attitude, along with their horrible lack of organization and integration as a whole." I can understand randomly generated content gets some bugs where it's duplicating songs in a playlist. But when Google's own playlists have a string of songs that are all in the same order. Duplicated like this. It amazes me. Please fix this. I should not have to flip through 5 to 10 songs every time I start a new playlist because it's the songs that I just heard a moment ago from a curated playlist. "Again, 2 years later, the option to shut the feature off which automatically starts playback once you connect a Bluetooth device does not work. It would be nice if it was actually functional and not just there to look pretty. Sometimes, I actually want to connect my phone to a speaker for the purpose of watching a movie or playing a video game. There is really no way to justify auto-playback on this, or the regular Youtube app. I am capable of opening these apps myself if I want to use them!" "Everything is great, except the playlist. I like to organize my songs into playlists so I can find them easier. Only thing is, the playlist doesn't seem to stay in place when I organize them. For example, I put ""song 4"" after ""song 3"", but it's refreshed after ""song 100"". Instead of being placed exactly where I wanted it to be placed. I have my songs categorize in alphabetical order, but when I refresh it just randomized the placement of songs that I loaded onto there differently." "I personally haven't had any issues when it comes to audio or video playback, but my main issue is that you are unable to listen to music from the app while having the app tabed out, unless you either pay for premium or download your own music. This and the fact they play ads every time you change the song is very obnoxious and pushy in my opinion. Other than those two issues, the application plays music fine, and is for the most part easy to navigate." "Constantly lags and eventually freezes when used for a period of time. Not a big deal as you can just restart the app, but annoying. I also wish there was a volume slider similar to the regular YouTube. Certain songs are mixed in a way that makes them loud even when playing the song at the lowest volume. Also, I keep getting the ""Lyrics not available"" error with every song Iisten to, which wasn't a problem before." "I really like yt music compared to spotify because of music library (you can listen to pretty much anything that exist on youtube). However, there is one huge flaw and that is the fact that I cannot sort the songs in my playlists alphabetically based on the artists. There is only 3 options when it comes to sorting: manual, newest first, and newest last. I do not understand how they did not implement such a basic feature and this is constantly frustrating me and a lot of people too." "Overall pretty good, no problems, cheap, easy and fast app, but it just does what it should. I'd like to see more change in the UI and layout, it's YouTube, I'd love to see bigger cover albums or a clip of the music video paying. I wish I could turn off suggestioned music playing in my playlists, maybe I just haven't figured that out tho lmao. And my last issue, shuffle is honestly mid. I have well over 500 songs in some playlists and only about 50 rotate with outliers here and there." "I used to love listening to music on this app, but lately it pauses during a song, time after time. Now I can't even listen to the music I've downloaded from the app because it will play a minute or less into a song and then it freezes up and the entire app quits working all together. I don't want to lose all of my downloads on the app, but I'm might be forced to uninstall the app because I just can't use it anymore because of the play back issues it has now. I hope the developers fix this soon." "Upgraded to premium recently, really good. ive seen some of the huge always present bugs go away but there are always new bugs just spawning in even though i have yet to update the app. Still a geat app. i will always choose yt music, its much better than the other options for music streaming. One thing i love to see is just the ability to make your playlist thumbnails custom instead of it just being the first four songs." "Does all the basics, but consistently buggy. One is when I start my car and it starts playing where it left off 2 trips ago. So like I'll listen to 30 minutes of a playlist, stop my car, some time later come back and it forgets and starts at the song it started at the first time. Also, songs get deleted or changed on playlists. Had half an album switch to the live versions of the songs. Had to manually switch all the songs back." "Great app, at least it has the possibility to be. Unfortunately it turns off my music every half hour without my consent and makes me come back to my device to start my music again. I also can't even navigate inside of the app itself without the music turning off because YouTube is made of Capitalists, who charge for the privilege of listening AND navigating their OWN APP. There is also no setting, so that I can have my music continually play anyway. I think I'm going back to SPOTIFY." "The worst aspect of this app is having unliked songs reappear on playlists and offline mixes. It'd be nice if there was a ""I'm tired of this"" option for songs that constantly come up on my shuffle. Would be great to put overplayed songs on the shelf for a couple months and not have to skip them manually. YouTube music should remove songs from lists that you've down-liked. Really annoying for a song I don't like to constantly come up!" "All together good app, but always disappointed in the ""discover"" selection. Always seems to lack diversity, and even though I only follow one low-fi artist, discover is always full of other low-fi suggestions. The other recommendations I see on my app are usually good, but they don't populate into a playlist in the same manner." "It's pretty terrible, the main issue is discovering new music, the app will continue to play songs you've already heard instead of branching out. Artist get added to your library and there's no way to remove them. The discover tuner can't be added to your library and you must reenter all the artist and settings again to use it. There's no clear algorithm, old songs you listen to will just get recommended and whatever new songs get recommended don't account for music taste. Gonna switch soon." "Caching behavior is still suboptimal even with the premium plan. Recommendations are better than Spotify. Playback statistics aren't saved and synced server side when listening to downloaded music, so your ""recaps"" are often wildly inaccurate. It's like no one from the YouTube Music team works out of the New York Google office and takes the subway to work." "3 🌟 because I bought Premium but in almost every song in the middle, it just stops and it's so annoying. Not to mention the UI, I use Tidal and even it has more style and flair. And please add interactive lyrics. This is a very minor tweak but you guys really should better separate music videos a lot better because it's so often that I find a music video in the new ai created playlist feature. But I won't lie though I have seen some major improvement." "It's mediocre. Beats Spotify for now. Subscription locks so many simple things; like downloading music, listening to music off the app, playlists, etc. Ads are pretty annoying. I understand you need the money and that's why you have premium, but I've sometimes gotten bombarded with ads that it's quicker to reopen the song and get shorter ads." "I pay for the premium, but unless I have the app open & the screen on it will randomly stop playing, whether in the middle of or at the end of a song. It didn't used to do that, this started a little while ago. I drive a semi truck, so it's a bit dangerous for me to mess with my phone. Also, I haven't tried hard, but I did notice I haven't been able to find a way to delete a song off a playlist. You can swipe it from the 'now playing' but not delete it. Other than that, it's a good music app" "I have used this app for about 2 years and have had no major complaints but as of recently I deleted my old review and made this one. The ""an error occurred"" ""there is a problem with this video. Please download it again"" error is happening way too frequently. You guys have to fix that. It's highly annoying. *For anyone experiencing this issue, Uninstalling and then reinstalling the app seems to have worked thus far." Right now my app isn't even opening on my android phone. It acts like it's going to open but it just closes right up. How can that get fixed. Thr other issue is that when it was under Google play for music I liked it becsuse it had the music in the way I liked it saved. Then it switched and most of the music I had didn't switch the way I had it. But it's slowly growing on me. "Music catalog is good but app quits playing all the time. Many times in the middle of a song, something multiple times. Often it will only play one song then stop and I have to hit play again to make it play the next song in queue. Doesn't seem to matter if I'm streaming on WiFi or cellular, at home or out and about. Never use to have this issue." Update: The app is terrible at radio mixes when you select a song or artist. It always adds in songs that I have liked previously even if they are different genres and don't fit with the original selection. App has improved when playing more songs from a created playlist but still not the full playlist. I have found new music that I like. I want the feature to edit explicit music from my radio playlist. Doesn't matter whether it is video to audio or straight audio. I'm trying to better myself and I don't want to hear explicit songs on autoplay regardless of what the artist is. You forced me to buy this product over google playlist. So step up and make the same baseline standards. I also want my like Playlist to shuffle ALL of the songs and not just 70 or 80 songs from it. I want to be able to continue the Playlist for days. "If you enjoy making a playlist on and then having half the songs unavailable to play for no explanation, this app is for you. Even if you pay for the pro version this still happens and it's annoying, don't get started with this as your first music app. They have made improvement on this issue. It only pops up rarely I'm my useage. Lately the whole issue of not playing download music is worse, just like how I described it above. This app is annoying, just download your music old-school." "[1-31-23]I love ytmusic to listen to my music, but its hard to listen to music when it keeps abruptly stopping. It's not my wifi or data. And my settings are correct. So it's something within the app. Please fix because I cannot enjoy listening to anything. [3-15-23] just updated, and it did not help with my issue. I pay for premium so I don't have to have my screen up while driving. I implore you to fix this issue. Based on the other reviews, I'm not alone on this.." "I prefer this app to the others; been a premium subscriber since the beginning. I have to downgrade stars due to lack of 'back' function... I spend 30min (at least) creating a playlist weekly, finding perfect songs to 'play next' or ’add to queue'. While in a random album I'll accidentally tap a song; it'll start playing that song and my entire curated playlist is gone. I want to cry. Wish I could go 'back' or at least get an 'are you sure?' warning that my playlist is not yet saved." "It should be a 5 star experience. Google Play Music was a 5 star app. Going from having album versions for sure to it most likely being someone's YouTube video upload has affected the song experience. Starting a radio station is decent. But, Play Music would do it better. Starting a station with a standup track should be all standup not random music. The app currently needs a lot of work. Also, stop telling me discretion advised for songs in my own playlist and confirming to play them first." "*{3-25-23} 3 Stars: Why can't downloaded songs be transferred to another phone esp when paying a subscription and on a SD Card (SHOCKER: Folks do buy new phones!) We're punished for getting another phone! Also some App Updates are just a mess! Wish it was just left like it was! ""If it's not broke don't fix it""🥴 *{3-12-21} 5 Stars: One of the best music apps I've ever used! I love its features! Works every time I wanna listen to my favorite tunes! Give it a try, I doubt you'll be disappointed 😍" "I've always been a Spotify user, but their radio isn't good. So I use YouTube for the radio, but it isn't working/launching, even though it says ""starting radio"". I'm not experiencing the crashing people discussed. I've tried restarting phone, clearing cache and uninstall/reinstall, doesn't matter, radio just doesn't work. Sounds like they're updating stuff and it's messing with functionality." "I'm only really using it because Google has announced that it's replacing Play Music. YouTube Music's search by mic does not work. Ever. It works when I search from my phone. Same mic, same phone, why? I can not truly play an unlimited play list when streaming, and possibly on Bluetooth. It gets really wonky. I can suffle, but not repeat when streaming. The app has a hard time moving between different playlists. It wants to revert to the previous playlist. Will playlists stransfer?" "I've been listening to a song on my YouTube music getting ready for work or in my car and all of a sudden the song just stops, and I'm playing a song off my phone that's downloaded in my phone. It does this once in a while, and it's starting to get irritating. Is there any way you can look into this or fix it? Besides that it's actually a not bad app that can access my songs that are in my phone." "After around 2 years since they forced this over the Google play music app, I can safely make this review. If your constantly online and stream music, this is a premier music app, but if your often offline for long times like me (navy), then it's only worth it if you buy the subscription. Device files (MP3) take WAAAY too long to load up vs play music, and often fails to load properly when skipping multiple songs. Otherwise fantastic with auto-suggest algorithm. 10-band EQ and artist filter plz?" "Ive had this app since it first came out. Been a fan. Worth paying for. Wish I could find more indy artist like b4 but I tell anyone I know this is the best music app to me. Better then Pandora and Spotify. $10 unlimited play, create ya own playlist,no ads, old songs, new songs, whole albums & a offline playlist. I mean everything I need in a music app. Since recently updating it cuts off in the middle of play and even if i open my game it goes off. This didn't happen before so FIX ASAP PLS!" "Same problems being experienced as prior review from 2/19/23...with latest updates, current track intermittently will stop whenever I don't have the app in focus (screen off or app minimized). Premium subscriber. Hope the devs can work this out soon...as this bug makes it unusable during workouts or just in general throughout the day. (Have transitioned to Spotify temporarily). Prior to this playback issue, things were quite solid." "Is there a way to have the app play the actual songs in my playlist that I chose and not the extended cut, remix version they think is better? If I put a specific video in my playlist, it's because that's the one I prefer to listen to. Other than that, I haven't had much issue, and the app is easy to navigate through for the most part." "While I like that this app plays music from my YouTube playlists and similar music from the genre, long term play is buggy. You can't let the app or website play for hours without it just stopping on its own. Having to restart to get anything to play. I leave my music on for hours so this is a bit annoying to stop what I'm doing to fix the app to do what it's meant to do." "YouTube Music is a pretty average music app not too dissimilar from Spotify. Every song you want to listen to is available, the app has a nice UI that's easy to navigate, and the premium price is comparable to Spotify. That's where the good parts end, however. YTM does not include options for HiFi streaming, something done by Tidal and Deezer for the exact same price. YTM also doesn't take advantage of being based off YouTube with very limited social features; no comments or user interaction." "I like it because there are songs on YouTube that aren't available on other apps. However my only issue is that the queue and play next system does not work. I'll add songs to it so that they play next but it never does or it adds them to the bottom of the list. Other than that, great app 👍🏼" "Love YouTube music and videos!!! Only thing I would love better is to have video/lyrics for music that is downloaded! Recent review as of 19Mar2023: not so pleased as much now. The music stops after one song. Currently trying to ""update"" to see if that will fix it. If not, I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that works. If it doesn't, well ..." "Would give 5 stars, but app crashes what feels like every minute. I haven't made it thru one full song today without it crashing multiple time. Checked for update, there was one available so I updated it. The app is still crashing after updating it, Uninstall and re-installed, force stopped, check my phones performance and cannot figure out what is going on. Also have full bars and 5G" "It was the best I loved this app but then, after I renewed my membership I'd be listening to my music and all the sudden I'm transported back to the 90's and my CD is skipping it does it with every song I play or the comes on.. I haven't listened to music in a few days maybe even a week and it's driving me nuts!!! But yea other then that I love it or loved it." Google Music was better. I can't listen to any of my music at work anymore because YouTube is blocked. I hate it that I can't buy music because now when I make a playlist some of the songs disappear. I do like being able to find most of what I want to listen to. It took me a long time to figure out how to stop the auto-play of music after my playlist is over and I wish that was something you had to turn on rather than something you had to turn off. I rlly do love this app but the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that they don't only have a limited number of edited audios that you can chose from. You don't get to pick the ones you like the most. I'm deciding on whether or not to stay with youtube music or to switch but I rlly do hope that gets changed. 🤷 Everyone with premium service should note every time the app stops playing when the screen turns off and request a refund or credit for that month since you can't enjoy the app as it's advertised. They probably would fix it quickly. Also can't unlike your liked songs all at once. Ridiculous...especially if you have liked THOUSANDS of songs. Never going to like another song. "When Google play music went away, YT music app(premium) became my main. I wish it had the ""identify what's playing"" option that Google did. I also hate that when I have too big of a playlist, the songs will randomly stop in the middle and you have to keep hitting play or reshuffle, or delete songs. I'm also getting annoyed how sometimes it'll play the same 20 songs I just listened to yesterday instead of continuing my 475 song playlist. I'm a give Spotify a try now, thanks." "YT Music comes with my YT Premium subscription, and it's just about as good as Spotify, so I use it. That said, YTM is a far cry from the greatness that was Google Play Music. A particular complaint: I do a lot of offline listening, so I have GBs of music downloaded to my device, and the app frequently has problems ""finding"" my downloaded music 😒" "Not a big fan of not being able to dislike songs (even though you can like songs) from the screenlock background widget. The option is made available from the opened playing screen, however, when I dislike a song, lo and behold there it is again 10-12 songs later 🤨 Stop trying to drive things into my head, I have a very strong grasp on what I like and do NOT like, you're not going to sell me on something based on familiarity and more people are catching on to this nonsense." "I really miss Google Play Music. I can't edit the album information on this app. I can't upload an album art on the desktop website if the photo is missing on the app. It no longer has an option for what genre of music you want to listen to. Plus, there are songs that Play Music edited to censored version that uploaded to YouTube Music. The original song is gone. It's not a real music app to me now. It's just for Playlists." It's gotten better since the initial launch but still needs work to be perfect. I wish that you could see both library and cloud uploads together in one place when you search but artist name. I would also like to see more control over the editing of cloud uploads and FLAC support then it could be a 5 star app. I do think a major win for it is that you get YouTube premium included when you purchase the monthly service giving this a leg up on the competition for value. "Its okay. The app doesn't save your music, even if you download it, if you get a new phone and transfer app over don't expect your music to transfer over because it won't. I got a new phone and logged into my account expecting my music to be there and it wasn't. I went through hours of customer service only to be told the app doesn't save the music it only saves to whatever phone you're using at the time. Which really sucks especially for paying monthly" I can't believe there is no sort features for playlists. And manually doing it is not a feature. I would give it more stars otherwise. Because I've been a user since before the streaming service started. And also it would be nice for the lyrics to follow the track playing. Like your competitors "YouTube music works mostly fine, but I have noticed a few annoying problems: - no sorting by release date (omg why? fix this!!) - no default-to-video option when casting to TV - cannot shuffle playlists directly in the Roku TV app - shuffling an artist's whole catalog leads to the inclusion of any other artists with the same name Several of these weren't an issue in Google Music, so it's frustrating that they are now." "Hard to find my songs at times. Hard to turn the app off--very annoying!! Why not have a simple menu and then open up the photos of album covers or lists of songs. It's so busy you can't just find your own music and play it. Can YouTube Music just shut up when you want to stop listening? People turn off their radios, car speakers, TVs, etc. and the sky doesn't fall. Just make an off button and everyone will want this app." "If you have premium it's a great music app, has nearly every song/piece of music on YouTube, which is to say, a lot. But if you don't have premium it's just annoying, as it acts just like youtube. You can't listen to music without nearly every song having a 30 second ad (for a 2 and a half minute song youtube, really?) And you can't even turn your screen off without the music stopping." Overall I like it. There are a number of bugs and quirks in this software that just weren't an issue with Play Music. I hope they get those worked out as this has obvious greater potential. Most importantly it does not store all of your likes on your device so that when you lose service all those files are available. When you lose service it doesn't switch to downloaded files correctly and just gets stuck. Can't trust it to work when I travel. "The player itself works fine. The problem is that once I am in my car (Bluetooth connected) it starts playing music automatically. It does not work to pause the app or swipe it closed; if I turn off the car and restart it (like going to the grocery store), the app turns right back on and starts playing, and I haven't even used the app. The only thing that seems to work is to swipe off/ close the program, then restart the phone. The app should not be that difficult to turn off." "This app is a really good source for streaming music. There's a large catalogue of music from which to choose from. The app will sometimes freeze and crash unexpectedly. Also, when using the free version, two ads will play before just about every song and that's super frustrating. It needs to be looked into by the app developers." "This WAS the best music app, however, within the last month or so, the app started to pause on its own. No connection issues, it just stops. I might get through one full song before it starts, but once it does, it gets increasingly worse requiring me to hit Play several times a song. Also, if you are in a particular mood and listen to a certain genre for awhile, when you switch up the genre it'll play maybe 2 songs and then start playing the other genre again. VERY FRUSTRATING." "More of a question than a review: why does my equalizer keep reverting/turning off at random? I say ""at random"" but it appears to happen any time I intentionally switch tracks, be it via the skip button, choosing something else to listen to, etc. Also seems to sometimes happen on its own, typically when continuing to a new track, but also for no reason whatsoever at times (in the middle of a song.) I've looked everywhere for a solution for this. It's getting pretty annoying to deal with." "A lot of options to choose from, but a lot of adds too, one each time a song ends, that's way to much! Also, the app keeps stopping in the middle of a song asking if one is still listening which is stupid, and somehow convenient for the developer to keep an eye on the user. This app stops playing the song when you minimizes it, this is very inconvenient because it doesn't allow you to use other apps in your phone while it's playing, unless you want to stop listening. I'm using the free version." "I've used this app for many years, and has been a decent music app. Song quality and quantity is good. A few small issues though; you need to redownload albums after it gets updated or relisted. The ""stream wifi only"" and ""endless play"" settings change or reset randomly. So be aware if you're data limited. My equalizer keeps turning off randomly. And finally the UI. It's challenging to use at times, mainly if you download music. But for what it is, it's a good music app to start with." "Music level automatically attenuates. That's annoying. Contacted support and they had no idea what I was talking about. I also have Premium. Did some travelling and it updated while I was traveling. It wouldn't let me play my downloads because ""The version they have there is different."" Music selection is second to none. But there should be some way for people who travel to verify that they are premium members and they can use the app in other countries." "It's a great app, especially if you've got the premium, but after the 2nd to last update which completely changed the library/downloads all of my music is out of order and all over the place, there's even songs in my downloaded section that isn't even downloaded to begin with or that I've never even listened to. Preferred the old look better as it was easy to navigate and find all my music. It's a good app, but just prefer the older, easier to use navigation." "This app needs some work. It would be nice to be able to access my playlists without having to navigate through several pages. Quick access to my playlists at the top of the homepage and/or a widget would be ideal. The app is not easy to navigate. Not that it matters too much, but the UI is not consistant with other Google products. Otherwise, the app works and the music availability seems to be adequate for my taste." "Works fine, but I have 2 problems: 1: In Library>Albums>YT Music, it should organize and show downloaded albums and organize them. It doesn't show that. 2: When you add a song to a playlist or the queue, the banner that shows up to confirm your selection is in the way of the play/pause, etc. controls and it takes WAY too long to go away. I really dislike that it blocks the play controls at all. It should be transparent and not effect the controls or move elsewhere." "I hate that songs will disappear, no longer on this app and that really sucks! It will appear as faded and can no longer play it. I also have been experiencing playback issues. I will pick playlist, scroll to what I want to listen to, and then the very first song from the Playlist will play again and the following after that even when you go back to where you were before." "Choice of genres, songs, etc.=Excellent! Customer Service=😣 Great app, but if i choose to listen to a song, I'm choosing to hear THE WHOLE SONG! Instead, after I have been listening for an hour or so, every other song stops about half way through and then it moves to the next song in the playlist. Sure hope a public rating will prompt you to fix this!" "Hate so many things about this app. Could start with the fact that new songs added to a playlist go to the bottom of the list. We could talk about the inability to shuffle our own customize playlists. I hate that videos are incorporated into the app. I can't stand how difficult it is to add tracks to playlists, and the fact that the icon looks exactly like the YouTube app." "I have been using this app for almost a year, and in recent months, the amount of commercials is ridiculous. I realize I'm not paying, so there will be some commercials, but I'm getting regularly 5 commercials before the third song starts and one to two commercials after every song. This is excessive, in my opinion. Also what happened to the shuffle play my favorite list. It keeps playing from the top so i hear the same songs and not hearing the music farther down the list." Youtube music has a good music base and in both numbers and variety it's an extensive catalogue. It's the rare occasion that I search an artist and get zero results. In time I'm feel confident that it's going to get even better. My problem is that the app itself isn't one designed by users. If asked therefore lots of features users would want in their app that just don't appear in the current one. I've written Google on numerous occasions and even chatted with them. No joy. "Doesn't allow certain bands that are politically incorrect. My likes get rearranged and songs randomly disappear from the list. Some albums will let me download only one song and not another. Very inconsistent about what videos and lyrics get connected to a song. Plenty of incorrect lyrics. No explanation in the app about these things, or anyway to flag lyrics as wrong or missing. Easy to use. Big selection. Would not use if it wasnt included with my phone plan." "I like this app way more than others like Pandora and Spotify. I wish there was a were to search for songs within a playlist instead of scrolling through the entire thing. I also wish there were a way to make a playlist automatically start shuffle play. There's also been a problem lately of the app going back to a song after it's been dormant for a while. I listen to an hour's of music, stop listening, and then the song that started at the hour will play and the exact same lineup will play again" "As soon as the new update came out, my music is playing in what feels like a random order. I had my music in a very specific order and it feels like it shuffled it all around. Shuffle is off, the order of my songs are LISTED in the correct order but it isn't playing in the right order. It's incredibly frustrating, I want my old YouTube Music back. This isn't it. The UI and navigation feels so weird. I love YouTube music but this new update is horrible. Everything is messed up for me." "Still not as intuitive as Google Music was. Playlist algorithms have improved, but still have a ways to go. It's not uncommon to have one or two songs repeated and others not even show in the list. Occasionally songs are skipped without interaction. Podcasts are a totally separate app. Layout is horrible and hasn't changed since it became Googles default music app. Knowing Google, they'll likely abandon this in a year or two as well." "I really enjoy YouTube music, but I have 2 issues with them. First - when I search for a song and listen to it completely and then it'll play songs similar to it. Great. If I search for that same song on a different day, the same songs that followed the first time, play again in the same order. There's no randomization, or I guess variety. That's odd. Second - I can't see my YT music recap. It says there's nothing to see here. I use it year long. And yes I'm under my account." "The new update has made it so much less user friendly. Its harder to organize my library easily, whether in general or downloads, and it resets to recent activity everytime. I used to have it set up so it would easily have everything downloaded in the order I needed. Would really appreciate a setting that allowed it to save my preference of order and consistently keep it that way." "This is from a premium subscriber. Every time I leave the app, the music plays for under 30 seconds, and then just stops. I don't know if this is an issue regarding updates or if it's something else entirely. Please do reach out to me as soon as possible with a real reply instead of a bot copy and paste response. Edit: App is great, but something scared me. I closed the app and the music kept playing. I got rid of the notif and it came back. It's gone now, but that's something y'all needa fix." "Works great if you don't mind having the shuffle stuck in the on position. Not sure what update did it but no matter what I do, all the music I downloaded for offline use by using the premium service remains to be played on shuffle despite trying to turn it off. At first I thought my app might have had a few corrupted files in it so I reinstalled it. Issue still remains and now I have to find all the music I had downloaded again." "Some issues have existed for a while e.g. playlists are not able to be sorted alphabetically, some songs become unplayable and grayed out after a few months that can't be removed from your library. Updates are not being made to address the bugs and fixes users have been complaining about. Updates have been to the overall layout which becomes exhausting. Every time there is an update the user has to relearn how to use the app. Do you realize how frustrating this is?" "It's a really good music app, ive been using it for years. But can be buggy. Especially if you don't have a premium account. It'll constantly randomly pause your songs, & the ads can get a tad annoying at times. Just subscribed to premium again to give it another shot. If it works better and doesn't have all the bugs that caused me to cancel my premium before I'll resubscribe. 🤞I like the app, they have every pretty much every song I can think of to search for. And it's way better than Spotify." "Okay, but playback randomly stops frequently. I tried looking for a solution online but clearing the cache and restarting my phone had not worked. I like that this app has music that I can't find on any other streaming service, however, while listening to music, playback will randomly stop. I have to then turn my phone screen back on and reopen the app. Sometimes playback will restart on its own after this action, and other times, I have to push the play button." "Thought they removed the listen history in the last patch, only saw the button in the top bar of the library tab after 2 days of looking on in disbelief, and leaving a negative review. Leaving this one here for anyone else who can't find that button. That said, if the basic history page gets entirely phased out for the new suggestion-driven ""listen again"" feature at some point, I'm gone. The look is nice, the functionality is trashy in comparison. Feels like it could happen, hope it doesn't." "[Edited & updated] A bit of a pain. Default searching is hard to bypass & my library loads loads slowly, it's impossible to change sort order, plus a number of other aggravations. It won't allow me to set default to music I've bought & downloaded. One other thing that is REALLY a pain is the inability to delete items & playlists. I honestly do wish I didn't have to be so negative, but *surely* *someone* could have developed an app with more of the good features of its predecessor. :(" "I love the experience, but it's only really good when you have premium. There is no ability to turn the screen off and still listen to music without premium, and that takes the rating down considerably. I don't mind the ads, and the price for premium is reasonable, but I'd rather listen to traditional radio than drain my battery with the screen on."