File size: 52,908 Bytes
{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["are vague and murky", "my life felt like stagnant water", "i grew more and more impatient", "but everything felt tedious and", "difficult", "i wanted to take a step forward but", "i felt so scared", "but", "this pain in my chest", "this agony", "[Music]", "[Music]", "a long time ago when the earth came into", "existence the manner that made up the", "world was too ponderous to hold its"]}
{"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["shape and merely swirled in a muddy mass", "of chaos then the first of the gods", "appeared and said let there be earth the", "manor solidified becoming the ground and", "the mana overhead thinned and became the", "sky", "yeah but gus i only asked you how words", "are related to magic just be quiet and", "listen to me i'm not even getting paid", "to teach all this you know yeah fine the", "creator god made the sun and moon and", "separated the land from the sea fire", "wind and trees came next followed by", "other gods as well as thus the ghost is", "a little eccentric and he can be"]}
{"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["overbearing", "all the words and symbols that the", "creator god used what we now call", "writing are referred to as the words of", "creation these words whether they're", "spoken or written down all possess very", "profound power power that's right", "[Music]", "if you write the word ignis it defines", "the existence of fire and", "that is the word which means erasure the", "fire will be extinguished and that's", "what magic is", "the power of words", "magic"]}
{"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "the god of justice and lightning", "volt", "the earth mother motter", "the god of fire and technology", "blaze", "the god of wind and commerce that's", "whirl", "the goddess of water and greenery rhea", "sylvia", "the god of knowledge and light", "ancient words of magic offered up to the", "gods", "words of creation", "oh i get it parts of the inscription are"]}
{"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["scratched out so the words powers won't", "activate", "graceful", "are you curious about him", "yeah well sort of", "that's gracefield the god of light who", "governs the cycle of death and rebirth", "he's the child of the lightning god", "vault and the earth mother motter you", "worship the earth mother monter don't", "you yes you've got it right", "she's the god of child rearing and the", "bounties of the earth", "of the six principal gods she's", "particularly revered by people in rural"]}
{"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["areas so when you do your daily prayers", "the earth mother is the goddess you pray", "to right", "mary", "what do you say we head back and have", "dinner now sound good yeah", "huh", "[Music]", "blood", "oh wow that's a really nice boar you're", "gonna get some taste to meet up with", "this guy today well uh", "thank you so much", "hey that kind of hurts", "wow"]}
{"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["looks tasty go on eat up don't worry i", "will oh", "it's so good thanks so much for the food", "blood you too mary yes gratitude is good", "after you grow a little bigger i'll", "teach you how to go and hunt for", "yourself too what hunt hunting teaches", "you all kinds of valuable lessons", "although you're gonna have to get used", "to taking lives", "what's wrong are you losing your nerve", "stop it he's still too young for that", "she's right no he needs to learn the", "basics before that", "but i must say i'm impressed i can't"]}
{"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["believe he's only three and he's already", "learned to read and write he just might", "be as much of a genius as i am", "i don't think it could hurt to teach him", "some magic hey come on give us a break", "what if he becomes an old miser with an", "oversized brain like the skeleton looks", "scary and he can seem out of control", "but he always keeps things lively and", "friendly", "that's a secret", "huh", "the three of them keep a lot of secrets", "like why they live here", "and why there are no other humans here"]}
{"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["except for me", "from the time i was born i've never met", "anyone else but the three of them", "but the biggest secret is", "why are they", "undead", "there are so many things i want to ask", "them", "but i can't", "because", "i'm keeping a secret from them myself", "[Music]", "that secret is", "thanks for dinner", "that i'm a human who still has memories"]}
{"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["of my previous life", "my memories are vague and murky", "and i can't get them into sharp focus", "a ceiling", "it's a monster", "[Music]", "[Music]", "they're gonna kill me", "[Music]", "this is the 186th morning after that day", "half a year since i started living with", "these walking corpses", "it's time to eat", "what a good boy you are will", "oh are you feeling full already"]}
{"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["i can't speak it very well but i can", "generally understand the language that", "they speak now", "shall we go take a little walk outside", "today outside i i've never been outside", "before", "she smells like incense", "i wonder what it's like outside the", "temple", "[Music]", "that breeze so refreshing", "and it smells of plants wet with morning", "dew", "isn't it beautiful out here well", "it really is beautiful"]}
{"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "there there it's all right there's", "nothing to be afraid of", "at first i thought it fallen down into", "hell", "after living such a hopelessly vague and", "empty life such a punishment wouldn't", "have been a surprise", "[Music]", "no i'm wrong", "this is no punishment", "it must be", "the grace of god", "i feel like something that i'd", "wastefully thrown away without a second"]}
{"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["thought", "was given back to me once again", "oh well my sweet tender little boy", "this time", "this time", "i'm truly going to live", "i'm going to live in this world", "i'm finally done", "we got to build your muscle and stamina", "first without the strength to back them", "up your skills are useless", "well couldn't you say that making up for", "your lack of strength is a skill listen", "do you really think you could knock me", "down well no with the right skill you"]}
{"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["might be able to knock me over but there", "will be times when that skill won't work", "for you but you can't separate your", "muscles from your body the brute force", "that muscles give you can solve most of", "your problems in life", "learning skills comes after that", "understand", "it seems like muscles are kind of", "masochistic huh", "fool your pronunciation's imprecise", "given your talent you really need to", "learn to control your accuracy or you'll", "kill yourself that's scary", "well magic can be a scary thing do you"]}
{"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["have any idea of the reason why words", "possess so much power", "i guess it's for the same reason we", "think a chair is a chair right", "indeed after all when we see a wooden", "stool that has four legs no matter what", "color it might be or whatever kind of", "wood that it's made of we don't even", "think of calling it something like four", "sticks in a round slab and we wouldn't", "call it a table we just instinctively", "categorize it under the chair label so", "in short what that means is that words", "are what define and differentiate the", "way things are of course i'm just"]}
{"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["repeating what someone told me huh you", "know well it seems you might actually be", "a genius after all", "but isn't there anything i can do to get", "more consistent results afraid not", "that's just what words are all about", "there are always fluctuations in speech", "no one is able to say a word in exactly", "the same way twice the only answer is to", "let your instincts determine the ideal", "level instincts but you should start off", "by learning how to use your minor magic", "more skillfully and accurately but", "hopefully you'll do your best to get by", "without even using that without using"]}
{"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["magic how's that possible", "i'm talking about money", "that again", "man how can a ghost worship money as", "much as you do oh come now you don't", "know what you're talking about money is", "extremely important money is what makes", "the entire world go round", "with money you can solve anything", "without magic my tools higher health and", "the ability to make a profit is just as", "important as magic why or why must i", "have hands that are incapable of holding", "silver and gold any longer it isn't fair", "i want to feel money and count gold"]}
{"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["coins with my own hands", "curses not normal", "[Music]", "creatures such as these are beasts demon", "beasts are a particular type that are", "extremely aggressive", "wow that's old gus has taught you about", "the myths hasn't he", "the minions of the god of deputism and", "tyranny specters and phantoms and the", "demons of the god of dimensions who", "lurks in hell", "and the gods stagnate who commands the", "undead", "people such as the three of us"]}
{"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["we used to be human once too", "really is that true yes", "when we all died we clung to strong", "emotions that led us to a pact with the", "god of the undead", "so we're considered traitors to the", "virtuous gods", "mary", "i'm sorry for talking about this it must", "seem very strange to you", "hey mary uh tell me something do you", "think i should get stronger well it", "would certainly put me more at ease if", "you did", "don't make it suffer just snap its neck"]}
{"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["quickly", "can't get used to it huh", "i don't like killing", "am i just being naive hey i don't like", "it either huh i don't like taking lies", "whether it's a birds or humans", "but these guys provide necessary", "sustenance to keep you alive", "in life or death situations you need to", "put your feelings aside and just go for", "the kill reflexively", "that's what it means to be a warrior in", "battle it determines whether you live or", "die", "okay"]}
{"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["now let's bring down a few more", "blood really is a lot like a father to", "me", "you're almost eight years old now i", "think it's time you started some", "real-life combat trading ah", "it's bad enough when you stop just", "before hitting me with your strength if", "i take a hit from you i'll be dead i'm", "nothing but bones now you'll be just", "fine probably probably that's the whole", "reason why i said you can use the magic", "you've been learning from the old man", "go on ahead simply do as i taught you", "that's right do it well and you could"]}
{"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["actually land a hit on me", "don't cry that i'm playing dirty the", "battle has been gone", "not too sure", "move you fool distance yourself", "[Music]", "come on i told you never to close your", "eyes during a fight", "[Music]", "i'd like to say that you've got a long", "way to go but frankly you surprised me i", "thought you'd just randomly unload a", "bunch of crazy magic on me", "gus keeps on telling me that i should", "learn to use minor magic more skillfully"]}
{"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["and accurately not just relying on sheer", "firepower", "that's exactly the style that was used", "by the renowned sorcerer who went by the", "name the wandering sage", "are you talking about gus", "yep in his time he exterminated monsters", "calm raging rivers and rediscovered", "ancient languages", "that was all long ago you were once", "known as the war ogre yourself", "and mary was known as the daughter of", "mater at one time the three of us yeah", "never mind", "that subject runs a little too deep for"]}
{"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["right now", "you were just a baby not so long ago", "look just keep on learning and become", "even stronger", "oh blood on the day when you brought a", "human child back here my first thought", "was that you shouldn't have even", "bothered but it occurred to me that if i", "educated him he might be of the old man", "nothing that i said was incorrect i now", "recognize his true talent and them", "teaching him to use it aren't i that's", "not really the point i know that's just", "how you are", "and frankly i wouldn't expect you to"]}
{"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["change your ways now i even think it", "suits you", "but what you said wasn't necessary can't", "you imagine how it feels to hear that", "you're right it was quite thoughtless of", "me to say that and i'll be more careful", "in the future", "so i apologize to you will oh", "it's okay it didn't bother me i can't", "believe it gus apologizing gus it was", "rude of me to get all aggressive like", "that as well", "sorry", "you being impolite is nothing new to me", "what"]}
{"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["will", "you might not be fully conscious of this", "since things have been this way for as", "long as you've been truly aware", "but nevertheless you know you're not", "like the three of us right", "yeah", "i'm the only one who breathes and who", "has a warm body though that part of the", "story's true", "there's a lot more to it", "i'm sorry", "i can't explain it to you yet i know", "listen please don't be too upset with", "old gus all right"]}
{"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["he never bothers to choose his words", "very carefully or show consideration for", "others i'm really not mad i have a whole", "lot of respect for gus", "is that so", "you know you've got a big heart will", "once your body has at last growing big", "enough to mask that heart of yours then", "you're able to accept things as they are", "i'll explain everything", "okay", "blood was genuinely angry at gus for my", "sake", "i wonder", "could i have gotten angry on someone"]}
{"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["else's behalf in my previous life", "huh", "thank you blood", "mary", "gus", "all three of them aren't really alive", "anymore they're undead well huh", "it'll be a hundred years before you can", "land a hit on me from behind", "but right now", "they're my precious family", "gus is in charge of my academic", "education and blood teaches me how to", "fight", "but mary is the one i learn the most"]}
{"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["from she may just teach me the little", "everyday things but they're important", "too well", "can you take care of things here oh it's", "almost time for your prayer isn't it", "yes a few times a day mary sequesters", "herself inside the temple dome", "i've been told that i'm not allowed to", "go into the dome while she's in there", "all right it's time for your physical", "education", "i can't even lift my arms", "mary", "the bread", "why is she carrying it out of the temple"]}
{"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["about this bread just when do you bake", "it that's a secret", "i'm sorry everyone", "but i just have to", "know no", "i don't want to feel that again", "i don't want to lose anyone again", "no mary now", "mary", "mary", "[Music]", "this is entirely my fault i kept it a", "secret from him and", "i'm sorry i was careless all those times", "we told him to be careful will his arms"]}
{"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["heal", "thankfully his fingers didn't adhere to", "each other but scarring is likely to be", "unavoidable", "mary well", "i'm so sorry it's my", "no it's not", "it's my fault for prying", "so don't apologize", "i'm just glad that you're all right now", "oh well", "the smell of incense that surrounds mary", "always calms me", "why'd you try to look in on her", "i just got curious i thought that i"]}
{"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["finally might be able to find some kind", "of hint", "about what you guys have been hiding", "from me i told you i'd explain someday", "blood be quiet mary", "well then will anything else to say", "no i", "i'm sorry", "from now on check with me you're mary", "before you do anything okay that said", "the way you jumped in there to help mary", "was impressive those scars will be your", "badge of manhood well i am your student", "but all that got you was unnecessarily", "wounded"]}
{"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["still out of respect for your lack of", "fear toward the fire i'll teach you this", "that bread is a gift from the earth", "mother motter it's essentially the", "goddess's divine protection her blessing", "you can call it whatever you like then", "why were you on fire because i betrayed", "her the fire is simply a consequence", "that i must suffer", "the god of death stagnate with whom i", "formed a contract is the enemy of the", "earth mother mata", "in fact all three of us formed a", "contract with him so just coming in", "contact with her divine presence causes"]}
{"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["us to burn that's sad", "i don't expect to be forgiven", "why do you still pray to her", "is it just for my sake oh no will", "it's not i had been praying to the earth", "mother every morning and evening long", "before i ever met you that's my daily", "ritual doesn't it hurt of course it does", "so much that i could cry mary but even", "though i've betrayed her and that is her", "retribution", "i must endure the pain i shall still", "continue to revere the earth mother", "motter never says anything to me but", "every single day she blesses me with"]}
{"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["bread for you that alone is more than", "enough of a saving grace for me", "i'm so sorry i didn't tell you but i", "certainly hope that you'll continue to", "eat the bread that's provided for you", "yes of course i will", "but also i'd like to ask you a favor", "what is it from now on i wish you'd let", "me pray with you oh", "i just wanted to be able to understand", "what mary goes through even if it's only", "a little bit that's why i asked her for", "that favor", "was destroyed by the evil gods that it", "had brought into existence"]}
{"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["it was then that the infamous age of war", "among the gods began the giant statues", "in the temple are of the virtuous gods", "right", "that's exactly what they are to a human", "what does that mean", "among the legends told since ancient", "times there is a battle between the", "lightning god vault the king of the gods", "who governs order and judgment and his", "elder brother the war god ill-treat the", "elder brother had the advantage in the", "beginning but volt with the divine", "protection of his wife the earth mother", "mata banished the war god to the depths"]}
{"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["of the earth", "the war god continues to lurk within the", "earth today vigilantly plotting his", "revenge there are other similar stories", "but all of them take the same general", "shape now what are your thoughts", "isn't that story just a fable you think", "ruling in this world starts with", "violence and despotism but eventually", "agriculture starts to thrive and law and", "order begin to reach everyone but over", "time that can also lead to violent", "overthrows or something like that i see", "you're very sharp indeed", "volt the god of order and judgment is a"]}
{"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["virtuous god the war god on the other", "hand is considered an evil god but if", "that order becomes corrupt volt could", "become an evil god and by defeating that", "corruption ill treat could become a", "virtuous god in short the concept of", "virtuous gods and evil gods is", "ultimately a distinction applied by", "those who place their faith in them i", "suppose the priests would not be pleased", "with me for saying so however naturally", "you must not speak of this to marry i", "won't don't worry besides the gods", "normally think about things based on", "different standards than ours"]}
{"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["it's impossible for one with a human", "sense of good and evil to gauge their", "true intentions", "hey you know what gus you're pretty rock", "and roll what on earth does that mean", "well uh like you don't fit in any mold", "you know", "children truly make up some bizarre", "words sometimes but i do like the sound", "of that", "becoming free from obstructive thoughts", "doesn't mean thinking about nothing", "you just block out the past and future", "and focus only on the present", "i need to offer up my current"]}
{"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["insignificant self to the gods", "and then", "dive in deep", "as far as i can", "the five-day silent prayer you've", "undertaken is now concluded", "you did very well", "i've done nothing but pray continuously", "for the past five days", "do you feel all right physically well", "yeah i'm fine and you're only 13. how", "remarkable you are only because i've", "been praying with you all these years", "[Music]", "it's been five years now since my arms"]}
{"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["were burned", "mary says she has the ability to heal", "the scars with her blessing", "but i chose to keep them", "especially because blood called them my", "badge of manhood", "i'll prepare all of your favorite foods", "for dinner tonight oh right", "memorize all of this by tomorrow", "what", "gus's lessons became more difficult", "there was a lot more to keep track of", "but i persisted and stuck to it for all", "i was worth", "and then his lessons became even more"]}
{"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["intensive", "it was as if he wanted me to get so fed", "up that i'd quit", "still", "mary and gus were nothing when compared", "to", "okay now let's move on to our main event", "of the day", "what is that", "this guy is your opponent i got him in", "the woods that's not what i meant", "what's the problem it's just a", "low-ranked demon corpse demons can", "become undead too", "okay girl"]}
{"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["i caught him", "look blood i beat him yeah", "good job there so this is what they mean", "when they say a trained warrior can kill", "with mechanical reflexes yeah i guess so", "huh", "what is it blood well", "for your first killing match that wasn't", "too bad hear me i said it wasn't all", "that bad so don't get a big head oh is", "that what you meant well i'm more or", "less a genius wouldn't you agree", "this kid just might be a genius come on", "aren't you gonna chew me out for that", "okay"]}
{"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["how about we speed things up now and try", "something harder genius", "i always saw the ruined city from the", "top of the hill", "that day was the first time i set foot", "in it", "[Music]", "i didn't know there were passages like", "this underground yes humans and dwarves", "used to inhabit this place their", "blacksmith helped me out a lot", "but now it's solely a danger zone that's", "filled with mindless wandering undead", "that's why we never allowed you to enter", "here before"]}
{"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["this spot should be good", "you've got your stuff with you right", "yeah", "the shield sword jerky bread and water", "skin those things will be everything to", "you okay now escape from here huh i'll", "be waiting for you outside don't you die", "now wait wait a minute blood", "he can't be serious", "woman", "blood", "the exit is this way right", "but what was it that blood just said a", "minute ago this place is", "but of"]}
{"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["course i'm pretty sure blood is testing", "my overall practical ability here", "i didn't know being alone could make me", "feel so empty and anxious", "i'd forgotten about that fact", "even though i'd spent all of my previous", "life alone", "ever since i came here i've had either", "blood or mary always there by my side", "in this world people reach adulthood at", "15 so i'll be striking out on my own", "soon that's probably part of why all of", "their lessons have gotten so much harder", "if that's the case", "i want to give the best results i can"]}
{"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["i want them to boast that i was a pupil", "worth teaching and that they're proud of", "me", "that's probably an undead vroskus demon", "wandering around", "they can use the words", "they're stronger than any opponent i", "faced", "should i stay hidden and slip past it or", "go another route", "think", "what would blood do", "[Music]", "it's strong but not as strong as blood", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["oh no this is not the place to be stuck", "without a weapon", "this isn't a demon weapon", "a dwarven magic spear perhaps", "it's better than nothing", "i can feel a big draft in here", "maybe i'm near the exit", "i wonder how long this place has been", "deserted", "it sounded like blood knew it while it", "was populated does that mean that the", "three of them became undead around the", "same time then from the level of", "degradation it's been more than just a", "decade or two"]}
{"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["i already know there are no humans", "living anywhere near here", "i wonder where my birth parents are and", "what they were like and i wonder", "why am i in these ruins", "my real parents", "[Music]", "gus", "your gus right", "how come you're not saying anything", "and also", "why are you glaring at me like that", "did blood tell you that i was here", "or maybe this is another lesson of some", "kind it's a lesson right with conditions"]}
{"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["for expert geese gear", "[Music]", "[Music]", "i'm aiming for", "stone blast can carry that much force", "[Music]", "great magic", "since one could", "this projection magic is way too quick", "a double kill ruby goose", "why", "because why", "expertise", "this can't be real", "no"]}
{"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["no", "no no no", "i don't want that i don't want to die", "all right this spear should work on a", "ghost like us", "he's the one who tried to kill me first", "so no one can complain if i kill him", "pierce", "pierce", "pierce him", "kill him", "tell me gus", "grandpa", "if you really have to kill me", "there must be some reason you're being"]}
{"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["forced to do it right", "i know you wouldn't do this if you", "didn't have a valid reason", "i know that if gus really was serious he", "wouldn't need to play around like this", "if he throws around a lot of fire magic", "i'll die of oxygen deficiency and", "toxicity if he makes the ceiling", "collapse his ghost body won't be hurt", "but i will get crushed and die", "i know that", "i know that but", "i still don't want to do it", "i don't want to fight you to the death", "because hurting you"]}
{"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["would make me feel worse than dying", "myself", "if it's something that really is", "important to you", "and it's fine with me", "you can", "kill me", "i'm not afraid", "i'm your pupil after all", "[Music]", "what if it's okay i would really", "appreciate it if you didn't make it hurt", "too much ah forgive me i think i took", "that lesson a little bit too far", "i admit this place did give me an"]}
{"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["advantage but even so i did win must", "have been a shock shocks me isn't that", "this was unless against a sorcerer right", "now don't ask questions if you manage to", "defeat a vraskus and take his spear even", "blood will congratulate you heartily oh", "yes weren't the double injuries", "tricks like that soon", "so", "please don't be upset okay", "come will the best thing to do in a", "gloomy place like this is leave this", "city", "the three of them", "my own history"]}
{"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["there's something more to it all", "[Music]", "oh my", "will found a fine sphere like this", "beneath the ruined city yeah the steel", "is so vivid and bright and shiny it", "certainly is a good sharp blade a short", "sphere made to be highly practical truly", "the work of dwarves in addition it", "appears to have several words engraved", "on it perfect for our lesson on", "appraisal yeah can't wait", "gus hasn't brought up that incident in", "the ruined city at all since then", "there must be a specific reason why he"]}
{"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["won't talk about it", "that's why i decided not to tell blood", "or mary", "later i appraised the spear with gus and", "we found that it had the name pale moon", "words of creation are engraved on both", "the spearhead and the shaft the", "spearhead can emit light magic so it can", "serve as a light source or distract", "enemies the shaft is imbued with magic", "that allows one to expand or shorten the", "spirit will", "that should make it easy to carry", "above all", "i was excited to finally have a magic"]}
{"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["weapon of my very own", "after that i returned to the city", "underground every now and then for", "blood's lessons", "i head down there with only a short", "sword to collect any weapons and armor", "that i find", "it was tough at first but i can handle", "it without any trouble now", "even if i encounter vraskus or a", "similarly strong enemy i don't struggle", "anymore", "huh", "so is this all there is you have", "acquired more than enough knowledge"]}
{"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["right now", "i have something new that i would like", "to teach you i'm learning something else", "you will enter the city underground and", "collect coins", "i am going to teach you something very", "important", "is this enough", "indeed it will do", "you're finally gonna do that again old", "man", "um gus", "yes", "isn't this what they call gambling", "that's a vulgar description think of it"]}
{"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["as a game of intellect but it's gambling", "come on i was all excited when you said", "you teach me something important now now", "there's no need to get angry besides", "games such as these should not be", "underestimated they are most often used", "in duels between sorcerers do i really", "have to place a bet though where's the", "fun at it if you don't bet", "oh i get it you're scared to play aren't", "you huh", "oh yes you should flee at once you very", "well should be scared to compete against", "the one who is hailed as the wandering", "sage"]}
{"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["how dare you", "[Music]", "two sixes all right i'm the winner yeah", "your competitive intuition never fails", "to astound okay one more time this time", "i've got it", "what in the world are you two doing", "teaching that to will yeah oh mary", "there's a reason for it it was really", "only gus", "all three of you will go and sit down", "right over there", "mary's lecture was painfully long and", "downright scathing but i learned", "something very important that day"]}
{"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["it's not a good idea to get hooked on", "gambling", "listen will hmm", "i have been observing the heavens for", "the past several years to pass the time", "so i know in the winter solstices that", "will be the day you turn 15 and your", "coming-of-age ritual", "i believe that shortly before your", "coming-of-age ritual", "blood will challenge you to a one-on-one", "sword fight an earnest and passionate", "duel", "i get that feeling as well", "i know it won't be easy but i'll do my"]}
{"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["best to win", "i can't make the three of you feel at", "ease if i don't", "i'd like you to do something for me sure", "do you think you could find a way to", "lose the duel in such a manner that", "blood would never notice it", "uh", "why do that because i need you to no", "don't make me do it please tell me why", "are you always leaving me out of the", "loop i know you and you would never", "trample on somebody else's feelings", "without a perfectly good reason", "haven't i said time and time again that"]}
{"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["i trust you if you just explain your", "reasons then i'd be glad to throw away", "the tool", "i'd even risk my life like last time", "so why won't you tell me anything", "don't you trust me at all or am i just", "that utterly useless to you", "[Music]", "forgive me", "i can't explain", "i see", "well then i guess i can't help you i'll", "pretend i didn't hear a word of what you", "just said", "in your coming-of-age ritual you will"]}
{"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["need to swear an oath to one of the gods", "and decide which one will be your", "guardian deity", "will is something wrong", "no nothing", "anyway which of the gods do you", "recommend the one that is the most", "widely followed is the god of justice", "and order the lightning god vault but", "you worship the earth mother mater blood", "worships blaze the god of fire and", "smithing and gus worships the wind god", "world right that's right and what you", "swear to them is very important i swore", "to blaze that i would train every day"]}
{"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["and try to grow stronger i swore to", "matter that i would live in such a way", "that would honor and preserve her will", "how about gus", "there is a god of knowledge that exists", "but he says he swore to the wind god", "that he would do as he pleased that he'd", "just go out and enjoy life", "he hates being bound by anything frankly", "i wonder if he really is enjoying his", "life sometimes being very smart can also", "make you rather transparent i'd say that", "goes for both you and gus", "when you swear an oath to a god that", "earned you some divine protection"]}
{"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["correct yeah the stronger your vow the", "easier it is to earn it but they also", "say that you will be destined to", "experience many hardships in exchange so", "don't swear your oath hastily in the", "heat of the moment", "as they say either you become a hero", "or you die", "an oath huh", "[Music]", "okay that's enough", "you've gotten a lot stronger", "[Music]", "so what are we gonna do today can we", "spar"]}
{"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["nope today is all about this", "what is it", "there you go", "take a sniff", "why do you have this", "i thought we could drink it together i", "made it myself by mixing honey in with", "some forest grape juice that honey", "wasn't exactly easy to get you know", "is there something wrong no just", "come winter solstice you'll be an adult", "and a man's gotta get used to this stuff", "but won't mary be mad about this", "not if we keep it a secret", "in fact it'll only be between us men"]}
{"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["okay let's drink all right here you go", "cheers", "[Music]", "whoa nice that's delicious even better i", "get to drink it with you", "yeah it's good", "[Music]", "okay let's test your courage", "test my courage", "we're gonna take a little peek at mary", "while she's changing but won't we get in", "trouble say what", "come on follow me the hallway's spinning", "hey you okay", "fine i'm fine"]}
{"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "i can erase my presents easily this will", "be a piece of cake wait you idiot", "who goes there oh crap what what's the", "meaning of oh you really stink my", "goodness what did you make will drink oh", "well no", "we were just gonna have a little peek", "while you changed what", "what", "what do you think you're doing me you", "idiot", "my voice had been changing so i knew i", "was due for my first wet dream i'm sure", "it was caused by mary changing mary"]}
{"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["changing what are you watching their", "will", "is that what i think it is", "i really gotta be careful not to drink", "too much", "today's the day of my battle with blood", "once this is over i'll probably be", "leaving this temple by spring", "do you think you could find a way to", "lose the jewel in such a manner that", "blood would never notice it", "okay", "will", "come on i'll help you get changed as of", "tomorrow you'll be an adult"]}
{"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["so have you decided which god you're", "going to swear your oath to yet uh", "yeah", "i've got an idea oh well that's good", "mary", "i'm gonna win today", "okay", "where's gus", "oh you will ready to do this i'm ready", "anytime let's go okay good", "let's review things one more time no", "magic or trying for instant kills", "otherwise anything goes", "if something happens mario fix it with", "their blessing the first one who admits"]}
{"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["defeat or is unable to fight loses", "now try your best", "not to die", "[Music]", "[Music]", "it's like a storm if i take just one", "solid hit i'll be out of the fight", "[Music]", "thought you could get in close didn't", "you oh man this is infuriating", "it's a challenge to avoid when a blood", "strikes perfectly", "but if i receive one with just my sword", "it'll shatter along with me", "so how do i survive his strike and get"]}
{"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["into the gap between us there's only one", "answer", "[Music]", "will", "[Music]", "he's holding my sword between his ribs", "that's actually pretty good", "i can see it", "yep", "and having no muscles really is a", "disadvantage blood stop it ugh don't you", "dare give me that you promised that you", "wouldn't use that trick again", "not sure what you're talking about the", "one where you use your ribs to trap an"]}
{"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["opponent's weapon yeah but i don't have", "any organs or anything now so what he", "did that when he was alive absolutely he", "did can you believe such a crazy thing", "well my opponent at the time was really", "quick and he was about to stab you so i", "just you didn't just anything i can't", "believe he survived if it hadn't been", "for my blessing he wouldn't have stood a", "chance look i only did it because i", "trusted that your prayer would work i", "was genuinely concerned about you i", "thought you had died right then and", "there didn't i ask", "what you've accomplished is still"]}
{"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["remarkable even if you couldn't beat me", "you didn't have to point it out twice", "i'll make sure you'll lose next time", "now that's the spirit little will hey ow", "don't get carried away the two of you", "need to take this much more seriously if", "i had a killer slash or a secret", "technique i would have taught it to you", "hands down but you don't nope i don't", "it's okay that the way i fight and the", "way you fight aren't the same my initial", "goal was never to raise you into an", "imitation of me", "so it's only natural that the moves i", "rely on won't be the same for you"]}
{"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["it's the basics that count make sure you", "can use all the things you've learned in", "any situation", "both mary and i have already taught you", "everything that's important", "okay", "okay dad", "okay mom", "you called me dead huh yeah i guess", "that's pretty much what we are", "that's true i can't teach you any secret", "techniques but to mark your new", "independence i'd like to give you this", "it's the most powerful of all the demon", "blades that i own what but i didn't even"]}
{"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["win so", "i told you it's to mark your new", "independence", "go on will try it out", "it's called overeater and it ranks at", "the very highest level of demon blades", "it can even cut down one of the gods", "echoes so long as it can reach them the", "words engraved on it are too hard to", "understand but i can sum up its effects", "if a living being is cut with this blade", "its wielder can recover life force with", "each cut huh recover their life force", "uh-huh as in you can swing it around", "without even thinking about it and still"]}
{"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["be the last man who's standing", "you're a smart kid so i'm sure you", "understand this", "but don't overuse it", "it makes its wielder feel a whole lot", "stronger than they actually are but it's", "not the type of demon blade that", "benefits one's spirit", "the more you use it the more you need it", "until you are so weak there's nothing", "left and the life and death cycle starts", "again that's part of what makes it a", "demon blade", "anyway i've said a lot but i'm sure", "you'll be fine"]}
{"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "both seem to have faith that i can", "maintain the ability to use this sword", "properly", "but am i really someone", "who is worthy of their faith", "well if i'm gonna give you a demon blade", "i guess i gotta tell you about its", "history too", "and of course i'll tell you what you've", "wanted to know all along", "what", "he's talking about what i've wondered", "all these years", "you are a grown-up now after all"]}
{"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["i promise i'd tell you once you grew up", "your mind and body have become plenty", "big enough by now", "listen up it's the tale of the king", "among demon kings who tried to conquer", "this continent he's the one known as the", "high king of the eternals", "it's also the tale of the defeat and", "death of many heroes", "including our own", "it's the tale that explains the reason", "that you grew up here", "the undying blade fiend the king among", "kings the purest evil the inexhaustible", "darkness the rider of war storms all"]}
{"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["names for the high king of the eternals", "approximately 200 years ago all of the", "demon kings led a great uprising", "an army of countless demons invaded our", "precious continent of south mark all the", "continents were crawling with demon", "kings generals me with the kinds of", "demons you really don't want to see", "showing up anywhere", "demons were here and these swarms of", "demons offered up massive amounts of", "flesh and blood during a number of great", "rituals to their deity the god of", "dimensions in response the minions of", "the god of tyranny ill treat and those"]}
{"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["of the god of the undead stagnate also", "became active all over the world the", "virtuous gods expended a great deal of", "strength in a series of battles intense", "enough to change the entire map", "i know that you learned geography from", "gus but don't think it's the same now as", "it was then", "because of that even we don't know much", "about how the other continents were back", "then but what we know for certain is", "that the high king went on a rampage in", "south mark", "the high king sure has a lot of scary", "nicknames frankly they don't even come"]}
{"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["close to the truth his abilities were", "absolutely insane he could turn any", "blood he shed into soldiers and then he", "blessed cut from his body into", "commanders in unlimited amounts in other", "words he made demons from his own flesh", "and blood that's some serious hacks what", "does that mean", "it means he's a cheater", "blades are the only thing that could", "harm him using arrows and magic wouldn't", "even leave a mark", "his weapon of choice was overheater he", "was a madman who roar with laughter", "creating armies by cutting down enemies"]}
{"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["and getting cut himself", "eventually he came to be called the high", "king meaning the king of all kings", "this city was once a vital hub for lake", "transportation but it only held out for", "a matter of days before it fell", "the high king made his home in the city", "and mass-produced demons who took", "advantage of the water routes to attack", "all the surrounding settlements", "nobody could kill the high king", "the destruction of the continent of", "south mark was assured and just when", "everyone had begun to believe that gus", "came augustus the wandering stage"]}
{"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["suggested that now was the time to", "strike down the high king why would gus", "say that now was the time was it even", "possible to kill the high king", "an army of demons a demon blade the city", "underground blood's combat techniques", "mary's blessing cuts tactics", "gus was i get it you understand really", "you do", "yeah i think so gus was hoping to", "pinpoint the enemy's location then", "invade via the underground with a few", "elite soldiers and steal his demon blade", "in battle it was most likely the only", "way since the high king couldn't be"]}
{"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["killed", "the premise was probably that he could", "heal using the demon blade however the", "demon blade is a weapon that can be", "stolen so stealing it would change", "everything to do it gus would use great", "magic to wipe out all of his minions and", "face him one-on-one as long as mary kept", "them both healed with her blessing no", "new demons would appear from there blood", "would do what it took to steal the demon", "blade this was certain to be successful", "how can you be so sure because the proof", "is that you own the demon blade", "and that's how the high king died"]}
{"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["i guess", "after that then not exactly will it's", "clear you really are a genius but you", "came to the wrong conclusion", "you see we", "or i", "didn't quite succeed in killing him", "wait a minute you didn't kill him", "that's right gus made use of every", "factor visible to him to draw in any", "possibility of killing the high king", "the thing is", "the factors he could see were incomplete", "the high king revealed his true nature", "taking on the appearance of a hideous"]}
{"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["grotesque warrior", "and then", "well", "he was a better swordsman than i was", "i couldn't touch him", "i fought opponents bigger than me many", "times before but he was the first one", "where nothing i did could reach even you", "were no match for him yes even my", "buddies who formed a wall outside after", "entrusting everything to me were crushed", "one by one thankfully i had the support", "of gus's magic and mary's blessing and", "the high king was wounded", "despite all that i'm pretty sure he made"]}
{"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["it one level higher enough to become", "something i couldn't kill so long as i", "lived to this day i still wonder what i", "was lacking", "but it's too late now", "you know why don't you the undead can no", "longer grow", "my sword skills can't improve any", "further", "so then when it became clear that we", "were bound to lose gus and i decided we", "had to place a seal on the high king we", "couldn't kill him but we could do that", "so you mean", "they completely gave up on blood's"]}
{"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["chance of winning altogether", "thankfully the technique worked and the", "high king was still deep beneath this", "land in other words", "unfortunately in the very end we", "couldn't fully believe in blood", "then", "mary", "and then", "an echo of stagnate descended down on us", "what but an echo is a body double of a", "god isn't it so then why what", "the evil gods act individually each", "following their own principles they'll", "cooperate if it's in all parties best"]}
{"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["interests but the opposite is also true", "i guess that stagnate wasn't too happy", "with any of it the high king was a", "monster that could slay a gods echo", "using overeater he thought it would be", "better for him if the high king was", "sealed so that's the reason he offered", "us a deal you three are exceptionally", "gifted so become undead and fight on my", "side said", "what that is if we agreed he would get", "rid of the demons in this city and after", "that we could just watch over the seal", "as we pleased in our immortal bodies", "stagnate couldn't bear to watch the"]}
{"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["tragedies of life and death so he hoped", "to create an eternally stagnant world", "with no more tragedies by turning as", "many exceptional souls as he possibly", "could into the undead", "and we had caught stagnate's eye", "isn't it more accurate to say he set his", "eyes on us he told us to choose but", "there was no choice for us to make", "we willingly accepted his hand", "since my flesh was all cut up i became a", "skeleton mary was burned by modder's", "flame so she became a mummy and perhaps", "because he had no attachment to his age", "body gus became a ghost"]}
{"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["mary did tell me once", "because i betrayed her the fire is", "simply a consequence that i must suffer", "the god of the undead then cleared out", "the entire city", "his power turned the lower ranking", "demons undead it's something that should", "not even be possible and the undead", "demons still roam the city to this very", "day", "and so that's how we became the", "guardians of the high king seal as the", "highest ranking undead in the years", "since then we've buried our former", "allies and gus set up a security net"]}
{"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["that uses magic allowing us to continue", "protecting our treasured city there was", "nothing left for us to do you can see", "that we are bound to the city by our", "contract we can't even learn what goes", "on outside the three of us began talking", "about the possibility that humanity had", "already died out", "and then you came along", "or speaking more accurately it was the", "demons who brought you here oh", "so then i was meant to be a sacrifice to", "break the hiking seal", "no wonder you couldn't tell me before", "you couldn't bring yourselves to do it"]}
{"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["yes as crude as he is even blood was", "careful about that i can't believe you", "just called me crude after the demons", "were defeated we argued with gus a", "little bit over what we should do with", "you", "argued gus made it known he was against", "it but blood and i decided to go ahead", "and raise you anyway", "that's why gus said that", "on the day when you brought a human", "child back here my first thought was", "that you shouldn't have even bothered", "the fact that the demons were able to", "bring you here means that there must be"]}
{"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["a place outside that's inhabited by", "humans relatively close by i'm sure", "you're imagining that the situation", "outside looks pretty grim right now but", "if that's the case you simply need to", "build the strength to bust through it", "just like you already have", "so that's the story of why i'm here", "right now huh", "i'm about to head into a nation of", "people who survive the great uprising", "i'll take with me the strength that the", "three of them gave me one day i'll come", "back to this city", "i'll bring my family and friends and"]}
{"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["introduce them i could even rebuild this", "city", "i know that one day", "well", "be happy and don't forget to pray so you", "can do good huh you were the best people", "i could have asked for even in today's", "test in terms of substance you bested me", "you clever precocious son of mine", "i sure love you keep getting strong", "in no time at all we became a real", "family", "you made me so happy", "well my sweet boy", "your mother loves you very much"]}
{"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["wait a minute why are you talking like", "this is", "our last goodbye", "have you said your farewells heroes yeah", "we have go ahead we're ready at last you", "have lost your attachment", "in accordance with our contract place", "your souls in my hands right now i can't", "do anything", "i can't move why please please move", "what's daughter", "oh yes there was a magic user left among", "you", "well take blood and marry and get out of", "here"]}
{"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["don't you worry", "a nearly forgotten memory came back to", "me", "there was an old sorcerer in a book i", "had loved as a child", "to me he was magnificent", "[Music]", "that's a huge amount of mana", "you know all sage and still you cannot", "assist", "conciliate", "you retaliated so fast", "that's the ultimate magic normally cast", "by several people together and reduce", "all to nothing"]}
{"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "curse you sage", "he didn't get a hold of your souls did", "he", "no it seems not", "that must have been terrifying for you", "sorry about that it turned out exactly", "the way you were thinking it would i was", "hoping that we could hold out until will", "was ready to leave yes but the two of", "you made your decision", "now i'm not so unreasonable that i would", "demean the intentions behind your choice", "i'm just happy that it all worked out in"]}
{"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["the end", "[Music]", "to think you were able to destroy my", "body all on your own", "had i not initially divided my strength", "into two bodies i would have been really", "hindered for quite some time i commend", "you", "it's true you are a great sorcerer who", "has exceptional abilities stagnate let", "me go", "stagnate", "what a shame it would be", "if i destroyed you now or wait until", "you've lost your attachment now"]}