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{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "uh", "[Music]", "wow", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "do", "may we achieve victory", "i", "love"]}
{"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["everything", "i know everything", "and us", "my dear friend", "i shall prepare a place for you to", "finally unleash your power at its", "fullest", "they will destroy the stifling sense of", "deja vu", "d.a.c ray", "now my friend", "let us celebrate the creation of a new", "world", "i'm gonna stick around and wait for that", "girl that always comes to see you she's"]}
{"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["supposed to be at school today so i", "thought i'd split before she showed up", "and got on everyone's nerves", "i appreciate it but if you leave without", "her she's gonna be angry", "i'll take my chances i guess", "oh and mr fuji", "i wanted to say i was sorry about what", "happened with mr usa", "you don't need to be sorry he's", "responsible for all the stupid choices", "he makes too bad they have an effect on", "everyone else", "here we are again", "it's christmas what was i doing this"]}
{"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["time last year", "whether you're ready for it or not time", "just keeps moving forward", "of course it does how", "me can stupid hey look at me don't you", "dare ignore me friend i know that's you", "would you turn around already", "why don't you answer me you damned and", "great come on", "you look ridiculous what the hell are", "you doing", "that's supposed to be my line you know", "and what's the deal with you ignoring me", "anyway i think most people would do the", "same if you started screaming their name"]}
{"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["like a banshee", "here i'll help you out kosumi", "oh thank you", "there now that i have your attention", "what were you thinking leaving the", "hospital without me did you just forget", "i said i was gonna come and get you", "i don't know", "that is exactly your problem ren that", "stupid fight of yours landed your butt", "in the hospital and since i'm a true", "friend i was so worried that i came by", "to visit every day then you dare to", "leave without telling me which meant i", "had to start running up and down the"]}
{"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["nearby streets like a maniac looking for", "you so what does that mean you are i'm", "in great and i am not a banshee you're", "picking a fight you can't win", "okay fine you're right i am totally at", "fault here there i apologize so why", "don't you give me a break yeah well i'm", "not sure that's good enough", "what do you want me to do", "now that you mention it i wanted you to", "join me i already snagged a couple", "tickets", "the swords of the world exhibition", "oh", "this is awesome"]}
{"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["some of them look like they're straight", "out of a video game like the highest", "level gear it's sort of romantic in a", "weird way you know what i mean like all", "the history and stuff", "you okay you're starting to look all", "pale and sweaty", "i guess it slipped your mind that i", "really don't like this stuff at all", "i remember", "but you need to get over it", "it's not like they're gonna jump out and", "stab you or anything so why don't you", "like blades i'm not exactly sure why", "maybe no reason"]}
{"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["it's just a gut feeling who knows where", "it comes from oh really why not use this", "as a chance to overcome your fear this", "is a real problem for you after all you", "can't even hold a kitchen knife and boys", "need to learn to cook for themselves", "nowadays hey but do you have to drag me", "around like this", "hey you can't actually do this can't you", "i don't", "hold on now where are you going", "[Music]", "guillotine weird i wonder what it's", "doing all the way back here", "sure it's got a blade on it but that"]}
{"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["isn't what the exhibit's about", "we should go", "there's something kind of scary about it", "no doubt", "[Music]", "i've waited", "[Music]", "hey i'm sorry", "you were just discharged i should have", "known better", "anyone in your condition would have", "gotten sick if they were surrounded by", "things they hate wouldn't they", "ah it's fine i'm the one who made things", "difficult for you i didn't think i would"]}
{"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["pass out though it's pretty embarrassing", "feeling better now", "i just need to get some rest there's no", "need for you to worry good because", "tomorrow morning it'll be time for you", "to head back to school i'll come by and", "make sure you're awake okay", "sure but can you do me a small favor", "huh use the front door like a normal", "person ah", "the door is a complete waste of time", "because this hole leads directly into my", "room", "and that hole leads right into shiro's", "room"]}
{"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["besides it makes it easier for us to", "help each other out and wasn't that like", "the main reason we moved here in the", "first place it's fine isn't it", "it isn't fine if our parents knew we", "were doing this they'd be rolling in", "their graves", "and anyway", "shiro's not gonna come around here", "anymore you don't know that i still", "believe he'll come back to us after he", "sorted out his issues", "so don't you dare seal up that hole to", "his room", "you're being delusional he's not coming"]}
{"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["back", "here let me help you out", "see you later", "where am i", "um", "[Music]", "hmm", "[Music]", "ah", "damn that felt so real what happened are", "you okay", "sorry you just started screaming so loud", "must have been one heck of a nightmare", "yeah", "what's going on"]}
{"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["kinda early to hear sirens like that", "hey did you hear somebody got murdered", "yeah it was gruesome i mean the guy's", "head was cut clean off seriously man", "that is so messed up it's just a rumor", "but the person who found the body goes", "to the school", "oh ren", "where are you going what about lunch", "sorry", "i don't have much of an appetite", "you can eat mine if you want huh", "you gotta be kidding", "sounds like this is going to be", "interesting"]}
{"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["so what's up", "hey", "i'm cold", "like frozen", "please warm me up", "please fuji", "if you would just give it to me i would", "be so happy", "come on dummy jack it off now", "much better you're such a gentleman", "you want some of this it's a kimchi", "umeboshi sandwich", "the taste makes for a unique challenge", "that's going to be a hard pass", "so what was it you wanted me to come up"]}
{"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["here for", "oh well i suppose it wasn't really all", "that big of a deal", "just i'm glad you're out of the hospital", "but i'm sorry to hear about what ended", "up happening with shero", "you guys had always been so", "close why are you making that face", "trying to pretend it doesn't bother you", "the two of you are like best friends", "last time i saw that guy we were", "pummeling each other because he's an", "idiot that decided school was too boring", "for him i know how you feel", "but actually saying it out loud isn't"]}
{"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["very nice", "the two of you can't escape each other", "so easily", "you'll meet him again and when that", "happens you need to try to make up", "both isa and i are", "worried do you want risa to give you a", "long lecture about why you should that's", "pretty much her job so i'm sure she", "could figure out how to sway you risa oh", "isn't she yeah sister riza", "big blue eyes extremely well-endowed", "i think this is probably as big as i'm", "getting but maybe i'll hit another", "growth spurt someday"]}
{"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["what's with that look oh it's nothing", "i haven't seen this friend of yours in a", "while how's she doing all right", "i say that but the fact is i can't be", "sure", "i mean seeing a murder like that is", "really upsetting", "i'm not handling it very well to be", "honest", "and the police kept us up all night", "so many questions like we would know", "anything", "it's really scary the kind of thing that", "haunts you for life", "wait so you actually saw the murdered"]}
{"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["guy's body", "yeah", "no head and plenty of blood", "that's the bell", "just wanted to tell you that it's", "starting to get dangerous out there and", "both of us need to be extra careful", "is it can you expect me to graduate all", "by myself", "please ren come back", "you can't get me all worked up like that", "and then just tease", "don't stop your mount fuji is making me", "so hot if you keep doing that then i'll", "come on"]}
{"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["right in the middle of the day oh no you", "pervert how dare you you brutus young", "ape i hung up no but but if you do that", "to me you're going to drive me crazy", "you're already there", "it's called acting dummy i'm simply", "trying to establish a whole seductive", "older girl who's teasing a younger", "student vibe between us for dramatic", "effect", "yeah i don't think i need that kind of", "drama", "are you going to class or what", "if i go now kosumi's just going to rip", "into me way better to skip i see thanks"]}
{"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["for letting me borrow this", "it's already dark how long did i crash", "out", "you're a real headache you know", "let's go home", "i said i was sorry that you had to wait", "for me but you probably shouldn't be", "doing club activities this late at night", "anyway i was only there this late", "because i waited for you", "besides i can use my bamboo sword to", "take down a murderer you sound really", "sure of your swordsmanship", "looks like but who's that she's with", "no idea"]}
{"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["she's coming this way", "hey freya what's up what are you doing", "around here", "nothing much", "did you know that girl with the dark", "hair", "no she needed some directions", "i was just trying to be helpful that's", "all have you been up at the school this", "entire time we just now left there i've", "been busy taking care of this one so", "you're taking care of me now are you", "what was that", "i guess i'm just trying to read more", "into everything"]}
{"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["but it's all the same as before", "let's go", "rhea i tried convincing myself", "because i wanted to believe", "even without shiro", "nothing about my daily life had changed", "time and it most certainly is a pleasure", "to see you again father", "enough lazaring tell me how many of the", "others have already arrived at shambhala", "lionheart zone in kens babylon and tubal", "canal have come as things stem spin is", "the only one of her number missing leon", "heart sir", "a little missing valkyrie has certain"]}
{"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["girl gotten any better at all", "you may find that out for yourself soon", "enough the vice commander has prepared", "this unit working tirelessly for the", "sake as a mighty lord heydrich", "and now the ours magna we have long", "desired is finally upon us", "[Music]", "there is no evil there are no sins there", "are no further change that might bind", "you all temples are rendered meaningless", "our divine lord our god", "shall lead us all into this land and you", "will take your sword in hand and smite", "all those who would block our lord's"]}
{"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["purpose", "and we shall not leave a single single", "life in our wake", "now come children and join me in our", "unholy minute", "wilhelm erenberg will serve", "as result", "round table i father valeria therefore", "call for blessings to be placed upon you", "grant us victory in the battles to come", "[Music]", "i've had the same dream every night", "without fail", "and when i wake up", "someone is dead"]}
{"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["beheaded", "as if by a guillotine", "[Music]", "that's just crazy", "how'd i know you'd be up here", "come on just because you don't want to", "go to class doesn't mean you don't have", "to go", "light blue and white", "thank you", "what the hell do you think you're doing", "ugh", "you're perverted rude and worse stupid", "you're just awful you should be ashamed", "enough already you've been chewing me"]}
{"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["out for blocks that's what i was greeted", "with when i looked up so i took the", "opportunity to immortalize the moment oh", "yeah well i took the opportunity to kick", "your ass you did delete the picture", "didn't you probably", "what do you mean by probably", "forgive me you have it all wrong miss", "i mean you no harm i merely needed", "directions i told you to keep away from", "me", "wow i suppose we should expect to see", "more of this kind of stuff at a time", "like this being approached by a", "suspicious man with all these murders"]}
{"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["happening in town i can't blame her", "hey are you all right well hang on", "do you need some help", "apologies", "okay", "now", "you're really tall come on get out of", "the man's way", "pardon me do you think you could tell me", "which way to go to get to the church", "hey father do you know rhea she's a", "friend of ours from school who stays at", "the church yeah but i haven't been here", "in almost a decade the town's changed so", "much since then i imagine she has too"]}
{"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["i can't tell you how relieving it is to", "hear that dear teresia has such good", "friends at school as the two of you kids", "out of all the upperclassmen hemorrhoids", "always been the coolest to us", "when we first met her she told us just", "to call her rhea but i guess teresia", "must be her real name i think she's", "actually what a quarter japanese indeed", "and i was the one who named her", "oh that's cool so that means you're sort", "of like reya's dad huh", "oh my how very embarrassing but yeah i", "suppose it's accurate i changed her", "diaper countless times and gave her best"]}
{"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["as well and i also made a promise to do", "everything in my power to protect her i", "do it all for the sake of love", "oh my goodness there daddy dearest has", "finally made his way back to you", "creepy", "it's time for you to hit the bricks or", "better yet die", "there", "when did your tender eyes grow as gold", "as a graveyard", "no i likes him so new look works okay", "what are we supposed to do with this", "weird home", "it's been a while since our last meeting"]}
{"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["and so hard to believe the subtext of", "your speech has grown even more", "disturbing so far the trifa are you", "trying to get banished to the mexican", "countryside again", "you two must be famished after dealing", "with the fastest nonsense", "as an apology i'd love to whip up some", "food for you", "it's starting to get late so we'd better", "go", "thank you for the delicious meal and", "thank you for your help today pasta", "trayfa can be quite a handful glad to", "help"]}
{"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["especially when i get repaid with such", "great food you think so", "but still i'm sure it can't be as good", "as casamy's home cooking nah", "she can be kind of lazy sometimes and", "she doesn't make anything special so", "you shouldn't say that so cavalierly", "and trying to flatter someone is your", "actual intention you need to pick a", "different someone than me", "for example", "tell me regan you don't know reyes", "birthday do you", "it's coming up soon on the 25th she was", "born on christmas day wow is that true"]}
{"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["risa please mind your own business i", "don't want to hear you talking about it", "yeah yeah i understand i'm sorry she's", "so shy it's adorable", "so yeah christmas", "i'd like to maybe get you a present if", "that's okay with you", "sure", "thanks a lot", "that's so sweet", "we should get", "what did you just married young ladies", "it's too forward she has to go up", "sometimes or just knock it off", "i had a great time see you tomorrow raya"]}
{"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["yeah take care", "fuji wait", "pardon us i had a question i've asked to", "ask him in private", "you and miss isa were you both born here", "no we weren't why do you ask", "ah you must be worried about the recent", "spate of murders occurring in town and", "you think we should move out to the", "country until this all blows over don't", "you yeah am i that easy to read and what", "about your parents mr fuji my parents", "well", "my mother and father both passed away", "when i was still a little boy kosumi's"]}
{"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["family took me in after that and raised", "me like a son and sadly just a couple of", "years ago we lost kasumi's father", "oh i see", "my condolences", "now zen i can only imagine how badly", "you'd like to meet some do you mean meet", "the dead", "it's freezing out here", "can we go", "that's impossible", "once you die it's over you don't get to", "come back that's why the here and now is", "so important and i think anyone who", "can't understand that is crazy"]}
{"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["of course you're absolutely correct that", "does sound crazy doesn't it", "did you hear that leonhardt", "yes", "and what do you think of that young", "man's opinion", "i'm not bothered a person is free to", "have their thoughts", "ah", "in other words you don't find what he", "said upsetting", "[Music]", "how frightening i joke of course", "but then shambhala has always been a", "place where the crazy are born and"]}
{"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["converge", "correct or not if someone falls into its", "gray net they'll be tested", "i'll allow you to make the decisions on", "the ground for now", "and i will be able to adapt as i see fit", "whatever you command of me o priest of", "the growl", "huh", "oh my what do we have here", "i suspect you might be another toy of", "our vice commanders", "keep using", "[Music]", "foreign"]}
{"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "no way this can't be happening", "i didn't", "it wasn't me", "it wasn't me i didn't do it", "your taste and prey is excellent", "i am impressed", "[Music]", "looks like your reflexes are as sharp as", "bell", "i am extremely fortunate to have found", "you", "you're going to just stand around"]}
{"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["staring you are able to speak aren't you", "hey time to run isn't going to get you", "very far", "[Music]", "my my this little one is quite", "interesting it's almost as if he's", "actually trying to resist my nose there", "so what do we do marius want to play", "with him ah", "hold on", "you aren't the ones that mercury is sent", "to us are you not does he give you some", "kind of message", "what", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["you've seen him haven't you and you did", "this because he compelled you to no i", "don't know anything i didn't kill her", "i'm only going to ask you this one more", "time", "you sliced her head off did you not", "because that [\u00a0__\u00a0] heal mercurius told", "you to", "yeah that's right you know how i like to", "have fun", "and if you're faking it i'm sold anyway", "but i'm not the patient type i get bored", "quite easily and if i think you're", "holding out amazing bell i might not", "wait for your answer"]}
{"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["get your filthy claws off me you vermin", "last chance", "you murdered her isn't that right", "i'm getting sick of this okay marius i'm", "going to kill him ah", "how did i know that you would say that", "fine to us you feel", "always so predictable i suppose torture", "is too delicate of a task to expect out", "of you", "but please do try not to mangle the head", "too much", "i should still be able to use it if i", "have to", "sure"]}
{"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["i'll see if i can restrain myself", "what is this", "what's happening", "i'm so confused", "what's going on", "i", "killed that woman", "but why", "i don't understand", "and who the hell are these people", "what do they want from me", "time to die", "he's gonna kill me", "no", "maybe you do have a tiny bit of survival"]}
{"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["instinct in you", "but you should put in more effort like", "you actually have something to live for", "tell me you went to visit the church", "earlier didn't you", "did you have some fun", "did it make you happy", "i suspect you careful so swans of yours", "stop it", "stop it don't you dare so maybe i'll", "kill them in this room shut up", "[Music]", "looks like you aren't interested in", "running anymore but that's not enough", "show me your power"]}
{"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["power", "help", "don't hurry i'll take it easy on you", "i won't even use my weapon hell i'll", "only use one hand and you can use", "whatever you want if i'm a good enough", "sportsman to give you this much of a", "break and you still don't satisfy me", "i'll have no choice but to write this", "town off the map", "the force of the longinus writes in", "oden's black round table i am wilhelm", "ehrenberg aka", "this is the path where you say your name", "don't you know how to fight you want to"]}
{"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["know my name [\u00a0__\u00a0] then make me tell", "you", "[Music]", "you're messing with the answer is that", "really all you've got kids", "aah", "[Music]", "[Laughter]", "i wish that i could make time stand", "still", "because i didn't want my meaningless", "everyday life to end", "i wanted to protect it to keep going no", "matter how many times it repeated", "i've fallen madly in love with you"]}
{"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["and i swear to release you darling", "grinds me a finale that i have not", "foreseen", "dearest marguerite", "my goddess my beloved", "[Applause]", "bay", "explain what's going on here", "are you really asking me that right now", "can't you tell for yourself i'm testing", "this one's strength and if he just dies", "here he's obviously not who we were", "looking for then he's past the first", "round of testing he survived this long", "which is good enough"]}
{"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["and this matter does fall under my", "jurisdiction", "you must not disobey my orders", "we understand one another don't we", "tim four roger signals loud and clear", "miss but one quick side note which is", "it's simple", "there's a hell of you get off thinking", "you can touch me with your fifty little", "monkey paws you trump", "what the hell are you doing fool is that", "supposed to be my line you upstart [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "you're just a pathetic baby ape who", "hasn't lived a quarter century you think", "you can talk to me like an equal"]}
{"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["[Laughter]", "i get it yo horny the action gets you", "going you two filthy little monkeys", "can't wait to bang each other's brains", "out isn't that it", "go ahead and get started i enjoy", "watching", "i'll kill you", "just try it", "this is the kind of problem you get when", "working with barbarians", "apologies i'd hope to be able to watch", "you a little while longer than this but", "that's quite enough for today i must", "stop these two before things get messy"]}
{"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["we shall have to pick up every left off", "another time", "it's been a lot of fun", "[Music]", "what the hell", "so weird", "doesn't make any sense", "the dream", "it has to be", "just tell me it's a dream damn it can't", "let anyone know about this", "kasumi", "raya", "no fever but you're not looking so good", "do you want to stay home"]}
{"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["no i'll go", "i just need a little time to get ready", "so go ahead without me okay but don't", "push yourself", "i'm shocked you're still interested in", "going to school that's rare for you", "well i guess we'll meet up in a bin okay", "i used to hate school", "but last night changed a whole bunch of", "stuff for me", "right now i want to go back to things", "that feel normal more than anything else", "uh hey rhea", "are you leaving", "uh-huh are you just now getting here or"]}
{"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["something oh uh yeah rough morning", "well be careful okay", "hello", "did you sleep well my friend", "i like it here", "the classmates know so let's try to be", "friends doesn't that sound pleasant just", "you kasumi isa and us", "i'm certain they're going to have a", "spectacular time", "hmm", "i see", "you'd like to know", "but for after height", "uh-huh"]}
{"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["and what are you doing here at my school", "no", "why did you come to this town", "and that woman", "why did i", "what the hell is happening around here", "you're planning to do something aren't", "you", "you want to know", "but once you take that step you may not", "be able to come back", "the truth is we aren't certain about you", "yet", "the information we have might be", "incorrect and will in no particular rush"]}
{"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["enjoy what's left of your ordinary life", "while you still can you know how quickly", "things can change on you", "but hey", "no fat", "i suppose", "i could tell you the tiniest bit", "we're here for a reason", "there's something we want", "for decades we have bided our time", "anticipating this moment", "and now our wish can come true", "no", "they're making it", "that's why we came here what do you mean"]}
{"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["decades", "hasn't anyone ever told you it was", "impolite to discuss a lady's age", "but yeah that is the situation the span", "of ours is indeed a very old one and we", "could not care less about how it affects", "the people living here now", "treating your elders with respect is a", "virtue isn't that right", "shut your mouth", "i don't know what it is you psychopaths", "want", "but if you and that albino were planning", "to hurt the people around me then", "if we"]}
{"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "clear heard feel it's the kind of powers", "that could crush this entire school in", "under 10 seconds", "if you want to continue this", "conversation you'll have to come up with", "the way you could possibly win", "boy", "[Music]", "hey kasumi", "what's going on with you", "anybody in there", "earth to kasumi", "oh sorry about that i drifted off well", "it's time to get out of here"]}
{"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["are you gonna skip out on kendo practice", "this afternoon", "i am going just like every day all club", "activities have been canceled because of", "the murders but i've been feeling uneasy", "and a little practice should take my", "mind off things", "what are you gonna do ren go home and", "enjoy the peace and quiet no i'll stick", "with you walking home without a", "bodyguard is far too dangerous to even", "try", "i'd feel so weak and vulnerable i'd want", "you there to protect me you'd feel", "vulnerable doesn't sound like you"]}
{"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["oh okay", "with a sense of duty i will once again", "give my all unto the princess as it", "should be work hard sweet prince", "supposed to be the damsel in distress", "you found two bosses", "hmm", "it's crazy can't believe it's been a", "week", "[Music]", "damn", "[Music]", "it i'm sorry", "but", "i can never tell you what i've done"]}
{"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["whoa kasumi what in the hell do you", "think you're doing", "hey what's up i zoned out as something", "wrong well for starters there's that", "wow", "did i do that", "look i'll clean everything up here you", "go and change", "and we can head home for the day", "a bunch of people already died why else", "do you think all the grown-ups at school", "said we need to go home in groups yeah", "whatever i have better things to do than", "hang out with scaredy cats buzz off", "no i don't think so we're not about to"]}
{"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["let you go off alone are we whoa don't", "look at me this isn't my problem", "stop pulling", "those kids really remind me of how we", "used to be way back when", "yeah i know what you mean", "you me and shiro", "we were just like that", "shiro would come up with some crazy plan", "as usual that i would inevitably try to", "talk him out of and yet i would somehow", "always get swept up in the craziness", "[Laughter]", "but sometimes you had fun with his crazy", "plans right"]}
{"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["did i", "i mean i guess so", "do you remember when the girl shower at", "the swimming pool was broken i might", "have been responsible for that oh really", "shiro had gotten into some weird type of", "fortune telling he found in the net he", "told me to keep an eye out for the girl", "with a mole on her right breast and when", "i found her she would be my soul mate we", "climbed into the attic to get a better", "view of our prospective candidates", "and then i saw her it turned out to be", "you", "you should probably get that looked at"]}
{"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["there story time's over now let's get", "going hey", "pervert", "now you've made me mad you're gonna have", "to make this up to me you know", "seriously this is where you wanted to go", "why'd you make us change clothes if we", "went out in our school uniforms we could", "get in trouble of course i changed is", "that so crazy i guess not that's right", "and this is your punishment for peeping", "i'm gonna drag you around here with me", "all night", "by the way", "thank you ren"]}
{"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["uh for what you were trying to make me", "feel better weren't you", "you've always been like that", "you really care about the simple things", "you do everything you can to make sure", "our little ordinary life doesn't fall", "apart", "sometimes i get worried about you", "because i think you do too much", "when it comes to stuff like that i know", "you", "whenever you get that look on your face", "it means you're trying to hide something", "from me", "i can always tell when you are"]}
{"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["this is for you", "i'm a bit early but it's your christmas", "present", "i know you're not big on jewelry but", "think of it as a symbol", "to remind you", "that i am and always will be on your", "side", "[Music]", "you never told me why you and shiro had", "that big fight in the first place", "you're bottling it up like always", "you have a bad habit of leaving me", "completely out of the loop rin", "and frankly it's frustrating"]}
{"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["i'm sorry", "so whenever things get hard i want you", "to come right to me", "if you need someone to fight for you", "i'm good at kendo", "yeah i know you are", "i want to help you out in any way i can", "ren", "always remember that", "always", "so is there anything i can do for you", "anything at all", "certainly but there is no need to ask", "my luminescent goddess i have fashioned", "the ultimate necklace to adorn your"]}
{"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["beauteous flame", "now then", "let us begin tonight's continue shall we", "[Music]", "things seem to finally be set in motion", "come behold", "cast your gaze upon this most holy relic", "you can seize the synchronization has", "begun as of now it already has enough", "sacrifices to activate does it", "yeah", "and as i'm sure you'll remember this is", "where kick heisen fell now 11 years ago", "thus the souls required to open the", "swastika are already in place"]}
{"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["but at the time those conditions had not", "yet been met when the delay was deemed", "necessary", "it's entirely possible as the murders in", "town are an attempt to get the process", "started again", "ultra prepares a stage", "though this guillotine should already be", "complete in and of itself", "it does not need any lesser souls", "you understand that don't you the powers", "that dwells inside this relic", "in preparation i shall go and personally", "supervise things", "tell me what do you want me to do"]}
{"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["no you have it wrong that isn't my name", "i'm ren", "renfuji", "and what do i call you", "my name is marie", "i've been waiting here", "for a very long time", "tell me something", "i need to know", "what was i doing", "trust me", "where are you", "damn it", "this can't be real", "stop"]}
{"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["hold on young man you can't go in there", "hey", "kasumi", "come to me", "where are you", "costumey", "[Music]", "what's the matter aren't you going to", "call her", "you'd sort things out quickly that way", "but no", "you already know what the answer is", "what answer what do you mean once upon a", "time", "there was a powerful mage who had gone"]}
{"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["mad", "he secretly controlled a certain", "nation's army and changed them into", "inhuman monsters", "the man's name was carl croft his second", "name was mercurius", "did you know", "the symbol of mercury it's a two-headed", "snake the snakes wrap in from both sides", "of the central stave one decoy one real", "the purpose of a side character is often", "to prepare the stage for the main", "character", "that girl did everything she could", "and all for your sake"]}
{"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["but even if she were killed by someone", "before her time she could be replaced", "shut up", "of course i'm sure you already knew all", "this isn't that why you subconsciously", "chased after her", "that was how bae and malia's got their", "hands on you", "now", "there's one question i don't have an", "answer to", "your little friend that you were with", "that night if she'd been caught and", "killed what would you have done i told", "you to shut up what are you even talking"]}
{"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["about i don't know when you stop lying", "we both know the truth", "we have arrived and we're prepared for", "total war i'd gain some power soon if i", "were you", "or else the game can't begin", "then everything she's done will be for", "naught", "i want to help you out in any way i can", "rent", "so is there anything i can do for you", "anything at all", "very well i'll be watching", "do your best", "what the hell is going on"]}
{"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "what are you doing here you", "idiot but if you need something please", "leave a message", "this can't be right", "did you do all of this because of me", "then this isn't your fault at all", "i won't let anyone blame you for this i", "can vouch for you", "you aren't the kind of person who's even", "capable of this", "so let's just go home", "and we'll be done with it like it's a", "bad dream", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["rejoice for this merely marks the ending", "of the prologue", "up until my dear friend and my beloved", "goddess", "same dear child for you are defeated", "player in this season's company", "i know all that was is and shall come to", "pass my universe eternally and equally", "repeating a perpetually concurring cycle", "deja vu crashing like waves on an", "infinite ocean", "all i yearn for is an unknown moment", "grants me the salvation of a grand", "finale i have not foreseen this is the", "one opera that you are always destined"]}
{"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["to sing child", "for you know that what has been lost can", "never be her gained", "and no amount of wishing would change", "that", "i've heard it now", "[Music]", "i haven't lost anything yet that i can't", "still save i'll protect it all starting", "now just don't prank people that aren't", "involved into this", "but i am involved", "why would you say something so", "insensitive", "i hate it"]}
{"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["you really hurt my feelings", "so what am i really that oblivious about", "everything that's happening", "have i been getting in your way or", "pulling your attention from more", "important things am i totally useless as", "far as you're concerned", "well do you honestly believe i can't do", "anything there's got to", "[Music]", "[Music]", "but it was such a tough job i didn't", "know where to start i was completely", "clueless", "and then i focused on it as hard as i"]}
{"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["could", "this", "seemed like the best way for me to help", "are you proud", "i really hope i can help you out again", "you should know that by now", "because i care and i don't want you to", "have to keep doing this any longer", "this thing belongs to me kasumi so it", "responds to my words before anyone else", "even you though", "it seems to have the wrong idea about", "what i want but you don't need it to be", "useful to me you're always helping me", "out"]}
{"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["without you", "i would have come unglued a long time", "ago", "that's why", "i need you to stay where things are", "still bright", "or else", "i'm afraid i might get lost in the dark", "and i apologize for being so selfish but", "i promise that i'll come back for you so", "wait for me", "[Music]", "you're right about one thing you were", "totally selfish", "and really stick by your side"]}
{"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["i must be a special kind of idiot", "says pain i fear it's delectable", "i can sense lord heidrick is nearby", "it seems the first swastika has already", "opened hasn't it father yeah", "only seven houses remain and that is the", "investigation i requested is it complete", "spinner", "indeed and the findings were precisely", "as you expected johan's alive and she's", "close very close", "[Laughter]", "[Music]", "is that so how marvellous of course now", "i see it surprise commander's approach"]}
{"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["is truly inspired what a mad genius", "then that's it i'll need to hurry to set", "my next move into action i'm going head", "to head against the mind of a devil fell", "from my perspective you aren't that far", "from being a devil yourself", "get some rest kasumi", "i'll take it from here", "i swear i'll defeat them", "[Music]", "you and i need to have a little chat", "mister", "what's the matter isa", "uh uh hi rhea i was just looking for ren", "i haven't seen him is there a problem"]}
{"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["kinda i'm starting to wonder if he's", "trying to avoid me or something", "he left without saying anything this", "morning", "did you get into a fight", "anything like that", "i've been thinking about it and i can't", "come up with a single reason", "it's weird my memories have been all", "fuzzy lately that must suck", "it sounds confusing it totally is that's", "why i wanted to talk to him but i", "haven't been able to find him anywhere", "ah", "where'd you run off to"]}
{"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["run", "you look like you're in pain", "are you trying to avoid that friend of", "yours that's definitely a good idea", "right now you're too dangerous shut up", "if you don't need anything from me why", "don't you leave", "or else", "or else what what are you going to do", "kill me", "you're too weak", "i'm barely trying you can't break free", "if you want to get stronger come here", "later tonight", "i can tutor you in a number of skills"]}
{"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["like how to use this", "and thus certain factors of interest", "have developed when the stage has", "finally been set but of course nothing", "in this world is said i believe there", "are still matters that require undivided", "attention specifically suppose that lord", "heydrich seeks mustn't be a half-hearted", "engagement", "that's what you ought to say isn't it", "the death of lesser beings will not", "grant entry to valhalla an enemy must be", "powerful until victory a symbol of our", "unrivaled glory yeah", "therefore let us take another step for"]}
{"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["the benefit of our lord heydrich's", "return as our mist is steamed in for the", "present moment", "our issues are following order", "for the purpose of achieving our goal", "will assist the enemy", "and that is the situation", "i've been ordered to make you more", "confident and capable in your abilities", "some of my colleagues opposed the idea", "however i did not which is why i was", "assigned to train you that as well as", "the fact that we're the same age i'd be", "more empathetic in theory which would", "make it easier to train you"]}
{"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["what do you mean", "what i mean is i'm not nearly as old as", "the others in our organization i think", "you'll find that you and i have a great", "deal in common i sincerely doubt that", "didn't you say your friends were trying", "to start a war we are indeed but this is", "our situation for the time being so", "there's no need to be rash", "and if you want to fight back you'll", "have to get stronger", "got it", "to better understand i'll start things", "off with a basic rundown first let me", "tell you who we are as i've mentioned"]}
{"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["before it began generations ago with a", "single mage", "mercurius carl croft", "during world war ii soldiers and", "criminals alike gained power with", "mercury's assistance", "including him there were 13 in all", "they became the longest dreidson ordon", "black round table", "that is who we are", "but several of our numbers are now dead", "or gone", "some have been replaced while some seats", "remain unfilled", "roughly a decade ago the fifth seat"]}
{"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["became available and i've been a sitting", "member ever since", "and just like the rest of the group i", "have a wish that i want to come true has", "anyone told you about that yet your", "friend mentioned wanting something but", "she didn't say what then i won't reveal", "it to you either", "one's wishes should be private", "i can tell you that after everything's", "been said and done we're basically just", "a bunch of losers we've been a bizarre", "group from the beginning if we wanted", "our dreams to come true we'd have to", "make it happen unconventionally and so"]}
{"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["you'll start a war yes but to wage a war", "one must have an opponent", "although he's the second most important", "member we have to rely on croft he", "promised that at the right place and the", "right time the right opponent will be", "prepared for us", "we shall conquer them and make our", "dreams come true", "which means we are destined to defeat", "you", "that doesn't make any sense the hell are", "you saying", "i haven't got a clue who you people are", "or who this mercurius guy is"]}
{"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["that makes no difference clueless or not", "you're the target", "if you don't think it's fair complain to", "croft all the veterans dislike the man", "i've heard that he can be pretty nasty", "as are most of the higher-ups", "ever since the last great war came to an", "end several of them have disappeared", "croft is one of the missing", "i don't know them but the word is", "they're all monsters which may be the", "reason they were selected", "and i've heard if the war proceeds they", "will return so what you're saying is the", "guys at the bottom of the totem pole"]}
{"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["like yourself have to satisfy the", "important ones at the top", "that's right otherwise my wish would", "never come true", "bestowed us with some incredible magical", "abilities the most important of which", "ties us to a weapon thus imbuing our", "bodies with power", "these weapons are known as relics most", "are bound by a curse", "they eat the souls of humans who fall to", "them making us stronger and therefore", "tougher to kill", "if we slay a hundred we gain the energy", "of a hundred which makes us far more"]}
{"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["powerful than the average human", "that's why you couldn't lay a finger on", "bay when he confronted you in the park", "obviously kicking and punching have no", "effect but neither do firearms or", "explosives he has killed countless", "people to become that strong now you", "have the same potential he did you have", "a weapon that turns souls into power", "since it's a spell the more experienced", "you are with it the more you can do but", "you're still a rank amateur", "the lowest level is activity", "next is formation then creation", "no one has reached the highest level so"]}
{"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["what it is exactly remains unknown but", "as far as you're concerned this is where", "you are", "activity", "at this stage", "you can activate your relic with just a", "thought", "for example", "blades fire invisible slashes", "that may all seem quite impressive to", "you but this stage is highly unstable", "since you haven't mastered your relic", "the power is low and it's easy to lose", "control", "at the very least you need to reach the"]}
{"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["formation level there your relic can", "take on physical form and turn into a", "weapon", "if you can't do that fuji you won't", "stand a chance", "which is why", "that's what we'll work on first we'll", "start off with the basics", "[Music]", "um well look who came out of hiding that", "was totally inconsiderate where the hell", "have you been", "listen i'm not sure what happened but", "lately you've been acting kind of weird", "you even sealed up the hole in the wall"]}
{"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["i guess i might have done some things", "that i shouldn't have but i can't", "remember", "i want to know if something's going on", "with you tell me did i do something to", "make you want to start avoiding me", "what do we have here", "i hope you're not interrupting anything", "don't tell me it's a little lover's call", "oh no that isn't it he started being all", "weird and aloof out of nowhere titty you", "don't say that i know why", "i'm sorry kasumi this isn't how i wanted", "you to find out but i actually started", "dating sakurai just"]}
{"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["wow recently great wait uh so you guys", "are like an item", "totally together yeah", "yes it's been a whirlwind romance she", "gets super territorial about our", "relationship i'm trying to be mindful of", "her feelings i hope you understand", "i'm sorry", "but from now on it's my job to look", "after fuji", "i do appreciate you taking care of him", "oh sure", "i understand i apologize for being so", "oblivious", "it's not fair"]}
{"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["i thought we", "oh", "i'm so sorry about that i wasn't", "watching", "[Music]", "of course finally i understand you're", "the soul that resides within the", "guillotine isn't that right", "[Music]", "when did that happen", "and how is that even possible", "i can touch you", "just like cagliostro said i could", "you're still fine even though i'm", "touching you"]}
{"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["i'm happy", "your face is so warm", "when", "i know it", "i'm sure you can", "i'm not entirely comfortable around", "blades whenever i see them bad memories", "come flooding back", "but you", "you're a good person aren't you", "i can sense that", "and i want to help because you deserve", "to be happy too", "hey sleepyhead", "what are you doing"]}
{"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["good evening", "we're out looking for padre goldilocks", "have you seen him you mean father", "therefore", "no i'm afraid i haven't", "why do you ask because player hears", "perpetually sayings gazing sings to him", "so this is my fault now well it", "certainly wasn't because of what i said", "so he ran away from home because you", "were mean to him you know what you're a", "rotten judge of people he's actually", "nothing like he seems", "well that's a situation you'll be", "careful out there too okay choose"]}
{"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["wait reason i wasn't done talking", "so rude", "well that's bizarre i'm positive he came", "this way before i lost sight of him", "hello", "is something's a matter fuji", "fancy running into you in a place like", "this", "did you need something", "no sir", "i uh", "i can assume those two asked you to look", "for me didn't say it's all quite", "embarrassing when you stop to think", "about it it's certainly obvious those"]}
{"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["ladies don't hold me in the highest of", "records i'm sure that isn't true", "if you ask me i think they were worried", "about you maybe it's time for you to", "head back to the church yes perhaps", "but sin in my own way", "i'm concerned for theresa as well", "it's truly depressing that she fails to", "understand that", "by the way", "i was wondering if you were in love with", "teresa uh", "sorry", "i suppose that was a bit of a nod", "question okay well then"]}
{"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["wait impossible", "i imagined it", "i must have", "what's up is everything okay", "yo kasumi hey", "friend", "please", "help me", "your girlfriend is a real cutie pie", "makes me want to cover her", "you mess with the wrong person", "that's your last mistake", "ugh", "[Music]", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["you bastard", "welcome dear boy you're just in time for", "tonight's feast allow me to introduce", "myself more formally the tenth seats of", "the longtimous dyson ordnance black", "round table razer spin", "and it's a pleasure to meet you", "it's useless boy right now you can't cut", "through them leonhardt was supposed to", "have explained it to you i'm using the", "formation level here's the relic can be", "given tangible form to create a weapon", "if you can't compete on the same level", "then you haven't got a chance just like", "everything else in this life"]}
{"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["your eye shows the fires that is in your", "spirit i must say it's quite inspiring", "to behold", "i'm sure you've been told this but we", "all truly wish for you to become", "stronger and so leon hartfield provides", "the lectures and i will administer the", "practical examination to see what you've", "learned", "but just between the two of us i have no", "intention of becoming your enemy despite", "what the others may desire", "the hell do you mean suffer no hidden", "meanings in what i said honestly i'm not", "like the rest of my order and also i"]}