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{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["thank you", "so the smelting is already completed", "[Music]", "loading loading loading loading", "all systems online", "murakumo activating", "come here to kill me again silly", "killings for people", "you get broken", "oh Rob and I love it when you talk dirty", "come here let's play", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["now we'll be together always", "how many times are you gonna let that", "girl shish kebab your ragna", "it's always the same", "we've run the scene to death and again", "the curtain Falls", "sleep well wrong in the blood Edge our", "pantomime will continue", "[Music]", "trying to be here", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "tonight", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "this is", "Branch we're under attack it's the Grim", "Reaper and hit us out of nowhere we're", "taking heavy casualties", "[Music]", "[Music]", "thank you", "there's plenty of Seether down here", "that's for damn sure that", "damn it", "underfoot again like dirt"]}
{"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["but dirt I'm sure has better manners", "my", "what the hell why are you grieving me", "rabbits myself I'm a bat not a baseball", "your self-control is laudable brute that", "you are I feared you might have fallen", "prey to that arm of yours imagine my", "surprise", "I'm impressed you're a good boy ragna", "hey I'm not some mutt you know", "huh", "cockatsuchi why the hell would I waste", "my time with a place like that", "of course the town's got a cauldron I", "need to destroy"]}
{"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["I guess I'll give it a look", "well if it ain't Little Miss blood Brad", "you spend your time eavesdropping on a", "lady", "mm-hmm when it comes to time I have a", "crap ton I'm not gonna lie all this", "repeating makes planning I had a real", "pain in the ass", "you would be wise did you not but watch", "yeah I bet you're right huh", "unfortunately I have way too many irons", "in the old fire to call today now", "[Music]", "[Music]", "excuse me sir second Lieutenant Noelle"]}
{"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["Vermillion", "come in", "major Kisaragi", "I bring this", "the dispatch bears in ours magazine", "classified", "it's him", "finally ragna the blood Edge", "[Music]", "[Laughter]", "what is this", "13th huh", "[Music]", "move", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "a lot of people here", "thank you", "um", "two three", "of course Kaka Clan huh", "you don't have to beat", "down just let her waste away to nothing", "thanks for all the food", "you're a good guy treating cow to all", "these tasty things I totally got hustled", "didn't I nope you totally got hustled oh", "by the way good guy do you know where", "ragna does something something likes to", "hang out huh"]}
{"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["and catches him she'll get a bunch of", "money more than anyone ever wait she's a", "bounty hunter", "that's not what I look like if you see", "that they", "say good guy good guy so", "[Music]", "even if I tell her my name I don't think", "she's gonna put two and two together", "[Music]", "sleepy huh hear me absolutely absolutely", "right the guy Tal's gonna flop down in a", "patch of sun and catch some z's meow", "hey what's the matter that's nothing huh", "but there's still a bunch of food in the"]}
{"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["bowl calf dabs it's all behind", "Master", "check it out listen up kid the power of", "the Azure don't belong to nobody don't", "forget ever", "I won't forget master", "[Music]", "your eyes are filled with hatred with", "loved ones slain and kin stolen away I", "dare say such malice is your right", "but the world will turn as always it has", "no matter how you may rail against it", "so this is it the 13th hierarchical City", "kagutsuchi", "somebody looks ready to buy some"]}
{"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["souvenirs", "Noel Vermillion wasn't it", "I suppose I could", "stop calling me Captain", "I come from the intelligence Department", "after all we're casual yes sir uh I mean", "just call me Mr hazuma", "all right then let's review the basics", "this whole mess with major Kisaragi is", "being handled with the highest level of", "discretion of course I mean if folks", "find out that the hero of ikaruga has", "gone Rogue the nol's gonna take one on", "the chin in the court of public opinion", "so if you encounter the major bag him"]}
{"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["and bring him into headquarters with a", "minimum of fuss right most secretaries", "would give their eye teeth to beat up", "their boss", "laughs", "do bear in mind the Level D alert is", "currently in effect here in the fair", "city of kagutsuchi", "it's because ragna the blood Edge has", "been spotted here in town right sir he's", "been hitting nol branches one by one", "right have your superiors told you", "anything about this ragna chat oh", "they said to observe him only and not to", "make contact"]}
{"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["sir Roger that Lieutenant", "why don't you go check out the city", "since we got here so far ahead of", "schedule we'll meet at the kagutsuchi", "branch later on sir I'll get on that", "right away", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "all right oh", "huh oh you're playing keep away with two", "huh what you got there good guy easy", "tasty food", "damn it let go my yard already"]}
{"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "getting on my nerves you damn mooch lay", "off already", "good guy got grumpy all of a sudden he", "should have eaten his food", "maybe here I can get some freaking peace", "and quiet", "your self-control is laudable the power", "of the Azure don't belong to nobody", "yeah", "you're a real pain in the ass I need you", "huh", "[Music]", "style come here hey", "Messiah"]}
{"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["who the hell are you what hold on you", "are having a nightmare", "it must have been horrible", "let's see", "you're warm but you're not feverish", "still you might want to have an actual", "doctor check you out", "matter with your arm", "y", "wait I", "oh there he goes running off like always", "like always", "we've never met before", "the hell's wrong with this place I", "haven't seen anybody did the Anna well"]}
{"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["clear out when they heard I was coming", "or maybe it's", "a trap", "took you long enough", "oh", "we finally meet", "[Music]", "chin", "I'm amazed you didn't bleed out in a new", "arm it looks like an improvement over", "the one I took from you", "this one might not come off so easily", "you bastard", "what yes that strength you really are my", "brother he's got a bunch of questions"]}
{"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["Jen and you're gonna answer them all", "but before that I'm gonna beat the [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "out of you let's kill each other brother", "stop", "[Music]", "foreign", "goodness that was really something so", "that's the power of the Azure grimoire", "you wield I'm glad you're still alive", "I'm having too much fun for it to be", "over yet", "[Music]", "brother", "[Music]", "foreign"]}
{"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "don't have the guts to finish me off", "look dumbass I didn't come here today to", "end your life if you want to die do it", "yourself", "brother even now you're merciful", "that's why you can't protect anyone", "because", "[Music]", "it looks so empty", "maybe ragna the blood Edge dropped in", "for a little bit", "made your case of Rocky", "he's out cold pardon the pun", "taking him back with us just got a whole"]}
{"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["lot easier huh mission accomplished I", "guess well let's be off", "I'm gonna pursue wrong to the blooded Oh", "I thought that the brass told you not to", "engage him it's it's true sir", "[Music]", "if it means that much to you", "Mr hazama please", "please collect Brogden in the bloodhedge", "almost killed me made your kiss and", "Rocky back there why was Captain hazam", "was so calm about it", "huh", "the hell", "wait he has your Chrome horse afraid"]}
{"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["foreign", "it has been a long time Dark One", "the face of absolute power", "fear of your death", "in all of your doors", "not once have you emerged the Victor", "nice mask", "who's under it", "I am the white void damn it I am the", "cold steel I am the just sword with", "blade in hand shall I reap the sins of", "this world and cleanse it in the fires", "of Destruction", "I am huckleman the end has come", "soon"]}
{"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "cause today", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "sometimes", "[Music]", "oh Azure grimoire dwelling within my", "right arm cancel the Jinx on fighting", "game anime shows would Ya episode 2 the", "Azure successor", "I am the white boy I am the cold steel I", "am the just sword with blade in hand", "shall I reap the sins of this world and"]}
{"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["cleanse it in the fires of Destruction I", "am huckleman the ant has come bring it", "you son of us", "[Music]", "thank you", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "foreign", "your strength is supposed to be", "unrivaled ragna the blood Edge", "shut up asked freak", "it's ever the same", "it's your cue", "coconut", "damn it", "you haven't even scratched him what the", "hell", "before my blade your powers are next to", "nothing I will end you here and now and"]}
{"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["prevent great calamity", "go dark one back to the Maelstrom of", "Chaos", "[Music]", "phenomenon intervention damn you", "promotion", "ah quit your bitching", "just let me haul you in already atta boy", "you will not interfere", "wait he can muscle through an event", "disruption son of a [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "yeah what the hair", "move your ass you have no chance against", "this guy right now who the hell are you", "I don't remember asking for your opinion"]}
{"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["lady get over it you need to run while", "you still have life running from a fight", "Ain't My Style", "[Music]", "time to end this all right", "bring it freak", "restriction six six released dimensional", "interference field deployed", "lace blue activate", "hope you're ready cause I ain't holding", "back anymore", "[Music]", "looks like the party's begun", "[Music]", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["foreign", "[Music]", "but beyond this", "what's going on here", "you think I'm getting closer but", "I can't tell anymore", "this place why does it", "look familiar", "what the", "huh", "I've seen this room before", "foreign", "identifying identifying", "[Music]", "this is gonna be fun"]}
{"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["we Step Beyond", "[Music]", "the criminal unit is now online", "verifying new subject", "subject identified as", "identical state your name", "I am boundary interface Prime field", "device number 12.", "state your name identical one", "you are an anti-san kishin core unit", "description boundary interface Prime", "field device number 13", "anti-sun kitchen core unit new", "[Music]", "Your Existence is a paradox"]}
{"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["recommendation self-destruct negative", "new", "self-preservation prioritized analyzing", "12 is an identical unit proper course of", "action elimination", "confirmed commence the extermination of", "subjects", "foreign", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "what's going on here", "this girl why", "why am I", "feeding her"]}
{"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["it's like I'm shooting at a reflex", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "repair protocol engaged arming pedals", "[Music]", "hey come here", "okay brother", "[Music]", "finish her", "[Music]", "what", "[Music]", "but why", "why why does he seem so familiar it's"]}
{"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["none of your business why I'm here okay", "now are you gonna get your ass to safety", "or not", "[Music]", "you're so bad leaving me all alone last", "time was that pizza right", "I don't give a damn did you come to kill", "me again silly killing is for people you", "get broken", "I love it when you talk dirty", "new hates everyone you know but not you", "you aren't much of a gentleman last time", "stabbing you out of the blue like that", "shoved it right in", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["Naughty Boy you went to town on New and", "you liked it stabbing away at", "defenseless little news that way new", "couldn't move or even speak she was", "completely at your mercy", "don't say that you were smiling", "today is a whole different story ravna", "see you can talk this time around her", "body's ready for you", "oh but maybe you liked it better when", "new was your play thing shut your mouth", "you little freak", "talking like that with her face it's", "disgusting", "is it you act all grumpy but we're a lot"]}
{"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["alike", "you want to destroy things rodna new the", "world even yourself you wanna smash all", "to pieces huh", "what do you say we could you know just", "end the world and be together forever", "we've been so lonely ravna but those", "days would be over", "her poisoned words are a thorn that", "pierces your heart you're writing in", "pain but every twitch drives it deeper", "this Agony is yours alone", "you've been set adrift on the Rapids of", "time", "once again"]}
{"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["current hurries you to a familiar Dune", "come here let's play", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "good luck", "parties", "[Music]", "what are you waiting for around now", "what the hell", "why'd you look at me with her face to", "him you damn yeah", "[Music]", "yep you're insane", "now we'll be together always"]}
{"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["the bloody denim I practically know it", "word for word now", "the actors are bound to a plot this air", "the same", "[Music]", "this feels really good huh we're so", "connected right now", "Bieber new ones is deeper", "what the hell are we connected", "new has a special trick in mind ragna", "check it out", "watch restriction 666 released", "Miracle unit activates", "what a play at the gloves are coming off", "restrictions 666 released dimensional"]}
{"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["interference feel deployed", "we should take it slow for now", "but later he can be as rough as you want", "you can destroy everything", "he likes it when you're like fast", "it's time", "[Music]", "the two of you will melt into a beast", "that will devour the world", "you know what", "I hate the world anyway", "I'm in", "whatever catastrophic [\u00a0__\u00a0] you're", "planning mankind deserves it all", "foreign"]}
{"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "are you having a good day", "what's with that face", "you're getting a fight with gin again", "[Music]", "what'd you say", "can't really hear you right now I'm so", "sleepy I can't", "keep my eyes open", "you can't give up", "oh you can't give up impossible", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["loud effing time", "[Music]", "how come", "okay pull up", "dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy", "dummy", "dummy dummy dummy coming up already I", "get it", "[Music]", "what I meant to say was you know", "thank you for the save", "I really owe you one", "[Music]", "enough", "huh ow what the hell I just got stabbed"]}
{"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "you", "go find a doctor and bring them to you", "just just be patient I'll be right back", "man what is the deal with her", "it moves again", "thank you for this respite from my", "infernal boredom ragna", "who the hell is that girl talk rabbit", "she is the new eye wait she's what now", "the Azure successor", "the Calamity trigger", "unlike the copy you so clumsily wheeled", "she will inherit the true azure", "the stagnant pool of time has been"]}
{"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["undammed even I do not know where this", "new current may take us but take us it", "shall", "in truth I can hardly wait I don't know", "what you're going on about rabbit cut", "the fluff talk and try it again", "huh it's awakens", "hey I wasn't done with you yet you know", "so powerful", "how could you be a copy", "I'm back damn if that girl don't look", "exactly like you", "Messiah", "show me places", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "cause today", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "sometimes", "[Music]", "the world has begun to move forward", "he concerns me and rightfully so", "but now for the moment", "you are the sole possessor of my", "attention", "Knox nicktoriskie got", "take me", "congratulations brother your greatest"]}
{"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["wish came true our story is an anime", "you are the sole possessor of my", "attention", "Knox Nick Torres Gigante", "mikazuti", "[Music]", "now disengaging the type zero restraint", "system the dimensional interference", "field will deploy a non", "[Music]", "connecting to inherent boundaries", "pyoma unit", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["foreign", "[Music]", "I", "look at me woman take it all in", "[Music]", "hahaha", "you saw you saw me didn't you", "[Laughter]", "Jeremy", "don't you know it's Stumpy oh are we", "still pissed about last time", "you son of a [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "[Music]", "do not do this huh believe me when I say", "to you right now this is a fight you"]}
{"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["cannot hope to win out of my way", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "wait what", "how", "much look at him flopped on the ground", "like a dead fish big surprise [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "bastard", "hmm", "that's enough ass whipping for now", "Jeremy", "I'm not done with you yet", "he was you saw him didn't you", "what when your gaze fell upon the man"]}
{"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["you know is harzama you allowed his", "Spirit to endure", "all I did was look at him", "foreign", "wow", "that was scary it really shook us didn't", "it doctor", "yes I wonder what it was", "I'm gonna go check outside", "lean walk wait", "look at that smoke", "do you think it's related", "horses", "[Music]", "again"]}
{"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["that man has made his return", "yeah I caught the show", "hello", "you're letting them eavesdrop", "whatever", "it's about damn time I've been waiting", "I so look forward to punching that", "asshat's card on a subatomic level", "do try to calm down a bit your things", "are showing you're a fine one to talk", "he bested you Handley", "be still and see to your room", "I have much to do not only for my sake", "But ultimately yours", "it's always the same we've run the scene"]}
{"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["to death", "but now the pantomime Strays from the", "script new scenes await us", "but of what", "who was that girl just now and how did", "she get us out of there and Captain", "hazama you called him Tara me or", "something why", "and and then there's you", "how come I feel like I know you from", "somewhere", "like you were a part of my life", "[Music]", "my memories of being a child I have so", "few and they're all a blur"]}
{"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["why is your face so familiar", "hell if I know", "now scram I've got crap to do", "you", "you don't have to be so mean", "[Music]", "forget it", "[Music]", "foreign", "come on out", "how long have you known we were here", "from the moment you first laid eyes on", "me you know give or take", "Bounty Hunter", "and that's an oxnic Taurus so you know"]}
{"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["what this is about I'm starting to see", "how you've survived this long sis", "the Azure grimoire will be mine", "take a number", "[Music]", "[Music]", "just look at them", "yeah", "exactly what I needed", "I'm so pleased with her mind belt he's", "not the sharpest tool in the shed but", "she'll inherit the azure", "Captain hazama here put me through to", "Colonel relius clover in engineering", "yes"]}
{"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["relius how's my favorite genius", "I'm practically at half mast", "ah you should have seen it number 12", "inherited the Azure like a champ", "she's the bee's knees trust me we hit", "the jackpot with this one she's great I", "think she's people calls herself Noel", "all right this kind of stuff doesn't", "matter to you", "what's something you'd like to hear", "let's see oh you'll dig this the", "monolith is all set up and good to go", "and in two or three days from now the", "Cocoon should start to form", "workout"]}
{"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["that just leaves Noel once we bagged the", "Azure successor we're ready to rock with", "the god killer how do you mean to awaken", "her as a murakumo unit you know her", "knocks Nick Taurus bull work I'm gonna", "undo the limiter", "hey whatever gets the job done right", "actually I'd like to see number 12 for", "myself", "I'll make for kagutsuchi forth with whoa", "Gonna Leave the lab for once huh guess I", "shouldn't be that surprised I mean we", "all thought Little Miss I Hate", "Everything number 13 was gonna be the", "one right and then straight out of left"]}
{"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["field the lemon of the bunch Prime field", "number 12 steps up in a major way knew", "God you are such a scientist relius", "can't resist the chance to gather data", "can you", "but yes come on out to iwasu we can hash", "out the details once you're here", "well I'm gonna have myself a lot of fun", "with this it's going to take a veritable", "buttload of hatred to start Noel's", "Awakening as a murakuma unit", "enough hatred to swallow up the whole", "world", "foreign", "think of the two people you care about"]}
{"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["the most", "I'm gonna put them through the meat", "grinder", "hazama from intelligence how is Major", "Kisaragi coming along", "glad to hear it keep an eye on him for", "me would you", "oh and", "summon Lieutenant Tsubaki yayoi of the", "zero Squadron to the third hierarchical", "city of iwasu", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "thank you"]}
{"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["yeah you're right sis I thought he'd be", "more of a challenge also", "I'm just glad you tracked him down", "before any of the other bounty hunters", "excellent work", "[Music]", "now to cut off the pesty azure", "[Music]", "[Music]", "I guess I", "Wonder estimated him oh", "poor guy", "now", "um", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["are you a good guy what's up you're", "supposed to nap in the sun silly so uh", "how do you know he was here", "easy cow just followed her smell her it", "led towel straight to him gotcha he", "seems to be in pretty bad shape", "take him to a doctor if he gets a chance", "doctor", "doctor", "[Music]", "gin Messiah what happened here tell me", "why", "[Music]", "[Music]", "foreign"]}
{"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["yes you got disarmed man that Bloody", "stump must hurt like a son of a [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "donut you know you can tell me what cat", "got your tongue you're losing body parts", "left and right", "oh nothing off even as you bleed out huh", "you've got Moxie young man not like that", "chick I wasted earlier", "she was crying and begging for her life", "I felt embarrassed for her you're lying", "you bastard", "shin", "for it", "go", "brother"]}
{"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["all of this is your fault", "if we're done here I'm leaving with the", "girl wait who are you", "the names tell me Yuki terumi we should", "do this again someday yeah what do you", "think ragna goodbye", "[Laughter]", "oh", "so where am I oh boy he opened his eyes", "[Music]", "oh good guys awake again about time hey", "I'm going to need to treat him some more", "could you please take everyone outside", "too got it booby lady come on kittens", "everyone follow town"]}
{"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["foreign", "who the hell are you supposed to be", "I'm a doctor my Clinic's in Orient town", "why aren't you trying to siphon my soul", "you'd heal up much more quickly if you", "did", "the Azure grimoire", "no white owl calls her booby lady", "[Music]", "[Music]", "so we must hurt that means", "what the hell's wrong with you", "bad", "he's still healing you want him to get", "well right"]}
{"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["why because your towel", "and as soon as you're all better we're", "gonna run around", "[Music]", "heck is this problem I don't understand", "him at all he's a wanted criminal but he", "saved my life I thought maybe he had a", "reason but he was so mean when I asked", "about it", "oh Noel why do you keep thinking about", "him like he means anything to you", "you're a praetorian guard Noel you need", "to focus just push it aside", "[Music]", "all right"]}
{"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "memories", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "to God", "[Music]", "the man foreign", "first lieutenant Tsubaki yayoi reporting", "in", "so are you ready to get to work the trip", "was long I am well in that case", "Lieutenant I've summoned you here for a", "top secret mission", "this job came down from the top echelons"]}
{"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["of nol command", "I guess it's time to tell you what all", "you'll be doing", "sir", "without further Ado here it is Gene", "Kisaragi and Noel Vermillion need to be", "found and well assassinated", "a meeting with your master might serve", "you well Rod luck episode 4 the one-eyed", "Lotus appears why do you call him that", "Mr kitten Mr kitten napping in the sun", "when the nap is over time for fun", "um that last Line's a little short", "y I didn't see you there this paper is", "it yours yes thanks for grabbing it"]}
{"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["my name's Noelle it's such a pleasure to", "meet you Noel", "ah the girl with the unmatched ours", "Magus scores", "mind if I take that back now sorry", "kitten Mr kitten napping in the sun when", "the nap is over time for fun", "he didn't read it right I've never been", "so embarrassed", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "not you know foreign", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "foreign", "you know that", "I told you not to get in my way but you", "didn't listen and for that you get the", "Penalty Box and I told you that I am not", "yours to command"]}
{"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["wow you shouldn't be able to do that", "maybe your power of order is bending the", "rules for you not that I give a crap", "that barrier I use to self-repairing", "Buddy", "gone to Great pains to contain me", "gremolkin", "much as I'd love to toss your", "self-righteous ass back into the", "boundary I still need your armor it is a", "susanoo unit after all", "the question of your lineage Beast kid", "can share your mother's crude tongue", "your hall", "it is good of you to come it has been a"]}
{"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["long time wouldn't you agree by your", "understanding of time it has been", "nineteen thousand seven hundred two", "hours 41 minutes and 52 seconds for us", "it's been 283", "875 hours 18 minutes and 24 seconds", "why did you employ the sukuyomi unit", "take mikizuchi would have burned this", "city and the irregularity to Ash had you", "not acted", "by what logic did you", "it is enough that I know", "whistle to answer the query has been", "duly acknowledged and loved", "you said Terry me free from his prison"]}
{"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["in the boundary did you not yes the", "process leading to the day of Ruin has", "already begun if that is true you must", "long for the world's destruction no we", "of the takamagahara only care that the", "world be in balance with the appearance", "of the Azure successor this reality", "veers dangerously close to a Continuum", "Shift event we will control the event", "distortions that are likely to occur in", "the future and Target irregularities for", "elimination", "fancy yourself a gold then no the taco", "magahara was created by man as such we", "cannot Ascend to Divine status the"]}
{"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["master unit is subject to the same", "limitations both it and the distortions", "IT ushers into the world are unnecessary", "and do you believe Tara me will solve", "this", "situation is well in hand", "he poses no discernible risk should he", "chafe against his leash we will", "re-initialize him you are a singular", "being Rachel Alucard", "have you any interest in returning to us", "my answer isn't obvious to you", "we have delved past the rhetorical", "nature of your reply and discern that", "you have no intention of returning that"]}
{"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["choice is illogical", "You observe the grand sum of existence", "but you see nothing at all", "ah son of a", "the biggest tower School dust", "[Music]", "you don't really think I'm gonna eat", "this", "well with the finest ingredients we were", "able to pounce on you're gonna love it", "good guys", "don't put that in my mouth what the hell", "is wrong with you", "hey you know that's pretty damn good", "shoulders back Lieutenant oh Ma'am my"]}
{"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["apologies I was thinking about something", "I didn't mean to slouch on the bar man I", "got you good huh ta-da great friend", "Killer Curves come on noellers it's me", "Makoto", "look at this tail I should have known it", "was you from the start I am more than a", "big fluffy backside", "sounds like you got yourself into quite", "a pickle noelers", "and I have no idea what I'm supposed to", "do now", "do not ask you where were you when that", "stuff was happening huh", "you know today when everything Shook and"]}
{"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["the sky was all bright oh I didn't know", "the sky part so you missed it oh yeah I", "was down on a lower level everybody in", "towns freaked out about it a specially", "on the top level where you could", "actually see it happen there saying that", "it might have been takamikazuchi talking", "mikazuchi it's an oxnic Taurus they used", "back in the dark war but it was too", "strong so they locked it away somewhere", "wait weren't you the one who told me all", "this back in the day it was probably", "Tsubaki who told you about it I think we", "were studying for our first test of the", "school year"]}
{"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["okay self in order for mankind to fight", "the black beast it fused magic with", "science creating what we now know as", "ours Magus you wrote a paper on ours", "Magus right Tsubaki uh-huh I did it in", "my spare time help me noelers", "this takamika blah blah they're talking", "about", "the most famous knocks Nick Taurus they", "made it to use against the black beast", "in the dark war", "but it was too powerful to keep around", "so they sealed it away afterwards and", "the black beast is the whole reason", "those knocks Nick Taurus things were"]}
{"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["made in the first place that's right the", "great Mage 9 made them she was one of", "the six Heroes who won the war for", "Humanity wielding these weapons they", "were able to defeat the black beast", "don't look so confused even grade", "schoolers know that not all of us can be", "brainiacs like you okay I got led into", "the military academy because I'm good at", "sports", "all the more reason for you to buckle", "down when we study together yeah yeah", "the three of us sure spent a lot of time", "in that Library didn't we", "do you remember there was that one time"]}
{"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["when the major showed up", "hey noellers I heard you requested a", "clerical post", "huh uh yeah but you're so crazy good", "with ours magus I just thought that", "council president", "Jen it's you", "hey Tsubaki you've been studying hard", "uh-huh I'm with my roommates here", "uh Jen everything okay yeah sorry about", "that you're sure that nothing's wrong", "then promise guess I'll see you later", "Tsubaki sure", "mm-hmm", "something is definitely up maybe it's"]}
{"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["your heart rate every time he's a rocky", "walks by", "what too late to deny it right no others", "I had no idea no he's just a friend of", "the family", "those are good times", "I wonder what she's up to now", "what's wrong", "she's probably on her way to kagutsuchi", "as we speak really yeah", "but if you want a happy reunion think", "again", "oh I'm gonna tell you something that's", "super top secret even in the", "intelligence department but you deserve"]}
{"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["to know about it it's Kisaragi he snuck", "out of the hospital there's no sign of", "him", "oh his wounds looked really bad no way", "of knowing", "the brass thinks he might have gone to", "the enemy", "never", "something about ragna more crappy news", "where that came from", "hey noelers you never heard where", "Tsubaki got posted to huh", "the zero Squadron", "[Music]", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["the wings of judgment you mean the", "enforcement unit", "yeah and she's on a mission to track", "down the major and you", "and kill you both", "[Music]", "and Noel Vermillion need to be found and", "well assassinated apparently they're", "both on the lamb in kagutsuji", "sir", "what did they do to Merit assassination", "it's an imperial command", "or does the will of the imperator mean", "nothing to you no sir very good I'll", "tell you why though so those pesky"]}
{"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["doubts don't pop up during the mission", "it's all the fault of ragna the blood", "Edge", "what did he do", "major Kisaragi and Lieutenant Vermilion", "were in contact with him now they've", "gone Rogue in our branch office there", "has gone dark you do the math", "all we know for sure lieutenant is that", "they share some sort of connection to", "Ragnar", "who can tell you're free to go", "Lieutenant best of luck on your mission", "[Music]", "thank you"]}
{"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "sealed armicus", "never thought I'd use it especially", "against them", "what am I doing", "oh wait Brother come on", "I have my satisfaction", "he's seen better days princess even", "such as he", "is he another player is about to make", "their grand entrance", "long time no see", "I've never met you before cat don't be", "so familiar of course you haven't folks", "call me jube"]}
{"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["jubei huh so you fancy yourself one of", "the six Heroes then", "it doesn't much matter what you call me", "fella", "I'm here to give you a message this", "world Wants To Be steady more than", "anything tilt things too far one way and", "something evens it out that's something", "is the power of order you speak in", "riddles the words the Tilt the more it", "takes to fix it that much power could", "bring about the end of the world if a", "fella ain't careful", "the power of order ain't good or evil", "you know whoever is using it that's the"]}
{"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["key meaning", "now a whole lot of nothing listen Jim if", "the day comes when you find the grit to", "square off against what's inside you", "I'll be waiting", "[Music]", "they grow up so fast", "I I need to find the major any idea", "where he could have gone", "he's after ragna the blood Edge what the", "guy who's been knocking down our", "branches", "the major was fine until he got that", "note about ragna", "oh man I had him too why am I such a"]}
{"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["dummy all I had to do was stay by his", "side if only I'd waited maybe the manger", "would be okay if you really want to find", "ragna try looking in Kaka Village it's", "on the bottom level of kagutsuchi that", "far down if you should come across", "Tsubaki out there call me right away I", "mean it Noel don't do anything foolish", "Makoto we'll talk this out the three of", "us and it'll be okay yeah", "hmm", "that uniform", "ours Magus you feel it", "it's that way you there stop", "what"]}
{"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["lycheefe Ling I'm a doctor but if you're", "a doctor why do you have a weapon what", "business does the praetorian guard have", "around here", "I saw he's got spiky white hair and a", "red jacket I see I thought as much so", "you've seen him then yes and I'm well", "aware of the bounty the nol has placed", "on his head", "ragna's under my care which means I'll", "defend him to the end I don't want to", "fight you I am a praetorian guard that", "is true but the reason I'm looking for", "him has nothing to do with that tell me", "about this reason it's because he saved"]}
{"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["my life earlier today I just want to", "talk to him for a bit", "but your enemies are we though", "officially I guess that's true but it's", "like I know him from somewhere trust me", "it all sounds crazy to me too but if I", "don't see ragna the blood hatch", "friends are gonna die I beg of you", "no more food damn it good guys not gonna", "get better if he doesn't clean his ball", "I'm full what part of that don't you get", "I ain't your freaking trash can", "thought you went home for the night I", "fully intended to but then", "the hell hi again"]}
{"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["I was just gonna leave you alone but", "then something came up oh goody", "hold on why is that uncovered", "didn't I tell you to keep an eye on him", "it's not Tao's fault Hal told him not to", "do it but good guy took the bandages off", "your wounds are deep it's going to take", "time for them", "what the uh", "you were saying", "what the hell quit staring it's creeping", "me out", "yeah sure you weren't", "I had come to Aid you but", "it seems you're doing quite well who are"]}
{"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["you hey", "yeah you smell good oh now you want to", "help wait you're the girl from before", "[Music]", "and whose fault is it that I got him huh", "you left me in some pint-sized", "Vigilantes lap", "ER excited", "[Music]", "that's", "[Music]", "lady Rachel to you yeah", "the object of your searching all these", "many years has landed in your very lap", "light you failing how do you know that"]}
{"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["who in the world are you anyway I am", "merely an old acquaintance of coconuts I", "will leave the rest unsaid", "the professor huh", "damn it how am I supposed to heal with", "everyone barging in", "come on I can see you staring", "banded you up if I'm not even looking", "whatever just get it done", "foreign", "okay okay so why'd you have to see me", "again", "saragi what does he mean to you", "aren't you nosy", "we're enemies not good enough for you I"]}
{"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["know you hate each other but there's", "more to it than that I can tell so you", "tell me what's up", "how would I know that's why I'm asking", "you in case you forgot", "we ain't exactly on the same team here I", "just wanna help you saw it Noel that", "cauldron", "I'm gonna smash that thing to pieces and", "every last branch of the nol but most of", "all that bastard Tara me that man Tara", "me I know him as Captain hazama what has", "he done what has he done God damn plenty", "and none of it is your friggin business", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["I don't get it you ain't running away", "not this time I have a question about", "major kiseragi too", "stock is off limits to civilians", "captain hazama colonel relius", "good save young man", "the 13th hierarchical city of kagutsuchi", "in", "and now we wait for the rest of the", "players to stumble in", "hey I'm not a freaking mummy", "[Music]", "foreign", "because I'll be there to kill you soon", "enough"]}
{"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["despair disappointment hatred sorrow", "heartbreak", "going to be alone you can eat buffet of", "suffering", "[Laughter]", "to your mind", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "together", "guys", "[Music]", "something"]}
{"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["foreign", "you really didn't know it was me without", "my tail no others I'm sorry Makoto it", "was dark episode 5 the pair of white", "guns hey it's tsunaki Noel", "greetings valkenheim", "a pleasure to have you home again", "tea is at the", "end of the exit very well then", "something troubles you my lady", "the blindness of spectators", "you speak of takamagahara", "I too", "terram is running amok", "if that trickster has been let off his"]}
{"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["leash pray there's no telling the", "trouble he'll stir up", "it fixes me", "forgive my impertinence Madam Rachel but", "does it really", "forgiven explain I could have sworn", "there was a smile tugging at your lips", "it seems your eyes deceive you", "I did no such thing The Perils of age my", "lady", "[Music]", "drunk on times heady Brew the world lay", "on the edge of Slumber it was poised to", "slip into a Dream from which there is no", "waking but now"]}
{"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["there comes a knock at the chamber door", "then time no longer repeats as it did", "prior and the event we anticipated is", "already at hand correct", "indeed", "well then what is your course of action", "I am but a spectator", "While others Act I merely watch their", "deeds for eternity", "it is a thankless task so I valkenheim", "shall dedicate whatever's left of my", "meager existence to bringing you comfort", "amidst your vigil", "thank you", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "tonight", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "hey talk to me taker", "Roger that coconut I'm currently", "Airborne about 2 000 meters from"]}
{"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["kagutsuchi airspace", "how does it look down there", "those bastards mean trouble what do they", "want they're probably after Noel", "Vermilion she's the Azure successor your", "mission is to find her and bring her", "back to me ASAP", "bring her back for what reason rants", "alert hold on to your ass", "the Brain Trust over at sector 7 are", "bitching at each other Non-Stop about", "how best to deal with Noel and ragna", "man it's like they can't find their ass", "with both hands tagger they say they", "want to overthrow the nol and Stamp Out"]}
{"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["ours Magus but they're nothing but hot", "air", "they say they're gonna change the world", "through science but they haven't done", "any research worth the damn and now", "they're all losing their crap over the", "Azure grimoire when they should focus on", "the friggin eye idiots tagger all of", "them", "okay", "that's why we're gonna find no wealth", "first and when we do there's gonna be", "some honest to goodness science going on", "damn it Roger that", "do we do about the Azure grimoire huh oh"]}
{"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["ragna the blood Edge he's got the", "weakest grimoire of them all don't", "bother why do you say his is the weakest", "you can do some damage with it don't get", "me wrong but the Azure grimoire's got a", "fatal flaw ain't no point in peeing", "yourself over a weapon that's got a", "blind side am I right", "way to put it I suppose", "just to confirm Mission parameters I", "have to take Noel verbillion into the", "custody damn it I guess the radio signal", "is crapping out on us", "coconoi", "approaching draw points sir"]}
{"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["acknowledged", "tr009 taker commencing mission", "for the OM Noms", "foreign", "'s Most Wanted fugitive and here you are", "both under the same room how do you feel", "honestly", "I don't know", "there's still so much I need to ask him", "[Music]", "all right here thanks a lot but it isn't", "for towel it was all a clever ruse", "hey", "what the hell's wrong with you", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["it is", "better yet or what", "he's getting better but it's going to", "take some time", "Clan has a sick miracle", "that's been hit", "ions body heart brain whatever sings up", "this will fix it huh tau is this real", "can we use it good guy will be full of", "them and Vermin in no time I'm maybe", "she's right I wouldn't get too excited", "about this Lieutenant I've been helping", "the Kaka clan for years but nobody's", "ever mentioned the secret miracle cure", "to me well if we told folks about it it"]}
{"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["wouldn't be much of a secret booby lady", "duh and this is one of the most", "secretive secrets of all like top secret", "s how come you're babbling about it so", "much cause later", "[Music]", "what the hell towel are you trying to", "patch me up or hurt me worse", "huh easy for you to say but don't you", "want to get better rabna if they have", "something that powerful we should check", "it out our Tao has a very active", "imagination Noel Tau are you sure this", "is real the outside there you see", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["right it's just as simple as that", "there's not an injury ninja out there", "that can stand up for the Kaka Clans in", "the arrow", "core it's gonna kick your butt good guy", "now it's it not interested it sounds", "powerful listen Noel what I wouldn't get", "your hopes up all right", "lady you're finally back Cal hopes you", "had a good walk find anything tasty call", "to mind a vision of the place which", "holds your Vantage cure meow", "so tell where are we at a Kaka hot", "spring cool huh hot spring damn it old", "rabbit I was perfectly happy"]}
{"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["meow", "[Music]", "let's go in naked silly good guy would", "see everything", "thanks for the warning", "the amount of hollering and carrying on", "you to is scandalous ragna it's a dip in", "a hot spring not a prison sentence you", "catawoling troglodyte", "while it is true enough that I brought", "you here without your permission do try", "to make the most of it", "perhaps a proper dunking will cure", "what's ailing him don't hold him in the", "water noggle he'll get better and then"]}
{"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["the princess will have come to Congress", "soon", "my bad", "[Music]", "you're a real barrel of laughs today", "ain't you I can't believe I'm wearing", "this", "uniform I think that two-piece really", "suits you huh but it's so I had doubts", "about all this I admit but now that", "we're here let's make the most of it", "yeah you think so but the suit", "I just if you really don't like it cow", "gives you permission to Skinny Dip oh", "man that girl is such a pain"]}