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{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "thank you", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "is that all the strength you've got", "static", "[Applause]", "you can still avoid my attacks", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "I'm bored with this I'd say that we're", "done here", "bye bye", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["don't you dare questions", "[Applause]", "not bad at all", "[Applause]", "sorry", "[Applause]", "I'm I'm coming", "[Applause]", "surely we can all agree sorry is truly", "hideous as a gorilla", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "bye bye", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Applause]", "tell me the truth then I'm a gorilla", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "beautiful a passionate dying kiss", "sagey is there something wrong how come", "your face is all stiff and stuff yeah", "what's the matter big brother did you", "just wake up from a bad dream", "dream", "[Applause]", "everything's fine all good", "it was a dream all right but what did it", "mean everyone look up ahead"]}
{"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "welcome to your new home friends", "the great father door magic Academy", "oh wow", "isn't this exciting", "it sure is", "well here we go time for part two of my", "life in another world", "[Applause]", "come I'll show you around follow me", "[Music]", "hear that it's even cracking seriously", "wow what kind of food do they have here", "we're not on holiday", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["I'm gonna do a magic Academy is", "precisely what the name suggests for", "school for students seeking to master", "magic this exclusive roster comprises", "the world's foremost magical City there", "are so many different shops here", "it's not just an academy then", "too", "super yummy", "I guess some things will never change", "Michael hey you guys the entrance to the", "academy is over here I know Barnabas is", "excited but that seems like a bit much", "let's go", "if all you want to do is eat then we'll"]}
{"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["leave you here", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "oh yeah we're still the outcasts here", "all right yep and all because we were", "summoned From Another World apparently", "that makes you the enemy at this school", "well kanazuki got any idea what we", "should do", "[Applause]", "and when elaborate this may sound crazy", "but I picked up an extremely nostalgic", "she couldn't possibly mean"]}
{"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["are you sure", "is it possible are you already close by", "no City", "do it I will tell you exactly what I", "request of you that sounds good last", "time we talked about it you only told me", "you wanted me to be a teacher here", "children of royalty and nobility from", "many different nations come to study at", "this Academy alongside them we also have", "a few special students who are here from", "another world does he mean", "[Applause]", "laughs", "those particular students are enrolled"]}
{"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["as hero candidates from the Kaiser", "Empire", "but their latent abilities are strong", "we've all been ostracized by our current", "students and there's no into their", "quorums", "really that's not right", "it's a tricky situation we don't know", "how the Kaiser in by would respond", "should they hear about their students", "being ill-treated at the Academy and so", "it's up to you", "you now Judy is to become the Savior who", "maintained order at this Academy", "if you want me to be whose savior"]}
{"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["um", "[Applause]", "you're already dead", "well the kids at home even get that ask", "your mother or father kiddos so on that", "note I'd like you to work with the more", "talented students we have the ones who", "seem capable of matching the hero", "candidates I", "just hope I don't let them down it's a", "big job", "so you've told seichi his role but how", "will the rest of us fit in here don't", "you worry I've prepared the perfect", "positions for each one of you in our"]}
{"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["great Academy", "let's begin with Saria and lulanae", "you'll both be enrolling your stupidness", "do you like our uniforms don't you think", "we look cute", "[Applause]", "it's the best feeling ever when you", "compliment me like that how do I put it", "he makes me", "no as for your feet", "[Music]", "instructor who teaches our students how", "to perfect Arabic", "feeling adventurous why don't you come", "with me"]}
{"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Applause]", "that next assignment is assistant", "hi professor let's do some fun", "experiments", "oh", "[Applause]", "No all he did doesn't enjoy degrading", "herself for work either", "that's basically it just do your best", "okay whatever", "if you asked me which she didn't I'd say", "let's go to the cafeteria where do you", "put it all you Glutton what's a glutton", "like gluten I'm gonna be a teacher huh"]}
{"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["YouTube", "just shows you never know what will", "happen in life", "and I used to be the one who was bullied", "and then I was suddenly transported to", "this world", "where I had a gorilla challenge me to a", "fight", "then proposed to me", "and become my bride", "I met lots of beautiful women and before", "I knew it I had a perfect life I fought", "a dark knight and a dragon", "I got welcomed into an eccentric Guild", "now my dirty Little Darlings I fought"]}
{"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["are you ready for this no thanks", "[Applause]", "some wine", "ah so much crazy stuff happened", "when I get back I'm gonna have to watch", "the first season again but all of that", "started the first time I ate the fruit", "the fruit of evolution", "[Music]", "and awful now then sagey I think we", "should head over to class F that's the", "one you'll be taking over any particular", "reason you picked that one well", "let's just say they're quite the", "collection of problem children"]}
{"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["why would I want that might I suggest", "you use", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "so you finally decided to return huh", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "and who are you well hello it's so", "lovely to see you [\u00a0__\u00a0] where have you", "been you are the principal that means", "you don't get to go about Galloping", "without letting your stuff know where", "you are", "give me a check to think of something"]}
{"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["why don't you think about the mountain", "of paperwork that's accumulated over", "your personal holiday", "it's a good thing I've arrived to", "correct that mistaken belief if you care", "about the school then make this pile of", "neglect disappear and no skimming make", "sure you go over every single page", "before you sign them", "[Applause]", "foreign", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "by the way my name is Beatrice rogner"]}
{"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["I'm an instructor here formerly in", "charge of class F I'm sorry for all the", "chaos you will endure you're here from", "class f", "yes I've been assigned to help with", "orientation the principal felt you would", "benefit from having an assistant teacher", "in class to share the workload oh right", "fun", "this is your haul right here artoria", "where you will teach our adventuring", "class lulanae as a Class A student", "you'll be there too wait what I can't do", "that I am a serpent with a master I have", "no desire to be apart from him for any"]}
{"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["type of Reason not even for food you", "know we have one of the best cafeterias", "you'll have to pass it on the way to", "class A", "yeah", "she's quick to change gears huh well", "let's all try to make the most of it", "talk to you later okay okay just don't", "push yourself too hard take care", "and the rest of you come with me this", "way excuse me huh am I allowed to ask", "you a question of course I was just", "wondering considering that you used to", "be in charge of class f", "M well do you think it'll be weird"]}
{"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["working with me", "what's that Superman", "oh I shouldn't have said anything the", "thing is I I", "wasn't a good fit I couldn't Inspire", "them they were all talented but I didn't", "know how to give them that push uh", "they're called problem children but", "that's not right", "they're all wonderful people who just", "need extra help", "I don't care what anyone else says I", "have faith in them I won't change I know", "there's amazing talent within each one", "oh"]}
{"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["oh so beautiful", "if the principal has bothered to", "acknowledge you he knows you're gifted I", "have no doubt you've been sent here to", "leave them down the right path", "foreign", "[Applause]", "I think I get it I don't know how well I", "can meet your expectations but I'm not", "going to give up trying no need to worry", "Beatrice you'll see say you choose a", "very kind person who'll definitely make", "a great teacher yep and she's really", "patient too", "I'm glad"]}
{"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "and now that we've gone through all that", "I have no idea if I can teach", "what's up Zaria go be brave", "[Music]", "right here I go", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "come on you didn't even get the prank", "right that's a wash base another", "Blackboard eraser ask your grandparents", "about this comedic reference", "what am I worried about Beatrice said", "they're all great kids it's totally fine", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["well that's going on", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Applause]", "these are the special gifted kids she's", "all soft about", "oh", "yeah", "[Applause]", "what's going to happen to my voice", "[Music]", "laughs", "we seek the great Devil's Resurrection", "but to achieve that momentous feet we", "must use death and destruction"]}
{"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["Misfortune and chaos to draw out the", "sweet nectar of Mankind's despair", "do you have an update for me", "fascinated", "what might that be for this time we're", "going to attack the pomodo magic Academy", "[Music]", "that means you'll be collecting the", "lives of VIPs from all over the world", "for us to use it's quite an effective", "tactic isn't it by contributing to the", "great Devil's Resurrection I'll also be", "able to display my own strength and", "value", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["what's going on here", "[Applause]", "how are you", "[Music]", "you look like a piggy ready for roasting", "in my I add what a pathetic piglet", "what do you think you're doing showing", "up here like this I'll keep it simple", "we've agreed that we should be the ones", "heading to barbatore Magic Academy", "YouTube", "it would be irresponsible to entrust", "something so important to if they'll be", "paid but that glad Saloon it's only pop", "stages you've proved our Point"]}
{"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["beautifully we don't require preparation", "and soon you'll be", "finished", "I hope we've answered your questions", "farewell little piggy", "boy", "timing first", "hey I thought we were friends", "I can't wait to see their reactions", "hearing those desperate students at the", "Academy scream will be electrifying", "hahaha", "great devil", "[Applause]", "[Laughter]"]}
{"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["we finally arrived at barbador Magic", "Academy a school for students to master", "the magical arts saichi and artoria", "joined his teachers", "oh and oligar will also be serving as", "Sage's precious assistant", "but you do that you'll need to take", "control of class F Beatrice's group of", "overpowered problem students foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "so not much for personal space huh I"]}
{"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["want to know who the hell you are stop", "talking sure but could you take a step", "back I could tell right when you walked", "in loser you want to fight me don't you", "maybe I can't do this after all", "look at me when I'm yelling at you you", "nerd you think you could ignore me", "that's enough", "your best", "[Applause]", "will you stop using that ridiculous", "title you may not have realized it but", "the person you're picking a fight with", "is now in charge of this class", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["what teacher", "um yeah that's me nice to meet you we're", "taking", "there that's better", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "as I was saying before this is the man", "who will be taking over as your teacher", "say hello to Mr seiji and his assistant", "oliga", "huh where are the rest of them classif", "only has four students", "uh hi it's nice to meet you all I'm", "sayichihiragi", "I know we're basically the same age but"]}
{"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["you can trust that I'll put my all into", "teaching you everything I can I hope", "we'll get along", "I'm olica nice to meet you", "[Applause]", "and this is zarya who will be joining", "class F starting today let's give her a", "warm welcome yep I'm sorry I'm sure", "we'll be good friends in no time", "[Applause]", "oh", "man you're the prettiest girl I've ever", "seen for sure did it hurt terribly when", "you fell from heaven you Angel if you're", "not busy after this we should grab some"]}
{"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["coffee together", "that's excessive even for you now please", "introduce yourselves to our three new", "arrivals all right me first the name is", "agnos Passion let me tell you a bit", "about", "more than earned my nickname of the", "terrified of hell", "scared yet because you should be", "oh yeah you think so and now it's my", "turn", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "It's Magic totally magic nothing weird"]}
{"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["accent stage", "okay next up", "fruit left Kaiser Charmed I'm sure did", "you say Kaiser I most certainly did you", "have the honor of teaching a prince of", "the Kaiser Empire", "oh of course my Royal status is hardly", "relevant here at the Academy", "trying to upstage me pitchling you're", "back thought you were knocked out I was", "just resting my eyes please remember", "that even though I am in the same class", "as him I'm on a higher level excuse you", "nobody talks to me like that let's take", "this out"]}
{"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["I'm happy to oblige hey now fighting's", "not the answer guys", "brood sit", "okay so who's next", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "you really have nothing to say", "my name's Helen Rosa", "wow short intro", "yeah I had a feeling there was more to", "it so I guess the last one up is", "[Applause]", "[Applause]", "wait so does this mean you can't talk", "look at him so cute"]}
{"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "there's no way I can teach this class", "not happening here", "where is he", "[Applause]", "I've got his Trail that's it for sure", "I'm close", "sorry are you okay my head wait hold on", "you're Ivy Sato yeah and you're the", "student council president what's the", "matter why were you in such a hurry oh", "it's nothing I just caught a nostalgic", "smell in the air do you mean why I think", "you do that's right I'm sure of it", "saichi's distinct smell really I can't"]}
{"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["believe I'd say it's actually here", "somewhere okay then I'll help look for", "him too uh", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "now if you would please come up one at a", "time I'll be returning your last", "herbalism tests bring it on Boss", "oh man I haven't done anything and I'm", "already exhausted You've Got This I", "Believe In You Agnes your score was Zero", "why'd you give me a zero it's not what I"]}
{"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["gave you but what you earned you wrote", "their spirit for every question", "[Music]", "all right", "it did wonderfully 90 points oh wow", "amazing this much is to be expected", "Baird your turn", "you scored a 95. truly outstanding work", "no way how many times", "or mushrooms we're looking for medicinal", "herbs not fungi I'm sorry", "the weird bear head guy smarter than me", "hey why'd she give you a good grade", "while I got a zero that makes no sense", "obviously it's because your answers were"]}
{"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["so incorrect she had to fail you that's", "it outside now pretty boy pretty boy", "still happy to oblige guys not this", "again", "just how powerful is Beatrice and Helen", "scored 100 well done as always", "that's nothing", "[Applause]", "so question is it possible to transform", "using magic that does appear to be the", "case", "I'm serious zarya the others aren't used", "to you yet so please stop turning into a", "gorilla you got it", "well I'm not convinced you understand"]}
{"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "you're back are you ready to begin", "yeah sure if I can make a suggestion you", "might want to start by observing the", "students practical abilities", "[Music]", "by that you mean like actual combat", "training or something yes I believe it", "would be best for you to understand each", "student's capabilities in that area so", "you can guide them appropriately moving", "forward", "well it definitely couldn't hurt let's", "do it he wants to see what we can do huh", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["little bastard where did that say she", "got come from anyway I'm afraid of", "having the slightest idea do you have", "any theories", "so are you what about you you seem to be", "awfully friendly with a new teacher do", "you know him I do actually is that so", "and just what are you to him then oh", "easy I'm saying she's loving life oh", "okay so you're his wife then huh", "and what about that oliga girl who", "arrived with him she said she's little", "sister well that's interesting and you", "three came to the academy together not", "just us say she cannot leave his"]}
{"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["girlfriend and his servant behind he's", "so come here", "a girlfriend and a servant too", "of course we all have seiji he's the", "best", "something I said", "so new girl as his wife you must know a", "lot about him right I do a whole lot", "well then let's hear it just how strong", "is he oh he's super duper strong hmm I", "see huh", "I'm eager to hear the verdicts AG Y what", "was your first impression of the class F", "students well they've got strong", "personalities but I wouldn't necessarily"]}
{"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["say that they're problem children", "honestly I'm relieved I think they're", "funny", "interesting as I'm sure you've noticed", "by now class f is a bit different from", "the others here at the Academy", "what do you mean by different", "I realize you're still new here but as", "you walked around the campus today", "perhaps you heard their nickname", "um no I didn't actually they're known as", "the Dropout Corps", "you have to understand", "all four of them are dealing with a", "major problem"]}
{"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "let's do this jumps is this just us in", "here you see anyone else around get", "ready", "it's gonna bring the fire", "that rookie teacher will know what hit", "him well well well what is the Dropout", "core doing here", "come here and say that again are you", "plebeians shouldn't be allowed to walk", "the same hallways I do", "[Music]", "really simply breathing in such close", "proximity to fools like you is enough to", "make me sick brother please"]}
{"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["my stupid little brother brood this", "class is a perfect fit for a failure", "like you you keep shooting them back now", "must be prepared for the consequences", "you heard the crap he said I can't just", "do nothing", "how are you doing", "let me show you the difference between", "classes and your kind", "[Applause]", "wait so there's a class s there it is", "the top class at this Academy", "all who defy Theobald Terror Kaiser", "their appearance to the throne of the", "Kaiser Empire will be crushed like the"]}
{"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["worm they are", "[Music]", "oh what beauty hides among the garbage", "tell me girl what is your name hi I'm", "Andrea then Rejoice Arya for I hereby", "make you my woman from this day until", "your last huh", "it's nice and all but my heart already", "belongs to seichi", "I must have misheard you did you say", "you're rejecting my affections you heard", "right sorry I will see you too so that's", "that", "[Music]", "impossible I know there's no man alive"]}
{"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["better than me say it she's way cooler", "than you'd ever possibly help us", "what's so funny idiots do you dare mock", "the future emperor of the Kaiser Empire", "as if I'll let you get away with such", "disrespect", "sorry I shall Grant you one last chance", "become my woman", "[Applause]", "[Applause]", "I suppose I'll let you go for today at", "least you're running away coward", "shut your peasant mouth I've granted you", "a reprieve for now but I will bury you", "all in a class competition"]}
{"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["competition", "do look forward to it won't you not so", "much", "dude how long are you gonna keep this up", "put me down already", "[Music]", "oh good glad I found you sorry I took so", "long", "so she's the one jeez", "what partner I mean", "but hey at least I'm here now right", "did something happen that we should know", "about", "nah man it's all good feel free to start", "our lesson anytime uh right"]}
{"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["okay so is everybody ready to show me", "what you can do", "guess I'll let you take it from here", "then CG sounds good thanks", "oh and I won't be using magic so no need", "to worry about that", "then your first opponent is me ladies", "first what do you mean Helen let me wear", "them out for you and uh yeah it's", "totally cool you go ahead chivalry ain't", "dead not to me", "[Laughter]", "okay you and me then you really won't", "use any magic what you think we can't", "handle it yeah no it's nothing like that"]}
{"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["I swear you don't get it your skills", "versus hours full out", "well in that case", "[Music]", "let's find out if your strength is the", "real deal or if you're nothing but soft", "laughs", "[Applause]", "I get that they want to test me but she", "looks like she's intent on murder", "whatsoever do to you", "apparently got more than he bargained", "for with Helen oh my boy make it through", "the covering match without being made", "face"]}
{"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Applause]", "say would you like to make a small wager", "shall we see which of us can kill more", "of the precious little brats at the", "barbador Academy oh yes let's it's been", "quite a while now hasn't it since I saw", "the murder princess at full strength and", "for my part you know I always enjoy", "seeing your power of Deliverance brought", "to bear to be honest though I doubt", "you'll have a chance to do much of", "anything my magic will sliced through", "that pitiful horde of juveniles like a", "knife through butter"]}
{"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["don't get cocky it's not going to be", "that easy the academy is stuffed full of", "magic users and then there's Headmaster", "Barnabas the one they call the holy Mage", "you shouldn't underestimate him", "oh my we'll be up against the mage of", "that caliber my heart can't take the", "excitement I wonder what kinds of", "Despair he has in store for me", "that's thrilling isn't it I'm positive", "the great devil will be delighted", "[Applause]", "my darling said she is now the best time", "Lead Teacher of class seven orbital", "magic Academy it's nice to meet you all"]}
{"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["I'm saying I know we're basically the", "same age but you can trust that I'll put", "my all into teaching you everything I", "can he's now mentor to achieve with a", "nail club and anger issues some quiet", "guy wearing a bear head", "you're not talking Prince", "and the submittee we all needed to", "balance us out February is entertaining", "if nothing else", "huh where are the rest of them", "first order of business a mock battle", "can't think of a better way to get to", "know the students and their abilities", "can you well in that case full stop was"]}
{"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["Helen but somebody who hates him but he", "can't be intimidate without some angst", "[Applause]", "y today let's find out shall we", "[Applause]", "okay", "she really won't use any magic why limit", "yourself", "what you think we can't handle it uh no", "it's nothing like that", "good luck Helen", "it's your skills versus ours full out", "let's find out if your strength is the", "real deal or if you're nothing but talk", "what are you ready"]}
{"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["can't wait to show wifey and little sis", "how pathetic you are you filthy animal", "she's angry as long as I keep dodging", "I'll be fine", "foreign", "[Applause]", "what's up", "[Music]", "when you play with knives you get caught", "did she hurt him don't see how she", "wouldn't", "very impressive Helen now we all know", "why they call you twin Crimson blades", "there see use your magic if you want I'm", "not worried"]}
{"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["about we're good", "[Music]", "this is it my ultimate skills", "[Applause]", "huh", "what is going on I could have sworn by", "attack landed but then suddenly I was", "flying through the air", "Force", "have been no way he's smooth", "let's go", "look like it's horrific algae", "[Applause]", "me next hold on what for", "why don't we tag team him three on one"]}
{"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["what that is not what I'm about for what", "it's worse I would be okay with that", "whoa I'm not interested in your games", "keep it up and you'll be the first one I", "take down pardon but could we please", "take a moment yeah sure whatever", "this is supposed to be an assessment", "battle I know and I'm trying to move it", "along don't do it by ordering me around", "it's not what I gave you but what you", "earned experience wow amazing that's", "nothing", "they've always been in each other's", "throats how are they supposed to work as", "a team"]}
{"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["we're so sorry for the wait", "ing", "Keep Your Hands to Yourself say one for", "lines on Ellen and watch what happens", "I'll crush it I hear you you don't have", "to get so close okay", "coming back", "[Applause]", "all three now", "[Applause]", "I got you", "all right", "that's right go perfect what the heck", "does that means no freaking way", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "what was that", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "get out", "you know what I knew you would Big", "Brother your brother's dreamy", "I suck I suck I suck", "I [\u00a0__\u00a0] [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "now what we left the rest of our lives", "of failures oh cause we can't use magic", "no that can't be", "[Music]", "we can actually use we wouldn't be", "constantly picked on that's good for"]}
{"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["useless as [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "[Music]", "skill World Vision", "[Applause]", "yeah", "rejections match activation detected", "rejection", "conflicting condition detected", "reactivation of magic has been prevented", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "you must understand all four of them are", "dealing with a major problem", "sad truth"]}
{"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["is that none of them can use magic huh", "not for lack of trying those kids have", "put every ounce of effort they had into", "it and each time it doesn't work they", "take it even harder", "other students see this and treat them", "as though they're contaminated", "[Music]", "there's lost hope", "given up on their futures", "they're in a school that teaches Magic", "and they have no magic to use", "you feel so worthless seeing what the", "other students can do", "it has to have been so hard on them"]}
{"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["I remember what it's like being bullied", "at school having no place where I felt", "safe", "I came here and met a bunch of kind", "people their acceptance saved me", "so that's why", "foreign", "I'm going to save you all", "easy for you Captain Save em like we're", "gonna be", "have your Mighty hands", "I think if we just work together we can", "prove what you're really capable of I", "believe in all of you", "his mother raised him right"]}
{"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "before I can teach them anything I must", "free these kids from the chains that", "bind them", "[Music]", "Freedom free them", "free is to", "liberate is that right Liberation", "oh man I hope I didn't just", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "my boy it's been a while", "[Music]", "there's more after the break if you're", "completely lost watch season one"]}
{"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["foreign", "there's got to be a way to simplify this", "I just need them to be able to apply", "what they learn like normal students of", "magic", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "got it", "let's go a series of unexpected events", "led me to teaching failures in another", "world", "if a teacher doesn't believe in their"]}
{"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["students then what are teachers even for", "anyway", "[Music]", "I'm sure they'll be able to use magic if", "I confront them physically or so I", "thought until some mysterious power", "really let them activate magic husband", "activated what the heck", "[Applause]", "kill", "[Music]", "a series of unexpected events led me to", "teaching failures in another world", "I'm sure they'll be able to use magic", "until some mysterious power really lets"]}
{"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["them activate Magic", "foreign", "[Applause]", "[Applause]", "did it work am I magical", "[Applause]", "it's governing fire", "on my mama", "[Applause]", "bring forth your power and just play it", "before me", "all right", "I did it I made real fire", "war base", "feel it I have powers"]}
{"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "that's what I got water magic let's make", "it rain", "not good get ready here it comes", "well", "this all seems awkwardly familiar", "did that just happen", "[Applause]", "how am I supposed to summon it fire", "[Music]", "D some of that power went to your head", "good job", "the guy with the fire", "fire two kids no you're actually on fire", "thanks you didn't have to"]}
{"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["laughs", "[Laughter]", "and that's for real we freaking did it", "we could do anything if we try again if", "this is some kind of dreams", "this is a dream", "I don't want to wake up", "so uh dude you're actually all right", "yeah you're a bus man wow thanks but the", "only thing I did was draw out the power", "you guys already had", "we are eternally grateful turns out", "you're a great teacher from here on out", "we'll continue to hone the power we now", "know we have inside yeah you know you"]}
{"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["know what we're gonna do we're gonna", "send it", "[Music]", "please", "[Applause]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "there are so many things to remember", "when you're a teacher I'm worn out oh", "this reading is putting me to sleep", "smells so good is it coming from you is", "this a joke because you're creating me", "out but what is it about your smell that", "attracted me of course that's because"]}
{"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["you smell exactly like him", "what's wrong with you why are you", "coating yourself in his wild hunting", "beastly mad mosque", "[Applause]", "sweet sagey", "I know you're sent is it possible that", "you or nigh", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "it's been way too long since I had", "bakudan I missed the way the meat", "grenade bursts in my mouth", "so good I think this was the first meal"]}
{"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["my master gave me I bet that's why I", "love it so much", "there it is again is sweet and savory", "on the back of your undeserving body", "it's like he slid down your spine and", "onto your waist", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "that's one thing about this school our", "cafeteria food can't be beat", "looks so much variety", "yummy I've never seen so much food in my", "life", "[Applause]", "like a proper student of this Academy"]}
{"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["I saw you", "say Ichi huh", "could it really be", "places", "kanasuki is that you", "are here", "I finally found you", "[Music]", "are hypersensitive", "reunited along with his loving wife", "girlfriend servant little sister and a", "partridge in a pear tree oh my sounds", "like pandemonium is a foot what fake", "awaits are dashing hero now", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Music]", "Look Over Yonder", "so that's barbador magic Academy is it", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "can you believe they have the nerve to", "put a barrier around it", "it's cute that they tried", "my my it's quite straight hey stop that", "what do you think you're doing with you", "two gentlemen mind opening the gate we", "have important business inside what", "business might that be you", "please"]}
{"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["I'm sorry I wasn't clear will you please", "open the gate and let us in", "[Applause]", "hey what happened perhaps you could lend", "him a hand", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "that was brilliant your power's useful", "in times like these makes things much", "cleaner", "[Applause]", "no let's get going after you you know", "teleportation magic would be quite", "useful here what it did though", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Applause]", "ah", "[Applause]", "um what's going on what are you doing to", "me", "you may have changed your squishy", "exterior for the look of a studly", "stallion but I know you say itchy okay", "can you please see you've got some", "speline to do what's the deal", "ER", "[Applause]", "oh", "the swelling is a little disturbing but"]}
{"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["I'm so glad you're safe", "that kind of behavior is unacceptable", "please prioritize me I could sense that", "you were close by for a while now I", "followed your scent I'm so glad to see", "you're all right", "what do you mean but", "you started to smell like a woman I", "smell a few women on you", "I can smell your sweat leaking out oh", "it's got you so flustered it sure is an", "impressive skill I thought I was either", "going mad or losing my touch I couldn't", "figure out why I smelled veggie on all", "of you but now I smell you all on him so"]}
{"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["who wants to explain be careful with", "your answer I go easy on no one wow you", "are quite a piece of work", "[Applause]", "I've known that guy since we were kids", "if I can't leave my smell on him then", "you can't either", "really well I'm his girlfriend names are", "Toria Grimm I'm lumine Masters faithful", "servant and see she's my big brother", "two", "[Applause]", "no that's why it was way too easy wait", "she's back what", "please nice try"]}
{"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["yo it's so nice to meet you I guess we", "all have something in common now don't", "we we've each fund of a city in our own", "way that though", "it's me", "[Applause]", "I guess I lost if you're still alive can", "you please open your eyes", "hi I'm still here", "A Little Fall of Rain", "come on hurt me now let's get you to the", "nurse's office", "okay well I've got important things to", "do but please take all the time you need", "how long have you been in love with"]}
{"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["safety who said I was in love sage and I", "are old friends who grew up together I'm", "not buying that we wouldn't have thought", "if you two were just friends well even", "if I had deeper feelings I wouldn't tell", "you it thickens the plot if I keep it", "all inside wanna know what I love I love", "when say she's happy and smiling and I", "don't care why I was watching him go at", "it in battle what drives me wild when", "he's all brooding and brave I love", "feeling his spongy booty bounce up and", "down when he's writing me I love when", "you pass my head but this big warm hands", "awkward please stop"]}
{"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["foreign", "he saved me once before I was strong", "enough to save myself", "when I was little", "kids at school used to believe me", "when I was independent and stubborn and", "they didn't like that", "man you dressed funny for a boy I'm a", "girl jerk here Papa tell me it's a game", "try to get it back if you want you're", "all too chicken to pick on me on your", "own is that what you think huh that's", "when he first appeared", "violence isn't the answer it's against", "school rules you can't play like that"]}
{"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["are you serious shut up", "all right", "he wasn't strong but he was braver than", "all of them", "[Music]", "thanks so much for what you did today", "but what made you want to save me my mom", "and dad said that if someone's in", "trouble then you should stand up for", "what's right and lend a hand", "say itchy will you tell me the truth", "okay are they right do I really seem", "like a boy uh no because I know you're a", "girl", "ah"]}
{"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["and I like you the way you are", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "thank you", "I didn't know until there that CG didn't", "have parents our neighbors told me he", "lost them in an accident", "so why was he smiling I couldn't", "understand how he could be kind when he", "must have been hurting so much", "after he defended me that day he became", "a primary target for police", "get over yourself lard butt violence is", "wrong"]}
{"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["it isn't the answer", "I couldn't take on all those punks I", "couldn't help him the way he helped me", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "I'm sorry what for", "the truth is I came here from another", "world the same one kanazuki is from", "and well", "I'm honestly nowhere near as impressive", "as you all think I am", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["you see this is who I really was before", "I came here", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "I know you're all in shock I'm fat and", "unattractive I'm embarrassed about my", "height and my uncontrollable Bo the way", "I looked when you met me was all because", "I ate the fruit of evolution hang on a", "second that's kind of a lot I can't keep", "up yep what she said", "I probably should have kept that stuff", "to myself", "please don't worry about it it was gonna", "come out sooner or later right"]}
{"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["look at this it was made for a cool guy", "but it's just me that's the best part", "can't say that because you don't know", "the real seichi you've all been so kind", "and supportive on this journey I'm sorry", "I deceived you will you look at me for a", "moment please", "how you look doesn't change who you are", "[Applause]", "this is how I look remember but it's", "still me I'm your wife zarya and who you", "were in the past doesn't matter I love", "you right now exactly the way you are", "thank you don't be so quick to judge you", "accepted me right away even though I was"]}
{"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["nothing but chaos I was so bad I had", "Calamity in my name", "yeah but brother I was an assassin with", "blood all over my hands but you still", "hold those hands and tell me", "everything's gonna be okay you pan my", "head as a sign of love so now I'm gonna", "do the same for you", "there there thank you sis Master you", "give me food whenever I need it and", "sometimes when I don't just because you", "like making me happy not to mention you", "look like a tasty snack yourself right", "now so there's no way just like you hey", "that's about your issues"]}
{"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "everyone loves you for you seichi so try", "and have more confidence in the cool guy", "inside", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "you guys", "[Music]", "thank you you're the best", "I hate to admit we have made some good", "friends here I'm glad", "to know me is to know them I'm who I am", "because of the people I've met and I've", "known you a long time"]}
{"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["well thanks", "I'm sorry", "for now it might be best that we cut all", "ties have I come in unmute this whole", "time", "I'm sure you know but I'm one of the", "hero candidates here we were", "specifically sought out by the Kaiser", "Empire to attend this school yeah that", "was the first episode", "particular students are enrolled as hero", "candidates from", "the cup but they're late", "they're late they've all been ostracized", "by our current students and there's no"]}
{"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["win to their quarrels", "Coral says a little frilly for what's", "actually happening which is that we're", "constantly under attack it's really that", "bad yes and that's why you have to stay", "away from me if the jerks who knew the", "old you were aware you arrived they", "would spread their hatred to others and", "you'd become a Target I couldn't pair it", "if that happened again", "obviously that doesn't mean I want to", "throw him into a world of violence again", "for the thrill of watching him fight", "it's been a long time coming but it's my", "turn to protect you"]}
{"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["look", "I was serious when I said I'm glad", "you're happy", "that means a lot to me", "I'll be looking out for you", "Malika you're trembling", "[Applause]", "hold on what's the matter", "your bracelet I need to know where did", "you get it the Kaiser Empire gave one to", "every student in our class shortly after", "we arrived in this world it's to raise", "our status I just assumed that it was a", "good thing skill appraisal", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["[\u00a0__\u00a0] was right the enslavement bracelet", "s", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "thank you", "[Applause]", "what the heck is going on here"]}