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{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["foreign", "you're in charge while I'm gone I'll", "bring home a treat for you", "okay I'll see you later", "[Music]", "first day at my new job I'm finally a", "member of the workforce", "shouldn't I be more excited I thought", "for sure this would feel different", "[Music]", "I guess it's always been this way it's", "for you to give me the stone it's like", "nothing ever phases her I know right", "that's what they all thought of me", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["maybe I'm just not as emotional as other", "people", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "are you okay you're stuck or Frozen can", "I help you at all", "uh no my apologies", "today is my first day at a new job", "so I'm nervous", "[Music]", "that's why my legs are frozen and I'm", "sort of Trapped", "but watching pedals fall always calms me"]}
{"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["down", "[Music]", "what is he talking about", "I've heard I've been so nervous that you", "feel like you can't move but this", "I've never seen anyone literally freeze", "up like that", "foreign", "hey I know", "I have some hot tea in my back", "I'll pour it on your legs you would do", "that", "[Music]", "and nothing how nervous is this guy", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["wants some it might help", "ah sure", "here you go oh thank you that's very", "kind of course", "um", "this too perfect thanks", "[Music]", "oh it's working", "wonderful", "I love the spring don't you", "[Music]", "you see the thing is I'm descended from", "a snow woman", "wow really a snow woman", "that's right I know it's strange but"]}
{"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["when I get emotional my body produces", "ice", "that's interesting", "I've never met anyone who's part Yokai", "before", "it's funny what people think when I tell", "them", "they immediately assume I love winter", "but honestly", "I love when flowers bloom and I love", "meeting new people", "I adore spring", "thank you the tea was very helpful", "good", "I was so nervous and now I feel ready to"]}
{"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["take on the day", "great good luck", "take care", "I'm going to be late", "for you to keep so cold she's like an", "Android I bet she's never had a crush on", "anyone", "I was known for being reserved back in", "school but maybe things will be", "different now", "[Music]", "we met someone totally unlike anyone", "I've ever known", "it's amazing", "I wonder if I'll see him again"]}
{"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "I've frozen up from nervousness many", "times I'm pretty used to it by now", "but", "she was so kind and gentle", "I've never met anyone like her before", "um", "[Music]", "so I guess your new job is the same as", "mine it appears so I suppose", "coincidences do happen yes it seems", "we've now become colleagues", "I look forward to working with you", "uh yeah", "getting a hurricane like this is a"]}
{"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["freaking miracle", "what's going on here are you guys seeing", "this look", "ears and a tail are you a Yokai oh yes I", "guess I should explain I'm descended", "from a Spirit another coincidence", "I'm the descendant of a snow woman right", "it'll make sense now wow that's", "something else", "oh nice to meet you all the name saijima", "hi my name is himuro", "Hello I'm fuyutsuki", "and my name is komori hmm", "so what are you descended from me I'm", "from a long line of humans"]}
{"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["same here", "let's all agree to look after each other", "yes absolutely", "there's something I'm wanting to pick", "your brain about", "do you think he said descendants of the", "great Buddha of course not the great", "boot is just a statue you know", "for someone", "[Music]", "it's Bonito with scallops and Sebring", "it was wonderful I met so many different", "kinds of people today you know what I", "have a feeling something new and", "exciting is about to happen"]}
{"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["oh here your reward for watching the", "house", "[Music]", "I'm glad you're happy with it", "ha", "[Music]", "such a typical cat", "I'm looking forward to tomorrow", "[Music]", "it's a bit cold oh I'm so sorry I got", "fired up", "oh that's right you like flowers yes I", "love them of course only from afar since", "I have a tendency to freeze things", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["every time", "no matter how much I love flowers I'll", "never have a chance to love me back", "[Music]", "there has to be some way he could enjoy", "them right yeah middle", "[Music]", "him at all", "it's for you I thought that maybe it", "would be helpful", "[Music]", "draw mulch I appreciate it what's it for", "for flowers", "apparently it makes plants less", "vulnerable to frost I looked it up"]}
{"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["it seemed like you were suffering and so", "are the flowers you've touched so I", "researched potential Solutions wait a", "minute can I ask a question of course", "did you carry this bag all the way here", "just for me I understand your concern", "but I did my best to be considerate of", "others", "I took the first train out since it's", "always empty", "that was very kind of you you good", "person", "he smiled", "I'm just glad to have helped out a bit", "bye"]}
{"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "oh bruh fujitsuki is way too nice I", "freaking love her", "I feel like I'm I must not whoa are you", "okay so cold", "mind me asking what's that you're", "looking at on your phone thing is it's", "getting kind of cold oh sorry about that", "I didn't realize I got a bit worked up", "again", "a cat", "cat isn't it cute I love cats so much", "but because of that it's hard for me to", "get near them let alone Touch One", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["and so I was watching cat videos to calm", "down oh actually I have some pictures of", "my cat", "[Music]", "it's so cute", "oh", "real cats are my favorite I wish I could", "pet one", "[Music]", "it's for you I thought you might like to", "have these", "they're whiskers whiskers", "they fall on the floor sometimes it", "seems cats shed them naturally", "I've been collecting them I'm hoping"]}
{"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["they'll be useful", "since you can't pet a real cat maybe", "this will be close I know they're just", "whiskers but at least they're real here", "that's so nice of you also whiskers are", "a type of charm I thought you would", "appreciate some good luck I figure it", "must be hard having so many things you", "can't touch so", "I have to say I'm embarrassed to give a", "protective charm to a man", "I don't want to offend you", "goodbye", "how freaking cute is she gave me a gift", "she cares about me she wants me to be"]}
{"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["happy", "the whiskers are already working way too", "well oh yeah cat whiskers are the", "greatest", "[Music]", "he's not hyped about whiskers an easy", "guy to please he must really have a", "thing for cats", "why is she being so nice", "I wish I could do something for her too", "just to say thank you", "I got this for you it's a dessert huh", "this is for me but it's a popular", "limited item", "Chocolat orange pistache a la mode isn't"]}
{"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["it", "I remembered", "you mentioned once you wanted to try it", "[Music]", "yes that's right it sold out everywhere", "though how'd you find it oh just luck I", "got dealt a good hand is all", "there's absolutely no way I could tell", "her I spent an entire week searching for", "that thing amazing I bet he looked all", "over to find one for me", "[Music]", "cause I appreciate it", "freaking cute", "I'm the one who ought to be thanking you"]}
{"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["cute I love the Snowman it's a nice", "touch", "I'm getting too happy I just wanted to", "pay her back a little but she's outdone", "me a million times over hey it's", "freaking freezing in here man", "laughs", "the weather's been so nice lately don't", "you think sure quick question for you", "though hmm", "I'm just wondering why you're so nice to", "himuro all the time", "what do you mean I treat him normally", "utski is a super nice person isn't she", "no snowmen are cute painful though and"]}
{"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["yeah she seems like a pretty nice person", "I guess that hurts please stop even more", "she's the nicest person ever", "hello", "a snow Hut something must have happened", "a heat builds a little snow Hut when", "he's feeling down I guess he made some", "kind of mistake today", "poor guy lost the document data he spent", "all day on so he's understandably upset", "hey chief I told them not to sweat it", "and just get a fresh one in tomorrow but", "he refused", "no thanks I'll have it done today", "so we're doing it his way yeah that"]}
{"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["definitely sounds like him", "foreign", "yeah I've got to stay and clean up a", "giant mess I made today is there", "anything I can do to help I wouldn't", "mind huh", "[Music]", "handle it", "I messed up so I'm gonna fix it I", "understand that", "have a good night", "be careful not to overdo it you're here", "bye", "so freaking cool", "she was actually worrying about me she's"]}
{"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["not just cute she's an amazingly cool", "person too", "hey saijama your face looks rather red", "today", "yeah I'm feeling sick might be a cold", "with fever I'm sorry", "it sounds horrible maybe you should go", "home yeah I'd love to but", "I've still got a ton of work left to do", "well", "maybe I can make something to help yeah", "like what", "it's a homemade compress patch somehow I", "don't think that's gonna stick to my", "head very well I'll pass uh you could"]}
{"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["wrap it around instead right or have the", "towel around my head while I'm in a suit", "no thanks everyone will think I'm drunk", "you're just being stubborn no I'm not I", "am seriously fine", "give me this packet then", "it's important that you take care of", "yourself", "I'll do some so you can head home", "thanks man", "[Music]", "look almost everything", "[Music]", "I heard what you did that was nice of", "you it's not a big deal"]}
{"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["colleagues should help each other out", "when they can", "this is easy I understand", "[Music]", "she actually gave me a compliment out", "here", "he might create cold stuff but he's got", "a warm heart", "[Music]", "oh I'm sorry", "I'm back now my Dell", "were you a good kitty cat while I was", "away", "you finally went inside it", "that's okay"]}
{"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["you'll go in there again I bet", "I can't believe it's been a full month", "already", "[Music]", "I've been at the company for a whole", "month", "[Music]", "she's so nice I picked a great place to", "work gotta admit being an adult is", "pretty fun", "it just keeps on getting better", "and it's because of her", "good news everyone we've picked the", "location for the new employee Retreat", "it's Okinawa Okinawa"]}
{"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["sounds great", "Okinawa", "[Music]", "something bad's gonna happen if I go", "there I don't want to go to Okinawa", "four whole days in Okinawa", "I can't wait okay now a soba Goya", "Mori oh I'll need a cute new swimsuit", "too", "um you do realize this is a work trip", "don't you of course I do silly but the", "sweet nectar of the evening is hours for", "the taking hey you agree right wanna go", "hunting for cute swimsuits with me", "oh I suppose we could"]}
{"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["that can't be good yeah", "hey him at all what's the matter oh", "fuyutski", "it's just I get anxious whenever I think", "about it our work trip I mean I", "understand is it because it's much", "warmer there", "not quite it's actually not so bad in", "the spring", "it's more of a psychological issue", "[Music]", "how so a luxury resort the blue ocean a", "white sandy beach", "sounds like a recipe for Paradise but", "what if I get overly excited there"]}
{"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["I could cause a raging snowstorm I'm not", "sure I can risk it", "oh but it's not so simple since it's a", "training Retreat not like I can just", "skip it", "there's no way I can get myself out of", "this", "does sound pretty amazing though", "lounging by the beach and just listening", "to the waves come crashing in", "foreign", "there must be some way that I can help", "him right", "[Music]", "you can have this I thought it might"]}
{"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["help you I made it myself what does it", "do tilt it from side to side hmm", "the sound of waves it's a surf drum how", "does it work you fill it with stones or", "dried beans when you shake it their", "movement simulates the sound of waves", "just think of it like immersion therapy", "so you get used to the sound it", "supposedly has a calming effect as well", "so this could help me to keep calm if", "you start training with this you might", "be able to go to the Okinawa Retreat", "without causing a blizzard huh", "a retreat wouldn't be the same without", "you I'd be lonely so I hope you can come"]}
{"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["along with us", "bye humido", "[Music]", "no way no freaking way", "she'd be lonely without me there Am I", "Dreaming or what", "I'll train it and show that Retreat", "whose boss still train I think I get it", "he's performing on our trip", "commence training", "just concentrate become one with the", "waves", "you're fine", "you can do this", "do you think that he'll go"]}
{"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "thank you", "[Music]", "there it is the beach", "hey him at all are you doing okay", "I'm feeling pretty confident now", "actually", "[Music]", "[Music]", "free at last", "huh", "it's supposedly evening but I guess the", "sun didn't get the memo yes the days are", "very long here I'd say that means it's"]}
{"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["Beach time let's go", "[Laughter]", "you do realize it's still April", "yes thanks", "I don't do very well out in the heat but", "as long as I stay in the shade I'm in no", "danger of melting", "by the way I've been meaning to thank", "you huh that surf drum you gave me", "before the trip", "I trained with it every day until I was", "finally used to the sound of the Waves", "now I can stay calm when I look at the", "sea", "there's no freaking way I'm starting any"]}
{"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["Beach blizzards", "that's good to hear", "so anyway first time in Okinawa second I", "came for a school field trip once huh", "how fun", "unfortunately there was a typhoon so we", "could never leave the hotel", "that sounds disappointing", "that's why", "I've been looking forward to this", "oh I did some research and put together", "a little travel guide for the trip I'm a", "travel guide", "you can use it too if you want", "that'd be awesome"]}
{"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "this is practically a work of art", "she doesn't let it show but the care she", "put into this guidebook says it all this", "trip obviously means a lot to her", "furiousky and I are gonna have the time", "of our lives right here looking no", "shoot", "almost freaking lost it", "it's interesting you sound a little more", "relaxed out here oh um really I didn't", "realize", "[Music]", "she must have gotten good news or", "something"]}
{"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["look at this", "Wow way too cute", "the pet sitter sends photos of my cat", "sometimes it must be nice knowing your", "cat's in good hands yes they're very", "helpful and Yamato likes to sitter quite", "a lot meow Meadow that must be my cat's", "name oh that's a great name for a kitty", "I like it thanks you see I just", "laughs", "I freaking love yamido", "did I take it a little too far", "this is harder than I had thought", "[Music]", "that was way too close"]}
{"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["I gotta stay cool no matter what I won't", "let anything ruin this trip", "remain calm", "composed", "collected", "[Music]", "he's the Lions", "I'll just buy the cutest one", "this one here", "oh sorry go ahead you can have it I", "don't mind no please I think you reached", "for it before I did", "so if you're sure go ahead", "all right", "in exchange for letting me have this"]}
{"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["I'll help you choose another", "here this one it's cute isn't it", "what's cute here it's you", "no crying", "huh snow here", "at this time of year big snow for the", "tourists Maybe", "so pretty it's a night to remember", "foreign", "[Music]", "good work it's a nice touch", "it was nothing really", "[Music]", "I can't wait for tomorrow", "it feels wrong for one man to have all"]}
{"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["this happiness", "next up it's time for the weather report", "the weather in Okinawa has been nice and", "Mild recently but we're in for a big", "change with temperatures going up up up", "today", "stay cool folks we'll be seeing summer", "worthy temperatures today sure to set a", "new Springtime record for the area what", "no", "[Music]", "no", "why does the sun hate me", "what's the matter", "it's nothing oh yeah just gotta run to"]}
{"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["the store", "uh okay then I'll see you at breakfast", "bad this is bad", "no way I'm Gonna Last in this kind of", "heat", "so you don't have any ice or ice cream", "at all I'm sorry sir our freezer is", "broken", "but the repairman should be here before", "noon", "come on that'll be too late not until", "noon I see is there another store nearby", "I could check I'm afraid it's just us", "sir", "I'm ready to hit this buffet that sounds"]}
{"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["good", "huh", "um where is himedo", "oh yeah it was weird he raced to the", "shop a while ago and I haven't seen him", "since then", "before that he watched today's weather", "report and totally flipped out", "[Music]", "where could he be why isn't he back yet", "I don't have his number", "can't check on him", "I'm in no danger of melting it's a lot", "hotter today", "what if he's in trouble what if he's"]}
{"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["lost all alone melting", "or maybe he's staying cool in his room", "[Music]", "cold breeze", "hey medell", "[Music]", "hey himadelle", "[Music]", "I hear you", "I'm here", "[Music]", "is that you", "you're much smaller than you usually are", "when it gets hot I melt down and shrink", "in size I guess I really wasn't ready"]}
{"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["for this heat wave", "I thought I could buy some ice from the", "shop to cool off but when I got there", "their freezer was broken", "look at me I can't work like this and", "what's worse if this goes on I'll keep", "melting away you'll be all right", "you sound so sure you'll grow again if", "you cool down right I will oh but dang", "it the nearest convenience store is too", "far away two kilometers stay here okay", "I'll be right back", "she is so cool", "two kilometers there and two back can", "she really run that far"]}
{"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["I'm sorry for the wait", "um", "ice cream I got it for you you're back", "and so quickly like magic I went to the", "hotel it's a dessert from the breakfast", "buffet", "huh", "she's a freaking genius well let's take", "care of it yes thank you", "[Music]", "um what's on your mind I was thinking oh", "you're usually a lot taller than I am", "and how at this size you're so cute", "oh", "I see I suppose that's not the sort of"]}
{"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["thing a grown man really wants to hear", "I'm sorry", "[Music]", "although", "I really would like to Pat you on the", "head you you don't say", "would it be okay with you if I did", "um", "it's fine", "[Music]", "humidos hair", "[Music]", "it's so sleek and cool", "[Music]", "good"]}
{"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["whoa that treat worked I'm back to", "normal size thanks to you I really", "appreciate it", "you surprised me", "[Music]", "we'd better hurry back before we miss", "breakfast", "right let's get going", "when dealing with a client who's", "claiming damaged merchandise there are", "many factors to take into consideration", "for some reason I can't help feeling a", "lot more nervous around him now", "[Music]", "can the descendant of a snow woman even"]}
{"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["catch a cold", "I'm very pleased with your performance", "during our training my talented new", "hires now help yourselves to some good", "food and Tall drinks", "and with that cheers", "that's a nice fish", "work Retreats are the best I'm telling", "you", "can't see little regret though what's", "that", "we're gonna miss the fireworks festival", "tonight but there's roughly zero chance", "we could reserve a good spot this late", "in the game it's a total bummer"]}
{"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["so should we catch a taxi back to the", "hotel yet", "that", "uh detour", "you have the nerve to call this a small", "detour seriously", "so how much farther is it we're almost", "there", "that sounds like", "that's amazing how did you know about", "this place anyway", "I found it while doing research for my", "travel guide It's a well-kept local", "Secret", "is there no end to how clever this woman"]}
{"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["is you made a guidebook wow I want to", "see it", "right it's selfie time", "big smiles everyone", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "I hope it came out okay", "[Music]", "[Music]", "morning", "go keep this one it'll be My Little", "Secret", "[Music]", "my helpful yutski and I come back next"]}
{"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["year", "fireworks will be waiting", "ain't this a fruitful training Retreat", "if you're a man this entire Trip's been", "magical I got to make a whole lot of", "memories with fuyutsky", "we'll be heading back to Tokyo now and", "when we're back in Tokyo we'll make a", "lot more there's no doubt your", "Arrangements thus far have been", "temporary but you'll find out your", "permanent assignments at the beginning", "of next week", "even if we're assigned to different", "areas we stand together that would be"]}
{"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["the worst thing ever if we were torn", "apart after becoming such close friends", "and all yes it would let's continue", "this means I might be separated from", "folutski", "your Arrangements thus far have been", "temporary but you'll find out your", "permanent assignments at the beginning", "of next week", "no this means I might be separated from", "food", "[Music]", "our permanent assignments are tomorrow", "[Music]", "what if for yutsuki and I end up in"]}
{"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["different departments", "[Music]", "I wish upon nyamero's whiskers", "please I beg you please let me be in the", "same Department as for youth skate", "[Music]", "yeah middle", "cute", "my phone", "[Music]", "I've never bonded with other people like", "this", "[Music]", "I hope we're all in the same Department", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["it's here", "[Music]", "laughs", "[Music]", "there I am", "she's there too", "well she and I are in the same", "Department", "[Music]", "[Laughter]", "[Music]", "that's good news", "all in the same Department", "hold on", "can't be right"]}
{"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["if this is my seat", "sitting right next to me is", "hello good morning", "[Music]", "we're not just in the same Department", "we're actually sitting together", "it seems that we're neighbors again", "I look forward to working with you", "[Music]", "thank you seating gods", "[Music]", "oh I'm sorry", "seems we're all together", "yeah we're gonna be the best team ever", "big coincidence what are the odds all"]}
{"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["four of us would wind up in the same", "Department glad we could stay together", "ah", "I'm not so sure it's a coincidence", "more like fate", "she say fate", "so fate huh", "I still can't believe I'm in the same", "Department as her", "for you", "whiskers are a type of charm", "I thought you would appreciate some good", "luck", "[Music]", "maybe the whiskers are lucky"]}
{"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "thank you nyamano", "I owe you big time cat", "she really helped me out of a tough spot", "during our employee retreat", "going out of her way to save me from", "melting in that Okinawa Heat", "she's always so freaking thoughtful with", "me", "I owe her way too much", "there's got to be some way to pay her", "back for all her kindness", "[Music]", "[Music]", "that's it"]}
{"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["um", "so good he must really like it that", "fried tofu it's cause I'm the descendant", "of a fox spirit", "now but you know mine you have to tell", "me what your favorite food is my", "favorite food", "I suppose I don't have a favorite even", "as a young child I was never especially", "picky it's great to be open she's not", "picky about food eh", "magnificent", "then how do I figure out where to take", "her", "no way around it I'd better just ask her"]}
{"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["outright", "[Music]", "can I ask you something", "yes what's your favorite kind of Cuisine", "to eat is it French Italian or Japanese", "or is it Chinese Korean Vietnamese Thai", "Mexican Indian or Nepalese or maybe it's", "Spanish", "[Music]", "um I like them", "oh", "all of them", "[Music]", "if she likes everything maybe I should", "just choose the nicest looking"]}
{"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["restaurant or is it better to go with", "the most conveniently located huh oh", "crud gotta calm down", "you okay bud", "uh yeah", "thanks for asking", "it'll all be worth it if it makes her", "happy", "I'll ask her today", "promised myself I'd ask her today I've", "just gotta", "sorry to interrupt but is there a reason", "you're completely encased in ice", "oh Who You'd ski", "I'm just feeling a bit nervous is all"]}
{"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["that kind of thing makes me generate", "cold from my fingertips", "it seems to be a constant lately is", "everything going okay yes", "it's just there's something important I", "have to do today", "would you maybe like a massage it might", "help you relax", "that's the pain", "thank you much stronger than I expected", "I'm well acquainted with the pressure", "points of the foot you're very stiff", "deep breaths", "seven", "are you feeling a bit more relaxed now"]}
{"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["I know you'll succeed", "have confidence in yourself", "thank you for that", "well you yes", "would you care to join me for dinner", "tonight", "will you see I found a really great", "restaurant", "and since the day we first met you've", "always been so kind to me", "I was hoping to repay you", "if you don't mind", "I'd love to buy you dinner", "um sure", "if that's what you want to do"]}
{"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["that's great we'll talk after work then", "of course thank you for the invitation", "that was sudden I wonder if he intends", "for this to be a date", "I I'm sorry for the short notice", "but I'd like to make a reservation for", "tonight", "for seven o'clock please", "Just the Two of Us", "the two of us wait a minute this is", "sounding like a full-on date what the", "heck", "[Applause]", "well there's one thing I could beat him", "at"]}
{"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["hide and go seek", "here we are", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "yes", "she likes it she really likes it I'm so", "happy", "[Music]", "oh snow is it some kind of dinner show", "[Music]", "it's strange I wonder why it's harder", "than usual to talk to him", "[Music]", "I never know what's going through his"]}
{"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["head", "though to be perfectly Fair", "I'm also quite hard to read", "[Music]", "sure is pretty", "[Music]", "pretty", "he must be so bored right now I've never", "been the type to make witty conversation", "foreign I wonder if it's any fun", "spending time with me", "[Music]", "I was staring", "[Music]", "neither of us have spoken for a while"]}
{"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["I should try to break the ice somehow", "say something interesting", "I know I should try to make conversation", "[Music]", "I have no idea what to say", "it's a work call please excuse me a", "moment", "take your time", "hello", "yes", "agreed", "right", "understood by", "I'm Green With Envy you're on a date", "right must be nice yes"]}
{"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["it's our first night out", "I couldn't have imagined a better day", "than this", "hello", "I am", "you're back already", "did you", "hear that", "yes", "are you okay need help sir", "what do you know I learned something new", "about him today", "it seems he also melts when he feels", "embarrassed", "hahaha"]}
{"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["sure was fun", "starved", "your plans for lunch she and I are much", "closer now this is the zest", "you hear me", "oh", "I've just gotta have dinner with her", "again sometime hey are you listening", "oh fuyutsuki what for real", "[Applause]", "good for him yesterday must have been a", "great day", "here goes", "[Music]", "ask"]}
{"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["how do you feel about himuro like really", "well", "hold up", "hold up hold up", "[Music]", "I could be wrong", "but I get the feeling I've stumbled upon", "a great opportunity here", "how do I feel about him you heard me you", "two spend like all of your time together", "closer or closer", "hello sir well", "I'm not so sure", "logically", "easy fella I'd have to say"]}
{"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["we're not very close at all really", "you all right", "it's just I don't even know his phone", "number I don't know what kinds of things", "he likes to do in his free time", "it's hard for us to hold a conversation", "but even so", "if I'm being honest with myself", "I still like him a lot hmm", "one day it would be fun if he and I", "could make a snowman together and then", "we could go sledding", "[Music]", "no bad", "wait you're telling me you haven't even"]}
{"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["gotten our number yet", "and then out of the blue himedo asked me", "to exchange contact information with him", "I wonder why he's asking now", "oh um for you too", "yes", "your contact information is saved under", "Yamato's name", "is that weird no I think it's really", "Charming", "I'll go ahead and send a message", "[Music]", "I do have to admit though it kind of", "feels more like I'm talking to niamito", "than to you"]}
{"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["oh I'm sorry if it's too confusing I can", "change the name", "please don't your little friend's", "adorable it's nice", "in that case I'll send more pictures", "from home", "okay", "[Music]", "a new friend", "we did go out to dinner together", "they know that he's the descendant of a", "snow woman", "and he's also a very mysterious guy", "still I feel like we've grown closer", "yeah"]}
{"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["there", "to Mew oh I'm saving this one forever", "what's wrong with this thing I can't", "save it no not now my darn phone is", "frozen solid", "oh cried", "um", "yes can't wait I'll do my best", "[Music]", "you're working hard have you had your", "lunch break yet", "lunch break wait what time is it now uh", "it's about half past 12.", "it'd probably be best for you to get", "something to eat soon"]}
{"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["yeah good point", "[Music]", "sure on our lock screen it's the one she", "took during our employee Retreat oh this", "it's just such a nice picture but I'm", "sorry I should have asked your", "permission first no not at all", "[Music]", "those fireworks were pretty", "Unforgettable huh I'm in her phone's", "lock screen picture", "[Music]", "Bliss", "[Music]", "that was too close"]}
{"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["my lock screen is the group picture but", "my home screen is", "he was so cute I had to", "oh shoot", "need my wallet", "uh it's nothing", "I made the photo I took of him when he", "was little my home screen", "but he can't never know", "thanks for joining me", "I hope it wasn't too boring watching me", "buy lunch no", "I would have had to wait in line alone", "otherwise for one of these so I lucked", "out"]}
{"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["smile like that's gotta be illegal", "if anyone's lucky it's me for getting to", "witness it", "I said no way", "hey", "it's himuno oh boy it's himano", "what are you doing here", "[Music]", "it's been forever", "[Music]", "it's been forever", "[Music]", "oh wow uh this is katori we've been", "friends since childhood I'm a descendant", "of a phoenix"]}
{"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["he's a descendant of a phoenix I changed", "jobs recently and I've been working in", "sales with this company since last week", "I'm for yutsky katari you seem to be", "pleased honestly I love it when a high", "stakes call is successful being the", "descendant of a phoenix has its perks it", "paid off big time", "I heard you just made a career change", "what'd you do before before this", "actually I was an artist wow that's", "quite a change", "here I'll show you this is one of my", "pieces it's part of my Joy Collection", "looks joyful to me"]}
{"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["and lastly I call this one light of", "morning hope", "[Music]", "I like the avant-garde Vibe why thank", "you so why did you change jobs and why", "come here specifically oh I bet I know", "you came for himuro since you guys are", "buddies from way back so cute", "I'd say that's highly unlikely", "well it's kind of a long story but", "don't you know that break time's over", "I'm so sorry", "since you're here would you like some", "coffee not now we're supposed to be", "doing our rounds so please hurry up and"]}
{"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["get ready right well wait for me I'm", "coming out to Nashi", "[Music]", "he's just like a baby bird", "I'm so sorry", "[Music]", "good", "this movie flyer", "it's for George the kitten a popular", "cartoon that airs on a kids TV station", "I knew they were making a movie but", "utski is this", "I'm sorry", "did you see it I did", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["cute", "I really like it", "I really like how cute you are too", "did you get to watch the first George", "movie in theaters yes", "last year actually I went to see it", "alone alongside all the children and", "parents", "amazing", "I wouldn't mind seeing it myself", "sometime", "since you enjoyed it so much", "I want to know everything she likes I", "can't help it", "would you like to come with me huh"]}
{"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["to the sequel George the kitten too", "starts showing next week", "oh but you didn't see the first it might", "be hard to follow no take me I'll watch", "the first one at home", "see you at our desk then", "first we ate a meal together now a movie", "and not on the way back from work but on", "our day off just the two of us I don't", "want to get my hopes up but that's gotta", "be what they call a date right", "although I can't get too carried away", "I don't want to freeze the theater over", "I have to keep calm", "this movie's pretty fun actually"]}
{"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["I never seem to get tired of it", "hmm", "I watched the first George I really", "liked it", "perfect preparation I was just watching", "it myself", "he was watching it too so we watched the", "same movie at the same time", "all right", "I gotta Reserve our seats", "I'll reserve the seats since it's a", "family movie I'll put us on the side is", "the 2 30 showing okay", "[Music]", "for you so nice might as well let her"]}
{"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["handle it then", "[Music]", "I'll take any seat at all as long as I'm", "with you that'll be my premium seat", "oh I ended up writing when I was", "thinking", "[Music]", "all right I'll pick seats by the aisle", "in the back then", "[Music]", "what do we do after the movie", "go out to eat maybe", "[Music]", "not she only asked me to the movie so", "either way I'd better hit the hay early"]}
{"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["so I'm in good shape tomorrow I don't", "want to end up sleeping through the", "movie", "[Music]", "I'm too freaking nervous to sleep", "I've got to get to sleep soon", "I'm looking forward to tomorrow", "[Music]", "but I can't sleep", "oh", "you're here early have you been waiting", "a long time", "oh no sorry I actually just got here", "that's good then", "thinking about the fact that I'm here"]}
{"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["with for you in our day office hard on", "my heart", "those two are here", "they're seeing a movie together on our", "day off", "then again I chose to take it Easy by", "myself and excuse me", "that's good katari oh uh hello there", "your samajima right from work no it's", "saijuma you sure yes okay", "so anyway", "why'd you pick this movie and the seat", "next to me specifically well I've been", "wanting to see this one for a while", "and this was the only seat available"]}
{"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["when I bought my ticket you expect me to", "believe that you know why wouldn't you", "okay", "she's so pretty", "if I'm this excited watching previews I", "gotta make sure I don't cause a blizzard", "[Music]", "why me what did I do to deserve spending", "my day off sitting next to a guy", "co-worker I just met in the dark", "watching something called the rice", "no not right now", "[Music]", "[Music]", "hi Georgie"]}
{"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["George is finally reunited with his", "mother so emotional I'm actually getting", "into this movie it's great", "it's nice discovering new things as an", "adult", "ski I guess", "[Music]", "I'm so grateful I'm being exposed to all", "kinds of new things I never experienced", "before I never would have gone to see", "George the kid on my own", "she's crying I mean it is a pretty", "touching scene", "[Music]", "crying"]}
{"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "should I do do I have tissues or", "handkerchief", "[Music]", "thank you him at all", "[Music]", "yeah it's official", "I'm definitely head over heels for her", "did you cry at the end too him at all", "it's embarrassing but yes it was too", "dark for me to see in there", "but I was wondering does anything happen", "when you cry you make those Little", "Snowmen appear when you're happy so", "it's a secret"]}
{"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["I hope I'll get to see that someday", "sorry it's not that I'm hoping you'll", "cry no worries I get it since we're", "still out would you want to do anything", "else", "like maybe some dinner", "[Music]", "it might be a little too early for that", "I guess", "yes that's true then how about we can", "stop by a cafe", "huh yeah sounds good", "[Music]", "it's a long one", "three hour and 35 minute masterpiece"]}
{"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Applause]", "yesterday's date was so much fun", "but now here I am having to work", "overtime", "I'd rather be basking in the Afterglow", "oh hey didn't think you'd be here yes I", "didn't think I'd be here either", "you're working overtime huh I am I'm", "still waiting for someone to call an", "answer I need you're working late", "tonight as well we're in the same boat", "I'm waiting on an important call too", "actually", "gotta say that overtime thing at first"]}
{"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["didn't leave me with a great feeling but", "we're Alone Together overtime rocks", "I'll be back I'm gonna make us some", "coffee", "I would appreciate that thanks", "[Music]", "crud I got too excited and froze the", "coffee", "thank you", "that phone still hasn't rung", "besides waiting for the fondering I", "don't have anything to do neither do I I", "suppose we can just wait for them", "together", "the truth is comedy invited me to go out"]}
{"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["to dinner today really that sounds like", "a fun evening", "wow she seems pretty tight with comedy", "I had to turn her down because of the", "Alfred time she told me she would ask", "someone else to go with her though", "it's not like I had any other choice I", "only invited you because my original", "date bailed on me okay yeah yeah I know", "and you're welcome since you don't have", "many friends to begin with I took pity", "on you it's like charity what makes you", "think you know everyone in my life huh", "you felt sorry for me I'm a saint for", "time we're late"]}
{"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["no Tanashi katari", "it's gonna be fun yay", "it's comedy I hope she's okay", "I guess she met up with otanashi it", "sounds like they're having fun", "what to do I need to find a way to cheer", "her up let's see gotta think", "what movie did you guys see it was", "something called rice what kind of movie", "is that it's one of those grand CG", "spectacle biographies about the life", "cycle of rice the climax of the whole", "film is the threshing scene I see are", "you into that kind of thing", "that sounds weird why would anyone want"]}
{"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["to see that I heard a lot about it and", "there were good reviews online what can", "I say I was curious my intention was", "impressing you I remembered you said you", "liked rice yes it's true I do enjoy", "eating rice but the threshing part no", "thanks", "can't believe I almost forgot guess who", "I saw at the movies himedo and fuyutsuki", "were there together no way you kidding", "me did it look like they were there", "together date Town what movie were they", "seeing", "well they weren't watching rice that's", "for sure"]}
{"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["come on", "how can I cheer up buyoutski how can I", "cheer up fuyutski hey himera would you", "like to play shitty Tori", "the word chain game", "I guess that sounds really childish I'm", "so sorry I couldn't think of anything", "better to do while we wait", "game", "is that something folutski would", "consider fun", "freaking cute", "hey it's an excellent idea", "let's give it a try", "okay the category is animals iguana"]}
{"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["armadillo octopus Stark the Kiwi I cried", "it I gave her an eye but Iguana's", "already been said that's tricky one I", "hope she doesn't think I'm trying to", "bully her or something", "no I knew it", "and I", "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it", "difficult", "it's not like that please believe me", "I love", "this game right she's joking huh that", "scared me", "that same day they were showing George", "the kitten too rice Attack of the Killer"]}
{"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["fried shrimp a love is tenuous as flower", "petals and tsundora express George the", "kitten is a family movie so it's", "probably not that one I don't think it", "was a romance that would excite himido", "and we know how that goes he'd turn the", "whole theater into a frozen tundra then", "it has to be the horror movie", "imagine those awkward turtles getting", "scared they'd be like eek that wasn't", "very nice how frightening shark koala", "Aardvark kangaroo orangutan so what is", "tsundere Express do you know what that", "one's about", "yes a kotatsu Salesman and a hot springs"]}
{"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["owner the two meet on a train while", "traveling through Frozen Siberia isn't", "that a coincidence so they're in the", "middle of nowhere and disaster strikes", "the brakes cut out and the train starts", "barreling out of control they have to", "work together to keep everyone safe", "typical action flick sort of I think", "it's more about the Love Story between", "the salesmen and the hot springs owner", "and how they fall in love while", "overcoming Danger", "yeah I know exactly how that goes it's", "the suspension bridge effect people in", "dangerous situations think they're in"]}
{"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["love but it could just be adrenaline", "I've never heard of that before", "but speaking of riding out danger do you", "think they're still working overtime", "together", "do you think they'll fall madly in love", "by writing out the dangers of overtime", "together", "totally", "[Music]", "scallop platypus stegosaurus sabertooth", "tiger rhinoceros", "this game is so much fun elephant I wish", "we could sit here and play it all night", "yes this is figutsuki her call finally"]}
{"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["came in yes", "which means she'll be going home after", "this I understand thank you", "I wish time could stand still a while", "longer", "I'm guessing that you finally get to go", "home now I'm happy for you I hope you", "have a good night actually", "my overtime has been extended somehow", "sorry about that", "hang in there I will", "[Music]", "hmm do you ever like to Doodle while on", "the phone it seems that I draw on", "whatever's around me I do that too"]}
{"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["so cute", "I have no artistic talent though so this", "is all I know how to draw", "is that a pig it's a cat", "what are you drawn over there it's a", "bear", "[Music]", "maybe this could be a guessing game", "let's do this", "[Music]", "uh it's fuyutsuki", "what's with the drawing what do you mean", "is it something we can help with what no", "she just sent me some random picture", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["timuro why is he blowing me up", "look at this do you know who drew this", "adorable Doodle for me it was", "it Whiskey", "do you know who drew this icon for full", "you'd ski me she asked if we could trade", "drawings and we totally did", "[Music]", "you've always had a more Fiery Soul than", "you let on", "but I just have to say one thing", "you sir deserve a big congrats", "[Music]", "mind telling us who you're", "congratulating my best friend himuro he"]}
{"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["made great progress with fuyutski so I", "congratulated him what", "between free utsuki and himuro what kind", "of progress exactly hold on do you think", "surviving the dangers of overtime", "inspired the suspension bridge", "they haven't responded yet I wonder if", "they're too busy it's the same here", "shame I wanted to hear their opinions of", "our Doodles I thought they turned out", "pretty well", "[Music]", "um", "yes this is for yutsuki", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["yes humano speaking", "yes I understand", "goodbye", "does that mean you get to go home now", "who's that way", "um would you would you happen to want to", "grab a late dinner before we get home", "to grab my things first meet me at the", "entrance", "best day ever", "why isn't he answering me why the", "congrats an engagement that would be so", "fun I seriously doubt it's that", "who's ready for marubarupon's summer", "giveaway you could win a George the"]}