{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "hey stray mut if you can hear the sound", "of my voice then make it", "known", "[Music]", "if speech is beyond your power then a", "meager nod would", "suffice I'm going to ask you a", "question do you want to", "live if you want to"]} {"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["live take this", "riceball oh oh s sorry about", "that slipped right out of my", "[Music]", "hand oh you would choose survival over", "pride and", "self-respect you truly are a starve", "[Music]", "stray", "you were doomed to die before much", "longer if I leave you to rot you have", "nowhere to go now do you come with me", "mud I'm willing to throw you a few", "scraps shut up don't make a fool of", "me I found something most amusing this"]} {"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["should keep me entertained for a while", "even after my arrival in Kyoto you're a", "disgrace though you so desperate to live", "that you would degrade", "yourself I cannot bear to face your", "belated father who cares about my dead", "father who cares if it's disgraceful you", "can't live if you don't eat what's so", "great about", "Samurai damn Samurai to hell with all", "the", "samurai oh you came too what a", "relief you shouldn't get up so quickly I", "don't know what happened to you but your", "whole body is black and blue"]} {"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "a samurai what do you", "[Music]", "[Music]", "want give it back shut up dang he's got", "nothing you you cowards listen boy this", "is what happens when you speak ill of", "warriors on the national loyalist side", "let it be a lesson to", "you damn it national Loyals my", "ass", "wait where am I huh the roshi lodgings", "not that you'd know where that is huh", "it's in meibo village located in the", "southern end of the capital the capital"]} {"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["this is kyot", "yeah now then what's your name well my", "name's H", "Toto oh I'm Ibuki rionos iuki that right", "well it's a pleasure rionos you're more", "than welcome to call me hke if you want", "I'd say we're close to the same age hke", "I don't know if your appetite's back or", "not but you won't recover if you don't", "eat I'll go fetch you some", "grub", "protect the emperor what is the meaning", "of this condos son I couldn't say at any", "rate we won't know until we speak with", "Kyoko"]} {"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["odono pardon", "me hello I see you've regained", "Consciousness what a relief tokun asked", "me if I would bring some food to you I", "received some rice porridge from the", "master of this manner oh take it easy", "you shouldn't strain", "yourself you're terribly wounded you", "need to take it", "easy I'm", "sorry sorry about", "that", "[Music]", "you are doomed to die before much longer", "if I leave you to rot you have nowhere"]} {"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["to go not do", "[Music]", "you come with me mud I'm willing to", "throw you a few", "scraps come to think of it the man back", "then huh why'd you get", "changed thanks for looking after me hold", "your horses where do you think you're", "going I appreciate everything you and", "your friends have done for me but it's", "not like I can impose upon your", "hospitality forever I'm leaving", "leaving I said", "wait hey SK who is", "that Sonos son shachi"]} {"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["hey hold", "up hey what the hell let go of me who", "prel are you young man he's that guy", "that sasan picked up on the way to the", "capital now that he's finally doing", "better he said he's going to", "leave ow I see that would explain why I", "recognize this kid's face how long are", "you going to hold on to my collar let's", "go already if it's great that you're", "feeling a lot better but I can't", "honestly say that I approve of how", "you're trying to leave without thinking", "your benefactors first I never asked", "anyone in here for their help in the"]} {"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["first place why", "you what was that for regardless of", "whether or not you asked for help who do", "you have to thank for being alive and", "well you owe us for the hospitality", "we've shown you so", "far what's your name come on I already", "introduced myself to that guy earlier", "you should have ask him for my", "name you've got guts Apparently one blow", "to the Noggin wasn't enough to give you", "manners huh hey you don't need to hit me", "over every little", "thing I'm Ibuki Ranos Ibuki you should", "have been a good boy and said that to"]} {"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["begin with I wouldn't argue with Sono if", "I were you he don't hold back none when", "it comes to dudes if you want to know", "someone's name isn't it only polite for", "you to introduce yourself first oh now", "you're trying to be a smart mouth with", "me but you actually do have a point I'm", "sorry I'm SOS Hara and he is shachi", "nagakura and who exactly is it that I'm", "supposed to go thank hey now are you", "planning to thank him looking like that", "first you got to wash your face and", "straighten yourself", "up the well is over there want me to go", "with you I'm not a kid I can go by"]} {"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["myself", "move it you're in my", "way what what was that", "for", "what it's your fault for spacing out", "while standing there this well doesn't", "belong to you and you alone you know I", "was washing my face you could have", "waited your turn I don't see any reason", "for me to be polite and wait on you when", "I belong here and you don't excuse", "me what that bugs you all that", "[Music]", "badly why don't we settle the matter", "with"]} {"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["these", "Okun why don't you calm down and let the", "subject drop you know hijak will yell up", "another storm if you get too", "rowdy rowdy what a thing to say son", "andson anyway this little twerp here's", "the one who started it and you're the", "one who set him up I do believe you are", "the one sasan rescued are you not have", "you recovered from the injuries you", "sustained yeah anyway where's that", "sarawa guy right now sirawan is", "currently out I believe he'll come back", "tonight so he's out huh what do you need", "with sir"]} {"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["awasan I was told that I needed to thank", "him for saving me before I", "go wait a sec are you saying you aren't", "going to thank kondosan kondosan", "he's the highest ranking person in the", "roshi", "Gumi kondosan do you have a moment H son", "anun that's fine come on", "in whoa are you feeling", "better I heard that I didn't starve to", "death because you spoke on my", "behalf I figured I should thank you", "before I took my leave from here no I", "didn't do anything to deserve your", "gratitude"]} {"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["but do you have any idea where you'll go", "once you're ready to leave us well I how", "about it why don't you stay here for a", "while kosan I understand how you feel", "but we just arrived in kyodo ourselves", "at the moment we are dependent on the", "good graces of yagis San the owner of", "this Manor we can't afford to impose", "another person on him but it's just as", "he said I have no intention of", "inconveniencing you any further well", "then why don't you at least have dinner", "with us before you go goodness it would", "seem that you have forgotten why the sh", "Hall suffered such horrible Financial"]} {"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["woses huh yeah but uh I just thought", "that uh but that is part of what makes", "you who you are", "kondosan you bastard do you realize who", "you're speaking to huh how dare you take", "that tone with me who was that that was", "Sir zaas son's", "voice", "would you care to repeat what you said", "hiiata such insolence what the hell did", "you just say to me", "boy I'll say it as many times as it", "takes we're new in Kyoto so keep your", "visits to the red light district within", "reason you aren't the only ones who have"]} {"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["decided to stay here hij kakon how dare", "you speak that way to", "sarawa I see", "and here my friends and I were out this", "evening laying the groundwork for the", "future of the", "roshi do you dare call that playing in", "the red light district you're outlaying", "the groundwork", "huh I would love to hear what type of", "groundwork you intend to lay in", "shimabara I don't give a rat's ass if", "you're from the Mito", "tenuto if you're going to throw your", "status as Samurai in our faces don't do"]} {"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["anything to give us reason to complain", "bastard why didn't you dodge did you", "foolishly assume that I was just going", "to", "stop I wasn't going to dodge regardless", "of whether you stopped or not I didn't", "say anything wrong so why would", "I it would not perturb us should you and", "your little group break off from ours if", "you don't like my methods you're free to", "return to Edo whenever you like let's go", "Nei please", "s are you all right hiji kakun son and", "son what everyone's here we heard sarawa", "son's voice and thought he had stirred"]} {"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["up more trouble again whether he stirs", "of trouble or not I'm afraid that man", "will clash with others simply by his", "mere existence although I'm sure that is", "true you must improve at shrugging off", "his Antics my friend that bastard will", "have to die and be reborn at least once", "for that to", "happen you there who are you uh you", "aren't a guest of yagi sons are", "you well um I'm this is the man we found", "unconscious on our way here he said he", "wanted to thank sasan and has been", "waiting for his return that makes sense", "hey Ranos it looks like cawas son's had"]} {"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["a lot to drink wouldn't it be best if", "you waited until tomorrow to thank him", "you bet sirawan can't hold his alcohol", "worth squat", "but okay for now let's go back inside", "and eat sounds good uh no come on it's", "Meal Time", "[Music]", "food", "how could they say sasan can't hold down", "his alcohol they're pretty bad", "themselves I should hurry up and get", "this over with before they wake", "up my goodness aren't you the young man", "I'm here to see some guy called sasan"]} {"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["would he happen to be awake yet yes the", "master is in his Chambers I'll take you", "to him right", "now", "oh after resembling a filthy Mongrel", "your face cleans up halfway", "decently thanks to you it looks like I'm", "stuck living for a while longer the idea", "of being indebted to you forever really", "pisses me off so I figured I'd thank you", "you you bastard how dare you speak that", "way well I'm", "off what was that just now h even a dog", "doesn't forget a debt of Honor after its", "life is saved you hurt me you're worse"]} {"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["than a dog what's wrong did I piss you", "off again stray I'm not some kind of", "stray I'm Ranos Ibuki no matter what", "name you claim for yourself you couldn't", "possibly be human if you cannot properly", "show your", "gratitude then what do you want I don't", "have any money oh there's plenty of", "other ways for someone like you to", "eventually pay me back and what do you", "want me to to do work as some kind of", "pathetic servant to you or something", "like", "that it seems to me that you aren't", "completely ignorant of the world after"]} {"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["all this is ridiculous I'm sick and", "tired of people like you tying me down", "and stuff you're unbelievable you owe", "sarasa Sensei for saving your life I", "don't recall asking him to save", "me what in the", "hell wait a minute if I remember I asked", "you if you wanted to live how did you", "answer", "Mongrel think about", "it do you want to live if you want to", "live take this rice", "ball that", "was damn", "it there you go finally"]} {"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["remembered but once I've paid you back", "I'm hight tailing it out of here", "and I won't be your servant", "forever he said he'd keep you here as", "his dog what a horrible thing to say but", "I could see him saying something like", "that shaan's the most renowned member of", "the roshi Gumi but he can be hard to", "handle in more ways than one shinachi he", "treats you decent enough since both of", "you are trained in the shindo munin", "style that man thinks of us as nothing", "more than me insects that okay with you", "are you going to be his slave I guess so", "it's not like I had somewhere to go"]} {"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["anyway I just figured that things would", "work out once I made it to", "Kyoto you want me to take advantage of", "your strengths if I'm going to remain in", "Kyoto right I do admit we lack the", "connections necessary to secure our", "position here but every member", "accompanying us here is strong I am", "certain there are ways in which we could", "benefit from each other", "H I", "understand very well it's not as though", "I lack connections with the Lord of ISU", "who guards kiyoto if all goes well you", "may get to speak with an influential"]} {"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["member of the ISU Clan is is what you", "are saying true sadono there is no", "benefit in lying over such", "matters thank you very much please", "please take care of it but are you sure", "you want to liely on one of my", "connections I imagine this may not sit", "well with", "hijikata no I don't", "[Music]", "mind what's wrong Toshi too excited to", "sleep condo son how does this sound if", "you can't sleep join", "me steamed buns and tea huh they look", "good are you really sure about this what"]} {"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["do you mean old friend sure about what", "I'm referring to sahawas son well in all", "honesty I'm vexed that we had to seek", "help from", "him but even I realize that he's the", "only person that we can rely on", "here I", "see", "well right now all we need to think", "about is the best way for us to earn a", "name for ourselves in", "Kyoto", "indeed I swear to you that someday I", "will lift you up and make you Japan's", "greatest Samurai that is why I came to"]} {"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["the", "[Music]", "capital hey you", "what are you doing over", "there is either condo son or hiji", "karasan in huh yeah I think they're", "probably both", "inside the swords are on his right could", "you inform them of my arrival excuse me", "but what's your name Hajime", "Saito Saito if it isn't", "Sao it has been a long time hiji", "son my friend it has been a very long", "time we were all worried when you", "suddenly stopped coming to the dojo to"]} {"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["train that was I offer my humblest", "apologies for causing you concern", "there's no need for you to stand on", "ceremony my", "friend I swear you haven't changed well", "come on", "in if I may but seriously I'm amazed you", "found us here I had heard that you were", "involved with a rosii", "so even hii karasan smiles from time to", "time", "huh you'd like to join the roshi goui", "correct although I appreciate the offer", "are you aware of our current situation", "no I am mostly in the dark well put"]} {"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["simply the Rumi central figure is a guy", "named sarawa not condos son we haven't", "received an official appointment or any", "funding even if we stay in Kyoto we lack", "a patron in short we are currently in", "dire Street I see despite all that will", "you join us but of course my", "friend Sao I won't ask for the details", "as to why you quit visiting the sh Hall", "but I at least want to know what brought", "you", "here to return an overdue favor there is", "no time better than now to repay you and", "condos son", "for the kindness both of you showed me"]} {"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["in Edo that's how I feel I see right now", "we need every reliable Ally we can get", "I'll be counting on you I will do what I", "can by the way have you run into the", "others yet what do you mean I'm talking", "about the guys from sh Hall of course", "are the others here as well yes there", "son andan soji shinachi and Hara heske", "and ginan are are here with us as well I", "thought it was unusual to hear hijikata", "son sound so", "excited if it isn't Haim SOI now there's", "a face I haven't seen in a", "while", "Oho WAOW it's been"]} {"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["forever I never thought I'd see you come", "to", "Kyoto when didd you get", "here it has been a while hasn't it got", "that right hey hajim makun since it's", "been a while why don't you and me Spar", "together soji here started to act all", "mopy when you quit dropping by the sh", "Hall", "CTO very well then don't get carried", "away hey I'm not going to hurt him as", "for shinachi harida and heske leave", "immediately and run patrols around the", "capital H you sure it's okay to patrol", "the place without permission even if we"]} {"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["do eventually manage to get some Clan to", "sponsor us it doesn't hurt to stack up", "some merits oh yeah makes sense if the", "Rogue Samurai are too much for you why", "not just kill the scum you keep", "quiet well we might as well take a quick", "look", "[Applause]", "around Samurai Sama please show Mercy", "relax we'll use this money for the sake", "of our", "country bastard are you saying that", "there's no way you can help us when", "we're out here working our damn butts", "off for the emperor I would never say"]} {"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["that hey brat what's with a nasty look", "give back our money you thieves you", "calling us thieves you damn", "brat huh Let It Drop he's just a little", "kid we won't go easy on anyone who", "insults us even if it's just a kid you", "call yourselves Warriors when you're", "raising your fist to a child and", "stealing good point since we're warriors", "using fists don't cut", "if you're a warrior draw your", "sword what's keeping you that sword on", "your hip just for", "show draw", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["already lowly", "[Music]", "coward", "you okay", "Ranos", "you where are you supposed to be are you", "trying to get in our way get out of", "here I'm afraid that ain't happening", "today it's our job to wander around the", "city and protect Kyoto from Rogue", "Samurai like you Rogue Samurai of all", "the", "neres", "[Applause]", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["I'm afraid it looks like that's the end", "of the", "line going", "[Music]", "down for being such smartasses your", "sword skills sure do suck we'll teach", "you to be big", "boys hey you doing okay", "no that was a close", "one I can get up on my", "own wasn't this", "yours what's", "wrong we're we're leaving", "okay what's his problem it wouldn't kill", "him to thank us what's all this fuss"]} {"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["about we Samurai R ated again they're", "such a nuisance all they ever do a stir", "up trouble I wish they'd leave already", "seriously no now wait just a second we", "were let's go hyke but but Sonos son", "forget it we're", "leaving let's go", "rionos hey ginosi where are you going to", "buy more", "[Music]", "sake", "most impressive hajim meun you don't let", "a moment's weakness slip", "[Music]", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["by you haven't changed the lick just the", "fact that you're left-handed makes you", "all the harder to Lunge out and it would", "seem you've improved upon your Sashi", "slid step as well I bet you're going to", "be unbeatable even here in Kyoto", "[Music]", "h", "you got one", "in hey howun have you changed the way", "you", "lunge it seems like you underwent", "training at a different Dojo or", "something no I don't believe I've", "changed my"]} {"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["style truly I am excited that you rushed", "to our Aid sokun it is most heartening", "with you here we're a 100 men stronger", "Sir with syun here everyone from our Edo", "days has been reunited once again hm", "what's Ranos up to not hungry I told him", "we were eating but he said he didn't", "want any dinner a moment nagak kurun", "yeah what did you find in the city right", "I spotted some Ruffians causing problems", "here and there stuff like that it'd", "probably be best if we avoided going out", "alone in the near future those Rogue", "Samurai could strike us down at any time", "day or night and the locals won't be of"]} {"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["any help I see this is even worse than I", "had imagined that's what I was hoping to", "hear because the locals and the Clans", "aren't up to the task we've got a chance", "to make a name for ourselves you came", "prepared for danger didn't you after all", "this you aren't going to declare you", "want to go home to Edo right I wouldn't", "have followed you all the way to kodo if", "I was going to do that that's right", "everyone here made up their minds to", "follow you guys ages ago", "this may prove trying but I hope you", "will bear with us for a", "while don't even get started condo son"]} {"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["all of us are used to the poor life like", "seriously just getting miso soup and", "pickles is a luxury compared to life", "back at sh Hall you said", "[Laughter]", "it if you're a warrior draw your", "sword what's keeping you that sword on", "your hip just for", "show damn it I couldn't do", "[Music]", "it in bed before its Master utterly", "Unthinkable boy you are quite the Cur s", "son where is my", "Saki", "I went and bought you"]} {"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["some now you've got nothing to complain", "about right even a 5-year-old child", "could accomplish a menial chore on this", "level it's nothing to Crow about at", "least you could have said job well", "done I'll call you if I need you don't", "go to bed before your", "master you're hitting the town so you", "can guard him correct today Lord yoi", "shall enter the", "capital although we were not called to", "serve we originally came to the capital", "specifically to protect the", "Shogun considering the state of kilter", "these days we should go volunteer to"]} {"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["guard him there's no need to guard that", "inept fool no sadono that was out of", "line even if said in mere justest I", "simply call him HPT because the man is", "it's a disgrace to the show good line", "for him to answer a summons by Nobles", "who have holed up in Kyoto for a", "thousand years just so they can ask him", "to expel the foreigners SAR sense it's", "me nimi", "enter he's here to see", "you that was utterly worthless you are", "one useless", "mud", "sadono if you wish to go then you and"]} {"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["your men are welcome to do so I won't", "stop", "you sadono Let It Drop kosan we'll go", "ahead without him he said he wouldn't", "stop us we should be glad of", "that then that's all we can", "do sir zaas son said something nuts like", "that yeah I'll tell you one thing it", "looks like that guy seriously hates our", "guts at times he must still bear some", "kind of grudge over the Hanjo in", "incident Hanjo", "in well I really shouldn't go ahead and", "tell him hajja makun doesn't know about", "it either okay when we were traveling to"]} {"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["Kyoto together with sirawan kondosan was", "given the job of advanced accommodations", "requisition Advanced accommodations", "requisition it was Kos son's official", "duty to travel ahead and find rooms for", "the roshi but he made a booking Hero at", "the Hanjo in and didn't get a room for", "sir", "alisan what what are you doing", "saraad sarawa son said it gets extremely", "cold at night so he trashed in near by", "building and set it a", "[Music]", "fire in the end Kos Sun got on his hands", "and knees and apologized to sir"]} {"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "alisan", "[Music]", "somehow or other we managed to make it", "to Kyoto in one piece but it put a rift", "between us", "kosan could you please quit acting that", "way around sarawa son from now on acting", "what way hijak karun calling him saraha", "Dono and trying to stay in his good", "favori there is no need for you to feel", "inferior to him you stand as Sarah zaas", "son's equal I agree wholeheartedly with", "hiji", "karun kundo son understand that you are"]} {"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["our", "commander very", "[Music]", "well this is stinking crowded there", "could be Rogue Samurai hiding in the mix", "and we never even know but don't you", "need to be closer to him yeah you're", "right we can't protect anybody worth", "squat from back", "[Music]", "here let my men and I through the rosii", "has come to ensure the safety of Lord", "shogan OSI s", "side", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "hey so this is all it will take for the", "Baka Fu to sponsor", "[Music]", "us", "the Shogun Lord yamoshi is there he's", "right there in the flesh it's truly him", "this is why we came here right", "[Music]", "kosan next time we will be guarding Lord", "yoi up close not while buried in a crowd", "of onlookers you're right we will", "[Music]", "Nami what say you this will play a big", "role in freeing us of our current"]} {"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["situation", "Sensei Sarah our Sensei please leave", "this to", "me", "yo knock it off come on come on over now", "then rionos let's practice together I", "have to go shopping so I'll pass did", "sirawan send you out to buy some more", "sake I'm amazed you don't get sick of", "that crap day in and day out I'm getting", "tobacco today", "huh", "it's dangerous out there want me to go", "with you I'm not a kid I can go by", "myself hey now I'm leave him"]} {"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["be if he wants to die let him go", "die don't be an idiot it's not like I", "want to die or anything you aren't", "skilled with the sword nor do you train", "you can't even draw your sword when", "someone directs his at", "you you put on the tough fact and pick", "fights with Samurai damn it boy you", "can't blame me for thinking you are", "eager to die I could say the same you", "came to Kyoto knowing that you could get", "killed by some Rogue Samurai that looks", "like a death wish to me don't lump", "people willing to risk their lives to", "accomplish something with someone racing"]} {"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["to his", "death I not at the very least you aren't", "desperately fighting to", "live if you don't want to die throw sand", "or mud in your enemy's face and", "[Applause]", "run that's the only way hijikata knows", "how to express himself it's kind of his", "way of showing he's worried about", "you jeez why do I have to handle all", "this stupid cleaning", "too", "you boy what's", "wrong okita who's that kid he lives", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["here we barged into the Family Lodge", "those Rogue Samurai ran into but the", "head clerk stopped", "us he stopped you yeah he kept going who", "ordered you to do this get out of here", "and go get the local police and so", "that's how you lost those runin is it", "damn it what are the people of Kyoto", "thinking I can't believe they're", "defending the Rogue Samurai we lack any", "real track record in this area but the", "nationalists especially the choshu GR in", "grease people's", "[Music]", "palms for having just drawn someone's"]} {"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["blood you seem rather calm and collected", "hajun huh soito having cross blades with", "them what do you", "think I found most of the men lacking in", "skill with a sword but there are many of", "them and our numbers are quite small I", "would be worried to think what may", "happen in the event event that they", "surround us that being said it would", "take too much time and money to enlist", "new recruits and train them getting", "yourself killed won't do us any good for", "now never go out alone at any rate there", "just isn't enough stuff we can do around", "here right"]} {"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["now say what happened to working for the", "ISU domain in a short while we will be", "sending an official petition to the Lord", "of ISU requesting his permission to", "remain in Kyoto any chance to give us", "permission to stay I cannot say", "depending on their answer there is a", "possibility that we will have to leave", "Kyoto truly Our Fate rests on cawas", "Son's connections and course of", "action just tell yourself that we are", "using him I can't make myself that", "emotionally detached from this you can", "say what you want about me but I swear", "that someday I will outwit that man and"]} {"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["Elevate kosan to a the greater seed", "[Music]", "of everyone listen up we just received a", "letter from The Lord of ISU the Kyoto", "military", "commissioner he is going to officially", "Place us under his", "charge so sweet now we can go all out", "with our patrols and not get hassled man", "this is great it looks like we're going", "to be getting a little bit busy why", "isn't this wonderful news yeah it's", "great Lord ISU acknowledged our ability", "it's amazing how saraha Sensei swayed", "the shokut isn't it tonui indeed it is"]} {"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["you're overreacting not at all didn't he", "even say as much he said he was willing", "to grant us permission to remain in", "Kyoto with you standing at the center of", "our core we couldn't have obtained such", "a favorable reply Without You siraad", "Dono well then why don't we all go drink", "to Our Success at", "shimabara", "nagur come join us n it would hurt your", "name if a good for nothing like me were", "seen with you I might get really drunk", "and embarrass you think nothing of it my", "name is not so fragile that you could", "damage it by acting somewhat Rowdy uh in"]} {"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["that case uh hyke and S are coming the", "more the mar and all right guys suji", "cido you're coming too right Kon", "naturally you could come join me as well", "pardon me this is a bit embarrassing but", "I abstain from alcohol what are you", "serious you can't drink isn't that bad", "for a warrior who speaks of politics and", "wants to be a samurai please go out and", "enjoy", "yourselves huh and what about you", "Mongrel I bet this feral mud has never", "visited a red leg District huh there's", "no way Ros said he's", "coming go on boys feel free to drink as"]} {"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["much as you", "want pardon me but it would seem that", "you're not indulging in your drinks sir", "yeah I apologize but I'm not able to", "drink Sake they just forced me to tag", "along behind", "them hey okita you've got an odd sense", "of taste to stare at a man after coming", "to the red light", "district not really I'm I'm not all that", "interested in fancy places like this one", "here huh then what are you doing", "here isn't it obvious I thought I might", "catch an opportune chance to cut you", "down if I tagged"]} {"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "along cut me down a snot-nosed brat like", "you what a great", "joke your petty threats mean absolutely", "nothing to me boy although I cannot say", "the same for that hijikata guy when that", "man glared at me at the hanu in even I", "felt chills down my spine for a second", "compared to that man your threats to", "kill me sound like childish PR Nothing", "But The Temper Tantrum of a little boy", "if you'd like I'd be willing to", "seriously have at you", "SOI now there's a warrior who has killed", "more than a few"]} {"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["oh he's far more imposing than", "you please allow her to join you I am", "[\u00a0__\u00a0] do you know who you're talking to", "how dare a lowly MOS speak to me in such", "a manner I merely said precisely what I", "was thinking at the", "time do you have any idea who I am you", "are a powerful Samurai are you not so I", "ask you please do not take advantage of", "your money and rank to act like such an", "arrogant ass say what Sahan please", "forgive her she's still but a child", "kuchan hurry and apologize no there is", "nothing wrong with what I", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["said what are you doing saraan cut it", "out you're in my", "[Music]", "way now now come on sasan this is", "supposed to be a party please let it", "slide lookie we still got some awesome", "Sagi you should get out of here just", "leave the rest to us I appreciate it", "come kuchan", "hurry", "okay I'll go get hiji kadan do", "that careful watch your step here okay", "I'm terribly sorry I did not mean to", "inconvenience you hey you okay", "huh by protecting me you got please"]} {"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["forgive me forget it that's just who he", "is don't worry I'm terribly sorry that", "we put you through that you're", "bleeding I'm fine this is", "nothing I'm glad you're all right but", "you're nuts to defy a Warrior when", "you're just a girl what were you", "thinking shouldn't a Michael keep quiet", "and pour the sake we are not toys", "property we too possess hearts that can", "feel frustration and sadness they try to", "use Force to suppress those feelings I", "lo all of you", "[Music]", "Samurai hey what's that for you were"]} {"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["pretty cool back there buddy although", "you blew it there at the end if you", "asked", "me SAR AAS son just what the hell", "happened", "here I merely chastised her for her rude", "Behavior it wouldn't have gotten this", "carried away if that was all that you", "did Sensei I suggest that we leave this", "to kokun and move on", "H he does whatever he", "wants this makes us no different from", "those Rogue", "Samurai", "considering all the commotion he stirred"]} {"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["we'll have to bind him with a set of", "rules he'll commit honorable suicide if", "he breaks them honorable", "[Music]", "suicide what on Earth are you doing here", "well I just so happen to be passing by", "right now I wasn't eavesdropping or", "anything like that sorry for disturbing", "you a moment please ibukun", "how have things been going of Late by", "any chance has Sarah zasan been treating", "you poorly well yeah but that's nothing", "new for", "him what brought this on ibukun if you", "like why don't you join the rosii as an"]} {"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["official Soldier I think that it would", "fit you well huh but I've never been", "trained to use a sword you would simply", "need to start training henceforth we", "would even provide a salary yeah but I", "don't", "don't push any further son and son", "someone like him would just trip us up", "excuse me we don't need the likes of you", "in the rosha since you have nothing else", "to contribute you may", "leave it's not like I'm here because I", "want to be I have absolutely no", "intention of becoming a samurai to begin", "with goodness gracious and here I was"]} {"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["thinking we could use as many allies as", "we could get don't play dumb son and son", "there is no way in the world you would", "recruit someone who can't use a sword", "you were essentially scheming to rope", "him in so you could ring out information", "regarding sasan weren't you so you saw", "through my plan I've known you for a", "long time friend is it safe to assume", "you do not want to drag the boy into", "this hi kakun you are far too", "kind there is something I would like to", "go over with you regarding our future", "caad Dono", "we would like to structure ourselves as"]} {"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["a proper", "organization please look this", "over there would be three commanders", "composed of sarawa Sensei and I along", "with konun huh hiun and sanan would be", "the vice commanders and and here are the", "rules of conduct to keep the men in", "line one do not deviate from the way of", "the warrior two desertion will not not", "be tolerated three do not raise funds", "without authorization four do not manage", "another's litigation without", "authorization five personal duels will", "not be tolerated whosoever breaks any of", "the rules listed to the right must"]} {"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["commit honorable suicide why would you", "devise such a", "code the soldiers who rally under us in", "the future will hail from various ranks", "and walks of", "life the only way to keep the crowd in", "check is to clamp down on them with", "strict rules rules of conduct huh I'm", "amazed you three were able to come up", "with something like this why would you", "propose this with such a strict code say", "something saraha Sensei violators commit", "honorable suicide isn't that right yes", "even if you're a commander or vice", "Commander so I"]} {"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["see sirawan appeared to take this rather", "calmly didn't he regardless of what he", "may think the rules stand as they are he", "simply has to obey", "them sarawa Sensei Is it wise to let", "them do as they", "[Music]", "wish even with those pathetic rules of", "conduct their hands are tied if they", "lack the power to see them", "obeyed yes you have a point", "but dang those rules are stupid what the", "hell were they thinking I agree those", "rules of conduct were far too strict if", "condo son feels those rules are"]} {"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["absolutely crucial I guess I'll obey", "them then that goes for me too but still", "I don't like my friends getting tied", "down by those rules we will probably", "need it as a requirement for the new", "recruits we will be getting", "henceforth I know that but it's kind of", "different from what I had", "imagined if I had taken him up on that", "offer back there why don't you join the", "roshi goui", "you should probably be careful yourself", "Ranos it's not like I'm a member of the", "Rosa goomi or anything but if sir awasan", "was forced to slice open his gut I have"]} {"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["this funny feeling that you'd have to", "follow", "suit I'm leaving before I get caught up", "in any of this", "[Music]", "crap pile it on you got it this resident", "pickles their vegetables to Perfection", "when eating them together with freshly", "cooked white", "rice their true value becomes evident", "nothing is more complex than the simple", "things in", "life", "[Music]", "right hey shachi what do you think"]} {"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["you're doing see in our world the strong", "eat the", "weak in that case", "[Music]", "I'll why you you uh really Brios don't", "let your guard down you better be", "careful take someone's food before they", "take yours", "really then I won't hold", "back if you need me for something wait", "until after I'm done eating in the world", "of beasts you have no right to complain", "if you get killed for disrupting a", "stronger animal's", "meal furthermore this is one of my"]} {"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["favorite", "dishes never go after", "it got it my", "[Music]", "bad you must not value your life of all", "people here I can't believe you went", "after sao's", "food I'm the type that eats his favorite", "food", "first sorry for the wait I've been", "waiting for this what is this pickle", "some kind of weed are they even edible", "that Foods called mbuna farmers put", "their blood and sweat into growing it", "believe me I should know I will won't"]} {"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["tolerate picky eaters yeah", "yeah condo son is always so Stern about", "stuff like that since he used to be a", "farmer he wasn't born into the warrior", "class no but he's crazy strong when he", "picks up a wooden sword Shai condo", "Sensei of the sh Hall saw promise in him", "and adopted him to be his", "Heir Toshi why don't you put work out of", "your mind while you enjoy your dinner oh", "yes I", "should what are you doing condos son", "that wasn't enough was it eat up but you", "can't give me your food when you still", "haven't eaten a bite back in our Shier"]} {"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["holidays you frequently shared your food", "with me didn't you what brought this on", "knock it", "off at this point in our lives we're", "both Beyond such Petty", "formalities you're absolutely", "right", "you are unbelievable my friend no matter", "what the situation you always Place", "others before yourself do you remember", "that one time Toshi I was out and", "someone came to crush our Dojo anyway", "we're finally in the service of the ISU", "domain couldn't we afford to upgrade our", "dinner just a little bit well"]} {"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["hij and that we'll have to wait until", "they start paying", "us", "H well they are probably uncertain as to", "whether or not we are worthy of their", "trust we need to give them", "time is that", "right thank you for the meal SOI that", "was fast I need to get in some sword", "practice right now every second we lose", "counts practicing right after you eat is", "bad for your", "body shachi son and hajim mun got it", "lucky I'm dying to kill a bunch of those", "Rogue Samurai as soon as"]} {"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["possible what a thing to say SOI haven't", "you been acting strange", "lately soji I want you to go back to", "Edo that joke it it isn't the least bit", "funny hiji Katan lately s zaas San's", "influence is making you go on about how", "you want to cut down or kill people", "you're still just a kid he's making you", "lose sight of", "yourself patan you just think I'm in the", "way because I stick by condo son don't", "you if that is what you'd like to think", "then feel free", "soji Toshi why did you suddenly bring", "this up we're in Kyoto to defend the"]} {"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["peace with honor and dignity but soji he", "only wants to kill that's all the boy is", "thinking about we can't let someone like", "that stay here here among our", "ranks Sushi no there's no way I'm going", "back there I'm going to stay here and", "help you condo son and that's the end of", "it", "Sushi damn", "[Music]", "it fine", "SOI seriously where did soji run off to", "he doesn't have anywhere else to go here", "in Kyoto he'll come back once he cools", "down yeah he definitely ain't a kid I"]} {"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["bet he'll be back after he takes some", "time to chill you're right jeez this had", "to happen during meal time I'm sorry", "please go back and finish your dinner", "everyone", "kosan no one understands SOI better than", "I I really should go look for him", "huh condo son I'll go with you oh you're", "willing to help me search for soji uh", "sure thank you it it's cool you don't", "have to thank", "me but", "kosan aren't you a bit too lenient with", "Oka Toshi often says that as", "well seriously watching the three of you"]} {"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["it's hard to tell if you're close or not", "really Toshi is deeply worried about SOI", "as well but he's rather", "inept he's inept yeah I can see that but", "Oka has some personality problems of his", "own you're harsh but SOI SOI has had it", "rough when he was left in the care of", "maid Dojo he was still only 9 years", "old he was born into a samurai family", "but he lost his parents when he was", "still young his big sister mitson raised", "him in his parents' dead but apparently", "life was hard for them so please sir", "take care of", "me the child still hadn't reached the"]} {"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["age of 10 yet he had to leave his family", "and start life in MA Dojo although he", "never said it outright he must have been", "lonely SOI stayed with us under the", "pretext of being a live-in student but", "in actuality he was treated more like a", "servant SOI have you eaten yet", "what in the what happened", "here I accidentally dropped my", "platter you dropped it", "right I'll clean up my mess so please", "think nothing of it I see you should be", "more careful did you get burned at all", "I'm fine I'm glad to hear it all right", "we had some leftover rice so I made a"]} {"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["rice ball for you I hope you enjoy it oh", "SOI where on Earth did you get these", "bruises don't tell me is someone beating", "you I fell down I always have been kind", "of clumsy you know you", "[Music]", "fell thank you for the rice ball I have", "to read the yard after I finish here so", "could you please leave I'd like to eat", "alone I", "see shortly after that I saw my students", "beating SOI under the pretext that it", "was", "practice practicing against a kid under", "the age of 10 they sure were"]} {"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["immature I thought I had been teaching", "how to be a good person along with the", "way of the sword but apparently not I", "was the one at fault so what happened to", "those guys I made it very clear to those", "young men that they were never to do", "that again", "huh oh what are you doing out here is it", "that you miss seeing your", "sister yeah her she's abanded me hasn't", "she SOI it is not as though mitsu son", "abandoned you who on Earth could ever", "abandon you my boy it would have been", "hard for her to provide food for you if", "you had stayed there with her that is"]} {"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["why she made the difficult decision to", "leave you with my family's", "Dojo I'm sure it must be hard living", "away from your sister but nothing in", "this world happens without a purpose I", "am sure that there must be a reason why", "you were left in our care and whatever", "it is I'm glad of it", "son son you gave the older students a", "warning a while ago didn't you you said", "don't beat him yes would you mind please", "to refrain from ever doing that again", "huh afterwards they all called me to the", "dojo and then beat me with wooden swords", "they said you snitched to that young"]} {"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["instructor didn't you they did", "[Music]", "what I do not recall ever asking for", "your help please leave me Be You Are a", "[Music]", "nuisance sometime later I came back one", "day from practice at another Dojo to", "find the students thrashing soji with", "wooden swords", "again take that and that what's keeping", "already watch with that look you ready", "for", "more but the master of the dojo shuai", "sensei told me not to", "intervene he said that if I offered him"]} {"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["a helping hand now it would make him", "begin seeking pity from", "[Music]", "others and much to my surprise despite", "his tiny body soji was desperately", "trying to read the older students moves", "and defeat", "them so several days later shuai Sensei", "suggested we hold practice in the form", "of a", "tournament", "[Music]", "begin", "[Music]", "someone fetch the stic medicine yes sir"]} {"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["I'm fine I can still", "fight my forehead just got a minor cut", "this is not a serious injury so so", "please please let me fight until the", "[Music]", "end very well", "[Music]", "begin take", "[Music]", "this one hit", "in enough", "SOI stop", "now", "You've Won your battle now stop fighting", "I won do you mean that hey come on hey"]} {"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["man hang in could you help me get up no", "sure you did great you truly did a great", "job condo son your uniform my blood is", "starting to stain it I don't care you're", "still so tiny yet you've worked so", "hard condo son you weren't going to call", "me", "pitiable are", "you the older students our neighbors and", "everyone they all say that you are truly", "a pitiable", "child but condo son you've never called", "me pitiable my mother and father's", "deaths not getting to see my sister", "anymore there must be a reason why these"]} {"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["things", "happened that's what you told me condo", "son that's what you always", "said I think I know what that reason is", "now", "I came here for you kondosan I came to", "be with you I came here to become much", "much", "[Music]", "[Music]", "stronger", "sui condo son", "you call that a massage Mong girl put", "your muscle into", "it I swear Sensei IU Kik kun's inability"]} {"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["to learn never ceases to amaze me Sira", "Dono it's tonucci what is it there's a", "matter I need to discuss with you my", "lord what is it come in yes", "sir", "so what do you want to discuss I would", "like to be candid with you siraad Dono", "could you tell me what you think about", "condo in regard to what the rules of", "conduct that were set in place the other", "day not to mention the Roshi's current", "structure I've heard that hijikata and", "sonans Son arranged all of this on their", "own I firmly believe that you are the", "one and only person"]} {"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["who is actually capable of leading the", "roshi Sira Dono why do you allow those", "Ruffians to do as they", "please indeed I cannot allow those fools", "to continue as they", "have", "MH when the time comes please leave", "those fools to", "[Music]", "me", "[Music]", "that's enough", "dog are we leaving saraha Sensei D that", "hurt have some saki waiting for me by", "the time I get"]} {"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "back", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "do you know of a man named", "tonoi", "tonoi what about that", "man he just came to my room to pay me a", "visit he wanted to talk to me about", "condo about condo son", "apparently he disapproves of a man not", "of warrior birth serving as one of the", "Roshi's commanders he said that if I was", "going to kill him he would like the", "honor"]} {"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["himself sah is our was", "[Music]", "Sensei you can never tell a book by its", "cover", "sirawan you're a surprisingly nice", "guy", "tan", "OK do you need me for something I could", "use your advice on a couple of important", "matters would you please hear me out", "what about please don't share what I'm", "about to tell you with anyone else", "around here", "okay could you promise me that", "our vice Commander hiasan is is"]} {"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["insisting that I return to Edo now why", "would hakun say that I've actually heard", "that you're the most skilled member of", "kokun Dojo I'm sure that bastard just", "doesn't want me to steal all of his damn", "Limelight H that's why he issued that", "order lately koson goes along with", "anything hiji Katan", "says I can't trust him anymore h I", "understand I see what you're getting at", "if you like I'd be willing to listen", "really do you mean it it must be hard to", "speak openly here why don't we go out", "for a drink while we talk okay I'll go", "with"]} {"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["you", "Ros have you seen soji around", "anywhere it's meal time so I went to his", "room to get him but I can't find him and", "I've looked everywhere I can think of", "supposedly he was seen walking with", "tonichi to", "tonoi do you know what they're up", "to", "no actually", "my really I had no idea you were of", "Samurai", "birth associating with those Arians must", "have been quite trying indeed it was but", "after talking with you I feel as if a"]} {"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["weight has been lifted off my chest it", "was nothing come to me for advice", "whenever you like even after condo's", "dead I'll be happy to offer you my", "counsel the concerns of a samurai can", "only be understood by a fellow", "Samurai tonoi son H what is", "it so tell me why would soji and that", "tonoi guy go out together well I don't", "know", "either I need to know is anyone else", "aware of this sirawan and Nisan were the", "only other people in there damn it don't", "tell me sirawan put something crazy into", "so's"]} {"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["head Vice Commander where are you headed", "I'm going to look for soji if he heard", "about all that and in his condition then", "there is no telling what he might do", "let's split up in search for him", "SOI pipe down I told you I'm not hurt", "anywhere", "soji huh hiji karasan and", "hajun what's the matter why are you two", "in such a", "[Music]", "panic SOI damn it whose blood is", "that I'll explain everything", "inside could you guys let me rest for a", "little while I'm tired after just"]} {"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["killing", "someone Sarah son what were you thinking", "huh I can't believe you burst in", "screaming you've got absolutely no", "manners itata damn you're talk of", "manners you told SOI something he didn't", "need to know and had him kill", "tanoi I see then so he cut to the Chase", "and finished off that man huh I", "understand the situation but why the", "hell are you foaming at the mouth so", "desper what was that you just had him", "kill one of our own allies it's only", "natural for me to be", "infuriated well tonoi was a man of two"]} {"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["faces I imagine he would have eventually", "bitten our hands if we had let the Cur", "live and you can prove that story can", "you you sound rather worked up it's hard", "to believe this is coming from the man", "who made the strict code that whoever", "breaks the rules of conduct must commit", "honorable", "suicide well don't just stand there you", "two come sit with", "us listen honorable suicide requires an", "attendant the roshi Gumi soldiers must", "be willing and able to behead their", "companions without a moment's pause once", "they receive the"]} {"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["order why are you making such a fuss", "when that brat okit merely purged us of", "a soldier who was unwilling to follow", "the way of the warrior it's", "because you both have grown too soft for", "this life I don't believe you truly want", "to become well known OK is not the one", "who should return to Edo aren't you two", "the ones who should go", "[Music]", "back I will admit that we too may have", "lacked in our resolve but", "SOI SOI is more than my student you can", "call me soft if you like but I did not", "want him to soil His Name by killing a"]} {"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["comrade that is how I truly", "feel", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "I promise you this I will help you even", "more", "cond as I've already told you sir the", "master is currently away insolent we are", "devoted Warriors who have traveled all", "the way from the East to expel", "Foreigners for the sake of our", "nation I am most sorry sir I beg of you", "please accept this and pardon his", "insolence"]} {"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["hm what's this you were here after", "all siraa son what were you thinking the", "purpose of our Excursion to Osaka in the", "first place was to borrow money for the", "rashii but you doesn't this make us know", "better than the Rogue Samurai who", "forcibly borrow money in this day and", "age those who have the luxury to save", "cash clearly made a profit by doing", "business with foreign Devils I would", "think that punishing such vile Merchants", "as part of our duty as", "nationalists you are using fuzzy logic", "then do you know of another way to", "procure funding for the roshi Gumi if so"]}