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"It's so nostalgic to see the IMDb page of this movie which I have watched many times especially in my childhood..Cartoon Network used to show this movie every now and then..Coming to the review, Great way of depicting the legendary story of Prince Ram and his exhile following the kidnapping of his wife Sita by the king of Lanka- Ravan..Ram and Laxman forming an army to defeat the mighty Ravan and get back Sita..Such a badass story shown beautifully , narrated awesomely and the movie has your attention from the start till the end. There are many series and Movies based on the story of Ramayan but this one still remains the best for me.!!!!",Ten
"To start off with, I cant think of any reason to see this movie. The biggest problem with the movies is that the screenplay is very weak. It portrays current generation is frivolous about relationships (If at all I can use that word, because it didn't look like Saif and Deepika were in any kind of relationship) and career is more important than relationship. The basic theme is relevant but the way it is portrayed does not engage audience. Basic plot - Saif and Deepika meet and get into a casual relationship but soon part ways on amicable terms to move on with their respective careers. They later realize how much they like each other.. Rishi Kapoor tells his own love story to Saif (to encourage him to be serious) - which is the only entertaining part of the movie. Saif's dialogs are below average. He tries to be funny and doesn't succeed at all. Many times the dialogs seem incomplete too. The worst part is that there is no chemistry between Saif and Deepika. It doesn't look like that they like each other or are in love. I think people will soon forget this movie. Then again, I am 28 years old and may not be youthful enoughh to understand the current generation!",Four
"I had really high expectations from this movie since all my friends who saw it back in the days love it. It was just disappointing. The love story was neither intersting nor inspiring. A typical story of two confused people who get together-break up-get together- break up and then realise that oh it was love. For someone who made jab we met and highway, this story lacked substance and even acting. The good part-the songs ofcourse even though they were misplaced and unnecessary.",Four
This is not just a movie .It is some stories. Stories of life . Life that normal people like us leads with some dreams. Dreams get broken. Hearts get broken but life goes on. we all forget what happened to us with time. People goes away.Things go away.But the pain stays.Stays forever.This is a movie which will force you to remember those pains. May be for a moment but it will bring back your memories.Trust me it will.,Nine
"Direction was good, plot was excellent, production quality was sincere. But there were some loopholes, like acting of except main cast was not upto that level, DOP was average.",Eight
"This was just too odd to watch. It didn't follow well and most of the characters were just irritating. It is the first series that I have not watched from start to end as I gave up after episode 2 (the final bit of the bad beginning).... and what an ironic title that was!!! I think a lot of people like it because it had Neil Patrick Harris in it. But, honestly, he was exactly the same as when he plays in How I met your mother....nothing different. (I also thought Jim Carrey was better...more entertaining!)",One
I have seen this movie few times since it came out in 1975. It never gets old with Chevy Chase. He was absolutely entertaining and he carried the movie the best he could. The subject matter though is not funny. It is about a drug running operation in Los Angeles with involvement of high ranking police officer and a millionare played by Matherson. Chase is an investigative reporter who is about to expose the drug ring and his investigation took him even to Utah. Overall it's an enjoyable and very watchable movie despite it being over 35 years old.,Seven
"Going into this series after having finally watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, I was expecting it to be a classic sequel-case with excessive fan-service and more one-dimensional plot lines and characters. I'm very glad to say this this really isn't the case. The series does not use The Last Airbender as a crutch - it evolves past it, exploring characters completely different to those seen in the original series, all the while expanding the Avatar universe - everything that a sequel should aim for. This show is wonderful journey not dissimilar to ATLA, but it also stands on its own, and is no less enjoyable. I cannot recommend this series enough to anybody who enjoyed The Last Airbender.",Ten
"It's a good show. But better than Breaking Bad, GOT & Dark?!!!! Seriously???? What kind of weed are you people getting? Stupid people comparing it with best shows of all time just because it's an Indian origin. Grow up kids!",One
"What is going on in India? Bollywood especially. Where is all this going? What's their angle? The script for this film was not entirely bad but the casting was horrendous. Saif Ali Khan as a playboy refusing to settle down sounds okay but not when paired with Deepika Padukone. It seemed so forced and annoying. Rishi Kapoor is of course wasted and looks wasted in his role as the typical uncle/daddyji. I don't see the point of the two foreign girls either. Their roles could have easily been played by Indian girls and with more finesse might I add. The Brazilian model who plays Harleen Kaur needs acting school. The French actress who played Jo (Saif's girlfriend) was a little better than Kaur but even she was pitiful and her presence absolutely uncalled for but bearable. Deepika's character made me want to vomit so I'm guessing she did a good job with her acting at least. The robbery scene was one of the most unrealistic scenes I have ever scene of any cinema thus, far. Ugh! This movie was quite awful.",Three
"this is movie is fantastic. two things; i seen this movies in Bombay( Mumbai) where it had no subtitles. i didn't understand a single word that was being said but i totally understood almost every scene in the film ,(except those that all new characters in them). luckily i had just read Maximum City, Bombay Lost and Found By sekula Metha, which details a lot of the events in the movie. i am from Ireland and i don't speak any of the languages in th film. Marastaha? Hindi? As an exercise in visual film Making it was excellent. i cant wait to watch this again with subtitles. The acting was superb. deserves to be seen in the west",Ten
From the starting to the end it's one man show... Very detailed storyline and very good performance by all the characters... Music is just mind blowing.. This Bigbull can be game changer for Pratik Gandhi in Bollywood..,Eight
"It's a good watch but these user reviews here are totally overhyped. It's obviously not a 10/10 series like the other reviews say but don't get me wrong it's a good watch, a based on true story of a lower middle class man's rags to riches. The character and personalities of sucheta dala and madavan are annoying to watch and sucheta dala's costumes don't fit in very well into the timeline of 1980s.I gave this a 6 because I saw the 10/10 reviews everyone's given which it doesn't deserve.",Six
"First of all I am a film enthusiast. I love foreign thoughtfully crafted films as much as the next, but the problem with Masaan and plenty of foreign films of late Is that they get very praised, full stars, win much prises but its nothing special about them at all. And I just can't see why? Of course I haven't seen them all but The Salesman, leviathan, separation and the other Heavy hitters has left me with only feeling what a waste of hours spent. Its actually just kitchen sink dramas that really doesn't lead anywhere. i find them very boring and they all tend to play on some family tragedy and it gets very repetitive. In the wrong way also, I just cant relate to these characters. In the opening in this Movie a grad student wants to take suicide when the cops come bustig him for sex. Thats just profoundly stupid. sure, embarrassing for the kid but you brush it off. ANd it gets worse, then the female character doesn't say anything? its all your fault and press charges on the pigs for cops. In the salemsan we have this very stupid dialogue between the theater sessions. Its like who in the right mind act like that in reality? his wife was almost beaten to Death and he act like a swine throughout the entire Movie. The protagonist main characters just comes out as stereotypical. very stereotypical. Its often a poor family. and a father figure that in the end shoot down the baddies or just completely fall apart. thats it.",Two
"I am actually a fan of Weird Al. He is obviously very intelligent - Valedictorian of his high school class and all - and his song parodies are hilarious and highly entertaining. But this movie was not what I was expecting - at all. I thought it would be a straight biopic that maybe stretches the truth a bit here and there for entertainment purposes. But, this movie didn't make any sense at all. I had quite a few ""what the F"" moments, like why are they doing this? Gotta say I was majorly disappointed, but it only cost me $6.99 to watch it on Amazon Prime, so what the heck. I guess now I'll just go read the Wikipedia biography of Weird Al instead.",Four
"I wasn't too impressed with the show at the start, but it was good enough and interesting enough to keep going. Episodes 2 and 3 were the weak points as they were extremely sluggish, but it picks up from episode four onward, especially episode five onward. What I love about this show is the constant unravelling of the overarching mystery, which is not predictable at all. I am really looking forward to a season 2 because it will be a vastly different experience as a whole, and one that I don't just want to see, but need to see. If you're on the fence due to the 6 and 7/10 ratings, at least finish episode 4 before deciding.",Eight
"Black Friday is definitely a well-directed film, more like a documentary with a few thrills.The film gives a clear picture of the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, the entire modus operandi and how the cops follow through the case to nab the culprits. KK Menon has played his part well, like the others. Dialogues are good. There aren't any item songs, which are generally seen in underworld-type of movies, and fortunately too as that would've spoilt the essence of the film. The makers have tried to give an apt idea of the Indian police system. The entire music seems to be simple throughout the film, and it was Indian Ocean's ""Bande"" that made me wanna watch this film. A very realistic film, but I'm sure it cannot be watched more than once-it's too draggy for that and surely impossible.",Five
"Just finished episode one and man is it good. The actors and actresses are on point. Neil Patrick Harris is great as always. If anyone had ever told me Patrick Warburton narrating something was a good idea I would have told them they were crazy, but I would have been dead wrong. He is amazing for this series. Forgive me for not knowing the children's names, but I would be willing to bet that will soon change. They both steal scenes and will probably end up doing a lot of things. The scenery is dark and gloomy like a Tim Burton film. I have never never read the books or watched the movie so I have nothing to compare with. I'm hoping as the series continues it only gets better. So for now I give it a 9 which I do not hand out freely, so that's saying something. Strong opening. Watch it.",Nine
"What a let down compared to Knives Out. This was too slow, too long and too boring. The first fifty minutes was character development. It was an hour before the murder and then another twenty minutes before the introduction of a twist. By this stage I just wanted the film over and done with, yet there was another hour of running time left. The film is very similar to writing a review on here. I can say what I'd like to say in 300 characters yet IMDb want at least 600 these days, hence more waffling and 'filler' that some people don't want to read! Basically it's just about worth a watch. I fear it may have killed off a decent franchise though.",Five
I love weird al and his music but this movie is really not that funny I mean the only funny part that I saw was when he was singing the ice cream song the rest of the movie was just meh and I hate to say that because i love his music it's mostly to me a drama Uhf was funnier red was funnier spaceballs was funnier and I can go on and thou it is a parody I was expecting alot more funny moments but sadly there is hardly any and people who tell you different are lying even drinking to this movie didn't make me laugh so I say where is the comedy I'm not saying this is a bad movie in anyway but I'm almost done with like 20 minutes left and haven't even cracked a smile since that one scene I wont watch this movie again so sad for such a great singer.,Three
"Pratik Gandhi is ultimate. Very well direction and casting. Most important thing is no sex, no violence, you can watch the whole series with your family. It's realistic, dramatic and sentimental too. This series proved that web series can hit the audience even if there is no violence and / or sex scene.",Seven
"I don't particularly care for Chase. I simply usually don't really find him funny. But I did like this. I have not read any of the books. It happened somewhat gradually, but long before this was over, I was enjoying myself. In the long run, the thing's just difficult to resist. Some of the comedy is from sexual matters, but it's never explicit. There is also a little bit of gross-out material. Most of the jokes and gags are based on Fletch's way of handling situations, and his personality as well as in general how he relates to his surroundings. Chevy(the man, I... wouldn't know about the car) carries it rather well, and I found myself quite interested in the whole thing. The plot is good, and keeps developing nicely throughout. Pacing is great, it never gets boring. The music is another quality area. The script is, as well, I wouldn't claim any of this to be predictable, at least not enough to bother. Funny, charming, not at all without tension and may very well keep you guessing until the end. I recommend this to fans of Chevy Chase and possibly(inquire elsewhere would be my suggestion) the title character. 7/10",Seven
"There really is only one way to describe this highly anticipated and controversial series. Pretentious clap trap dressed up as serious Television. Obviously inspired by the work of David Lynch (and one suspects Stanley Kubrick) it falls woefully short on every count. There are plot holes so large you could drive an Airbus through them. The only redeeming element is Mads Mikkelsen who makes the part of Hannibal Lecter, very much his own, even managing to cast off the giant shadow of Anthony Hopkins. To all those acclaiming and applauding this snooze fest as the next best thing in intelligent Television, there is a little voice calling from the throng... ""But, the Emperor is not wearing a new cloak"".",One
"Fatal Attraction erotic thriller of the late 80s. Even when reading the description of the film, you imagine the image of the main character in the role of Michael Douglas, and yes he is here. Fatal Attraction was somewhat reminiscent of Basic Instinct, which was released a few years later. In general, the main meaning of the film is very simple and understandable, and after watching Fatal Attraction, there is something to think about. Of course, the likelihood that a fleeting attraction can develop into a literal pursuit of a maniac is unlikely, but still I think no one would like this. The film's alternate ending looks more logical.",Six
"This could've been a short Funny or Die film at best and that would've been 100% fine, but it was an hour and 20 mins of time that I want back. It was awesome to see Weird Al play the record executive who said he'd never make it...and having lived through the 80's, and knowing the real story of seeing his popularity, it was fun to relive the songs and see the characters of that time. The actor playing Madonna was spot on. Made me miss the awesomeness of the 80's. Overall, the backstory of Weird Al of this was good, but bottom line is that this movie really could've been a 20 minute short film.",Three
"Interesting, Chevy Chase was damn funny from '80 (Caddyshack) until '89 Fletch Lives and another Vacation (Christmas). What in God's name has happened. Now he believes Castro was a good dictator. Still I am waiting for the Fletch sequels and they will be funny with the right director. Still hoping for Kevin Smith. And as Fletch, Matt Damon, Ben Afflec, or Ashley Kuncher could do. Hopefully Chevy doesn't get Comedy Central and see his own roast. That is all. Is that ten sentences. OK. Peace out. But for 80's comedy I would recommend it along with Porky's, 48hrs, Ghostbusters, Back to School. It is a good movie though. Thanks in advance for the attention.",Nine
"I liked the first Knives Out a lot because it felt like a warm homage to all those Agatha Christie novels that I like (books and movies): it got an interesting case and setting, a well playing cast, a fine production. Glass Onion is a little different - the story/crime is for sure not that interesting or complex and there is a far stronger emphasis on comedy. One could dare to say that Glass Onion is more of a parody than a ""real"" crime case. The first movie got a straight 8, this one, did entertain me too (despite some lengthy parts) - but compared to the first movie, Glass Onion is for sure a big step in the wrong direction (for my taste) - it reminds me a lot of those mediocre attempts of Kenneth Brannagh's to revive Hercule Poirot. Also I do not like the ending at all, too a certain degree it is just a stupid one. Hopefully, the next one focuses again more on a complex crime case and its build up and last but not least, a real interesting and surprising ending like the first one got.",Five
"Fatal attraction is watchable thriller with two very strong performances by douglas and close,the story in this film is captivating to watch in screen but it has some flaws,like some staff about cheating wasnt so good potreyed and entire message of it was unrealistic and like it didnt mattered what happens in that parts when in end everyone was happy again,also the whole ending when alex was trying for 100th times to kill dan and wife was a way to long and it felt like some horror film,fatal attraction is a film that will affect people that were in similiar problems in relationships but films message and lazy ending will make you to question yourself,was it worth watching ?",Six
"I usually don't write bad reviews, but I couldn't help myself with this one. The movie of the same name was brilliant. This TV series was terrible. The line up of cast was nothing short of awesome. Some really great actors. But the production of the TV series was just terrible. Drab backgrounds, stunted dialect, very poor attempts at humour and probably one of the worst intro's I have ever seen. I always try to be positive about everything, but seriously, by the time I got half way through episode 1, I was ready to slash my wrist's. Terrible, just terrible.",Two
"Neil Patrick-Harris is a very good count Olaf and the kids are quite good but the rest of the casting is dire. Especially the narrator, who's voice just doesn't suit and create the right atmosphere. At first i was excited to here who was narrating as i usually love his work but really Jude Law reprising his role would have been so much better. Although the visual aspects of the show are good; the casting of all the other characters and narrator just ruins the whole thing for me. It's as if they've tried to make it far too much like the movie to the point it feels like a bad replica. Very disappointing as it does have a star studded cast but they are just cast in the wrong role.",Two