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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Happy 2020!!!! Happy New Year {Tips for a Healthy & Successful Year}", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Please follow and like us:\n\nHappy New Year!!!\n\nIf you\u2019re reading this, God has blessed you to see another year!!! Thank You, Jesus!!!\n\nYou have 366 to write another chapter in your story! I must admit I love it when we go into another year! It\u2019s like a blank canvas, I love seeing vision board parties, I love seeing the motivation to try some new things that you didn\u2019t try last year! I personally love it! I noticed on Facebook there was lots of \u201cDebbie Downers\u201d trying to unmotivate people, but I am here to tell you that you can start over at any time but if you choose to start at the beginning of the year, you do just that and don\u2019t let anyone discourage you!\n\nI am still on Winter Break from my job! I have 4 days left and I plan to thoroughly enjoy them! I was looking forward to this time off! 2019 was a little rough personally! 2019 was financially rough, which then became mentally stressful! However, during that time we have received TONS of blessings! Sunday at church I had a chance to thank one of the members who would randomly send groceries our way! I never asked her to, nor did she know what we were going through financially\u2026But God did!\n\nAs we enter this new year, I look forward to the new year with a grateful heart! Even through our struggles, we have been blessed!\n\nLast year I feel like I learned a lot of lessons, and I would like to share them as tips (in no particular order) for this upcoming year\u2026\n\n1. Do whatever you need to do to work on you! If that means create resolutions, getting a new planner, make a vision board, write a bucket list, pray, meditate\u2026no matter what it is, do it for you! Share with others or keep it to yourself! But do you, and don\u2019t apologize for it!\n\n2. Do it scared! For 13 years I have worked in Higher Education, but this year I left my job in Higher Education to work at a K-12 Private School! I won\u2019t lie to you, it\u2019s been a great change but it has come with being uncomfortable! Very uncomfortable at times, but I know this was the best decision for myself and for my family!\n\n3. Take Time For You\u2026and REST!!! I can\u2019t stress it enough, you are important, so if that means taking a day off work, taking a weekend road trip, \u201chibernating\u201d at home, do it!!! Family Secret\u2026Darrick and I will often schedule a weekend that we are \u201cbusy\u201d but really we use that weekend for US! Rest is just as important as being busy, so make sure you\u2019re taking time to REST!!!\n\n4. No is a Full Sentence! Listen, people, you will drive yourself crazy if you don\u2019t say no! I know this is a lesson that I have to often remind myself of because you will run yourself crazy if you say yes to everything! If someone doesn\u2019t respect your answer of No, then that\u2019s something they have to deal with, not you! Protect your mental, physical and emotional self by saying No!\n\n5. Take One Tank Trips! One of the best things you will thank yourself for is a getaway! At the end of October, we went to Columbus for the weekend for my sister in law\u2019s birthday, and we didn\u2019t rush back! It was so relaxing! We stayed at a hotel that was brand new, we visited my nephew who is in college in that town, and the next morning we walked around the mall talking and enjoying each other\u2019s company! Not only was it relaxing for the adults but for the kids too!\n\n6. Eat at Home! I love going out just as much as the next person, but the reality is we spend a lot of money on food! Pack snacks, eat a meal before you leave\u2026save money to spend in other ways! Don\u2019t spend it by eating out ALL THE TIME! I may be preaching to myself right now, but all those little stops to eat here and there can save you hundreds a month\u2026and it\u2019s not that we eat out that much but all those quick trips add up quickly!\n\n7. Find somewhere to Fellowship with those of the same beliefs as you! Find a time during the week to be around those who have the same beliefs as you! It will recharge you! It could be a church, life group, Bible Study\u2026we all need a recharge, find that place and go! Your spirit will thank you for it!\n\n8. Go for a Walk! From November to December I participated in a Step Challenge at work, my team didn\u2019t win, but personally, I challenged myself and totally underestimated how walking makes you feel! It gives you energy, refreshes you throughout the day if you power walk it serves as exercise and clears your mind!\n\n9. Purge! Before Christmas, we purged a lot of our kid\u2019s toys because we knew they would be receiving more and we needed to make room! However, the refreshing feeling of parting ways with things you know you will no longer use feels awesome! This is something I know most people do before the New Year but do it anytime, it feels amazing! I purged my closet last night!\n\n10. Go to the Doctors! Make the appointment, keep the appointment and go! Period! (I may be preaching to myself on this one)!\n\n11. Do at least one fun thing each weekend! It doesn\u2019t have to be something extravagant but do something to zone out and have fun! One of my blogger friends Eboni from CR8Joi asks questions on her Instagram Stories each weekend to see if you\u2019re prepped for the week. One of the questions is did you have fun this weekend? And one particular time I answered no and I was like wait, I have to change this\u2026I need to do something fun each weekend! PERIOD! It doesn\u2019t have to be big, but I deserve some fun!\n\nI\u2019m sure I am missing some but at least this list will help you to get started!\n\nWhat tips do you have to make 2020 a more happy, healthy and successful year?", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": "Wed Jan  1 11:48:28 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "2019 had some ups and downs, and was filled with lots of lessons! Today I'm sharing 11 tips that will help you have a happy, healthy and successful 2020!", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "description": "2019 had some ups and downs, and was filled with lots of lessons! Today I'm sharing 11 tips that will help you have a happy, healthy and successful 2020!", "robots": "max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1", "og": {"locale": "en_US", "type": "article", "title": "Happy 2020!!!! Happy New Year {Tips for a Healthy & Successful Year} - The Green Eyed Lady Blog", "description": "2019 had some ups and downs, and was filled with lots of lessons! Today I'm sharing 11 tips that will help you have a happy, healthy and successful 2020!", "url": "", "site_name": "The Green Eyed Lady Blog", "updated_time": "2020-01-01T12:04:31-05:00", "image": {"identifier": "", "secure_url": "", "width": 1920, "height": 1280}}, "article": {"publisher": "", "tag": "Tips", "section": "General", "published_time": "2020-01-01T11:48:28-05:00", "modified_time": "2020-01-01T12:04:31-05:00"}, "specificfeeds-verification-code-eWVjdTB0RkViTFE5V2Q2dlBaTVBtSlFhU1dUS0s4NWdXOGlobzNEcTR6R0M2MW8yTm4zcEtUUUdWOUlBTVBDVkZWRGtuVGcxRjVGV2FMdm9VWEM4UWFHbFNBR3FSZnNGWjRmZ1Jod1pTWGdZTVlVMkRUbjNqVTVqM3c1aFlsTll8a2dIL3ozK2xoQ2RNQUhkTHdxVTQvK3ZiR3ZkeEtPdys4SlNCeGZGemxGST0=": "yMauT8u2ulg6Dmuas8T9", "google-site-verification": "cPJ1zfB39GEk4iGpADrvZgLqUVv5X1h9XyEGWdXIIn8"}, "canonical_link": ""}