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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "The Comfy Confines", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "I\u2019ve been on a ton of job interviews \u2014 and quite a few were awful. I\u2019ve forgotten how to tie a tie, sweated like a stuck pig whore in church, used the wrong names for my prospective bosses, appeared to have lied on my resume (I didn\u2019t) and been completely unprepared for the career let alone the interview.\n\nDuring one of my last job interviews, I Skyped with a lady at a university in Japan. She turned her camera off, so I didn\u2019t really know where to look. She spoke so quietly I couldn\u2019t hear or understand anything so I asked her to repeat herself constantly. It wasn\u2019t an easy one, but I ended up getting the job.\n\nBut yesterday something new happened during an interview. It\u2019s not a fun or funny story, but first you need a quick \u201cabout me.\u201d\n\nYou\u2019d probably never guess it, but I have epilepsy. I\u2019ve seen plenty of doctors and I take handfuls of pills every day. I do not know what caused it or what causes it. Flashing lights don\u2019t, but being overly stressed might. About five years ago I just started having seizures.\n\nOnce a year or so I have grand mal (big bad) seizure. I fall over, bite my tongue, roll my eyes into the back of my head and twitch on the ground. This is the type of seizure you usually see these on TV. If you see me or somebody else having a grand mal seizure make sure you keep their head safe, don\u2019t put anything into their mouth and don\u2019t call an ambulance unless the seizure lasts longer than five minutes. Mine are usually a minute long.\n\nEvery month or so I have petit mal (small bad) seizures. I zone out for a minute or two. I just seem like I\u2019m not paying attention, am stoned and/or really stupid. If you see this, ask me some questions and talk to me.\n\nAfter both of these, I get really emotional, tired, frustrated and upset. It takes me a while to restart my brain and remember who I am. For 15 minutes or so after the seizure I sound like Johnny Depp\u2019s version of the incredibly intoxicated Hunter S. Thompson in \u201cFear and Loathing in Las Vegas.\u201d\n\nHow does this matter? Well, I had a job interview yesterday. I was all prepared. I read over the website\u2019s stories, scribbled down what I could do for them and collected some \u201cCute Boulder Things\u201d my interviewer (who is a former CU Buff like me) could chitchat about.\n\nWe were scheduled for 3:00 p.m. I ate a quick snack and readied myself around 2:45 p.m. Everything was perfect.\n\nThen I woke up. I was incredibly confused. I looked at the clock which said 2:58 p.m. What happened? I didn\u2019t recall being drunk or high. I couldn\u2019t remember what my name was, which day it was, who the president was or even where I was.\n\nHave you ever snapped awake worrying that you forgot to do something important and thinking you\u2019re going to screw it up?\n\nThe phone rang. My finger missed the answer button. I accidentally put the caller on hold. I held my phone two handed and tried to figure out what the hell I was doing.\n\n\u201cHello this is Bob. Can I speak with KC please?\u201d\n\nI wish I could tell you what I said, but at that moment I could barely make sentences or understand my interviewer, let alone remember what happened during this debacle. My brain literally has to reboot after an absence seizure so I was in a bad place.\n\nI do know that he talked a lot about himself, which was a Godsend. Also, he either he didn\u2019t know what he wanted me to do with this job, was just awful at explaining what he wanted or I was just too mind numbed to understand.\n\nHe may think I\u2019m a moron but I am editing some stories for him on a trial basis. Who knows if this will turn into anything.\n\nIf I was 100 percent during this interview I think I would have taken this job and put it in my pocket. However, I couldn\u2019t explain neither the gap in my work history nor the long pauses in my sentences.\n\nThese are things that I deal with every single day and night. I\u2019ve had seizures at the dinner table with my parents, at bars, on a date, at work and in front of classrooms of my students.\n\nI will never drive a car again. I have no idea who or what to blame. To pay for my prescriptions, I need health insurance (which nobody will give me), a load of cash (which I don\u2019t have) or to date a pharmacist (know anybody?).\n\nI am not disabled or mentally challenged (maybe a few of my exes will disagree with me). I do not want your pity. I don\u2019t want to complain. I just want you to understand a little what I go through.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "The Relatively Professional Blog by Casey Freeman", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "generator": "", "og": {"type": "website", "title": "The Comfy Confines", "description": "The Relatively Professional Blog by Casey Freeman", "url": "", "site_name": "The Comfy Confines", "image": {"identifier": "", "width": 200, "height": 200}, "locale": "en_US"}, "twitter": {"site": "@wordpressdotcom"}, "fb": {"app_id": 249643311490}, "application-name": "The Comfy Confines", "msapplication-window": "width=device-width;height=device-height", "msapplication-tooltip": "The Relatively Professional Blog by Casey Freeman", "msapplication-task": " Forums;action-uri=;icon-uri=", "title": "The Comfy Confines on", "description": "The Relatively Professional Blog by Casey Freeman", "msapplication-TileImage": ""}, "canonical_link": ""}