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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Carly McCord\u2019s husband describes moment \u2018world fell apart\u2019 after plane crash", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Carly McCord\u2019s grieving husband says his \u201cworld fell apart\u201d when he received the devastating news of the sports reporter\u2019s death in a plane crash.\n\nSteven Ensminger Jr. said his aunt delivered him the news that his 30-year-old wife died en route to the Peach Bowl in Georgia, where his father was coaching the Louisiana State University Tigers, ABC News reported.\n\n\u201cMy aunt Betty called and she told me I need to sit down right now and listen carefully,\u201d Ensminger said. \u201cAnd that\u2019s when my world fell apart.\u201d\n\nMcCord was one of five passengers killed aboard a small aircraft Saturday morning that went down in a parking lot in Lafayette, Louisiana, and erupted in flames, officials said.\n\nEnsminger \u2014 who was working while his wife was on the doomed flight \u2014 said he has been struggling with accepting that he didn\u2019t respond to McCord\u2019s final text message to tell him that she loved him.\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I finally fall asleep,\u201d he told ABC News.\n\n\u201cEvery once in a while throughout the day, I find myself grabbing my phone and sending a text to her phone replying, \u2018I love you too.\u2019 Now I don\u2019t know if that\u2019s crazy of me or not, but I\u2019m praying she gets my message. And I wish there was a way she could let me know she has,\u201d he said.\n\nMcCord\u2019s funeral has been planned for Saturday at St. Jean Vianney Catholic Church in her hometown of Baton Rouge, the Advocate reported.\n\nHer family has asked that mourners donate to a memorial scholarship fund in McCord\u2019s name in lieu of flowers.\n\nThe cause of the crash is still under investigation.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["News", "louisiana", "plane crashes", "planes"], "tags": ["plane crashes", "louisiana", "planes"], "authors": ["January"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan  1 00:00:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Steven Ensminger Jr. said his aunt delivered him the news that his 30-year-old wife died en route to the Peach Bowl in Georgia, where his father was coaching the Louisiana State University Tigers.", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "copyright": "Copyright 2020 NYP Holdings. All rights reserved.", "p": {"domain_verify": "44b526edc36ffbcc163412ee9fe42833"}, "description": "Steven Ensminger Jr. said his aunt delivered him the news that his 30-year-old wife died en route to the Peach Bowl in Georgia, where his father was coaching the Louisiana State University Tigers.", "generator": "", "og": {"type": "article", "title": "Carly McCord\u2019s husband describes moment \u2018world fell apart\u2019 after plane crash", "url": "", "description": "Steven Ensminger Jr. said his aunt delivered him the news that his 30-year-old wife died en route to the Peach Bowl in Georgia, where his father was coaching Louisiana State University.", "site_name": "New York Post", "image": {"identifier": "", "secure_url": ""}, "locale": "en_US"}, "article": {"published_time": "2020-01-01T17:12:34+00:00", "modified_time": "2020-01-01T17:12:34+00:00", "publisher": "", "opinion": "false", "content_tier": "free"}, "twitter": {"creator": "@nypost", "site": "@nypost", "text": {"title": "Carly McCord\u2019s husband describes moment \u2018world fell apart\u2019 after plane crash"}, "image": {"identifier": "", "alt": "Carley McCord and Steve Ensminger Jr. (right)", "src": ""}, "card": "summary_large_image", "title": "Carly McCord's husband describes moment 'world fell apart' after plane", "description": "Steven Ensminger Jr. said his aunt delivered him the news that his 30-year-old wife died en route to the Peach Bowl in Georgia, where his father was coaching Louisiana State University."}, "fb": {"pages": 225343690812937}, "nypost-section": "News", "parsely-metadata": "{\"post_id\":\"nypost-14901850\"}", "keywords": "News,louisiana,plane crashes,planes", "google-site-verification": "eyT36MjcFGn_qzUdS9VyWVb89Lq2f8-ItpI8WRksiyw", "msvalidate.01": "8188997BC82071CE07AB711B5675CE54", "application-name": "New York Post", "msapplication-window": "width=device-width;height=device-height", "msapplication-tooltip": "Your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more.", "msapplication-task": "name=Subscribe;action-uri=;icon-uri="}, "canonical_link": ""}