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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Aprenda em ingl\u00eas sobre 9 destinos de f\u00e9rias no Brasil", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ";base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABAQMAAAAl21bKAAAAAXNSR0IB2cksfwAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAANQTFRFAAAAp3o92gAAAAF0Uk5TAEDm2GYAAAAKSURBVHicY2AAAAACAAFIr6RxAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Como estamos no Ver\u00e3o e em clima de f\u00e9rias, hoje a proposta \u00e9 tentar adivinhar, nas descri\u00e7\u00f5es curtinhas abaixo, a qual cidade do Brasil cada uma se refere. Em tr\u00eas minutos, voc\u00ea vai ampliar sua compreens\u00e3o escrita e seu vocabul\u00e1rio em ingl\u00eas, testar conhecimentos de geografia do seu pa\u00eds e ainda quem sabe se inspirar para planejar suas pr\u00f3ximas f\u00e9rias!\n\nWelcome to lush mountains, brilliant beaches, over the top nightlife, and fanatic football fans. It is ringed by green mountains while the coast stretches for miles. You\u2019ll love biking on the beach, hiking in the rainforest, hang gliding, rock climbing, and sailing to one of several small islands just off the coast. Music is everywhere in the city \u2013 with the most popular being the African influenced samba vibe.\n\nLUSH: A lush area has a lot of green, healthy plants, grass, and trees. Most known for being Portugal\u2019s New World capital, it maintains a great deal of its colonial architecture. There\u2019s an amazing arts movement here. You\u2019ll find drummers on the streets, along with Capoeira martial artists, and crazy festivals happening everywhere you look. The culture here is decidedly Afro-Brazilian and you\u2019ll see that in the incredible food, religious ceremonies and rituals, and dance.\n\nDRUMMER: someone who plays a drum or a set of drums, especially in a music group.\n\nDRUM: a musical instrument, especially one made from a skin stretched over the end of a hollow tube or bowl, played by hitting with the hand or a stick. It\u2019s the largest city in Brazil and one of the largest in the world. It\u2019s a bit of a melting pot, with all kinds of ethnic groups calling it home, including the largest community of Japanese outside of Japan. You\u2019ll find unbelievable art galleries and experimental theatres, as well as fantastic fine-dining restaurants and upscale bars.\n\nUPSCALE: Upscale goods and products are of very high quality and intended to be bought by people who are quite rich: It is a thoroughly planned and intricately organized city. Its landmark infrastructure is laid out in the form of an airplane. Each section of the plane is a different district like residential, government, finance, culture, and commerce. The architecture here attracts tourists and professional architects alike.\n\nTO BE LAID OUT: to be arranged on a flat surface It\u2019s best known for an energetic cultural scenes, great beaches, and even greater shopping. Spend your mornings strolling through Centro, and then spending your evenings in Praia de Iracema, a neighbourhood densely packed with hotels, restaurants, and nightlife. Use it as starting point to discover the quaint fishing villages and rolling dune beaches of the Cear\u00e1 coast.\n\nTO STROLL: to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially for pleasure Once a Portuguese colony, the heart of the town is still the historic centre. The entire historic district is great for strolling as the lanes are closed to cars. It really feels like you\u2019ve stepped back in time. Don\u2019t forget to check out the colonial forts \u2013 many that still have their original cannons \u2013 and Capela de Santa Rita, a lovely 18th century church.\n\nLANE: a narrow road in the countryside or in a town There is nothing not to love about the \u201cVenice of Brazil.\u201d The old town is known as Antigo and is located on its own island near the harbour. Most would agree that Boa Viagem is the most popular beach in town. It is an awesome place to spend Carnaval.\n\nHARBOUR: an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea by a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter It is a 16th century Portuguese colonial town. In 1982 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. Once a leader in the sugarcane industry, it has been transformed into a small artists\u2019 colony; full of artists, workshops, studios, and other creative types. And Carnaval is slightly different here. Celebrated primarily during the day with the music and dance focused on traditional African culture.\n\nHERITAGE: features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance Considered by many as the gateway to the Amazon Rainforest, it sits on the Negro River. It has incredible landmarks like the Rio Negro Palace and the Amazonas Opera House. If you\u2019re in the mood for some phenomenal nature, check out the Meeting of the Waters, a three mile stretch where the Solim\u00f5es and the Negro Rivers run side by side without fully mixing.\n\nLANDMARK: a building or place that is easily recognized, especially one that you can use to judge where you are.\n\nANSWERS:\n\nRio de Janeiro Salvador S\u00e3o Paulo Bras\u00edlia Fortaleza Parati Recife Olinda Manaus\n\nSOURCE: 15 Best Places to Visit in Brazil\n\nRosangela Souza (ou Rose Souza) \u00e9 fundadora e s\u00f3cia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas , e coautora do Guia para Programas de Idiomas em empresas. Graduada em Letras/Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o/Interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o pela Unibero, Especialista em Gest\u00e3o Empresarial, MBA pela FGV e P\u00d3SMBA pela FIA/FEA/USP, al\u00e9m de cursos livres de Business English nos EUA. Professora na P\u00f3s Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o ADM da FGV. Colunista dos portais Catho, MundoRH, AboutMe e Quer falar com ela? [email protected] ou pelo Skype rose.f.souza", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": ["Viagens", "Ingl\u00eas", "Cidades brasileiras", "F\u00e9rias"], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Voc\u00ea consegue entender os textos em ingl\u00eas? Leia sobre as cidades brasileiras para visitar nestas f\u00e9rias e tente descobrir quais s\u00e3o os destinos", "meta_lang": "pt", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"google-site-verification": "ZRbLdF6qDCI0177vrn-cF5DMipS9avQBd-8x_thwfl0", "msvalidate.01": "C645D529E7A5AD4759D8FFF5F2010C3A", "viewport": "initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no,width=device-width", "description": "Voc\u00ea consegue entender os textos em ingl\u00eas? Leia sobre as cidades brasileiras para visitar nestas f\u00e9rias e tente descobrir quais s\u00e3o os destinos", "og": {"type": "article", "site_name": "EXAME", "url": "", "title": "Aprenda em ingl\u00eas sobre 9 destinos de f\u00e9rias no Brasil", "description": "Voc\u00ea consegue entender os textos em ingl\u00eas? Leia sobre as cidades brasileiras para visitar nestas f\u00e9rias e tente descobrir quais s\u00e3o os destinos", "image": ""}, "bt": {"id": 3715644, "pubDate": "2020-01-01T12:00:41-0300", "modDate": "2020-01-01T13:00:42-0300", "breakingnews": "false", "keywords": "Cidades brasileiras, F\u00e9rias, Ingl\u00eas, Viagens", "category": "CARREIRA"}, "twitter": {"site": "@exame", "title": "Aprenda em ingl\u00eas sobre 9 destinos de f\u00e9rias no Brasil", "description": "Voc\u00ea consegue entender os textos em ingl\u00eas? 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