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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Horoscopes", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "For Thursday, Jan. 2\n\nARIES: (March 21-April 19) HHH Even if you felt out of sync yesterday, you seem to be able to pull out of the discomfort. Nevertheless, you might opt for a more private 24 hours than you initially anticipated. Make the change OK. Tonight: Surround yourself with inspiring people and music.\n\nTAURUS: (April 20-May 20) HHHHH You prove to be nearly unstoppable, mainly because you are not discussing your plans or ideas; you are simply acting. Of course, you could experience a backfire of the first magnitude. If so, smile and get into the moment anyway. Tonight: Consider an early getaway.\n\nGEMINI: (May 21-June 20) HHHHH Zero in on a friend or a group of friends getting together. Do not be surprised if you find that some of your pals have a party as they wing it from store to store or swap undesirable gifts. Tonight: Maintain a sense of humor and all goes well.\n\nCANCER: (June 21-July 22) HHH A sadness might weave into your day as you eye the fragments of one of your most loved holidays. Inevitably, you toss yourself into what others are doing but decide to get together to share New Year's resolutions. Tonight: With some support, you just might make a resolution a reality.\n\nLEO: (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH Few signs have the capacity to be wickedly naughty and delightfully fun at the same time. Your skills emerge as you look at a potential mini-trip or consider opening up to a new person in your life. Tonight: You will not tolerate interference as you target a goal.\n\nVIRGO: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHHH One-on-one relating is your current forte. Others frequently do true confessions with you, but not to the extent you experience now. Attempt to identify with people rather than judge them. Tonight: Be with a favorite person.\n\nLIBRA: (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHH You aspire to achieve a certain goal and will do just that. Staying focused could be the most significant part of the challenge. Others keep vying for your attention. You, too, love attention. Tonight: Do not lose sight of your intentions.\n\nSCORPIO: (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHH You might be inspired to open up a debate about a matter that could impact you and others. Even with your magnetism and energy, others seem to easily get distracted. Accept that timing is not on your side and is unlikely to be. Tonight: Relax.\n\nSAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHHH Your spunk and innovative spirit help end this holiday season well. You also might be keenly aware of what is in the offing. Some of you tap into your imagination to create a better bond with a child or loved one. Tonight: Just don't be alone.\n\nCAPRICORN: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH You have a way about your life that is more precise and demanding than others realize. How you handle diverse situations comes down to your core principles. You often do not negotiate because of this reason. An opportunity appears that allows you to learn to flex better and not lose your values. Tonight: Happy at home.\n\nAQUARIUS: (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHHH You might be overwhelmed by the list of to-dos from calls, note-writing and errands. Do not lose faith in your ability to complete what you must. A call of interest comes in. You could be evaluating your response. Tonight: Meet up with a friend.\n\nPISCES: (Feb. 19-March 20) HHH Be aware of your financial limits, especially after the holidays. Though no one likes to say no, you might need to. Using your imagination finds yet another response or possibility. Know it is there. Tonight: Brainstorm with a buddy.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": "Wed Jan  1 00:00:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "For Thursday, Jan. 2", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", "og": {"site_name": "The Hawk Eye Newspaper", "title": "Horoscopes", "description": "For Thursday, Jan. 2", "image": {"identifier": "", "width": 200, "height": 200}, "type": "article"}, "msvalidate.01": "7E15F9269E2CE66F2A488ABB04B5015E", "description": "For Thursday, Jan. 2", "bt": {"pubDate": "20200101T12:19:04Z", "modDate": "20200101T12:19:00Z"}, "twitter": {"title": "Horoscopes", "description": "For Thursday, Jan. 2", "card": "summary", "image": "", "site": "@thehawkeye"}, "vf": {"unique_id": "siteIA-pub4828-9B182139-C424-741D-E053-0100007FBB0F"}, "article": {"opinion": "false"}}, "canonical_link": ""}