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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "My partner\u2019s cousin moved into our house and my life has been a nightmare since", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 1.5 1\"%3E%3C/svg%3E", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "DEAR DEIDRE: MY partner\u2019s cousin moved into our house when his wife threw him out.\n\nSince then my life has been a nightmare. I\u2019m 32 and I wish I could just take the children and leave.\n\n1 My life has turned into a nightmare since my partner's cousin moved in Credit: Getty - Contributor\n\nMy husband is 33 and only went down the pub twice a week.\n\nHe\u2019d come back in time to help get our three kids to bed.\n\nThen his cousin moved in and they go to the pub every evening for hours. His cousin is 29.\n\nWhen they get back they carry on drinking and sometimes smoke weed.\n\nI\u2019ve talked to my husband several times but this carries on just the same.\n\nI could talk to his cousin\u2019s mum but she\u2019s not well and I don\u2019t want to give her the stress.\n\nGet in touch with Deidre today Got a problem? Send an email to [email protected]. Every problem gets a personal reply, usually within 24 hours weekdays. You can also send a private message on the DearDeidreOfficial Facebook page. Follow me on Twitter @deardeidre.\n\nDEIDRE SAYS: Your real problem is not with the cousin but with the man you married.\n\nHe must grow up and decide what he wants.\n\nHe is wasting money on drink that should be better spent, and not thinking of you or his kids.\n\nSay the drinking and smoking must stop or both he and his cousin must leave.\n\nFor the sake of your children, get family members on side.\n\nMy e-leaflet Standing Up For Yourself will help.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Deidre Sanders", "Agony Aunt"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan  1 20:05:46 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, width=device-width", "apple-itunes-app": "app-id=737721107, affiliate-data=ct=Smart%20App%20Banner&pt=263124", "google-site-verification": "a576LGe3E0YA5QjAMY268jcuKWwPLIORxwlTMrjnfnE", "msvalidate.01": "E4359034FA254151A3AB2EFAC6D20D80", "p": {"domain_verify": "c061a8052bd9e93315b7f01447fa4124"}, "og": {"type": "article", "title": "My partner's cousin moved into our house and my life has been a nightmare since", "url": "", "description": "DEAR DEIDRE:\u00a0MY partner\u2019s cousin moved into our house when his wife threw him out. Since then my life has been a nightmare. I\u2019m 32 and I wish I could just take the children and leave. My husband is\u2026", "site_name": "The Sun", "image": {"identifier": "", "width": 1200, "height": 800}, "locale": "en_GB"}, "article": {"published_time": "2020-01-01T20:05:46+00:00", "modified_time": "2020-01-01T20:05:46+00:00", "publisher": 161385360554578, "author": ""}, "fb": {"app_id": 144647118961553, "pages": 284697708267124}, "twitter": {"text": {"title": "My partner\u2019s cousin moved into our house and my life has been a nightmare since"}, "card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@thesun"}, "robots": "noarchive,noodp", "taboola": {"kicker": "COUSIN CHAOS", "headline": "My partner's cousin moved into our house & my life has been a nightmare since", "image": {"medium": "", "large": ""}}, "parsely-post-id": 10653297, "msapplication-TileImage": ""}, "canonical_link": ""}