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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "David Stern, former NBA commissioner, dead at 77", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "David Stern, the former NBA commissioner who turned the league into a powerhouse over three decades, died Wednesday at the age of 77, the league announced.\n\nStern had been hospitalized since undergoing surgery in December after he suffered a brain hemorrhage at a Manhattan restaurant.\n\nThe Hall of Famer served as commissioner for 30 years, growing the game exponentially into a multibillion dollar business, before stepping down in 2014 and being replaced by Adam Silver.\n\n\u201cFor 22 years, I had a courtside seat to watch David in action,\u201d Silver said. \u201cHe was a mentor and one of my dearest friends.\n\n\u201cBecause of David, the NBA is a truly global brand \u2014 making him not only one of the greatest sports commissioners of all time but also one of the most influential business leaders of his generation,\u201d Silver said.\n\nThe NBA was lagging behind the MLB and NFL when Stern took over in 1984, but became a global juggernaut behind his leadership that expertly marketed superstars Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson among others.\n\n\u201cWithout David Stern, the NBA would not be what it is today,\u201d Jordan, now the Charlotte Hornets owner, said in a statement. \u201cHe guided the league through turbulent times and grew the league into an international phenomenon, creating opportunities that few could have imagined before.\u201d\n\nStern also founded the WNBA in 1997 and introduced seven NBA franchises during his tenure, which was not always smooth.\n\nHe oversaw two work stoppages, which resulted in the 1998-99 and 2011-12 seasons being shortened to 50 and 66 games, respectively.\n\nIn 2005-06, he instituted a dress code policy for players before and after games that former 76ers star Allen Iverson said targeted \u201cguys who dress like me \u2014 guys who dress hip-hop.\u201d\n\nStern was born in New York and raised in Teaneck, N.J. He is survived by his wife, Dianne Bock Stern, and their two sons, Eric and Andrew.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["Basketball", "adam silver", "david stern", "nba", "obits", "obituaries"], "tags": ["obits", "adam silver", "david stern", "obituaries", "nba"], "authors": ["January"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan  1 00:00:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "David Stern, the former NBA commissioner who turned the league into a powerhouse over three decades, died Wednesday at the age of 77, the league announced.", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "copyright": "Copyright 2020 NYP Holdings. All rights reserved.", "p": {"domain_verify": "44b526edc36ffbcc163412ee9fe42833"}, "description": "David Stern, the former NBA commissioner who turned the league into a powerhouse over three decades, died Wednesday at the age of 77, the league announced.", "generator": "", "og": {"type": "article", "title": "David Stern, former NBA commissioner, dead at 77", "url": "", "description": "David Stern, the former NBA commissioner who turned the league into a powerhouse over three decades, died Wednesday at the age of 77, the league announced. Stern had been hospitalized since undergo\u2026", "site_name": "New York Post", "image": {"identifier": "", "secure_url": ""}, "locale": "en_US"}, "article": {"published_time": "2020-01-01T21:09:27+00:00", "modified_time": "2020-01-01T22:43:00+00:00", "publisher": "", "opinion": "false", "content_tier": "free"}, "twitter": {"creator": "@nypostsports", "site": "@nypost", "text": {"title": "David Stern, former NBA commissioner, dead at 77"}, "image": {"identifier": "", "alt": "David Stern dead 77 NBA commissioner", "src": ""}, "card": "summary_large_image", "title": "David Stern, former NBA commissioner, dead at 77", "description": "David Stern, the former NBA commissioner who turned the league into a powerhouse over three decades, died Wednesday at the age of 77, the league announced.\nStern had been hospitalized since undergoing"}, "fb": {"pages": 225343690812937}, "nypost-section": "Sports", "parsely-metadata": "{\"post_id\":\"nypost-14902937\"}", "keywords": "Basketball,adam silver,david stern,nba,obits,obituaries", "google-site-verification": "eyT36MjcFGn_qzUdS9VyWVb89Lq2f8-ItpI8WRksiyw", "msvalidate.01": "8188997BC82071CE07AB711B5675CE54", "application-name": "New York Post", "msapplication-window": "width=device-width;height=device-height", "msapplication-tooltip": "Your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more.", "msapplication-task": "name=Subscribe;action-uri=;icon-uri="}, "canonical_link": ""}