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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Have type O blood? San Diegans urged to donate to replenish critically low levels", "top_image": "!/quality/90/?", "meta_img": "!/quality/90/?", "images": ["", "!/quality/90/?", "!/quality/90/?", "!/quality/90/?", "!/quality/90/?", "!/quality/90/?"], "movies": [], "text": "Local supplies of type O blood are at critically low levels, and the San Diego Blood Bank is urging those with O positive and O negative blood to donate immediately, the nonprofit said Saturday.\n\nO positive is the most common blood type and therefore in highest demand at hospitals. O negative is the universal blood type and can be given to any patient. It is often used in emergency rooms when there is no time to determine a patient\u2019s blood type, the nonprofit said.\n\n\u201cComing out of the holiday season, we typically see a decrease in donations of all types at this time due to schools being out of session for the holidays and seasonal illnesses like the flu,\u201d said David Wellis, San Diego Blood Bank CEO. \u201cThe need for type O blood has hit a critically low level and we need the community to help us keep a safe supply for local hospital patients.\u201d\n\nDonors can visit one of San Diego Blood Bank\u2019s six centers, as well as bloodmobiles in the community. Appointments can be made at or by calling (800) 4MY-SDBB. Walk-ins are also welcome. The centers are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through New Year\u2019s Eve and will be closed New Year\u2019s Day.\n\nAdvertisement\n\nDonors must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 114 pounds and be in general good health. A government-issued photo ID is required. To prepare, donors are encouraged to get a good night\u2019s sleep, eat a healthy meal an hour beforehand and drink plenty of water.\n\nThe blood bank serves hospitals in San Diego, Orange, Imperial and Los Angeles counties.\n\n", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": "Sat Dec 28 00:00:00 2019", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "San Diego Blood Bank puts out call for most common blood type", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "/apple-touch-icon.png", "meta_data": {"og": {"title": "Have type O blood? San Diegans urged to donate to replenish critically low levels", "url": "", "image": {"identifier": "!/quality/90/?", "url": "!/quality/90/?", "width": 1200, "height": 630, "type": "image/jpeg", "alt": "One of the North County donation centers of the San Diego Blood Bank has moved from one Vista site to another. The new 3,700-square-foot donor center is located at 1910 Via Centre, on the south side of state Route 78, off Hacienda Drive."}, "description": "San Diego Blood Bank puts out call for most common blood type", "site_name": "San Diego Union-Tribune", "type": "article"}, "article": {"author": "", "content_tier": "metered", "published_time": "2019-12-28T20:44:13.976", "section": "Health"}, "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "creator": "@kristinadavis", "description": "San Diego Blood Bank puts out call for most common blood type", "image": {"identifier": "!/quality/90/?", "alt": "One of the North County donation centers of the San Diego Blood Bank has moved from one Vista site to another. The new 3,700-square-foot donor center is located at 1910 Via Centre, on the south side of state Route 78, off Hacienda Drive."}, "site": "@sdut", "title": "Have type O blood? San Diegans urged to donate to replenish critically low levels"}, "fb": {"app_id": 125832154430708}, "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5", "description": "San Diego Blood Bank puts out call for most common blood type", "brightspot.contentId": "0000016f-4e2b-de6f-a77f-ef2bf7b50000", "brightspot.cached": "false"}, "canonical_link": ""}