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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Furious mum bursts into tears after husband tells three-year-old daughter he loves her \u2018more than anything\u2019", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 9\"%3E%3C/svg%3E", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "WHETHER we admit to it or not, we ALL know what it's like to be jealous of that hilarious new female friend your partner won't stop banging on about.\n\nBut while it's pretty natural to feel possessive of your partner around other women, one mum has sparked fierce debate online after she admitted to being jealous of her three-year-old daughter - and it's certainly a first.\n\n2 The man comforted his daughter by telling her he loves her 'more than anything' Credit: Getty - Contributor\n\nSharing his side of the story on Reddit's \"Am I the A*****\" forum, the husband explained how his daughter worries he'll \"stop loving her\" when she does something naughty.\n\nHe wrote: \"Today she bumped a glass off the table and started crying. She asked if I still love her and I said \u201cI love you more than anything\u201d and gave her a kiss.\"\n\nAlthough we're sure this scene would melt most mothers' hearts, this man's wife had a different reaction entirely.\n\nHe continued: \"My wife was watching and stormed off. I made sure my daughter was fine and cleaned up the glass and went to go see what was going on.\"\n\n2 The man said his wife's response made him feel like he has 'two irrational three-year-olds now' Credit: Reddit\n\nWhen he went to comfort his wife, the man found that she was \"crying and [called him] an a****** who doesn't love her.\"\n\nHe added: \"I guess I have 2 irrational 3 years olds now. I said of course I love her and asked why she was wigging out.\"\n\nAfter delving into it further, the mum confessed that it was the phrase \"more than anything\" is what bothered her most.\n\n\"She said that because I said the above phrase to my daughter, it meant she didn\u2019t mean as much to me,\" he added.\n\nShe said that because I said the above phrase to my daughter, it meant she didn\u2019t mean as much to me. Is this really something I\u2019m not supposed to say?\n\nUnsure how to comfort his wife, the man concluded: \"Is this really something I\u2019m not supposed to say? My mother said it to me, and my dad didn\u2019t freak out.\"\n\nUnsurprisingly, the dilemma sparked fierce debate in the comments - and many argued that the mum was showing signs of postnatal depression.\n\nOne replied: \"Dude... [you're] not the a******. Your wife needs therapy STAT! That\u2019s not a normal response.\"\n\nCommenting on the little girl's fear of her father not loving her, another added: \"Children are super perceptive - your daughter could be unconsciously imitating that anxious behaviour from her mother if breakdowns like this are common. Please consider therapy for them both.\"\n\nMeanwhile, a third weighed in with: \"I\u2019m not saying I disagree because therapy is great, but also keep in mind how tired and emotionally drained a lot of parents are.\n\n\"It\u2019s pretty common for people who are tired to overreact emotionally to minor things that usually wouldn\u2019t bother them.\"\n\nMost read in Fabulous TOYING WITH US Mums slam \u00a325 Scruff-a-Luvs toy pets which look nothing like the ad WRAPPED UP The mums who have their Christmas shopping for next year sewn up by January STEP UP Bloke creates a man cave in the cupboard under his stairs complete with a giant TV CHECK IT OUT Mum in hysterics over 3-year-old's impression of Aldi\u2019s checkouts at Christmas GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Woman quits job to lay out husband\u2019s clothes and make his packed lunches ICE WORK! Woman shows how you\u2019re actually meant to use ice cube bags\n\nIn more parenting news, husbands are sharing brilliant pics showing exactly what it\u2019s like living with a pregnant wife.\n\nAnd this horrified mum accused her son of taking crystal meth after she found a bag of powder in his room - but he can\u2019t stop laughing.\n\nPlus this mum slammed her mother-in-law who wanted petrol money to look after her son \u2013 but some say she should stump up.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Lydia Hawken"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan 1 11:05:24 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, width=device-width", "apple-itunes-app": "app-id=737721107, affiliate-data=ct=Smart%20App%20Banner&pt=263124", "google-site-verification": "a576LGe3E0YA5QjAMY268jcuKWwPLIORxwlTMrjnfnE", "msvalidate.01": "E4359034FA254151A3AB2EFAC6D20D80", "p": {"domain_verify": "c061a8052bd9e93315b7f01447fa4124"}, "og": {"type": "article", "title": "Mum rages after husband tells daughter, 3, he loves her \u2018more than anything\u2019", "url": "", "description": "WHETHER we admit to it or not, we ALL know what it\u2019s like to be jealous of that hilarious new female friend your partner won\u2019t stop banging on about. But while it\u2019s pretty natural\u2026", "site_name": "The Sun", "image": {"identifier": "", "width": 1200, "height": 800}, "locale": "en_GB"}, "article": {"published_time": "2020-01-01T11:05:24+00:00", "modified_time": "2020-01-01T11:06:03+00:00", "publisher": 161385360554578, "author": ""}, "fb": {"app_id": 144647118961553, "pages": 8401947179}, "twitter": {"text": {"title": "Furious mum bursts into tears after husband tells three-year-old daughter he loves her \u2018more than anything\u2019"}, "card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@thesun"}, "robots": "noarchive,noodp", "taboola": {"kicker": "YOU'RE KIDDING", "headline": "Mum rages after husband tells daughter, 3, he loves her \u2018more than anything\u2019", "image": {"medium": "", "large": ""}}, "parsely-post-id": 10651155, "msapplication-TileImage": ""}, "canonical_link": ""}