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{"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Trump declares emergency for border wall, House panel launches probe", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", ""], "movies": [], "text": "People gather during a protest against US President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency to build a border wall, outside Trump International Hotel & Tower in Manhattan, New York. Reuters\n\nWASHINGTON - President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency in a bid to fund his promised wall at the US-Mexico border without congressional approval, an action Democrats vowed to challenge as a violation of the US Constitution.\n\nThe Republican president's move to circumvent Congress represented an escalation in his efforts to make good on a 2016 presidential campaign pledge to build a wall to halt the flow into the country of illegal immigrants, who Trump says bring crime and drugs.\n\nHours after Trump's announcement, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives' Judiciary Committee said it had launched an investigation into the emergency declaration.\n\nIn a letter to Trump, committee Democrats asked him to make available for a hearing White House and Justice Department officials involved in the action. They also requested legal documents on the decision that led to the declaration, setting a deadline of next Friday.\n\n\"We believe your declaration of an emergency shows a reckless disregard for the separation of powers and your own responsibilities under our constitutional system,\" said the letter signed by Chairman Jerrold Nadler and other top Democrats on the panel.\n\nTrump on Friday also signed a bipartisan government spending bill that would prevent another partial government shutdown by funding several agencies that otherwise would have closed on Saturday.\n\nThe funding bill represented a legislative defeat for him since it contains no money for his proposed wall - the focus of weeks of conflict between him and Democrats in Congress.\n\nTrump made no mention of the bill in rambling comments to reporters in the White House's Rose Garden.\n\nHe had demanded that Congress provide him with $5.7 billion in wall funding as part of legislation to fund the agencies. That triggered a historic, 35-day December-January government shutdown that hurt the U.S. economy and his opinion poll numbers.\n\nBy reorienting his quest for wall funding toward a legally uncertain strategy based on declaring a national emergency, Trump risks plunging into a lengthy legislative and legal battle with Democrats and dividing his fellow Republicans - many of whom expressed grave reservations on Friday about the president's action.\n\nFifteen Democrats in the Republican-controlled Senate introduced legislation on Thursday to prevent Trump from invoking emergency powers to transfer funds to his wall from accounts Congress has already committed to other projects.\n\n'EXCLUSIVE POWER'\n\nNancy Pelosi, the Democratic speaker of the House, and top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer swiftly responded to Trump's declaration.\n\n\"The president's actions clearly violate the Congress\u2019s exclusive power of the purse, which our Founders enshrined in the Constitution,\" they said in a statement. \"The Congress will defend our constitutional authorities in the Congress, in the courts, and in the public, using every remedy available.\u201d\n\nNew York state's attorney general, Letitia James, said her office would also challenge Trump in court. California's governor, Gavin Newsom, also pledged to file suit.\n\n\"We won't stand for this abuse of power & will fight back with every legal tool at our disposal,\" James wrote on Twitter.\n\nThe president acknowledged his order would face a lengthy court fight.\n\n\"I expect to be sued. I shouldn't be sued ... We'll win in the Supreme Court,\" Trump predicted.\n\nTrump may have also undermined his administration's argument about the urgency of the situation when he told reporters, \"I didn't need to do this. But I'd rather do it much faster.\"\n\nIn their letter to Trump, House Judiciary Democrats said that language had left them \"troubled.\"\n\nBoth the House and the Senate could pass a resolution terminating the emergency by majority vote. However, that measure would then go to Trump, who would likely veto it. Overriding the veto would require a two-thirds vote in both chambers.\n\nTrump says a wall is needed to curb illegal immigrants and illicit drugs coming across the border. But statistics show illegal immigration via the border is at a 20-year low and that many drug shipments come through legal ports of entry.\n\nConfronted with those statistics by reporters at the Rose Garden event, Trump said they were \"wrong.\"\n\nAlso present were a half-dozen women holding poster-sized pictures of family members killed by illegal immigrants. Trump noted their presence in announcing the emergency declaration.\n\nHe estimated his emergency declaration could free up as much as $8 billion to pay for part of the wall. Estimates of its total cost run as high as $23 billion.\n\nAs a candidate, Trump repeatedly promised Mexico would pay for the wall. It was one of his biggest applause lines at his campaign rallies. Mexico firmly refused to pay, and now Trump wants U.S. taxpayers to cover the costs.\n\nREPUBLICANS CONCERNED\n\nSome congressional Republicans expressed dismay following Trump's announcement.\n\nGreg Walden, a senior House Republican, said on Twitter he was \"deeply concerned about the precedent that this action sets.\"\n\nRepublican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina said in a statement that Trump' declaration was not a solution.\n\n\"It wouldn't provide enough funding to adequately secure our borders, it would likely get tied up in litigation, and most concerning is that it would create a new precedent that a left-wing president would undoubtedly utilize to implement their radical policy agenda while bypassing the authority of Congress,\" Tillis said.\n\nOther Republicans, such as Senator Lindsey Graham, were supportive.\n\nWith an emergency formally declared, Trump left Washington to travel to his Mar-a-Lago golf resort in Florida for a holiday break.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["Donald Trump", "border wall", "illegal immigrants", "", "Trump declares emergency for border wall", "House panel launches probe | ABS-CBN News"], "tags": ["border wall", "Donald Trump", "illegal immigrants"], "authors": ["Roberta Rampton", "David Morgan"], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency in a bid to fund his promised wall at the US-Mexico border without congressional approval, an action Democrats vowed to challenge as a violation of the US Constitution.", "meta_lang": "", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", "keywords": "Donald Trump, border wall, illegal immigrants, , Trump declares emergency for border wall, House panel launches probe | ABS-CBN News", "description": "WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency in a bid to fund his promised wall at the US-Mexico border without congressional approval, an action Democrats vowed to challenge as a violation of the US Constitution.", "copyright": "All rights reserved by ABS-CBN Corporation", "news_keywords": "Donald Trump, border wall, illegal immigrants, , Trump declares emergency for border wall, House panel launches probe | ABS-CBN News", "article-tags": "Donald Trump, border wall, illegal immigrants,", "section": "Overseas", "thumbnail": "", "author": "Roberta Rampton and David Morgan, Reuters", "category": "Overseas", "pubdate": "2019-02-15T11:55:42", "lastmod": "2019-02-15T11:55:42", "medium": "article", "og": {"title": "Trump declares emergency for border wall, House panel launches probe", "description": "WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency in a bid to fund his promised wall at the US-Mexico border without congressional approval, an action Democrats vowed to challenge as a violation of the US Constitution.", "url": "", "image": {"identifier": "", "alt": "Trump declares emergency for border wall, House panel launches probe"}, "type": "article", "site_name": "ABS-CBN News", "locale": {"identifier": "en_US", "alternate": "tl_PH"}}, "article": {"section": "Overseas", "tag": "Donald Trump, border wall, illegal immigrants, , Overseas, 2019-02-15", "publisher": ""}, "fb": {"app_id": 1710456575844989, "pages": 27254475167}, "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@ABSCBNNews", "url": "", "title": "Trump declares emergency for border wall, House panel launches probe", "description": "WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency in a bid to fund his promised wall at the US-Mexico border without congressional approval, an action Democrats vowed to challenge as a violation of the US Constitution.", "image": ""}, "msapplication-TileColor": "#ffffff", "msapplication-TileImage": ""}, "canonical_link": ""}