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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Opinion | Only You Can Prevent Dystopia", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Virality was once the delightful miracle of a networked age; you\u2019d see a funny video going around, get caught up in the collective wonder and hilarity, and forward it on to your 100 closest pals. At its meme-ified best, participating in this sort of viral feast felt like a boon to collective social bonding. Remember, kids, that one glorious day we were all talking about the crazy dress? What times, what times!\n\nBut, The Dress notwithstanding, in the 2010s virality got too easy, and then it grew sour, venal and dishonest. Nobody\u2019s counting, but by my unscientific estimate almost everything that became instantly popular online in the last decade turned out to be problematic in one way or another. That photo of the shark washed onto a freeway by a hurricane? Fake. The culture-war-defining outrage your aunt just posted to Facebook? Debunked, of course. The suddenly popular influencer? A \u201cmilkshake duck\u201d running from his past.\n\nSocial networks and even governments are looking into ways to curb viral misinformation, but this fight will define our age. The root of the problem is that humans are weak, gullible dolts; every day many of us, even people who should know better \u2014 folks with fancy jobs and blue check marks next to our handles \u2014 keep falling for online hoaxes. Virality hijacks our better instincts, and because so many of the internet\u2019s business models benefit from instant popularity, there\u2019s a great deal of money and power riding on our failings.\n\nThere is only one long-term fix: that a critical number of us alter how we approach viral content. Let\u2019s all consciously embark on a mind-set shift. In 2020, question anything that everyone\u2019s talking about, especially if it fits all your priors, or there\u2019s some kind of ad money involved. (Hint: There\u2019s always ad money involved.) If you can\u2019t stop sharing, at least slow your roll. The stakes are enormous; there\u2019s no room for error. Strive to be better, please.\n\nResist the easy dunk.\n\nIn the 2010s, Twitter became the center of the political universe. In some ways this was for the better \u2014 Twitter is a haven for righteous activism against the global powers that be \u2014 but most times, it was for the worse. Twitter is a daily toxic nightmare of reflexive egotism and groupthink that will prompt you to question your priorities, not to mention your sanity.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Farhad Manjoo"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "How to survive the internet in 2020. (It\u2019s not going to be easy.)", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "/vi-assets/static-assets/favicon-4bf96cb6a1093748bf5b3c429accb9b4.ico", "meta_data": {"article": {"published": "2020-01-01T20:00:06.000Z", "modified": "2020-01-01T20:00:05.000Z", "section": "Opinion", "tag": "Social Media", "opinion": "true", "content_tier": "metered"}, "robots": "noarchive", "articleid": 100000006898869, "nyt_uri": "nyt://article/176e448e-43cd-5d1f-a7bc-d26298b9994d", "pubp_event_id": "pubp://event/52c9ace7144741399694b7b3e0c80185", "description": "How to survive the internet in 2020. (It\u2019s not going to be easy.)", "image": "", "byl": "By Farhad Manjoo", "thumbnail": "", "news_keywords": "Computers and the Internet,Tech Industry,Social Media", "pdate": 20200101, "og": {"url": "", "type": "article", "title": "Opinion | Only You Can Prevent Dystopia", "image": "", "description": "How to survive the internet in 2020. (It\u2019s not going to be easy.)"}, "twitter": {"url": "", "title": "Opinion | Only You Can Prevent Dystopia", "description": "How to survive the internet in 2020. (It\u2019s not going to be easy.)", "image": "", "card": "summary_large_image", "app": {"name": {"googleplay": "NYTimes"}, "id": {"googleplay": ""}, "url": {"googleplay": "nyt://article/176e448e-43cd-5d1f-a7bc-d26298b9994d"}}, "site": "@nytimes"}, "CG": "opinion", "CN": "farhad-manjoo", "PT": "article", "PST": "Op-Ed", "url": "", "msapplication-starturl": "", "al": {"android": {"url": "nyt://article/176e448e-43cd-5d1f-a7bc-d26298b9994d", "package": "", "app_name": "NYTimes"}, "iphone": {"url": "nytimes://", "app_store_id": 284862083, "app_name": "NYTimes"}, "ipad": {"url": "nytimes://", "app_store_id": 357066198, "app_name": "NYTimes"}}, "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "fb": {"app_id": 9869919170}}, "canonical_link": ""}