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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Machete attack victim faces grim prognosis following anti-Semitic rampage during Chanukah celebration, family says", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From \u201cMachete attack victim faces grim prognosis following anti-Semitic rampage during Chanukah celebration, family says\u201d. Below is an excerpt from the article.\n\nA Jewish man hacked viciously by a machete-swinging anti-Semite may be brain-damaged and paralyzed for life if he ever regains consciousness, his family said Wednesday.\n\nJosef Neumann, patriarch to a family of seven children, many grandkids and one great-grandchild, \u201cwas severely stabbed multiple times during the mass attack,\u201d read the three-paragraph statement. \u201cThe knife penetrated his skull directly into his brain. He also suffered three cuts to the head, one cut to the neck, and his right arm is shattered.\u201d\n\nThe horribly-injured victim remained unresponsive Wednesday as his family hopes against hope for some good news that now appears to be a longshot. At this point, doctors \u201care not optimistic about his chances to regain consciousness,\u201d the statement said. \u201cOur father\u2019s status is so dire that no surgery has yet been performed on his right arm.\"\n\nNeumann was one of five victims wounded when suspect Grafton Thomas, his face obscured by a scarf and his hand clutching an 18-inch blade, burst into a Chanukah celebration to unleash his hate-fueled bile on Saturday, authorities said.\n\nA hospital photo of Neumann showed two thick ridges of sutures rising from his skull as a ventilator keeps the man alive. Irreversible brain damage, with partial paralysis and speech impairment for the rest of his life, appears to be the best possible outcome for Neumann, the family said.\n\nRead more...", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["Machete attack victim faces grim prognosis following anti-Semitic rampage during Chanukah celebration", "family says"], "tags": ["SANDERS", "BIDEN", "BREAKING", "TRUMP", "BUTTIGIEG", "SPYGATE", "CORONAVIRUS"], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Neumann was one of five victims wounded when suspect Grafton Thomas, his face obscured by a scarf and his hand clutching an 18-inch blade, burst into a Chanukah celebration to unleash his hate-fueled bile on Saturday, authorities\u2026", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "/images/favicon.ico", "meta_data": {"keywords": "Machete attack victim faces grim prognosis following anti-Semitic rampage during Chanukah celebration, family says", "description": "Neumann was one of five victims wounded when suspect Grafton Thomas, his face obscured by a scarf and his hand clutching an 18-inch blade, burst into a Chanukah celebration to unleash his hate-fueled bile on Saturday, authorities\u2026", "google-site-verification": "tFwban02zfqaKeK05Mkgz89TdOounWhx71cOQcw8qKY", "viewport": "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0", "robots": "noodp", "og": {"locale": "en_US", "title": "Machete attack victim faces grim prognosis following anti-Semitic rampage during Chanukah celebration, family says", "description": "Neumann was one of five victims wounded when suspect Grafton Thomas, his face obscured by a scarf and his hand clutching an 18-inch blade, burst into a Chanukah celebration to unleash his hate-fueled bile on Saturday, authorities\u2026", "url": "", "type": "website", "image": {"identifier": "", "width": 450, "height": 298}, "site_name": "The News Commenter"}, "fb": {"app_id": 286353854823765}, "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@newscommenter", "creator": "@newscommenter", "title": "Machete attack victim faces grim prognosis following anti-Semitic rampage during Chanukah celebration, family says", "description": "Neumann was one of five victims wounded when suspect Grafton Thomas, his face obscured by a scarf and his hand clutching an 18-inch blade, burst into a Chanukah celebration to unleash his hate-fueled bile on Saturday, authorities\u2026", "image": ""}, "msapplication-TileColor": "#da532c", "msapplication-TileImage": "/mstile-144x144.png"}, "canonical_link": ""}