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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Court Watch: Officer Threatened to Tow Brown\u2019s Car", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "In testimony police sergeant admits no legal basis for threats against Bucks player Sterling Brown.\n\nGet a daily rundown of the top stories on Urban Milwaukee\n\nThe Milwaukee police sergeant who threatened to tow Sterling Brown\u2018s car during a confrontation in a Walgreen\u2019s parking lot in January 2018 admitted in a deposition that he had no legal basis to make such a threat, according to Federal Court records.\n\n\u201cI\u2019m talking about when you\u2019re talking to Mr. Brown unprofessionally \u2013 using your words \u2013 and you told him, \u2018Let\u2019s tow the car,\u2019 you had no basis to tow the car at that point in time. Correct?\u201d attorney Mark Thomsen asked.\n\n\u201cThat\u2019s correct,\u201d Sgt. Jeffrey Krueger responded during his May deposition.\n\nKrueger also admitted he failed in his supervisory duties when he arrived at the scene and did not bother to learn what was happening before injecting himself into the situation.\n\n\u201cAs a supervisor, I failed to do \u2013 one of my duties was to figure out what was going on beforehand,\u201d he testified.\n\nKrueger, a 13-year-veteran, also said he was not aware of any Milwaukee police officers being disciplined during that time for excessive use of force or racist conduct.\n\nKrueger arrived at Walgreen\u2019s after Brown, a Milwaukee Bucks player, was detained in a Walgreen\u2019s parking lot after he parked illegally in a handicapped space at about 2 a.m. Brown eventually was confronted by several officers, including Krueger, and was taken to the ground, tased, stepped on, and arrested.\n\nAfter the incident, in a squad car and after Brown was recognized as an athlete, Krueger was caught on a body camera saying, \u201cWe are trying to protect ourselves.\u201d\n\nHe did not know the camera was on when he made the statement.\n\nKrueger eventually was suspended for 10 days for failing to be a role model for professional police service.\n\nBrown has filed a lawsuit alleging the officers violated his constitutional rights and his lawyer, Mark Thomsen, has filed several deposition excerpts in the case.\n\nThe City of Milwaukee and other defendants have denied violating Brown\u2019s rights.\n\nAssistant City Attorney Naomi Gehling objected repeatedly to Thomsen\u2019s questions during Krueger\u2019s deposition. They are part of the full transcript here.\n\nAfter Brown\u2019s arrest, officers involved, including Krueger, were ordered to undergo remedial training, which included watching video of the incident and discussing what went wrong, which Thomsen asked about during Kruger\u2019s deposition:\n\nThomsen: What were the officers told went wrong?\n\nKrueger: It was about professional communication.\n\nThomsen: So what about professional communication was wrong?\n\nKrueger: There was many examples where it wasn\u2019t used in this incident.\n\nThomsen: Okay. Tell the jury what all those examples are\u2026.\n\nKrueger: Officer (Joseph J.) Grams \u2013 how he spoke to Mr. Brown.\n\nThomsen: Okay. What else?\n\nKrueger: How my discussion with Mr. Brown went.\n\nThomsen: So what was wrong with your discussion with Mr. Brown?\n\nIt wasn\u2019t very professional\u2026.I became frustrated, and that caused me to say,like, \u201cYou know, you\u2019re bothering me.\u201d So \u2013\n\nThomsen: What else?\u2026\n\nKrueger: I just \u2013 I think the overall demeanor that I had, we talked about that.\n\nThomsen: What about your overall demeanor was inappropriate, sir?\n\nKrueger: It wasn\u2019t \u2013 my overall \u2013 Well, my demeanor was not professional.\n\nThomsen: In what way, sir?\n\nKrueger: Well, how I talked to him.\n\nThomsen: And please explain to the jury the details of that.\n\nKrueger: Well, I told him he was bothering me, and that\u2019s the biggest one that sticks out to me.\n\nThomsen: You threatened to tow his truck \u2013 I mean tow his car.\n\nKrueger: Correct\u2026.\n\nThomsen: I\u2019m talking about when you\u2019re talking to Mr. Brown unprofessionally \u2013 using your words \u2013 and you told him, \u201cLet\u2019s tow the car,\u201d you had no basis to tow the car at that point in time. Correct?\n\nKrueger: That\u2019s correct.\n\n***\n\n\u200bThomsen: Okay. So at the point you first approach him, he\u2019d already been detained. Right?\n\nKrueger: Yes.\n\nThomsen: There had been no basis \u2013 no reasonable suspicion that he had committed a crime for him being detained. Correct?\n\nKrueger: I\u2019m about to \u2013 At the time I didn\u2019t know what the interaction between Officer Grams and him were \u2013 or was, so I didn\u2019t know necessarily \u2013 Well, I did not know what had transpired\u2026.\n\nThomsen: Right. So you failed to ask Officer Grams what the situation was. Correct?\n\nKrueger: Correct.\n\nThomsen: You failed to ask Mr. Brown what was going on. Correct?\n\nKrueger: Correct.\n\nThomsen: You failed to ask his date what was going on. Correct?\n\nKrueger: Correct.\n\nKrueger reported to internal affairs that he saw a gun in Brown\u2019s car, but told Thomsen he misspoke. He said he believed Brown might be armed in part because there was a shooting target in his car\u2019s back seat and because Brown appeared upset when Krueger looked into Brown\u2019s car.\n\nThomsen: Citizens have a right to have targets in the back seat of their car. Correct?\n\nKrueger: Yes, sir.\n\nThomsen: Citizens have the right to have targets with holes in the back seat of a car. Correct?\n\nKrueger: Yes, sir.\n\nAnd the fact that there\u2019s a target with holes in the back seat of a car does not constitute a reasonable suspicion that a person is armed. Correct?\n\nKrueger: Correct.\n\nThomsen: \u200bI mean, this is Officer Grams telling his supervisor \u2013 you \u2013 right after Mr. Brown is tased \u201cHey, if he just wouldn\u2019t have been a dick, I would have just said, \u2018Hey, here you go.'\u201d Right?\n\nKrueger: That\u2019s what he said. Yes\u2026.\n\nThomsen: Now, were you also in the vehicle when Officer (James P.) Collins was calling Mr. Brown a douchebag?\n\nKrueger: I\u2019m \u2013 Yes, I was in a squad car when that happened.\n\nThomsen: You agree that Officer Collins had no basis to be standing on Mr. Brown\u2019s leg. Correct?\n\nKrueger: I don\u2019t know the context of when he was standing on his foot. It\u2019s not a trained technique.\n\nThomsen: It\u2019s clearly an unreasonable use of force. Correct?\n\nKrueger: I don\u2019t know how much force was applied. I would call it \u201cuntrained and probably inappropriate,\u201d but \u201cunreasonable\u201d? I don\u2019t know.\n\nThomsen: You have been on the force for how many years, did you say?\n\nKrueger: 13.\n\nThomsen: And in those 13 years, are you aware of any Milwaukee Police Department officers that have been disciplined for excessive use of force?\n\nKrueger: I don\u2019t recall. Excessive use of force? No, I don\u2019t.\n\nThomsen: And in those same 13 years, are you aware of any officers that have ever been disciplined for racist conduct?\n\nKrueger: No. Not that I recall.\n\nGretchen Schuldt writes a blog for Wisconsin Justice Initiative, whose mission is \u201cTo improve the quality of justice in Wisconsin by educating the public about legal issues and encouraging civic engagement in and debate about the judicial system and its operation.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Gretchen Schuldt"], "publish_date": "Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 2019", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "In testimony police sergeant admits no legal basis for threats against Bucks player Sterling Brown.", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1", "description": "In testimony police sergeant admits no legal basis for threats against Bucks player Sterling Brown.", "author": "Gretchen Schuldt", "fb": {"app_id": 142344658820}, "og": {"site_name": "Urban Milwaukee", "description": "In testimony police sergeant admits no legal basis for threats against Bucks player Sterling Brown.", "title": "Court Watch: Officer Threatened to Tow Brown\u2019s Car", "url": "", "image": {"identifier": "", "width": 1024, "height": 754}, "type": "article"}, "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@urbanmilwaukee"}, "tec-api-version": "v1", "tec-api-origin": ""}, "canonical_link": ""}