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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Millennials are redefining leisure weekends with club memberships within the city", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": [" ", "", " ", ",imgsize-794719,width-401,height-300/73152166.jpg", ",width-65,height-47.cms", ",width-65,height-47.cms", " ", ",imgsize-,width-401,height-300/73141465.jpg", ",width-65,height-47.cms", " ", ",imgsize-,width-401,height-300/73155454.jpg", ",width-166,height-124/59770138.jpg", ",imgsize-,width-401,height-300/73153950.jpg", "", "", ",imgsize-,width-401,height-300/73139928.jpg", ",imgsize-,width-401,height-300/73154888.jpg", "", ",width-65,height-47.cms", "", " ", ",width-800,height-600,resizemode-4/73057111.jpg", " ", ",imgsize-1040567,width-401,height-300/73156482.jpg", ",imgsize-,width-401,height-300/73157202.jpg", ",imgsize-,width-401,height-300/73155761.jpg", ""], "movies": [], "text": "If we look at all the generation - X,Y etc, the millennials stand out. They are normally born into money, have had greater exposure to the world, are globetrotters, and always connected. They lay greater emphasis on experiences rather than material ownership. Therefore they are a different customer set too with different preferences and demandsThe millennials are currently challenged with respect to the available \u2018leisure time\u2019 owing to a number factors, including an active virtual social media presence, ambitious professional pursuits and an equally busy list of social commitments.\"While the ubiquitous smartphones have a key role to play in the modern lifestyle, seeking a \u2018real world\u2019, digitally detox leisure time is also becoming equally vital for them. Simultaneously, if a destination can be easily accessible, can combine quality social and family time and offer varied range of activities under the same roof, it would be a boon!\" says Rajesh Shetty, General Manager, The Acres Lifestyle Club. Catering to this, several private clubs with premium amenities and leisure activities, are stepping up the game and becoming popular with this generation of professionals.Clubs attract millennials as they are a one-stop shop for all their entertainment and experience needs near their vicinity which can involve their family and friends too.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["Millenials", "membership", "fitness", "clubs"], "tags": [], "authors": ["Shikha Desai"], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "If we look at all the generation - X,Y etc, the millennials stand out.", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"og": {"site_name": "The Times of India", "title": "Millennials are redefining leisure weekends with club memberships within the city - Times of India", "type": "article", "description": "If we look at all the generation - X,Y etc, the millennials stand out.", "url": "", "image": {"identifier": "", "width": 1070, "height": 580}}, "fb": {"admins": 556964827, "app_id": 117787264903013, "pages": 26781952138}, "google-site-verification": "ZgFICIedNvVZl5pV9EfAUeenwta9vBY0Za_GgmV4zuw", "y_key": "b1abb36a8d5c19c9", "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@timesofindia", "title": "Millennials are redefining leisure weekends with club memberships within the city - Times of India", "description": "If we look at all the generation - X,Y etc, the millennials stand out.", "url": "", "image": ""}, "news_keywords": "Spotlight,Millenials,membership,fitness,clubs", "keywords": "Millenials,membership,fitness,clubs", "article": {"tag": "clubs", "section": "Life & Style"}, "description": "If we look at all the generation - X,Y etc, the millennials stand out.", "al": {"android": {"url": "toireaderactivities://t/a/73057111", "package": "com.toi.reader.activities", "app_name": "The Times Of India"}}, "viewport": "width=device-width, height=device-height,initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no", "robots": "NOODP", "position": 4}, "canonical_link": ""}