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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Equating Haredi Judaism with Pacifism, Monsey Pundit Denounces Self Defense", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "|0&", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Photo Credit: Screenshot from 'Pictorial History Of The Jewish People', by Nathan Ausubel\n\nJTA, which probably would not invite Haredi authors to share their views on intermarriages, homosexuality, kosher slaughtering and circumcision, on Tuesday invited Shimon Rolnitzky, writer, activist and Chassidic resident of Monsey, New York\u2014where last Saturday night a machete wielding black man injured five Jews during a Chanukah Melaveh-Malka meal\u2014to sing a post-pogrom kumbaya (We Hasidic Jews of Monsey must ignore the outsiders who want us to take up arms and politicize our tragedy).\n\nRolnitzky spends the first thousand words of his essay on glorifying the loving relationship between blacks and Jews, dotted with his own personal anecdotes of bliss and harmony:\n\n\u201cWhen I stopped at a gas station on Skyline Drive in Ringwood, New Jersey, several weeks ago, the gas station attendant dropped everything and volunteered to show me which products were kosher. He himself uses kosher symbols, he explained to me, because he eats halal.\u201d\n\nAdvertisement\n\n\n\nAnd who can forget this one:\n\n\u201cMy twin boys were raised with the help of a black woman who developed a taste for cholent and gefilte fish and was extraordinarily loyal to my children. After the attack in Monsey, she called to express worry and sympathy about what happened.\u201d\n\nWhich made this writer wonder if anyone has claimed that the entire black community in the US, all 20 million or so of them, are anti-Semites. I\u2019m pretty sure I haven\u2019t.\n\nBut I, like practically every sane person who followed the news in the month of December, 2019, couldn\u2019t help noticing that every last one of the two dozen anti-Semitic attacks on religious Jews were carried out by black men and women.\n\nIt\u2019s not a racist observation, it\u2019s just an observation.\n\nShould we ignore this obvious fact? Should we conceal it?\n\nI\u2019ve read many responses online that suggested just that.\n\nA recent report that was headlined \u201cWatch: Black Predators Assault Young Chassidic Man in Rush Hour\u201d was called racist by some angry readers, even though every word in it was true: it was a gang of black predators who spotted an innocent Chassidic young man walking down the street and attacked him like mad dogs.\n\nAnd, as could be seen in the attached video, after he had quickly moved on, trying to evade a full blown confrontation, they picked up the chase a second time.\n\nI trust that the editors of the would have headlined the story \u201cWatch: White Power Predators Assault Young Chassidic Man in Rush Hour\u201d had those young men been blonde and adorned with Nazi tattoos. But they weren\u2019t. Neither were they Muslim. It so happened that in December, 2019, it was all black thugs doing the Jew hate thing.\n\nAfter a thousand words that would have made even the late Malcolm X put a quarter in the blue and white JNF pushke, Shimon Rolnitzky finally gets to the reason for which he had been given all this parking space at JTA:\n\n\u201cAnd we must be wary of those who say that guns are the answer. From the time that Haredi children are very small, we learn to despise weapons. The words of my teacher ring in my ears: \u2018Our strength is only with our mouth (praying to the Almighty).\u2019 When we learned the Talmud tractate of Shabbat, the teacher pointed out that the sages say (63a) that a person is not allowed to go around with a weapon on the Sabbath because their purpose is \u2018shameful,\u2019 they are a disgusting item. We always heard from our religious leaders that the weapon of a Jew is the voice of Jacob (Genesis 27:22). \u201cThey educated us to be pacifists and talked to us about how nice it will be when the Messiah comes, when \u2018nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.\u2019 (Isaiah 2:4)\u201d\n\nLet\u2019s unpack: the mishna in tractate Shabbat is not about self defense, it\u2019s about whether or not it is proper to wear a weapon on Shabbat as a kind of adornment, as jewelry, which is Rabbi Eliezer\u2019s opinion, and the Gemara cites Psalms 45:4 \u2013 \u201cWarrior, strap your sword at your thigh; [gird on] your splendor and majesty.\u201d Meaning a weapon could add to the beauty of the Shabbat attire.\n\nAs to the voice of Jacob, the occasion upon which Isaac makes this statement is when Jacob, with encouragement from his mother, Rebecca, pretends to be his murderous brother Esau, at which point his blind father Isaac says, \u201cThe voice is the voice of Jacob and the hands are the hands of Esau.\u201d Indeed, years later, when Jacob is confronted by the angel of Esau who wants to kill him, Jacob fights him, physically, like a Roman gladiator, following which the angel crowns Jacob as a god.\n\nOur sages educate us to be pacifists?!\n\nThe very holiday those sweet Chassidim were celebrating when the meshugener black man burst into the house with his machete, was the commemoration of the war waged by five warrior brothers and their father, who chased out of the land of Judea the invading Syrian army along with the Helenized Jews (man, do I miss Rabbi Meir Kahane\u2019s favorite analogy\u2026). Pacifists?\n\nIt\u2019s sad to see how Rolnitzky cherry picks from Scripture and the Talmud to come up, out of context, with the destiny of Esau, as foreseen by Isaac, \u201cYou will live by your sword, and you will serve your brother. But when you break loose, you will shake his yoke off your neck,\u201d to suggest that the children of Jacob \u201cdespise\u201d the sword.\n\nNo we don\u2019t, and neither did our sages and our Shulchan Aruch:\n\n\u201cAnd with regard to a town that is located near the border, even if the gentiles did not come with regard to lives, but rather with regard to matters of hay and straw, i.e., to raid and spoil the town, they may go out against them with their weapons, and they may desecrate Shabbat due to them, as the border must be carefully guarded, in order to prevent enemies from gaining a foothold there. \u201cRav Yosef bar Manyumi said that Rav Na\u1e25man said: And Babylonia is considered like a town located near the border, and war may be waged there on Shabbat even if the gentiles came for financial gain. And this means the city of Neharde\u2019a, which was located near the border.\u201d (Eruvim 45a)\n\nIn other words, Jews must regard misbehaving gentiles as potential murderers at all times, including on Shabbat. And the Shulchan Aruch, which I know Rolnitzky regards as a reliable halachic source, rules (Orach Chayim 329):\n\n\u201cThere is one who says that in our times, even if they come for money, we desecrate the Shabbat [to fight them], because if the non-Jew is allowed to plunder his money, the situation would become deadly. (In any event, everything is according to the situation (Piskei Mahara\u2019i Chapter 156).)\n\nFor the record, I\u2019m not a big fan of the NRA; I support a strong ban on guns so that only people who can show that they are sane and have undergone training to handle guns competently and who can show a reason why they need guns should be permitted to own guns. But I despise cheap tricks, and the use of Shimon Rolnitzky\u2019s bizarre essay to support a progressive agenda he probably would not support if you threatened to take away his last piece of herring at a shalosh seudos, is a cheap trick.\n\nIncidentally, JTA included a video of Rabbi Rottenberg, whose house had been invaded, saying that had anyone there possessed a gun things would have been much worse. I agree, because I know the good rabbi envisioned some untrained members of his own flock trying to use a gun, but you know, we do have the commandment (II Samuel 1:18): \u201cto teach the people of Judea archery.\u201d\n\nBuy guns with a permit, get properly trained in using and handling your gun, and defend yourself against rabid anti-Semites.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Yori Yanover", "Yori Yanover Has Been A Working Journalist Since Age", "Before He Enlisted", "Worked For Ba'Machane Nachal. Since Then He Has Worked For Israel Shelanu", "The Us Supplement Of Yedioth", "Usajewish.Com", "Lubavitch News Service", "Arutz", "As Dj On The High Seas", "The Grand Street News. He Has Published"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", "og": {"image": "", "url": "", "type": "article", "title": "Equating Haredi Judaism with Pacifism, Monsey Pundit Denounces Self Defense", "description": "JTA invited Shimon Rolnitzky, writer, activist and Chassidic resident of Monsey, New York to sing a post-pogrom kumbaya."}, "author": "Yori Yanover", "generator": "Powered by Visual Composer - drag and drop page builder for WordPress.", "msapplication-TileImage": ""}, "canonical_link": ""}