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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "National Council of Young Israel", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", " cover_Page_1.jpg", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Parshat Hashavua Dvar Torah\n\nCandle Lighting Times\n\nThe National Council of Young Israel's Divrei Torah Bulletin is a weekly newsletter. If you'd like to recieve our weekly e-newsletter with the Parshat Hashavua, Click here to sign up! YOUNG ISRAEL MOVEMENT ACTION ALERT An Appeal from Noam and Aviva Shalit more ***************************************************************** YOUNG ISRAEL MOVEMENT ENDORSES NETANYAHU'S JERUSALEM POLICY The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) today commended Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his recently stated position on the future of Jerusalem. At his July 20, 2009 cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Netanyahu rejected calls to halt construction in Jerusalem. Young Israel urges American Jews to contact the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. by calling 202-364-5500 or by sending an email to [email protected] in order to voice their support for Prime Minister Netanyahu's position on Jerusalem.\n\nIt is essential that we tell the Israeli government that we support them and stand together with them in their effort to protect the Jewish homeland.\n\nMore ****************************************************************** War Hero Maj. Roi Klein's Home is on the Chopping Block\n\nOn Monday, July 13, 2006 the High Court in Israel ruled in favor of Peace Now and Yesh Din and ordered that 11 homes in the Samaria town of Eli be torn down. One of the homes in question belongs to IDF Major Roi Klein , who was killed in the Second Lebanon War when he jumped on a live hand grenade thrown by Hizbullah forces, in order to save his soldiers. More\n\n*********************************************************************\n\nAn Article of Interest...\n\nObama sweet-talks dictators, yet strong-arms Israel\n\nBy Moshe Arens Dealing with U.S. President Barack Obama constitutes a major challenge for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It has been a long time since America last had a president as powerful as Obama, who controls both houses of Congress and is wildly popular among the American public. It is from this advantageous position that Obama has decided to confront Israel, and now the Israeli prime minister has to decide how to respond.\n\nMore ************************************************************************************* TELL SEC'Y CLINTON: JEWS HAVE A LEGAL, HISTORICAL, POLITICAL AND MORAL RIGHT TO LIVE IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA Since becoming Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has made a demand that Jews should not be allowed to build more homes or undertake any other additional Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. Some have called this a racist demand, because she has supported Palestinians building in all these areas and even insisted that Israel should not demolished illegally built Arab homes. At the same time, Secretary Clinton has made no demands of Mahmoud Abbas\u2019 Palestinian Authority (PA) on issues whose non-fulfillment precludes any possibility of peace \u2013 arresting terrorists, outlawing terrorist groups and ending the incitement to hatred and murder in the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps that feed terrorism and rejection of peace with Israel. More\n\n***************************************************** PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU.. CONTINUE TO BE STRONG IN YOUR RESOLVE The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) is urging its 25,000 member families and Jews throughout the United States to express support for Prime Minister Netanyahu to stay strong and to support efforts to guarantee the security of the State of Israel. The NCYI is encourages people to call and e-mail Washington D.C. and express our fundamental points: 1. I support the State of Israel. 2. I oppose the division of Jerusalem. 3. I oppose the creation of an independent Palestinian state within Israel\u2019s borders. \u201cWith U.S. policy towards Israel seemingly shifting away from what had been the status quo, it is imperative that Israeli leaders stay firm in their resolve and recognize that they have the support of the American Jewish community,\u201d said NCYI President Shlomo Z. Mostofsky, Esq. \u201cWith the future of the Jewish homeland hanging in the balance, it is critical that we make our voices and opinions heard so that the State of Israel is protected in perpetuity.\u201d Write the President Write the Secretary of State Write the Senator at the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee More NCYI President's Blog-The Invitation Is In the Mail The Orthodox Jewish wedding season commences each year after Lag BaOmer and again after Tisha B'Av. In the weeks prior to those dates we watch the mail for the wedding invitations we receive, and notice the invitations that we do not receive.\n\n\n\nOften, we become inundated with wedding invitations and are invited to two weddings scheduled for the same evening. In Brooklyn, New York, at least, time and again people go to more than one wedding on any given evening, thus disproving the old Yiddish adage that \u201cone cannot dance at two chassunahs.\u201d Sometimes we receive invitations to weddings and cannot figure out why we were invited and other times we wonder why a friend or acquaintance did not invite us to their simcha.\n\nLast year, I had the privilege of representing the National Council of Young Israel at a meeting with President George Bush in the White House. The invitation was issued to almost every major American-Jewish organization. We met the President in a rather large room at the White House. The President, despite his negative portrayal in the press, spoke to our group for over an hour in a clear and articulate manner. The President was candid about his perceptions of world events and domestic affairs. He expressed his views about how the 9/11 attacks changed the world and America. In a self-deprecating manner he discussed how he would be viewed by posterity. The President remarked that there were still so many books being written about \"# 1\" (President George Washington) that it would take a long time for them to get to \u201c# 43\u201d (President George Bush.) Surely the President did not change anyone's political outlook or personal perceptions of his presidency. Everyone, I believe, however, left the meeting feeling that the President was a warm and sincere person.\n\nThe Orthodox Jewish wedding season commences each year after Lag BaOmer and again after Tisha B'Av. In the weeks prior to those dates we watch the mail for the wedding invitations we receive, and notice the invitations that we do not receive.Often, we become inundated with wedding invitations and are invited to two weddings scheduled for the same evening. In Brooklyn, New York, at least, time and again people go to more than one wedding on any given evening, thus disproving the old Yiddish adage that \u201cone cannot dance at two chassunahs.\u201d Sometimes we receive invitations to weddings and cannot figure out why we were invited and other times we wonder why a friend or acquaintance did not invite us to their simcha.Last year, I had the privilege of representing the National Council of Young Israel at a meeting with President George Bush in the White House. The invitation was issued to almost every major American-Jewish organization. We met the President in a rather large room at the White House. The President, despite his negative portrayal in the press, spoke to our group for over an hour in a clear and articulate manner. The President was candid about his perceptions of world events and domestic affairs. He expressed his views about how the 9/11 attacks changed the world and America. In a self-deprecating manner he discussed how he would be viewed by posterity. The President remarked that there were still so many books being written about \"# 1\" (President George Washington) that it would take a long time for them to get to \u201c# 43\u201d (President George Bush.) Surely the President did not change anyone's political outlook or personal perceptions of his presidency. Everyone, I believe, however, left the meeting feeling that the President was a warm and sincere person. More Items of Interest to the Jewish Community click here to download the pdf\n\n************************************************************* Click here to send an email to Governmental Leaders\n\n************************************************************* click here for a list of names and contact information _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ To Download this roundable discussion of Leaders of the Orthodox Jewish Community that appears in Mishpacha Magazine please click here Become a Fan of NCYI on Facebook! National Council of Young Israel on Facebook", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {}, "canonical_link": ""}