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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "The 2020 Election Will Break History", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "As for 2020, unemployment is at its lowest point in more than 60 years. The S&P 500 has tripled in the past decade. Wage growth, while still somewhat disappointing, is rising fastest for full-time low-income workers. In a vacuum, this would augur a reelection landslide for the sitting president. According to Cembalest\u2019s index of economic strength\u2014combining data on unemployment levels, home prices, per capita GDP, stock-market growth, and inflation\u2014\u201cTrump as an incumbent benefits from the strongest tailwinds\u201d since 1896. (Bill Clinton\u2019s reelection year of 1996 comes close, but unemployment and inflation were higher, and home values and the stock market were only on the cusp of their late-\u201990s boom.)\n\nDerek Thompson: The best economic news no one wants to talk about\n\nBut Trump isn\u2019t the only force of unprecedented-ness. If he loses to the current front-runner, Joe Biden will violate another soft law of American politics: the Rule of 14.\n\nAs Jonathan Rauch wrote in The Atlantic: \u201cNo one gets elected president who needs longer than 14 years to get from his or her first gubernatorial or Senate victory to either the presidency or the vice presidency.\u201d Zero political experience is just fine with Americans. But too much is not. In the past century, voters have subjected their candidates to a freshness test. And 14 years of political experience seems to be a kind of expiration date. Most impressive, the Rule of 14 predicted the narrow defeats of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, both of whom lost elections 15 years and 10 months after their first days in the United States Senate.\n\nBiden, who leads almost every national poll, served as the senator from Delaware for 36 years, from 1973 until 2009, when he left his seat for the vice presidency. His 44 years of consecutive public service in Washington constitute one of the longest national tenures of any politician in American history. If Biden defeats Trump, the Rule of 14 won\u2019t just get an asterisk; it will get a sledgehammer.\n\nAny of the other three top Democratic candidates would also represent historic firsts. If Trump loses, it is all but certain that we will elect either the oldest president ever or the youngest. Bernie Sanders (78), Biden (77), and Elizabeth Warren (70) would all be older on their first day in office than the current record-holder in the oldest-president-ever category, Donald Trump. At 70 years and 220 days old on his first inauguration day, Trump was the oldest president to be elected to a first term, although Reagan in his second term was the oldest sitting president. Pete Buttigieg, 37, would be younger on day one than either Teddy Roosevelt\u2014who, at 42, became the youngest president, after William McKinley died\u2014or John F. Kennedy, who, at 43, became our youngest president-elect.\n\nIt\u2019s always possible to find some narrow vertical in which a new president qualifies as a \u201cfirst.\u201d But gender, sexuality, and religion are all significant demographic markers. Warren would be the first female president, Buttigieg would be the first openly gay president, and Sanders would be the first Jewish president.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["first president", "Bill Clinton\u2019s reelection year", "first days", "economic growth", "defeat will.If Trump wins", "President Donald Trump\u2019s victory", "modern history", "Al Gore", "Joe Biden", "national polls", "Ronald Reagan", "Jimmy Carter", "youngest president", "Bernie Sanders", "Hillary Clinton", "oldest president", "Bill Clinton", "Elizabeth Warren", "Barack Obama", "second term", "years of political experience", "economic strength", "current front-runner", "Michael Cembalest of J.P. Morgan", "national economy", "H. W. Bush", "John F. Kennedy", "Rule of 14.As Jonathan Rauch", "years of consecutive public service", "William McKinley", "United States Senate.Biden", "narrow defeats of Al Gore", "lowest point", "sitting president", "greatest presidential fumble", "first day", "past decade", "Oval Office", "United States", "market tailwinds", "political experience", "major change", "Teddy Roosevelt", "American history", "small sample size", "president", "Derek Thompson", "past century", "historic firsts", "national poll"], "tags": [], "authors": ["Derek Thompson", "Staff Writer At"], "publish_date": "Mon Jan 20 00:00:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "This year, Americans will almost certainly elect the oldest president, the youngest president, or the only president to ever win reelection following impeachment.", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width,initial-scale=1", "description": "This year, Americans will almost certainly elect the oldest president, the youngest president, or the only president to ever win reelection following impeachment.", "theme-color": "#000000", "apple-mobile-web-app-capable": "yes", "apple-mobile-web-status-bar-style": "black", "apple-mobile-web-app-title": "The Atlantic", "referrer": "unsafe-url", "og": {"site_name": "The Atlantic", "locale": "en_US", "title": "The 2020 Election Will Break History", "type": "article", "url": "", "image": "", "description": "This year, Americans will almost certainly elect the oldest president, the youngest president, or the only president to ever win reelection following impeachment."}, "fb": {"pages": "29259828486,1468531833474495,1061579677251147,457711054591520,370457103090695,1631141167169115,148681772342453,1510507419185410,128344747344340,128377530562508,236061986423933", "admins": "577048155,17301937", "app_id": 100770816677686}, "p": {"domain_verify": "68e1a0361a557708fefc992f3309ed70"}, "twitter": {"site": "@theatlantic", "domain": "", "card": "summary_large_image", "image": {"src": ""}}, "application-name": "theatlantic", "msapplication-TileColor": "#FFFFFF", "msapplication-TileImage": "", "ROBOTS": "INDEX, FOLLOW", "krux": {"title": "The 2020 Election Will Break History", "description": "This year, Americans will almost certainly elect the oldest president, the youngest president, or the only president to ever win reelection following impeachment."}, "author": "Derek Thompson", "ia": {"markup_url": ""}, "article": {"publisher": "", "opinion": "false", "content_tier": "metered", "tag": "ideas", "section": "Ideas", "published_time": "2020-01-01T06:00:00-05:00", "modified_time": "2020-01-01T06:00:17-05:00"}, "keywords": "first president, Bill Clinton\u2019s reelection year, first days, economic growth, defeat will.If Trump wins, President Donald Trump\u2019s victory, modern history, Al Gore, Joe Biden, national polls, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, youngest president, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, oldest president, Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, second term, years of political experience, economic strength, current front-runner, Michael Cembalest of J.P. Morgan, national economy, H. W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Rule of 14.As Jonathan Rauch, years of consecutive public service, William McKinley, United States Senate.Biden, narrow defeats of Al Gore, lowest point, sitting president, greatest presidential fumble, first day, past decade, Oval Office, United States, market tailwinds, political experience, major change, Teddy Roosevelt, American history, small sample size, president, Derek Thompson, past century, historic firsts, national poll", "news_keywords": "first president, Bill Clinton\u2019s reelection year, first days, economic growth, defeat will.If Trump wins, President Donald Trump\u2019s victory, modern history, Al Gore, Joe Biden, national polls, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, youngest president, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, oldest president, Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, second term, years of political experience, economic strength, current front-runner, Michael Cembalest of J.P. Morgan, national economy, H. W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Rule of 14.As Jonathan Rauch, years of consecutive public service, William McKinley, United States Senate.Biden, narrow defeats of Al Gore, lowest point, sitting president, greatest presidential fumble, first day, past decade, Oval Office, United States, market tailwinds, political experience, major change, Teddy Roosevelt, American history, small sample size, president, Derek Thompson, past century, historic firsts, national poll"}, "canonical_link": ""}