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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Here are top tech trends to look out for this year", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Global publications have exploded with reports of the most exciting new developments that can be expected in the coming year, and many of these would have already advanced by the time the bloggers hit \u2018publish\u2019.\n\nFrom Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to edge computing and blockchain, co-founder and director of Quicket, James Hedley takes a look at the four most exciting tech trends to watch out for in Africa in 2020.\n\nExponential investment in Africa\n\nIn November, Nigerian-based payment ventures received a $360 million investment, making it the \u2018unofficial African capital for fintech investment and digital finance startups\u2019 according to TechCrunch.\n\nIt was also reported that the continent\u2019s fintech investment quadrupled to $357 million in 2018, with sub-Saharan Africa being the area with the most expected growth.\n\nSo, what does this mean for South Africa? \u201cWe can expect even more investment after being listed as one of the top three African countries with the highest amount of investment next to Kenya and Nigeria.\u201d\n\nThe Southern African Venture Capital Association also announced that venture capital funding grew 31% to over R1.5-billion in 2018, up from R1.1-billion in 2017.\n\nLeading the charge with sizeable investments this year include on-demand cleaning service SweepSouth and business funding company Lulalend.\n\nThe continued rise of mobile money\n\nSince 2011, the value of mobile transactions has grown over 890%, with sub-Saharan Africa leading the way as the world\u2019s largest region responsible for moving money on mobile phones \u2013 a total of 45,6% of the activity in the world.\n\nThe industry has grown exponentially and there are no signs of the market decreasing in value.\n\nMobile money has proven an effective tool for feature phone users who have not yet migrated to the smartphone movement, and USSD codes have become one of the technologies that have enhanced the transaction experience for millions.\n\nAssociated rise of the mobile money powered ecosystem\n\nHundred of millions of upwardly mobile consumers linked to a cost-effective mobile and easy-to-use payment system will create vast opportunities for all sorts of business models.\n\nOne only has to look to China to get a feel for the vast range of possibilities this could enable, like the incredible success WeChat has seen with their payment options.\n\nIn a recent report, they stated that over 84% of adults using their payment options now felt comfortable not carrying cash.\n\nReducing data costs\n\nRecently, mobile firms Vodacom and MTN were ordered by the Competition Commission of South Africa to slash their data costs, despite introducing price reductions.\n\nThe Commission released their long- awaited findings, and the network providers have two months to significantly reduce their data costs, making space for a wider audience to have not only access to the internet, but access for longer periods of time.\n\nAlthough MTN has stated that they will be opposing the ruling, \u201cwhat we can still look forward to is a more inclusive audience who engage with online content, shopping, etc\u201d.\n\nCorporates, small businesses and even retailers may look for more ways to engage with their audiences in order to reel in new and maintain existing consumers through online engagement.\n\nMessaging 2.0\n\nWe have seen great strides in messaging apps over the last year, with many businesses using apps like Messenger and WhatsApp as extended forms of customer service.\n\n\u201cAs a society, we have grown to demand immediacy from the brands that we choose to interact with, and we can expect much more from brands next year,\u201d Hedley said.\n\nWith updates in chatbots, interactions will be even more nuanced, with \u2018robots\u2019 who are being programmed to deliver to us more effectively every day.\n\nRead: A look at the new tech being used by Joburg police", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["business", "technology", "business technology", "Headline", "Technology"], "tags": ["Headline"], "authors": ["Staff Writer"], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Global publications have exploded with reports of the most exciting new developments that can be expected in the coming year, and many of these would have\u2026", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "fb": {"app_id": 107362872935530}, "og": {"type": "article", "url": "", "title": "Here are top tech trends to look out for this year", "description": "Global publications have exploded with reports of the most exciting new developments that can be expected in the coming year, and many of these would have already advanced by the time the bloggers hit \u2018publish\u2019.", "image": {"identifier": "", "secure_url": "", "width": 640, "height": 430}}, "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@businesstechSA", "image": "", "description": "Global publications have exploded with reports of the most exciting new developments that can be expected in the coming year, and many of these would have already advanced by the time the bloggers hit \u2018publish\u2019.", "title": "Here are top tech trends to look out for this year"}, "article": {"publisher": "", "author": "", "section": "Technology"}, "theme-color": "#274d88", "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style": "black-translucent", "keywords": "business,technology,business technology,Headline,Technology", "description": "Global publications have exploded with reports of the most exciting new developments that can be expected in the coming year, and many of these would have\u2026", "robots": "noodp,noydir", "msapplication-TileImage": ""}, "canonical_link": ""}