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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "Trump says initial China trade deal to be signed next month", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "[TIMESTAMP]/redot.gif?id=11LqKK9MvybnP9WB5lpdN5dSHWvgi0eCA7fiXJdKQuP.Z7/fastid=hphjpxjlghpkngcgdjdmxpnxahkj/stparam=mbpoeinsai", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday he will sign an initial phase one trade agreement with China next month in what could be a major milestone in a bilateral trade war.\n\nThe ceremony Jan. 15 at the White House will include top Chinese officials, the president said on Twitter. He did not specify who would represent China, noting only it would be \"high level representatives.\"\n\n\"At a later date I will be going to Beijing where talks will begin on Phase Two!\" Trump said.\n\nThe ongoing trade war between the world's top two economies has sent shockwaves through international markets on fears that it could prompt a worldwide economic slowdown.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["K\u00fcbra Nur Ey\u00fcpo\u011flu", "Yeni \u015eafak"], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Signing of phase one trade agreement to be held Jan. 15 at White House, says US president", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "/en/public/assetsNew/img/favicon.png", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width", "apple-mobile-web-app-capable": "yes", "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style": "black", "msapplication-tap-highlight": "no", "image": "", "description": "Signing of phase one trade agreement to be held Jan. 15 at White House, says US president", "og": {"description": "Signing of phase one trade agreement to be held Jan. 15 at White House, says US president", "image": "", "title": "Trump says initial China trade deal to be signed next month", "site_name": "Yeni \u015eafak"}, "fb": {"pages": 154012084797126}, "twitter": {"card": "summary", "title": "Trump says initial China trade deal to be signed next month", "description": "Signing of phase one trade agreement to be held Jan. 15 at White House, says US president", "image": ""}, "msvalidate.01": "95F11EB833D9D049C2CDC855116F4442", "robots": "ALL", "Rating": "General", "Distribution": "Global", "Copyright": "Yeni \u015eafak", "Classification": "Consumer", "DC.Title": "Trump says initial China trade deal to be signed next month", "DC.Creator": "Yeni \u015eafak", "DC.Subject": "Trump says initial China trade deal to be signed next month", "DC.Description": "Signing of phase one trade agreement to be held Jan. 15 at White House, says US president", "DC.Publisher": "Yeni \u015eafak", "DC.Contributor": "Yeni \u015eafak", "DC.Type": "Text", "DC.Source": "Yeni \u015eafak", "DC.Language": "tr-TR", "cXenseParse": {"recs": {"alb-linkname": "news", "alb-mainCategory": "News", "author": "K\u00fcbra Nur Ey\u00fcpo\u011flu", "articleid": 3508649}}, "google-play-app": "", "apple-itunes-app": "app-id=579620956", "yandex-verification": "3dc8392bdb3d93fb", "maincategory": "News", "subcategory": "Asia"}, "canonical_link": ""}