{"source_url": "https://web.archive.org", "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20210918103736id_/https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/patna/childhood-mental-disorder-high-in-state-study/articleshow/73061827.cms", "title": "Childhood mental disorder high in Bihar: Study", "top_image": "https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-73063508,width-1070,height-580,imgsize-500099,resizemode-75,overlay-toi_sw,pt-32,y_pad-40/photo.jpg", "meta_img": "https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-73063508,width-1070,height-580,imgsize-500099,resizemode-75,overlay-toi_sw,pt-32,y_pad-40/photo.jpg", "images": ["https://static.toiimg.com/photo/79638690.cms", "https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-73063508,width-1070,height-580,imgsize-500099,resizemode-75,overlay-toi_sw,pt-32,y_pad-40/photo.jpg", "https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-73063508,imgsize-500099,width-400,resizemode-4/73063508.jpg", "https://static.toiimg.com/photo/msid-25581306/25581306.jpg"], "movies": [], "text": "PATNA: The prevalence of childhood mental disorder is more in Bihar compared to other states in the country. A recent report published in Lancet Psychiatry stated that Bihar and other states falling in the low Socio Demographic Index (SDI) reported more number of mental disorder cases related to children and adolescent. On the other hand, adult mental disorder is prevalent in states with high SDI, the report said.As per the report, Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) per 1,00,000 population is more in Bihar in the category of autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder which are related to children.According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), DALYs for a disease or health condition are calculated as the sum of the Years of Life Lost (YLL) due to premature mortality in the population and the Years Lost Due to Disability (YLD) for people living with the health condition or its consequences.Conduct disorder is a condition in which a child becomes hostile or physically violent and may hurt others by pushing or biting during childhood and bullying in adolescence.Dr Santosh Kumar, associate professor (psychiatry department), Nalanda Medical College and Hospital (NMCH), said such children are more likely to become anti-social when they grow up.Dr Kumar said conduct disorder for Bihar was second highest in the country at 117, while the same for Jharkhand stood at 118. DALY in the category of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (a condition in which child is hyperactive and distractive) for Bihar is 5.3 \u2014 which is also second highest in the country. DALY for Himachal Pradesh was 39, the least in the country, he added.Idiopathic developmental intellectual disability (IDID) in Bihar has been calculated to be 252 \u2014 highest in the country \u2014 followed by Uttar Pradesh at 215. Dr Pramod Kumar Singh, head of psychiatry department, Patna Medical College and Hospital said IDID in simple terms was mental retardation. It can occur due to some post-natal care or poor health infrastructure.Autism spectrum for Bihar along with nine other states was 54 which was the highest in the country. However in Bihar, life year lost to death or with disability disorder and anxiety disorder have been found to be 406 and 299 respectively \u2014 which is less than several southern states. In Tamil Nadu depressive disorders has been found to be 836, with Andhra Pradesh following next with 793.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["Patna news", "Patna latest news", "Patna news live", "Patna news today", "Today news Patna", "Uttar Pradesh", "tamil nadu", "Nalanda Medical College and Hospital", "mental disorder", "Conduct Disorder", "Bihar", "autism spectrum"], "tags": ["mental disorder", "Chennai Weather", "Delhi Smog", "Delhi Temperature", "Hyderabad Rain", "Nalanda Medical College and Hospital", "Fire in Mumbai", "Mumbai Rains", "Delhi Air Pollution", "Srinagar encounter", "autism spectrum", "conduct disorder", "Bangalore Temperature"], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "The prevalence of childhood mental disorder is more in Bihar compared to other states in the country. A recent report published in Lancet Psychiatry s", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "https://m.timesofindia.com/touch-icon-iphone-precomposed.png", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no", "description": "The prevalence of childhood mental disorder is more in Bihar compared to other states in the country. A recent report published in Lancet Psychiatry s", "keywords": "Patna news, Patna latest news, Patna news live, Patna news today, Today news Patna,Uttar Pradesh,tamil nadu,Nalanda Medical College and Hospital,mental disorder,Conduct Disorder,Bihar,autism spectrum", "robots": "NOODP", "og": {"title": "Childhood mental disorder high in Bihar: Study | Patna News - Times of India", "url": "https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/patna/childhood-mental-disorder-high-in-state-study/articleshow/73061827.cms", "image": {"identifier": "https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-73063508,width-1070,height-580,imgsize-500099,resizemode-75,overlay-toi_sw,pt-32,y_pad-40/photo.jpg", "width": 1070, "height": 580}, "description": "The prevalence of childhood mental disorder is more in Bihar compared to other states in the country. A recent report published in Lancet Psychiatry s", "site_name": "The Times of India", "type": "article"}, "twitter": {"url": "https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/patna/childhood-mental-disorder-high-in-state-study/articleshow/73061827.cms", "image": "https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-73063508,width-1070,height-580,imgsize-500099,resizemode-75,overlay-toi_sw,pt-32,y_pad-40/photo.jpg", "title": "Childhood mental disorder high in Bihar: Study | Patna News - Times of India", "description": "The prevalence of childhood mental disorder is more in Bihar compared to other states in the country. A recent report published in Lancet Psychiatry s", "card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@timesofindia"}, "mobile-web-app-capable": "yes", "news_keywords": "Uttar Pradesh,tamil nadu,Nalanda Medical College and Hospital,mental disorder,Conduct Disorder,Bihar,autism spectrum", "The Times of India": "app-id=427589329,app-argument=https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/patna/childhood-mental-disorder-high-in-state-study/articleshow/73061827.cms", "y_key": "b1abb36a8d5c19c9", "theme-color": "#af2c2c", "apple-mobile-web-app-capable": "yes", "HandheldFriendly": "true", "MobileOptimized": "width", "fb": {"pages": 227797153941209, "app_id": 117787264903013}, "google-site-verification": "GdaeWTVPddYtkw-2hEyDpLYMw9SjsNr4dS5Z-9tfcT0"}, "canonical_link": "https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/patna/childhood-mental-disorder-high-in-state-study/articleshow/73061827.cms"}