{"source_url": "http://www.startribune.com", "url": "http://www.startribune.com/this-minneapolis-cocktail-bar-is-helping-you-do-dry-january/566605921/", "title": "This Minneapolis cocktail bar is helping you do 'Dry January'", "top_image": "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1577821890_566605921+MARVEL2.JPG?h=630&w=1200&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces", "meta_img": "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1577821890_566605921+MARVEL2.JPG?h=630&w=1200&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces", "images": ["https://stmedia.stimg.co/ows_157782001755196.jpg?h=91&w=145&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=top", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=8428425&cv=2.0&cj=1", "https://stmedia.stimg.co/ows_157797000976728.jpg?h=91&w=145&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces", "http://assets.startribune.com/static/img/navigation/eedition-filled.svg?d=1576793953", "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1577821890_566605921+MARVEL2.JPG?h=630&w=1200&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces", "https://apps.startribune.com/most_popular/?cmd=inc&type=view§ion=%2Fvariety%2Fdining&story_id=566605921", "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1008643849+2SCAPES04201.JPG?w=600&h=600&format=auto%2Ccompress&cs=tinysrgb", "http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-0fEc9CMkDiJ2g.gif", "http://apps.startribune.com/circulars/images/blank.gif", "http://assets.startribune.com/static/img/navigation/cogwheel-filled.svg?d=1576793953", "http://assets.startribune.com/static/img/navigation/user-filled.svg?d=1576793953"], "movies": [], "text": "If you\u2019re reading this amid a massive New Year\u2019s hangover, you just might have been Googling \u201cDry January.\u201d\n\nMany people make the commitment, for a month, to dry out, so to speak. To leave the liquor behind in the previous year and start anew, alcohol-free. This year, Marvel Bar, the Minneapolis cocktail spot below Bachelor Farmer, is also taking a break from booze.\n\nIt\u2019s kicking off 2020 (after a winter break, beginning January 8), with an \u201cexploration\u201d into drinking without drinking.\n\n(To be clear, alcoholic drinks will still be available. Just not the star of the show.)\n\nEric Dayton, Marvel Bar\u2019s co-owner, quit drinking three years ago. Marvel Bar\u2019s general manager, Peder Schweigert, doesn\u2019t drink either. Both have noticed a surge of more sophisticated non-alcoholic beverage options in recent years, a trend fueled in part by millennials\u2019 health consciousness. For those who aren\u2019t drinking, or just taking a break, the days of having to settle for a cranberry and soda are over.\n\n\u201cYou can be a grownup and not drink,\u201d said Dayton, 39. \u201cPeople our age aren\u2019t going to go out and have a Shirley Temple.\u201d\n\nInside the North Loop's Marvel Bar\n\nIn 2019, Marvel Bar began a series of deep-dives into certain spirits and topics. It spent months focused on whiskey, then gin, foraging, and finally brandy. So when they got to thinking about an exploration for January 2020, they came upon \u201cDry.\u201d\n\nSchweigert is crafting more than \u2018mocktails.\u2019 One drink, the Monarch, uses a syrup made from milkweed flowers foraged over the summer. Mixed with rice vinegar, it tastes like an \u201cadult watermelon Jolly Rancher,\u201d he said. The milkweed shrub is \u201cfloral, funky and interesting.\u201d\n\nAnother drink he\u2019s still tweaking will combine cherry juice and mushroom tea to replicate the \u201ctannins and nuance of an Old World French red.\u201d He\u2019s also experimenting with juices made from wine grapes that haven\u2019t been fermented.\n\nHot drinks and refreshing highballs will be easiest to create. Harder are the elixirs that \u201cscratch the itch of somebody who drinks Old Fashioneds,\u201d Schweigert said. All of the drinks, he assures, will pair perfectly with the bar\u2019s only food option, Cheetos.\n\nThe program will run through April.\n\nThe exploration series is meant to be immersive. In addition to the special menu, Dayton is thinking about minimizing the bar-ness of the bar itself. That means making the alcohol in stock \u201cless present, so someone who doesn\u2019t drink feels more comfortable,\u201d he said. \u201cBeing surrounded by bottles of alcohol can be a difficult experience.\u201d\n\nThere will also be an educational component to the series over the next four months, with discussions or classes on what to drink, for people who want to drink less, or not at all.\n\n\u201cWhen I stopped drinking, it meant so much to me when a bar had something thoughtful, not a mocktail, not a lesser version of what I was having before,\u201d Dayton said.\n\nIt turns out, the audience for those thoughtful drinks is large and varied, whether bar-goers are abstaining because of pregnancy, overall health, for weight loss, or because of addiction.\n\n\u201cEach person has their reason for doing it,\u201d Dayton said, \u201cand we want to make them feel welcomed.\u201d\n\nMarvel Bar\n\n50 2nd Av. S., Mpls., 612-206-3929, marvelbar.com", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Jeff Wheeler", "Star Tribune"], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Marvel Bar kicks off an 'exploration' into non-alcoholic drinks beginning Jan. 8.", "meta_lang": "", "meta_favicon": "http://www.startribune.com/img/touch-icon-iphone-retina.png?d=1576793953", "meta_data": {"app-env": "prod", "app-platform": "desktop", "app-revision": "V20191219", "bugsnag-api-key": "57098e87943fb0b8bcf51a8ffc9ca41a", "feature toggles": "[\"Comments\",\"Ads\",\"WelcomeScreen\",\"Meter\",\"lazy load\",\"Array Cache\",\"Show Minified Assets\",\"Zone 3\",\"Imgix\",\"User Platform Digital Access\",\"user-platform-account-registration\",\"Homepage The Stream\",\"Snowplow\",\"Recommendations\",\"User State Speed Increase\",\"Nativo\",\"Optimizely\",\"Resonate\",\"Keywee\",\"Grazers\",\"Auto-Advance\",\"Index\",\"Amazon\",\"Use Personalization API\",\"emma lightbox\",\"Gtm\",\"grazers-zedo-video\",\"Bounce-X\",\"Obituaries Always Remembering Pages\",\"Obituaries Always Remembering Draft Preview\",\"Enhanced Obituaries\",\"Rubicon\",\"Header Bidding\",\"Prebid\",\"Obituaries Viafoura JS V2 Upgrade\",\"Ads Toggle\",\"Obituaries Always Remembering Links\",\"Zedo Ads\",\"Product Refresh Cookie\",\"RTK\",\"CommentCount\",\"Obituary Guestbook\",\"BulkRedirect\",\"Eedition Credentials Check\",\"Facebook Authentication\",\"Day Pass\",\"Day Pass Facebook Login\",\"Talk Comment Count\",\"Bidphysics\",\"Outbrain\",\"Example Active\",\"Analytics\",\"Confiant\",\"Cron Status Pages\",\"Data Layer\",\"CmsApiCache\",\"Delay Asset Modified Cache Keys\",\"Product Refresh Cookie Javascript\",\"Set Session Cookie\",\"TSN Sports\",\"Mobile Overlay\",\"Prediction.IO\"]", "route-name": "content", "section-path": "/variety/dining/", "content-id": 566605921, "content-type": "story", "is-most-read": "false", "google-site-verification": "bLXTXkzm4dJ8hcJy1LXawtxXxGP3JhInARj69uCiMiM", "description": "Marvel Bar kicks off an 'exploration' into non-alcoholic drinks beginning Jan. 8.", "news_keywords": "bachelor farmer, marvel bar, dry january, non-alcoholic, no drinking, mocktails, beverages, cocktails, bar, cocktail bar, minneapolis, where to drink for dry january", "article": {"tag": "where to drink for dry january"}, "og": {"site_name": "Star Tribune", "type": "article", "title": "This Minneapolis cocktail bar is helping you do 'Dry January'", "description": "Marvel Bar kicks off an 'exploration' into non-alcoholic drinks beginning Jan. 8.", "url": "http://www.startribune.com/this-minneapolis-cocktail-bar-is-helping-you-do-dry-january/566605921/", "image": {"identifier": "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1577821890_566605921+MARVEL2.JPG?h=630&w=1200&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces", "url": "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1577821890_566605921+MARVEL2.JPG?h=630&w=1200&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces", "width": 1200, "height": 630}}, "twitter": {"site": "@StarTribune", "card": "summary_large_image", "title": "This Minneapolis cocktail bar is helping you do 'Dry January'", "description": "Marvel Bar kicks off an 'exploration' into non-alcoholic drinks beginning Jan. 8.", "url": "http://www.startribune.com/this-minneapolis-cocktail-bar-is-helping-you-do-dry-january/566605921/", "image": {"identifier": "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1577821890_566605921+MARVEL2.JPG?h=630&w=1200&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces", "src": "https://stmedia.stimg.co/1577821890_566605921+MARVEL2.JPG?h=630&w=1200&fit=crop&bg=999&crop=faces"}}, "fb": {"pages": 49573759647}}, "canonical_link": "http://www.startribune.com/this-minneapolis-cocktail-bar-is-helping-you-do-dry-january/566605921/"}