{"source_url": "https://gehlporter.com", "url": "https://gehlporter.com/", "title": "WHY COMPETITION IN THE POLITICS INDUSTRY IS FAILING AMERICA", "top_image": "https://gehlporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/report-cover-web.jpg", "meta_img": "https://gehlporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/report-cover-web.jpg", "images": ["https://gehlporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/report-cover-web.jpg", "https://gehlporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/HBS-article-image-700w-3.png", "https://gehlporter.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif", "https://gehlporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/HBS-article-image-white-400w.png"], "movies": [], "text": "Preface\n\nMany Americans are disgusted and concerned about the dysfunction and abysmal results from Washington, D.C., and so are we. However, this paper is not about adding to the depressing national dialog about politics, but about how to change the system by taking action that will work.\n\nToo many people\u2014including many pundits, political scientists, and politicians themselves\u2014are laboring under a misimpression that our political problems are inevitable, or the result of a weakening of the parties, or due to the parties\u2019 ideological incoherence, or because of an increasingly polarized American public. Those who focus on these reasons are looking in the wrong places. The result is that despite all the commentary and attention on politics in recent years, there is still no accepted strategy to reform the system and things keep getting worse.\n\nWe need a new approach. Our political problems are not due to a single cause, but rather to a failure of the nature of the political competition that has been created. This is a systems problem.\n\nWe are not political scientists, political insiders, or political experts. Instead, we bring a new analytical lens to understanding the performance of our political system: the lens of industry competition. This type of analysis has been used for decades to understand competition in other industries, and sheds new light on the failure of politics because politics in America has become, over the last several decades, a major industry that works like other industries.\n\nWe use this lens to put forth an investment thesis for political reform and innovation. What would be required to actually change the political outcomes we are experiencing? What would it take to better align the political system with the public interest and make progress on the nation\u2019s problems? And, which of the many political reform and innovation ideas that have been proposed would actually alter the trajectory of the system?\n\nPolitics in America is not a hopeless problem, though it is easy to feel this way given what we experience and read about every day. There are promising reforms already gaining traction including important elements of the strategy we propose. It is up to us as citizens to recapture our democracy\u2014it will not be self-correcting. We invite you to personally engage by investing both your time and resources\u2014and by mobilizing those around you\u2014in what we believe is the greatest challenge facing America today.\n\nIt is often said that \u201cWe in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.\u201d1 Today the challenge for Americans is to participate not only as voters, but also to participate in the reform of the political system itself. This is our democracy, and the need is urgent.\n\nThis report is about politics, but it is not political. The problem is not Democrats or Republicans or the existence of parties per se. The problem is not individual politicians; most who seek and hold public office are genuinely seeking to make a positive contribution. The real problem is the nature of competition in the politics industry.\n\nKatherine M. Gehl & Michael E. Porter", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Why Competition in the Politics Industry is Failing America is a report by Katherine M. Gehl & Michael E. 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