{"source_url": "https://news.yahoo.com", "url": "https://news.yahoo.com/north-koreas-warning-america-end-154200628.html", "title": "North Korea's Warning to America: End Your 'Hostile Policy' Or Get Nothing", "top_image": "https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/m4Mv9eEWvHIl19NwOyegeg--~B/aD05NTA7dz0xNDQwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_national_interest_705/796881a3b1d555e7a458593365b45645", "meta_img": "https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/m4Mv9eEWvHIl19NwOyegeg--~B/aD05NTA7dz0xNDQwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_national_interest_705/796881a3b1d555e7a458593365b45645", "images": ["https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/m4Mv9eEWvHIl19NwOyegeg--~B/aD05NTA7dz0xNDQwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_national_interest_705/796881a3b1d555e7a458593365b45645", "https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/REB1UvHUQ6KvC3Bqii34ug--~A/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODQ7aD04NA--/https://media-mbst-pub-ue1.s3.amazonaws.com/creatr-uploaded-images/2019-02/8406cdc0-270c-11e9-b3fb-663c7c2991b3", "https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/RNtyc7G2bPTffU86qJ57zw--~A/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_national_interest_705/796881a3b1d555e7a458593365b45645"], "movies": [], "text": "In the most anticipated speech of his career today, North Korea\u2019s Kim Jong-un told hundreds of cadre from the Workers\u2019 Party of Korea to prepare for a long-term standoff with the United States over its drive to \u201cseek its own political and diplomatic interests\u201d in Korea while \u201cwasting time away under the signboard of dialogue and negotiations.\u201d\n\nBut to the obvious surprise of many U.S. experts, Kim hedged on making any move that would cross a red line for the Trump administration or the Pentagon. Instead, he left the door open for further negotiations over peace and denuclearization \u2013 but only if the United States \u201crolls back its hostile policy towards the DPRK\u201d and helps build \u201ca lasting and durable peace-keeping mechanism\u201d on the peninsula.\n\nIn some ways, Kim\u2019s remarks restated the regime\u2019s long-standing policy on talking to Washington, with an extra dose of determination to withstand the withering U.S. and UN sanctions that have crippled Kim\u2019s attempts to remake North Korea\u2019s economy and stifled any moves towards inter-Korean reconciliation over the last two years. \u201cThe DPRK-U.S. stand-off which has lasted century after century has now been compressed to clear stand-off between self-reliance and sanctions,\u201d he said.\n\nIf that situation continues, Kim declared, the \u201clong confrontation\u201d with the U.S. might include the introduction \u201cin the near future\u201d of a \u201cnew strategic weapon\u201d that he declined to describe (apart from being capable of \u201cshocking actual action.\u201d) Moreover, he would show his new hand by ending the halt he declared in 2018 to further development of nuclear weapons and the \u201ctest-fire\u201d of long-range ICBMs capable of hitting the United States. \u201cThere is no ground for us to get unilaterally bound to that commitment any longer,\u201d he said.\n\nTo make the case for ending the moratorium, Kim pointed to the \u201cbig and small\u201d military drills carried out by the U.S. military in and around Korea since the talks began in 2018, and its introduction of \u201cultra-modern warfare equipment\u201d from the United States into South Korea. As he spoke, a fleet of U.S. spy planes, based primarily in nearby Okinawa and carrying the most sophisticated surveillance equipment in the world, combed Korean skies looking for any signs of new tests that would violate the moratorium.\n\nRead the original article.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Tim Shorrock"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan 1 15:42:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "If President Trump, his advisers and the many North Korea \u201cexperts\u201d in Washington and New York really want to head off the \u201cnew way\u201d Kim just warned about, they should start applying their considerable analytical skills to exploring those aspects of U.S. policy that have driven North Korea into a corner", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "https://s.yimg.com/os/mit/media/p/common/images/favicon_new-7483e38.svg", "meta_data": {"oath": {"guce": {"consent-host": "guce.yahoo.com"}}, "msapplication-TileColor": "#6e329d", "msapplication-TileImage": "https://s.yimg.com/rz/p/yahoo_frontpage_en-US_s_f_w_bestfit_frontpage.png", "msvalidate.01": "A9862C0E6E1BE95BCE0BF3D0298FD58B", "referrer": "unsafe-url", "theme-color": "#400090", "twitter": {"dnt": "on", "site": "@YahooNews", "card": "summary_large_image", "description": "If President Trump, his advisers and the many North Korea \u201cexperts\u201d in Washington and New York really want to head off the \u201cnew way\u201d Kim just warned about, they should start applying their considerable analytical skills to exploring those aspects of U.S. policy that have driven North Korea into a corner", "image": {"identifier": "https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/m4Mv9eEWvHIl19NwOyegeg--~B/aD05NTA7dz0xNDQwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_national_interest_705/796881a3b1d555e7a458593365b45645", "src": "https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/m4Mv9eEWvHIl19NwOyegeg--~B/aD05NTA7dz0xNDQwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_national_interest_705/796881a3b1d555e7a458593365b45645"}, "title": "North Korea's Warning to America: End Your 'Hostile Policy' Or Get Nothing"}, "application-name": "Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines", "news_keywords": "North Korea, the United States, Kim Jong-un", "apple-itunes-app": "app-id=304158842,app-argument=yahoo://article/view?uuid=fbff54db-8378-37cb-a9c3-493928288957&src=web", "description": "If President Trump, his advisers and the many North Korea \u201cexperts\u201d in Washington and New York really want to head off the \u201cnew way\u201d Kim just warned about, they should start applying their considerable analytical skills to exploring those aspects of U.S. policy that have driven North Korea into a corner", "og": {"type": "article", "image": "https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/m4Mv9eEWvHIl19NwOyegeg--~B/aD05NTA7dz0xNDQwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_national_interest_705/796881a3b1d555e7a458593365b45645", "description": "If President Trump, his advisers and the many North Korea \u201cexperts\u201d in Washington and New York really want to head off the \u201cnew way\u201d Kim just warned about, they should start applying their considerable analytical skills to exploring those aspects of U.S. policy that have driven North Korea into a corner", "title": "North Korea's Warning to America: End Your 'Hostile Policy' Or Get Nothing", "url": "https://news.yahoo.com/north-koreas-warning-america-end-154200628.html"}, "fb": {"pages": 338028696036, "app_id": 458584288257241}, "al": {"android": {"app_name": "Yahoo", "package": "com.yahoo.mobile.client.android.yahoo", "url": "yahoo://article/view?uuid=fbff54db-8378-37cb-a9c3-493928288957&src=web"}, "ios": {"app_name": "Yahoo", "app_store_id": 304158842, "url": "yahoo://article/view?uuid=fbff54db-8378-37cb-a9c3-493928288957&src=web"}}}, "canonical_link": "https://news.yahoo.com/north-koreas-warning-america-end-154200628.html"}