Filtered: -- Filtered: -- العربية نت: العربية نت قال مسؤولون أميركيون إن إدارة الرئيس دونالد ترمب تدرس تعليق جزء كبير من مساعداتها الإنسانية لليمن كجزء من الرد الدولي على القيود الجديدة التي تفرضها ميليشيات الحوثي المدعومة من إيران، وفقا لما أوردته "واشنطن بوست" Washington Post الأميركية. وتضيف الصحيفة أن أحد أكبر المانحين في اليمن يدرس مثل هذه الخطوة التي، في حال تنفيذها، يمكن أن تزيد من سوء الظروف المأساوية بالفعل، مما يؤكد التحدي المتمثل في إدارة عمليات المساعدات في المناطق التي تسيطر عليها الميليشيات الانقلابية. وقال مسؤول رفيع المستوى في وزارة الخارجية الأميركية، إن الولايات المتحدة لم تتخذ قرارا نهائيا، لكنها كانت تنسق مع الدول المانحة الأخرى ومنظمات الإغاثة بشأن ردود محتملة على "ضريبة" بنسبة 2% على مشاريع المساعدة وغيرها من الإجراءات الجديدة في المناطق اليمنية التي يديرها الحوثيون. وقال المسؤول، الذي تحدث شريطة عدم الكشف عن هويته لأنه غير مخول لمناقشة القضية علنا: "نحن في وضع مؤسف ونحاول حل المشكلة، وإذا تم اتخاذ مثل هذا الإجراء فسيتم فرضه بسبب إعاقة الحوثيين التي لم يسبق لها مثيل". وتشير الصحيفة إلى أن تعليق الولايات المتحدة والجهات المانحة الأخرى للمساعدات في المناطق التي يسيطر عليها الحوثيون ستكون مسألة محورية خلال اجتماع الدول المانحة ومجموعات الإغاثة في بروكسل هذا الأسبوع. ويقول المسؤولون المطلعون على المناقشات إن إدارة ترمب قد أبلغت المنظمات الإنسانية بالفعل أن التعليق، إذا تم الانتهاء منه، سيدخل حيز التنفيذ في الأول من مارس. يُذكر أن الولايات المتحدة قدمت 746 مليون دولار كمساعدة في اليمن في السنة المالية 2019. ويأتي وقف محتمل للمساعدات الإنسانية في الوقت الذي تجددت فيه أعمال العنف بين ميليشيا الحوثي، المدعومة من إيران، وقوات الشرعية المدعومة من تحالف دعم الشرعية في اليمن. وتتزامن هذه الخطوة المحتملة أيضا مع تصاعد التوترات الأميركية مع إيران. ويطبق البيت الأبيض حاليا حملة ضغط قصوى على إيران، وتشمل فرض عقوبات تهدف جزئياً إلى إجبار طهران على إنهاء دعمها للجماعات المسلحة الأجنبية. وقال مسؤول رفيع المستوى في الأمم المتحدة في اليمن، تحدث شريطة عدم الكشف عن هويته، إن ما نريد فعله حقًا هو التأكد من عدم تأثر الأشخاص "لكننا ندرك أن لدينا مشاكل كبيرة للغاية". وتقدم الأمم المتحدة مساعدات غذائية لأكثر من 12 مليون شخص شهريا في اليمن. وقد ساهم الصراع هناك وتقليص التجارة والاضطراب الاقتصادي في انتشار الجوع والمرض. ودفعت الحاجة المتزايدة بين اليمنيين الأمم المتحدة إلى توسيع نطاق عملياتها في اليمن في العام الماضي، مما يشكل تحديا آخر لإدارة وتوصيل الإمدادات. ويقول مسؤولو الأمم المتحدة إنهم ناضلوا لمنع تحويل المساعدات من قبل المسؤولين الحوثيين، الذين يعتقدون أنهم باعوا المساعدات في السوق السوداء أو نقلوها إلى المقاتلين. وفي العام الماضي، أوقفت الأمم المتحدة مؤقتا جزءا من برنامج المساعدات في صنعاء بعد أن رفض المسؤولون الحوثيون نظام تسجيل مصمم لضمان وصول المساعدات إلى المستفيدين المستهدفين. والشهر الماضي، قالت الأمم المتحدة إنه قد تم نهب مستودع للمساعدات في منطقة يسيطر عليها الحوثيون. ولم يكن من الواضح على الفور ما إذا كان تعليق الولايات المتحدة سيؤثر على تمويل برامج المساعدات التابعة للأمم المتحدة في اليمن أو المساعدة المقدمة فقط من خلال مجموعات المساعدات الأصغر. وعلى الرغم من اختلاف الآراء حول تعليق الولايات المتحدة المحتمل للمساعدات، قال العديد من مسؤولي المساعدات إنهم يأملون في أن تتبنى الدول المانحة، بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة، استجابة موحدة لزيادة الضغط على المتمردين قد تدفعهم إلى التخلي عن بعض القيود. Filtered 2 samples from 195 in ar - test Filtered: بعد التجديد وزير التعليم العالي يعلن موعد افتتاح القصر العيني قال الدكتور خالد عبد العزيز، وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، إن المستشفيات الجامعية تقدم خدمات إلى كافة أطياف الشعب المصري، موضحا أن المستشفيات بها حوالي 31 ألف طبيب لتقديم الخدمات الطبية على أعلى مستوى. وأضاف خلال حلقة اليوم من برنامج على مسئوليتي ، المذاع على فضائية صدى البلد ، والذي يقدمه الإعلامي أحمد موسى ، أنه تم استحداث تطبيق يمسي 365 صحة وذلك لربط كافة المستشفيات الجامعية ببعضها البعض حتى يتم توفير العلاج اللازم للمريض في أي مستشفى بأسرع وقت. وأشار أنه يتم العمل على تطوير القصر العيني بالكامل لأنه يخدم ما يقرب من 3 آلاف مريض يوميا، من مباني والطوارئ، وسوف يتم التوسع في تطوير الطوارئ بالمستشفيات الجامعية على مستوى مصر. وتابع الوزير، أنه بداية من شهر أبريل القادم سوف يتم افتتاح التطوير الذي لحق بالقصر العيني، وهذا التطوير سوف يكون شامل لكافة أقسام الطوارئ. وتحدث الوزير عن مستشفى بنها، أنها تضم 1100 سرير و 1162 عضو بهئية التدريس، مناشدة أهالي بنها بعدم اصطحاب الأهالي بعدد كبير حتى لا يتم إعاقة الأطباء على تأدية عملهم -- Filtered: تعمل صفحات على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في مصر على تسويق منتج تقدمه على أنه اختبار لكشف الإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد معترف به من السلطات الصحية المصرية والعالمية، لكن هذا الخبر كاذب والمنتج لا يحظى بأي تصريح رسمي. وجاء في هذه المنشورات، التي تداولها عشرات مستخدمي موقع فيسبوك باللغة العربية، وخصوصاً في مصر "كرت الكشف عن فيروس كورونا المستجد، مصرح به من منظمة الصحة العالمية ووزارة الصحة المصرية". كرت الكشف عن فيروس ك_و_ر_و_نا المستجد covd 19 . 😷 ووزاره الصحه المصريه. 👩‍🔬 صوره التصريح فى اللينك التالى... Posted by ‎ألامل فارما Al-Amal Pharma‎ on Thursday, May 14, 2020 وذكرت المنشورات أن ثمن هذا الاختبار مع تكاليف الشحن داخل مصر هو 550 جنيها مصريا، أي ما يعادل 35 دولارا. وأرفق المنشور بمقطع مصور لرجل يأخذ عينة من دم شخص آخر، من غير أن يظهر وجه أي منهما. كارت تحليل فيروس كورونا المستجد . #خليك_بالبيت Posted by ‎ألامل فارما Al-Amal Pharma‎ on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 كما أرفق المنشور بصور يمكن العثور عليها نفسها على مواقع ترويجية لمنتجات تقدم على أنها اختبارات لكورونا المستجد مصنعة في الصين أو في الهند. وتضمن المنشور أيضا وثيقة عرف عنها على أنها تصريح من وزارة الصحة المصرية. لكن هذا التصريح مثير للشك، لعدم وضوح البيانات فيه، في كل ما يتعلق بالشركة المستوردة، ولا حتى المنتج المصرح به. تصريح وزارة الصحه لكرت تحليل فيروس كرونا المستجد . #شفانا الله واياكم #خليك_بالبيت Posted by ‎ألامل فارما Al-Amal Pharma‎ on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 وزارة الصحة المصرية تنفي ونفت وزارة الصحة المصرية صحة هذا المنشور. وقال مصدر في الوزراة لوكالة فرانس برس إن السلطات الصحية لم تعط تصريحا للمنتج محل السؤال. وشدد المصدر على أن "الاختبارات السريعة تكون فقط في معامل الوزارة والمستشفيات التابعة لها". وبلغت حصيلة وباء كوفيد-19 في مصر، البلد الأكبر ديموغرافيا في العالم العربي والتي يقطنها نحو 100 مليون نسمة، 612 وفاة من أصل أكثر من 11719 إصابة، وفق آخر إحصائيات صدرت عن وزارة الصحة عند نشر هذا التقرير. -- Filtered: -- تابعوا أخبار الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام عبر أثير إذاعة لبنان على الموجات 98.5 و98.1 و96.2 FM وطنية - اكد الامين العام للتيار الاسعدي المحامي معن الاسعد في تصريح "على ضرورة اختراق وتجاوز الخطوط والعراقيل التي تعترض تشكيل الحكومة بعناوين وشعارات طائفية ومذهبية وسياسية"، مشيرا إلى "أن ما يطفو على الساحة الداخلية من خلافات وتباينات مفتعلة على تشكيل الحكومة لا يقدم ولا يؤخر. وهو يأتي في اطار ادعاء الطبقة السياسية الحاكمة بأنها هي صاحبة قرار التشكيل أو عدمه"، مؤكدا "أن الحكومات المتعاقبة للاسف كانت تتشكل بتوافق اقليمي ودولي".اضاف : "ان الاسراع في عملية تشكيل الحكومة أكثر من ملح وضروري في ظل الصراع الاقليمي والدولي المحتدم والذي يتفاقم وقد يصل الى حد التصادم في المنطقة وعليها، والمطلوب ان يكون لبنان محصنا وان تعمل مؤسساته الدستورية للتخفيف من التداعيات المحتملة واستيعابها والتقليل من الخسائر المتوقعة".وسأل عن حكومة تصريف الاعمال التي عليها مسؤوليات وواجبات تجاه البلد والناس وخصوصا ان الازمات والمشكلات الاقتصادية والمالية والمعيشية بلغت حد الخطر الفعلي بفعل جنون الغلاء وسطو المصارف على اموال المودعين واذلالهم، فضلا عن الاحصائيات المخيفة عن استغناء المؤسسات والشركات عن 160 الف موظف. ألم يكن من الاجدى بهذه الحكومة اعلان خطة طوارئ اقتصادية ومالية الى حين تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة؟"وشدد الاسعد "ان لا خيار أمام الافرقاء السياسيين سوى تشكيل الحكومة لتباشر مسؤولياتها فورا وانقاذ ما تبقى من هذا البلد وتتخذ وتنفذ قرارات جريئة في مقدمها اقرار قوانين رفع الحصانات والاثراء غير المشروع واعاة الاموال المنهوبة"، مؤكدا "ان لا قيامة للبنان الا بالتخلص من سياسة ونهج الفساد والمحاصصة".==========================أ.أ. Filtered: -- اشترك لتصلك أهم الأخبار انتهت هيئة الإسعاف المصرية، الثلاثاء، من دفن جثمان سائق إسعاف وحدة نزلة السمان بالجيزة، الذي توفى متأثرًا بإصابته بفيروس كورونا المستجد أثناء عمله، وعزله لعدة أيام داخل مستشفى هليوبوليس بالقاهرة. ووصل جثمان السائق شعبان عبدالعال محمد عبدالفتاح، 49 عامًا، إلى مسقط رأسه بقرية سدمنت الجبل التابعة لمركز إهناسيا غرب محافظة بنى سويف داخل سيارة إسعاف مجهزة في حراسة من الشرطة، بعد تغسيله وتكفينه، وفقاً لإجراءات مكافحة العدوى، وقام فريقاً من مكافحة العدوي باستقبال الجثمان في المقابر، ودفنه بمقابر عائلته. وأناب الدكتور محمد جاد، رئيس هيئة الإسعاف المصرية بناءً على تعليمات الدكتور هالة زايد، وزير الصحة، وفدًا يضم كل من الدكتور عبدالحليم، محمود مدير مرفق هيئة الإسعاف المصرية بالجيزة، والدكتور إسلام عساف، مدير هيئة الإسعاف المصرية ببني سويف، لحضور دفن الجثمان، وسط إجراءات احترازية ووقائية مشددة. Filtered: -- Filtered: عواصم (وكالات) قال الجيش الكوري الجنوبي: إن كوريا الشمالية أطلقت ثلاث قذائف قصيرة المدى باتجاه بحر اليابان أمس، ونقلت وكالة أنباء «يونهاب» الكورية الجنوبية، عن هيئة الأركان المشتركة في الجيش في بيان، أن القذائف حلقت على ارتفاع نحو 50 كيلومتراً، وقطعت مسافة تقارب 200 كيلومتر. وقالت هيئة الأركان: إن العملية تبدو جزءاً من تدريبات عسكرية شتوية، تستمر حتى نهاية مارس الجاري، وتتضمن قاذفات صواريخ متعددة، وتأتي متتابعة لعمليات إطلاق مشابهة نفذت في 28 فبراير الماضي، وفي الثاني من مارس الجاري. وأوضحت، أن أجهزة الاستخبارات في كل من كوريا الجنوبية والولايات المتحدة، تحلل تفاصيل أخرى تتعلق بهذه التدريبات العسكرية، مؤكدةً أن الجيش الكوري الجنوبي يراقب الوضع، في حال تم إطلاق المزيد من القاذفات، ويبقي على حالة الجاهزية. -- Filtered 6 samples from 268 in ar - train Filtered: -- A partir de las 14:00 horas de este domingo 1.º iniciará en el Palacio Legislativo la ceremonia en que el senador José Mujica tomará juramento a Luis Lacalle Pou y Beatriz Argimón como presidente y vicepresidenta de la República. Luego ambos recorrerán las avenidas del Libertador y 18 de Julio hasta llegar, sobre las 16:30 horas, a la plaza Independencia. Lacalle Pou recibirá la banda presidencial de manos de Tabaré Vázquez. Este domingo 1.º de marzo, la transmisión del mando presidencial para el período 2020-2025 comienza a las 14:00 horas, con la Ceremonia de Compromiso de Honor Constitucional en el Palacio Legislativo. Allí, los parlamentarios, reunidos en la Asamblea General, tomarán juramento al presidente electo, Luis Lacalle Pou, y a la vicepresidenta electa, Beatriz Argimón. Está previsto que sobre las 16:10 horas arribe a la plaza Independencia el presidente saliente, Tabaré Vázquez. A las 16:30 horas lo harán Lacalle Pou y Argimón, para iniciar, minutos después, la ceremonia del traspaso del mando presidencial, que incluye la lectura del acta oficial y la entrega de la banda presidencial ante autoridades nacionales, jefes de Estado y de Gobierno extranjeros y la ciudadanía. PUBLICIDAD PUBLICIDAD A las 17:10 horas comenzará el acto de asunción de los nuevos ministros, con la correspondiente firma en el Libro de Actas, seguido de un desfile militar. Sobre las 17:50 horas, Luis Lacalle Pou y su esposa, Lorena Ponce de León, se trasladarán al edificio José Artigas, donde saludarán a las delegaciones visitantes, acompañados por el novel ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Ernesto Talvi. Transmisión del mando presidencial 2020 Domingo 1.° de marzo Hora 13:40 – Arribo al Palacio Legislativo de la vicepresidenta electa de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Beatriz Argimón. Hora 13:50 – Arribo al Palacio Legislativo del presidente electo de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou. Hora 14:00 – Inicio de la Ceremonia de Compromiso de Honor Constitucional por parte del presidente electo, Luis Lacalle Pou, y la vicepresidenta electa, Beatriz Argimón. Hora 14:50 – Finalización de la Ceremonia de Compromiso de Honor Constitucional. Hora 15:30 – Arribo de las delegaciones oficiales y los invitados a la plaza Independencia. PUBLICIDAD PUBLICIDAD Hora 16:10 – Arribo del presidente saliente de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez Rosas, a la plaza Independencia. Honores militares. PUBLICIDAD PUBLICIDAD Hora 16:30 – Arribo del presidente electo, Luis Lacalle Pou, y la vicepresidenta electa, Beatriz Argimón, a la plaza Independencia. Hora 16:35 – El presidente saliente, Tabaré Vázquez Rosas, recibe al presidente electo, Luis Lacalle Pou, y a la vicepresidenta electa, Beatriz Argimón. Honores militares. Hora 16:40 – Inicio de la Ceremonia del Traspaso del Mando Presidencial. Hora 17:00 – Partida del presidente saliente, Tabaré Vázquez Rosas. Honores militares. Hora 17:10 – Ceremonia de Asunción de los Ministros Entrantes. Firma del Libro de Actas. Hora 17:40 – Desfile militar. Hora 17:50 – Traslado del presidente de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, y señora al edificio José Artigas. Hora 17:55 – Inicio del espectáculo artístico. Hora 17:55 – Traslado de los jefes de delegación al edificio José Artigas. Hora 18:15 – Inicio del saludo protocolar del presidente de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, y señora y del ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Ernesto Talvi, a los jefes de delegación. Hora 19:15 – Fin de las ceremonias. Filtered: -- 27 casos de feminicidio con el último crimen ocurrido en El Alto 03/03/2020 - 15:29:07 La Paz, (ABI).- La Fiscalía investiga un feminicidio de una mujer de unos 30 años de edad ocurrido en la zona Tilata B de la ciudad de El Alto, que sería el quinto en el departamento en lo que va del año, y en el país el acaso número 27. "El Ministerio Público se encuentra investigando un hecho de feminicidio, toda vez que el lunes se procedió al levantamiento legal del cadáver que se halló en un terreno de la zona de Tilata B de la ciudad de El Alto en la carretera a Vicha", dijo el fiscal coordinador de La Paz, Sergio Bustillos. Explicó que la víctima aún no fue identificada y su cuerpo se encuentra en la morgue del Hospital de Clínicas. Indicó que, según los estudios, la causa de la muerte fue un shock hipovolémico causado por una lesión a la altura del cuello. Dijo que el fiscal de la provincia Ingavi del departamento de La Paz, Kenneth Verástegui, de oficio investiga el caso para encontrar al o los autores del hecho. También se tomaron huellas dactilares de la víctima para que sean analizadas en el Servicio General de Identificación Personal (SEGIP), y otras acciones para que el cuerpo sea identificado, dijo. De acuerdo con datos de la Fiscalía Especializada de Delitos Contra la Vida y la Integridad Personal de la Fiscalía General del Estado, en el país del 1 de enero al 3 de febrero de 2020 se reportaron 27 casos de feminicidio. En el departamento de Santa Cruz 8, Cochabamba 5, La Paz 5, Potosí 3, Pando 2, Chuquisaca 2, Oruro 1 y Tarija 1. Filtered: -- Luego de que se confirmara el primer caso importado en México por coronavirus o COVID-19, se trata de un hombre de 35 años de edad que permanece aislado en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (INER), y existe otro caso sospechoso aislado en un hotel de Sinaloa; tras esto, los usuarios en redes sociales no han dejado pasasr el hecho y lo toman con humor. Durante la conferencia matutina de Andrés Manuel López Obrador, en Palacio Nacional, el subsecretario de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez detalló que el paciente aislado en el INER se mantiene estable y se localizó a cinco personas con los que tuvo contacto que ya están en estudio. Filtered: Hace pocos minutos, el Ministerio de Salud confirmó 497 nuevos casos de Covid-19, con lo que el número de contagiados ascendió a 9.456 en todo el territorio nacional. Asimismo, desde la cartera de salud anunciaron que la cifra de muertos en Colombia llegó a 407 tras el fallecimiento de 10 personas más en las últimas 24 horas, mientras otras 152 se recuperaron y ascendió a 2.300 los ciudadanos que lograron superar el virus. De acuerdo a esta última actualización, los casos nuevos se registran en las siguientes regiones del país: Amazonas (188), Bogotá (130), Atlántico (58), Valle (47), Barranquilla (23), Meta (17), Huila (10), Cundinamarca (7), Cartagena (5), Antioquia (4), Tolima (4), Quindío (2), Boyacá (1) y Santa Marta (1). Es de resaltar que, el departamento de Córdoba no se registraron nuevos casos y la cifra de contagiados se mantiene en 30, de los cuales 14 se han recuperado y tres han fallecido a casusa de la pandemia. -- Filtered: -- Los cuerpos de José Esteban Soto (47) y Flor de María Gálvez Mateo (35), quienes eran esposos, fuero hallados este domingo, luego del deslizamiento que originó la activación de la quebrada Pampa Hermosa, en la provincia de Chanchamayo, a consecuencia de las intensas lluvias que vienen azotando la selva central. El reciente hallazgo de las víctimas se produjo alrededor de las 11:00 horas y fue efectuado por rescatistas de la Policía y el Ejército y los lugareños, informó la Dirección Desconcentrada del Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (Indeci). Además se dio a conocer que ambos se encontraban en su vivienda al momento en el que empezó la emergencia. Cabe precisar que Personal de la Oficina de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres de la municipalidad provincial de Chanchamayo, continúa brindando atención las familias afectadas. Por otro lado, es justo indicar que el deslizamiento dejó 5 personas con heridas de consideración y casi una decena de familias damnificadas. Un total de 15 kilómetros de carretera y dos kilómetros de camino rural también quedaron dañados. Filtered 5 samples from 205 in es - test Filtered: -- Ya lograron prácticamente apagar en la mañana de este martes el incendio al noreste de Quehué. Personal de Defensa Civil se encuentra en guardia de cenizas -es decir, cuidando que no se reactive-, informaron las autoridades a Diario Textual. Se quemaron unas 700 hectáreas, todas de monte de caldén. El incendio se inició alrededor de las 14 horas del domingo 29 en el campo Los Lienzos, a unos 12 kilómetros al noreste de Quehué, camino a Naicó. El fuego comenzó a raíz de la caída de un rayo. Hasta el momento, según cálculos oficiales, en esta temporada de incendios se han registrado unos veinte siniestros en La Pampa que han quemado aproximadamente unas 30 mil hectáreas. Filtered: -- Hoy, miércoles 1 de enero del 2020, se inicia un nuevo año lo cual significa que no solamente lo celebremos con la tradicional “quema de los viejos”, que viene de una antigua costumbre nacional, aunque sin los pedidos de caridad y el acompañamiento del pelele por las jocosas “viudas”, sino también con el sano deseo de que se cumplan las aspiraciones personales y colectivas en busca de un tiempo y un mundo mejor. En lo que tiene que ver con el pueblo ecuatoriano habría que celebrar algunos hechos y obras que se dieron este año, así como también esperar que desde el sector gubernamental se cumplan importantes proyectos anunciados, pero que, por causas imprevistas, no pudieron firmarse los contratos respectivos. Y que, sobre todo, dentro del plan de saneamiento del sector público, se dé a conocer, lo más pronto posible, la lista completa de los implicados en los casos de corrupción, sobre todo en los que tienen que ver con las coimas que repartió la poderosa firma brasileña Odebrecht, que ahora pretende que sea el Ecuador que pague una millonaria suma por supuestos perjuicios económicos. Un año, pues, que ojalá transcurra con el cumplimiento de nuestros más claros objetivos. Filtered: León, Gto. Dos hermanos fueron asesinados en un ataque armado que también dejó a un hombre lesionado, en La Patiña. Cerca de las 2 de la tarde de este miércoles se reportó al Sistema de Emergencias 911, que dos hombres estaban tendidos luego de haber sido ultimados a balazos, en un ataque del que se escucharon cerca de 20 detonaciones de arma de fuego. Los primeros reportes indicaron que la Policía Municipal acordonó los alrededores de la calle Pino y Camino antiguo a Comanja de Corona, en la colonia La Patiña a La Patiña, de donde fue trasladado en código amarillo, para recibir atención médica, una tercera víctima del ataque. De los hechos, trascendió que los fallecidos, identificados como Narciso de 29 años y Jesús de 27 años, eran hermanos; mientras que del lesionado, identificado como Luis de 56 años, sólo se apuntó que presentó lesiones en ambos brazos. Hasta el momento, se desconoce tanto la mecánica de los hechos como la identidad de los presuntos responsables, quienes huyeron a bordo de una camioneta blanca. Información en proceso… -- Filtered: -- El esteroide dexametasona reduce en un tercio la mortalidad entre los pacientes más graves de Covid-19, según los primeros resultados de un gran ensayo clínico anunciados el martes. “La dexametasona es el primer medicamento que observamos que mejora la supervivencia en caso de Covid-19”, indicaron los responsables del ensayo británico Recovery. Tras el anuncio, el gobierno del Reino Unido indicó que comenzará inmediatamente a suministrar este esteroide a los pacientes con Covid-19. Los investigadores dirigidos por un equipo de la Universidad de Oxford administraron la dexametasona, que tiene un potente efecto antiinflamatorio, a más de 2.000 pacientes en estado grave. Según los resultados preliminares, entre quienes solo podían respirar con la ayuda de un respirador, la dexametasona redujo las muertes en un 35%, mientras que la mortalidad bajó en un quinto entre quienes recibían oxígeno. “Es un gran avance en la búsqueda de nuevas maneras de tratar a enfermos de Covid-19”, dijo en un comunicado el doctor Stephen Powis, director médico del NHS, el servicio de salud británico. “El beneficio en términos de supervivencia es importante entre los pacientes que necesitan oxígeno. Para ellos, la dexametasona debería convertirse a partir de ahora en el tratamiento de base”, estimó uno de los responsables del ensayo Recovery, el doctor Peter Horby, de la Universidad de Oxford. “La dexametasona es barata, ya está comercializada y puede utilizarse de inmediato para salvar vidas en el mundo”, agregó. En cambio, el ensayo mostró que este medicamento no tiene ningún beneficio entre los pacientes que no necesitan asistencia respiratoria. Filtered: El ministro de Defensa aseguró que están comprometidos con las directivas del presidente Alberto Fernández “para aportar todo lo que las Fuerzas Armadas y esta cartera tengan para poder mitigar y enfrentar esta pandemia”. Agustín Rossi afirmó hoy que las Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA) “están absolutamente comprometidas para combatir el coronavirus en el país”, y consignó que ya se encuentran produciendo alcohol en gel, barbijos y otros insumos necesarios para luchar contra la pandemia. En ese sentido, remarcó que “todas las capacidades de movilización de las Fuerzas Armadas están relevadas” y las mismas “están dispuestas para ser utilizadas cuando sean necesarias”. Asimismo, destacó que el laboratorio que depende del Ministerio de Defensa, habitualmente dedicado a la producción de repelente y alcohol en gel para uso interno de las fuerzas, ahora está abocado a la producción exclusiva de este último, y se pasó de fabricar “600 litros diarios a unos 800 o 1000 litros por día”. Adelantó, además, que esa producción va a ser entregada al Ministerio de Salud y que esa cartera definirá dónde deberá ser remitida, según la coyuntura. Rossi también contó que la sastrería militar, usualmente dedicada a la fabricación de los uniformes, se dispuso de lleno para la producción de “barbijos, y en menor medida cofias y batas” que puedan servir al personal sanitario o quienes la cartera de salud defina. “Quiero decirles que estamos convencidos de que las decisiones que están tomando el comité de emergencia, con el presidente Fernández a la cabeza, son decisiones que nos anticipan a los hechos, que se tomaron en otros países y van amortiguado el nivel de desarrollo de esta pandemia. Nosotros esperamos tener los mejores resultados y trabajamos para eso”, expresó el ministro. El funcionario también se refirió a la capacidad logística del Ejército, y recordó, por ejemplo, que son los encargados de llevar las urnas a los rincones más remotos del país en cada elección, por lo que destacó que esa capacidad de movilización está a disposición de las autoridades en caso de que se necesiten. “Las FFAA están a disposición de los ministerios para dar ayuda y acompañamiento de ser necesario”, dijo en otra entrevista con FM FutuRöck. También expresó que “por más que suenen drásticas, eran las medidas que teníamos que tomar”, en referencias a los anuncios que ayer hizo el Gobierno para evitar la propagación del virus, denominado COVID-19. Y en materia sanitaria, enumeró los hospitales militares que podrían ser usados en caso de que las autoridades los dispongan. Como Rossi mismo había adelantado a Télam la semana última, el hospital Militar Central, el hospital Militar de Campo de Mayo, el hospital Naval de Puerto Belgrano y los hospitales aeronáuticos de Pompeya y Córdoba “han sido puestos a disposición del Ministerio de Salud para apoyar en caso de necesidad, con sus espacios preparados para el aislamiento de pacientes”. Finalmente, el funcionario destacó el papel de la oposición en el apoyo a los anuncios oficiales. “Hay una respuesta armónica de (el ex presidente Mauricio) Macri y la oposición. No hay lugar para otra cosa”, indicó. -- Filtered 5 samples from 566 in es - train Filtered: -- Lambert Wilson, who played the character in last two films in the franchise, says it might happen, depending on his schedule. “The Matrix” franchise will continue with a fourth film that’s currently in development, with Lana Wachowski set to write and direct, and Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss reprising their roles as Neo and Trinity, respectively. The project has been kept mostly under wraps, as plot details are currently unknown. In addition to Reeves and Moss, actors already confirmed to be joining the cast include Jada Pinkett Smith (Niobe), as well as newcomers Jessica Henwick, Neil Patrick Harris, Toby Onwumere, and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, who is rumored to be playing young Morpheus. Lambert Wilson might soon be added to the list, according to a recent report by French outlet Allocine (via The Playlist), that says Wilson, who played The Merovingian in “The Matrix Reloaded” and “The Matrix Revolutions,” is currently in negotiations to return to for the upcoming fourth film. Pproduction on the film may conflict with his schedule, so it’s possible that he won’t be back. In the “Matrix” universe, The Merovingian (sometimes called The Frenchman) is an old, powerful program that resides within the Matrix. The self-described “trafficker of information” and his wife Persephone (played by Monica Bellucci) operate a smuggling ring, providing a haven for exiled programs in the Matrix. Aleksandar Hemon and David Mitchell, one of the most visionary sci-fi writers of our time, are co-writing the script with Wachowski. Mitchell is the author of “Cloud Atlas,” which the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer adapted into a 2012 film. Additionally, cinematographer John Toll, Academy Award winner for “Braveheart” and “Legends of the Fall,” also nominated for Terrence Malick’s “The Thin Red Line,” will lens the fourth film. The word is still out on if, Lilly Wachowski, the original trilogy’s co-director, will be involved in the project. Over the course of the three previous “Matrix” films, which include “The Matrix,” “The Matrix Reloaded,” and “The Matrix Revolutions,” the franchise grossed more than $1.6 billion at the global box office. However, the sequels were met with critical derision, which means “Matrix 4” may be an opportunity to stabilize the franchise’s legacy. Wilson will next be seen playing Charles de Gaulle, former President of France, in the French production, “De Gaulle.” Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Filtered: -- Ryanair has already closed three bases in the Canary Islands and says more shut downs in Spain cannot be ruled out if there are new delays in deliveries of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which is banned from flying after two accidents killed more than 300 people. Ryanair’s Marketing Director, Kenny Jacobs, explained that the airline had planned to deliver up to ten 737 MAX planes for this summer, although that number could be reduced after revisions by the regulators. Ryanair currently has nine bases at 26 airports in Spain and employs around 3,000 people which does not include the bases at Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote which were shut down on January 8 because of the problems with the 737 MAX. Boeing 737 Max planes at Washington airport. Photo: Reuters "The only reason for the closure of bases is the delay in deliveries of 737 MAX, which has caused the closure of seven Ryanair bases in Europe" said Kenny Jacobs. The delays are likely to cause a 1.5% drop in Ryanair traffic to Spain this year, with a 3% drop predicted at three Catalan airports but a 1.5% growth is forecast in Madrid. Filtered: -- An employee leaves the Volkswagen (VW) plant as the company will temporarily close its factories in Mexico amid growing worries over the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Puebla MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The Mexican unit of Germany's Volkswagen AG said on Monday the automaker was ready to restart operations in the states of Puebla and Guanajuato on June 15 after activity was idled in late March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Volkswagen has had to wait to restart the plant in Puebla, one of its biggest worldwide, due to a decree from the state government, which said conditions were not yet right for a restart because of the pandemic's ongoing spread. (Reporting by Dave Graham; Editing by Anthony Esposito) Filtered: -- Formula 1 announced that its 2020 Chinese Grand Prix has been postponed because of the deadly coronavirus outbreak. The race was scheduled for April 19 in Shanghai, but Formula 1 postponed the race at the request of the Shanghai promoter. More than 1,000 in China have died because of coronavirus, with more than 42,000 others sickened. “Amid continued health concerns and with the World Health Organisation declaring the coronavirus as a global health emergency, Formula 1, together with governing body the FIA, jointly decided to accept the postponement request in order to ensure the health and safety of the traveling staff, championship participants and fans,” Formula 1 said on its website. “Formula 1 and the FIA will continue to work closely with the teams, race promoter, CAMF and the local authorities to monitor the situation as it develops, with all parties studying the viability of potential alternative dates for the Grand Prix later in the year should the situation improve.” Other sporting events, including soccer matches and golf tournaments, have been affected by the coronavirus. Tokyo Olympic organizers late last month said they haven’t discussed canceling or postponing the 2020 Games. Filtered: José Ángel Portal Miranda, ministro cubano de Salud Pública, conversó hoy vía telefónica con su homólogo ruso, Mijaíl Murashko, acerca de las acciones de ambos países en la lucha contra el nuevo coronavirus. Según publica en su perfil oficial en Twitter Gerardo Peñalver, embajador de Cuba en Moscú, ambos ministros intercambiaron sobre las experiencias particulares de cada uno de los sistemas de salud, en el enfrentamiento a la COVID-19, declarada pandemia el pasado 11 de marzo por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). “Ministro de Salud Pública de Cuba @japortalmiranda sostuvo hoy conversación telefónica con su homólogo de #Rusia Mijaíl Murashko. Intercambiaron experiencias sobre la batalla contra el #COVID19”, tuiteó Peñalver. Cuba y Rusia mantienen fructíferos vínculos en diversos sectores clave de la economía y la sociedad, entre ellos, la agricultura, la aviación, las tecnologías, el transporte, la biotecnología y la salud. Sobre esta última esfera, el pasado mes de septiembre del 2019, los dos gobiernos firmaron en la capital rusa acuerdos bilaterales en materia de salud que incluyen convenios en el campo científico, la endocrinología, la urología, el pie diabético y la ginecología, durante una jornada en la que se presentaron en el centro Expocenter de Moscú, productos farmacéuticos y biotecnológicos de la Isla. En ese sentido, la viceministra cubana de Salud Pública, Marcia Cobas, rubricó también un memorando de entendimiento para la colaboración entre el Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba y el rector de la Primera Universidad Médica de Moscú, Piotor Glibochko. (Con información de ACN) -- Filtered: -- Subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on COVID-19 and other issues. A viral video made the rounds on WhatsApp recently, claiming to show that a delivery rider had contracted the coronavirus and that the food delivery service was worried that he had infected their customers. It even showed a person being carried out on a stretcher by people in protective clothing. It turns out that the entire thing was just another fake Covid-19 story. Foodpanda Malaysia explained in a statement today that they were aware of the video, which was shared along with a message saying it had taken place at an apartment complex in Old Klang Road. “We would like to verify that after checking with our rider fleet that there has been no suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases among our riders,” read the statment. The original video was apparently copied from a completely unrelated Facebook post. They also pointed out that there were other messages, videos, and voice notes circulating about them. “We urge Malaysians to rely on credible and reliable news sources that are approved by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) as well as to not share unverified information especially during this sensitive time.” Share a story with us on TRP’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Filtered: Coronavirus en Argentina EN VIVO | Ultimas Noticias | Buenos Aires [EFE]. Argentina confirmó este martes 600 nuevos casos del coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (causante de la enfermedad del COVID-19), con lo que el número total de contagios se incrementó a 13.228, mientras que los muertos suman 490, tras registrarse 19 nuevos decesos por el patógeno. El reporte diario vespertino que difunde el Ministerio de Salud argentino precisó que los fallecimientos verificados en el último día corresponden a once hombres y ocho mujeres. Los nuevos decesos fueron registrados en la capital del país, en la provincia de Buenos Aires y en la de Chaco (norte). De los 13.228 positivos por coronavirus detectados desde el 3 de marzo y hasta el momento por las autoridades sanitarias de Argentina, 959 son importados (7,2%), 5.813 son contactos estrechos de los casos confirmados (43,9%), mientras que 4.354 (32,9%) son casos de circulación comunitaria y el resto se encuentra en investigación epidemiológica. La capital del país sigue siendo el distrito con más casos confirmados hasta el momento (6.202, de los cuales 327 fueron reportados hoy), seguida por la provincia de Buenos Aires, con 4.455 contagios confirmados, 236 de ellos confirmados este martes. Según informaron este martes fuentes oficiales, hay 203 personas ingresadas en unidades de cuidados intensivos y 4.167 pacientes que ya han sido dados de alta. Hasta el momento, en Argentina, donde rigen medidas de aislamiento desde el 20 de marzo, se han realizado un total de 136.662 test para detectar el virus. La secretaria de Acceso a la Salud de Argentina, Carla Vizzotti, observó este martes que la mayoría de los nuevos casos reportad/vos se concentra en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y su cordón urbano. “En los barrios populares se está trabajando hace más de tres semanas, focalizando en el plan Detectar, el dispositivo estratégico de testeo para coronavirus en los barrios populares de la región metropolitana”, indicó Vizzotti. Argentina se adentra en una nueva extensión de su cuarentena, que durará hasta el 7 de junio y que centra la mirada en el crecimiento de contagios en los barrios más pobres de la ciudad y su populoso cinturón urbano. _______________________ ¿Qué es el coronavirus? De acuerdo a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los coronavirus son una amplia familia de virus que pueden causar diferentes afecciones, desde el resfriado común hasta enfermedades más graves, como el síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Medio (MERS-CoV) y el síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SRAS-CoV). El coronavirus descubierto recientemente causa la enfermedad infecciosa por coronavirus COVID-19. Ambos fueron detectados luego del brote que se dio en Wuhan (China) en diciembre de 2019. El cansancio, la fiebre y la tos seca son los síntomas más comunes de la COVID-19; sin embargo, algunos pacientes pueden presentar congestión nasal, dolores, rinorrea, dolor de garganta o diarrea. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes (alrededor del 80%) se recupera de la enfermedad sin necesidad de realizar ningún tratamiento especial, alrededor de una de cada seis personas que contraen la COVID-19 desarrolla una afección grave y presenta dificultad para respirar. Para protegerse y evitar la propagación de la enfermedad, la OMS recomienda lavarse las manos con agua y jabón o utilizando un desinfectante a base de alcohol que mata los virus que pueden haber en las manos. Además, se debe mantener una distancia mínima de un metro frente a cualquier persona que estornude o tose, pues si se está demasiado cerca, se puede respirar las gotículas que albergan el virus de la COVID-19. ¿Cuánto tiempo sobrevive el coronavirus en una superficie? Aún no se sabe con exactitud cuánto tiempo sobrevive este nuevo virus en una superficie, pero parece comportarse como otros coronavirus. Estudios indican que pueden subsistir desde unas pocas horas hasta varios días. El tiempo puede variar en función de las condiciones (tipo de superficie, la temperatura o la humedad del ambiente). __________________________ El Comercio mantendrá con acceso libre todo su contenido informativo sobre el coronavirus __________________________ VIDEO RECOMENDADO Llegan a Venezuela los buques iraníes cargados con gasolina. (EFE). TE PUEDE INTERESAR -- Filtered: -- President Donald Trump said there was significant evidence that coronavirus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China earlier this month — but Trump now appears to be downplaying the lab theory. Both Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushed the lab idea, with Pompeo claiming that there was “enormous evidence” that the virus came from a lab. Trump also repeated the Wuhan lab claim in a Fox News town hall, saying that there is “very conclusive” evidence that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But in an interview with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo that aired Sunday, he appeared to downplay it, refusing to provide any information and saying that it could have come from bats too. “Secretary Pompeo said that he had strong evidence that it did come from the virology lab. We’ve been reporting this every Sunday by the way, from early on. You also said that you saw evidence,” Bartiromo said. “Can you tell us anything about the intelligence?” “No. No,” Trump said. “But we have a lot of information, and it’s not good.” “But you know the worst of all, whether it came from the lab or came from the bats, it all came from China, and they should have stopped it,” he continued. “They could have stopped it at that source. I call it the source. Right there, it should have been stopped.” “They made a decision to allow it to escape its borders?” Bartiromo asked. “I don’t know if they made the decision, but it got out of control. I think more likely it got out of control,” Trump said. WATCH: Multiple researchers have thrown cold water on the lab origin. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been highly skeptical of the idea that the virus came from a lab, saying that he is “very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.” “Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci said earlier this month. Jonna Mazet, an American researcher who worked at the lab in Wuhan at the center of these claims, cross-referenced the genetic information of the coronaviruses she worked with and determined that they didn’t match COVID-19. (RELATED: China Poised To Buy Up Texas Oil Amid Coronavirus Slump) Filtered: Otros Deportes 21/03/2020 7:25 pm El Mundial 2020 de hockey sobre hielo, que iba a celebrarse en las ciudades suizas de Zúrich y Lausana del 8 al 24 de mayo, ha sido cancelado debido a la pandemia de coronavirus, anunció hoy la federación internacional de este deporte (IIHF). "El coronavirus es un problema global, requiere los esfuerzos de todos para combatir su expansión, y la IIHF debe hacer todo lo posible por apoyar esta lucha, poniendo el deporte a un lado", señaló el presidente de la federación, René Fasel, al anunciarse la cancelación. La federación subrayó que "no hay posibilidades" para llevar la sede del mundial este año a otro país, y también estimó que será difícil que Suiza pueda ser la sede del campeonato de 2021, ya que la federación internacional ya ha otorgado ese torneo a Bielorrusia y Letonia. El torneo, que se disputa anualmente, ya tiene todos sus anfitriones designados hasta el año 2025. Por otro lado, el congreso anual de la IIHF, que se iba a celebrar en Zúrich del 21 al 23 de mayo, ha sido pospuesto hasta fechas aún no concretadas. // EFE -- Filtered 9 samples from 374 in es-en - test Filtered: -- (MENAFN - ACCESSWIRE ) HONGKONG, CHINA / ACCESSWIRE / February 22, 2020 / According to the latest update released by the National Health Commission of the People''s Republic of China, by 24:00 on February 21, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (including the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps) had reported a total of 76 confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 24 had been cured. No new cases had been confirmed in Xinjiang for 48 consecutive hours since 0:00 on February 19. The outbreak of the COVID-19 in China is now under control. The World Health Organization (WHO) has fully recognized the decisive measures taken by China and their effectiveness. The prevention and control measures taken by the Chinese government have also been praised by many other countries. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which is located in the far northwest of China, has kept vigilant since the outbreak in Wuhan. The authorities in the region immediately built in Urumqi and other cities, towns, communities and villages in Xinjiang an impregnable fortress to stop the epidemic. To prevent and control the epidemic, all the prefectures in Xinjiang have been strengthening their efforts to prevent new cases of infection by implementing quarantine and admit all confirmed and suspected cases. The government and the people have been united as one to fight against the disease so as to win against it as early as possible. Faced with the outbreak, Xinjiang has activated the first-level public health emergency response. All local authorities have established sound working mechanisms and taken a host of measures to ensure the orderly and effective prevention and control of the COVID-19. At present, although the efforts of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region government have won praises of many overseas media outlets, some still question the prevention and control measures taken in Xinjiang. The vocational education and skills training centers that have been under the spotlight of international media for long have become a focal point again. These media are saying that the students in there are at great risk of being infected. In fact, the centers have taken sufficient measures to prevent and control the disease. The faculty have not only recorded the audio materials in national common language and Kazakhstan language respectively for the students, but also handed out reading materials including A Letter to the Officials and the People in All the Counties of Xinjiang, A Letter to the People from Wuhan, What Should We Do with the First-Level Public Health Emergency Response, How to Prevent the Novel Coronavirus Infection, and Information on Preventing the Novel Coronavirus. The bilingual audio broadcasts have provided guidance to students on the epidemic updates, how to prevent the virus, as well as personal health and sanitation so that they have made full preparation of disease prevention and control instead of believing in or spreading rumors or panic. On top of that, the centers have conducted routine, regular and open training courses for students who have the desire or need to meet their training requirements in this special period. Thanks to the proper and timely measures, no students in the vocational education and training centers have ever been infected. On February 20, 2020 (Geneva local time), WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed at the media briefing on the COVID-19 that the steps China had taken to contain the outbreak at its source appeared to have bought to the world time. The international community should seize the window of opportunity to stop the virus from spreading further. As Xinjiang is in the process of resuming work and may re-launch on-site activities, Prof. Liu Zhongmin, one of the disaster medical experts in China, Founding Director of Chinese Society of Disaster Medicine, Chinese Medical Association, Founding Director of Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Division of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, and President of Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University, suggested: "When a meeting has to be held in such crowded places as a public institution, work unit or a vocational education and training center, the participants should wear face masks and wash their hands frequently. The organizer of the meeting should check the body temperatures of the participants and collect all the background information about them. The windows at the meeting site should also be opened regularly to avoid stuffy air." According to Prof. Liu, the COVID-19 can be prevented and controlled though it is a novel disease. In medical terms, the COVID-19 is self-limiting. Those people with strong immune system, even if they are infected, can control the disease development through body regulation before recovering gradually. Across the whole country, the Chinese government has both ability and confidence to triumph over the disease as soon as possible through the effective prevention and control. Company Name: HK NGO Person: Peter Lin Email: [email protected] Phone: 36157322 SOURCE: HK NGO MENAFN2202202000703708ID1099742181 Filtered: 央视网消息:目前,韩国、日本、伊朗、意大利等国所采取的各级校园停课、暂停人员聚集活动等防控措施都曾在中国被证实有效。正如世卫组织赴中国考察专家组外方组长、世卫组织总干事高级顾问布鲁斯·艾尔沃德此前接受总台记者专访时指出,中国所采取的疫情防控措施为世界树立了标准,有中国的经验,其他国家不必“从零开始”。 韩国相关部门要求加强落实防疫对策 韩国新冠肺炎确诊病例大部分集中在大邱市和庆尚北道地区。大邱市和庆尚北道清道郡、庆山市此前已被韩国政府指定为“传染病特别管理地区”。虽然韩国的单日新增确诊病例数目前呈下降趋势,但是韩国相关部门认为,现在还不能掉以轻心,要继续做好防控工作,加强落实防疫对策,以防病毒进一步传播。 日本首相要求加紧细化相关应对措施 日本首相安倍晋三日前要求相关部门以“完善防止疫情扩大措施”“应对临时停课带来的课题”“应对事态变化的紧急措施”等为主要内容,加紧细化相关措施,并尽快推动相关立法以应对疫情。 伊朗德黑兰设立疫情危机避难所 据伊朗半官方迈赫尔通讯社8日报道,为应对新冠肺炎确诊病例持续增长,伊朗首都德黑兰将装备8个针对疫情的危机避难所。报告称,目前已经完成了其中3处地点的装备,其余5处将尽快完成。8个疫情危机避难所共配有600个隔离床位。据了解,为防止洪水、地震等自然灾害,德黑兰共设有110处危机避难所。 意大利全境实施人员流动管控 当地时间9日夜间,意大利总理孔特宣布,因新冠疫情严峻,人员流动紧急管控措施将推大至意大利全境。从10日开始,如非工作或健康需要,禁止人员跨区域流动。意大利全国学校继续停课至4月3日,同时暂停体育赛事与活动。 此外,意大利将增加口罩等防护用品和救治设备的产量,并在各大区间调剂使用现有医疗设施。 法国禁止千人以上集会 法国卫生部8日宣布“禁止千人以上集会活动”,并表示法国的工作重点依然是减缓病毒在法国本土的传播。 -- Filtered: -- Dr Hamid A. Merchant & Dr Izhar M. Hussain The CoViD-19 is now a major global health challenge with over 3 million cases and around 210 thousand confirmed deaths worldwide as of the 27th April 2020. Pakistan has recently seen a spike in CoViD-19 cases with around 14,000 confirmed cases and a death toll reaching 300. The actual number of CoViD-19 positive cases in Pakistan is far more than the official confirmed figures; realistic figures can never be obtained in an environment where the diagnostic test can only be offered to the selected few and overall lack of awareness and resources in the country. The current figures would have surprised many in Pakistan but are they really surprising? Various countries across the world follow a different timeline in the spread of CoViD-19, those who got the disease first seen the surge earlier than others. The CoViD-19 cases in Pakistan still not as high as in Spain, UK, US, or Italy but this doesn’t make Pakistan any special except Pakistan is behind in the timeline. The CoViD-19 curve in Pakistan will eventually hit the peaks seen elsewhere in the world before it gets plateaued and begins to fall. Pakistan had been lucky in terms of getting the pandemic late and had the opportunity to learn from other countries who were not so lucky and had it first, but have we learned the lessons and ready to fight the CoViD19 emergency crises expected to hit the nation very soon? Pakistan is facing a more challenging environment already and the challenges will only get more intense in the days to come. Not only Pakistan will struggle with the lack of funds, technical facilities and equipment needed to fight the crises but also poor literacy, lack of awareness and culture of non-compliance to advice and regulations is going to make the situation worse. To tackle the worst medical crises to come soon, Pakistan needs a national emergency taskforce, led directly by the Prime Minister and his senior leadership with a panel of clinicians, public health and policy, pharmacy, law, religion, leadership and strategy experts. The approach can include a rapid response team to help with continuous oversight of national strategy; responding with an action plan on a very regular basis. The article proposes a multipronged approach to help in devising a national emergency response strategy. Containment It is vital to contain the disease as a surge in numbers will only mean chaos, where the country will not be able to provide emergency medical care to severely ill CoViD-19 patients, and more people will die in Pakistan than ever anticipated. Lockdown is however very difficult in a country where the majority of people rely on daily wages and the government cannot cope in providing food and necessary living facilities to the whole nation. The surge in temperatures in Pakistan may help to clear the virus from the environment however it cannot stop its transmission from person to person and person to environment, therefore, the lockdown is inevitable and should continue for an extended period to contain the spread of the virus. Federal Food Reserve Pakistan will never have enough federal reserves to feed the nation for an extended period, however, it is a country with great human and religious values. Tax aversion is at its peak in Pakistan but charitable contributions are enormously great. It is the time to form a coordinated network of civil society institutions working in liaison with the national task force to help feed the nation. It is important to calculate national food production capacity for essential food such as wheat, rice, sugar, milk and increase production to obtain enough national reserve to feed the nation for the next twelve months. This may require emergency legislation in supporting agriculture, control on export and closely monitoring the national supply chain. Unlike many developed countries, Pakistan is lucky to have the indigenous capability to grow food and a strategically planned food reserve is invaluable to fight these crises. Medical Equipment and Hospital Resources This is an area of great concern where the combined provision of healthcare in the public and private sector is not sufficient to cope with large scale medical emergencies. The figures from the World Bank suggest that only half a hospital bed is available per 1000 people in Pakistan. This is five times lower than what we have in the United Kingdom and fourteen times lower than the availability in Germany. These are the figures for a general hospital bed to provide basic medical care; the availability of intensive care units with necessary ventilator support is so limited that we cannot even imagine the scale of chaos awaiting at our doorsteps. It is the time to develop a nationally coordinated strategy to estimate the current provision that can be made by pooling resources from both the public and private sectors and a plan for creating an extended provision in time to fight with the crises to come. Pakistan is not self-reliant in medical technologies when it comes to ventilators and emergency response kits needed by the healthcare professionals to fight the CoViD-19 emergency. Despite, Pakistan is very lucky to have a range of organisations producing electronic and mechanical devices. This includes but not limited to automobiles industry, refrigeration, air-conditioning appliances, electronic and circuits production, textile industry, pharmaceuticals, aircraft precision production, laser and optronics, nuclear energy and high-tech military production. If Dyson, a leading brand of vacuum cleaners in the UK, can come forward to help the nation in producing ventilator beds using their technical and production facilities, why the organisations in Pakistan cannot come forward to help the government in producing medical equipment and kits needed to fight the crises? Diagnostic Facility Many countries in the world are struggling to offer the CoViD-19 diagnostic test to the masses of the public due to the niche nature of the test and the costs involved. Pakistan is lucky to have an array of national and multinational pharmaceutical industries operating in Pakistan. A few of them have already developed a diagnostic test for CoViD-19 in their parent countries, could they not support Pakistan to acquire the technology? Can we not locally produce the test kits in Pakistan? Pakistan is lucky to have the talent and human resources capable to fight the emergency crises and various public and private-sector research and higher education institutes have laboratory kits and facilities to help offering the testing service, if necessary technical and financial support is provided. Pakistan is one of the nations, where in times of difficulty, volunteers had never fallen short to provide the human resources needed to fight the crises. A large private network of diagnostic centres in the country can also provide an added resource if needed to extend the provision. Media and Journalism The role of media and journalism is a key amid any national emergency. It can not only provide a check and balance and the help to scrutinise national policy but it can also provide emotional and psychological support to the people of Pakistan, particularly in a situation of longer-term lockdown, in boosting the morale of the society by actively playing a constructive role. The media had, unfortunately, played an interesting role worldwide in disseminating premature information, misinterpreted the scientific studies and clinical observations, ignited a political fight and often in instances have made the situation rather worst. Amid a crowd of unethical journalism, some are doing a great job, and their efforts are well appreciated. Exaggeration of drug effects by the politicians and the media, such as anti-malarial drugs, is an example, where we have seen a massive reaction from the public who had illegally stockpiled the available supply from the market. Due to the inappropriate use of these drugs after the media hype, there have also been some reports of severe side-effects leading to deaths. Pakistan, a country, where anything is available without a prescription, is the worst example, where the damage to the public can be humungous. This is the time for all journalism and media centres in the country to come together and reflect on their priorities and play a key role in supporting current crises. A coordinated team effort between different groups may also be an option to diversify the resources in various sectors as per the need of the time. Like elsewhere in the world, the opportunistic evil forces are also a reality which can be a great threat to Pakistan. Supply of counterfeited or spurious medicines and medical devices had always been a problem in Pakistan; amid CoViD-19 crises, these activities are likely to peak by taking undue public advantage. The supply of fake and unproven treatments and diagnostic tests have been reported across the world. This will only cost more human lives leading to irreparable damage. Coordinated law enforcement in Pakistan is, therefore, a key to fight any unlawful production and distribution of medicines and devices amid CoViD-19 crises. COVID-19 Vaccine The vaccine is a great way of immunising the masses and prevents acquiring the infection in the first place. The vaccine developed by the scientist at Oxford University is kicking-off with a clinical trial and is likely to be fast-tracked for approval if succeeded in trials. Despite more than 20 vaccines are being developed across the world, it may take long for vaccines to pass necessary effectiveness and safety trials before they can be offered to the public. Imagine if we would have injected everyone in the world or Pakistan in this context with an unproven vaccine which did not provide enough immunity to prevent the infection, or provided only a short-lived immunity, or had severe side-effects? This would be very counterproductive and any fast-track discovery must carefully consider the safety risk. Currently, about six out of every hundred people are dying globally who acquired the novel coronavirus. A wrong vaccination could have the potential to kill many more peoples than those currently dying with CoViD-19. It is therefore important to understand that immunisation may not be the first resort in this pandemic and other treatment strategies with strict containment are the key to success. Therapeutic Intervention As of today, there is no validated treatment for CoViD-19, however, research is happening at breakneck speed to screen through various potential treatment options, particularly, repurposing existing medicines with an established safe-use history in humans. We must understand that all drugs are chemicals and all chemicals are poisons unless taken in the right form, right amount, and the right time by the right individual. Drugs never work alike in all individuals and there is a huge variability of response and side effects of all medicines in public. This depends on various factors, including the body’s physiology, other medical conditions, overall health status, interaction with another medicine, age, gender, genetics, food, and many more factors. Therefore, there cannot be one treatment for all; a customised approach is always needed for individual patients in managing any disease. Pakistan has a world record number of diabetes and heart diseases, and that can only make them more vulnerable to acquiring a more fatal form of CoViD-19. The data from the world CoViD-19 dashboard suggest that about 20 out of 100 patients who have acquired infection have been recovered successfully from the disease. The figures are promising and it is encouraging that many patients are recovered without any intensive treatment. A fraction of patients will develop a more severe form of the disease where the virus can badly damage lungs to cause pneumonia leading to organ failure and death. Pakistan has a very high proportion of smokers at most age groups and poor lung health can only predispose one in acquiring a severe form of the disease. The critically ill patients, therefore, require breathing support that could progress into intensive care needing a ventilator, a form of artificial respiration when lungs are unable to maintain the oxygen levels. The hospitals will, therefore, need an uninterrupted supply of life-saving drugs and devices. Pakistan is very lucky to have a big hub of the pharmaceutical industry which already produce medicines locally at large, however, we must not forget that we lack the capabilities to produce raw materials which mainly rely on import. There is an urgent need to develop a national task force to estimate the local pharmaceutical reserves in the country, a list of essential medicines needed to fight the crises, the raw material reserves already available in the country, and the speed of which those can be converted into products with adequate quality assurances in case of emergency. It is also important to ensure that any shortfall in the raw material is carefully estimated and a plan is in place to negotiate a supply from other countries, particularly, China and India. We must not forget that these two countries supply the majority of pharmaceutical raw materials globally; they are already facing difficulties to cope with the demand considering CoViD-19 is a global emergency. The simplest example is paracetamol and ibuprofen tablets – a common baseline treatment for CoViD-19 or any other common cold viruses including flu. Pakistan seems to have ample supply and local production capabilities of both medicines at a very low cost but many would be surprised to know that we do not manufacture the active ingredients present in these tablets in Pakistan. We must member that we cannot continue producing these tablets if active material supply was stopped from overseas. Have we thought about how much reserve do we have nationally and the implications of the shortage of paracetamol and ibuprofen like essential medicines in the country? Therefore, it is wise to develop a federal reserve of essential medicines with a coordinated effort from Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association directly under the control and supervision of national task force to ensure an uninterrupted supply of essential medicines in the emergency crises. The essential medicines list should also include a list of potential medicines that have given some hope in the recent clinical practice across the world, however, caution is necessary to carefully scrutinise the medical literature in ensuring efficacy and safety of the public. The list may include antiviral drugs, antimalarials, interferons, a range of antibiotics to treat upper respiratory bacterial infections and septicaemia, the supply of life-saving steroids, inhalers, nebulisers, medical devices and other supplies used in the emergency. A similar federal medicine reserve has been developed by the US government amid CoViD-19 outbreak where pharmaceutical companies have already started donating millions of dosages to the national stockpile. The blood plasma from CoViD-19 recovered patients as a source of antibodies for treating critically ill patients with CoViD-19 is an option trialled in China and the USA and results are promising. Nevertheless, the availability of enough ‘healthy’ donors to obtain the therapeutically effective antibody titer in time will be difficult to deal with the current scale national emergency. However, this can still be a useful option to strengthen the national reserve for treating critically-ill CoViD-19 patients. To establish a national pool of coalescent plasma, a coordinated federal strategy is required to track the CoViD-19 positive cases nationally. Offer the diagnostic test freely to the masses and develop a CoViD-19 patients’ database, thanks to NADRA that can make it possible. Tracking CoViD-19 patients then can provide a national reserve of ‘healthy donors’ which can contribute to the Federal CoViD-19 plasma reserve. This would inevitably require a strategy to acquire and produce the test on a large scale as discussed above. Pakistan’s National Institute of Health already has technical capabilities of producing antibodies containing antisera to fight against various poisonous substances, such as snake venoms; and a similar facility is under development in Karachi at the Dow University of Health Sciences. We must not forget that CoViD-19 is a global health emergency and all developed nations are also struggling to cope with the disease nationally. No one has enough recourses (be medicines or food) to fulfil their national demand, hence, overseas support may not be possible at all amid current crises. Pakistan despite its limited financial and healthcare facilities, is very rich in human intellect, technical capabilities, qualified youth, and ample philanthropists to tackle the forthcoming CoViD-19 emergency crises. Hope this article will provide hope and some help to device a national strategy encompassing a holistic approach to deal with this emergency. We strongly believe that if we play smart, together we can and we will fight Coronavirus! Filtered: -- VIENTIANE, May 14 (Xinhua) -- Laos reported no new case of the COVID-19 for 32 consecutive days and the total number of the confirmed cases in the country remains at 19. Lao Deputy Minister of Health Phouthone Meaungpak told a press conference in Lao capital Vientiane on Thursday that the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Laos remains at 19 as no new case was confirmed. The National Taskforce Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control announced it had been monitoring 2,097 people at 66 accommodation centers across the country. On Wednesday, the number of truck drivers bringing freight into Laos from Thailand was 1,409, from Vietnam 895, and 10 from China. As of Thursday, Laos has tested 4,092 suspected cases with 19 cases tested positive, and 14 patients have recovered. Another five infected cases are treated in designated hospital, Mittaphab Hospital (Hospital 150) in Lao capital Vientiane. Laos announced its first two cases of the COVID-19 on March 24. Filtered: -- China is decisive in its fight against the fatal coronavirus outbreak, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. In his meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the UN health agency “is confident in China’s epidemic prevention and control ability,” Xinhua News Agency reported. “The WHO and the international community speak highly of and fully affirm the decisive measures the Chinese government has taken, and appreciate China’s great efforts in curbing the spread of pneumonia,” the agency quoted Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as saying. China has so far recorded 106 deaths from the mystery virus with pneumonia-like symptoms. More than 4,500 people are infected. The virus — which originated from Wuhan city — has raised alarm globally with cases reported across Asia, Europe, the U.S. and Canada. Ghebreyesus added that the WHO “does not recommend” the evacuation of nationals, and called on the international community to “remain calm and not overreact.” The WHO held two meetings in Geneva last week on the spread of the new disease but stopped short of calling it a global health emergency. Filtered: -- Evan Sehnert scores 18 points as Bluejays roll to 65-37 win × × × With last week’s loss to Ignacio High School still fresh on their minds, members of the Mancos High School boys basketball team left little doubt as to their talent and resolve during a 65-37 victory over Ridgway on Jan. 25. Among the keys to the big win was a torrid first quarter that began with an 11-0 Bluejays’ run and ended with Mancos leading 21-7. Highlighting the impressive start were several highlight reel assists by junior Christian Cova and sophomore Connor Showalter that set up teammates for wide-open layups. “It was important for us (to start fast) because the last couple games we had been coming out slow and that kind of dictated how we played,” Cova said. “We came out fired up because we lost that one in Igancio. We were just trying to prove ourselves.” By no means content to rest on its laurels after the fast start, Mancos continued to apply pressure throughout the second quarter and mounted a 14-2 run that included 3-point field goals by Cova and sophomore Edgar Hernandez. A three-quarter court trap by the Bluejays also contributed to the team’s big second quarter as Connor Showalter, sophomore Evan Sehnert and Cova forced numerous turnovers by overwhelmed Ridgway guards, and Mancos carried a 39-14 lead into halftime. “We saw on film that they couldn’t handle the pressure that well, so we tried to trap their guards,” Cova said. “We had to pressure them and make them turn the ball over.” In command throughout most of the second half, the Bluejays moved the ball with deft efficiency in their half-court sets and ran fast breaks to perfection as helpless Ridgway players looked on and did their best to remain competitive. On the receiving end of many of his team’s pinpoint passes was Sehnert, who drained two baseline 3-pointers early in the third quarter and attacked the paint later in the first half on his way to a game-high 18 points. Mancos also received solid offensive performances from Connor Showalter, with 15 points; Caden Showalter, 13 points; Cova, 10 points; senior Anthony Medina, six points; and Edgar Hernandez, three points. “Coming into this season, depth was a question mark for us after losing Vassar (Stephens) and Hunter Hoover (to graduation) and Chase Moore to wrestling,” said Mancos head coach Elijah Knepper. “Our depth has absolutely turned into one of our strengths this year. On any given night, any guy can beat you.” With its record now at 9-3 overall and 3-1 in the San Juan Basin League, the Bluejays will look to a rivalry matchup at Dolores High School Jan. 28. Although Dolores has struggled against league opponents this season while winning just one of its five league games, Knepper emphasized that the Bears’ talented roster comprised of several smooth-shooting guards is capable of giving the Bluejays problems. “Tuesday night, we know that when we go and play Dolores, they have great guards. That’s going to be a really difficult challenge for us. We need to just make sure that our guys know our scouting report and know what they are going to be up against.” Filtered: -- Stuart Liddell was the overall winner at last year's event. Organisers have announced the cancellation of this year's Northern Meeting Piping Competition. Regarded as the world’s most prestigious annual solo piping event, attracts competitiors from all over the world, this year's event had been due to take place at the Eden Court Theatre in August. The cancellation means it is the first time the competition will not be staged since the Second World War. The competition welcomes competitors from as far afield as Canada, the USA, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. Convener Alan Forbes said: "It is with much regret that the Northern Meeting Piping Committee has decided to cancel this year's competition in view of the coronavirus pandemic. "Although the competition is still some months away we feel that it is unrealistic to expect conditions to change sufficiently to give us confidence that running it in the normal way would be considered safe, and we do not wish to prolong the uncertainty around it for longer. "Let's hope that some measure of normality will have returned by next year and we hope to welcome all of our competitors, judges and sponsors and supporters back to Inverness then." Click for more coronavirus news Do you want to respond to this article? If so, click here to submit your thoughts and they may be published in print. Filtered 7 samples from 168 in zh-en - test Filtered 0 samples from 514 in de - test Filtered: -- Dresden/Bielefeld (dpa/lnw) - Gerade auch aus dem Glauben heraus kann man sich nach Meinung von Präses Annette Kurschus für die Umwelt einsetzen. Etwa «für die verletzte und bedrohte Erde, auf der wir leben», sagte Kurschus, Präses der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen, in einem vom ZDF übertragenen Neujahrsgottesdienst aus der Dresdner Frauenkirche. «Für die Generationen nach uns, die auch auf dieser Erde leben wollen. Für Menschen, die uns jetzt brauchen - an Ländergrenzen, an Meeresküsten, im Nachbarhaus, in meiner Familie.» dpa Filtered: Giffey stellt neue DIW-Studie vor : Ganztagsbetreuung soll Geld in die Kasse spülen Eine Schülerin löst Matheaufgaben. Eine DIW-Studie hat nun untersucht, welche Auswirkungen der Ausbau der Ganztagsbetreuung auf die Erwerbstätigkeit der Eltern – insbesondere der Mütter – hat. Foto: dpa/Sebastian Gollnow Berlin Ab 2025 soll jedes Grundschulkind Anspruch auf einen Ganztagsplatz haben. Das wird den Staat Milliarden kosten, soll sich einer neuen Studie zufolge aber auch auszahlen. Teilen Teilen Weiterleiten Weiterleiten Tweeten Tweeten Weiterleiten Weiterleiten Drucken Von Jörg Ratzsch (dpa) Der geplante Ausbau der Ganztagsplätze an Grundschulen gehört zu den teuersten familien- und bildungspolitischen Vorhaben der großen Koalition. Bis zu sieben Milliarden Euro Investitionskosten plus laufende Betriebskosten von bis zu vier Milliarden Euro pro Jahr werden dafür veranschlagt. Das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) hat nun eine Studie vorgelegt, die zeigen soll, dass der Ausbau aber auch viel Geld in die Steuer- und Sozialkassen spülen könnte – bis zu zwei Milliarden Euro. Bundesfamilienministerin Franziska Giffey (SPD) zeigte sich am Montag außerdem gesprächsbereit, die Länder bei der Finanzierung stärker als geplant zu unterstützen. Der Ausbau der Ganztagsplätze werde sich zu einem substanziellen Teil selbst finanzieren, sagte DIW-Bildungsexpertin Katharina Spieß bei der Vorstellung der Studie in Berlin. Darin wurden verschiedene Szenarien durchgerechnet. Die Wissenschaftler kommen zu dem Schluss, dass durch den Ausbau der Ganztagsplätze das Arbeitsvolumen von Müttern mit Grundschulkindern um drei bis sieben Prozent wachsen könnte. Das führe zu Steuermehreinnahmen und höheren Einnahmen in den Sozialkassen und zu weniger Ausgaben für Sozialleistungen wie Kinderzuschlag oder Wohngeld. Das DIW rechnet mit einem Plus für den Staat von bis zu zwei Milliarden Euro pro Jahr. Zum Hintergrund: Ab 2025 sollen – so hat es die große Koalition vereinbart – alle Kinder in Deutschland von der ersten bis zur vierten Klasse einen Anspruch auf Ganztagsbetreuung haben, an fünf Tagen in der Woche, für acht Stunden am Tag. Gerechnet wird damit, dass bei einem angenommenen Betreuungsbedarf von 75 Prozent der Grundschüler bis zu eine Million zusätzliche Plätze geschaffen werden müssten. Die Kosten für den Ausbau für Räumlichkeiten und Gebäude an den rund 15 000 Grundschulen in Deutschland werden auf fünf bis sieben Milliarden Euro geschätzt. Dazu kommen prognostizierte laufende Betriebskosten pro Jahr von bis zu vier Milliarden Euro. Dass der Ganztagsausbau auch Geld einbringen werde, sei ein Argument, was bisher noch gar nicht bewertet worden sei, sagte Familienministerin Giffey am Montag in Berlin. „Ja, es kostet was, aber nichts, was du für Kinder tust, ist jemals verschwendet, und deswegen ist jeder einzelne Euro sowieso schon sein Geld wert“, sagte sie. „Aber was wir hier sehen ist, dass da auch noch etwas bei rauskommt, und das ist doch gut.“ Die Familienministerin erhofft sich Rückenwind durch die Studie, denn die Kostenfrage war von Anfang an ein großer Streitpunkt. Der Bund will den Ländern bisher zwei Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung stellen, um in den Ausbau der Ganztagsplätze zu investieren. Länder, Städte und Gemeinden hatten immer wieder kritisiert, das sei viel zu wenig. Wer einen Rechtsanspruch auf Ganztagsbetreuung verspreche, müsse diesen auch bezahlen, hatte zum Beispiel Schleswig-Holsteins Familienminister Heiner Garg (FDP) gesagt. Giffey signalisierte am Montag Entgegenkommen: Es gebe Gespräche mit den Ländern und dem Bundesfinanzministerium, inwieweit sich der Bund über die zwei Milliarden hinaus beteiligen könne. Dabei gehe es auch um eine mögliche Beteiligung an den laufenden Betriebskosten nach dem Ganztagsausbau. Dass da noch schwierige Verhandlungen bevorstehen, ist allen klar. „Es ist wichtig, dass wir das jetzt angehen, auch wenn noch eine große Wegstrecke bis zur Umsetzung vor uns liegt“, sagte die stellvertretende SPD-Fraktionschefin Katja Mast. Die stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Grünen-Fraktion, Katja Dörner, forderte, Giffey müsse bei der Umsetzung des Rechtsanspruchs „endlich auf die Tube drücken“. Der FDP-Familienpolitiker Matthias Seestern-Pauly kritisierte, dass das Vorhaben sich hinzieht – auf den lange angekündigten Rechtsanspruch warte man vergebens, sagte er. -- Filtered 2 samples from 758 in de - train Filtered: Rosja i Turcja uzgodniły w czwartek przerwanie działań wojennych w syryjskiej prowincji Idlib od północy 6 marca - poinformował w Moskwie szef MSZ Rosji Siergiej Ławrow, po zakończeniu rozmów prezydentów Władimira Putina i Recepa Tayyipa Erdogana. Na konferencji prasowej po sześciogodzinnych rozmowach Putin wyraził nadzieję, że poczynione ustalenia pomogą zakończyć działania zbrojne w prowincji Idlib. Jak ogłosił Ławrow, ministrowie obrony Rosji i Turcji podpisali dodatkowy protokół do porozumienia, które Moskwa i Ankara zawarły w Soczi w sierpniu 2018 roku. Protokół głosi, że przerwanie wszelkich działań bojowych w Idlibie nastąpi na obecnej linii rozgraniczenia o północy w nocy z czwartku na piątek. ZOBACZ: Grecja odpiera falę migrantów. Turcja "grozi wysłaniem jeszcze milionów" Drugi punkt protokołu głosi, że na północy Syrii (6 km na północ i 6 km na południe od trasy M4 łączącej Latakię i Aleppo) stworzony zostanie "korytarz bezpieczeństwa". Szczegóły jego funkcjonowania uzgodnią resorty obrony Rosji i Turcji w ciągu 7 dni. W protokole zapowiedziano ponadto, że 15 marca zaczną się wspólne patrole na odcinkach trasy M4. Erdogan zapowiedział na konferencji prasowej, że po przerwaniu ognia uzgodnione zostaną "dalsze kroki" po to, aby rozejm miał charakter trwały. "Pomoc uchodźcom w kwestii powrotu do ojczyzny" Prezydent Turcji oświadczył, że to na siłach reżimu prezydenta Syrii Baszara el-Asada spoczywa odpowiedzialność za ataki, które nasiliły się od maja zeszłego roku. Ostrzegł, że Ankara "pozostawia sobie prawo do odpowiedzi na wszelkie ataki ze strony reżimu", jednak w tej kwestii będzie kontaktować się z Rosją. Erdogan powiedział także, że Turcja "zobowiązuje się udzielić pomocy uchodźcom syryjskim w kwestii powrotu do ojczyzny". Prezydenci ustalili, że należy ułatwić powrót uchodźców na północ Syrii. ZOBACZ: Dziecko utonęło, mężczyzna zmarł po interwencji straży. Uchodźcy próbują dostać się do Grecji Putin wyraził nadzieję, że porozumienia osiągnięte w czwartek zakończą cierpienia ludności cywilnej i stworzą warunki do kontynuowania procesu pokojowego w Syrii. - Nie zawsze zgadzamy się z tureckimi partnerami na temat tego, co dzieje się w Syrii, ale zawsze dotąd w momentach krytycznych udawało się nam znajdować punkty styczne - podkreślił. Ocenił, że tak również stało się i tym razem. Na konferencji prasowej Erdogan powiedział, że zaprosił Putina do Turcji w związku ze 100-leciem nawiązania przez oba kraje stosunków dyplomatycznych. W prowincji Idlib, która jest ostatnim bastionem syryjskich rebeliantów i dżihadystów, armia Asada prowadziła od grudnia 2019 r., przy wsparciu rosyjskiego lotnictwa, ofensywę mającą na celu odzyskanie kontroli nad tym regionem. Na początku br. doszło do eskalacji przemocy między siłami tureckimi i syryjskimi w Idlibie - 27 lutego w nalotach sił syryjskich zginęło 33 tureckich żołnierzy. 1 marca br. Turcja ogłosiła rozpoczęcie ofensywy w Idlibie przeciwko siłom syryjskim. W ostatnich tygodniach Rosja i Turcja przeprowadziły trzy rundy konsultacji w związku z sytuacją w Idlibie, ale nie przynosiły one rezultatu. WIDEO: Ukraina: Syreny alarmowe przerwały relację reportera Polsat News, musiał szukać schronienia Twoja przeglądarka nie wspiera odtwarzacza wideo... prz/ PAP -- Filtered 1 samples from 49 in pl-en - test Filtered 0 samples from 28 in de-pl - test Filtered: -- Фото: Американская фитнес-модель 33-летняя Ана Чери похвасталась фотографией с отдыха. Женщина похвасталась идеальными, к тому же, полностью обнаженными формами на странице в Instagram. ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКЖЕ: Секс-бомба Ана Чери подорвала сеть фото без бюстгальтера "Я снова отдыхаю", - подписала Анна свое фото. Американская фитнес-модель 33-летняя Ана Чери похвасталась идеальными формами на странице в Instagram. Подборкой сексуальных фото она напомнила поклонникам, какую спортивную форму имела летом. "Я готова вернуться к своему летнему телу. Безусловно, я наслаждалась последние четыре месяца накоплением калорий и увеличением "подпушка" над мышцами. Но мое фитнес-путешествие закончилось. Пора это все сжигать", - написала Чери. Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Греф: коронавирус подтолкнет Сбербанк к переходу на электронные услуги Греф: коронавирус подтолкнет Сбербанк к переходу на электронные услуги - РИА Новости, 17.03.2020 Греф: коронавирус подтолкнет Сбербанк к переходу на электронные услуги Эпидемия коронавируса и принимаемые ограничения в личном общении людей станут триггером для Сбербанка, который ускорит замену личного физического общения с... РИА Новости, 17.03.2020 2020-03-17T16:04 2020-03-17T16:04 2020-03-17T16:09 распространение коронавируса экономика герман греф сбербанк россии коронавирус covid-19 коронавирус в россии /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content МОСКВА, 17 мар - РИА Новости. Эпидемия коронавируса и принимаемые ограничения в личном общении людей станут триггером для Сбербанка, который ускорит замену личного физического общения с клиентами на предоставление всех услуг через интернет, заявил глава банка Герман Греф на онлайн-пресс-конференции во вторник."Вы видите, какое количество электронных сервисов у нас, и я думаю, что кризис подтолкнет нас к тому, чтобы мы еще быстрее заменяли всевозможные физические контакты с клиентом на удаленный доступ, на возможность предоставления 100% банковских услуг в режиме удаленного доступа", - заявил Греф."Мне кажется, в этой ситуации (с коронавирусом - Прим. ред.) нужно успокоиться - жить, заниматься своим здоровьем, обеспечением безопасности здоровья своей семьи, и это сегодня, наверное, самые важные задачи", - добавил он."А для нас, как одного из ключевых, жизнеобеспечивающих организмов в стране, мы должны бросить все свои силы, чтобы обеспечить бесперебойность поставок наших услуг всем нашим клиентам, чем мы и занимаемся", - заключил Греф. РИА Новости 1 5 4.7 96 7 495 645-6601 ФГУП МИА «Россия сегодня» https://xn--c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/awards/ 353 60 353 60 2020 РИА Новости 1 5 4.7 96 7 495 645-6601 ФГУП МИА «Россия сегодня» https://xn--c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/awards/ 353 60 353 60 Новости ru-RU https://xn--c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/ РИА Новости 1 5 4.7 96 7 495 645-6601 ФГУП МИА «Россия сегодня» https://xn--c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/awards/ 353 60 353 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true РИА Новости 1 5 4.7 96 7 495 645-6601 ФГУП МИА «Россия сегодня» https://xn--c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/awards/ 353 60 353 60 РИА Новости 1 5 4.7 96 7 495 645-6601 ФГУП МИА «Россия сегодня» https://xn--c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/awards/ 353 60 353 60 экономика, герман греф, сбербанк россии, коронавирус covid-19, коронавирус в россии Filtered: -- Группа из 14 человек вечером 2 мая заблудилась в районе Марчеканской сопки в городе Магадане. На помощь туристам пришли сотрудники МЧС, которых они вызвали по сотовому телефону. Из-за плохой погоды - снега и сильного ветра - понадобилось проводить экстренную эвакуацию. Через 10 минут после звонка на место ЧП прибыли спасатели мэрии города Магадана, Магаданского филиала ДВРПСО МЧС России, областного Пожарно-спасательного центра и Специализированной пожарно-спасательной части на вездеходах и снегоходах. На поиски потерявшихся у них ушло два часа, сообщили в пресс-службе ГУ МЧС по Магаданской области. Туристов вернули в город. Помощь медиков им не потребовалась. В операции приняли участие 16 человек и 13 единиц техники. Отмечается, что перед походом группа в МЧС не зарегистрировалась. Filtered: -- Сотрудники МВД возбудили уголовное дело в отношении 30-летней жительницы Ильинского района Пермского края. Ее подозревают в совершении преступления, предусмотренного статьей № 125 УК РФ "Оставление в опасности". Как пояснили в ГУ МВД России по Пермскому краю, в этом году семья попала в поле зрения полиции как неблагополучная во время профилактического рейда. Мать, на воспитании которой находится пять малолетних детей, восемь раз привлекалась к административной ответственности за ненадлежащее исполнение обязанностей по воспитанию детей. В конце мая полицейские провели очередную проверку и обнаружили, что женщина, оставив детей дома без присмотра и продуктов питания, ушла на целые сутки. Кроме того, квартира, где проживают пять малолетних детей в возрасте от семи лет до одного года, находится в антисанитарном состоянии. В связи с тем, что дети находились в опасном для жизни и здоровья положении, правоохранительными органами принято решение об изъятии несовершеннолетних из семьи и доставлении их в медицинское учреждение. На сегодняшний день расследование уголовного дела продолжается. Filtered: -- Filtered 6 samples from 271 in ru - test Filtered: -- News Cinema L'attore britannico della nuova trilogia di Star Wars ha preso il megafono e ha tenuto un emozionante discorso. John Boyega non ha trattenuto le lacrime di fronte alle tante persone radunatesi dentro l'Hyde Park di Londra per il movimento Black Lives Matter. Da Londra la voce spezzata di John Boyega echeggia in tutto il mondo. L'attore di Star Wars ha partecipato al raduno di Hyde Park per il movimento Black Lives Matter, nato in seguito all'omicidio dell'afro-americano George Floyd per mano di un poliziotto di Minneapolis, Minnesota. Con un megafono in mano, Boyega ha parlato alla folla senza riuscire a trattenere le lacrime. "Le vite dei neri sono sempre state importanti, noi siamo sempre stati importanti, abbiamo sempre significato qualcosa, siamo sempre andati avanti malgrado tutto. Ora il momento è arrivato. Non aspetto più, non aspetto più", ha gridato l'attore continuando a lasciare fluire le sue emozioni. "Vi parlo con il cuore, non so se avrò ancora una carriera dopo questo, ma fanculo" e ancora, "dovete capire quanto fa male questa merda, dovete capire quanto fa male sentirsi dire ogni giorno che la tua razza non significa niente, ma non è più così, non è mai stato così". L'account Twitter ufficiale di Star Wars ha postato un messaggio di pieno supporto all'attore, come come hanno fatto molti colleghi e esponenti dell'industria hollywoodiana. Filtered: -- Aggiornata alle 19,40 del 25 febbraio 2020 I contagiati da coronavirus in Italia sono 322. Il numero dei morti sale a 11, tutti anziani. Le ultime quattro vittime avevano oltre 77 anni. Aumento costante dei contagi in Lombardia, 68 solo oggi. Primi casi a Firenze, Palermo e in Liguria. Due italiani positivi in Austria. Casi anche in Svizzera, Croazia e Catalogna, tutti legati all'Italia. Medico italiano contagiato a Tenerife, positiva anche la moglie. L'esercito nella zona rossa del Lodigiano. Una sola persona è guarita: il ricercatore ricoverati a Roma, dove restano allo Spallanzani gli altri due casi: i due cittadini cinesi che sono stati i primi casi registrati in Italia.​ Nel mondo l'Italia resta in terza posizione tra i Paesi con il maggior numero di contagi, dopo la Cina, che ne cinta 77.660 e la Corea del Sud, che con 977 casi si avvicina alla soglia psicologica dei mille contagiati e conta anch'essa 11 morti. Sono invece 691 i cosiddetti casi 'altri' che fanno per lo più riferimento ai contagi a bordo della nave da crociera Diamond Princess. Altre 71 persone sono morte in Cina. Nella stessa giornata di ieri in Cina sono tati registrati 508 nuovi casi. Il bilancio dei morti si è cosi aggravato a 2.663. I nuovi decessi in Cina per il coronavirus sono stati 68 nella provincia di Hubei (di cui 56 a Wuhan), 2 a Shandong e uno nel Guangdong. I totale dei contagi è invece salito a 77.658 mentre le persone guarite sono 2.589. Aumentano i casi anche in Iran, dove ci sono ancora versioni contrastanti sul numero delle vittime e si è ammalato il viceministro della Salute. LE NOTIZIE IN TEMPO REALE Filtered: -- RIO DE JANEIRO - Il presidente brasiliano Jair Bolsonaro ha vinto il suo braccio di ferro contro la scienza e da oggi la clorochina potrà essere somministrata anche ai pazienti di Covid-19 con sintomi lievi. Per arrivare a questo punto, l’ex capitano ha dovuto cacciare due ministri della Salute, entrambi medici, e mettere al loro posto una schiera di militari, senza alcuna competenza in materia ma per definizione obbedienti agli ordini superiori. Fino a questo momento il farmaco si poteva prescrivere solo ai pazienti gravi. Decine di studi internazionali hanno provato che la clorochina e la sua parente prossima idrossiclorochina — farmaci efficaci nella lotta alla malaria e a malattie autoimmuni come il lupus della pelle — non hanno una efficacia provata contro il Covid-19, anche se in alcuni casi possono aiutare. In compenso possono avere effetti collaterali pericolosi sul cuore. Eppure Bolsonaro, al pari di Donald Trump, ha fatto della clorochina una questione d’onore del suo negazionismo. Fino a farla diventare la questione principale nella lotta del Brasile alla pandemia, che oggi ha invaso il Paese in maniera preoccupante, con quasi 18.000 morti e un ritmo di crescita molto forte. Filtered: -- Al fine di migliorare il funzionamento del sito, e di presentare le notizie più rilevanti e la pubblicità selettiva, raccogliamo informazioni di natura tecnica e non personale su di lei, anche mediante l'utilizzo di strumenti forniti da nostri partner. Può consultare il relativo procedimento nell' Informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali. La descrizione dettagliata delle tecnologie da noi utilizzate è a sua disposizione nell’informativa sull' utilizzo dei file cookies e Login Automatico. Cliccando sul pulsante "Accettare e chiudere", lei dà il pieno consenso all'utilizzo dei propri dai personali agli scopi sopraindicati. Può ritirare il consenso esercitando la modalità indicata nell' Informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali. Filtered: Este no es el primer caso en cruzar la frontera, ya se han reportado otros en Corea del Sur, Tailandia y Japón Agencia Sputnik.- Una persona que viajó desde China fue diagnosticada en la ciudad de Seattle con el coronavirus de Wuhan, destacaron desde el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) de Estados Unidos. Un portavoz del CDC compartió con Reuters que el diagnóstico se realizó en Seattle, estado de Washington, en la costa del Pacífico de EE. UU. El individuo infectado ha sido descrito como un viajero de China. No hay otros detalles disponibles de inmediato y se dará a conocer más información en una próxima conferencia de prensa, declaró el portavoz. El coronavirus, recientemente identificado, se originó en la ciudad china de Wuhan y se ha extendido por el país, incluidas las ciudades de Pekín y Shanghái. Hasta ahora, más de 300 personas han sido infectadas, según funcionarios de salud chinos. De ellos, 51 pacientes permanecen en estado grave; 12, en estado crítico en esa ciudad china y seis han fallecido. Este no es el primer caso en cruzar la frontera, ya se han reportado otros en Corea del Sur, Tailandia y Japón. Foto: Alto Nivel Varios países han emitido avisos de viaje en un intento por detener la propagación del virus, mientras que Malasia, Corea del Sur y algunos aeropuertos en Europa han aumentado la seguridad para evitar contagios. Incluso, el Ministerio de Sanidad ruso considera el coronavirus chino como una amenaza biológica para Rusia. Asimismo, se ha aconsejado a las personas que deben realizar viajes de manera frecuente que sigan buenas prácticas de higiene, eviten el contacto con personas enfermas, se laven las manos regularmente y eviten viajar a granjas y mercados de animales. Por su parte, la Organización Mundial de la Salud convocó a una reunión de emergencia para discutir la situación. A su vez, el presidente chino, Xi Jinping, exhortó a tomar medidas para garantizar que el virus esté contenido. El nuevo virus pertenece a la misma familia de coronavirus que el Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo (SRAS), que mató a casi 800 personas alrededor el mundo entre 2002 y 2003 y también comenzó en China. Continúa leyendo… -- Filtered: -- Un membro della Marina degli Stati Uniti che fa parte dello staff personale del presidente Donald Trump è risultato positivo al coronavirus: lo riporta la CNN, sollevando preoccupazioni sulla possibile esposizione del presidente al virus. Ma Trump ed il suo vice Mike Pence sono risultati negativi al test per il coronavirus. Lo ha reso noto un portavoce della Casa Bianca. Trump e Pence sono stati sottoposti a test dopo la positività riscontrata in un membro dello staff presidenziale. Trump «era sconvolto quando è stato informato che l'uomo era risultato positivo», ha detto una fonte alla CNN, e successivamente è stato nuovamente testato dal medico della Casa Bianca. I “valet” sono membri di una elite militare dedicata proprio all'assistenza del presidente soprattutto nei suoi appartamenti, dunque a stretto contatto con tutti i membri della first family. Trump è stato nuovamente sottoposto al test ed è risultato negativo. Negativo anche il vicepresidente Mike Pence, informa la Casa Bianca. Filtered 6 samples from 218 in es-it - test Filtered 0 samples from 8 in fr-pl - test Filtered 0 samples from 197 in en - test Filtered: -- If a patient suspected of having the virus has attended the surgery, PHE says the room they were seen in should not be used until it has been cleaned with detergent and disinfectant. All items used to care for the patient should be bagged as clinical waste, including the contents of the bin, and quarantined until it is known whether the patient has tested positive for WN-CoV. Fabric curtains and screens should also be bagged as infectious linen, while any cloths or mop heads used during cleaning should be disposed of as single use items. If the patient spent any time in communal areas, these should be cleaned with detergent and disinfectant as soon as possible. According to the initial guidance, GPs who suspect a patient could have the virus during a consultation should leave the room immediately, leaving the patient and their belongings inside, wash their hands and conduct the remainder of the consultation by phone. They should also contact the local health protection team. If GPs suspect a patient has the virus during a telephone consultation they should avoid a face-to-face assessment in primary care and instead call the local secondary care infection specialist. Spread of coronavirus So far no known cases of WN-CoV have been reported in the UK. On Friday, England's chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, said that the risk to the UK public remains low. However he added: 'there may well be cases in the UK at some stage'. 'We have tried and tested measures in place to respond. The UK is well prepared for these types of incidents, with excellent readiness against infectious diseases,' Professor Whitty said. 'We have global experts monitoring the situation around the clock and have a strong track record of managing new forms of infectious disease. We have access to some of the best infectious disease and public health experts in the world from around the UK.' According to the BBC the number of confirmed cases of the virus in China has reached 2,827 and the number of deaths has risen to 81. At least 20 Chinese cities have been placed on lockdown in an attempt to prevent the virus spreading. Cases have also been reported in Thailand, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal, France and Australia. Filtered: -- President Donald Trump not only rang in the new year and decade with a slew of family and friends at a Mar-a-Lago party but also used the momentous occasion to remind the rogue state of Iran what may await it this year if it keeps screwing around. “I don’t think that would be a good idea for Iran. It wouldn’t last very long,” he bluntly said when asked by reporters about a potential war with Iran. The remarks were made only hours after Iranian-backed militiamen stormed the U.S. Embassy in Iraq’s capital of Baghdad and nearly triggered another Benghazi. During a roughly 10-minute-long presser before the new year began, he also addressed his predictions for the U.S. economy, as well as his thoughts on North Korea’s recent antics and the Democrats’ flailing impeachment drive. Listen: The rest of the evening was far less somber at Mar-a-Lago’s annual black-tie New Year’s Eve gala, which Politico notes is “a $1,000-a-head event that starts with cocktails by the main pool before moving to a decadent dinner in the estate’s massive ballroom.” “In the past, the shindig has attracted celebrities like Sylvester Stallone, Woody Allen, Rod Stewart, Serena Williams, Martha Stewart and Robert Kraft.” This year noted guests included … The president’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, who held his own mini-press conference of sorts. Rudy Giuliani pictured at Mar-a-Lago this NYE. — Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) January 1, 2020 Watch: Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs and notably pro-life My Pillow founder Michael Lindell: Guests include Ben Carson, Lou Dobbs and the My Pillow guy. — Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) January 1, 2020 The president’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner: The president’s son Eric and his wife, Lara: Eric and Lara Trump. — Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) January 1, 2020 The president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and his girlfriend, former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle: The president’s other daughter, Tiffany Trump, and her boyfriend, Michael Boulos: Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk: Conservative radio show host Howie Carr: Happy New Year from Mar a Lago! #KAG — Howie Carr (@HowieCarrShow) January 1, 2020 White House principal deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley: The president’s youngest son, Barron: Oh man, Barron Trump. Dapper thy name is… — TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) January 1, 2020 And of course the president himself and his wife, first lady Melania Trump: Trump arrived. He said he hopes Kim Jong Un’s Christmas gift to him is a beautiful vase; he said a partial vaping flavor ban is coming soon (but expressed hope the flavors will be deemed safe and put back on the market soon); he said the China deal likely only needs two phases. — Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) January 1, 2020 The president reportedly began the day driving to the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach but quickly switched plans and left only 49 minutes after his arrival. Though he received some criticism from the left over the perceived Obama-like optics of showing up at the resort, he himself took to Twitter later to dispute media reports that he’d actually gone on to play golf; and to note the difference between the Baghdad attack and Obama’s infamous Benghazi attack: His decision to take quick, immediate action. Unlike other people … Look: The U.S. Embassy in Iraq is, & has been for hours, SAFE! Many of our great Warfighters, together with the most lethal military equipment in the world, was immediately rushed to the site. Thank you to the President & Prime Minister of Iraq for their rapid response upon request…. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 31, 2019 ….Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 31, 2019 The Fake News said I played golf today, and I did NOT! I had meeting in various locations, while closely monitoring the U.S. Embassy situation in Iraq, which I am still doing. The Corrupt Lamestream Media knew this but, not surprisingly, failed to report or correct! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 31, 2019 Hours later, around reportedly 8:30 pm, and after the situation at the embassy in Baghdad had calmed down, the party at Mar-a-Lago officially began: See more photos from the party below: Melania Trump turns heads in glamorous black gown for New Year celebrations with Donald — The 24 Hours News (@The24HoursNews1) January 1, 2020 Happy New Year America! What a spectacular celebration of the New Year and ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ and @FLOTUS with hundreds of his friends, great family and loyal supporters at Mar a Lago! #MAGA #AmericaFirst — Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) January 1, 2020 President Trump speaks to the press with First Lady Melania, prior to entering this evenings New Year’s Celebration he is hosting in Palm Beach, Florida. #HNY2020 — Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸 (@Scavino45) January 1, 2020 When asked by the press about their resolution for 2020, the first lady said “peace” while the president said, without getting into specifics, that it’s something “good” for America. “Peace is right, but I’m not sure you’re supposed to say resolutions out loud, okay?” he said. “So we don’t want to — I don’t want to say what my resolution is because I think we jinx it, all right? But I can tell you, we have a good resolution, and it’s a resolution for our country!” Filtered: Sneaker dominance 1 - A growing trend over the past decade, sneaker sales increased in 2019 from the previous year with Air Jordans claiming the top spot with 171% more sales than competitor brands on eBay. - A growing trend over the past decade, sneaker sales increased in 2019 from the previous year with Air Jordans claiming the top spot with more sales than competitor brands on eBay. We had pearl fever 1 - With influencers flaunting their pearls on social, followers drove interest in pearl accessories. In fact, when Gigi Hadid was seen wearing a string of pearls, eBay saw a 21% uptick in sales. - With influencers flaunting their pearls on social, followers drove interest in pearl accessories. In fact, when was seen wearing a string of pearls, eBay saw a uptick in sales. We were watching Game of Thrones 1 - With the airing of its final episode in May, show fans were shopping for GoT themed collectibles from posters to ornaments and everything in between. - With the airing of its final episode in May, show fans were shopping for GoT themed collectibles from posters to ornaments and everything in between. Queen Bey ruled her Throne - Commanding a different throne, with the release of 'Homecoming' and 'Lion King,' all things Beyonce were trending. eBay saw a spike in Beyonce vinyl sales around the release periods for both films. - Commanding a different throne, with the release of 'Homecoming' and 'Lion King,' all things Beyonce were trending. eBay saw a spike in Beyonce vinyl sales around the release periods for both films. The rise of micro bags2 - Last year the fanny pack was king but this year, we witnessed a growing popularity for crossbody bags, especially in miniature size. This year the mini crossbody bags, which have seen spikes in sales as high as 65% year over year, were the number one most wanted type of handbag heading into the holidays. Looking back to the start of the new millennium, below are some of the most popular trends that influenced our online shopping on since 2000 to present. 2000 - Pokémon-mania 3 - We kicked off the new millennium chasing Pikachu on a small gaming device known as GameBoy, while the Pokémon series and films were on screens everywhere! Everyone was on a quest to 'catch 'em all,' especially the plush versions. Almost 20 years later, Pokémon has held onto its popularity and is the second most popular trading card game sold on eBay, with rare cards sold for upwards of tens of thousands of dollars each time one of them goes on the market. - We kicked off the new millennium chasing Pikachu on a small gaming device known as GameBoy, while the Pokémon series and films were on screens everywhere! Everyone was on a quest to 'catch 'em all,' especially the versions. Almost 20 years later, Pokémon has held onto its popularity and is the second most popular trading card game sold on eBay, with rare cards sold for upwards of tens of thousands of dollars each time one of them goes on the market. 2001 - Please meet Xbox and iPod - In 2001, we witnessed the introduction of the first Xbox and iPod , which made these both the year's must-have items. Today, both of these items have transformed into iterations of the originals that consumers could have only dreamed were possible. - In 2001, we witnessed the introduction of the first Xbox and , which made these both the year's must-have items. Today, both of these items have transformed into iterations of the originals that consumers could have only dreamed were possible. 2002 - Cameras go cellular - This year we saw the introduction of the Nokia cellphone camera, the first cell phone with a built-in camera. Everyone wanted to update their phone to snap instant photos. Over the past 20 years, we have seen iPhone and Android up the ante with each new phone release. While users were once excited about the sheer capability of being able to take pictures on the go, now the competition is stiffer than ever with the super-technical capabilities of mobile phone photography. - This year we saw the introduction of the camera, the first cell phone with a built-in camera. Everyone wanted to update their phone to snap instant photos. Over the past 20 years, we have seen iPhone and Android up the ante with each new phone release. While users were once excited about the sheer capability of being able to take pictures on the go, now the competition is stiffer than ever with the super-technical capabilities of mobile phone photography. 2003 - Velour tracksuits - In 2003 Juicy Couture was purchased by Liz Clairborne , infusing excitement into the brand's signature velour tracksuits which became a mainstream trend, especially when Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie's 'Simple Life' series premiered. In fact, Paris Hilton recently was interviewed saying she still has an "entire closet that is only Juicy Couture." The trend has already been making a comeback in recent years, and we expect this to continue in a big way into the new decade. - In 2003 was purchased by , infusing excitement into the brand's signature velour tracksuits which became a mainstream trend, especially when and 'Simple Life' series premiered. In fact, recently was interviewed saying she still has an "entire closet that is only Juicy Couture." The trend has already been making a comeback in recent years, and we expect this to continue in a big way into the new decade. 2004 - Friends said goodbye 1 - In May of this year, the popular TV series 'Friends' bid farewell to fans when it aired its final episode. Fans snatched series merchandise as an homage to keep the series alive. This year, Friends celebrated 25 years of the beloved 90s TV series and eBay saw a 44% increase in Friends T-shirt sales in September, the official anniversary month. - In May of this year, the popular TV series 'Friends' bid farewell to fans when it aired its final episode. Fans snatched series as an homage to keep the series alive. This year, Friends celebrated 25 years of the beloved 90s TV series and eBay saw a increase in Friends T-shirt sales in September, the official anniversary month. 2005 - Reality TV gets real - Thanks to series like Survivor and American Idol (among others), fans were glued to their screens each week to see the latest elimination. With this peek interest for reality TV, fans everywhere were looking to own a piece of their series through auction items or fan merchandise. Did you know that current reality TV queen Kim Kardashian West had her first business venture in the mid-2000s on eBay? Under the username kimsaprincess , KKW would resell designer items she had sourced from celebrity friends' closets, and would take a cut of the profit as a means to fund her own expensive wardrobe taste. - Thanks to series like and (among others), fans were glued to their screens each week to see the latest elimination. With this peek interest for reality TV, fans everywhere were looking to own a piece of their series through auction items or fan merchandise. Did you know that current reality TV queen had her first business venture in the mid-2000s on eBay? Under the username , KKW would resell designer items she had sourced from celebrity friends' closets, and would take a cut of the profit as a means to fund her own expensive wardrobe taste. 2006 - Tie-Dye becomes the new black - This was the year when everything we owned was taking a dip in tie-dye. Shoppers could find tie-dye apparel and accessories in just about any corner. Thirteen years later, tie-dye made another resurgence as it appeared on major SS19 runways -- Prada, Proenza Schouler and Stella McCartney were three of the biggest names to capture the trends. - This was the year when everything we owned about any corner. Thirteen years later, tie-dye made another resurgence as it appeared on major SS19 runways -- Prada, Proenza Schouler and were three of the biggest names to capture the trends. 2007 - The Simpsons 4 - With the release of The Simpsons Movie, everyone's favorite animated series was a cultural moment that inspired everything around us, including our clothes . In the month following the July 27, 2007 release, eBay sales for The Simpsons merchandise spiked an impressive 217%. - With the release of The Simpsons Movie, everyone's favorite animated series was a cultural moment that inspired everything around us, including our . In the month following the release, eBay sales for The Simpsons merchandise spiked an impressive 2008 - We made bold shoe choices 5 - In addition to going down as the year of the leggings, 2008 was a year when shoppers made UGG boots and Crocs their footwear of choice. It seemed like everyone was asking for UGGs for Christmas -- sales were up 105% going into the 2008 holiday season. Crocs were most popular as a summer shoe, with 135 times more sales on eBay than the season prior. - In addition to going down as the year of the leggings, 2008 was a year when shoppers made and Crocs their footwear of choice. It seemed like everyone was asking for UGGs for Christmas -- sales were up going into the 2008 holiday season. Crocs were most popular as a summer shoe, with sales on eBay than the season prior. 2009 - Guido goes haute - With the premier of MTV's highly popular 'Jersey Shore' series, so came the quest for guido-inspired fashion. 2008 was a year when oversized sunglasses were in along with animal prints, airbrushed hats and graphic t-shirts. - With the premier of MTV's highly popular 'Jersey Shore' series, so came the quest for guido-inspired fashion. 2008 was a year when oversized sunglasses were in along with animal prints, and graphic t-shirts. 2010 - The tablet is born - In 2010 we were introduced to the first iPad , thus ushering in a new era in technology for shoppers. The iPad sustained impression traction on eBay throughout its first year, peaking in December for the holidays. Today, we have seen tablets completely transform the way we use personal devices. As phone screens get bigger and tablets become sleeker, the line between the personal tech devices becomes finer. Items like the Samsung Galaxy Fold made major waves on eBay and in headlines in 2019. - In 2010 we were introduced to the , thus ushering in a new era in technology for shoppers. The iPad sustained impression traction on eBay throughout its first year, peaking in December for the holidays. Today, we have seen tablets completely transform the way we use personal devices. As phone screens get bigger and tablets become sleeker, the line between the personal tech devices becomes finer. Items like the Samsung Galaxy Fold made major waves on eBay and in headlines in 2019. 2011 - Royal fever - In 2011 we celebrated the union between Prince William and Kate Middleton , an affair we celebrated from beginning to end of year, toasting with our favorite royal-inspired or royal-printed tea sets . Fast forward to the highly anticipated wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle , where Royal Wedding fever hit eBay again with sales for fascinators and floral crowns rising 47%. Meghan captivated Americans and Brits alike as she made her procession down the aisle in a custom Givenchy gown, spiking the fashion label to the top searched list on May 19 th, 2018. Today, we are equally as inspired by the royal family fashion, as seen clearly by eBay's 300% increase in Strathberry crossbody bag sales in the past year after the Duchess of Sussexm Meghan Markle was seen wearing the bag. - In 2011 we celebrated the union between and , an affair we celebrated from beginning to end of year, toasting with our favorite royal-inspired or royal-printed . Fast forward to the highly anticipated wedding of and , where fever hit eBay again with sales for fascinators and floral crowns rising Meghan captivated Americans and Brits alike as she made her procession down the aisle in a custom gown, spiking the fashion label to the list on 2018. Today, we are equally as inspired by the royal family fashion, as seen clearly by eBay's increase in Strathberry crossbody bag sales in the past year after the Duchess of Sussexm Meghan Markle was seen wearing the bag. 2012 - British takeover - On the heels of the previous year's royal-fandom, 2012 was a year where we celebrated all things British from One Direction to 007's Skyfall film, and in between it all, London hosted the Olympics where the Spice Girls made a special reunion that had shoppers looking for union jack-printed apparel and home decor . - On the heels of the previous year's royal-fandom, 2012 was a year where we celebrated all things British from One Direction to 007's Skyfall film, and in between it all, hosted the Olympics where the Spice Girls made a special reunion that had shoppers looking for union jack-printed apparel and . 2013 - The next generation - In 2013 we saw the newest iteration of a variety of tech and console devices including the iPhone 5S, PlayStation 4, Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One, the iPad Air and many more. In December 2013 , almost 300 Samsung Galaxy S4s were sold every hour on eBay. We've since seen new models come out every year and this year, the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone XR ranked in the top two spots for eBay's best selling electronics. - In 2013 we saw the newest iteration of a variety of tech and console devices including the iPhone 5S, PlayStation 4, Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One, the iPad Air and many more. In , almost 300 Samsung Galaxy S4s were on eBay. We've since seen new models come out every year and this year, the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone XR ranked in the top two spots for eBay's best selling electronics. 2014 - Beauty influence - In 2014, Kylie Jenner launched her very popular lip kits thus igniting the age of beauty influencers and consumers quest for all the latest in lip kits / cosmetics. - In 2014, launched her very popular lip kits thus igniting the age of beauty influencers and consumers quest for all the latest in / cosmetics. 2015 - 3D flower mania - 2015 will be the year of eternal spring as we witnessed 3D blossoms in everything from decor to clothing. In the last 6 months of the year, eBay sales for 3D flowers rose a staggering 1115% percent! - 2015 will be the year of eternal spring as we witnessed 3D blossoms in everything from to clothing. In the last 6 months of the year, eBay sales for 3D flowers rose a staggering percent! 2016 - Superheroes take flight 4 - In 2016 we celebrated our favorite superheroes as we saw the release of popular films such as Deadpool, Suicide Squad, Batman , Captain America and more. It comes as no surprise that our favorite heroes and villains were the most popular costumes of the year and still today, Batman ranked in the top five trending Halloween costumes on eBay this year. - In 2016 we celebrated our favorite superheroes as we saw the release of popular films such as Deadpool, Suicide Squad, , Captain America and more. It comes as no surprise that our favorite heroes and villains were the most popular costumes of the year and still today, Batman ranked in the top five trending Halloween costumes on eBay this year. 2017 - Fidget fever 5 - 2017 was the year where our fingers stayed busy with fidget spinners of all varieties and colors, and when we weren't fidgeting, our fingers were searching online for the coolest one, where one was sold every 1.5 seconds on eBay. - 2017 was the year where our fingers stayed busy with of all varieties and colors, and when we weren't fidgeting, our fingers were searching online for the coolest one, where one was sold every on eBay. 2018 - Welcome back fanny pack- The 80's classic had a comeback moment inspiring men, women, children and adults to turn to their favorite hands-free bag . The trend continued into this year where the Gucci Belt Bag outsold similar handbag styles by an average of 10x. Until 2020 trends are officially upon us, shoppers can head to to shop a wide selection of items from every era. 1Based on searches and sales on eBay US from October 2018 to October 2019 2Based on searches and sales on eBay US from January 2004 to December 2019 3Based on searches and sales on eBay US from January 2001 to October 2019 4Based on searches on eBay US from July 2019 to September 2019 5Based on sales on eBay US from May 1 - 7, 2017 SOURCE eBay Inc. Related Links -- Filtered: How you can participate in the Photo of the Day HAVANA TIMES – You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just send a picture (in black and white or color), that you consider with quality to be published. Indicate where it was taken (city and country), type of camera or cell phone you used and a short description of it. Send us your name and country of residence to this email address: [email protected] -- Filtered: Apollo Global Management LLC and Varde Partners LP are no longer considering bidding for Altico Capital India Ltd., according to people familiar with the matter, narrowing the number of suitors for the troubled shadow lender. The firms pulled out because they were unwilling to meet creditor demands to inject as much as ₹2,000 crore ($280 million) of fresh equity into Altico, two people said, asking not to be identified as the information is private. A spokesman for Apollo confirmed its withdrawal while Varde declined to comment. That leaves Cerberus Capital Management LP, SSG Capital Management, and Kotak Investment Advisors Ltd. in the race for the real-estate focused lender, three people said. Representatives for Cerberus, SSG and Kotak declined to comment. Altico’s troubles follow a spate of defaults among Indian shadow banks over the last 16 months, making it harder for the sector to raise funds. The cash crunch is also spilling over into the broader economy, given that these lenders fund everything from the construction of condominiums to purchases of personal goods like cars and phones. Apollo was only willing to inject part of the money creditors sought, while Varde wanted to wait for a turnaround in Altico before investing, two people said. This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed. -- Filtered: PASADENA (WKOW) -- Wisconsin returns to the Rose Bowl for the first time since 2013 when they face the Oregon Ducks of the Pac-12 conference on New Year's Day in Pasadena. The Badgers last faced the Ducks in the 2012 Rose Bowl, falling 45-38 in Bret Bielema's final bowl game as the Badgers' head coach. Some argue the most memorable Rose Bowl of all time was the 1963 game where the Badgers, led by quarterback Ron Vander Kelen, scored 23 points during a fourth quarter comeback, but fell 42-37 loss to USC. The Badgers three Rose Bowl wins came when current Athletic Director Barry Alvarez was head coach, winning in 1994, 1999 and 2000. 1953, 7-0 loss to USC 1960, 44-8 loss to Washington 1963, 42-37 loss to USC 1994, 21-16 win over UCLA 1999, 38-31 win over UCLA 2000, 17-9 win over Stanford 2011, 21-19 loss to TCU 2012, 45-38 loss to Oregon 2013, 20-14 loss to Stanford -- Filtered: Not yet dire, but frightening to birders and researchers alike. As Wes Biggs tells it, a Baltimore oriole flew onto his family’s front porch and landed on his bassinet when he was only 6 months old. Captivated, he became a lifelong birdwatcher. Over the 71 years since then, like thousands of other longtime birders across the continent, Biggs has seen and helped document dramatic change. Bald eagles surged back from the brink of extinction. Many duck species rebounded. But a host of other species — including sparrows, meadowlark and quail — declined at an alarming rate. “You’re just not seeing thousands and thousands of birds anymore, and certainly not as often as you used to,” said Biggs of Sebring, Florida, owner of Florida Nature Tours. Two major research projects released this fall brought into perspective what individual birdwatchers like Biggs have noticed, while raising concerns about the future and the need for additional conservation measures. A USA TODAY Network analysis of the studies and their data showed the loss of birds touches every U.S. state in North America. The first of the studies, dubbed the “Billion Birds” report [at] and published in the journal “Science” in September, concluded 2.9 billion birds have vanished across North America since 1970, a decline of roughly 30%. It added to a growing body of work over the past couple of years documenting those losses. The results surprised even the study’s lead author, Ken Rosenberg, a Cornell University scientist who also holds a position with the American Bird Conservancy. Rosenberg used to tell birdwatchers the birds they were no longer seeing had probably moved on “somewhere else.” But the study proved otherwise, he said, showing in many cases bird populations had just plummeted. While that doesn’t mean a bird “apocalypse” is underway, if conservation measures aren’t taken, Rosenberg said, the situation could “slide toward a bigger crisis, toward ecological unraveling of ecosystems.” Another major report weeks later delivered a second punch. Using models and much of the same data, the report by the National Audubon Society [at] provided a grim forecast of the potential impacts of warming temperatures on 600 bird species in North America. “If we don’t take action, nearly two-thirds of North America’s birds face extinction as a result of climate change,” said Julie Wraithmell, president of Audubon Florida. If action is taken, she added, “we can change the fate of three-quarters of those birds.” Casting blame The widespread losses in bird populations could have far-reaching implications for ecosystems and economies, said Marianne Korosy, Audubon Florida’s director of bird conservation. Birds are both prey and predator, serve as nature’s pest control, share roles with bees in plant pollination and help to maintain genetic diversity by spreading seeds around, Korosy said. Also, the federal government estimates birdwatchers contribute $41 billion a year to the nation’s economy. The study by Rosenberg and his co-authors at wildlife agencies and research centers in the U.S. and Canada didn’t specifically analyze the causes behind the declining bird populations. He said that can be hard to pin down given the array of threats birds face and the vast distances they travel during migration. But previous studies indicate habitat loss is the primary threat. As a group, grassland birds such as meadowlarks and quail suffered the biggest overall declines, the Billion Birds report showed. In the Midwest, the single biggest factor is habitat loss, said Neal Niemuth, an integrated conservation scientist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Bismarck, North Dakota. He points, for example, to the conversion of cattle grazing lands, which protect the birds’ natural habitat, to much more intensively farmed corn fields. Other factors include feral cats, climate change and pesticides that kill insects birds need to live and raise their young. “You can’t just pin it on one thing,” said Biggs, but human population growth has its own impacts. While bird populations have dwindled, the nation’s population has doubled over Biggs’ lifetime and Florida’s population is seven times greater. “I hate having a doomsday attitude,” said Biggs. “But looking at the whole situation, it’s pretty horrific.” Bird populations have fallen in each of the 49 U.S. states in North America, according to the USA TODAY Network analysis of state data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey [at]. A joint project with the U.S. Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service, the Breeding Bird Survey dates to the 1960s and was the primary source of data for the Billion Birds report. Geological Survey scientists consider the long-term data available in the survey scientifically credible for 334 species, around a third of all the species with documented sightings in the U.S. and Canada. In 39 states, more than half those species have shown declines. Audubon examined how birds would fare under three climate change scenarios: one in which temperatures warmed by slightly less than 3 degrees Fahrenheit; another in which they warmed by nearly 4 degrees; and a third where they rose by more than 5 degrees in the coming decades. Using climate modeling, Audubon studied how the risks birds face — including habitat conversion, extreme weather and sea level rise — could change and how that would affect birds in each state. Under the higher, unmitigated increase in warming over the next 65 years, the study concluded 97% of species could be affected by two or more climate-related threats. Under the scenario of slightly less than 3 degrees warming within the next 35 years, at least 51 of the 600 species Audubon examined faced a high risk of either being wiped out or seeing a worsening trend. In Delaware, an average temperature increase of 2.7 degrees by 2055 could wipe out or cause a worsening trend in two bird species in part or all of their range. The list includes the Henslow's sparrow and least tern. The studies shocked Father Tom Pincelli, a Catholic priest in Brownsville, Texas, and a birdwatcher for 47 years. The Billion Birds report “kind of took my breath away,” Pincelli said. “The number was larger than I thought.” ‘Eyes of the world’ Birdwatchers can be a quirky bunch, toting high-end binoculars and telescopes and randomly dropping conversations when distracted by a bird. But the compulsive listing of birds they see has helped amass mountains of data scientists now use to document changing bird populations. “It’s really amazing we have such a wealth of data,” said Brooke Bateman, an Audubon senior scientist and lead author of the climate report. Much of the information used in both studies came from data collected by birdwatchers, including the Breeding Bird Survey and Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count [at]. The 120th Christmas count began Dec. 14 and runs through Jan. 5. Nearly 80,000 people participated in last year’s count. “There’s this incredible collaboration between the scientists and the birdwatchers, and it really doesn’t exist with other animals and other sciences,” Rosenberg said. “Birders are the eyes of the world.” Bill Volkert, a naturalist and wildlife educator, has birded the same areas around Horicon Marsh in eastern Wisconsin for more than 35 years. He sees wild turkeys and Canada geese more often than he used to, but the song of the whip-poor-will “is gone.” “A lot of times, we just look at birds in our backyards and as long as birds are showing up, it’s really hard to extrapolate what’s happening to the [overall] population,” he said. In North America and elsewhere, climate change will be a “threat multiplier,” said Audubon’s Bateman. Some birds already have shifted their ranges northward, she said, while warmer temperatures are forecast to trigger other impacts such as longer droughts and more intense hurricanes. Birders have documented many changes after the string of hurricane landfalls in recent years. In Ormond Beach, Florida, for example, Meret Wilson, who operates a bird-banding project, said things still haven’t returned to what they were before two major hurricanes — Matthew in 2016 and Irma in 2017 — heavily damaged trees in the region. ‘Before it’s too late’ Going forward, both bird studies underscore the need to help birds be more resilient, said Nick Wiley, chief operations officer for Ducks Unlimited and former executive director of Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. He said he was excited about the emphasis the Billion Birds report put on conservation needs and successes. Conservation measures do work, said Rosenberg. For example, raptors such as bald eagles benefited from the 1972 ban on the use of the insecticide DDT in the U.S. And, he said, a more than 50% increase in the population of 41 species of waterfowl was a result of “a conscientious effort to save habitat.” Ducks Unlimited grew out of hunters’ recognition of low population levels of waterfowl in the early part of the 20th century, Rosenberg said. To protect those birds, nonprofits and state and federal governments worked to acquire and protect wetland habitats. A federal duck stamp purchased by duck hunters has helped funnel millions into wetland preservation. Similar efforts are needed to continue protecting ducks and to preserve grassland birds, said Wiley. But, he added, it’s expensive and takes groups working together. Federal government programs to help landowners keep their land in grass or return it to grass have been “a huge, huge boon to grassland birds,” Niemuth said. But the available money isn’t enough to match landowner interest. Volkert, the retired wildlife educator, sees the need for conservation as a bipartisan issue. “For millions of people who love birds and love nature, it’s time for our group to raise our voices for birds,” he said. “The alarm we want to sound is for people to pay attention to the loss of these common birds now before it’s too late, while we can do something.” See also: -- Filtered: -- Click here to read more about our rating system. Below is a report that DML News gives a 3 OUT OF 4 STARS trustworthiness rating. We base this rating on the following criteria: As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by TOWNHALL.COM: We’ve heard this could be a possibility for quite some time: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s House district could be redrawn based on the 2020 census. And as Beth noted, New York is projected to lose one seat. This has not caught the fiery left-winger off guard. AOC has been known this could be a potential problem. It also highlights why Democrats threw a tantrum when the Trump administration proposed the very noncontroversial change to the 2020 census by including a citizenship question. In AOC’s district, almost a quarter of its residents are noncitizens. As expected, the areas that will be heavily impacted are Democratic bastions. It strikes at the heart of their political power and roadmap to obtaining control. Coddle these groups of people together and use them to create more districts favorable to Democrats based on ethnic representatives. Democrats have had phenomenal success doing this, hence the reason why they’re lax on border security, endear themselves to illegal immigration, and bash federal authorities tasked with enforcing laws in this area, hence the targeting of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents as the Gestapo in these circles. The article goes on to state the following: The City had a story about this last August, which pollster Frank Luntz rehashed on Twitter. New York is expected to lose a House seat after the 2020 Census, and state Democrats are looking to draw out @AOC’s district. — Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) December 31, 2019 To get more information about this article, please visit TOWNHALL.COM. To weigh in, leave a comment below. Filtered: -- Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, said Tuesday he would be willing to testify at Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, telling reporters that he would “love to try the case” and that he has learned of “vast” corruption involving Democrats and Ukraine. “I would testify, I would do demonstrations, I’d give lectures, I’d give summations or I do what I do best. I try the case,” he told reporters in Mar-a-Lago. “I’d love to try the case.” GIULIANI CALLS SWALWELL A COWARD AFTER CONGRESSMAN’S ATTACK The House impeached Trump last month on two articles – abuse of power and obstruction of Congress – related to Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Democrats have alleged that the call, in which Trump urged Zelensky to investigate alleged Ukraine interference in the 2016 election and the business dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, was part of a quid pro quo in exchange for withheld military aid and a White House meeting. They allege that Trump was seeking investigations into his political opponents. Trump has denied those claims of a quid pro quo, while he has sought to turn the spotlight onto Biden’s involvement in the country — specifically his role in the firing of a top Ukrainian prosecutor who had previously investigated a Ukrainian energy company where Hunter sat on the board. The House is expected to eventually transmit its articles of impeachment to the Republican-controlled Senate for a trial. The White House is hoping that it will allow them to go on the attack, although Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has suggested he would seek a short trial. Giuliani has played a central role in promoting theories in relation to Democrats and Ukraine, and told reporters Tuesday that he had learned of “vast” corruption in Ukraine involving Democrats. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP “What I learned is that the corruption in Ukraine is vast. It’s extensive. It highly involves the Democratic Party, not just in 2016, but for many years,” he said, describing what he called “American Ukrainian corruption.” He said he is still meeting with witnesses, has just returned from Ukraine, and is looking for the “right forum” to air what he has gathered. “It will turn out to be a series of criminal acts that will involve the highest levels of the Obama administration,” he said. “And it’s the reason why the Democratic Party is in panic.” Filtered: In my writing room at home hangs a framed circular collage of magazine and newspaper cutouts. I grew up in New Hyde Park and East Williston, but assembled the collage in my dorm room at Boston College in the waning days of 1969. The collage was filled with the things that I felt most strongly about, and some things that populated my nightmares. Around the edges of the frame are the numbers 60 through 69, representing the years in clockwise order. The centerpiece photo of an American soldier in Vietnam dominates the piece. As he strums on his guitar surrounded by sandbags, I imagine the faint sound of the Bob Dylan’s 1960s anthem, "Blowin’ in the Wind." Across his chest, the word "peace" in cutout letters represents the hope it might come soon. References to the Vietnam War, and photos of the My Lai massacre, generals and privates are placed alongside the elected officials who sent them to that fruitless conflict. Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon — the men who started the war, perpetuated it and finally ended it — are surrounded by images of the protests that sprung up all around the country. I attended my share of those demonstrations as my "2S" student deferment was running out. The words "Waiting out the War" at the bottom of the collage expressed my hope that all the protests might slow the killing and end the war before I was caught up in it. Sen. Bobby Kennedy looks out with a pensive stare; the hope that he and the Rev. Martin Luther King represented was extinguished far too soon. But then there was the music scene that defined my generation — Woodstock, the Beatles, Dylan, the Stones and the British invasion — and the tumultuous wave of change that that vibrant musical energy ignited in us all. The sounds of that time and the memories they awaken in me are imprinted deep within my brain. There are cutouts of the moon landing and pretty girls and even a sailboat. Even then I wanted to own one, and would 30 years later. Just below the soldier’s guitar is the word "Time" — the singular commodity we all possess. It’s the thing we never seem to have enough of, the thing we wish we could alter, buy more of or roll back. In the end, it is the fuse that burns through every living thing — a relentless adversary. Fifty years ago, I made that collage to try to capture that period inside a frame. Today, those memories storm back into focus when the first chord of "A Hard Day's Night" roars out of my car radio. It’s the 1960s, I’m riding down the Meadowbrook Parkway toward Jones Beach on a hot summer Saturday morning with my friends. We’re all screaming out the lyrics in unison, and I’m young again. Reader James D. Riordan lives in Old Westbury. -- Filtered: On December 29, 2019, in retaliation for a rocket attack two days earlier by the Tehran-backed Kataib Hezbollah (KH) militia on the K-1 military base near Kirkuk that killed an American contractor, Air Force F-15E fighters struck three of the militia’s bases in Iraq and two more in Syria. The attacks left about twenty-five militiamen dead and more than fifty wounded. The targets were KH storage facilities and command posts; Washington asserted that the command posts had masterminded a series of eleven rocket attacks that had culminated with the December 27 KH strike on the K-1 base. Tehran did not waste much time responding to the American strike. One day later, led by its Iraqi puppets—notably Iraqi National Security Advisor Faleh al Fayyad, and Hadi al Ameri, leader of the Shia Badr organization—rioters charged the American embassy compound, used makeshift battering rams to break down its outer doors and ransacked the facility’s entrance lobby. Trump responded by issuing what he called “not a warning but a threat” that Tehran would be held accountable—and presumably be the target of American military retaliation—if American property were damaged or its citizens harmed. Tehran’s response was to encourage a second day of rioting. When Washington deployed the 82nd airborne rapid response unit even as Marines were tear-gassing the rioters inside the embassy, the demonstrations abated, at least for the moment. Iraqi military units did not intervene throughout the two days of riots. Though some officers evinced concern for the safety of the American diplomats, it was clear that the Iraqi government simply was unwilling, or fearful, of confronting Tehran’s minions head-on. It was the most graphic evidence of what has long been recognized throughout the region, if not in Washington: It is Iran, not America, that calls the shots in Baghdad. The man behind Tehran’s strategy in Iraq, as he has been in Syria, is almost surely Major General Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds force, Tehran’s shock troops. Soleimani has had free reign in Iraq for some time. It is likely that the leaders of the Iranian-dominated militias, the Hashd al Shabi (Popular Mobilization Units)—of which the KH is a component force—answer to him. He surely wants Trump to respond with more than threats, or even tear gas. Read the original article. -- Filtered: The sixth training ride for the Charity Bike Ride takes off from St Andrews at 9am sharp on Sunday. (File photo) ONGOING Caroline Bay Carnival: The 109th annual carnival at Caroline Bay, Timaru. Visit the website for a full programme. Runs until January 12, 2020. A Timaru Landmark: Renewing the Sacred Heart Basilica: Exhibition at the South Canterbury Museum on Perth St, Timaru. A panorama of images showing how much a Timaru Catholic church has changed over the past century. The Dividing Line: Exhibition at the Aigantighe Art Gallery on Wai-iti Rd, Timaru. Nelson and German-based painter Lisa Chandler explores protest movements through her art. Runs until February 9, 2020. Undercurrents: Exhibition at the Aigantighe Art Gallery on Wai-iti Rd, Timaru. Artwork by Catherine Day using ridges, grids, and contours to depict moving into a new environment. Runs until February 9, 2020. Railcar ride and museum tour: 11am, noon, 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm each day at the Pleasant Point Railway & Museum. Ride the Ford Model T railcar to the museum for a 45-minute tour. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for children, and $35 for a family. Runs until March 1, 2020. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY Steaming days: 10.30am-4pm both days at the Pleasant Point Railway & Museum. Unlimited rides on a Ford Model T railcar. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for children, and $35 for a family. SATURDAY LGBT meet-up: 2-5pm in the Royal Arcade, Timaru. Live music: 8-10pm at Hector Black's on Stafford St, Timaru. Guitarist Paul Ubana Jones will perform original blues and soul songs. SUNDAY Central South Island Charity Bike Ride training ride: 9am at St Andrews. Register before 8.45am. Take care as roads are open to all vehicles. Temuka Courthouse Museum Open Day: 2-4pm at the museum on Domain Ave. View displays detailing Temuka and the districts farming, family, and social history. Runs every Sunday until April 12, 2020. To list your upcoming South Canterbury event in our Weekend Pass email:, with What's On in the subject line. -- Filtered: -- After the fatal crash, Uber stopped testing its self-driving cars in all four of its testing grounds -- Tempe, Arizona; Toronto; San Francisco and Pittsburgh. However, the company resumed testing in Pittsburgh just months later, and has plans to begin tests in Washington, D.C. by the end of the year. About a year after the pedestrian was killed, the company raised a $1 billion investment in its self-driving division from three Japanese organizations -- Softbank, Denso and Toyota -- despite allegedly ramping down its efforts in the autonomous vehicle industry. It's extremely probable that more deaths will occur during the testing and use of self-driving cars. How the industry handles these fatalities could have a big impact on how the technology progresses -- and how quickly the public warms up to the idea of autonomous vehicles. Filtered: -- OLD TRAFFORD, the 74,879-capacity Theatre of Dreams, will host the Lionesses' opening match of the Uefa Women's Euro on Wednesday July 7 2021. The FA hope that the 13th edition of the tournament will kick-off with a record attendance which will set a benchmark for the rest of the tournament played across eight other venues in England, culminating with the final at the 90,000-capacity Wembley Stadium on Sunday August 1. The 110-year-old home of Manchester United, Old Trafford last staged a women's football match in 2012, when the United States defeated Canada 4-3 in a dramatic Olympic semi-final in front of 26,630 fans. Former Manchester United player Phil Neville will lead his country out at the stadium where he played for 11 seasons. "It doesn't get much bigger than managing your country at a home Euro and to have the opportunity to do so at a stadium that holds so many memories for me is huge. Old Trafford has a special place in my heart, but it is also one of the country's most iconic football grounds, so today's announcement is a significant one for the tournament.” Natalie Burrell, founder of Manchester United Women's supporters group, Barmy Army, is confident that the demand for women's football from fans living in the city will fill the stadium. "Every time I go to Old Trafford, people are saying to me: 'I see what you're doing with the girls, when is it coming here?' People are waiting for it.” As well as Manchester and Wembley, matches will also be played at Brentford, Brighton, Milton Keynes, Rotherham, Sheffield, Southampton and Wigan and Leigh. The FA's Director of Women's Football Baroness Sue Campbell declared: "We’d like to welcome fans from all over Europe, we hope they will come. We’d like to work with our European colleagues to help develop the women’s game across Europe.” Hoping to build on the huge television viewing figures generated during last summer's Women's World Cup and this season's burgeoning WSL attendances, she added that "we want to excite everyone in this country to come out and watch the women's game, even if they’ve never watched before. “Euro 2021 is an opportunity. We want to raise the bar yet again for the women's game in England. More fans watching, more women playing, more women coaching, more women refereeing, and an outstanding Women's Super League, to make it the best league in Europe.” The record attendance for a Women's Euro match was set in Solna, Sweden when 41,301 people watched Germany defeat Norway in the 2013 Final. Now Uefa's Head of Women's Football, Nadine Kessler was a member of that German side and describes it as the highlight of her career. "I think it makes all the difference to give players and teams the stage they deserve. I think it is a completely different experience, a different pressure you have to handle but also a different excitement and motivation.” In December 2018, Kessler helped negotiate the deal which saw Visa become Uefa's first exclusive sponsor of women's football. They have since been joined by Nike, who will supply the official match ball for the tournament and Espirit, who will design the uniforms for tournament staff and volunteers. Kessler believes more big-name sponsors will follow. “It was a very important step we took. There are more sponsors on board. Every cent Uefa will gain from partners will go back into the game. It’s very important to show that women’s football has its own value and partners, and that the media and everybody is interested in the women's game on its own. It will most certainly be our strategy to further enhance this.” The tournament's Head of Delivery Chris Bryant previously worked in the same capacity on the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games as well as the 2015 Rugby World Cup and was realistic about the goals the tournament should be looking to achieve. "We should be doing everything we can to seize on the opportunity that we've got in hosting what is an elite football tournament. It's a phenomenal time for women's football in general. “The UK has a fantastic tradition of delivering major events. We've got a very high-skilled team working on the men's Euro who will role straight over to deliver the women's Euros.” The eight cities chosen in December to host the tournament do not include any in the south-west or north-east of the country. “Whilst we are not everywhere, we are relatively comfortable that we are in a good enough spread of venues across the country,” said Bryant. "We will of course engage with the wider country through our marketing campaign. We know people will travel for big events, we know people will travel to go and watch England. That’s very much part of our plan as well.” In 2017, each of the seven host cities in the Netherlands set up city-centre fan zones where 72,916 fans congregated to watch matches on big screens. Bryant is open to the idea but remains unsure if the demand is there. “Our first priority is to try and sell as many tickets and get people in the stadium if possible. For Euro 2020 in London we’re setting up additional screenings because there’s only 90,000 seats and the ticket demand for England games in the men’s Euro is phenomenal. “That’s not quite the same for the women’s Euros. If there is demand in host cities, we’d love to talk to them about fan zones. We need to be quite realistic about the budgets that the cities have and where our priorities are. “Absolutely we are talking to host cities about, be it a fan march, a meeting point, a fan zone, a screening, they’re all on the table but we need to be quite realistic about what will be delivered and where our focus should be and that’s driving attendance to stadia to give the teams that full stadium experience.” A common inducement during previous tournaments, free city-centre transport for supporters will not be offered to ticket-holders as Bryant explained. “Hosting the event already puts a significant strain on host cities in order to provide security and transport infrastructure. “What we will do is focus on those cities where potentially you might need a transport solution that doesn’t already exist. We will work the local councils to potentially put on shuttle buses to try and move fans from the city centre to the venue. “We’re not going to do what the men’s Euros did and offer free public transport with every ticket. It’s incredible costly and it’s incredibly difficult to deliver and we believe our priorities and focus are best elsewhere.” Burrell, who travels from Didsbury to another of the Euro 2021 venues, the Leigh Sports Village, to watch Manchester United hopes that one tournament legacy will be to improve infrastructure around the LSV Stadium. "You'll see better transport links then, which hopefully then we can take advantage of. It's got great facilities. I'd encourage people to go to Leigh.” Over 700,000 tickets will be made available for the tournament compared to the record 240,045 tickets sold at Euro 2017. “That's a huge jump in the available number of tickets that we want to sell,” admits Bryant. “Across the board, we want to try and sell as many tickets as possible. We’ll look at doing that through accessible tickets, but also through working with local communities to ensure that schools and universities have the opportunities to come to the games as well.” How the FA will generate interest in games not involving England remains to be seen as Bryant explains. “We know that some games are going to be more attractive than others, therefore how do we manage that balance across the country to try and give all of the teams the same experience of having full stadiums? “That certainly has been a challenge. We bid before the World Cup in France and that certainly changed how people viewed the tournament, and maybe how we viewed the tournament with some of our venue selections. “Really it was that led to our inclusion of Old Trafford as the opening venue. We sensed there was an opportunity here maybe to try and open the tournament with a special bang. I think it's really exciting. “This is elite sport. This is a big major event, a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend a football tournament in your own country. It’s a rare occasion and therefore people should embrace that, people should embrace those games in their host cities and everyone should try and be a part of it. “A big part of our marketing campaign is to not just look at football fans but ‘big eventers,’ people that want to be part of something special which we believe this tournament can be. “We want it to be remembered as a tournament, a major event, that gripped the country, that everyone felt part of, that everyone was reminiscing about, a fantastic summer in which everyone had a great time going to the tournament.” To register for tickets, competitions and volunteering opportunities visit Filtered: -- Pass these questions around and take turns reading them aloud: 1. Drink if you’ve posted a picture with me on social media within the last month. 2. Drink if you have my number saved under a nickname instead of my real name. 3. Drink if you’ve seen me naked. 4. Drink if you’ve acted as my wingman before. 5. Drink if you have my phone number memorized. 6. Drink if you’ve held back my hair while I’ve thrown up before. 7. Drink if you’ve watched my Instagram story today. 8. Drink if you’re wearing the same color outfit as me. 9. Drink if you know both my parents’ names. 10. Drink if you know my middle name. 11. Drink if you went to elementary school with me. 12. Drink if you’ve ever had a crush on someone I’ve dated. 13. Drink if you’ve ever been to a concert with me. 14. Drink if you’ve ever been on a road trip with me. 15. Drink if you’ve ever gotten high with me. 16. Drink if you’ve ever danced with me. 17. Drink if you’ve ever sang karaoke with me. 18. Drink if you’ve been drunk in an Uber with me. 19. Drink if I’ve ever made you laugh until your stomach hurt. 20. Drink if you’ve heard me having sex through the walls before. 21. Drink if you’ve been to the beach with me. 22. Drink if we’ve ever bingewatched a show together (or at the same time). 23. Drink if you’ve ever been to the gym with me. 24. Drink if we’ve ever worn matching bracelets or shirts. 25. Drink if you went to college with me. 26. Drink if you’ve ever called me in the middle of the night asking for advice. 27. Drink if we’ve ever gotten manicures together. 28. Drink if you’ve ever beat me at a video game. 29. Drink if you’ve seen me cry. 30. Drink if you’ve sent me a text today. 31. Drink if you’ve ever sent me a physical letter in the mail. 32. Drink if you’ve ever been my designated driver. 33. Drink if you can’t pull up a picture of me on your phone right now. 34. Drink if you’re in a group chat with me on Facebook. 35. Drink if you’ve ever seen me in my underwear. 36. Drink if you went to high school with me. 37. Drink if you’ve ever borrowed clothing of mine. 38. Drink if you’ve seen a movie with me within the last month. 39. Drink if you’ve slept over my house before. 40. Drink if you’re wearing the same color lipstick as me. 41. Drink if you live less than twenty minutes away from me. 42. Drink if you grew up in the same town as me. 43. Drink if we have a song that represents our friendship. 44. Drink if you’ve already taken a selfie with me today. 45. Drink if you’ve known me for more than five years. 46. Drink if you have the same color eyes as me. 47. Drink if you have the same color hair as me. 48. Drink if you have more piercings than me. 49. Drink if you have more tattoos than me. 50. Drink if your cup is more full than mine. 51. Drink if you’ve complimented me today. 52. Drink if you’ve hugged me today. 53. Drink if you’ve liked one of my photos this week. 54. Drink if you have my birthday memorized. 55. Drink if you follow me on Twitter. 56. Drink if you follow me on Instagram. 57. Drink if you actually know my email address. 58. Drink if you have an embarrassing picture of me on your phone. 59. Drink if you’ve ever celebrated the holidays with me. 60. Drink if you consider me one of your best friends. Filtered: -- Over the weekend, Californians flocked to the beach as a reprieve from quarantine cabin fever. The large crowds came despite Governor Gavin Newsom’s order to stay at home in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. And now, state officials are cracking down at popular beaches. On Monday evening, Governor Newsom ordered closures of many state park beaches and parking lots – primarily in San Diego County and Central California – in an effort to discourage large congregations of beachgoers. Additionally, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has shut down city beaches and Point Reyes in Marin County has closed until at least April 7th. As for Orange County, the situation is varied; Laguna Beach, Seal Beach, and Huntington Beach (starting Wednesday, March 25th) have closed beach parking lots and in some cases beach access. “Before we wanted people to have the opportunity of walking on the beach while maintaining social distancing. It looks like people are not able to do that so we will be issuing an amendment to our public order that if jurisdictions are not able to enforce social gathering, we will close beaches. And that amendment to our health order will be issued later today [Monday],” said San Diego County Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten. As of now, it’s unclear if the directive prohibits surfing at effected beaches. For instance, surfers were still in the lineup at Malibu (watch the live cam here) on Tuesday morning, and that’s one of the beaches on the list. Similar beach closures have been issued on the East Coast and in the Caribbean, as we reported last week, with the strictest restrictions in Puerto Rico. In another post from last week, we expounded on the dangers of surfing during the coronavirus pandemic (TL;DR: it’s still unclear if the virus can spread in saltwater, and official guidelines are to keep as much distance from other people as possible…even in the water). And surfers in various parts of Europe are being fined for going in the water. We’ll continue to update this story as more develops. Here’s the list of state beaches with closed parking lots: San Mateo County: Año Nuevo SP Bean Hollow SB Cowell Ranch Gray Whale Cove SB Half Moon Bay SB Montara SB Pescadero SB Pigeon Point Light Station SHP Pomponio SB San Gregorio SB Marin County: Tomales Bay SP Point Reyes Sonoma County: Sonoma Coast SP (and associated sub-units) Sonoma State SHP Santa Cruz County Manresa SB Natural Bridges SB New Brighton SB Seacliff SB Monterey County Andrew Molera SP Carmel River SB Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP Monterey SB Point Lobos SNR Ventura County Mandalay SB Point Mugu SP San Buenaventura SB Santa Barbara County Carpinteria SB El Capitan SB Gaviota SP Refugio SB San Luis Obispo County Cayucos SB Morro Strand SB Pismo SB Los Angeles County: Leo Carrillo State Park (SP) Malibu Creek SP Malibu Lagoon State Beach (SB) Point Dume SB Point Mugu SP RH Meyer SB Topanga SP Will Rogers State Historic Park (SHP) Orange County: Bolsa Chica SB Crystal Cove SP Doheny SB Huntington SB San Clemente SB San Diego County: Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve Carlsbad SB South Carlsbad SB San Onofre SB Filtered 16 samples from 1753 in en - train Filtered: -- People gather around a makeshift memorial for former NBA and Los Angeles Lakers player Kobe Bryant after learning of his death, at LA Live plaza in front of Staples Center in Los Angeles on January 26, 2020. - Nine people were killed in the helicopter crash which claimed the life of NBA star Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter, Los Angeles officials confirmed on Sunday. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said eight passengers and the pilot of the aircraft died in the accident. The helicopter crashed in foggy weather in the Los Angeles suburb of Calabasas. Authorities said firefighters received a call shortly at 9:47 am about the crash, which caused a brush fire on a hillside. (Photo by AGUSTIN PAULLIER/AFP via Getty Images) While the basketball community continues to mourn the loss of Kobe Bryant, it appears an official date has been set for his public memorial. Later this month there will be a service dedicated to all nine lives lost in the tragic helicopter accident from two weeks ago. Several tributes have been shared already to honor Bryant's life. Nonetheless, there are plenty of people in Los Angeles that want to know when there will be a memorial service for the public. The Los Angeles Times provided an update on when and where Bryant's public memorial will take place. From the Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles will host a public memorial Feb. 24 at Staples Center for Kobe Bryant and eight others killed last month in a helicopter crash, two sources familiar with the event told The Times on Thursday. It's fitting that it'll take place at the Staples Center. There have been plenty of fans over the past two weeks showing their support of Bryant in plenty of ways, such as leaving behind letters and memorabilia for the fallen NBA legend. The turnout for this public memorial should be large, especially since Bryant is such a beloved figure in Los Angeles. Our thoughts remain with those affected by the tragic accident that took place on Jan. 26 in Calabasas. [Los Angeles Times] Filtered: -- German airline giant Lufthansa said Friday it would prolong its suspension of flights to the Chinese mainland until March 28 over the novel coronavirus Covid-19. "The Lufthansa Group has now decided to cancel the flights of Lufthansa, Swiss and Austrian Airlines from/to Beijing and Shanghai until the end of the winter timetable on 28 March" rather than 29 February, the group said in a statement. Lufthansa flights to Nanjing, Shenyang and Qingdao were already cancelled until the same date. Meanwhile, the group will respond to reduced demand for Hong Kong flights by cancelling some flights by flagship carrier Lufthansa and using smaller planes on Swiss connections. Passengers whose flight has been cancelled can change their booking at no charge or receive a full refund, Lufthansa said. On Thursday, UN body the International Civil Aviation Organisation estimated almost 20 million fewer passengers would travel to and from China in the first quarter compared with expectations, costing the airline industry up to $5 billion in revenue worldwide. Filtered 2 samples from 160 in de-en - test Filtered: APA ots news: Österreichs Banken stellen volle Verfügbarkeit des Finanzsektors sicher Bargeldversorgung, Finanzdienstleistungen und Zahlungsverkehr funktionieren sicher und stabil Wien (APA-ots) - In den letzten zehn Jahren verdoppelte sich die Kapitalausstattung der österreichischen Banken. Dadurch ist das heimische Bankensystem heute widerstandskräftig und effektiv, auch in wirtschaftlich turbulenten Zeiten. Die vergangene erste Woche der Corona-Sondersituation hat darüber hinaus gezeigt, dass Österreichs Banken die volle operative Verfügbarkeit des Finanzsektors sicherstellen konnten. "Wir sollten aber nicht vergessen, dass es die Menschen in den Banken sind, die aktuell durch ihre tägliche Arbeit für eine sichere Versorgung der Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft mit Bargeld und Finanzdienstleistungen sowie für einen reibungslosen Zahlungsverkehr sorgen", betont Gottfried Haber, Vize-Gouverneur der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank (OeNB). Enorme Anstrengungen im Bankenbereich schaffen sichere Ausgangssituation In den letzten Jahren haben die Banken auch im Hinblick auf die Digitalisierungsentwicklungen im Finanzbereich enorme Anstrengungen unternommen, um noch effizienter und effektiver zu werden. Die digitale Versorgung mit Bankdienstleistungen stellt sich nun als wichtiges Standbein für die Abwicklung von Bankgeschäften und Durchführung von Bankdienstleistungen in der aktuellen Situation dar. Gerade derzeit kann die Nutzung digitaler Bankdienstleistungen einen zusätzlichen Beitrag zur raschen Bewältigung der aktuellen Situation leisten. Österreich mit Bankdienstleistungen und täglich ausreichend Bargeld versorgt "Die gegenwärtige globale Situation stellt alle Systeme in unserer Gesellschaft vor große Herausforderungen. Dank der vielen Bankangestellten, die jeden Tag vor Ort in den Banken dafür sorgen, dass die Bevölkerung mit Bargeld und Finanzdienstleistungen versorgt wird, dass Zahlungssysteme stabil und sicher funktionieren, können sich die Menschen in Österreich sicher fühlen", unterstreicht Vize-Gouverneur Haber die Funktion der Banken und des Finanzsystems als kritische Infrastruktur und als eine Art "finanzieller Nahversorger". Ein besonderer Dank gelte dabei allen Beschäftigten, die unter enormem Einsatz weiterhin auch im direkten Kontakt mit Kundinnen und Kunden ihre Dienstleistungen erbringen und auf diesem Weg einen wichtigen Beitrag für die Bewältigung der derzeitigen Ausnahmesituation leisten, so Haber weiter. In Österreich gibt es derzeit 4094 Bankstellen (Haupt- und Zweiganstalten) und knapp 9.000 Geldausgabegeräte in Österreich. Nach erhöhter Bargeldnachfrage Ende vorletzter Woche geht die Inlandsnachfrage seit Dienstag letzter Woche wieder auf ein durchschnittliches Niveau zurück. Die OeNB, die Geldservice Austria (GSA) und die österreichischen Banken stehen bereit, alle im Zuge von COVID-19 auftauchenden Anforderungen sicher und stabil zu erfüllen. Rückfragehinweis: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Dr. Christian Gutlederer Pressesprecher (+43-1) 404 20-6900 Digitale Pressemappe: *** OTS-ORIGINALTEXT PRESSEAUSSENDUNG UNTER AUSSCHLIESSLICHER INHALTLICHER VERANTWORTUNG DES AUSSENDERS - WWW.OTS.AT *** OTS0124 2020-03-23/14:40 -- Filtered: Coronavirus: Situation in Südtirol 24.2.2020 - Südtirol ist zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt (Montag, 24. Februar 2020, 12 Uhr) nicht als Risikogebiet eingestuft. Die Gesundheitsbehörden überwachen die Situation engmaschig. Im Folgenden einige wichtige Informationen für unsere Mitglieder. Stornierungen Aufgrund diverser Meldungen zum Coronavirus in den Medien häufen sich die Buchungsstornierungen durch Gäste. Nachdem Südtirol im Moment (24. Februar 2020, 12 Uhr) nicht als Risikogebiet eingestuft ist, berechtigt die Angst vor einer Ansteckung mit dem Virus grundsätzlich nicht zu einer kostenlosen Stornierung der Buchung. Aus diesem Grund wird empfohlen, die Gäste darauf hinzuweisen, dass in Südtirol im Moment kein hohes Risiko hinsichtlich des Coronavirus besteht und der Betrieb daher Anspruch auf die unter Einhaltung der Verbraucherschutzrichtlinie kommunizierten Stornogebühren hat, bzw. entsprechende Schadenersatzforderungen geltend machen könnte. Der Schadenersatz beträgt in der Regel 70 % bis 80 % des vereinbarten Preises und errechnet sich aus der Formel: vereinbarter Preis abzüglich der nicht entstandenen Kosten, wie etwa Verpflegung, Energie, Zimmerreinigung etc. Den Gästen wird daher empfohlen, die Stornierung der Buchung ihrer Reiserücktrittsversicherung mitzuteilen, falls eine solche abgeschlossen wurde. Die definitive Entscheidung beim Umgang mit Stornierungen obliegt selbstredend den Gastwirtinnen und Gastwirten und ist von Fall zu Fall unterschiedlich zu bewerten. Ob totaler Verzicht auf evtl. zustehende Stornogebühren, z. B. bei treuen Stammgästen, oder ein Angebot der Verschiebung des gebuchten Urlaubs und gleichzeitigem „Gutschreiben“ desselben – dies alles können, ungeachtet der rein rechtlichen Bedingungen, Möglichkeiten einer kulanten Lösung sein. An- und Abreise mittels öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel Hinsichtlich des Status einer eventuellen Einstellung oder Unterbrechung von Zugverbindungen bzw. anderer öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel Richtung Italien bzw. von Italien ins Ausland wird empfohlen, dass sich die Gäste bzw. die Gastwirtinnen und Gastwirte direkt mit dem jeweiligen Bus- oder Zugbetreiber in Verbindung setzen. Die Informationen dazu ändern sich nämlich ständig. Arbeitssicherheit Als Arbeitgeber sind sie zudem für die Arbeitssicherheit ihrer Mitarbeiter verantwortlich. In der Anlage finden Sie eine schriftliche Bewertung des Risikos, welchem die Mitarbeiter des Betriebes im Rahmen ihrer Arbeit bzgl. Coronavirus evtl. ausgesetzt sind. In diesem Dokument finden Sie alle notwendigen Informationen betreffend das Coronavirus und die im Moment gebotenen Vorsorgemaßnahmen. Händigen Sie ihren Mitarbeitern dieses Dokument aus und weisen Sie die Mitarbeiter darauf hin, dass die dort enthaltenen Vorsorgemaßnahmen zu beachten sind. Legen Sie dieses Dokument bei ihren Unterlagen zur Arbeitssicherheit ab. Mitarbeiter Grundsätzlich gilt, dass die Mitarbeiter auch weiterhin angehalten sind, ihre Tätigkeit gemäß Arbeitsvertrag auszuführen. Bezüglich Fragen zu den Rechten und Pflichten in diesem Zusammenhang wenden Sie sich bitte an das für Sie zuständige Lohnbüro. Weitere evtl. Maßnahmen/Empfehlungen durch die zuständigen Behörden Zur Stunde bewerten die öffentlichen Behörden evtl. weitere Vorsorgemaßnahmen. Zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt werden wir Sie über diese am Laufenden halten. Weitere Detail-Auskünfte zu den Bereichen Stornierung und Arbeitssicherheit erteilt die HGV-Rechtsabteilung in Bozen unter Tel. 0471 317 760 oder Anlage: Bewertung biologisches Risiko - Vorsorgemaßnahmen -- Filtered: Getty Images/iStockphoto Mehr als 50.000 Mal stellten deutsche Jugendämter 2018 fest, dass das Wohl eines Kindes oder Jugendlichen bedroht war. So häufig wie noch nie. Josefine Barbaric hat vor Jahren erlebt, was viele Kinder heute noch ertragen müssen – und kämpft dafür, dass wir aufhören, wegzuschauen. „An den Haaren haben sie mich quer durchs Zimmer geschleift, haben mich bespuckt, mit dem Gürtel geschlagen, mich zum Sex gezwungen. Sätze wie: Du kleine Schlampe, du willst es doch auch, sind gefallen.“ Was Josefine Barbaric über ihre Jugend schildert, ist beklemmend; es macht betroffen, Gänsehaut – aus dem schrecklichsten vorstellbaren Grund. Die 44-Jährige wurde als Jugendliche mehrfach vergewaltigt. Über Jahre verkaufte sie ihre Pflege-Mutter an ein perverses Netzwerk von Männern, die Geld dafür zahlten, sie zu missbrauchen. Als sich ein Mann das erste Mal an ihr verging, war Josefine 13 Jahre alt. „Das System versagt, die Gesellschaft schaut weg“ „Das vergessen Sie nie, damit schließen Sie nie ab“, sagt sie im Gespräch mit FOCUS Online. Um Kindern das Leid, das sie einst selbst erlebt hat, heute zu ersparen, setzt sich die Baden-Württembergerin mit ihrem Verein „Nein, lass das!“ seit Jahren für mehr Opferschutz, für Prävention und eine schnellere und effektivere Reaktion der Behörden auf Meldungen über potenzielle Kindesmisshandlungen ein. Bis vor kurzem im Hintergrund. Josefine Barbaric arbeitet mit Fachpolitikern und Kinderschutzvereinen zusammen, schrieb ein Buch, das Jungen und Mädchen zu mehr Selbstbewusstsein ermutigen will, dazu, sich zu trauen, Nein zu sagen, wenn ihnen ein Erwachsener näher kommt, als sie es wollen. Verein „Nein, lass das!“ Aus dem ursprünglichen Kinderbuchprojekt ist inzwischen ein gemeinnütziger Verein geworden. Als Vorstandsvorsitzende macht sich Josefine Barbaric stark für mehr Prävention, organisiert Vorträge und Veranstaltungen, sensibilisiert pädagogische Fachkräfte und Politiker. Ihr ist es wichtig, nicht nur als Betroffene wahrgenommen zu werden. Sondern aktiv etwas zum Positiven zu verändern. Jetzt erzählt sie ihre Geschichte öffentlich – und geht Jugendämter, Staatsanwaltschaften und Polizei scharf an. „Die Schutzmechanismen greifen hinten und vorne nicht, weil die Behörden so überlastet sind. Überall wird gespart. Zu wenig Polizei, zu wenig Personal, zu viele Fälle. Ich kenne Fallmanager der Jugendämter, die zeitgleich bis zu 150 Kindesschutz-Fälle zur Prüfung auf dem Tisch haben. Die Überforderung ist extrem, das System versagt.“ „Die meisten denken an ein bisschen Getatsche – unangenehm, aber aushaltbar“ Auch sei die Qualifikation der Jugendamts-Mitarbeiter oftmals unzureichend. „Jemand, der Soziale Arbeit studiert hat, mag ein guter Sozialpädagoge sein“, sagt Barbaric. „Aber wenn es um Kindesmisshandlung geht, reicht das nicht aus. Die rechtliche Dimension überblicken viele nicht. Dafür braucht es eigene Rechtsabteilungen mit spezialisierten Juristen in den Jugendämtern.“ Spannend, aber gerade keine Zeit? Jetzt Artikel für später in „Pocket“ speichern Doch nicht nur die staatlichen Strukturen kritisiert die 44-Jährige. Zu oft würde die Diskussion über den angemessenen Umgang mit Kindesmisshandlung im Land ausweichend geführt, theoretisiert und dadurch bagatellisiert. „Die meisten denken dann an ein bisschen Getatsche, Angefasse, einen Klaps auf den Hintern – unangenehm, aber aushaltbar“, sagt Barbaric. „Aber wir sprechen von perfiden Gewalttaten an Kindern, Geschlechtsverkehr von Erwachsenen mit Kindern, teils auf die massivste und gewaltsamste Weise.“ Das müsse man sich immer wieder bewusst machen, meint sie. Zu oft schaute die Gesellschaft, aber auch das Amt weg. „Aus der Mitte unserer Gesellschaft heraus, völlig unbemerkt, erleben kleine Menschen tagtäglich schlimmste Gewaltanwendungen. Es liegt in unserer aller Verantwortung, alles dafür zu tun, diese kleinen Menschen zu schützen.“ Zum Thema: Gefoltert und missbraucht - Zwei Frauen über sadistische Gewalt in der Kindheit So viele Misshandlungen wie nie Die Zahl der erfassten Misshandlungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen steigt seit Jahren. 50.000 Mal registrierten die Jugendämter in Deutschland 2018 eine Bedrohung ihres körperlichen, geistigen oder seelischen Wohls. Die Dunkelziffer liegt um ein Vielfaches höher, schätzen Experten. Am häufigsten betroffen sind Kinder zwischen drei und zehn Jahren, doch auch Säuglinge werden zu Gewaltopfern. Kindesmisshandlung unterschieden: Körperliche Misshandlung Sexueller Missbrauch Misshandlung durch Vernachlässigung Psychische Misshandlung Vor allem deshalb, weil die Täter meist aus dem Familien-Umfeld stammen, die Kinder zu klein und hilflos sind, um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen, erklärt die Polizeiliche Kriminalprävention. Nur jeder zwanzigste Übergriff wird Schätzungen zufolge zur Anzeige gebracht. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) geht von einer Million Jungen und Mädchen aus, die in Deutschland jedes Jahr Opfer von sexueller Gewalt werden. Barbaric fordert deshalb Fach- und Dienstaufsichten in den Jugendämtern, die auf Gewaltdelikte gegen Kinder spezialisiert und entsprechend geschult sind. Außerdem brauche es ihrer Auffassung nach weisungsbefugte Landeszentraljugendämter, unabhängige Kinderschutzbeauftragte auf Bundes- wie auf Länderebene sowie ein klar geregeltes Prozedere, wann und wie bei einem Verdacht auf Misshandlung zu reagieren ist. „Es kann nicht sein, dass jedes der 561 Jugendämter im Land nach Gutdünken agiert und Kinder teilweise dreimal befragt werden, bis eingegriffen wird.“ Jugendämter kündigen Besuch meist vorab an Auch die Deutsche Kinderhilfe kritisiert die Jugendämter. „Wenn es eine Notfallmeldung ist, dann fährt man sofort hin, ohne Anmeldung“, erklärt Vorstandsvorsitzender Rainer Becker gegenüber dem „BR“. „Aber es gibt eben auch sehr viele angemeldete Hausbesuche: Dann ist alles aufgeräumt, dann wird Kuchen angeboten und man kommt gar nicht auf den Gedanken zu sagen: Zieh doch bitte mal deinen Pullover und dein T-Shirt aus – um zu sehen, ob da irgendwelche Hämatome sind von Faustschlägen oder solchen Dingen. Da werden natürlich oft insbesondere unerfahrene Kräfte der Jugendämter ausgetrickst.“ FOCUS Online versorgt Sie mit den spannendsten Berichten aus dem Bereich Eltern. Hier können Sie den Newsletter abonnieren. Josefine Barbaric kennt genau das aus ihrer Kindheit. Schon damals wurden die Besuche der Amts-Mitarbeiter in der Regel telefonisch angekündigt, erzählt sie. „Und dann wurden wir entsprechend instruiert, besonders sauber angezogen. Ich wusste, was ich sagen sollte, was nicht, und dass ich mich im Hintergrund zu halten hatte. Jedes Mal hatte ich Angst, einen Fehler zu machen.“ Vorherige Anmeldungen von Jugendamtsbesuchen seien daher wenig zielführend, findet sie. „Das Lachen der Täter werde ich nie vergessen“ Für Josefine Barbaric und viele andere Betroffene kommen potenzielle Änderungen zu spät. 25 Jahre konnte sie nicht über ihre traumatischen Erfahrungen in ihrer Kindheit sprechen. Ihr Umfeld hätte es trotzdem schon lange geahnt, sagt sie. „Der Schmerz ist so groß, dass die Seele das sehr lange unterdrückt.“ Manche Betroffene entwickeln in Folge solcher gravierender Gewalterlebnisse Persönlichkeits- oder Bindungsstörungen, Depressionen, Entwicklungsverzögerungen, schwer kontrollierbare Flashbacks. Josefine Barbaric geht es heute den Umständen entsprechend gut. Die Mutter von zwei Kindern hat gelernt, mit ihren Traumata umzugehen. „Das Lachen der Täter aber werde ich nie vergessen.“ Hintergrund: Kindesmisshandlung erkennen Körperliche Gewalt Da sich Kindesmisshandlungen vor allem innerhalb der Familie ereignen, sind ihre Opfer auf Hilfe von außen angewiesen – und das umso mehr, je jünger sie sind. Doch wie kann man Kindesmisshandlung erkennen? Wird ein Kind geschlagen oder auf eine andere Weise körperlich misshandelt, so deuten fast immer sichtbare Verletzungen auf die Gewalt hin, erklärt die Polizei. Dazu zählen etwa: blaue Flecken und Blutergüsse Abschürfungen Brand- und andere Wunden Knochenbrüche Einen Hinweis auf solche Verletzungen könne auch das Verhalten des Kindes geben, wenn es sich etwa weigert, nach dem Sport zu duschen oder wenn es im Unterricht nie kurze Hosen oder T-Shirts trägt. Psychische Gewalt Psychische Gewalt hinterlässt dagegen fast nie direkt sichtbare Spuren. In allen Fällen von Kindesmisshandlung können auch Verhaltensänderungen Hinweise sein: Wenn Kinder etwa besonders aggressiv oder auch still werden und sich aus ihrem sozialen Netz zurückziehen. Misshandelte Kinder können auch auf einmal einen starken Leistungsabfall oder unerklärliche Lernschwächen zeigen bzw. ohne fassbaren Grund Sprachstörungen aufweisen und wieder beginnen einzunässen. Vernachlässigungen Auch für Vernachlässigungen gibt es Hinweise, die stutzig machen sollten: ein ungepflegtes Äußeres schmutzige, nicht alters- und witterungsgerechte Kleidung unregelmäßiger oder kein Besuch der Kindertagesstätte und/oder Schule Fehlen von Arbeitsmaterialien, Sportzeug oder Pausenbrot wiederkehrender Insektenbefall wie Kopfläuse Was tun bei Verdacht auf Kindesmisshandlung? Das rät die Polizei Nehmen Sie Kinder ernst, wenn sie von Gewalt zu Hause erzählen. Bewahren Sie Ruhe und hören Sie zu, ohne bohrende Fragen zu stellen. Ermitteln Sie nicht selbst, sondern schalten Sie Fachleute von Beratungsstellen , Jugendämtern und der Polizei ein - notfalls auch anonym , Jugendämtern und der Polizei ein - notfalls auch anonym Eine Mitteilung an die Polizei schließt die Hilfe anderer Einrichtungen nicht aus und gewährleistet offizielle, professionelle Ermittlungen. Damit auch die zum Schutz des Kindes notwendigen Maßnahmen getroffen werden können, werden das zuständige Jugendamt oder auch das Familiengericht von der Polizei unterrichtet. Wichtige Telefonnummern für Hilfe: Kinder und- Jugendtelefon : 116 111 : 116 111 Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen": 08000 116 016 08000 116 016 TelefonSeelsorge: 116 123 oder im Chat unter Angemeldete Besuche, mit Kuchen eingelullt: Warum Jugendämter so oft versagen -- Filtered: Frankfurt/Main Neuer Streik bei Lufthansa angedroht Zahlreiche Fluggäste des Lufthansa-Konzerns müssen schon wieder um ihre gebuchten Verbindungen bangen. Die Kabinengewerkschaft Ufo hat am Wochenende einen weiteren Streik der Flugbegleiter angekündigt – dabei hatte es erst zum Jahreswechsel einen Ausstand gegeben. Besonders problematisch für die Kunden: Wann, wie lange und welcher Bereich genau bestreikt werden soll, ist noch völlig unklar. Details zum Arbeitskampf sollten erst kommenden Mittwoch verkündet werden, sagte Ufo-Sprecher Nicolay Baublies der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. -- Filtered: Jetzt mit plus weiterlesen! Testen Sie jetzt unser plus Abo für nur 0,99€ im ersten Monat. Sie erhalten sofort Zugang zu allen plus Inhalten im Web und in unserer News-App. * *0,99€ im ersten Monat, danach 9,90€ mtl. Sie sind bereits Abonnent? hier einloggen -- Filtered: Oxycodon, der Wirkstoff des in den USA verkauften Oxycontins, ist vor gut 100 Jahren in Deutschland entwickelt worden und wird weiterhin als starkes Schmerzmittel verordnet. Hierzulande unterliegen Schmerzmittel, die nach Klassifizierung der WHO zur stärksten Stufe drei gehören, dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz. Missbrauch: theoretisch vorstellbar, aber schnell zu entdecken Daher dürfen sie, erklärte Carsten Telschow vom Wissenschaftlichen Institut der AOK, nur unter strengen Auflagen vom Arzt verordnet werden. Dieser müsse besondere Sorgfalt bei der Verordnung walten lassen, die Abgabe müsse lückenlos dokumentiert werden, es gebe Höchstmengen für de Verordnung beim einzelnen Patienten. Ein Missbrauch solcher Regelungen sei theoretisch vorstellbar, würde aber wegen der Auflagen sehr schnell auffallen, meinte Telschow. Oxycondon zähle in Deutschland mit etwa 40 Millionen Tagesdosen pro Jahr nicht zu den besonders häufig verordneten Opioden. Insgesamt, so Telschow, würden im Jahr etwa 400 Millionen Tagesdosen an Opioden, also morphin-ähnlichen Wirkstoffen, verordnet. Zum Vergleich: Alle Medikamente zusammengenommen, kommt man im Jahr in Deutschland auf 600 Milliarden Tagesdosen. Aus den Verordnungszahlen, so der Arzneimittelexperte des WIdO, lasse sich nicht ableiten, dass es in Deutschland ein umfassendes Problem mit Abhängigkeiten von Opioiden gebe. Offensichtlich setzten es die Ärzte diese Mittel verantwortungsvoll sein. Der einzelne Patient könne aber durchaus eine Abhängigkeit entwickeln. -- Filtered: In den Bilanzskandal beim deutschen Finanzdienstleister Wirecard schaltet sich die EU-Kommission ein. Sie werde die Europäische Wertpapier- und Marktaufsichtsbehörde (ESMA) um eine Untersuchung bitten, ob die deutsche Finanzaufsicht BaFin bei der Kontrolle von Wirecard versagt und gegebenenfalls gegen EU-Recht verstoßen habe, sagte Kommissionsvize Valdis Dombrovskis heute. „Wir werden die ESMA bitten zu prüfen, ob es aufsichtsrechtliche Versäumnisse gegeben hat, und wenn ja, eine mögliche Vorgehensweise festlegen“, so Dombrovskis in einem Interview mit der „Financial Times“. Es müsse geklärt werden, was schiefging. Er erwarte von der ESMA eine Antwort Mitte Juli. Auch die Vorsitzende des Finanzausschusses im deutschen Bundestag will ein etwaiges Versagen der Aufsichtsbehörden aufklären. Der Insolvenzantrag habe dem Finanzplatz Deutschland schwer geschadet, sagte Katja Hessel (FDP) der Funke-Mediengruppe (Freitag-Ausgaben). Benötigt werde eine schnelle und lückenlose Aufklärung. „Hierbei wird im Mittelpunkt stehen, inwieweit die Aufsicht versagt hat und welche Konsequenzen dies für BaFin und BMF (Finanzministerium, Anm.) haben muss.“ -- Filtered: Um unsere Seite im vollen Umfang nutzen zu können wird Javascript benötigt. Wie Sie Javascript aktivieren oder diese Seite der Ausnahmeliste Ihres Skriptblockers (z.B. NoScript) hinzufügen, entnehmen Sie bitte der Herstellerseite Ihres Internetbrowsers oder Ihrer Erweiterung. -- Filtered: Frankfurt/Main Neuer Streik bei Lufthansa angedroht Zahlreiche Fluggäste des Lufthansa-Konzerns müssen schon wieder um ihre gebuchten Verbindungen bangen. Die Kabinengewerkschaft Ufo hat am Wochenende einen weiteren Streik der Flugbegleiter angekündigt – dabei hatte es erst zum Jahreswechsel einen Ausstand gegeben. Besonders problematisch für die Kunden: Wann, wie lange und welcher Bereich genau bestreikt werden soll, ist noch völlig unklar. Details zum Arbeitskampf sollten erst kommenden Mittwoch verkündet werden, sagte Ufo-Sprecher Nicolay Baublies der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. -- Filtered: Oxycodon, der Wirkstoff des in den USA verkauften Oxycontins, ist vor gut 100 Jahren in Deutschland entwickelt worden und wird weiterhin als starkes Schmerzmittel verordnet. Hierzulande unterliegen Schmerzmittel, die nach Klassifizierung der WHO zur stärksten Stufe drei gehören, dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz. Missbrauch: theoretisch vorstellbar, aber schnell zu entdecken Daher dürfen sie, erklärte Carsten Telschow vom Wissenschaftlichen Institut der AOK, nur unter strengen Auflagen vom Arzt verordnet werden. Dieser müsse besondere Sorgfalt bei der Verordnung walten lassen, die Abgabe müsse lückenlos dokumentiert werden, es gebe Höchstmengen für de Verordnung beim einzelnen Patienten. Ein Missbrauch solcher Regelungen sei theoretisch vorstellbar, würde aber wegen der Auflagen sehr schnell auffallen, meinte Telschow. Oxycondon zähle in Deutschland mit etwa 40 Millionen Tagesdosen pro Jahr nicht zu den besonders häufig verordneten Opioden. Insgesamt, so Telschow, würden im Jahr etwa 400 Millionen Tagesdosen an Opioden, also morphin-ähnlichen Wirkstoffen, verordnet. Zum Vergleich: Alle Medikamente zusammengenommen, kommt man im Jahr in Deutschland auf 600 Milliarden Tagesdosen. Aus den Verordnungszahlen, so der Arzneimittelexperte des WIdO, lasse sich nicht ableiten, dass es in Deutschland ein umfassendes Problem mit Abhängigkeiten von Opioiden gebe. Offensichtlich setzten es die Ärzte diese Mittel verantwortungsvoll sein. Der einzelne Patient könne aber durchaus eine Abhängigkeit entwickeln. -- Filtered: In den Bilanzskandal beim deutschen Finanzdienstleister Wirecard schaltet sich die EU-Kommission ein. Sie werde die Europäische Wertpapier- und Marktaufsichtsbehörde (ESMA) um eine Untersuchung bitten, ob die deutsche Finanzaufsicht BaFin bei der Kontrolle von Wirecard versagt und gegebenenfalls gegen EU-Recht verstoßen habe, sagte Kommissionsvize Valdis Dombrovskis heute. „Wir werden die ESMA bitten zu prüfen, ob es aufsichtsrechtliche Versäumnisse gegeben hat, und wenn ja, eine mögliche Vorgehensweise festlegen“, so Dombrovskis in einem Interview mit der „Financial Times“. Es müsse geklärt werden, was schiefging. Er erwarte von der ESMA eine Antwort Mitte Juli. Auch die Vorsitzende des Finanzausschusses im deutschen Bundestag will ein etwaiges Versagen der Aufsichtsbehörden aufklären. Der Insolvenzantrag habe dem Finanzplatz Deutschland schwer geschadet, sagte Katja Hessel (FDP) der Funke-Mediengruppe (Freitag-Ausgaben). Benötigt werde eine schnelle und lückenlose Aufklärung. „Hierbei wird im Mittelpunkt stehen, inwieweit die Aufsicht versagt hat und welche Konsequenzen dies für BaFin und BMF (Finanzministerium, Anm.) haben muss.“ -- Filtered: Der Kampf zweier Sterne hat für diesen beeindruckenden Anblick gesorgt. Der Doppelstern HD101584 ist von der bunten Gashülle umgeben. Die Farben stellen die Geschwindigkeiten dar: blaues Gas bewegt sich am schnellsten auf uns zu, rotes Gas bewegt sich am schnellsten von uns weg. Die roten Jets treiben das Material an. Die beiden Sterne befinden sich an einem einzigen hellen Punkt im Zentrum der grün dargestellten ringförmigen Struktur. Zwei Sterne kämpfen im Sternensystem HD101584 auf brutale Weise. Es entsteht ein beeindruckender Anblick - und eine seltene Gelegenheit für Forscher. Im Sternensystem HD101584 gab es einen dramatischen Kampf zweier Sterne gab es einen dramatischen zweier Der größere Stern blähte sich zum roten Riesen auf, sein masseärmerer Begleiter reagierte darauf blähte sich zum auf, sein masseärmerer Begleiter reagierte darauf Das Sternensystem gibt Forschern eine seltene Gelegenheit Bevor unsere Sonne in ferner Zukunft stirbt, wird sie sich verändern: Hat sie den gesamten Wasserstoff in ihrem Kern verbraucht, schwillt sie zu einem großen roten Riesenstern an. Anschließend verlässt sie ihre äußeren Schichten, übrig bleibt ihr Kern: ein so genannter Weißer Zwerg, ein heißer und dichter Stern. Auch andere sonnenähnliche Sterne werden diese Veränderungen durchlaufen. „Gegenwärtig können wir die Sterbeprozesse beschreiben, die vielen sonnenähnlichen Sternen gemeinsam sind, aber wir können nicht erklären, warum oder wie sie genau ablaufen“, erklärt Sofia Ramstedt von der Universität Uppsala in Schweden. Ramstedt ist Mitautorin einer Studie über das Sternensystem HD101584, einen Doppelstern, in dem dieser „Sterbeprozess“ vorzeitig beendet wurde. ESO-Radioteleskope ermöglichen genauen Blick auf Sternensystem HD101584 Mit Hilfe der Radioteleskope ALMA und APEX, die von der Europäischen Südsternwarte ESO in Chile betrieben werden, haben die Forscher einen genauen Blick auf das Sternensystem geworfen und entdeckt, was dort passiert ist: Dort hat sich ein regelrechter Sternenkampf zwischen einem Hauptstern und seinem masseärmeren Begleiter abgespielt, erklären die Forscher im Fachjournal Astronomy & Astrophysics. Der Hauptstern blähte sich im Sterbeprozess zu einem roten Riesen auf, der groß genug wurde, um seinen schwächeren Begleiter zu verschlingen. Doch der reagierte und schraubte sich in Richtung des Kerns des Riesensterns, ohne mit ihm zu kollidieren. Das wiederum verursachte einen Ausbruch des größeren Sterns und sorgte dafür, dass dessen Gasschichten „dramatisch zerstreut und sein Kern freigelegt wurden“, wie es in einer Mitteilung der ESO heißt. This new @ALMAObs image shows the outcome of a stellar fight: a complex and stunning gas environment surrounding the binary HD 101584. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Olofsson et al. — ESO (@ESO) February 5, 2020 Sternensystem hat eine komplexe Gas-Struktur - hier fand ein Sternenkampf statt Die Aufnahme, die ALMA von dem Sternensystem gemacht hat, zeigt eine komplexe Gas-Struktur. Diese sei auf die Spiralbewegung des kleineren Stern in Richtung des roten Riesen zurückzuführen, so die Experten. Auch die Gasjets, die sich bei diesem Vorgang gebildet hatten, spielten eine Rolle dabei: Sie schossen durch das zuvor ausgestoßene Material des Sterns und bildeten die Gasringe und die hellen bläulichen und rötlichen Flecken, die man im Nebel sieht, heißt es in der ESO-Mitteilung. Das Sternensystem HD101584 gebe den Forschern „wichtige Hinweise“ zum Sterbeprozess sonnenähnlicher Sterne, „da es sich derzeit in einer kurzen Übergangsphase zwischen besser untersuchten Evolutionsstufen befindet“, so Ramstedt. Detailliertere Bilder aus der Umgebung des Sternensystems sollen eine Verbindung herstellen zwischen dem Riesenstern vor dem Aufblähen und „dem stellaren Überrest, zu dem er bald werden wird“, erklärt die Forscherin weiter. Radioteleskope zeigen Forschern die Gaswolke im Sternensystem in Aktion Die beiden in der Atacama-Region gelegenen Radioteleskope ALMA und APEX hätten entscheidend dazu beigetragen, dass die Forscher „sowohl Physik als auch Chemie in der Gaswolke in Aktion“ untersuchen konnten, betont die Co-Autorin Elizabeth Humphreys von der ESO. Während es die Teleskope den Astronomen ermöglichen, das Gas rund um die beiden Sterne zu untersuchen, sind die beiden Sterne selbst zu weit von der Erde entfernt, um von den Teleskopen aufgelöst zu werden. In dieser Hinsicht hoffen die Forscher auf das gerade im Bau befindliche Extremely Large Telescope der ESO, das „Informationen über das Herz des Objekts“ liefern soll, wie Studienleiter Hans Olofsson von der Chalmers University of Technology in Schweden betont. Dann können Astronomen einen genaueren Blick auf das ungleiche, kämpfende Sternenpaar werfen. Einen genaueren Blick warfen Forscher auch auf das schwarze Loch im Zentrum der Milchstraße. Es wurde plötzlich gefräßig und leuchtete hell auf, berichten Forscher. Auch ein schwarzes Loch, das einen Stern zerrissen hat, interessiert Forscher derzeit sehr. Von Tanja Banner -- Filtered 12 samples from 547 in de-en - train Filtered: Rollplay bringt Abwechslung ins Spiel - mit seinen elektrischen Motorrädern im stilechten BWM-Design Kurzfassung: Frankfurt/Nürnberg, 31.03.2020. Kinder lieben es in die Welt ihrer großen Helden einzutauchen und ihre Eltern nachzuahmen. Das geht perfekt mit den coolen BMW-Motorrädern von Rollplay. Zwischen Hausaufgaben, Malen, Basteln und Fernsehen, was gerade den Alltag von Schul- und Kitakindern bestimmt, sorgen sie für abwechslungsreiche Rollenspiele. Die stylischen Fahrzeuge ziehen Kinder ab drei Jahren ins Freie: Mit dem BMW R1200 GS Police Motorcycle gehen kleine Polizisten auf Gangsterjagd oder cruisen eine Runde mit dem BMW R1200 GS Motorcycle Premium über den Hof. Mit dem BMW R1200 GS Motorcycle ist der Coolness-Faktor garantiert! [Rollplay GmbH - 31.03.2020] Hände hoch - Polizei! Mit dem 4 km/h schnellen 6V-Motorrad von BMW, inklusive Blaulicht und Polizei-Sirene schnappen die Kleinen einfach jeden Verbrecher! Sollte die Verfolgungsjagd einmal länger dauern, sind ein bequemer Sitz sowie helles Scheinwerferlicht genau das Richtige. Ganz wie beim großen Original beschleunigt die Maschine mithilfe eines Handgashebels. Die rutschfesten Gummireifen mit zwei Stützrädern sorgen für den nötigen Halt. Besonderes Highlight sind die internationalen Aufkleber: egal ob Polizei, Police oder Polizia - die Kleinen entscheiden selbst, welche Polizei-Marke ihr Bike haben soll. Wollen die angehenden Ordnungshüter am nächsten Tag gleich wieder auf Streife, wird das Motorrad einfach wieder aufgeladen. Für coole Biker Kleine Draufgänger ab drei Jahren müssen nicht lange überlegen, welches Fahrzeug sie wählen! Denn mit der 12V Premium Version des BMW R1200 GS Motorcycle ist der Coolness-Faktor garantiert. Im waschechten BMW-Design cruisen kleine Biker und Bikerinnen mit bis zu 5 km/h durch den Garten. Ein realistisches Armaturenbrett sowie LED-Scheinwerfer runden das lizensierte BMW-Modell ab. Verfügbarkeit und Online-Aktionen Das 6V BMW R1200 GS Police Motorcycle sowie das 12V BMW R1200 GS Motorcycle Premium sind zu einer UVP von 200 Euro bzw. 240 Euro online und im Fachhandel erhältlich. Übrigens: Rollplay verlost ab sofort bis zu den Osterferien auf seinen deutschen und internationalen Facebook-Kanälen regelmäßig Fahrzeuge für jedes Alter und bietet damit jede Menge Abwechslung für zuhause! Weitere Informationen Rollplay GmbH Über Rollplay Seit rund 20 Jahren hat Rollplay Erfahrung in der Herstellung und Entwicklung von Kinderfahrzeugen. Ebenfalls so lange arbeitet der Hersteller mit den bekannten Automarken wie Porsche, BMW, VW, Mercedes oder Audi zusammen. Nun nimmt Rollplay mit seinen Autos und E--Fahrzeugen für Kinder unter eigener Marke in Europa Fahrt auf. Seit 2013 ist diese bereits am nordamerikanischen Markt etabliert, der Umsatz wächst seitdem jährlich um 20 Prozent. Die Fahrzeuge von Rollplay vereinen Qualität und Innovation mit realistischem Design und echtem Fahrspaß. Mit über 50 Artikeln aus den Produktlinien "Kleinkind & Vorschule", "E-Fahrzeuge", "Premium E-Fahrzeuge" und "High Performance" bietet Rollplay hierzulande sowohl OEM-Produkte als auch originelle Eigenentwicklungen für Kinder zwischen zwei und 12 Jahren. Die europäische Vertriebszentrale sitzt in Nürnberg. Der einzigartige Customer Service inklusive Drop Shipment und "After-Sales-Service" sorgt für 100-prozentige Kundenzufriedenheit. Mehr über Rollplay unter oder auf Über RollplaySeit rund 20 Jahren hat Rollplay Erfahrung in der Herstellung und Entwicklung von Kinderfahrzeugen. Ebenfalls so lange arbeitet der Hersteller mit den bekannten Automarken wie Porsche, BMW, VW, Mercedes oder Audi zusammen. Nun nimmt Rollplay mit seinen Autos und E--Fahrzeugen für Kinder unter eigener Marke in Europa Fahrt auf. Seit 2013 ist diese bereits am nordamerikanischen Markt etabliert, der Umsatz wächst seitdem jährlich um 20 Prozent. Die Fahrzeuge von Rollplay vereinen Qualität und Innovation mit realistischem Design und echtem Fahrspaß. Mit über 50 Artikeln aus den Produktlinien "Kleinkind & Vorschule", "E-Fahrzeuge", "Premium E-Fahrzeuge" und "High Performance" bietet Rollplay hierzulande sowohl OEM-Produkte als auch originelle Eigenentwicklungen für Kinder zwischen zwei und 12 Jahren. Die europäische Vertriebszentrale sitzt in Nürnberg. Der einzigartige Customer Service inklusive Drop Shipment und "After-Sales-Service" sorgt für 100-prozentige Kundenzufriedenheit.Mehr über Rollplay unter oder auf -- Filtered 1 samples from 75 in de-fr - test Filtered: -- Environ 350 travailleurs du secteur des titres-services affiliés à la Centrale générale de la FGTB ont manifesté lundi matin dans les rues du centre de Bruxelles. Les aides-ménagères ont battu le pavé de la Gare centrale jusqu’à la place Louise afin de réclamer un salaire décent pour leur travail. Elles se sont ensuite rassemblées devant le siège de l’entreprise de titres-services Daoust, où une délégation a été reçue pour s’entretenir avec la direction. Celle-ci leur a assuré qu’elle transmettrait leur message lors du prochain conseil d’administration de Federgon. Les aides-ménagères avaient entamé en novembre dernier un mouvement de protestation afin de réclamer une hausse des salaires. Il avait débouché sur une journée de grève inédite la semaine dernière. Les quelque 145.000 travailleurs du secteur, qui comprend aussi les employés dans les ateliers de repassage, sont payés en titres-services et réclament une hausse salariale de 1,1 %, conformément à l’accord interprofessionnel de début 2019. Les employeurs ne souhaitent cependant pas une augmentation sous cette forme et refusent d’aller au-delà d’une prime nette unique d’un peu plus de 65 euros pour deux ans. Pour le syndicat socialiste, cette demande de hausse salariale est pourtant « totalement légitime et justifiée » alors que le salaire moyen dans le secteur est de 11,50 euros brut par heure. Même une tentative de conciliation sociale, demandée à l’initiative des employeurs du secteur, n’a pas réussi à débloquer la situation pour le moment, déplore l’organisation syndicale. « Les négociations sont dans l’impasse depuis plus de neuf mois », dénonce Sébastien Dupanloup, secrétaire fédéral de la FGTB-Titres services. « Nous continuons donc les actions. » La Centrale générale a organisé une action à Bruxelles ce lundi matin. Après s’être réunis devant la Gare centrale, les manifestants (500 selon le syndicat socialiste, 350 d’après la police) se sont élancés en cortège vers la place Louise, où se trouve le siège de l’entreprise Daoust. Cette entreprise de titres-services est un membre important et historique de la fédération patronale Federgon, qui refuse toute augmentation salariale pour le moment. La direction a reçu une délégation peu après 11h00, qui a pu faire part de ses doléances et de son souhait d’un accord rapide. Le syndicat a ciblé Daoust car cette entreprise a versé 9 millions d’euros de dividendes de 2016 à 2018. « Les entreprises du secteur continuent à distribuer des dividendes sans vergogne et l’argent est utilisé pour d’autres actions que les titres-services. Or ce système avait été mis en place pour sortir les travailleuses de la précarité. Pourtant, elles ne parviennent pas à sortir la tête de l’eau aujourd’hui », se désole Sébastien Dupanloup. Daoust a également été choisie car la direction affirme avoir beaucoup de respect pour la concertation entre salariés et employeurs, explique le syndicat socialiste, qui entend qu’elle joigne les paroles aux actes. Lors de la réunion avec la direction de Daoust, son patron, Jean-Claude Daoust, a fait part à la délégation, à laquelle s’étaient joints des représentants de la CGSLB, de son étonnement de l’absence d’accord. « S’il y a eu un accord interprofessionnel, il doit aussi être appliqué aux aides-ménagères », selon les déclarations rapportées par le secrétaire fédéral de la FGTB-Titres services. « M. Daoust nous a assuré qu’il donnerait ce message lors du prochain conseil d’administration de Federgon et qu’il espérait qu’il y ait un accord pour le 20 janvier, lors du prochain rendez-vous avec la conciliatrice sociale. » « Il a reconnu que le 1,1 % doit vous être octroyé », a lancé Sébastien Dupanloup aux affiliés rassemblés devant le siège de Daoust à l’issue de la rencontre, qui a duré environ 45 minutes. Quant au débat sur une revalorisation de la valeur faciale des titres-services, la FGTB la balaie d’un revers de la main. « Cela va renvoyer vers le travail au noir les aides-ménagères », estime le secrétaire fédéral. Et si le blocage perdure ? La FGTB assure d’ores et déjà qu’elle reste mobilisée. « Ce n’est pas parce que nous avons engrangé une petite avancée aujourd’hui que nous avons gagné pour autant. » Le cas échéant, elle s’adressera directement aux clients en les sensibilisant sur la précarité et le manque de respect pour les aides-ménagères, prévient-elle. Filtered: Prenez note que cet article publié en 2020 pourrait contenir des informations qui ne sont plus à jour. Le coronavirus change les plans d'élèves d'au moins six écoles secondaires du Nouveau-Brunswick qui devaient s'envoler pour l'Italie pendant le congé scolaire du mois de mars, la semaine prochaine. C'est le cas des élèves qui fréquentent l'école Sainte-Anne de Fredericton. Leur voyage est annulé par mesure de précaution. L'Italie représentait le voyage d'une vie pour plusieurs élèves qui avaient hâte de découvrir la culture et la gastronomie italiennes. Mais le coronavirus se fait menaçant dans ce pays, une trentaine d'élèves de l'école Sainte-Anne devront s'en passer. Les organisateurs ont décidé mardi qu'il était plus sage de l'annuler. Le site web du gouvernement du Canada indique que le risque est de niveau 2, sur 4, pour le nord de l'Italie, ce qui signifie que les voyageurs doivent prendre des mesures sanitaires spéciales, comme éviter les grandes foules et surveiller tout symptôme pendant 14 jours une fois de retour à la maison. L'école Sainte-Anne n'est pas responsable de l'organisation de ce voyage. Ce sont des enseignants et des parents qui s'en chargent avec l'aide d'une entreprise spécialisée. La direction scolaire approuve toutefois la décision d'annuler le déplacement. Des élèves de cinq autres écoles du réseau anglophone du Nouveau-Brunswick, à Saint-Jean, Sussex et Moncton, organisaient aussi des voyages en Italie la semaine prochaine. Il y a beaucoup d'incertitude de leur côté et ces voyages pourraient aussi être annulés ou remis. Patrick MacDonald, de Saint-Jean, visitera plutôt l'Allemagne, l'Autriche et la Suisse. Photo : Radio-Canada / Roger Cosman/CBC Patrick MacDonald fréquente la Harbour View High School à Saint-Jean, il affirme que son école a plutôt décidé de changer l'itinéraire du voyage en évitant l'Italie pour plutôt visiter l'Allemagne, l'Autriche et la Suisse. Nous étions tous soulagés. Il y a autant de culture dans ces autres pays qu'en Italie et en Grèce. Tout le monde est surtout content qu'on ira tout de même en Europe , explique-t-il. Le groupe de Patrick MacDonald doit partir jeudi. Entre-temps, et même si ces voyages ne sont pas organisés par les écoles, le ministre de l'Éducation Dominic Cardy recommande fortement aux élèves de ne pas voyager dans les régions aux prises avec le coronavirus. Avec les renseignements de Michèle Brideau -- Filtered: -- Un crise sanitaire et économique, mais aussi une grande précarité alimentaire. Environ 700.000 enfants en Italie sont en difficulté alimentaire en raison de la crise sanitaire liée au Covid-19, mais aussi de la fermeture des écoles et des cantines scolaires, selon la Coldiretti, principale organisation agricole du pays. "Le nombre d'enfants de moins de 15 ans qui ont besoin d'aide pour avoir du lait ou pour manger est passé à 700.000", indique la Coldiretti dans un communiqué publié dimanche 10 mai. Parmi les nouveaux pauvres figurent "les familles de ceux qui ont perdu leur emploi saisonnier, les petits commerçants ou artisans qui ont dû fermer, les personnes employées clandestinement qui ne bénéficient pas de subventions spéciales ou d'aides publiques et n'ont pas d'économies, ainsi que de nombreux travailleurs temporaires ou ayant des activités occasionnelles", précise la Coldiretti. D'autant que la Coldiretti a relevé en avril une hausse des prix pour les fruits (+8,4%), les légumes (+5%), le lait (+4,1%) ou encore la charcuterie (+3,4%). La solidarité pour contrer la précarité Les difficultés sont répandues dans tout le pays, mais les régions les plus touchées se trouvent dans le sud de l'Italie, 20% des pauvres se trouvant en Campanie, 14% en Calabre et 11% en Sicile. La pandémie a toutefois suscité un vaste élan de solidarité en Italie, où se sont activées des centaines d'associations caritatives sur tout le territoire. Près de quatre Italiens sur dix (39%) ont déclaré prendre part à des actions de solidarité, par des dons en argent ou en paquets alimentaires, selon une enquête de la Coldiretti. Filtered 3 samples from 104 in fr - test Filtered 0 samples from 72 in fr - train Filtered: 澳大利亚、美国和新西兰等十多个国家禁止14天内曾到访中国的非本国公民或非本国永久居民入境。这些措施旨在遏制新型冠状病毒的传播,但对收入日益依赖中国留学生的西方大学构成了威胁, 可能使它们遭受巨额损失 。由于中国学生滞留国外或被隔离,许多学校被迫停课,争相提供线上课程的选项,并密切关注下一轮申请人数是否会因入学考试推迟而减少。根据悉尼智库“独立研究中心”的数据,在截至 2017 年的 10 年里,中国海外留学生的数量增加了一倍,至 86.9 万人。根据国际教育协会的数据,2018 至 2019 学年,美国有逾 30 万中国留学生。去年有逾 8.6 万中国留学生在英国接受高等教育。 -- Filtered: 联系我们 All rights reserved 博讯是畅所欲言的场所、所有文章均不一定代表博讯立场 声明:博讯由编辑、义务留学生、学者维护,如有版权问题,请联系我们。另外,欢迎其他媒体 转载博讯文章,为尊重作者的辛勤劳动以及所承担风险,尊重博讯广大义务人士的奉献,请转载时注明来源和作者。 -- Filtered: 2020-02-24 18:06 援华物资交接仪式。 据越南《人民军队报》报道,2月22日在谅山省友谊国际口岸,越南总后勤局军医局局长阮春坚少将主持越南社会主义共和国国防部向中华人民共和国国防部捐赠防控新冠肺炎疫情的医疗物资交接仪式。 出席仪式的中方代表有桂林联勤保障中心副主任肜守信大校、中国驻越南使馆武官罗宾大校。 阮春坚少将对中国人民因新冠肺炎疫情带来的困难和损失表示同情。他高度评价中方各级政府和医护人员在疫情防控工作的主动性和给予患者的有效治疗,其中中国人民解放军在新冠肺炎疫情防控阻击战中始终发挥重要的作用。 肜守信大校代表中国国防部对越南国防部和越南军医力量给予的美好感情和在本国同样需要应对新冠肺炎疫情的时候还给中国赠送优质的医疗物资表示由衷感谢。肜守信大校强调,越南国防部向中国国防部给予及时的物资和精神支持体现了两国军队在困难中的团结友好感情和共同分担的精神,为中方新冠肺炎疫情防控一线医务人员带来了巨大的鼓舞。 《来源:人民报网》 -- Filtered: 中央热带病医院东英分院医生正为重症患者治疗。图自越通社 越通社河内——据越南卫生部,截至4月10日18时,越南新发现两例新冠肺炎确诊病例,截至目前累计确诊病例达257例,其中158例从外国回来,占61.9%,继发性感染病例99例。 具体,第256例确诊病例为男性,52岁,越南公民,居住在兴安省文林县。他于3月27日乘坐SU290号航班从俄罗斯回到越南,在永福省艺术文化学校接受集中隔离。目前,他正在中央热带病医院东英分院接受隔离治疗。 第257例确诊病例为女性,15岁,居住在河内市麋泠县夏雷村,是学生,学校停课后她整天呆在家里。3月20日,第243例病例(她父亲的朋友)来家玩并同她父亲谈话。4月8日,她出现发烧、流鼻水等症状。9日,医疗机构对她进行病毒采样,10日,病毒样本检测结果呈阳性。她父亲的病毒样本检测结果呈阴性。目前,她正在中央热带病医院金钟分院接受隔离治疗。 截至10日,正接受隔离和健康观察的亲密接触者和从疫区入境人员74941名;在医院接受集中隔离的人员720人,在其他隔离区接受隔离的人员24329人,在居住地或居家隔离人员49892人。4例确诊病例第一次新冠病毒检测结果呈阴性,17例确诊病例第二次新冠病毒检测结果呈阴性。 关于各新冠肺炎病例治疗情况,国家新冠肺炎疫情防控指导委员会的报告,今天新增治愈出院病例16例,其中中央热带病医院9例,北宁省综合医院1例,胡志明市儿童医院1例,岘港医院治疗1例,平顺省综合医院1例,古芝野战医院2例。(完) -- Filtered: 大骂前苏联无一男儿的习近平,其毫无担当的卸责之相,与他口中的慷慨赴义男儿,恰恰南辕北辙是反面的典型教员。这从李锐劝说习近平应该以省级实权官员经验,向中央提些有利促进改革开放建议,而习近平却以擦边球也不敢打回应,便足以说明其毫无担当。而大陆这次疫情爆发以来的习近平,毫不遮掩的见功就抢、闯祸甩锅的政治吃相,就是中共农村的大队村官也不是人人做得出来的。 大陆疫情爆发的决定性因素,是隐瞒疫情、压制威胁揭示真相的知情者。显然疫情的隐瞒才造成了祸害全球的灾难,隐瞒会受到追究而必须有个能够交代的说法。而湖北尤其武汉政府感觉被当替罪羊的阴影笼罩,于是不甘心当替罪羊的武汉市长周先旺,抢先在央视采访中表明疫情一发现已经上报中央,但是不获中央授权是不能披露的。这就清楚说明,武汉湖北地方没有隐瞒,而是中共最高权力压制了疫情的公开报道。 在周先旺之后也有其他官员有类似表示,而武汉的官方媒体更是发表长文,为武汉市长等官员遭受指责摆好叫屈。大陆舆论早已对习近平不满,也有根有据将导致疫情爆发之责指向习近平。本就显露甩锅意图的习近平当然不愿担责,便一面撤换湖北和武汉的党委书记,一面让党媒喉舌刊发习近平早在一月七日,便已经在中共高层会议指示了防疫工作。 但是习近平的甩锅几乎立刻得到回应,而且甩回来的锅具体并且可信度很高。针对习近平所谓的一月七日的防疫指示,甩回来的锅明确指出,指示中关键一句话就是防疫的“有关措施不要影响节日气氛”。正是各级政府要保证节日气氛才不得不隐瞒疫情,继续大摆万家宴春节联欢等,致使流失数十天初期防疫最佳时间,终于导致武汉肺炎大爆发祸及全球。习近平“防疫不要影响节日气氛”的指示,让中共权势集团相互甩锅的天平向不利习近平倾斜。 这场中共高层公诸于世的互相甩锅,是由习近平引导舆论压制疫情,却又试图委过于人而空前毫无遮掩的爆发,并且至今还无停歇迹象而似谋划于密室中。更搞笑的是,中共对疫情的甩锅发展到国际:一是中共喉舌在其媒体上大力造势,说中共以一国之力和牺牲巨大,为减缓疫情发展到世界做出了贡献,而美国欠一个向中国的道歉,全世界欠一声对中国的感谢;一是中共不仅任由“美国制造这次病毒危害大陆”的谣言流传,而且由中共最权威的专家钟南山出面,说这次冠状病毒虽然最初发生在大陆,但是病源并不一定就是在大陆。这种没有事实根据和科学态度向国际甩锅,其实就是引导对美国制造病毒的舆论。 不过抢先甩锅习近平的武汉市长周先旺,不仅没有如蒋超良、马国强一样免职,反而被中央点名表扬夜以继日领导抗疫的优越表现。中共官场潜规则通常书记不担责,由行政官员或副职接受处分撤职等。率先甩锅中央习近平的周先旺打破潜规则不说,还能被封为武汉抗疫的有功官员,确实让观察者不得不思考背后的原因。有一种看法是,周先旺有势力庞大的靠山;但是也有可能周先旺的甩锅令习近平心虚胆颤,害怕处理周先旺被视为“杀人灭口”,或许也害怕将敢于甩锅习近平的周先旺逼急了,再闹出一个王立军夜投美领馆的类似事件。 这场习近平以降中共权势集团的互相甩锅,虽然看似神经紧绷有如精神病患表演,令人十分不齿,但其中也透露出对社会有积极意义的一面。首先,虽然中共张嘴便是谎言或扭曲或选择性之言,但这次甩锅却可以肯定有真材实料。例如,“有关措施不要影响节日气氛”,必然是习近平至今不敢公开的、一月七日他所谓的对防疫工作的指示重点。十多年前也是大陆爆发的萨斯疫情,随后建立的疫情发现三例直报中央的制度,远没有习近平的节日气氛重要,这与毛泽东制造大饥荒灾难如出一辙。 其次,习近平此次武汉肺炎暴露出的专横、凶残面目,以及贪天之功的愚蠢和诿过他人的拙劣,毫无遮掩修饰和急不可耐程度达到了人神共愤地步。虽然习近平有掩耳盗铃的厚颜不知耻,在中外皆知致使疫情祸害大陆蔓延全球的罪魁祸首就是他,竟然自封人民领袖并要人民甚至世界感恩。但是大陆社会对习近平的公开讨伐,可谓舆情汹涌扑天盖地,令习氏自吹自擂转眼哑火。《大国战疫》和“人民感恩教育”瞬闪瞬灭,就是不知羞耻的脸上贴金被舆情啪啪打落的典型。而许章润教授、赵世林教授、学者许志永,包括敢言的任大炮,不论对习近平是怒斥还是劝退,抑或以事实道理明确习近平的罪责,在大陆社会正呈现燎原之火的舆情势头。这对习近平意图封杀大陆人所有的嘴,无疑有冲击甚至开辟新局面的积极意义。 还有,中共权势集团一旦处于危局公开互相甩锅,那么鱼死网破、你死我活的残酷火拼,绝不意味着还能够有个善了的结局。正如中共的七千人大会,开启了文革的地狱之门。虽然目前尚无法预言这次就会是中共独裁的末日,但对于习近平团伙,怕是没有毛泽东团伙那么好的运气了。这是习近平目前显现出天怒人怨的衰态,以及其低劣的贪功饰过并以残暴来推行所决定的。 (文章只代表特约评论员个人的立场和观点) -- Filtered: -- 越通社河内——河内市人民委员会主席阮德钟2月20日下午会见优衣库副总裁Koyama Noriaki时强调,河内将为该集团在河内市投资兴业并扩大经营规模创造最为便利的条件。 阮德钟对优衣库在河内乃至越南的发展目标以及该集团于河内市人民委员会签署合作备忘录表示支持。阮德钟建议优衣库与越南纺织服装企业开展合作。 与会代表合影。图自互联网 Koyama Noriaki表示,优衣库在河内的首家商店预计将于2020年3月初在范玉石Vincom购物中心开店。值得一提的是,这是优衣库在东南亚最具规模的实体店。Koyama Noriaki强调,优衣库将为河内消费者提供最优质的产品,希望受到河内消费者的大力欢迎。 Koyama Noriaki透露,2020年,优衣库预计将在河内新开至少三家商店,因此其人力资源需求量较大。优衣库将与河内部分大学院校合作,旨在录取高素质人力资源,并为其提供进修机会,使其满足全球优衣库系统的要求。(完) Filtered: -- Filtered: 附图。图自互联网 越通社河内——《越南-欧盟自由贸易协定》(EVFTA)今年5月将在欧盟及越南生效。越南企业应为与欧盟进行贸易往来铺就起飞跑路,在新冠肺炎疫情结束后加强出口活动,尤其是筹划挖掘EVFTA带来的利益。 越南工贸部多边贸易政策司代表最近表示,在获得越南国会批准以及双方按照协定规定完毕通知手续之后,该协定将立刻在欧盟及越南生效。 丰富市场的机会 观察最近经济形势后,越南RMIT大学专家认为,这就是越南应加强丰富贸易伙伴的时候,旨在减少对一二个重点进出口市场的依赖性。在此行程中,EVFTA是必要的因素之一。 特别是在因新冠肺炎大疫而生产贸易活动导致全球供应链已经和正在遭受严重影响的背景下。 对于作为进出口总额占GDP的比重很大的开放经济体的越南,与经济动荡局势有关的问题或将迅速加剧,尤其是在进出口活动与中国等大型市场有重要而缺乏可持续性的联系的背景下。 典型的例如是越南农产品出口额同新冠肺炎疫情在中国爆发之前下降22-24%。 或者对于美国市场,阮光忠博士认为,对该市场的出口额出现递增或实现贸易顺差这一形势很可能不可持续。如果美国总统特朗普修改政策的话,将导致越南出口活动陷入困境,尤其是在地方企业未能把握全球价值量中的主要环节。 近几年来,越南对中国连续出现贸易逆差。与此同时,对美国的贸易顺差额日益上升。 阮光忠博士指出:“建立总体贸易平衡关系将有助于确保经济更为稳定发展并提升对新冠肺炎疫情等外围冲击的抵抗力。” 不知道全球新冠肺炎疫情何时结束,其给经济产生的间接影响何时得以解决。因此,行内专家强调,越南经济面对的当务之急就是抓紧机遇并行动以丰富市场,从而减少要面临的风险。 据此,除了《跨太平洋进步及全面协定》(CPTPP)等其他国家协议之外,EVFTA协定可具有生死存亡意义。 长期利益 越南RMIT大学专家约翰·沃尔什博士认为,对越南来说,EVFTA是最稳定的协议,因为其规则更加严格,要求所有伙伴要恪守。 他称:“这意味着各国奉行获取短期利益的政策之机会将更少,无论是否主意。” 新一代自贸协定将给越南带来提高其在全球贸易地图上的地位,超越低劳动成本或充足农业资源等利益,旨在面向转移技术与利用年轻劳动者技能等业务。 越南是与欧盟签署自贸协定的第二个东盟国家。然而,“上述大力措施应与便捷、果断且可靠的行动相结合,旨在助推经济更加良好发展”,阮光忠博士如此分享。 自贸协定生效的7年后,欧盟将消除99%税目,相当于99%以上的越南对欧盟出口额。 约翰·沃尔什博士认为,在能源产业实施转型以满足低碳排放标准的时候,越南产品尤其是纺织品服装、鞋类及农产品出口活动得以插上翅膀。 不仅如此,约翰·沃尔什博士认为,越南经济及越南消费者对从欧盟进口的新产品熟悉时,零售和分销产业将获得冲力来迎来自世界各地的类似其他新产品。 越南企业同时也成为从欧盟进口的价廉物美产品的受益者并可以把其加入自己生产规程之中,从而提高越南出口产品的生产力及利润。 阮光忠博士表示:“在竞争力上升之时,越南促进贸易的基础更为坚实。” 然而,RMIT大学专家认为,越南同时要面对来自新协议中的要求。民营企业同时要做好准备以满足有关升级供应链及价值链的挑战,旨在确保该链中所有环节都恪守国际惯例。(来源:人民报网) 越通社 -- Filtered: -- 越通社河内——5月5日下午, 越南政府总理 阮春福在 政府四月份例行会议 上发表总结讲话时强调,我们越南不能接受国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测的2.7%的 经济增长率 ,而要实现比该数字增加一倍的增长,超过5%,同时将通胀率控制在4%以下。阮春福强调,4个月以来,越南经济社会遇到诸多困难,导致航空业下降89%,国际旅游下降94%以上,企业面临种种困难,不少劳动者失业等。阮春福指出,须大力帮助企业化解困难,进一步改善经商环境,特别重视促进各大项目,其中包括交通运输部37万亿越盾的公共投资项目,进而对经济产生巨大需求。阮春福还强调,政府一致认为应尽早颁布解决生产经营中的困难和推进公共投资资金到位进度,助力经济社会复苏并发展的决议。该决议将集中于700万亿越盾的公共投资资金的到位工作。此外,该决议还包括北南高速公路施工中的困难的解决措施,以提交预计于今年五月份举行国会会议。阮春福强调,继续坚持防疫和发展等双重目标,同时放宽“社交距离”限制措施,进而促进尤其是大城市、旅游区等的经营生产活动。阮春福指出,将重点放在恢复经营生产活动,抓紧时间提前准备好所有条件,在疫情结束后立即促进经济恢复并蓬勃发展。与此同时,阮春福要求加大吸引FDI投资的力度,推进私人投资,助推出口、公共投资到位、国内消费等。其中,人民与企业发挥发展基础的作用。关于2020年越南发展指标的调整方案,阮春福指出,经济开放的越南无法免受新冠肺炎大流行的严重影响。阮春福指示计划与投资部、财政部、工贸部等有关部门研究制定切合实际的增长方案,从而提出有关调整GDP增长率、财政预算收入、公共债务的建议。阮春福强调,我们不能接受国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测的2.7%的经济增长率,而要实现比该数字增加一倍的增长。(完) Filtered: 2月12日,在高平省茶岭口岸,高平省年轻企业家协会向中国广西壮族自治区百色市提供了一批用于防控疫情的医疗物资援助。 中国百色市人民政府共接收了1.3万双手套、近9.2万只/副医用口罩和防护眼镜、2000套防护服、1000瓶洗手液、22.4万顶医用帽,总价值超过3.8亿越盾的援助物资。 高平省年轻企业家协会会长黄孟玉表示,上述医疗物资的购买经费全部由会员企业捐赠。该省年轻企业家希望同百色市分担困难,帮助他们解决医疗物资短缺的状况,有效防控新冠肺炎疫情复杂严峻的发展态势。 ♦ 另据广宁省芒街市人民委员会的消息,2月12日,芒街市援助中国东兴市防控新冠肺炎的医疗物资交接仪式在东兴口岸管理委员会办公楼举行。 为协助中国东兴市防控新冠肺炎疫情,芒街市向东兴援助3万只口罩、5000双手套和500公斤消毒剂等,帮助东兴市开展新冠肺炎疫情的防控工作。 越南芒街市援助中国东兴市的口罩和医疗物资充分体现两个地方党、政府和人民之间的团结友好合作关系。芒街市将继续与东兴市并肩同行,共同开展新冠肺炎疫情防控工作。 中国广西防城港常务副市长、东兴市委书记唐轶昂对越南党、政府,广宁省和芒街市提供医疗物资表示感谢;同时表示东兴市乃至中国人民将战胜疫情,尽早稳定两个城市之间的贸易交流、进出口和经济社会活动。(完) -- Filtered: 田纳西大学毕业证书样本|UT文凭【Q微912850275】美国文凭认证成绩单|办理UT真实学历认证田纳西大学本科毕业证书【Q微912850275】田纳西大学成绩单制作《Q微912850275》田纳西大学文凭UT文凭【微/Q:912850275】《田纳西大学毕业证》《UT成绩单制作》【WeChat:912850275】田纳西大学本科毕业证书 美国学历认证原版制作《大学成绩单、学历证明、回国人员证明》【留信网认证,本科,硕士,海归,博士,排名,成绩单】代办国外(海外)英国、、韩国、美国、新西兰等各大学毕业证。田纳西大学学位证书制作【Q微912850275】|购买 田纳西大学毕业证书|办 美国 田纳西大学文凭|办美国成绩单《田纳西大学学位证》【微/Q:912850275——WeChat:912850275田纳西大学硕士学位证】《田纳西大学学历》【留信网认证,本科,硕士,海归,博士,排名,成绩单】代办国外(海外)美国、英国、美国、韩国、美国、新西兰等各大学毕业证。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决无法毕业,无法认证真实的难题;并帮助留学生制作国外大学毕业证(微,Q:912850275)田纳西大学硕士毕业证书,成绩单,真实认证、成绩单以及回国所需的真实学位真实认证。美国学历学位认证【Q微912850275】|购买 田纳西大学毕业证书|办UT文凭|UT成绩单|UT留学生认证|UT学位认证购买田纳西大学毕业证书【Q微912850275】办理美国成绩单|UT文凭|学历认证|UT录取通知书|办美国大学毕业证成绩单学历认证UT美国毕业证成绩单制作【Q微912850275】购买 田纳西大学毕业证书,办田纳西大学学位证书diploma,田纳西大学文凭成绩单密封成绩单,美国使馆留学生回国证明,UT学历证书 【Q◆微/信:912850275】【学历认证、毕业证、文凭、学位证、成绩单等】代办国外(海外)澳洲英国 加拿大 韩国 美国 新西兰 等各大学毕业证,修改成绩单分数,学历认证,文凭,diploma,degree [删除请点击百度快照]真实认证.海外回囯的同学定制毕业.证、真实认证、毕业证、学位证书、使馆公证、囯外真实学位认证、使馆留学回囯人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查![实体经营,,值得信赖] 十五年致力于帮助留学生解决无法毕业,无法认证真实的难题;并帮助留学生制作国外大学毕业证 ,成绩单,真实认证、成绩单以及回国所需的真实学位真实认证。 留学生归国服务中心[查看点击百度快照查看] 24小时为您服务 专业服务,使命必达 不成功不收费 详情请联系联系人: Abel Q Q/威: 912850275 俄亥俄州立大学OSU,加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA,华盛顿州立大学WSU,普渡大学Purdue,俄勒冈大学Oregon,纽约大学NYU,西雅图大学Seattle,南加州大学USC,宾州州立大学PSU,匹兹堡大学PITT,加州理工学院CIT,西北大学NWU,宾夕法尼亚大学Pennsylvania,密歇根州立大学MSU,密歇根大学UMICH,波士顿大学BU,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校utexas,哈佛大学Harvard,麻省理工学院MIT,田纳西大学UTK,帕森斯设计学院Parsons,佩斯大学Pace,普林斯顿大学Princeton,托莱多大学Toledo,杜克大学Duke,芝加哥大学Chicago,达特茅斯学院Dartmouth,拉文大学La Verne,康奈尔大学Cornell,约翰霍普金斯大学JHU,布朗大学Brown,莱斯大学Rice,埃默里大学Emory,圣母大学,范德堡大学Vandy,加州大学伯克利分校UCB,卡内基梅隆大学CMU,乔治城大学Georgetown,弗吉尼亚大学UVa,塔夫斯大学Tufts,维克森林大学WFU,布兰迪斯大学Brandeis,威廉玛丽学院wm,波士顿学院BC,佐治亚理工学院Gatech,利哈伊大学Lehigh,罗切斯特大学Rochester,威斯康星大学WISC,内布拉斯加大学UNL,伦斯勒理工学院RPI,华盛顿大学UW,加州大学戴维斯分校UCD,加州大学欧文分校UCI,加州大学UCSB,天普大学Temple,叶史瓦大学Yeshiva,肯塔基大学Kentucky,乔治华盛顿大学GWU,雪城大学SU,马里兰大学UMD,佩珀代因大学Pepperdine,乔治亚大学UGA,克莱姆森大学Clemson,福特汉姆大学Fordham,明尼苏达大学UMN,迈阿密大学UM,密西西比大学Mississippi,南卫理公会大学SMU,康涅狄格大学Connecticut,爱荷华大学Iowa,印地安那大学伯明顿分校IUB,特拉华大学UD,伍斯特理工学院WPI,贝勒大学baylor,马凯特大学Marquette,纽约宾汉姆顿大学binghamton,纽约奥尔巴尼大学Albany,克拉克大学Clark,科罗拉多大学CU-Boulder,密苏里大学Missouri,堪萨斯大学KU,北卡罗来纳州立大学NCSU,俄亥俄大学ohio,俄克拉荷马大学Oklahoma,德州A&M大学TAMU,佛罗里达州立大学FSU,斯坦福大学Stanford,加州大学圣地亚哥分校UCSD,凤凰城大学UPX,旧金山大学USF,休斯敦大学UH,斯蒂文斯理工学院SIT,阿拉巴马大学Alabama,塔尔萨大学TU,德雷塞尔大学Drexel,爱荷华州立大学ISU,加州大学河滨分校UCR,丹佛大学DU,堪萨斯州立大学KSU,罗格斯大学Rutgers,佛蒙特大学UVM,奥本大学Auburn,美国东北大学NEU,纽约州立大学石溪分校SBU,亚利桑那州立大学ASU,亚利桑那大学UA,加州大学圣克鲁兹分校UCSC,纽约州立大学布法罗分校Buffalo,纽约理工学院NYIT,北卡罗莱纳大学UNC,罗德岛设计学院RISD,加州旧金山分校UCSF,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校UIUC,杜兰大学Tulane,社区大学College,阿肯色大学,犹他大学,杨百翰大学BYU,辛辛那提大学,霍夫斯特拉大学,肯特州立大学,旧金山艺术大学AAU,莱特州立大学,欧道明大学,罗德岛大学URI,南达科他州立大学,阿肯色大学小石城分校,长岛大学布鲁克林校区,海斯堡州立大学FHSU,圣莫尼卡社区学院SMC,Q◆微/信:912850275办理美国毕业证文凭学历认证成绩单留学回国证明 |办澳洲毕业证文凭|办美国毕业证文凭|办加拿大毕业证文凭|办英国毕业证文凭|办新西兰毕业证文凭|办法国毕业证文凭|办德国毕业证文凭|办意大利毕业证文凭|办奥地利毕业证文凭|办南非毕业证文凭|办俄罗斯毕业证文凭|办荷兰毕业证文凭|文凭公证|毕业证公证|回国学历公证|学历学位公证|哪里可以办学历认证|哪里可以办文凭|学历认证办理流程|学历认证怎么办理|办可查文凭|哪里可以认证毕业证|哪里可以认证学位证|哪里可以认证毕业证|毕业证怎么认证|学历认证有时间限制吗|办理留学认证|办理学历认证|办理学历学位认证|办理学历证明|教育部系统公证|快速办理学历公证|快速办文凭认证|办理学历文凭|办理毕业文凭|毕业证成绩单|教育部认证|认证流程|认证价格|国外毕业证怎么认证|如何认证|哪里可以认证文凭|办理学历认证的要求是什么|办理使馆认证|办理留学回国人员证明|快速办理学历认证|办理三联单|办理可查文凭|可查毕业证|网上可查教育部认证|网上可查学历认证|网上可查使馆认证|官网可查学历认证|办文凭找工作|成绩单改分数GPA|办理成绩单|办理学历认证材料|哪里可以办毕业证|办理留学文凭|办理国外文凭|办理英国美国加拿大澳洲德国新西兰欧洲文凭毕业证成绩单|办offer|学生ID卡|买文凭|卖文凭| -- Filtered: “黄金的机会” 正在出现外国投资商从中国转移到包括越南在内的东南亚。这是毫无疑问的事情。 越南计划投资部部长阮志勇在近日举行的政府总理与企业会议上发言时认为,目前,鉴于在新冠肺炎疫情抗击工作中所取得的成功,越南的地位和信誉正在赢得国际社会的高度评价。以“战略性信任”的特殊优势,这是让世界知道越南的“黄金机会”,越南已做好准备迎来外资转移大潮,成为安全的投资目的地。 实际上,美中贸易战日益复杂化之后,投资资本从中国迁移到越南的趋势从去年开始猛增。新冠肺炎疫情已加快这一趋势。不仅美国总统唐纳德·特朗普政府,而且多个欧洲国家、日本已呼吁并宣布愿意协助该国各家公司将生产活动撤出中国,旨在减少对中国的依赖度。 也许正因为如此,有消息透露,苹果正在越南加大无线耳机AirPods生产力度,数量可能高达数百万个。不光耳机,该公司还计划在越南生产许多其它重要零件,帮助苹果不再过于依赖中国市场的各家供应商。近期,苹果(越南)通报招聘了许多重要的技术人员,据认为,此举是为了对在越南生产这一这些零件的活动进行更好监督。 微软、三星、LG及许多其它大小集团也正在着力投入越南市场。 仲量联行越南区主管斯蒂芬·怀亚特称:“面对新冠肺炎疫情,政府表现出快速反应和有效处理一定会将越南提升至新水平。我们期望投资额将增加。” 欧洲、日本、韩国、美国等企业代表在政府总理与企业会议上均重申,他们对越南这一投资目的地给予关注。 今年前四个月,流入越南的外资趋于下降,但计划投资部副部长武大胜称,越南因是世界上少数国家出现积极投资现金流的国家之一而仍是“幸运”的市场。武大胜副部长说,若越南早日把疫情控制好,宏观经济展望从第三季度积极恢复,则能够从外资转移中获利。 越南的行动 越南外资企业协会主席阮卖教授、科学博士重申,从中国迁移到的外资浪潮是存在的,但他认为,越南能够迎来的是完全取决于越南因素。 实际上,吸引外资的竞争日益激烈。为迎来从中国转移到外资大潮,越南的竞争对手已采取非常强劲的行动。印度政府于2020年4月已主动接触1000多家美国企业,并对正在考虑撤出中国的企业提出特殊优惠政策。甚至印度政府正在准备总面积比卢森堡公国大一倍的土地,为迎来各家企业从中国迁移到的浪潮作出准备。 去年,撤出中国的浪潮开始时,泰国公布了一项“重新安置”方案,为寻求从中国迁移的生产商提供一系列优惠政策。连中国也颁布新的《外商投资法》以留住外国投资商的脚步。 至于越南,计划投资部外国投资局局长杜一黄称,不光是从中国,越南正在研究从世界各国的投资浪潮,以吸引外资。越南也正在对《投资法》、《企业法》进行修正,开展各项行动,落实第50/NQ-TW号决议,在新形势下做好吸引外资工作。 然而,阮卖教授、科学博士坦白地说,应作出更迅速的行动。在政府总理与企业会议上,越南外资企业协会也发送了一项包括四大重要内容的建议书,让越南可以迎来外资转移大潮。 据此,最重要的是各经济区、工业区须在土地、设施、租地信息、电水供应、人力资源等做好准备,让各家投资商把工厂迁移至越南。 第二,阮卖教授说:“若叫做转移,则不应该视为进口旧设备,因此不用审定。但开始运行时,需要检查以确保有关技术、环境、劳动安全的各项要求”。这也是非常重要的建议。 第三,对签发许可证手续进行简化、公开及透明,确保缩短审定和投资许可证签发时间。 第四,通过一站式服务帮助投资商迅速开展项目。 阮卖教授表示:“在新背景下,政府应重视投资加工厂的形式,因为在当前背景下选择在越南兴建工厂的外国企业大有可能将选择在交通、基础设施及劳动资源上有优势的地方根据制造企业模式兴业。” 有关该问题,部分专家对越南的外资吸收能力表示关注,因为越南基础设施、能源、人力资源素质等仍存在短板。这也是有待改革的内容,让越南能够真正在吸引外资方面上迎来黄金机会。(完) -- Filtered: -- 附图。图自互联网 越通社河内——越南工贸部部长陈俊英所签发关于公布2020年4月大米出口配额的第1106号决定于11日正式生效。 该决定指出,根据政府总理于2018年8月15日颁布关于大米出口贸易的第107号规定;展开落实越南政府办公厅颁发于4月10日颁布关于通报政府总理关于在新型冠状肺炎疫情、干旱与海水入侵背景下大米出口的第2827/VPCP-KTTH号文件的指导意见,工贸部公布2020年4月大米出口配额。据此,2020年4月大米出口配额(编码HS 10.06)为40万吨。 工贸部在该决定中规定仅准许通过国际口岸出口大米。包括公路、铁路、海路、水路和航空)。该决定不适用范围有:出口来供应出境船舶,旨在满足船上水手日常生活的需求(每个水手不超过30公斤);对加工出口企业的就地出口,旨在满足这些企业工作人员日常生活的需求。 工贸部责成进出口局局长、该部旗下单位领导、越南粮食协会、大米出口经营商和其他有关机关负责实施该决定。 4月10日上午,政府总理阮春福在政府与各地方视频会议上表示,继续鼓励大米出口,但是要保障粮食安全,同时也确保农民,特别是西南部地区农民的权益。(完) Filtered: -- 图集 新华社北京6月29日电(记者申铖)准备好去海南“剁手”了吗?财政部、海关总署、税务总局29日发布公告称,自2020年7月1日起,海南离岛旅客每年每人免税购物额度提高至10万元,不限次数。 为贯彻落实《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》,经国务院同意,三部门发布了《关于海南离岛旅客免税购物政策的公告》。 6月29日,海口日月广场免税店工作人员在工作。新华社记者 郭程 摄 离岛免税政策是指对乘飞机、火车、轮船离岛(不包括离境)旅客实行限值、限量、限品种免进口税购物,在实施离岛免税政策的免税商店内或经批准的网上销售窗口付款,在机场、火车站、港口码头指定区域提货离岛的税收优惠政策。 据财政部关税司相关负责人介绍,除了将免税购物额度从每年每人3万元提高至10万元之外,此次发布的公告还扩大了免税商品种类,增加电子消费产品等7类消费者青睐商品。此外,取消单件商品8000元免税限额规定,以额度管理为主,大幅减少单次购买数量限制的商品种类,仅限定化妆品、手机和酒类商品的单次购买数量。 6月29日,顾客在海口日月广场免税店购物。新华社记者 郭程 摄 公告明确,具有免税品经销资格的经营主体可按规定参与海南离岛免税经营。已经购买的离岛免税商品属于消费者个人使用的最终商品,不得进入国内市场再次销售。 我国自2011年4月开始试行离岛旅客免税购物政策以来,总体运行情况良好。据统计,截至2019年底,累计购物1631万人次,免税销售额538亿元。 6月29日,顾客在海口日月广场免税店购物。新华社记者 郭程 摄 “此次政策调整力度大,将大幅改善消费者购物体验,释放政策红利,提升群众获得感,促进海南国际旅游消费中心建设,增强各界对海南自贸港建设的信心。”这位负责人表示。 Filtered: 2020-06-15 14:17 附图。 据越南国家新冠肺炎疫情防控指导委员会6月15日上午发布的消息称,自6月14日18时至6月15日6时,越南无新增新冠肺炎确诊病例。 自4月16日6时至6月15日6时,越南连续60天无新增本地新冠肺炎确诊病例。截至6月15日上午,在越南334例新冠肺炎确诊病例中,194例为境外输入性病例,入境后立即接受隔离,不存在社区传染风险;在334名患者中有323名已治愈,占96.7%,无死亡病例。 目前,剩下的11名正在全国各医疗机构接受治疗,其中,7名患者病毒检测结果呈阳性,1名患者第一次病毒检测结果呈阴性,3名患者第二次上病毒检测结果呈阴性。 截至15日上午,正接受隔离或医学观察的从疫区入境和有与患者接触史人员共8792名,其中,96名在各家医院接受集中隔离、7778名在其他隔离区接受集中隔离7778名,918名居家隔离或在居住地接受隔离。(完) (来源:人民报网) -- Filtered: 海防市工贸局局长裴光海建议,目前,海防市的重要任务是确定有韧性的企业以及具有新产品和新市场的企业以调集资源。尽管受到新冠肺炎疫情的严重影响,但该市的52个行业中的16个的生产经营活动仍呈现良好增长势头,为该市经济稳定发展作出贡献。 对于在国外市场开展贸易促进活动,企业需要主动向主管部门提出建议。海防市工贸局将与工贸部和其他中央机关配合加强与越南驻外代表处的联系。进而,为企业的产品推介活动创造便利条件。 在此期间,各家企业,尤其是纺织服装企业需要定期更新有关各国政府经济刺激计划的信息。 这正是海防市企业开发新市场的良好机会。 越南国家银行海防市分行代表表示,该分行已进行债务重组,提供资本流动、构造资本流动性,为受疫情影响的企业降低贷款利率,并推出利率优惠的新贷款。 目前,海防市共有1.1万家企业参加社会保险。自新冠肺炎疫情出现以来,保险业与有关行业已进行审查并确定大约9000家企业遭受新冠肺炎疫情的影响。其中,旅游业和运输业是受影响最严重的行业。(完) -- Filtered: -- 3月31日,教育部发布《关于2020年全国高考时间安排的公告》,经党中央、国务院同意,2020年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试延期一个月举行,考试时间为7月7日至8日 。高考延期一个月,留给千万考生的,正好是100天左右的冲刺时间。 高考延期,体现安全第一。新冠肺炎疫情还处于防控阶段,什么时间高考是家有考生最关注的问题之一。如今,“靴子”落地,考生和家长算是一块石头落了地。时间选择千万条,考生安全第一条,确保考生安全是高考时间确定的“第一条前提”。在目前的情况下,既不能无限期地让公众等待,这样也会加剧考生与家长的焦虑;又不能操之过急,置安全等因素于不顾,这样也会产生社会焦虑。延期一个月,是统筹考虑的结果。 高考延期,体现科学决策。此前,教育部有关负责人多次表示,审慎研究制定今年高考的具体实施方案,综合研判各方面因素对考试组织工作的影响,并且,正在广泛征求相关部门各个省区市,包括考生代表和考生家长的意见等。由此可见,延期一个月的决定是民生决策、科学决策,也是慎重决策。“正义不仅应得到实现,而且要以人们看得见的方式加以实现”,有程序正义,才会产生实体正义;决策程序科学合理,决策结果才能令人满意。 高考延期,体现公平优先。2003年至今,高考时间再未改动过。唯一一次例外是,2008年汶川大地震后,部分四川考生高考推迟到7月3日、4日、5日 。 高考时间相对固定是必需的,有利于学校合理安排教学,有利于考生合理安排学习。而今年情况特殊,开学推迟,虽然有网课作为补充,毕竟从时间上讲有所耽误。高考公平问题,向来倍受关注。延期一个月,体现“公平优先,兼顾效率”,是为了更好维系高考公平,让考生“把耽误的时间补回来”。 高考延期,体现以生为本。全国普通高等学校招生统一考试延期一个月举行,湖北省、北京市可根据疫情防控情况,研究提出本地区高考时间安排的意见,商教育部同意后及时向社会发布。此举,充分考虑到统一性与差异性,没有“一刀切”,无疑是“以生为本”的典范。其实,在高考制度改革过程中,守正创新,一直坚持“以生为本”的理念可谓是最大最重要的守正,在此基础上,高考公平正义的推进、选拔人才的多元化尝试、“一考定终身”的突破等正是改革创新的产物。 Filtered: -- 越通社河内 ——在2020庚子年春节即将到来之际,1月21日,越南政府总理阮春福、政府副总理武德儋给已故党和国家领导人上香。 阮春福一行先后给原越共中央总书记黎笋、原越共中央总书记长征、原越共中央总书记杜梅、原政府总理范文同和越南人民军首位大将武元甲上香,表达了党和国家领导人对各位前辈的面环和尊敬之心。 阮春福回顾了各位前辈的事业生涯及丰功伟绩。各位革命前辈在不同的历史阶段尽心尽力为国家争取民族独立斗争及当今的革新事业做出了巨大贡献,为后辈树立了榜样,得到广大人民群众的认可、尊敬与怀念。此次上香活动有助于激发爱国主义精神,展现出越南饮水思源和知恩图报的良好传统美德。(完) Filtered: -- 越通社河内——在第36届东盟峰会框架内,6月24日, 越南政府副总理 兼外长 范平明 主持第26届东盟协调委员会会议。东盟各国 外长 ;东盟秘书长;东盟政治安全、文化社会和经济共同体等三大支柱的高级官员一同出席。第26届东盟协调委员会会议通过了东盟秘书长以及各支柱共同体递交第36届东盟峰会的6项报告;同意任命东盟副秘书长为2021-2024年任期政治安全负责人。会上,各国部长就上半年东盟合作进程进行评估,对东盟在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的背景下所取得的积极成果给予认可;强调保持合作趋势,本着“齐心协力与主动适应”精神努力完成既定目标。各国高度评价2020年东盟轮值主席国越南的作用,对2020年东盟的优先事项给予支持。范平明在会议上建议各成员国加强合作,尽早完成2025年东盟共同体愿景总体计划落实情况的中期评估;核查《东盟宪章》落实情况;加强树立东盟形象与特色的措施;就2025年后东盟共同体愿景的制定工作展开讨论。各国对越南有关举办数字时代妇女赋权特别讨论会;保持东盟各国领导与东盟议会联盟大会(AIPA)、东盟青年代表、东盟商务咨询理事会(ASEAN-BAC)等对话会的倡议给予高度评价。关于东盟抗击新冠肺炎疫情特别峰会、东盟与中日韩(10 3)抗击新冠肺炎疫情领导人特别会议结果展开落实情况,各国部长听取越南外交部副部长阮国勇的报告。各国对2020年东盟轮值主席国越南在疫情阻击战中的正确引导给予高度评价,强调继续沿着该方向迈进,呼吁整个社会携手抗疫,联合开展特别峰会所取得的成果。范平明建议东盟各国通过有关建立应对新冠肺炎疫情东盟基金的参考资料(TOR);就制定东盟复苏总体计划的主张达成一致。范平明通报,越南将继续完善东盟有关公共卫生紧急情况的标准流程并建立东盟地区医疗物资储备库,尽早递交东盟领导人审议通过。(完) Filtered 19 samples from 656 in zh - test Filtered: -- shadow Oggetti e petardi lanciati contro gli agenti della polizia, cassette di legno, bottiglie, addirittura pezzi di alberi, urla e risate. Coś una baby gang ha costretto cinque poliziotti a difendersi con gli scudi e poi a indietreggiare, nel Borgo Sant’Antonio Abate, al centro di Napoli. «Un assalto in piena regola», ha commentato su Facebook il consigliere regionale dei Verdi Francesco Emilio Borrelli, che ha diffuso il video online. Una scena allarmante. I ragazzini stavano preparando il legname per il focarazzo, il tradizionale faḷ della notte di Sant’Antonio. Sorpresi dagli agenti hanno reagito lanciando oggetti ed esplodendo petardi. La Dia: «Baby gang sono academy dei clan» «Occorre fermarli, cresciuti in ambienti criminali siano tolti alle famiglie e rieducati nei luoghi giusti», ha detto Borrelli. «Questi messaggi non possono passare, non possono essere consentiti – ha aggiunto - bisogna rispondere con severità. Alcuni territori non sono agglomerati urbani benś polveriere a cui va sottratta la miccia. I ragazzini di Borgo Sant’Antonio Abate hanno dato un assaggio di quanto pericolose possano essere le baby gang». Proprio ieri la relazione semestrale della Dia ha parlato delle baby gang napoletane come “academy” della camorra, ossia luoghi di “formazione” alla malavita dei ragazzini che poi entreranno nei clan. I sindacati di polizia: « «I colleghi vanno plauditi, in quanto, fermi e professionali nel loro intento di prevenzione senza alcuna indole di belligeranza; hanno arretrato di fronte a minori che provocavano e danneggiavano». In una nota congiunta, i sindacati di polizia - Siulp, Coisp, Silp Cgil e Fsp - chiedono un’azione unitaria di istituzioni e forze civili contro la criminalità. «Senza una ferma decisione politica di coinvolgere la cittadinanza in prove di civiltà e attenzione nei confronti dei tutori dell’ordine e di attenzione alle norme, il nostro lavoro e la nostra opera di pacificazione e di prevenzione diventa alquanto inutile - rilanciano le organizzazioni sindacali - lo Stato non pụ e non deve arretrare rispetto ad atti tanto scellerati da parte di una sparuta parte della popolazione, ma deve essere aiutato anche da altre istituzioni, come il Comune, assistenti sociali e tessuto culturale circostante, affinchè si radichi in questa cittadinanza malriuscita il seme della civiltà. Bisogna creare dei circuiti di conoscenza e divulgazione che aiutino a sradicare la malerba e portare la nostra città all’attenzione delle istituzioni centrali affinché giungano, in via stanziale, sul territorio più uomini e mezzi» Filtered 1 samples from 408 in it - test Filtered: 29 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba, 02:00 Cumhurbaşkanı İletişim Merkezi Başkanı Fahrettin Altun’un, Kuzguncuk’taki evinin önüne yaptığı izinsiz şömine ve çardağın yıkılmasının ardından evinin fotoğraflanmasına ilişkin hakkında soruşturma başlatılan CHP İstanbul İl Başkanı Canan Kaftancıoğlu, “Bizim suçumuz, kanunlara aykırı işler yapan Fahrettin Altun’u suçüstü yakalamaktan başka bir şey değil” dedi. Cumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Merkezi (CİMER) Başkanı Fahrettin Altun, Kuzguncuk’ta Boğaziçi Öngörünüm Bölgesi’nde yer alan evinin önünde bulunan vakflardan kiraladığı araziye, izinsiz yaptırdığı şömine ve çardak İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından yıkıldı. İzinsiz inşa edilen yapıların yıkım haberini yapan Cumhuriyet’e soruşturma açılırken, ilişkili haberlere de erişim engeli getirildi. Yıkım sonrası kontrol amacıyla CHP tarafından bölgenin fotoğrafları çekildi. Bunun üzerine CHP İstanbul İl Başkanı Kaftancıoğlu hakkında soruşturma açıldı. Kaftancıoğlu, önümüzdeki hafta ifade verecek. Kaftancıoğlu, hakkında açılan soruşturma ve gündeme ilişkin Cumhuriyet’in sorularını yanıtladı. CİMER Başkanı Fahrettin Altun’un, kiraladığı vakıf arazisine yaptırdığı kaçak yapılara ilişkin fotoğraf çekilmesi üzerine hakkınızda soruşturma başlatıldı ve ifadeye çağrıldınız. Neler söylemek istersiniz? Üsküdar İlçe Başkanımız hakkında ortada bir mahkeme kararı dahi yokken yani hukuken suçlu olduğu kanıtlanmamışken onu savunduğum için bana “suçu ve suçluyu övmek” gerekçesiyle soruşturma açtılar. Oysa Fahrettin Altun’u övenler için açılması gerekirdi bu soruşturma. Çünkü bir mesleğin en temel kuralları ancak bu kadar ayaklar altına alınabilir. Yargının böyle acıklı bir halde olması çok üzücü. Şu an yavuz hırsız ev sahibini bastırmaya çalışıyor aslında. Bizim suçumuz, devletin nüfuzunu kullanarak izinsiz ve kanunlara aykırı işler yapan Fahrettin Altun’u suçüstü yakalamaktan başka bir şey değil. Bu kanunlara göre değil, onlara göre suç. Biz yapılan kanunsuzluğu yargıya taşıdık o kadar. O andan itibaren yargı aşamasına geçtik. Ama onlar tam da bu andan itibaren önce meseleyi sulandırmaya, başka alanlara çekmeye başladılar, daha sonra da medyadaki tetikçilerini üzerimize salarak, sosyal medyadaki trol orduları ile suçluluklarını örtme telaşına girdiler. Ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar biz İstanbul’da kent suçu işlenmesine izin vermeyeceğiz. Her koşulda hukuku savunmaya, halkın hakkını korumaya devam edeceğiz. Salgın günlerinde halk geçim derdiyle can güvenliği tehlikesiyle boğuşurken devletin nüfuzunu kullanıp vakıf arazisi kapatanların karşısında durmak bizim sorumluluğumuz. ‘AÇIKLAMALARA GÜVENMİYORUM’ Salgına karşı mücadele kapsamıda alınan tedbirleri nasıl değerlendiriyorsunuz? Bugün bizim vatandaşımız hâlâ devletten gelecek maskeyi bekliyor. Ortada bir plan, program olmayınca böyle oluyor. Maske dağıtımı yalan oldu. Yüzlerce sağlık çalışanı da ekipman yetersizliğinden dolayı hastalığa yakalandı, hayatını kaybetti. Türkiye’de tedbirler iş işten geçtikten sonra alınıyor. Bunun sebebi de Bilim Kurulu’nun tavsiyelerinin, meslek örgütlerinin uyarlarının dikkate alınmaması. Şeffaflığın olmadığı, kararların tek bir kişinin iki dudağı arasına sıkıştığı bir yönetim anlayışıyla gerçeklerden uzak bir süreç yönetiliyor. Öte yandan bir hekim olarak Sağlık Bakanlığı’nın açıklamalarına da güvenemiyorum. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, koronavirüs vakalarının ölüm tutanaklarının iki farklı kodlama ile yapılacağını söylüyor. Birincisi testin pozitif olduğu vakalar, ikincisi ise testin pozitif olmadığı ancak klinik bulgular sonucu tespit edilen vakalar. Ülkemizde bu yöntem uygulanmıyor, tüm vakalar bulaşıcı hastalık diye kodlanıyor. Örneğin, koronavirüsten ölen Cemil Taşçıoğlu hocamızın ölüm belgesinde bulaşıcı hastalık yazıyor. Hatta şunu da söyleyeyim, ben İstanbul’da bir günde bulaşıcı hastalık sebebi belirtilerek defnedilen kişi sayısının, Sağlık Bakanlığı’nın o gece Türkiye geneli için açıkladığı ölüm sayısından fazla olduğunu da biliyorum. Belgeler incelendiğinde çok rahat ulaşılabilecek bir sonuç bu, iddia değil. “Haklarımız var” adı altında başlatılan proje ile farklı işkolları temsilcileriyle bir araya gelip sorunlarını dinliyorsunuz. Bu çalışmalarınızdan çıkan sonuçlar nelerdir? Toplumun güvencesiz kesimleriyle buluşmalara salgından önce başlamıştık. Bugün güvencesizlik daha da derinleşti. Gelir kaybı yaşamayan çalışan neredeyse yok. Türkiye bugün tarihinin en büyük işsizlik dalgası ile karşı karşıya. Oysa bu süreçte İşsizlik Sigortası Fonu kaynakları milyonlarca çalışan için gelir güvencesi olarak kullanmalıydı ve herkes güvenle evde kalabilmeliydi. Genel Başkanımızın da söylediği gibi Türkiye bugün yönetilmiyor, savruluyor. Biz sosyal devletin gereği olarak “Halka para verin” diyoruz; onlar IBAN veriyorlar. “Ücretli izin” diyoruz, işverene ücretsiz izne çıkarmayı teşvik eden yasa hazırlıyorlar. Şu an ücretsiz izin yasalaştı. Bunu da “işten çıkarmak yasaklandı” diye kamuoyuna duyurdular. Salgın günlerinde çalışanların hakları bir bir gasp ediliyor. Mevcut iktidar meselelere insan hakları odaklı değil, sadece sermayenin çıkarlarını gözeterek bakıyor. CHP, bugün iktidarda olsaydı sadece işsizlik sigorta fonu ile tüm çalışanların gelir güvencesi sağlanmış olurdu. Bu görüşmelerin sonunda çalışanların talep ve sorunları bir rapor haline getirilerek partinin ilgili kurullarında görüşülecek. Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, “Devlet içinde devlet olmanın bir anlamı yoktur” diyerek CHP’li belediyelerin yardım kampanyalarını engelledi. Bunun için ne söylersiniz? Yerel yönetimlerin görev ve sorumlulukları Anayasa’nın 127. Maddesi ve 5193 sayılı Belediye Kanunu’nda apaçık yazıyor. Bugün merkezi iktidarın aldığı karar, Anayasa’ya ve ilgili kanunlara aykırıdır ve bu durum tartışmaya dahi kapalıdır. Bu yasaklamalar, vatandaşın seçtiği ve hizmet almakla görevlendirdiği belediyelerden hizmet alma haklarının engellenmesidir. Belediye başkanları bulundukları ilçelerde ve illerde halkın oyları ile seçilmiş kişilerdir. Saray salgın günlerinde bile halkın iradesini yok saymaya devam ediyor. Millet canıyla boğuşurken iktidar CHP’li belediyelere savaş açmış durumda. CHP olarak, her zaman olduğu gibi halkın gerçek sorunlarıyla ilgilenmeye, çözüm bulmaya devam edeceğiz. -- Filtered: 5 Şubat'ta Ä°stanbul Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı'nda 3 kişinin ölümüyle sonuçlanan uçak kazasına ilişkin Kaptan Pilot Mahmut Aslan'ın ''şüpheli'' sıfatıyla ifadesi alınıyor. Mahmut Aslan'ın Şişli'deki özel bir hastanede tedavisi devam ediyor. NTV'de yer alan habere göre, polisler kaptan pilotun ifadesini almak üzere hastaneye gitti. Sağlık durumu iyi olan pilotun ifadesi alınmaya başlandı. Anadolu Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı'nın yürüttüğü soruşturma kapsamında dün Güney Koreli yardımcı pilot Ferdinant Pondaag'ın ifadesi alınmıştı. Ä°kinci pilot, veriler dahilinde inebileceklerini düşündüklerini ve kulenin kendilerine ''pas geçin'' talimatı vermediğini iddia ederek uçağın indikten sonra kaymaya başladığını, kaptan pilotun tutunmaya çalıştığını ama pistten çıktıklarını anlattı. 5 Şubat'ta meydana gelen kazada uçak üçe bölünmüştü, 3 yolcu hayatını kaybetmiş, 180 yolcu da yaralanmıştı. -- Filtered: İzmir'de, terör örgütü PKK'nın adliyeye yönelik saldırısına kahramanca karşı koyan ve hayatı pahasına olası faciayı önleyen polis memuru Fethi Sekin, şehit edilişinin 3. yılında rahmetle yad ediliyor. Kilis'ten sonra 1999-2002 yıllarında Bingöl'de üniforma giyen Sekin, ardından da büyük bir kahramanlık gösterdiği İzmir'e tayin edildi. Şehit Sekin, yaklaşık 9 yıl çalıştığı İzmir'de Motosikletli Şahinler Timi'nde görev aldı. Cesurca teröristlerin üzerine gitti PKK'lı teröristlerin 5 Ocak 2017'de otomobille İzmir Adliyesinin C kapısına yöneldiği gün, tecrübesi ve dikkati sayesinde şüphelendiği aracı durduran ve içindeki silahlı teröristleri fark eden Sekin, hemen beylik tabancasını çekerek müdahale etti. Araçtan inen Fethi Sekin'in bir süre kovaladığı teröristler, yanlarında getirdiği bombayı patlattı. Peşine düştüğü 2 teröristten birini etkisiz hale getiren Sekin, diğerini yakalamak için mermisi bitene kadar cesurca çatıştı. Kahraman polis, bir aracın arkasına gizlenen teröristin açtığı ateş sonucu, görev yaptığı adliye binasının önünde şehit edildi. Terör örgütü PKK'nın planladığı saldırıyı önleyen Sekin, yanlarında 2 kalaşnikof, RPG-7 roketatar ve 8 mühimmatı, el bombaları bulunan teröristleri püskürttü. Evli ve 3 çocuk babası Fethi Sekin, kahramanca duruşuyla çok sayıda insanın yaşamını kurtardı. Memleketi Elazığ'da son yolculuğuna uğurlanan kahraman polis gibi hain saldırıda adliye personeli Musa Can da hayatını kaybetti. Saldırıda 3 avukat, 2 polis memuru, 2 adliye memuru ve 2 sivil olmak üzere 9 kişi yaralandı. Saldırıyı gerçekleştiren 2 terörist ise olay yerinde öldürüldü. Fethi Sekin gönüllerde taht kurdu Kahramanlığın sembolü haline gelen Fethi Sekin, Türk halkının gönlünde taht kurdu. Hain saldırıdan sonra İzmirliler, adliyeye gelerek Türk bayraklarıyla teröre karşı birlik mesajı verdi. Saldırı ve çatışmanın yaşandığı İslam Kerimov Caddesi'nin ismi Şehit Polis Fethi Sekin olarak değiştirildi. Şehit polisin adını yaşatmak için yurt genelinde birçok yere Fethi Sekin ismi verildi. Memleketi Elazığ’daki şehir hastanesine, İzmir’deki bir okula adı verilen Sekin'in ismi sokaklardan parklara, okullardan kütüphanelere kadar birçok yerde ölümsüzleştirildi. Türkiye çapında birçok spor organizasyonu Fethi Sekin anısına yapılıyor. Bazı anne ve babalar yeni doğan oğullarına, onun gibi cesur olmaları için "Fethi Sekin" ismini verdi. (AA) -- Filtered 3 samples from 211 in tr - test Filtered: -- Galatasaray Başkanı Mustafa Cengiz kulüp televizyonundan açıklamalarda bulundu. Abdurrahim Albayrak ve Fatih Terim'in durumuyla ilgili bilgiler veren Cengiz, liglerin ertelenmesi sürecinde yaşananları da anlattı. "Hocamla görüştüm, sağlığı çok iyi" "Abdurrahim bey ve eşinin yanında oğulları sayın Hikmet beyin de sonucu pozitif çıktı, karantinada şu anda. Onun da sağlık durumu iyi şu anda. Yusuf beyin de durumu iyi, test sonuçları gelecek. Hocamla görüştüm, sağlığı çok iyi, maşallah yerinde. Karşılıklı espriler yaptık. Sağlığı yerinde, sevenleri sevinsin." "Bende hiçbir belirti yok, ateş yok, öksürük yok" "Bende hiçbir belirti yok, ateş yok, öksürük yok. Test yaptırdık ve sonuçlarını bekliyoruz. İnşallah hayırlısı gelir. Velev ki korona geldi, bizim aldığımız bilgi şu, kesinlikle şu ya da bu şekilde herkes bu virüsü kapacak. Yüzde 80 oranında iddia ediliyor. Devlet neredeyse Ulusal Kurtuluş Savaşı gibi bir mücadele içinde. Bizim fertler olarak ilgili makamların talimatlarına titizlikle uymamız gerekiyor." "Maçlar oynanmasın diye yalvardım" "Maçlar oynanmasın diye yalvardım. Biz uyarılarımızı yaptık ama maalesef algı peşinden koşanlar, biz maçların seyircili oynanmasını istemişiz gibi ters algı yapıyorlar. Kronolojik sıraya uymuyorlar. Devletimiz ne derse odur. 12 Mart günü devletimiz ve TFF başkanı, maçların seyircili oynanacağını ilan etti. Biz panik yapmayalım, korkuya gerek yok, provokasyona dikkat edin dedik. Bütün konuştuklarımızın miladı, 12 Mart Perşembe 19:00'da devletimizin ani bir kararla seyircisiz oynatma kararıdır. Biz de şaşırdık. TFF seyircili dedi, 3 saat sonra devletimiz seyircisiz dedi. Bilmediğimiz şeyler olduğu izlenimini aldık." "Hoca çok büyük çaba sarf etti, futbolcuları tek tek ikna etti ve maç oynandı" "Sadece protokolde 60 metrekarede 100 kişi vardı, Abdurrahim bey de bizimle birlikteydi. Bizim seyircisiz oynatma yerine erteleme istemedeki amacımız ne olabilir? Puan mı? Asla! Hoca çok büyük çaba sarf etti, futbolcuları tek tek ikna etti ve maç oynandı. Anlatamadık, inanmadılar. Biz bir avantaj elde edelim demedik, erteleyelim dedik. TFF, müthiş bir inatla, ligin illa seyircisiz devam etmesini istedi. Biz tehlikesini gördük. Nihat beyi aradım, futbolcuların isyanını biliyorsunuz, ertelenmesinde hayır var. 8 maç kaldı, 1 ayda tamamlarız dedim. Bu bir sağlık sorunu, bu nedenle ertelemek istedik. Stada gelin dediğimizde, devletin kararı seyircili oynanması yönündeydi." "Kesinlikle TFF ertelemeden yana tavır almadı" "Bugün devlet seyircili oynayalım derse, bugün ona da uyarız. Devlet demek ki salgını kontrol altına almış deriz. Kesinlikle TFF ertelemeden yana tavır almadı, aksiyonda da bulunmadı. Biz TFF'den umudu kestik ve elimizden geleni yaptık. Sağolsun devletimiz, sağolsun Cumhurbaşkanımız, sevgili Spor Bakanımız var olsun, katkıda bulundu." "Hiçbir şeyden korkum yok" "Benim sonucum gelmedi, pozitif, negatif... Hiçbir şeyden korkum yok. Ölüm nereden nasıl gelirse gelsin, hoş geldi, sefa geldi derim. Sanki bu virüs Wuhan'da değil de Galatasaray'da yaratıldı, oradan Türkiye'ye yayıldı. Yapmayın be güzel kardeşim ya! Sen eşinle koronavirüsten yatıp, evladının da orada yattığını hayal edebilir misin? Yapmayın lütfen. Bizim aramızda ajan provokatörler var. Benim aldığım eğitim, devlet eğitimi. Biz bu kokuyu alırız. Taraftar gibi paylaşım yapanlar var." "Fenerbahçe de erteleme istedi" "Bu bir sağlık sorunu. Bu sebeple erteleme istedik. Nihat Bey bana, 'Kulüpler Birliği ıslak imza getirmezse ikna olmam' dedi. Sayın Sepil'i aradım, tavsiye yazısı istedim. Fakat Sepil 4 kulübün imzalamadığını söyledi. Erteleme için imza vermeyen dört kulübü açıklayamam. Mehmet Sepil Bey açıklar. Fenerbahçe de erteleme istedi. Yiğidi öldür, hakkını ver." "Bizi algı yaratmakla suçlayanlar acaba utanıyor mu?" "Ben haklı çıkmaktan utanıyorum, Fatih Terim adına da konuşuyorum, utanıyoruz. Bizi algı yaratmakla suçlayanlar acaba utanıyor mu? Özür falan da beklemiyorum, tek başımıza mücadele verdik." "Artık 3 maymun da mutasyona uğradı" "Derbiden sonra pazartesi günü futbolcular oynamak istemediği için toplantı yaptık. Fatih Hoca ile Abdurrahim Bey yan yana oturdu, bununla ilgili de şakalaştık. Bizim gibi insanlar kadere inanır. Kadere inanmak gerek. Florya'da çalışan hemen hemen herkese test yapıldı, doktorumuz Yener hocam süreci çok iyi yönetti. Medyada bazıları yazıyorlar, özellikle Twitter'da. Biliyorsunuz 3 maymun var, artık 3 maymun da mutasyona uğradı. Ellerinde klavye var. Maymunlar da değişti!" Filtered: -- Suudi Arabistan'da Kral Selman bin Abdülaziz, Covid-19 salgını nedeniyle gereken önlemlerin alınması gerektiğine ilişkin açıklama yaptı. Mekke, Medine ve Riyad'da karantina kararı alındığı ve sokağa çıkma yasağı ilan edildiği bildirildi. Suudi Kralı Selman, pazartesi gününden itibaren bu 3 şehirde sokağa çıkma yasağının saatlerinin 15:00 ile 06:00 arasına çekildiği belirtildi. Karara göre, söz konusu üç şehre giriş ve çıkışlar yasaklandı. Filtered: Kapalı çarşıda korona sessizliği Kahramanmaraş'ta korona virüs nedeniyle cadde ve sokaklar sessizliğe büründü. Kahramanmaraş'ta korona virüs nedeniyle cadde ve sokaklar sessizliğe büründü. Dünyayı etkisi altına alan korona virüs nedeniyle ülke genelinde önlemler alınırken, yapılan uyarıları dikkate alan vatandaşlar da evden dışarı çıkmıyor. Salgın hastalık nedeniyle kent merkezindeki cadde ve sokaklar adeta sessizliğe bürünürken, tarihi kapalı çarşıda da sakinlik hakim. Vatandaşların az olması esnafı da etkilerken, kimi esnaf günü siftahsız kapattığını söylüyor. Tarihi kapalı çarşı esnafından Cebrail Göksunlu, "Virüs hayatımızda ciddi anlamda aksamalara neden oldu. Virüsün tamamı ile kontrol altına alınabilmesi için sokağa çıkma yasağının olması gerekir. Bizler de zaten elimizden geldiğince mücadelemizi veriyoruz" diye konuştu. Bir başka esnaf ise "İşlerimiz durdu ve normal zamanda 100 liralık satış yaparken bu günlerde 10 liralık satış yapıyor ve gelirimiz de yüzde 90 azaldı" ifadesini kullandı. - KAHRAMANMARAŞ Kaynak: İHA -- Filtered: -- 25 Mart 2020 Benzinin litre fiyatına bu gece yarısından geçerli olmak üzere 7 kuruş zam yapıldı. Enerji Petrol Gaz İkmal İstasyonları İşveren Sendikasından (EPGİS) aldığı bilgiye göre, Ankara'da ortalama 5,10 liradan satılan benzinin litre fiyatı 5,17 lira olacak. Benzinin litresi İstanbul'da 5,01 liradan 5,08 liraya, İzmir'de 5,10 liradan 5,17 liraya yükselecek. Akaryakıt Fi̇yatlarının Hesaplanması Akaryakıt fiyatları, Türkiye'nin de dahil olduğu Akdeniz piyasasındaki işlenmiş ürün fiyatlarının ortalaması ile dolar kurundaki değişiklikler baz alınarak rafineriler tarafından hesaplanıyor. Bu hesaplanma sonucunda dağıtım firmalarınca uygulanan fiyatlar, rekabet ve serbesti nedeniyle şirketler ve kentlere göre küçük değişiklikler gösterebiliyor.n idari izinli sayılacağını duyurdu. Kaynak: AA Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Filtered: Kaymakam Duru maske üretim atölyesini ziyaret etti Kula Kaymakamı Kemal Duru, Manisa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ile İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü'nün ortaklaşa imzaladığı protokol kapsamında maske üretimine başlayan Kula Hacı Ömer Özboyacı Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi'ndeki gönüllüleri ziyaret etti. Kula Kaymakamı Kemal Duru, Manisa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ile İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü'nün ortaklaşa imzaladığı protokol kapsamında maske üretimine başlayan Kula Hacı Ömer Özboyacı Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi'ndeki gönüllüleri ziyaret etti. Manisa İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü ile Manisa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü tarafından imzalanan protokol kapsamında Manisa ve ilçelerindeki Meslek Liseleri maske üretimi için harekete geçti. Kula Kaymakamı Kemal Duru da, Kula Hacı Ömer Özboyacı Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi günlük 500 maske üretmeyi hedefleyerek çalışmalara başlayan öğrenci, öğretmen ve gönüllü personelleri ziyaret etti. Kaymakam Duru'nun atölye ziyaretine, Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odası Başkanı Aytekin Şadan ile İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürü Adem Sümen de eşlik etti. Meslek Lisesi'nin dikim uygulama sınıfında kurulan atölyede üretime başlayan gönüllüler ile bir süre sohbet eden Kaymakam Duru, maske üretimi ile ilgili Kula Hacı Ömer Özboyacı Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Müdürü Ahmet Ali Okumuş'tan bilgi aldı. Ülkede artan maske ihtiyacına bir nebze de olsun Kula'dan katkı sağlamaya çalıştıklarını dile getiren okul müdürü Ahmet Ali Okumuş, ilgili birimler yeter diyene kadar maske üretimi yapacaklarının altını çizdi. Günlük 500 maske üretim hedefiyle ülkede artan maske ihtiyacına katkı sağlandığını ifade eden Kaymakam Duru, "İmzalanan protokol kapsamında üretimine başladığımız maskelerin nasıl yapıldığını görmek için ziyarette bulunduk. Bildiğiniz gibi tüm dünya virüs tehlikesinden geçiyor. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'de buna pandemi niteliğini koydu. Bundan en az zararla çıkmak için devlet büyüklerimiz süreci çok iyi yönetti. Bizler yereldeki yöneticiler olarak da, sağlıklı kalabilmek açısından hem bireysel hem de toplumsal hijyenimize dikkat ederek, sosyal mesafemizi koruyarak, sokağa çıkma yasağı bulunan vatandaşlarımız yasaya uyarak, onun dışında genci yaşlısı fark etmeksizin, yapmak zorunda olduğumuz işlerimiz dışında mümkün olduğunda evde kalarak bu tehlikeyi millet olarak en az zararla atlatacağız Allah'ın izniyle. Bu millet aziz bir millettir, sağduyulu bir millettir. Bu arkadaşlarımız bizim görünmez kahramanlarımız. 24 saat bu milletin sağlığı için uğraşan sağlık çalışanlarımızı alkışladığımız gibi, bu süreçte destek olan bütün herkesi alkışlıyoruz." dedi. Kaymakam Duru'nun atölyedeki ziyaretlerine eşlik eden Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odası Başkanı Aytekin Şadan ise, maske üretimine başlayan okula kumaş desteği sağladı. Maske üretimi için gerekli kumaştan bir miktar okula destek sağlayıp, ülkedeki maske ihtiyacına bir nebze de olsun katkı sağladıkları için mutlu olduğunu ifade eden Başkan Şadan, "Burada çalışan personelin de gönüllülük esasında bu işi yapmasına, Türk milleti olarak ne kadar özverili olduğumuzu, bir sıkıntıda nasıl bir araya gelebildiğimizin ayrı bir göstergesidir." diye konuştu. "Örnek Başkan Aytekin Şadan" Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odası Başkanı Aytekin Şadan'ın kendilerine sağladığı desteklerden dolayı teşekkür eden Hacı Ömer Özboyacı Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Müdürü Ahmet Ali Okumuş, "Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odası Başkanı Aytekin Şadan başkanımız Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi olarak bizleri hiçbir zaman yalnız bırakmadı. Yapılan faaliyetlerimizi İl Mesleki Eğitim Kurulu'nda anlattığımda Aytekin abimizi Mesleki Eğitim'den sorumlu İl Milli Eğitim Müdür yardımcımız İsmail Koç örnek başkan olarak gösterdi. Maddi manevi bizden desteğini hiçbir zaman esirgemeyen Aytekin abimize teşekkür ediyorum. Biz bu süreçte de devletimiz bize dur diyene kadar maske üretimine devam edeceğiz. Aytekin başkanımıza bu süreçte de bizlere sağladığı desteklerden dolayı kendisine teşekkür ediyorum." şeklinde konuştu. - MANİSA Kaynak: İHA -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Filtered: Sizlere daha iyi bir hizmet sunabilmek için sitemizde çerezlerden faydalanıyoruz. Sitemizi kullanmaya devam ederek çerezleri kullanmamıza izin vermiş oluyorsunuz. Detaylı bilgi almak için 'Çerez Politikasını' ve 'Gizlilik Politikasını' inceleyebilirsiniz. TAMAM Daha fazla bilgi X -- Filtered: Ülkemizde görülen koronavirüsü mücadele kapsamında kabul edilen düzenleme TBMM'den geçti. Ekonomiye ilişkin düzenlemeler içeren torba yasa kabul edilmiş oldu. Ekonomiye dair alınan kararlar doğrultusunda sicil affı, emekli aylığı, kısa çalışma ödeneği merak edilmeye başlandı. Bulunan şartlarda ekonomik şartları zor bir sürece giren esnaf ve vatandaşlar, hükümetten yeni bir sicil affı yasası düzenlemesi bekliyor. Peki 2020 torba yasa neler var? Sicil affı, emekli aylığı, kısa çalışma ödeneğini kapsıyor mu? TORBA YASA KABUL EDİLDİ! 2020 TORBA YASA NELER VAR? SİCİL AFFI, EMEKLİ AYLIĞI, KISA ÇALIŞMA ÖDENEĞİ… TBMM Genel Kurulunda görüşülen Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Teklifi kabul edildi. 2020 torba yasayla birlikte Sicil affı, emekli aylığı, kısa çalışma ödeneğine ilişkin açıklamalar yapıldı. İşte Sicil affı, emekli aylığı, kısa çalışma ödeneği ve 2020 torba yasaya ilişkin tüm ayrıntılar.. -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Ankara Emniyet Müdürlüğü'nün Twitter hesabından yapılan açıklamada, bazı sosyal medya hesaplarından 'Ankara'ya tabut sevk edildiği' ve 'Bir hastanede 104 vatandaşın koronavirüsten vefat ettiği' şeklinde toplumda infial uyandırmaya yönelik gerçek dışı paylaşımlar yapıldığı belirtildi. Açıklamada, şu ifadelere yer verildi: "BU TÜR PAYLAŞIMLARA İTİBAR EDİLMEMELİ" "İlk paylaşımı yaydığı tespit edilen üniversite öğrencisi A.B.S. isimli şahıs, ilimizde yakalanarak gözaltına alınmıştır. İkinci paylaşımın ise sosyal medya üzerinden FETÖ/PDY terör örgütü adına paylaşımlar yapan, İngiltere'den açılmış bir hesap olduğu tespit edilmiş, gerekli işlemler başlatılmıştır. Vatandaşlarımızın bu tür asılsız ve provokatif paylaşımlara itibar etmemelerini önemle rica ederiz." Filtered: -- Filtered: Ağrı'da sokaklar 'Evde kal' uyarılarına rağmen dolup taştı AĞRI - Ağrı'da vatandaşlar korona virüse karşı yapılan "Evde kal" uyarılarına rağmen cadde ve sokakları doldurdu. Korona virüs salgını Türkiye'de her geçen gün yayılarak ölümler devam ederken, alınan tedbirler kapsamında 'Evde kal' çağrısına Ağrı'da çok sayıda vatandaş uymadı. Ağrı'nın en işlek caddelerinden biri olan Cumhuriyet Caddesi yapılan çağrılara ve polis ekiplerinin uyarılarına rağmen vatandaşlarla dolup taştı. Ortaya çıkan kalabalık dikkat çekti. Sokağa çıkma yasağı bulunan vatandaşlar için caddede bulunan polisler, yardıma ihtiyacı olan vatandaşlar için de sefer oldu. Korona virüse yönelik bir tanımlama yapan vatandaşlardan 60 yaşındaki Ali Salman, "Sınırları aşan, sınırları tanımayan dünya devletlerinin bunalıma girdiği ve Türkiye'yi de alarma geçiren, örfü, rengi, cismi olmayan bir hastalıktır. Fakat bizim çarşıya çıkmamızın asıl sebebi ihtiyaç gereği olmasından kaynaklı" ifadelerini kullandı. İhlas Haber Ajansı / Genel -- Filtered: Bozcaada'da oteller kapalı kalacak - Bozcaada'da oteller kapalı kalacak. - Bozcaada'da oteller kapalı kalacak. Türkiye'nin gözde tatil beldelerinden Bozcaada'da tüm konaklama tesislerinin 22 Haziran'a kadar kapalı kalması kararlaştırıldı. ÇANAKKALE - Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kabine toplantısı sonrası normalleşme süreci kapsamında alınan yeni kararları açıklamasının ardından Çanakkale'nin Bozcaada ilçesinde de karantina uygulaması, konaklama tesislerinin durumu ve feribot seferlerine ilişkin yeni kararlar alındı. Bozcaada İlçe Umumi Hıfzıssıhha Kurulu kararı ile 29 Mayıs tarihinden itibaren adaya yapılan karşılıklı feribot seferleri pazartesi, çarşamba ve cuma günleri olmak üzere haftada üçe çıkarıldı. Seferlerin önümüzdeki günlerde duruma göre yeniden değerlendirileceği belirtildi. Bozcaada Belediyesi'nin daha önce aldığı ilçedeki tüm konaklama tesislerinin 31 Mayıs'a kadar kapalı olması kararı da 22 Haziran'a uzatıldı. Bu tarihe kadar oteller müşteri kabul etmeyecek. Tesislerin ne zaman açılacağına ilişkin karar Bozcaada Turizm İşletmecileri Derneği BOZTİD ile birlikte yapılacak değerlendirme sonrası belirlenecek. İkametgahı Bozcaada'da bulunan vatandaşların Çanakkale ve Ezine'ye günübirlik gidip gelmeleri halinde uygulanan 14 günlük karantina da kalktı.İl dışından gelenlere ise 14 gün karantina uygulaması 22 Haziran'a kadar sürecek. Tüm Türkiye'de olduğu gibi Bozcaada'da da kafeler, lokantalar, restoranlar 1 Haziran'dan itibaren saat 22.00'ye kadar açık olacak. Alınan sıkı önlemler sayesinde Türkiye'de covid-19 vakasının görülmediği ender yerleşim yerlerinden Bozcaada'da normalleşme sürecine ilişkin plan hazırlanmış, Bozcaada Belediyesi tarafından kamuoyuna açıklanan taslak planda yer alan sert önlemler ve kısıtlamalar dikkat çekmişti. Belediye bu sezon adada ikameti olmayanların günübirlik yaya ya da araçlı olarak geçişinin yasaklanmasını önermişti. Kaynak: İHA -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Filtered: Son dakika! Malavi'de devlet başkanlığı seçiminin galibi Chakwera Son dakika güncel haberine göre Doğu Afrika ülkesi Malavi'de salı günü düzenlenen devlet başkanı seçimini, Lazarus Chakwera'nın kazandığı bildirildi. Doğu Afrika ülkesi Malavi'de salı günü düzenlenen devlet başkanı seçimini, Lazarus Chakwera'nın kazandığı bildirildi. Ulusal Seçim Komisyonundan yapılan açıklamada, 65 yaşındaki ana muhalefet Malavi Kongre Partisi (MCP) adayı eski papaz Chakwera'nın, oyların yüzde 58,6'sını alarak seçimin galibi olduğu duyuruldu. Açıklamada, Demokratik İlerici Parti Başkanı ve mevcut Devlet Başkanı Peter Mutharika yüzde 39,4'ünün alırken Mbakuwaku Kalkınma Hareketi Partisi adayı Saulos Chilima'nın da oyların 0,73'ünü aldığı kaydedildi. Ulusal Seçim Komisyonu Başkanı Chifundo Kachale, yaptığı açıklamada, "Komisyon, Chakwera'nın seçmenlerin zorunlu çoğunluğuna ulaştığını ve usulüne göre başkan seçildiğini açıkladı." dedi. Geçen seneki seçim, "yolsuzluk yapıldığı" gerekçesiyle iptal edilmişti Malavi Anayasa Mahkemesi, 21 Mayıs 2019'da düzenlenen devlet başkanlığı seçimini, "yaygın biçimde yolsuzluk yapıldığı" gerekçesiyle iptal etmişti. Söz konusu seçimde, Demokratik İlerici Parti Başkanı ve Devlet Başkanı Mutharika, oyların yüzde 38,57'sini alarak birinci çıkmıştı. Ana muhalefet MCP adayı eski papaz Chakwera oyların yüzde 35,4'ünü, Mbakuwaku Kalkınma Hareketi Partisi adayı Chilima ise yüzde 20,2'sini almıştı. Kaynak: AA -- Filtered: Kara yollarında durum Kara yollarının yapım, bakım ve onarım çalışmaları sürdürülen kesimlerinde yavaş gidilmesi, trafik işaret ve işaretçilerine uyulması gerekiyor. Kara yollarının yapım, bakım ve onarım çalışmaları sürdürülen kesimlerinde yavaş gidilmesi, trafik işaret ve işaretçilerine uyulması gerekiyor. Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğünün yol durumu bültenine göre, Edirne-İstanbul yolunun 24-26. kilometrelerindeki yapım çalışmaları nedeniyle ulaşım servis yolundan sağlanıyor. Mengen-Yeniçağa yolunun 24. kilometresindeki heyelan tehlikesi sebebiyle Mengen-Yeniçağa istikameti 23-25. kilometreler trafiğe kapatıldı. Bu kesimde ulaşım diğer istikametten iki yönlü sürdürülüyor. Akseki-Manavgat-Alanya ayrımı yolunun 34-36. kilometrelerinde patlatmalı kazı çalışması yapılıyor. Bu sebeple yol 09.00-18.00 saatlerinde geçici aralıklarla ulaşıma kapatarak, ulaşıma kontrollü izin veriliyor. İzmir Çevre Otoyolu'nun Cengizhan-İmar kavşakları ayrımındaki Cengizhan Mahallesi katılım kolunda yapım çalışmaları nedeniyle ulaşım kontrollü gerçekleştiriliyor. Uşak-Gediz-Çavdarhisar yolunun 55-66. kilometrelerindeki yapım çalışmaları sebebiyle ulaşım kontrollü devam ediyor. Artvin-Erzurum yolunun 5-20. kilometrelerindeki yol şevi temizliği ve çelik ağ uygulamaları dolayısıyla ulaşım tek şeritten kontrollü sağlanıyor. Fatsa-Ordu yolunun 36-37. kilometrelerinde (Ordu şehir geçişi) şev akması nedeniyle ulaşım bölünmüş yolun bir bölümünden iki yönlü sürdürülüyor. Zonguldak-Devrek yolunun 3-5 ve 14-16. kilometrelerindeki tünel yapım çalışmaları sebebiyle ulaşım kontrollü gerçekleştiriliyor. İspir-Erzurum yolunun 14-15, Aksaray-Ortaköy yolunun 0-46. kilometrelerindeki muhtelif yapım çalışmaları nedeniyle ulaşıma kontrollü izin veriliyor. Kaynak: AA -- Filtered: Alman Haber Ajansı (DPA), koronavirüs salgını nedeniyle hükümetin yurt dışından ülkeye dönen AB ve Alman vatandaşları için iki haftalık karantina uygulaması başlatacağını yazdı. DPA'nın hükümet çevrelerine dayandırdığı haberine göre, bugün toplanan kabine, Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyesi ülkelerden gelen ve yurt dışında olup da ülkeye dönen Alman vatandaşlarının kendi ikamet yerlerinde iki hafta karantinada kalmalarını kararlaştırdı. Salgın nedeniyle sadece geçerli bir sebebi olanların ülkeye girişine izin verilecek. Ülkeye sadece birkaç günlüğüne gelecek diplomat ya da iş insanları bu karardan muaf olacak. Almanya'da salgın nedeniyle yaşanan can kaybı 1584'e, vaka sayısı 100 bin 132'ye yükseldi. -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Kars'ta tarlalar sürülmeye başladı Kışın sert ve uzun geçtiği Kars'ta çiftçiler, tarlalarını sürmeye başladı. Kışın sert ve uzun geçtiği Kars'ta çiftçiler, tarlalarını sürmeye başladı. Bahar mevsiminin gelmesiyle birlikte çiftçiler, tarlalarını sürmek ve ekin ekimi için ilk hazırlıklarını yapmak için tarlarının yolunu tuttu. Koronavirüs salgına rağmen tarlalarının yoluna tutan çiftçiler imece usulü ekim yapıyor. Kars'ta tarlalarını sürmeye başlayan çiftçiler, bir taraftan tarla sürerken, diğer taraftan da ekimlerini yapıyor. Havaların Nisan ayı olmasına rağmen tam anlamıyla ısınmadığını ifade eden çiftçiler, "Bizde gördüğünüz gibi ekinlerimizi ekmeye başladık. İnşallah her hangi bir şey olmaz. Çünkü havalar tam anlamıyla ısınmadı. Gerekli önlemlerimizi aldık ve tarlarımızı sürüyoruz" dediler. Ekim ve biçimi 3 aya sığdırdıklarına dikkat çeken çiftçiler, "Her şeyimizi 3 aya sığdırıyoruz. Ekim, bakım ve mahsul toplama 3 ayda yapılıyor. Yani Kars'ta çiftçilik de zor. Zor koşullarda çiftçilik yapmaya çalışıyoruz" diye konuştular. Öte yandan Kars'ta tarlalarını süremeye başlayan çiftçilerin en büyük korkusu ise don, Havaların tam anlamıyla ısınmadığına ve dağlarda kar olduğuna dikkat çeken çiftçiler, dondan korktuklarını sözlerine eklediler. Kars'ta genelinde tarlalar sürülürken, çiftçiler özellikle tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye'yi de etkisi altına alan Corona virüs (Kovid-19)'u rağmen gerekli tedbirlerini alarak ekim yapıyor. - KARS Kaynak: İHA Filtered: -- Anasayfa/ Video Galeri / / 05 Şubat 2020 BUDO ve İDO seferleri iptal! Bursa ve İstanbul'daki deniz otobüsleri Marmara Denizi'ndeki olumsuz hava nedeniyle bazı seferlerini iptal etti. İşte o seferler... Filtered: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı(MEB), koronavirüs salgını nedeniyle alınan önlemler kapsamında meslek liselerinde üretim çeşitliliğini ve kapasitesini artırıyor. Öncelikle temizlik ve dezenfeksiyon malzemeleri üretimine odaklanan MEB, 81 ilde 54 bin okul ve pansiyonun temizlik ürünlerinin tamamını üretebilir duruma geldi. İkinci adımı atarak maske üretimine başlayan Bakanlık, özellikle sağlık çalışanları için hijyen açısından çok önemli olan tek kullanımlık önlük ve tulum üretimi için de çalışmalara başladı. Tulumların seri üretimine ise önümüzdeki günlerde başlanacak. "HEDEFİMİZ GÜNDE 20 BİN ADET ÜRETMEK" Levent Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Okul Müdürü Sevgi Deniz, "Okulumuz Levent Meslek ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi ile Rüştü Akın Mesleki ve teknik Anadolu Lisesi olarak birlikte çalışıyoruz. Çin'de koronavirüs vakası çıktıktan sonra biz zaten araştırmalarımıza başlamıştık çünkü ileride buna ihtiyaç duyulacağına dair bir fikrimiz oluşmuştu. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'mızın direktifleri ile çok hızlı bir şekilde mevcut olan atölyemizi yeniledik ve maske üretimine hazır hale getirdik. Tabii burada ekipman eksiğimiz oluştu, MEB, Mesleki Eğitim Genel Müdürlüğü, İstanbul İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ve müdür yardımcıları büyük bir destek vererek eksik olan ekipmanlar temin edildi ve aynı gün, kurulduğu gün üretime başlamış hale geldik. Mesleki eğitim çok önemli bir noktada aslında. Ülkenin koşulları ne olursa olsun, ihtiyaç halinde, kriz dönemlerinde her türlü desteği vermeye ve atölyelerini her saatte açıp, üretime hazır hale getirmeye hazır bir reflekse sahip. Biz de harekete geçip, hızlı bir şekilde üretimimize başladık. Şu anda bitmiş olarak günde 5 bin adet üretiyoruz. Ama her gün kalitemizi biraz daha iyileştirmek için çalışmalarımızı dürdürüyoruz. Kapasitemizi geliştirmek için daha büyük bir gayret gösteriyoruz. Bunu 10 bine ve daha sonra 20 bine çıkartma hedefimiz var. Çok kısa sürede hedefimize ulaşacağımızı düşünüyorum. Ülkedeki bu ihtiyacı gidermek için ekip arkadaşlarım da özveri ile çalışıyor. Gerçekten çok yoğun bir talep var. Gelen talepleri şu anda karşılayamıyoruz çünkü şu anda sadece İstanbul Valiliği ve MEB'e ürettiklerimizi gönderiyoruz. Yakın bir zamanda inşallah tüm talepleri karşılayabilir bir noktaya geleceğiz" dedi. "16 SAAT 2 VARDİYA ÇALIŞIYORUZ" Atölyede üretim bandında normalde öğrencilerin olduğunu dile getiren Deniz, "Aslında, bizim eğitim sistemimizde üretim bandında öğretmen ve öğrenciler olur ama ülkenin şu anki durumunda öğrenciyi atölyeye getiremiyoruz. Mesleki eğitim modelimiz ile birlikte tüm çalışanlarımızdan gönüllü olanlarla beraber biz üretime başladık. Gönüllü olan öğretmenlerimiz, çalışanlarımıza, idareciler, biz hepimiz görevimizin başında günde 16 saat 2 vardiya olarak üretimimizi sürdürmekteyiz. Hijyen koşullarına çok önem veriyoruz. Tüm çalışanlarımız gerekli iş güvenliği ve hijyen önlemlerin almış durumda. 20 çalışanla birlikte sürdürüyoruz üretimi. İleriki dönemde bize katılan başka arkadaşlar da olacak" şeklinde konuşu. TULUM ÜRETİMİNDE 7, MASKE ÜRETİMİNDE 5 OKUL Deniz, sözlerine şöyle devam etti: "Tulum üretiminde 7, maske üretiminde 5 okul üretime geçmiş durumda. Biz ilk üretime başlayan okuluz. Atölyede hijyenik maske üretiyoruz. Kullandığımız kumaş anti bakteriyel özellikte, 60 gram ağırlığında. 3 kat olarak çalışıyoruz. Herhangi bir şekilde, dışarıdan koruma amaçlı maskelerimiz buradan hemen paketlemeye geçiyoruz" TULUMLAR ISI VE SIVI GEÇİRMİYOR Tulum üretimi ile ilgili bilgiler veren Rüştü Akın Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Okul Müdürü Meral Benli ise, "Maske üretiminin yanında, içinde bulunduğumuz duruma istinaden bu hijyenik tulumlara da ihtiyaç duyuldu. Okulumuz bu üretime de başladı. kullandığımız kumaşlar itibarıyla, maske üretiminde kullandığımız dokusuz yüzey kumaşın üstüne kaplama yaparak, ısı ve sıvı geçirgenliği olmayan bir kumaş özelliği var. Bu özellikteki kumaşın anti bakteriyel olmasının yanında dezenfektan ve ilaçlama işlemi yapanlar da kullanabiliyor. Üretimin prototipi bitti. Seri üretime önümüzdeki günlerde başlayacağız. Biz de meslek liseleri olarak bu üretim faaliyetlerinin içinde bulunmaktan çok mutluyuz, gururluyuz. Tek kullanımlık, birkaç bedende üretim yapıyoruz. Şu anda taleplerimiz var zaten, tulum konusunda da siparişler geliyor" dedi. İstanbul'da maske ve tulum üretimi yapacak Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Liseleri işe şunlar: Bu okullar, Beşiktaş Zübeyde Hanım Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Çekmeköy Taşdelen İSO Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Beyoğlu İTO Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Maltepe Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Pendik Melek Aknil Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Fatih Selçuk Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Beşiktaş Rüştü Akın Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi ve Beşiktaş Levent Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi. -- Filtered: -- Ağrı'da yaşayan 5 çocuk annesi 55 yaşındaki Aliye Baydar, büyük fedakarlık göstererek kanser hastası eşi ve onun engelli ilk eşi ile oğlunun her türlü ihtiyacını tek başına karşılıyor. Fatih Mahallesi'nde kiralık evde ikamet eden Aliye Baydar, geniş ailesine hem annelik hem de babalık yapıyor. Kısmi felçli olmasına rağmen kanser hastası eşi Ömer ve görme engelli kuması Ayşe ile zihinsel engelli oğlu Nazım'a gözü gibi bakan Baydar, devletten ve Türk Kızılay Ağrı Şubesinden aldığı gıda ve yemek desteğiyle geçimini sağlıyor. Kentteki hayırseverlerin de kirasını ödeyip temel ihtiyaçlarını karşıladığı Baydar'ın aile bireylerine gösterdiği fedakarlık yöre halkından da takdir topluyor. "Kimse sahip çıkmayınca ben de alıp yanıma getirdim" Fedakar anne Aliye Baydar, AA muhabirine yaptığı açıklamada, omuzlarında büyük bir yük olduğunu söyledi. Her şeyin Allah'tan geldiğini bilerek hareket ettiğini ifade eden Baydar, şöyle konuştu: "Eşim 22 yıl önce kanser oldu, hasta ve sürekli yatakta. Benim de bir yanım felç ve hastayım. Eşimin önceki eşi ve oğlunun yaşadıkları ev yıkıldı. Kimse sahip çıkmayınca ben de alıp yanıma getirdim. Nazım benim kumamın oğlu, benden kopamıyor. Ben nereye gidersem benimle geliyor. Kumamın bir gözü hiç görmüyor, diğer gözünde ve belinde sıkıntı var. Bunlara bakmak zor olsun veya olmasın ben bakıyorum. Aynı elbiselerin parçalarıyız." Baydar, çok sıkıntılı günlerden geçtiklerini belirterek, devlet yetkililerinin ve hayırsever vatandaşların desteğiyle yaşamlarını sürdürdüklerini dile getirdi. Nazım'ı çok sevdiğini vurgulayan Baydar, kiralık evde oturdukları için zorluk çektiklerini aktardı. Baydar, kendilerine yardım eden devlet kurumları ve Türk Kızılay Ağrı Şubesine teşekkür etti. AA / Güncel Filtered: Koronavirüsü salgını nedeniyle Ukrayna'dan Türkiye'ye getirilerek Bolu'da bir öğrenci yurduna yerleştirilen 3 genç skandal yaratan bir olay gerçekleştirdiler. Yurtta kaldıkları sırada sosyal medya üzerinde canlı yayın açarak özellikle Türkiye aleyhine küfür içerikli konuşmalarla yayın yapan gençlerin bu görüntüleri ortaya çıktı. Bolu'da ki kız yurdunda meydana gelen olayda önce yurtta kalan üniversiteli kız öğrencilerin eşyalarını karıştırıp daha sonra T.C. hükümetini ve devleti aşağılayıcı ifadelerde bulunan iki kişinin görüntüleri ortaya çıkınca söz konusu görüntülerden ve devlete karşı yapılan hakaretlerden rahatsızlık duyan vatandaşlar öğrencilere yurdun önüne gelerek tepki gösterdiler. Bolu Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı ise söz konusu paylaşımları yapan kişilerin haklarında soruşturma başlatıldığı ve bu kişilerin karantina süresinin tamamlanmasının hemen ardından gözaltına alınacağı duyuruldu. Bolu Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı başlatılan soruşturma ile ilgili yaptığı açıklamasında şunları kaydetti: 7 "Ukrayna'dan ülkemize Covid-19 salgın hastalığı nedeniyle dönüş yapmak isteyenler arasında bulunan üç vatandaşımız alınan idari karar gereği Bolu ilinde bir öğrenci yurdunda karantina altına alınmış, karantina esnasında sosyal medyada hakaret içerikli canlı yayın şeklindeki video paylaşımları tespit edilmiştir. Videoda hakarette bulunan şahsın şüpheli M.N.M. olduğu, yanındaki diğer şahısların şüpheliler M. K.K. ve M. Y. olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Şüpheliler hakkında TCK.nın 301. maddesinde düzenlenen "Türk Milletini, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletini, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisini, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hükümetini ve Devletin yargı organlarını alenen aşağılama" suçundan derhal soruşturma başlatılarak karantina sonunda gözaltına alınmaları talimatı verilmiştir. Özellikle bu dönemde koronavirüsle ilgili yasalara aykırı, manipülatif her türlü suç teşkil eden eylem,haber ve sosyal medya paylaşımları Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığımızca titizlikle takip edilmektedir." -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- CUMHURBAŞKANI ERDOĞAN VE TARİHÇİLERİN BAĞIŞLANAN KİTAPLARI DA VAR Kütüphanede Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın yanı sıra gazeteci-yazar Mehmed Şevket Eygi, edebiyat araştırmacısı ve tarihçi Prof. Dr. Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı, tarihçi Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı, bestekar ve ut virtüözü Cinuçen Tanrıkorur, sanat tarihi araştırmacısı Mustafa Kamil Dürüst, şair ve yazar Mustafa Şerif Onaran, yönetmen Muhsin Mete, gazeteci Ahmet Günel Elgin, eski AK Parti İstanbul Milletvekili Metin Külünk, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın oğlu Ahmet Burak Erdoğan, yayınevi sahipleri Saman-Hatice Helvacıoğlu, araştırmacı yazar Şefik Can, eski bakanlardan Hasan Celal Güzel, yazar Cemil Meriç, Cumhurbaşkanı Özel Kalem Müdürü Hasan Doğan ve edebiyatçı Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Güzel'e de ait çok sayıda bağışlanan kitap bulunuyor. Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Milli Savunma Bakanlığı'ndan yapılan açıklamada, "ABD’ye ulaştırılacak olan sağlık malzemelerinin TSK’ya ait uçağımıza yükleme işlemleri tamamlandı. Uçağımız #COVID19 ile mücadelede kullanılacak sağlık malzemeleriyle birlikte Ankara Etimesgut’tan havalandı" denildi. Bakanlığın açıklamasında şu ifadelere yer verildi; Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın talimatlarıyla hazırlanan ve COVID-19 salgınıyla mücadelede kullanılacak olan tıbbi sağlık malzemeleri bu kez ABD’ye ulaştırılacak. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı ile Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan sağlık malzemeleri; maske, yüz koruyucu siperlik, N95 maske ve tulumdan oluşuyor. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerimize ait A400M tipi uçak, sağlık malzemeleri ve görevli personelle birlikte Ankara Etimesgut’tan ABD’nin Başkenti Vaşington’a hareket etti. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerimize ait uçak ile daha önce İspanya, İtalya, İngiltere, Sırbistan, Kosova, Bosna Herkes, Kuzey Makedonya, Karadağ, Libya ve Somali’ye de sağlık malzemeleri ulaştırılmıştı. Filtered: -- Diyarbakır annelerinin evlat nöbeti 207. gününde sürüyor Diyarbakır annelerinin dağa kaçırılan çocuklarına kavuşma ümidiyle HDP İl Başkanlığı binası önündeki evlat nöbeti devam ediyor. Diyarbakır annelerinin dağa kaçırılan çocuklarına kavuşma ümidiyle HDP İl Başkanlığı binası önündeki evlat nöbeti devam ediyor. Çocuklarının dağa kaçırılmasından HDP'yi sorumlu tutan Diyarbakır annelerinin, 3 Eylül 2019'da başlattığı oturma eylemi 207'nci gününe girdi. Adana'nın Seyhan ilçesinden, 5 yıl önce 15 yaşındayken dağa kaçırılan oğlu Engin için oturma eylemine katılan anne Kamile Küçükdağ, yaptığı açıklamada, evladına kavuşana kadar oturma eylemini sürdüreceğini söyledi. Oğlundan 5 yıldır haber alamadığını belirten Küçükdağ, evladını HDP'den istediğini dile getirdi. Kamile Küçükdağ, şöyle konuştu: "Oğlum sesimi duyuyorsan gel, askerimize, devletimize teslim ol. Onlar seni kandırıyor, 'işkence var' diyorlar ama kesinlikle öyle bir şey yok. 13 kişi teslim oldu, ailesine kavuştu. Sana kefen değil damatlık giydirmek istiyorum." "HDP Kürtleri perişan etti" Şırnak'ın İdil ilçesinden gelerek, 5 yıl önce dağa kaçırılan oğlu Mahmut için oturma eylemi yapan baba Emin Arslan ise çocuklarına kavuşmak için eylemi sürdürmekte kararlı olduklarını aktardı. Yeni tip koronavirüs salgınına rağmen alınan önlemlerle evlatları için nöbeti sürdürdüklerini dile getiren Arslan, "Virüs 40 senedir içimizde var. HDP Kürtleri perişan etti. Oğlum 14 yaşındaydı. Onun yeri dağ değil okuldu. Hayalleri vardı, ne hakları var 14-15 yaşındaki çocukları dağa kaçırıp, eline silah veriyorlar? 207 sene de geçse buradan kalkmıyoruz. Oğlum eğer beni duyuyorsan gel, askere, polise teslim ol." diye konuştu. Kaynak: AA Filtered: -- Filtered 36 samples from 426 in tr - train Filtered: -- Filtered: -- Opolski ZUS apeluje do przedsiębiorców o uważne i rzetelne wypełnianie dokumentów składanych w ramach tzw. tarczy antykryzysowej. Do opolskich placówek Zakładu wpłynęło do tej pory 16,5 tys. wniosków o pomoc - o zwolnienie z obowiązku opłacania składek, o wypłatę świadczenia postojowego czy odroczenie terminu płatności składek. - Jeśli w dokumentach są błędy, to ich rozpatrywanie może się przedłużyć - tłumaczy Sebastian Szczurek, regionalny rzecznik ZUS w Opolu. - Poprawnie wypełniony wniosek pomaga w automatycznym rozpatrzeniu sprawy. Jeśliw odpowiednim miejscu nie ma podpisu, numer konta bankowego jest zbyt krótki albo zamiast wynagrodzenia wpisana jest stawka godzinowa, to takie sprawy musimy wyjaśniać, a to trwa - tłumaczy Sebastian Szczurek. - W takich sytuacjach musimy kontaktować się z wnioskodawcą, a to z kolei wydłuża wypłatę świadczenia - stwierdza.Jak tłumaczy regionalny rzecznik ZUS, zdarzają się sytuacje, w których wnioskodawca bezrefleksyjnie kopiuje dane ze wzorów formularzy udostępnionych na stronie urzędu i zostawia umieszczony tam podpis: Jan Kowalski. - To się zdarza coraz częściej - dodaje.- Innym błędem jest wysyłanie skanów dokumentów na adres mailowy Centrum Obsługi Telefonicznej ZUS. To nie jest kanał do dostarczania wniosków o wypłatę świadczeń czy o zwolnienie z opłacania składek. Warto zatem przyłożyć się do starannego wypełnienia druków - mówi rzecznik opolskiego ZUS. - To pomoże w szybkim rozstrzygnięciu sprawy - dodaje Sebastian Szczurek.Wnioski do ZUS można składać elektronicznie - za pomocą Platformy Usług Elektronicznych lub papierowo. Wszelkie informacje na temat tego, kto może skorzystać z ulg, gdzie składać wnioski i jak je wypełnić, można znaleźć na stronie internetowej Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych. Filtered: Opolska Lista Polskiej Piosenki to, oczywiście zgodnie z nazwą, zbiór polskich piosenek - przy czym warto zwrócić uwagę na to, że nie ma tu słowa 'przeboje'. To który utwór stanie się przebojem zależeć będzie od słuchaczy, czyli od Was! Wybór będzie reprezentatywny dla wszystkich dekad, a jedyny warunek to polski tekst i oryginalna, piękna melodia. Na pełne wydanie Opolskiej Listy Polskiej Piosenki zapraszamy w niedziele i święta od 14:05 do 17:00 na antenie… -- Filtered: Przetarg na przebudowę ul. Bohaterów Getta Warszawskiego oraz odcinka ul. Królowej Jadwigi od ul. Małkowskiego do ul. Ściegiennego i tej ostatniej do skrzyżowania z al. Piastów wygrała spółka Elbud Szczecin. Zaoferowała najniższą cenę 14 305 545,64 zł. To kolejne ze zleceń dla tego podmiotu i zarazem kontynuacja inwestycji drogowych w tym rejonie śródmieścia. Termin realizacji zamówienia to 20 miesięcy od dnia przekazania wykonawcy placu budowy, ale nie później niż do końca października przyszłego roku. Według zapisów specyfikacji istotnych warunków zamówienia, przekazanie placu budowy powinno nastąpić nie później niż do 28 lutego tego roku. Umowa na przebudowę ulic w centrum Szczecina - Umowa powinna być podpisana w najbliższych dniach. Roboty rozpoczną się po zakończeniu części formalnej. O utrudnieniach w ruchu i zmianach w jej organizacji będziemy informować na bieżąco - zapowiada Hanna Pieczyńska, rzeczniczka prasowa Zarządu Dróg i Transportu Miejskiego, który odpowiadał w imieniu miasta także za realizację ukończonych dotąd przebudów na całej długości ul. Małkowskiego oraz na odcinku ul. Księcia Bogusława X między pl. Zgody do ul. Bolesława Krzywoustego i odcinku ul. Królowej Jadwigi między ulicami Małkowskiego i Bolesława Krzywoustego. Na wszystkich trzech ulicach, tj. zarówno na całej długości ul. Bohaterów Getta Warszawskiego oraz odcinkach ulic Królowej Jadwigi i Ściegiennego projekt przewiduje remont jezdni o nawierzchni bitumicznej (w pasach jezdni wylana zostanie nowa nakładka bitumiczna grubości średnio 9 cm) oraz urządzenie nowej konstrukcji ciągów pieszych z płyt granitowych. Tak samo jak na dotąd przebudowanej w tym kwartale zabudowy ul. Małkowskiego wprowadzony zostanie ruch jednokierunkowy. Po remontach ulice przekształcone zostaną w strefy ruchu „30”, a piesi będą mogli przekraczać jezdnie w dowolnym miejscu. Przebudowane zostaną – wzorem sąsiednich dotąd zmodernizowanych ulic – skrzyżowania i rejony „sugerowanych” przejść dla pieszych. Krawężniki wykonane zostaną z wyniesieniem 2 cm zapewniającym prowadzenie wód opadowych. W rejonie skrzyżowań oraz „sugerowanych” przejść dla pieszych nawierzchnia ma być wykonana z kostki granitowej szarej 15x15x15cm. Nawierzchnia chodników wykonana zostanie z płyt kamiennych o wymiarach 100x60 cm układanych na styk. Opaski wzdłuż krawężnika i przy budynkach będą z kostki kamiennej szarej 10x10x10cm. Zieleń pojawi się na Ściegiennego i Królowej Jadwigi Inwestycja zakłada przebudowę sieci i przyłączy wody oraz przyłączy kanalizacji deszczowej. Wody opadowe odprowadzane będą przez istniejące i projektowane wpusty deszczowe do istniejącej już sieci ogólnospławnej. Przebudowa sieci wodociągowej oznaczać będzie wymianę hydrantów podziemnych na hydranty nadziemne, zgodnie z istniejącą lokalizacją. Projekt nie przewiduje wymiany na nowe oświetlenia tych ulic. Na pozbawionych do tej pory jakiejkolwiek zieleni odcinkach ul. Ściegiennego i ul. Królowej Jadwigi zaplanowano posadzenie w sumie 44 drzew, a na ul. Bohaterów Getta Warszawskiego ma ich pojawić się 13. Wzdłuż każdej z ulic wyznaczone zostaną zatoki postojowe do parkowania równoległego z jednej i prostopadłego z drugiej strony jezdni. W miejscach narażonych na nieprzepisowe parkowanie pojazdów wykonane zostaną słupki zabezpieczające oraz ustawione zostaną donice z białego betonu i z siedziskami z desek ze sztucznego drewna. Ponadto pojawią się stojaki rowerowe. ©℗ (MIR) Fot. Mirosław WINCONEK -- Filtered: -- Wybory 2020. Rafał Trzaskowski - program wyborczy - Startuję w wyborach na prezydenta RP dlatego, że – podobnie jak Wy – mam dość władzy, która obsadza swoimi nominatami każdy urząd w państwie tylko po to, by zapewnić sobie bezkarność. Mam dość podziałów, w których obecna władza się specjalizuje - przekazał na swojej stronie internetowej kandydat na prezydenta Rafał Trzaskowski. Filtered 5 samples from 187 in pl - test Filtered: -- Filtered: Pięć osób zatruło się czadem po pożarze domu wielorodzinnego w Aleksandrowie Kujawskim. Ewakuowano 25 osób. Zdj. ilustracyjne / Archiwum RMF FM Pożar wybuchł w jednym z pomieszczeń piwnicznych dwukondygnacyjnego budynku. Zadymienie objęło cały dom. Z budynku ewakuowaliśmy 25 osób, prawdopodobnie dziewięć rodzin. U dwóch osób dorosłych i trojga dzieci wystąpiły objawy podtrucia tlenkiem węgla. Zostały one zabrane przez pogotowie ratunkowe do szpitala - poinformował dyżurny Komendy Powiatowej Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Aleksandrowie Kujawskim. Pożar został ugaszony. Obecnie trwa przewietrzanie i oddymianie budynku. Niebawem lokatorzy będą mogli wrócić do swoich mieszkań. W akcji gaśniczej uczestniczyło sześć zastępów strażaków. CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: Niespokojna noc strażaków. Ponad 1200 pożarów -- Filtered: Zeus razem z właścicielką mieszkał w Butte w amerykańskim stanie Montana. W październiku dom, w którym przebywał pitbull został obrabowany, a złodziej zabrał ze sobą nie tylko kosztowności, ale także czworonoga. Opiekunka Zeusa zamieściła ogłoszenie w mediach społecznościowych, dołączając zdjęcia swojego pupila. Gdy już traciła nadzieję na odzyskanie zwierzęcia, w grudniu okazało się, że psa znaleziono ponad 3 tys. kilometrów dalej. Szczęśliwy finał historii Pitbull ważył aż 33 kilogramy, przez co ze względu na obowiązujące przepisy przetransportowanie go samolotem byłoby mocno utrudnione. Nie pozostało nic innego, jak odwieźć Zeusa drogą lądową. W akcję zaangażowali się wolontariusze z dwóch organizacji, którzy zamieszczali na Facebooku relację z podróży psa. Dzięki nagłośnieniu ich działań zgłaszały się kolejne osoby, które mogły podwieźć czworonoga w kierunku domu. W sumie pupil był wieziony przez 15 osób, których starania sprawiły, że pod koniec grudnia zwierzę wróciło do swojej właścicielki. Ta nie kryła wzruszenia z powodu ponownego spotkania Zeusa. Równie zachwycone były dzieci kobiety, które w rozmowie z dziennikarzami przekazały, że bardzo tęskniły za swoim ulubieńcem. Czytaj także: Po sześciu latach kot wrócił do domu. Ta historia ma jednak smutny finał -- Filtered: -- Zarząd województwa mazowieckiego podjął decyzję o wykupieniu blisko 7 tys. testów dla personelu mazowieckich szpitali. Osoby z podejrzeniem zarażenia, będą miały dostęp do testów na obecność koronawirusa. Czas oczekiwania na wyniki wyniesie maksymalnie 14 godzin. Na ten cel samorząd Mazowsza przeznaczy 3 mln zł z UE – informuje urząd marszałkowski. Samorząd województwa podpisał umowę z ALAB laboratoria sp. z o.o. Dzięki niej personel mazowieckich szpitali, który miał kontakt z zarażonym koronawirusem lub z osobą z podejrzeniem zarażenia będzie miał szybszy dostęp do testów. Obecnie na wyniki badań czeka się nawet do 54 godzin. - To zbyt długi czas. Chcemy, aby Ci, którzy w tej chwili są na pierwszej linii frontu – lekarze, pielęgniarki, ratownicy i cały personel szpitalny mieli możliwość szybkiego sprawdzenia, czy nie doszło u nich do często nieświadomego zakażenia od osób chorych. Filtered 4 samples from 313 in pl - train Saved ar - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/ar.jsonl.gz Saved ar - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/ar.jsonl.gz Saved es - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/es.jsonl.gz Saved es - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/es.jsonl.gz Saved es-en - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/es-en.jsonl.gz Saved zh-en - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/zh-en.jsonl.gz Saved de - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/de.jsonl.gz Saved de - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/de.jsonl.gz Saved pl-en - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/pl-en.jsonl.gz Saved de-pl - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/de-pl.jsonl.gz Saved ru - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/ru.jsonl.gz Saved es-it - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/es-it.jsonl.gz Saved fr-pl - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/fr-pl.jsonl.gz Saved en - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/en.jsonl.gz Saved en - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/en.jsonl.gz Saved de-en - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/de-en.jsonl.gz Saved de-en - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/de-en.jsonl.gz Saved de-fr - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/de-fr.jsonl.gz Saved fr - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/fr.jsonl.gz Saved fr - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/fr.jsonl.gz Saved zh - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/zh.jsonl.gz Saved it - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/it.jsonl.gz Saved tr - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/tr.jsonl.gz Saved tr - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/tr.jsonl.gz Saved pl - test to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/test/pl.jsonl.gz Saved pl - train to /Users/au561649/Github/sts22-crosslingual-sts/train/pl.jsonl.gz