{"source_url": "https://www.lucianne.com", "url": "https://www.lucianne.com/2020/01/01/us_moves_to_protectbrour_personnel_in_iraq_23950.html", "title": "U.S. moves to protect our personnel in Iraq", "top_image": "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/favicon.ico", "meta_img": "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/favicon.ico", "images": ["https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/Luc_Photo10.jpg", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/Lucianne_logo_sm.gif", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/LikeThis.gif", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/facebook.png", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/Lucianne40.jpg", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/favicon.ico", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/twitter.png", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/Lucianne_footer_image.gif", "https://www.lucianne.com/assets/img/flag_grey.png"], "movies": [], "text": "With developments going from bad to worse for the Iranian regime, the mullahs have decided to play a 40 year-old card. They have orchestrated an attack on a U.S. embassy, this time the one in Baghdad. President Trump summarized the situation in this tweet: Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified. Trump\u2019s expectation of protection from the Iraqi government\n\nReply 1 - Posted by: DCGIRL 1/1/2020 5:41:47 AM (No. 275766) Last night watching the news, I was thinking that all of these Iran protester were gather in one spot. What an easy target. Problem solved. Click Here if you Like this Comment 5 people like this. people like this. Report\n\nReply 2 - Posted by: George R. 1/1/2020 6:42:17 AM (No. 275775) Why were these \"protestors\" allowed into the Embassy undeterred? $1000. to $1. not one magazine was emptied in it's defense. The Marines look real pretty in their red striped pants, but maybe some Boy Scouts from Texas could do a better job, at least they know how to shoot. The feckless Marines put on Embassy Duty evidently are deployed there to be decoration not a deterrence. The US Army should have relieved the marines of Embassy Protection after their performance in 1979. Click Here if you Like this Comment 1 person likes this. person likes this. Report\n\nReply 3 - Posted by: Chuzzles 1/1/2020 8:19:51 AM (No. 275801) And therein lies the rub. Will the Iraqi government step up to protect our embassy? Or should we just pull out and let them fend for themselves. Their government has not been the most reliable in the past. Poster #2 is so filled with ignorance it breaks my heart. It is not up to the boots on the ground to decide to fire. It is up to the commanders at the Pentagon who decide. And IIRC, Carter disarmed those Marines in 1979. The most trouble embassies ever have is when a democrat is in the WH. Clinton allowed for many bombings, Carter had the hostage crisis, and Obama had Benghazi. Give the Marines a break and stop with the disrespect. Click Here if you Like this Comment 17 people like this. people like this. Report\n\nReply 4 - Posted by: jar 1/1/2020 8:58:03 AM (No. 275826) When Obama pulled the troops out of Iraq, Iran came in in full force. Iraq has become a satellite of Iran. Iranian blocks control the Iraqi Parliament, and the caretaker Prime Minister of the Iraqi government is an Iranian puppet. Iran is stealing Iraqi wealth and using Iraq to bypass US sanctions, Yes, we need more troops there by the thousands. Click Here if you Like this Comment 3 people like this. people like this. Report\n\nReply 5 - Posted by: udanja99 1/1/2020 9:21:45 AM (No. 275850) Thank you, #3. The Marine Security Guard Detachments can only protect the embassies if they are allowed to do it. There are still many desk-riding 0bama generals in the Pentagon. PDT needs to get rid of them too while he\u2019s cleaning up the swamp. Click Here if you Like this Comment 6 people like this. people like this. Report\n\nReply 6 - Posted by: MDConservative 1/1/2020 9:47:49 AM (No. 275873) FTA: \"...the number of troops will initially be less than a 1,000. A larger force of several thousand soldiers has also been placed on stand-by...\" Another \"surge\" to secure a $750 Million embassy that was supposed to be the most secure in the world. Waiting for a useless \"government\" to protect it, even after nearly two decades of training and \"liberty\". More American lives potentially on the line...to what end? Any \"orders\" sent down by Jimmy Carter, who left office in 1981, are easily rescindable today, and have been ever since then. Somehow these orders survived several CINCs, from Reagan to Trump. Seems an empty excuse for exactly what #2 wrote. These Marines, following orders or otherwise, are clearly nothing more than decoration if unable to use their skills and weapons for the purported purpose they are stationed at our embassies. Click Here if you Like this Comment 1 person likes this. person likes this. Report\n\nReply 7 - Posted by: HotRod 1/1/2020 10:13:17 AM (No. 275902) I think direct conflict with Iran is inevitable, as much as it is unwanted. It will not be a nuking of cities or bombing of the population, but will be targeted action against the leadership, military facilities and nuclear development locations. We will not go it alone either. Israel is at the tipping point too. The Russians and Chinese will make a lot of noise, but will end up influencing the remaining leadership to surrender. They need the oil. Click Here if you Like this Comment 4 people like this. people like this. Report\n\nReply 8 - Posted by: udanja99 1/1/2020 10:30:26 AM (No. 275919) I\u2019ve just gone back and re-read some articles about this posted here yesterday and found that this is not the first time that #2 has bashed the Marines. I wonder what his issue is. Was he tossed out because he couldn\u2019t cut it at boot camp? My husband walked in and volunteered to be a Marine in 1969, even though he had a high draft number and at a time when some of his friends were burning their draft cards and high-tailing it to Canada. He served for 2 years and got orders for Nam, but they were rescinded because, by then, the Pentagon was beginning to pull the Marines out in accordance with the \u201cfirst in, first out\u201d rule. I also served at 2 American embassies overseas, one behind the Iron Curtain, and have tremendous respect for ALL Marines. Click Here if you Like this Comment 11 people like this. people like this. Report\n\nReply 9 - Posted by: bighambone 1/1/2020 11:21:39 AM (No. 275949) Most of the media reports on what is occurring at the US Embassy is misleading as the \u201cprotesters\u201d have not taken over the Embassy grounds, what they have actually done is take over part of a wall and a couple of buildings on the compound perimeter setting fires and vandalizing US property there. The US Marine guard force has kept the \u201cprotesters\u201d away from the main embassy buildings. Right now it will tell a lot as to the competence and motives of the Iraqi government and military by what happens next, as while the Iraqi military should never have allowed the \u201cprotesters\u201d to even approach the embassy outer perimeter in the first place, and should now be moving the \u201cprotesters\u201d from the embassy grounds. Click Here if you Like this Comment 3 people like this. people like this. Report", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Paul Mirengoff", "Steven Greenhut", "Kurt Schlichter", "Brad Polumbo", "Niall Stanage", "Hunt Lawrence", "Daniel J. Flynn", "Noah Manskar", "Charles Creitz", "Dom Calicchio"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "With developments going from bad to worse for the Iranian regime, the mullahs have decided to play a 40 year-old card. They have orchestrated an attack on a U.S. embassy, this time the one in Baghdad.", "meta_lang": "", "meta_favicon": "/assets/favicon.ico", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "robots": "index,follow", "googlebot": "index,follow", "og": {"fb": {"app_id": 685769270}, "site_name": "Lucianne", "locale": "en_US", "revised": "Thursday, January 2nd, 2020, 9:18 am", "title": "U.S. moves to protect
our personnel in Iraq", "description": "With developments going from bad to worse for the Iranian regime, the mullahs have decided to play a 40 year-old card. They have orchestrated an attack on a U.S. embassy, this time the one in Baghdad.", "subject": "With developments going from bad to worse for the Iranian regime, the mullahs have decided to play a 40 year-old card. They have orchestrated an attack on a U.S. embassy, this time the one in Baghdad.", "url": "https://www.lucianne.com/2020/01/01/us_moves_to_protectbrour_personnel_in_iraq_23950.html", "identifier-URL": "https://www.lucianne.com/2020/01/01/us_moves_to_protectbrour_personnel_in_iraq_23950.html", "type": "article", "article": {"published_time": "2020-01-01T00:00:00-05:00", "modified_time": "2020-01-02T05:30:43-05:00", "author": "Paul Mirengoff"}, "author": "Paul Mirengoff"}, "twitter": {"card": "summary", "site": "@", "url": "https://www.lucianne.com/2020/01/01/us_moves_to_protectbrour_personnel_in_iraq_23950.html", "title": "U.S. moves to protect
our personnel in Iraq", "description": "With developments going from bad to worse for the Iranian regime, the mullahs have decided to play a 40 year-old card. They have orchestrated an attack on a U.S. embassy, this time the one in Baghdad."}}, "canonical_link": "https://www.lucianne.com/2020/01/01/us_moves_to_protectbrour_personnel_in_iraq_23950.html"}