{"source_url": "https://www.northpark.edu", "url": "https://www.northpark.edu/campus-life-and-services/university-ministries/virtual-worship/", "title": "Virtual Devotionals and Worship", "top_image": "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/Trinity-Stores-1X-Use-Image-RLCOM-04.07.20201-1-819x1024.jpg", "meta_img": "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/Trinity-Stores-1X-Use-Image-RLCOM-04.07.20201-1-819x1024.jpg", "images": ["https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/themes/northpark/images/npu-logo-horizontal-invert.svg", "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/Trinity-Stores-1X-Use-Image-RLCOM-04.07.20201-1-819x1024.jpg", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=584385771958079&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "https://assets.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/20200408173248/Trinity-Stores-1X-Use-Image-RLCOM-04.07.20201-1-819x1024.jpg", "https://assets.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/20200402181058/CMG-Editor-April-2-2020.jpeg", "https://assets.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/20200322211857/Picture1-2-216x300.png", "https://assets.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/20200406074020/CMG-Editor-April-5-20203-scaled.jpeg", "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/themes/northpark/images/npu-logo-shield.svg", "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/themes/northpark/images/npu-logo-horizontal.svg"], "movies": [], "text": "The Passion Translation (TPT)\n\n6 My son, if you cosign a loan for an acquaintance\n\nand guarantee his debt,\n\nyou\u2019ll be sorry that you ever did it!\n\n2 You\u2019ll be trapped by your promise\n\nand legally bound by the agreement.\n\nSo listen carefully to my advice:\n\n3 Quickly get out of it if you possibly can!\n\nSwallow your pride, get over your embarrassment,\n\nand go tell your \u201cfriend\u201d you want your name[a] off that contract.\n\n4 Don\u2019t put it off, and don\u2019t rest until you get it done.\n\n5 Rescue yourself from future pain[b]\n\nand be free from it once and for all.\n\nYou\u2019ll be so relieved that you did![c]\n\nLife Lessons\n\n6 When you\u2019re feeling lazy,\n\ncome and learn a lesson from this tale of the tiny ant.\n\nYes, all you lazybones, come learn\n\nfrom the example of the ant and enter into wisdom.\n\n7 The ants have no chief, no boss, no manager\u2014\n\nno one has to tell them what to do.\n\n8 You\u2019ll see them working and toiling all summer long,\n\nstockpiling their food in preparation for winter.\n\n9 So wake up, sleepyhead. How long will you lie there?\n\nWhen will you wake up and get out of bed?\n\n10 If you keep nodding off and thinking, \u201cI\u2019ll do it later,\u201d\n\nor say to yourself, \u201cI\u2019ll just sit back awhile and take it easy,\u201d\n\njust watch how the future unfolds!\n\n11 By making excuses you\u2019ll learn what it means to go without.\n\nPoverty will pounce on you like a bandit[d]\n\nand move in as your roommate for life.[e]\n\n12\u201313 Here\u2019s another life lesson to learn\n\nfrom observing the wayward and wicked man.[f]\n\nYou can tell they are lawless.\n\nThey\u2019re constant liars, proud deceivers,\n\nfull of clever ploys and convincing plots.[g]\n\n14 Their twisted thoughts are perverse,\n\nalways with a scheme to stir up trouble,\n\nand sowing strife with every step they take.\n\n15 But when calamity comes knocking on their door,\n\nsuddenly and without warning they\u2019re undone\u2014\n\nbroken to bits, shattered, with no hope of healing.[h]\n\nSeven Things God Hates\n\n16 There are six evils God truly hates\n\nand a seventh[i] that is an abomination to him:\n\n17 Putting others down while considering yourself superior,\n\nspreading lies and rumors,\n\nspilling the blood of the innocent,\n\n18 plotting evil in your heart toward another,\n\ngloating over doing what\u2019s plainly wrong,\n\n19 spouting lies in false testimony,\n\nand stirring up strife between friends.[j]\n\nThese are entirely despicable to God!\n\n20 My son, obey your father\u2019s godly instruction\n\nand follow your mother\u2019s life-giving teaching.[k]\n\n21 Fill your heart with their advice\n\nand let your life be shaped by what they\u2019ve taught you.[l]\n\n22 Their wisdom will guide you wherever you go\n\nand keep you from bringing harm to yourself.\n\nTheir instruction will whisper to you at every sunrise\n\nand direct you through a brand-new day.\n\n23 For truth[m] is a bright beam of light\n\nshining into every area of your life,\n\ninstructing and correcting you to discover the ways to godly living.\n\nTruth or Consequences\n\n24\u201325 Truth will protect you from immorality\n\nand from the promiscuity of another man\u2019s wife.\n\nYour heart won\u2019t be enticed by her flatteries[n]\n\nor lust over her beauty\u2014\n\nnor will her suggestive ways conquer you.\n\n26 Prostitutes reduce a man to poverty,[o]\n\nand the adulteress steals your soul\u2014\n\nshe may even cost you your life![p]\n\n27 For how can a man light his pants on fire and not be burned?\n\n28 Can he walk over hot coals of fire[q] and not blister his feet?\n\n29 What makes you think that you can sleep with another man\u2019s wife\n\nand not get caught?\n\nDo you really think you\u2019ll get away with it?\n\nDon\u2019t you know it will ruin your life?\n\n30 You can almost excuse a thief if he steals to feed his own family.\n\n31 But if he\u2019s caught, he still has to pay back what he stole sevenfold;\n\nhis punishment and fine will cost him greatly.\n\n32 Don\u2019t be so stupid as to think\n\nyou can get away with your adultery.\n\nIt will destroy your life,[r] and you\u2019ll pay the price\n\nfor the rest of your days.\n\n33 You\u2019ll discover what humiliation, shame,\n\nand disgrace are all about,\n\nfor no one will ever let you forget what you\u2019ve done.\n\n34 A husband\u2019s jealousy makes a man furious;\n\nhe won\u2019t spare you when he comes to take revenge.\n\n35 Try all you want to talk your way out of it\u2014\n\noffer him a bribe and see if you can manipulate him\n\nwith your money.\n\nNothing will turn him aside\n\nwhen he comes to you with vengeance in his eyes!\n\nImage courtesy of pixabay.com. Used with permission.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/themes/northpark/images/favicon/apple-icon-57x57.png", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "google-site-verification": "tYnvRDICoyXkuAEMSGSBKkeP5EPI4dmq8gXSwIfuxhA", "msapplication-TileColor": "#ffffff", "msapplication-TileImage": "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/themes/northpark/images/favicon/ms-icon-144x144.png", "theme-color": "#ffffff", "robots": "index, follow", "googlebot": "index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1", "bingbot": "index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1", "og": {"locale": "en_US", "type": "article", "title": "Virtual Devotionals and Worship - North Park University", "url": "https://www.northpark.edu/campus-life-and-services/university-ministries/virtual-worship/", "site_name": "North Park University", "image": "https://www.northpark.edu/wp-content/uploads/Trinity-Stores-1X-Use-Image-RLCOM-04.07.20201-1-819x1024.jpg"}, "article": {"publisher": "https://facebook.com/npuchicago", "modified_time": "2020-05-11T13:24:07+00:00"}, "twitter": {"card": "summary", "creator": "@npu", "site": "@npu"}, "generator": "Powered by Slider Revolution 5.4.8 - responsive, Mobile-Friendly Slider Plugin for WordPress with comfortable drag and drop interface.", "tec-api-version": "v1", "tec-api-origin": "https://www.northpark.edu"}, "canonical_link": "https://www.northpark.edu/campus-life-and-services/university-ministries/virtual-worship/"}