{"source_url": "https://ifpnews.com", "url": "https://ifpnews.com/iran-summons-swiss-envoy-over-us-accusations", "title": "Iran Summons Swiss Envoy over US Accusations", "top_image": "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1971712.jpg", "meta_img": "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1971712.jpg", "images": ["https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Iran-Front-Page-logo-48.png", "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1971712.jpg", "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/captcha/securimage_show.php?si_sm_captcha=1&si_form_id=com&prefix=yWTRu5EgUBeyN0ia", "", "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/captcha/images/refresh.png", "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/272-c-1.png", "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/IFP-AMP-LOGO-60-600.png", "https://certify.alexametrics.com/atrk.gif?account=GJAOq1O7kI20L7", "", "", "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IFP-News-Logo-150x150.jpg", "https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/50671102"], "movies": [], "text": "At the Foreign Ministry, the Swiss envoy received the Islamic Republic\u2019s strong protest over the hawkish comments made by American officials in violation of the United Nations charter.\n\nIn a meeting with the Swiss charge d\u2019affaires on Wednesday, Mohsen Baharvand, an assistant to Iran\u2019s foreign minister, urged Switzerland to convey Iran\u2019s protest to the US, and also tell them that Iraq is an independent country with freedom-seeking, independence-seeking, and honourable people.\n\n\u201cThe US army has martyred at least 25 young members of the Iraqi nation and wounded scores of others without providing any evidence for their culpability,\u201d Baharvand said.\n\n\u201cThe Iraqi people would naturally show reaction to a country that has occupied their territory and is killing their youths. Americans have even bombed two areas in Syria at the same time. That shows they are seeking to achieve other goals, and are just looking for pretexts,\u201d he added.\n\nBaharvand said the American officials had better stop pinning the blame on others and levelling groundless accusations against the Islamic Republic.\n\nThe Swiss envoy was also told that Iran is not a hawkish country, but its hands are not tied when it comes to countering any threat and unwise move.\n\nIn that case, it will defend itself with full force.\n\n\u201cInstead of raising baseless accusations against others, the US government must learn how to speak to other nations and stop occupation,\u201d the Swiss charge d\u2019affaires was told.\n\nAngered by US air raids that killed over two dozen fighters from Iraq\u2019s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) on Sunday, hundreds of protesters stormed its embassy compound in the high-security Green Zone on Tuesday, setting fires and chanting: \u201cDeath to America!\u201d They also demanded the removal of American troops from Iraq.\n\nReacting to the attack, US President Donald Trump on Tuesday held Iran \u201cfully responsible\u201d for the incident on Twitter and added that the protesters \u201cwill be held fully responsible.\u201d\n\nIn a separate statement, Trump later also warned that Tehran would \u201cpay a very big price\u201d after the attack.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": ["Iran Newspaper Headlines", "Iran-US", "Iran-Switzerland", "Iran-Iraq", "Foreign Ministry", "Today's Front Pages"], "authors": ["The Ifp Editorial Staff Is Composed Of Dozens Of Skilled Journalists", "News-Writers", "Analysts Whose Works Are Edited", "Published Experienced Editors Specialized In", "Please Enter Your Name Here"], "publish_date": "Wed Jan 1 15:10:02 2020", "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has summoned the charge d'affaires of Switzerland, which represents Washington\u2019s interests in Iran, over the US officials\u2019 recent stances on Iraq developments.", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Logo-Sign-250.png", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", "og": {"image": {"identifier": "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1971712.jpg", "secure_url": "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1971712.jpg", "width": 600, "height": 400}, "locale": "en_US", "type": "article", "title": "Iran Summons Swiss Envoy over US Accusations | Iran Front Page", "description": "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has summoned the charge d'affaires of Switzerland, which represents Washington\u2019s interests in Iran, over the US officials\u2019 recent stances on Iraq developments.", "url": "https://ifpnews.com/iran-summons-swiss-envoy-over-us-accusations", "site_name": "Iran Front Page"}, "description": "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has summoned the charge d'affaires of Switzerland, which represents Washington\u2019s interests in Iran, over the US officials\u2019 recent stances on Iraq developments.", "robots": "max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1", "article": {"publisher": "http://facebook.com/ifpnewsenglish", "tag": "Iran-US", "section": "IFP Exclusive", "published_time": "2020-01-01T15:10:02+00:00"}, "twitter": {"card": "summary", "description": "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has summoned the charge d'affaires of Switzerland, which represents Washington\u2019s interests in Iran, over the US officials\u2019 recent stances on Iraq developments.", "title": "Iran Summons Swiss Envoy over US Accusations | Iran Front Page", "site": "@iranfrontpage", "image": "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1971712.jpg", "creator": "@iranfrontpage"}, "generator": "Powered by WPBakery Page Builder - drag and drop page builder for WordPress.", "p": {"domain_verify": "02a13b332487445e80609858fdb9d874"}, "news_keywords": "Iran Front Page", "Googlebot-News": "index, follow", "abstract": "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has summoned the charge d'affaires of Switzerland, which represents Washington\u2019s interests in Iran, over the US officials\u2019 recent stances on Iraq developments.", "geo.region": "IR", "onesignal": "wordpress-plugin", "msapplication-TileImage": "https://ifpnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-Logo-Sign-250-270x270.png", "google-site-verification": "lwbzjH04Ou-3Sb4edicbkRnY-FWXl75ynuaI0Op65-o"}, "canonical_link": "https://ifpnews.com/iran-summons-swiss-envoy-over-us-accusations"}