{"source_url": "https://www.fxcompared.com", "url": "https://www.fxcompared.com/magazine/news/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america", "title": "Ripple set to make new waves in South America", "top_image": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fxcompared.prod.resources/3215/7779/6472/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america.jpg", "meta_img": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fxcompared.prod.resources/3215/7779/6472/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america.jpg", "images": ["https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=797320950371803&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fxcompared.prod.resources/3215/7779/6472/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america.jpg", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Daniel Webber Founder & CEO Daniel is Founder and CEO of FXcompared and has 18 years of experience in the international finance world focusing on cross-border payments, technology and the property sectors. Daniel is widely\u2026 Read more\n\nFirm to build up its presence in the region, with moves to work alongside regulatory bodies and other firms in an effort to find potential partners to use XRP\n\nExpansion to Brazil comes on the back of acknowledgement that the country has good regulations \u2013 and moves to Argentina are expected to follow in future\n\n\u201cBrazil is a leader in fintech innovation and positioned to forge a path for the rest of Latin America to follow\u201d, says Ripple spokesperson\n\nFast-growing blockchain-powered payment platform Ripple has announced it will expand into a key South American market \u2013 and follow up the move in future with other South American economies too.\n\nThe liquidity-boosting cross border payments platform, which has already signed agreements to work alongside a wide range of institutions with global presences including MoneyGram, will scale up its presence in the country.\n\nIn South America in particular, it has a number of partnership agreements in place \u2013 and it works alongside names such as Rendimento and Santander.\n\nHowever, these institutions do not use one of Ripple\u2019s key products \u2013 XRP, which is also known as a \u201cdigital asset\u201d.\n\nXRP is able to provide organisations involved in the payment pathway with liquidity when they need it, or \u201con-demand\u201d as it is known.\n\nThis is especially useful for organisations which are unable to access a sufficient amount of conventional, \u201cfiat\u201d liquidity.\n\nInstead, these current partner organisations simply use the messaging system associated with Ripple.\n\nNow, a Ripple statement has revealed that the organisation is in touch with companies \u2013 as well as regulators in the country \u2013 about potential partnerships and other steps forward.\n\nIt is believed that Brazil was an appealing spot for potential expansion for Ripple given that it has a reputation for having banking regulations which prioritise clarity.\n\nIt is also understood that 30% of remittances and other transactions placed via Ripple\u2019s platforms come from Brazil.\n\nHowever, the plans for expansion also cover other parts of the South American continent \u2013 with expansion to Argentina, Peru and other nations believed to be in the pipeline.\n\nIn a statement, Ripple\u2019s managing director \u2013 Luiz Antonio Sacco \u2013 emphasised Brazil\u2019s status as being \u201ca leader in fintech innovation\u201d.\n\n\u201cWe are excited to grow our ecosystem in the region and bring additional financial institutions onto RippleNet to help provide excellent, efficient cross-border payment experiences for their customers\u201d, he said.\n\n\u201cBrazil is a leader in fintech innovation and positioned to forge a path for the rest of Latin America to follow\u201d, he added.\n\nRipple has quickly become a big name on the international money transfer scene.\n\nIt currently operates in 45 markets around the world, and its products are known for improving the speed of cross border transactions.\n\nThey are also known for reducing the costs involved.\n\nIf you need to find out more about what Ripple and organisations similar to it are doing in the international money transfer world, we can help.\n\nJust head over to our magazine pages to discover more.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["cross border payments", "international money transfer", "overseas transfer rate", ""], "tags": [], "authors": ["Daniel Webber", "Founder", "Daniel Is Founder", "Ceo Of Fxcompared", "Has Years Of Experience In The International Finance World Focusing On Cross-Border Payments", "Technology", "The Property Sectors. Daniel Is Widely", "Read More"], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "Fast-growing blockchain-powered payment platform Ripple has announced it will expand into a key South American market \u2013 and follow up the move in future with other South American economies too. Read more about the international payments market with our money transfers news.", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "//cdn3.fxcompared.com/", "meta_data": {"generator": "concrete5", "description": "Fast-growing blockchain-powered payment platform Ripple has announced it will expand into a key South American market \u2013 and follow up the move in future with other South American economies too. Read more about the international payments market with our money transfers news.", "keywords": "cross border payments, international money transfer, overseas transfer rate,", "og": {"title": "Ripple set to make new waves in South America", "description": "Fast-growing blockchain-powered payment platform Ripple has announced it will expand into a key South American market \u2013 and follow up the move in future with other South American economies too. Read more about the international payments market with our money transfers news.", "type": "article", "url": "https://www.fxcompared.com/magazine/news/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america", "image": {"identifier": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fxcompared.prod.resources/3215/7779/6472/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720}, "site_name": "FXcompared", "locale": "en_US", "updated_time": "2019-12-31T12:41:51+00:00"}, "twitter": {"title": "Ripple set to make new waves in South America", "description": "Fast-growing blockchain-powered payment platform Ripple has announced it will expand into a key South American market \u2013 and follow up the move in future with other South American economies too. Read more about the international payments market with our money transfers news.", "image": {"identifier": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fxcompared.prod.resources/3215/7779/6472/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720}, "card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@fx_compared"}, "name": "Ripple set to make new waves in South America", "image": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fxcompared.prod.resources/3215/7779/6472/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america.jpg", "fb": {"admins": 126780, "app_id": 629841673794188}, "Classification": "Business", "distribution": "GLOBAL", "rating": "General", "copyright": "copyright(c) 2019 FX Compared Ltd", "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0", "verification": "7fb5d2c31a06061ed4966cf09363e925", "robots": "max-image-preview:large"}, "canonical_link": "https://www.fxcompared.com/magazine/news/ripple-set-make-new-waves-south-america"}