mTk-SQuAD_en-SQAD_cs-1B /
michal-stefanik's picture
README & Training resources
import logging
import random
from typing import Iterable, Union, Dict, List, Optional
import torch
from adaptor.objectives.seq2seq import Sequence2Sequence
from transformers import BatchEncoding
logger = logging.getLogger()
priming_formats = {
"QA": {"cs": "Otázka: %s Kontext: %s Odpověď:",
"en": "Question: %s Context: %s Answer:",
"ru": "Вопрос: %s Контекст: %s Отвечать:"}}
class Priming(Sequence2Sequence):
def __init__(self, *args,
train_question_categories: Iterable[str],
max_eval_samples: int,
val_question_categories: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
min_num_demonstrations: int = 2,
max_num_demonstrations: int = 5,
demos_infer_batch_size: int = 32,
demos_selection_strategy: str = "hard",
difficulty_sample: int = 64,
max_input_length: int = 8000,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.train_question_categories = list(train_question_categories)
self.val_question_categories = list(val_question_categories) if val_question_categories is not None else None
self.min_num_demonstrations = min_num_demonstrations
self.max_num_demonstrations = max_num_demonstrations
self.demos_infer_batch_size = demos_infer_batch_size
self.demos_selection_strategy = demos_selection_strategy
self.difficulty_sample = difficulty_sample
self.max_input_length = max_input_length
self.max_eval_samples = max_eval_samples
def _construct_qa_prompt(self, question: str, context: str) -> str:
return priming_formats["QA"][self.source_lang_id] % (question, context)
def _construct_demonstration(self, prompt: str, answer: str) -> str:
return "%s %s " % (prompt, answer)
def _construct_primed_prompt(self, primed_demonstrations: List[str], prompt: str) -> str:
return " ".join(primed_demonstrations) + " " + prompt
def forced_generation_score(self, input_texts: List[str], forced_output: str) -> torch.FloatTensor:
inputs = self.tokenizer(input_texts, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest", truncation=True)
inputs =
with self.tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
output_ids = self.tokenizer(forced_output, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest",
forced_outputs = self.compatible_head_model.prepare_decoder_input_ids_from_labels(output_ids)
forced_outputs =
outputs = self.compatible_head_model(**inputs,
decoder_input_ids=forced_outputs.expand(inputs.input_ids.shape[0], -1))
output_log_probs = outputs.logits.log_softmax(-1)
forced_output_logits = torch.gather(output_log_probs, -1,
output_ids.expand(inputs.input_ids.shape[0], -1).unsqueeze(-1))
forced_output_log_score = forced_output_logits.sum((-1, -2))
# we do not need to normalize, as all the targets are the same <=> same length
return forced_output_log_score.double().exp()
def _pick_most_difficult_demo(self,
selected_demos: List[str],
next_demo_cands: List[str],
predict_prompt: str,
predicted_answer: str) -> int:
with torch.no_grad():
difficulties = torch.empty(0, device=self.compatible_head_model.device, dtype=torch.float)
for batch_offset in range(0, len(next_demo_cands), self.demos_infer_batch_size):
next_demo_cands_batch = next_demo_cands[batch_offset: batch_offset + self.demos_infer_batch_size]
primed_prompts = [self._construct_primed_prompt(selected_demos + [demo], predict_prompt)
for demo in next_demo_cands_batch]
cands_difficulty = self.forced_generation_score(primed_prompts, predicted_answer)
difficulties = torch.hstack((difficulties, cands_difficulty))
assert difficulties.argmin() < len(next_demo_cands)
return difficulties.argmin()
def _get_inputs_iterator(self, split: str) -> Iterable[Union[BatchEncoding, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]:
Creates a default iterator over encodings with aligned input and output texts.
:param split: Data split. `train` or `eval`.
:return: Iterator of model input encodings.
# we materialize all samples in memory, so that we can heuristically pick the combinations
questions, contexts, answers = (list(it) for it in self._per_split_iterators(split))
question_categories = self.train_question_categories if split == "train" else self.val_question_categories
assert len(questions) == len(contexts) == len(answers) == len(question_categories), \
"Given numbers of questions, contexts and answers do not match."
prompts = [self._construct_qa_prompt(q, c) for q, c in zip(questions, contexts)]
features_batch = []
cat_index = {cat: [i for i, sample_cat in enumerate(question_categories) if cat == sample_cat]
for cat in set(question_categories)}
retrieved_samples = 0
for idx, sample_category in enumerate(question_categories):
if not cat_index[sample_category]:
logger.warning("No samples within the category %s", sample_category)
pred_prompt, pred_answer = prompts[idx], answers[idx]
picked_demonstrations = []
# a number of demonstrations is in the specified range
expected_num_demonstrations = random.randint(self.min_num_demonstrations, self.max_num_demonstrations)
while len(picked_demonstrations) < expected_num_demonstrations:
if sum(map(len, picked_demonstrations)) > self.max_input_length:
logger.warning("Skipping too long prompt.")
if self.demos_selection_strategy == "hard":
# pick the most difficult examples out of a sample
# we do not need to worry for picking up the predicted sample among demonstrations in hard strategy
if len(cat_index[sample_category]) <= 1:
# we can not construct informative demonstrations for categories of a single item
samples_idx = random.choices(cat_index[sample_category], k=self.difficulty_sample)
cand_demonstrations = [self._construct_demonstration(prompts[i], answers[i]) for i in samples_idx]
selected_index = self._pick_most_difficult_demo(picked_demonstrations, cand_demonstrations,
pred_prompt, pred_answer)
elif self.demos_selection_strategy == "informative":
if len(cat_index[sample_category]) <= 1:
# we can not construct informative demonstrations for categories of a single item
selected_cat_index = random.randint(1, len(cat_index[sample_category])-1)
selected_index = cat_index[sample_category][selected_cat_index]
if selected_index == idx:
# we do not want to expose the predicted sample in demonstrations
selected_index = cat_index[sample_category][selected_cat_index-1]
picked_demonstration = self._construct_demonstration(prompts[selected_index],
elif self.demos_selection_strategy == "random":
# evaluation: do not infer samples' difficulty, pick randomly
selected_index = random.randint(1, len(prompts)-1)
if selected_index == idx:
# we do not want to expose the predicted sample in demonstrations
selected_index -= 1
picked_demonstration = self._construct_demonstration(prompts[selected_index],
raise ValueError("Unknown demon selection strategy: '%s'" % self.demos_selection_strategy)
if len(picked_demonstrations) != expected_num_demonstrations:
# we omit examples with none or only one demonstration in the category
# encode a yielded batch
primed_prompt = self._construct_primed_prompt(picked_demonstrations, pred_prompt)
primed_prompt_encoding = self.tokenizer(primed_prompt, truncation=True)
label_encoding = self.tokenizer(pred_answer, truncation=True)
features_batch.append({"input_ids": primed_prompt_encoding.input_ids,
"attention_mask": primed_prompt_encoding.attention_mask,
"labels": label_encoding.input_ids})
if len(features_batch) == self.batch_size:
yield self.collator(features_batch)
features_batch = []
retrieved_samples += 1
if split == "eval" and retrieved_samples >= self.max_eval_samples:
# custom evaluation break - we need all samples in set to match categories,
# but do not want to iterate them all
if features_batch:
# yield last nonempty residual batch
yield self.collator(features_batch)
def _compute_loss(self,
lm_logit_outputs: torch.FloatTensor,
labels: torch.LongTensor,
inputs: Optional[Union[BatchEncoding, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]] = None) -> torch.FloatTensor:
# customization for mt5 model, with incorrectly-set tokenizer.vocab_size
# This should be fixed in upcoming release of adaptor (>=0.1.5)
loss_fct = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
lm_loss = loss_fct(lm_logit_outputs.flatten(end_dim=1), labels.flatten())
return lm_loss