--- language: - en thumbnail: "https://www.onebraveidea.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/OBI-Logo-Website.png" tags: - deidentification - medical notes - ehr - phi datasets: - I2B2 metrics: - F1 - Recall - Precision widget: - text: "Physician Discharge Summary Admit date: 10/12/1982 Discharge date: 10/22/1982 Patient Information Jack Reacher, 54 y.o. male (DOB = 1/21/1928)." - text: "Home Address: 123 Park Drive, San Diego, CA, 03245. Home Phone: 202-555-0199 (home)." - text: "Hospital Care Team Service: Orthopedics Inpatient Attending: Roger C Kelly, MD Attending phys phone: (634)743-5135 Discharge Unit: HCS843 Primary Care Physician: Hassan V Kim, MD 512-832-5025." license: mit --- # Model Description * A RoBERTa [[Liu et al., 2019]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.11692.pdf) model fine-tuned for de-identification of medical notes. * Sequence Labeling (token classification): The model was trained to predict protected health information (PHI/PII) entities (spans). A list of protected health information categories is given by [HIPAA](https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/laws-regulations/index.html). * A token can either be classified as non-PHI or as one of the 11 PHI types. Token predictions are aggregated to spans by making use of BILOU tagging. * The PHI labels that were used for training and other details can be found here: [Annotation Guidelines](https://github.com/obi-ml-public/ehr_deidentification/blob/master/AnnotationGuidelines.md) * More details on how to use this model, the format of data and other useful information is present in the GitHub repo: [Robust DeID](https://github.com/obi-ml-public/ehr_deidentification). # How to use * A demo on how the model works (using model predictions to de-identify a medical note) is on this space: [Medical-Note-Deidentification](https://huggingface.co/spaces/obi/Medical-Note-Deidentification). * Steps on how this model can be used to run a forward pass can be found here: [Forward Pass](https://github.com/obi-ml-public/ehr_deidentification/tree/master/steps/forward_pass) * In brief, the steps are: * Sentencize (the model aggregates the sentences back to the note level) and tokenize the dataset. * Use the predict function of this model to gather the predictions (i.e., predictions for each token). * Additionally, the model predictions can be used to remove PHI from the original note/text. # Dataset * The I2B2 2014 [[Stubbs and Uzuner, 2015]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4978170/) dataset was used to train this model. | | I2B2 | | I2B2 | | | --------- | --------------------- | ---------- | -------------------- | ---------- | | | TRAIN SET - 790 NOTES | | TEST SET - 514 NOTES | | | PHI LABEL | COUNT | PERCENTAGE | COUNT | PERCENTAGE | | DATE | 7502 | 43.69 | 4980 | 44.14 | | STAFF | 3149 | 18.34 | 2004 | 17.76 | | HOSP | 1437 | 8.37 | 875 | 7.76 | | AGE | 1233 | 7.18 | 764 | 6.77 | | LOC | 1206 | 7.02 | 856 | 7.59 | | PATIENT | 1316 | 7.66 | 879 | 7.79 | | PHONE | 317 | 1.85 | 217 | 1.92 | | ID | 881 | 5.13 | 625 | 5.54 | | PATORG | 124 | 0.72 | 82 | 0.73 | | EMAIL | 4 | 0.02 | 1 | 0.01 | | OTHERPHI | 2 | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | | TOTAL | 17171 | 100 | 11283 | 100 | # Training procedure * Steps on how this model was trained can be found here: [Training](https://github.com/obi-ml-public/ehr_deidentification/tree/master/steps/train). The "model_name_or_path" was set to: "roberta-large". * The dataset was sentencized with the en_core_sci_sm sentencizer from spacy. * The dataset was then tokenized with a custom tokenizer built on top of the en_core_sci_sm tokenizer from spacy. * For each sentence we added 32 tokens on the left (from previous sentences) and 32 tokens on the right (from the next sentences). * The added tokens are not used for learning - i.e, the loss is not computed on these tokens - they are used as additional context. * Each sequence contained a maximum of 128 tokens (including the 32 tokens added on). Longer sequences were split. * The sentencized and tokenized dataset with the token level labels based on the BILOU notation was used to train the model. * The model is fine-tuned from a pre-trained RoBERTa model. * Training details: * Input sequence length: 128 * Batch size: 32 (16 with 2 gradient accumulation steps) * Optimizer: AdamW * Learning rate: 5e-5 * Dropout: 0.1 ## Results # Questions? Post a Github issue on the repo: [Robust DeID](https://github.com/obi-ml-public/ehr_deidentification).