dataset_var = [ {"symptom": "not breathing", "solution": "Perform CPR: Place your hands on the center of the chest and push hard and fast at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. After every 30 compressions, give 2 rescue breaths."}, {"symptom": "bleeding", "solution": "Apply direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or sterile bandage. Elevate the injured area above the heart if possible."}, {"symptom": "chest pain", "solution": "Have the person sit down and rest. If available, give them an aspirin to chew and swallow."}, {"symptom": "choking", "solution": "Perform the Heimlich maneuver: Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. Make a fist with one hand and place it just above their navel. Grasp the fist with your other hand and pull inward and upward with quick, forceful thrusts."}, {"symptom": "unconscious", "solution": "Check for breathing. If not breathing, start CPR. If breathing, place them in the recovery position (on their side with the top leg bent for support)."}, {"symptom": "burns", "solution": "Cool the burn under running water for at least 10 minutes. Cover the burn with a sterile, non-stick bandage."}, {"symptom": "fracture", "solution": "Immobilize the injured area using a splint or sling. Avoid moving the person if a neck or spine injury is suspected."}, {"symptom": "allergic reaction", "solution": "Administer an epinephrine auto-injector if available. Seek emergency medical attention immediately."}, {"symptom": "seizure", "solution": "Protect the person from injury by removing nearby objects. Do not restrain them or put anything in their mouth. After the seizure, place them in the recovery position."}, {"symptom": "poisoning", "solution": "Call the Poison Control Center immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed by a healthcare professional."}, {"symptom": "heat stroke", "solution": "Move the person to a cooler place. Apply cool, wet cloths to their skin or immerse them in cool water. Seek medical attention immediately."}, {"symptom": "frostbite", "solution": "Gradually warm the affected area with warm (not hot) water. Do not rub the area as it can cause further damage. Seek medical attention."}, {"symptom": "shock", "solution": "Lay the person down and elevate their legs if possible. Keep them warm and calm. Seek emergency medical attention."}, {"symptom": "asthma attack", "solution": "Help the person use their inhaler. If symptoms do not improve, seek emergency medical attention."}, {"symptom": "diabetic emergency", "solution": "If the person is conscious, give them a sugary drink or snack. If unconscious, seek emergency medical attention immediately."}, {"symptom": "drowning", "solution": "If safe, remove the person from the water. Start CPR if they are not breathing."}, {"symptom": "hyperventilation", "solution": "Have the person breathe slowly into a paper bag or cupped hands to help them calm down."}, {"symptom": "panic attack", "solution": "Encourage the person to breathe slowly and deeply. Offer reassurance and a calming environment."}, {"symptom": "stroke", "solution": "Call emergency services immediately. Note the time symptoms began and keep the person calm and comfortable."}, {"symptom": "heart attack", "solution": "Call emergency services immediately. Have the person sit down and try to stay calm. If available, give them an aspirin to chew."}, {"symptom": "anaphylaxis", "solution": "Administer an epinephrine auto-injector if available. Call emergency services immediately."}, {"symptom": "spinal injury", "solution": "Do not move the person unless absolutely necessary. Keep their head and neck aligned with the spine. Seek emergency medical attention."}, {"symptom": "head injury", "solution": "Keep the person still and avoid moving their head or neck. Apply ice to any swelling and seek medical attention."}, {"symptom": "eye injury", "solution": "Do not rub the eye. Flush it with clean water if there is debris. Seek medical attention for severe injuries."}, {"symptom": "abdominal pain", "solution": "Have the person lie down and rest. Avoid giving them food or drink until the cause is known. Seek medical attention if severe."}, {"symptom": "nosebleed", "solution": "Pinch the nostrils closed and lean forward slightly to prevent swallowing blood. Hold for 10 minutes or until bleeding stops."}, {"symptom": "fainting", "solution": "Lay the person down and elevate their legs. Loosen any tight clothing and ensure they are breathing normally."}, {"symptom": "earache", "solution": "Apply a warm compress to the affected ear. Over-the-counter pain relievers may help. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist."}, {"symptom": "toothache", "solution": "Rinse the mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the outside of the cheek. Seek dental care as soon as possible."}, {"symptom": "sprain", "solution": "Rest the injured area and apply ice. Compress with an elastic bandage and elevate to reduce swelling."}, {"symptom": "sunburn", "solution": "Apply aloe vera or a moisturizing lotion to the affected area. Stay out of the sun and drink plenty of fluids."}, {"symptom": "diarrhea", "solution": "Stay hydrated by drinking clear fluids. Avoid solid foods until symptoms improve. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist."}, {"symptom": "constipation", "solution": "Increase fiber intake and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly and avoid holding in bowel movements."}, {"symptom": "nausea", "solution": "Sip on clear fluids and eat small, bland meals. Avoid strong odors and rest until symptoms subside."}, {"symptom": "vomiting", "solution": "Stay hydrated by sipping on clear fluids. Rest and avoid eating solid foods until vomiting stops."}, {"symptom": "fever", "solution": "Stay hydrated and rest. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce fever."}, {"symptom": "cough", "solution": "Drink warm fluids and use a humidifier. Over-the-counter cough suppressants may help. Seek medical attention if the cough persists."}, {"symptom": "sore throat", "solution": "Gargle with warm salt water and drink warm fluids. Throat lozenges or over-the-counter pain relievers may help."}, {"symptom": "headache", "solution": "Rest in a quiet, dark room. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help. Stay hydrated and avoid triggers like stress or certain foods."}, {"symptom": "muscle cramps", "solution": "Stretch and massage the affected muscle. Drink water or a sports drink to replace lost electrolytes."}, {"symptom": "joint pain", "solution": "Rest the affected joint and apply ice to reduce swelling. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help."}, {"symptom": "back pain", "solution": "Rest and apply heat or ice to the affected area. Gentle stretching and over-the-counter pain relievers can help."}, {"symptom": "stomach ache", "solution": "Rest and avoid eating heavy or greasy foods. Drink clear fluids and try a bland diet until symptoms improve."}, {"symptom": "cold symptoms", "solution": "Stay hydrated and rest. Over-the-counter medications can help relieve symptoms like congestion and sore throat."}, {"symptom": "flu symptoms", "solution": "Rest and drink plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter medications can help relieve symptoms like fever, aches, and congestion."}, {"symptom": "ear infection", "solution": "Apply a warm compress to the affected ear and take over-the-counter pain relievers. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist."}, {"symptom": "urinary tract infection", "solution": "Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine and alcohol. Seek medical attention for antibiotics if symptoms persist."}, {"symptom": "skin rash", "solution": "Apply a cool compress and avoid scratching. Over-the-counter antihistamines or hydrocortisone cream may help."}, {"symptom": "acne", "solution": "Wash the affected area with a gentle cleanser and apply an over-the-counter acne treatment. Avoid picking at pimples."}, {"symptom": "insomnia", "solution": "Establish a regular sleep routine and avoid caffeine or electronics before bed. Consider relaxation techniques like deep breathing."}, {"symptom": "anxiety", "solution": "Practice deep breathing exercises and try to identify and manage stress triggers. Seek professional help if anxiety becomes overwhelming."}, {"symptom": "depression", "solution": "Reach out for support from friends, family, or a mental health professional. Engage in activities that bring you joy."}, {"symptom": "dizziness", "solution": "Sit or lie down until the dizziness passes. Stay hydrated and avoid sudden movements."}, {"symptom": "hiccups", "solution": "Hold your breath and swallow several times, or sip cold water slowly. Avoid carbonated drinks and eating too quickly."}, {"symptom": "indigestion", "solution": "Eat smaller, more frequent meals and avoid fatty or spicy foods. Over-the-counter antacids may help."}, {"symptom": "heartburn", "solution": "Avoid lying down after eating and avoid trigger foods like spicy or acidic foods. Over-the-counter antacids can help."}, {"symptom": "gas", "solution": "Avoid foods that cause gas and eat slowly to reduce swallowed air. Over-the-counter gas relief medications may help."}, {"symptom": "bloating", "solution": "Avoid carbonated drinks and foods that cause bloating. Stay active and drink plenty of water."}, {"symptom": "acid reflux", "solution": "Avoid large meals and trigger foods like fatty or acidic foods. Over-the-counter medications can help reduce symptoms."}, {"symptom": "cold sores", "solution": "Apply an over-the-counter antiviral cream to the affected area. Avoid sharing utensils or drinks."}, {"symptom": "motion sickness", "solution": "Sit in a stable part of the vehicle and focus on the horizon. Over-the-counter motion sickness medications may help."}, {"symptom": "morning sickness", "solution": "Eat small, frequent meals and avoid strong odors. Ginger or acupressure wristbands may help relieve symptoms."}, {"symptom": "bruising", "solution": "Apply ice to the affected area to reduce swelling. Elevate the area if possible."}, {"symptom": "blisters", "solution": "Leave the blister intact if possible. Cover with a bandage to protect from further irritation."}, {"symptom": "ingrown toenail", "solution": "Soak the affected foot in warm water and gently lift the nail. Apply an antibiotic ointment and bandage."}, {"symptom": "hangover", "solution": "Stay hydrated and eat a light meal. Rest and avoid alcohol until symptoms subside."}, {"symptom": "jet lag", "solution": "Adjust your sleep schedule gradually before your trip. Stay hydrated and get sunlight exposure to help reset your internal clock."}, {"symptom": "menstrual cramps", "solution": "Apply heat to the lower abdomen and take over-the-counter pain relievers. Exercise and relaxation techniques may help."}, {"symptom": "yeast infection", "solution": "Apply an over-the-counter antifungal cream or suppository. Wear loose, breathable clothing."}, {"symptom": "athlete's foot", "solution": "Keep feet clean and dry, and apply an over-the-counter antifungal cream. Wear breathable shoes and change socks regularly."}, {"symptom": "ringworm", "solution": "Apply an over-the-counter antifungal cream to the affected area. Keep the area clean and dry."}, {"symptom": "warts", "solution": "Apply an over-the-counter wart treatment containing salicylic acid. Avoid picking at the wart."}, {"symptom": "eczema", "solution": "Moisturize the affected area regularly and avoid harsh soaps. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream may help reduce itching."}, {"symptom": "psoriasis", "solution": "Apply moisturizing creams and over-the-counter topical treatments. Avoid triggers like stress and cold weather."}, {"symptom": "hives", "solution": "Take an over-the-counter antihistamine and avoid known triggers. Apply a cool compress to relieve itching."}, {"symptom": "shingles", "solution": "Apply cool, wet compresses to the affected area. Take over-the-counter pain relievers and seek medical attention."}, {"symptom": "chickenpox", "solution": "Apply calamine lotion to relieve itching and keep the affected area clean. Avoid scratching and stay hydrated."}, {"symptom": "measles", "solution": "Rest and stay hydrated. Over-the-counter medications can help relieve fever and discomfort. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen."}, {"symptom": "mumps", "solution": "Rest and stay hydrated. Apply a warm or cold compress to the affected area to relieve pain. Seek medical attention."}, {"symptom": "whooping cough", "solution": "Stay hydrated and rest. Over-the-counter cough suppressants may help. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist."}, {"symptom": "tetanus", "solution": "Seek immediate medical attention. Keep the wound clean and dry until you receive treatment."}, {"symptom": "rabies", "solution": "Seek immediate medical attention if bitten by a wild animal. Clean the wound with soap and water."}, {"symptom": "tuberculosis", "solution": "Seek medical attention for diagnosis and treatment. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for medication."}, {"symptom": "malaria", "solution": "Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect malaria. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for treatment."}, {"symptom": "dengue fever", "solution": "Rest and stay hydrated. Over-the-counter medications can help relieve fever and pain. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen."}, {"symptom": "zika virus", "solution": "Rest and stay hydrated. Over-the-counter medications can help relieve symptoms. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen."}, {"symptom": "yellow fever", "solution": "Seek immediate medical attention. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for treatment."}, {"symptom": "lyme disease", "solution": "Seek medical attention if bitten by a tick. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for antibiotics."}, {"symptom": "rocky mountain spotted fever", "solution": "Seek medical attention immediately if bitten by a tick. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for treatment."}, {"symptom": "ebola", "solution": "Seek immediate medical attention if exposed to the virus. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for treatment."}, {"symptom": "meningitis", "solution": "Seek immediate medical attention. Keep the person calm and avoid bright lights."}, {"symptom": "hiv", "solution": "Seek medical attention for diagnosis and treatment. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for medication."}, {"symptom": "hepatitis", "solution": "Seek medical attention for diagnosis and treatment. Avoid alcohol and follow your healthcare provider's instructions."}, {"symptom": "pneumonia", "solution": "Seek medical attention for diagnosis and treatment. Rest and stay hydrated."}, {"symptom": "bronchitis", "solution": "Rest and drink plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter medications can help relieve symptoms. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen."}, {"symptom": "asthma", "solution": "Use your inhaler as prescribed. Avoid triggers and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen."}, {"symptom": "copd", "solution": "Use your inhaler as prescribed. Avoid triggers and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen."}, {"symptom": "cancer", "solution": "Seek medical attention for diagnosis and treatment. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for medication and therapy."} ] print(len(dataset_var))