# pyre-unsafe from transformers import AutoConfig def auto_upgrade(config): cfg = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(config) if "llava" in config and "llava" not in cfg.model_type: assert cfg.model_type == "llama" print( "You are using newer LLaVA code base, while the checkpoint of v0 is from older code base." ) print( "You must upgrade the checkpoint to the new code base (this can be done automatically)." ) confirm = input("Please confirm that you want to upgrade the checkpoint. [Y/N]") if confirm.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: print("Upgrading checkpoint...") assert len(cfg.architectures) == 1 setattr(cfg.__class__, "model_type", "llava") cfg.architectures[0] = "LlavaLlamaForCausalLM" cfg.save_pretrained(config) print("Checkpoint upgraded.") else: print("Checkpoint upgrade aborted.") exit(1)