import os import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # return phones from the start to end time of one word def getwps(start,end,phones): return [(p,s,e) for p,s,e in phones if (s>=start) & (e<=end)] # read align data from mfa file def read_mfa(apath): with open(apath,'r') as handle: f = f = [l.split(',') for l in f] wlines = [(w,float(s),float(e)) for s,e,w,t,_ in f if t=='words'] plines = [(p,float(s),float(e)) for s,e,p,t,_ in f if t=='phones'] aligns = [(w,s,e,getwps(s,e,plines)) for w,s,e in wlines] return aligns # key specific to MFA pronunciation dictionary - # which phones are relevant per word def read_ph_key(fpath): def _winfo(l): def _f(n): return tuple([int(i) if i != 'X' else i for i in n.split(',')]) return (_f(l[3]),_f(l[4])) def _d2d(dic): if isinstance(dic, dict): dic = {k: _d2d(v) for k, v in dic.items()} return dic with open(fpath,'r') as handle: f = f = [l.split('\t') for l in f[1:]] vcdict = {'w2v2': defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(tuple)), \ 'mfa': defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(tuple))} for wline in f: vcdict[wline[1]][wline[0]][wline[2]] = _winfo(wline) return _d2d(vcdict) def get_vc_dur(kwd,atype,dat,vcd,adir): d = [l for l in dat if kwd in l[-1]] prlist = [] if atype=='w2v2': # only one pronunciation-spelling for ctc pspel = kwd for l in d: apath = f'{adir}{l[2]}/{l[3].split(".")[0]}.csv' if os.path.exists(apath): aligns = read_mfa(apath) aligns = [a for a in aligns if a[0] == kwd] for al in aligns: if atype == 'mfa': # get this recording's phone spelling pspel = ' '.join([a for a,s,e in al[3]]) vstart = al[3][vcd[pspel][0][0]][1] vend = al[3][vcd[pspel][0][-1]][2] cstart = al[3][vcd[pspel][1][0]][1] cend = al[3][vcd[pspel][1][-1]][2] vdur = vend-vstart cdur = cend-cstart prlist.append(tuple([vdur,cdur])) return prlist # TODO: # pass word, lang, aln info for fig title; # pass r/l info for point colour def displ(prinfo): rto = np.mean([v/c for v,c in prinfo]) vs = [1000*v for v,c in prinfo] cs = [1000*c for v,c in prinfo] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,5)) plt.xlim([0.0, max(500,min(max(vs),1000))]) plt.ylim([0.0, max(500,min(max(cs),1000))]) plt.scatter(vs,cs) plt.axline((0,0),slope=1,color="darkgray") plt.xlabel("Vowel length (ms)") plt.ylabel("Consonant length (ms)") plt.title(f'TITLE\nRatio: {round(rto,2)}') return(rto,fig) #run analysis # for keyword, speaker-background, align-source, # vowel/consonant index key, and dataset def runan(kwd,spl,aln,vck,dat,sources): kwd = kwd.lower() spl = spl.lower() aln = aln.lower() print(kwd,aln,spl) vcd = vck[aln][kwd] if any([ tuple('X') in el for el in vcd.values()]): #print("EXCLUDED WORD FOR THIS ALIGNMENT TYPE") return "EXCLUDED WORD FOR THIS ALIGNMENT TYPE" d = dat if spl == 'l1': d = [l for l in dat if l[8].lower() == 'icelandic'] if spl == 'l2': d = [l for l in dat if l[8].lower() != 'icelandic'] prinfo = get_vc_dur(kwd,aln,d,vcd,sources[aln]) if len(prinfo) >5: r,f = displ(prinfo) return(f) else: return 0 # TODO THIS CASE def setup(meta,phkey): with open(meta,'r') as handle: dat = dat = [l.split('\t') for l in dat[1:]] dat = [l[:-1] + [tuple(l[-1].split(' '))] for l in dat] kws = [l[-1] for l in dat] kws = [i for t in kws for i in t] kws = sorted(list(set(kws))) return dat, read_ph_key(phkey), kws