retrieval-study /
import gradio as gr
import os
# PERSISTENT DATA STORAGE: this code is used to make commits
import json
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download, file_exists, HfApi
from random import shuffle
from markdown import markdown
# Read-only reference variables
qIDs = ["mbe_46", "mbe_132", "mbe_287", "mbe_326", "mbe_334", "mbe_389", "mbe_563", "mbe_614", "mbe_642", "mbe_747", "mbe_779", "mbe_826", "mbe_845", "mbe_1042", "mbe_1134"]
mode_options = ["e5", "colbert"]
with open("question_data.json", "r") as f:
all_questions = json.load(f)
# State variables which interact with loading and unloading
user_data = {}
current_response = {}
current_question = {} # read-only within gradio blocks
user_id = "no_id"
# Control global variables
step = 0
mode = 1
def load_user_data(id):
global user_data
filename = id.replace('@', '_AT_').replace('.', '_DOT_')
if file_exists(filename = "users/" + filename + ".json", repo_id = "ebrowne/test-data", repo_type = "dataset", token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")):
print("File exists, downloading data.")
# If the ID exists, download the file from HuggingFace
path = hf_hub_download(repo_id = "ebrowne/test-data", token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN"), filename = "users/" + filename + ".json", repo_type = "dataset")
# Add their current status to user_data
with open(path, "r") as f:
user_data = json.load(f)
# If the ID doesn't exist, create a format for the file and upload it to HuggingFace
print("File does not exist, creating user.")
modes = []
for i in range(len(qIDs)):
temp = mode_options[:]
# This is the format for a user's file on HuggingFace
user_data = {
"user_id": id, # original in email format, which was passed here
"order": qIDs, # randomized order for each user
"modes": modes, # randomized order for each user
"current": 0, # user starts on first question
"responses": [] # formatted as a list of current_responses
# Run the update method to upload the new JSON file to HuggingFace
def update_huggingface(id):
global user_data
print("Updating data...")
filename = id.replace('@', '_AT_').replace('.', '_DOT_')
# Create a local file that will be uploaded to HuggingFace
with open(filename + ".json", "w") as f:
json.dump(user_data, f)
# Upload to hub (overwriting existing files...)
api = HfApi()
path_or_fileobj=filename + ".json",
path_in_repo="users/" + filename + ".json",
token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")
def reset_current_response(qid):
global current_response
current_response = {
"user_id": user_id,
"question_id": qid,
"user_answer": 0,
"e5_scores": [], # list of ten [score, score, score, score]
"e5_set": [], # two values
"e5_generation": [], # two values
"colbert_scores": [],
"colbert_set": [],
"colbert_generation": [],
"gold_set": [],
"gold_generation": []
with open("question_data.json", "r") as f:
all_questions = json.load(f)
# Loads the user's current question — this is the first question that the user has not made any progress on.
def load_current_question():
global current_question
q_index = user_data["current"]
if q_index >= len(all_questions):
gr.Info("You've finished — thank you so much! There are no more questions. :)")
current_question = {"question": "You're done! Thanks so much for your help.", "answers": ["I want to log out now.", "I want to keep answering questions.","I want to keep answering questions.", "I want to keep answering questions."], "correct_answer_index": 0, "top10_e5": ["You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!"], "generation_e5": "I don't know how to exit this code right now, so you're in an endless loop of this question until you quit.", "top10_colbert": ["You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!"], "generation_colbert": "I don't know how to exit this code right now, so you're in an endless loop of this question until you quit.", "top10_contains_gold_passage": False, "gold_passage": "GOLD PASSAGE: LOG OFF!", "gold_passage_generation": "what do you gain"}
reset_current_response("USER FINISHED")
qid = user_data["order"][q_index]
current_question = all_questions[qid]
# THEMING: colors and styles (Gradio native)
theme = gr.themes.Soft(
font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont('Inter'), 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'],
# BLOCKS: main user interface
with gr.Blocks(theme = theme) as user_eval:
# State variables which interact with loading and unloading
user_data = gr.State({})
current_response = gr.State({})
current_question = gr.State({}) # read-only within gradio blocks
user_id = gr.State("no_id")
# Control global variables
step = gr.State(0)
mode = gr.State(1) # mode is always 1 for now
def load_user_data(id):
filename = id.replace('@', '_AT_').replace('.', '_DOT_')
if file_exists(filename = "users/" + filename + ".json", repo_id = "ebrowne/test-data", repo_type = "dataset", token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")):
print("File exists, downloading data.")
# If the ID exists, download the file from HuggingFace
path = hf_hub_download(repo_id = "ebrowne/test-data", token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN"), filename = "users/" + filename + ".json", repo_type = "dataset")
# Add their current status to user_data
with open(path, "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
# If the ID doesn't exist, create a format for the file and upload it to HuggingFace
print("File does not exist, creating user.")
modes = []
for i in range(len(qIDs)):
temp = mode_options[:]
# This is the format for a user's file on HuggingFace
return {
"user_id": id, # original in email format, which was passed here
"order": qIDs, # randomized order for each user
"modes": modes, # randomized order for each user
"current": 0, # user starts on first question
"responses": [] # formatted as a list of current_responses
# No longer uploading after first creation: user must answer question for that.
def update_huggingface(data):
print("Updating data...")
id = data["user_id"]
filename = id.replace('@', '_AT_').replace('.', '_DOT_')
# Create a local file that will be uploaded to HuggingFace
with open(filename + ".json", "w") as f:
json.dump(data, f)
# Upload to hub (overwriting existing files...)
api = HfApi()
path_or_fileobj=filename + ".json",
path_in_repo="users/" + filename + ".json",
token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")
def reset_current_response(qid, uid):
return {
current_response : {
"user_id": uid,
"question_id": qid,
"user_answer": 0,
"e5_scores": [], # list of ten [score, score, score, score]
"e5_set": [], # two values
"e5_generation": [], # two values
"colbert_scores": [],
"colbert_set": [],
"colbert_generation": [],
"gold_set": [],
"gold_generation": []
# Loads the user's current question — this is the first question that the user has not made any progress on.
def load_current_question(user_data):
q_index = user_data["current"]
if q_index >= len(all_questions):
gr.Info("You've finished — thank you so much! There are no more questions. :)")
new_response = reset_current_response("USER FINISHED", user_data["user_id"])
return {"question": "You're done! Thanks so much for your help.", "answers": ["I want to log out now.", "I want to keep answering questions.","I want to keep answering questions.", "I want to keep answering questions."], "correct_answer_index": 0, "top10_e5": ["You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!"], "generation_e5": "I don't know how to exit this code right now, so you're in an endless loop of this question until you quit.", "top10_colbert": ["You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!", "You're done; thank you!"], "generation_colbert": "I don't know how to exit this code right now, so you're in an endless loop of this question until you quit.", "top10_contains_gold_passage": False, "gold_passage": "GOLD PASSAGE: LOG OFF!", "gold_passage_generation": "what do you gain"}, new_response
qid = user_data["order"][q_index]
new_response = reset_current_response(user_data["order"][q_index], user_data["user_id"])
return all_questions[qid], new_response
# Title text introducing study
forward_btn = gr.Textbox("unchanged", visible = False, elem_id = "togglebutton") # used for toggling windows
<h1> Legal Retriever Evaluation Study </h1>
<p> Score the passages based on the question and provided answer choices. Detailed instructions are found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. </p>
# Passages and user evaluations thereof
with gr.Row(equal_height = False, visible = False) as evals:
# Passage text
with gr.Column(scale = 2) as passages:
selection = gr.HTML()
selection = gr.HTML("
<h2> Retrieved Passage </h2>
<p> " + current_question["top10_" + user_data["modes"][user_data["current"]][mode]][0] + "</p>")
line = gr.Markdown("---")
# New answers is able to render the Q and A with formatting. It doesn't change the contents of the answers.
# new_answers = current_question["answers"].copy()
# new_answers[current_question["correct_answer_index"]] = "**" + current_question["answers"][current_question["correct_answer_index"]] + "** ✅"
passage_display = gr.Markdown()
temp = """
## Question and Answer
# Scoring box
with gr.Column(scale = 1) as scores_p:
desc_0 = gr.Markdown("Does the passage describe **a legal rule or principle?**")
eval_0 = gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"], label = "Legal Rule?")
desc_1 = gr.Markdown("How **relevant** is this passage to the question?")
eval_1 = gr.Slider(1, 5, step = 0.5, label = "Relevance", value = 3)
desc_2 = gr.Markdown("How would you rate the passage's **quality** in terms of detail, clarity, and focus?")
eval_2 = gr.Slider(1, 5, step = 0.5, label = "Quality", value = 3)
desc_3 = gr.Markdown("How effectively does the passage **lead you to the correct answer?**")
eval_3 = gr.Slider(-2, 2, step = 0.5, label = "Helpfulness", value = 0)
btn_p = gr.Button("Next", interactive = False)
# Users must enter in a yes/no value before moving on in the radio area
def sanitize_score(rad):
if rad == None:
return {btn_p: gr.Button(interactive = False)}
return {btn_p: gr.Button(interactive = True)}
eval_0.change(fn = sanitize_score, inputs = [eval_0], outputs = [btn_p])
with gr.Column(scale = 1, visible = False) as scores_g:
helps = gr.Markdown("Does this information **help answer** the question?")
eval_helps = gr.Slider(-2, 2, step = 0.5, label = "Helpfulness", value = 0)
satisfied = gr.Markdown("How **satisfied** are you by this answer?")
eval_satisfied = gr.Slider(1, 5, step = 0.5, label = "User Satisfaction", value = 3)
btn_g = gr.Button("Next")
def next_p(e0, e1, e2, e3, cur_step, mode, cr, cq):
cur_step += 1
# Add user data to the current response
cr["e5_scores"].append([e0, e1, e2, e3])
# Next item
if cur_step >= len(cq["top10_e5"]): # should always be 10 (DEBUG: >= to avoid out of bounds)
# Step 10: all sources
collapsible_string = "<h2> Set of Passages </h2>\n"
for i, passage in enumerate(cq["top10_e5"]):
collapsible_string += """
<strong>Passage """ + str(i + 1) + """</strong>
<p> """ + passage + """ </p>
return {
selection: gr.HTML(collapsible_string),
scores_p: gr.Column(visible = False),
scores_g: gr.Column(visible = True),
eval_0: gr.Radio(value = None),
eval_1: gr.Slider(value = 3),
eval_2: gr.Slider(value = 3),
eval_3: gr.Slider(value = 0),
step: cur_step,
# mode: 1,
current_response: cr
return {
selection: gr.HTML("""
<h2> Retrieved Passage </h2>
<p> """ + cq["top10_e5"][cur_step] + "</p>"),
eval_0: gr.Radio(value = None),
eval_1: gr.Slider(value = 3),
eval_2: gr.Slider(value = 3),
eval_3: gr.Slider(value = 0),
step: cur_step,
# mode: 1,
current_response: cr
def next_g(e_h, e_s, cur_step, mode, ud, cr, cq):
cur_step += 1
if cur_step == 11:
# Step 11: guaranteed to be generation
# Add user data to the current response as SET evaluation, which comes before the generation
# CHANGED FROM user_data["modes"][user_data["current"]] + "_set", as are all direct references to top10_e5
cr["e5_set"] = [e_h, e_s]
return {
selection: gr.HTML("""
<h2> Autogenerated Response </h2>
<p>""" + markdown(cq["generation_e5"]) + "</p>"),
eval_helps: gr.Slider(value = 0),
eval_satisfied: gr.Slider(value = 3),
step: cur_step,
# mode: mode,
user_data: ud,
current_response: cr
# Steps 12 and 13 are gold passage + gold passage generation IF it is applicable
if cur_step > 11: # and not current_question["top10_contains_gold_passage"]
# When mode is 0 -> reset with mode = 1
if mode == 0:
# The user just evaluated a generation for mode 0
current_response[user_data["modes"][user_data["current"]][mode] + "_generation"] = [e_h, e_s]
return {
selection: gr.HTML(\"""
<h2> Retrieved Passage </h2>
<p> \""" + current_question["top10_" + user_data["modes"][user_data["current"]][1]][0] + "</p>"), # hard coded: first passage (0) of mode 2 (1),
forward_btn: gr.Textbox("load new data"),
eval_helps: gr.Slider(value = 0),
eval_satisfied: gr.Slider(value = 3)
# When mode is 1 -> display GP and GP generation, then switch
if cur_step == 12:
# The user just evaluated a generation for mode 1
# CHANGE from user_data["modes"][user_data["current"]] + "_generation"
cr["e5_generation"] = [e_h, e_s]
return {
selection: gr.HTML("""
<h2> Retrieved Passage </h2>
<p> """ + cq["gold_passage"] + "</p>"),
forward_btn: gr.Textbox(),
eval_helps: gr.Slider(value = 0),
eval_satisfied: gr.Slider(value = 3),
step: cur_step,
# mode: mode,
user_data: ud,
current_response: cr
elif cur_step == 13:
# The user just evaluated the gold passage
cr["gold_set"] = [e_h, e_s]
return {
selection: gr.HTML("""
<h2> Autogenerated Response </h2>
<p> """ + markdown(cq["gold_passage_generation"]) + "</p>"),
forward_btn: gr.Textbox(),
eval_helps: gr.Slider(value = 0),
eval_satisfied: gr.Slider(value = 3),
step: cur_step,
# mode: mode,
user_data: ud,
current_response: cr
else: # step = 14
# The user just evaluated the gold passage generation
cr["gold_generation"] = [e_h, e_s]
ud["current"] += 1
ud["responses"].append(cr) # adds new answers to current list of responses
update_huggingface(ud) # persistence — update progress online, save answers
cq, cr = load_current_question(ud)
return {
selection: gr.Markdown("Advancing to the next question..."),
forward_btn: gr.Textbox("changed" + str(ud["current"])), # current forces event to trigger always
eval_helps: gr.Slider(value = 0),
eval_satisfied: gr.Slider(value = 3),
step: 0,
# mode: mode,
user_data: ud,
current_response: cr,
current_question: cq
} = next_p, inputs = [eval_0, eval_1, eval_2, eval_3, step, mode, current_response, current_question], outputs = [selection, scores_p, scores_g, eval_0, eval_1, eval_2, eval_3, step, mode, current_response]) = next_g, inputs = [eval_helps, eval_satisfied, step, mode, user_data, current_response, current_question], outputs = [selection, forward_btn, eval_helps, eval_satisfied, step, mode, user_data, current_response, current_question])
# Question and answering dynamics
with gr.Row(equal_height = False, visible = False) as question:
with gr.Column():
q_text = gr.Markdown("Question")
a = gr.Button("A")
b = gr.Button("B")
c = gr.Button("C")
d = gr.Button("D")
# I know this is inefficient...
def answer_a(cr):
# cr = current_response
cr = list(cr.values())[0]
cr["user_answer"] = 0
return {
question: gr.Row(visible = False),
evals: gr.Row(visible = True),
current_response: cr
def answer_b(cr):
# cr = current_response
cr = list(cr.values())[0]
cr["user_answer"] = 1
return {
question: gr.Row(visible = False),
evals: gr.Row(visible = True),
current_response: cr
def answer_c(cr):
# cr = current_response
cr = list(cr.values())[0]
cr["user_answer"] = 2
return {
question: gr.Row(visible = False),
evals: gr.Row(visible = True),
current_response: cr
def answer_d(cr):
# cr = current_response
cr = list(cr.values())[0]
cr["user_answer"] = 3
return {
question: gr.Row(visible = False),
evals: gr.Row(visible = True),
current_response: cr
} = answer_a, inputs = [current_response], outputs = [question, evals, current_response]) = answer_b, inputs = [current_response], outputs = [question, evals, current_response]) = answer_c, inputs = [current_response], outputs = [question, evals, current_response]) = answer_d, inputs = [current_response], outputs = [question, evals, current_response])
def toggle(s, mode, cq): # s was step...
# step = 0
if mode == 0: # temporarily disabled — will never be mode 0
mode = 1 # update mode to 1, will restart with same Q, next set of Ps
print("Next set of passages for same question")
return {
scores_p: gr.Column(visible = True),
scores_g: gr.Column(visible = False),
evals: gr.Row(visible = True),
question: gr.Row(visible = False),
# step: step,
# mode: mode
# reset mode to 0, will restart with new Q (set up new Q), first set of Ps
# mode = 0 -> RIGHT NOW, ALWAYS 1
print("New question")
new_answers = cq["answers"].copy()
new_answers[cq["correct_answer_index"]] = "**" + cq["answers"][cq["correct_answer_index"]] + "** ✅"
return {
scores_p: gr.Column(visible = True),
scores_g: gr.Column(visible = False),
evals: gr.Row(visible = False),
question: gr.Row(visible = True),
q_text: gr.Markdown(cq["question"]),
a: gr.Button(cq["answers"][0]),
b: gr.Button(cq["answers"][1]),
c: gr.Button(cq["answers"][2]),
d: gr.Button(cq["answers"][3]),
passage_display: gr.Markdown("""
## Question and Answer
*""" + cq["question"] +
"""* \n
+ """ + new_answers[0] +
""" \n
+ """ + new_answers[1] +
""" \n
+ """ + new_answers[2] +
""" \n
+ """ + new_answers[3]),
selection: gr.HTML("""
<h2> Retrieved Passage </h2>
<p> """ + cq["top10_e5"][0] + "</p>"),
step: 0,
# mode: mode
} # note change from "top10_" + user_data["modes"][user_data["current"]][mode]][0]
forward_btn.change(fn = toggle, inputs = [step, mode, current_question], outputs = [scores_p, scores_g, evals, question, q_text, a, b, c, d, passage_display, selection, step, mode])
with gr.Row() as login:
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown("# Enter email to start")
gr.Markdown("Thank you so much for your participation in our study! We're using emails to keep track of which questions you've answered and which you haven't seen. Use the same email every time to keep your progress saved. :)")
email = gr.Textbox(label = "Email", placeholder = "[email protected]")
s = gr.Button("Start!", interactive = False)
def sanitize_login(text):
if text == "":
return {s: gr.Button(interactive = False)}
return {s: gr.Button(interactive = True)}
email.change(fn = sanitize_login, inputs = [email], outputs = [s])
def submit_email(email):
loaded_data = load_user_data(email) # calls login, downloads data, initializes session
# After loading user data, update with current question
new_q, new_r = load_current_question(loaded_data)
new_answers = new_q["answers"].copy()
new_answers[new_q["correct_answer_index"]] = "**" + new_q["answers"][new_q["correct_answer_index"]] + "** ✅"
return {
question: gr.Row(visible = True),
login: gr.Row(visible = False),
selection: gr.HTML("""
<h2> Retrieved Passage </h2>
<p> """ + new_q["top10_e5"][0] + "</p>"),
# when testing both ColBERT and E5, this was "top10_" + user_data["modes"][user_data["current"]][mode]][0]
passage_display: gr.Markdown("""
## Question and Answer
*""" + new_q["question"] +
"""* \n
+ """ + new_answers[0] +
""" \n
+ """ + new_answers[1] +
""" \n
+ """ + new_answers[2] +
""" \n
+ """ + new_answers[3]),
q_text: gr.Markdown(new_q["question"]),
a: gr.Button(new_q["answers"][0]),
b: gr.Button(new_q["answers"][1]),
c: gr.Button(new_q["answers"][2]),
d: gr.Button(new_q["answers"][3]),
user_id: email,
user_data: loaded_data,
current_question: new_q,
current_response: new_r
} = submit_email, inputs = [email], outputs = [question, login, selection, passage_display, q_text, a, b, c, d, user_id, user_data, current_question, current_response])
# Starts on question, switches to evaluation after the user answers