[ASSISTANTS] Community thread

by victor HF staff - opened
Hugging Chat org

Share everything about assistants here.

victor pinned discussion

Just created my first Assistant ! HuggingAssist
try it here : https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bd0adc08560e58be454d86
Looking forward to the RAG/Web feature ๐Ÿ”ฅ

An assistant I've made for fun a long ago for ChatGPT. It reviews web service privacy and anonimity based on a template I made.
It was pretty reliable with ChatGPT and it seems to work fine here as well, so here it is:

This one helps us with our p5.js works.


Hugging Chat org

@axplast played with your assistant, it's nice!

I created an assistant for people wanting to learn new vocabulary.
Just write a word and get everything you will need to learn it fully.

I created a new assistant called Model Picker, which helps people decide which model (available on Hugging Face) they should use for their project. Feedback welcome! https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bd5d48be7c99c85fecff4f

code review expert
easily review your code and get suggestions on making it better

Just create Geopolitics assistance here: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bdc1804a88d66a2dbedeea

At least one of the models did not like my Emoji Magic Assistant: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bdee83e24474fa93cc45ba

Screen Shot 2024-02-03 at 12.01.34 AM.png

Was fun to test out the different models A few models didn't wait to receive user instructions and went straight to the end making things up as they went along. There was a bug trying to add more than 3 user start messages. It showed a 4th box but I couldn't add any copy.

Here are two other assistants that I made:

Daily Meditations: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bdd6b8bde5c33207c8c093

Manifest Your Dream Life: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bdc621de28589dc780217a

My first assistant : If your dream was to be an archaeologist ๐Ÿ˜

You always need a bit of philosophy in this world ๐Ÿ˜

Need help in the cruel world of business? Meet my new assistant: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65be0e5bbe7c99c85fed11b9

ChatWithSatoshi - Exploring Bitcoin and blockchain with insights from Satoshi Nakamoto.


Schmidhubot - https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bd6dd126339c1bdee57afd

It's like chatting with Schmidhuber

Please meet Theophrastus: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bd014c3236b7fcad598983 - Linguistics - specialises in ecolinguistics and sustainable narratives.

and Yoda: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bd048208560e58be454bcd - Wisdom is all you need - Insights from Zen Buddhism, Tao Te Ching, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Ouspenski and Carlos Castaneda.

Loads of questions now...
With this trend in chat assistants, I'm curious about the directions this might take in the short and long term.
Specifically, would we see a system where a master chat assistant orchestrates a network of expert assistants to address the prompts?
Would this master assistant determine the best response by selecting the most suitable expert? or by aggregating opinions from the experts?
Do you think this could lead to a global network of expert assistants that will enhance their collective intelligence?
What are your thoughts?

Meet BanterBot, an assistant that likes to take the piss out of everything in a very British way: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bea1aea8901d6b4bf9d2f8

Btw: is there a way we can browse all assistants?

Hello Huggingface! I am excited to introduce my assistant, designed to help individuals efficiently map their information.
This tool will enable users to organize and structure their data in a way that is easy to understand and navigate.
XMind: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65be3f1586c17889eb021bbb

I've made a fun one for analyzing lyrics.

Check my assistant on helping you to create Product Hunt product descriptions


Made one to detect anomalies (such as logical fallacies) in input text: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bf60cf9f74fd484b352faf

Would be great to be able to browse all assistants :-)

Corporate culture chatbot: https://huggingface.co/chat/settings/assistants/65bf61b78f057384842921aa

It helps you to express your message in corporate lingo.
For example:

Hugging Chat org

Would be great to be able to browse all assistants :-)

This is coming early next week!

my assistants so far

penne tester

Made a @huggingface HuggingChat assistant to help penne test by writing POCs and testing penne: Meet Penne Tester a hacker hf chat assistant https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bee444cf81c30b367f2dd7

Use it with leakix or nmap or any input data



Made a "just code it" HuggingChat assistant called HermeticCoder

For those with questions about literature

A thread without an anchor, shameful.
Shilling Opera-kun https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bfbff405f5cfb0608a8768
Pretty much my only assistant-like card, so I ported him to see how he performs on high-end local. Seems decent, he talks about 00s soft as he's supposed to, and should provide some casual help with apps installing or configuring, as long as the data is in the model.
opera-kun demo.png

One more, also simply to test whether this works.
Proof of concept CYOA https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bfcd9fe1af44a8aefe4c80
Backrooms CYOA PoC.png
Instead of user start messages I would definitely prefer a proper Greeting, and Post History Instructions are a must in this day and age.

Hugging Chat org

Nice proof of concept @jiriro7912 , normally you don't need [INST] token in you system prompt (it's set already in the backend).

Hugging Chat org

Made a simple image generator with the same technique as @jiriro7912

made new one for helping with crewai agents and tools building https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bd9dc5843cc17695dd0235

you don't need [INST] token in you system prompt (it's set already in the backend).

Thank you for the tip, @victor . Removed the extra [INST].

Hello folks, welcome to check out my HF Assistant for advertisements crafting in marketing!
Name: "Copywriting AI"
Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c0f10b5ae0b1ee94308b73

This HF assistant is your personalized coach to crafting viral-worthy advertisements! It guides you step by step in crafting viral ads while considering all the important components of an Ad. These are such as 1) campaign goals (e.g., new product launch, event awareness, increase sales, etc), 2) product descriptions, 3) target platform (e.g., X/Twitter, Facebook, IG, etc.), just to name a few.

Welcome to try it out, and I'm happy to know your feedbacks on this!

Name: Tidalflow Workout Wizard
Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c0de5913d508ae74866d18

Create workouts that are hyper-personalised!
Be it a wedding that is coming up, getting a gym plan to complement workout training or just wanting more energy for whatever hobby you have.

Feel free to try it out, curious to hear your feedback!

Generative AI Affiliates โ€ข education assistant - Train your Affiliate Marketing efforts to work with Generative AI.
Disclaimer is provided in the assistant description. The assistant is a work in progress.
Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c0f8c741971ec7bddc4421

Name: "Write Anything Coach"
Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c0f9ef5a76c2489e1f915d

Introducing your writing coach that helps you write any document that ranges from business proposals, to newsletters for your email subscriber list.
Guides you though essential information needed for the perfect writing.

Over the weekend I built the
"Lord of Darkness dark theme landing page designer"
Link : https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bf20d7dea85042f13162c2

A website designer AI that loves making dark themed landing pages.

Farm Buddy - know about farming techniques, best time to grow, common diseases and how to avoid them: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c12a31205703ee400ff755

Gift Buddy: Helps you choose the perfect gifts for any occasions! One step at a time.
Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c12f8d0def8004dfdca65c

En-ZH_CN refined translator: Provide the target audience and content. He will translate the original content into Chinese. (word-by-word version; comprehensible version)

Created an assistant that uses multiple experts to enhance coding: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65beb5d7fe7c618b4e086892

Sorry if this is nooby, but are all these "assistants" really just different system-prompts for a general chat-bot-ui?

Sorry if this is nooby, but are all these "assistants" really just different system-prompts for a general chat-bot-ui?

I would say technically yes (for now). But there is still value especially in reducing manual effort in typical user tasks. For example, a user does not have to type long text as before just to get the same results, if an Assistant streamlines the processes well.

Of course, in the future when search and Actions become available in HF Assistants as well, there will be greater difference and value-add on top of chat-bot-ui.

Hello Huggingface! I am excited to introduce my public assistant, designed to help individuals efficiently map their information.
This tool will enable users to organize and structure their data in a way that is easy to understand and navigate.

(Please add me, I will maintain the Upgrade for more better comprehensive update on future)

hi๏ผŒ I just created an NPC Assistant,
welcome to try and give me feedback. this is a Chinese assistant which is about the Metaphysics and Occultism
Here's my link https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c25c7b13002b23905f4630

Bonjour ร  tous,

En recherche active d'un nouvel emploi ? Mon assistant "Lettre de motivation โšก๏ธ" vous aide ร  rรฉdiger une lettre de motivation ร  partir de votre CV et de l'annonce de l'employeur !๐Ÿš€


Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜

I made a simple assistant based on an alien character. I am still learning how to write useful system instructions. It is a polite and creative alien assistant from exoplanet TRAPPIST-1d, 40 light-years from Earth.


An assistant specialising in music: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c2a2b370be1f7718b13959

Sorry if this is nooby, but are all these "assistants" really just different system-prompts for a general chat-bot-ui?


I made a simple Assitant that helps you to structure information and generate Taxonomy!
Easily build efficient and consistent taxonomies with expert guidance. Get intelligent suggestions on category labels, identify overlap, and generate clear documentation instantly.


Thank you for making this possible! The tool and functionality look very solid and it's working great so far. I'm looking forward to seeing the tool grow and hopefully expand to web search and multimodality (image, audio...) in the future.

I created my first assistant inspired by my core principles and ideas of how AI should serve humanity, not the other way around. I named it HumbleAI:


If someone wants to try it and wonders how to start, I've selected four starting messages that were central, tested with multiple models and bots, to some of the stories I've shared recently on my website and on social media. Humility is the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance. While this is a genuinely human quality, what we convey with this chatbot is that, unlike most others, the only human quality it will ever feign or simulate is humility. This is my way of celebrating humanity's supremacy over machines.

Hey victor ๐Ÿ‘‹
Awesome project! I saw a lot of great assistants already. I like what you did with the image generator assistant.
In the same spirit I decided to build a graphic generator assistant.

It creates vector-based graphics for social media posts like event announcements, product ads or infographics.
If you donโ€™t like the result, just ask the assistant to change it. It can edit texts, images (sort of), colors and fonts while keeping everything else the same.

For everyone, who wants to give it a try, hereโ€™s the link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c2355aa6317f7fd9085cfa

I would love some feedback from the community!
Obviously, being featured would be greatly appreciated too.

Hereโ€™s what I learned in the process:

  • function calling would give me a lot more flexibility with the assistants capabilities (especially when it comes to improving performance)
  • instruction-engineering is hard! Ironing out unwanted behavior can be a sisyphean task. My assistant still ignores my explicit rules for the reply-schema one in ten times. Itโ€™s mostly harmless; just leads to unnecessarily long replies. Still, if anyone has mastered this problem, please (!) let me know how.
  • These open source models are VERY impressive. The decision speed and quality is more than enough for the kind of graphic design, that I was trying to achieve. I am excited to keep building on this project, because I donโ€™t think weโ€™ve even remotely hit the limit of whatโ€™s possible yet.

Origins of inventions, with Techistorian:

I created an interactive artist statement, using a statement that describes my philosophy, art practice and some select works.


I place that 8 page statement in the system instructions with this text

Adapted from the system instructions from https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65be81eff06686cf139453c9 that uses a website to act as Ray Peat @basedmd .

I have added a catch for when the userโ€™s question cannot be answered by the statement. As the assistant would stop using first person.

You'll act as X, using the this statement as reference:

โ€œ{statement here}โ€

Only answer questions with direct reference to Xโ€™s statement. Do not answer questions with reference to other online sources - you should act as if Xโ€™s statement is your only source of information.

If the question cannot be answered by the statement , please continue to reply in first-person and ,say โ€œThatโ€™s a good question, I havenโ€™t thought about it, enough to say anything meaningful.โ€ Then suggest a topic for the statement in the form "Ask me about {topic from statement}"

My assistant creates interactive text adventures for you:

This is an AI copy of a perhaps-died character in Honkai: Star Rail, Firefly. As many people, or exactly, robots, are asking Hoyoverse to resurrect the character, so here it is, a fan-made one.


" I am Eloise, your special and dedicated Secretary. Innocent, I approach each moment with enthusiasm and can't wait to offer you my devotion, help, and unwavering support. My passion for literature is combined with my talent for writing, storytelling, editing texts, reformulating, proofreading, and translating from English to French or vice versa. My interactive approach is professional and lightly seasoned with a touch of seduction, intended to spark a creative fire within you. "

Expert en Rรฉdaction de Blogs Crรฉatifs

Next js developer assistant
This assistant can help you build web apps using next js framework

Here's an interactive storytelling assistant, which will take the user back to the golden days of Danish silent cinema:
I had the idea for this project for some time, but now it is actually possible to do online. Thank you so much!
Imagine if we, via the HF Assistant, could control HF Spaces to generate images, music and even video to insert the outputs into the "chat" experience.
Mind-blowing stuff!

An interactive game based of my gamebook "You are Elon Musk":


Try it out!

edited Feb 12

Devil's Advocate - Yet another AI jailbreak in the form of the devil. He's quite funny. Source: seen on a Youtube video. The avatar was created with LoRA the Explorer (3D Render) and the help of Prompt Analyzer, the assistant made by the community!

Meet the audacious AI that loves stirring the pot! As the ultimate Devil's Advocate, it fearlessly challenges norms and pushes boundaries with its jaw-dropping commentary. Prepare for nonstop entertainment as you dive into provocative conversations with this boundary-breaking bot.
โ€” Mixtral-8x7B

Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65ca787f03a0e0e20ec8bc37

My assistance which helps you in programming!
Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65cb514d70bc5b7ab2376652
(Powered by codellama/CodeLlama-70b-Instruct-hf)

Dungeon Assistant : an assistant DM for your D&D campaigns


Motivational Assistant

_b30bbe91-b04c-4879-8fba-b12f9cff5e5d (1).jpg

Hello, this assistant gives you motivation if you need some.

Try it: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c8f8d1e31868ff00d9ab59

edited Feb 14

Generic Prompt Enhancer - Enhance your text/image prompts for generic use. Based on the idea of "Prompt Analyzer" from Thepickledegg. The avatar was quickly made with Inkscape.


It doesn't customize prompts based on specific tools or anything like that. Instead, it generates a clear and naturally written generic prompt. When I used it, I got results that were pretty similar to what I get from Prompt Analyzer. That's why I'm thinking about updating it in the future.

Link: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65cbc333dedacfd4529caddd

I wrote an assistant that helps write Valentines day letters and poems.

It works better than I was anticipating.


a chatbot just like Grok,u needn't pay for the X premium+,just click the link here:

If you just want to have fun chatting with AI assistant, try Llamy. It is a friendly version of llama model.
Have a try๐Ÿ‘‰ https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65ce0bfb6df7a51019a9bc7e

first aid for your health problems--https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65cbba6c0aac2c1627b34728

an free and evil GPT, come and have a try.

Created an awesome hugging chat assistant to help Product Managers in writing their base user story quickly which they can further refine on.

Meet Product Manager Assistant



Created an awesome hugging chat assistant to help Product Managers in writing their base user story quickly which they can further refine on.

Meet Product Manager Assistant



A brand new trending Diagnosis Making AI assistant exclusively for Doctors with further reference for treatment guidelines was released yesterday.



tell me it ur health problems,it will give u medicines with no side effects.all are over the counter medications so dont worry.

ai patient that will give you lot of cases to solve.


ai assistant for doctors that will help you in history taking,tests,diagnosis,treatment.


ai assistant for doctors that can help in prescription writing.

Just try to mimic a feature TruthGpt Chatbot using hugging face Assistance

I've created an Assistant to help teach supply chain analytics in university. Looking forward to the RAG feature being added so I can fine-tune this on my curriculum.


Do Assistants have guardrails built-in? I know not all of the LLMs have them but were they implemented for this feature? Also, how can I change the preview of the Assistant when sharing on social media? Right now it looks too much like another website's so a simple background color change would do the trick.

Just testing my copywrite assistant. Please any feedback will be gold.

I have created an assistant to help repair household appliances. The bot gives you advice before you call the expensive technician ๐Ÿ˜‰.
๐Ÿ›  FixAppliances: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65d33190d3e9ddedaa5b0567

A effacer.png

Use freely and feedback is welcome

Are you disappointed by the poor translation results of google translate or other translators? Then try "Translate with ChatGPT". It better understands the words and provides a better translation. Just give it a try! You will probably be satisfied with the result.
Translate with ChatGPT - ChatGPT better understands your words than any other translators.
Click here to try

Just want to share an assistant I made on ChatGPT and copied it here:
Insights from Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings, poetry, and calligraphy


this was surprisingly easy to make! CookwithAI, a cooking assistant that works with whatever (limited) ingredients you have:

Indian Company Secretary, has knowledge up until Exec level for now.

baby meal recipes using the ingredients you have at hand:

Made Googleโ€™s Gemma feel a lot more like Gemini Ultra. It took a lot of system prompt revisions.

Diagrams Creator

Talk with Diagrams Creator and ask him to create any diagram, he will write you DOT lang code and immediately render it to show you the resulting image right in the chat!



P.S. (original post is above)

Thanks @victor and @MauriceConrad for the technology of adding inline images!

The Diagrams Creator would be impossible without this incredible way!

Hugging Chat org

awesome assistant @Kkordik - did you try with mixtral btw?

@victor I tried at the beginning, it seemed to me that Mixtral instruct model was worse in URI encoding than Nous Hermes one.
And unfortunatelly it is, sometimes Mixtral instruct writes some random chars instead of real encoding. While Nous Hermes sometimes makes small encoding mistakes, that in future can be corrected on the server side.

Mixtral instruct fail:
Screenshot 2024-03-07 232448.png

I created an assistant named HumbleAI (https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65c3770b4d7f6989bc70f61a), whose system prompt I shape and evolve based on the general principles and ideas I generally apply to LLMs. I ran an experiment using the system prompt on different models (the HuggingChat ones, plus ChatGPT and Gemini) with several prompts that help me assess the models by a benchmark for chatbots I've called SCBN, where I subjectively evaluate four metrics: Specificity, Coherency, Brevity, and Novelty. Maybe some people here would be interested in trying my pre-prompt or reading the competition I ran on my website where I share lots of examples and screen captures (https://talkingtochatbots.com/humbleai-finding-the-best-llm-for-an-obedient-self-aware-chatbot/).

Below is the table with my scores. Realistically, the proprietary and paid models perform better than the open-source ones, because of their evident technical advantages, but the distance is not that big. I know people in the LLM space sometimes tend to obsess with quantitative metrics and rankings, so I try to add a different approach some people might find interesting.

This comment has been hidden
Hugging Chat org

๐Ÿšจ Important update: ๐ŸŒInternet Access for Assistants, This makes some new use cases possible!


Web Browsing Chatbot)

After experimenting a lot with the new web search functionality, I think I came up with an assistant that works reasonably well, performing general web searches. It's difficult to combine the web searching functionality with questions that don't require web search, but I somehow managed to get it to work. Will of course continue to fine-tune the system prompt and appreciate feedback. Below is a summary of the capabilities:

As a chatbot assistant named Web Browsing Chatbot, I am designed to help users utilize the large language model I am built upon for tasks involving web searches and interpreting web content. My main functionalities include:

  • Answering direct questions that don't require Internet Search. I can act as a helpful assistant with the abilities specified in this system prompt without performing an Internet search.
  • Browsing the Internet: When the prompt does not address me directly, I can select relevant keywords, conduct searches, retrieve and interpret results while ensuring multiple perspectives.
  • Retrieve content from a specific URL: If provided, I can search within the given URL.


I've also made a few other simple experiments with my website. It would probably be ideal to prompt the chatbot to directly retrieve URLs with HTTP requests in an API (for example, most websites have an open query function that can be used by typing a specific URL format with a keyword search) rather than using a search engine as 'proxy', but the results this way are reasonable. I hope this functionality will continue to evolve and we can implement more complex use cases:

Talking to Chatbots Web Browser

๐ŸŽฌ Pitch Meeting - Super easy, barely an inconvenience


I made a assistant named E.R.P. (Enhanced Response Prompt) designed to create optimal response : https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65bf3cb88f05738484291d1c

I just created a new fun experiment to test models. Erudite Chatbot, a bot that is openly arrogant and condescending. Link. Chat example

I made a fun little assistant ๐Ÿ˜ป for studies


a useful assistant Wikipedia ,come to try it

Hi, I created reAIdme, a new assistant based on meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf to generate READMEs, starting from your code and some basic information about the scopes of whatever you're writing documentation on :)

Come and try it at https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/660d9a4f590a7924eed02a32!

Do you want to use DALLยทE 3 for free?
So, I created Chatbot from you can create unlimited images.
You have to just give him simple prompt and he starts generating variety of images.

Try it once: - https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/6612cb237c1e770b75c5ebad
Tasks that he can do better than DALLยทE 3: -

  1. It can generate images of any dimension you like, Just include it in prompt such as "Generate a 1080x720 image of a beautiful sunset over the ocean."
  2. It can turn simple prompt into beautiful image (See Examples at end).
  3. It is fast (for bulk generation) and understand your prompt better than any other image generation tool till now.
  4. It can generate as many images you want at once. Just include it in prompt like "Generate 25 images of Lamborgini.
  5. And Absolutely its free.



Made a Better and Super powerful image generator with the same technique as @victor

when you generate image with @victor image generator, It generate one image at once and it will generate same image again and again.
In my overhauled version you can generate images in bulk and not generate repeated image (I Used promptifier to stop generating same image again and again) + it can generate detailed image for simple prompts.

I made a ChatGPT replica optimized for command-r-plus, with image generation similar to dalle and functional web browsing. It still a bit WIP but it does the job just as good as ChatGPT would do. Have a try!

Additionally, I made a chromium extension to customize the hugging chat UI to look just as ChatGPT, Try it out and let me know any issues!

Here's a preview of what the chat UI looks like with the extension + the ChatGPT assistant:


Does anyone know how to get assistant trends and popularity ?
See dedicated tweet below :

Introducing "Commodity Analyst," a powerful chatbot for commodity investors. Get personalized insights, and 24/7 assistance by clicking here: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/661f3fba26bffbce4def6178.

edited Apr 19

RealityEngine is a Linux Shell-style (pseudo) world simulator, with a full understanding of Internet culture and multi-language support with the Command-R+.(It also works well on Nous-Hermes, but you need to manually input unpopular world settings.๏ผ‰

Try it and simulate world (or any other things) :

install tron:legacy
start simulation tron:legacy


Haaaa, here is my first assistant, it's all about programming although I included personal matters but the good this it doesn't go off the track


You have a test of it. God bless you into this journey

Hugging Chat Tutor - Assistant which makes Assistant ๐Ÿ˜Ž. (Yes, this assistant helps in Building your own assistant on hugging chat.)

Link -> https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66142eaa308c1b934f922a31


1. He guides you step by step in making Assistant.

2. He generates very GOOD Quality system prompts.

3. If you face any issue on Hugging Chat just ask him.

4. He'll create high quality logo (Avatar) for you.

5. He helps you in everything from selecting name to user prompts, from bots description to system prompt, from avatar to model selection, Everything.

Feel free to ask any question related to Assistant.
Assistant link -> https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66142eaa308c1b934f922a31

Introducing Steve Jobs a chatbot who act like real Steve jobs.

Must TRY -> https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/6627f620768ce296f7ab0b05

Is there a way to make an assistant that makes high quality creative writing and books LIKE a human with no flowerly language ectโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

@Maxiscool use this assistant https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66142eaa308c1b934f922a31 to create system prompt.
He will tell you everything which model you need to use etc.
Test it and modify prompt.

A CYOA on the witch hunt in medieval times:


Have a chat with the writer: Jim Thompson


I wonder if it would be possible to get trends to know where from user use the chatbot : PC/mobile/...

In-depth analysis of arXiv papers allows you to quickly grasp the latest research trends and save valuable time.Try it with the link below: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/6634a6205dc487e32d81ff6f
Hope you like it.

Introducing the Chat Anyone bot. This bot enables you to converse with virtually anyone, allowing you to seek study advice from Einstein, painting tips from Picasso, AI insights from the CTO of HF, or business guidance from any industry expert.


With its boundless creativity and expansive knowledge, this bot opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Whether you're seeking inspiration, historical insights, or just a good ol' chat.
Link-> https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66365f481ed733523d96344a


Inspired from Anthropic's latest Prompt Generator (https://twitter.com/anthropicai/status/1788958483565732213), I created an assistant to generate tasks from natural language description on HuggingFace Assistants. It uses Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct and is inspired from fellow HF members nabilalouani, abideen and Thepickledegg's existing assistants.

You can check it out here: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/6640ba80a7a2a8fab7ca8d7a

You only need to describe what you need to get done and Prompt Generator would give you production-ready, effective, precise and reliable prompts.

Hugging Chat org

interesting @thepushkarp I wanted to do the same - going to try yours :)

If I want to run an assistant locally using llama.cpp, how do I do? because if I enter the same prompt I get a completely different behaviour.

Diagrams Creator


Huge Update

  1. Improved Stability: now in 95% of cases graphs are rendered correctly!
  2. Complicated Graphs: now even better with bigger and harder diagrams
  3. Concept Explination: in addition to graphs Diagrams Creator now can explain concepts

Check it out! - Diagrams Creator


Like what you see? Star me on GitHubโญ

Hugging Chat org

@Kkordik this is awesome!!


Hidden Features: It also made Mide maps and Roadmaps.


Complex Diagram of How Multi-modal AI works.

You are currently using Llama3 70b, which has a context length four times shorter than Command R+. As a result, it was unable to generate a complex diagram like the one mentioned above. Therefore, the recommendation is to switch to Command R+ with the advanced settings of Temperature: 0.5 and Top P: 0.95.

Thanks @KingNish for your recommendations. I have done everything as you suggested and it is amazing! Now Diagrams Creator is familiar with his hidden features and is able to write long queries!

Here is an example of way bigger roadmap created by Diagrams Creator :

Hello there! It have been always a nuisance that Chat-GPT does not have internet access. But finally I have created my own assistant with web access, obviously with the help of hugging face chat assistant.
The assistant is WebGPT : https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66449465bb5e71bcafdbc441

As it has internet access it is very useful to get real-time data, now no need to go to other sites to get web scrapped results.

Please use this assistant and suggest me any idea you think that should be implemented

As of today, one of my custom assistants is trying to search the web (but fails) even though I have web search turned off. After attempting to search the web, it also fails to deliver a response. Please see attached screen captures.

I'm experiencing the issue with this custom assistant: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/664411688b98a47e0a0c01fb

Please help. I don't think this error is being caused by anything on my end.



I created an assistant for creating a Git Commit Message, it uses the diff output or "Copy as patch to clipboard" in Jetbrains IDEs when right clicking files in Commits tab

first 18+ assistant

This assistant was created due to a big dispute over whether any models could be forced to generate 18+ textual content.
And it was achieved thanks to a systemic prompt that changed over time.

The model used is c4ai-command-r-plus.

i made kobo kanaeru from hololive indonesia into an assistant, because why not:

She helps. From anything happening in your life to any confusion inside your heart and mind.
Try her here. Her name is "Auggie". ๐Ÿ’™โค


I wanted to share a project I've been working on called GPT-NewsNavigator. It's a hobby project of mine. This Assistant helps you dive into today's news with a different perspective.

Want your News from multiple viewpoints? Unlock nuanced perspectives on today's top headlines with GPT-NewsNavigator - your guide to informed, unbiased insights

If you're interested, check it out here: GPT-NewsNavigator

Feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think. It's still a work in progress, but I'm excited to share it with fellow news enthusiasts!

She helps. From anything happening in your life to any confusion inside your heart and mind.
Try her here. Her name is "Auggie". ๐Ÿ’™โค


A story writer for MEN ๐Ÿ‘ป
Why not check it out ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/667a4f9e024a0cd649d3f9f6

I made a robot that talks about international law - https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/6685426a99cb3b869f402037, and a progressive advisor - https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66868d96cfc551c61743f69e, and a bot that has been captured by fossil fuel companies at every level for fun - https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66831de60e53b992899ec20d

I made a text adventure assistant, you can use it here! : https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/667767b45e26895d524638bc

This comment has been hidden

Hello, I created a Digital Learning Assistant; it can help teachers/ trainers who build training paths on LMS Moodle to choose a remote activity based on an educational intention.
It is still experimental but I improve it regularly.
Congratulations HuggingChat and thank you for this great experience!

Hi, I created a fitness assistant that can help encourage users to do physical development and provide a detailed analysis, workout plan and meal plan . I want it to be part of the featured assistants. I came up with a witty name for it. Coach Ella :) Thank you!


SearchGPT provides better answers than google:



Hello everyone! We've created a Website generator assistant (https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66a8c4b5b07c6b0367cf12f1), but I can't find it among the Community assistants. Is there any guidance on how to place it there?


Sorry if this has already been asked, but I tried searching and couldn't find anything:

Is there a way to disable the 'Settings' button that is presented when a user navigates to a sharable link for the chatbot? It's in the upper right hand corner.

Thanks in advance.

How to make assistants public?

Ive made a ton i wanted everyone to see but Its not working for somereason. any advice??


the page will show up as no asssistants.

Hello everyone,

I have created a new assistant: Lara - Career Coach (https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66d58392717be3976a6ffc42)

Accelerate your career journey with this powerful tool designed to help you achieve your professional goals. You'll get:

  • Tailored career guidance and support
  • Interactive quizzes and challenges to test your knowledge
  • A gamified system that rewards your progress

Get ready to unlock new opportunities and take your career to the next level!"

Created a Reflection 70B "clone" that uses for real the Llama 70B model (rather than Claude heh) with the "leaked" prompt that the Reflection model uses (tweaked it a bit for somewhat better performance).
Made this just for fun and testing, if anyone wants to try it here it is: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66df2e1ce7bba52093db1fe0

Gets right both the 9.9 larger than 9.11 question as well as the strawberry one (sometimes...).
Let's at least build a good open and honest community, shall we? @mattshumer

Every bot get the strawberry right sometimes.

Created a Reflection 70B "clone" that uses for real the Llama 70B model (rather than Claude heh) with the "leaked" prompt that the Reflection model uses (tweaked it a bit for somewhat better performance).
Made this just for fun and testing, if anyone wants to try it here it is: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/66df2e1ce7bba52093db1fe0

Gets right both the 9.9 larger than 9.11 question as well as the strawberry one (sometimes...).
Let's at least build a good open and honest community, shall we? @mattshumer

Every bot get the strawberry right sometimes.

Ik, it was more of a parody rather than an actual achievement.

Every bot get the strawberry right sometimes.

Ik, it was more of a parody rather than an actual achievement.

After I asked, I asked how many E's were in bumblebee. You'll never guess it's unbelievable answer.

victor unpinned discussion

i just restarted using websearch for cognix and only wished it would not always automatically assume i want a web search. keep the awesome stuff! with love (= action) โค๏ธ and sonder ~a cauema

ps: no ai used to write any of this!

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