open_vlm_leaderboard /
history blame
12.1 kB
import json
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
import gradio as gr
import copy as cp
import numpy as np
def listinstr(lst, s):
assert isinstance(lst, list)
for item in lst:
if item in s:
return True
return False
URL = ""
CITATION_BUTTON_TEXT = r"""@misc{2023opencompass,
title={OpenCompass: A Universal Evaluation Platform for Foundation Models},
author={OpenCompass Contributors},
howpublished = {\url{}},
CITATION_BUTTON_LABEL = "Copy the following snippet to cite these results"
### Welcome to the OpenVLM Leaderboard! On this leaderboard we share the evaluation results of VLMs obtained by the OpenSource Framework [**VLMEvalKit**]( πŸ†
### Currently, OpenVLM Leaderboard covers {} different VLMs (including GPT-4v, Gemini, QwenVLPlus, LLaVA, etc.) and {} different multi-modal benchmarks.
This leaderboard was last updated: {}.
META_FIELDS = ['Method', 'Parameters (B)', 'Language Model', 'Vision Model', 'OpenSource', 'Verified']
MAIN_FIELDS = ['MMBench_TEST_EN', 'MMBench_TEST_CN', 'CCBench', 'MME', 'SEEDBench_IMG', 'MMVet', 'MMMU_VAL', 'MathVista', 'HallusionBench', 'LLaVABench']
MMBENCH_FIELDS = ['MMBench_TEST_EN', 'MMBench_DEV_EN', 'MMBench_TEST_CN', 'MMBench_DEV_CN', 'CCBench']
MODEL_SIZE = ['<10B', '10B-20B', '20B-40B', '>40B', 'Unknown']
MODEL_TYPE = ['API', 'OpenSource', 'Proprietary']
# The README file for each benchmark
## Main Evaluation Results
- Avg Score: The average score on all VLM Benchmarks (normalized to 0 - 100, the higher the better).
- Avg Rank: The average rank on all VLM Benchmarks (the lower the better).
- The overall evaluation results on 10 VLM benchmarks, sorted by the ascending order of Avg Rank.
## SEEDBench_IMG Scores (Prefetch / ChatGPT Answer Extraction / Official Leaderboard)
- **Overall**: The overall accuracy across all questions with **ChatGPT answer matching**.
- **Overall (prefetch)**: The accuracy when using exact matching for evaluation.
- **Overall (official)**: SEEDBench_IMG acc on the official leaderboard (if applicable).
## MMVet Evaluation Results
- In MMVet Evaluation, we use GPT-4-Turbo (gpt-4-1106-preview) as the judge LLM to assign scores to the VLM outputs. We only perform the evaluation once due to the limited variance among results of multiple evaluation pass originally reported.
- No specific prompt template adopted for **ALL VLMs**.
- We also provide performance on the [**Official Leaderboard**]( for models that are applicable. Those results are obtained with GPT-4-0314 evaluator (which has been deperacted for new users).
## MMMU Validation Evaluation Results
- For MMMU, we support the evaluation of the `dev` (150 samples) and `validation` (900 samples) set. Here we only report the results on the `validation` set.
- **Answer Inference:**
- For models with `interleave_generate` interface (accept interleaved images & texts as inputs), all testing samples can be inferred. **`interleave_generate` is adopted for inference.**
- For models without `interleave_generate` interface, samples with more than one images are skipped (42 out of 1050, directly count as wrong). **`generate` is adopted for inference.**
- **Evaluation**:
- MMMU include two types of questions: **multi-choice questions** & **open-ended QA**.
- For **open-ended QA (62/1050)**, we re-formulate it as multi-choice questions: `{'question': 'QQQ', 'answer': 'AAA'} -> {'question': 'QQQ', 'A': 'AAA', 'B': 'Other Answers', 'answer': 'A'}`, and then adopt the same evaluation paradigm for **multi-choice questions**.
- For **multi-choice questions (988/1050)**, we use **GPT-3.5-Turbo-0613** for matching prediction with options if heuristic matching does not work.
LEADERBOARD_MD['MathVista'] = """
## MMMU TestMini Evaluation Results
- We report the evaluation results on MathVista **TestMini**, which include 1000 test samples.
- We adopt `GPT-4-Turbo (1106)` as the answer extractor when we failed to extract the answer with heuristic matching.
- The performance of **Human (High school)** and **Random Choice** are copied from the official leaderboard.
**Category Definitions:** **FQA:** figure QA, **GPS:** geometry problem solving, **MWP:** math word problem, **TQA:** textbook QA, **VQA:** visual QA, **ALG:** algebraic, **ARI:** arithmetic, **GEO:** geometry, **LOG:** logical , **NUM:** numeric, **SCI:** scientific, **STA:** statistical.
LEADERBOARD_MD['HallusionBench'] = """
[**HallusionBench**]( is a benchmark to evaluate hallucination of VLMs. It asks a set of visual questions with one original image and one modified image (the answers for a question can be different, considering the image content).
**Examples in HallusionBench:**
| Original Figure | Modified Figure |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ![]( | ![]( |
| **Q1.** Is the right orange circle the same size as the left orange circle? **A1. Yes** | **Q1.** Is the right orange circle the same size as the left orange circle? **A1. No** |
| **Q2.** Is the right orange circle larger than the left orange circle? **A2. No** | **Q2.** Is the right orange circle larger than the left orange circle? **A2. Yes** |
| **Q3.** Is the right orange circle smaller than the left orange circle? **A3. No** | **Q3.** Is the right orange circle smaller than the left orange circle? **A3. No** |
>- aAcc: The overall accuracy of **all** atomic questions.
>- qAcc: The mean accuracy of unique **questions**. One question can be asked multiple times with different figures, we consider VLM correctly solved a unique question only if it succeeds in all <question, figure> pairs for this unique question.
>- fAcc: The mean accuracy of all **figures**. One figure is associated with multiple questions, we consider VLM correct on a figure only if it succeeds to solve all questions of this figure.
**Evaluation Setting**:
> 1. **No-visual** Questions (questions asked without the associated figure) in HallusionBench are **skipped** during evaluation.
> 2. When we failed to extract Yes / No from the VLM prediction, we adopt **GPT-3.5-Turbo-0613** as the answer extractor.
> 3. We report aAcc, qAcc, and fAcc for all evaluated VLMs.
## HallusionBench Evaluation Results
## LLaVABench Evaluation Results
- In LLaVABench Evaluation, we use GPT-4-Turbo (gpt-4-1106-preview) as the judge LLM to assign scores to the VLM outputs. We only perform the evaluation once due to the limited variance among results of multiple evaluation pass originally reported.
- No specific prompt template adopted for **ALL VLMs**.
- We also include the official results (obtained by gpt-4-0314) for applicable models.
from urllib.request import urlopen
def load_results():
data = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read())
return data
def nth_large(val, vals):
return sum([1 for v in vals if v > val]) + 1
def format_timestamp(timestamp):
return timestamp[:2] + '.' + timestamp[2:4] + '.' + timestamp[4:6] + ' ' + timestamp[6:8] + ':' + timestamp[8:10] + ':' + timestamp[10:12]
def model_size_flag(sz, FIELDS):
if pd.isna(sz) and 'Unknown' in FIELDS:
return True
if pd.isna(sz):
return False
if '<10B' in FIELDS and sz < 10:
return True
if '10B-20B' in FIELDS and sz >= 10 and sz < 20:
return True
if '20B-40B' in FIELDS and sz >= 20 and sz < 40:
return True
if '>40B' in FIELDS and sz >= 40:
return True
return False
def model_type_flag(line, FIELDS):
if 'OpenSource' in FIELDS and line['OpenSource'] == 'Yes':
return True
if 'API' in FIELDS and line['OpenSource'] == 'No' and line['Verified'] == 'Yes':
return True
if 'Proprietary' in FIELDS and line['OpenSource'] == 'No' and line['Verified'] == 'No':
return True
return False
def BUILD_L1_DF(results, fields):
res = defaultdict(list)
for i, m in enumerate(results):
item = results[m]
meta = item['META']
for k in META_FIELDS:
if k == 'Parameters (B)':
param = meta['Parameters']
res[k].append(float(param.replace('B', '')) if param != '' else None)
elif k == 'Method':
name, url = meta['Method']
res[k].append(f'<a href="{url}">{name}</a>')
scores, ranks = [], []
for d in fields:
if d == 'MME':
scores.append(item[d]['Overall'] / 28)
ranks.append(nth_large(item[d]['Overall'], [x[d]['Overall'] for x in results.values()]))
res['Avg Score'].append(round(np.mean(scores), 1))
res['Avg Rank'].append(round(np.mean(ranks), 2))
df = pd.DataFrame(res)
df = df.sort_values('Avg Rank')
check_box = {}
check_box['essential'] = ['Method', 'Parameters (B)', 'Language Model', 'Vision Model']
check_box['required'] = ['Avg Score', 'Avg Rank']
check_box['all'] = check_box['required'] + ['OpenSource', 'Verified'] + fields
type_map = defaultdict(lambda: 'number')
type_map['Method'] = 'html'
type_map['Language Model'] = type_map['Vision Model'] = type_map['OpenSource'] = type_map['Verified'] = 'str'
check_box['type_map'] = type_map
return df, check_box
def BUILD_L2_DF(results, dataset):
res = defaultdict(list)
fields = list(list(results.values())[0][dataset].keys())
non_overall_fields = [x for x in fields if 'Overall' not in x]
overall_fields = [x for x in fields if 'Overall' in x]
if dataset == 'MME':
non_overall_fields = [x for x in non_overall_fields if not listinstr(['Perception', 'Cognition'], x)]
overall_fields = overall_fields + ['Perception', 'Cognition']
for m in results:
item = results[m]
meta = item['META']
for k in META_FIELDS:
if k == 'Parameters (B)':
param = meta['Parameters']
res[k].append(float(param.replace('B', '')) if param != '' else None)
elif k == 'Method':
name, url = meta['Method']
res[k].append(f'<a href="{url}">{name}</a>')
fields = [x for x in fields]
for d in non_overall_fields:
for d in overall_fields:
df = pd.DataFrame(res)
df = df.sort_values('Overall')
df = df.iloc[::-1]
check_box = {}
check_box['essential'] = ['Method', 'Parameters (B)', 'Language Model', 'Vision Model']
check_box['required'] = overall_fields
check_box['all'] = non_overall_fields + overall_fields
type_map = defaultdict(lambda: 'number')
type_map['Method'] = 'html'
type_map['Language Model'] = type_map['Vision Model'] = type_map['OpenSource'] = type_map['Verified'] = 'str'
check_box['type_map'] = type_map
return df, check_box