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# Copyright 2021 Gabriele Orlando
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os,torch
from pyuul.sources.globalVariables import *
from pyuul.sources import hashings
import numpy as np
import random
def setup_seed(seed):
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
def parseSDF(SDFFile):
function to parse pdb files. It can be used to parse a single file or all the pdb files in a folder. In case a folder is given, the coordinates are gonna be padded
SDFFile : str
path of the PDB file or of the folder containing multiple PDB files
coords : torch.Tensor
coordinates of the atoms in the pdb file(s). Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3)
atomNames : list
a list of the atom identifier. It encodes atom type, residue type, residue position and chain
if not os.path.isdir(SDFFile):
fil = SDFFile
coords = []
atomNames = []
for line in open(fil).readlines():
if len(a)==16: ## atom
element = a[3]
x = float(a[0])
y = float(a[1])
z = float(a[2])
coords += [[x,y,z]]
#aname = line[17:20].strip()+"_"+str(resnum)+"_"+line[12:16].strip()+"_"+line[21]
aname = "MOL"+"_"+"0"+"_"+element+"_"+"A"
atomNames += [aname]
elif "$$$$" in line:
totaname += [atomNames]
return torch.torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(totcoords, batch_first=True, padding_value=PADDING_INDEX),totaname
totcoords = []
totaname = []
for fil in sorted(os.listdir(SDFFile)):
coords = []
atomNames = []
for line in open(SDFFile+fil).readlines():
a = line.strip().split()
if len(a) == 16: ## atom
element = a[3]
x = float(a[0])
y = float(a[1])
z = float(a[2])
coords += [[x, y, z]]
aname = "MOL"+"_"+"0"+"_"+element+"_"+"A"
atomNames += [aname]
elif "$$$$" in line:
totcoords += [torch.tensor(coords)]
totaname += [atomNames]
coords = []
atomNames = []
return torch.torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(totcoords, batch_first=True, padding_value=PADDING_INDEX),totaname
def parsePDB(PDBFile,keep_only_chains=None,keep_hetatm=True,bb_only=False):
function to parse pdb files. It can be used to parse a single file or all the pdb files in a folder. In case a folder is given, the coordinates are gonna be padded
PDBFile : str
path of the PDB file or of the folder containing multiple PDB files
bb_only : bool
if True ignores all the atoms but backbone N, C and CA
keep_only_chains : str or None
ignores all the chain but the one given. If None it keeps all chains
keep_hetatm : bool
if False it ignores heteroatoms
coords : torch.Tensor
coordinates of the atoms in the pdb file(s). Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3)
atomNames : list
a list of the atom identifier. It encodes atom type, residue type, residue position and chain
bbatoms = ["N", "CA", "C"]
if not os.path.isdir(PDBFile):
fil = PDBFile
coords = []
atomNames = []
cont = -1
for line in open(fil).readlines():
if line[:4] == "ATOM":
if keep_only_chains is not None and (not line[21] in keep_only_chains):
if bb_only and not line[12:16].strip() in bbatoms:
if oldres != int(line[22:26]):
resnum = int(line[22:26])
atomNames += [line[17:20].strip()+"_"+str(resnum)+"_"+line[12:16].strip()+"_"+line[21]]
x = float(line[30:38])
y = float(line[38:46])
z = float(line[47:54])
elif line[:6] == "HETATM" and keep_hetatm:
resname_het = line[17:20].strip()
resnum = int(line[22:26])
x = float(line[30:38])
y = float(line[38:46])
z = float(line[47:54])
coords += [[x, y, z]]
atnameHet = line[12:16].strip()
atomNames += [resname_het+"_"+str(resnum)+"_"+atnameHet+"_"+line[21]]
return torch.tensor(coords).unsqueeze(0), [atomNames]
coords = []
atomNames = []
pdbname = []
pdb_num = 0
for fil in sorted(os.listdir(PDBFile)):
# print(pdb_num)
pdb_num +=1
atomNamesTMP = []
coordsTMP = []
cont = -1
for line in open(PDBFile+"/"+fil).readlines():
if line[:4] == "ATOM":
if keep_only_chains is not None and (not line[21] in keep_only_chains):
if bb_only and not line[12:16].strip() in bbatoms:
if oldres != int(line[22:26]):
cont += 1
oldres = int(line[22:26])
resnum = int(line[22:26])
atomNamesTMP += [line[17:20].strip()+"_"+str(resnum)+"_"+line[12:16].strip()+"_"+line[21]]
x = float(line[30:38])
y = float(line[38:46])
z = float(line[47:54])
elif line[:6] == "HETATM" and keep_hetatm:
if line[17:20].strip()!="GTP":
x = float(line[30:38])
y = float(line[38:46])
z = float(line[47:54])
resnum = int(line[22:26])
coordsTMP += [[x, y, z]]
atnameHet = line[12:16].strip()
atomNamesTMP += ["HET_"+str(resnum)+"_"+atnameHet+"_"+line[21]]
atomNames += [atomNamesTMP]
return torch.torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(coords, batch_first=True, padding_value=PADDING_INDEX), atomNames, pdbname, pdb_num
def atomlistToChannels(atomNames, hashing="Element_Hashing", device="cpu"):
function to get channels from atom names (obtained parsing the pdb files with the parsePDB function)
atomNames : list
atom names obtained parsing the pdb files with the parsePDB function
hashing : "TPL_Hashing" or "Element_Hashing" or dict
define which atoms are grouped together. You can use two default hashings or build your own hashing:
TPL_Hashing: uses the hashing of torch protein library (https://github.com/lupoglaz/TorchProteinLibrary)
Element_Hashing: groups atoms in accordnce with the element only: C -> 0, N -> 1, O ->2, P ->3, S- >4, H ->5, everything else ->6
Alternatively, if you are not happy with the default hashings, you can build a dictionary of dictionaries that defines the channel of every atom type in the pdb.
the first dictionary has the residue tag (three letters amino acid code) as key (3 letters compound name for hetero atoms, as written in the PDB file)
every residue key is associated to a dictionary, which the atom tags (as written in the PDB files) as keys and the channel (int) as value
for example, you can define the channels just based on the atom element as following:
'CYS': {'N': 1, 'O': 2, 'C': 0, 'SG': 3, 'CB': 0, 'CA': 0}, # channels for cysteine atoms
'GLY': {'N': 1, 'O': 2, 'C': 0, 'CA': 0}, # channels for glycine atom
'GOL': {'O1':2,'O2':2,'O3':2,'C1':0,'C2':0,'C3':0}, # channels for glycerol atom
The default encoding is the one that assigns a different channel to each element
other encodings can be found in sources/hashings.py
device : torch.device
The device on which the model should run. E.g. torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu:0")
coords : torch.Tensor
coordinates of the atoms in the pdb file(s). Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3)
channels : torch.tensor
the channel of every atom. Shape (batch,numberOfAtoms)
if hashing == "TPL_Hashing":
hashing = hashings.TPLatom_hash
elif hashing == "Element_Hashing":
hashing = hashings.elements_hash
assert type(hashing) is dict
if type(hashing[list(hashing.keys())[0]]) == dict:
useResName = True
useResName = False
assert type(hashing[list(hashing.keys())[0]]) == int
channels = []
for singleAtomList in atomNames:
haTMP = []
for i in singleAtomList:
resname = i.split("_")[0]
atName = i.split("_")[2]
# if resname=="HET":
# atName="HET"
if useResName:
if resname in hashing and atName in hashing[resname]:
haTMP += [hashing[resname][atName]]
print("missing ", resname, atName)
if atName in hashing:
haTMP += [hashing[atName]]
elif atName[0] in hashing:
haTMP += [hashing[atName[0]]]
elif hashing == "Element_Hashing":
haTMP += [6]
print("missing ", resname, atName)
channels += [torch.tensor(haTMP, dtype=torch.float, device=device)]
channels = torch.torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(channels, batch_first=True, padding_value=PADDING_INDEX)
return channels
def atomlistToRadius(atomList, hashing="FoldX_radius", device="cpu"):
function to get radius from atom names (obtained parsing the pdb files with the parsePDB function)
atomNames : list
atom names obtained parsing the pdb files with the parsePDB function
hashing : FoldX_radius or dict
"FoldX_radius" provides the radius used by the FoldX force field
Alternatively, if you are not happy with the foldX radius, you can build a dictionary of dictionaries that defines the radius of every atom type in the pdb.
The first dictionary has the residue tag (three letters amino acid code) as key (3 letters compound name for hetero atoms, as written in the PDB file)
every residue key is associated to a dictionary, which the atom tags (as written in the PDB files) as keys and the radius (float) as value
for example, you can define the radius as following:
'CYS': {'N': 1.45, 'O': 1.37, 'C': 1.7, 'SG': 1.7, 'CB': 1.7, 'CA': 1.7}, # radius for cysteine atoms
'GLY': {'N': 1.45, 'O': 1.37, 'C': 1.7, 'CA': 1.7}, # radius for glycine atoms
'GOL': {'O1':1.37,'O2':1.37,'O3':1.37,'C1':1.7,'C2':1.7,'C3':1.7}, # radius for glycerol atoms
The default radius are the ones defined in FoldX
Radius default dictionary can be found in sources/hashings.py
device : torch.device
The device on which the model should run. E.g. torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu:0")
coords : torch.Tensor
coordinates of the atoms in the pdb file(s). Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3)
radius : torch.tensor
The radius of every atom. Shape (batch,numberOfAtoms)
if hashing == "FoldX_radius":
hashing = hashings.radius
hahsingSomgleAtom = hashings.radiusSingleAtom
assert type(hashing) is dict
radius = []
for singleAtomList in atomList:
haTMP = []
for i in singleAtomList:
resname = i.split("_")[0]
atName = i.split("_")[2]
if resname in hashing and atName in hashing[resname]:
haTMP += [hashing[resname][atName]]
elif atName[0] in hahsingSomgleAtom:
haTMP += [hahsingSomgleAtom[atName[0]]]
haTMP += [1.0]
print("missing ", resname, atName)
radius += [torch.tensor(haTMP, dtype=torch.float, device=device)]
radius = torch.torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(radius, batch_first=True, padding_value=PADDING_INDEX)
return radius
def write_pdb(batchedCoords, atomNames , name=None, output_folder="outpdb/"): #I need to add the chain id
if name is None:
name = range(len(batchedCoords))
for struct in range(len(name)):
f = open(output_folder + str(name[struct]) + ".pdb", "w")
for i in range(len(coords)):
rnName = atname[i].split("_")[0]#hashings.resi_hash_inverse[resi_list[i]]
atName = atname[i].split("_")[2]#hashings.atom_hash_inverse[resi_list[i]][atom_list[i]]
pos = atname[i].split("_")[1]
chain = "A"
num = " " * (5 - len(str(i))) + str(i)
a_name = atName + " " * (4 - len(atName))
numres = " " * (4 - len(str(pos))) + str(pos)
x = round(float(coords[i][0]), 3)
sx = str(x)
while len(sx.split(".")[1]) < 3:
sx += "0"
x = " " * (8 - len(sx)) + sx
y = round(float(coords[i][1]), 3)
sy = str(y)
while len(sy.split(".")[1]) < 3:
sy += "0"
y = " " * (8 - len(sy)) + sy
z = round(float(coords[i][2]), 3)
sz = str(z)
while len(sz.split(".")[1]) < 3:
sz += "0"
z = " " * (8 - len(sz)) + sz
chain = " " * (2 - len(chain)) + chain
if rnName !="HET":
f.write("ATOM " + num + " " + a_name + "" + rnName + chain + numres + " " + x + y + z + " 1.00 64.10 " + atName[0] + "\n")
f.write("HETATM" + num + " " + a_name + "" + rnName + chain + numres + " " + x + y + z + " 1.00 64.10 " + atName[0] + "\n")