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Update VolumeMaker.py
7a131b9 verified
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Gabriele Orlando
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import torch,math
from pyuul.sources.globalVariables import *
import numpy as np
import random
def setup_seed(seed):
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
class Voxels(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, device=torch.device("cpu"),sparse=True):
Constructor for the Voxels class, which builds the main PyUUL object.
device : torch.device
The device on which the model should run. E.g. torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu:0")
sparse : bool
Use sparse tensors calculation when possible
super(Voxels, self).__init__()
self.boxsize = None
self.dev = device
def __transform_coordinates(self,coords,radius=None):
Private function that transform the coordinates to fit them in the 3d box. It also takes care of the resolution.
coords : torch.Tensor
Coordinates of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3 )
radius : torch.Tensor or None
Radius of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms )
coords : torch.Tensor
transformed coordinates
coords = (coords*self.dilatation)- self.translation
if not radius is None:
radius = radius*self.dilatation
return coords,radius
return coords
def get_coords_voxel(self, voxel_indices, resolution):
returns the coordinates of the center of the voxel provided its indices.
voxel_indices : torch.Tensor
Coordinates of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3 )
resolution : torch.Tensor or None
Radius of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms )
#voxel_indices is a n,3 long tensor
centersCoords = voxel_indices + 0.5*resolution
return (centersCoords + self.translation)/self.dilatation
def __define_spatial_conformation(self,mincoords,cubes_around_atoms_dim,resolution):
Private function that defines the space of the volume. Takes resolution and margins into consideration.
mincoords : torch.Tensor
minimum coordinates of each macromolecule of the batch. Shape ( batch, 3 )
cubes_around_atoms_dim : int
maximum distance in number of voxels to check for atom contribution to occupancy of a voxel
resolution : float
side in A of a voxel. The lower this value is the higher the resolution of the final representation will be
self.dilatation = 1.0/resolution
def find_cubes_indices(self,coords):
coords_scaled = self.transform_coordinates(coords)
return torch.trunc(coords_scaled.data).long()
def forward( self,coords, radius,channels,numberchannels=None,resolution=1, cubes_around_atoms_dim=5, steepness=10,function="sigmoid"):
Voxels representation of the macromolecules
coords : torch.Tensor
Coordinates of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3 ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB
radius : torch.Tensor
Radius of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToRadius
channels: torch.LongTensor
channels of the atoms. Atoms of the same type shold belong to the same channel. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToChannels
numberchannels : int or None
maximum number of channels. if None, max(atNameHashing) + 1 is used
cubes_around_atoms_dim : int
maximum distance in number of voxels for which the contribution to occupancy is taken into consideration. Every atom that is farer than cubes_around_atoms_dim voxels from the center of a voxel does no give any contribution to the relative voxel occupancy
resolution : float
side in A of a voxel. The lower this value is the higher the resolution of the final representation will be
steepness : float or int
steepness of the sigmoid occupancy function.
function : "sigmoid" or "gaussian"
occupancy function to use. Can be sigmoid (every atom has a sigmoid shaped occupancy function) or gaussian (based on Li et al. 2014)
volume : torch.Tensor
voxel representation of the macromolecules in the batch. Shape ( batch, channels, x,y,z), where x,y,z are the size of the 3D volume in which the macromolecules have been represented
padding_mask = ~channels.eq(PADDING_INDEX)
if numberchannels is None:
numberchannels = int(channels[padding_mask].max().cpu().data+1)
self.featureVectorSize = numberchannels
self.function = function
arange_type = torch.int16
gx = torch.arange(-cubes_around_atoms_dim, cubes_around_atoms_dim + 1, device=self.dev, dtype=arange_type)
gy = torch.arange(-cubes_around_atoms_dim, cubes_around_atoms_dim + 1, device=self.dev, dtype=arange_type)
gz = torch.arange(-cubes_around_atoms_dim, cubes_around_atoms_dim + 1, device=self.dev, dtype=arange_type)
self.lato = gx.shape[0]
x1 = gx.unsqueeze(1).expand(self.lato, self.lato).unsqueeze(-1)
x2 = gy.unsqueeze(0).expand(self.lato, self.lato).unsqueeze(-1)
xy = torch.cat([x1, x2], dim=-1).unsqueeze(2).expand(self.lato, self.lato, self.lato, 2)
x3 = gz.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1).expand(self.lato, self.lato, self.lato).unsqueeze(-1)
del gx, gy, gz, x1, x2
self.standard_cube = torch.cat([xy, x3], dim=-1).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
### definition of the box ###
# you take the maximum and min coord on each dimension (every prot in the batch shares the same box. In the future we can pack, but I think this is not the bottleneck)
# I scale by resolution
# I add the cubes in which I define the gradient. One in the beginning and one at the end --> 2*
mincoords = torch.min(coords[:, :, :], dim=1)[0]
mincoords = torch.trunc(mincoords / resolution)
box_size_x = (math.ceil(torch.max(coords[padding_mask][:,0])/resolution)-mincoords[:,0].min())+(2*cubes_around_atoms_dim+1)
box_size_y = (math.ceil(torch.max(coords[padding_mask][:,1])/resolution)-mincoords[:,1].min())+(2*cubes_around_atoms_dim+1)
box_size_z = (math.ceil(torch.max(coords[padding_mask][:,2])/resolution)-mincoords[:,2].min())+(2*cubes_around_atoms_dim+1)
self.__define_spatial_conformation(mincoords,cubes_around_atoms_dim,resolution) #define the spatial transforms to coordinates
coords,radius = self.__transform_coordinates(coords,radius)
boxsize = (int(box_size_x),int(box_size_y),int(box_size_z))
#selecting best types for indexing
if max(boxsize)<256: # i can use byte tensor
self.dtype_indices = torch.int16
if self.function=="sigmoid":
volume = self.__forward_actual_calculation(coords, boxsize, radius, channels,padding_mask,steepness,resolution)
elif self.function=="gaussian":
volume = self.__forward_actual_calculationGaussian(coords, boxsize, radius, channels, padding_mask,resolution)
return volume
def __forward_actual_calculationGaussian(self, coords_scaled, boxsize, radius, atNameHashing, padding_mask,resolution):
private function for the calculation of the gaussian voxel occupancy
coords_scaled : torch.LongTensor
Discrete Coordinates of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3 )
boxsize : torch.LongTensor
The size of the box in which the macromolecules are represented
radius : torch.Tensor
Radius of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToRadius
atNameHashing: torch.LongTensor
channels of the atoms. Atoms of the same type shold belong to the same channel. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToChannels
resolution : float
side in A of a voxel. The lower this value is the higher the resolution of the final representation will be
padding_mask : torch.BoolTensor
tensor to mask the padding. Shape (batch, numberOfAtoms)
volume : torch.Tensor
voxel representation of the macromolecules in the batch with Gaussian occupancy function. Shape ( batch, channels, x,y,z), where x,y,z are the size of the 3D volume in which the macromolecules have been represented
batch = coords_scaled.shape[0]
dev = self.dev
L = coords_scaled.shape[1]
discrete_coordinates = torch.trunc(coords_scaled.data).to(self.dtype_indices)
#### making everything in the volume shape
# implicit_cube_formation
radius = radius.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
atNameHashing = atNameHashing.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
coords_scaled = coords_scaled.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
discrete_coordinates = discrete_coordinates.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
distmat_standard_cube = torch.norm(
coords_scaled - ((discrete_coordinates + self.standard_cube + 1) + 0.5 * resolution), dim=-1).to(
atNameHashing = atNameHashing.long()
#### old sigmoid stuff
exponent = self.steepness*(distmat_standard_cube-radius)
exp_mask = exponent.ge(10)
exponent = torch.masked_fill(exponent,exp_mask, 10)
volume_cubes = 1.0/(1.0+torch.exp(exponent))
### from doi: 10.1142/S0219633614400021 eq 1
sigma = 0.93
exponent = -distmat_standard_cube[padding_mask] ** 2 / (sigma ** 2 * radius[padding_mask] ** 2)
exp_mask = exponent.ge(10)
exponent = torch.masked_fill(exponent, exp_mask, 10)
volume_cubes = torch.exp(exponent)
#### index_put everything ###
batch_list = torch.arange(batch,device=dev).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).expand(batch,L,self.lato,self.lato,self.lato)
cubes_coords = (discrete_coordinates[padding_mask] + self.standard_cube.squeeze(0) + 1)[~exp_mask]
atNameHashing = atNameHashing[padding_mask].expand(-1,self.lato,self.lato,self.lato)
if self.sparse:
index_tens = torch.cat(
#index_tens = torch.cat(index)
volume_cubes = volume_cubes[~exp_mask].view(-1)
volume_cubes = torch.log(1 - volume_cubes.contiguous())
volume = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices=index_tens, values=volume_cubes.exp(), size=[batch, self.featureVectorSize, boxsize[0] , boxsize[1] , boxsize[2] ]).coalesce()
volume = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(volume.indices(),1 - volume.values(), volume.shape)
volume = torch.zeros(batch,boxsize[0]+1,boxsize[1]+1,boxsize[2]+1,self.featureVectorSize,device=dev,dtype=torch.float)
#index = (batch_list[padding_mask].view(-1),cubes_coords[padding_mask][:,:,:,:,0].view(-1), cubes_coords[padding_mask][:,:,:,:,1].view(-1), cubes_coords[padding_mask][:,:,:,:,2].view(-1), atNameHashing[padding_mask].view(-1) )
index = (batch_list[padding_mask][~exp_mask].view(-1).long(),
volume_cubes = torch.log(1 - volume_cubes.contiguous())
volume = 1- torch.exp(volume.index_put(index,volume_cubes,accumulate=True))
#volume = 1 - torch.exp(volume.index_put(index, torch.log(1 - volume_cubes.contiguous().view(-1)), accumulate=True))
#volume = -torch.nn.functional.threshold(-volume,-1,-1)
return volume
return volume
def __sparseClamp(self,volume, minv, maxv):
vals = volume.values()
ind = volume.indices()
vals = vals.clamp(minv, maxv)
volume = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices=ind, values=vals, size=volume.shape).coalesce()
return volume
def __forward_actual_calculation(self, coords_scaled, boxsize, radius,atNameHashing,padding_mask,steepness,resolution):
private function for the calculation of the gaussian voxel occupancy
coords_scaled : torch.LongTensor
Discrete Coordinates of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3 )
boxsize : torch.LongTensor
The size of the box in which the macromolecules are represented
radius : torch.Tensor
Radius of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToRadius
atNameHashing: torch.LongTensor
channels of the atoms. Atoms of the same type shold belong to the same channel. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToChannels
resolution : float
side in A of a voxel. The lower this value is the higher the resolution of the final representation will be
padding_mask : torch.BoolTensor
tensor to mask the padding. Shape (batch, numberOfAtoms)
steepness : float
steepness of the sigmoid function (coefficient of the exponent)
volume : torch.Tensor
voxel representation of the macromolecules in the batch with Sigmoid occupancy function. Shape ( batch, channels, x,y,z), where x,y,z are the size of the 3D volume in which the macromolecules have been represented
batch = coords_scaled.shape[0]
L = coords_scaled.shape[1]
discrete_coordinates = torch.trunc(coords_scaled.data).to(self.dtype_indices)
#### making everything in the volume shape
radius = radius.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
atNameHashing = atNameHashing.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
coords_scaled = coords_scaled.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
discrete_coordinates = discrete_coordinates.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4)
distmat_standard_cube = torch.norm(coords_scaled-((discrete_coordinates + self.standard_cube + 1) + 0.5 * resolution), dim=-1).to(coords_scaled.dtype)
atNameHashing = atNameHashing.long()
exponent = steepness*(distmat_standard_cube[padding_mask]-radius[padding_mask])
del distmat_standard_cube
exp_mask = exponent.ge(10)
exponent = torch.masked_fill(exponent,exp_mask, 10)
volume_cubes = 1.0/(1.0+torch.exp(exponent))
#### index_put everything ###
batch_list = torch.arange(batch,device=dev).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).expand(batch,L,self.lato,self.lato,self.lato)
#cubes_coords = coords_scaled + self.standard_cube + 1
cubes_coords = (discrete_coordinates[padding_mask] + self.standard_cube.squeeze(0) + 1)[~exp_mask]
atNameHashing = atNameHashing[padding_mask].expand(-1,self.lato,self.lato,self.lato)
if self.sparse:
index_tens = torch.cat(
#index_tens = torch.cat(index)
volume = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices=index_tens, values=volume_cubes[~exp_mask].view(-1), size=[batch, self.featureVectorSize, boxsize[0] , boxsize[1] , boxsize[2] ]).coalesce()
volume = self.__sparseClamp(volume,0,1)
volume = torch.zeros(batch,boxsize[0]+1,boxsize[1]+1,boxsize[2]+1,self.featureVectorSize,device=dev,dtype=torch.float)
#index = (batch_list[padding_mask].view(-1),cubes_coords[padding_mask][:,:,:,:,0].view(-1), cubes_coords[padding_mask][:,:,:,:,1].view(-1), cubes_coords[padding_mask][:,:,:,:,2].view(-1), atNameHashing[padding_mask].view(-1) )
index = (batch_list[padding_mask][~exp_mask].view(-1).long(),
volume = volume.index_put(index,volume_cubes.view(-1),accumulate=True)
volume = -torch.nn.functional.threshold(-volume,-1,-1)
volume = volume.permute(0,4,1,2,3)
return volume
mesh will be added as soon as pytorch3d becomes a little more stable
def mesh(self,coords, radius,threshSurface = 0.01):
atNameHashing= torch.zeros(radius.shape).to(self.dev)
mask = radius.eq(PADDING_INDEX)
atNameHashing = atNameHashing.masked_fill_(mask,PADDING_INDEX)
vol = self(coords,radius,atNameHashing).to_dense()
mesh = cubifyNOALIGN(vol.sum(-1),thresh=threshSurface)# creates pytorch 3d mesh from cubes. It uses a MODIFIED version of pytorch3d with no align
return mesh
class PointCloudSurface(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,device="cpu"):
Constructor for the CloudPointSurface class, which builds the main PyUUL object for cloud surface.
device : torch.device
The device on which the model should run. E.g. torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu:0")
super(PointCloudSurface, self).__init__()
def __buildStandardSphere(self,npoints=50): # Fibonacci lattice
goldenRatio = (1 + 5 ** 0.5) / 2
i = torch.arange(0, npoints,device=self.device)
theta = 2 * math.pi * i / goldenRatio
phi = torch.acos(1 - 2 * (i + 0.5) / npoints)
x, y, z = torch.cos(theta) * torch.sin(phi), torch.sin(theta) * torch.sin(phi), torch.cos(phi)
return coords
def forward(self, coords, radius, maxpoints=500,external_radius_factor=1.4):
Function to calculate the surface cloud point representation of macromolecules
coords : torch.Tensor
Coordinates of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3 ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB
radius : torch.Tensor
Radius of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToRadius
maxpoints : int
number of points per macromolecule in the batch
multiplicative factor of the radius in order ot define the place to sample the points around each atom. The higher this value is, the smoother the surface will be
surfacePointCloud : torch.Tensor
surface point cloud representation of the macromolecules in the batch. Shape ( batch, channels, numberOfAtoms, 3)
padding_mask = ~radius.eq(PADDING_INDEX)
batch = coords.shape[0]
npoints = torch.div(maxpoints,(padding_mask.sum(-1).min() + 1), rounding_mode="floor") * 2 # we ensure that the smallest protein has at least maxpoints points
sphere = self.__buildStandardSphere(npoints)
for b in range(batch):
distmat = torch.cdist(coords[b][padding_mask[b]].unsqueeze(0), coords[b][padding_mask[b]].unsqueeze(0))
AtomSelfContributionMask = torch.eye(L, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device).unsqueeze(0)
triangular_mask = ~torch.tril(torch.ones((L, L), dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device), diagonal=-1).unsqueeze(0)
#todoMask = (distmat[b].le(5) & (~AtomSelfContributionMask) & triangular_mask).squeeze(0)
external_radius = radius * external_radius_factor
todoMask = (distmat[0].le(5) & (~AtomSelfContributionMask)).squeeze(0)
points = coords[b][padding_mask[b]].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-2) - sphere.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) * external_radius[b][padding_mask[b]].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
p = points.expand( L, L, npoints, 3)[todoMask]
c = coords[b][padding_mask[b]].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(-2).expand( L, L, points.shape[2], 3)[todoMask]
r = radius[b][padding_mask[b]].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(-2).expand( L, L, points.shape[2])[todoMask]
occupancy = self.__occupancy(p, c, r)
point_index = torch.arange(0,L*npoints,device=self.device).view(L,npoints).unsqueeze(0).expand(L,L,npoints)[todoMask]
point_occupancy =torch.zeros((L*npoints),dtype=torch.float,device=self.device)
point_occupancy = point_occupancy.index_put_([point_index.view(-1)], occupancy.view(-1), accumulate=True)
point_occupancy = (1- torch.exp(point_occupancy))
points_on_surfaceMask = point_occupancy.le(0.5)
random_indices = torch.randint(0, points.shape[0], [maxpoints], device=self.device)
sampled_points = points[random_indices,:]
finalPoints +=[sampled_points]
return torch.cat(finalPoints,dim=0)
def __occupancy(self, points, coords, radius):
dist = torch.norm(points-coords,dim=-1)
exponent = -dist**2/(sigma**2 * radius**2)
exp_mask = exponent.ge(10)
exponent = torch.masked_fill(exponent, exp_mask, 10)
occupancy_on_points = torch.exp(exponent)
return torch.log(1-occupancy_on_points)
return occupancy_on_points
del exponent
AtomSelfContributionMask = torch.eye(L,dtype=torch.bool,device=self.device).unsqueeze(0).expand(batch,L,L)
occupancy = (1-torch.exp(torch.log(1-occupancy_on_points).sum(2)))#.sum(dim=-1)/npoints
#if log_correction:
# occupancy = -torch.log(occupancy + 1) # log scaling
return occupancy
class PointCloudVolume(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, device="cpu"):
Constructor for the CloudPointSurface class, which builds the main PyUUL object for volumetric point cloud.
device : torch.device
The device on which the model should run. E.g. torch.device("cuda") or torch.device("cpu:0")
super(PointCloudVolume, self).__init__()
self.device = device
def forward(self, coords, radius, maxpoints=500):
Function to calculate the volumetric cloud point representation of macromolecules
coords : torch.Tensor
Coordinates of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms, 3 ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB
radius : torch.Tensor
Radius of the atoms. Shape ( batch, numberOfAtoms ). Can be calculated from a PDB file using utils.parsePDB and utils.atomlistToRadius
maxpoints : int
number of points per macromolecule in the batch
PointCloudVolume : torch.Tensor
volume point cloud representation of the macromolecules in the batch. Shape ( batch, channels, numberOfAtoms, 3)
padding_mask = ~radius.eq(PADDING_INDEX)
#npoints = torch.div(maxpoints, padding_mask.sum(-1).min()) + 1 # we ensure that the smallest protein has at least 5000 points
batch = coords.shape[0]
L = coords.shape[1]
batched = []
for i in range(batch):
mean = coords[i][padding_mask[i]]
sampled = radius[i][padding_mask[i]].sqrt().unsqueeze(-1) * torch.randn((mean.size()), device=self.device) + mean
p = sampled.view(-1,3)
random_indices = torch.randint(0, p.shape[0], [maxpoints], device=self.device)
batched = torch.cat(batched,dim=0)
return batched