rynmurdock's picture
Merge branch 'main' of https://huggingface.co/spaces/rynmurdock/generative_recsys
# TODO unify/merge origin and this
# TODO save & restart from (if it exists) dataframe parquet
import torch
# lol
DEVICE = 'cuda'
output_hidden_state = False
device = "cuda"
dtype = torch.bfloat16
import spaces
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import logging
import os
import imageio
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import pandas as pd
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
import sched
import threading
import random
import time
from PIL import Image
# from safety_checker_improved import maybe_nsfw
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True
prevs_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['paths', 'embeddings', 'ips', 'user:rating', 'latest_user_to_rate', 'from_user_id', 'text', 'gemb'])
import spaces
start_time = time.time()
prompt_list = [p for p in list(set(
pd.read_csv('./twitter_prompts.csv').iloc[:, 1].tolist())) if type(p) == str]
####################### Setup Model
from diffusers import EulerDiscreteScheduler, LCMScheduler, AutoencoderTiny, UNet2DConditionModel, AutoencoderKL, AutoPipelineForText2Image
from transformers import CLIPTextModel
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from safetensors.torch import load_file
from PIL import Image
from transformers import CLIPVisionModelWithProjection
import uuid
import av
def write_video(file_name, images, fps=16):
container = av.open(file_name, mode="w")
stream = container.add_stream("h264", rate=fps)
# stream.options = {'preset': 'faster'}
stream.thread_count = 1
stream.width = 512
stream.height = 512
stream.pix_fmt = "yuv420p"
for img in images:
img = np.array(img)
img = np.round(img).astype(np.uint8)
frame = av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(img, format="rgb24")
for packet in stream.encode(frame):
# Flush stream
for packet in stream.encode():
# Close the file
def imio_write_video(file_name, images, fps=15):
writer = imageio.get_writer(file_name, fps=fps)
for im in images:
image_encoder = CLIPVisionModelWithProjection.from_pretrained("h94/IP-Adapter", subfolder="sdxl_models/image_encoder", torch_dtype=dtype,
#vae = AutoencoderTiny.from_pretrained("madebyollin/taesd", torch_dtype=dtype)
# vae = ConsistencyDecoderVAE.from_pretrained("openai/consistency-decoder", torch_dtype=dtype)
# vae = compile_unet(vae, config=config)
#finetune_path = '''/home/ryn_mote/Misc/finetune-sd1.5/dreambooth-model best'''''
#unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained(finetune_path+'/unet/').to(dtype)
#text_encoder = CLIPTextModel.from_pretrained(finetune_path+'/text_encoder/').to(dtype)
model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0"
sdxl_lightening = "ByteDance/SDXL-Lightning"
ckpt = "sdxl_lightning_8step_unet.safetensors"
unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_config(model_id, subfolder="unet", low_cpu_mem_usage=True, device_map=DEVICE).to(torch.float16)
unet.load_state_dict(load_file(hf_hub_download(sdxl_lightening, ckpt)))
image_encoder = CLIPVisionModelWithProjection.from_pretrained("h94/IP-Adapter", subfolder="models/image_encoder", torch_dtype=torch.float16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, device_map=DEVICE)
pipe = AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained(model_id, unet=unet, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16", image_encoder=image_encoder, low_cpu_mem_usage=True)
pipe.unet._load_ip_adapter_weights(torch.load(hf_hub_download('h94/IP-Adapter', 'sdxl_models/ip-adapter_sdxl_vit-h.bin')))
pipe.load_ip_adapter("h94/IP-Adapter", subfolder="sdxl_models", weight_name="ip-adapter_sdxl_vit-h.bin")
pipe.register_modules(image_encoder = image_encoder)
#pipe.vae = AutoencoderTiny.from_pretrained("madebyollin/taesdxl", torch_dtype=torch.float16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True)
pipe.scheduler = EulerDiscreteScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing")
output_hidden_state = False
# pipe.unet.fuse_qkv_projections()
#pipe.enable_free_init(method="gaussian", use_fast_sampling=True)
#pipe.unet = torch.compile(pipe.unet)
#pipe.vae = torch.compile(pipe.vae)
def generate_gpu(in_im_embs, prompt='the scene'):
with torch.no_grad():
in_im_embs = in_im_embs.to('cuda').unsqueeze(0)
output = pipe(prompt=prompt, guidance_scale=1, added_cond_kwargs={}, ip_adapter_image_embeds=[in_im_embs], num_inference_steps=STEPS)
im_emb, _ = pipe.encode_image(
output.images[0], 'cuda', 1, output_hidden_state
im_emb = im_emb.detach().to('cpu').to(torch.float32)
return output, im_emb
def generate(in_im_embs, prompt='the scene'):
output, im_emb = generate_gpu(in_im_embs, prompt)
nsfw = False#maybe_nsfw(output.images[0])
name = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "")
path = f"/tmp/{name}.png"
if nsfw:
gr.Warning("NSFW content detected.")
# TODO could return an automatic dislike of auto dislike on the backend for neither as well; just would need refactoring.
return None, im_emb
return path, im_emb
def solver(embs, ys):
print('ys:', ys,'EMBS:', embs.shape, embs)
ys = torch.tensor(ys).to('cpu', dtype=torch.float32).squeeze().unsqueeze(1)
sol = LinearSVC(class_weight='balanced').fit(np.array(embs), np.array(torch.tensor(ys).float() * 2 - 1)).coef_
return torch.tensor(sol).to('cpu', dtype=torch.float32)
def get_user_emb(embs, ys):
# sample only as many negatives as there are positives
indices = range(len(ys))
pos_indices = [i for i in indices if ys[i] > .5]
neg_indices = [i for i in indices if ys[i] <= .5]
mini = min(len(pos_indices), len(neg_indices))
if len(ys) > 20: # drop earliest of whichever of neg or pos is most abundant
if len(pos_indices) > len(neg_indices):
ind = pos_indices[0]
ind = neg_indices[0]
print('Dropping at 20')
if mini < 1:
feature_embs = torch.stack([torch.randn(1024), torch.randn(1024)])
ys_t = [0, 1]
print('Not enough ratings.')
indices = range(len(ys))
ys_t = [ys[i] for i in indices]
feature_embs = torch.stack([embs[e].detach().cpu() for e in indices]).squeeze()
# scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(feature_embs)
# feature_embs = scaler.transform(feature_embs)
# ys_t = ys
print(np.array(feature_embs).shape, np.array(ys_t).shape)
sol = solver(feature_embs.squeeze(), ys_t)
dif = torch.tensor(sol, dtype=dtype).to(device)
# could j have a base vector of a black image
latest_pos = (random.sample([feature_embs[i] for i in range(len(ys_t)) if ys_t[i] > .5], 1)[0]).to(device, dtype)
dif = ((dif / dif.std()) * latest_pos.std())
sol = (1*latest_pos + 3*dif)/4
return sol
def pluck_img(user_id, user_emb):
not_rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(user_id, 'gone') == 'gone' for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
while len(not_rated_rows) == 0:
not_rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(user_id, 'gone') == 'gone' for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
# TODO optimize this lol
best_sim = -100000
for i in not_rated_rows.iterrows():
# TODO sloppy .to but it is 3am.
sim = torch.cosine_similarity(i[1]['embeddings'].detach().to('cpu'), user_emb.detach().to('cpu'))
if sim > best_sim:
best_sim = sim
best_row = i[1]
img = best_row['paths']
return img
def background_next_image():
global prevs_df
# only let it get N (maybe 3) ahead of the user
#not_rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'] == {' ': ' '} for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'] != {' ': ' '} for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
if len(rated_rows) < 4:
# not_rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'] == {' ': ' '} for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
user_id_list = set(rated_rows['latest_user_to_rate'].to_list())
for uid in user_id_list:
rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(uid, None) is not None for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
not_rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(uid, None) is None for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
# we need to intersect not_rated_rows from this user's embed > 7. Just add a new column on which user_id spawned the
# media.
unrated_from_user = not_rated_rows[[i[1]['from_user_id'] == uid for i in not_rated_rows.iterrows()]]
rated_from_user = rated_rows[[i[1]['from_user_id'] == uid for i in rated_rows.iterrows()]]
# we pop previous ratings if there are > n
if len(rated_from_user) >= 15:
oldest = rated_from_user.iloc[0]['paths']
prevs_df = prevs_df[prevs_df['paths'] != oldest]
# we don't compute more after n are in the queue for them
if len(unrated_from_user) >= 10:
if len(rated_rows) < 5:
embs, ys = pluck_embs_ys(uid)
user_emb = get_user_emb(embs, [y[1] for y in ys])
global glob_idx
glob_idx += 1
if glob_idx >= (len(prompt_list)-1):
glob_idx = 0
if glob_idx % 7 == 0:
text = prompt_list[glob_idx]
text = 'an image'
img, embs = generate(user_emb, text)
if img:
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['paths', 'embeddings', 'ips', 'user:rating', 'latest_user_to_rate', 'text', 'gemb'])
tmp_df['paths'] = [img]
tmp_df['embeddings'] = [embs]
tmp_df['user:rating'] = [{' ': ' '}]
tmp_df['from_user_id'] = [uid]
tmp_df['text'] = [text]
prevs_df = pd.concat((prevs_df, tmp_df))
# we can free up storage by deleting the image
if len(prevs_df) > 500:
oldest_path = prevs_df.iloc[6]['paths']
if os.path.isfile(oldest_path):
# If it fails, inform the user.
print("Error: %s file not found" % oldest_path)
# only keep 50 images & embeddings & ips, then remove oldest besides calibrating
prevs_df = pd.concat((prevs_df.iloc[:6], prevs_df.iloc[7:]))
def pluck_embs_ys(user_id):
rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(user_id, None) != None for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
#not_rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(user_id, None) == None for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
#while len(not_rated_rows) == 0:
# not_rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(user_id, None) == None for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
# rated_rows = prevs_df[[i[1]['user:rating'].get(user_id, None) != None for i in prevs_df.iterrows()]]
# time.sleep(.01)
# print('current user has 0 not_rated_rows')
embs = rated_rows['embeddings'].to_list()
ys = [i[user_id] for i in rated_rows['user:rating'].to_list()]
return embs, ys
def next_image(calibrate_prompts, user_id):
with torch.no_grad():
if len(calibrate_prompts) > 0:
cal_video = calibrate_prompts.pop(0)
image = prevs_df[prevs_df['paths'] == cal_video]['paths'].to_list()[0]
return image, calibrate_prompts,
embs, ys = pluck_embs_ys(user_id)
ys_here = [y[1] for y in ys]
user_emb = get_user_emb(embs, ys_here)
image = pluck_img(user_id, user_emb)
return image, calibrate_prompts,
def start(_, calibrate_prompts, user_id, request: gr.Request):
user_id = int(str(time.time())[-7:].replace('.', ''))
image, calibrate_prompts = next_image(calibrate_prompts, user_id)
return [
gr.Button(value='πŸ‘', interactive=True),
gr.Button(value='Neither (Space)', interactive=True, visible=False),
gr.Button(value='πŸ‘Ž', interactive=True),
gr.Button(value='Start', interactive=False),
gr.Button(value='πŸ‘ Content', interactive=True, visible=False),
gr.Button(value='πŸ‘ Style', interactive=True, visible=False),
def choose(img, choice, calibrate_prompts, user_id, request: gr.Request):
global prevs_df
if choice == 'πŸ‘':
choice = [1, 1]
elif choice == 'Neither (Space)':
img, calibrate_prompts, = next_image(calibrate_prompts, user_id)
return img, calibrate_prompts,
elif choice == 'πŸ‘Ž':
choice = [0, 0]
elif choice == 'πŸ‘ Style':
choice = [0, 1]
elif choice == 'πŸ‘ Content':
choice = [1, 0]
assert False, f'choice is {choice}'
# if we detected NSFW, leave that area of latent space regardless of how they rated chosen.
# TODO skip allowing rating & just continue
if img is None:
print('NSFW -- choice is disliked')
choice = [0, 0]
row_mask = [p.split('/')[-1] in img for p in prevs_df['paths'].to_list()]
# if it's still in the dataframe, add the choice
if len(prevs_df.loc[row_mask, 'user:rating']) > 0:
prevs_df.loc[row_mask, 'user:rating'][0][user_id] = choice
print(row_mask, prevs_df.loc[row_mask, 'latest_user_to_rate'], [user_id])
prevs_df.loc[row_mask, 'latest_user_to_rate'] = [user_id]
img, calibrate_prompts = next_image(calibrate_prompts, user_id)
return img, calibrate_prompts
css = '''.gradio-container{max-width: 700px !important}
#description{text-align: center}
#description h1, #description h3{display: block}
#description p{margin-top: 0}
.fade-in-out {animation: fadeInOut 3s forwards}
@keyframes fadeInOut {
0% {
background: var(--bg-color);
100% {
background: var(--button-secondary-background-fill);
js_head = '''
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.key === 'a' || event.key === 'A') {
// Trigger click on 'dislike' if 'A' is pressed
} else if (event.key === ' ' || event.keyCode === 32) {
// Trigger click on 'neither' if Spacebar is pressed
} else if (event.key === 'l' || event.key === 'L') {
// Trigger click on 'like' if 'L' is pressed
function fadeInOut(button, color) {
button.style.setProperty('--bg-color', color);
void button.offsetWidth; // This line forces a repaint by accessing a DOM property
button.addEventListener('animationend', () => {
button.classList.remove('fade-in-out'); // Reset the animation state
}, {once: true});
document.body.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
const target = event.target;
if (target.id === 'dislike') {
fadeInOut(target, '#ff1717');
} else if (target.id === 'like') {
fadeInOut(target, '#006500');
} else if (target.id === 'neither') {
fadeInOut(target, '#cccccc');
with gr.Blocks(css=css, head=js_head) as demo:
gr.Markdown('''# Zahir
### Generative Recommenders for Exporation of Possible Images
Explore the latent space without text prompts based on your preferences. Learn more on [the write-up](https://rynmurdock.github.io/posts/2024/3/generative_recomenders/).
''', elem_id="description")
user_id = gr.State()
# calibration videos -- this is a misnomer now :D
calibrate_prompts = gr.State([
def l():
return None
with gr.Row(elem_id='output-image'):
img = gr.Image(
# autoplay=True,
# height=512,
# width=512,
#img.play(l, js='''document.querySelector('[data-testid="Lightning-player"]').loop = true''')
with gr.Row(equal_height=True):
b3 = gr.Button(value='πŸ‘Ž', interactive=False, elem_id="dislike")
b2 = gr.Button(value='Neither (Space)', interactive=False, elem_id="neither", visible=False)
b1 = gr.Button(value='πŸ‘', interactive=False, elem_id="like")
with gr.Row(equal_height=True):
b6 = gr.Button(value='πŸ‘ Style', interactive=False, elem_id="dislike like", visible=False)
b5 = gr.Button(value='πŸ‘ Content', interactive=False, elem_id="like dislike", visible=False)
[img, b1, calibrate_prompts, user_id],
[img, calibrate_prompts, ],
[img, b2, calibrate_prompts, user_id],
[img, calibrate_prompts, ],
[img, b3, calibrate_prompts, user_id],
[img, calibrate_prompts, ],
[img, b5, calibrate_prompts, user_id],
[img, calibrate_prompts, ],
[img, b6, calibrate_prompts, user_id],
[img, calibrate_prompts, ],
with gr.Row():
b4 = gr.Button(value='Start')
[b4, calibrate_prompts, user_id],
[b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, img, calibrate_prompts, user_id, ]
with gr.Row():
html = gr.HTML('''<div style='text-align:center; font-size:20px'>You will calibrate for several images and then roam. </ div><br><br><br>
<div style='text-align:center; font-size:14px'>Thanks to @multimodalart for their contributions to the demo, esp. the interface and @maxbittker for feedback.
</ div>''')
# TODO quiet logging
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
scheduler.add_job(func=background_next_image, trigger="interval", seconds=.2)
#thread = threading.Thread(target=background_next_image,)
# TODO shouldn't call this before gradio launch, yeah?
def encode_space(x):
im_emb, _ = pipe.encode_image(
image, DEVICE, 1, output_hidden_state
return im_emb.detach().to('cpu').to(torch.float32)
# prep our calibration videos
for im, txt in [ # DO NOT NAME THESE PNGs JUST NUMBERS! apparently we assign images by number
('./1o.png', 'describe the scene: omens in the suburbs'),
('./2o.png', 'describe the scene: geometric abstract art of a windmill'),
('./3o.png', 'describe the scene: memento mori'),
('./4o.png', 'describe the scene: a green plate with anespresso'),
('./5o.png', '5 '),
('./6o.png', '6 '),
('./7o.png', '7 '),
('./8o.png', '8 '),
('./9o.png', '9 '),
('./10o.png', '10 '),
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['paths', 'embeddings', 'ips', 'user:rating', 'text', 'gemb'])
tmp_df['paths'] = [im]
image = Image.open(im).convert('RGB')
im_emb = encode_space(image)
tmp_df['embeddings'] = [im_emb.detach().to('cpu')]
tmp_df['user:rating'] = [{' ': ' '}]
tmp_df['text'] = [txt]
prevs_df = pd.concat((prevs_df, tmp_df))
glob_idx = 0